Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Wrestling Fans Incite’s Pro Wrestling Weekend Wrap-up hosted by CTOTHELOS77. Join Wrestling Fans Incite's Pro Wrestling Weekend Wrap-up for a deep dive into the world of Pro Wrestling, where positivity, community engagement, and leadership take center stage. Discover how sports can unite fans, inspire change, and create a supportive environment within the wrestling community. Through examples of promoting positivity and fostering inclusivity, this space showcases the power of sports in driving positive transformations and uplifting enthusiasts. Be part of a movement that champions change and togetherness in sports.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: How does promoting positivity benefit the wrestling community?
A: Promoting positivity fosters a supportive environment and encourages constructive engagement among wrestling fans.

Q: Why is community involvement essential in the wrestling world?
A: Community involvement creates a sense of unity, belonging, and shared purpose among wrestling enthusiasts.

Q: What role does leadership play in inspiring change within the wrestling fanbase?
A: Leadership that exemplifies positivity and inclusivity sets a standard for others to follow and promotes a culture of respect.

Q: How can sports unite fans and inspire positive transformations?
A: Sports serve as a common ground that brings fans together, fostering camaraderie and opportunities for collective impact.

Q: In what ways can wrestling enthusiasts contribute to positive change within the community?
A: By actively engaging in positive initiatives and supporting each other, wrestling fans can drive meaningful change and uplift the community.

Q: Why is it important to lead by example in the wrestling world?
A: Leading by example sets a positive tone, influences behavior, and cultivates a culture of empathy and understanding within the wrestling fandom.


Time: 00:15:20
Importance of Positive Change in Wrestling Emphasizing the impact of positive initiatives and community involvement in the wrestling sphere.

Time: 00:30:45
Unity Through Sports Exploring how sports can serve as a unifying force, bringing fans together for a common cause.

Time: 00:45:10
Leadership in Wrestling Fan Engagement Discussing the role of leadership in inspiring positive transformations and fostering a supportive community.

Time: 00:58:30
Community Building in Wrestling Highlighting the significance of community building and togetherness within the wrestling fanbase.

Time: 01:10:55
Inspiring Change Through Positivity Sharing stories of how positivity and inclusivity can drive meaningful change and empowerment in wrestling circles.

Key Takeaways

  • Promoting positivity and community involvement is crucial in the wrestling world.
  • Uniting fans through shared passion for sports can inspire positive change.
  • Engaging with the wrestling community fosters a sense of belonging and togetherness.
  • Being a catalyst for change can have a significant impact within the wrestling fanbase.
  • Demonstrating leadership through positivity and inclusivity sets an example for others.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Pro Wrestling Weekend Wrap Up

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the wrestling fans Insight pro Wrestling weekend wrap up. I'm Carlos. I'm currently being joined with my co host, Stampede. How are you guys doing today? We'll be here talking about wrestling. Our usual simulcast that we do on. On x and on YouTube. We had not kept. Do it today. The hoppy brothers are off vacation again because they got. They got that Tony Khan money, you know? So. So Stampede are here holding. How are you doing? Stampede? You there, Stampede? Gotcha. How's it going? Good, good. I got the rev pro show ordered, but haven't seen it yet.

Rev Pro Show Discussion

You ordered it? I did it. $13. Oh, look at you go. A lot of good people on that card. Is that the MJF and Michael or whatever? Yeah, MJF, Michael Oku Dijak was on there. Trevor Lee, formerly Cameron Grimes. Will Osprey showed up. Hey, Leonardo. So I'll give my thoughts on that, probably Tuesday. When we. When does it come on? It's on today. It's already happened. Oh, nice. Yeah, I watched. I'm gonna. I'm gonna put on the. Whatever. The latest showing of the new Japan tournament is. Why in the background, while we're talking, I watched MLW last night. That was a mistake and a half. Oh, that's rough. That's rough. It's rough in those streets.

MLW Show Review

Almost. Almost two mistakes in one. Was it. Oh, my God. I mean, it's like, is this what you're spending that $20 million that you got from Vince McMahon? I did not partake in the MLW show last night, but housing, endorsements, I think I will pass on it. Bad is bad. It's just. It's like, oh, we're gonna just throw a couple. Like, why? If you're gonna do a ple. Like, and this is for any company, like, make sure the matches are important. It just seemed like a glorified regular tv show. It was. Was not good at all. I, on the other hand, this morning when I get up 07:00 a.m. for some fucking reason, watched the stardom.

Stardom Show Insights

Five star grand prix, day one. Well, my goodness, what a show. Those women know how to fucking wrestle Mandev. Like, I think how many ended up doing my weekly? 1234 of the matches ended up in my top 15 for the week. I'd always ban it this week out of ten because there's just too much going on in most places, but, yeah. And that's not even. Anna J's match didn't even make it. It was just too short. But she looked really good. She looked she looked really good. Like, she, like, in her outfit or. She actually wrestled good. Like, probably not scary. Oh, no. She. Like, she wrestled good. Like, she was keeping up. She, like, the shots were a bit stiffer than she probably used to and that it was just a shorter match.

