
Space Summary

The Twitter Space Zooverse x MEATBAGS AMA hosted by ZooVerseNFT. The Zooverse x MEATBAGS AMA delved into the exciting realm of NFTs within the Animal Kingdom of Web3, emphasizing art integration, partnership dynamics, community engagement, growth prospects, ownership evolution, and the importance of creativity. Attendees gained valuable insights into the evolving digital landscape and the endless possibilities within the NFT and Web3 sectors, showcasing the vibrant and innovative nature of digital tokenization and artistic expression.

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Total Listeners: 18


Q: How does MEATBAGS combine art with NFTs?
A: MEATBAGS merges distinct art styles with blockchain technology to create unique digital assets.

Q: Why are partnerships crucial for NFT projects like Zooverse?
A: Collaborations with partners enhance exposure, creativity, and innovation in NFT ventures.

Q: What community strategies are effective in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Engaging and inclusive community interactions foster support and sustainability in Web3 initiatives.

Q: What growth opportunities exist in the NFT and Web3 sectors?
A: The NFT and Web3 spaces offer vast potential for expansion, development, and ecosystem enrichment.

Q: How are digital ownership and tokenization evolving in the modern era?
A: Innovative approaches empower digital creators with new ownership models and tokenized assets.

Q: Why is creativity essential in NFT creation processes?
A: Originality and creativity are paramount in establishing unique and valuable NFT collections.


Time: 00:15:21
MEATBAGS Artistic Integration Exploring MEATBAGS' approach to blending art and NFT technology for distinctive creations.

Time: 00:25:43
Zooverse Partnership Dynamics Insights into the collaborative efforts driving Zooverse's NFT projects to new heights.

Time: 00:35:12
Community Engagement Strategies Discussions on effective methods to engage and involve communities within the Web3 realm.

Time: 00:45:55
NFT and Web3 Growth Potential Analyzing the vast opportunities for expansion and development in the NFT and Web3 sectors.

Time: 00:55:29
Innovative Ownership Models Examining the evolving landscape of digital ownership and tokenization in the modern digital era.

Time: 01:05:17
Creativity in NFT Design Highlighting the significance of creativity and originality in the creation of valuable NFT collections.

Key Takeaways

  • Learning about how MEATBAGS integrates unique art with NFT technology.
  • Discovering the significance of partnerships in expanding NFT projects like Zooverse.
  • Understanding the role of community engagement in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Exploring the potential for growth within the NFT and Web3 space.
  • Insights into the innovative approaches to digital ownership and tokenization.
  • Emphasizing the importance of creativity and originality in NFT creation.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Morning Greetings

Good morning, good morning, good afternoon, wherever the hell you are in the world. What is up? My dj's and animals, man. How we doing today, Robert? How you doing, boss? We good, brother, we good. How are you? I'm good, man. I'm good. I'm about to get myself a nice cup of coffee this morning. Got him brewing right now about pouring it out, slugging it down for this ama and having a good time with you, Mandez. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. Yeah, those early starts are brutal. I've done a few of them for spaces and I mean, you really just have to try your best because you're like two brain cells that are still just like, fighting to wake up. Yeah, it can definitely be a struggle. So appreciate you taking the time and. Yeah, man, I'm hyped for it. Hell yeah, man. Hell yeah. Especially when you're like me and you only got two brain cells left. One of them is asleep and he's just fighting with himself, so. Fucking hell.

Preparing for the AMA

But let's see, man, give me about 60 seconds more. I'm gonna go post again inside of our discord, get a few more peeps over here, pour my cup of coffee, and then we'll get rolling with this ama, man. I'm stoked to talk with you, brother. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to have a conversation with us over here. Zoo verse, brother. Of course. Yeah, I'll ping chat as well in, our discord and, yeah, that we can get into it. Hell yeah. Sounds like a plan. We will be back in about 30 seconds. About a minute, boys. Appreciate everybody coming through to the AMA, man. And we'll be getting into some good stuff here pretty soon. All right, word. Hell yeah. I am all ready to go. It looks like we get the squad all lined up. So without further ado, thank you, everybody for coming through to our zoo verse.

Introduction to the Project

Meatbags, amae, and we're going to get rolling here momentarily. So I always like to start off Ama's with an introduction to the project and to the team. So, Robert, if you don't mind, would you be able to give the community here, for anybody who's unaware, just a little bit of a background in terms of what the idea was when you guys started meatbags, and then we can get into a little bit of the team, a little bit of the vision and kind of see what the game plan is going to be down the road. Yeah, for sure. Great opening question and yeah, I think it was probably about wed be coming up on, like, two years now. I think more accurately, like, 18 months ago. I, Yeah, after being in the space since 2021, kind of just had, Yeah, I don't know if calling is the right word, but I really just.

Background of Meatbags

Yeah, I wanted to start, like, a project and contribute, like, in the web three space more than just trading and, yeah, I guess coming off the back of, you know, a pretty dead market, I wanted to still participate in the space and do it in a positive way. So I guess started with, yeah, just a lot of thoughts and ideas, and eventually that evolved into, I guess, what we see today with dead brovdez and meatbags. And I kind of felt like there wasn't really an IP today in this space, especially on Solana, that, like, you know, represented, like, the attitudes and values of, like, crypto today in, like, a fun way. And I think also, you know, in a space kind of dominated by memes and I guess, like, a reverent humor, there wasn't, like, a, I guess, like, IP project or PFP project, especially on Solana, where, like, I feel like this cycle, it's been, like, the home of memes.

