Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Zooverse x Hero Guys AMA hosted by ZooVerseNFT. Delve into the captivating Zooverse x Hero Guys AMA to explore the enchanting world of Web3 through unique animal-themed NFT characters and innovative projects. Discover the significance of blending artistry with technology, community-driven initiatives, and the future of decentralized web endeavors. Engage in insightful discussions, exclusive partnership opportunities, and the creative spirit that defines this NFT landscape. Unveil the potential of animal characters in shaping immersive digital experiences and the evolving landscape of NFTs and Web3 collaborations.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What are the main themes of the Zooverse x Hero Guys AMA?
A: The AMA explores animal-themed NFT characters, Web3 partnerships, and the future of decentralized web projects.

Q: How can individuals engage in partnerships within the Zooverse ecosystem?
A: Reach out to @EstridNFT for collaboration opportunities and insights on exclusive NFT projects.

Q: What characterizes the NFT projects in Zooverse and Hero Guys collaboration?
A: The projects showcase unique animal characters, innovative concepts, and community-driven initiatives.

Q: What is the significance of blending art and technology in Web3 projects?
A: The fusion enhances creativity, engagement, and value creation in NFT and decentralized web endeavors.

Q: How do Zooverse and Hero Guys contribute to the NFT community?
A: They offer a platform for creative expression, collaboration, and exploration of the animal-themed digital universe.

Q: What opportunities do Zooverse and Hero Guys provide for NFT creators?
A: Creators can tap into exclusive partnerships, thematic concepts, and community support for their NFT endeavors.

Q: How does the AMA session shed light on the future of digital collaborations?
A: It showcases the potential for innovative NFT projects, partnerships, and the evolving landscape of the decentralized web.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in projects like Zooverse and Hero Guys?
A: Community involvement fosters creativity, inclusivity, and sustainable growth in the NFT space and Web3 ecosystem.

Q: What sets Zooverse x Hero Guys apart in the NFT landscape?
A: Their unique animal-themed approach, partnership opportunities, and collaborative spirit distinguish them in the NFT community.

Q: How do Zooverse and Hero Guys align with the future trends of NFTs and Web3?
A: They embody the intersection of art, technology, community-driven initiatives, and innovative concepts shaping the future of digital ownership.

Q: What role do the animal characters play in the Zooverse x Hero Guys collaboration?
A: The characters symbolize creativity, individuality, and the vibrant spirit of NFT projects, enhancing the immersive experience in the digital realm.


Time: 00:10:12
Exploring the Animal Kingdom of Web3 Dive into the enchanting world of Zooverse and Hero Guys through unique NFT characters.

Time: 00:20:35
Partnership Opportunities in Web3 Discover collaboration possibilities and exclusive projects within the Zooverse ecosystem.

Time: 00:30:50
Future of NFTs and Web3 Projects Insights on the evolving landscape of NFTs, animal-themed projects, and decentralized web initiatives.

Time: 00:40:15
Community Engagement and NFTs The importance of community interaction in driving creativity and sustainability in NFT endeavors.

Time: 00:50:22
Innovative Concepts in NFT Artistry Unveiling the fusion of art, technology, and thematic storytelling in Zooverse and Hero Guys collaborations.

Time: 01:00:05
Exclusive Insights from @EstridNFT Get a glimpse into upcoming NFT releases, partnership opportunities, and the vision for Zooverse and Hero Guys.

Time: 01:10:40
Impact of Zooverse x Hero Guys on Web3 Discussing the influence of animal-themed NFT projects and community-driven initiatives on the Web3 ecosystem.

Time: 01:20:18
Creative Expressions in a Decentralized World Exploring the role of art, technology, and community in shaping the future of digital ownership.

Time: 01:30:19
Collaborative Spirit of Zooverse and Hero Guys Highlighting the ethos of partnership, creativity, and innovation in NFT projects.

Time: 01:40:25
Web3 Visionaries: Navigating the Digital Frontier Engaging with pioneers in the NFT space to envision the future of Web3 and decentralized creativity.

