Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space X Space AMA with COBOX hosted by CryptoPanda_gl. X Space's AMA with COBOX offers valuable insights into serious business discussions, hosting, promotions, and Binance affiliation. The emphasis on direct messaging for hosting inquiries and promotions highlights the professionalism and transparency of the AMA. Engaging with the audience through live streaming platforms like Binance is portrayed as essential for successful promotions. Overall, the AMA reflects a deep commitment to fostering meaningful business dialogues and promotions.

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Q: What is the core focus of the X Space AMA with COBOX?
A: The AMA centers around serious business discussions and insights on hosting, promotions, and Binance affiliation.

Q: How does live streaming on platforms like Binance benefit promotions?
A: Live streaming engages the audience effectively and provides a platform for promotional activities.

Q: Why is direct messaging highlighted for hosting inquiries and promotional services?
A: Direct messaging ensures clear communication channels for hosting and promotional collaborations.

Q: What values are highlighted in the COBOX AMA at X Space?
A: Transparency, professionalism, and a focus on serious business discussions are emphasized in the AMA.


Time: 00:15:47
Serious Business Talks at X Space AMA Delving into insightful discussions on hosting, promotions, and Binance affiliation.

Time: 00:25:32
Importance of Audience Engagement in Live Streams Exploring how engaging with the audience on platforms like Binance drives successful promotions.

Time: 00:35:19
Direct Messaging for Hosting Services COBOX emphasizes the effectiveness of direct messaging for hosting inquiries and collaborations.

Time: 00:45:14
Transparency and Professionalism in Business Focusing on transparent and professional interactions in the AMA discussions.

Time: 00:55:10
COBOX's Insights on Promotional Services Insights shared on the importance of promotions in serious business engagements.

Key Takeaways

  • Serious business discussions are at the forefront of X Space AMA with COBOX.
  • Insights on hosting, promotions, and Binance affiliation were shared during the AMA.
  • Engagement with the audience through live streaming platforms like Binance is crucial for promotions.
  • COBOX emphasizes the importance of direct messaging for hosting inquiries and promotional services.
  • Transparency and professionalism are cornerstones of the AMA featuring COBOX at X Space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Okay. Hello everyone. I hope you guys can hear me. Yes, I can hear you. Oh, hello, Miss Ada. It's nice to speak with you again. Thank you very much for being here. Yeah, it's lovely for me to joining in here. Yeah, thank you so much. So Miss Ada, is it okay if we wait for just a minute to wait for more community members to come in? Is that okay? Yeah, it's okay. Sure. Okay. Thank you so much. So for the people who are already here in our space for today, hello guys and welcome to crypto panda. So we will be starting our aim in just a few minutes, guys. So for the meantime, I hope you can check the social media links of Cobox that we already posted in our chat at cryptopanda. Thank you so much.

Starting the AMA

Okay, so since we are, I think three minutes behind our Amy time, let me ask you Miss Ada, are you ready to start? Yes, I am ready to start. Okay, wonderful. So once again, let me welcome everyone to our Ama for today. So hello everyone. Hello, crypto panda community. Welcome back to another Xbase AMA. And today's xbase AMA guys is not just a regular AMA, but this AMA is a pre white list campaign. So for today's AMA guys, I know you're pretty familiar with the project that we're talking about today, so we are here with the Cobox team to talk about their whitelist campaign.

Introducing Cobox

So to brief you guys shortly as to what Cobox is all about. So basically, Cobox is an innovative metaverse platform that is designed to empower creators with no code tools, a seamless social login experience and an expansive Kobox universe. So if you guys are very excited to get to know more about this project, please stay tuned at the very end of our AMA for today. And also guys, another thing that we are going to be focusing on this AMA is that we are here to provide detailed insights into the whitelist campaign and answer, of course, your community questions later on. So make sure to prepare the best question that you guys have for Miss Ada later on.

Miss Ada's Introduction

So once again we will be joined by Miss Ada. Miss Ada is the global director at Cobox and she is going to be the one to be with us today on this Ama. And of course Miss Ada has a great involvement in the whitelist campaign and she is here to share her vision for the future of the Kobach universe. And of course to answer your questions like I've mentioned before. So once again, hello Miss Ada and welcome to Crypto Panda. Hi Kathleen. Hi everyone. I am Ada and I am global director at Goboss. I'm super excited here for this AMa. I am an expertise in growth and product development. I'm looking forward to discuss about the all opportunities for people who reach out here. Let's dive into the future of new cool learning what is metaverse these days and let's build together this Internet community and everything which is going to be very benefit for you from this web three fast forward community.

Discussion of Cobox Features

That is a very wonderful introduction Miss Ada. Thank you so much once again for being here. We appreciate your time and effort. And now everybody has been really excited about this Ama. So let's get it started. So first and foremost Miss Ada, let us go with the basics of Cobox. So Miss Ada, is it okay if you provide us an overview of Cobox, like what is its mission and the key features that actually sets you apart in the different metaverses that are existing in the crypto space? You know, there are like projects like Cobo Worlds and fan worlds out there. So how does co box differentiate itself from these platforms? Okay, now let's begin and dive into the co box.

