Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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XION x Picasso | Chain Abstraction

This space is hosted by burnt_xion

Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the future of blockchain interactions, aiming to create a user-friendly environment with seamless transactions and enhanced real-world utility for NFTs. Discussions highlighted the importance of improving liquidity through real-world asset transfers and emphasized the need for long-term, impactful developments in the DeFi space. Collaboration, optimism, and a focus on building products with staying power were key themes throughout the space, indicating a positive outlook for the industry's growth and innovation. The discussions also touched on interoperability, IBC, ecosystems, blockchain protocols, and liquidity as essential elements for enhancing the blockchain experience and expanding the potential of DeFi platforms.


Q: What challenges were discussed in the space?
A: The space addressed issues related to ecosystem lock-ins and transaction complexities in blockchain.

Q: What is the future vision for blockchain interactions?
A: The vision is to facilitate seamless transactions in the blockchain realm, irrespective of specific tokens or ecosystems.

Q: How is liquidity enhancement being pursued in the blockchain space?
A: Liquidity is being boosted through real-world asset transfers and by enhancing NFT utility.

Q: What was the highlight at 22:31?
A: Discussion revolved around user-friendly blockchain interactions.

Q: What theme was emphasized at 23:06?
A: The vision focused on providing real-world utility for NFTs.

Q: What was significant at 23:43?
A: Collaboration and optimism were stressed for future developments.

Q: What was underscored at 34:07?
A: Importance of developing products with lasting impact in the industry was highlighted.

Q: What sparked excitement at 35:01?
A: Enthusiasm was evident about blockchain projects and advancements.


Key Takeaways

  • Addressing user experience challenges in blockchain transactions was a key focus.
  • The vision entails enabling frictionless blockchain interactions across ecosystems.
  • Efforts are directed towards creating real-world applications for NFTs.
  • Improving liquidity through real-world asset transfers is a primary goal.

