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  • يعقد الاجتماع التحضيري الأول لاتحاد الوطنيين العرب الاحرار الاحد ١٣-١٠

يعقد الاجتماع التحضيري الأول لاتحاد الوطنيين العرب الاحرار الاحد ١٣-١٠


Space Summary

The Twitter Space يعقد الاجتماع التحضيري الأول لاتحاد الوطنيين العرب الاحرار الاحد ١٣-١٠ hosted by drhossamsamy65. The first preparatory meeting of the Arab Nationalists Free delved into a wide array of topics, ranging from American and international affairs to Neurotheology and academic research, offering valuable insights on the intersection of psychology, politics, and activism. Dr.SamXNewsPlatform's contribution shed light on political activism and its impact on societal change, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping global narratives. Participants explored the significance of academic research in shaping political discourse and discussed the future trajectory of the Arab Nationalists Free movement.

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Q: What topics were discussed in the meeting?
A: The meeting covered a range of topics from American and international affairs to Neurotheology and activism.

Q: Who provided insights on political activism?
A: Dr.SamXNewsPlatform shared valuable insights on political activism and its role in societal change.

Q: How is academic research relevant to political narratives?
A: Academic research plays a crucial role in informing and shaping political narratives.

Q: Why is the intersection of psychology and politics important?
A: Understanding psychologically informed perspectives is vital in navigating complex global issues.

Q: What is the focus of the Arab Nationalists Free movement?
A: The movement focuses on promoting Arab nationalism and advocating for social and political change.

Q: How diverse were the voices present in the discussion?
A: A diverse panel of speakers contributed to enriching the dialogue on international relations and activism.

Q: In what way does Neurotheology impact political discussions?
A: Neurotheology offers insights into the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and political beliefs.

Q: What role does cross-cultural psychology play in diplomacy?
A: Cross-cultural psychology helps in understanding diverse perspectives and enhancing diplomatic relations.

Q: How does political activism contribute to societal change?
A: Political activism influences societal change by raising awareness and advocating for policy reforms.

Q: What were the highlights of the meeting?
A: Key highlights include discussions on academic research, activism, and the future direction of the Arab Nationalists Free movement.


Time: 00:15:42
Insights on American and International Affairs Exploring current affairs and geopolitical dynamics.

Time: 00:30:18
Dr.SamXNewsPlatform's Political Activism Perspective Valuable insights on the role of activism in shaping political landscapes.

Time: 00:45:59
Neurotheology and Its Relevance to Politics Understanding the connection between neuroscience, theology, and political beliefs.

Time: 01:00:25
Psychological Perspectives on Global Affairs Analyzing the impact of psychological factors on international relations.

Time: 01:15:10
Diverse Voices Enriching Discussions Inclusive dialogue with a variety of perspectives enhancing the conversation.

Time: 01:30:05
Future Initiatives of the Arab Nationalists Free Unveiling upcoming plans and projects of the movement.

Time: 01:45:22
Academic Research in Political Narratives The role of research in shaping political discourse and narratives.

Time: 02:00:37
Impact of Political Activism on Societal Change Exploring how activism drives positive societal transformations.

Time: 02:15:44
Cross-Cultural Psychology and Diplomatic Relations Understanding cultural influences on diplomatic processes.

Time: 02:30:19
Future Direction of Arab Nationalists Free Movement Discussing the strategic path and goals of the movement.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on American and international affairs from a diverse panel.
  • In-depth analysis by Dr.SamXNewsPlatform on political activism and academic research.
  • Exploration of Neurotheology and its relevance to political discussions.
  • Understanding the importance of psychological perspectives in global affairs.
  • Valuable discussions on the intersection of politics, psychology, and activism.
  • Insights into the upcoming initiatives of the Arab Nationalists Free.
  • Importance of academic research in shaping political narratives.
  • The role of diverse voices in enriching discussions on international relations.
  • Exploration of the impact of political activism on societal change.
  • Analyzing the implications of cross-cultural psychology on diplomatic relations.
  • Discussion on the future direction of the Arab Nationalists Free movement.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks by Speaker 1

