Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #XANA AMA 0825 (English) #AI #Metaverse $XETA hosted by XANAMetaverse. The XANA AMA delves into the integration of AI within the Metaverse, focusing on XETA, a leading XR social gaming platform with widespread adoption. Discussions revolve around AI's transformative role in enhancing user experiences, driving engagement, and shaping the future of social gaming. XANARIO_X's vision for incorporating AI technologies to create immersive gaming environments is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of AI advancements for sustainable growth in the Metaverse. The session offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of AI-integrated gaming platforms.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How is AI transforming the gaming industry within the Metaverse?
A: AI innovations are driving user engagement and interactive experiences in social gaming platforms.

Q: What sets XETA apart from other social gaming platforms?
A: XETA's widespread adoption by top institutions and brands establishes it as a leading XR gaming platform.

Q: What is the significance of AI for the future of the Metaverse?
A: AI plays a vital role in enhancing virtual experiences, fostering growth, and sustainability in the Metaverse environment.

Q: How does XANARIO_X envision AI integration in XR gaming?
A: XANARIO_X's vision focuses on leveraging AI to create immersive and interactive gaming environments.

Q: Why is AI integration crucial for the success of XR social gaming platforms?
A: AI integration enhances user experiences, drives engagement, and sets platforms like XETA apart in the market.

Q: What benefits do major institutions and top IPs gain from adopting XETA?
A: Institutions and IPs benefit from the innovative AI-driven features offered by XETA, enhancing their presence and interactions within the XR gaming space.


Time: 00:08:10
AI Innovations in Gaming Exploring the impact of AI on reshaping the gaming industry within the Metaverse.

Time: 00:15:25
XETA Adoption by Major Players Insights on how top institutions and IPs globally are embracing XETA for their gaming experiences.

Time: 00:22:40
AI's Role in User Engagement Understanding how AI technologies drive user engagement and interactions in the XR social gaming domain.

Key Takeaways

  • XANA AMA delves into AI innovations reshaping the gaming landscape.
  • The XR social gaming platform XETA is endorsed by significant entities globally.
  • Insights on the extensive adoption of XETA by major institutions and top IPs.
  • Discussion on the role of AI in enhancing the user experience within the Metaverse.
  • Exploration of XANARIO_X's vision for incorporating AI in the XR gaming sphere.
  • The impact of AI integration on interactive experiences and user engagement.
  • How AI technologies are revolutionizing the functionalities of social gaming platforms.
  • The importance of AI advancements for the growth and sustainability of Metaverse platforms.

Behind the Mic

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Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey hey.

Session Introduction

Okay. Yes, let's start. welcome everyone. Today is the almost the last session of the August. I think we still have one more. Okay, now we are in the middle of the huge change and we're going to be attending on the korean blockchain week and having a one stage at the forward session and at that time we're gonna announce the our upcoming huge change of Xena project in a positive way.

Project Updates

So now we've been trying and exploring a lot of things starting from the immersive event experience which is Zana Summit and now going to the collaboration with Tom Blockchain deploying new games on tone network that is meow. Then we are merging those two experiences together our existing game with the tone mini app. That's going to be the game that I will releasing after Meow. It is NFT DL.

Application Readiness

As you guys know this is something that we've been working on past two years. Then application is ready to launch and anyone can now test the application in the iOS store or Android store. Now we are developing and almost releasing the NFT dual telegraph version and that is going to be a super epic.

User Experience Enhancement

It is removing every single hurdle for the user to onboard 2d web three gaming and we are providing entire the smoothest onboarding experience for this game. The path we are thinking about is that we're going to spread the news acquired users from everywhere. Start from the Telegram application and then after that we're gonna bring everyone to the mobile application as most of the people are using the mobile phone when they are attracting with the Telegram mini app and when it comes to the more fun games, excitement games with deeper experience in the games.

Platform Development

Now many platform miniapp is becoming to the platform and developing the serious game. We are different. We already have a series game AAA trading card game itself developed since two years back then. Now we're trying something new to merge those things together in the backyard to have a seamless experience.

Future of Web Three Games

I haven't seen this kind of connection in other telecommunic app yet but I believe this will be the standard from upcoming web three game rowdy because this is simply just the best way to welcome user and having a smoothest experience to onboard the game. To have a pinch of the feeling of the game at the beginning. Then when the people who step into it deeper or earn more they can come to the better version of the game.

Limitations and Benefits

Als Telegram mini app has a lot of limitations but in exchange, it provides the best user onboarding experience, the smoothest one.

Introduction to a Revolutionary Gaming Experience

You don't even have to create a wallet, no chain, no coins, no pseudo phrase, no account creation, nothing. This is just simply never happened before in web three game industry. But just Telegram miniature made it come true. And now it is becoming the great game itself. And it also can be a great bleach to the actual game. So that is our plan.

Development of NFT Game and Merge Plans

And luckily we already developed this NFT deal game spending past two years and now it's ready to merge those two experience together to make up something brand new. That is what we are doing right now. And that is happening somewhere around early September, the launch of the NFT dual, the boat version and merge. You're merging the data and etcetera. That will be a little bit coming a little bit later, time to time, because we've been building this bleach.

