Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space أين يُباعُ #النوم ..‼️ hosted by L___A11. In a reflective discourse on the essence of love and self-sacrifice, the Twitter space navigated through the intricate relationship between suffering, selflessness, and personal growth. Participants exchanged profound insights on the transformative power of love, its influence on personal identities, and the resilience it inspires in the face of adversity. The session delved into the complex dynamics of empathy, compassion, and societal norms influenced by love. Ultimately, the space shed light on the enduring legacy of love through meaningful connections and the path to personal enlightenment.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 174


Q: How does love influence our perception of sacrifice?
A: Love often compels individuals to prioritize the well-being of others over their own, leading to profound acts of sacrifice.

Q: What role does suffering play in the expression of love?
A: Suffering can deepen the intensity of love as individuals are willing to endure hardships for the sake of loved ones.

Q: How does self-sacrifice contribute to personal growth and relationships?
A: Self-sacrifice fosters empathy, understanding, and strengthens the bonds between individuals, enhancing personal growth.

Q: Why is love considered a fundamental aspect of human existence?
A: Love provides purpose, connection, and vitality to life, shaping our experiences and interactions.

Q: In what ways can love transcend societal norms and expectations?
A: Love has the capacity to challenge conventions and societal norms by fostering compassion, empathy, and understanding.

Q: How does the act of selflessness in love shape individual identity?
A: Selflessness in love can redefine one's sense of self, emphasizing the importance of altruism and compassion in shaping identity.

Q: What insights can be gained from exploring the relationship between love and sacrifice?
A: Understanding the dynamics between love and sacrifice offers profound insights into human nature, empathy, and interconnectedness.

Q: How does love inspire acts of bravery and resilience?
A: Love motivates individuals to display courage and resilience in the face of adversity, showcasing the enduring power of affection and commitment.

Q: What distinguishes genuine acts of self-sacrifice driven by love?
A: Authentic acts of self-sacrifice rooted in love are characterized by genuine care, empathy, and a willingness to prioritize the well-being of others.

Q: How can the exploration of love and selflessness lead to personal enlightenment?
A: Examining the depths of love and selflessness can illuminate the path to personal growth, enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of human connections.


Time: 00:15:45
The Transformative Power of Love Delving into how love can profoundly impact individuals and relationships.

Time: 00:25:12
Self-sacrifice and Altruism Exploring the roots of selfless acts driven by love and compassion.

Time: 00:35:28
Love's Influence on Identity Discussing how love shapes personal identity and values.

Time: 00:45:19
Suffering and Love: A Complex Relationship Analyzing the intertwining of suffering and love in human experiences.

Time: 00:55:37
Empathy and Compassion in Love Examining the role of empathy and compassion in nurturing love and relationships.

Time: 01:05:40
Challenging Societal Norms through Love Reflecting on how love can defy societal expectations and norms.

Time: 01:15:22
Love's Resilience in Adversity Highlighting the enduring strength and resilience that love offers in challenging times.

Time: 01:25:18
The Depth of Sacrificial Love Exploring the profound depths of love that drive acts of self-sacrifice.

Time: 01:35:29
Love's Legacy of Connection Illustrating how love leaves a lasting legacy through meaningful connections and relationships.

Time: 01:45:14
Enlightenment through Love and Sacrifice Discovering insights and enlightenment through the exploration of love and selfless acts.

Key Takeaways

  • Love is a powerful force that drives selflessness and discovery of our true purpose.
  • The quest for self-discovery often leads to sacrificing oneself for others.
  • Exploration of the depths of existence through love and self-sacrifice.
  • Reflection on the essence of existence and human connections.
  • Questioning the boundaries and extents of self-sacrifice in the name of love.
  • The intertwining of suffering and love in the human experience.
  • Deeper understanding of personal sacrifices and their impact on relationships.
  • The role of love in giving meaning to our lives and actions.
  • The complexity of human emotions and their influence on our decisions.
  • Contemplation on the selfless nature of love and its transformative power.

Behind the Mic


Our channel it. How's it going, Tom? Hello. Extra slow, trusty co host. How you doing, amigo? Doing good, bro. I went paintballing today and got fucked up. Oh, my gosh. Really? Yeah. Buddy's gun was way out of regulation. I have, like, skin broke. Fucking nasty welts all over my body. Yeah, see, this is why I never went too often as a kid. I was like, yeah, I'm not. I'm not doing this. I still had a lot of fun. That was fucking dope. I'm probably gonna go again next weekend. Are you. Are you one of the guys that are really into it? No, I don't have a gun or nothing. I'll just go get rentals. And my homies always get, like, free passes and shit. And so I just go for free, which is really awesome. Gotcha, gotcha. Nice, nice. Welcome. What's up? Lock thing is part of what makes it fun. What's going on? Welcome, everyone. This is TGI fuck yourself, the number one Friday show. What's up, Reed? You want to be co host? You down?

Paintballing Experience

Sure, man. Sounds good. Yeah. I've only been paintballing once, extra slow. And I went in like, maybe 6th or 7th grade for like, a birthday party. And I came home with like, a massive fucking welt. Like huge. Like. Like a six inch welt on my, like, near my kidney. And I was like, if this is what paintballing is, I want nothing to do with it. And I'm never doing this again. Like, fuck this. Yeah, no, we did like a iron man fucking round where it was just four of us all in a cage. And it wasn't like, hit or be out is you're out when you fucking tap or run out of balls. And I got raped, so I'm in a vile amount of pain in my back. I don't even want to wear a shirt. And it's like, it's bleeding bad, so. Oh, my God. Okay, so you're going to need neosporin. You're gonna need. I'm cleaned up. My lady cleaned me up. Thank God. Oh, good. Well, that's. I like that. That's a good sign of a good woman.

Welcome and Giveaways

Welcome, everyone, to TGi fuck yourself. We want to hear some chills. We got some kin folks to give away also, three of them at 40, 50 and 60 participants. Check out that pinned post up above. Go retweet it. We're gonna keep this party going here today. We want to hear your shillenna, your chill, some giveaways at 40, 50 and 60 participants of some freakin folks NFTs want to welcome Bam Barc Meta x on stage. How's it going, man? How you guys doing today? Going good. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for stopping by. How's it going? I'm chilling, man. I've never been to one of your spaces, bro, and we've been being annoying faggots to some people on post. So it's been a pleasure to meet a good friend of mine now. Yeah, thanks, bro. I wasn't sure if it was bark behind that account. Like, I don't. I didn't know. Like, you know, not me, man. I, I've had Twitter for, like, over eleven years now.

Involvement in Media

Twelve years. I only use it just to keep up with journalists and political news. I don't really don't watch the news on tv, so. But, long story short, brother, I got involved with, like, bark media and DOJ no dogs back in May. And it's very simple and plain and. Okay, well, thank you, bro. Your post had me cracking the fuck up. Cause without, like, going in too far, I was added to that chat by, like, a respected individual that I just met recently. And I saw your post in the chat and I was cracking the fuck up. I'm like, I don't know who this guy is, bro, but I'm loving what he's saying right now. Yeah, I see you're privy to the wag me cabal. You know, you know, you know the language. Yeah, yeah. There's only, like, a. I've been trying to inform the web kids and, like, other projects about this without sounding like a total paranoid schizophrenic, you know, that, like, there is, like, this weird, like, clique of people that, like, harass and, like, bully and gatekeep.

Centralization in Web 3

And people are like, what are you talking about, bro? This is web three. It's all decentralized, bro. Like, no, actually, it's actually quite centralized. And here's one such example. I want to welcome Taj the legend from webkids on stage, as well as good buddy of mine, Sal. How's it going, guys? I'm chilling. I'm going to bully and gatekeep the fuck out of everybody because this is an awesome time. Let's freaking go. Tosh, thanks for stopping by our special Wednesday edition of the show with exposing Tom Vivian on Web Kids Wednesday. Muchos gracias with Nifty Nick. Yes. Nifty Nick the legend, dude. Yeah, nifty Nick. Guys, check, check that out. We're going to keep that party going. Give away some more web kids as well. There's a pinned post. Everyone at the very top of the space, please go retweet it.

Market Update

I got three nfts to give away from the kin folks collection. One at 41, at 51, at 60. We're going to talk nfts, crypto, currencies, everything in between markets, obviously pumping, bitcoin, surging, ethereum climbing. Yeah. And Solana obviously racking up wins here today. Volume increasing, ordinals bouncing back runes getting a boost in volume. So we're seeing a surge of optimism across the space that we haven't seen in a long time. So we're going to bring you up to speed on everything. Big shout out to Reed and extra slow for joining us here, guys, as co hosts. Thank you to them for being so supportive of my spaces and my endeavors. I think on Wednesday were able to expose Tom Bibbie and very thoroughly. And you know, I think it's important that was done. One of the really funny things about that space, by the way guys, was that it's gotten a lot of replays from people thinking that this was like a legitimate, like exposing space.

