Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space WW 148 My Doge Wallet hosted by ownthedoge. WW 148? My Doge Wallet space delved into the community-driven ownership of the iconic Doge meme via $DOG ?. Discussions revolved around wallet security, meme value, and the potential utility of $DOG tokens beyond meme culture. The importance of community engagement in enhancing the success of meme-based cryptocurrencies was a key focus.

For more spaces, visit the Wallet page.


Q: How does community ownership contribute to the Doge meme's value?
A: Community involvement adds sentimental and tangible value to meme tokens like $DOG.

Q: What security measures are essential for Doge wallet holders?
A: Using secure wallets and practicing safe storage methods is crucial for protecting Doge meme investments.

Q: Can $DOG transcend meme culture into broader utility?
A: $DOG has the potential to expand beyond meme culture, offering utility in various applications.

Q: How does community engagement impact meme-based cryptocurrencies?
A: Active community engagement is vital for the success and sustainability of meme-inspired crypto assets like Doge.

Q: What drives the appeal of Doge meme ownership?
A: The iconic status of the Doge meme and the sense of belonging in the community drive the appeal of owning $DOG tokens.


Time: 00:05:12
Wallet Security Best Practices Tips and strategies for securing Doge meme tokens in wallets.

Time: 00:12:45
Community Value of Doge Ownership Exploring how community ownership adds value to the iconic Doge meme.

Time: 00:20:30
Future Utility of $DOG Token Discussions on the potential applications and utility of $DOG beyond meme culture.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of wallet security in owning Doge meme tokens.
  • Community-driven ownership enhances the value and sentiment of the Doge meme.
  • Exploring the utility and potential of $DOG beyond meme culture.
  • Impact of community engagement on the success of meme-based cryptocurrencies.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Event

GMGm bringing up snacks in Jordan. GM. Make sure to like and share the space. Really excited for this one. We're going to speak with Mydogewallet really interesting, cool company that we've become friends with over the years. And basically, in my opinion, from what I've seen, the most popular dogecoin wallet. So excited to hear some more about that. I'm going to bring up boop. With some awesome music to play. We got a real jam going down. Welcome to the space jam. Here's your chance. Do your dance at the space Jam. All right, breaking facebook. Just work that body keep wild and lose your mind take this thing in the overtime come on, y'all. Welcome to the space.

Welcoming Special Guests

I want to say welcome to the legendary doge designer who I've brought up to speak. And I'm bringing up Alex as well. Another absolute legend. GM Legends. GmGm. All right, so make sure that you like and share the space and looks like we can get started. Just want to say thank you guys so much for coming over and kind of on short notice. This is going to be a really interesting space. We are big fans of my doge wallet. I know that you guys have some really amazing things in the works. Maybe some alpha that you can drop for the audience. So very excited to hear about that and just want to introduce. We have Alex, Jordan, Doge designer, all up here to speak about my doge wallet. And I'm going to pass the mic over to snacks.

Introducing MyDoge Wallet

Welcome, everybody. So who are we? We are the representatives of the most famous dog picture of all time, the Mona Lisa of dog Pictures, the doge picture of Kabosu the dog. So a brief history. We bought this image from Kabosu's owner, Atsuko for $4 million. And then we split it up into 307,200 pixels, of which I own, I think 17. Then in 2023, we took a bunch of Doge community members tokyo, to Japan for a Doge pilgrimage, where we met Atsuka, we met Kabosu, and we unveiled a statue, which I'm going to comment on the space and pin in the nest. Also very recent development. We have an incredibly complete history of kubosu and the doge that our community just produced, which I am going to pin and pass it off to smoke to talk a bit more about.

Doge Community Update

Yes. Which one did we pin? Is this about Doge day? This is the doge. The doge history. Yes. This amazing new page and one other note before I pass it. Actually, Doge day is coming up November 4. We will be going back to Japan and we want everyone to join us. Yes, absolutely. So just like snacks had said, we have a really amazing head of social media, Shub, who is out today, but he has made an exhaustive list along with the rest of the team to really get a grasp on the true history of doge. We feel that we are the cultural Institute of Doge and we want to make sure that we have the most accurate information, from coining the phrase doge to dogecoin to the doge, NFT, to all of the other amazing activations that have occurred within the timeline of doge, from the birth of this dog, and all of these cultural points that have been hit with the kind of virality of doge.

Celebrating Doge Day

So please check out this pinned post if you're interested to see the full history. And just like snacks had mentioned on November 2. Speaking of accurate information, November 2. Yes, so on November 2. And the reason it's November 2 is because that's Doge's birthday. So for people who don't know, we commissioned an international holiday on that day every year. And the first time we celebrated in Tokyo with a statue that we had unveiled that we made in partnership with the Dogecoin foundation and many others, Rainbow Wallet participated as well. So we have this Doge day every year now and across the world, people can celebrate what do only good every day means to them. So really excited. If anyone is interested in attending Doge day, please check out the we should have a pin.

Doge Day Event Details

Post snacks can pin. We have tickets on sale. We have some discount codes for people if you're interested. For example, code snacks snax. You get 10% off. You can use code boop. Tri dog smoke. We all have the codes and would love to see people down there. A couple of other interesting things about this event are going to be that we have some very famous meme celebrity attendees that will be there, including bad luck Brian, overly attached girlfriend and scumbag Steve. So they're all secured. They have their flights booked. They're going to be down there with us. We're also going to have a lot of other amazing surprises, one of which is that we are going to break a Guinness World Record.

World Record Attempt

So that's going to be really fun. We're going to have over 400 dogs. I don't think we've revealed why. So I'm not going to give too much alpha, but we're going to have many dogs, many of whom are going to be Shiba inus. And they're going to participate in this Guinness World record attempt. So really excited for that. Guinness is really serious about these world records. We learned this at pizzadao. They have to send official Guinness representatives to watch the record in progress. And they are so serious. Like, if you do a pizza record, you have to eat all the crust. I don't know why that's the rule at Guinness. But if you're going to have a pizza party and then you're gonna qualify.

