Zinu x Long Lost | Cross Community Hangout ‍️


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Zinu x Long Lost | Cross Community Hangout ‍️ hosted by LongLostNFT. Venture into the world of Zinu x Long Lost's Cross Community Hangout featuring portals, music, streetwear, and culture. Discover how diverse engagement, interactive portals, immersive experiences, and unique collaborations like Losties Beer create a vibrant community atmosphere. Explore the significance of streetwear in defining cultural identity and the power of hashtags in driving engagement. Promote creativity, exploration, and community hangouts to foster strong relationships and loyalty within the community. Join the Losties Beer experience and immerse yourself in a blend of music, fashion, and culture.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 105


Q: Why is diverse community engagement important for events like this?
A: Diverse engagement creates a rich and inclusive environment, enhancing the overall experience.

Q: How do portals contribute to the interactive experience of the community hangout?
A: Portals bring a novel and engaging aspect, inviting participants to explore and interact.

Q: What role does music play in community events like Zinu x Long Lost?
A: Music sets the tone, evokes emotions, and connects people on a deeper level.

Q: Why is streetwear a significant component of the culture and identity in this space?
A: Streetwear adds a distinct style, reflecting the community's identity and values.

Q: What makes collaborations like Losties Beer special for the community?
A: Collaborations offer exclusive experiences and products, fostering a sense of belonging.

Q: How do immersive experiences impact community relationships?
A: Immersive experiences deepen connections among members, creating memorable moments.

Q: Why is providing a platform for creativity essential in community settings?
A: Creativity fosters individual expression, innovation, and a sense of community ownership.

Q: How can hashtags like #LostAF contribute to the success of community initiatives?
A: #LostAF boosts visibility, encourages participation, and creates a shared community language.

Q: Why is merchandising like streetwear beneficial for community building?
A: Merchandising offers a tangible way for fans to express support and feel part of the community.

Q: What impact does promoting community hangouts have on member engagement?
A: Promotion builds anticipation, encourages participation, and strengthens community bonds.


Time: 00:12:35
Diverse Community Engagement Delving into the importance of inclusivity and diversity in community events.

Time: 00:18:20
Interactive Portals Experience Exploring the excitement and interactivity of using portals in community hangouts.

Time: 00:24:45
Music's Influence on Community Connection Discussing how music enhances emotional connections and community cohesion.

Time: 00:32:10
Streetwear and Cultural Identity Examining the significance of streetwear in shaping community identity and culture.

Time: 00:40:15
Exclusive Collaborations like Losties Beer Unveiling the allure of exclusive collaborative ventures for community members.

Time: 00:48:30
Immersive Experiences Strengthen Bonds Illustrating how immersive experiences deepen relationships within the community.

Time: 00:58:55
Fostering Creativity and Exploration Encouraging creativity and exploration as essential elements for community growth.

Time: 01:10:05
Harnessing Hashtags for Engagement Exploring the impact of using hashtags like #LostAF to drive engagement.

Time: 01:20:30
Power of Streetwear Merchandise Showcasing how streetwear merchandise can enhance community connections.

Time: 01:32:40
Promoting Community Hangouts Emphasizing the importance of promoting gatherings to strengthen community ties.

Key Takeaways

  • Diverse community engagement is vital for creating a vibrant atmosphere.
  • Incorporating portals can add an intriguing and interactive element to community events.
  • Music plays a crucial role in connecting with audiences and setting the mood.
  • The fusion of streetwear and culture brings a unique identity and aesthetic.
  • Collaborations like Losties Beer offer community members a special experience.
  • Immersive experiences can enhance community bonding and interaction.
  • Creating a space for exploration and creativity can foster a sense of belonging.
  • Utilizing hashtags like #LostAF can help drive engagement and create buzz.
  • Offering merchandise like streetwear can be a powerful way to connect with fans.
  • Promoting community hangouts can strengthen relationships and loyalty.

Behind the Mic

Welcoming Remarks

Welcome. Welcome, everybody. Appreciate you being here. Not sure. I'm hoping my connection is working from here. If you guys could give me a thumbs up or some sort of comment, that would be absolutely terrific. Let's see here. Okay. Thumbs up. Appreciate you, Heather. Thank you. We'll get things started here shortly. Thought I would maybe have some intro music. I guess not. I guess the space had other plans, but really excited for this one. Hanging out with some good friends of mine. Thought it would be a nice precursor for next Friday. For next week. Gonna have a great loss with the mob event, hanging out with the z new community. Pretty staple and prominent space that they typically would hold monthly. And they have, they've had a little bit of a hiatus and we get to celebrate with them next Friday. So really looking forward to that. It's going to be a fun space to have some shop talk, as Brian likes to say, non web three conversations and just a fun kind of extended social or happy hour, you could say.

Event Anticipation

So we're going to dive into plenty of discussions tonight. I know that the post that had gone out last night from the official long lost account encouraged community participation. I know we had a great space last month or the other month, Brian. And at this point, I would say people are pretty familiar with you. I know you're in a couple of the long lost chats, so you're definitely not a stranger. And I know that you were able actually to make it out to the NFT MSP event, which was great to have you meet some of the fellow long lost community members. Put a face to the name, a face and voice to the name. And, and that's what I really enjoy about these in person events. And I think you got to see firsthand how well long lost represents and why these in person events mean as much to us as they do. So appreciate you being here, Brian. Been looking forward to this one.

Community Engagement

Appreciate the z new community hanging out and showing up already. Gonna let the rest of the community know. Gonna put one more ping in the discord. And we had quite a few reminders, I think about 80 or 80, 80 to 85 reminders. So you guys definitely showed up on that. Appreciate you for doing that. But Brian, I will kick it over to you. How you doing today? Hey, yeah, I'm doing well. How you doing today, sir? Doing well. It's not like, it's not like we've been on a couple phone calls today already. Some stuff going on and yeah, I'm happy to be here. And like you were saying too you know, the NFT MSP event that happened in our own backyard here at Minnesota. It was definitely a good time to be able to catch up and actually, you know, see more of the long lost community and what kind of events you guys do and stuff. And definitely something, you know, I could see.

Collaboration and Community

I'm excited about this collaboration space, first off, because I know that we both have very good communities and loyal holders and stuff like that people want to do more and get more involved with the communities. And that's what I like to find other projects like that. And you and I for sure know about each other's communities now because we've been intermingling for quite some time and we have a lot of discussions and talk, you know, fairly often as well. So yeah, I'm just happy to be here and happy to. I know that we kind of talked to our communities that talked, I think, in some spaces together, but it's nice to have a full on hangout space this week and then next week kind of, you know, after the ice is already broken to have more of a chill and drinks and loss of the mob and, you know, I got the losties brew as well. And I think you're bringing stuff too, or something.

Future Events and Engagement

And, you know, it's going to be a good time just hanging out and having some drinks and then hoping everyone shows up and, you know, it's for anyone that's not familiar with it's our community has a drinks with the mob event and we wanted to do one featuring long lost and doing a collaboration. So we're doing the lost af slash, you know, zombie mob. So lost with the mob event and everyone is welcome. You don't need to drink, but, you know, a beverage, you know, water, coffee or something is encouraged. This way you have something to sip on. But yeah, it's at a good time. It's at 06:00 p.m. central, seven Eastern. And it goes at least usually until like midnight, 01:00 a.m. or something like that. And then, you know, it's a fun space. It's a nice chill space. I like to have a no or minimal shop talk and kind of just getting to know people and, you know, having that more personable touch to kind of just get to know the community and stuff.

Recap and Future Participation

So it's definitely a good time. Anyone is new to it to stop by and say hi. Love it. Well said. Well said. I know. Again, we had that last one we had back in February was fun to be at and hang out in person at the casino and get into some shenanigans, nothing too crazy. But just to hang out and have that event was quite the fun time. You know, it sets the baseline for, you know, for future improvements or to build on top of it and, you know, bring it full circle here. I would say that was very much the case for the Minnesota event that we had about a month ago, NFT, MSP and with, you know, with anything. That's the first. And I know that you guys have had many drink with the mob events before, so it definitely wasn't a first.

Feedback and Improvement

But even with, you know, our event here in Minnesota about a month ago, like I was saying, it really gives you an idea of, you know, hey, what went well, what could be improved, and then you can just kind of figure out, you know, year after year or month after month with these different events that go on. You kind of have an idea of, okay, this went well. Or, hey, how can we take this to another level? And, you know, having been at that event in February and us getting to hang out a little bit of, you know, if something isn't broken, you know, no need to fix it. And I would say it went very well and looking forward to diving back in next Friday with all you guys. And we'll definitely see about bringing some, you might have to send a couple more reminders to some fellow Minnesota people to see if they want to come over and hang out with us in person versus just being on the phone.

Community Engagement and Discussions

But again, appreciate everybody being here hanging out. I do have just a couple quick things to mention before we dive in a little bit deeper. And I guess the first thing I'll say, too, is I'd love to have some even cross community participation. Anybody that wants to come up would really love for other people to get into the conversation. There may be some specific ecosystem points or topics we'll dive into, but I really want this just to be kind of a back and forth, you know, questionnaire time between the communities, asking about, you know, people's journeys, people experiences, what they like. I think it's really powerful when you get to hear about people's personal journeys within communities and why they like what they like.

