Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by NFCsummit

Space Summary

This space in the ‘Art’ niche focused on discussing the upcoming NFC Festival, highlighting the lineup, discount offers, artist performances, and additional parties related to crypto art. Attendees shared their excitement and anticipation for the festival events, showcasing a vibrant and engaging atmosphere surrounding the art-centric discussions and celebrations.


Q: What was discussed in the Twitter space related to the NFC Festival?
A: The Twitter space discussed upcoming events and activities at the NFC Festival.

Q: How were discount codes provided to the NFC Festival attendees?
A: Discount codes were provided for festival attendees during the discussion.

Q: Which artists were mentioned as part of the festival lineup?
A: Artists like Pan’s Tracks and Pachanga Boy were mentioned as part of the festival lineup.

Q: Who is expected to perform at the festival from the Twitter space?
A: Agoya is expected to perform at the festival according to the Twitter space.

Q: What concept was introduced during the discussion?
A: The Agarians concept was introduced during the Twitter space discussion.

Q: What additional parties and events are scheduled around the NFC Festival?
A: Additional parties and celebrations related to crypto art are scheduled around the NFC Festival.

Q: When and where will the first party take place?
A: The first party will take place at specified locations and dates mentioned during the discussion.

Q: How was the closing of the festival described?
A: Exciting activities and performances were planned for the closing day of the festival.

Q: What were the expressions shared towards the end of the space?
A: Expressions of excitement and anticipation for the festival were shared by participants.

Q: Any final remarks or invitations made during the conversation?
A: Farewells and well wishes for the upcoming events were expressed towards the end of the space.


Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the NFC Festival lineup and events.
  • Provided discount codes for festival attendees.
  • Excitement around performances by artists like Pan’s Tracks and Pachanga Boy.
  • Agoya’s participation and performance at the festival.
  • Introduction to the Agarians concept.
  • Information about upcoming parties and celebrations related to crypto art.
  • Event details including party locations and dates.
  • Expressions of excitement and anticipation for the festival.
  • Farewells and well wishes for the upcoming events.


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