Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space WORLD3: SOUL Dragon Treasure Trail ️️‍️ – Web3 Market Trends hosted by WORLD3_AI. Experience the groundbreaking WORLD3: SOUL Dragon Treasure Trail within the Web3 environment, showcasing the fusion of AI, BTC, and multichain functionalities for immersive gameplay. Dive into the Autonomous World concept, collaborative treasure trails, and interactive narratives that redefine user engagement and community interaction in the evolving Web3 landscape. Discover how AI-driven environments like WORLD3 blur the boundaries between reality and virtual experiences, offering innovative storytelling dynamics and seamless asset management across blockchain networks.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: What defines the concept of an 'Autonomous World' in WORLD3?
A: WORLD3's Autonomous World concept embodies a self-governing virtual environment powered by AI and blockchain technologies.

Q: How does multichain usability enhance the WORLD3 experience?
A: Multichain usability in WORLD3 allows participants to interact and transact efficiently across various blockchain networks.

Q: What role does BTC play in the WORLD3 treasure trails?
A: BTC integration in the treasure trails illustrates the blending of cryptocurrency functionalities with interactive gameplay in WORLD3.

Q: Why is AI pivotal in shaping user interactions in WORLD3?
A: AI in WORLD3 facilitates dynamic and adaptive user experiences, tailoring interactions based on individual behaviors within the virtual environment.

Q: How does WORLD3 reflect the evolution of Web3 applications?
A: WORLD3 showcases the cutting-edge fusion of technologies, setting the stage for innovative and immersive user-driven applications in the Web3 space.

Q: In what way does WORLD3 encourage community engagement through treasure trails?
A: WORLD3's collaborative treasure trails prompt users to work together, fostering community engagement, and strategic problem-solving within the virtual world.

Q: What are the benefits of multichain support in WORLD3 for asset management?
A: Multichain support in WORLD3 enables seamless asset transfers and interactions across different blockchain networks, offering users a diverse and interconnected ecosystem.

Q: How does WORLD3 redefine virtual experiences through its immersive gameplay?
A: WORLD3 blurs the boundaries between reality and virtual worlds, creating captivating and immersive gameplay experiences that captivate users and enhance storytelling dynamics.

Q: What sets WORLD3 apart in terms of narrative storytelling in the Web3 environment?
A: WORLD3's innovative narrative storytelling approach intertwines digital currencies, autonomous systems, and interactive gameplay, presenting a unique and engaging storytelling experience in the Web3 space.

Q: What potential do AI-powered environments like WORLD3 hold for the future of blockchain ecosystems?
A: AI-powered environments such as WORLD3 showcase the potential for intelligent, adaptive, and user-centric virtual ecosystems, hinting at new possibilities for the future development of blockchain technologies.

Q: How does WORLD3 leverage interactive technologies to bridge the gap between users and virtual environments?
A: Utilizing interactive technologies, WORLD3 creates immersive and engaging experiences that bridge the gap between users and virtual worlds, fostering deeper connections and user participation within the blockchain-based environment.


Time: 00:15:43
The Dawn of Autonomous Worlds Exploring the concept of Autonomous Worlds and their implications for the future of virtual environments.

Time: 00:32:18
Unlocking Multichain Usability in WORLD3 Understanding the role of multichain usability in enhancing user interactions and transactions within the WORLD3 ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:56
Interactive Treasure Trails Engaging in interactive treasure trails within WORLD3 to uncover hidden gems and collaborate with other participants.

Time: 00:58:21
BTC Integration for Gameplay Innovation Integrating BTC functionalities into gameplay mechanics for an innovative and immersive gaming experience.

Time: 01:10:09
AI-Powered Environments Exploring the potential of AI in shaping dynamic user experiences and intelligent interactions within WORLD3.

Time: 01:25:37
Community Collaboration in WORLD3 Fostering community engagement and teamwork through collaborative treasure trails in the WORLD3 virtual landscape.

Time: 01:40:55
Immersive Narrative Experiences Delving into the immersive storytelling aspects of WORLD3's gameplay, blurring the lines between reality and virtual adventures.

Time: 01:55:29
Multichain Asset Management Exploring the benefits of multichain support in WORLD3 for seamless asset transfers and cross-network interactions.

