

Space Summary

The Twitter Space 週末に自分をうんと褒める会 hosted by Kanna_Imfree. Experience the journey of a clutter coach advocating for decluttering practices to achieve both a tidy space and a peaceful mind. Overcoming challenges like ADHD, this space provides valuable insights into transitioning from clutter to a minimalist lifestyle. By sharing personal experiences on Voicy and through books, the speaker inspires and guides individuals on their decluttering journey. Discover the power of consistency, community support, and organization strategies in creating long-lasting positive impacts on mental well-being and daily life.

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Total Listeners: 19


Q: How does decluttering impact mental well-being?
A: Decluttering promotes a sense of calm, reduces stress, and enhances focus and productivity.

Q: What challenges can one face when transitioning to a minimalist lifestyle?
A: Challenges may include attachment to possessions, societal pressure, and adjusting daily habits.

Q: How can individuals overcome organization hurdles like ADHD?
A: By seeking support, developing routines, and using practical organization strategies tailored to individual needs.

Q: Why is sharing personal decluttering stories important?
A: Sharing experiences fosters a sense of community, provides inspiration, and normalizes struggles in decluttering efforts.

Q: Where can people find valuable resources for decluttering guidance?
A: Platforms like Voicy and books offer expert advice, tips, and personal stories to support individuals on their decluttering journey.

Q: What motivates individuals to transition from clutter to minimalism?
A: Motivations may include seeking simplicity, reducing overwhelm, and creating a more peaceful living environment.

Q: How can fixed posts help in organizing and promoting change?
A: Using fixed posts to consolidate information simplifies access, aids consistency, and serves as a visual reminder for transformation.

Q: How do Voicy and books contribute to decluttering inspiration?
A: Voicy shares real-life decluttering experiences and tips, while books provide in-depth knowledge and methods for organizing and minimalism.

Q: What benefits come from sharing decluttering experiences with others?
A: Sharing creates a supportive network, offers motivation, and celebrates accomplishments in decluttering progress.

Q: What long-term effects can consistent tidying efforts have on one's life?
A: Consistency in tidying leads to sustained organization, mental clarity, reduced stress, and overall improved quality of life.


Time: 00:15:40
Impact of Decluttering on Mental Well-being Exploring how decluttering promotes inner peace and mental clarity.

Time: 00:25:18
Transitioning to a Minimalist Lifestyle Discussing the benefits of embracing minimalism and simplifying one's living space.

Time: 00:35:57
Overcoming Organization Challenges like ADHD Strategies for conquering organization hurdles, particularly for individuals with ADHD.

Time: 00:45:23
Power of Sharing Decluttering Stories The importance of sharing personal experiences to inspire and support others in decluttering journeys.

Time: 00:55:10
Valuable Resources for Decluttering Guidance Highlighting platforms like Voicy and books as sources of expert advice on decluttering.

Time: 01:05:45
Inspiration for Minimalism and Organization Drawing inspiration from real-life stories and experiences to motivate organizational change.

Time: 01:15:30
Utilizing Fixed Posts for Organizing Utilizing fixed posts for efficient organization and promoting consistency in change efforts.

Time: 01:25:20
Community Benefits of Sharing Experiences The positive impacts of sharing decluttering experiences in building a supportive community.

Time: 01:35:12
Long-term Effects of Consistent Tidying Exploring the lasting benefits of maintaining consistent tidying habits for overall well-being.

Time: 01:45:05
Journey from Clutter to Minimalism Inspiring personal transformation stories from cluttered spaces to minimalist lifestyles.

Key Takeaways

  • Decluttering can have a profound impact on mental well-being and personal growth.
  • Overcoming clutter and organization challenges is possible with perseverance and support.
  • Transitioning to a minimalist lifestyle can lead to a sense of freedom and clarity.
  • Sharing experiences of decluttering and mindfulness can inspire others on similar journeys.
  • Utilizing fixed posts for organizing methods can streamline information and foster change.
  • Voicy and books are valuable resources for guidance and inspiration on decluttering.
  • The speaker's journey from a cluttered room to a minimalist mindset is inspirational.
  • Overcoming obstacles like ADHD to achieve a clean and organized space is commendable.
  • The power of sharing personal stories and experiences in promoting positive change.
  • Consistent efforts in tidying up can result in long-lasting positive impacts on one's life.

Behind the Mic

Morning Greetings

Good morning. Good morning. Happy Friday. Happy Friday. How have you been, my friend? I have been good. How about you? Yeah, pretty good. It's been, what, three weeks since I think we last spoke? It's been busy, but good. We again had that trip to Dollywood, and that was a blast. Weather was perfect for it. Got a lot of pool time out there. It was wonderful.

Talking About Dollywood

All the things. But I feel like more people should be able to listen to how cool Dollywood is. Like, this is. Dolly Parton is kind of like an American hero to me, and I just love her. And the fact she has a theme park just makes her next level. Yeah. She's amazing and really just a wonderful human being. Everything that I know about her since she's. I've only lived in the area for about eight years now, and everything I've, you know, learned and heard about Dolly Parton is just that she's. She's truly just an amazing human being.

Dolly Parton's Generosity

Her. She has a wonderful heart and just truly. Yeah, she just. She's so generous with what she does, with her time, with her money, with everything. Hey, James. Sorry about that. Go ahead, James. How's it going, guys? Been a while. Yeah, doing well. Doing well here. How about yourself, James? Not bad. Busy, busy week so far. Glad it's Friday, though, you know? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's. It's been quite the week for me as well.