Replay Dynamics

Is that what that not? Oh, never mind. I guess I'm in the wrong space. No, it was definitely exposing Tom. No, no. Yeah, there was a Wednesday space but like it got like a lot of replays, right? Like it got like, you know, whatever. Like a hundred regular views. But then like it like 70 people. I was like, what the hell? Why are people replayed? To join. They wanted to hear it in real time. They were gonna talk shit about you. But I see your recur to your spaces. So actually I'm gonna get out of here. And then they wonder why I record my spaces, you fucking faggot. Cuz I pay attention to. I'm an, I'm a nerf for stats, man. I pay attention how you losers don't show up to my spaces but my replays get really great views. Tom. It's really creepy.

Communities and Perception

You're these weird cock suckers. They're your greatest supporters, my brother, I'm telling you. Thank you. Yeah, no, it's. I like to record the spaces too because then if I just do it live, then there's some weirdo recording the space, right? And then I won't have a copy. They do. And then they're going to like clip all the things and be like, look, Tom said the n word. Tom said this, Tom said that. We'll chat more often, but I got we got buddies that, you know, there's already software out there. It's been out there that regardless of these people thinking their spaces is not recorded, brother, it's still being recorded on a certain platform where everything is being dialed down. So once they said, Tom is an idiot, like 40,000 times we have it on file. They thought they didn't record it, but the computer did.

Accountability in Digital Spaces

I mean, everything was recorded, so they're not really safe from anything that they said. If they only knew that, they'll see. The thing is, you got to be sober. You got to be, gotta be out, you gotta be present. You got to be networking with the right people. If you associate yourself with perk heads, you're never going to know about this stuff. That's right. The druggie Cabal, the wagy cabal. Look out for them. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our show, a special Friday show, TGI fuck yourself. Chill and chill. That means people are welcome to come up, tell us about their project, pin things in the nest, tell us what they got going on. If it's good, we'll follow you. We'll engage, we'll retweet, we'll show you some love. If it's bad, though, you're gone.

Engagement and Community Goals

What's up, Sal? What's up, blockchain? How's it going? Simon, welcome on stage. Yo, what's up, guys? I just followed bam in here. You know, bam follows a certain person around, and then I'm one of those people that follows the people. So here I am, following the person in. Excellent. How are things going with the Dojano dogs? You know, you guys really show up in big numbers. Me or Simon? My bad, Simon. Simon. Button is glitching. All right, Simon, take a lap. Take a lap. Close the app. Engage the app, Simon. Close the app and come right back. I'll fill it in real quick. While he's doing that, Tom, I'm not. We're not gonna get an ear beating of a rugging connection.

Reflections on Community Dynamics

I love you, Simon. It's been great, brother, for real. I don't know how you guys feel sometimes. You probably guys get bullshit that you guys don't deserve because certain faggots try to make your days harder. Shout out to you guys if you have a strong community, because you know what it feels like. So when the days are green, days are really green and everyone eats, you know, the shit that they fucking pretend about, brother, that kind of stuff. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, you guys been going hard for quite a long time. Price appreciation, of course, over the last couple years on them. So, you know, congrats on doing that. Your spaces are always very crowded also, so kudos.

Market Trends and Observations

Yeah, because Bart bases going on right now, bro. But I had nothing to input, you know, and my buddies would tell me if I missed out anything. I saw your spaces going up, bro. I just wanted to pull up. I deadass was laughing when we're fucking around on comments, so I was like, bro, I want to see who he is on spaces. I appreciate that. Yeah, I've definitely had my fair share of run ins with those people and I know bark and like, all those guys too have definitely, like, run into that. But yeah, like, it's just, you know, they're kind of like knocking themselves, like, the space at this point, brother. Yeah, when they try to snipe. When they try to snipe pox. And the sniper got wrecked of his. What was the number again? It was roughly around third.

Trading Insights

It was like roughly around 250 soul. Like, I got wrecked for amazing, bro. Shout out technology. So they posted that graph of that initial wick into scaring people, fear mongering folks at a million and a half market cap not to get in. They missed 100 x, brother. A fucking 100 x. Cause the losers trying to influence people. Serious shit going on here, brother. We're sitting at 62 fucking mil market cap after 30 days, bro. I want to see the shit that they're pushing. I can. It's not looking good, actually. That's the thing. Yeah, yeah. A lot of them are behind that hippo coin now. Have you seen this one? The, the mood? Dang, whatever the hell this is.

Concerns Over New Trends

I don't know. I'm just waiting for the day. The sec just like kicks down their door and is like, hey, bro, I faded the hippo so fucking hard. I got a call for it at a million dollars and now it's at 250. I faded that shit. You shorted on octopus. That's what you do. Not the flex, but I got the ECA at. Didn't buy someone's pie on Zanz. Sends next time someone's on Zan saying something about a ca. I just have to listen now, I guess. But I faded that frog to that. Just ran that emoji. I faded, like all the banger. I faded all the banger calls in the last, like fucking four days. I'm glued to cap cut. I was with a short and she fucking didn't fade the frog. And it went up like three x and she's like, what should I do?

Trading Advice

And it was like, four m. And I was like, just fucking cheat it. And then, bro, it went up to 25. And sufficed to say she was not very happy. Always leave a moon bag. I need you. Nobody ever went broke taking profits, right? Three X is a. Three x. Could have been a 20 x, but fuck it. Yeah, but there's no way that the, this hippo coin is, like, organic. Like, like, there's no way that this is like an organic freaking 3 billion% move. Like someone called their rich uncle and was like, hey, come on, man, can you just, like, buy some? Alright, fine, good. The go next door, knock on, like, your neighbors. Okay, fine. Knock, knock.

Market Dynamics

Yeah, it's gonna hit a billion for sure. Maybe, but I'm like, it's, it's gonna bag everyone that buys it at the top. And then, like, there's like, what? It's a fucking hippo. Like, okay, great. And like, they're paying, like, kook capital. Kook is like, yeah, I'm not getting paid. I guess you fucking are. Yeah, you fucking are. Like, did you see that news article? Not believe Kook about that for 1 second. Tom, you see that news article? Moody has a crypto coin. And why doesn't. It was the fucking headline. I'm like, yup, you should be selling right now, my brother. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's getting some headlines, some press, things like that.

Community Engagement

Welcome, everyone. TGI, fuck yourself. I want to see some shills up here. Come up, tell us about your project. Let us know what's going on. Markets are pumping, so bitcoins back climbing 65,900, basically at 66k. Ethereum touching 2700, pretty much. Manero 163, chain link up also at 1269. Solana holding strong up as well. At 157. Binance coin is up nearly 2% on CZ getting out of prison or us custody, rather, at $607. I'm not sure why everyone's so excited about CZ getting out of prison. Like, doesn't this guy launder, like, billions of dollars for terrorists or something? Like what? Why are people in crypto excited about him out of us custody? Someone fill me in.

Opening Discussions

Like, what am I missing? I don't, I don't get it. The four finger meme will never die. He's coming, Tom. The money is fucking coming, brother. Remember how Pavel. Everyone was crying about free pavel, but telegram pretty much endorses, like, pedo content being shared amongst others and the weird, like, whole ecosystem, and then everyone's like, free Pablo. It's like, do we really want a free Pablo. Well, people are. People are just dumb. And I think they've been anonymous on there for the last five years, and they've literally been doxed to the feds since fucking 2018. Like, it's an app, brother. Everything is saved.

The Nature of Privacy

Your name's on it, your numbers on it. You made the email somewhere. It's you, brother. Even if you select having that shit end to end, encrypted, like, nobody does that. Nobody actually does it. Is it really? And. And encrypted, like, no, that's the same time. Yeah, you're right. Can you even trust that at the same time someone from my neighborhood got arrested for, like, serious crime? Put it like that to be very vague. And let's just say telegram isn't as private as you think, especially when you're doing boos on the Internet. I sell children on telegram by web kids. God damn it.

Community Regulations

You're co hosting the space. You can't say buy web kids, bro. It's an NFC. Buy web kids. Buy web kids. Actually, he was selling pews. He was selling pews on TG. Oh, and, yeah, things don't go turn out for those people. Ghost gun telegram switch just came through the blockchain. 3d printed switches just came through the mail. I don't know how I got. I don't know how I got. It's go fuck yourself. Friday, I'm gonna show up to your fucking house and shoot you in the face. I will send my. I'll send you a dick pixel through the blockchain, brother.

