X Space AMA (America 0x1776B x Sunrise Venture Capital)


Space Summary

The Twitter Space X Space AMA (America 0x1776B x Sunrise Venture Capital) hosted by sunrise_venture. X Space AMA featuring America 0x1776B and Sunrise Venture Capital provides valuable insights into the marketing aspect of the crypto industry. The discussion emphasizes the importance of educational platforms, strategic partnerships, engaging with influencers, and understanding key cryptocurrencies like BNB and ETH. Leveraging social media for communication and networking opportunities is highlighted, along with the significance of direct messaging platforms like Telegram. This AMA session offers a comprehensive view of marketing strategies within the crypto space, focusing on collaboration, education, and community engagement.

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Q: Why are educational platforms important in the crypto space?
A: Educational platforms help users understand complex concepts, drive adoption, and empower decision-making.

Q: How do partnerships enhance credibility in the crypto industry?
A: Partnerships with reputable exchanges like MEXC and Gate.io can increase visibility, trust, and market presence.

Q: Why is engaging with KOLs crucial in crypto promotion?
A: Key opinion leaders have significant influence and can amplify brand awareness and adoption within the community.

Q: What role does Binance play in shaping the crypto market?
A: Binance's influence and innovations often set trends and impact the broader crypto ecosystem.

Q: Why is understanding the differences between BNB and ETH important?
A: Knowing the unique features of different cryptocurrencies helps investors make informed decisions and diversify portfolios.

Q: How can social media platforms contribute to crypto communication?
A: Platforms like Twitter enable real-time updates, engagement with the community, and sharing of industry insights.

Q: What benefits do direct messaging platforms like Telegram offer?
A: Telegram facilitates direct networking, quick information exchange, and efficient communication within the crypto community.


Time: 00:15:27
Importance of Educational Platforms Discussing how education drives adoption and empowers users in the crypto space.

Time: 00:25:48
Power of Partnerships in Crypto Exploring how collaborations with MEXC and Gate.io can boost credibility and market visibility.

Time: 00:35:59
Engaging with Key Opinion Leaders Insights on leveraging KOLs for community awareness and growth.

Time: 00:45:12
Binance: Market Influencer Analyzing Binance's role in shaping trends and developments in the crypto industry.

Time: 00:55:33
Understanding BNB & ETH Dynamics Highlighting the differences and similarities between BNB and ETH for investors.

Time: 01:05:44
Effective Social Media Communication Tips on leveraging platforms like Twitter for audience engagement and industry updates.

Time: 01:15:55
Networking via Telegram Exploring the benefits of using Telegram for direct messaging and community building.

Key Takeaways

  • Educational and promotional platforms play a significant role in the crypto space, fostering community engagement.
  • Partnerships with major players like MEXC and Gate.io can boost visibility and credibility within the crypto community.
  • Engaging with key opinion leaders (KOLs) is crucial for spreading awareness and gaining traction in the market.
  • Binance, as a prominent player in the industry, continues to influence trends and developments in the crypto space.
  • Understanding the dynamics between different cryptocurrencies like BNB and ETH is essential for informed decision-making.
  • Utilizing social media platforms like Twitter ensures broader reach and effective communication with the audience.
  • Direct messaging via platforms like Telegram facilitates quick and direct interactions for networking and information sharing.

Behind the Mic

Welcoming Participants

All right. Hello guys. Welcome here and I think we need to wait for like one or two minutes that more people join here and then we will start shortly. Till then, make sure to like and read the space and be ready for the like could say life question and you can like drop your question below if you have any. Thank you. Please wait here.

Initiating the Session

Hello. Hello to the person behind the seventies, 26th America. Are you here? Shall we start the session? Yeah, we can start. All right, so yeah. Hello everyone and welcome today's exciting game session. We are thrilled to have you all join us as we dive into the revolutionary movement that's rooted in the spirit of our founding fathers, that is polyfy and see around because going to be very wonderful Kenny session and without further ado, let's welcome our wonderful guest here. Welcome here sir. And it's pleasure to have you. So could you please introduce about yourself and your background first and then we proceed further.