Food and Fun at Doge Day

Yeah. You gotta finish your cross. So we'll have to, I don't know what they're gonna be stickers about with us, but wait and you'll see. Yeah, we need to have a pizza party at Doge day. So snacks. We need to talk about that. But I think that goes without saying that we should have an awesome pizza party while there. That ties right back to pizza Dow because we're just developing a really strong relationship with pizza Dow. We have had one over the years, but it's the concept of decentralization flows through a few of these really important and kind of pillars of daos that have been in the community through the bear market, including Nounsdao and others. So we're super excited to be working with people like that, including definitely my doge wallet, who have been leaders in the dogecoin and doge space.

Building Connections in the Community

I know Jordan and I have had many. Every time we get on the phone, it's 4 hours. We can, we can't seem to cut it shorter than 4 hours. So really have the same type of vibes and just always love to have calls. So really excited to have you guys up and hear a little bit more about my doge wallet. Yeah. So to be here. Thanks, guys. Fun to do a space among friends. I know that I was hanging out with snacks and alex in nashville not too long ago. That was pretty sweet. But yeah, stoked to be here. Stoked for doge day. I didn't make it last year, which was a bummer. Unfortunately. It was like the same day as one of my best friend's wedding, so it was simply impossible.

Looking Forward to Doge Day

So I've been counting down the days till November 2 this year. Definitely going to be there. Hopefully the whole mydoge crew will make it out. Yeah. What up, guys? That is awesome. This year, November 2, it's basically going to be halloween weekend. Yeah, halloween was a big hit last. Year and the last year with the decentralized dance party with gary and julia, that was pretty epic. Running around banana and banana costumes in Shibuya. Yes. That was super epic. And that's another decentralized dance party. So if you guys haven't checked that out, check out that movement.

Decentralized Dance Party

I know obviously everybody on stage knows about it, but anyone in the audience, I recommend checking out the DDP. I believe thedp.com is the website and they've been doing this amazing, like, decentralized dance party at events across the world for many years now. And it was my first time experiencing that last stowage day and I'll never forget it. I was actually apparently the only one that had sound coming out of my boombox. So I was like one of the leaders of the party just by chance. But it was just so fun and freeing to dress crazy and dress up like a banana with itsuko. We should make note of this at succo partied and danced with us and participated in the dance party, which was amazing.

Recollections of Past Events

Actually, we met Pizza Dow met Jordan with a bunch of people dressed in banana costumes dancing at the pizza party in Austin, Texas during consensus actually two years ago. It was so hilarious. I'm going to pin the video from. Yes, that was amazing. That was the, I think the full Mydoge team was there too. DOJ designer Alexe and Tolu, who's not on here. But that was like one of the best things ever. I think it was also right after Tolu had just joined the team and it was like the first time everyone had met in person. So that was like, hey, welcome to Dogecoin.

New Team Members and Initiatives

Now put on this banana suit and start dancing on stage. Pretty awesome way to initiate someone to the company. Yeah. Everyone in the audience, you should watch this video I pinned. It's one of my favorite videos ever taken at a pizza. This is also my favorite video on X, pretty much. Okay, so let's see. I think we had, we did have some questions prepared here, so I'm just trying to make sure I have them. Okay. So it looks like the first one was, can you share the story behind Mydoge wallet and Mydoge tip?

Inquiring About Projects

Like, what inspired these, you guys to create these projects? That's a nice question. I can speak a bit about it and maybe Alex can also share. That's a really good question about what inspired my doge tip. Actually, I'll speak a bit to the wallet side, which is ultimately three of us got together, myself, Alex, and Bill, and we just had the idea to build something for dogecoin. We just wanted to go full doge and it was only after we looked at the space and we're like, okay, what should we build first, that we realized there wasn't really, like a native wallet.

Development of MyDoge Wallet

There was the old one that sort of still worked on Android but wasn't on iOS and that kind of thing. So we thought, okay, maybe we should make a native wallet. But then we looked and we said, okay, but there's still, like, you got trustwall, you got all these other wallets. Like, do people need a doge only wallet? But what we found was that none of these wallets were really taking doge seriously. And there were things like, they're charging way too high fees when you send a doge transaction and little stuff like that. So we said, okay, look, there's a reason to have a real doge wallet.

Focusing on Unique Features

And we kind of started there, but then it became okay. Like, what's special about dogecoin? We don't want to just make a wallet. We want to do something special. And so that's where we got into the whole social side of things. The dogeverse, which has gone through a ton of different iterations and will continue to evolve very soon, actually. But went through the meme economy era, where you paid to post memes, but then you got tips back, and it was like a sustainable meme economy in dogecoin. Then Apple told us you couldn't do anything fun with crypto in the app store.

Evolution of Concepts

So we changed to this kind of meme TikTok that we have now. But, yeah, I think that's a long winded way of saying we just wanted to build something dogecoin. And we sort of just, like, followed the path. We were like, okay, we need a good native wallet. Okay, how do we do more fun doge stuff? And now I think we're at the era where we're trying to do even more fun doge stuff. And how do we make it really fun, and how do we make it so anyone can build fun stuff on doge and have a seamless experience connecting the wallet with dapps? And how do we onboard people into doge and crypto way more easily?

Tipping System Development

So that's kind of like the, I guess, where we're thinking now on the wallet side. But the my doge tip question, that's a good point. Or that's a good question. I like that. Maybe Alex can speak a bit about that. Yeah, for sure. And spot on with everything you mentioned. You know, Mido's tip came about because after this whole idea of, you know, the fun, easy social wallet, we knew that, like, x was, like, the place to be. And our community was, like, very much focused on what was Twitter at the time. And a relic from, like, the Jack era of Twitter was, like, this tipping option that we knew, like, nobody used.