Opening Up the Floor

I mean, Brian and I could sit up here and talk for a couple of hours and have some great conversations, but whoop, top hat, you might want to double check your mic there and we could sit up here and talk, but there's something about getting other people again to jump into the combo and hear from the community itself. And we both value hearing people's opinions and their feedback, and personally, but also community based, too. And if we aren't here taking in that feedback or critique, you know, it's going to be hard to maybe add in different things or maybe even correct or pivot as needed, you know, because we have our ideas and thoughts, but you guys have, again, different perspectives. You guys are connected to different people. I mean, we all are.

Highlighting the Long Lost Community

So again, it's always good to hear from other people. And then the second thing, real quick, I'll dive into or touch on for those that maybe don't know too much about long lost or wanting to maybe get some further clarity at what we're doing and what we're all about. I know, Brian, you've had some incredible posts and threads, I should say, on main Netz and the Z new community, too. So anything that you want to pin up to the top, feel free to share. But I'll give a shout out to Jay Wills. He put together an incredible thread, again, that really just depicts and breaks down everything that we're doing. You know, what we value, why we value it, and that alone, it's a five part thread that should give people a pretty good idea of, again, what we're all about and at least gives you some scope on, again, what the DNA, what the culture is like for long lost.

Comedic Interaction

You guys are too funny. Oh, my God. Appreciate you being up here, Alicia. Yeah, let me know. We'd love to get you in the community. I know you've been showing up to a bunch of spaces. Well, we'll have to see about making that happen here. I know that some of the lady losties are hard to come by at times, but I'll see what I can do to maybe snag one. And if you're willing to trade or do something. Well, yeah, we'll figure something out. Would be great to have you in the community, peanut. No problem. I'm gonna keep moving around. I know we got a couple other people up here. Hop, hop. Preciate you jumping up here. What's going on in your world, Doug?

Friday Excitement

Yeah, it's Friday, baby. How we do all. How we doing, Zenu? How we doing? Everybody was good. What's working with me? Hey, it Friday, baby. Was Alicia on some, like, two time shit? Was she repeating herself or just me? Or was that everybody? It's, It's off of top. Top hats, Mike. If. If he's unmuted, you'll echo off of it. So that's why you're getting two times of Alicia. Oh, that makes a lot of sense. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah. How's it going? Hot? Not bad. Not bad. But listening a little bit to the space, I got in a little bit late, but I did want to come up and chop it up with y'all on this Friday.

Engaging Discussions

This is a. I'm. I want to have. I got a question for you. Something I kind of ask. When we do cross community spaces and stuff like that, if I'm able to kind of get up and engage and whatnot. Well, first of all, we need to get a Z new in the portal, but a Halloween style, creepy style, whatever the most Halloween ish z news y'all have, I'm sure peanuts got an eye on a couple of them, but we'll figure that out. Definitely want to incorporate that into the portal that's coming up. But if long lost and Xenu were to do a collaboration of any sort, whether it's merch, digital art, a campaign of sorts, what do you see as being the ideal collaboration with long lost and Xenu?

Creative Collaboration Ideas

That's a tough question because I know that. I mean, because Xenu is such a good branding already. Like, using that with the losties brew, I think is a good subtle. You know, that the Z new along with the lostie brew, something like that, you know, like zoo, drinking a lost, you like, it kind of would blend both together really well, you know? And even with, like, maintenance, you like, everything is like its own little entity. So, like a maintenance shirt, like a logo, something like that. Subtle. Like, I think that you could do really well with having Xenu be a spokesperson for drinking a lostie. I like that. I'm. I'm interested, hop. I know you probably have a thought, so I'll let you go and then I'll chime back in.

Animation and Branding

No, yeah, I was gonna say, that's awesome. I mean, what would you do it? What about animation? Like, what if there's like a 510 2nd animation or something like that with, like, an endorsement? That'd be pretty cool. Yeah, I. Go ahead, peanut. Go ahead, Brian. Happy? You, sir. Okay. All right, I'll jump back in. No, I was gonna say, I know some of the animations that different community members have. I mean, one, the quality of the art for the DMSs collection is second to none. I mean, just, again, the qualities is so crisp. But then the animations, I know that you guys have, you know, again, I'm just even spitballing here, but to be able to somehow animate or get a lostie's can. Like, in one again, I don't know, I'm just putting it out there, you know, in one of the animations to where, you know, maybe, like, the can gets flipped or, you know, it, you know, gets cracked open.

Creative Ideas for Animation

I don't know. I'm, like I said, I'm just spitball. I'm putting different ideas out there. But if we're talking like some sort of, you know, five to ten second animation, that would be pretty epic. Personally, again, I don't know. I don't know if this is possible, but almost like the Steve cold Austin kind of specialty move, you know, like taking two drinks, taking two beers, smashing them together and. I don't know. Like I said, I'm just, I'm. I'm getting some of my creative side out here right now. Maybe it's a terrible idea, but that's what comes to mind. If, you know, were to do something fun that, you know, maybe incorporates both. That's a, that's something that I was thinking about. But even a t shirt, you know, I was thinking of like a t shirt idea, too.

Merchandise Ideas

You know, maybe figuring something out or, you know, there's maybe kind of just a clean kind of aesthetic. Maybe a little bit more of a plane, you know, zombie dog. And it's. It's holding similar to the graphic that you had shared Brian in. And maybe it's a, you know, losses can on top, or lossy's can in the hand, something like that. That would be, that'd be fun to see. I think something that, you know, would go over well. You get some of the Xenia community behind it, you get some of the losties behind it, and, you know, could get creative. But again, just kind of an idea that I thought about here on the spot. But hop, Brian, go for it.

Animator Collaboration

I like that idea. I like the concept. I'd have to check with. So our original animator left Xenu a while back during, like, the bear market. But we do still have contact with someone who, his name is Dollar ice, and he's done a lot of great animations. I might be able to speak and reach out to him and see if we could be able to get something done. I know that we'd be able to do, like, a graphic for sure, but I wonder about the animation aspect. I do like that. So I'm going to definitely inquire about it and see if something like that were to be done. I think a small clip would be, could be doable. So we'll definitely have to talk in the back channels and see if we could get something creative going.

Community Engagement and Follow-ups

App, I'm not sure if you have any other ideas or comments in regards to that. You know, was Miles, don't call Steve Austin iteration not good enough for you? Oh, okay. That is what we're going with. I mean, no, that, that's great. I mean, we could totally run with that, too. I mean, if we can somehow, you know, get in contact with you, know, the animator that Ryan was talking about and maybe have a pile of lossies sitting there with some ice. I mean, I'm not opposed to it either. Well, we'll have to find that for context. I know some people are like, what are they talking about? No idea. There was a great gif that was brought to life. And I know I've used it a couple of times, but I'll have to dig it up and see if I can find it right now for everybody.

Information Sharing and Community Spirit

Oh, please. I'll be right back. Okay. All right. If you know where to find it quicker than I can, great. I'm all for it. Yeah. You know, again, exploring those ideas is really what I'm all about. You know, some alignments and collaborations, you know, are, you know, maybe they're at bigger levels, maybe they're at lower levels, but at least just exploring it and putting it out there is really what I'm all about. And, you know, I I've said this for many months and I'll continue to say it. It's always nice to have spaces because I I'd like to think that they're very much like an icebreaker for communities if they maybe haven't had a lot of interaction or really there's just a desire to continue to grow the relationship, share some updates again, get participation from other people, and that very much sets the or lays the foundation for other things to happen, other opportunities, ideas to be explored.

Building Relationships in Community Spaces

And, you know, I think that's, again, what's so great about, you know, having this space again tonight, like minded people. And, and that's really what I was trying touch on in the post that I put out where the way that the Z new community shows up, truly, day after day, week after week. I know, Brian, that was probably one of the first things that I had told you about when really, when we really first started connecting, you know, probably with just within the last year, give or take. And I was like, gosh, like, what is going on with this community? Like, they have spaces every single day, like every single day almost at the, any given point of the day, at least all the major time zones.

The Significance of Community Participation

And to have a community that can roll 35 to 50 people deep just organically and people are attentive and listening. Like, that's what gets me so excited about you guys, and I still feel the same way today, is that people are looking for that first point of contact when they're, you know, a first getting into a community or be really taking a deep dive and trying to learn more before they jump in. And if they're able to jump into a space, ask questions, not be, you know, looked down upon or shunned or kicked out, but it's really just an open space where people can genuinely ask questions and have very insightful responses and answers back to those questions.

Welcoming Newcomers

That's like opening the door and or, you know, having somebody like, greet you at the door and welcome you into their house. And, you know, that's how I've always felt, you know, shout out to Arnold. I know he runs great morning spaces. I know Seamoon does an incredible job hosting spaces and has that many times of the day all throughout the week. Rosemarie, late night spaces, cars, garlic. I know he does Deejan Dejan spaces at insane times of the night. But that's what it takes. That's it's so important. And I still have not seen any community that, again, hosts as many, not just quantity, but quality of spaces to seven days of the week at all times of the day. So that was just one point I wanted to chime in with.

Acknowledging Community Contributors

But again, having that community initiative and really effort to continue to have those and host those not team driven, community driven at all parts of the day. I mean, I salute you guys. Everybody that shows up for the Z new community main Netzhe ecosystem, you guys definitely do it right. So again, just wanted to give my kudos and appreciation for all you guys because you guys have very much welcomed me in and made me feel at home, even with, you know, maybe some not so great questions. Just what felt like kind of silly questions to me. But you guys always do a, like I said, just an incredible job at not looking down upon anybody and welcoming people.