Guest Introduction

Hi, yeah, sure. It's my pleasure to be here addressing you all. My name is for the sake of anonymity it's going to be Silicon Maya. I've been in technology for over 30 years, being everywhere in technology. Basically I've been, I started my career as a programmer, did a lot of work in the network consulting industry and have been in the cybersecurity for a few years. And I've always been basically drawn to technology and I've been a crypto investor since 2016 and came across this token back in June this year before. Before it really, you know, politify started to really take the market by storm. Right. So that basically that's an introduction for myself.

Delving into the Project

All right, that's great. Thank you so much for such a wonderful introduction. Happy to know about you and about your background as well. So let's jump to the main topic and talk about the project like in detail. So to kick things off, let's delve into like could say co technology behind polyfy. So as we know, like every good movement is built on a strong foundation and polyfy is no different. So could you like share with us more detail about the technological infrastructure. Infrastructure powering polyfi?

Technological Infrastructure

So the infrastructure is basically being developed still. We are thinking about using the America token as a governance token for Dao. Ever since we did the CTO, I control a marketing wallet that had about 5 million tokens and now it's down to 3 million. But basically what we're trying to do is build some governance around the tokens for now. But if we look at the possibilities that can be achieved by leveraging blockchain technology to provide transparency and control over funds is unheard of. So I think that the way that the politify movement right now is, it's kind of strange because you got two or three major tokens, which is basically Trump and MAGA hat.

Community and Governance

There's some others, but those are the biggest ones in terms of market cap, and they don't really give you governance over anything. MAGA has no tax and I don't think they bring anything in terms of specific messages. And Trump the mega coin basically just sends all their proceedings to Donald Trump and does some marketing effort. So we're trying to do is basically build a community where we can drive, use the power of the ethereum blockchain and smart contracts to deliver a powerful message. Right. So if you look at meme coins today, there's no message. Right. It's just, you know, fun culture, and I get it.

People Awakening

But I think that once people realize that we're at an inflection point with the election, with the awakening of the people to their harsh realities, right, which is basically we're being taxed into oblivion, we're losing our individual freedoms. We are basically being cornered into compliance with what happened with COVID and the mass. How can I say? Basically, they took most of our fundamental rights away when the COVID hit because they locked us down in our homes, they forced injection on us. They fear mongered us. So it's all part of really a global operation to take away our freedoms, to make us comply and make us fearful.

Growth of the Politify Movement

The poll, if I movement, in my opinion, will start to gain a lot of traction because people are waking up. We have Elon Musk literally creating a pack called America to propel his message and his vision of what's going on in the country and how he can actually, through the power of social media, political engagement, send a message. So I think basically we, once people realize that we can really send a message through blockchain that we are really, really going to flip meme coins in market cap and this is going to be just a fever and everyone's going to get on board and want to participate. That's how I feel, and that's why I was the leader of this crypto takeover for this project, which basically started in July 2024.

Feedback and Technical Challenges

Can you guys hear me? Hello. Yeah, we hear you. So thank you so much for that wonderful introduction. And it's fascinating to hear, like, how the ethereum blockchain is being used to power Polyfi vision and provide a transparent and, like, could say, secure foundation for the moment. So let's move ahead and talk about in detail. Now that we have explored the technology behind Polyfire, let's talk about the heart of the movement. So could you please tell us, like, what initially inspired the creation of qualify?

Inspiration for Creation

Yeah, please answer on that. I think it was basically unrest, right. People are, were tired of basically not having a voice. Right. And most importantly, feeling that whatever they think or they want doesn't matter. So we're so disconnected from the government and their decisions that it's almost like our choices, even when we vote, doesn't matter. So I think that people started to realize that they could basically take their power back. And this can be done with the blockchain and ethereum and smart contracts. Right.