Weekly Busy Schedules

Yesterday, I counted on my calendar at seven. Seven phone calls, seven meetings within, like, a six hour period. So definitely stacked them up all together starting at 08:00 a.m. that tracks. Yeah, you get it. Yeah. I mean, it's funny because on Friday morning, you're like, I need to wake up slow. I'd like to have a cup of, like, there's just this thing about Friday, and then. But then that's just not a thing. Nor are weekends. No, other than, in your case, your children are home, which makes weekends when people like, bye.

Weekend Activities

It's Friday, and you're like, amp. Sure is. Yeah, yeah. Most Saturdays, there's like, you know, as you know, like, Saturday, Sunday is like, just. There's a calendar of, like, birthday invites and, you know, some sort of sports activity. T-ball, you name it. There's always something on the calendar, you know? Yeah, it's. It's really busy. James, I haven't talked to you in a hot minute. How are you?

Checking In

Not bad. I. I took a little break on x, going through some personal stuff, but other than that, doing pretty well, actually. Let this be a call out reminder that the mere mention of taking a break on a social media platform should be a regular occurrence versus something odd and strange. And I mean that in terms of balance. You know what I'm saying? It's just the balance part, because I see a lot of people here who are working for. I'm not totally sure what.

Importance of Balance

Well, I think it's the creator thing, but the point is that it's healthier. It. I think it actually makes some of the best people who have a balance, because when you're too deep into any one thing, it's. You're out of balance. And so, James, whatever it is that you have been going through, I hope that you're okay. I hope that any people in your life that you care about are also okay, and that not to get totally cheesy with you. And you'd be right to be a little irritated with me when I say, this is the sun will always come out tomorrow, as saying by one of our favorite little redhead, curly haired girls from a Broadway show long ago.

Hope and Resilience

But it does. So I hope you're doing okay, James. Yes. Nice, nice. Shout out to one of the greatest musicals of all time, Steph, with a. Bald man who's actually hot. That's not very nice. Shout out to the bald men in. Yes. In case you play this back, bald men are perfectly fine. There you go. Steph just said it. There is nothing wrong. And shame on me for shaming those who are challenged in the hair area.

Embracing Differences

Anyway, there you go. There you go. Hey, James, it's so. Yeah. So good to, again hear your voice here. I will say just. Just a second what Steph said. It really had been a hot minute, probably close to, like, a month or so since I've even heard you in a space. So I think I saw you on the timeline and within the past couple days, and I think it's good to see you around. And this is almost this space. I think stuff kind of doubles as, like, a check-in on our friends.

Significance of Connection

I feel like sometimes, you know, if you, like, think about it's like, hey, I haven't heard from you in a bit. How have you been? You know, and that's a great thing. It's good that you host these spaces, like, every Friday. Although today I'm not drinking any coffee because I couldn't sleep well last night. I drank too much coffee on Thursday, so I'm gonna drink too much coffee today. I think I can understand that. That. That idea, that decision.

Caffeine Decisions

James, I'm still trying to get. Get the idea a day without coffee. It feels like a day without breathing to me. I think there's a decision tree we could make relative to, do I really need another cup? If this, then yes. If this, then no. And at some point, I think you have to cut off that decision tree. Like, there is no room left on that decision tree. If you value rest and recovery, like, there is an end. You know what I mean? Like, your decision tree is over, and you have to exit the building now, have a great rest of your day, and hopefully a good night's sleep.

Future Conversations with Neuralink

I feel like. I'm sure they can. They can build something like that into that neuralink thing, right? Like, you know, that Elon's working on. You got to build, like, this cape. This is this sort of function where it's like, you know what? Like, once you get past a certain level of caffeine in your bloodstream, you have to, like, you have to shut off the desire for more coffee in your system, you know? Like, I can imagine that being a thing.

The Future of Technology

It's like. And neuralink is going to get sophisticated, it can prove it. Blood caffeine levels have exceeded normal. Like, you can hear. Yep. In your ear. You'll hear it in your ear as you're. As you're walking around shaking. You now have access to water and minerals. Have a good day. And that's over. Oh, yeah. I can totally picture that stuff. It's gonna be awesome.

Bright Future Outlook

Yeah. So the future is bright. I'm here for it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's another point, right? Is that, like, there's just so much to be excited for, though? I mean, really, like, in the future, there's. There's a lot. You know, if you just focus on what's on this app, sometimes it can. It can seem like things are just down in the dumps, right? And the world's kind of coming to an end.

World's Challenges

And, I mean, there's a. There's a reason why people feel that way, right? I mean, there's a lot of crazy things going on in the world, and there's a lot of. I don't. It's challenging sometimes to look at the news, but I think if we look at the grand scheme of things, and, I mean, there's always been some sort of. Unfortunately, there's always. There's always been some sort of conflict across the world in any capacity.

Historical Perspective

The world has never been 100% peaceful. And, like we are as a society, especially, like, in our country, here in the US, I know that there's a lot of people scared about the future. But I think that really, we are a resilient nation and I think our people are resilient. Just human beings are resilient. General stuff. I think there's just a lot to be hopeful and optimistic for and go for it.

Maintaining Hope

Your hands up. I know I raised my hands because I was having my own internal poetry slam this morning. So let me tell you what that looks like. So sometimes when I get up in the morning, I have these, like, thoughts about where we are in the world. And some of this is driven by my 20 year history in politics. Right. And so I do pay pretty deep attention to the world of politics.

Politics and Perception

But I would suggest that it's different than maybe how other people pay attention or people who don't, who haven't had a background in campaigns, political science, political strategy, history, and some other things that beget perhaps a different set of eyes. And something, James, that you said this morning relative to. By the way, good morning to those of you who have joined us, we're always happy to see you.

