Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Yield Talks by The Edge Podcast, featuring Origami Finance hosted by DeFi_Dad. Yield Talks by The Edge Podcast, in collaboration with Origami Finance, brought a deep dive into the world of DeFi and Web3, offering valuable insights into investment strategies, yield farming, risk management, and the regulatory landscape of decentralized finance. The discussions highlighted the transformative potential of DeFi in reshaping traditional finance, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making, community governance, and understanding impermanent loss for participants in the DeFi space. As the DeFi ecosystem continues to evolve, staying informed and adopting best practices are crucial for investors seeking to navigate the complexities and opportunities within decentralized finance.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How is DeFi revolutionizing traditional finance?
A: DeFi introduces decentralized solutions, eliminating intermediaries, enhancing financial inclusivity, and offering high-yield opportunities.

Q: What are the key strategies for successful yield farming?
A: Diversification, risk management, understanding smart contract risks, and staying informed about DeFi trends are crucial for yield farming success.

Q: How can investors mitigate risks in DeFi investments?
A: Using reputable platforms, diversifying investments, performing thorough research, and understanding the protocols can help minimize risks in DeFi investments.

Q: What role do DAOs play in the DeFi space?
A: DAOs enable community governance, decision-making, and participation in the development and direction of decentralized projects within the DeFi ecosystem.

Q: What are the regulatory challenges faced by DeFi platforms?
A: Regulatory uncertainty, compliance issues, and potential legal implications pose challenges for DeFi projects and users amidst evolving financial regulations.

Q: How does impermanent loss affect liquidity providers in DEXs?
A: Impermanent loss can impact liquidity providers in DEXs when the price ratio of assets changes, leading to potential losses compared to holding the assets.

Q: What are the risks associated with DeFi lending and borrowing?
A: Smart contract vulnerabilities, liquidation risks, fluctuating interest rates, and protocol changes pose risks for participants engaging in DeFi lending and borrowing activities.


Time: 06:15:40
Investment Strategies in DeFi Insights on optimizing risk and maximizing returns in DeFi investments.

Time: 12:30:20
The Future of Decentralized Finance Discussions on the potential evolution and impact of DeFi on traditional financial systems.

Time: 18:45:10
Governance and Decentralization in DeFi Understanding the role of DAOs and community governance in the decentralized finance space.

Time: 25:20:05
Risk Management in DeFi Exploring strategies to mitigate risks and navigate the volatile DeFi landscape.

Time: 32:10:15
Regulatory Landscape for DeFi Insights on the regulatory challenges and opportunities shaping the DeFi industry.

Time: 39:05:10
Yield Farming Best Practices Key strategies and considerations for successful yield farming in DeFi.

Time: 44:55:30
Liquidity Provision in DEXs Understanding impermanent loss and liquidity risks associated with providing assets to decentralized exchanges.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the significance of decentralized finance (DeFi) and Web3 in reshaping traditional financial frameworks.
  • Insights on yield farming strategies, including risks, rewards, and optimizing yield generation in the current market.
  • Exploring innovative investment approaches in the DeFi space to maximize returns while managing risks effectively.
  • The importance of staying updated on the evolving landscape of DeFi projects and platforms for informed investment decisions.
  • Discussions on the potential impact of decentralized finance on the broader financial industry and traditional banking systems.
  • Insights into leveraging DeFi protocols for passive income generation and long-term wealth accumulation strategies.
  • Exploring the role of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and smart contracts in the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Insights on the regulatory challenges and opportunities facing DeFi platforms and users in the current financial environment.
  • Understanding the concept of impermanent loss and its impact on liquidity providers in decentralized exchanges (DEXs) within the DeFi space.
  • Exploring the risks and rewards of engaging in DeFi lending protocols and borrowing activities.

Behind the Mic

Sound Check and Participant Check

All right, hey, everyone, we'll get started here, so just want to quickly do a sound check. So, nomadic and mirionic, can you try to unmute yourselves? Let me know if you can hear me, okay? Yep. I can hear you. Hello? There we go. Hey, there we go. Yeah, you guys sound great. I've got Lux as well, who should be on. Oh, fantastic speaker. Is that master of folding? Yeah, that's him. Here we go. I will add him right now. There we go. Let's see if I got you. There we go. Hey, Lux, can you hear us? Okay, actually, Lux, see if you can unmute yourself. Hello? Hello? Hey. There we go. You sound great. Okay, awesome. Guys, anyone else from the origami team that we should wait on, or is now a good time to get started?