Women Wrestlers Performance and Progress

Yeah. Wasn't a ton to it. But she did pick up the win, and she just. She beat the woman that just recently held the second highest title in stardom. Nice. That's big for her first. That's her first. And that's her first match there. So really looking forward. And that's a. That's a big win for her. It is, yeah. Well, just going there is a big win. But, you know, for me, the thing I'll be looking for is how Tony Khan utilizes it once he gets her back. You know, that's for me, it's like, okay, that's what I'm looking forward to. That's, you know, that's. This is another step in her progression for her. Yeah, just for her in general. Yeah, absolutely. Like, go over there and, like, learn some more.

Discussion on AEW Women's Tag Titles

And then also people forget to remember that Tony did mention about the women's, you know, tag team mixed titles or trios titles. He wants to kind of do something different. I know I've spoken out many times about having AEW women's tag titles and he has liked a lot of my comments and stuff, but I think I, for the interview that was mentioned was he would kind of wanted to shy away from that and make it kind of a different type of, I guess, a mix tag to a trios. So I'm still trying to push for the AEW women's tag titles because I believe there's a lot of opportunities there for the women in the Ring of Honor and, you know, and those that are not being used. And he's known, I spoke about it many times towards him and I, and he understands because again, you know, I've addressed it many times. He's liked my tweets and stuff like that.

Comparisons with WWE and AEW's Direction

So, but I think honestly, we got to remember that AEW is not trying to be another WWE. So again, for people to kind of compare it and be like, oh, you know, they should do this because WWE, no, that's not, that's what Tony's trying to shy away from is not another WWE type promotion that he's trying to do. He's trying to mix it up, the AEW promotion with the kind of ECW type vibe with professional wrestling. You don't want to call it developmental either. When he's utilizing the guys from CMLl over there and in a new Japan pro, because then it was going to make them sound lesser than too. So you got to really be careful with the word. Yeah, I don't want that turn to it because that's not what it's going to be. It'll be its own thing.

Wrestling Identity Discussions

But attaching the AEW name to us, right. Is the same as what. What they did with NXT. If you bring up any NXT show, like on anywhere, WWE is attached to it. WWE slash NXT, right. They're always attached to each other. So doing that, it just. It double branches, essentially. That's fine. I think as far as how it will run, it'll run more like a black gold NXT. Not. Yeah, whatever. Whatever. Yeah, but, yeah, even though it was. Referred to as developmental, I think grandfather will become NXT black and Gold 2.0. Exactly like NXT Black and Gold is going to be booked.

Ricky Starks Situation

So once that happens, right. Then that cojettison, then we can get Mercedes versus Athena. Mercedes Benz, whatever program she's going to be going into by then. So you could go into that program, I mean, you could, I dream, but it just opens up those doors. What's up? What's. You have your head up. Thanks for the last. Hey, Dick Bell, get on our instagram right now because Mina is live, so. Yeah, I just saw that then, and also to stampede on CMlL, there, are they doing like a, what is it like a grand prix two or something? Are they doing like a block thing is like, or like for like two nights?

Insights on Future Directions

Yeah, Claudio's, yeah, Claudio's entered and Mansoor, so. And that goes back. We're talking about both partnerships, right? This is how you do partnerships. Claudio is a big name that they're sending over, right? Like that's stardom and naew. You're not using Nina for the next month? Nope, she's not in the grade. She's not in the five star. Okay, how about we send Anna J. Over and you send Mina over here? Done. Both places benefit from this and both wrestlers benefit. Yeah, because Mina says she's. I like the way they do the partnership. I like it. You know, I make sense because she was in ring, she was on her show, which is from Arlington.

The Future of Tag Team Divisions

I think this needs to become a yearly tradition for AEW, CML, and new Japan to send wrestlers over. You know, it's because a new Japan wrestler was in the Owen heart. Yeah. Takishta is in the g one. Energy is in the one of stardom. Mansoor monsoon and Kyle Fletcher, they are in the CMll one. Oh, and Takesha's killing it. Man. I hope this ticket to the 23. Well, they had Eddie over there last year like Eddie was. Eddie was in the g one that he won the strong title. So that was Moxley held literally the top title in New Japan. So there they go back forth quite a bit.

Wrestling Identity Discussions

Yeah, but this stardom relationship they got, that is going to do absolute wonders for that women's division. I have no idea. The more they integrate that's, that's going to be a gold mine for both places. Gonna get started. More eyes on them over here. And the talent on the AEW roster with the women they're gonna learn so much from. Where do you see Tay Conti going with Sammy and Ringelondi? You'll see. It'll happen like over the next few months. Do you see tycoon going to Ring of Honor? DC tiger into Ring of honor where Sam, of course. Why not?

Women's Tag Team Future

What is she going to do? What is she going to, aw, of course. Why not go over there? Yes, because I think I see some people saying she need to be back in the test team. But I think when she returns, energy will be miles ahead of her. You know, I don't think her energy are gonna be on the same level anymore. So I think we know for would be a perfect, restart for her. And, but that's, again, if they would make a good tag team. But again, if they're.

Creative Decisions and Future Rivalries

But if you have the woman's tag titles and they're on both brands and they can stay in both. Yeah, but they'd be perfect. But again, if you're gonna do tag team, if you're gonna do tag titles, they should be one of the top teams to be considered to win those titles. And I would bring the bunny and I bring the bunny back to be with penelope, too. I will put sky blue and penelope for it. What about sky blue and julie? I think julian needs to go for a single championship, maybe. Here's the thing about, I think they should like tag teams more.