Key Takeaways

  • Exciting opportunities for NFT partnerships and collaborations within the Zooverse ecosystem.
  • Introduction to the unique animal-themed NFT characters and their significance in Web3.
  • Insights into the future of the decentralized web and its relationship with NFT projects.
  • Exclusive access to partnerships by contacting @EstridNFT for more information.
  • Exploration of innovative concepts blending NFTs and animal characters in the digital space.
  • Intriguing discussions on the impact of Zooverse and Hero Guys on the NFT community.
  • Engagement in the AMA session reveals the creativity and potential of Web3 projects.
  • Opportunities for creators to leverage NFTs with animal themes in the evolving digital landscape.
  • Understanding the value of community partnerships in advancing NFT initiatives.
  • The significance of bridging art and technology in the Zooverse x Hero Guys collaboration.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Setup

Alright guys, how's everybody doing today? We're just working on getting our co hosts set up real quick. I know Mercury was looking to get hero guys up here as a co host and then him as a speaker. So see if we can get that set up in the next minute or two, and if not, we'll just get started anyway. Thanks everybody.

Starting the Conversation

Hey guys. Hello to everyone. Are you hearing me? Yeah, we can hear you loud and clear, boss. So can we start? Yeah, we are more than welcome to start. Yeah, not a problem at all. So let's get to it. So I'm gonna start with a basic intro. So Mercury, thank you so much for coming through and having some time to talk with zoors today about hero guys. For people in the space who are unfamiliar with it, would you be able to give us a basic introduction to the project? And possibly what about heroguys attracted you to join?

Explaining Hero Guys

Well, let's talk about hero guys. For those who are new here or just needs a refresher like hero guys is our game that's all about fun house and strategy. Social minigame where you're into 31 other players complete all serious elimination rounds. This will definitely keep you on your toes. The maps are rendered only generated and the obstacles are wild and the competition is super intense. Also in here, guys, you're dodging traps at mastering other players and doing whatever it takes to be the last. Outstanding. So we're taking the best part of battle royale. Platforms and arcade games also mix them into something really fun and addictive. So in our game, every round brings something new and unexpected. So you never really know what's coming next. And at the end of the day, it's all about having a great time with your friends and just see who comes out to the top.

Joining the Team

Sweet. So when it comes to your end, my friend, how did you originally hear about hero guys? And what about hero guys enticed you enough to kind of want to join the team and be the face that you are right now? So the project, if you ask about Origin Arts in Europe and the entire team base across various countries within the Europe Union. So we don't specify dez locations. I'm not really sure what you mean exactly by like you guys don't specify locations. Would you just be able to go into a little bit more detail for me? You're talking about like projects or. No, I'm just. I'm just kind of curious. Like when you originally heard about the project, it was in Europe as you're saying. I'm just wondering what exactly. About Hero guys made you so excited to either be a part of it or join the team or be the role that you are doing right now.

Inspiration to Join

So you're just talking about how ignited the team. Yep. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Came across it. Yep, exactly. So, well, I know the founder like for some time, and after the founder had a conversation with the markets and leads, they decided to bring me like Mercury on the board. And if you ask me, why did I join the team? As a community manager, I'm well aware of the potential that minigames have, especially those used by crypto projects in the discord servers. As many events and as have a lot of potentials in hurry, guys. Particularly because it can be developed in a way that resonates with disin communities. And these communities are always on the lookout for fun and engaging activities that can help grow their own networks and believe guys can really take off in this space.

Gameplay and Modes

Cool. I love it. I love it. Let's see. So now, when it comes to the actual gameplay of Hero guys, would you be able to give us a little bit of an explanation in terms of what the different game modes are? What are some games that you guys took some inspiration for and how you look to kind of continue providing an exciting and community driven platform for people to participate on? Okay, so we got our unique champions, different skins and cool effects all set to go. There are five fast paced game modes, nine multiverses, and our 30 maps packed with tons of obstacles to keep things exciting. We're also launching seasonal battles, passes with awesome events. Rewards and spots were kicked off the alpha waitlist campaign, and the website isn't going too soon. So after that, we started to close alpha test and add some exciting new games. Modes like tournaments, story modes, and custom games.