Advocating Governance through Blockchain

One thing that I really believe in is that if we start to advocate through, you know, some politicians, because I do believe that there's gonna require some level of interaction with government representatives, like initially, people from city halls, we could start small, right? Because I do believe that if we get some politicians on board with the message that, hey, let's say that really, really Trump does one win in November and there starts to talk about government efficiency and what can be done to improve that, we will have a way to start elaborating and exploring how we can use blockchain to give power back to the people.

Powering Decision-Making for the People

Can you just imagine instead of you having just a selected few voting on whether we should send money to Ukraine or if we should send money to illegal immigrants, or we should send money to disaster victims like there is with Hurricane Milton right now, if we could get the power to decide what to do with the funds ourselves every time, then we really, really got the power back to the people. Imagine doing this with daos. We're talking about having 40 million active wallets on american soil. If we get up to, let's say, 10 million, 20 million, we already have one of the most impressive and one of the biggest basic insights into what the american people want.

Engaging with the Dao Model

If we have a Dao and we use our governance token to say, hey, guys, we have, let's say, $1 billion here, that is basically, you know, for disaster recovery, what should we do? Where should we send this money? How should we use it? Right? So it is exciting to think of a future where we could really take those, the power to the side, back into our own hands. And I think that's why the politify movement is starting to grow and more people are starting to pay attention to this kind of tokens and we're just a crypto token right now, a CTO.

Utilizing Knowledge for Innovation

But what I've been doing is basically using my knowledge into technology and politics to start writing articles on ask on x. We already have one article before I had been suspended, I've basically had like almost ten articles writing about how we can achieve no income tax. As you guys know, we have a huge oil reserves on the US. And one of the articles that I've written before is basically trying to explore how we could use our oil reserves to achieve no income tax, or at least has very have. Have less income being applied into our citizens, right?

Reflecting on Historical Context

And if you look at what's going on right now with wars, after every war that we've been part of, our economy came out worse, right? So every civil war, second and first and second war, our government have to increase taxes. Had to, you know, we've been to no tough periods. So I think that people had enough, right? And right now, with people having enough and we finally having the ability to use technology to regain the power to decide what we do with our own money, with our own country, this is game changing, right?

The Context of Social Change

And we're an inflection point, right? With the election, with the severe unrest, specifically with Generation Z, right? Most people who are out of college right now, they cannot expect to buy a house any soon. They're really desperate. And I think that this is the generation that was born with bitcoin, was born with social media. And I think it's going to be a catalyst. Once we understand the power that we already have, we just need to advocate into using that power into building governance structures that give power back to the people.

Vision for the Future

And that's what we're vocal about. We are not just one meme coin that is just fun. It's just culture. We are about a movement to advocate for a better future, to the use of technology, and basically publishing specific content on how to achieve that. So if you buy our token, you're basically signaling support for our cause and basically signaling that, yes, you want to be part of that and have access to our content and that you find that our content will help propel the message and inspire others. Basically, that's how we are right now.

Closing Thoughts

All right, thank you so much, sir, for such a wonderful answer and sharing the powerful vision. It's inspiring to hear, like, how the ideals of freedom and prosperity are from one nation founding continuously drive polyfire today. So that's really great. Thank you so much for that. Also, listen, if you want to know more about the project, please check out their documentation can, say white paper or website, you will get, like, more deeper understanding of their work. Moving ahead.

Historical Leadership Vision

Sir, your team has, like, a unique historical vision for this project, especially drawing from the spirit of 1776. So could you share some about the leadership and the key members driving the moment forward? Yeah, sure. So basically, it's just after the developer abandoned the project, he basically just sent me the last America tokens that he had on the marketing wallet so I could drive marketing efforts and just basically do the CTO and keep the project alive.

Team Structure and Motivation

So the project is mainly just me and a couple of other guys. And we're just initial investors which had a. Have had seen the power of the narrative, of politify narrative and what was capable with that, because the ticker is eternal, right. We have America ticket ticker, and we just want to make sure that we use that to propel a good message.