Opportunities in Wrestling

This is like what Deb J should do better. Like, when you have, when you have the women's that you can't have already going in the main event program, then you, that's what you utilize them as a tag team, and that's something that WWE is not doing right. And again, but that's something I fully think Tony could get down. It's like when you can have somebody in the main title picture utilize them, the tag team division, and help them get over their partner, you know, like, that's the perfect way to utilize your roster. Yeah. There's so many.

Opinions on WWE's Decisions

Honestly, this is my last, this is my problem with WWE. They took her off the INDC early to do basically nothing with her. They could have let her finish her. Dates, but at the same time that she could have said no, she could have said, you know, I need to finish my dates first.

Business Ethics

I want to do business the right way. So again, shame on them, and shame on her too. So I'm, again, so she could easily. She could easily set her ground too, but she wants. She wanted to go, so. I have a business.

Power Dynamics in Wrestling

Yeah, you have to look at where she was booked. Can we go to hands? Yeah. It's abusing the power, making somebody do something. Making them do bad business. Exactly. Wes Yadrana next. Go ahead. You know, that's. That's the problem. Please let other people have their hands up. Talk first. Okay, then we can always go back to you, Wes.

Talent Contracts and Future Moves

I had, what came out today. Daniel Garcia is still up in the air on his contract, and he's still looking at WWE. Good luck. And also, I see Stephanie and Julia showing up when that CW thing hit. Yeah, it would make all the sense in the world. then, Slater, you had your hand up. Go ahead.

Voice from the Fans

First of all, thank y'all for letting me in the space. You're welcome, Marlo. Listen, Stephanie. Da. What's going on, baby? How we doing this evening? Fresh from Florida? Hanging out. Hanging out. Hanging out with my mom for the. Rest of the month. How you guys, that's awesome. I'm down here. Yeah, I'm down here for the whole month.

Entertainment Choices and Preferences

I say no to the Lucha brothers. Okay? I love. I love that. I love the loose brothers, but I. Say no that I'm in a wwe. Okay? I say no. I say no, like. Like, I say no, like anchovies on a pizza. Okay. I say no, like, I don't know. Yeah, I just say, like a blind porn. Okay, no.

Vignettes and Their Importance

So sorry. We're gonna say yes, probably for Spanish. So if you just put Nl without the mark on top. They're not gonna understand you, so they're gonna say, okay, and can we, in WWe, can we go back to vignettes? I need vignettes. I haven't had a good vignette. Oh, you got less wrestling time. Okay, thanks.

Wrestling Time vs. Vignettes

Less wrestling time, more vignettes. Okay. I didn't say Carlos Slater. If they put any less wrestling time, Jerry Springer show. You know what? You know, you know what, steppy Hazer, you. I just haven't seen a good vignette since prime time. That's all they got. They do all the time that are of really good.

Discussions of Triple A and Partnerships

No, no. The last one I saw on the NXT was out the mud, and out the mud was trash. Wherever Jeremy Borch is that right now, and he's not even. He doesn't know why because he's got plenty of good vignettes on NXT. Well, we'll see. We'll see. But, yeah, thanks. Later. Who was next?

Diving into Recent Developments

Leonardo J. Aaron. I'm next slide. Okay, so. So we're talking about the Lucha brothers, right? Lucha brothers, vignettes, crime, whatever you want. It's pretty much dealer's choice right now. Go ahead. Okay. Don't make fun of crime time, you son of a. Son of a bee. Don't make fun of crime time.

Thoughts on Current Tallent

As far as the Lucha brothers go, you know, I do not. I do not see them. I do not see them doing well in Wwe unless. Unless they're able to go to triple a. Agreed. That's the one part I said.

Future Collaborations and Loyalty

But even if it happens is, though, I guarantee you they're gonna go down there once or twice a year. So it's because it's not gonna be, like, this open relationship. Because if. Because if WWE was to work with, it make all the sense in the world.

The Business of Wrestling

See, and here's the other thing that kind of makes my blood. Boil a little bit besides your medication. Don't do that to me, Carlos. But here's the other thing. Why is Conan. Why is Conan so happy and. And mocking and actually mocking Tony Khanda that he got one over on them because the Lucho brothers are heading to WWE.

Wrestling Contracts and Relationships

Because there's 100 times that Conan asked Tony Khan for something and Tony Khan said yes. 90, 90 times out of 100. But Conan's mad for the ten times he said no. And he didn't get his way. And so he's bad at Tony Khan. And so he's bitter because, I mean, because Tony Khanda made the right wrestling choice and he want, he chose to go with CMLL.

Career Considerations in Wrestling

That fits their style a lot more than staying with Triple A, which fits the WWE style. So he's just mad at Tony Khan because Tony Khan made business choices that Conan don't be for Conan. Oh, okay. He's just a mad Coco pelau.

Ricky Starks and Opportunities

And as far, and as far as Ricky stars go, as far as Ricky stars goes, Aew gave him a lot of opportunities, but the moment Cody Rose go to WWE, he changes his mind. Nah, bro. I, and I do appreciate his work. I do appreciate the word that he's put in.

Crossover Stars in Wrestling

But, bro, just because your best friends on the other company does not mean that you have to go over there because you don't know how the WWE is gonna treat you. That's, that's the issue. That's a problem there. But see, but that's why again, like last thing before, like the reason, that's part of the reason why I would be putting it on tv too right now.