Finnishing Touches and Transition

So that's what I got there. Jabils, I know you have your hand up. I'll let you chime back in and then we'll kick it back over top. But jabils, go for it. Yeah. So I got about seven more minutes that I'm able to stay in the space before this next one starts. But Brian, I want to kick it. A question to you, like sum up what Z new is about because I don't know anything about it. I must have missed this first base that we did together. So a very quick elevator pitch, then we can continue in DM's possibly, and I can learn a little bit more about it, but quick elevator pitch and hit that main account to retweet that thread.

Promoting Collaborative Spirit

And I'll give you one to give away to whatever community member that you want to give away tonight, as far as a long lost is concerned, someone that you feel is a to join our family. That's what collaboration is about. So elevator pitch, I'll give one away for anyone that you want. Just get that main account to retweet that thread. Will do. I'll do that in just a moment. So our elevator pitch for Xeno. So our ecosystem has evolved over several years. This is actually coming up on year three. We launched in October 25 of 2021. We are on the Ethereum chain and launched on BSc shortly afterwards.

Evolution of the Ecosystem

But then we ended up migrating to our blockchain, which I'll get to, and that's kind of more of a part three of our whole ecosystem. So then the second iteration of what we had built was the ZMS NFTs, which is the zombie mob secret society. And that was launched in March of 2022. And they are built in Unreal engine five fully animated 3d. They flip, run, do a lot of different other animations, and everything is just fully moving and functional. So it's very exciting to see. We started out as more of a passion project, something that we wanted to launch and have a long term, long future.

Reinvention and Growth

And as with anything, sometimes visions change and people leave the overall brand. What has stuck around is the concept and the ability of Xeno being something much larger. So that's where our whole entire empire is starting to form and build, is that we're taking on multiple different avenues of this ecosystem. And we kind of branched out of just a meme token, but something with more utility. So like a meme with utility or something that can actually be long term growth, long term potential, and have fun along the way.

NFT Rights and Collaborations

So we also have with our NFT collection ip rights, which some users investors have actually been able to do stuff with their NFTs. Some have created coffee brands. Our largest one was actually Tidbits grill. He minted a Golden Xenu and got a $250,000 prize that he was able to use back and put that into his restaurant business in Pinemont in Georgia, and the restaurants tidbits. So definitely look that up if you're able to. We actually had our first IRL meetup there in 2022, and it was a very exciting time to be able to meet up with some of the community, have drinks, have a good time, and just chat with the whole entire community.

Community Meetup Celebration

So I think around 30 people showed up to that impromptu event, and it was a fun time. Let's now jump to end of last year where we actually had launched our blockchain, main Netc. So maintenance C was something that our original developer, Dale the CDO, he wanted a blockchain ever since we launched Xenoo. So it was something that was in the works for a year or two before we actually kind of let it go public. And Mainnet C is something that was built by developers, for developers. A lot of our community is dubbing it as the people's blockchain and there's much, there's more reasons to it than just that.

Mainnet C Launch

So we actually launched Xenu and put it on domain NeTC. So we migrated everyone over to do an airdrop of 4000 holders to main NeTC. To put in perspective of the gas fees, it costs less than, I think one netc, which is less than a cent. So to Airdrop 4000 holders it was less than a cent. Fast transaction speeds of 2000 transactions per second. And then it's also got a fast block time of 3 seconds. So all that stuff combined will make a fast, efficient blockchain and then also very affordable for the everyday user.

Developer Incentives

On top of that, developers are earning 40% of the on chain transaction fees that are going from their contracts. So any contract that they create, they're able to get some of those gas fees directly back to them. These are some of the concepts that have actually been really favorable for getting into an actual business entity. So what I mean by that is with crypto you see gas fees, you see Ethereum, we know the ins and outs. And sometimes we can take a year off or we can take a month off or whatever of a certain chain go to something else. With these other entities, like businesses, it's hard for them to be able to have that kind of flexibility and constantly change from one blockchain to another because they want to get into something and stay, and I'm leading it up with that because that's exactly what California State University Fullerton was doing.

University Blockchain Integration

Is that they are going to use the Ethereum blockchain hosted by AWS, which is Amazon Web Services, to host their blockchain, the token that they're building. And I was able to again, thanks to Arnold down there. So Arnold webbed, he introduced me to a professor at California State Fullerton and we're able to tell them the benefits of building on Mainnetc, how cheap the fees are, and put things in perspective. So a year's worth of time to build on just the Ethereum in an environment of what the school would do would have cost them roughly $30 to $40,000 per year. And that's with AWS fees, that's with Ethereum gas fees.

Cost Comparison

And that's just with an average baseline of what it was during the bear market. So during a bull, as you know, it'd be even more hectic and crazy than those costs. With main Netz, the cost was less than one cent at the current market captain, and even at a projected market cap of main net C being the same market cap as Ethereum, when I did the analysis, it would have only been around $200 for the whole year. To put in perspective, and this is why California State University Fullerton is actually partnering with Main NeTC and we're their blockchain of choice to where they're actually going to be.

Blockchain Curriculum Development

It started actually this semester where California state is learning about blockchain technology. So students are learning about Ethereum and bitcoin and other basic fundamentals before next semester where they're actually going to be developing, building on Mainnetc in a college curriculum and environment. So they're going to be building on our own blockchain in the college level and earning a certificate in the process after they're done with their curriculum. On top of that, I'm actually a part of the professional board, advisory board for California State's DeFi curriculum.

Advisory Role in Education

So I'm actually able to help guide and navigate and optimize my expertise to some of these things that they're actually going to be incorporating into the classroom aspect. Love it. Yeah, great rundown for sure. Definitely need to connect on a call with you. I'm about to send you a DM because that's a lot of information on pack there in seven minutes, but pretty good explanation. Quick question though, real quick. So Arnold, what is his connection to mainnet Z again? So Arnold is actually a long term a longtime community member of Z new and he's often in spaces and a very active and supportive community member.

Creating Valuable Connections

And he was talking with some of the community one time and then I happen to be on a space and he brought it up and wanted to see if anything could come from this instance. And I thought it was a very great idea to get blockchain technology into the school demographic. And we kind of started talking from there and Arnold and I talked more about it and then he introduced me to the professor and then from there it's everything I just kind of told you now. So it's moved at a pretty accelerated pace, but it's very exciting nonetheless to be able to help in this very beginning stages.

The Impact of Educational Initiatives

Of things to where crypto is not actually being implemented into the college state levels. And on top of that, this professor is actually on the academic senate in California. So he actually has more resources and stuff of teachers that he can talk to and potentially move it on to other campuses in California upon this program success. Man, I really hate, I need to leave this conversation, but yeah, Brian, definitely want to get on a call with you and honestly, probably Arnold as well because I think there's more to this conversation, but we just need to get on a private call and talk about it because I.

Looking Ahead

Yeah, we just need to figure that out. So I'll dm you here in just a few minutes once we get this other space up and running. But support the loan loss. Support Z new. I can't wait to learn a lot more about what's going on in that ecosystem. Sounds like you are doing some pretty cool stuff. And peanut, please just collect the wallet that Brian selected and I'll send them that lostie that they deserve tonight. So. And Brian, make sure it's a good holder. That's all I ask. We want a community member. We don't want someone that's just going to let the asset go.

Ensuring Genuine Participation

Absolutely. I completely can understand that sentiment and I'll be sure that it goes to someone that I'm familiar with and someone that is definitely a long term, long time community member. Nothing against the new people. You know, this is the rules of, you know, giving back to the people that stuck around through the longest. It's, you know, when things are good, it's easy to stick around, but it's the tough times that makes it, you know, kind of stands out. And I think that's what we're going to kind of reward is that solidarity of people.

Closing Remarks

So, yeah, for sure. All right. With that being said, peanut, good night, buddy. I'll let, I'll stay for just another minute. If you got anything you want to just respond on to or say, and then I'm going to bounce. Yeah, the thing I'll say real quick, before you bounce, Arnold, make sure to shoot Jay Wells a follow, vice versa. Would love to make sure that you, Arnold and Brian get connected to Jay Wills. I know he doesn't just toss it out there just casually when he says he wants to talk, he's actually going to jump on the phone and pick your brain.

Networking and Future Conversations

Brain. And, you know, he may have different synergies and alignments that maybe surprise people, but he's a man of his word and he's got something cooking. So appreciate you jumping up. J. Will's always great to hear from you. Thanks for your pivotal perspective and insight that I think is absolutely invaluable to, you know, again, long term lofty holders. And those are kind of looking from the outside, and it's. It's good for all people to hear what you have to say. So thanks for stopping in. And if that space is still kicking and going on, we will migrate over there when.

Final Thoughts

When we're finished up here. So appreciate jabils. Yes, sir. Thank you, guys. Appreciate y'all. Can't wait to dig into the xeno community. Community a little bit more. Appreciate you. Thank you. Love it. And, honestly, I was. I was just gonna. I was gonna add it. I'm feeling a little generous. Brian. Instead of one, pick out two people tonight. I'll. I'll add a lostie into that. So, two people. Two people. You know, preferably. I think.