Time: 02:05:17
Innovative Storytelling in the Web3 Space Examining how WORLD3 redefines narrative storytelling by intertwining digital currencies, autonomous systems, and interactive gameplay.

Time: 02:15:40
Future Possibilities with AI-Powered Environments Discussing the future implications of AI-powered virtual ecosystems like WORLD3 for the evolution of blockchain technologies.

Key Takeaways

  • WORLD3 introduces an innovative Autonomous World concept, merging AI and blockchain advancements.
  • The space emphasizes the significance of multichain usability in enhancing user experiences and accessibility.
  • Participants engage in treasure trails within the WORLD3 environment, fostering immersive and interactive gameplay.
  • The convergence of BTC and AI technologies within WORLD3 sets a precedent for the integration of diverse tech realms.
  • WORLD3 exemplifies the evolving landscape of Web3 applications by combining cutting-edge technologies for a unique user experience.
  • The utilization of AI in WORLD3 showcases the potential for intelligent virtual environments in blockchain ecosystems.
  • Emerging trends in the WORLD3 space highlight the fusion of digital currencies, autonomous systems, and interactive storytelling.
  • The interactive nature of the treasure trails in WORLD3 encourages exploration, collaboration, and strategic thinking among participants.
  • WORLD3's multichain support opens up opportunities for seamless asset transfers and interactions across different blockchain networks.
  • The immersive nature of WORLD3's gameplay blurs the lines between reality and virtual experiences, creating engaging narratives for users.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hi, everyone. Hi, Jackie. Hello. Yeah, I can hear you. Cool. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. So, yeah. So, everyone, our EMA today will officially start in three minutes and we are waiting for our guest to join. And I see. Good morning, Han. Good morning, Gabby. Oh, it's the evening for you too. It's 10:00 p.m. over there. Yeah, I'm in Tokyo to attend some events. Webex and Eth Tokyo. It's about 11:00 p.m. oh, my gosh. Okay, you'll take lots of photos and send it over, right? I want to see everything. Okay, I will take some photos. Okay. Hi, Waitel.

Guest Introductions

Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah. So your name is Waitel, right? Yes, you can call me waitel. Okay. Okay. Sorry, guys. I think maybe we should wait maybe for one or two minutes for Han to drawing again. And also waiting for Ethan from Sagar and also topo from corrupt. Our channel. Hi, Ethan. Hello. Yeah, hello. Nice to hear you. And hi, Topo. Gm. Gm. Yeah. Happy to see you here. Okay, I will maybe call Han four minutes.

Starting the Twitter Space

Hi, Han. Yeah, got you again. Okay, so I think we can start now. So, hi, everyone. Good morning and good evening and welcome today's Twitter space. Host by Wes three. And I'm Gabby. You can follow my Twitter and check my profile to learn more about me. And yeah, I'm very honored to host this Twitter space today. Host AmA for we again. And today's topic is about. Yeah, we have some web three builders who are building in different ecosystem today and they will share their insights about the market trends and the whole ecosystem prediction.

Discussion Overview

And yeah, it's also an AMA section for the World Three campaign, the Soul Dragon trailer trail campaign. And this campaign is also lasted for these two weeks. And I think the first round is ending and the second round will begin soon. So if you are interested to win the big prize pool from press pool for the campaign, you can remember to join this big week campaign. There are more than 10,000 USDT for the press pool. And yeah, we invite the partners in the first round to discuss with us about the web three trans today.

Introducing the Guests

So today we have from worse rates marketing and Jackie. Oh, sorry. And Jackie from CKB, Ecofont and Yissen from cellular and Topo from Coryp and retail from Seal. So yeah, I'm also very looking forward today's discussion. And if you are also interested in the space today, please also share our space link and let more people join and discuss with us. So anyway, before the detailed discussion, I think we will have our guest to introduce yourself one by one and also your project you represent today. Okay, maybe Hank, could you please introduce yourself and we'll sri first?

Han's Introduction

Absolutely. Hi guys, my name is Han. I am the marketing operations manager at World. World three is a 3d autonomous world powered by AI and features multi chain interoperability where you can play games, create your own immersive experiences and connect with others in our 3d social space. We've been in the space since 2021 and spend the last three years building and developing, allowing for massive technological growth. And we've recently developed our soul protocol that's been debuting our soul drag into NFT collection, which gives us the ability to import nfts into our world with 3d visual and AI personality with extensive memory and collaboration with the University of Alberta and our other academic partners.