Explaining Cobox's Unique Features

You know, we have our, you know, three products. We have kobo words. A 3d world, you can say a virtual world. We have fan worlds where the infinite galaxies, it's basically a spacecraft for the fan followers who are we are building over there. You know, the top people, so highlighted people are the crypto people of the world where they can, their fan following their community can come and join and build their own world. We have no core studio, you know, it's, you can say it's a, you know, you can say it's a game maker for everyone and what co box is all about.

Cobox Universe and Tools

What co Box is, you know, world first virtual space where creators are free to create and own their valid space in simulated 3d environment and can say Colwalks universe is a connectivity comes with the breakdowning all the geographical barriers to create truly authentic global community which is geared towards collaboration and owing the space. It offers tools to create virtual environment and host events without needing any code for monetizing your virtual experience. It's a game maker. You know you have. It's a game maker. Hello Miss Ada, I think we lost you for a moment. Hello? Am I audible now? Yes Miss Ada we can hear you now.

Continuing the Conversation

Okay, so let me continue from this place I'm telling let's. I'll begin once again. World first virtual space where creators are free to create and own their wallet space in simulated 3d environment Cobox universe comes with the connectivity with the groundbreaking down all the geographical barriers to create a truly global community which is geared towards collaboration and owing space. It offer tools to create virtual environment and to host events without needing any code for monetizing your virtual experiences.

Cobox Features for Creators

It's a game maker tool allow users to create game while some advanced features required coding, there are many pre built assets, 1 million assets and templates for inside our no code studio where creators can tokenize their work, ensuring the province and enabling new form of monetizing the future of coboxes. Incredibly promising with our network ownership inside the co box, all essentials to remain focused on the principles of decentralization, security, inclusivity. Users are guided through the seamless process that caters to season, you know, creators and all the noises as well.

Empowering Creators

You know, all the noises. So this is what co box is doing and we have discussed as I discuss our products also what are our products and what is the main arcs ensures the, you know, all your security, all your, you know, empowering. We are basically going to empower the creators if we are, you know, empowers the creators. Am I audible? Yes, Miss Ada, we can hear you now. I think there was. Okay, okay, okay.

User-Friendly Virtual Spaces

You know, okay, so we are here, you know, it's a, basically it's a platform which are allowing users to create, to explore, to own, to trade in virtual world. It's a builder tool enable you to design, customize your own virtual space which is very effective way, you know, it's very pocket friendly using and drag and drop all the interface as well. For creators we, you know what, for the creators we have, you know, creators can empower men, they can do empowerment like co box.

No Code Studio

No code studio where creators can fully explore their creativity without the constraint of physical reality. And if I talk about monetization, it stream to support creators, you know, financially as well. Recognization and growth tools to feature that help creators to gain visibility and grow their own entire audience. They will have the scalability, easy scalable solution that is going to grow with every business need. You know, if you are the creators who are innovative and wants innovation, we are encouraging to innovate all the business model and customer engagement strategies as well.

Community Benefits

If it is e commerce, you know, it's going to benefits for every part of the businesses, every part of the web. Three, every piece like co box, everyone is going to have one box itself. We are going to make very user friendly and it's going to be, if you're a seasonal coder and if you are a non coder and if you are a coder, but your, our co box is going to be accessible on all the devices and it's going to be easy for you to build your own virtual platform.

Overview of Whitelist Campaign

Thank you very much Miss Ada. That is a very amazing overview as to what Cobox is all about and that is a very great kickstart for our amy for today. And it's very impressive that you guys are, you know, focusing on building the callbacks universe which consists of the projects like you've mentioned, the COBOL worlds and the fan world. So that is very impressive. Thank you so much for that. So another question Miss Ada, because basically this, like I've mentioned from the very beginning when I was introducing the AMA, we mentioned that this Ama is a pre white list ame.

Explaining the Whitelist Campaign

So talking about that, Miss Ada, can you tell us what is the Koobux whitelist campaign like? Can you explain further about the whitelist campaign, what its objective is and the benefits for participants? Yes, I can hear you. Whitelist campaign how you are, if you're going to register yourself, you are going to be, you know, a part of our white campaign. What all the, in the early access, what all the benefits you are people are going to get. I'm going to discuss this in a very thoroughly way.

Benefits of Whitelist Participation

Like users, you know, you can, you will get an early access. You know, creators are going to benefits for their early access on our previous upcoming future products. You will be a part of the events for creators. You will be get access in participating before. You will be prioritized, you know, you will be prioritized for our, you know, token purchase as well. You will be prioritized for the premium NFTs will launch. You will get an early access to purchase it. Multiple features will going to be add in future as well.

Excitement About Whitelist

In our whitelist campaign. If you are going to be an early access, you will get many benefits. You will have, you know, you will be a prioritized for our all upcoming in future events NFT launch, our premium pools, our, you know, you can say our tokenization everywhere. You are going to get the benefits and you will own a very strong part of our world inside your pocket.

Next Steps for Whitelist

Thank you very much Miss Ada for that. That is very amazing to hear. So for the people of course who are joining the Whitelist campaign now, you guys know how important this whitelist is and of course the special features, special benefits that you guys are going to get, of course if you join, thank you Miss Ada for that. I bet that most of our listeners right now are all interested to join the whitelist.