Generosity in Action

I think J Wheels was alluding to somebody new that maybe doesn't have a lost yet. Make sure they're a good holder. Pick. Pick two people. Now. I'll add another one to the cause and would love to see some more alignment here. Like I was saying earlier, rather than just spitballing and being wishy washy about certain ideas, certain activations, sometimes you just got to step up and do it. So happy to contribute. Welcome some. Some new people into the.

Collaborative Spirit Continues

Into the long lost family. I love it. Love it. So, did you say you want me to pick two people? Yeah, do two people. J bowls. Will. Will send one and then I'll send one. You don't have to decide or pick right now. You can kind of. That's. Yeah, you can maul on it. I'm not saying you got. You got to go and say it right now, but, you know, take a little bit, whatever you need, and.

Wrap Up

And we'll make sure that we. That we touch on that before we. Before we wrap up tonight's space. But I do want to say, I know we had a couple. I know Jay will try to bounce. I know it looks like Alicia had to bounce as well, too. Always thankful for them popping up. But seriously, anybody else, losties, xenu, anybody? Feel free to request an up. We're happy to have some other conversations to mix and honestly, just would love some.

Inviting Community Voices

Some even kind of testimonials, just some experiences from people about their journey in each of the communities and why they enjoy, you know, I guess why you guys enjoy, you know, what you enjoy. So again, you know, we're not going to, you know, bite anybody. We don't hurt, but would love to have some other friends up here and get you guys into the fold here. But Brian, if you have anything else you wanted to share, go for it.

Giveaway Methodology

No, I think what I'm actually going to do for the giveaway to make it easier for people that are paying attention and have to engage along with being in the space is I'm going to do up a post and for some reason I can't actually pin on here, so I need to let you pin it. Yeah. Issues with my device. But then I'm going to do like an x picker so people that are responding and then I will respin it.

Ensuring Fairness in Giveaways

If it's someone that doesn't meet the criteria that we had discussed, I think that would be the easiest way. Okay. It also eliminates, anyone and any hard feelings against me. So try to be as impartial as I can. How's it going, Arnold? Hey, what's going on, Brian? What's going on? Peanuthdeh? Hey. Hey. PC jumping up? Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, it's definitely, it's dinner time over here, so I was kind of doing the same thing, you know, just grabbing some dinner.

Continuing the Conversation

But yeah, it's a great space, man. I'm excited to be up here with you guys, you know, just excited to hear about your ecosystem and, you know, just jump in more. I love it. Absolutely love it. And in regards to that, I know it looks like the one and only quanta, he put it down in the comments about a minute ago and he said, z new long lost hangout can mean only one thing.

Celebrating Community Engagement

He goes, I had to pick up another lostie and he picked up his first Zms nft. Gotta love it, gotta love it. So shout out to Quanta on his first lead in the charge here with the losties. Love to see it. Shout out to Quanta on the new pickups, but appreciate you jumping up, Arnold. Always good to hear from you. Just again, want to give your kudos and flowers. You run an incredible morning space and it's always great that you guys allow me to come up and hang out and share some sentiment and had a great space earlier today.

Networking in the Community

Love the different conversations we had about just AI technology and really where the development of this space and of this world is. But if you have any questions or anything else you wanted to jump in with, go for it, I'll kick it over to you. Yeah, yeah, no, I just kind of really wanted to talk about kind of what you were saying, like in terms of being a, especially a member of the zombie mob almost three years now, got into the tokens, Inu token.

Personal Journey in the Community

It was right before 2022. It's kind of like, I think it was November, December. But anyway, once I did that, then got into the NFT, which is the one that we, the Xenu NFTs in March of 22. And so that was an incredible run because know being excited about because that was towards the tail end of the bull run and it was just euphoria in the space and that whole thing was exciting. And then from there, just being in spaces throughout the bear market, shout out to Kanjila J rock and those individuals who were holding it down in the early stages of the bear market and then just really getting, hearing about the launch of Mainet Z, which we launched in December of 23.

Navigating the Market

And then we had a couple of seed rounds before that. So really holding spaces and being in spaces and being excited. And like Brian said, this ecosystem is absolutely, it's going to be absolutely amazing with a layer one blockchain and even what Xenu has to offer and our nfts and the things that they provide in terms of giving you a blockchain token that converts into a blockchain coin for eight years. I mean, there's so many things about the ecosystem that makes you excited.

Future of Blockchain Technology

But I'm really excited about the future of blockchain in terms of where the whole world is going, not just the country in terms of the financial industry. You look at blockchain, you look with all of the use cases that are going to be needed and then that's where Cal State Fullerton comes in and all the other college and individuals that are going to be building the new systems and new programs and what the world needs in the next 510 years. So when you look at that together with what we, what the team is doing and how solid that they've been and how ten toes down, as you say, and the integrity that they have, you know, that's why we're here two and a half years later.

Community Strength and Future Actions

Absolutely nailed it. Absolutely nailed it. And it's, again, it's one of those things where as you're building out these different brands, these different ecosystems. I, you know, again, I was saying it earlier, and I'll continue to say it's so imperative to have those key people really leading the charge. I know you were given a shout out to everyone that continues to hold it down for the community, and especially was during the early days, but having that nucleus, having that core, and I don't say that in a way of any hierarchy, and I know that's not the way that you guys go about it either, but having those people, those key people that really, you know, push people forward in a healthy way where, you know, you guys are constantly challenging each other to be your best and, you know, you're always providing feedback and insight and adding different, you know, comments on top of comments where, you know, the original conversation that you guys may start out with evolves to something completely different in the best way possible.

Open Discussions for Growth

Again, that's why I just, I love the power of spaces. I mean, that is a great way for people to a, you know, not everybody wants to read and they don't want to dig through a bunch of information. So if people are able to talk and converse in a way that has a very low barrier to entry, I mean, there's no better way in. And that's why I just, again, I know some people, you know, spaces are down, or I'm so, I'm fed up with them or they provide no value. I'm like, man, you need to change your circle.

Community Dynamics

Like, you need to get in some different communities, because the places where I'm at and involved with spaces are pivotal. You know, whether it's more of a casual community space. And I say that, but again, you guys have very intellectual, high level community spaces. And I say that in regards to maybe across community space like this. But even then, you know, the way that I've always tried to approach spaces is have it be a value where communities are able to share what's going on.

Creating Value in Community Spaces

And the way that, again, I try and host them is I really just try and shine a spotlight on what either on what other, excuse me, ecosystems are doing. And it's because of that I think a lot of people respect and enjoy the time that they get to have here when we're hanging out together because it's easy to dominate the conversation or be so fixated on what you're doing. But I think when you're in a relationship or friendship with another community or another individual, and rather than it being transactional or like a customer type of relationship, when you really have a long term perspective and goal in mind where you can align with someone else on it.

Symbiotic Relationships

Man, that's when you really get into some fruitful and enjoyable times together, because it's not something where it's. And it's not to say that, like a transaction, like a customer relationship is heartless, but you're more so just performing a duty because you got paid to do so versus these kind of symbiotic, long term relationships. It's something where you're going to look out for someone's best interest just as much as you would your own. And when you're able to do that, and you truly mean it from the core of your heart and being man, that, like, that's what it's all about in this space.

Long-term Vision and Collaboration

And I know that, again, that's what we're actually about here at. At long lost. And I know you guys are, too. And so I know as you were sharing that's. That's what came to mind or the evolution of that thought. That's where it led me to. But, again, love your insight and perspective. Again, for all the efforts that you have, leading the charge with the community is really second to none. So, again, can't say enough good things about you and the rest of the community. I did have one thing quick, and I know Jay Wills was touching on it briefly, but I think it would be of value if.

Importance of Key Relationships

If you could just real quickly touch on the relationship that you have with Professor Mike and how that came to fruition. Cause I know that it's probably best to be shared from you, but I believe it would be of incredible value just to share the weight and the impact that relationship has with Cal State and the ability that this has to really go. I don't know. I say parabolic, but that's probably not the right way to say it. It can really catch fire and spread pretty quickly throughout the college system in California.

Collaboration and Cooperation

So that gets me excited, but would love to hear from you again, from your perspective how that relationship came together and even maybe how you know Professor Mike. Yeah, I appreciate that. And I just want to take two shout out to Brian, because Brian, I think because he's such an educator and he's educated us in the space years ago, I think he got us in the mind frame of education, and I think a lot of us in the space, especially in his innu community, we listen to that.

Building Educational Connections

So when the professor Mike came up, and by the way, I've known him for about 30 years or so, met through mutual friends and, which is one of my best friends. And so we communicate all the time. And this particular individual is into AI, and we talk almost every day. And he knows about Main Netz, and it was a few months ago. He knows about Main Netz. So he told Mike. I think Mike was doing some research on blockchains because I think they were trying to get their program up for a couple of years.

Connecting Knowledge and Applications

So he said, man, you better reach out. You know, reach out to Arnold because they maintain the blockchain. And then, so he called me and said, hey, man, you better reach out to Mike, right? So this was a, this was one day, like a one day conversation, I think, I believe is one or two days. And then we had a space on Wednesday, and then were in the space of. Brian was in the space. And I think were telling everybody, yeah, we, you know, we got a chance to, you know, we'll have a chance to have a meeting on Friday.