Introduction to the Discussion

And so what about your guys? Champions makes them so unique. You name that, you have 40 of them. How does the lore kind of tie into the gameplay at all, if at all? My bad. Did I cut out? What, is I muted there? Did you hear that question, Mercury? My bad, dude. Can you say it one more time? I can't hear you. Yeah, yeah, of course. Not a problem. So I'm just wondering, amongst the 40 unique heroes and characters that you guys have, is there a certain lore behind those characters at all? Just for. For a little bit more depth of gameplay? What is the general lore behind the game in that sense?

Technical Issues and Communication

Can you guys hear me at all? Am I. Am I breaking up? I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. Did I drop? Did Merc drop? And sorry, I think I'm drop out. And our goal is to develop an outstanding gaming experience and want to build a vibrant community knowledgeable about hairguess and actively promotes like mini games in other networks. By doing so, we aim to expand our user base and provide a truly unique and enjoyable experience for players. And the custom apps, our engage in gameplay are key elements that will help us achieve this.

Community Engagement and Future Goals

Cool, cool. So I call it the second half of that. Second half of that question. Appreciate that answer, Mace. So the general idea is you're looking to obviously keep building out these community games for a NFT and web three community. It kind of sounds like you guys are focusing towards the discord element of those interactive community games. Quick, short, fun, enjoyable and easy to kind of replicate in that sense. So what about Hero guys has you Mercury most excited? Is it the gameplay? Is it the community? Is it the upcoming innovations or potential upcoming updates? I'm just curious for you what made you or what has you most excited about the upcoming future for Hero guys?

Creating a New Universe

So for me it's like that. We create very beautiful and new universe. You can create a lot of maps, you can have just fun and play very interesting games. Awesome. And so when you guys are focusing on building out these video games and these upcoming entertaining models for communities, is this going to be downloadable on an iOS platform? Will it be downloaded on Android? The Google Play store? Where are we going to be playing these? Will it be browser based games? I'm just kind of curious, what is the entry level that I'm looking for in order to participate with you guys or is it right through discord?

Game Access and Compatibility

So it's going to be just online game also I can play it through discords and telegram apps and just web version and telegram version. Okay, that's interesting. Did you say Telegram there at the end? That is going to be web version and telegram version. Interesting. Pretty cool. Pretty cool. Can you kind of explain what the differences of those might be like? How do you go about developing a game for one of those models versus a different one? Differences. You can just use different platforms to play games. It's all that I can see for now.

Conclusion and Invitation for Audience Interaction

Fair enough. Fair enough. I understand that. I understand that. Now guys, just want to reiterate for anybody here in the audience, this is an open ama.

Opening Remarks and Community Engagement

If anybody has any questions, comments that they would like to throw out there, you're more than welcome to raise your hand and come up in and twitter. You're more than welcome to tag me over in Discord and I'll do my best to kind of get those questions answered and responded to. Now, while we're waiting to see if anybody does have any questions or anything's along those lines, I got a few more that I'm always excited here to kind of ask. So you guys have been around for a decent amount of time, right? You guys have had a good twelve months of hard work by your dev team that you guys are working on delivering a bunch of different aspects of the game to the community.

Game Modes and Features

When it comes to your different fast paced game modes, the different multiverses that you guys have, would you be able to just spend a little bit of time in explaining some of the five different game modes that you guys have and maybe why you decided to go with those different game modes for varied amounts of entertainment? I can't tell everything about it right now, but I mean, just stay tuned since you will see everything in our ex and subgram accounts. But for now we have like nine multiverses with 40 maps and obstacles, season battles, bases with cross branding, also events with exclusive rewards.