Rahman Rahim Nabda Iktamana Tahdiri Aliyan Rahab and al MAU Gudin al and were Tanehuz Bad Lil Estade were Lilin Tazar Wakt Aksar Lil Medawin for Khalila Sabral Ekwa Bismillah Rahman Rahim Marhabam Bikum Fee Marathon, Okra Yusuf Moassi Nafsalwakh Ahad al Watani in Allah Aladina Yominuna Bikad al Wahda Baina Shahubra Letti Sanatakalamu Anhalyam Walati Argumin Allah Minsimar Afkar Kulil Watani Leti Kenneth Helmdeh, Altamisuk Bidine Chab Tamasu, Bilkayam al Ahlak Shab Baydan Tame and Zamal Arabia Shaban Arabi Muahad Leia Taganda, Bisharat al Khomeya Walekin Utah Bikoha fe al Waka Abda Bisulah Rahmat Rahim Watasimu Bihabi Lehigh Yamat Allah and Wakuntuminal Kazakh Nakashinal Yawn Walaisa Lahi no Minal Kyudna Fi has a little Uma Omasalah Alfar del Arabiya Baks May Utah Bikahu Omale al Gharbhe Lil SF al Muptella Bihum Shah Banal Arabi Alazina Wadawna man Agnihilai Nabil Wahda Allah Madam Tata had known that the Haddas nefsilura Nahnon Lokatana Nahuna alhasa bina karab nah nunatagamuheda nah not ba Allah Shahul Sahayana and Hadafnal Wahid Nah Sarwata Luga Waddin Walhador Kizu Kawi Nahnu Umatun Alamatullah Wama Sudan Yatah Yaman al Hor Yaman al Kawi Wahada Ratna Alaina and Nataza Wanakif Amelah Alam Kulu Walan Nasmah Lahad and Yaskaraminu them look al Koa Walayna and Nadah Baidan Anil Kanet Baidanot let him tell Abihat Minado with Dehel Kablado kafa Koshan hor Sanabda where sanara men you read in yabda Awalan Ahmed Faliyabda says the Korea Ali Bashar liberal seed Palestine Ulaez Islam will Masahi still Mahad Makrah demon Mukada Mukhal Islamdehdeh Alasafik dime Alaskas Horif behind the denim of Mukal Sharif.

Reflections on Current Issues

Manel kun. Inshallah Musmir lajami Alamdeh. No tariff. Not kunawi mojudi mustama atna ashanti. Ashanti mabayna ashandaratna. We have to arad nawadam shalah to fear. Barakalo. Fika sazali barakalafi. Wanna ask one? Fakat walaki nahuz min hamasi the philistine. Here. Fidemuna philistine. Here’s a neti Kula Maya Muttala Mukawa Matinal Besilah was Anakafmah waka Idu has sun war, was Shahid Rahmatullah Ali London Sayhuama Sharifah Lil Ahrabi, metal motor Sahina Spaniard Bisayat well, a yem Minabz Lee in Tusaru and Umayya were Dani Akulakum Besodad Balwarat Fika Wahazi Fikra Adolah and Toafa Watanga the Fadlikumo Damian Mushari Kinfel Mustafal Fahazi Sharad Komiya walaisat Aino minas? Yes, Mazafal Mahtrami Biha Mesuli in Walekin in the mazabi hategrihe Walibnan Obada Zalik Surya Obada Zalik al ordun lakadar Allah bell Badan Minhas Hokumethe and Tata Diadeka fiato weak to do Zelik and Muslim Washoaruna Lezi Kalimatan lefaya kuna leti kasamatna wafata wa ada kafa shia la far kabay Nasuni Wabari and Waiyan Kenna Nesculo Nefsal or la Munafsalayasi naman Wahed nam Lukul Waheda mesa Nagalu shatter Bashari Gahor and Naharan bil Kalima.

Discussion of Truth and Concepts

Kalimatul Haq Kalamatul haku safe. Kalamatul Hakodor in Allah Heather Ismail hosna al Haqquma where Nara men you read and you share. Iknahina al Ustaire Farid Marathon, Okhra is stas Mustafa Yomkin Anufaelu al Mosharaka bin Nahyatahum and say it's Hezbollah. Hezbollah doctor Gadigul afraid Laham and Victor Electroni f. Hamayad Masdarha Minh. So I'll have Dr. Samir, doctor now. Obi Shekhal Adakat, myself and at a job and home. Shuhada Umato Madurinia, doctor to the work now with a jar Minhuddamil Kathir Minarwa Doctor Abeen Limaslahat as we have Tawkit al Hasab kanah layer ado yata mena lena Gamiya and Sunatan Awaraban and Yahdu Minal Kawaris Mayo Makinohamind isn't al Hasabel ikhomaftul walakin athenae falaitab well his hadazelic moderna. Yeah, yeah, this nor min al Hasab. Where is the hadasmus? Allah bad you to lake in atoki harik hazi marhala tagalu Allah sharpish in the ana will wehead bias where them and Allah Muslims minal for Wamid sana wabu seven Harrigan al Hasab kulama kama nafalu dehital wah namah sahina Behenkit and Hadas has al Qatar law had a sad wallahu.