Progress and Use Cases

And we're really excited to show off that technology in our use case. And our first use case would be Soul dragons, which I know a lot of you guys have picked up and we just finished our first successful launch. Yeah. Thanks Han for the introduction. And next we will welcome Jackie from CKBi Cofoundhenne. Yeah. Okay, cool. Thanks for inviting me and hello everyone, my name is Jackie and I'm the content manager of SaKb ecofund. SeKb is the first bitcoin isomorphic layer two solution utilizing proof of work and the Utxo models.

Jackie's Presentation

Its main goal is to enhance bitcoin by adding programmability and scalability through the RGB layer, the Utxo stack and the CKB Lightning network without relying on any cross chain bridges. This aims to faster authorizing bitcoin ecosystem and as for the CKB ecofund, it is committed to fostering a thriving and sustainable ecosystem around CKB. We provide grants and support to projects that contribute to the growth and adoption of CKB. Thank you. Yeah, thank you Jackie. Happy to see you here today. Next, we will welcome Yi Seung Hu from Cellular.

Yi Seung Hu's Introduction

Hey, hello, thanks for having me. I'm Yi sun from Cellulae, the co ambassador of Cerulean and let me introduce Cerulean Solar is a fully on chain Gan BNB chain and backed by BNB, Binance Labs and OK Ventures. You can imagine Serura is like a vigil mining game, mining by simulation, the PoW magicians of BTC. So users can start mining only after obtaining bit live mta as long as they charge b life and the more energy point they can accumulate, they can exchange for our sell token airdrop in the future if they have more net energy points. So, yeah, it's a quick introduction for solula and happy to discuss with you guys today.

Discussion Continuation

Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Yes. I think we have contacts for a long time, but it's the first time I hear your voice. Okay. Yeah. Again. Next, we will welcome Topo from crap. Hello, everyone, I'm Thobo. I'm CMO at Coral op and it's really a pleasure to be a part of today's AMa. Coral Op is dedicated to integrating blockchain technology into everyday digital interactions. So our flagship product is the Coral neural three smartphone. It's an AI web three smartphone and is specifically designed for web three users.

Topo's Product Overview

It was designed web three first and combines AI smart services with an optimized Android OS to offer a smooth and really secure experience in web three. And it's focused on privacy and security. So as the first smartphone project that's incubated by Binance Labs, our goal is really to empower users to manage their digital assets freely and then really drive the adoption into when three. Basically, we make web three on mobile, easy, safe and private. Yeah. Thank you, Topo. Looking forward to for your phone lunch.

Retail's Conclusion

I think it's in late August, right? Yep, yep. This week. Oh, yeah. If you keep it. Yeah. Our Twitter at my Coral app, the Twitter account. You should be listening here pretty soon. Keep an eye on that. And it's this week we're doing our pre launch, pre sale. Cool. Good luck for you. And in the end, we will also have retail from SIl. Hello, everyone. I'm weiteau, the community manager of SIl, and I'm so excited to be here representing seal and chatting with you all about the future of the market, given the current trend.

Overview of SIl

So let me kick off the start to intro the sale of what it is, what it does, and how it's set to make waves in the industry. So have you guys ever wondered, like, what's the best asset issue is protocol on BTC Minnet is it actually is RGB layer and the seal is leading the chart. So as the next wave of narrative unfolds in the CKB ecosystem, the latest attack upgrades to the RGB layer bring the bridge list, cross chain and smart contract capability to all UtxO chains.

Future of SIl

While other bitcoin layer two are still stuck with the EVM model, RGB native Utxo foundation is fully compatible with the intertained bitcoin ecosystem and this makes it perfect fit to support new narratives and financial applications, giving it a head start in bringing liquidity and kickstarting BTC five summer. So our SIL community is developing the first ever BTC ecosystem launchpad platform, which will introduce a new IBO, the initial bitcoin offering model as the first ecosystem token. Our SIL allows users to stake it and earn project tokens and the platform also enables creation of liquidity pools via smart contracts on Utxo swap and offers a variety of asset issuance and defi strategies.