The Gap in the Market

There hasn't really been anything of, like, real quality to come out yet. Leaning into, you know, a reverend comedy esque ip, something like the Simpsons or a south park. So, yeah, it just felt like this massive gap in the market for something like that. From, like, an IP perspective. And, I mean, yeah, ever since then, that's kind of, been what we're kind of building towards. Hell yeah, man. I love it. I appreciate the introduction. That is kind of not one of the natural progressions, right? You kind of participate in the space for a little bit. You trade, maybe do a little bit of community stuff, maybe some degenering, and then next thing you know, you kind of want to see how far you can take it and what impact you can do and what you could do on your own.

Transitioning into Project Leadership

If you started a project or if you. You joined a team, there's just so much opportunity and so much shit that you can do in web three that I feel like that's the way a lot of people end up kind of transitioning to. And so when you guys started meatbags, man, two years ago, such a long time, when you really think about it, even when it comes down to just conceptually, you know, it's amazing how fast the space moves, and it's amazing where we're at now. I mean, it's kind of shocking that to think and look back that I've been with Zoo verse for nearly three years now. And it's something that is just absolutely super cool to be able to kind of see the change in the space. And now, as you guys were talking about.

Inquiries About the Team

Right, you guys are on Solana, which we'll get into a little bit later, obviously. But one of the things I'm wondering if we could just get an intro to some of the members on your team. Man, I love meeting people on the team. At the end of the day, these are the people who are building the projects in which we are looking to participate in. And getting to know people on a personal level is one of my favorite things. So could you just kind of explain a little bit about who some of the core team members are, what their roles are within meatbags and dead bros and kind of maybe how you met potentially? Yeah, 100%. So, yeah, I'll start with myself. My background is, like, e commerce and just, like, I guess, like, online business, I guess, you know, being, I guess, 24 now.

Personal Background and Early Career

I, like, pretty much grew up on the Internet, so back in high school, you know, I was, like, trading, buying, and selling sneakers and, like, hype beast kind of stuff, and then transitioned into, like, meme pages from there where I grew pages with, like, millions of impressions, like, every day, and then transitioned from that kind of into, like, e commerce and also worked alongside a friend with an agency, built, like, multiple seven figure businesses selling all sorts of products. And then from that's kind of where I, one of, like, my business mentors kind of, like, just sent me a video about nfts, and I was just, like, super fascinated by the space. And I think that kind of background that I had, whether it was from, like, the trading of sneakers and stuff to then, like, running a meme page and stuff, I just, like, found the space kind of really easy to understand.

The Evolution of Understanding NFTs

And I think I picked up on, you know, what projects and stuff would perform well and did, like, pretty great back, you know, in that 2021 cycle. But other than me, you know, being someone that's been in the space has, like, previous business success, I think, like, web three is just, like, the next step for my, like, entrepreneurial journey. I feel like it's not just like this, I guess, singular directional brand where it's just ecom. There's all these different pillars that you're building towards and, yeah, enjoying the challenge so far, but, yeah, enough about me. Another amazing person on the team who is my co founder and our creative director is psychrome, best known for, I guess, doing the art and creative direction behind creeps by overlord.

Highlighting Team Members and Collaborations

who I would say, like, probably like a OG eat collection. For anyone who hasn't heard of them, I think today they still hold like a floor price of like 4k USD. And then other than that, he's also had huge success outside of like only the web three space. He's like a real fucking legit artist. And he's also the creative director for Sneakercon, which have like 3.6 million followers. I think they're the biggest sneaker kind of show in the world. And then other than that, he's also got like a heap of experience working on ips such as, like, Angry Birds, Harry Potter, Hasbro Toys, Star Wars, Lego, and then also like, done stuff as an artist with like, Nike, Hennessy, and like a bunch of other like, world renowned brands.

Assets and Experience of Team Members

So yeah, Psychoam's the Goat. His art's fucking amazing. And other than, I guess, us being like, the founders of the project, we do have like, a broader team and partners that we're working with. We're partnered with revolving games who are also legends. They're doing a lot of cool stuff in the space and have built multiple web three titles and a lot of infrastructure there. And we're also working with Moonpay and other life, kind of just helping us build out Deadbrov.com. And I guess we can go further into that later. Yeah, like, overall, everyone that has their hands on the project kind of has like an extensive, like, amount of experience in, you know, the crypto space and gaming and ip and tech working with, yeah, some of like, you know, globally recognizable brands.

Bringing It All Together

Not only like in web three being like, you know, opensea Coinbase, but also like outside. So, yeah, stacked fucking team. And yeah, man, I think that's a pretty good rundown. Hell yeah, man. I appreciate you going into so much depths to the fam. Would love to reiterate, based off of that, guys, this is an open ama. If anyone has any questions they want to get up here and ask the squad, please feel free to. You can send us a message on Twitter. You can message me in Zoo versus Discord on Bambi 420. If you guys don't know or you're more than welcome to raise your hand, pop up here and chat with us. So now that we have a little bit of background when it comes to meatbags, kind of where the idea started and you know who is on the team, I'm super stoked to get into some of the juicy details.

Engagement and Outlook

Now, I know that you guys have been around for a while, which is awesome, right? It's super cool to see a lot of people kind of coming back in that resurgence of, you know, the whole entire NFT community, right? It was a few rough years for a lot of people who've been around since 2021, that whole era. And it's nice to kind of see what's been going on now. And as someone who's been in this space, I gotta. I gotta admit, I'm pretty basic, right? I'm not the biggest trader. I love talking. That's my thing, right? I love learning from other people and figuring out what's been going on in the space. And so with that in mind, I. I'm very curious.