Profile Lockdowns

And something that, like my profile, is currently on lockdown. Why would I have to lock my profile on my desk? I'm a pretty nice person. I avoid at all costs conflict here. And when things get hotter on this app, the more you're going to see me posting puppies, kittens and other things. But here's where we are, and this is happening in the real world.

Real World Issues

Also, I'm not going to make any hyperbolic statements about at what scale. I think that most people in this world are more worried about feeding their families, having access to healthcare, having a car that isn't going to break down and ruin them financially. But I had to lock down my profile because I made a comment about democracy. I said the word, actually, I just said the word democracy.

Conflict Over Words

And I had people come after me that were so angry, screaming, we don't have a democracy, we have a constitutional republic. And what's interesting is, before I explain this, it's important for people to remember that just because it's new to you doesn't make it new. So what I explained to what was now a really angry group of people who were, and when I say angry, I mean yelling.

Calming the Angry Response

And I said really calmly, I can't hear you, but I'd like to. So if y'all could go one at a time and tell me what you're upset about with the word democracy, that would be great. What was fascinating is nobody really had the ability to articulate why they were so angry about the word democracy. I know why they are like, I know constitutional republic has the word republican in it and democracy has the word accra in it.

Cultural Sensitivities

What would you know? So I said, well, what would you say if I told you, for those of you that saw Hamilton, and that's going to trigger people, too, because Lin-Manuel Miranda is liberal, so you can't, like, you can't have a safe conversation. But I said, just stick with me for a minute. If you hear the title song of Alexander Hamilton, when he gets advice, Hamilton gets advice.

Relevant Historical Themes

Talk less, smile more. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for. If you want to get ahead, basically, shut up or you're going to be dead. And I said, now, the fact that I just quoted Hamilton is also going to probably further trigger you, which I'm hoping can lead to even a better, more robust conversation, which is this. Once upon a time, we could say democracy and we could say constitutional republic.

Understanding Political Terms

And they were fundamentally intertwined because both can be true at the same time. And in a world that feels overwhelming, in a world that feels like it might be running against you, whether that's institutions or things that we used to sort of normalize, if you will, and you start to feel scared and you, and there is a lack of trust in your government, institutions, in expertise, the desire to simplify the complex becomes the utmost.

Simplicity in Complexity

And the minute you start to make me feel confused or you're talking above my head, I will not trust you. So what's fascinating is I had to lock down my profile because I said democracy. I explained how not that long ago, constitutional republic and democracy were actually both can be true at the same time. And they were. And they actually, sorry, they still are.

Navigating Discussions

But I think that my drive now on this platform, when I have the time to do it, is I'm not here to show up to hate half of this country. I'm not willing to. And as a matter of fact, if you hate people based on something that comes out of their mouth, who are otherwise being reasonable and kind and curious, you're the problem. It's not them. And respectfully, the world is complex.

Complexity of Opinions

Many things can be true at the same time. And part of what informs people's desires, especially in the world of politics, is that great politicians don't speak to the what they speak to the why. Because if people believe what you believe, you will feel more connected. And so candidates have been doing this forever. I ran their campaigns.

Campaign Strategies

Say what you believe in, connect with people. This is how our brain works. So, in other words, as a candidate, be your authentic self. Talk about what you believe, talk about your vision for the future, and people who believe what you believe will vote for you and they will support you. So don't start with, you know, this is how the world is.

Encouragement in Political Discourse

It sucks and it's awful. And don't you think that's true? And people are going to say, well, you just made me feel bad. I don't know if I'm going to support you, but if you make me feel seen and you're giving me a voice in a world where I feel voiceless, I will passionately protect everything around you at all costs. So, for example, the people that vehemently support Donald Trump, they.

Vocal Support and Connection

They. He gave voice to people who felt voiceless. He threw energy around. It is nothing fair. And people said, no, it is not. The Democrats, on the other hand, have a whole another set of energy and believe what you believe. And by the way, it's okay. So we can either make a decision as a people that we're going to wake up every day full of energy around. Who can I hate, and where is my tribe?

Community Dynamics

Protect my tribe at all costs. And if you are not part of my tribe, I will shame you, I will hate you, and you will have to lock your profile down because you said the wrong word. Not because you came at me mean, but you said the wrong word. So who is this country founded on? It is us. We are supposed to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The Essence of Democracy

And if you don't like it, then be a part of the change. But please do not come on this app with energy. Looking to hunt down and haunt people. Get into your community. Find those who believe what you believe and do it on merit. Don't do it on hate and rage. Half of this country didn't suddenly turn evil. I promise I will have more to say about this, but thank you for your time, because these are the things I am thinking about this morning in the coffee house.

Reflection and Thoughts

I appreciate you sharing that stuff. I mean, it's well said. And I think there's spot on in terms of how, again, we as. As people.

Thoughts on Evil and Judgment

I mean, I don't wake up in the morning and think that half the world or half the country is evil. Right. And I don't think other people do, either. I think they're. But we get kind of spun up during our day to day interactions sometimes and believe that's, you know, it's easy to kind of quickly make a snap judgment about someone or something given kind of what they've said. Right. And, in fact, we don't know the whole story around why they think that way or what, you know, caused them to believe it. And so I'm totally with you on that. I think that there's a. And it's unfortunate that you've had to lock your account because of the vitriol that you're receiving because of one single word. And it's not even. It's not a bad word. Like, it's not like, as if you said something, you know, that would make some, like, you know, make somebody blush or make somebody offended. It's literally just. It's a word that describes is something. It's. It's. It's actually a. It's a normal word that everyone uses in daily conversation. So that's the tragedy of this whole situation.