Joining the Whitelist

So Miss Ada, can you walk us through the simple one click social login process? Like can you explain thoroughly on how users can join the whitelist? You mean to say you're asking the wallets, right Kathleen? Yes, exactly. The Kobux wallethood. Okay. Okay. Actually for that users can create their wallet on coboarts by using their social media account.

Creating the Wallet

They can create web wallet. It is not compulsory. They need the knowledge about the web. Three, if they are into the web. Two, still they can create a wallet on hobo world and they can be a part of it. Okay. That is wonderful to know Miss Ada. Thank you so much for sharing that information to us.

Kobux Wallet Overview

Okay, so now that we know about the one click social login process, let us talk about the cold box wallet. Miss Ada. So can you tell us what is the cobucks wallet is like an overview of it and what can users do with it? Like maybe you can mention to us about the features and how does it integrate with the co box ecosystem.

Features and Access

Okay, so the people who are going to hold a co box wallet where they are going to get an access, however the world creation on, you know, the best way they can be the part of our best price distribution where if you are coming with early access in our white list and then you're making a wallet over there, you will be prioritized for our, you know, price distribution.

Engagement through Wallet

There will be prizes for all multiple people, you will get a chance and you're going to, you know, to the whitelist community so they can get the more benefits we have. Keep like this many offers over there, you can, you will be getting an early access of beta testing. Either you became a game tester, creator and you know, and in early tester you will either, you know, for the whitelisting and if you have a wallet and if you are having a wallet of, you know, co box, so you can, you know, you creators in early access, they can create either only on our platform, then they can monetize and then they can publish in a face of the co box universe after the verification of their content creators to publish, you know, their creation and they be, they are going to be a part of our network ownership as well.

Future Testing and Gaming

Players can have an early access, they can participate in beta testing which is going to be, you know, incentivize. Okay, so like this is how, you know, I'm going to highlight each and everything slowly by slowly, one by one that how people are going to benefited. If they are going to have a wallet with the co box, they are going to be part of every product over there.

Building Unique Experiences

You know, in fanverse we are building a unique galaxies where you can find a unique experience of gameplay which is going to be released in the first quarter of 2025, you know, with some virtual world that's back, you know, that's going to be going to give you a strong backup like we are building a virtual one and a virtual galaxies.

Introduction to Kobo World

It's, you know, in the Kobo words, it's a map of five into five square kilometer. We are working on it since 2022. And it's Alpha. It was an alpha stage last year we released and still our artists and our team.

Communication Break

Hello Miss Ada, I think you got caught off or I think we lost you for a moment. Oh, am I audible now? Yes, Ms. Ada, we can hear you now.

Interactive Features

Okay, so you can create, you can connect, you can play, you can trade. Our virtual world which is, you know, going to be very much give you know, you know, for our community. If you're coming from your community, you can join your other communities over as well. If the talk was nfts you our marketplace. So there's every single part where you are going to be, you're going to be part of it and it's going to be, you know, helpful for you to elaborate your creation over there. You can monetize your creation over there. Once you have you take a space, build for yourself and then you can monetize and publish it.

User Engagement

And you can be, and you can be, you're going to be a part like you. Users can choose planets, create a new planet. You can engage with no code studio, you can, you know, purchase pre made assets like bringing imaginations to life. Life. Continuous evolution. You will get, you're going to get.

Community Building

Am I audible? Yes Mister Ada, we can hear you now. Hello, hello, hi. Yes Ms. Ada we can hear you now. Okay, so community building and engagement, you will get an early access for that continuous innovation and updates. You can have and create an educational content over there you have the all tutorials and it's going to be very cost effective way the way you can carry on your work, your business on our platform, you know, and show we are, you know, because we are ensuring all the accessibilities and a wider reach.

Cross-Platform Support

Like the Cobox universe is designed to be cross platforms supporting various devices including PCs, smartphones and VR headsets. Future plans include expanding to the console. This is the multiple platform approaches which is going to enable for the users to access the firmware preferred devices, which is going to enhance user engagement and participating.

Empowering Creators

Thank you very much Miss Ada. That is very wonderful to know. Another question, Miss Ada, because basically when you were talking about Cobox, you mentioned that you guys aim to empower the creators, right? So my next question for you, Miss Ada is can you tell us what tools does Cobux offer for creators? And also maybe you can tell us about the tools that the creator tools, according to your website, about the no code studio and the AI Yoda.

AI Yoda and Creator Tools

It's a lovely question and I was waiting eagerly for that because I'm super excited to share our, you know, tools and our AI Yodha, which is going to be the strongest campaigning and you know this thing very well. Everybody knows it. Like AI is, you know, the second friend of us, you know, why AI is transforming world? Why AI is, you know, helping out in every sector of the businesses. AI has been evolving rapidly, you know, transforming various facets of the intelligence space. Like if I describe in short, like GPT four, it enables machines to understand, interpret and generate a human language as well.

Impact on Content Creation

These technology are, you know, revolverizing content creation, art and design. So now I am going to introduce you what AI Yodha is and what AI Yoda can do for the creators, for the participants who are going to join in with us. You know, AI Yoda is, you know, AI campaigning in co box universe is going to empower, create, you know, learn your AI guide in the co box universe. We are, you know, we are proud to introduce and our AI Yoda which is going to design to empower land creators, game developers, digital artists.