Realizing Collaborative Opportunities

So it was all happening in the same week. And then Brian said, hey, you know, I should be at that meeting. And it was like, yeah, you're right. And so we made that thing, that meeting happened like two days later. And what's amazing about that whole meeting and that whole situation in de Cal State is, you know, like Brian said, he's a part of the board of directors, of the curriculum. And the thing that I love about that, and the thing that I think Mike loves about Brian and the team, including Dale, is that they're all about education.

Educators of the Community

I remember Dale had a long time ago, he was keen about saying that he wanted to teach and things like that. And we know how Brian, you know, is an educator. So that match was made of, you know, was made in heaven. And then as the time went on, Professor Mike would join our spaces. So he joins our spaces in the morning. So he'll be in the audience, you know, anonymously all the time, and he'll just join in our conversation. So we have the kind of relationship with Professor Mike, and he, and by the way, he's been in a finance professor for 20 years, and he's been in the financial industry, I think, for 30 years or more.

Mutual Respect and Collaboration

He worked with Lehman Brothers. And so he has a deep history of financial education and knowledge with the college. But what he wants to do across the college system in California, I think, is going to be historic. And so having that relationship with him coming in spaces. We had a conversation about, aih, probably a week ago, and Mike wanted to know more about AI and how we could help his students sort of develop more.

Practical Impacts of Collaborative Projects

And so from that conversation of the space, were able to affect the curriculum. So it's almost, you know, the relationship between Brian because Brian and Mike and the team have a pretty solid relationship in terms of what the team is building for Mike and the students. And then Mike has that same relationship with the community. And so it's solid. And, yeah, it's absolutely amazing. I haven't seen anything like it in the space.

Incorporating NFTs into Curriculum

And again, to see that this is actually being inserted into curriculum, that it's in circulation, that people are learning about this, I mean, it's mind blowing for me. So again, just to hear that context and hear that backstory of how this came to fruition, I think it's super important for people just to hear that and I chew on it and digest a little bit because that's, again, even fuller circle here, so to speak. It's, I mean, that's what's happened with our beer, with Lostie's brew.

Experiences in Louisville, Kentucky

To have had those moments that we had in Louisville, Kentucky last summer, Vinnie Scott, Fernando, myself, to go from hanging out in having really, you know, maybe, you know, certain expectations of what the trip would be, what it would yield, but to then have conversations about, hey, let's make this trait that's in our NFT collection bring it to life, can we make it into a beer? And to have that go from an idea to execution to implementation to then being in the Cincinnati Reds baseball stadium this year, like to go from an NFT project to building out these different business verticals to being in, again, a major league baseball stadium where people are seeing our branding, they're seeing the bad Tom Smith, you know, tap room sign, that's, you know, right behind the counter.

Connecting with the Community

It's just remarkable to see these different interactions and connection points that we can have with people who, again, may not even know anything about blockchain. That's what gets me so excited about changing the narrative and shifting towards the future of, hey, you know, we understand, were aware of what went on in the past, but Mainetz long lost. We're here to change the narrative and actually show that you can have positive interactions tied back to the blockchain and you really don't even need to know what's going on in this space to have some sort of connection point or interaction to it.

Igniting Curiosity in Blockchain

But when you do have those positive experiences and you are able to learn a little bit, it more often than not, that puts people in a state of mind where they are curious, they want to learn more about what's actually happening. And when people are coming to you with questions and they're showing the eagerness and, or again, even just interest to learn more, that opens up so many more doors rather than us. Again, not saying it's bad because we need to have those conversations too, but when people approach us and they're asking us questions, that's a totally different conversation then versus, again, someone who isn't a regular and native user versus them going out and bringing up and sparking a conversation.

Layers of Connection and Value

So I know there were many layers to it, but that's what I try and do when we're having these fruitful and I intentional conversations is drawing these connections, drawing these correlations to previous conversations and, you know, even parts of the conversation that were just had. So hopefully that's of value to those that are listening in. I just wanted to say I appreciate everybody from both communities and supporting communities for you guys being here, hanging out, supporting on a Friday night when you could be out doing a bunch of other things and hanging out.

Shifting the Narrative through Experience

But Arnold, if you have anything that you wanted to chime back in with, I'll kick it over to you. And then top hat, I know you had your hand up, so I'll let you chime back in after. Yeah, yeah. Appreciate it. And thank you for telling me that story about the beer, which is awesome. I love to delve into that. I did create a coffee brand with the z news, so, which is great. I mean, the fact that you guys had your brand, you know, in the stadium like that, man, that just, when you said that, I didn't even know, man, I just, so I got it. I got to definitely dive into that because that's incredible.

Growth of Communities in Web3

And I also have to say, too, like everybody in this space, and I'm sure your community and our community, we've grown, like over the last two and a half years. We're not just like, we're not investors. We're investing, but we're just not investors. We're like you guys. Like, if you look at Kinzhilla, he's had a couple of collections, you know, made out musical collections. You look at Joey, he's part of a, on forge. I mean, they have a company on Mainet Z that they're building. You have so many people in here like you guys, like your community. We're all entrepreneurs. We're building in the background. We're doing things.

A Sense of Community and Collaboration

And it's amazing to me. That's why when you just shared that story, man, I, you know, that gave me chills because that's exactly who we are. I think all of our, both of our communities over the years have just evolved to more than just holders and community members. We're entrepreneurs and we're making our dreams happen through web three. Absolutely, Neil, that, yeah, it's, again, one of those fun stories that I, I have a very much a pride and appreciation for just because it was a probably a, I would argue say opportunity of a lifetime.

Events and Connections in Real Life

And, and since that event being there, you know, it was just the four of us. And I went out there on my own accord. I, I didn't ask for any handouts. I just, I just showed up. You know, I had to ask, like, hey, can I come to this? Like, I'm willing to, you know, buy my ticket and cover my expenses, but I just, I want to be here. I have to be here. And that's something I'm just thankful for, honestly, that, you know, God's blessed me with the awareness to, you know, seize those moments and just run with it.

The Impact of Collaboration and Community

So to be at that event, out of all things, a celebrity kickball tournament with the homies, they had released a single with riveting and long lost. And that's a whole nother vertical of our ecosystem that I'm sure Arnold, yourself and especially Ken, Jilla J. Rock, a number of different community members over at Zenu, I know that they would have a, a deep appreciation for when it comes to the music side, but, you know, they had released a single with us. So it was one of those things where, you know, were really looking forward just to being out there, hanging out, connecting with them a little bit more to show some appreciation and love.

Introduction to Main Netz

But again, those are just a couple of quick hitting high level facts and thoughts that I have in regards to main Netz and what it's actually able to do. So that's a great post. Again, if you're wanting to just dive in a little bit, see, okay, why should I even be interested? That's a great starting point just to catch up to speed and see what's actually been happening at a foundational level or look under the hood, so to speak, and see what's being constructed. But Brian, if you have anything else that you wanted to jump in with, I'll kick it over to you.

Discussion on Fees and Airdrops

Yeah, well, thank you for that. Thanks for explaining, you know, the differences. And yeah, the fees are major selling points. And to put in perspective too, about price, because you mentioned that the airdrops was less than one net circum, one net c is less than $0.01, current market price. So all those airdrops were done far less than $0.01, which also allows you don't have to worry about the gas fees. The other nice thing too is that because it is a new chain, we want to ensure that people already had gas, the native coin for transactions, since a lot of people aren't invested into it yet. We were migrating everyone over. We were also able to send them a very small amount of net seed that wasn't breaking the bank, and then it was also something that will allow them many transactions, basically just because of the small amount of netsi that we gave them and how cheap and affordable the gas fees are.

Gas Fees and Cost Comparisons

So we were able to give them both the token and some netsy as gas funds without spending really less than, I think still less than a cent for just the gas fees overall. So at the very most, maybe a dollar. And that is something that is on the higher end for a guesstimate, if you want to kind of go more of a comparison with ETH and the actual price breakdown, and you want to follow along in something tangible. Look at this thread that I have at the top that Pinot was able to pin there, the building on Main Netz. It'll cover a lot of different topics, whether you're a developer, you're an investor, what you're looking for, like different fees and all that kind of stuff. So it also includes towards the bottom, it's actually talking more of the developer centric developer focus along with the gas fee breakdown.

Need for Sustainability

And that is something that was, I was able to provide to the school in their decision to go with us versus something that's already established. But the gas fees are not fair favorable for them to want to pull the trigger on that. So one of the ones I'm talking about is the Ethereum and maintenance comparison. And then they'll talk about gas fee breakdown along with the gas fees, coin transfers and contract creations. I do a breakdown showing basically the direct cost that it would be for running in a simulated environment of the breakdown of just the contract creations alone. Whether it's a 30 day period and four times per year, those fees add up. And I think unless you actually take the time to jot those notes down and look at what you're spending, you know, how much you're spending one NFT or one transaction, you know, here and there.

Long-Term Projections

But break it down into something that's actually tangible and long term and you start to pick the bigger picture that's not sustainable. To have something like that in a big environment, you want to make sure that's sustainable long term, you know. So you're looking at the price, you're looking at projections. What's the cost estimate of Ethereum by, you know, x amount of years with main net seeping so new and so freshen. The price first off is very affordable. So it's easy to get into and have a lot of capital to build with while you're building and establishing your own foundation of your own environment, which is in their instance, which is the school. So the school creating contracts and testing and all that stuff. It also allows for failover.