Understanding User Interaction

Right? You could use bitcoin, you could use Ethereum, or, I don't know, some other coins on there, but it was kind of, like, buried in the. The user profile. And, like, literally nobody that we knew, like, knew this feature existed or, like, knew how to use it. And so the idea was like, yeah, what if you could tip people on Twitter and, like, how do you do that self custodially, which is, you know, an engineering challenge. So I thought that was really interesting and basically dove in. And I had experience, like, writing other Twitter bots from, like, other different apps, like, in the past.

Implementation of Tipping Mechanism

And I was like, this could work. And so, basically, we came up with the way that our Twitter bot detects a tweet and then sends a message to your wallet for the user to then confirm the tip. And that keeps it self custodial, keeps it secure. And we had a lot of fun features around that, tipping trains and all this sort of cool stuff. And then once X took over, they changed the API around a bunch.

Features and Tipping on Twitter

And unfortunately, we had to nerf a lot of those features as well. But one thing we did add that's still pretty cool is, like, a GPT generated response based on your tip. So it comes up with some fun messages and replies and can give you some entertainment that way. But it is a cool social interaction, and people want tipping on Twitter, so we built that into the wallet also.

Early Days of the AI Tip Bot

I don't know if people remember. Sorry, I was gonna say I don't. People remember, like, the early days when we added the AI to the tip bot. But, like, it was pretty fun and wild. Sometimes it was just, like, shilling random, like, meme coins or not even existent coins, or just doing, like, hilarious kind of. Kind of controversial replies, which we thought was just pretty fun. We were like, hey, the AI is in charge now.

Learning from Humor in AI Engagements

Yeah, it was hilarious. It was definitely a crash course in prompt engineering to try to get it to behave. I think it behaves mostly every now and then it'll, like, scoff at your, you know, 0.69 tip or something like that, which is still pretty funny.

Timeline of Development

So you said early, but, like, how early can you give us a year? Like, when did you start building this stuff? Because it was really early. Yeah, 2022. No, no, for. For the doge wallet and the tipping. Yeah, 2022. It was early 2022. Okay. On Twitter. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So this was pre Elon. God, my Covid really messes with my. Yeah, me too. Like, this is, like, my whole benchmark in my mind is I got Covid December 2021, and were trying to launch the wallet, like, over Christmas.

Launch Timing Amid Health Challenges

I got Covid over Christmas. I remember being sick as hell, like, trying to launch this wallet. And were live on Android, I think, in January, and then the iOS beta was live then, but we had some hang ups with Apple, and were live by March 2022, I believe. And then, yeah, bidos came soon after that. Yeah.

Challenges in Development and Platform Compatibility

So we started working on it in 2021. Then, like, before. Before you got sick. Yeah, yeah. I remember that. Alex was a beast. Like, literally got Covid first time, I think getting Covid, like, and coding through Christmas to try to get a release out, it was intense. Mad respect. Can you talk about some of the technical challenges that you have faced, like, along the way, building this stuff?

Priorities in Security and Development

Like, what are some really hairy things you had to solve? Yeah, that's a good question. Security is always the top priority with this sort of thing and keeping it fully self custodial. And the fact that there is not a lot of tool chain, if any, for dogecoin. Everything comes from litecoin and bitcoin. So you have to kind of, like, read any existing documentation for bitcoin and litecoin and then see if you can find, like, a doge equivalent for that somewhere.

Managing Blockchain Challenges

You know, things from, like, network parameters and stuff like that. You know, there was. There was a few issues, you know, early on, and, you know, managing Utxo is another, like, big challenge. Making sure that, you know, you have the coins that people can spend and handling all of that. All that stuff got ironed out pretty easily. Running our own node, running a node in the cloud, that was also, like, a big challenge for us to figure out.

Exploring Technical Documentation

These things are not well documented again. So it's a lot of just exploratory trial and error and. Yeah, I mean, those are, like, the blockchain kind of centric things. And then there's just all the challenges around, like, managing a code base across iOS android at the same time. You know, thankfully, that is my previous experience, so, you know, I knew a bit about how to do that.

User Interface Challenges and Solutions

But then, of course, there was always, like, a number of issues that, like, plagued Android early on. And were using some UI library that got deprecated because the performance was terrible. And so that kind of led to, like, this full rewrite that we came with MiDoJ 2.0. But since 2.0, I think it's been pretty solid across the board, you know, minus the issue.

Refactoring Challenges

Those refactors. What's that? Those refactors from Android and Apple are really tough for app developers. You always have to keep updating, you know, when they realize that something they have as a core feature is no longer performant, you know, and then, oh, gotta refactor the app. Yeah, it's a dependency chain nightmare.

Ongoing Updates and Management

I mean, it's just hundreds of dependencies and they're different across iOS android, and you've got to manage it all. And then, like, one thing gets upgraded and then something else breaks, and it is a constant battle. But, yeah, so I was going to. Say, like, I don't know if people. Oh, sorry.

Mobile Development Challenges

I was gonna say, I don't know if people realize, like, mobile app development, like, it's not that hard to make the app work well on your phone that you're developing on or testing on, but it's really hard to make it work on every single phone in the world, especially Android. There's like, there's Infinity Android devices out there, and they'll go all the way from $50 to whatever a flagship phone costs these days.

Testing and Debugging Device Issues

And getting the app to work across all of them is a nonstop grind. So, I mean, this is something. Even this week, the team has been dealing with the latest updates, certain devices not working, certain weird bugs on those devices, even though we have, like, Alex has like a stack of testing devices, okay. And even sometimes you test on the same device that someone else is having a bug or a crash on and you still can't reproduce it.