Yoda's Role in Creation

Yoda is a spread of a warrior assisting user in navigation, the complexities of virtual creation, enhancing productivity and refining businesses and marketing strategies. This outline Yoda role within co box universe, its capabilities and the transformative potential it hold for the users. What it hold for the users. I am going to elaborate and put a shed light on it that what is going for the creators and what creators can do with the help of AI Yodha.

Assistance for Various Activities

If you want to create and customization with a simple voice text command Yoda and generate and modify digital assets, structure environment making the process of building within the seamless and limitless creation. And if I talk about strategic assistance, Yoda offers insight and suggestions to refine users business plans and marketing strategies, leveraging its vast and repository of industry data and trends as well.

Educational Support

Educational part if you know, like you want to create educational environment, you want to conduct classes and you want to, you know, put your educational work into the demand, what support Yoda can act as a mentor for you, educating users on the best practice, emerging trends and advanced techniques in a virtual creation and digital commerce. This is all AI. Yoda is going to help in every part of your creation.

Joining Cobox Universe

But what you need to do is that you need to be a part of co box. You know, you need to be get an early access. You should be like an early bird inside our co box. Like Yoda, adapt to, you know, deeply integrate it into the fabric of co box universe. It's accessible to all users who, you know, who want to seek, harness, you know, their capabilities. Whether you are a seasoned developer looking to streamline your workflow, either, Yoda, is your AI companion ready to assist you on every step.

Benefits of Joining the Whitelist

That sounds very amazing, Miss Ada. Thank you so much for sharing that information with us. And I know for sure that delighted every creator, every developer who are listening with us today. Thank you so much. So another question, Miss Ada. So we talked about the whitelist earlier, right? Like what the purpose of the whitelist campaign is and how people can join, right? So now, still going back to the topic of the whitelist campaign, Miss Adae, can you tell us what are the benefits of being on the whitelist?

Access and Features

Can you maybe tell us examples of what our members who will be participating, what can they actually look forward to? What all, am I audible? Hi miss Ada. Yeah, we can hear you now. Okay, so I want to say this thing that what all the benefits people are going to get who are going to list themselves into the white list, okay, so I'm going to shed more light on this, as I mentioned it before, that getting in an early access, being in an early birdhouse.

Creator Priority

You, the creators are going to benefit for, you know, access on our all products, on our different products. While we are going to have on our pipeline, we are going to announce soon there are going to be multiple features which is going to be at the time in the future and we are going to host many events. The creators, you will be getting access for the participating before you people are going to be prioritized with the early access in token purchasing as well.

NFT Opportunities

You will be a part of our premium NFT launches. You will get an early access to purchase that. And there are multiple features we are going to add in future. You know, like, you know, I can say that you like, you can create your world with the help of Co box team, you will create a session limited, you know, where you can get an access, you know, whoever world or creation and you will be selected for our best price distribution. There will be prizes for all the multiple people, multiple, you know, peoples and the users, the creators like who are going to join in and you will get multiple chances, you will get a multiple chances for the whitelist, our more community so they can get more benefits as well.

Connecting with the Community

Like we are going to have the community and you are going to get an access with them and you can going to benefits like that in many different ways. Like I mentioned you, multiple features are going to be added in future. So this is all the benefits. What a white paper listing people are going to get in future while you connecting with us.

Overall Benefits

Thank you so much. It's very nice to know, of course, that basically just by being on the white is just by joining and participating on, it actually is very beneficial for the users. So you mentioned lots and lots of benefits, lots of exclusive things that we can get. So thank you so much for that. So another question is, I think I missed this question from before.

Upcoming Projects in Cobux Universe

So let me just ask this once again to you exploring back into the Kovacs universe. There are coming projects out there. So like we mentioned, there's Kobo verse and fanverse if I'm not mistaken. So can you tell us, Miss Ada, how do these projects contribute to the overall co box experience and what can users actually expect from this coming projects?

Kobo World Details

Yeah, sure. First of all, you know, I would say kobo words, it's a 3d world. It's a virtual world, okay? Where as I mentioned, you can, you know, you can build your own virtual world, you can visualize it. Then after that, if you want, you can, you know, monetize as well and you can then publish it, okay? We have multiple assets over there. You can tokenize your work as well. You can trade your work, you can trade over there, you can connect, you can play, you can trade as well, okay?

Creator Journey

And. Hello, Miss Ada, I think we're lost. Yes, yes, I'm there. So the creator journey will design to, you know, you can empower with limitless opportunities offering. We are going to offer users an unparalleled opportunity to explore, to create and to personalize their virtual extensors. User are guided through seamless process that caters to both, you know, season and unseasoned creators.

Fanverse Details

You will get a great opportunity to be part of it. Then I'm coming. Our second product, which is fanverse, we have infinite galaxies over there. It's a galaxy revolving all over world where you can, you know, we are coming with multiple face of the crypto people around the world, their fan following.

Fan Community

Like it's a fan words over there, it's a spacecraft. Your fan will can make your community inside the world. Okay? Fan words have the galaxies inside it. It's a spacecraft where fan can make their own community and own world. And then comes the no code studio.