Behind the Mic

So we will kick it off in a couple minutes, just let folks trickle in about another minute. They don't hear us while we talk though, right? Cool. All right. OK. All right, Kim. OK, we have like a last minute rush of people joining at some point. Go ahead, let's get into it. Kevin, I'll let you kick it off and we'll go from there. Yeah, sounds good. Yeah, thanks again for everybody joining another one of our multi-chain spaces. Today we're going to be talking multi-chain and LayerZero with Metis and with Picasso. Got Jacob and Elena here with us, so we'll do some quick intros and then cover vision, roadmap, and then some more technical questions that we had submitted here from the community and looking forward to diving into it. But Elena, if you want to kick things off, we'd love to hear more about yourself and we'll go from there. Kim, thank you so much for having me here. I'm super excited about really just sharing what things we have kind of upcoming with Metis. I've been involved in crypto space since 2017 and background, basically, in DeFi, I was with Abbe, with Opium. Currently, I'm with Metis and Metis is building layer two scaling protocol infrastructure. And our mission, really our vision is to scale Ethereum, to simplify Ethereum for everyday users, builders, and you know, remove gas fees and speed and everything that is built into the core right now layer one as we click button deployment for their decentralized apps and interacting with apps in Metis layer two. Awesome. That's great. Happy to have you. Thanks, Kim. Jacob, do you want to do a quick intro, and we'll get into the questions? Sure, thanks very much. I'm the product lead for Composable Finance and for Picasso, our Kusama parichain. It's really great to be here back on Twitter spaces chatting about this stuff. We have, I think, two very critical things that we're focused on as it relates to our kind of cross-chain vision, which is to allow users to interact seamlessly between application chains, whether that's EVM or Polkadot based ecosystems, enabling seamless liquidity access between all those application chains. It'll be really, really exciting to dive into those topics. Awesome. Thanks Jacob. Thanks, Alayna. Appreciate the intros. Just to kind of kick things off, and this is for both Alayna and Jacob, I'll start with you, Alayna. Can you provide kind of vision and roadmap for METIS and then we'll switch over to Jacob to talk Picasso. indeed. So for METIS, our mission is to really simplify decentralized and to bring masses to our mass adoption, make blockchain easy to use, easy to build and easy to scale. And by building our layer two, we also introducing this concept of things and introducing DACs, decentralized companies, where users can easily form their DACs with a click of button and actually start utilizing blockchain and monetizing that empowered infrastructure tool that can be built on layer two. Now our roadmap, really, we are currently focusing on really getting to the scalability level as much as fast as possible. You know, reducing cost for users and builders, and bringing more large admins in our ecosystem. Very cool. That's exciting stuff. Thanks for sharing. So yeah, Jacob, if you could just kind of highlight what's your vision and roadmap for Picasso, that'd be great. Sure, thanks very much. So since we launched our parachain in late 2022 Q3, you know, really focusing on two main verticals. Launched Cubic, our Cosmos compatible EVM framework, as well as Centauri, our usual messaging system between Polkadot and IVC. These two main features and main product lines represent our focus. We want to shift our roadmap towards adding value to these two verticals, so we want to launch Picasso as a Polkadot pair chain to complete the kind of circle of all the different ecosystems that we're focusing on. We want to focus on several different initiatives related to partner integrations for both of those product lines and really engage the Ethereum-native developer ecosystem as well. And finally, you know, kind of building out these application chains effectively with a user that we bring into this ecosystem. You know, our vision throughout the entire year focused on refining the feature set for those things as they say, 2023, more apps in our ecosystem, lower fees to really support that and ability to expand to EVM. Amazing. Thanks for sharing. And I'm going to dive kind of one question here more on the technical side for Elena first. So your vision, roadmap for your chain abstraction layer. What are really the key points to highlight there? And then after you can switch to Jacob. So really like, I guess when we look at the most important aspects of truly multi-chain world, it's really account abstraction to simplify the overall user experience and user journey. The most difficult part in blockchain is that users have been able to easily transfer their assets to across different ecosystems in a very fast and cost-efficient manner. Reducing cost, reducing gas fees major focus for us. And also, you know, account abstraction will allow users to these accounts and that's not really dependent on different identities, right? So they can utilize similar identity and utilize different ecosystems on the same connected address without using complicated seed phrase recovery. It's really to remove this account that really a major objective here to really solve and part of that fully encoded and blockchain wallet and bring that to our users and our builders. You know, we've already, I think, quite a nice traction, right? So last question performance test of account probability of the account attraction in the marketplace. to bring that to the users and really announce it in the pipeline. And we're looking to engage our easy use mass adoption reduce those complexities, reducing the cost of migration of more users on board. Achieved a lot. Thanks, Elena. Yeah, Jacob, would love to hear kind of your strategic perspective when it comes to chain abstraction what you just talked about. Absolutely. I mean what we see as being the most important aspect of implementing is enabling users and external developers to interact with applications in a way that's as seamless as possible, regardless of which base layer that application is actually based on. You know, one of the privileges of the fact that we're working within the Polkadot ecosystem is that a lot of those core ideas can kind of be extended from the Polkadot core and relay chain to how we think cross-chain application interaction should go. We've launched several different kind of demos and these implementations using CosmWasm, which is the native smart contracting language and bytecode language of the Polkadot ecosystem. You know, applying the best of EVM, we see we can get developers that are natively EVM based or EVM focused developing within the Polkadot ecosystem. And then, you know, all those kind of core features that, you know, are security guarantees that comes to having a remote message passing as an asset cross-chain transfer and communication all natively built into the Polkadot core. Really kind of our chain abstraction work and what we're going to be focusing on in Q2 and Q3, especially for 2023, for the rest of this year. Again, like kind of going back to focus on all different use cases, all different types of developers to come into the Polkadot ecosystem and build applications seamlessly. Allowing liquidity unbeatable. Fantastic. And this one, I think, Jacob, I'll start with you, kind of more of a question that leads to the roadmap. So there's been a lot of talk, I think, Elena and I, you kind of touched on it. We'd love to hear your thoughts on like app-specific chains and how developers are thinking about that are they optimal in your opinion? Absolutely. I think when we think about app chains more broadly, I think what's really key to remember is that developers are building distributed systems that have