The Complexity of Mobile App Development

So I would say mobile development is not that hard. It's just hard to make all the problems go away. And that's the part that makes it really hard. So that's just a nonstop battle. And then the other thing I would add is, which Alex did mention is, sorry, I just coughed.

Self-Custody Challenges

The other thing I would add is that making everything self custody or building a self custody wallet is a lot harder. Not necessarily just on a technical level, but it's harder to make a good user experience. The reality is that custodial solutions are generally easier for the average user, but we obviously don't believe in that.

Decentralization Commitment

We're all about decentralization and self custody, but that's a constant challenge. How do you get the whole world onto self custody when it's easier to just use a bank or just keep your money in the exchange and that kind of thing? And so that's something we're obviously always working on.

Future Focus on Self-Custody

I don't think we're at the Holy Grail yet, but we've done a pretty good job. But we're going to be really focused on that over the next few months, I think, of what's the next phase of self custody and how do we make it just as easy or even easier, maybe better in every way if we can, compared to custody.

Security and Privacy Measures

Can you talk a little bit about how you ensure the security and privacy of the users and also maybe talk about some specific instances where you had to balance that with usability and how you approach stuff? Yeah, so I mean, specifically, we leverage the latest encryption storage libraries on both iOS android, and any seed phrase or private keys are all stored in an encrypted way and only accessed when you need to send and sign transactions.

Balancing Usability with User Experience

That's the standard there. you know, to the second part of the question, like, yes, it's a huge challenge in terms of ux. I mean, basically with version one, we wanted to make it like as easy as possible. Like it was like, didn't even like prompt you initially to back up your seed phrase.

Onboarding User Experience Adjustments

Well, it was very optional. It was just like, hey, you can back this up now or don't worry, like, go in. And we realized like, that user experience, although it got people on a lot quicker, like, was much more prone to people losing their seed phrase. And this happens, unfortunately, way more than even I imagined with even like crypto ogs and other people using the wallet.

Revising User Experience in Version 2.0

Like, it's a still happens. So with version 2.0, we really focused on that onboarding process to make it more, I guess, standard in terms of seed phrase. And we do have an encrypted cloud backup option as well, which is fairly easy to use.

User Interface and Backup Recommendations

And we just wanted to make that front and center. When you create a wallet, you can still skip it. We don't recommend that. Right. But if you do try to skip it, then it warns you, like, hey, you've got to do this and we cannot back it up for you and we cannot recover it for you. So, yeah, a lot of ux challenges there.

Challenges with iOS Approval

Did you ever have any challenges with approval or smooth sailing? We had many challenges with approval. So, yeah, initially, like, that's why were delayed three months for the initial iOS launch. The point there was that we allowed it onboarding through the moonpay on ramp.

Apple's Compliance Issues

You could purchase crypto through Moonpay. And Apple was like, no, you can't do this. And we're like, but every other wallet does this and they're like, well, submit the documentation that states that you're a registered exchange. And we're like, we're not a registered exchange.

Bureaucratic Hurdles

We're just the self custodial wallethead, like trust wallet, like XYZ that's out there. Right? And, yeah, so that. That was a huge battle. We eventually, like, gave up and just removed the feature, which we ended up adding again later, you know, and it was just so there's, like, this bureaucracy within Apple and the app store and all this sort of thing that people get caught up, especially crypto, for no reason.

Further Approval Battles

That was battle number one. And then battle number two was when we introduced tipping on memes, when we introduced the dogeverse, and you could post memes and people could tip. I think Jordan mentioned this a little bit earlier. Like, we had this whole, like, gamified system where we would, like, tally up the tips on a meme and we would highlight the biggest tip memes.

Challenges with Digital Content Guidelines

And then Apple was like, well, no, this is, you know, paying for digital content, and this applies to our guidelines, which, you know, you have to use in app purchase and all this other stuff. And we're like, well, not really. And so that was just like, okay. I remember feeling really defeated at that point because people were really loving the feature.

Navigating Feature Name Changes

And it was like, you know, something I'd worked really hard on, but it was like, well, what if we just don't call it a tip? And what if we just like, you know, and that was like, cool, like, let's try that. And, like, sure enough, that went through. So it's basically the exact same feature.

Adjustments and Acceptance

We just don't, like, show the tally, like, on each post of how much it's accumulated. And, yeah, we changed the word tip to send. And then Apple was like, all good. Yeah, crazy.

Navigating Apple's Policies

All right, dealing with Apple is. Is, yeah, it's just one of those things. Like, you point to all these other big apps that are doing the same thing, and they're like, nope, we won't acknowledge. And we've even spoken on the phone to them. They're like, we cannot speak as to why other apps may be doing something.

Elon Musk's Impact on Dogecoin

And you're just like, guys, can you just explain this? But this is also super relevant because everyone is looking to, what is Elon going to do with Doge in X and X payments and all this. And I see a lot of these big X influencers are posting these little videos they've created about being able to tip doge under every tweet and give doge to people on their content.

Concerns with App Store Compliance

And all this kind of thing. And I mean, look, I can tell you right now that's absolutely, like, not okay by Apple and not even really by Google. Google's just a lot chiller about some of these things. But I'm hopeful that if anyone in the world could convince Apple to change this policy, it could be Elon.

Community Expectations and Initialization

So I would say people need to temper their expectations about how full doge like X is going to go in a short matter of time. But at the same time, it's Elon. And X is one of the biggest apps in the entire app store.

Elon Musk's Influence

So if someone has the clout to really push Apple to be like, look, guys, this is. No one wants to buy a fake dogecoin in the app store and then send it to someone. This is money. We want to use the money. Hopefully, Elon and X can do that.