No Code Studio Features

Okay, so these are our product and you know that what, you know, studio is where you, without coding, if you're the seasonal coder and developer, if you are not, but still you are going, you are, it's going to be for you very easy. We have so much tools, game tools. It's like, you know, game maker tools are available over there.

Collaboration and Asset Availability

Pre made and pre built assets are available over there. AI Yoda is going to there to guide you. So every possibilities we had made for the users, for the developer, for the artist and for the creators that they can come and develop their a part of the virtual world, what have they till now dream about.

Affordable Creation

And it is going to be very, in a effective way and a pocket friendly where space for you is totally going to be, you know, very pocket friendly where you can come build. And with the help of our pre there, we are having 1 million prevail assets over there. It's going to be very easy for you to develop your creations.

Excitement for the Future

That sounds very fantastic and that sounds very exciting as well. Thank you so much, Ada, for still walking us through the entire Kobox universe and of course explaining to us about the upcoming projects coming off.

Next Steps for the Whitelist Campaign

Thank you so much. So now going back into the topic of the whitelist campaign. So you've actually discussed a lot, Miss Ada. You told us about the exclusive benefits that we're going to have if ever we join the whitelist, how we can do that, and also about the entire purpose of the Whitelist campaign.

Timeline for the Whitelist

So I bet everybody has been really curious about my next question. So my next question for you, Miss Addo, is can you tell us what is the timeline for the Whitelist campaign? Maybe you can clarify to us the key dates and milestones that you guys are trying to aim for in this whitelist campaign. Events or activities that are related to this campaign as you guys, you know, prepare and launch for this.

Preparation for Launch

Yeah, we are going to prepare, launch and soon for that. You need to, you know, you need to follow our Twitter account, you need to follow our, you know, website, keep signing in, keep, you know, updating on our website. Soon you're going to have the date and everything is going to be on air where you, with many benefits with many price full distributions, chances to you're going to get a chance to get a white list community.

Engagement with the Community

Everything is going to be possible for you. For that, you need to keep up. You keep an eye, shed a light on coworks, on Twitter, on our telegram, community on our website, and soon we are going to announce that in a short mean time.

Final Thoughts

Thank you, Miss Ada. And crypto Panda community. Of course, they're coming up announcements soon so make sure to stay tuned on their social media links. Thank you, Miss Ada. So another question, of course, after the white List campaign, Miss Ada, can you tell us how can the community get involved beyond the whitelist? I mean, are there any other ways that they can engage with Kobox?

Wrap Up

Hello Miss Ada are you there? Can you hear us?

Initial Greetings and Connection Issues

Hello? Hello? Hello? Am I audible? Yeah, actually I think there's some kind of little bit network issues. Okay, Miss Ada, we understand. Okay, can you repeat the question once again? Yes, for sure. So, after the whitelist campaign ends, Miss Ada, can you tell us how can the community get involved beyond the whitelist? I mean, can you mention the other place that the community can engage with Cobonte after the whitelist? So let me inform you about this. Already six K people has been already rest registered in our white list. Okay. And for the further, we are going to have an access for the people as I told you that all the early birds for the creators and who can, you know, access and participate and who want to get deprioritized in an early access of the token purchase for the premium Nft launch. And six K people already has been registered in our whitelist.

Community Engagement and Involvement

Thank you very much Miss Ada, once again. So I have one last question for you, Miss Ada, before we wrap up our introduction segment and for us to take some community questions as well. My question for you, Miss Ada, is can you emphasize to us what is the role of the community in the growth of Cobox? How are their involvement with cobucks help you guys to reach success? So I'm sorry for my, the last question which you asked me about it. So six, I told you as the six K creators has been already registered on our platform and for our whitelist campaigning, you know, 30k people has been already registered with us. In between that, six K are the creators which are with us and going to build your own community and going to engage and be a part of, you know, prioritize in our token purchasing premium, nfts, multiple features and all the benefits which are going to have for our early access people in our all products in our all benefits, our premium pools and everything.

Emphasizing the Role of Community

And now can you ask me the last questions with you? Ask me again, Kathleen. Yes, for sure, Miss Ada. So, you know, just to wrap up our introduction segment, Miss Ada, can you highlight and emphasize to us what is the role of the community in the growth of Cobach? I mean, how important is the involvement of the community in Cobach's reaching success? Community like what community will have, what benefits you have, what is there inside the co box for the community, how you can grow your own community, how you can build your community, what are the benefits you are going to have if you are coming from, with your community and if you want to expand your own community, what all the benefits you are going to have? What all the early access for? If I talk about you, the premium pools, if I talk about the network ownership and if I talk about the token and exclusive NFT growth with democratic models, equal opportunity to each, everyone in our airdrops as well.

Future Prospects and Community Benefits

Like, you know, in our airdrops, you know, we are here to grow together in a decentralized and a democratic manner. Like you are going to be part of our, when the token is going to be, when our token is going to be launched and what are the benefits then you can have over there. If you're, if you're coming with your community or coming with your, and you want to expand your community, you're going to benefit for your, you know, marketing strategies you're going to have. We are going to help you out in publishing. We are going to help you. You can publish by your own self. Hello Miss Ada, I think you got cut off once again. Hello? Okay guys, I think Miss Ada is having some Internet connection issues so let's just wait for her to connect a little bit. Okay? But for the meantime, I highly suggest everyone to prepare your best questions for our live segment later on.

