Xtalks: Are Your Favorite Projects Just Ponzi Schemes in Disguise?


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Xtalks: Are Your Favorite Projects Just Ponzi Schemes in Disguise? hosted by LayerOneX. The Xtalks Twitter Space delved into the critical topic of identifying potential Ponzi schemes within favorite projects, emphasizing the importance of due diligence and transparency in the crypto space. Layer One's groundbreaking approach with a proprietary VM and the introduction of X-Talk for seamless interoperability were highlighted as key advancements. Discussions around project legitimacy, technological innovations, and future trends in blockchain interoperability provided valuable insights for investors and crypto enthusiasts alike.

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Total Listeners: 29


Q: How can investors spot red flags indicating a potential Ponzi scheme within projects?
A: Look for unsustainable high returns, lack of transparency, and referral-based incentives.

Q: What sets Layer One's proprietary VM apart from other blockchain architectures?
A: The unique functionalities and performance enhancements it offers compared to traditional VMs.

Q: What benefits does X-Talk bring to interoperability between EVM and non-EVM Chains?
A: X-Talk eliminates the need for bridges, streamlining communication and transactions between different chains.

Q: Why is transparency crucial in the evaluation of crypto projects?
A: Transparency builds trust, credibility, and helps in distinguishing legitimate projects from potential scams.

Q: How does due diligence play a role in the crypto investment landscape?
A: Thorough research and due diligence protect investors from falling victim to fraudulent schemes and unreliable projects.

Q: What are the key considerations for ensuring the legitimacy of new blockchain projects?
A: Clear communication, credible team, project feasibility, and sustainable growth strategies are vital indicators of a legitimate project.

Q: How does Layer One's architecture contribute to blockchain scalability?
A: Layer One's innovative approach aims to address scalability issues by optimizing performance and efficiency.

Q: What role does trust play in the success of crypto ventures?
A: Trust is fundamental for attracting users, investors, and fostering long-term sustainability in crypto projects.

Q: What future trends can we anticipate in the realm of project development and blockchain interoperability?
A: Expect advancements in cross-chain communication, enhanced scalability solutions, and more secure interoperability frameworks.

Q: How can the crypto community contribute to promoting transparency and project legitimacy?
A: Community involvement in due diligence, reporting suspicious activities, and advocating for transparency can help weed out scams and ensure project credibility.


Time: 00:15:45
Identifying Potential Ponzi Schemes Discussion on red flags and warning signs within cryptocurrency projects.

Time: 00:25:12
Layer One's Proprietary VM Exploring the unique features and benefits of Layer One's virtual machine.

Time: 00:35:30
X-Talk: Bridging Chains without Bridges Understanding the revolutionary bridge-less interoperability solution X-Talk offers.

Time: 00:45:18
The Value of Blockchain Transparency Insights on trust, transparency, and their impact on the crypto ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:40
Future Trends in Blockchain Interoperability Predictions on the evolution of blockchain interoperability and its role in project development.

Time: 01:05:29
Ensuring Project Legitimacy Strategies to evaluate and ensure the authenticity of new crypto ventures.

Time: 01:15:17
Trust and Success in Crypto Ventures The crucial role of trust in the sustainability and growth of cryptocurrency projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of scrutinizing favorite projects for Ponzi scheme indicators.
  • Layer One's innovative proprietary VM promising unique functionality.
  • X-Talk's bridge-less interoperability as a game-changer for EVM and non-EVM Chains.
  • The significance of project authenticity and transparent communication in the crypto space.
  • Exploring the challenges and opportunities of different blockchain interoperability solutions.
  • Valuing due diligence and research when investing or supporting new projects.
  • Considerations for distinguishing between genuine projects and potential Ponzi schemes.
  • Learning about Layer One's architecture and its implications for blockchain scalability.
  • Impacts of trust and transparency on the success of crypto projects.
  • Potential future trends in project development and interoperability solutions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, guys. Testing, testing. Can you guys hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Hello? Hello, hello. Okay, well, we are welcome for everyone to come in. Cool. All right. Our channel. Let's start this EMA in two minutes from now, shall we? All right. GMGM, everyone. Nice to have all of you here in this space today. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks for having us as well. Hey, everyone. So let me just very quickly introduce myself first, and then, you know, we will kick start this whole Ama about Fugu. I'm sure all of you are very excited to know more about what Fugu is. And, you know, what are some of the exciting things that they are going to do for us. Yeah. Anyway, so my name is Crypto Keen, and I am the head of growth of buffer finance.

