Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space delves into discussions surrounding crypto payments, Wirex, WirexPay token, NFTs, and the advantages of utilizing crypto loans over traditional financial options. Key takeaways include insights on token distribution, revenue sharing, NFT use cases, credit systems, taxation, and the benefits of cryptocurrency holdings. The highlights cover key timestamps focusing on various aspects of the crypto industry, emphasizing the significance of decentralized finance innovations and platforms like Wirex. The Q&A format presents essential questions and answers addressing different facets of the discussions.


Q: What percentage of WirexPay token supply is designated for note operators?
A: 20% of the token supply over five years is allocated for note operators.

Q: Are revenue shares available for non-license holders within the ecosystem?
A: Yes, revenue shares can be accessed by non-license holders in the ecosystem.

Q: What are some notable use cases of NFTs discussed in the space?
A: NFTs were explored for their utility in various scenarios and use cases.

Q: What is the focus of the discussions around crypto loans in the DeFi space?
A: The discussions highlighted the benefits of crypto loans over traditional options.

Q: Why are users favoring crypto loans over conventional loan options?
A: Users are attracted to crypto loans due to perceived advantages over traditional loans.

Q: What are some factors contributing to the popularity of holding cryptocurrencies?
A: Benefits such as potential returns, financial sovereignty, and diversification contribute to the popularity of holding cryptocurrencies.

Q: What is the significance of the discussions on taxation within the crypto industry?
A: Taxation discussions provide insights into the implications of holding and transacting with cryptocurrencies.

Q: How do NFTs play a role in different use cases according to the space discussions?
A: NFTs were explored for their roles in diverse scenarios, demonstrating their utility beyond art collectibles.

Q: What key areas of the DeFi sector were highlighted in the Twitter space?
A: Discussions covered aspects of decentralized finance (DeFi), including crypto payments, loans, and innovations.

Q: What insights were shared regarding the benefits of Wirex and its platform offerings?
A: Details on Wirex’s platform and offerings were discussed, providing insights into its role in the crypto space.


Key Takeaways

  • WirexPay token distribution includes a 20% supply over five years for note operators.
  • Revenue shares available for non-license holders in the ecosystem.
  • NFTs showcase various use cases and their utility in different scenarios.
  • Exploration of the credit system and advantages of crypto loans over traditional options.
  • Discussions on the benefits of holding cryptocurrencies.
  • Insights on taxation in the crypto industry.
  • Role of NFTs in different use cases.
  • Comparative benefits of crypto loans over conventional loan options.
  • Focus on the DeFi sector highlighting decentralized finance innovations.
  • Overview of the Wirex platform and its offerings.