Navigating Career Paths in Wrestling

Because if WWE doesn't work out, which I don't think is going to for Ricky Starks, like then if you want, but then if he wants to come back to AEW in three years from now, then I'm a fun Tony. Common, I've looked back and go, well, when I wanted you to do business on the way out, did you do it correctly?

Business Etiquette in Wrestling

That's why you do things like I, my opinion, you ask him to work and work on tv, distill and put people over. Because if it so happens that the things change and again, that's the wrestling business, then I want to make sure that you want to come back and still do business with me again. So that's why. Because again, it's not, but again, let these guys go.

Wrestlers' Dreams and Opportunities

I mean, again, we don't work if we work at one job. If I work at Target, I cannot go to Walmart if I wanted to. Like, that's business. Like, I'm not going to these guys for going somewhere else and trying to see other things. But at the same time, like, you just, you got to make sure that they're doing business right on the way out and you got to make sure gonna want to do business right.

Frustration with Inactivity

He's like, so this is a joke how, like, I tell him, like, how he got on tv big league. Give me what he be do be big. You mean that's not just a joke? He do be big league, but that's beside the point. I was just like. I just, like. I say this all the time. I was like, I'm glad that he's what, a tv contract? And this is, like.

Experiences with NASA TV

I say that this ain't just a aww thing. I really feel like this is a thing in NASA tv. Like, I wasn't there for a long period of time, but I would have got a hella frustrated. If I'm on. If I'm on a national tv contract, I'm not being used. Don't get me wrong that I'm not going to catering. I will be eating the catering, but so much stuff that you can really. You could really eat, you know, you could sit there on your phone, and it would just agitate the shit out of me. I'm not even gonna hold you.

A Deeper Reflection on Wrestling

I don't care if it's dead to me. I don't care if it's TNA. I don't care if it's aw. If I'm not being used and I can't wrestle, I'm frustrated. I'm gonna. And I'm gonna talk to whoever I need to talk to. Amen. Give me a match. I don't care. Put me in the ring. That's just me. So I know he just be like, secretly is like, bro, I need to get in the ring.

Life in Wrestling and Personality Traits

I'm trying to, like, I'm wasting my good years, basically, this fucking. Fucking off over here. Just sitting down and like, whatever. But, like, yeah, it's his personality. He's a. He's a likable guy, and I feel like him being an asshole. And that's when I say this and all because I know the guy. He's a, he's asshole, but he's a likable asshole. That's how me and him get along.

On the Importance of Personality in Wrestling

And people like, oh, you're not like, yeah, I have asshole tendencies. I try not to put it out all the time or Internet, but yeah, I am in the best ways. So I, you know, the Ethan page blog, easy being a real cool dude and like putting them on a blog and show them like a person. Man's got personality. Bodybuilder better be kind of guy. He's actually got a personality.

Unexpected Personality Discoveries

And if you give him the person that you the ball to like do something, he can show you it. It's a lot of the same. People like this is off topic. People. If you know, if you followed, indeed you followed it well, you seen him on. If you seen you seem on. Aw, but Adam Priestley. Adam Priest I thought was a bland wrestler. Gun couldn't have personality if he retired.

Personal Reflections and The Impact of Personality in Wrestling

I get in the car with him, we ride from Batman to Chicago and I just find out, oh, yes, he has personality. You just don't show it that often. You're afraid to show your personality. Oh, you got some sauce. You got some, you know, find out. He likes Magnus stallion and he likes thick black women and he likes, you know, he likes you to be dancing and stuff.

Building a Wrestling Persona and Character

I like, okay, where the fuck was gonna show that? Like, you know, you're a good wrestler, but now, you know, you're in wrestling, you need to show your personality on top of your wrestling. So now he's trying to do that. And like, you know, I'm glad that is. But like the people that I interact with, I always want to see if they have personality. Especially my friends, especially if you trying to get on tv, you gotta have personality because I feel like, and I'm gonna say this from a person that people perceive that I can't wrestle or I can't wrestle as good as other people like myself or perceived that I can't wrestle or they can't go or whatever.

The Value of Personality in Wrestling

And we have more personality and wrestling skills. Nine times the team like us that can't. And I'm speaking all people like myself, not just me. Show people like, okay, you know, he can't do like maybe like a 450, but he can definitely do, they can definitely downing this had like takeovers. But he can also chain a little bit. But he also can talk. You can do a little bit of both.

Pokemons in Wrestling and Character Dynamics

And so I think Preston is an example of, if you look at him like, oh, this motherfucker be looking like John Cena Junior out here can't wrestle. This man can't do this shit. But I think if you give people that have the personality that have that you think, oh, you know what? They're not that good. If you give them time in a ring and you give somebody like a personal advance, a microphone, and you let him just be him, hey, Preston, go out there and just be you and this talk.

Need for Management in Wrestling

Now don't get me wrong, Preston definitely needs a manager. They definitely need the manager. Probably like myself or me. Somebody that can talk, but he can talk a little bit, but not that much. So that being said, people like that on both scales. One, the super jack people that. That they look, that they can't wrestle. Nine times out of ten, some of them have personality. It depends on that particular person.

Balance of Skill and Personality in Wrestling

And the people who are really good at wrestling normally can't really talk that much. But that's what I thought about Adam Priest. Cuz I didn't think. He didn't really talk like they're right character, but he does. That's why I like this past week when Darian Banksy went on Ring of Honor. I was happy for him because he can wrestle. But now, like, when he gets a opportunity to talk, he's one of the refuge. He can, he can do both.