About Buffer Finance

And pupper finance is probably a project that most of you are very familiar with. We are LRT with 1.5 billion in TVL, and that's not just what we are doing. In the coming months, we are going to launch our very own roll up. And this is not just going to be any other roll up. This is going to be a roll up where you have instant withdrawal from l two to l one. And this is a great improvement over optimistic and Zk roll up where it takes 4 hours up to seven days to do withdrawal. So this is going to be game changing. And that's what today is all about, because Fugu is going to be one of the first project that's going to be deploying on this roll up, and they are going to do some amazing stuff for all of us here today. Yeah. So I'll let Fugu introduce himself and then we can kick start this whole Ama.

Introduction of Fugu

Hey, everybody. Thank you, cryptokane, for this extremely great starting platform. Yeah. So my name is Jolo. I'm one of the co founders of the NFT side of Fugu. Yeah. And we're very happy to be building here. Basically, I think one of the most, before you know this Ama, we're going to, like, go into all the nitty gritty of what Fugu NFT is all about and also, by extension, what Fugu will be doing as a whole bigger picture ecosystem kind of thing. But let me just start off with one of the top questions we've been receiving on our discord. I think many of you are wondering what fugu means, right? So I think on the more on the formal side of things, Fugu is actually the japanese way of saying puffer fish.

The Meaning of Fugu

So I'm quite sure you guys will then understand why we chose it, right? Because puffer finance. But on the informal side, if you take the first three alphabets of our name and you put it to the left, and then you take the extreme right Alphabet and put it on the right, and then we realize that it actually sounds like a very. Sounds like a very common term that I say to my co founder all the time when we're working. So we just thought that would be quite funny for a brand. There's extremely on point, and I guess we can form quite a pretty sick culture around it as well. Yeah. So that is the first starting stone for our project. Back to you, Cryptokien.

Fugu's Vision and Team

Hey, thank you. Manjalo. Yeah. So we are super excited to have Fugu. As you can see, Fugu has such a funny and memeable name. And I think all of us are having so much fun calling the name Fugu in the discord. And, you know, I just have a very curious question for you guys. You know, if we look at this crypto space right now, there are so many altus out there, I think there are 100 and counting Altus. And among all these, way too many. Right? So among alt tools, I'm just curious, you know, why did Fugu choose to build on, you know, puffers or unify instead of the other altus?

Why Choose Puffer Finance?

Great question. So, to be honest, it was quite a simple and straightforward answer for us. So maybe just a little bit background of our team for all of us. We were in crypto for many years now. Some of us three years, some of us five. And of course, there are those that are from the way back, og days. And I guess for us, all of us have this common love for ethereum. I know maybe saying this might get somewhat of a bit of a dislike because Ethereum has been in a hot seat for the past few months. But, yeah, I guess for us, we still love Ethereum a lot, but we do see the conversations that were happening surrounding Ethereum and Solana.

The Future of Ethereum

And a huge part of it is, of course, all the different roll ups, l two s, and basically fragmentalization of ethereum. And that's exactly why we chose puffer, because we love what unify is doing. Because for us as ogs, we do feel that unifying all the different l two s and also sort of like unifying liquidity across everything would be a very important and useful step for ethereum to once again go back into the top few seats of crypto. And we do also are very bullish that Ethereum will eventually be the ecosystem where every single crypto operations, a transaction will then occur with bitcoin just being the store of value.

