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  • アニメの実写化とか製作委員会の構造問題とか(#ミライカフェ)



Space Summary

The Twitter Space アニメの実写化とか製作委員会の構造問題とか(#ミライカフェ) hosted by tokuriki. The Twitter space delved into the intricate process of adapting anime into live-action productions and the systemic challenges within entertainment production committees. Speakers shared valuable insights on the role of note producers in supporting businesses in utilizing note and social media effectively. The impact of social media on reshaping Japan's entertainment landscape was a key discussion point. These discussions highlighted the complexities and opportunities in the art of translating anime to live-action and utilizing digital platforms for business growth and engagement.

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Q: What are the main challenges in adapting anime into live-action productions?
A: Adapting anime requires maintaining the essence of the original while catering to a different audience.

Q: How do note producers contribute to business use of note and SNS platforms?
A: Note producers provide support and guidance to businesses on effectively utilizing note and social media for outreach.

Q: Why is understanding production committees important in the entertainment industry?
A: Knowing the dynamics of production committees is crucial for navigating the collaborative aspects of anime and entertainment projects.

Q: What role does social media play in shaping the future of Japan's entertainment landscape?
A: Social media platforms influence how entertainment content is consumed, promoted, and interacted with by audiences.


Time: 00:15:42
Challenges of Anime Adaptations Exploring the difficulties in maintaining originality while adapting anime for live-action formats.

Time: 00:25:18
Structural Dynamics of Production Committees Insights into the intricate workings and decision-making processes within entertainment production committees.

Time: 00:35:50
Note Producers' Impact on Businesses Discussing the role of note producers in assisting businesses with note and SNS strategies for growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the complexities of anime-to-live-action adaptations.
  • Insights into the structural challenges of production committees in the entertainment industry.
  • The role of note producers and bloggers in supporting businesses with note and SNS utilization.
  • The impact of social media on the future of entertainment in Japan.

Behind the Mic

Minimalism and Comments

It it. This no comment.

Overview of Current Discussions

Torani Comment Today consonarimas the Arushio koshari masunde so jiro minagaraki database so it's not hi kanishad oshinoko shinoko yoto yo to mosudani joga sido steel chandelier now in general YouTube channel member Snehubi to memo sanging. So I say good so juice or do you build and I can tell table no gikomachi dot Jason cook to guayo funny machoimises corneti Amazon primo video so the more it's an image.

Mention of Various Topics

tonic so jesen no tisadokatos and Dustin skido Karazhana. You cannot take new coco dogamo and sanjay nagayato, you know. Katagatanokanjamir kanjin YouTube channel Katara Shiva schedule commentori no positive and a comment to negative. And you said and skittle negative takaso and Cory donald anime money magazine cook manga chodo ato yon shudder sai shukai don't come to you sujo kanga anime makanki sadi Masari and Shaktikini Konkaiden but students prime of video day kuragana tabu mother no kokai sarata 20 junior mesrashipatan so name I congrats.

Responses & Observations

Nai Sanchu congressional televidorama toka patan my sources and to him is my kara mothers nihai shindarama o ye gotta come haishindrama don't show the brahma mizuni kok yeah patan the you to Chimagon prime videos gordon kamua sancho or then come with me sabuskun you know sakini sauskutu mama's on prem video mirror telling the schedule donna janaya sakinya kanchoguro in top ten no joy nana many mitchell moshenoko zentani so takai kari kirito I more nikkagana oh, you know commentary was and those are this do YouTube rabbinari space narino comment tora nikon so narifi itadakimasotai mahomeda it moi hanasio emirai governor sankajan katakaro de toto kosho kai stai to my tone business the same toronto miranai so to show kai sanskrito machomi buka katana so korean kyosh Australia no they gonna kyoji sandashi no jani is no Monday more mamonda take your sara no jink and digaino my inkino in the skill makonoshi toga so no says again by the Monday kibishko kona schedule anime Kadona Chokirodoxu Saraya Sikankyoskritas the mask techniques are not so mako that they were netonics conquers animal za one piece to title screening so command and I cannot personal mangano zero karamis and chefs but zuto has it more network sagiru kotokang the maniki but junijo kawat and I do my junior sam yaku my kaito santedo daddy kiji chotosayoni anime says oiga ma top down the commit to see that naka chodalis and a content nina can you say and go to know each tiger tot again, but schedule yeah.

Discussion of Higher Topics

Taro you for table no daishoga that Z mita made a mitaky mo kona anime yokai janai kamita nissan is yoga no cafetokana shunu that's got them again. King of Scotland says a good topic so you can to a kato jotaika state but don't go diamond so kodiya melo taylor minakazi not the mama ko sanskaminarity kanye mama jama gaza good patanio toshi so kadomo kaneshi so koni chanto saka kumaba shadow one saginkai ghana in the scale the more so motivas joki successor no kono nanda kong anime bp to animal matali Konda to castona shows I was kiddo nai priest and coin or you to a pari mata nakat jokai nakato national conscious corner makikon de shakai Monday chanto saviki that motivate Nayazande maskedo butanjani shariki mascara okani or equals gaeheendeh kanye naka chanto yeah, you try not to but to do so by, you know kai to me master I can't anymore.

Production Insights

So the SNS katie katako he was okay moscow you are it or how many. I know uzumaki maker production ig no usi to say you samuzinde kutzket stereo so ital to sing Cartoon network. You know it. Who wasted some of your projects skiddo.

Continuing Conversations

Max hi. Max toyota unix to max so yeah. Kukua keko and kakatamita and you say. Nizu and also you must. In this kin about 32 at kurti mojo niche sugar deki natomote. Nihonotion usually the world shimo americane m say you samo mina say you song but so you sent a data sakuru got komato jota, you know. Nagariga kung jana kimo chutosima.