Improvements in Development Processes

So basically, let's say you're working on a contract. That's stress right there to know that you cannot fail that contract or you have to redeploy it and spend $50, $100, half an ETH, however much it is, to deploy that contract at that time. That's a lot of nerves to have to go through while developing, to know you can't make a mistake because it is going to cost a lot more money and then who's on the foot of the bill for that? With maintenancee you don't even have to worry about that. You can start over 100 times and still be well within any kind of means for any situation. So it allows you that room to grow without having to worry about, you know, it's the same thing like if you were in school and you're given a pencil without an eraser.

Community Engagement and Discussion

So basically that tells you that you have to keep going, but you can't remove any kind of negative marks. You have to keep going with whatever you have with main at sea. That's not an issue here because you're able to redo what you need to do and redeploy without breaking the bank. So I definitely encourage everyone to, you know, if you're interested in that and you're interested in new technology and where we're going, check out that thread. It's very in-depth and talks about some actual breakdowns in something tangible that's easy to understand for everyone. For me, I don't like to push our own product or anything like that down someone's throat. I like to provide the objective facts and let my facts dictate and let you actually make your own decision that way.

Continuing Education and Future Growth

And I think when you look at it and you actually kind of make those comparisons, you'll actually see that maintenance is something that is revolutionary. It just infancy right now and it is here to stay again. We've been out for nine a year and we're already partnered up with a fully institution, a full institution in California, which is their biggest, I think. I think it's actually their biggest college in California, which is Fullerton. So just a lot to digest, a lot to look into. But yeah. Thank you for letting me give a little sales pitch again. Always. And I wanted touch on something real quick.

Connection Among Speakers

And Jrock, I'll kick it over to you if you had anything else you wanted to chime in with. I believe that's why we get along so well and connect on a variety of levels. Brian, is that when you're having these conversations with people and when I'm talking with people about long lost, it's. It's less about the hype and the non-objective stature or bits of information, I should say. But rather it's hey, this is what we've done, this is what we can do and offer. And that's something that resonates deeply with the rest of the long lost team and myself. Is that rather than again putting out ideas or possibilities, it's okay, this is what we're doing, this is what we did, this is what we can offer.

Value of Commitment and Awareness

Here you go. You know, we're not saying you have to buy a velocity, you don't have to buy an NFT. You can still hang out with us, be and be a part and be in the community just as much as anybody else, but there's something to say and you know, this thought just came to mind in the moment. There's something to say about having some skin in the game and being involved in. And rather than focusing too much on that, I think we could say just overall, you know, life speaking life values here. And Brian, you could probably attest to it too. There's something different about, you know, putting in that, that own effort, or maybe not even capital, but maybe just time, putting in your time to research, to study something.

Building Relationships in the Community

You know, maybe it is capital that people decide to invest, but taking time to actually put effort into whatever it is that you are, there's something different that'll probably hold a little bit of a different wait is essentially what I'm trying to say. But to, again, have two communities that are represented here that aren't, again, putting out these false images or putting out certain things that people have to speculate about, it's very clear cut about what's actually happening, you know, what's been, you know, without getting too cheesy. Science. Science. You'll then deliver. It's, it's just one of those things.

Transparency and Respect in Communication

Like when it's official, we'll let people know, and if it's in the works or nothing is confirmed, well, we're not going to just put it out there and let people go crazy or, you know, rock their brains about, oh, I think this or no, it, that's not happening in either ecosystem because we're not trying to lead people astray. We're sticking, as you were saying, Brian, to the facts, the objective stats. Excuse me. And that's what I believe at the end of the day, will continue to shine and resonate not only with the education system, but maybe even local businesses or maybe it's banking institutions.

Future Outlook

I don't know. Who's to say where, you know, certain alignments or partnerships can go. It feels like every single day, every single week, legislation is changing, adoption of it, incorporation of it is picking up and increasing. And what we thought was the reality or perspective today is going to be completely different a couple months or a year from now. So it, again, it's just one of those things where it will continue to pay off to be consistent and in touch with the space and always be open and willing to explore the possibilities of new ventures and new doors to open up. So that was just another thought I had in the moment as Brian, you were talking that came to mind.

Community Thoughts and Agreements

But Jrockley know you had unmuted. So if you had anything that you wanted to jump in with, go for it. Well, no, I was just agreeing with you, man. I was just agreeing with what you were saying. I believe it does become real once you buy in. And the reason why that is because outside of that moment, it's just all speculative. It's all what could have, should have. What could have, should have, would have. And I. You start to correlate charts, but those charts don't really impact your life. So once you put that seed and once you buy that asset or you get into that new club, it's real.

Experience and Insights

Because as it moves, the way you've already charted and believe and have run me, we've run the numbers and we've had spaces where we've just sat there and dreamed and, you know, some people have conviction plays that they've said, hey, I, you know, a guy has spoken to me, he said, we're going to hit this number. And, you know, everyone has their own conviction play. Everyone has their own level of belief where they think this is all going. But when that becomes reality, well, guess what? That's just, you just change your life financially. So I think that's why it matters more.

Skin in the Game

Why, why when you get the skin in the game and like that is why it hits deeper. Because, yeah, you believe in long lost. Yeah, you believe in Z new man. We believe in this blockchain. You know, we soon believe this, that he's gonna come out soon and what's that gonna be? I mean, we're. We've had the first chance, bro, to do something we've never had a chance to ever do in our lives. And that was the first time to ever get into a layer, one blockchain from the ground up.

Growing Opportunities

And then went one step deeper and got to be able to beta testers on a bridge. I never been able to experience that type of insight into the tech of what these guys can really do. And then we're on the cusp of getting ready to witness the first decentralized exchange that we get to be in day one moment, 1 second one, and we get to be a part of that all the way through. And I mean, you've seen what pancake has done. You've seen what Uniswap has done. I mean, if you just think we could do 5% of what they did, man, we're set.

Community Growth and Future Projections

And this blockchain has been set. And everything that falls like a domino behind it is. So, again, that's why, man, it actually clicks. Because you don't just have something to lose, but realistically, all of these projects have something more to gain. And because you're a part of that journey, because you've punched that ticket, yeah, it hits harder. Because now when it moves and what you've been talking about for months and years, and people have, you know, made you hold your hand to the fire for it. Now you get to see, oh, this is going to change our lives.

Excitement in the Journey

And you get to see the proof is in the pudding. And it's just crazy. Sometimes me and Arnold, we've sat there and just fantasized where the numbers could go, and we lost our breath, started getting like, you know, the hot sweats, goosebumps, you know what I mean? And just. Just speechless because you're like, the magnitude of what that could do. And it's. Most of time, it's low effort, just high potential. I mean, it doesn't take much to get there, but if it just got there, boom.

Generational Wealth

Life changing. Generational wealth. We talk about we that is like a forefront, and one phrase that we say all the time is a statement that we hold is this. We're in this for generational wealth. And when you're talking about generational wealth, you're talking about something more than just a little lottery ticket. We're talking more than a bingo night kind of winning. We're talking more than you just went out and you. You did a scratch off. No, we're talking about something that your kids, kids can go ahead and eat off of those type of levels.

Being Early in Investments

And, I mean, you look at what we have all around us, guys. I mean, we're at the beginning and the forefront of a lot of first. And to be early, man, is always something that you can. That's priceless. To be early. You can't buy being early, you know what I mean? So we're all blessed to be at this point in time in this investment and all these different assets that are looking us straight right in the face. And we have our chance to let buy in and plant those seeds, man.

Engaging Community Events

So I do appreciate these spaces you guys going to have. And I'm looking forward to it, man, this collab is going to be something serious. I can just feel it. I can just feel it. Oh, man. I agree. And that's why I'm glad you touched on that point, you know, between Brian and the rest of the team, Scott leading the charge here at long lost, and I know I see a bunch of the team. I know hops been up here. I see fally down there. Creative director Debs, who does pretty much anything under the sun related to long lost and just the efforts.

Building a Team Culture

Chef, too. We had a great tech space last night. I know I saw some of you guys in there. Between all these individuals that comprise of this nucleus, this core, that really drives it forward. It's, it's just second to none. And when you put like-minded people in the same room, and it's one of my favorite terms, but when you put the right people together in a room and you're honest about what you want to achieve and work on, and you find that synergy, you find that alignment, oftentimes there's very little wasting of time or unnecessary words.

Forward Thinking and Future Plans

It's usually very to the point of, okay, this is where we're at. Okay, this is where we're at, okay, we want to do this. We want to do that. Let's tweak it a little bit. Okay, like, let's bring it to market. Let's. Let's put it out there. Let's activate the community. Let's get them engaged. And that's, that there's usually very little fluff. And I know that's, you know, one of the things that Brian is very adamant about. And I know, again, that's something that we're very much about. So just, again, to have these spaces, to have this true cross-pollination where there's ideas being explored, you see community members getting excited about interacting and engaging with people, and there's a mutual feeling of being welcomed and being heard.

The Value of Connection in the Space

And I. Well, that's the one in my book. And when, again, when you can do that consistently amongst an ecosystem, amongst a community, that's when you really start to see a type of stickiness and growth that will probably blow your mind away. But if people know that they're valued and for them to feel that they're heard and really that they belong somewhere, I mean, I've said it before, but that really hits on the foundational components of every human psychologically. And when people are able to clearly feel that, because, I mean, really, it's a feeling, then, I mean, just watch out.