Prospective Changes for Crypto Apps

And that would just be a game changer for X and for all of us trying to do awesome crypto apps in the app store. 100% agree. So I have a question for you guys. With the rise of blockchain interoperability, are there any plans to expand my doge wallets functionality to support other cryptocurrencies or blockchain networks in the future?

Future Plans for Expansion

Yes, we are definitely entering an interoperability era. I would say that what we're most focused on is bringing more capabilities and more developers and more apps and more use cases into Dogecoin. But I think that also ties into interoperability, which is both ways.

Developing the Dogecoin Ecosystem

So I would say there's less desire, perhaps for our users to, like, use their, my doge wallet across other chains, although I think that's. That's going to be coming and will be cool. I think what's more important is letting making it easy for everyone else on other chains and across web three to tap into the doge ecosystem because there's.

Moving Towards a Web3 Ecosystem

There's like a real movement happening on doge right now. We're only just at the beginning, literally today. Wallet Connect, the main protocol that people use to connect wallets to dapps when your coinbase wallet connects to adapt the mobile app connecting to something on the web.

Building a Developer Community

They just added Dogecoin support today to the wallet Connect standard. We are, at the early days, the beginning of a real web three ecosystem on Doge. We've seen a huge uptick in doge developers this year, and we're building a ton of stuff to both support development on Doge, and we're building a lot of fun just apps ourselves on doge that people are going to be able to use.

Interoperability as a Focus

So interoperability is a big part of that, and it is two way. I'm definitely most excited about helping the rest of web three get in on the dogecoin world because I think right now there's a huge army of doge supporters, but then there's a lot of stuff going on in the rest of web three and they don't really know that, like, doge has this ecosystem growing.

Looking Ahead

So that's a long winded way of saying yes. I think ultimately, like, it's annoying if you have to go from, like, Mydoge to metamask just to, like, do something, right. If you're already in my doge, you should be able to connect with anything.

Anticipating Changes in Functionality

And yeah, that's going to be coming for sure. Let's FG. Let's go LFD. So what are some of the key features of the wallet? You've talked about a bunch of them, but just give us, like a short list.

Unique Features of MyDoge Wallet

Like a list of how is the doge wallet different from other wallets that are out there? Yeah, so, I mean, it's fun. We've got dogs and memes. You can post memes. We have, like, a social feed that does support, like video and GiF as well.

Social Features and Community Building

You can comment, tip, and like and dislike. You know, we have a notification feed in the app that gives you notifications for everybody that's followed you have a social profile. I should say, first of all, that allows you to post these things.

Engaging User Interface

You can follow your friends and see what they're up to. I think that's the biggest difference from other wallets is the social experience. But we also have a commerce section in the app where you can buy merch from our merch store, getdoge.com, and also bitrefill gift cards, which is really amazingly popular because it allows you, instead of having to send your doge to an exchange and sell it, to be able to buy things with Fiat, you can just buy things directly with doge from all the major retailers and services like DoorDash and Uber and PlayStation Network and a whole list of other really popular gift cards.

Utilizing Dogecoin for Purchases

You can even buy prepaid, Mastercard and Visa cards with your doge there. So, yeah, we wanted to really focus on the fun part of Doge only, but also the utility of Doge with commerce. Cool.

Community and Engagement

Let's see. I think my favorite feature is the social feature because I love the idea of building this community for the whole doge universe. And they can come in here and they can make friends. I think it's super cool and fun.

Introduction to Dogeverse

And so speaking, you've mentioned the dogeverse a bunch of times, but can you tell us more about what the Dogeverse is? Yeah, so the Dogeverse is all things doge. It was kind of a fun term we came up with. I think metaverse was really popular at the time, but this is the Dogeverse. So the Doge universe, you know, a place where you can socially interact with your doge friends with Shibsdeh across the world. You can tip doge, send it to your friends, post memes, comment, all that. But this is just the beginning, right? Like, the Dogeverse goes much deeper and is ever expanding. So we look at it as a place where people might want to come together and let's say, play games and gaming is, like, huge part of our roadmap and something that we're focused on. So the dogeverse is ever expanding and, you know, be ready for much wow.

Much Wow Training

Speaking of much wow, this is probably a good time to do a much wow training for the audience. So this is the best way to show your much wows in this space every week. If you touch your finger down right above the effects button or somewhere in this pane, underneath, and then you tap the emoji button a bunch of times, it will then pop up the emoji menu and let you spam wows just like this. Oops, I did a sad face. I didn't mean that. So, yeah, if you. If you touch within the. Oh, wow. John. Got it. Let's go. Anyway, so that is how to much wow. Everyone will teach you each week. John Monarch, did he get it? He can see him. Snacks. Okay. Very, very good question. Can you bring him up as a speaker? I am not a co host.

Speaker Issues and Emoji Help

Oh, okay. Let me add Elio again. I don't know why we're having issues finding John to add him to the panel. Let me see if I can do it from my PC. Right. So what's the magic sauce on this emoji thing? I'm a boomer. Help me out, guys. Okay, so if you. You have to put your left finger right above the effects button. Don't hit the effects button, but you can put it there. And then you rapid tap the emoji button, the emoji menu, and then it will. Once you release both fingers, it will open up, and then it will let you spam emojis. You get it? One day. One day. I still don't get it. I don't think, Alex. Okay. I'll pin the instruction video anyway, but let's move on.

Announcement of Po App

Actually, now is a great time to. Quick, I know we already had an interruption, but to announce the. The po app for the day. So you'll want to get out your poop XYZ app on your phone and then put the. I think it's called secret phrase. And then you'll enter in. Let me just make sure I got it right. So this week's phrase is Guinness dash book. Dash of dash. Doge. So Guinness Book of Doge. I'll say it again. So it's Guinness. G u I n as in Nancy. N as in Nancy. E s as in Sam. S as in Sam. Dash book. B o o k. Dash of dash. D o g e. Guinness Book of Doge.