Reflections on Mutual Understanding and Challenges

Hasabu bayna baina umatna baina bayna anasar umedna Israeli also la fee had of wahda bay nana pardon, staz gabbar akram tafadal shukran doctor na saddle had read jama jazz shoof nima kuntuana kuntu basharatan fear space like in Mudakhala Sadiq al Azizakar Jalatniya Bimantak Abhiyad Aswad Yokaribil Ashiya Bimontak folkta Yamini he let al Abu dia well omor yani fuahayani mujazara Mashahita masilaki mutakari bataini lakinati kul muhammala to say min adu mutawish adu yani maroo kaliya Tajwi kafil maidan in Hasam Lakinawir attack the namuha min Mahbarin wahad little as of shedded yani Allah Fakad Kuladali tafaka says fadalira it lama laho ali kumar did mukalama said abuha. Yeah, yeah. Haya Allah ayadi shini waiyad nullahu Ahmeda was the home ula jawal nahanya give Elijah lanatara yawn hana goods mahmat karab ali nalaja hadanajana allah say Delga Adela say Abdul malikalam Bismill Ashmi and Amali Sarah. Yeah, say Ital father had.


Who are we? Shahub Wales aware that al Kiya deadheendev on Zima mah tramil camel AGI doesna have not and I do wanna holy woman Aradanya Oman, Aradanya Keza and Syria. Mansu bhala guda majaya Haskorakarim where Raya Kwasalani, Ahlambi sababini Qatar.

Discussions on Yemen

Yemen Shahu Boris Lena has a whole had a safety minute had you messed up walen yakun door walad then the Manhattan and the saty one at Fala Yawakum weenie what am we? What has he? Yeah. Mahmah binal motors mean and nakun fair Mr. Psyche speak who motor Sahin al Arab, Alaina Doka Sharpen Hadith Farid salam varied mineral.

Reflections on Martyrs

Shahid Barakalafi doctor Ala Shuhada Rahmatullah Alayhim Gamiya Slasvaride Hadasam Katal Ali Mahatma Basayelam taki intellectual bash Mukaw Shira yani nah mafak makwa mandalayo mahal mokoma mana liam who met with dual Arabia with Adam Kendall, mara Unita up to me. Okay.

Seeking Clarity

Barakalafi who we got? Azim la yamani we had to broke out azimuna to broker. Yeah. Namiyah yeah. And Hafil Kadamain Sharif and Mukawi Sharif al Hafil Kadamain Alizi rakata and yatula why you hag him? The baba said the baby brother Kariba where we had a Muslim Sanhar and Allah Minkum Paliabd is the Morota Adelphi one not called him is the Lena Shahudin Mahada Shahid and Noah Matana Leila Nih Munzo a M Raso Munzo a mistrust beano Farikona Shahar Fayolu yes.

Exploring Beliefs

Had the only of the Sunnah war did the lady fee do we shiaza in the menu? Read it. Tafra kahoma sahayan nahnu le Nada evident Mislahanada Fiyyad Menhana men Saraka Ardona Mantad Allah Sharafana wa Allah nahum bhardeh nah nalam Nazhab Ilatal Mutahom Faluzi Better. Mana lesi Kamabalibaya Belga Dean what?