Getting Started

We're ready to start anytime. Good. Oh, fantastic. Okay, great. Well, hey, thanks for joining, everyone. For folks that listen to this in the future, just a reminder, yield talks is a space that we host every Friday. Our goal here is to be an extension of the edge podcast, where we have more in-depth conversations with, you know, leading top builders and investors in the DeFi and web three space. But through yield talks, we aim to have a more focused conversation just on yield. So our goal here today is we're going to talk all about the folding protocol origami finance. Another way to kind of think about it is tokenized automated leverage. And this is a protocol that is live on Ethereum mainnet, but is excited to be one of the early builders on Barachaine.

Focus on Origami Protocol

So that l two will hopefully be fingers crossed, launching sometime this year, and we'll get into more of that and just how to use the protocol and how this all works. Just a quick reminder, though, before we do get started. As always, this is not financial advice, but hopefully you find this interesting and you can learn something about how this Defi protocol works. So, that said, Marionic and Luxe, would either of you want to just give us an overview? I guess, expand upon some of what I shared there? Like, what prompted you to start building origami? Like, what's the problem you're trying to solve?

Introduction to Origami

I can start. So Miri and I, we started out as contributors on the Temple Dao team. Temple is a protocol that has a token that is backed by the value in the treasury. And one of the challenges of managing the treasury for temple was just being able to catch the different yield opportunities on Mainnet. And it was quite a challenge because of not only the risk of certain protocols, rugging or being exploited. But the yields would dry up for single or even multiple farms over time, in which case you would have to sort of move again and look for the next opportunity. We were looking for yield opportunities that were scalable, meaning that someone with a eight figure treasury, or even larger than that, could enter the market and not sort of lose the returns over time.

Challenges and Solutions

And also being able to sort of stay within the robust protocols on Mainnet and not have to go out to, I guess, the wild parts or the borderlands, where a lot of weird things can happen. And as were thinking about this challenge, we came to the conclusion that it was better to sort of build automation tools and leverage tools for us to take advantage of the low borrow rates on mainnet and sort of leverage into like a larger position on relatively stable farms, like lidos, wrapstaked ETH, or the Athena farms. And so as were building these tools out, we came to realization that these are tools that everyone can benefit from, not just protocols with a large treasury.

The Birth of Origami

Retail users, many of them have heard about leverage, have heard about looping, but it was such a daunting thing for the average retail user to be able to take advantage of this particular financial mechanism. So that was sort of the birth of origami. It's basically leverage infrastructure for the masses. Yeah, that's awesome. And maybe taking a bit of a step back. So this is typically referred to as looping, I think you guys call it folding on origami for obvious reasons, with keeping with the origami name. Maybe just explain how that process works at a high level and then how you go automating it.

Process of Folding

I think to give kind of the broader, expand a bit on the broader scope of origami. So it's obviously an apropos name for another word for looping a debt position to create that leverage exposure to an asset. And what we want to do with origami is create a new defi money Lego via our leveraged origami vault tokens or love tokens. So we create composable automated leverage. And then, like luck said, you know, we fully abstract away that position management part. We fully integrate with the third-party lenders, so we're not constrained to internal lending pools.

Integrating with Third-Party Lenders

So we integrate with Morfo Spark, etcetera. And then, yeah, it didn't just cut into our time of doing hundreds of multisig transactions for looping, but it also is a more capital efficient way to do so. And you minimize the risk of liquidation and bad debt as well. When using origami and so with that went live as the initial step. We went live in April and now have notional tvl of a bit over 53 million, mostly in vaults for farming, popular protocols like Athena and usual Etherfi. And since today also directional vaults. So for directional leverage, if you want to go long aave and have that automated, you can.