Introduction and Team Dynamics

Right. So it's just me and a few other guys, and we're just running our Twitter. I put up a website that explains what we're trying to achieve. And, I mean, our narrative is. I think it's. At least, I think it's stronger than MAGA and Trump because it's more inclusive. So if you're looking at Trump and MAGA, which topped 9 million in liquidity and 500 million in and market cap, and look at our token, I mean, we are just a fraction of them, but we are younger as well. Right. So I think that, you know, I just want to express how we feel about the token and what we want to achieve, and hopefully that will touch a lot of people's hearts and they would. They would listen to this recording and then we'll go, you know what? This guy has a point. You know, I mean, I want to see how we can use blockchain to get power back into our hands. Yeah, I want that. Yeah, I would like to be closer to deciding how we spend our money. Yes.

The Vision behind Polyfy

Okay. Thank you so much, sir, for introducing the incredible team behind the polyfy. And it's clear that the leadership and inspired by the spirit of 7076 is deeply, like, committed to driving this movement with, like, vision and integrity. So, moving ahead, leadership transition, often, like, bring fresh perspectives and innovation. And I understand that modify saw, like, significant change into the CTO takeover in July 2024. So could you share with us, like, what changes or innovation have been introduced since then and how these aligned with polysty over acting vision of, like, creating a tax free America? Yeah, sure. So the token has started as a way to. To help veterans. So it had a 2% tax. And at the beginning, it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in polydefy. Right. So they had collecting 2% tax, and they were basically donating to veteran organizations across the world.

Challenges within the Founding Team

But then there was a little bit of an issue amongst the founding fathers. You know, things got really nasty because one was basically saying that they won, they owned some of them money, and then there was a lot of fud in the telegram chat, and, you know, our market cap tanked. And then what happened was Alexander Hamilton, which was one of the founding fathers, he basically. And it's kind of like struck of destiny, because as it happens, in 1776, we are trying to go from 2% tax to 0%. And after things got nasty, Alexander Hamilton changed the contract tax from 2% to zero and then just abandoned the project and just let the project to me so I could reshape it into a new. An ill thing. Right. Because we didn't have any tax at the time. And I. I thought that, you know what? We're living in a.

Envisioning a Better America

You know, in a world that would be the worst nightmare if from. For. From what our founding fathers actually envisioned of an America, right? We're not prosper, we're not free, we're not peaceful. And I think that, you know, if we got a power back to the people through the blockchain, maybe we can be right. Maybe we can get the power to control our policy, control our expanding and back to the hands of the people. And if that does, maybe we have a chance of getting the America we always wanted and our falling fathers envisioned back into our reality. Right. I think that's what we stand for, and that's how we reshaped the token narrative.

Leadership and Innovation

Okay, that's really good. And it's really exciting to hear. And it's clear that CTO takeover has, what, a, like, fresh wave of innovation and progress. And thank you so much for that answer. And it's amazing to see, like, how leadership and technology are coming together to drive real changes. So. Yeah, that's. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. So if you have covered the impressive technology behind the polyfy. But as you mentioned earlier, this is moment goes far beyond just blockchain. It's rooted in the values and the vision of America founding Spada. So how do you see the broader implication of polyfy when it comes to storing the America, the envision, one built on freedom, prosperity and independence?

The Disconnect in Decision Making

Yeah, I mean, I think most of the problems we have today is because we're disconnected from the decision making. Right. So you can, you know, have your views and according to your views, you vote. But even when you vote, it doesn't mean that all of the. You vote, and then that's it. You don't have any other control. Right. And then most of the times, you look at what the track record on that people that you vote for and the things that he's voting for, how he's trying to, you know, use your money and how he's positioning himself on matters of importance, and you almost doesn't recognize that that person anymore. It's like, was that the person I vote for? But he's not doing the things I thought he would do. And, I mean, that is really frustrating.