Random Arrivals

Studying. You'll be. I don't know how I got into the space. I just randomly arrived. No, no. I made sure to spam the living shit out of every single group chat I possibly could. That's how you do it, ladies and gentlemen. Just complete aggression and shamelessness. The combination will get you to succeed. Like, no shame, just full, like, aggression. Just straight israeli tactics, bro. Praise. Welcome on stage. How's it going, amigo? Tom, baby is putting a bomb in your phone. Your walls are bugged. Hi, phrase, how's it going? You got a show for us? I want a show already. Come on.

Community Interactive

Okay, okay, I'm good. Hold on, GM, guys. So, since you want me to shield something, so I'm gonna shield something. Okay? So there's a. Goddamn it. Go fuck yourself. Yeah, no, you're the first one. You're the first one. Congratulations. That took way too long. It sounded like you're about to show your fucking dick. Okay, that's. Go buy web kids. Faggot. Go buy webkids. Faggot. I gave you a chance to show. You didn't show shit. You're the first person to be removed. Okay? Congratulations. This is TGI. Fuck yourself. The number one Friday show. Either we're going to retweet your shit, we're going to follow your page, we're going to engage with your stuff, or you're gone.

Targeted Engagement

That's it. Drizzy. Tardio. Drizzy. Welcome. How's it going, amigo? What's good, Tom, man? Hey, I'm just taking a shit in the end. What are you doing? We're bricked up. Israel's been killing all these Hezbollah motherfuckers. Drizzy. Too tardy. In control, baby. I'm not affiliated with anybody on this panel. For federal investigation purposes, I am nothing. Yeah, you think you're coming back? I'm literally taking a shit. Bear fucking pooping right now. Are you? But dingery fucking too many cheese curds and gravy there in the bee.

Casual Conversations

You're out there eating them in poutine. I wanted a poutine, brother. Now he's making it. I bet he fucking frowned. He had a six year. Now he's releasing one, fam, when that. When that dude came up from Toronto. Shut the fuck up. Hey, bud, when that dude came up, it sounded like. Hey, hey, crude. Chill, fam. Just chill. You're not even on it, bro. Paintings. The birds are in the club. Famous. Chill, fam. You're supposed to chill, not chill. It's all in my ear, fam. Chill, fam.

Financial Trends Discussion

Bear, fam. So croty. MPL 44. These other two losers, if you look at the market cap, is very suspicious, the graphs, terrible. If you look at pox, though, fam, Krody, pox, Podi. You gotta look pox. It's the only MPL 404 that's actually successful. Not raping the holders. Famous, you feel me? From the other guys. They're smoking fenty. They're selling you fenty. We're actually giving you what you're asking for. They barefooted you, fam, on the tl. Just like fucking adultery. Fucking bear.

Closing Thoughts

Rugger load. Fucking airdrop me. But. And fuck. Brody. Brody, you don't get it, Brody. They dme, they go, Brody, your chart sideways, Brody. Come by this stoners, Brody. This shit's fat killer, fam. You're down. You're down. From the moment they told me you're down, ax, fam. And then they. So when that. With that money, then you roll it into D God, fam. But at that point, you're already down twelve x, fam, from that moment. So your ten grand is now $0.12, fam. Holy shit. Whoa. Why did I check your dlam? We gotta get in the studio, fam.

Connections and Networking

Check your DM's family. Check your DM. Whole, fam. I'm tripping, man. Now I'm getting rewards. They didn't even do that with the other projects. What's that mean? Whole shit, man. Metaplex mutant labs, you know? Not drug addicts. Oh, man, this hoof. Bear. I'm gonna top blast a million dollars into pox. I'm Bear. What? Can I ask a question extra? I'm like a geezer in the space. What does top last mean? Cuz I'm not down with, like, the kids in the lingo.

Explanations and Clarifications

Okay, so say the chart is topped out, right? Like you're all time high, you're fucking ripping. And there's somebody comes in and just lays little fucking meat log right down on the chart. Big green candle. That's a top blast. A big, veiny fucking candle. When you unload money onto a picotop, when you see a big green dildo and decide to make it even bigger, like a retard bear fucking ripping it from. I get it. That's like. Like you want to be exit liquidity. Go deep if you want to be exit liquidity, de God be executed. And then the other one is sac if you want to be exit liquidity. If you want to keep losing.

Final Thoughts on Trading

That shit's incredible. I don't know what that feels like. Yeah, I kind of figured that's what it meant. I just. I wasn't really quite sure. I was like, what is this? What are the. What are these guys doing? Listen, crony, how many of you fucking went to the gym today? Bro bear. I went paintball in today, fam. Let's like the gym. No, no cardio. You like kids, but why do you not have web kids? Fucking bear. Shit, bear. Fucking. You better get your fucking fat ass to the gym. Time.

Concluding Remarks

Hey, Jizzy, since. Since, you know, all these allegations are coming out, you know, you a minor. Why don't you have any web kids, brother. I know you like kids. So, you know, you gotta. You gotta address this life around the stage, brother. You see, don't believe everything you see on the timeline, fam. It's all cap. It's all cap. Your meat on the tl was cap, fam. That was cap, bro. AI video things. AI meat, fam. Swinging it. Bear. The things that AI can do these days is crazy, fam.

Implications of AI

It's really out of hand. Truly, fam. So real talk, though, drizzy. Why the fuck are you not buying web kids famous? Don't make me do this, fam. Right now on the motherfucking space, fam. Don't make me do this on bare floor. Drizzy bear floor kids in the fucking basement, fam. All right, guys, welcome on the space. I don't know what we're doing today. 51. Welcome to the stage. It's TGI fuck yourself. That means we're gonna either let you shill do your thing or you get booted the hell off of this stage. Ladies and gentlemen, want to welcome. Let's see here.

Guest Introductions

Moonstruck. Simon. What's going on, guys? Adele, welcome to. Welcome to the space. How's it going, guys? Yo, fam, I had to leave my house because I was bugging real bad. I'm on the way to my gym right now.

Community Appreciation

Appreciate the Dojano dog community. If I see a dojo, no dog, fam. I immediately blocked that PFP, fam. What is that? I like that crowdy. I feel the love, brother. I do the same thing. I. My timeline is all normies. And what else, Tom? Vivians. I don't really listen to hip hop, but you could call me walk up blocker. You see, you see how, like, sentiment just picks up, like, as the markets pick up. Like, if the markets were down today, we'd all be like, fuck this guy. Fuck that. Blah, blah, blah. Get this guy off here. Oh, my God. Blah, blah. Then markets are going up. We're sure. We're having laughs, we're chuckling, we're sharing, we're. We're having a good time. Gay laughs, brother. Gay laughs. It's such a big difference.

Market Emotions

The timeline be bipolar as fuck, people be like, we're so done one day and we're so back. Why don't I come? All it takes is 4 hours impersonating torontonian accents. Real talk. Nothing. That's what I fucking thought. Yeah. Are you from drill park? Yo, where are you from, fam? Where? You're not even in the end right now, fam. I'm in the fucking ends right now, bro. I'm from the alpine mountains, my friend. That was Taj here speaking on stage. We got co hosts, reed and extra slow helping out. My name is Tom Bibian. I'm your host for today. We want to hear your shills as well, if you got a good. Tom. Hi, moonstruck, how you doing? I'm good, I'm good. I tried to stalk you last night. Oh, baby. Ken, folks thirsty Thursday, but you weren't there.

Event Highlights

Oh, very disappointed. That's all right. Well, that's why he wasn't there. I'm glad. I'm glad you're here today for TGI fuck yourself. The number one Friday show in all of web three. Either you're gonna get some traction on your post, we're gonna follow and engage and retweet, or you're gone. You're gone. You're just absolutely freaking gone. We're not gonna have any patience for it. We had someone come up on stage, I said, give me your show. They were like, hold on. Yeah, no, that's it. That's it. That's all the time you get. Sorry. Go up top, everybody. Retweet that pin post. I got three kin folks nfts to give away at 40, 50 and 60 people. Yeah, three freaking sweet nfts from a great community. There's also a chat bubble.

Community Engagement

Bottom right hand corner of your screen, there's an up arrow. An arrow pointing up at the very top of the space. If you click that up arrow, you can easily send out invites via direct message. We got three web kids here on stage as well. Tajdeh, read and extra slow. We got some dojo dog homies here with us as well. Bam and Simon, thanks for pulling up all these great communities joining us here today. Big, big shout out, JPZ and blockchain from the retardios. Nice of you to be here. Hey, since you missed thirsty Thursday last night, that was lit, there was some giveaways. We baptized another two cousins fucking. They're both on the stream here.