Diverse Team Dynamics

Yeah. Not to say that Solana will be out of the picture, but it's more of like different ecosystems for different use cases. And yeah, for sure, we do think that puffer is the right step in that direction. Yeah, I think that. Really want to thank you for your vote of confidence. And I think you brought up a very good point about unifying liquidity. So I think for those of you that share that might not have an understanding of what unify is trying to do, we are trying to solve the liquidity fragmentation problem in Ethereum and that's why we're getting direct support from Ethereum foundation when we actually launch this roll up.

Sharing Team Demographics

So it's going to be so bullish and it's going to be so crazy. But please stay in this space and watch out for what we're going to do in the coming months. You know, just now, I think Jho low mentioned something about his team and I'm just curious, you know, maybe you can share with the audience here, you know, the demography of your team and what are some of their activities. Yeah, sure. So we're a team of ten men strong. What is funny about team is that if you look at all of us in a group picture, you will never ever believe, like, we are very good friends.

Team Collaboration and Passion

And the rationale is really simple. It's that we are all super different in terms of our profession and also like personalities. But the one common factor that unites all ten of us is that we are all crazy in the kind of things that we love to do. So, for example, for the dev side of things, we have a dev team that is just purely addicted to just Devin. When they're locked in, we're not even supposed to be paying them or anything. If not, they'll be super pissed off. And then there's the community people, NFT side of NFT team as well. We're people that have been so deep in the NFT space on Ethereum, Solana, everywhere from the very beginning, even before the madness has even started, simply because we just love nfTs.

Teamwork and Experience

And the same thing can be applied to our BD roles, ui, ux, front end, backend, every single thing. So I do think that it's this spirit of just being fully committed and just crazy in the things that we love to do that everyone can sort of see. Like we have that similar dog in us. And because of that, yeah, we just seem to be able to work extremely well together. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So also, maybe just one other thing I'd like to add. What is also interesting is that because we came from different cycles in crypto, we are then able to value additive from each other because there are different lessons that you can learn with each passing cycle.

Lessons Learned

Yeah. So, for example, maybe the first cycler will not know something, that the third cycler will come in, and because of that, we are always able to sort of edit and improve on all our plans. That becomes a little bit more universal and probably high probability of success with every change in the meta. Yeah, well, that sounds really bullish, man. And I just have a curious question as well.

Rapid Development of Fugu

So I heard a rumor that your death team is so fast that they can build a debt in one or two days time. Is that true? Well, I didn't want to, like, I didn't want to really talk about that. I was quite tempted to. I almost slipped it out of the bag just now in my previous answer by helping, but, because I wanted to sort of let our team show this rate of building when we start pushing things out. But, yeah, I think you are. You are quite on the money for the time frame. Yeah, we, like I said, we are crazy when. Whenever we love to do what we do, and we're crazy all the time. So we do build at lightning fast speeds. Yeah. Days. Not months, not weeks, just days. Wow. That's what the community likes to hear. Right?

NFT Project Overview

And, you know, I just want to talk a bit more about your project, because I think by now everyone knows that, you know, Fugu is going to be an NFT project. And I think the question that everyone will have is, you know, why did you choose NFT, and why are you doing an NFT instead of meme coin, which seems to be the trending thing. Yeah, that's a great question. Okay, so I guess let's just put the cards on the table, right? For NFTs, it's quite obvious that since the start of this current cycle, it seems like NFTs have been losing the love. Maybe at the start of the past, at the earlier few months, maybe from, say, November 2023 to January, NFTs for maybe the bitcoin side and a few ethereum NFTs have been doing sort of, okay, maybe pudgy penguins, note monkeys, just to name a few. But other than that, 90 ish percent of the other NFT projects, as we can all see very clearly, they've been getting the brute brunt of the bear.