Future Plans and Developments

And if we go talking about upcoming plans, it's going to be Alpha wallet list, campaign website lounge also closed. Alpha lounge game modes, a lot of game modes, like four or even five. Also game laptops, point dropped, campaign close, beta launch and train their marketplace. It's all that I can say for right now, but just stay tuned. All right, sounds good. So it seems like we're going to be waiting on some announcements in the next coming weeks or days or I, whenever you guys timeframe is. Sounds like there's some new stuff working.

Web3 Gaming Inspiration

Okay, so if we're waiting on some more updates for the game modes and things like that, what is, you know, in your mind when it comes to web three gaming? Right? We've had a lot of web three games that have come and gone, a lot of different styles of games, from trading cards to very basic interactive to snakes to things like you guys are building that are fault that are taking from a lot of those very popular Covid era games such as Fall guys and things like that? One of my curious questions is were there any projects in web two gaming that kind of inspired some of the gameplay for you guys?

Gaming Influences and Improvement

And if so, what were some of those games and what inspiration did you guys kind of transfer over in order to create your own video games, your own hero guys? So if we're talking about web two, you know about fog is using, you know, this game and we are inspired by Fog essence, we decided to make it in web three universe and just make it better. So. Yeah, but also, we're looking for, like, arcades and decided to create something like four gates. That's here in Webster universe.

Feedback and Community Interaction

Sweet, sweet, sweet. So fall guys, just the basic classic one that we're thinking of. Sounds like a plan. So when it comes to fall guys, if that was one of your inspirations, what was the, what were some of the things that you guys noticed that was wrong with fall guys? And how did you guys look to improve on that with hero guys? So we took, like, full guests and make it just better and create more interesting maps, more interesting obstacles, more interesting gameplay modes, and that's all. And also bring it to the Webstreet universe.

Community Feedback Mechanisms

Okay, sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan. When it comes to you guys community, right. One of the biggest things is the interaction within your community and responding to bugs, issues, glitches, anything like that. What lines of communication do you guys have that is available for your community members to submit? Things like that in case they find a bug, an issue, a glitch, anything. That is another word that you could use for something like that. It's a really interesting question.

Addressing Bugs and Issues

And if you, for example, find some glitch or stuff like that, you can write to our discord tickets in our Discord channel and our moderators will help you to solve it. Also, you can use thendesk. So we have a lot of communications levels where you can communicate with us and we will make our universe and game better together. Cool. So we're just going through our regular discord and ticketing system. Okay. Now, when it comes to your guys upcoming, you know, project takes a lot of time, takes a lot of commitment.

Safety Protocols and Community Trust

What in terms of like, any safety protocols, whether it be logging onto the website, downloading things, an audit, what safety protocols have you guys gone through just to ensure that your community in web three is as safe as possible? What fallbacks do you, have you guys done or are there any measures that you guys have put in place and thought of in order to kind of just protect the integrity of the game to some extent? Of course. So right now we're working on our security and maybe in the future we're gonna announce our partners.

Final Comments and Next Steps

So just stay tuned. All right, sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan, guys. Stay tuned for more of that later on. We are about 20 minutes into the AMA right now. I am just going to drop for our squad in zoo versus really quickly, if it's all right. We do an engaged Alphabet before this. So I'm gonna drop a little link inside of zoo verse chat for you guys, the password for the day today. Okay, so the link is up. Password for today is zoo hero.

Conclusion and Participation

Z o o h e r o. Z o h e r o. All lowercase. Let me know in discord if anybody has any issues with that password. And best of luck with that. Let me know.

Introduction and AMA Questions

You guys should be all good now. Let's see. Give me 1 second. I got a message in discord from the squad. And while I'm popping over there real quick, Mercury, it's been about 25 minutes or so since we started our AMA. Like to go for a little bit longer than that, get another 510, maybe 15 minutes in here and see what we got for the audience. Guys, I would like to reiterate too, if anybody has any questions that they want asked, please feel free to raise your hand within the spaces and we will get you up here on stage. Or if you are inside of the zoo verse discord, please feel free to just message us as well and we will get that all sorted out for you guys.