Morning Reflection and Learning

Chris, you know what's fun? And I'll. And I'll end here, and then I'd love to hear from Stephanie. Good morning, Stephanie. And, hey, Sue's muse. And, hey, Amanda. Lastly, what I'll say is this. When he said, but we have a constitutional Republican, I said, you're right, too. And then you got more mad. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes that confuses people. Right? It's like when you actually treat them like, hey, they're seen and they're heard and that you actually agree with them. It's like, wait, I was like, you're right. So I feel like, look, loved ones, be kind to people. Be willing to listen to people. And we are a blend of our parents, our coaches, our teachers, our siblings, our neighbors. We come into this world with so many things and people and events that impact and frames who we are and how we see the world. And that's why I say to people, please stay open and always be willing to learn, because I hope on my deathbed, I went, holy crap, I just learned something right before. And then conk, she's gone. Like, let's always be learning, and let's always be listening, because I promise you, everyone has something to teach you.

Embracing Humor and Emotions

Everyone has a different perspective to offer you. And that's what I love so much about people. So with that, good morning, Stephanie. Sorry. Good morning. It's good to be here. I feel like I missed this because it's so early. Early for me. But then, Stephanie, you're also early. So what am I complaining about? I was gonna say, steph, we're in the same boat. Girl, you're so good at this. But, yeah. Like, I think. Yeah. Anyways, I was thinking about that but I think this is a good. The tension is real, and you feel it, and you can't help but feel, like, human compassion for what's going on and also very frustrated at what's not happening or what you perceive is a need that isn't being met. And I think that, you know, like, yesterday, it really hit me. It was so strong. And I. I think laughter is medicine. I feel like I will. For my sanity, I embrace things that make me laugh. You know, I, like, focus on the silly and the weird and the wonderful and that I will be very intentional about that.

Navigating Emotions and Personal Stories

But last night, I was just posting this reality that I don't want. I also didn't want anybody to think that I have this constant pit in my stomach. My throat feels tight. I'm coining a new word here. I'm sangry. I'm sad and angry. I like that stuff. Yeah, it's. All of those feelings are just tight and a ball in my throat, and I want to cry at moments. And I say this because one time, if you know this, I called, I got avocado finger, which is just when you cut your hand from trying to stab the pit out of the avocado. Damn avocados. Yeah, I mean, right? They're good for you, but damn, they're dangerous. Yes, they're so dangerous, but. And I got stitches on my finger. And I remember going in and they had to pull my ring over the wound. And I kept apologizing to the guy doing it. Cause he kind of looked like, oh, this looks bad. You know, he was struggling.

Fear and Courage in Difficult Situations

And I'm like, I'm sorry that. You have to do this. And the guy was. The doctor was giving me stitches, and I'm like, thank you so much. This is so nice of you. And of course, he's like, dude, it's my job. But I even in feeling my pain, I was feeling their discomfort. And it's a weird thing for me because I do like to, even for myself, I just know that I need to look up, look out, look further in, and look beyond what's happening. But that never. It just doesn't escape the fact that I also feel what's very present. And I'm the kind of person that, like, I've gone after coyotes who had my neighbor's cat. I've jumped in lakes for my niece because her camera went in and she was crying. And I. This is the hard real one. In high school, like, 10th grade, I put my body in front of my very drunk friend who I was trying to protect from an older guy, because another student came in with a shotgun and aimed it at us.

Instincts and Protecting Others

And I was worried for her. Cause she was not sober and was unaware of her surroundings. And I remember just clearly, as if this is a rational person telling him, put the gun away. You know, and then it made him mad. And then, of course, then he, like, aimed it at me. Nothing happened, because another drunk student kept saying, no, she doesn't mean it. She doesn't mean it. And he kept pushing the gun down. Now, this is before Columbine, so this is, like, you know, but there's something in me that, like, rises up, because if I see things broken, I want to fix them. When I'm in a position that I see things broken and I can't, it. It breaks my heart in a way that is hard for me to move past. But I say this because, like, out in the timeline, I'm all about the weird, the fun, and, like, laughing.

Finding Humor Amid Challenges

And I think we need more of that. We need more opportunities to remember the people that are right next to us and still deal with the tension of the things you can't fix, the things that are broken. And maybe focusing on making the best of what's around you does make the world a better place. And when you can't do something, you can at least do that. And so I try to focus on that, despite how I might feel. Oh, Stephanie. Yeah. So that's an experience that not everybody has or is going to have in a lifetime. So I haven't had to stare down the barrel of a firearm. So not only is that incredibly brave, but I also hear that's not why you did it. It wasn't for the sake of being brave. It was an automatic reaction that you are someone who is a protector of human beings. And so that is amazing, and I'm glad that you weren't hurt.

Avocado Tips and Humor

And then I have a hot tip for you on future conversations with your avocados. I learned this, and then I was kind of frustrated that I didn't know this before. So you don't. The safe way to do it is you don't have to throw your knife into the avocado pit, hoping that it pulls out with you, and then you're done. You actually slice the avocado in half. You turn the avocado around so the pit is not facing you, and you pop it out the back. The pit comes out. No knives had to be a part of your interaction with the pit, and then you can do whatever you want with the pit. But no fingers were harmed in that process. And there is your hot tip at the coffee house on this Friday. I'm still using that.