Introduction of John Monarch

I was about to ask. Okay. And I think I got John. Let's see. Let's see if it worked. I got my po app. Let's go. You're always the first. Were you the first one again? I don't know. I hope so. I'm really proud to be the first every week, if I can do it. Everyone's got a speed up. That's pretty nice. We'll see. Is there any. I don't know if it is for Jordan or Alex, but is there any way, are you guys going to be doing doge apps? As in the co ops within the doge version? Within the app?

Discussion on Doge Apps

I mean, that's a good idea. We could definitely do something like that. That's actually a pretty fun idea. Proof of doge tendons. I don't know. I'm obviously not from the US, so I'm trying to find a nice, quirky wordplay here, but it's not working. No, no, it's. Sorry to interrupt, guys, but we have John Monarch, who named Doge back in the day. He wants to get up and speak a little bit more about Doge day. So happy to have you here, John. Hey, everyone. Yeah, we're looking forward to having everyone out for Doge day again this year. Alex, you were there last year, and I feel like we had a lot of fun.

Excitement for Doge Day

Oh, yeah. It was incredible. Life changing. It was great meeting you and everybody else. Yeah, you too. It was awesome having you out. We're looking forward to it again this year. We're doing a few extra special things. Some haven't been announced yet, some will be soon, but it's going to be. We added another night, so we want to make sure everyone has Halloween in Tokyo, because that just sounds pretty crazy, quite honestly. So we'll make sure that we have some sort of like events going on Halloween.

Plans for Doge Day Activities

We've got the dinner cruise again. Everyone is really, really pumped about that. And of course, the Guinness World record that involves dogs involves probably hundreds of Shiba inus at the site of the park. So that's going to be pretty difficult to manage, but a lot of fun. But yeah, it's going to be a really good trip. We hope to have everyone out. So definitely check out ownthedoge.com dot. We've got the tickets you can attend for free. We've got vip packages too that are including hotel, including the dinner cruise, after party access and everything.

Considerations for Attendees

But yeah, if you're in the Tokyo area, definitely sign up for a ticket. It includes an NFT. So you'll get your ticket as an NFT on the base network and then can just show up and have a good time. We'll have food trucks out there. We'll be doing all kinds of fun stuff on the day of. And yeah, exclusive merch on the floor, which you can buy nowhere else, and other cool stuff. Exactly. Really bullish on the potential doge leash which might be coming out, but more on that later. Yeah, we got a lot of alpha in the chat.

New Merch and Community Growth

The merch store that we have, just like Elio had mentioned, we're going to have custom merch that can't be acquired anywhere else except for the Doge day vip crew. And just our merch store in general is really starting to kind of be built out at a higher level than it has in the past. I know that Jordan and I have some secret things we've been talking about in the merch realm as well. So I think that there could probably be some awesome crossover there. But yeah, really excited to see everybody at Doge day this year. We think it's going to be bigger and better than ever.

Anticipation for Atsuko's Visit

And another amazing thing that's going to be really fun is that everyone's going to get to meet with Atsuko and her new dog, Nero. So we're really excited to spend some more time with Atsuko. We, I know everybody got to meet her last year as well, so just really excited to see how she's doing and just, she really lights up the room, lights up the space wherever she is, so can't wait to get some awesome photos there. And just like everything else, there's always a charitable aspect to what we do, so we make sure that we're supporting charity.

Charitable Contributions at Doge Day

There will also be shelters on site that last year were there as well, accepting donations. So we want to make sure that, you know, we just continue doing good. Amazing. Let me see. I'm really getting hyped up on this Mydoge wallet stuff. The fact that they got these gift card, this gift card integration is huge. That, like, opens the door to so many other collabs and partnerships with those companies. Looks like another question that we had was, how would you say that the user base of Mydoge wallet has evolved over time?

Evolution of Mydoge Wallet User Base

And what's the most surprising trend that you've noticed? Interesting question. I mean, I think the cool thing about the user base is it's super international. there's definitely, like, a, you know, a big chunk of people in the US, but we have people from almost every country in the world. I think a while ago, I was looking in the analytics and I tweeted a map, or I tried to feed the analytics into, like, chat, DBT, and create a map, and I. It wasn't perfect, and I didn't want to, like, spend my whole day on it.

Global Reach of Mydoge Wallet

I was just trying to make a sweet map of, you know, the countries all our users are from. But it was like almost every country in the world kind of thing, which is really cool. And I think we've seen this on x, too, where it's like people are posting videos and they're selling something like a night market indonesia, and they're using Mydoge to pay for it, or they're getting their coffee in Australia or that kind of thing. So I think the fact that it's so global is really cool. And just how this just speaks to how big dogecoin is or how big the doge meme is itself.

Diverse Language and Currency Support

Like, people in every single country of the world know about it. We just released for the first time, like, different language and currency support in the app. So it's not every language or every currency yet, but we're slowly expanding and people are really excited about that. I think that's going to definitely help to onboard more people around the world. What was the other part of the question. That was, I love that part that you said about global. That's something that we are, all of us here in the panel, including pizza, Dow as well, and own the Dojar, really excites us the most about the community and the concept of decentralization and empowering people across the world.

Surprising Trends in User Engagement

So, yeah, more to come on that, we're talking with Alex and Jordan about helping us with this concept called do only Good XYZ, along with snacks and some other industry leaders. Where we can kind of have local events hosted across the world that revolve around Doge, crypto, et cetera. So really excited for that. I think the second part was, did you see any surprising trends over time, I guess, in comparison to the initial user base, and then just any kind of surprising trend that you've seen, like, oh, we didn't know that this group would be interested in trying out Mydoge Wallet or joining the community.