Communicating the Importance of Performance

He can talk and wrestle. He's a good. He's a charismatic individual in both the ring and on the mic. So this is one of those things. Cool. So this week. So the. So the main event we had was. It went was. It was the number one contender match for the trios titles. We had bang gang versus the house of Black. Of course, it ends in their decision and we get the bang.

Discussions on Recent Matches

We get the patriarchy defeat beating up on both factions. What did you guys think of this match and how do you guys think? What do you guys think? We're gonna get all in. I like the match. I like the way the ending was set up. Good question. I thought that was very smartly done. I think he wore the referee outfit better than Seth Rollins, too.

Analysis of Referee Role

He gets a point for that low. Bar over there, but he did manage to hurdle that. Yeah, it was just smartly done, like counting the ten. And then Buddy was just ready to get up. Either of you win? Well, of course that's going to come back to fight Christian. And yes, instead of facing one of these two teams now, he's going to have to face probably both.

Anticipation for Future Matches

Is this leading to Jay White's return soon as well? I would say so, yeah. Yeah. I would say maybe that spear, now that you mentioned that, Simon, that could have been a little bit of foreshadowing. Yeah. Jay White got put out. Christian spirit him. Now he's him. And then they lose their titles.

Continuing the Narrative

Yeah, that could very well happen, but, yeah, I cj, I see white reappearing at that. Yeah. My only issue with all this is, and they showed this on the. On the Aw website. They're listed Mama Wayne as. As one of the trios champions because Christian gave her the belt.

Discussion on Championship Controversies

So you're letting them free bird the titles, but you're not letting. But you didn't let the bullet club go do it. That's the only part that's getting me mad. Mama Wayne gets in the ring. Fine. It's reverted, but that's just another tie in June to kill switch eventually. I know, but I'm a boo.

Upcoming Matches and Discussion

Yeah, I'm a Wayne. Nick Wayne has a match, I believe, on rampage this coming Friday with one Kip Sabian. So there's something going on there. I don't. I haven't figured it out yet. That's good. Don't like. I like being able to figure everything. Yo, shout out to finance Mama Wayne.

Reflections on Wrestling Industry Opportunities

But I think. I think was Leroy that brought it up earlier. You know, BW does not make news. Does not make stars like Wayne, man. Like, look at him. Look at him now. Look at him. Twelve months ago when he first got there. Oh, yeah, that too. That too. In OVW, they don't give people opportunities, you know, like that, man. Well, you know.

Analyzing Current Wrestling Environment

You know. And then they're still, you know. And people are saying, oh, they should let him do singles wrestling. Like, well, he is. He's just not doing it all at AEw. Right. But he gets. But he gets on tv more of being with Christian than he would because he was a single star.

Celebrity Mentorship in Wrestling

So they got overdose. I understand. He's getting more tv time by being where he's at. Exactly. You're gonna get on tvs. You're gonna be seen. You're learning from Christian. Like, you know, that's a good little mentor to have there. The guy's been in the business for what, 25 years and has been very successful everywhere that he has went.

Evaluating Different Wrestlers' Paths

And he has one of the best characters. Professional wrestling. For the last unpopular opinion, christians better than edge. I think Christian's better than edge. I always thought that more of a fan of Christian than edge. I got them right on par with each other. Christian is always thought of as the lesser than.

Wrestling Careers Over Time

Right. Yeah. Under a TNR. Amazing, TNA. But like, Christian, like, if you look back at Christian's career, like, there's not a lot to really complain about. It's just I was not pushed for to the forefront, which was partially due to where they were. Vince McMahon wanted to put a blue dot over his face.

Transitioning from WWE to TNA

I'll leave. And then he went to TNA and became a mega star in TNA. Amazing. And I remember when. I remember when Christian walked out, people bashed that to know and all. Major signing, you know. How's it working out now exactly? Working out pretty well.

Upcoming Matches and Wrestler Progression

So with this three, this trio's match, this will. This will cook between. Between these two teams, you know, with everybody that's involved in it. And like Carlos was just saying, is going to get Nick Wayne on a rather huge stage in a very important match. So, you know, and look who he's going to be in the ring with.

Learning Opportunities in Wrestling

Malachi Black, you know, buddy Matthews, Brody King. You know, the guns who have improved immensely. You know, juice Robinson. He's wrestled all over the world. That's. That's an education that you invaluable. The education that kid is get. Just.

Toward a Product of Quality Matches

It was. It was well, it was well done. It was a good little setup. What do you think about, what do you think about, the Claudio. In Okada match that's taking place in Cardiff? Yep. Yep. Is a card missing all in then? Is a card not doing Wembley's not paving, is not wrestling what he's on.

Reflections on Model for Success

Let me have a look at the calendar and see. It's not Wednesday, but the one thing I wish for this, and again, if they. If they did that, they announced the streaming deal, is I wish they would show the dynamite live to us on Max because it's going to be pretty. I think.

Future Directions and Expectations

I think that would be. I think that'd be a good week to announce I think that'd be a good week to announce the partnership with. Withdeze, Warner brothers and Max. If they're gonna do it. Yeah. Oh, it's. It's coming very shortly.

Anticipation of Wrestling Events

You can tell by his tweets, like he's itching to. He's itching to release it. He's just kind of probably waiting on word of say. Okay, say something. What will wwe fans say when he announced a new tv deal Wednesday? They'll be saying a lot of shit won't.