Future of Origami on Bera Chain

And then going one step further on Bera chain. Origami can then create an incentivized liquidity on Dexs like Kodiak for several of these new love tokens. So people can effortlessly swap in and out of automated leverage positions like any other token. And then at that point, it essentially becomes a new DeFi primitive and then allows us to make use of the barachains unique consensus mechanisms and drive further liquidity via a flywheel of incentives, so to say. So yeah, that is origami's folding process from like a high level.

User Experience and Automation

And just to call out like, I guess, some of the considerations that at least I've had, like being like a user, when you are getting into these love tokens, I mean, it is very dummy proof. You know, on the website origami finance, it says leverage for dummies. And that's because there isn't any sort of like decision making here. Beyond what vault am I going to enter and how much of the token am I going to deposit? Like, it's a very yearn, like Y E a R N y earn. However you pronounce it yearn, like user experience versus, you know, there's other powerful tools out there for looping strategies, and some of those give you the power to choose how much leverage here.

Final Thoughts on Strategies and Collections

It's ideal for someone who really wants to have more training wheels on. And just look at a vault like one that is seven x leverage versus one that is, let's say ten x leverage. Before we talk more about those different strategies, because there are different collections, the collections represent different types of assets, like Lsts and LRT leveraged farming versus Athena type tokens like USDE or PT tokens from Pendle. I want to just back up for a moment on this automation for liquidations.

Market Observations and Stability

And I'm thinking, given the sell off in the last few weeks, there's probably been somewhat of a stress test there. So what can you share about what you've observed in the system? Like, how has it performed any lessons to take away any good examples to kind of like demonstrate the power of the platform, like during those sell offs? So I think that's funny. And I'll let Lux expand a bit on how the automation works within origami, but on the day itself, we nothing of note happen. You know, origami was perfectly stable as is. And that made us look more like, oh, our personal positions are getting wrecked right now, you know, outside of origami. And then we had an investor reach out and ping us and they asked us if everything was still running smoothly. And we're like, oh, yeah, fuck yeah. No, yeah, origami is totally fine. So, yeah, nothing of note happened.

Market Reactions and Future Prospects

I would be interesting to see. So after. But after today, you know, today went live with some of the first directional vaults to go two x long short eth or 1.5 x long aave. That would be interesting to see how that would run. But yeah, nothing of note happened. And yeah, I'll let Lux expand a little bit on the automation process within origami. Like digging in a bit deeper on that, how that works. Lux, by the way, see if you can unmute yourself. Otherwise I'll unmute you. In fact, he might have. He might be muted. Maybe it's because I muted him earlier with the echo there. Oh, there you go. Is that working? There we go. Yes, we can go right ahead, buddy.

Understanding Leverage and Its Risks

Okay, awesome. Yeah. So just going back to what we discussed earlier about leverage and why it's sort of daunting for retail. Everyone loves the idea of leverage and getting sort of sky high yields, but the risks that come with that are not well understood. And one of the things that people tend to overlook is the difference between the different lending markets that you may be using to get that leverage. So on things like perps or maybe other platforms, you could get liquid data on the WIC. And that's because the oracle that is being used for that particular market where you're lending or borrowing from, if the price falls below a certain level, then you're liquidated. And that's that. And that's exactly what happened on the day that you're referring to when ETH dropped a lot.

Operational Differences in the Market

But for us, the markets that we participate in or borrow from, they're using hard coded oracles, which means that for something like Etherfi ETH, for example, it's hard coded to one ETH, which means that no matter what happens, that particular market is not going to be liquidated on the WIC. Now, of course the interest rate can go up a lot, which will reduce your, sorry, increase your loan to value ratio. But that's a relatively slow process. Even if the interest rate goes to, say, three digits, the position will be fine. And we have the automation to sort of unwind the position as necessary if the interest rates stay high. So that is something that origami allows users to do, which is you can basically stay leveraged and you can rest easy and go touch grass and you're not worried about getting liquidated on the wick, or you go on vacation for a week, and then the interest rate goes up while you're out and you come back to an empty account.