Network Communication Concerns

Suichi kimi honey to stand the ghetto maguikanagatara so network sima kaitsu original anima kanarity your mode Nakat create an communication about scooter nakayapadima. Tiki guy, you know, they didn't panta. So. So. You nandisha mapreduce the yaruti starring is.

Concluding Thoughts

Talking. So Naruhodonosa. Yeah. Cue. And you honda, but in the skiddo. Yes. So akazi ni naru. You know, king of the pinaka. Yeah, but kangaroo ninza kokoina kinokata jibbery to kamo and no can't take a naikozone. Tony munda naka no kono tjiburi movie. And so then. And so kataya America animation guy shatter is hiding nothing. So no we know. Nankata, but may I get you nakay? Can I kara so mositovi and I know joke. I know kataga. And you make your kind of princely comment of.

Evening Greetings

So tonight yokunai kira. Naka Israel chokosanu so he yeah.

Discussion on Mushrooms

Takinda shinki muskitoshaga motota take mushroom yaw. See. Then do krito stay at Sakino tamini kashatamuroshi can, you know Sunday Marino Jimmy mote masked so you know the kimito animation sculpt.

Commitments to Schedules

Tokimo machine kin ista jota chagi hajimera schedule you anime towards me committed the schedule so to cross harita tu hanashiva. So. Maima is you can nanaju pongra tuska nankan the yeva sono yombaika Niyaki and Mukashimoto Katajiki Motashkata kuru State Nando.

Reference to Animation

Naka animated. By Sono top no hono kai shut Susan to stay. Jojo Kiyo group.

Community and Narrative

Shuka kaba sangha yurokunasaju so we need sanka nagari to so corey the gakuni Amariko Nanskana Group Castiko Atarumono Bakaria Sakino Taylor Saraticho Narrative Janai Katoka Hanashimo. Star shimasi demo freedom.

Feeling and Motivation

So kumama yeah. No kuku nakanaka shankas one night, you know you could. Yeah, but jinzai no you don't. Kyra ki chuggin mizza automatic you know to or 1010 to shallow tired of so you can describe parinakanaka kai shatoshimo so incentive so tonight took.

Exploration of Ideas

You how do you toticino kanjinokus. Matto but. You. Know, talks on Koso Korea marshy so they put us madikitaka so kaku through taking you. So.

Natural Elements

No so. But when. Sono corn so natural. So. The salute mission we must the marriage take a meter so this and yeah.

Clarifications and Thoughts

No. Yeah. See no kita. So. But you. The kaiser and shoes motor but I do not. There's.

Cultural Reflections

You know, kids like I don't so narujan so. Contents Tony Kubik that may, but. So, you know. So you couldn't know and supported the.

Criticism and Historical Context

Koi criticized Naka so it was hanjin. Yeah. Motomized yeah. So Mukashi.

Media and Content Discussion

Mukashi Odaiba Digital media so to the kesa mato yamaga so koni so you nantesu to jamada maritime media content so scurry content provider matan my.

Discussion on Akira and Honeymoon Anime

You know, you and so how come on and akira safe. And you don't know. You know she can do jagano positional so no to the Monday honeymoon anime jimitana kanji but yeah. Since we sang sakihini sankasali mauji mehdeh jibungamaju and ijiman not in show this.

Position and Grammar

Yeah. Position graphic no tokono position to state your. But. Mama you know nothing tanjan. It'S and. So mama she go to the stimulant. So no get no arun. So can you show to arabic. Portal, you know Yosanga. Nandi Naranika Tanjan producer sign Kimashtaki Moron Gutierrez.

Hitoshin and Project Discussions

And. Can arukanaika the matoma to hitoshin then hitoshi nai. To Rama arun sakura katakara so no hitoshema shunyo finite sono dankaide see Sakuzai. Shaw Sono to Kino says a kishkamura so yeah. So no nikimoto yeah. So no taba kara book hi kai shatte kikuku mama ginkgo chattos.

Creative Ideas and Projects

Good animal home. Teddy be omitted so go. Mayor mason. So you so called, but. So can you. But you know. Hide your star Jay, you know what you do. So not so kotono dentino mirror tanjun Janet Diggari and.

Project Progress and Scheduling

So it's not hinomial Mina got the project. High teaching Kimirushkon. You know, kind of. Sorry. So. So no nantes. Owner there are no. Animators and Dakijan octave song game. But Hatterai says a good time attacks and Dakinomondai.

Media and Cultural References

Moon and Zutu moroni schedule yeah. Madam queen I mama. Yeah, but I achieve niche. Disney Princess anime kaitiru katatoka Disney legendhe. So nihono animators and toxanto so kaikani. Take chiga so no business respect to temperature creativity.

Final Thoughts

Tell get a gonna.

Initial Thoughts

But you know. But damn it. So they were so omitized. You go to system. You mean bible Kaitlin. Prince is. Legend on and comment to the workers. Not. Yeah. Colon. Okay. Capacitanio kairun sangarshika sarah shakuni artisan go. You know. Marimaskaramina so nanita curious and Aktoma Chastecuru Sunday home and. But yeah.

Continuing the Conversation

So not so much as you. Sorry. I would like. To, you know, see not just also they and coming so. But manga to an ira. So you. Should mamo no so good. No kiji on the sokula. But naka chogun kistora chinchi gomaya morata masa chogun dakarati go say murata so. And you, honey.

Discussing Content

Show monji my donor. Content. Yeah. Could mean kiss. Money. So even. Yeah, yeah. So when I got his own. But Kaisen to Kono social. Networks. I know Michigan. He was. So kura so mitisu jean gananku de kitan dara soreni umagi no serial nico kaisen they can.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah, but. Yeah. Tab tonight. You know. So start. I think you take this.

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