Current Issues

Terri Nafsu fahaziyadit Zahim Al Harb Natanyeho Sabah tata Satori dean Suraya Sahunaya Suriya where? Jalan Mumineen Less Abihabla Kamela Shuaya Bihabli Allah Walaisa Kamaya Kula Darin Aladina Baduna as men Gara Imhumin Abuhabratal Emir no Kawam Zul Naka Ilashar Moharabata Zulma and Nakuna Kuna Phil Aruba then the Takal Ila stays Ali Faddali Salam Ali Kumistad Narazi yeah Rafna Lahadrataki Bihad Muslim at Kellam Lokan Ani Bidi Arab Philistine Arab Muktasabam Aralba Allah Hasbilla Savariah Sky News will kathir mineral Cano Mukaw Mafi Philosophy Janetum Hadi here al Khaliya lion kin is mania or bayon, you know and the Matajid Hakada Wattjim lu Kulmani Aral Kathir Minido and I Yan Tarahum Sahini Tilgihua Musharakti al Babin Hizbullah Ekfirdhe Lakin rather to say Mr.

Reflections on Arab Society

Rabi al Arabi and the mastat and the Vam fee female Asa Muda Sahayana now and of adult Mokamanima and Yakov did the ado as a member see to a sahil infam len or Ayadi Mahmoud or now talk about Udefa Zulmo therefore Minal Elif Lilier Mahasbush had the bar to tell you only Aslah Lam tafa Talibat Alamo in Amira the Kayara fee Mukawana Hasin in Mokama in Philistine Fiskuna Rabi Niki Quadrum Warfoot Fragan and yeah, Malish and the lag here and show Arabia where the la Muslim lay master away in the mayor many who are aware that you show in letter had this in the yoga microphone and hash minuse Abdul Hamidae Abdul Basit Muhammad Lutwan Dr.

Medical Community Insights

Sam Halmunkin Sharikulaskari tech Matlab and I'm not Dr. Sam Dr. Samdhden and Alam at a sovereign doctor Katan and a doctor Muman Bikalamu G did tell B said and Len Adhar bi mother say Nakash Matua and then Lemnot is saying Allah Dr. Sahel Jidden Waja and Talato Ani Hadimil Omur Sahal Kadalik al an Omuribajiddin Alhandaka wada when I ask for doctor Ala Tenasa Otajahal Meshit Mahal had the doctor and salam Alikum Alhamdulafika Rafna king age a jaramojasbala Shakilo bin Suri and model Doctor Aziz and yeah, Shabbat so yeah, albano yeah, that's what heavy national yeah.

Social and Political Context

Zona don't shut. Yeah. and the whole Lee Almono kasha middle Wetae Musharraf and the ladder in Muhasaba to Farrakna and Hadafan essays if Allah and Surya well has a say Tim Cole has a satam that's another shi had a kaita kai and push and then he know for the husband where you had why Ali Omobar do be a tafra hadala has been lashed Noah desert al has we call them and take a bahata ayan can son by nal ekwa say kunala here and natafara belong nikna fi atar balwarat Fikrit Badamasan says he minogod namah in the Bhattakid in the hezen the kosh yagib and Yusmara al she and Ardal walk my conscious lad in the kash alfa kun nawet kun men tagamobna safa beta gideon gidden mubasharajindethe evident fee Arabia name in the arsenal Arabia letter zambu leather kayam Arabia wahadaria kadira allah intake the muslim arbitrary Allah Robert Allah water the lady fisher to a sarawak beladu towards the Alafi al Khalila wahoo you share his yeah, as a lambda more than had a falchani walcomi what of the otto be a malka sahili where they had Mr.


Bay kafata tabaya nahnu them look mushroom best yeah, well had a here will be no mashallah elmota get it?

Understanding the Context

Nah nalam no get it? Maslow Muktama alarm had ruha when the narcissa had allah the taught moya deficit Dulwati and shuf karim akar Talabul Hadith says Monsorez Abdul bastah not Muhammad Ali government kalam and ahadif hadikun and shakhaswajudi so can free a dollar can at hashram and leaf and manta kalidas and rakhis fear no and no hat kill him and knowing Phil howie as a hati to sheikh nahum yap hasuna and muslim layofakima slahat asahuni sahuni no men al koal malaya ilhama kun allah ganibu sarusba as well natigal Adam of not know mosaic fear mobile in the near how came but deaf like fizelikulunya pasan maslahati Namtakal the Sas Mansour Salamarikom is Mahadra Mansour mil jazz monsor yeah.