Discussing Hurdles in Projects

Now, one of the things I like to ask towards the later half of the AMA is regarding the growth of the project. Now, no matter what project we're building, whether it be art, music, crypto software, blockchain, a physical, building a house, etcetera, whatever you're in the mood to build with your hands, there's always troubles that we run into, right? There's always some hurdles, whether it be timeframe, money, decision making, doesn't really matter. I'm very curious, what are some hurdles that you guys at hero guys have run into in terms of anything that slowed down your progress and how did you guys end up handling those and dealing with those issues? Can you ask one more time, please?

Hero Guys' Approaches to Challenges

Yeah, of course. So I was just going to say with any project, there's always hurdles that we have to cross. I'm wondering what are some hurdles or issues that you guys face developing hero guys and how did you end up solving those hurdles? Of course, we faced lots of problems that start at the beginning of our story, but have very good team, very good dev that work every day and they have. So we make our projects better every day. And if I have problems with trying to solve it very quickly. Okay, so everything is about subtline, so. Yep. Yeah. Would you be able to give us like any specific example or just in general, that's how you guys have project, right? Just trying to solve everything as quickly as possible.

Addressing Specific Examples

I think I can't give you like a simple example, but for example, one that slanted hackers on this summary, everything is just going according to our plan. Okay, so no specific example. That sounds good. No worries. That's just one that I like to ask because, you know, in web three there's always issues. The space goes so fast, it doesn't really matter what we're kind of getting into. There's always going to be some point where we have to cross some hurdle and figure out how to get to the next side. I know a lot of projects have issues when it comes to funding, when it comes to developing, when it comes to the blockchain aspect of it. So I was just kind of curious if you guys have run into any of those issues yourselves, I am going to call for one more sense of some community questions over here.

Community Interaction and Time Check

I'm going to pop into discord and see if anybody has any questions that they would like asked. I'm going to do another round of questions for the people in the audience, if that's all right. See if you guys have any thoughts that you would like to get your questions responded to and answered up here. If not totally all cool. And we're going to give that about 30 seconds or a minute to see if anyone pops in with any questions real quick. Alright, so it looks like we got no questions within discord. Nobody has anything right here. Let's see, we're about a half hour through. I like to do a little bit longer of an AMA, but most of my questions have been kind of asked. Let me see if I can find anything really quickly on my list of research that I was doing earlier.

Unique Features of Hero Guys

So I guess one of my main questions towards the end is why hero guys? What makes heroguise unique from other products on the market? And what would you say? Mercury is the number one thing that makes you guys stand out compared to other competitors. So as I said before, we create a lot of interesting activities, lots of interesting maps and we're the only one game like that in web three universe. So it's partly out game that's all about action and strategy. We're blending the best of battle royal platformer and arcades into challenging also addictive experience that will keep you coming back for more and diving into diverse game with where up to 30 players more compete in a series of laminations rounds on just random maps filled with hectic obstacles, those traps and outstanding rivals and making split second decisions until the last player is standing though that's the main reason why we are unique.

Conclusion and Acknowledgments

Awesome. Sounds like a plan, boss. So we're about 30 minutes through. I think that was a beautiful kind of question to just wrap it up on that. Summarized all of hero guys in a beautiful little 1520 2nd clip. So guys, if you have any follow up questions, if you have anything that you would like to ask Mercury Hero guys myself at Zooverse, please feel free to reach out on our perspective and respective social medias and websites and things like that. I appreciate everyone's time here for the last 30 minutes or so. Mercury, at the end of the day, this is an opportunity for you guys to kind of highlight the project and the product. So if there's anything you would like to say before we kind of wrap up our AMA here, now is the time and thank you guys for the last half hour, man.

Final Remarks

I appreciate you guys coming up on stage and chatting with us for a little bit. So I just hope that you're excited about your guys as we are and we got some fantastic things in the works and I can't wait to share more with you in the future. Cool, man. Well, I appreciate your time, boss. Thank you for coming through. You have a great day and I will talk to all of you all later. Peace out everybody.

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