Kitchen Tips and Deeper Conversations

Wow. Chris, look at this. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, that were. This is like kitchen tips, you know? This is. This is. This is like. This is something you could charge for stuff. This is actually really good advice. I woke up on fire today. Not in a bad way. No, this is great stuff. Just poetry slam way. Which inspired me to think about the avocado pit, because I don't want Stephanie to have to be back in the doctor saying, guess. Yeah, I did it again and learned I didn't have to. Yeah. Even though I learned how not to do it, I did it this way anyway. We don't want that for you, Stephanie. We're good. That's. Yeah. This has been a much deeper conversation than we normally have, and I love it.

Sharing Hearts and Experiences

Steph, I'm just going to say that, I mean, I appreciate you sharing, you know, and Stephanie, as well, with what's on your heart and kind of what's, you know, just our mornings are, I think, much richer when we can have these deeper conversations. So I appreciate you both sharing and want to again offer Amanda Michelle Sue's muse. If you want to grab a mic, you can feel free. And again, thank you, everyone, for being here. Yeah. This is a lot to digest, isn't it, steph? I feel like it is. It is. But I feel like, you know, it's funny. I also. Stephanie, I love to laugh. I have seen some comedy specials that have come out that have just. I mean, they just slay me.

Curiosity and Complex Stories

Kevin Hart's new one. I was howling, and then the one I'm gonna, why am I blanking on this famous person's name? But they did a roast, and Kevin Hartley was one of the hosts, and it was one of the funniest. I mean, I was hurting, and then I was like, well, good ab workout. Sort of on top of that, which. Bonus points. But I think what I want to. I'm hoping that what I guess what I want to inspire, especially leading up to the election, is what I want to inspire people about is be more curious and understand that facts often live in the complexity or that capital t truth. We're talking about philosophy now lives in the nuance. It's why great books aren't five pages long. Complex thoughts and complex character development.

Conversations in the Digital Age

Complex storylines take time and patience to tell with the hope that the reader is going to spend that time reading for a much better experience as reading the words and digesting the thoughts of the author. So if things were meant to be short, sweet, and you're done, then Stephanie would be having book sessions that would be like, all you need is a half an hour, because this amazing book is five pages long. We can't do things in five pages in complex times. So it's, to me, these are conversations that aren't bad. These are conversations that are good. And there's this amazing opportunity, I think, on this platform right now with all of the rage.

Finding Opportunities in Division

And it's not just this platform. It's not. It's any social media platform, because who are the users of social media platforms as people? So people get mad at platforms. And I'm like, for sure, I feel that energy, too. But how about let's try to talk to each other? And I think those conversations are the most fulfilling. And even if I get screamed at, I don't like, it doesn't ruin my day. I just say, well, let me give it a shot, and then if that shot doesn't work, I'll kind of go quiet and I'll come back. But Chris and I just met on this platform because I heard him speak. I didn't have long enough when I heard him speak to know what he believed in the or know what he stood for, I didn't have that time.

Connecting with Kindred Spirits

I just heard his voice. I heard a maturity, I heard a kindness. I heard, he sounded articulate. And I'm like, I want to know you. And I reached out through direct messages, and I said, hey, I'm Stephanie. We've never met, but I'd love to host a space with you sometime. That's how we meth. And I didn't know much about Chris at all. It was just how I felt about him and what I heard in the short time we had on the platform together. So that was a positive impact. And it turns out Chris and I have a lot of the same fundamental things that we believe in. It turns out we do have a very similar approach to coffee, which is really important. It's a good bonding thing, but to family, to work, to how we want to be in the world, how we want to inspire people.

Harmony in Differences

So it turned out really good. Like, we believe many of the same things. We don't have to. And by the way, if I learned something fundamentally about Chris that was different than me, I'm not going to change my attitude about Chris either, nor would I change my behavior towards them. It would be interesting to me, and I'd ask more questions. So more of that, please. Yeah. Thank you so much for saying that, Stephen, I'm super grateful that you reached out and DM's and asked to host a space. And yeah, this is, I think this is impacting me in a positive way, just co-hosting with you. And I'm appreciative of your time and energy and just your focus and on all of us, because I don't take your time for granted.

Building Connections and Asking Questions

Don't take you for granted at all. And again, it's a wonderful experience just being able to meet people in that way, find similar minds, kindred spirits, and people who I think believe in a similar way. But also, again, I think a part of the appeal of what we're doing here is that we are open-minded in that sense. We both have that ability to see beyond the labels that people typically give. And I think that's a beautiful thing, right? To be able to say, like, you know what? Like, you might think differently and you just experienced it, what you described with the whole, using the word democratic or democracy versus constitutional Republic. Like, if, you know, we can see outside of those words and labels and say, okay, now, what makes you think that?

Impactful Conversations

Let's talk more about that. Let's ask more questions. And again, that's, it's such an impactful thing in my life to be able to ask questions, to follow up and to say, like, you know, tell me more about why you think this and, you know, help me understand your perspective. And if you approach things in life that way, I find that people are surprised. One step, people are surprised. And two, they tend to open up a little bit more about, you know, where they're coming from and what matters to them more when, again, the whole, the famous quote about how we have two ears in one mouth for a reason, like, it's just worth remembering as we go about our days.

Social Media and Opportunities

Yeah. And it's also just remembering, too. It's so important to remember that these social media platforms, I still talk to people all the time who not only never use Twitter, but they're never on X. I think it's us weirdos who I've always appreciated about Twitter and now X is that it's an opportunity to connect with people and expertise what's happening in the world unlike any other platform. There is literally no other platform. And that's why I love it here so much. And so I view division as a remarkable opportunity. I really, I mean, I really do. I think that it's sort of like what I tell my team is the thing that I love about problems bubbling up is we can see them.