Token Discussion

JPZ and tech both got a cousin last night on stream, so that's five cousins baptized on the kinfolks. Black space or Kinfo's space at this point. Excellent. Yeah, I like the kinfolks. You know, I didn't realize they had, like, some retardio traits. And within their collection, I scooped up some of those. I really like that. The retardio, any, like, retardio derivative I collect, whether it's an ordinal or like an ETH project or whatever, I just. It's just something that I kind of do like as a hobby is. So if I see a retardio trait within a collection, I just go scoop it up and so, yeah, there's been, like, retardio traits within, like, several, like, solana NFT projects, some ordinal projects as well.

Market Insights

So I'm on the hunt for those. And yeah, speaking of retardio, floor price on those climbing today pretty substantially. Looking at like 19 sol, if I'm not mistaken, up 10% within the last 24 hours. So we're seeing gains across the space here today. So everyone's making some money, everyone's making some moolah. We're in a good mood in general. And my advice personally is to hang on, let your winners run. So if you're up on that NFT, if you're up on that cryptocurrency, just let it run. You know what I mean? Take, cut your losses. You know, cut your losses. If something is tanking, you can use like, you know, a stop loss type scenario.

Investment Strategies

So your risk tolerance is down to like five or 10%. But, you know, on the upside, if something is making you money, if something is gaining, like, whether it's, I don't know, bitcoin, ethereum or something like that, you can just let it run. You don't, you don't have to exit, you can just let the gainers run. Or whether that's an NFT, let those run. But make sure you set those stop losses because one of the things that's like, really, I don't know, kind of gets my goat in the space is like, seeing like, I don't know, a 10% loss turn into like a 70% loss or something like that. You don't want that to happen. You know, like just swallow your pride, admit you were wrong, and take the five or 10% loss or something like that.

Personal Experiences

So, yeah, that happened with me with, say, token sei, I think I bought it for like a dollar and then dropped down to like $0.65 or something like that. And I was like, fine, I'm just out. I'm not, I'm not going to lose like 100 grand to this thing, you know what I mean? And then it went down to like a quarter. It literally went down like a quarter. So if I didn't sell at $0.65, it would have like, turned into like this massive, like, sell, but it's bouncing back, say, token, of course, very fast network that I've also kind of perused as well. I don't know if anyone on stage has messed around with that network, but yeah, fast speeds, cheap prices, sort of like Solana.


So maybe it's going to be an interesting thing come around the next cycle here today. If you want to come on stage, give us your takes on the market share, something also definitely come hang out. Thank you to Taj from the web kids for joining us, 51 for being here. Moonstruck blockchain and Sal for being here. Drizzy tardio from the Jutardio collection for being here. I want to maybe host some more spaces for them. They've been doing some great things as well. They got an organic community to active group and yeah, we want to talk NFTs web three, everything in between. Crypto prices surging here today, bitcoin bouncing back and yeah, Solana NFTs ETH, NFTs and ordinals getting volume.

Solana NFT Market Insights

Play Solana is number eight in terms of 24 hours volume at 1.3 Solana. Up 5% in 24 hours. Planosaurus, those of those clay dinosaurs, are number nine at 12.5 sol. I'm actually kind of a fan of Kleinosaurs because I feel like it's like 3d art, it's animation. It seems like they have a responsible team. So maybe one day I'll get one of those ten Saurians. Number ten at 8.15 is your top ten volume leaders across the Solana landscape.

Engaging With the Community

If you have a project you want to come tell us about, definitely come hang out here on stage. Let us know your thoughts. And, yeah, we're about to give away some of these NFTs from the kin folks collection that's minting out right now. So, yeah, let's see if we can crank this room up. There's also a chat bubble, bottom right hand corner of your screen. Go click that, guys. Go click that chat bubble, bottom right hand corner. And you see, hey, I just wanted to point out, since you were going through the NFT numbers, retardios flipped, redacted remelio babies again and again.

Celebrations and Team Dynamics

Yep, yep. That's a very big cost for celebration. Retarded Eos flipping Romelio. Basically both malady derivatives. So, yeah, it looks like there's some reason to celebrate there. Welcome to Moses. Love, Bonnie face. Moses, what's going on? Hi, Tom. What's that? I'm good. I'm fine. It's good to be here. I just jumped into the space. I also saw the chill and shield and. It's cool. It's cool to be here. This is my first time on your space, so I just followed you and. Yeah.

Conversations and Casual Humor

Thank you. Are you taking a piss while you're on our stage? It sounds like you're taking a piss while he's on our stage. Yeah, no, I have not gone. No, you don't piss on my stage, Moses. There is this fan that's, I'm in a room and there's a fan close to me, so maybe I'll just. Hey, hey. Do you got. You got something to show? Yes. Yes, I do. Hurry up. Show it. Show it with hate. Show it with hate. hey. hurry up. Yeah, he, All right.

Introduction and Artistic Expression

I'm Penta from West Africa. I have. I do work with oil pens and canvas. So my awards are physical painting. Yeah. So I have my paintings. I take pictures of them, which I have as nfts. Some of them are available on foundation. And I have a couple of my works, also on objects. I have this piece I want to share with you all. It's titled the Alchemist. Alchemist. I don't know if it shares here. I see it's just one post there, but I just. I just shared that. That's like my pin suite.

Artwork Overview and Platform Discussion

alchemist is made with oil paint and covers, and, that piece is available on foundation. I'd like to talk a little bit about it, but then just so I don't talk too long. yep, that's it. Yeah, it's there. All right. That's cool. That's cool. I know foundation. It's a pretty decent platform, for nfts. That was Moses on stage giving us their show. Thank you for stopping by. Want to welcome Trev on stage as well.

Trev's Insights and Plans

How's it going, amigo? What's up, boss? Yo, yo. Yeah, were just speaking about you a few minutes ago, and then, boom, you're here, and I popped up. You guys spawned me. Yeah, that's crazy. How's it going? Everything good? Yeah, it's good. I'm excited for this week, man. I'm going to anime Con tomorrow, and then later on in the week, I'm gonna go to skid row and rodeo drive and do a beach stream.

Plans and Humor in Los Angeles

Hit me up when you go to rodeo. I'm not far. Yeah, that'd be cool to do a video. Yeah, I'm gonna do. Yeah, I'm gonna go to rodeo, and then I'm gonna go to skid row, and then hopefully I don't die in skid row. I'm kind of nerd like. I've been to Los Angeles. Like. I know you should be nervous because we're already planning for your funeral, brother. You're on the poly market.

Health Risks and Projections

There's a 67% chance that you're gonna die. No way. His kidneys are mine. People are better. I wouldn't bet against you, though, because you. Are you serious? There's actually a bet for that fucking kidney? Send it to me. That. Send me the link in the DM. Yeah, man. Check your wallet, too. That is funny. Yeah. Hopefully I don't die, though. I'm definitely.

Challenging Conversations

Yeah. Fuck. Well, if you do, the shit's gonna pump, so it's better for my bags. Yeah, go buy, nigga. Bro. It stands for now I got a giga ape, nigga. Oh, I thought it standed for black people. No, it stands for now. I got a giga ape. Well, now I'm gonna sell. Nice. Yeah, now I'm flooring that shit.

Perceptions of Skid Row

Yeah, I mean, in general, skid row isn't that dangerous? They're just like. They're just depressed. Like, bro. Yeah. Just don't have nothing of valuable. They got hella knives and shit. That's like, rob you for your foil, brother. No, no, the thing is, they're happy over there because they're all on cracks, so they're the happiest motherfuckers you ever see.

Experiences in Skid Row

I was driving by and I saw two crackheads with singing into a microphone, but there was no karaoke thing, and they were doing backflips and shit on the freeway. And I never seen such athleticism because right now you might be asking to purchase some fentanyl or crack, but they're not gonna, like, bug you. And the fentanyl's fake and the crack is real, but, yeah, skid rows.

Thoughts on Substance Use

Like my Disneyland. I'm excited. Yeah. That was not a microphone. That was a sticker bar, bro. Like, I don't even know. And as a sticker bar, that means it was a piece of shit. I think it's the opposite. I think on skid row the crack is fake and the fentanyl is real. But who's counting, you know? Moon pie. Moon pie. Joe's counting.

Community and Conversations

All good for counting. In the telegram. We're burning and we're gambling crack. Like, fucking casino faggots. As long as those crackers have my money, I don't care what's real or fake or not. Who said that they were next to rodeo, Tom? Me. The. Yeah, well, I mean, I'm not. I'm like.