Future Prospects and Community Engagement

I mean, who's to say where growth and where certain relationships in networks can grow, too? So that's kind of a final thought I have. Again, I I don't want to keep this space open too long. I want to, you know, try and respect everybody's night. But if you guys have any closing thoughts or comments as well, or kind of a last call as well, if anybody else wants to request sign up, feel free to jump up here and, you know, ask a question, join the conversation whenever it might be. You want to make sure that anybody that has the inkling or urge to that you guys get to capitalize and jump on that.

Community Event Appreciation

But, Arnold, go for it. Jump back in here. Yes, sir. I just like to say I appreciate you, peanut. Definitely holding this space. It's amazing. This was an amazing space, getting the communities together. I also want to say that I believe that this meeting, I'm blessed by it. I know a lot of people are. I believe that were blessed to have the college coming on to the. On to mainet z in terms of just being, you know, just the goodness of God, just in my opinion.

Cultivating Community Relationships

I mean, it's just the synergy and everything coming together as it did, and then us meeting you guys and coming in here, I believe it's along the same thing. So I appreciate you and your community. Heck, yeah. Always good to hear from you again. I love getting extra participation and involvement. It's. It's a whole lot more exciting and engaging when you guys come up. And it's. It's not to say that I don't enjoy the conversations with Brian, but it's good. It's a good change of pace, and I know it's.

Opening the Floor for Participation

It's good for everybody that's involved in participating in this space. Again, just to hear the perspective from other people in each of the respective ecosystems and community, it's good because, again, you're hearing from a different mindset. People deliver their words a different way. I mean, even just taking, for example, between hop j bowls, myself, all at very different stages of life, different experiences. We all articulate things in different ways, and there may be certain things that people resonate or engage with a little bit differently from. From each person.

The Value of Diversity in Conversations

So, again, just to have mixture, I love it. I can't express it enough. So if there's one or two things that you guys take away, you know, please take that with you and know that you guys are always welcome to hang out. Lofties, Zenu maintenance, anybody, you know, come up, hang out with us, ask some questions during the conversation. Won't turn that away from. From anyone who really wants to get involved in what we're talking about or even, you know, putting out other ideas.

The Future of Community Engagement

I know there may be things that come up kind of just impromptu or spontaneous, and I'm all for that is as well. So, Brian, I'll kick it over to you if you have anything else you wanted to interject with. Yes, sir. So I actually have the two winners of the long lost nfts, so I think I'll share that. So. Okay, so the first winner, which he had said that he wanted to join the long lost community soon. So it's going to be Joey.

Announcing Winners and Promotions

That is what ex picker had wanted. So Joey is going to be number one. And then the second one is, I guess, drum roll, Heather. So both you two also, I do want to stay too because I saw hop doing some reactions as well. So the biggest thing was that the stipulation was you couldn't already be long lost member and seeing how you already have a PFP there and I know you are a holder, you're disqualified. And x picture, like, chose you, I think, two or three times.

Celebrating the Community

Yeah. Hot party. Has a couple losties in his wallet. Oh, man, I absolutely love it. Appreciate you, Brian. Thanks. Thanks for doing that, running that for us in Iron bowl. We'll, we'll get Joey and Heather's wallet. We'll get that sent over ASAP. I know Joey was messaging me, too, and he's like, man, I'm ready to get a lost. He's like, I've been looking and gearing up for one. So I feel like that's extremely fitting that he ended up getting graced by the favor of Xpicker.

Cross-Pollination Within the Communities

Yeah, for sure. You know, happy to have that, you know, thank you guys also for your generosity of onboarding a couple of our members. We're also excited to cross pollinate, get some of your community members and give them stuff. So I know that you already had given one to Adrian, but did you pick a second one? I am just looking in the room to see who's actually here in the space now. I'm looking, I'm looking. I'm seeing if they're still in here because I just saw the person I think I was gonna potentially pick.

Identifying Potential Winners

Okay, he's still here. The other individual that I'm going to nominate and choose for this, I think I gotta go with fallen one. Another incredible community member. Been a great friend of mine for, I mean, it feels like it's been years, but it's been just a couple of months, believe it or not. And I know that he's been doing a lot for the long lost community, and he actually was gracious enough to let me come up and stay at his house for the weekend, a couple weekends ago and just have nothing but great things, honestly to say about him again.

Closing Thoughts on Community Engagement

He's, he does so much for the communities that he's plugged into. He's just an incredible individual to have in this space, and he's definitely a key individual to bring into the fold. So I'd have to say those two people, I know they're supporting and engaging with the space and I know, at least to my knowledge, that they're not involved yet over with the zombie mob. So two incredible people. Two. I think you said two. If I, if I just want to make sure.

Ensuring Collaboration in the Future

Okay, I'm all over the place here at the moment. But yeah, I would say those two individuals would be incredible people to get into the fold over with the mob. So appreciate you doing that as well. For sure. So both Adrian and fallen one, if you could send a DM to xenotoken, send a DM to the account and also include a wallet address for the NFTs and we'll go ahead and get that sent to you guys. Love it. Absolutely love it. Appreciate you running that too.

Upcoming Events and Engagements

The first, I would say, of many fun giveaways to do. We'll see when maybe some other ones will pop up. Maybe we'll just do something fun for next Friday. I know that we're gonna have an incredible space loss with the mob next Friday. If you guys didn't catch that, if you jumped in a little bit late and missed that, Brian and myself will be meeting up, hang out in person, may have a couple other local people, web three, non web three, hanging out with us and join some losties brew.

Casual Networking and Community Bonds

But we'll be on a space next Friday having just some casual shop talk, life talk. It's, you know, for lost ease. It's very much a dungeon space. So that I would say that's a good equivalent or comparison for those who are wondering what loss with the mob will be all about. It's again just a great social hour. Kind of a happy hour time. A very extended happy hour time. It's the best way to describe it. But looking forward to that.

Sharing Links and Information

Brian, if you did, I know you did have a space link. So Brian will be hosting it if you want to get that pinned up to the top, just to get some additional reminders here. And I know that we'll be sure to share it out from the main long lost account here leading up to next Friday as well. Yeah, I actually sent it. That's what I was going to mention too. I sent it to you in DM's if you'd be able to.

Technical Challenges and Solutions

Something's broken in mine where I can't pin anything. All good. I know, chef. Our developer was having issues last night in our tech space. I'm not sure why there's so many issues with pinning stuff for getting links and whatnot in the comments, but I'll get that pinned up here, and people can set those reminders for next Friday at 07:00 p.m. eST. Yep. Thank you. Yeah, so it'll be a good time, as Pina was saying, too.

Capturing the Vibe of Community Engagement

You know, I've only heard about your dungeon spaces, but it does sound pretty similar from what I've heard. The way that we usually do them now to be on the safe side is we. We start the space. It's recorded. So this way people can kind of listen in, you know, for a few hours or so that didn't make the event. And then we kind of close down that one, open up a new space, and anyone that wants to kind of go in more of the after party where things are not recorded, you know, that is kind of where we open up that space this way.

After Party Dynamics

I know some people feel a bit more comfortable when they're not being recorded by everything that they say, especially while drinking and intoxicated. So it'll be a fun time. Last time we did that was in February, and peanut and I hung out in person as well and had some drinks and, yeah, I got some losties, so going to drink some of those and have a good time. We're going to the casino again, and I got a suite there, so we're going to host it there, and then we'll just, you know, see who else wants to show up that's local.

Plans for Next Event

So it'll be fun time. You know, it usually goes pretty late, so plan accordingly. I guess it starts at 07:00 p.m. eastern, as Pina was saying. And then it goes until usually at least past midnight. The longest one, which I don't ever foresee breaking that record anytime soon, was 15 hours. It was so bad that I had a hangover before I went to sleep. So it was, oh my gosh. That.

Highlighting Community Events

That's one for. For the history books, to say the least. Oh, my gosh. I can. I can't imagine that may be something that hop would do, but that have to be a very specific time of the year and probably planned out a little bit. I did get that post pinned up to the top. It let me do that. So if you guys are, you know, wanting to, again, find out some more information and details on that, just glance up at the jumbotron up top.

Enhancing Engagement and Community Visibility

That is the most recent pin post. Again, you guys can. Can see that great visual that they put together. Got the lossies can on top of the zombie dog. Love to see that great visual and incorporation of Lossy's brew and the losses as well. So definitely appreciate that. I did want to say real quick too. I know we're getting a little bit later here. If you guys, any additional thoughts, anybody that's up here hanging out, I'll kick it over to you guys and I'm just going to check a couple of messages that I'm getting here in the DM's and then I'll pop back up and we can share kind of some final remarks and we can wrap up the space and carry on with the rest of our night.

Final Thoughts and Wrap-Up

All right, I'm, I'll jump in back real quick. I was, I was just checking a message. I know hop, hop was messaging me and I know I've had some phone issues, so I just got a bunch of text messages that, that came through. I don't know if I'm going to repeat everything that he texted me, but we'll figure out some way for hap to, to get incorporated involved with the zombie mob here. He was maybe a little frustrated that the ex picker picked him a couple of times and I see he's laughing down there now too, so.