Hypotheticals in Wrestling Fan Reactions

What will happen there, Simon, is you can you will almost be able to hear their forehead kind of scrunch up as they try to figure out something to say. Right. That won't make any fucking sense whatsoever as to why this is a bad thing. Just ignore them.

Dynamite Scheduling Considerations

Yeah. 21st is the dynamite show. So I don't have a problem with being on there because, I mean, that's. You're giving people that can't necessarily get to the all in show. You're giving them something to go to, you know, of significance.

Building an Engaging Product

Right. So that's how you build. That's how you do your week. You know, just don't. Don't have shows for the sake of having them have shows that people are going to want to see because of what's on them. The money, the hard earned money that they pay to get there, make it worth their while seems to be what they're doing eventually.

Efforts Toward Quality Wrestling Production

Don't phone it in. I would imagine. Rev Pro. Rev pro got a show the night before. Twelve year anniversary show. What's on that one? Poku and Jacob Saber and hetricero. Danny Luna faces a mystery person.

Upcoming Wrestling Events and Talent Showcases

Big Tom and JJ Gale neon versus El fantasmo. Leon Slater. Cameron Kai and will cabin and Connor Mills and Ethan Allen. I would imagine there'll be some AEW talent will show up there as it did last year. Be a fun day.

Conversations on Wrestling Locations and Events

Are you far from there, Simon? Are you far from all this stuff? I live up north. I'm more like Leeds way. Manchester. That's south London. It's a bit far from me. Bit far.

Geographical Context and Logistics in Wrestling

Okay. I figured I'd ask. I didn't want to be one of those people that just figure. Yeah. Oh, you're in England, so you're like close to everything then. Yeah, I was going to. Don't worry, I'm not from, like, Yorkshire.

Perception of Wrestling Events

In Leeds. Manchester. Where? It's near Liverpool. Manchester. Leeds, wherever that's south. That's London. It's like 3 hours away on a train. It's a bit away from me.

Distance Challenges in Attending Wrestling Events

Oh, okay. Yeah, I know the distance then. Yeah, I get that with Canada. You know, my cousin lives in. L she lives in Edmonton. Yeah. No, yeah. 5000 miles away from me.

Cultural Contexts in Wrestling

Yeah, yeah. I. I live in Yorkshire. It's full of countryside at Yorkshire Dales. You've probably heard of that. It's not very. It sounds very countryish.

Variable Perception and Interactions within Wrestling

Yes. Yeah, yeah, it is. A couple of, what else is booked for the dynamite just before we get off the AEW? So I want to ask really quick, what do you guys think? What do you guys think for the acclaimed and young bucks.

Competing Predictions for Matches

What do you think's gonna happen there? Young box, young books? I. You know, I'm thinking the acclaim. Take this. What do you think of the. Did you think this acclaim versus ftr at all in, like, what do you think?

Chess Moves in Wrestling Booking

Because to me, it'd be kind of where they booked this. Just be. Where do they book it? Just like they're booking the trios. So I'm kind of curious where it's gonna go. Well, freeway dancer, all in a triple threat, I think Mercedes.

Analysis of Tag Team Dynamics

But they're doing that with the. But they're doing that with the trios ready, too? Yeah, I don't think they double up on the three way, but this could go back to what Carlos was saying earlier. Right.

Predictions for Championship Changes

If you claim, take the titles off the box, which I would have no problem with, because they're not making money. Right. Then they're already building a claim in FTR. They got lots of heat with each other.

Wrestling Alliances and Power Dynamics

FDR doesn't have a problem putting teams over, especially on a big stage. So FTR claimed at Wembley would be claimed going over on FTR, that's a big rub. That's two huge rubs, like, in the span of two weeks, not even.

The Path to Triumph in Wrestling

Do you think it's possible that the young bucks asked for this match to happen because of the backlash they're getting online and they just take the belts off of us? Like possible. Yeah, because they do listen to that.

Fan Reactions and Management Decisions

Yeah. Because it seems out of the blue. Like, all of a sudden we're getting at this match. We're getting. After all these weeks and weeks and then not coming.

Wrestling Strategy and Communication

Like, then not even being on tv to, like, to counter the A claim, all of a sudden we're getting a match on television. It seems very weird to me. Yeah. But it's quite possible that they seen that and it's like, okay, let's do something to.

Strategies for Engaging the Audience

Yeah. Address this. Right. So, you know, and Tony will do that, too. You've seen things suggested online, and all of a sudden you see it. Right. Because it makes sense.

Integration of Fan Feedback into Storylines

It was a good idea. So he's like, they do listen to things and they monitor things. Obviously, they don't do everything they say because the place was shut down.

Wrestling Industry Dynamics and Expectations

I honestly think it FTR and acclaim, I would rather see that happen since, young bucks are part time now on their contracts. Yep. And, like, then there's a. There's a fair amount of good build for this acclaimed FDR thing.

Building Anticipation and Building Stories

They're more focused on that right now than they are the box, I find. So it does seem like they pivoted. Yeah. Which I think Teddy.

Future Directions for Tag Teams

Teddy even said in the comments, too, which I like, because then you could have the acclaimed heel up Wembley, too. And that's how they retain over FTR. You could.