Increased Interest from Crypto Communities

And in fact, they were like, maybe different meme communities that have come to you guys, or maybe bitcoiners or different sects of other cryptocurrency communities that you've noticed are kind of gravitating toward you? That's a good question. I would say definitely in the last year, there's been a bigger influx of people from other crypto communities. And I think this kind of started with inscriptions launching on bitcoin and then launching on Dogecoin. And the publicity it got on bitcoin, I think, started making people pay attention to dogecoin, too.

Future of Dogecoin

So I would say there's been somewhat of an influx of people from the other crypto ecosystems, which is really good. I'm like, we want Dogecoin to be the currency for everyone in the world. If we can't even get the rest of the web three community to use dogecoin, then how are we going to get the rest the world? So I think that's really important to me. It's part of the reason we mentioned interoperability and bringing more use cases onto doge. I think that's the reason I'm so excited about that because surely the easiest users to get using doge as a currency are the ones already using crypto every single day.

Observations on Cultural Trends

So I think we've seen encouraging signs of people moving across from other ecosystems. And obviously, it's not like you come to doge and now you can never use bitcoin again, right? I mean, the point is you can use whatever you want, and once you start using Doge, you just realize, hey, this is a really fun community. I'm going to stay part of it. I'd say the other trends that we notice are it's just kind of fascinating to watch, like what's going on culturally and how the downloads of the app look or what's happening in the market.

Understanding User Behavior

So obviously we get a ton of traffic just from people searching in the app store. We're not running paid ads, people searching for dogecoin or a dogecoin wallet in the app store. And I love looking at the weekly reports and just seeing how that fluctuates, because if, for instance, when, like, the market is up, and especially if Dogecoin itself is, like, really pumping, there's a definite uptick of people searching for doge apps. Sometimes it's like something Elon has said or some narrative like that, and you see an uptick as well.

Trends in App Downloads

And then it's also interesting with, like, okay, let's say we've just, I don't know, the markets, crypto markets have been kind of flat. There wasn't any big crypto news, and then there's, like, some huge political news or something else that, like, everyone's focused on. And you see, like, a bit of a dip in the app store where, okay, maybe, like, you know, the average person wasn't thinking about a dogecoin wallet this week. So I think those are just, like, fun trends to watch. It's never anything, like, too crazy.

Final Thoughts

It's not like we get, like a million downloads one week and like five downloads the next. But it is fascinating just to kind of see because you don't necessarily know where all these people are coming from. Right? It's like people all over the world who are just searching for a dogecoin wallet. So it's fun trying to piece together what's going on in the markets, what's going on X, what's going on culturally, and then seeing if you can make sense of why it's up one week and down the next. So that's kind of fun. And speaking of downloads, if anyone in the audience wants to download Mydoj wallet, I pinned a post with the links for Apple, Android and Chrome, so check it out.

Introduction and Acknowledgement

That's a great idea. Got your back. Does anyone else have any questions? Snacks? Did you have a follow up? Or if there's someone in the audience that might have a question? I see Julia love. See some different people. Elon RWa want to shout them out. I don't know if anyone has seen, but they are. Well, I'm sure a lot of us have seen it. They made this insane statue of Elon, which has gotten a lot of attention. Even Greg recently posted about it. We helped to crowdfund for Elon day, or sponsor rather. And we're also sponsoring another secret thing that we're doing with them. So really love their community, really love their project. Awesome that they actually bought this epic photo that went viral on X a few years ago and literally own it now and fractured and tokenized it and have this RWA on base, which is pretty novel and hilarious.

Excitement for Upcoming Events

So yeah, just want to shout them out and really excited for Elon day. Oh, it looks like they were able to come up and. Yes, go right ahead. Hey, thanks for having us. I really appreciate it. This is, my name is Ultron. I'm the community manager for NFT and Feistydao. Yeah, you may have noticed that there is a statue being driven around by a Cybertruck around Brownsville lately and it's garnered a little bit of hype and we're pretty excited. We have an event on the 25th and yeah, we're pretty excited about it. Yeah, it's going to be awesome. So if anyone is in the Texas area, I know that they are sold out, but I have one person that's most likely going for own the doge. But we could always use another representative to spread the word of own the doge and the dogely vibes. So make sure to contact us through.

Details about the Event

You can dm me here or at my page smoke. I'm a co host up here and we'll see if we can get you over there. It's going to be in Brownsville, Texas, I believe, right next to SpaceX. So very close. That's, that's the point. We have a wall, we have a statue. We're going to have some other things there. And it's just so close to SpaceX that, you know, down the line, maybe it could be made into a building, you know, Airbnb or the sky's the limit as to what we could do in that space, but just really excited to be part of that and part of this statue gang now looks like we both have statues, so pretty exciting stuff. We appreciate all your support and everyone's. And the idea basically for the entire project, as I've mentioned before, is just to blur the line between digital art and real life art.

Concept of the Project

And we're trying to build something that we think is pretty special out there. And it's going to be a monument to memes. And not just memes that we do in Elon or on the doge, but just meme culture in general. It's something that we believe in and we're very passionate about. And this is just another step in that process. And I hope people are excited about it. We certainly are. And yeah, hopefully we'll see on the 25th. I see Julia just joined the stage. So that video earlier that I posted, it's actually second up at the top with everyone in the banana costumes. They actually arrived in Julia's doge, Clarin which had its very small trunk filled with banana costumes. How you doing, Julia? Doing great.