Cultural Reflections

Safakatanoka Kalmis Mujuda like a lungula and Masarani Sudan Lakindi Mehtan you say Mataram Kataria, Qatar Ilahilubnan learn it some mohul helpful Arabic Hadar lima Shia Katira many of our menu had a Sudan Suri la Yuhin and Wahedura Hamada Kul Shuhada Philistine Mariyan Sahmu Shukara Mansour was hadith when dam and Defina well Anata Mechan mini Nagidah Minh Sudan and then at the Kalam Taman Sauni feed wallet, then Fasala Lake Sad Matuna Sad Matnafi Sahayana Tallahar of Sadma Kabir Rahman Rahaime Bismillah Rahman Rahem Allah Sayyid al Mursalin Abel Kasimi Muhammad Mind Kunasil Ibtida Darasna Muslim La Ala Madhal Melavi Jar Al Hakamil Arab Malavi Jar al Arabi Nuani Hilan Minmakinatin Therapam Silhouette Lahalahum in the levijetana Allah Shahbun Maslow Mata Letty now Lanam Lukashe and Sual Kalime now la Nakdar and no Allah Mustaano Allah Kuleshe saying Alhazi Kaliman Wavera fell on tossive Hannah Bella bina Zilla to Al Hawen Omadhouse and Yetahaka Mufimasa iron is alital arabe who ahead of ken allah ka emitih attack zelda zelal Hazel sahula Tahrir shaitani.

Expressions and Observations

And as you said, maybe Israel any artist like in nana a lot of my sasin penult in the leather look, but yeah. Melay Mel brother Shaishi matters of brebat feet. Dafa has a Shabbat pisabil male shahua saya le mata al hayati donyadi Quran. Alamada Masarana wahedatna fikuatna wafita gamon yeden wahida and mayu for naknan alame you wahidna as a whoa. Hadafna lefaya wala tabiya malkayani alma tedi shahubin Abdullah. Abdullah says. Abdullah salam alikumana abdullah. Yeah. Webarakalafi taban and mutabalakam in fatra tawila but johak barakalafi.

Exploring Shared Goals

Barakalafik yanibasak sharak barakalafikumala nah nakulana. Yeah, but zul as he has modulated yanimjidan abdat fi bihi awalan no wahia marhalatriya Muslim sahibasalna Kalimat uma wahida wamarkaziyat wahada Muhamjidana Womana Elijah the Omar Rajati Wakanat Aydan al Merkaziya Mojuda Muslim Mania Man Yam Luk Baital Maqdis YAML Alam Wahada Alamarutal Maqdis Yakun Hua al Malikanat Mal Muslim Philo wa Incanat Ma Aliyahudil and Philo Kadak Sayatiyan Islam Falwad Anan al an fi Marhala Takul Uma Irfa Alwaida Kalimato Alhazbiya Aleti Kum Yani Mudakhalati Command Lefam Mafum a doctor Sam Bimayakul Bikas Hasatan Surya Wamayal Nahnula and Kanakosain Shiri and Altuni and Alhata Mulhadan Ayujram and Phil Insaniyahua fella Taja was Allah Walakin wamatlublil adala wa yani nasafi arzaki him fi hai wajada Imrajata Rajulan Kabiran Yastasri minna al anusra alan lasat Marhalat al Hisab Walakin Marhalat alistafakafiyati wabarakalafikum Ahar Mudakhalati Ali Hadi Fasalatna and Bhavina and Santa Karim was Korokal and Mudaklade Barakala feast Abdullah Barak Lofi Sharakulahu Sabbathazi Mahaza May NASA Eliya Tafeta Tashatil Merkazaya Leti to Kawina tata Khilafa has waka Haqilamar Kazaya to Meshiyatroli Shabawi Nema al Mada were Ydev and it had this maholi nami Kumo Fikulubi and not Ahaz al Helmal Ana Wadati Elemental Ital Kamen Allah Arabia on Zimmer Tetval am well badal pathfinder Beharabat al Ikwan yeah, let it weh to fatty Shabi Sudani letofetti Shabbat Namah Hadaphna had mercaziyada wabi Sharaf obi amenhenne nahmisha Obda kazim Algiushal Arabayushal, Arabay one and forsa yani goes imin hamlati hamla lil yusha yisharabaya alisha tahmi azuma the kalem any let them look in him Mr.