Plans and Transportation in Los Angeles

Like, maybe, like ten minutes away, so. Yeah, you know, like an Uber from Lax to fucking rodeo drive. That's gonna be like a. I'm up to take an Uber from there to fucking skid row. Should be like a $100. I'm probably just gonna, like, sleep on the streets or, like, just do, like, a. Like a 34 hours live stream, dude, just go get a fucking little bubble hotel.

Aspirations in a Unique Setting

Those fucking pods, bro. You'd be good. I think it's. I think it would be cooler if I slept on the streets. I know a really good alleyway where people get racist bucket. I could probably find a friend to sleep with on, like, a bench or something. Really good ghost towns and LA alleyways where people don't go to. You could probably shoot a horror film while you're out there.

Creative Endeavors in Los Angeles

You could be the next Jordan Peele. Yeah, I'm excited, Trev. Why don't you follow me back? Gonna be the next black dahlia on who? He's got crack, Trip. No, I literally. This is show. It's a crack show, and it's. We got. Trev's talking to now. I got a gig. I do have a token.

Innovative Endeavors in Web3

And on that token, I am doing the craziest stuff on live streams ever. Never done before. How did that watermelon feel when it hits you right in your fucking face? Travel. Yeah, do that. That didn't feel. My. My nose hurt for, like, the next couple of days. I bruised it. I got a guy for that.

Consultation and Support

For what? For deviated septums. He'll fix you right up. I got two noses. I thought you got a watermelon guy. I was like, all right, let's get it. Let's get another show going here in the chillin show. We're doing. We're doing a lot of chilling. I'm ready for some village chilling draft.

Engagement with the Community

Five shenanigans. How's it going? Draft. Welcome on stage. Stop. What's up, Tom? How you doing? You guys asked for a chill. I'm here to shield for you. Really quick. I'm down. We're talking. Let's freaking go. Draft. Welcome, everyone. This is a Friday edition of TGI.

Audience Engagement and Expectations

Fuck yourself. Either we're gonna engage with your post, follow, give you some traction, or you're out of here. There's no in between. I'm your host, Tom Bibbie, and along with co host Reid Cloud, and extra slow shout out to all of our speakers here, joyless, Trav, 51, Taj from the web, kids, moonstruck, moon pie from the crack, token and ivy for pulling up draft.

Gratitude and Acknowledgments

Take it away. All right, thank you, guys. Thank you for the stage. All the shout out to the co host. Shout out to all the speakers. I see some familiar faces. Real quick, guys. So drafty. You know, we're not just another meme community. We're. We're pushing utility. You know, we're bringing utility back to the chain.

Developer and Community Engagement

Our developer, Hank, you know, he goes hard every day he's out here. Harden the paint. Cult forming hashtag we believe in Hank. So real quick about us, we have a. We've got a bot that he's made. He's put, built it all from scratch. We've got games on there. You can play with other community members.

Interactive Gaming and Community Engagement

You can gamble. Solana, you can gamble. Drafty. We're working. You know, it's about a week's worth of coding, but he is working on it. Where other communities that pick up our bot will be able to use their token to gamble with amongst their community. We got games, we got dice, we got race, we got bowling, we got blackjack, we got Texas hold'em.

Exciting Community Features

We got trivia night coming, got all this great stuff. We got about five groups right now. We just opened the doors. So, like, anybody got a CTO community want to make some money? Hit us up, come check us out. Play games with your friends, play games with your mom. But it is gambling, so be responsible.

Responsible Gaming and Community Involvement

You know, don't risk too much. Don't put the house on it. My grandmother on it. I put it on. Corrupt fund calm. I'm gambling. Cracking a telegram off of corrupt funds bot shout out metatron. Thank you. Thank you for your show, though. Draft. That was good. Yeah, no, that was very interesting.

Introduction to Token Discussion

And what is this? A Solana token. It is a Solana token. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome, draft. Thanks for stopping by. Draft fi shenanigans here on stage. They also have a telegram, so do check that out. Thank you, draft for stopping by. Yeah, that was pretty cool.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

So, yeah, you're gonna hang out. We're gonna get you some traction here because, yeah, either you're gone or we're gonna show you a little bit of that love, trev. The crackhead dev, for being here. Muchos gracias. Yeah. Stoked that you could be here with us. Yeah. Skid row. Not that dangerous.

Reflections on Community and Safety

I think the most thing that you should be most concerned about is a dangerous dirty needle syringe coming at you while down there. You're not going to get robbed or, I've been there. You're not going to get robbed or anything. You know, I've been there too. Yeah, I've been there. So I just haven't been there in a while.

Memories and Insights on Past Experiences

It's like. I don't know. I don't know how it is. Yeah, we should do a video and then, like, be like, hey, yeah, it's. It's Tom and the crackhead dev. Yeah, yeah, I'm excited. Yeah, no, yeah, I just want to show it again, guys. I did create my own coin, nigga.

The Creation of a New Coin

Now I got a giga ape. I just went. Went public with it, like, a couple days ago. Fascist tweeted out, we have some people helping me out, pushing it. I'm going live tomorrow at anime Con 09:00 a.m. pacific standard time. We are going to anime Con 09:00 a.m. standard Pacific time.

Plans for Upcoming Events

Live on pump fun on the nigga token. All right, let's freaking go. As long as it doesn't have the hard r, it's fine. I feel like I won't get canceled if that's the case. Want to welcome Blaze Babe, one of my favorite people in web three. Blaze babe. How's it going? It's going okay.

Interactions and Social Dynamics

I'm a little tired. Like, was about to take a nap, but I saw your space is running. I was like, all right, maybe I'll pop by. Well, thank you. Yeah, we had some of the Dojan old dog peeps in here earlier as well. Yeah, she has on a dojano mog, brother. I think it's fucking cool.

Discussion on Community Dynamics

You put my glasses on your dojo? No. So it's a dojo mog. What? I don't have sunglasses on it. I got the mog. I'm a fog morning. Like, it changed it when I clicked your profile spaces. Yeah, yeah. Sorry for fighting your PFP.

Identification and Community Identity

No, no. I did have that. I was. But I was confused because I've changed my PFP so many times. I was like, that one's still showing. Like, that's crazy. No, this one was like Waka Flocka's PFP that he capitulated and, like, left, so they gave it to me. I don't know.

Wrapping Up and Future Collaborations

How are you guys doing? Going good, going good. This is a special Friday edition of our spaces. Either we let you shill do your thing, but if it's a crappy shill, you get removed promptly from the space. There's no in between. We do have some cool individuals here.

Recapping Discussions and Insights

We've heard some great takes, different projects coming up, telling us about what they have going on. Also, moonpie from crack, Trev telling us about their project also. So shout out to them. Thanks to everyone in the audience for coming by. We had draftfi telling us about their project also.

Looking Out for Community Members

Yeah, and Babe, you were telling me about how your account got suspended. So let's try and get you back going, but follow Babe here on stage. She's always hanging out with us and keeping the dorks in web three company. So, yeah, kudos to you for helping us out in that regard.

Proposal for Collaborative Projects

If you ever. So also, if you ever want to do, like, a video space, you don't have to go on video, but if you make me co host, I can go on video and entertain people while you talk about, like, your charts and shit like that. Yeah, I would do that, but then, like, you know, it's not going to work because no one's going to, like, listen to me.

Community Building and Engagement

You know, they're going to be like, oh, look, she's here. That's the point. Like, so we could do it, like, if people sell, I'll to put my clothes back on. That could be a good. That could be a good incentivizer in general. You know, I think.

Planning for Collaborative Ventures

I think what we should do is Trev, me, you and Babe get together, bring. I have an idea for. For something I would like to launch. I've just been looking for the. The proper developer to help me, so, like, oh, baby, I'm the developer right now.

Trust and Collaboration

All right, Tom. All right, Tom. We got spectrum Internet. Yeah. No, I need somebody that I trust, and you're clearly a well respected member of the community, so I can. We can talk privately. 51 knows about the idea and so does UMGD, so I would like them on the ground floor with me.

Integrating Community Knowledge and Skills

We can ask books and bark. You mean you have their pfe? You know. No, no. I want to do this separately from them. This is. This is mine. This is mine. You know what I mean? No, no, this is mine.

Recent Experiences and Relationships

yeah, well, I appreciate that. It only took me three years to get a sliver of respect, in this space. You know, I don't think you liked me when I. When we first met, which is funny. Like, at least you got respect. Yeah, yeah, that's true.