Choosing Solana

Why Solana, right? It's one of the big things that's kind of having that resurgence. There's a lot of other blockchains that are popping up. There's a lot of l two s. There's a lot of different options for us within web three. And I always love to hear why people choose what they choose. And so for meatbags or dead brothers, we can get into, you know, maybe the difference in each one and then kind of how they work off of each other.

Discussion on Solana Ecosystem

But my main question for you guys is, why sold, right? What are the benefits that meatbags sees within the Solana ecosystem that you want to bring to your community as opposed to a few others? Yeah, man, for sure. So I guess, like, it came down to a few reasons on why we chose Seoul. And, I mean, from a trading perspective, if we kind of look at each cycle, usually, you know, there's, like, a narrative that kind of leads each and different chains as well that'll, you know, be greatly successful and kind of trump, like, whatever the narrative or chain kind of was last cycle. And this cycle, it just feels like there's a lot of potential on Solana from, like, you know, the on chain volume we've seen flipping eth. Like, you know, some days, I think it was like a day last week. Yeah, sol had, like, more on chain volume than eth, which is fucking crazy. And obviously, like, from an NFT perspective as well. If you, like, look on Solana right now, there's only, like, you know, maybe a handful of projects really, like, building stuff that I think can transcend kind of the web three space and also being, like, the home of memes.

Potential in Solana

Solana really just felt like, you know, the perfect place for this ip that's kind of, like, at that, like, perfect intersection of, like, a, you know, mematic NFT project. And, yeah, I think there's just a lot of upside there, and it felt like a blue ocean market for us to really come in as like, an NFT collection that community could really rally behind and fall in love with the characters kind of being not only like these, you know, doomsday kind of prepper characters, but, like, I guess some of the inspiration, like, with the masks on, the characters came from, like, the non culture in crypto or, like, you know, apocalyptic bear markets, nuking charts, black swan events. All these things can kind of, like, creatively tie into, you know, the identity of these characters. And when we're speaking about, you know, PFP projects specifically, obviously, the identity is something that is, like, huge. It's. The character is something that people need to resonate with. So, yeah, it just felt right to do it on Solana.

User Friendliness and Meme Coins

And, yeah, I think there's a lot of potential there, not only for the chain being, I think, like, probably the leader in consumer crypto right now, but, yeah, I'm interested to see how, I guess, kind of things play out over the next six to twelve months where gas prices are a lot cheaper. And I think the, you know, user friendliness of the chains kind of there as well. And especially, you know, with meme coins, I think we're going to see a lot of action on Solana this cycle. So I'm excited for it. Yeah, 100%. The meme coins is definitely for sure one of the things that I think a lot of people in this space think about. When we think about soul, especially over the last, God knows what, six months or so, with that whole little bit of a meme coin cycle that happened to, one of the things that I love about Sol is the ability for it to kind of take off. And in ways that I don't think web three people expect to see when it comes to the content creation.

Influence of NFTs in Everyday Life

Right? So I work for RBA, which is renewal by Andersen. It's a window company over in North America. And we always obviously write. We got group chats all day long. When you're in sales, you got to pump those numbers, baby. And one of the things that happened last week was we had three people post a pudgy penguins gif, and nobody had any idea that it was even an NFT. And so for me, being within the web three community for three years, it was one of those things where I'm like, I'm seeing this slowly start to permeate all parts of my life in certain ways. And it's really cool to kind of see the influence that it's had where people are in a good way, in my opinion. Right. Ignorant of the fact that it's nfTs, because when you mentioned the word NFT, it has a bad connotation, right? It's usually not perceived well within the public eye.

The Growing Acceptance of NFTs

And it's nice that we're kind of at the point where all of the benefits of these blockchains are slowly starting to be understood. And then we're also getting to the point where there's so many marketplaces that are multiple chains, right? It's not like we only have opensea for eth, right? We have IMX for our l two s. You know, we are actually having the ability to kind of see different communities and different markets all in the same place, which is super nice to kind of be able to actually see what the benefits of those chains are, how people are using them, and then what people are excited about. And with this whole idea of memes and content creation and just taking life a little bit less serious. I fucking love it, man.

Community Engagement and Strategy

I would love to get into a bit of the conversation in terms of some of the videos that you guys have released and kind of what your inspiration behind those were, in terms of trying to just create some good times and some funny times and laughs and a strong community with a similar idea in terms of the fuck is going on over here, man. Like, we're just going through some. We're going through some crazy stuff right now. And so. Well, we've discussed all a little bit about why soul, right? And it makes a lot of logical sense in terms of why you guys chose soul. Looking to be a premier PFP collection. And then also the way in which the soul community kind of operates in the space, right? They're very well known for all of the meme coins, all the DJN coins, the shit coin trading. It's something that we're super familiar with.

Looking Forward to Dead Brov

And so when it comes to, dead Brov, right? What are we looking forward to, with dead Brov? There's so much to unpack. There's such amazing artwork. There's such an amazing story behind it already, even if you just spend five minutes scrolling down Twitter, peeping, some of the interviews and some of the vlogs that you guys have done in the past. So would we be able to get into a little bit of details in terms of what we are looking forward to and what the community can be excited about when it comes to dead brothers? Yeah, for sure, man. I mean, it kind of, like, falls back on what you kind of just said about, you know, a pudgy gif being sent in the group chat.