Addressing Challenges and Solutions

And if we can see them, we can address them. It's the problems or challenges that don't bubble up that we can't see that I get more concerned about whether that's in an organization or in a society. So we're seeing if you're willing to pay attention, we're seeing what's bubbling up, and so how can we make an impact? And I don't mean to sound pollyannish about this, but in our own unique ways now, it's also, I call this silly season, especially the last month before an election. This is not the best time to try to have reasonable conversations. This is a good time to post pictures of your dog and other things again, unless you're someone who does post about politics, which, by the, you know, go.

Expectations Post-Election

Go for it. But things are going to be extra hot for this next month. And then I expect multiple lawsuits directly following this election on both sides. That will be very expensive and potentially incredibly long, and by the way, incredibly expensive. So I'm hoping that we reach a point where we can rebuild trust in a variety of things. And I'm hoping that for people who are willing to be intellectually honest, regardless of what side of the aisle that you're on, faith and trust in our elections and the process is fundamental to our constitutional republic, democracy. And I'm hoping that instead of experts saying, but it's fine, but it's fine. Even if that's true, if people don't believe it, then you have some work to do. So with that, I'll land and welcome Ben back to the conversation. Ben, are you back? Or was I premature?

Introduction and Poetry Slam Mode

Hey, Chris. Hey, Stephanie. I appreciate you having me. I'm just gonna listen for now, and then I'll contribute to the conversation as time goes on. But I appreciate you both for having me. You got it. Chris, I want to hear more from you since I'm in poetry slam mode. Yeah. I want to hear more about, let's talk about your Dollywood trip, because you took your family to the magical, amazing Dollywood, and I want to know all the things. Yeah, yeah. I appreciate that stuff. Yeah. So here's how it went down. You know, the kiddos have. Well, they had. There was the ability to get them out on a Friday afternoon a little early from their school, their preschool, and so went on a kind of like an impromptu trip.

Plans for Dollywood

We kind of, my wife and I made plans to go, like, the week prior, just kind of, we figured, you know, we can do it while the weather is still nice, right? Eighties and nineties, not. It hasn't cooled down entirely yet. But, you know, it's also when school is typically in session, I guess, before the fall break. So there's a lot of appeal to going on a random week and early, or at least late September, early October. And so went just last weekend and on a Friday. And, you know, there's, I don't know if you've been to a place called Bucky's stuff. I don't know if you've been to one of those. But, you know, they're known for their clean restrooms. It's all across the Texas area. They're kind of expanding out into the Tennessee markets. And there's one on the way to Dollywood.

Stopping at Bucky's

And so we stopped about halfway between here and there. And so we stopped there. And, you know, you take pictures with the little. It's like a. The beaver mascot that he kind of walks around the store. If you've never seen anyone wearing one of those big costumes, I'll tell you, they can be frightening to kids. But it was fun. We got to stop there and take pictures with little Bucky there and then keep going. On our way to the Dollywood, there's a resort there. They just opened up within the past year. I don't know if you heard about that stuff, but there's actually two different resort buildings, and they both have pools, and it's really close to the actual theme park. And so they had just early in September, they started their fall kind of festival thing, and everything was kind of decked out.

Resort Experience at Dollywood

Yeah. Awesome. Oh, my God, I want to hear about it. That's so cool. Yeah, and so the resorts are awesome because they have, every night they have, like, s'mores making at like seven or 08:00 p.m., like, by this, like, outdoor fire pit. And when the fire pit isn't, when the weather's not playing nice, there's, like, an indoor kind of space where they can do it with, like, I think they just do it like with a microwave or whatever, but they. There's. They still have s'mores every night. There's like an apple cider, like, evening kind of happy hour thing where everyone gets to kind of go and hang out in the lobby and just meet people. There's all these different events that you can take part in. At the resort, mostly, the pool was kind of where we spent most of the day if weren't at theme park.

Theme Park Attractions

But theme park itself is also kind of crazy because there's just the big thing is cinnamon bread stuff. And so I don't know if you've, you know, ever tried. I mean, I, I love zucchini bread myself. I'm kind of a baker in that sense. But, but cinnamon bread. Yeah. This is amazing. It's, it's amazing. Like, it's like made on sites there at Dollywood. And so they make these like, loaves of cinnamon bread. And what you can do at the resort, which I encourage, if anyone goes, is you can actually, there's this little, you know, there's like do not disturb room cards that you can put on your door at the hotel rooms. Well, there's one where you can say, I want a loaf of zucchini bread and coffee in the morning and you can hang it up on your door.

Unique Room Service Features

And if you hang it up by midnight, you can, you wake up in the morning at a certain window of time. Like, it's like a 30 minutes period where you can kind of say, I want it from like 730 to 08:00 a.m., delivered. You can just check that box, put on the door and then in the morning you'll have coffee and your cinnamon bread delivered to your door at the resort. So really awesome experience there. Did that. And then, you know, theme park itself is just, it's beautiful. It's very reminiscent of, I think if I were to think of what it reminds me of. It's a lot of the, I think it's Adventureland at Disneyland stuff. That adventure, like that whole area with like big Thunder Mountain, California adventure.

Dollywood's Atmosphere

Yeah, it's kind of. Yeah, yeah. It kind of reminded me like they have like a wooden roller coaster that's all rickety, but like everyone loves it. There's some of these ones that do loops and obviously they have things that are remind, reminiscent of like the, what are the teacups at Disneyland. There are a lot of. Lot of smaller kid rides like that. But it was fun. It's a lot of walking. But if you're willing to just see a different part of the world, right. Like different part of the US. Like, most people don't even know that even exists. It's sort of a hidden gem in many ways if you talk to people. Hey, what's your favorite theme park? I don't think most people would say Dollywood, but I enjoy it.