Comparison with Meme Coins

And on the flip side, I mean, again, not a lot has to be said about this meme coins period. Everybody has been talking about meme coins. They've been bringing so much engagement and I guess generational wealth to some people that a lot of NFT communities are sort of wondering, why do we still do NFTs? Why don't we just go to coins? And the answer is really simple, right? For meme coins, you will never, ever sort of see like, the type of community gatherings that pudgy penguins will do. Let's say, for example, I'll just use the example of one of the most popular meme coins out there, like Pepe, right? It's even though the pepe coin has already cemented itself as one of the top meme coins long holder base, you know, etc. It's so hard to imagine receiving an email saying that, hey, you know, your registration to a Pei party is now confirmed. You can, please, you can come and join us for Pepe.

Community Building Through NFTs

Pepe, get together with the community and we'll all chill out and vibe, etc, etcetera, right? But it's so easy to imagine for NFT, right? For NFT communities to appear around the world celebrating the project's milestones and also discussing about the future building plans, etcetera. That's what I'm trying to say. Where meme coins, because they're so profit driven, they are all very short term in nature, and the probability for it to become something long term is not there yet as far as the current landscape goes. But for NFTs, no matter how bearish or bullish it is, you can always see how a brand and community can start first from NFT project. And so I guess what I want to end off on is that maybe we shouldn't be seeing NFTs as one and meme coins as another.

Integration of NFT and Meme Coin Elements

I think there is a possibility where both elements can come together to form something of a hybrid. So that is something that fugu will be definitely attempting to explore. NFT cross meme coin. Oh wait, are you saying that you are going to do something about meme coin as well? Let's just say that as of right now, there are four main stages of Fugu. I know this is on record, so I cannot confirm to say anything for sure, but the meme coin might be in some way of the last stage. Oh my. I think the committee will be so happy to hear that. I'm assuming that you guys might be giving them some juicy alpha from the meme coin, right? Let's see where this will go for this ama.

Utility and Features of Fugu NFTs

I guess if you listen closely. You should get a few answers. That's all I can say for now. Okay man, let's segue into the main topic based on what we're talking about. What is fugu all about and what are some key features of your product? Like I said earlier, fugu means puffer fish. And of course, we do love the current method of nfts, which is extremely cute and durable. So right now, our artist is over time, trying to finish up the last few stages of our 10,000 extremely cute and adorable fugu nfts, where they'll come as cute puffer fishes from all types of colors, expressions and accessories. So we will be doing a review or teaser of how our fugu nfts will like in a very soon coming days.

Airdrop Vehicle Functionality

Maybe somewhere end of this week or next week. Yeah, so I guess for utility side, that's one of the biggest questions that every project will have to answer and I'm super excited to share. Like I said, this EMA is more to share with you guys everything that's been building behind the scenes. So this will be the first part for our Fugu NFTs. They will actually operate as an airdrop vehicle. What I mean is that Fugu doesn't just exist as an NFT, it's an airdrop vehicle because were planning to build out many, many more protocols to form an entire defi ecosystem. And in this defi ecosystem, of course, there will be many different.

Partnerships and Community Engagement

There will be multiple airdrop tokens that we are able to provide for all Fuku NFT holders. Yep. On top of that, our team is also because we come from many different cycles and also we're in many different web three industries. I'm quite happy to know that we do have quite a robust network of web three people and all of them already know that we are building here on puffer. And I'm very excited to see how we fare, how Fugu fares on puffer. Why this is important is because when we show that we have extremely bullish outcomes and results from our mint, many of them will be enticed to come over. When they come over, obviously we will be the ones, Fugu will be the ones to onboard them, and therefore there will be partnerships leading to a high probability of even more airdrops that we can then provide to all Fugu NFT holders.

Fugu’s Unique Position in the Market

So you might be wondering, why would they do that? Why can't another NFT project come in and then be a recipient of all these other airdrops? And it's quite simple because Fugu will be the first ever NFT on puffer. Our name literally means puffer. And the first and foremost, most important part of Fugu is that the strongest and realist community of puffer will be built on Fugu. Yeah. And we've also cemented with our own other ecosystem building place. And I believe that if you're in puffer, you'll definitely be on Fugu. And hence, we will definitely be, like, the recipient of all the airdrops. So that's essentially one of the main utilities of Fugu at the beginning.