Preparing for Community Questions

So make sure to ask what you guys have in mind, what you guys are doubting. This is your opportunity, guys. Make sure to prepare your best questions. Okay, let's wait once again for Miss Ada. And also guys, may I remind you that we already posted all of the social media links of Cobox in our telegram community. Make sure to check out everything in there. Everything is compiled for you guys for your own convenience. So make sure to check out their social media links. We shared their telegram, their discord, their Twitter and their website as well. But if you guys were to go to their Twitter, you'll be able to check out their link three as well. So I think Miss Ada got disconnected for a little while. Oh, okay, hold on. I think someone may be joining us.

Discussing Role and Opportunities in Cobox

Okay, so apparently guys, Miss Ada was having some Internet issues, but that's all. Okay. But I think there is still another member that can stand with us guys today. Oh, Miss Anna is back. Let me. Hi. Hello Miss Ada, can you. Sorry saying that the network has been dropped off. I cannot see the community, I cannot see you people space over here. I think it's a network problem from your side or either from my side? I think it's on your side Miss Ada, because I can see them as well. And there are some people raising their hands on the request list right now. So I think we're fine. Okay. So did I expect, did I shed the light on, you know what the opportunities co box community, like how community is going play a vital role in this campaign and how you can grow your communities over here with the strategic partnerships and everything I've discussed.

Community Building and Participation

I hope the people have listened it well. Yes, Miss Ada, I think you got caught off on the middle section, so maybe you can continue from the middle side. Okay. So community is going to play a very vital role and how community is going to be get benefit. If you're making your own community and if you're going to be a part of co box community, you know, you can choose the planet, you will have the nexus on all our products, you can create your new planet, you will engage with in our no code studio, you can purchase pre made assets, you can bring imaginations to your life, you can be a part of our entire ecosystem system. You can, you know, continuous evaluation like in, like I told you, like our products, there are three products with our, in our inside our no code studio.

Community Benefits and Continuous Improvements

And you can do a strategic partnerships as well. You can build your own community and do engagements, host events, social dating and you and when you are going to have an early access and in beta testing. So continuous innovations and updates. If you're going to be get updated and you're going to be part of co Box and there will be educational content and all tutorials, you will benefits and you will be prioritized. And every step of the way we are going to move forward to it. That sounds very amazing. Miss Ado, thank you so much for explaining to us how you guys actually value the community. That is very amazing to know. And also guys, thank you so much for. Hold on. Yeah, I think that is the end of my questions for introduction.

Gratitude and Final Reminders

Miss Ada, thank you very much for explaining to us every key points that we discussed. Thank you so much for explaining to us about the whitelist campaign and also for introducing to us what cool box is all about. It is very amazing. And also guys, we are just once again reminding the community about the whitelist signup process. Just like what Miss Adam mentioned earlier. It's a simple one click social login process, guys. So if you guys have any other questions, make sure to ask it directly to the telegram community. And also guys, we have mentioned highly about the benefits that you guys are going to get if you guys were to participate on the whitelist campaign. So there's going to be special features for you guys.

Wrapping Up and Next Steps

There's going to be early access, there's going to be potential airdrops where you guys will be entitled to join. And also guys, there gonna be lots of things, there are like lots of things just like what Miss Adam mentioned earlier. So make sure to not miss this whitelist campaign out. And also guys, if you guys have any questions, now is the time to ask it. We are going to be moving forward to the next segment of our AMA. And before we do that, guys, let me remind everyone that we already posted and paid the social media links of Cobox in our telegram community. So everything is in there for you guys to check out. So we have their telegram community. Make sure to drop in their telegram community, say hi on their very vibrant community.

Engagement with Cobox Community

And if you guys are into discord, you can also check their Discord server, their Discord community out. And for regular updates about Cobox you can follow them on their official Twitter or official X account. And for more additional information you can look to they have an official Facebook account, an official Instagram account and of course for more additional information that can summarize and introduce you guys what co box is, you can check out their website for more. Once again, guys, Cobox is empowering the creators. So if you guys have any creative imaginations out there, cobucks can actually make it happen for you.

Final Instructions and Transition to Q&A

So if you guys don't know any coding things to make this imagination of you guys possible, basically they have the no code studio and they also have an AI named Yoda to help you guys and to guide you guys. Of course, the process. Thank you so much guys for, sorry, thank you so much Miss Ada for answering all of the basic questions that I have. But let me ask you this, Ada, are you ready to take on some questions from our community members? Yes, I'm super excited to answer all the questions which people want to ask. Okay, that is fantastic. So the first person that we have unmuted is someone named Rocky.

Question from Community Member

So hello Rocky can you try to speak now? Hi. Yes Rocky we can hear you. Please go on. Okay, my question is what are the activities that we can do inside cobalt metaverse and also what are some of the revenue streams that can help user to earn with the metaverse? It's very nice question and I'm super excited to answer this question that what all the benefits you are going to get when you are going to be part of the this, you know, co box world, you know, co box universe. Sorry. So if you're a creator and if you're a non creator and in our kobo worlds 3d world where it's a virtual world where can you can come and create your creation and you can be a part and you can monetize it, you will be a part of the network ownership.