Empowering People through Blockchain

And you have no power but, and no choice but to wait four years and try to vote for another candidate in the hopes that he will express and vote accordingly to what you think he was doing. Right. That's why you vote for him. But that's not always the case. So I think that once we got back the power back, we will basically be able to shape. And I think this, as I told you in the beginning, it needs to start small. We need to have representatives in different cities trying to see what we can automate at city halls, you know, because there's a lot of decision making being done at the city level, at the state level. And if we get, you know, enough people in our project, enough people to buy our token, we are going to have a lot of money in the marketing wallet, which I, right now, I am the only one who controls it.

Future Aspirations and Community Involvement

But it is an open project. Anyone can join. And I've also talked about doing a multi sig wallet, so everyone that basically wants to, can control the wallet with me so we can move this together. So it's really, it's a project that it's in the beginning, and we're just trying to make good use of a very good ticker, which is America. Right. All right, that's great. Thank you for sharing that powerful perspective. And it's inspiring to see, like, how bonifire mission connects back to the core values of freedom and prosperity that the bonding founding father envisioned. And, yeah, the broader implication of the moment, truly go beyond technology, aiming to reshape not only the financial landscape, but the very foundation of what America stands for.

Moments of Purpose and Meaning

So this is a moment of purpose and deep meaning. So that's great. I feel that, too. I feel that we can do so much more with our money. And what most people do is right now, is just they, oh, I like this frog, I like this dog. But don't you like freedom? Don't you like being in control of where your country is going if you are? I mean, you can put your money where your mouth is. You know, people are very vocal about, you know, what they want for their country, but can you put money on it? You know? And I guess once we start getting big, and I do think politify tokens will overtake memicoins soon enough.

The Vision for Change and Growth

And once it does, what will be the biggest message? Right. Can you imagine us getting as big as Doji with, you know, billions in market cap? Then the media will have no choice but to talk about us, to talk about, you know, what, you know, that dog coin, that frog coin, they're not really the biggest things in the block right now. People are using blockchain to send a message. I can almost imagine the headlines, you know, politify project for no income tax, for restoring freedoms for, you know, against foreign wars is gaining momentum. There is, like, millions of people behind this movement. You know, can you imagine the impact that we're going to do? They're going to have to talk about us.

Marketing and Awareness Efforts

And once we're big enough, then we have money in the marketing wallet, then we can run ads, then we can, oh, my God, we can do the Times Square one for days in a row. Then nothing can stop us. Right? That's how I feel. And, I mean, I know it's dreaming big, but, you know what they say, dream big or go home. So I'm dreaming big. Definitely. We have to dream big. Yeah. Thank you. And, you know, like, every great moment faces its share of challenges, and I'm sure that polyfy is a next option. So overcoming obstacles is often, like, what standard approach? I didn't. I believe so. Could you, like, share with us some of the key challenges that qualify encountered during its development and how the team managed to, like, overcome that?

Challenges and Awareness

So I think it's, I think the most, the major challenge we have right now is that a lot of people doesn't really know us. If you get, and I've been doing some statistics about this, there isn't even 100,000 wallets that are invested in politify tokens. And I think it's going to take a while, but I think that some catalysts will really make the difference, like the elections, for instance, if Elon Musk really gets up on his department of government efficiency, if stars start to align, I don't think we're even gonna need to do anything. It's gonna be, things are gone. People are gonna start looking for America, government efficiency, and then they're gonna find our articles, they're gonna find the research that we do, and people are gonna start talking about it. You know, I think it's bound to happen.

The Power of Collective Will

We just need to wait a little bit and, you know, make some noise, and then hopefully one day we will be big and our message will be too big to hide. You know, we. I mean, the guys who are deep into politics and are following geopolitics and military world, they already know that a shift is happening. You know, most people call it the great awakening, but it's basically people getting to know their true power, what they can do, and that they can really make a difference. They can really make a difference if we rally behind something that we all agree on. Because what happens is there's a lot of divide in the country, and it's divide over things that don't matter.