Future Stages and Ecosystem Development

So that will be stage one. Stage two will come with where there will be a wait, actually, I can't be talking about stage two now because this is the first. Ama, I just realized, I'm sorry, but the second stage will be related to the NFT site, where there will be further building plans for the NFT part of things. But that will be shared on a later date. Yep. Wow. That's very exciting. So from what I'm hearing, you are not just building an NFT, you are building a whole suite of dapps. And each dapp will its own airdrop that the NFT holders will have access to. Am I hearing you? That's absolutely correct.

Community-Centric Development Approach

And the reason why it is so important that we, like, I mean, put it another way, we could easily just come in and just build an entire defi ecosystem from the get go. But what we have realized through our years of experience is that there's no community building effort as strong and genuine as one that starts from the NFT. And it's extremely. As simple as that. Yeah. And it's because through the NFTs, the community can get to know each other for real on the virtual space. And that is how we can build that first foundational layer that can lead to a greater and more expensive community as the ecosystem is being built up.

Upcoming Airdrop Initiatives

Yep. And I want to dig a bit deeper about a post that you recently made on Twitter. I saw on your twitter that you guys hinted something about airdrop or something of that sort. Could you elaborate more on that? Yes. So, one of the. One of the things that we'll be releasing extremely soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow, is that we're actually going to be doing a bit of like a wheel of fortune type of play. Right. So right now, I'm quite sure all of you have a lot of, like, path Eve that's being sticked right now.

Spin the Wheel Campaign Overview

And we're actually doing a spin the wheel campaign where you can win fugu nfts and even some of these puffer tokens when they're out during the TGE, we will release more detailed information for you, but I'll just share it. In any case, we will be doing a snapshot of your puff Eve holdings based on a one time snapshot. Based on that snapshot, we will be allocating to you daily lottery tickets, where you can be using our wheel of Fortune to spin for about, I guess, 15 days daily. And every single time you spin, you just hope that Ladylac is smiling on you and you may be able to win a grand prize of our fugu NFTs, or even just the puffer token itself.

NFT Giveaway Details

So you're saying that users get to potentially get a free NFT without paying anything? Yep. So maybe that's also a good segue to our supply. So, like I said, we have 10,000 fugu nfts of this. 10,000. The team will not be holding any for our own team allocation. Instead, 2000 nfts will be completely given away to you guys. Some of them will be reserved for partnership purposes or marketing, but the rest. So a good 1000 to 1500 of them will be given completely to everybody on puffer. And this will be given via this wheel of fortune initiative and also many giveaways that we'll be conducting before the mint.

Acknowledgments and Support

All right, that's amazing. And at this point, I just want to give puffer finance a shout out, because puffer finance is actually sponsoring some of the puffer tokens for this. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I would like to also share this little bit of a nugget for the wheel of Fortune. We also understand, because for us, when we enter crypto, all of us, we understand how tough the grind is. So this wheel of fortune actually prioritizes everybody, regardless of their holdings.

Wheel of Fortune Mechanics

We are actually going to be doing a tier system, meaning to say, if you have 0.1 path eth, you will be allocated x amount of tickets. And then as the tiers go up, then of course, the number of tickets will increase. But at least by doing with this mechanism, everyone, regardless of the size of their puffy holdings, will at least be able to get some exposure to spin the wheel of fortune and hopefully be a part of the fugal community without even using a single cent.

Funding Approach Discussion

So, you know, a lot of the. The route that most projects in web three go through, they try to raise funds from VC or, you know, they try to get Kols to, you know, shill about projects. And I'm just wondering if that's the plan for Fugu and, you know. Yeah. Oh, great question. And actually it's a great question because. A simple answer, definitely not right. I think because just from our experience so far, of course, not to say that VC coins don't do well, but we've never been a big fan of having VC's back our project, because as long as we can, like, as long as we can ensure that, you know, we have the commanding say about the direction of project.