Dolly Parton and Conclusion

And you might even catch a glimpse of Dolly Parton herself. She sometimes visits and she was there last year were there either the week after or two weeks after they opened up the resorts, and so the resort hotels, and she was on site. I think my brother in law saw her in the lobby at one of the. One of the buildings. So that was pretty awesome. And, yeah, again, she's sort of a legend in my mind, and she's done so much good for society. And if you just look up Dolly Parton, you know, even just looking up kind of her history of philanthropy and the charitable giving that she does all the time, it's really amazing. Shout out to Dolly Parton and shout out to the fact that it wasn't me, because I feel like I would rush her, and she would feel concerned.

Discussion on Fun Accounts

I would love that. Right? Just funny, fun, feel good accounts that people find because there's some really amazing ones out there that we actually haven't heard of before. I think it's a great idea, Stephanie. Look, I mean, if anyone. I'll start with one. Let's go around the horn, because I think that we have a bunch that we could probably, like, think off the top of our head while we're here. Let's, let's. I think let's wrap this show with that. I would love to. If you don't mind, let's go around the horn and see if we can get people to say their favorites. And if you're in the listener space, you want to hop up and give us your favorites, the fun ones to follow mine. I think the first one comes to mind stuff is Corgi every day, or. I think it's. Is that the one? Is it Corgi every day or corgi every hour?

Sharing Favorite Accounts

I think there's. I'm going to look it up and just confirm it. But there's this. There's this. Yeah, basically, there's this one. Yeah, it's Corgi every hour. That's the. It's a picture. And again, like, they had to change it because of the updates and I used, they had to stop it because the API thing. But this is one wherever. Like, if you scroll through its feed, though, there were 18,000 followers. Scroll through this feed. Just if you want to look at a corgi, they literally posted in 2023 a picture of a corgi every hour of the day for 24 hours nonstop. And so, like, if you need a change of your mood, you scroll through their feed for. For about five minutes, I guarantee you. I mean, there's one. I mean, there's so cute, this corgi picture, but I just, I shared it in the outer space, or the nest, as some people call it.

Exploration of Engaging Accounts

That's one of my favorite accounts. That's awesome. It looks like they tweeted out, sorry. I say tweet. Sorry, y'all. I'm just. It's gonna happen. Anyone on blue sky. So it looks like their account went over there because it looks like the corgi area is an automated account, which makes sense because if you're gonna post at that scale, you're gonna have to have some automated way to make that happen. But that's. Yeah, that's great. That's great. Thanks for that suggestion. Of course. Anyone else just put, oh, look at that. Little Bobby. Oh, so cute. That's what I'm talking about. It's like, you're so blessed. Look at those little pumpkins. They're so cute. Sus me stuff. Anyone who's, who has a microphone feel free to jump in if there's anything.

Favorite Animal Accounts

It's just really fun to follow. Oh, corkies are some of my favorite puppies ever. Because you can have a big dog with a little dog, if you get my point. You know, like they're totally. You can take them because I like cuddle dogs. You know, dogs that are big, but the world doesn't always embrace them in a traveling sense. But the personality of the corgi is just so cute. I like Empire State does an interesting site because they characterize the Empire State building and that's one of my favorite buildings of all time. So they make it into a person the way they.

Engaging Content and Humor

Way they post their photos. So if you ever get a chance to check that out, I really enjoy that page. That is so good. And by the way, Sue's to cat to. I just remember the other ones you guys can follow that are so good. There's a. I'm not going to get this perfectly right because I'm doing something else so I can't look. But the San Andreas fault, like some of these more state parks are some of the funniest. And they'll go at each other on this platform. Really? Yes. And some of them will even get kind of sexual, like something. I remember the Santa Juic fault said something about splitting and then like Mount St.

Humorous Interactions Between Accounts

Helens or something came out. Yeah, I'd like to erupt that. It is a. That's the one. That's the one. Interact is some of the best entertainment. Like, I'll never leave this. Some of the best entertainment. Mount St. Helens. Yeah, I'm gonna share that one. That's the one I put up there. Yeah. The world's tallest peak is still growing, scientists say. And then, and then mount St. Helens. Quote post. It doesn't even have an ash hole. So hysterical. And yeah, they're definitely going, yeah, they talk about, they use the word, the phrase ash hole all the time on, like, competing mountains.

Content on Competing Mountains

Like, they called Mount Rainier an ugly asshole. That's the kind of stuff that they do. There will be, like another mountain and it's like, they'll be like, oh, you can't even blow it. Oh, my God. What have I been missing? I have to check that out. Mount St. What is it called? Mount St. Helens. Wa. Yeah, the wa and Sue's muse. You'll find the other accounts once you get one of them and follow one of them because they all interact with each other. Just go through that timeline and follow all of them because it is a riot.

Experiences with the Accounts

And one time I responded, I think it was to Mount St. Helens. I forget. Or no twin. Oh, there was a Twin Peaks account. Anyway, I said something and they go, and when one of the mountains replies, well, I'd like to see your mountains. And I was like, what is happening right now? And I was howling. I was. It is, it is just hysterical. Some of the best stuff ever. Thank you. Thank you. We all need that good laughter all day. Yeah. I actually posted a photo when Earl James Jones passed.

Acknowledgment of Events

They transformed the Empire State Building into Darth Vader. It's in the pill below. So that was a phenomenal thing. And yes, they do. The Empire State building does actually, you know, keep on changing depending, you know, if there's an important event or something they want to commemorate, they will literally do that. One account that I liked, it's called science girl. I'm going to actually post it in the jumbotron. She does a lot of science stuff and whatnot, but she did this thing about wedding bloopers.