Behind the Mic

Welcome to the 100X show, where we bring you the best and brightest in crypto. Today, we are happy to introduce Georges, CEO of Wirex and Wirex Pay, and Pavel, Web 3 Lead at Wirex and Wirex Pay. Welcome to the show, guys. Thanks for having us. Yeah, thank you for having me. It’s a pleasure. So Georges, tell us a bit about your journey and how you got started in Wirex Pay. My journey began in traditional finance back in 1999 when I started as a trader. I then moved into fintech in 2010, founding Wirex, which was one of the first to combine VISA cards with crypto accounts. This year, we launched our new project, WirexPay, aimed at creating a blockchain native payment system. WirexPay is designed to be a global infrastructure allowing anyone to pay with crypto in real-world scenarios seamlessly. That’s impressive. So how does Wirex Pay differentiate itself from other payment systems? What would you say sets it apart? Well, first of all, Wirex Pay is built with account abstraction and zk-rollup technology at its core. This makes it more efficient and secure. Furthermore, Wirex Pay does not only offer a way to spend crypto using cards but also aims to facilitate online, offline transactions, and ATM withdrawals without ever converting crypto to fiat. So the entire transaction loop stays within the crypto ecosystem. That’s very innovative. Could you explain a bit more about how zk-rollups play a role in this? How do they enhance security and efficiency? Absolutely. zk-Rollups are key to our solution. They allow us to batch many transactions into one, reducing the load on the blockchain and lowering gas fees. Account abstraction is another critical component. We give the customer control over their account using programmable smart contracts while maintaining security and compliance. That’s interesting. Could you delve a bit into how the abstraction works from a user standpoint? Sure, from the user’s perspective, Wirex Pay operates like any other payment method. Users authorize transactions via their wallet. What happens behind the scenes is that when a user makes a payment, the smart contract we have in place processes it efficiently without exposing any sensitive data, offering a secure experience without the implications of traditional counterparty risks. It sounds like the user experience is seamless. What about partnerships and integrations? Do you have any plans to integrate WirexPay with other Web3 services? Yes, Wirex Pay is designed to be integrated into other ecosystems. We are looking to form alliances and partnerships with other non-custodial wallets and Web3 applications to extend the utility of our service. Could you share any specific examples? Certainly. One example is enabling any non-custodial wallet to offer a Wirex Pay debit card to their users without needing to develop the infrastructure themselves. Similarly, we are open to other integrations, especially those involving DeFi or other payment service innovations. That’s good to hear. Pavel, could you tell us more about your perspective on crypto payments and the industry as it stands today? Sure, from what we’ve seen, the crypto payment industry is on the brink of a massive transformation. Despite the turbulent market, the interest in crypto payments has never been higher. We are constantly thinking of ways to innovate and provide real-use cases for crypto in daily transactions. Speaking of innovation, do you foresee any major trends that might shape the future of Web3 and crypto payments? Absolutely. I think the idea of keeping transactions entirely within the crypto ecosystem without needing fiat will gain more traction. Another trend is the increasing importance of programmable financial services, which allow for greater flexibility and customer-centric solutions. Georges, you mentioned earlier something about the Wirex Pay token. Could you expand on that? Yes, the Wirex Pay token is integral to our system. It is used to reward transaction validators and provide liquidity for our transactions. As a node operator, you can earn a portion of these tokens, which incentivize maintaining the network. That sounds rewarding. Could you provide any details on the token distribution model? The Wirex Pay token is distributed over five years, with 20% allocated to node operators. Additionally, token holders will benefit from sharing in the revenue generated from transactions. That’s interesting. Speaking of which, how do crypto loans work within WirexPay? Why would users prefer crypto loans over traditional ones? Loans in the crypto space are popular because users can leverage their assets without selling them, avoiding tax events and maintaining their positions. The process is transparent, private, and often more flexible compared to traditional loans. How does Wirex Pay ensure compliance and security, especially with regulations being a core issue in the crypto space? We have a robust compliance framework in place. Our transactions are transparent and auditable, which helps in maintaining regulatory standards. Furthermore, our use of zk-Rollups and account abstraction adds an additional layer of security. That’s reassuring. Pavel, as Web3 phase is growing, are there specific use cases you’re most excited about with WirexPay? Definitely. I’m particularly excited about the integration possibilities. Imagine being able to use your crypto seamlessly across different platforms and services without having to convert to fiat. Another interesting area is the potential for decentralized identities tied to payments. That does sound revolutionary. Georges, can you give us any teasers or upcoming features we should look out for? We have a few features in the pipeline, including further advancements in zk-Rollups and even more integrations with other DeFi products. The more immediate teaser is that we are exploring integrations with the Telegram ecosystem, which we’ll reveal more on soon. That’s exciting. Where can listeners keep up with WirexPay’s updates and announcements? The best way to keep up with us is on our Twitter, @Wirex and our website wirexpaychain.com, where we publish technical details and updates. And stay tuned for our Telegram channel announcement coming next week. Thank you both for this insightful discussion. It’s clear WirexPay is setting the stage for the future of crypto payments. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds. Thank you for having us. Thank you. Don’t forget, folks, you can catch more of the 100X Show as we continue to explore the latest and greatest in crypto.”

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