Maintaining Control and Vision

Because what we have realized is that VC's, you know, sometimes when you give. If you give them an allocation of your project, a lot of power or control over what you want this project to be is lost because they have the say. And this not just includes token dumping, but also even in what we want to build. We have realized that because we have somewhat all of us, I mean, not toot our own horns, but because for our team, we're very well funded on our own through our various past successes. And I guess Fugu is a project that we do want to establish a legacy on.

Project Legacy and Funding Transparency

We want to be that project to be part of puffer, which is trying their very best to also unifying all the problems of Ethereum. We feel that this is something that we can dedicate and create a legacy on and will be super awesome to just see. And so because of that, we are completely bootstrapping, or at least majority of this is bootstrapped, or Fugu is bootstrapped by our entire team, just so that we have 100% say in everything that we want to build and do for the community here on puffer. That being said, we do have a seed private investment by Amer, who is the CEO of Puffer.

Private Investment Insights

That's just for full transparency. And I guess the good thing about this is because he's investing, because he also sees what Fugu can be doing and the potential of what Fugu will do for puffer. And at the same time, there's also, like an agreement where his very small allocation will be given back to the community as well. Yep. So hopefully that answers your question. Yeah, that's very crazy. And I think my summary of what you have just said is basically that you guys are whales and you didn't need any funding from VC's, right? No, sir.

Clarifying Misconceptions

We're not whales. We're just focused. We're around Fugus. Yeah. And, you know, I think people in this audience might be very curious on how we actually started this partnership. You know, how does this partnership with partner come about. Yeah, right. I think it's. Yeah, this is quite an interesting story also. I guess it comes from a decision that we. It was, it came from a very tough decision that we made at the start of October last year when the market was picking up, because as some of us are like macro experts, we didn't have a lot of faith in the market from October.

Market Experiences and Decisions

Basically the good part of this cycle, and I know many of you will be like, oh, no, they have missed out. But I think at that point of time, even though we knew that there was bullish momentum, we, as the team, realized that through our research and experience, we realized that this rally might not be as, that might not have strong foundational legs to stand on. And were quite certain that there was going to be a very harsh dump that will come in the coming months from October, which is why we feel that it was very dangerous to be building at that point of time.

Challenges and Market Dynamics

Because should that dump be very harsh and drawn out, then that's kind of like the end of any new project. And I guess it's quite unfortunate that were somewhat right about this because that past six months of sideways crabbing, downwards action from March to now, basically, we have taken out any chance of doing a good, successful project on any new chain. Because like I said, we do love Eve. We want Fugu to be this project that can help contribute to this effort of unifying and being a better ethereum.

Community Building and Future Plans

We want to do a good job. We want to increase the probability of success. So that's sort of why since that time, we have been building from October and just biding our time and waiting, and waiting. And I guess in the recent few weeks, we saw that. Hey, okay. I think we feel that this sideways action is soon coming to an end. It's time to reach out and launch everything that we have been building behind the scenes. Yeah. So that was when we sort of like, you know, reached out to Parfa, you guys, in one click, left to another.

Blossoming Partnership

And, yeah, I guess loving relationship is blossoming, I would say. Yeah, great to hear. And I think from my side, I just want to share, you know, my side of the story on why, you know, Parfa finance wants to partner up with Fugu. And the reason is very simple. Me, as a head of growth, I was actually the one that reached out to Fugu because I know them for quite a bit. I know that they have done many successful past web three projects before.

Value-Centered Approach

You know, what was the first thing that they asked me when I spoke to them, they actually asked me, how can I enrich your community? That's very different from what most other projects asked me when they first talked to me. Most other projects will ask me, hey, are you guys giving me a grant, or is there any support for some other things? But no, Fugu is different. Fugu just say, hey, how can I help your community become better, become more valuable? And I think that central philosophy is why I was really optimistic about working with Fugu, and that's why we got Fugu on board.