Exploring Vaults and Opportunities

So that is something that I think origami offers to users. Hey, guys, maybe let's walk through some of your vaults right now, too. Maybe even take us through each one or kind of the more prominent ones that you want to talk about. I'll just call out all of them right now and just pick whichever ones you want to focus on. But there's the love LST vault, there's the love Athena vaults. There's the love Pendle vaults. There's a new one that I think we should definitely discuss, this love attendees vault, which is basically new directional vaults, and then the love staples vault. So any one of those you kind of want to dive into maybe kind of break down the constituents of what's like in those vaults just. Just kind of go for it. We can kind of talk through those yields and.

Yield Insights and Capital Efficiency

And where the yields are coming from. Do you want to take that look? So shall I start? Should I just pick one? I can pick one. So I think love Athena has definitely been one of the more popular collections because it allows you to farm. Athena sats and yield. Yield's pretty low right now. It wasn't for a while, of course, before we started bear crabbing down, but before that, the yield was pretty good. So we allowed for automated susde looping, automated usde looping. And then also, as of recent, the Pendle PTDE looping, which is still, you know, quite good yield. And what's interesting about these vaults is that it's essentially more capital efficient than any other way of farming sats. I think we came out like we calculated, at least, you know, compared to YT's, it was like 35% cheaper.

Launching New Vaults and Future Plans

So those ended up being quite popular early on. I think, personally, we've also been depositors into that. And then, yeah, as I mentioned earlier, love tendies launched that today, starting with a two x long eth fault and a two X short eTh fault. Vitalik bull terrain and Vitalik Bear Turin. And then a 1.5 x long ave vault called just use Aave and yeah, we'll be adding volts to that as liquidity comes along, we have some ideas for new directional vaults, but just waiting up for some new liquidity to open up. And then we'll open up more of these vaults. Maybe. Lux, you want to talk about usual and I panel LSD.

Deep Dive into Yield Mechanisms

Yeah. So before I get to those other vaults, I want to sort of go into a little bit more detail about the points yield. So over the last year or so, I think this idea slowly became entrenched in the mind of defi, which is where before there were points and you could farm them. But now there's this idea, especially since. Since Athena started their seasons, that there's this idea that points is yield. And that is, I think, what really drove Pendle's TvL above 2 billion. Right now I think it's around 800 million. But most of almost like 90% of that TVL is in the PT markets for stake to thema, and also like another 15% or so in the USDE market.

Market Dynamics and Opportunities

So basically, 95% of the PT and YT market is all Athena farming. So basically, people who have staked Athena are able to get yield because there are people who want to farm the Athena point season and get discharged or sats or whatever the points are called. And so what origami did was we recognized that there are users who think of points as yield, and so we price that yield out using the Penza yt Oracle price. If you go to pendle YT market, you can kind of see like, oh, you know, if you're a PT token holder, you can essentially sell that yield to like a YT buyer for say 16% or 11%. And that is, we can calculate that on a per point basis or per Sat basis, what that yield is.

Leveraging the Benefits of Vaults

And then since we're leveraged, we multiply that per set yield by the amount of points that you get when you're in the origami vault. So that way sort of everyone benefits, right? Like your YT people who are looking for points can farm like pure points with no exposure to staked Athena. And then similarly, people who, instead of doing pt tokens, using your stake to, then you can go the leverage route on origami itself.

Understanding Origami Points

Yeah, that's a great breakdown. I think that can be missed. That points are actually part of the yield here. And then one other kind of like extra kicker here in all of this, and maybe one of you can speak to this as well, is the origami points are actually being accrued in all of this as well. So maybe just kind of remind people like where you're at with your own internal points campaign and just how people are getting exposed to that, which, I mean, is kind of like a yet to be determined source of yields. We don't quite know the value there quite yet, but. Yeah, maybe speak to that a bit as well.

Points Campaign Launch

Yeah, yeah, gladly. So we started this points campaign, I think, as soon as we launched April and running until September or when Vera chain launches. So I think it's going to be September. So that'll be season one at least then. And the points, by the way, you can see we have most of our posts that we put on the origami finance Twitter. You can see we link the original mirror article for the Ori campaign. Ori points. Ori meaning folding in Japanese. And so that's for season one. And you accrue these points naturally by depositing into these vaults. And it tends to be respective to how. How high the aum fees for the vaults are.