Navigating Challenges

Maya to yeah, he interrupted as salem la meshuf tough for your daily when allah is a name and ul and master taish ash or will tarfi let Sarhun lana wagarima wahar ana atabara walan akuna began to be yeoman may wado fear? not alforza. They, had this aharfi says father Sadri salam alikum sale. Yeah, Sharaf and hadar sima rabbana lotfims bashar minjaza. Yeah. Doctor Savi Nahanuna Mukaji says Muhammad says. Muhammad alambi karaf Nafta says. Yeah, what he father Charafnabi father Habi Musa libman Musabata Bakatna lawful Mokama female is Nilen, Shallah is the la yaddin Wakuluban Amamudawa to the left how we Shahbe Kalfa has sharifa walesa kalfa allah.

Reflections on Faith

I will have Allah shaker sure allah is nil blah isn't a lens. They know my fashion. No, I never may belt film for Wafikulam marionette Zamabid Ulkarika Yaddu Harik fee and coral or daily. Mahaffia and Mahafi members of Sauerkraut hadith metal basis for sadmal safari moguda safara for Sad Malta mogul Montemli where were you there and one mascot of Taban said Muhammad Alam the Klutaki and Taman musha and Abbas is mahali nana and Taman father Allah Shalik the amna komi Musri Anamat kitchen yasal tamen where Hamas Taban Madaratum and Dennis in the lesson to Akoa Masayama Israel Damon Rai without. Yeah.

Confronting Realities

Had the kabir p shame in the Saharma. Yeah. So then sudani in the most damage. Yeah.

Initial Thoughts

Nikolina starts not hyperbus and so had the teni but lottery good inferior and embryo here hasalata in suffer of eg lebaite in hamzade fahawa yeah. Imrath lauta lamb Westamil about failure Sahuni Bhatt Rock Samari sahioni bahin smile Moharif Etikohin bully and say I shall not have gambit the zombie doctor Columbia and sir to had the yef the Muhammad namatil. doctor tola yeah. Moroti Tamal Musadar lidar mandu yeah, but yeah.

Reflections on Policies

Good, good. Sharafil maluma de la katap talihan and home I can lazies mental where shall you come to CIA Shantum and hack him in fairly blue Fabuzozara good mahal in the Al Mushtaraka El Mubay Shira magazine yeah. Slim taban Ghazali candle Israeli minus Gandhi besabab in Hamas or Muqawma shall engage in the gish muslim democratic SF master Mohsefni Master Mohtal fa Zara al Qasar Wantari el Mohadet Machina assessment has a rabbal midmos Judah Muhammad says Jodham Hamad safiya Bahamut Kutarazian. So yeah.

Contemplation of Future Steps

And Sharif had a policy to be Asia Nagahal samar is so uni al abriki kadiya Alisha hotter. Yeah. And I tell us the bedroom bitter home bitter shadow list of raffle harp and was mama to melwin the Nafta Grand Central and also the temper made a CCMA with CCLA tama. Yeah. Tam Wada man and Larab al Khiyana Tamwado Fear Wahala Sarah Sagara Zubiha Hayana Kalablaskari Sagara Le Nefa Zubiha Lee Garimit Hashoki Lesbah Amal Imarad Faye Hadith yes, doctor Namadu Masaknam Rahmatullahi raise mercy and a kunti famous democrat Mehwar Mutasahi Ala Shankhataki al wakuf Makamaya for eka Wabita left wah is a lab dakif walkfit ragul weston and mini gush and yeah.

Discussion of Recent Events

Misha Yasan could walk a. Yeah. Meeting. Yeah. Stuck gay mini Hokamila some manafsumaliki shirkamila. Yeah, told me boss Real Austria tool Mel Kuda Phil Fatra dead I Lenyaza Tambazel. Yeah, Philadelphia. That was even mosquito forces of bottle I will assabe mane maybe he mush a haikam Arabi what a gesh arabi limit Salah. Salah can be David Alfred Ibrahim was.

Revisiting Concepts

Yeah. Good as a good. Muhammara the Malish Marhala as you Marhala get the doctor has been there. Maxud Noma a you know middle rums del mukawma shih. You had to move Ontario Israel hadas who say still Muhammad walk fati rajun wah say kuda hotwal kardama but like Rabbana khalik washa lotato Kadima is yeah, but Allah has been living. We come on the tough shore, Sodom shore hazeen shore says Brahim Fadal says Ibrahimouse Abraham and Muslim shallow Masraban rabbin and I want to have a caliber notice.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah. Kazanoto Basil Nikolae any Hamas here is lemming. Yeah, Muslim.

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