Cultural Commentary through Comedy

And, you know, people not even, like, knowing it's an NFT. And that's really, like, I guess, the essence that we're trying to kind of capture as well with, like, irreverent comedy brands, I think, as well, like, you know, I don't know how many, like, homer gifts that I've seen in my lifetime, but that would be a fuck ton. And, like, just, yeah, I think irreverent comedy as well is such a superpower. Like, I posted the other day on my Twitter account a video of Logan Paul sharing, like, a video that south park kind of, I think they made, like, a whole episode on, like, prime being, like, cred and, using, like, a reverend combi as this platform to riff on. Culture today is such a superpower. And I think, yeah, like, when we talk about memes as well, like, what we're trying to do with meatbags and dead Brov is create, like, you know, the meme of memes where it's not just like, this one really particular thing that comes and goes with the news cycle, but we can actually use our ip to, like, you know, riff on culture.

Using IP to Riff on Culture

And, like, whatever's happening in the news cycle, we can make a video with our ip because, you know, in a world that's so fucked today, the doomsday prep are. Is, like, this perfect character to be able to comment on, you know, whether it's, like, political things or whether it's like, you know, a global pandemic or kind of, whatever it kind of is, we can, like, have our own take on it and kind of piggyback on the virality of different events or I, you know, even if it's, like, other shit, kind of like, you know, whatever the fuck is going on with, like, diddy right now, we can kind of just, you know, do what Simpsons and South park and kind of Rick and Morty have already done for the past, like, decade and use, like, these characters to just, like, riff on culture today.

Short Form Content and Viral Potential

But in this new Internet environment where, you know, we don't have to, I guess, you know, create this whole, like, 20 minutes episode, but we can be so quick with, like, short form content that, you know, runs off this kind of stuff. So I think when we look at onboarding, I don't think it's going to be shitcoins or, you know, even nfts, but I think it looks exactly like that. Whether it's sharing, you know, a gif or sharing like a video. And that's kind of what we're, I guess, doing with dead bra then meatbags. And it's only a matter of time before, you know, Logan Paul or whoever it is sharing, you know, a funny video that we make of them taking the piss out of them.

Vision for the Future

But it's with the meatbags IP, so that's kind of, you know, the big vision is using. Yeah, like, short form content and media today to just riff on culture. And I think just the nature of our IP and the nature of our brand is so uniquely positioned and really has the potential to, like, see exponential growth and virality, unlike, you know, many brands in web three where, you know, their content might just be like, fun and cute, but they'll never, I guess, you know, be this, like, cultural phenomenon or like, they could, but it'll take a lot longer. But I guess for us kind of, you know, doing these kind of, like, viral type videos that all it's going to take is for, like, one person to share and then kind of have this snowball effect when we're pushing out this content, like every other day.

Cultural Impact and Excitement

Yeah, I think really as a brand with dead Brov, it's kind of like, you know, next generation adult swim. And I guess, yeah, I don't like to give the comparisons, but I think that's kind of a good way to kind of see it. And then, you know, meatbags is our flagship ip being, you know, our Simpsons or South park. But, yeah, man, I'm excited to see, I guess, what the next year looks like and how far we can really grow it. But, yeah, from like, a cultural perspective, I think what we're doing out of, like, all the projects, I guess coming out of 2024, I think it's going to be one to watch. And, yeah, I think it has the potential to kind of, you know, do I think what apes did really well last cycle in the sense of it being like, you know, what the fuck are these apes? I think, yeah, you'll just have to watch it play out.

The Importance of Community Engagement

Hell yeah, man. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. Now, one of the things that I really wanted to discuss was the way in which you guys approached reaching out to the community and stirring up engagement. Right? You guys have had your meme posts and your videos, which have captured my attention for sure made me laugh. I haven't had a good laugh like that in a while. But also the way you guys have kind of set up your sale for your upcoming collection, I know you guys are minting in just under two weeks, and you guys have had an extremely successful pre sale based on your shit and run game as well. So do you think you can give us a little bit of detail in terms of what the mindset of the team was when developing and just coming up with how you wanted to distribute the collection?

Distribution Strategy for the NFT Collection

Because I know that's a huge thing, right? When you distribute your collection based on your whitelist process or your token process, whatever you know, your project is doing, you really only have one opportunity to do it. And there's a lot of thought that goes into how you want to drop it, who you want to market it to, and who you want in your community. So would you just be able to give us some details in terms of what the thought process that the team had behind how you guys distributed those whitelist spots and how you kind of engage the community for the last, God knows, 18 months since you guys have been building? Yeah, for sure.

Engagement through Fun and Rewards

So I think a lot of the process just comes down to, like, what we're trying to do at like, our core, which is like, you know, create this new flywheel for like, the next generation of these irreverent comedy brands. And I think that, you know, happens by, you know, fostering hyper engaged communities that ignore around, like, you know, acknowledging and rewarding these brand interactions. So we wanted to do it in a fun way where not only, I guess, we could yet engage the community, but also reward people who participated. So, yeah, we did shit and run, which, yeah, I mean, if you didn't play it, we still have like, you know, the ability to use that on our website.

Marketing Events Success

There's just like no points being distributed for it anymore. But essentially if you participated, you could shit on people on Twitter. And it was super fun, man. We saw so many shits on the timeline. There was probably a total of like a few thousand posts that went out off the back of that. So I think it was a huge success. And, yeah, like, were able to reward people who participated in that experience with pre sale access and then off the back of that as well, geocaches, which to be announced what they'll exactly be. But yeah, it was super fun. Super fun product to build. And those are the kind of events, experiences that we're almost just using as a way to find product market Fitzhen as a web three company.