Common Goals and Bottom Line

You know, I'm pretty sure if you ask 90% of Americans, all of them want to, you know, have more money in their bank account. They want to make sure that they can prosper. They want to make sure that they live in a good neighborhood, that their children are safe. I mean, if we can agree on the basics, we're never going to get anything right. So I think it's just a way for us to reach consensus on the things that matter the most. And until we achieve 100% of those things that matter the most, let's not fight over the things that don't matter. You know, let's just.

Community Engagement and Support

Let's just get the things that everyone wants first, right? All right. Yeah, I understand. And thank you so much for that answer. And that's nice. That was it from the introductory part. So, people, you just need to stay tuned and support them also to know more about their update and future plans by joining all the social channels of this wonderful project. You can find all the social channels of it on sunrise venture at Sandal and in our telegram as well. So go and support this wonderful project. Be the part of this wonderful community.

Active Participation in the Movement

Okay, mo? Yes, sir. So moving ahead, it's time to start another segment. That is the Twitter one. So actually, in this segment, our community member already posted their data, their query related to the project. So we selected, like, some of the best question for you. So let's see, like, what they ask. So, yeah, one of our members ask, you related to the community, because community is the heart of, like, any meaningful moment, and Polyfy is no different. So for those who are inspired by, let's see, Polyfy's vision and want to like actively contribute.

Opportunities for Involvement

What opportunities are available for people to like get involved and help shape the future of the movement. Yeah, so one thing that they can do is just follow us on Xdev. And if you guys want to really help, just chip a dollar in the wallet because this way we're going to have more support. Right? So once we're looking, there's two, there's already two ways to show support. You either follow us on socials and basically read our articles and join the discussion on Telegram or X, just help spread the word or buy $1 worth of token. Just show your support.

Building a Movement

It's kind of like a vote, you know, if you can get to the hearts of every patriot out there and every person that lives in North America chips a dollar, we're at a billion dollar market cap. Right? So that's my message. I'm not here to make anyone money. This is a polidified token. We're trying to send a message and the market cap is just a tool. It's not the final objective of the Politifi movement. I know it's a token, I know there's a liquidity pool, but I think we're building something that is bigger than just money right now. And money is just a tool to propel our message.

Community Interaction and Growth

So yeah, I don't know, buy our token, buy at least $1 so we can signal support fifty cents. I don't know, you just need the wallet count to be big. Because if I'm not mistaken, one of the biggest tokens has a couple of millions of tokens holders. If I'm mistaken, if we can get to a little over that, we're already going to start making a lot of noise. So yeah, just come talk to us. Our telegram chat is open to anyone who wants to join. If you want to be part of the core team, just be there, because it's literally just me and one other guy that are making this project happen.

Encouragement to Join

And yeah, we're trying our best and we hope that everyone that really wants to join and think that the project is worth something, come talk to us. Yeah, definitely. So guys, yeah, buy the token. Even it's worth of $1. Also, you can contribute as much as you wish and it's clear that everyone can play a role in driving qualify forward. And it's exciting to see like how this collective effort will help bring the vision of tax free America closer to reality.

Transparency and Innovation

So yeah, guys, be the part of this wonderful project moving ahead. I have another question related to the relatively project. So, you know, like transparency and innovation are key pillars and like any successful moment, especially like one with such a bold vision as qualified. So could you like tell us like how the qualify moment ensure this value are at the forefront and how they contribute to like, achieving the goals of our tax free America.

Research and Implementation

Yeah. So one of the things we're doing this is basically doing research. As I told you, we, I'm writing articles on the intersection of technology and politics and there's a lot of things that can be done with daos and smart contracts right now, but I don't think there's enough discussions being held at the government level and it's understandable. Right. The bureaucrats in power have entrenched themselves deep into the power structures of Washington and everything that will endanger their position and their power will be, won't even be considered.