Yield Calculation Method

And then, for instance, if it says ten x ori, we take a daily snapshot. And then per dollar per day, you multiply that by the Ori multiplier and that's how many points you are accruing on a daily basis. Then season two, the idea was to launch that immediately on bear chain, but may have to wait a little bit with that. But yeah, the first snapshot shall be taken soon, I guess next week at the start of September, likely. And then. Yeah, TBD announcements for season two.

Diverse Vault Strategies

Super helpful, guys. I want to go back to some of the different love vaults. So I think we covered the Athena strategies. Probably one of the more popular tokenized vaults there is the LST ones or LRT ones. Can you just touch on what's some of the thinking there? And are those as points driven as, let's say, the Athena strategy, or is there more real yield there that's in that estimated APY APR.

Current Yield Dynamics

So for the love LSD volts that we have right now, we have folded ether 5 volts, which is mostly made up of points. Like, you do get some of the levered yield, but the. The majority of the APY is made up of the. Of the estimated APY is made up of the ether phi and eigenlayer points. But then we also have vaults, for instance, that's quite. There's a quite nice 14 x wrapstaked ETH leveraged wrapstake EtH vault, which is pure leverk yield, and that's yielding about 12%. So you just put in your wrapstake eth and then you get 12% so the borrow cost of that, you know, comes out right now comes down to 29%, and the levered yield is 41%. And then you end up at around 1112, 13% APY on that vault.

Leveraged Yield Commentary

And then there's also a folded origin eth yield, which is also pure yield, has become a bit more juicy in the past week. I think some of the liquidity was removed for a little bit, but now it's yielding about 13% as well, which is also a nice option if you just low risk, just pure leverage yield. And I want to comment on that. So basically, the key to, like, great leverage yields is there needs to be a spread, meaning that the rate that you're paying on the portion that you're borrowing should be lower than the yield that you're getting from the underlying.

Sustainability of Yields

So for something like Rev steak EtH, the yields are quite sustainable because there are deep pools of liquidity. Basically, ETH lenders who are the, are looking for relatively low yield, and there's a huge pool. So the utilization rate is relatively low as well. And if the underlying yield from lido origin or whomever, Etherfi is better than that, then you're always going to get this positive spread. And when you multiply that by the leverage factor, that's how you can go from, say, 3% to 13% or even 17%. This kind of yield is sustainable long term, as long as there's a positive yield spread. But historically has been the case where there's a positive yield spread, about one to 2% over the long term.

Investment Strategies

And when you're in the origami vault, you don't have to worry about market timing. You basically just deposit. You can forget about it and let the market play itself out. That is such a good point. So if I were looking at the love LST collection, I think to Lux's point, the wrapped staff vault, that is 14 x leverage. What I'll do is I'm of course, first thinking, like, what kind of assets do I hold? Like, what here can allow me to earn yield on those? And let's say again, that I'm holding stef or wrapped eth.

Yield Breakdown

When you go to the app at Origami finance under the eapy, they have a little like, eye bubble there. And you can see the breakdown in this case for the 14 x wrapped staff yield. You can see the breakdown of the levered yield versus the borrowed cost, the interest that you're paying in total, and then the performance fee. And to his point, the rate to borrow wrapped staff has just not been driven up the way that ETH has now. My expectation is like, over the next year or so, as the market cools off from the eigen layer speculation, hopefully we see something like an ETH start to come down in borrowing costs.

Market Trends and Predictions

But that's why right now, if you hover over this eapy of 28% for a forex vault of wrapped ETH, it's being driven. The yield here is really being driven by these Etherfine Eigen layer points, the estimated value of those, but the borrowing cost, I'm expecting that to come down quite a bit. So these are things to sort of forecast, like when the market cools off a bit. I mean, at the end of the day, an ETH LST, like Steth by Lido, or in this case, an LRT that's capturing that like ETH, and plus some extra sauce on top of it.