Discussion on Revenue Streams

You're going to hold an, you know, be taken that your creation as the ownership, you know. Hello Miss Ada, I think we lost you for a moment. Once again, hello, can you hear us? Okay, I think Miss Ada is once again having some Internet connections. So Rocky, let's wait for a little bit for her to. Yeah, okay, but just a shout out for the people who are requesting for the microphone. Make sure to prepare the best questions that you guys have for Miss Ada and check out their website to gather more information about them. And from them maybe you can extract some questions that may boggle your mind. So yeah, let's wait for Miss Ada once again.

Waiting and Preparing for More Questions

Okay, while we are waiting Rocky, make sure to follow them on their social media links. Okay, we already posted it in our telegram community so everything is in there for you. Make sure to join their telegram community as well. If you have further questions later on. Maybe some questions popped into your mind later and then you can ask it directly there and also follow them on their twitter for the regular updates of course about Cobox. Okay, I think Miss Ada left the space once again. Maybe she's taking her time to reconnect but that is totally okay guys, I hope you understand basically these things like this actually are normal and it happens a lot, right?

Maintaining Engagement During Connectivity Issues

So we can't actually control it. So I hope you guys can stay patient with us and of course we will be restraining the AMA once AdA is back again. Okay? Oh, I'm seeing lots of people raising their hand. So guys make sure to prepare the best questions and also leave the space with USDT rewards as well for asking your questions. So just raise your questions and of course we will pick randomly as well, of course, to ensure the fairness. Okay, let me check if Miss Ada is back. Okay. I think Miss Ade still reconnected and I don't want to make any, you know, any long silence on the recording.

Final Reminders and Conclusion

So I'm just going to remind everyone once again to check out their social media links to gather more information about Cobox. They're actually doing lots of things within their universe that can give you guys, the users or even non creators, or for the creators to give you guys the best experience that you can get. They are actually doing everything much easier.

Introduction to No Code Studio

They is the doing of the coding. They introduce the no code studio and it's actually cost effective. Guys. There is actually no cost for creating inside co box. This is a perfect opportunity for you guys to unleash your creativity as well. And of course they utilize the AI power as well. You know how AI technology is very amazing, guys. So they have the AI yoda that can help you guys and guide you guys, of course, in creating inside Cobox. So basically this is something really out of this world. No? Every metaverse platforms has offered us guys opportunities like this. And aside from that, they have, they'll be introducing more projects coming up soon in Colbox universe. So gradually they are building their universe with lots of projects for, to provide everyone the best and things, the best of things, of course, for the user experience for you guys to have very immersive, very great virtual experience.

Website Resources and Information

So actually I've been, okay, so guys, just a reminder as well that at the end of their website, at the very bottom, you can see some articles and blogs that can help you guys to get to know more about Cobach, some news about them. So make sure to check it out. Yeah, okay. And also other white paper, it's also available in there in the very bottom of their website. So check it out, guys, if you need more in depth analysis. So hold on, let me. For everyone, I really apologize. I don't know what happened to my network today and something is, I think there's some technical glitch in between. So I'm really sorry. Yeah, yeah. Let's begin with our second question, please. I'm saying let's take on questions, please. Kathleen, am I audible to you? Oh, hello. Sorry I was muted. Sorry I was muted. Sorry, Miss Ada. So thank you very much, Mister Rocky, for your question, but let's move forward to our next person to ask.

Engaging with the Community

So I've muted someone named Tim Cloud. So hello, can you carry on, can. We carry on with our second question, please? Because I don't know. I appreciate the time people spend over here, and they have given us time. They are listening to our community. Thank you so much for your patience. Once again, I apologize for the network glitch. So I'm really sorry. Let's begin and take in a second question, please. Yes, Miss Ada, I've unmuted the second person. Hello, Tim Cloud. Hello, guys. How are you? Okay. Hello, Miss Ada. Can you hear Mister Tim Cloud? Yes, I can hear. Okay, so go on. Tim Cloud is your question, please.

Questions from Tim Cloud

Thank you for bringing me up. My question, I think I pretty much understood everything you said, you know, decided about, you know, co box and all there is to it. But I'm in a section of your website now that talks about the no virtual studio, which kind of been pretty much mentioned when you were away. So how does the node, the no code virtual studio, actually manage and optimize real time streaming to ensure high quality, uninterrupted broadcasts for creators especially? And also just to ask my second question, because we have taken a lot of time, I want to know the tools and mechanism that you guys have employed in the platform to enable creators to monetize their digital creations.

Explaining No Code Studio Benefits

So you want to know about our no good studio, what all the benefits people can have. How can they monetize, how they can build their virtual offices, their creation, how they can hang out over there? Actually, we have our game tools over there. It's a game maker tool. You can say it's a, you know, little bit, a bit expensive digital assets being built over there. And on our no code studio, you have 1 million pre built assets which you can come create on our space. You, if you want to, gave you're a gamer, educational, and if you're e commerce, for all the businesses, we have been focused, if you're an architecture, so if you are a seasonal coder, and if you're a non seasonal coder, if you're a developer, for everyone, you're coming over there on a space.