Engaging the Public

Right. So that's why I think were only going to be able to have meaningful discussions and implementations of daos in government structures when we get too big to ignore. So I think that we need to get support from the public before we can challenge the establishment. If I can say that, because no one in power will go, will wake up one day and say, hey, I think I should implement decentralized structure to take away my power and influence, that's not going to happen.

Resonating with the Public

So we need to do what we can do right now. And what we can do is, you know, get our voice out there, make sure that our message is resonating in the hearts of every patriot, and just make sure that we're all aligned with what we want. What is our number one priority? What message do you guys want to send? You guys want to have more control over government spending? You guys want to have less income tax? You guys want to have more Social Security? You guys want to have free health care?

Influencing Politics

What is it that Americans want? And through this token, we can voice that concern and most likely we can start to influence politics in a way that they can embrace technologies to give power back to the people. You know, if that happens, I'm pretty sure our future is going to be prosper and free. Yeah, I agree and thanks for that detailed explanation. And it's reassuring to hear and like, see like, how strongly Polyfi emphasis both transparency and innovation and ensuring that every step towards the goal is rooted in trust and progress.

Forward Momentum

And these value are essential for a moment as transformative as this. And it's inspiring to know that the team is deeply committed to them. So, yeah, thank you so much for that answer. So you already mentioned that qualify continues to gain momentum. So I'm sure that there are some exciting milestone ahead as well. So could you, like, share with us what upcoming maestro and the team has planned and how do you intend to sustain the momentum of this revolutionary moment as a group?

Marketing Strategy

Yeah, so we're going to try to do some heavy marketing pushes near election campaign because I think that most of the volume that comes into these tokens come from crypto Twitter. Right? So people get. So one of the major hershes we had in our coin was when Elon Musk got on stage with Donald Trump and they created the America pack. And at that time, our token had all the socials that was broken, basically, on Dexcreen and Dex tools.

Potential for Growth

Our Twitter was down, our website was down. There was no links at all, only telegram. And we saw nearly $1 million in volume that day. One day. And I think that this is just the beginning. Right. I think with election coming up, we're going to see days where we're going to have a lot of volume, right. And a lot of interest on what's going on and on the crypto space related to that. And we're so early. We are so early that it's almost ridiculous to look at what we are right now and what can we achieve when, you know, our word is out there and people knows that there's a token that is committed to advancing the voice of the concern of all Americans?

The Power of Choice

This is a no brainer. You know, this is a no brainer. Once you have the ability to choose to, you know, just buy the frog token, the dog token, or buy something that means something to you know, that really signifies all your concerns. I think it's a no brainer. That could be just me, but I think it's a no brainer. Oh, shy. That's fantastic to hear and it's exciting to see, like, such a clear roadmap and vision for the future of polyfy.

Closing Remarks

So thanks for that answer. And now I have last question for you before reaching for the live segment. So guys, be ready for that and prepare some insightful questions.

Introduction to Ethereum and its Role

Some good question for the live segment. Okay, so we know that Ethereum is central to, like, qualify mission, especially like, when it comes to creating a tax free future. So could you explain how the current technology of Ethereum support this version? Additionally, like, what role do smart contracts play in driving this transformation?

Understanding Smart Contracts and DAOs

Yes. So, I mean, smart contracts can be used in a lot of ways, right? I mean, creating a token is one of them. Establishing Dao governance is other. Right now we have no dev. All we have is basically the token that is out there and me running socials. But as I told you, the sky is the limit. And with a Dao in place, we could use our token as governance initially to, you know, see how we're going to spend the money in the marketing wallet. And once that is established, I mean, we could take, we could take some lessons, which, with what's going on with Luna, classic. I'm not sure if you guys are following that. They have a proposal system, they have a voting process, they have government structures with veto power. And I think this is how I envision how we should implement mechanisms to, you know, manage our funds initially.