Personal Growth and Community Challenges

It took three years of, like, fun talking people, you know, now that I've become, like, more embedded in the computer, in the community, and I understand, like, crypto, like, better, and I understand what's been going on. I've been just getting so much pushback, especially from females.

Navigating Social Dynamics

Females have been fighting me so hard. Like, I'm like, it's crazy. Like, I've been blocking anybody who, like, does not, like, literally. They're actually blocking you before. You're blocking. No, no. I blocked. I've been blocking them for, like, no, they're blocking you for sure.

Social Interactions and Reflection

No, well, one of them did after I blocked her first. No, I'm not. No. People keep their dog, and they're like, no. I go into spaces and I'm chit chatting. I go into spaces and I chitchat, and girls have something to say about, like, how I'm talking and this, that, and the next thing, like, they're like, they call me annoying, and, like, it's, like, crazy.

Tensions and Responses

It's insanity. This one girl from the dojo dogs community capitulated after I went for her neck, after she came for me first. Like, did she actually call you annoying, though, or no. Yeah, she kept calling me, and she was so nasty to me. Like, she asked me some question on her stage.

Experiences with Conflict

Like, she was like, you know, what's your biggest sexual fantasy? Or something like that. And it was something I didn't feel comfortable answering, and she kicked me off stage. Made fun of me. Made fun of me. Wait, wait, wait. You had a hard time answering that one? Like, let's be real.

Personal Insights and Reflections

That's my. Why? She's like, why is this girl playing me? But you know what? But she didn't. She didn't understand that. Like, I've been sexually assaulted in my life and things like that. And so that was a hard question for me to ask.

Difficult Conversations and Support Needs

So I tried to answer. I said, I gave her answer. I was like, I can tell you about some of the kink. Like, the kinks that, like, I've dealt with. She was like, no, no. We need to know yours. Like, as if she was telling her real, like, actual kink. Like, she shamed me over.

Handling Unexpected Critiques

Like that. Like, so there was that. And then the next day, I went into a space with her, and I asked her a question. She muted me and said she was going to be muting me for a long time. She literally stepped on my neck, kept pressing on my neck and just wouldn't let go. I felt so claustrophobic.

Emotional Responses to Hostility

And I left the space and I went to another dojo dog community and I started crying in there. And the next thing I know, she fucking deactivated her account. And all the Dojindel dolls were saying that it had nothing to do with me. I think it did.

Reflection on Effects of Conflict

I think I pushed her over the edge because I came for her. Oh my gosh, that's horrible. I mean, look, I think anything to deserve that, like, it just came out of nowhere. What I'll say is, that's a toxic community. Look in the audience, there's six web kids.

Observations on Community Dynamics

What does that tell you? Only two dojs. That means you should probably listen. I know it's a toxic community, but. But they do provide value. So like, I just have to have a thicker skin, you know what I mean? All I'm saying is, look in the audience.

Craigslist Experience

Twice. Twice back in 2012. I saw an ad for Craigslist and I signed up, and, like, they trafficked me onto there. Like, they set me up with a name and everything like that. And the commission. So the commission rates are all completely fucked up. It's based on how much you work, how much you make, the incentives to stay online, and the customers won't pay you if you're not online. So, like, this guy. Okay, and then fast forward to 2019.

Encounter with a Stalker

I met a man on seeking arrangements who I believe that my original stalker, like, hired or whatever, told, like, told to meet me. This man sexually assaulted me and told me he wanted me to work for him as an escort. And I was, like, shook, and I was like, no, thank you. I'm not gonna do that. But I used to cam, maybe I could do that. So he had me set up a cam profile for a bunch of, like, he started, like, funneling models, like, people to me that he would meet off of seeking arrangements.

Sex Trafficking and Mental Health Effects

He, like, he told me to go by Meg, and, like, he had this website called redhealssociety.com, which is a sex trafficking site. And, like, he would. He would send me girls and try to get me to sign them up or whatever. And he was taking a cut of what I was making, and it was, like. It was causing me, like, my mental health, like, to go so crazy. I left the fucking state. I left the state because, like, I was so afraid of this man. Like, he wouldn't leave me alone. Louis, stop.

Chilling Messages and Moving

He wouldn't leave me alone. He left me a voicemail saying, hey, slut. We have a visit planned for you this week. Like, the most chilling message I've ever received, and I literally left the state. I moved to Florida three years ago. Fast forward. So, I got back online, I stopped communicating with this person, and I shot to fame. Like, I made, like, a lot of money in 2021.

Realization of a Fake Fan

And I thought I had all of these fans, but it turned out I had one fan masquerading as 100 different people, and that shit tripped me up. I thought this man was having a psychological break. I thought he was having multiple personality disorder. I went to the company that I worked for. Cause I was. I was a top ten ranked model in 2021. Like, out of everyone in the country, like, I mean, in the world, like, Romania, Colombia, whatever, Russia.

Success and Recognition

I was number nine. That meant I made more money than everybody except for the eight above me. You know what I mean? They flew me to Cancun for, like, an exclusive trip, and. And they're doing that again. So they do it every. Every year, they have a summit or whatever, and I'm pretty sure one of the girls I know there, like, there was a gangbang and stuff like that, and I did not participate in any of that, but there's some sick shit that goes on in that company.

Allegations against Andrew Tate

Like, the stuff that's going on with. With Andrew Tate. I guarantee you Andrew Tate has a studio under this company because they real. And the company realized back between 2014 and 2019, I noticed there was a difference. Louie, stop it. When I got on that site, I stopped camming on there in 2019. I mean, in 2014, when I got back on there, I noticed there was a lot of differences.

Changes in the Industry

So flirt for free realized that this guy was on all of these different cam sites, paying all these models. So they bought all of those sites. They bought as many sites as they could, and they put them under his umbrella. And basically, this guy drives is 90% of their traffic. He determines the rankings of these models based on his level of obsession with them. This, that the next thing, like, and he'll just.

Manipulation of Revenue

So I never understood why somebody would take me into a private chat sometimes and stop talking to me. Like, they'd be paying $12 a minute, and I'd be like, hey, are you there? Are you there? It's because he would just, like, set it up so it would start paying me, and then he would go on into the next model's room. He's like, okay, she's being taken care of.

Concerns for Safety

Whatever. Like, or he would answer every now and then. Like, I imagine he has, like, I don't even know how many computers or whatever, but, like, he is a hacker. Like, and what else? What else? So fast forward to 2022. Like, I mean, and a lot of really bad things happened to me. Like, people got hurt. Like, my car got stolen, my wallet got stolen, my sister's brakes were messed with.

Threats and Harassment

Like, somebody left a note under my door saying that they saw me on the balcony and they wanted to make content with me. Like, some guy drove by and harassed me in front of a police officer and gave me a Bluetooth speaker that he wanted the hard rock because I was staying at the. Just weird, bizarre shit. I got slipped Molly at a club.

Further Victimization

Like, this guy definitely pays people to, like, go around and do shit. Like, the reason he had my car stolen is because that car didn't have GPS. He had met this guy at the hard Rock hotel in Fort Lauderdale. I just hung out with him like, nothing. And then. And then the next time I hung out with him, he all of a sudden, he had all of this equipment that he wanted set up in my house.

Security Breach

So I let this guy into my house, and I let him convince me to buy a bunch of Amazon echoes. So he literally bugged my house. He bugged my house. So it was all connected to my ring camera and this, that. And the next thing, the morning after, a guy that I went on a date with. And by the way, the guy that came over, like, technically, you bugged your house.

Monitoring and Control

Just technically? Yes. Technically, yeah. So whatever. So then. So then I went on a date with this guy, not that guy that came to my house. Like, he was gross. Like, he. Like, he. I think he was trying to, like, get blackmail on me. Like, also, I think he was trying to, like, I don't know, get me to sleep with this dude so that way he could get me fired or some shit like that.

Avoiding Trouble

I don't even know. But I did not. I did not take that bait, because, like, that was gross. Like, he. The dude slept in my bed, and I just, like, sat on the couch and waited for him to get up. Like, because I was like, I need. I need, like, whatever. And then fast forward to 2022. When a guy I went on a date with, the morning I left, he left my apartment.

Accident Aftermath

He got into an accident and totaled his car. And, like, I believed that was him, like, trying to get him out of, like, the way so that I would be able to stay home. And I went to the company and I said, this is happening. This is happening. Like, help me out. And they were like, don't worry. We've had similar situations with another model.

History of Abuse

You'll be fine. So they confirmed that this is not the first time this has happened. I know this has happened before. I know he does this to everybody. And when I got. When they weren't responding to me with some stuff, well, one time I had an appointment with an SVU detective that I was supposed to be meeting with. and I got to my car, and my brand new car battery was dead.