Future Engagement Strategies

But those like, you know, almost like marketing events are super fun and, you know, expect it, expect a lot more to come because we have a few up our sleeve where it kind of just comes back to, yeah, like, you know, fostering that engagement and also, like, rewarding that interaction. So we, yeah, we have some crazy coming up. And when I say, you know, I think the meatbags community will be quite polarizing and quite controversial, but that, again, is just a part of the strategy. You know, I think if you're trying to please everyone, you kind of just. I think you don't leave, you know, this, like, lasting effect of, I guess, that, like, emotional utility.

Emotional Connections and Community Feelings

You want to, you know, make some. Make people feel something. So that's kind of what we're trying to do and we're having fun at the same time. I love it, dude. At the end of the day, right, it is about having fun, you know, as much as it's enjoyable to have the potential to make a bunch of money, earn that financial freedom, whether it be through a shit ton of money or just feeling safe and secure, in the sense of you found what you want to do for the time being. That's what I love about NFTs, right. When you said the polarization of meatbags, I think that's a really interesting point to make, right.

Community Dynamics in Polarizing Projects

Some of the projects that I have been in the past, when I look back, have been polarizing, but in the sense of the community is usually, for the most part, extremely strong and supportive because they get the vision, right. As you said, not everything is for everybody, right? You can't please everyone. If you try and do that, it's never going to work, man, because there's always going to be somebody or there's always going to be a handful of people who don't enjoy it or don't want to cooperate, participate, whatever word you're looking for. I think of one AMA we hosted about a year or so ago with Zooverse called Vibes GR and I met the squad within New York City when I went to nftNYC and spoke this previous April with them.

Community Experiences and Polarization

And that's one of those projects that I think of that is a little bit polarizing for some community members, and it's mainly just because of the fact that they just don't really care what other people think, right.

Community Vibes in Discord

So if you come into the discord, it's very, a lot of swears, a lot of, you know, basic memes, shit like that kind offensive stuff. But it's the squad of people that is behind it that is just looking to have a good time. And if you're not vibing with it, that's totally fine and there's nothing wrong with that. And it just shows that there really is projects and there's people out there for every type of person to, you know, participate within. And I think that's one of the beauty things of nfts, right, is there's so many niche groups out there that all it really takes is just committing enough time and energy and effort, and you'll find something that you vibe with, right? There's just too many goddamn people on this earth to not be able to find someone who is.

Finding Common Ground

Who has common ideas and common thoughts as you guys. And when it comes to not to get too political, right. But everything that I talk to with my friends in real life nowadays is a gray area, right? Everything has to be discussed in terms of, you know, the middle. The middle ground. And it's one of those things I kind of love seeing extreme opinions one end or the other just to kind of hear what. What's fucking out there, you know, what are people thinking about? What are people discussing? What is an extreme angle in which people view the world at? And I think this level of comedy in which you guys are approaching, it is a really great way to kind of illustrate some of the craziness that's going on in the world without really, like, identifying one way or another. Left, right, conservative, liberal, whatever.

Comedy as a Relief

And I think that's a really good way to kind of open up discussions just based on the fact that everything is so heated right now that it makes it a little bit more of a comedic relief. Right? That's what comedy's for, man. You know, it's supposed to be there for when times are hard and when shit's hitting the fan and you just need something to laugh at and be like, damn, this is. This is crazy. Like, this is some wild stuff that's going on. And I love the way that you guys have kind of approached that angle of comedic relief because it's true. Right? It's very South park family guy esque, Simpsons esque, where they're just poke. You guys are just poking fun at what's going on in a fun and a playful way.

Engagement and Community Understanding

And with anything like that, you're going to have people who don't like it. But on the flip side, that almost makes it so that it's more enjoyable for when somebody understands what actually is going on behind the scenes and understands the message and the deeper meaning and the. The deeper intention of this, because it makes you feel a little bit more community driven and a little bit more familiarly, you know, connected in that sense. And so going off of that idea, right. I know you guys have your mint coming up in two weeks or so, which I would love to kind of touch on in the second half of the AMA. We got about 25 minutes left or so. I like to keep Ama's at about a half hour. So just going to call for another round of questions.

Looking Ahead to Future Projects

If anybody in the audience would like to come up here and shoot the shit. Would like to chat. Love to see what you guys have in store, and love to see if you guys have any questions for Robert up here from meatbags. And so while we're waiting to see if anybody is interested in coming up and asking a question, I would love to get a little bit of more information on Servyville. And so I know you guys have your Servyville not necessarily metaverse, right? Because I'm not sure if you guys are doing, but in the sense of this world that you guys have built out, this post apocalyptic world's about to end type scenario, would you be able to go into some details in Servyville and how that's going to potentially play into the future of meatbags and dead brothers?

Concept of Servyville

Yeah, man, for sure. So, yeah, essentially, survivor is home to, like, the meatbags. It's almost like this bug out location, like a safe haven for the end of the world. Even though, you know, I think some stuff, if you've seen the map, you know, there's, like, a nuke in there and stuff looks a little bit fucked up. But, you know, for the most part, I mean, that's expected at the end of the world. Everything's probably still not going to be 100% perfect, but, yeah, we have lots of plans, man. And I guess it really comes down to how far we can take it. With Deadbrov.com, it's essentially this. The idea is this next generation transmedia entertainment platform with an arcade, the collectibles profiles.

Expanding Gaming Experience

This is stuff we haven't spoken too much about, but there's going to be a beta that we're dropping alongside the launch, which. Super excited for that, but, yeah, like, you know, the sky's really the limit. Like, sacrum and I are so passionate about the project and have, like, enjoyed every second of working on it. So, you know, if there's the community there to rally behind us, like, yeah, there's really no limit of how far we could take this. But I guess what I'll say is, like, coming back to the IP. Yeah. Like, the possibilities are endless. Like, when I think of, like, you know, games and what that could look like, I could so see it as this, you know, almost like, somewhat mixed between like a Simpsons hit and run and like a GTA where you're just kind of like running around as a meatbag.