Future of Governance and Community Engagement

And once we do that, I mean, then we have the blueprint to go to. To specific cities which are more open to crypto adoption. And those cities will mostly likely be the ones that have people who are pro human. Right? They are not. They're not greedy, they're not power hungry, and they truly want to do something good for their community. So they will listen to us and they will want to work with us. And once we got a couple of cities on the DAo and working to get that power back to their constituents, then I think it's going to be an unstoppable wave. People are going to say, hey, our city is way better. Why? Because power is truly decentralized. Kind of like what our founding fathers imagined, right? We the people, we have the power. We just need to have mechanisms that allow us to exercise that power. You know, that's basically it.

Transition to Live Segment

All right, got it. Thank you so much for these answers and I think it's time to start our live segment. So in this segment, I will unmute some of our listeners and they will ask you the question. So let me unmute. All right, so we have appeared. Buddy here. Go ahead and ask a question, please. Hey buddy, you are a speaker now, buddy. Okay. Maybe he faced some network issue. We see another speaker as well, named Honey. Go ahead buddy. Ask a question. Honey, could you please unmute yourself and ask a question?

Continuing with Listener Questions

I think Billy is trying to ask something. Yeah. Misses Peters connecting. So waiting. It's okay. It's okay. Yeah, it. Hello. If there are any. No other question. I think we can finish. Okay, I have another question. I think they are not able to ask the question, but they dm me the question. So could you please answer on that? Like do we have any ambassador program? No, we don't, but we're open to creating one. Yeah, as I said, the community is so small. It's just me and two other people, and we need help. Right. I think we have a very good narrative.

Marketing Plans and Community Building

Politify is still to take off. So if anyone wants to join, send me a message, talk to me. And we are going to work together. And this will be bigger than Trump, this will be bigger than Maga, this will be bigger than every other policy token. Just because our message is stronger, is more inclusive. Yes. Thank you so much. All right, and what are our marketing plans? Could you highlight those? Yeah. So I think by election, I guess, on that week, we're going to run some ads on Dexs and we're going to run some campaigns on some of the articles that I'm creating.

Content Creation and Vision Sharing

So every week or so, I put out an article on how we can achieve our vision. So I think I'm the only token to actually produce content. Right. It's crazy to say that we have, I gotta say, tens of thousands of tokens that they don't do anything but create memes. I'm doing research, right? So I'm putting out information that people can discuss, people can get informed, and people can basically understand their true power. So that's. That's why I'm here, and that's why we're doing what we're doing. And I hope, you know, I hope other people understand the value of what I'm doing.

Final Remarks and Community Invitation

Understand that America ticker is ours. America on it is ours. Right? Let's work together. Okay. Thank you so much for those answers. And I think we covered all the details of this wonderful project. I see, like, Billy continents raising his hand. But, buddy, I think you guys are facing some network issues, so don't worry. If you have more questions, you can drop this question on their social channels. Their community manager or their lead member will definitely guide you. So don't worry about it. And thank you so much, sir, for, like, all these insightful details about the polyfire vision, technology and the future plans.

Vision for Change

And it's clear that this moment is about more than just blockchain. It's about, like, bringing real change and restoring the value that America was built on. So, yeah, the combination of innovation, transparency, and community involvement make this project truly inspiring. So, yeah. Thank you so much for that idea. And before wrapping up, do you want to say something to our community or offer a closing statement? Yeah, absolutely. Please join us. We're not sitting on an ivory tower like those other politifi projects. We're not unapproachable.

Call to Action and Closing

We're a small movement, and if you join now, you might have the ability to shape this token to your liking. Right? We're not, you know, we're not unapproachable. We're very much like you guys. We just want to work together and, you know, make something interesting of this token, which was basically just abandoned because people really don't know what they're doing and don't know the power of, you know, blockchain, basically. Join us. Yeah. Guys, enjoy the project and be the early supporter you will never regret. And it's time to wrapping up, so see you next time, sir. Have a great day. Bye bye.

Final Goodbyes

You, too. Thank you. Bye bye.

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