Reflections on Past Events

Oh, yeah. Party lights, banana costumes, doge mask, a shake weight, one large piece of art. We were traveling heavy. Well, that was fun. And we all got to meet up again at consensus this year. And then I also saw the my dose people at UMDH, Bitcoin, Nashville, and then with the Elon RWa, they actually have land out next to SpaceX too. And that's where I watched the last rocket launch. It was very cool. Highly recommend going. I love that tri dog had mentioned. I don't know if Rachel is in the audience, but probably going to want to talk to Rachel because we know she's in that area. So she may be interested in attending. but we would love to get a couple people there.

Engagement with the Community

Ryan Kagi, who worked with GameStop, should be going to represent on the doge. He's still double checking if he's going to be able to. But like I said, if you're in the community and you're interested, make sure to dm us. Definitely. I wish I could go down. I'm actually not in Texas at this very moment, so I can't go down there for it, but I highly recommend everyone should go. You got to try to come to doge day, Julia. Right now. I know I'm gonna be looking to see if I can make it work. I'm supposed to have a call with you guys here soon. I've just been working so much, so it's been hard, but yeah, let's connect.

Planning and Connection

And I'd like to hear more about it because the last two DOJ events out in Japan were awesome. Yes, definitely. We'll have to connect after this, for sure. Yeah, definitely. Gotta get you out there, Julia. Shout out elon day, August 25. I'm sad I'm not going to be there, but I'm really excited I'm going to be following. I guess we'll be able to see Ultron. We'll be able to see all the content on Elon Rwas, Twitter. Absolutely, absolutely. We actually will have a team there filming and putting something together. We have a lot in store, and we'll definitely be sharing everybody and also wanted to just thank everyone for their support.

Gratitude and Collaboration

Thank own the doge for sponsoring. We really appreciate that. And you've always been in our corner. It's something that we'll always appreciate. And we're always looking forward to working with you guys. We have such a fun, like, collaborate, like, consortium here of like, Elon project Doge projects from different eras. Like, it's really cool. I just want to give a shout out to all the builders up in here. Like, especially, like, yeah, middle school. Thanks for coming on. Jordan, Alex and Doge, designer. Like, I just think, like, we're a unique breed of, like, anyone who's, like, you know, actually, like, spending the time to build in this crazy space.

Appreciation for Builders

And so, you know, it takes a lot of work. There's a lot of, like, you know, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears that occurs offline that no one sees. So just, yeah, shout out to all you guys for everything that you've been building, the products, the events. Like, it's. Yeah, you know, I know it. I've been a builder for a long time, so. Yes, you guys are what makes this community special. And the fact that we're all working together now, it's like it was written in the stars. I think that all of our projects are just kind of moving closer and closer together in this really special, decentralized way.

A Decentralized Community

There is a definite decentralized vibe. Like, you're always going to have leaders that come up and do a lot of work. You're not going to be able to avoid that. Not every person wants to put in 12 hours a day and hustle to that extent. But there's a place for everyone, and there's a place where everyone can shine. And that's what I love about our collective group, beyond own the doge. Just all of us that are here today are perfect examples of that movement that we're all participating in. That was beautifully said. Couldn't agree more. Likewise.

Concluding Remarks

So do we have any more questions for mai Doge? It looks like we're getting a little close to the hour. If nothing else. I'll say pretty. When you go to your remote, emote your emotes, press and hold on the heart and turn it yellow for caboose. Oh, smoke, you still got purple going. Yeah, I'm out of touch. I have some kind of some. Some part of the spectrum that I'm on. I can't figure out the emojis at any capacity. John's are going insane. I never really. Even though Ryan keg, he taught me how to do the fast hearts, I still can't figure it out.

Emoji Fun

Snacks is like the legend of the fast. Oh, John is. Yeah, John is, like, entering another dimension with him. Tell us how to do the fast hearts again. Okay, so you touch your finger above the effects button, like, not on a button, but in the same part of the screen. Right. And then you rapid tap with your other finger the emoji menu. Then once you have tapped it a bunch, release both fingers, the menu will come up, and you can tap each emoji as many times as you want. Oh, you did it. Yeah. That's a good hack. It's a good hack for everyone to know.

Learning and Sharing

I mean, for the much. Wow, it's really essential. I will hire you a private course with you. Snacks. I still haven't figured it out. Elio. Can't do it. Yeah, I need one. I'll send you my calendar, Elio. We'll get this all sorted. Of all the bugs on X, I'm so happy they haven't fixed this one yet. We have to get Elon Rwa big enough that when they do fix it, you can dm Elon and change it back. Yeah, well, you know, by then, I'm sure we'll have a private dm already open with various conversations that we've had over the weeks and months. So we'll be ready.

Future Expectations

I'm sure I'll be able to call in a favor. I don't see it being difficulty for any of us. No, Elon's got to be. He's probably listening in right now, you know, from a burner, you know, is Elon day's coming. He's seen the statue. It's hard to avoid it. It's hard to miss it online right now. And I'm sure he's seen this movement, so. Yeah. Can't wait for Elon to either come to Elon day doge day, or for us to all get to meet him in person and fanboy irl or fangirl Irl. But this space has been amazing.


Boop. Did we have outro music? I don't recall if we wanted to do outro music as well. I don't have anything, but, I mean, if we want it, I can pull. It up real quick. Yeah, I mean, I think maybe. What do you guys want? Indoor? We trust base jackers or. I know. That's a good one. It's kind of like our little. All right, here we go. Maybe. Oh, hold on, commercials. You got to get brave, browser. Boop. If you get brave, like, it just automatically goes.

Final Thoughts

Changed. Not only our planet, our little friend had big plans. The original doge was aiming for the moon, and soon her plan became reality. With her springs all powers of humanity, there is one thing we must. Anyone ever do emoji dance moves? I don't know, but I'm watching you. Now. So just push an emoji on the beat. Any emoji. Better. Go trust original dojo. Original. Don't. There is one thing we must indulge. Thank you, guys. We love you. Have a great day. To the moon.

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