Immersion in Gameplay

Like shooting motherfuckers, shooting zombies and. Yeah, like, with the IP as well. Like, you know, you can also imagine like, you know, there's just like endless possibilities to where you could kind of take like different gameplay experiences, I think from like an NFT and IP perspective. Like, there just aren't many collections that I guess aren't just like animal PFP. And it's like when you're bringing those kind of characters into games, I think besides, like a few that have really done their branding the right way. Like, it just doesn't feel like, authentic if you're like, you know, giving like a. I don't know, I'm trying to not name like animal PFP collection, but let's just say like a.

Unity in Diverse Creatives

Giving a squirrel a gun. Like, I mean, now that I say it sounds like it would be a fun game, but you know what I mean? It just like, feels unnatural. So I think, like, with like, the whole doomsday stuff, like, there's already been so many different gaming titles. Like, you know, even looking at, like games like Fortnite, you know, it's based on, like, killing people and surviving or like, even like, Minecraft quite similar. Or like games like, I think, yeah, Dayz plants versus zombies. Lots of different experiences come to mind. So how we're kind of approaching it is doing kind of like simple, fun gameplay experiences to kind of start off with kind of in our, like, arcade on the website.

Engagement Strategies in Gaming

I guess how I look at gaming is, you know, I think the more and more people have tick tock brain rot, the more like, I guess shorter everyone's attention spans kind of get. And, you know, when it comes to gaming as well, I don't think people, I'm sure there are people, you know, with the one out of a thousand games that become like global sensations that, you know, play different games for like 8 hours a day. But trying to, you know, build that sort of game requires, you know, tens of millions of dollars and, you know, your percentage of success is also very low. So we're kind of starting out with these like, smaller minigames that are, you know, super social and fun and just fucking stupid with the potential to kind of, you know, it just has that shock factor where like, you know, if you were to see it like on your feed or like, you know, on TikTok or something, it really has the potential to.

Plans for Building Community

For virality. It's like everything in our ecosystem that's kind of like, you know, the idea, riffing on culture and, you know, that viral potential. So focusing on those kind of simpler gameplay experiences that'll be just like social and fun and then, you know what that kind of looks like. If you're speaking about like a metaverse or a more open world style game, you know, you can end up putting those kind of arcade experiences in different places on the map and really bring those worlds to life. We've had some super interesting conversations with different people, spoke with the people that are building out like pudgy world and, you know, exploring like webgl experiences where it's completely in browser doesn't require a download.

Innovating With Technology

I think those things are really interesting. So, you know, I mean, the plans to just like fucking build this thing as big as we can. So yeah, those are all ideas and like, you know, things that could happen, but obviously, you know, nothing's guaranteed and a lot of it as well. We just want to surprise and delight the community. We don't want to make promises of a roadmap that takes us, you know, three years to execute on. We want to build it alongside the community and have fun while doing it. So, yeah, I mean, there's lots in the works, but yeah, man, I think that's probably a good fucking answer for that question.

Reflection on the Project Dynamics

Awesome, dude. I appreciate that. I want to kind of touch on a few things that you said previously, and that would be the virality, the simplicity, and then also the browser based interaction. Now, I'm 29 and I remember growing up in high school degenering on addicting games and armor games and all those great websites back in the day that just had flash games that were simple to play, fun to play, and quick and easy. Right? And that's kind of what my mind goes towards when you're kind of discussing that a little bit, is when I participate in NFT stuff, whether it be gaming or community wise, there's always a barrier of entry.

User Accessibility in NFTs

It seems like as you're saying with these larger games, right, I might have to download a few beta versions and sign into a few of these websites and create a few accounts in order to get verified, whether that be KYc or just within their own community ecosystem. But with the simplicity and the ability to have something playable on a browser, I think it appeals to a larger demographic. And I could be totally wrong on this, but just as someone who has experience doing that stuff in the past, in a non NFT sense, I love the ability for it to just be online in terms of click play and good to go, and then as you also mentioned previously, right, the virality and simplicity of it's, it's a shock factor to the extent that if you're just scrolling on your feed, on your explore page or whatever it might be, and there's a meatbags post or dead brothers post, it's going to catch your eye for one way or another, right?

Engagement Through Surprise

Whether you're like, what the hell is going on here? And then you dive into it and then you get a little bit more of the idea, or if you're someone who's just like, I'm skipping this, don't even worry about it, I'm going to pass it. And then, and then it pops up again and then you're like, okay, so what is going on here? Let me take a deeper look. And I love the way that you guys have kind of found a beautiful balance in terms of those two or three elements just to make it easy for communities to understand. I really appreciate the simplicity of that and then the thought that has gone into it, right.

Lore and Community Connection

There's a clear underlying lore and meta in that sense between your guys's artwork, the community, and the motive and message behind what you guys are doing. And I love that they all line up in a way that's easy to understand for the community where you don't really have to explain a lot of stuff, right? Like you either get it or you don't. And that's kind of the best part of a joke, right? Jokes lose their meaning when you have to explain the joke. And this is one of those things where like, if you get it, if you don't, you don't. And it might take you a little bit to understand it in the future if you're looking for it, but the people who are going to get it off the bat are going to get it and they're going to kind of dive into a little bit more.