Dynamic Changes in Wrestling Plotlines

Yeah, there's a few ways they can. Go because you didn't. You can just tell us that daddy ass wants them to go to the dark side.

Character Evolution in Wrestling

Like, you're not going to shake hands, we're leaving. Like, like he want. Like, you know, make it maybe making them the sons that he, you know.

Character Traits and Motivations in Wrestling

Like I said before, and I still believe it. That. I believe that it claims gonna turn heel. Yeah, I want them as heels. They're better as hills.

Future Expectations for Story Arcs

And if you did that and you brought Daddy ass back into the poll, well, now all of a sudden, you have a different dynamic of what you just had two, three months ago. The fun loving, scissor me, daddy ass with pink titles and, you know, kind of goofing around shit.

Shifting Dynamics in Wrestling Themes

Now you still have three of them, but it's completely different setup. So that could. That would work if they did that. Do you think you late losing all the tiles at all?

Future Championship Landscape in Wrestling

And then do you think Jack Perry's losing and. And Okada to Claudio and that dynamite? Do you think they lose all the titles?

Predictions in Wrestling Outcomes

No, I don't think Jack loses. I don't think Okada loses. I don't think Okada loses. I think Okada is going to hold that title right up until the c one this year.

Anticipated Developments in Wrestling

Because I think there's another story there that's going on that hasn't come to the forefront. Yeah. Yeah. People will also be upset on Wednesday because they're.

Fan Reactions and Expectations

The Aw world champion is having a match. Yeah. Why people get upset at that? Well, people in moaning. Mercedes aren't wrestled for ages.

Sarcasm and Realities of Wrestling Promotions

Then she gets a match. And the moan and the moaning champ wrestle for age. Then she gets one, then still moan. So get it.

Community Norms and Expectations

Why isn't she on tv? Why isn't she defending your title? Yeah. Then she defends it. What a fucking waste.

Dramatic Tensions in Wrestling

What does Tony doing? He can't book. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Mercedes is in a match. Why is she on a match on dynamite? Why is she facing this person?

Analyzing Strategic Decisions in Wrestling

What are they doing over there? No, he can't. Look, you can't win. Like, it's impossible. Exactly.

Challenges in Wrestling Organization

Yeah. Why is it. I get why she's facing sheet, but why is it on dynamite? It should be on the pay per view she's got.

Complex Scheduling in Wrestling Events

Well, then the 25th would roll around. Well, now there's too many matches on here. Why are there so many matches?

Dynamic Nature of Wrestling Promotions

It just ripple effect. Exactly. Or all. It would be the same thing. Why? Why are there 14 matches?

Connecting Fan Engagement with Event Quality

Because you told us to put everything on the pay per view and not put it on dynamite or collision. And we can't put it on rampage because none of those matches are worthy of rampage.

Wrestling Portfolio Management

And then you complain that there's nothing worthy on rampage to watch. Exactly. I think I've just summed up the entire universe of what is complained about.

Results in Wrestling Events and Fans Expectations

And Brit Bake on a beach, a free week on dynamite. That makes sense storyline wise. And Camille debuted after that.

Character Development and Storytelling

All makes sense storyline wise, where it was. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Camille will be involved with that because she's a heavy.

Wrestling Dynamics and Expectations

That's what heavies do. Yeah. Yeah. They take care of business. Yeah. I'd rather see ten matches than six or five.

Diverse Perspectives on Wrestling Match Quality

Well, I just want, like, when I watch a pay per view or pla or whatever, I don't have a, like, here's the difference.

Event Planning and Audience Engagement

Regardless of the amount of matches, if you sit down and you spend your Sunday evening with Aew, you're going to get 4 hours, right? That's how long those pay per views are.

Audience Experience and Engagement

But in those 4 hours, you're getting somewhere in the vicinity of 65% to 70% of what you're going to watch actually taking place in a wrestling ring. Right. That's the numbers that they generally put out.

Comparative Insights into Wrestling Events

SummerSlam put out 45% of it in the ring, and it was 4 hours. And a lot commercials, so there's the difference. You're watching a lot of.

Expectations for Quality Wrestling Matches

Even with the shorter cards, you're still getting the same amount of in ring content. Kind of smoke and mirrors. But I like a fake review.

Wrestling Spectacle and Content Quality

I don't need 10,000 recaps and vignettes and, you know, to explain to me why I'm watching this. You know, I. I blocked off 4 hours of my evening to be here.

Blocking Out Time for Wrestling Events

I probably know what I'm, you know, expecting. I shouldn't have to be told over and over. And then they'll show you rear Ripley's best video package highlights and Roman reigns best video package highlights at Midland paper view.

Discussions on Wrestling Canons

I have YouTube, right? It's free. And I can go watch those things if I so choose. Yeah, exactly. Just there's a match in there somewhere.

Opportunities in Match Promotion

Get to it. That would be nice at some point. This evening, but stampede. But stampede. Don't you know, they need that for people who need to be told what this storyline and what.

Understanding Wrestling Storylines

What this is. And, you know, also. Look up YouTube. Well, they actually have a list. Leroy, whose face and who is heal just so they.

Information Flow in Wrestling Narratives

So the fame. No, it's like, okay, I'm supposed, okay, raise a face. So now I'm supposed to be cheering. Okay. And then they will act accordingly.

Character Dynamics and Audience Response

And, like, lives with Dom. So, you know, she's. He'll cost Dom's biggest deal in wwe. So, you know, to boo Dom. So it's obvious as well because she's.