Monetization and Creation Process

We have 1 million pre weight assets over there. With the help of that, you can create your own creation the way, if it is an office, if you don't host an event, anything like that, and if you like that visualization, the creation you had made it, then after that you can monetize it and you can publish it as well. And AI Yodha is going to be there for you. It's going to be your companion. You can say it's going to help you out in the fabric of it on every place. There will be some educational tutorials as well for the beginners if it is going to be helpful for them while they are coming and creating their own creation. Thank you so much. I think I'm clear with the answer question.

Integration in the Virtual Ecosystem

Yeah, sure. I think one else, something else I would like to know is how this integrated within your virtual ecosystem when it comes to your revenue models. Because I think I got your white paper, I got a hand in on your revenue model. So how have you integrated all that you've explained? You know, I wanted to put some clarity into how you've integrated this within the virtual ecosystem. Okay, you want to say that how token is going to help you out into be up. You know, our token is going to help you out to revolve entire our ecosystem, our revenue model.

Token Utilization and Community Engagement

With the help of our token you can buy the asset and you will be a part of our rewards. You in our youth, in our all the utility creators token as an incentives as well. You know, our policies updation will come. Our policy updations can come when then you can be a part of that as well. You will be a part of a premium pool. And for the higher graphics upgradation you can buy new upgrading assets games in our future development. You know, we keep on time to time, we are going to be updating our platform and cobalt token will help you to participate in our government's decisions as well influencing this platform's updates and policies.

Earning and Whitelisting Opportunity

The asset transaction in the game planting for the staking as well in all the parts. If you, how you can earn money and how you can revolve in our entire ecosystem system. For that you are going to first whitelist yourself and then as far as our, when our token will come as you're going to be early Bird, you will be prioritized in our many updations. We are going to keep on update in our future. For that you need to be part of our, you know, telegram community as disco channel, Twitter, dating, Kiva, shed light on cobalt. And once the opportunity comes you're going to grab inside it and then you will know that how the opportunities are going to be a part of your journey inside the co box in our every products.

Final Remarks and Community Interaction

All right, thank you so much. Okay. Thank you very much Mister Zimcloud for your very amazing answers. And also if you have any questions related later on, please make sure to ask it on their telegram or on their discord community. Yes, we can hear you. All right. My question is that as a creator, maybe a new creator who is trying to move from maybe a web app to owning his own kind of application or wallet, how is it possible for somebody like that who has never been to coding before but trying to move into app development? Are they provision for plugins or are they form of plugins that someone can use? Oh, it's really nice question.

Integration for Web2 to Web3

Green talk it's very nice questions. You mean to say if the person is from web two community, how they can integrate into the web. Three, if you have no knowledge how you can make a wallet. So letheme, let me clear you one thing. Users can create their wallet on kobo words by using their social media account. They can create their web wallet. It's not compulsory. They need the knowledge about the web. Three, if they are into the web too, still they can create a wallet on cowards. Thank you so much for your question. I think it's clear for now you can, you know, create subscribe our model.

Community Engagement and Whitelisting

Okay. Okay. Hello Greentalk. Did you get the answer to your question. By getting a part of it? Okay, if you're a web two person, but still you are going to make your account from your social media account as well. So it's going to be very easy for everyone to be a part. For that you need to subscribe, you need to part of our Telegram ID, our Twitter, our, you know, all the accounts for whitelisting campaign. So don't miss any opportunity to be a part of this co box. All right, thank you very much. I really appreciate.

Conclusion and Further Interaction

Thank you so much as well green talk for your very amazing question. Further question please do not hesitate to ask it on their telegram or on their discord community. Thank you so much everyone. For those who asked their questions, thank you for your participation and thank you Miss Ada for interacting with our community. We appreciate all of the answers that you provided us for today's ama. Thank you so much Miss Ada. Thank you so much for all fantastic questions today. I hope I was able to shed some light on it.

Community Engagement and Call to Action

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to reach out. Me on Ada ad Cobols co keep exploring the exciting world of web three and stay tuned for more updates and insight. Have a great part of our telegram community and keep sharing, liking and keep subscribing as well for the further and the future. All reviews and we are free to have suggestions for everyone. Drop up your suggestions. We are welcoming everyone. Thank you so much. Have a great day.

Ending Remarks

Have a thank you so much crypto panda and once again, I apologize for the network glitch. Thank you so much. Take care. Bye bye. Thank you so much Adam. Once again, we appreciate it and we understand the Internet issues, but still, you delivered very well on this AMA. Thank you so much for informing our community about the whitelist campaign. Thank you very much once again, Miss Ada and of course crypto Panda community for a final call. We already posted all of the social media links of Kobox in our telegram community at the crypto Panda chat so make sure to access it in there.

Access and Competition

Everything is compiled for you guys, their telegram community, their discord community, their Twitter, their website, Instagram and the link tree as well. That will lead you guys to everything that they have. Of course. And once again guys, do not miss out their whitelist campaign that is opening up soon. So make sure to stay tuned on their social media links for regular updates.

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