System Failures

I couldn't get in the car, right? And Onstar wouldn't send anybody. Triple A wouldn't send anybody. So I went back. Who are you? Why do you have so many goddamn ops? Like, who are you? What? What? It's just one op. It's just one op. God. Just one. It's just, eating a chocolate chip cookie, just like, this is like a fucking mystery ballerina episode.

Car Troubles

Oh, my God. It's crazy, right? And so my car wouldn't start or whatever. It was completely dead. Brand new ct four that I had gotten in August. This was October. He definitely drained. He probably turned the car on from the app and just had left it running or. I don't know what he did. He drained the battery somehow.

Suspicious Circumstances

And I think because I bought the car through some sort of GM factory discount code that he gave me. He somehow has control over, like, Onstar or something, because they wouldn't send it. So I called. I called him. So I went back to my apartment. I screen recorded the facetime call, and I said, what are you doing to my car? Blah, blah, blah. This is fucking ridiculous.

Posting Harassment

And, like. And I tipped that screen recording, and I posted it to X, and I said, models, this is my stalker. He probably stalks you, too. Blah, blah. And as soon as I did that, flirt for free. Responded with banning my account. And then they hit me with a cease and desist for some. For some stuff that I posted about virtual human trafficking.

Consequences of Action

And also, they put out a letter about me saying that, blaming me, saying that I shouldn't have given out my personal information, right. Which I didn't. I mean, I'm sure I did at some point, but he'd already had my information. He investigated me. What? And then it ended with a letter that said just. Yeah, yeah.

Sharing the Floor

Hold on, hold on, hold on. We're going to throw the mic over to Donnie dark. I want to welcome Herca on stage all in blaze. Thanks for sharing your taste, Blaze. Blaze has let me perv out on her live stream, so I just kind of left. Let her kind of do her thing here, get it off her chest, because I'm like, you know, it gets lonely at midnight.

Conversations on Human Trafficking

You know what I mean? Quite the chest. Quite the chest to get off. That's what happens, you know? No one told you to leave, bro. Well, we're shilling. We're shilling. We're shilling human trafficking here today. No, I'll be real, though. By kids on the Internet. By web kids, bro, half of these, like, cam sites are actually, like, literal fronts for human trafficking.

Comparison to Ghislaine Maxwell

Yeah, I know. So basically, you're like Jizz Lane Maxwell is what I got out of that. Who's that? That was me. That was a co-host. No, no, no. I mean, who's the person that you said you. You're like Ghislaine Maxwell because you were, like, onboarding these women. it's Ghulain, actually. Actually, I'm glad.

Opportunities in Streaming

Can you get a job for a nigga trying to do some webcam and know, you know, I'm saying I get. I could. I could shake it. I could spin it with Scott. I do something strange for a piece of change. What's up? Can we try to list with. With a deal, please? Like, I'd be down for that, Trev.

Discussion on Male Nudity

You and I can work on this. I'm sure there's a market for this for male nudity on live stream. Come on, man, let's do this after this space. Now, you said male nudity on live stream. What the. You don't know what I look like, brother. You're gonna fall in love with.

Streaming and Performance

Join me. Join me tonight for my spaces. I'll be shaking my meat for 24 hours continuously on the stream. It will be slapping my thighs. I might drop dollar sign. Slap dollar sign, baby oil, all that. I'm launching my feet finder after this, boys, so if you really want to.

The Feet Finder Platform

Yeah, I'm gonna have. I'm gonna. I'm gonna bring read on stream. He's gonna clap out for the team. Get that fool who's, like, crazy at. What's the. With Geo. Geo. What the fuck is that chick called? Geo locator or whatever. Whoa. Geo Rainbow.

Promotion and Engagement

No, you'll just have to. You'll have to find who does geoguessr like crazy. Get him on feed finder, too. What is. Guys, come find my feet tomorrow. The boomer translation here is there's an Onlyfans type of website where you can literally just sell your feet pics, bro.

Exploring Online Markets

And it's called feet finder.com. and honestly, like, any fucking cisgender, whatever the fuck, heterosexual male that's here, that's, like, not on. On feet finders selling their feet pics to gay men. Like, you're leaving money on the table. I'm like, I sold my socks one time to this old perverted man.

Bizarre Transactions

He said he wanted stinky work boot socks, and he gave me $300 for them. I did it three times. That's a bag. Fuck your crypto bag. I'm selling bag. But all I had to do was work and then put my fucking socks in a ziploc and drop. Drop it off at this fucking weird pedo's house.

Taking Risks for Money

Bro's a dub. You went to his house? That's crazy. I didn't give a fuck. Give me that money. Hand to hand transaction. Here's my. Like, I didn't go in my brain, okay? Yeah. I didn't go inside. He asked me to nut on the socks and I couldn't. That's where I had to draw the line.

Reflections on Decisions

But, you know, in retrospect, I should have did it. He was offering 500. Yeah, that was the. You dropped the ball there, buddy. I did. I did, brother. Yeah, it was a bad fumble record. Calm is real. Yeah, feet finder is real.

Opportunity in Foot Fetishes

You didn't know that? You should have run your money up, moonstruck. You could get all of these men on here to fucking go pay for your feet. There's so many depraved men in web three. It's like the easiest bag you can make. My feet aren't even that good.

Confidence in Selling Feet

My toes, like there's somebody who thinks you got good feet. Tom, don't put yourself out of your bag. Yeah, I do have a foot NFT of my feet. Just one, though. Well, try to go sell it to the highest bidder. Go be the next playmate, Jay Lean, or whatever the fuck her name is, dude.

Future Aspirations

And just try to get 250 soul for a date and yeah, all will be well. I know, guys. I'm pumped. Look, we got a great panel of speakers here on stage. Trev the crackhead Dev Taj from the web kids, moonstruck blockchain, the one and only blaze babe dizzy on stage as well.

Welcoming Participants

Want to welcome all in. And Hercae here also, herko. What's going on, amigo? Yo, how's everybody doing today? Go fuck yourself. Yeah, I look. Mkultra. Study mkultra on bitcoin. It's damp, decentralized, anonymous media platform, and it all ties into rune milio.

Connections with Others

Rune fucking melio. Let's go now. Mid lady, mid lady and web kids. All right, that's the dealio. Welcome to the space. Let's see if we can get a kinfolk given away here today. I want everyone to go up top to that pin post, por favor.

Engagement with the Audience

Retweet that. There's also a chat bubble, bottom right hand corner of your screen. Go click that. Let's see if we can give away some kinfolks NFTs here as well before we got to close up in maybe 30 minutes or so. In the meantime, we're going to read some of the headlines in web three, the top trending volume leaders in the space.

Market Updates

Of course, cryptocurrency prices coming back in a big way. We're seeing bitcoin climb Ethereum and the others also on the up and up. Looks like top ten volume leaders on the Ethereum side of things. Pudgy Penguins number one at 10.4, bored Ape yacht club number two at 11.2.

Trading Statistics

E crypto punks, number 327.7. Gamble is number four at 0.13. Mutant Ape Yacht Club down 4%. But number five in terms of 24 hours, volume at 1.8 eth. Milady maker number six, 3.1 ETh known origin is number seven, Azuki is number eight, and little pudgies is number nine in terms of 24 hours.

Investment Opportunities

Ethereum volume number ten is Memeland at 10.3 eth. Top ten volume leaders on the Ethereum side of thing. You got a project, you want to shill us, this is the place to do it. Everyone get some time here on stage to come hang out. Tell us what they're working on. A big shout out to our speakers.

Connecting with the Community

Yeah. And of course, our co-hosts here as well for joining us here also. They've been so supportive of what I do in this space and I want to thank them so much for. For joining us here on stage. Follow Reid and extra on stage as well. Guys, thank you to you guys for joining us.

Launching New Tokens

They're also hanging out in the web kids Telegram, which is 24/7 super fun, super comical. I saw you guys were launching the clit token. How are things going? What happened? Yeah, that wasn't the web kids. I was just Benji. We were back in one of our friends for the clit token.

Cryptocurrency Challenges

Yeah, it was a web kids holder that launched that. Actually, he was the CTO lead. He found it on fun. It was a rub token. It was called the ticker was clit, and it was currently lost in the sauce. So you know the acronym. They couldn't find it after they launched it.

Frustrations with Projects

You know, this is how it always goes, bro. We got that shit to. Then it got fucking turbojeted down to like, ten. And like, were all like, okay, well, I guess we just round trip to bag. Like, fuck it, you know, try to get a coin to fucking radium these days and it's damn near impossible unless you have literally every fucking bit of Solana lined up to get that shit to Ray before, you know, you even announce a CTO or launch a token because Solana is a fucking Gdas blockchain, dude, period.