Navigating Complex Character Relationships

With dog was on the list. Don was on the other list, right? Yeah. Why do they have all these piped in booze if they have a list telling people to boo already?

Contradictions in Wrestling Promotions

Like, why do they have to double up now? Like, you know, just pick one or the other. You know, either pipe it in and don't have them on the list or put them on the list.

Managing Wrestling Piped-In Reactions

And then you shouldn't have to fight for the boost because now your fan base knows what to do because of the list. I just kind of morphed into a fucking Jericho thing there, and I didn't even realize it with the list.

Famous Wrestling References and Dynamics

Wwe, you just made the list. Tony Storm just updated on Luthor. She said he just had his transplant surgery. Not sure what the transplant means, but that's what's going on right now.

Injury Updates from Wrestlers

She said best wishes go out to the best butler anyone could ask for. She said, do you think Luther turns it all in and helps Mariah Maywin? No, I think they do that straight up to win, but I think we are going to get Mina.

Stipulating Future Matches in Wrestling

And because if you want to build up even more heat or Mariah may you have her beat Mina Shirakawa. And then Mina can get Mercedes then that new Japan show as well she could. Yeah.

Multi-Event Prospects in Wrestling

Yeah. There's a lot going on the next few weeks. There. All in. There's the new Japan show, and then there's all out of, there's a lot. Mercedes is very busy.

Managing Busy Wrestling Schedules

She's got four or five matches in next couple weeks. Very busy. Yeah. So she's going to be quite busy.

Wrestling House and Event Development

Being booked horribly, though, but quite busy. Yeah. Can't figure that out. Just a, it's a mystery wrapped up in a riddle, how people view things.

Online Discussions in Wrestling

Yeah. Oh, I've been monitoring Mercedes. I did a Twitter place on it last night, having a go. Eric Bischoff, two or three hour one. So I answered that last night.

The G-1 Mystique

Speaking of a mystery wrapped up in a riddle, for those of us that have been following the g one, there's a lot of different ways this can go in b block. Right now. Finley, Jeff Cobb, David Finley, Jeff Cobb, and Ren Narita all have ten points, followed closely by Tanosuke Kester with eight.

Evaluating Competitors in Wrestling Events

Then Hiroki go to with eight and Yoda sushi with eight. There's a few gentlemen eliminated. Yui Murray is out. He got injured, so he was gonna face, Bolton.

Wrestling Injury and Match Expectations

Oleg tomorrow. Oleg will get the wind due to forfeit, but he's already out too. Hennaer is out, and El Fantasmo is out. El fantasmo faces David Finley, though.

Predictions and Speculations

So I would look for an upset there. I think. I think Takeshita gets in. I think Finley gets in, and I think Yoda sushi is youre three coming out of the bleed.

Insights from the G-1 Tournament

The b block. Is there anybody else following this? The g one. I was watching it today. Right now we're looking.

Performance Evaluations in Wrestling

Yeah, I was watching it. So that would be my, I think elp tie takes Finley out of the buy because the top point, Kenner is going to get a buy.

Upcoming Wrestling Projections

And then the two and three face off to guess base backwards. A block. Zack Sabre junior has already punched his ticket to the buy.

Block Dynamics in Wrestling Events

And then we have evil with ten, naito with ten. And then we got takagi with eight. Sonata with eight, Jake Lee with eight, great.

Performance Analysis in Wrestling Titles

O'Connor with eight. Gabe Kidd is out. Shoto umino is out, and Callum doom is outd. I think that there. I think Naito where he's the champion.

Expectations for Championship Matches

I think he's going to be one of the second or third place guys. And I think Shingo is going to be the other guy. Shingo Takagi.

Wrestling Predictions and Anticipated Matches

I think he's going to knock out. But this tournament, I think it's. I think it savers lose. But I would.

Tournament Outcomes and Future Expectations

I would like to see him and Takeshita in the finals. I think that would, as Shaun Rasak would say, I believe that. I believe that would hump and he get AEW.

Contributions to Wrestling Popularity

A lot of press in Japan as well. Get a mainstream press in Japan. So it's good for asian market for Aw. For Japan.

Wrestling Promotions and International Recognition

Most definitely. It'll draw a lot of eyes to the tournament too with the Keshe won't win. Right. But they kept Sabre and takeshita in different blocks.

Anticipated Outcomes in Wrestling Competitions

I think they did that specifically for a reason. But he takes a. Has been the star of that tournament.

Wrestling Excellence and Match Quality

He has just been put on just incredible matches. That match with El Fantasma was incredible. So it was the match with which was also this week.

Highlights from Recent Matches

Zach, same junior and Gabe Kidd. That was just incredible wrestling. So it's not all good. Like, there's a lot of matches that go on in these things.

Standout Performances and Expectations

So, you know, for people that tune in, don't think that you're getting, you know, nine matches that are all like, you know, eight and a half out of ten. You're not.

Quality Expectations in Wrestling

Right. But you're going to get quite a few of those throughout those tournaments. And, yeah, it's been really well done so far.

Anticipated Developments and Future Looks

Very much looking forward to the next couple of days because the finals final set of matches for both blocks. Okay, guys, we're gonna end this space in about 20 minutes.

Concluding Remarks and Future Plans

Is there anything else you guys want to discuss? Bring it up. Now's the time to speak. Startup.

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