Curating the Community

And I think that's a great way that you guys have kind of filtered out certain potential community members just when it comes to the NFT community, right? Because you want people who understand what your vision is and what's going to be going on in the future. And without going into details, I think it's pretty clear what meatbags and what dead brother are looking for. You know, if you're a seasoned person in Web three, as we've discussed, right, whether it between the Solana choice, whether it's the artwork, the color scheme, the basic, you know, motive behind what you're doing.

Embracing the Community Spirit

People in Web three get it, and if they're interested in it, they're going to dive on, and if they're not, they're not, and that's totally fine. so, hell yeah. And props to you guys for kind of creating this cohesive ecosystem and community in which is clearly getting a lot of feedback from, you know, the squad. I see a lot of creeps in here. I see some homies. And I know we even got Taylor up here with Jira, with his Jira PFP. And it's nice to kind of see some og, you know, people coming through to the space and still being around.

Nostalgia and Community Engagement

Right? Because I remember how hard it was for that year and a half, two years, however long it was, kind of depending on how well you played the roller coaster at that time. And it's great to see support from those Og communities, like, so, man, I mean, I've been a day one mint from Gen two Jira, back when it was pg. I've been with Zoover since we minted. And so it's great to kind of see some of these older projects having their resurgence in the space. Based on how everything else has been going. It's, it's really awesome to be able to be, you know, an active participant in web three, in that sense.

Gratitude to the Community

So, to those people, man, thank you guys so much. We got our founder up here, Estrid, right now. He's, he's in the squad showing some love, and it's nice to kind of see that element of web three coming back a little bit.

Overview of Upcoming Mint

So really wanted to just shout that out. So, guys, we're coming up on our last 10-15 minutes here or so. I really would like to get into a little bit more details about some of the mint and some info in dead bro. So, Robert, we have the mint coming October 15. You guys have already done an amazing pre sale previous to this mint. Would you be able to give the community here a general rundown of what that mint might look like if there are still spots for it, how they might be able to participate in the sale, and then possibly, like, some details about dead Brov and what's on the future without actually listing some, you know, some specific things that are probably not publicly known yet?

Mint Participation and Community Engagement

Yeah, yeah, for sure. So, yeah, mint in like, you know, under two weeks now. Super excited for it. If you're not like already allow listed for the mint, you can jump in the discord and you know, if you're like active enough and you know, we're not fucking doing like the whole 2021 discord grind shit, I have PTSD from that so yeah, we don't want that for anyone. But yeah, I mean if, you know, you're really wanting to get on that allow list, we're running different collabs with a bunch of communities, opportunities I guess to win spots through that. But yeah, like I said, if you're also just wanting to jump in the discord, say, hey, I mean you're still early so yeah, we can kind of sort you out, especially if you're in this space and you're wanting a spot, open a ticket and shout out to you for tuning in and we'll get that sorted.

Exciting Upcoming Features

Other than that, yeah, we have a lot of exciting stuff, kind of, I would say like mini activations, kind of launching around the mint. That should be super fun. So keep an eye out for that. Yeah, I won't go too much into detail there, but we have some exciting stuff planned that I think everyone will enjoy and be shocked from. I think everything that we're building kind of just like, yeah, comes back to show don't tell. I think we've seen a lot of projects in this space kind of come out and say they're going to be the next Disney or they're going to be this or that. But I think, you know, those kind of brands, it's just like very surface level. If you're trying to build like an entertainment brand, I think you should be entertaining.

Introduction to Deadbov.com

so that's, you know, what we're really trying to do and, yeah, man, I think with dead bruv, like I mentioned earlier, we have a beta version of Deadbov.com that's going to be launching around the mint as well, which should be just super cool in the sense that people, I think will be able to get a better understanding of what we're trying to build here. It's a lot bigger than just an NFT project, but a platform that I guess not only will house dead bro in the future could be this whole hub for different irreverent comedy brands and also even potentially like a launch pad for like other kind of brands of a similar, you know, feel to kind of break into the web three space and create fun collector experiences with their IP.

Mint Details and Opportunities

So yeah, I think that's most of the details. Mint price one sol, an absolute steal in my opinion. If you look around and see what else is like at one soul. It's pretty much like Djem projects. So yeah, I think it's a great chance to get your hands on some amazing art and into a great project. Other than that, yeah, we have like 5000 I guess, NFTs left, so not many. And I think, yeah, coming off the back of the public launch, I think it's going to turn a lot of heads. So it's not been too many ten k projects out of 2024. And I think it would be a huge achievement in itself for us to, you know, sell out that ten k and then, yeah, I mean, we have some crazy shit planned for what happens next.

Community Engagement and Closing Thoughts

But I just say, watch this space. And, you know, we're trying to make NFTs fun again. Build legit fucking products and also build a brand that can transcend out of the web three space. So we'll get you that web to exit liquidity. Hell yeah, man. I'm stoked. I'm stoked. Appreciate the thorough explanation. We're going to go here for about ten more minutes or so. We're probably going to finish up close on the hour. But one of the things that I really kind of wanted to highlight that we haven't talked about yet is your guys's website @deadbruv.com.

Website as a Resource for the Community

So if anybody hasn't checked out the website and is a little bit confused or looking for some clarification in terms of what the future is going to look like, what some of the previous things that you guys have dropped, pop onto the website and give it a check. Right? Give it, give it a little 5-10, 15 minutes glance over. There's a lot of really great stuff in there. And as someone who, you know, has been in this space for a few years and like, I think a lot of people in this space and a lot of people in the AMA, one of the things I love to see is a nice, clean website and something that's engaging and interesting just to check out firsthand. And so when you guys go on the website, there's a lot of like beautiful bulletin board connections that are easy to see where the project started, what some of the things that you guys have dropped are, including your prepper parish, your emergency broadcast system, and obviously the most recent one, the shit and run.