Community Issues

That's. I hear that's been becoming more of an issue. Yeah. And, like, for me, I noticed that there was even more traction. I don't know, like, everyone's always so excited to get to radium, but for me, when I was trying to do something, it was more activity, more interest when it was on pump.

Behavioral Patterns

And then once it was on radium, I just, like, had, like, people being, oh, well, now it's on radio, so I guess party's over. I don't know. It was very anticlimactic. Yeah, it's like post nut clarity for tokens. Like they. They get all hyped up on pump and then it gets to radium and just like, oh, yeah.

Final Thoughts

I'm like, okay, it doesn't trade. It just didn't like, it wasn't like it was hard to sustain the price. I want to welcome one of my favorite neo Nazis to the space as well. Nate, how's it going? Yo, nigga, white power. Let's go, baby. Yep. Thanks for joining us, Nate.

Diversity in Community

Much appreciated. We welcome anyone and everyone on stage, regardless of prejudice as well. So thank you for stopping by. Yeah, much appreciated. It's good to have co-hosts. That way I can, like, you know, not take the crap if someone's like, hey, motherfucker, why'd you remove me?

Facilitating Dialogue

Wasn't me. I valiantly removed that man. Don't come up here talking that. No, because you know what happens? Are you fucking scumbag piece of shit, Neil? No, because you know what happens is they're like, get the fuck off the stage. Later, when I go in there, chat, they'll be like, tom, remove me that stupid kite.

Maintaining Control

What the fuck? And then I can, like, have, like, plausible deniability. No one like, no, I didn't know it. No, I didn't. I didn't fucking do that. I had your back, though. What? Yeah, like, in the, like, in the mind lady. They're like, oh, you're a do the.

Perceptions of Involvement

And like, I don't know. I'm like, yeah, okay. Yeah, whatever, guys. Like, I'm only, like, the biggest supporter of your neo nazi collection. sure. You want to, like, you know, people are so dumb in web three. You know what I mean? They're like, oh, my God, this guy.

Conflicting Involvements

Like, I'm hosting spaces for them, sweeping their collection, like, giving it away, but then they're like, but he's jew. I don't know. What should we do, guys? I'm like, all right, fine. You want to. You want to boot me out? You want to, like, trash me or whatever, fine. Yeah.

Conclusion on Community Dynamics

In the. In the exposing Tom Bibby in space, I heard that, your. They said your ego was almost as big as your nose, and I found that. I found that kind offensive. I was a little offended, I'm not gonna lie. Exactly. Ego is way fucking bigger than your nose.

Reflections on Criticism

It's ridiculous. Fucking assholes. It's okay. I don't. I don't worry about that. Yeah, do check out that page, Tom. Vivian exposed the most. Yeah. Incriminating information about me out there on the Internet. And, you know, everything that you read on the web is true, by the way.

Credibility Checks

So just do keep that in mind. Regardless of the source. It doesn't matter what you read, if it's on the web. Do check it out. I want to thank the lovely ladies for joining us here today. Moonstruck and blazed, babe, for joining us here today.

End of Show Appreciation

Shout out to the queens of Web three. I want to see Blaze get back on her feet because her account, I guess, was suspended for whatever reason. And it's always annoying when that happens. So go follow blaze, babe. Here on stage.

Final Farewell

Want to welcome dizzy and all in. All in. How's it going? What's up, man? You hear me? Yeah, yeah. What? What profile picture is that? Let me see. I don't remember. It's Friday, Tom. I'm not liking this, Tom.

Energy Levels

I know. I mean, where's the energy, man? I mean, we're giving you an open platform to show their crap off this stage. Anybody down in the audience, feel free to come up and show your project. It's TGI. Fuck yourself. Thank God it's Friday.

Collaborative Environment

Yeah, you can't come. Chill. And that's really all I gotta say. If you don't have anything nice to come really put down on the table. Get the fuck out the room, brother. Oh, I know. I'm like, I'm doing everything out of my power to get this space going.

Motivation and Dynamics

I'm like, we got the crackhead dad. We got like, the models on stage. But I don't know, I think there's one of these wag me cabal spaces going on. It's just sucking the life force out of like, you guys. You guys want to know a cool fact?

Facts and Figures

So Jeff Bezos, his current net worth is like $250 billion, right? It would take 35 million hours to surpass him in net worth. If you made $7,000 an hour, it would take you 3525 years. Years to catch up to Jeff Bezos current wealth at $7,000 an hour every day.

Reflection on Wealth

That's light work. Come on. $7,000 an hour. You fucking broke fuck. Well, maybe when they're both on Mars, there won't be a ripped man on fucking earth that's that many in the billions. So we got a chance, you know? I want to have and see who has the best bundler.

Launch Strategies

I'm going to launch a token and whoever could snipe it the hardest they get to rug it. Deal. I'm in. I got Cli and to standalone, so it's fucking over, buddy. Somebody come show something. Jesus fucking Christ.

Encouraging Participation

You're sitting down there. Will you come talk about something? Talk about your PFP. Talk about your shitter. You're fucking pushing like, talk about your shit. You're gonna launch. Talk about your penis. Talk about something. Get Ming in here.

Creativity and Art

I'm trying to get fucking fringe. All right, I'll show myself. I shared an edit I made. It's up in the jumbotron. Go, Max. Interact with it or fuck yourself. I don't care. yeah, that's my. That's my show.

Art Services Offered

I make art. You can commission me to make sticker packs for your garbage project, and I'll do it. Just let me know. Yep. That was extra slow. He's got how much these sticker packs? 100 Solana.

Pricing Discussion

Now I practice it. It depends how many you want. I haven't really worked out a, like, a set price thing here. If I don't like the project, I'm going to charge more. It's just kind of fact. Did you make the Wu Tang for the web kids?


Yeah, yeah. Peep my pin post and peep the post up in the jumbotron. We're getting extra fringe. We're getting, we're gonna save some kids by web kids or fuck yourself. Yeah, either one. Either or. We got some great people on stage.

Gratitude for Participants

Thank you to joyless Trev blockchain, all in dizzy moonstruck and Taj from the web kids for joining us. Follow tajdeh as well for being a great individual heading up the project with the web kids. Thank you to you, Trev. Thanks for stopping by, Trev.

Safe Travels

Of course, crackhead Dev. Hope your travels go well. Get in touch with me once you touch down in LA. That would be cool to collaborate on some things also, I think. Yeah, because, yeah, I don't know what. We're both local, so, yeah.

Thanking Co-Hosts

Shout out to extra slow for helping out as co host. Looks like weren't able to reach our targets today here today, unfortunately. Sometimes we make it, sometimes not. But that's part of the fun of the whole thing.

Stay Connected

Make sure you're following me and turning on notifications. So you see, when we go live again, I like to do project spotlight, projects, giveaway NFTs and everything in between. So, yeah, sometimes we get to our targets and give away some NFT.

Closing Remarks

Sometimes we don't reach the targets and just doesn't happen. So, yeah, stick around. Let's see if we can give some NFTs away again. This has been tg I fuck yourself a Friday show. With me, your host, Tom Vivian.

Final Comments from Speakers

Thanks to all of our speakers, we're going to wrap up here today. Any closing comments from our speakers here on stage before we wrap up? Close up. Yeah, if you didn't have anything to show.

Encouraging Contributions

If you're not up here on the panel, I'm gonna have to tell you to go fuck yourself. There's actually some beasts down there in the panel. We got Jesus, Bando, black priest, a lot of fucking gangsters down in the chat. See Mister Tange over there.

Value of the Community

There's a lot of good people in here listening today, so fuck your bad chills. Thank you for the good shows. We have some good rotations in throughout this space here, Tom. So if you're not buying web kids, go fuck yourself.

Call for Action

Yes, go check them out. Web kids with a z at the end, by the way, just to be clear, web kids with a z want to welcome priest on stage before we close out. What's going on, Priestley?

Final Thoughts

I just want to say one thing. Yeah, web lady, mid lady, webkit. Web kids. Mid lady, web kids. Yeah. Webkids is gonna melt your face harder than George Bush paid to have those bombs and melt the steel beams.

Concluding the Event

Let's get it, webkids. All right. Yeah. Thanks for stopping by, everyone. Tajde, moonstruck, blockchain, Trev. Thanks, everyone. Thanks to our co-host Reed, and extra slow for helping out.

Wishing Well

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend. Take it easy. Don't drink and drive. Hope to see you in another space.

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