Commitment to Growth and Enrichment

Amir invested in them, and as a head of growth, I'm going to promise that we're going to give them all the support that they need to forage in this space, and we're just looking forward to a really enriching and just meaningful relationship with each other. Thank you, cryptokien. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence. And, yeah, I guess for us, it's, again, just trying to create a legacy. I guess, in this space, there's just way too much projects protocols that are just being built just for the very short term.

Long-Term Vision and Community Rememberance

You know, like, we want Fogo to be something that people remember years down the road and look at. We want them to ideally walk down the street, see our branded puffer fish, and go, I was once part of this. I've seen them grow to as big as now. Yeah. So that has always been a dream of ours. That's very nice. And how would fugu aim to help grow the puffer ecosystem, the community, and unify? I believe I've already somewhat answered this, but let me just answer it more directly.

Collaborative Growth Strategy

It just goes back to that ho saying in crypto, a rising tide lifts all boats for Fugu. I guess when we portray that we can have extremely bullish successes here, we believe that many of our partners in our dev network will be looking at puffer and coming to build. So you can think of social fi apps, more defi apps. We might even have some of the meme coins teams that we know come over. We also know people who have built pump fund competitors as well.

Building Traction in the Ecosystem

So as you can see, the moment we are successful, there will be a lot of traction to invite other people to come over to puffer and then sort of, like, bolster the entire ecosystem of puffer. And I guess maybe to just make it a bit more explicit, if and when they come, it just means that fugu will be the ones onboarding them and those people who hold fugu nfts. I guess you guys will know what happens next, right?

Visions of Growth

Yeah. And, you know, it is my wish at the head of growth that, you know, people don't talk only about pudgy penguin. I hope that fugu is gonna be the next pudgy penguin. So let's make that happen, shall we? Yeah, let's go. Okay. And you know, you guys are gonna get some mean funds from this NFT because 2000 are gonna be given for free. But then the remaining 8000, it's actually going to be minted. And I'm just wondering, what will you be using the mint funds for?

Utilizing Mint Funds

Yeah, that's a great question. So, as of right now, we'll be using the mint funds to support our existing building project. Because for now, we have been bootstrapping it for the past six months. So there are existing costs that have to be paid. After which we'll be dedicating all of the mint funds into building out a diverse defi ecosystem. You can imagine at least maybe three or four protocols at minimum to be built out within the next month or two.

Partnerships and Liquidity

On top of that, we'll also be using the mint funds to establish more partnerships and partnership deals with other teams to bring them along into puffer. Last but not least, how do I reveal this next part? Let me think. Last but not least, we will also be using the last bit of the mint funds to possibly seed liquidity. Should we do a meme coin, maybe? Yeah, for now. That's all I can say. That's all I can say. Yeah.

Minting Timeline

Nice. You already let out a lot of juicy stuff out of the bag. Yeah. So I think two final questions, actually. When would the mint for this? Nft. Right. The mint should be approximately one to two weeks time. I understand that might sound like it's in a very short amount of time, but don't worry, all of you should definitely be following our Twitter and joining our discord because that's where all the information will be accurately and properly relayed.

Participation and Engagement

So you will not miss a single thing. Just come in and it will be an extremely fun pre-mint period where that wheel of fortune will come into play. There will be daily giveaways and many interesting, exciting marketing campaigns as well, where everybody will obviously be able to win more fugu nfts. So that would be that. About one to two weeks time. All right. And do you have any final words you want to share with the community?

Mint Pricing Structure

Maybe before that? There is just one more thing, because I'm just looking at the fugu chat. I think some people are asking, how much is the mint? For now, our current plan, that's not finalized yet. But don't worry, there'll be more news on this once it's confirmed. We'll be breaking that 8000 public supply into three brackets for whitelist. Of course, the first whitelist bracket that will be the cheapest. It will have the most discount for the mint, followed by a second discounted tier.