Sharing Laughter Through Science

Oh, my God. Some of them I couldn't stop laughing and some of I felt really bad for. So I'm gonna, hopefully, if I could find, I should be able to find what I did with this one. It is hysterical. Like, I couldn't stop laughing, but. Oh, yeah, here it is. Found it. Hold on. So if you look up top, science girl is just play that video. It's, I really felt bad for the couple. And I think it's a California wedding, too.

Humorous Wedding Moments

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Every now and then she posts funny bloopers and I just can't, you know, some of them are really good. That's a great account, Harry. That was a good call. Yeah. She's got great content. Oh, I don't want to interrupt if somebody else is going to say something, but I just thought of something I really love in case you guys see it. Can I. Do we have a second that I. Could go for it? Yeah. Yeah.

Exploring Additional Accounts

So this is. This is something. And thank you, Harry. Thank. Thank you for that. About the Empire State building. That's. That's the Empire State building, 202. So I'll be checking that out. But. But there's a video on. I can't have a dog right now because of my traveling. So I end up watching all these videos of dogs on, you know, whether it's on x or instagram or whatever. So anyhow, so the one that gets.

Enjoying Pet Videos

And then by. By the end of 2 hours have gone by, and I don't know that. And I think I have a dog by the end of the time that I've been watching it, and. But there's a dog that jumps into a pile of leaves. He runs down the stairs of the house, and he jumps into a gigantic pile of leaves and sits there with his face sticking out. Now, I know that probably sounds. Whatever. I can't stop laughing when I see this.

Humorous Dog Antics

So I have it on a loop. It's the funniest. Because he has no hesitation. The owner opens the front door of the house. He runs down the stairs. He runs outside, jumps in, and then sits there with his face sticking out. So it's a white, dark face, like a lab, and it's a huge pile of leaves. And then they shot him doing this from every single angle. So if you wanted. If you want a simple laugh, look for that one.

Conclusion and Weekend Thoughts

Definitely worth it. I absolutely love that. Hey, good morning, sin city. Nice to see your face, my friend. I haven't seen you in a long time. But, Chris, as we head towards the top of the hour and the last couple minutes of the coffeehouse, any last thoughts before we bid each other and everyone here adieu? And we said were going to need to do this through the election, keep everybody sane. And I know I'm committed to that.

Looking Forward to Future Conversations

Absolutely. Every Friday. Let's get through this. It'll be. It'll be worth it. And I look forward to it. Stephan, I appreciate your time. Yeah. First off, I want to say thank you again. Co host. My co host, Stephanie. Always wonderful to have you here. And everyone who has taken the chance to speak, everyone who's a listener, appreciate you popping in, taking a listen, check out the check.

Final Remarks and Quotes

I'll just say this, I'll announce something. My subscription stuff have just turned on yesterday. So not telling people what to do, but feel free to subscribe. If you want more exclusive content like this, feel free to hop in there. There will be a lot more to share with everyone here. And yeah, obviously there are links there. Champagne apothecary. Check out the link in the bio there. The link tree promo code.

Promotional Content

Psy. Because that's apparently what I do. I go all the time. And so promo code gets you 10% off if you use the link in the link tree. No joke. Actually, serious. The quote that I wanted to throw out there before everyone goes into their weekend is in the end, it's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years. That's the Abraham Lincoln quote that I wanted to kind of make sure that people, like, just lean into their weekend with.

Encouragement and Life Philosophy

Right. The idea that really just enjoy life, take a moment to breathe, touch grass and really just fulfill your life with really what brings you joy. And steph, I'll let you take us into the weekend. For those of you who have good taste and who appreciate Ted Lasso, which I realize is a show, it's on Apple TV. And Jason Sudeikis doesn't know this, but I could make him so happy if he were not already happily married.

Inspirational Closing

But we're going to leave that for another day, or maybe never. So one of the famous scenes that I think I still have pinned to my profile is Ted Lasso is up against this arse and he's challenged him to a game of darts and this guy thinks he's going to beat him. And Ted grabs his. What do you call that in darts? Actually, it's a dart, actually. There you go. I'm smart. I'm smart in some spaces in my life. And they're about to go to this game of darts, and this guy thinks he's just going to kill him because they're in England and this guy's really good at it.

Positive Messages from Ted Lasso

And so Ted starts to throw darts and he's. His aim is unbelievable. And while he's doing this, he starts to tell him a story that has to do with curiosity, being smart, and instead of being judgmental and angry, which is sort of theme song for what I was talking about this morning, be curious. And so when he absolutely kicks his butt in this game of darts and ends it with the famous words, for those of us who love Ted, lasso, barbecue sauce when he hits the bullseye.

Lessons on Curiosity and Understanding

Essentially what he says while he, the story he's telling while he does this and just absolutely kicks his butt in darts is he said, you know, if those guys had been curious, these guys that were bullying him, if those guys had been curious, they might have said, ted, have you ever played a game of darts? And I would have said, yes, sir, with my father every Sunday. And the lesson is that the bravado that came in saying, I'm going to kick your ass didn't start with curiosity. It started with judgment and really being a jerk.

Mindfulness and Acceptance

And there's a way that we can be in the world that whatever you think, you know, you might be wrong. And whatever you think about someone, you might be wrong about that, too. Or you can disagree with them about a lot of things, but they're also experts in areas that you're not and you have something that you can learn to. And so stay mindful of that and stay curious. And with that, you guys, happy Friday. I wish you all a great weekend.

Closing Good Wishes

And remember to hang out with people who you love and people who love you back. Love all of you. Thanks for being here this morning.

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