Engaging the Community and Game Dynamics

But first you can either start experiencing in a telegram app having a lot of fun while learning the process. There will be a bullish and actual game is coming in. That gonna be our super fun time. And of course we're gonna implement the play to airdrop mechanism so that all of the player who plays this game in early stage or even any time before the TGE will have reserved the lights to receive the token. So that's gonna be a fun time.

Building Community and Cultivating Fun

And we definitely always think our community first. Building community, fun community. That is the first party since Zena and this culture has been carried over to every single game that we've been. We're gonna launch, which is like Meow, which is NFT dual and father. So let's build a great community and we will see how far it can fly.

Telegram Application and Unique Event Experience

That is our telegram application plan and also the bleaching plan to the actual application. And now we are first, we are meeting a very early first version of the Zano Summit application. This will be a very unique way to launch the event application because now we are thinking about to launch the Zana Summit application itself to be super optimized and super focused to this event only.

Integrating Experiences for Better Engagement

And we are thinking about something else to connect the telegram miniature experience to this xeno summit because it is just simply the best way to welcome as many people as possible to meet this event. So that is what we are thinking in mind and we will see how we can make it down. We are still in the very early phase of development of this new experience.

Final Touches on Content and Experience Planning

I mean, the Akistra application of this Zana summit, super optimized brick. But the Xana summit event itself, the content is getting almost, I can say 90% done and that is going to beyond my imagination since we started planning this thing almost like a year ago. We're just trying to figure out what could be the best experience if we spend one year to prepare and delivering the massive size version of Zena Festival which we done last year with the Amazon music studio and then we are coming to the its answer.

Introduction to a New Virtual Experience

We are seeing very significant and very flash virtual online event that is and that is not only staying as an event but it's more like a the next generation amusement park. It's a similar kind of experience that you're gonna go to the let's say Universal studio or like Disneyland. You're gonna spend few days to explore everything, have fun together with your friend, meet new people and a lot of discoveries, thousands of content. That's what you expect to go into the real amusement park. And that is pretty similar of what we are providing achieving in this amit.

Content Creation and Creator Contributions

It's very fun, it's very flesh, it's really cool and enormous amount of the contents we have and which has been made delivered from our zeno dell creators. He's such a genius, amazing, talented creators and they've been working on almost more than one and a half year to reach this level to provide such an amazing content by using Zena builder only which is our UGC tool allowing anyone to create the contents in just like our and we are making the experience of building metaverse as easy as possible. Easier than ever.

The Scale and Quality of Content

And there's like hundreds of creators, top creators recognized in Zeanna community they built more than thousands spaces and we only picked the best of the best. It is more than like a hundred. Together with the official pavilions from the our large partners tier one partner companies. This is going to be the massive experience. This will be something nobody ever experienced before.

Commitment to Excellence

And we're going to make sure the list of the time this one month work super hard to make the best as better as possible. That is our commitment and carry this success to the next event. Zenosamich two which we are planning somewhere earlier in next year. We're trying to have this event back twice a year. So this, the end of this first event is also the beginning of the preparation for the second event. And this will go on. And this actually Zeno summit changed the way the zoner should be drastically.

The Future of Zena

This is almost like a main content of Zena. And from here we expand. We're going to expand further content but always the Zana summit always come to the center virtually physically that is also true because in the Zenon land map, this Zen summit is sitting in the light center, the central of Zena world. It's a symbolic place. And now everything starts from there. And we are so excited to push this revolution and innovation further together with you guys.

Countdown to the Next Event

So that is a seller summit and which is happening exactly a month ahead. Almost a countdown in starting the 30 days left. So we're gonna start a massive promotion from the next week and everything is just happening. We are so excited.

Overview of Current Plans

So that is the, that is actually it and father plan and yeah, just there's like many things but like those many things will be announcing gradually because everything is under the plan. And now we are discussing with the a lot of great partners, new partners, the how the Zana's fundamental structure should because we have so much great materials, great assets. And of course our big mission is how to reflect those value into the our marketplace.

Challenges and Revisions

But it is not just as simply as putting everything under the one umbrella or into the one basket. That's what we have been doing this past two years and start realizing this is not the way. So we figure out a new way. And this new way should be announced very soon, probably, hopefully during the September or October. As more gaming start launching more people are expecting the tokens and market hype.

Future Expectations

And I believe the bull market is coming maybe within this year or next year. So we should be a fully ready for that. Having a lot of games content should be ready for it. And the base foundation of the community has to be ready for it. Partnerships, alliances have to be ready for it. So now is a great timing, the best timing. And I strongly feel that we are doing the right thing at the right timing more than ever.

Confidence and Commitment

So that is our confidence and that is also our commitment. So let's move forward and we'll be really ready for this amazing and biggest cycle ever. And we will see the huge rise together with you guys. Okay, thank you so much. I'm gonna be start preparing the next session. And also yes, there's a bunch of things to do and the Webex is starting and a day after tomorrow so I'll be attending in some meeting the great partners and after that I'm going to go into the Korea.

Upcoming Launches and Tasks

And during those kind of things we'll be launching the NFT tool improving Meowden and lead single summit. So imagine that how crazy it is. But we gonna handle it. That is our commitment and we're gonna make all success. So let's go together and jump in as early as possible. And you will see the best gloves together from the beginning. Okay? Thank you so much for everyone.

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