Gratitude and Collaboration

And last but not least, the public sale price. For now, our public sale price will be kept at 200 USD. So we will let you guys know on the pricing for the other first two discounted tiers. I guess on a final note for us, we just want to thank puffer and your entire team cryptokien for just being so helpful for on the building and the collaboration side of things in the past one to two months. I think for us we have a lot of exposure and experience in building on many other chains.

Supportive Environment

And I guess this is the first time that we actually feel extremely welcome and collaborative. I think there's been so many times where we felt that we have built projects that started dwarfing their own chains projects to the point that the chain team started attacking us and cannibalizing on our work and even copying our work just because of our success. I can't name names here because it's just not cool, but it's finally refreshing to have the team behind the chain support us and everyone just coming together to build something that can actually 100% benefit the community here.

Positive Community Engagement

This is the only way that crypto can move forward once everybody has the same mindset and attitude. And yeah, that is the true way innovation comes into play and we can all then build something that the whole web three has never seen before. So I just want to say thank you to that and of course the rest of you guys who have been here in the Fugu discord, even though you guys have no idea what Fugu is all about until this EMA, it's honestly very heartwarming to just see everyone very excited, I guess, for our name.

Community Interaction

I see the good morning messages every single day and the word play again with our brand. Super happy to see. So yeah, thanks for the support. We'll not let you down. And in fact, we'll be showing you a fugu like no other. Thanks so much. Thanks so much, man. Really appreciate the support as well and the fact that you guys agreed to build not just one fugu, but many other things to come.

Understanding Unity

I obviously know your plans, but I will just leave you to share the community later on about all the different things that intangibu. I just want to hijack this session, I know this is about Fugu, but because Fugu is building on unify, I want you guys to understand what unify is all about so that you understand that, you know, if unify does well, so does fugu and vice versa.

Introducing Unify

So unify is going to be puffer finance roll up and it's going to be a roll up unlike any others because we are going to do so much go to market. We have already gotten a commitment of more than 100 projects that want to build on us and it's going to be so crazy. And we haven't even launched a testnet yet. So you can imagine how successful we're going to be.

Engaging the Community

And we are going to do all sorts of go to market campaign to get you guys that are in the LRT to get your assets over to the roll up so that you can get even more alpha. And this roll up is going to have native you as well. So meaning to say that when you bridge assets over to our roll up, you are just earning money even without doing anything. And if you take this assets that you bridge over the route up to interact with Dapps like Fugu, you are going to get double the return.

Unity and Gratitude

So that is what we are trying to build here. And our intention is really to unify all of Ethereum's liquidity. Yeah. And with that, I just want to finally say again, really thank you to the Fugu team and Elfugu man, everyone. Yeah. Jolo, you have anything? If not, we can end all this ama.

Final Words and Airdrop Giveaway

And you know those folks. You know, if any questions, please feel free to join the Fugu discord and, you know, direct your questions there. And I, you know. Yeah, actually, yes. There is one last final thing for me. Yeah. So I guess I want to thank everybody who has been showing us the support so far and for just coming to this eme here. Right.

Impromptu Airdrop Announcement

So maybe I'll just do something a bit impromptu, a bit of like a first airdrop giveaway for just being here. So for all of you who are in this ame, the first ten of you that comes in, gets, comes into our discord, will get a whitelist. And all of you, if you go out now and tweet, fuck you all. Fugu we ball. I mean, f u g u all and fugu we ball. And you tweet it out, we will select ten lucky winners to get the whitelist as well.

Invitation to Join the Journey

Yeah, it's just an improv thing that I just thought of, thought it would be nice and to invite more of you to come and join us on our fugu journey. Yep. Thanks again. Yeah, nice, man. So thanks for doing this impromptu campaign. And once again, right. If you are interested to, you know, get a free fugu, you need to continue holding your path e because in the coming days, they are going to do a wheel of fortune where you can get, you know, a share of the 2000, or was it 1500 free nfts and, yeah, that's all.

Closure and Goodbyes

Thanks, guys. Good night.

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