Acknowledging Community Participation

Oh, hop being happy. Gotta love it. But, you know, so what I'll. Do, hop, send me, send the xenotoken also and I'll send you a Zmss nft so I'll send you one. Oh, baby. Let's go. All right. There you go, hop. That's, that's what happens when you send me a text message and I decide to reference it. I'm not, I'm not gonna repeat everything that he said. But yeah, he was laughing about it, but yeah.

Encouragement for In-Person Engagements

Happy I. You did. And this was probably earlier. I'm just seeing your text message, too. Okay, never mind that. That's irrelevant now because Brian was already saying that you guys met. But yeah, again, having these in person meetups and having these events I know would be, it'd be silly of me. Not to mention I'm not sure if again, anybody is relatively close to or near the Cincinnati area.

Upcoming Halloween Event

We will be having our long lost Halloween event coming up on October 20. And I had for some reason gotten the date mixed up a couple days ago, but it's going to be on October 24, fourth and 25th, the Thursday and Friday through the weekend. Our main event for that is going to be on Thursday. And then there's going to be a secondary event as well that we're going to be involved with. That's available for people again who are sticking around.

Gathering for Community Activities

That will be taking place on Friday night. I know that there'll be a number of people that are hanging out at Vinny's house. Vinnie van Gogh, been hanging out, saw him down in the crowd a little bit ago. A bunch of us will be staying and hanging out at his house. And then for people who want to stick around and hang out through Sunday, I believe still that there's going to be a handful of people going to the Bengals game. I know they'll be in town.

Extending Invitations to the Community

So that's something that a group of people are doing. So if any of that interests you guys want to meet some of the long lost community and our friends and whatnot. A great opportunity to jump on and maybe it's coming out just for the day, maybe it's a couple of days, the whole weekend, whatever it is, we'll definitely be there. And that's something, you know, again, just wanted to reiterate in and make known to anybody that's listening in either community.

Building Connections Across Communities

Other communities would love to get some other people there and meet people for the first time. One of, one of my favorite things, honestly, in this space, and I know that I saw Jillian down there in the phenomenal AV hanging out. I know he's been in here for most of the space, got to meet them for the first time here at our NFT MSP event in that it just does something so different with friendships and relationships in this space.

The Unique Experience of In-Person Interactions

And, you know, for me, it really is the missing link that you really don't know about until you actually get to experience and savor and capture that moment in person. So that would be my one thing I always encourage to people. If you're involved in this web three space, find an event that you can go to, connect, network with individuals that you know are going to be going and really just make the most of it.

Reflections on Community Gatherings

It's something I've never regretted, going to an event. I always have new friendships, strengthen relationship friendships, and I'm always challenged. I'm always learning something new. So ponder that. Sit with it. If you guys can come out and or want to be involved in some capacity, shoot me a DM personally or shoot a DM to the long line account here. And again, we'd love to have you guys come out and hang out with us in Cincinnati, Ohio, again, October 24 through the 27th.

Anticipation for a Memorable Weekend

Going to be an incredible event, series of events in a weekend to remember for sure. I don't know how I don't know how necessary compared to the. To the 15 hours space, Brian, that you were alluding to, but it's. It's definitely going to be a space in, or I should just say. I should say an event to remember that weekend.

Halloween Celebrations

So available again for you guys to come out, hang out. I know a bunch of us are going to be doing costumes, so if you want to maybe relive some of your childhood and bring out a fun and creative costume, I know that's something we're asking everybody if you want to be involved in with us for the party. There is, I believe, going to be a costume requirement.

Encouragement for Participation

So come. Come dressed with your. With your best Halloween outfit. And that's kind of my. My final words there. But, Brian, if you had anything else that you wanted to touch on and share before we wrap up, I'll. I'll kick it over to you, and then I'll let you, top hat and Arnold, chime in with any final thoughts as well.

Brian's Closing Remarks

Yeah, I think you. You covered it. I really wish. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to go, but you have me at the part that is. I'm on the fence about. I love Halloween, so I love, like, costumes, and, like, I go big at my house, so, like, I really want to go for just the costume aspect of things, too. You know, on top of a.

Reflections on the Event

You did say that it's gonna be a night to remember, but you're supposed to be getting lost, so it's kind of a oxy. No, it's a double edged sword there. It is. It is. It's one of those things where I say it now and we'll see what happens. We'll see if. How lost we get, what we remember, what we don't. But nonetheless, when you're.

Camaraderie and Community Spirit

When you're with some of your closest in and dearest friends, I mean, you could, you know, make whatever situation or circumstances you're in, you can make it great. So that's. That's really what I love about, you know, hanging out with the long lost community is we. We make the most of whatever we're doing, and it's.

Engagement Opportunities

It's something that I've. Even if there are certain parts that, you know, get wild, whatever, we really do have a great time. You know, there's serious discussions, funny discussions, everything in between, and we really make the most out of the time that we put into. Into these events and everything that really goes on. So.

Gratitude towards the Community

Yeah. Again, just wanted to reiterate, I know I've done it a couple of times, but just really want to thank everybody that's been here tonight that's hung out with us from long lost z new main netz. Fellow communities has supported us. It really means a lot that you guys again are here hanging out. I know there's a bunch of spaces going on right now too, and maybe some of you guys are in a couple of spaces, but seriously, it means a lot that you guys are hanging out and making this a priority to be here and hang out here.

Sharing Knowledge Across Ecosystems

What Brian and Arnold and a number of other people, J Rock too, what they had to share and then to hear from J wolves a little bit, to hear from hop a little bit, to hear from myself, just incredible across the board, really. So Brian, I'll kick it over to you and then we'll just touch on the last couple of people up here and then we'll wrap it up.

Three Hour Engagement

Sounds good. Yeah. You know, we've already approached just about 3 hours now for the space and it's definitely been a good one. You know, it's been a nice way to incorporate both communities and get people involved and active and, you know, showing people that there's other good communities out there. You know, sometimes you get stuck in your own echo chamber.

Broadening Perspectives

That's nice to kind of see what's out there and not just have that tunnel vision. And, you know, that's what I enjoy about the space, is being able to meet other people that have, you know, similar passion as myself and other communities and getting involved with them. So it's been nice to be able to hear from community members from both sides coming up and speaking. I think that has more power to it because it shows from someone that found both our projects and stuck by us and then is still with us.

Collaborative Learning Experiences

So I like to hear about that from their point of view and their perspective. And we definitely learned a lot from tonight's space. There's more collaborations that we definitely have to discuss and see what we can do on that front as well. But yeah, it's been overall, thank you guys for coming out and joining us. It's been a very active space, roughly around 60 people at a consistent pace.

Community Engagement and Growth

So it's been a very eventful, very fun and informative space, along with a lot of interactions and speaking to a lot of great people. So thank you. And with that, does anyone else have anything to say? We'll throw it over to Arnold for anything that you also have to say.

Closing Acknowledgments

Yeah, appreciate. Again, I just want to appreciate peanut your community and everybody here. It was a great space. Yeah, just have a great night, everybody. Appreciate you guys. Appreciate you. Arnold. Looking forward to some other spaces come up in the morning. Like I said, always good to set that reminder and always keen and eager to hear what you guys are excited about, what you're looking into, exploring.

Reflecting on Collaborative Engagements

That's what gets me excited. And having those morning spaces is definitely a joy. Top hat and are you still up here with us? Not sure if you're sleeping or if your hand fell off, if both hands are off. But again, appreciate the support you being here hanging out with us. If you have any closing thoughts, remarks, I'll let you jump in and we'll wrap this space up.

Wrapping Up the Space

You might have fell asleep, man, what a shame. Was looking forward to hearing him one more time. Maybe, maybe he'll jump in real quick before I wrap up. But again, thank you everybody that contributed to the conversation. Thank you to those just engaging and showing love and appreciation for both communities. I know it's something that I'm really passionate about.

Building Creative Initiatives

I know it's something that Brian's passionate about as well, figuring out creative ideas and initiatives to get community members to really check out and see what's going on both fronts and not have it be just a one sided relationship. I know that's not what Brian's about. I know it's not what I'm about either. So whatever we can do, just to continue to bring our minds together from both sides and figure out some fun things, and I will chat on the back end and figure out what we can do to maybe have something extra fun for next Friday and really just have it be a fun space and one to remember.

Looking Forward and Final Thoughts

Maybe a little bit of it we'll have to see. But regardless, again, thank you guys so much. We'll catch you guys over the course of this weekend and on Monday in the weeks ahead. A big month for us at long lost. A big month for Xenu and Mainnet Z with everything that they're tackling to be on the lookout. If you haven't, make sure just to shoot a follow to the Z new account.

Engagement Across Platforms

Make sure to follow Mainnet Z if you haven't already. Always good to have post notifications on just to make sure that you're not missing any important updates or developments within either of the ecosystems. And if you guys aren't already following us at long lost, make sure to shoot a follow over. We're usually again reposting, highlighting different community members, sharing our music releases, showing off artwork from the community, from fally, from Dark Valley, our creative director, dark, another artist that we have on the team here, spaces, you name it.

Continuing Connections

You guys will find any and all things that are going on with long lost from our main account here. So you guys will see you guys next week. Have a great week. And ahead, great Friday. And again, thank you so much. Stay lost. Get lost.

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