Future Prospects

Once Eigler is fully up and running, these should be some of the more sustainable vaults going with that sort of narrative, though, or that strategy of real yield. I feel like another vault collection we should cover then is pendle. Would you guys want touch on Pendle? What drives the strategy with these PT tokens? And again, it's not a negative to have a strategy driven by points, but I think one thing that would stand out for me with these is there's more predictable real yield for us to capture when we're dealing with those fixed rate principal tokens by Pendle.

Market Supply and Demand for PT Tokens

Yeah, so I think until the Athena season two, there hasn't really been a significant market on morphle finance for any PT token. Basically, you need to get to the scale where there's just massive demand to farm the points or the stats or whatever. And then there's like a lot of PT tokens being minted, and then the curators on Morpho, like mev capital re seven gauntlet, et cetera, then they'll be interested in sort of like depositing or lending against this, like a large demand for points.

Leveraging PT Tokens

So for something like the stake Athena USD PT, that was sort of our first leveraged vault, that would basically deposit the stake Athenae USDE token, and then borrow dai against it, and then convert that to more of the same collateral. We think that this is an excellent way to. For PT token holders in particular, to get leverage on something that had not been possible before, at least not in an easy way. And basically, without any points or any sort of volatile yields, you can kind of lock in your PT yield and also get leverage on that spread.

Highlighting Recent Developments

That is, between the PT yield that you get on pendle and the borrow rates on morphool itself. I also wanted to highlight, because I forgot to highlight this in the love stables collection. Yesterday we launched a usual vault which is now usually, I think the fastest growing stablecoin. Today recently launched 200 mil Tvl and as of yesterday we started to. We opened a USDO, which is their bonded Usdo vault.

New Vault Launches

So you get five x their pills which will convert into usual tokens, which is part of the whole the usual value prop where you own a part of the stablecoin. So the pills will convert into usual which gives you governance and ownership over the stablecoin. And then today we also launched a SdAI open in Sdai vault eleven X. So if you have some SdAI sitting around, you get 20% APy on that one. And maybe a little bit of alpha for your listeners.

PT Token Development

There's already a PT token for usual on Penzo and they are in talks with some of the larger curators to create a borrowing market.

Discussion on PT Token and Airdrop Details

All more for the usual PT token. So if that ever comes to fruition, you can bet that origami will be on top of that very quickly. Ooh, I love that. One more interesting tidbit for usual. And this kind of like pills campaign that they're doing, I feel like this is a bit of a rare case where they're giving us the start and the end date. So there's kind of like no shenanigans about when this is going to end. I think it's. Don't quote me. It's in their docs. It's sometime early November, I want to say. But they've also been upfront about how much will be airdropped. So I think it's like 7.5%. So what this means is this gives you like a little bit more edge to kind of calculate kind of where things might end up. You have to take a bit of a gamble of what you might think the FDV of this project might be, you know, when it's all said and done, but kind of a few more data points than we usually get.

Thoughts on Vault Strategies

So no pun intended there unusually. But yeah. Yeah, I'll say. The love stables collection, which, by the way, sounds kind of funny. It almost sounds like a jewelry collection or like some sort of Valentine's Day chocolate package. The sdivolt with eleven X. This is one. This is one of my favorite strategies because it's all built off of real yield. It's predictable, at least for now, because of the fact that the DSR is flat, it's fixed. It's definitely one of the best examples, I think, of the power of the platform to offer some sustainable looping, folding type strategies, whereas I don't mean to throw like a wet blanket on some of the other vaults, but I think it's really important that like I, as a user have to decide, am I looking for, again, safer, more predictable levered yield on something like the SDI eleven xvault? Or do I want levered exposure to like a points program to a future token? Obviously, it'll translate to that for some of these protocols.

Market Considerations and Future Outlook

And I do think there's obviously there's a real chance to outperform in the market if that thesis plays out. Sometime earlier in the year, everyone was dogpiling into points, but now I'm personally wrestling with like, all right, things have cooled off a bit, which means that some of these points programs are becoming less diluted, which actually could prompt me to want to get more exposure knowing that things have cooled off. But you know, also like trying to forecast like, what does a future fully diluted valuation look like for some of these token airdrops? Or in the case of something like Athena, we already know where the token sits, so we can start to think like, all right, well, where might the token be if I'm going to look at that airdrop as part of my yield? One last thing too, just to call out that's top of mind, it's at least been for me in terms of using the vaults, is I love the fact that, you know, you can ultimately like exit these vaults.