Final Thoughts on the AMA

And so it gives you guys a really good clear roadmap, if that makes sense. Not to put words in your guys mouth, but it's a nice way, it's a nice visual to kind of see where the progression of the project is going to be going and what is up next in store. So if you guys haven't taken that opportunity, please give it a quick look. Click on some of the links, check out some of the videos that you guys have dropped, and you'll get the very minimum. An extremely good laugh and a great chuckle for your day because some of the animations you guys have produced. Top notch, man. Super, super funny, super engaging. Something. I can't wait to see more of what comes out with you guys as artists and your project in the coming weeks and months.

Community Discussions and Future Prospects

And I just kind of wanted to highlight that towards the later half of the AMA because I know that we have not discussed that really all that much. So we are about five minutes from the end of the AMA. We have discussed why, soul, we've discussed some of the team members who have gotten meatbags to the point that you guys are at right now. We've discussed dead brothers, what you guys are looking to do with the IP integration, which, by the way, I think IP and connection and collaboration is, you know, an extremely important aspect of web three. When we think of what are some of the use cases of web three, one of the main ones people talk about is that IP, that intellectual property, that ability to brand and collab with other people.

Conclusion and Future Engagement

If you're making a video game in web three, for example, collaboration and cross IP is something that is almost essential nowadays in order to get more communities in more communities participating, more eyes on the project. And so with that, as one of your main tenants, it's great to kind of see that you guys have set yourself up really well for this last quarter in 2024. I'm super stoked to see how that public mint in two weeks goes and to see how the community reacts to it. I know that if I can get enough money behind my ass, I'll definitely be trying to mint one for sure.

Reflections on the Project Journey

But I'm in a bit of a bad position right now as I think a lot of people are right. It's been, it's been tough for a little bit. But it's one of those things where when you see a project that you're stoked behind, whether it be to participate in the community or just to kind of go along with the journey, man, I think that's one of the things that is super pleasant when it comes to web three. There's a bunch of communities who I've minted and just based on the fact of knowing the people, it's like I'm just, I'm not going to get rid of this. I just want to see where this project leads and to see what you guys have in store.

Encouragement for Continued Engagement

So I just kind of wanted to highlight that towards the end of our AMA. And now I know that we've only been going for an hour, we could probably talk for a lot longer. I love getting into really deep detail in terms of what's been going on in the space and what you guys are looking for. But I know everybody else has some very busy lives in web three, especially if you're full time web three, it seems like it never sleeps, and it seems like we always got stuff to do. And so, Robert, I'm going to leave the last few minutes of the AMA up to you.

Open Floor for Final Thoughts

I always like to give you guys the opportunity to highlight anything that we didn't discuss here. Right. It's hard to. To tick all the boxes in an hour AMA. So if there's anything that we didn't discuss, if there's anything I didn't ask you, or if there's just simply something you would like to reiterate to the community here, just to kind of, you know, really drill that in, now is the time. I'll leave the stage up to you. All I want to say is, guys, thanks so much for coming through to the AMA. We've had a good amount of people here the entire time, more or less from the time we started the AMA, which is just awesome to see in the web three space.

Closing Remarks and Gratitude

It's super hard to garnish people's full attention for an hour. So thank you guys all so much for coming through. I hope you guys have a beautiful rest of your day. Start of your day. Like me. I'm 07:00 a.m. here. Got to go to work in a few hours and do the second half, but shit, man. Robert, thank you so much for coming through. I appreciate you taking the time. Appreciate you giving the explanations and answering my questions over here at zoo verse. And I'll leave the stage up to you, boss. Time is all yours.

Final Words from Robert

And thank you guys so much, man. Hope to stay in touch and best of luck when it comes to your guys's upcoming mint, brother. Appreciate it. Legend. Yeah, thanks so much for the time and having the conversation. It was a great one. Yeah. For anyone new to the community, pretty solid overview. If you still have any other questions, feel free to drop into our discord. And, yeah, we can answer any questions. Really super open book.

Upcoming Art Reveals and Innovations

Yeah, I think one thing just, yeah, mint is like less than two weeks away and yeah, I'm just excited to share, like, you know, the art that psycho has been working on for fuck, man. It would actually be, like, over a year now, which is insane, I think. Just, like, the amount of thought, like, if you're a psychrome fan, you'd already know. But, you know, this, man, you're not going to see, like, generic traits that every other collection has in their collection. It's going to be some, like, unique shit that he probably, like, has, like, a ten minute explanation for.

Innovative Feature Announcement

So, yeah, keen to, like, you know, share the art, obviously, with the man. I think, we're also doing some stuff with the collection and with the metadata that I don't know if, like, really many, if any collections have done before. So, like, I guess, yeah. For everyone that, you know, loves, like, innovative shit in web three as well, I think you'll really, you know, love the attention to detail that's been taken with the collection. And I think you're in for a surprise.

Acknowledging the Audience and Conclusion

So keep an eye out. And, yeah, other than that, man, I really appreciate you guys having us on. And for everyone in the audience, thanks for tuning in and, yeah, until next time. Hell yeah, Robert. Appreciate your time, guys. Have a great rest of your day. Beginning your day, end of your day. Morning, wherever the hell you are in the world. Love you, boys. Love you, girls. And we will speak to y'alls later. Mandy, have a great one.

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