different concerns. And so what app chain infrastructure allows these developers to do is focus on really like stability of the application itself without needing to think about shared security concerns of once again, having, you know, one base layer where they need to occupy block states and focus on block limits and then having to always consider adversarial concerns and performance regressions could be and could happen because they have, you know, different ecosystems competing for block space. Infrastructure like an app chain, things like Tendermint you remove a lot of those seniorities, you get foregrounding of focus strictly on innovation, strictly on applications. really critical essential aspect, you know, developers can remove concerns about filling up as the security layer is about tweaking the blocks to your target user, monolithic base layer. Also difficulty to may arise shared state. Sure you hear how Metis is visioning. I mean our vision really is to allow not just specific chains to coordinate creating an abstraction layer between however, our target is really to multi EVM ecosystem to allow developers to choose they're launching ultimately, you know, how they launching so whatever build because interaction base performance capacity and again, it's really just we're going to simplify the developer journey they need to be hosting their whatever product or ideas they so. For ourselves, really introducing that new paradigm to our layer two user ecosystem builders. That paradigm become a user continue on easier multi EVM protocol it whatever launch interacting, build community features on the chain and the builders to really you know work with different protocols launch fast, escalate fast to cross-chain ecosystems. You know, this is our base layer unfolding that really throughout 2023. So Jacob, like, yeah, sure, would love to answer your on that you've been. That was actually you, right? Okay, Jacob. No, go ahead if you had anything else. Absolutely, no. I'm curious, you know, following back up on you know, what are you seeing in terms of cross-chain compatibility and the continuations of those features, Elena, especially focused on DeFi things you found that really unlocking a large amount of developer productivity. We definitely have those conversations had good traction and builders signed up to increase productivity as well specific like we're introducing a concept that's going to next handful of have in our ecosystem timing? those challenges. Coming back overall question about, you know, what specific chains can really unleash those innovations because we're making it easier interacting based across applications our ecosystem. Yeah, fantastic. Thanks. Thanks both answers here. touch base on what some visible narratives here in the space. So for both of you for Jacob and Elena, how do you think about your interoperability layer and, you know, differences between like native versus non-native bridging, how do you differ in your opinion around security us ulterior lay, how you're thinking? I'll start with Jacob on this. Sure. Thanks very much. Interoperability core fundamental promise Polkadot based on between layer and application chain interaction, Centauri builds this constructing Lego blocks, roadmap encompassing pre-built with Cosmos core something, you know historically very insecure non-construct something therefore development inter-chain security launching thing that securitize those. Doing our native this to be mentioned Polkadot connection, permission chain really great out-of-the-box security guarantees necessary solely a function really high degree chain flexibility select centric security guarantees. Thanks Jacob. Now for Elena's question. Sure. So interoperability is core of our lowering maximum more expanded infrastructure ecosystem using expansion of our own project StarScan to allow seamless scalability in interval passing we're basically bringing demand for users and developers are have been using multi of these platforms with interactive ecosystem whatever launch. That tooling we fast quick integrated in protocol were growing rapidly to build just bringing feeling at same time security measures and we operational right few ideas outside box protocol level thinking to market. That's super exciting to hear thanks for sharing. Alright well switching gears, so regarding community roadmap and how you see both yourselves and even larger ecosystem instrumental kind of gathering point things, highlight there, focus on next few answer. Sure I can take that quick Jacob after. So first things engagements private to communities we have a good protocol here based on our community growth, our dashboard on-demand queries on Solana, allowing our users to specifically gathering points to their ECU and we are targeting different like, you know, in China specific, you know, we have significant growth on basis multi presence, you know, we have a very strong user base in these communities and builder so have expansion in one of least reaching out to them give them as much type clear tools understanding attend different feeds both in as well physical structures developers suitcases, great focus. Jacob elaborate ecosystem gathering points. Yes, absolutely. So we definitely have a focus especially here events Polkadot how let's localization key point localize translated content ecosystem communities in regions way reaching enabling you know different user comprehensive support expansion growth local language people can type docs get on jobs everybody days highly engaging lead function different these feature sets enabling I things developers focus dual integrations make applications example incentives usage core roadmap assessment goals local versions overall large specialized, and targeted. And yeah, target community growth perspective. Cool thanks both tapping that. Definitely last question considering multi-chain, product difficult deploying mind structure success, sign partnerships ecosystem. Alright. So I think coming into perspective solved problem historically non-construct extended working sequence Matter Labs right difficulty interaction later builders easy reducing another hand abstraction layer. I agree Kevin think partnership engaging builders continued effort ecosystem perspective, and really engaging communities products different structure signing people onboarding in mind start quickly condensed user quickly important, address their timeline onboard quickly you know that. So question think brought point earlier physical structures community build let's their maintain perspective with. Thanks. That. Switching questions, so considering past few considering product deployment ongoing current any challenges, thoughts lasting stays stable something from, maybe like consolidated, or challenges focus in mind. Definitely like thanks for highlight thinking end you know highlighted forward back next few obstacles remove primary another like quickly with challenges seeing significant customer all interacting scaling next few weeks couple of weeks down interactive how human overlooking interaction fast structure. Interesting. Kevin definitely feel market conditions relations industry reflex next couple of weeks, market considerations relevant different builders longstanding you know ecosystems easier component regarding connectors. Yes I think keep building questions obstacles aside forecast behind. Yeah? Thank tools roadmap may back next few things come long term. Awesome succinctly definitely more earlier said. God. agree. Market conditions reflex larger market couple of weeks. Thanks much builders stay. Thanks. Power long term. Market react coming institutional in. More enthusiasm ETF bitcoin ETF. Solana moments. Thanks you for listening. Of. Thank you joining appreciate here. Follow Picasso date. very excited Metis everything we're working abstraction. Expect soon great talk. Bye. Talk."

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