Flexibility in Vault Usage

You know, let's say like you're using x amount of liquidity and you're earning with stable coins and I don't know, you just, you need to pay back a loan and so you decide to exit it. You know, you've still accrued a certain amount of like points there. It's not like all or nothing. So it is a yemenite. It's just like one more benefit at least to the design of the system here. Guys, anything else that you think we haven't covered? I feel like we might have gotten through all the most important topics, but yeah. Anything else on the Origami product suite that you'd like us to highlight? Yeah, I'll start. So I think one of the challenges that we have is sort of conveying to the retail that the Defi public like.

Introduction of Origami and Its Features

What is origami? Right. It looks a little bit like a yield aggregator, but then you can do all these other things. So it's a little bit of a new animal, so to speak. And going back to the point you made earlier about sort of like the rise and maybe the descent of the points farming, right? So origami obviously launched with these very popular points farming vaults. But then I then, like you said, we also launched these more sustainable, sort of real yield air quotes vaults that allow you to get more ETH exposure or die exposure. And then now we have these directional vaults, love tendies collection that allows you to now be even more sort of take a position on ETH or aave, for example. And this is all part of our overall strategy to make origami a kind of like a, not only like a yield aggregator, but so much more like basically something that allows you to hedge your exposure within whatever portfolio that you have.

Diverse Strategies in One Platform

Like you can points farm if you want to write that volatile yield train, or you can sort of have a portion of your holdings in these long term, more stable vaults. And then, you know, if eth ever pumps again, you can go extra long on ETH and you can do all of that on the same platform. And, you know, we have a relatively limited selection compared to some of the other aggregators like Contango or defisaver. And that's because we believe in vaults that will get high traffic and are sustainable. And so the reason why there's, you know, we call ourselves defi leverage for dummies is because we want to take a lot of that decision making or confusion away from the user. And you can sort of just, you know, pick from a few very select and very choice selections and go rest easy.

Safety Measures and User Convenience

Yeah, I think that there's benefits potentially to, there's benefits to potentially other platforms offering that, like ability to choose what your leverage is. But for most folks, I think most folks really do need all of the guard rails that this system offers so that they can just basically decide like, all right, again, how much principle am I willing to deposit in order to earn with this? You know, that way you can focus on doing other stuff. That said, I will just, you know, call out that obviously there's real risk to using this, you know, treat this like any other sort of defi protocol. You know, always consider, I always consider like how large is my position? How much, you know, could I potentially lose if there was an exploit? Like, you know, there's just all of the real risks to using any sort of defi protocol.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

And obviously those still exist here in origami. Guys, this is a good place for us to wrap up. So I would remind everyone they should learn more at origami finance. Follow origami fi click on Miri's profile here. At mirionics, click on Master of Foldings profile. It's luxiverse. And of course, please subscribe to the Edge podcast. Our link tree is Edge pod. You know, we are about 110, 112 episodes in. We just released a new episode today on a decentralized bitcoin reserve being built by solve protocol. And that all said, guys, any final word or call to action on origami or any final bit of alpha you might offer us on Barachain, sounded like you think it might go live here in September, but yeah, thanks so much for your time.

Insights on Barachain and Community Engagement

Yeah. On barachain, I'm going to say I'm going to echo just what Smokey said. Weeks, months, not quarters. I think it's getting pretty close. I also know that they probably are aware of market timing very well. We are also in suspense, but yeah, very excited for it. As call to action, I'd say join discord. Follow us on Twitter, take a look at the vaults, see if there's anything of interest, and keep up to date because we're shipping like bandits. We're shipping fast and hard. Devs are Devin and yeah, guys, thank you very much for having us on and looking forward to the next one.

Gratitude and Farewells

Thank you so much. It's been an honor. Lux, Mary, thanks for joining guys and everyone, have a wonderful weekend. We'll see you next time. And again, please don't forget to subscribe to the Edge podcast. You can also find us on YouTube justify dad on my YouTube channel there.

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