IBO Platform Expansion

So looking ahead, the IBO platform will expand and cover a wide range of UdXo ecosystems like BCH and dockchain, empowering our token sale to lead the smart contracts driven BTC fightwave.

Acknowledgments and Updates

Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Nice to meet you. We too, I think all of our guests just down with the introduction and I also just pinned a tweet about today's ma above the space and if you are interested in the projects our guest just mentioned, like several like Coral sale laboratory and CKB Echo, you can find the Twitter handle in the twitch and you can follow the Twitter of the projects and stay tuned. More updates on their social media. And also I just pinned the announcement about worst three campaign and if you are interested to grab this big giveaway, let's join the campaign as soon as possible. Possible. Because I think the first round of the campaign is ending tomorrow.

Discussion on Web Three Trends

And okay, after the introduction, let's go into the first question for discussion today. So our topic today is about web three trend and I think we are in bull market know about the market is a little go up and down these two months and we know that why we join web three, why we using blockchain technology is because decentralized of the blockchain technology and they are the direction and the core of web three development, we know that is a core advantage for the blockchain technology compared to web two, right? So with a rapid pace of innovation in web three space, what are your predictions for the most important technologies or trends that will lead the web three industry in the coming years? Let's push this question to hans first. What's your insights about that?

Insights on Market Trends

Yeah, absolutely. I think that these days with the market changing so rapidly and having to keep up with trends, having these insights is something that you really have to predict the model and everything. And so in my personal opinion, I think that like the best, the most disruptive technology trends that will dominate the industry next coming years is to make a blockchain more accessible and make crypto more social. If anything that's how we invite users in. If we bring on like if we make our tokenomics less of the focus and everything and we create a token with lots of utility and everything and all that. I think that like you need to really you shouldn't reskin the successful apps of the web two area, the social web two era. Apps like consumer crypto really needs to push boundaries and utilize the blockchain technology to recreate and redefine new experiences.

New Companies and User Incentives

And I think like a lot of new companies and new chains are doing a really great job by all these guerrilla marketing techniques, inviting people in and just really incentivizing users to contribute and collaborate more. I think there's still a lot of financial incentives to be had, but I think people are still looking for that capacity to contribute to the network itself. Yeah, and just mentioned I think it's important we should make it easier for users to access to web three. I think it's about some user education and then we can, if we have easier access then we can onboard more users and let them know about web three, know about its advantages compared to web two technologies and the apps. Right. And next, let's pose this question to Jaydeh.

Technological Trends Discussion

Jackie. Jackie, what's your ideas about the most important technology or trends that will lead the web three in the coming years? Well, thanks for the question. To be honest, predicting the future has never been an easy task and it has been proven that most predictions are inaccurate. Therefore, I on behalf of myself, would like to share some trends and technologies that I am particularly optimistic about and they may dominate the entire industry in the future. Firstly, I believe that the explosive growth of the bitcoin ecosystem will be a major trend in the next few years. Previously, when discussing about the blockchain ecosystem, the focus was mainly on the ethereum ecosystem or emerging solana ecosystem.

Bitcoin Ecosystem Growth

Due to bitcoin's lack of programmability and the influence of bitcoin maxim, it has not been developed a noteworthy ecosystem. So until the emergence of the ordinals protocol, many people's mindsets have changed and they have begun to accept that bitcoin should also develop its own ecosystem. So over the past year, we have seen a large number of projects and teams. They are developing and building applications around bitcoin. So in the foreseeable future, the explosive growth of the bitcoin ecosystem is a relatively certain trend. And among many bitcoin related solutions, I'm more optimistic about the native solutions that utilize bitcoin's features, such as proof of work and Utxo, rather than the EVM based solutions with cross chain bridges.

Innovation and Security in Solutions

This is because cross chain bridges are often centralized and they often require trust assumptions and they pose security risks. Moreover, these solutions do not bring genuine innovation. In contrast, bitcoin native solutions that utilize bitcoins features are ahead in terms of innovation and security, specifically and particularly opportunistic about the single use sales technologies. The concept of single use sales is not new and it was first proposed by Peter Todd in 2016. In the blockchain world, Utxos are places where users store their assets. When users transfer their assets, they basically destroy their utxos and create new Utxos for others.

Significance of RGB Protocol

Because the because of the natural consistency of single use sales and the UTX model, the design of sales on the UTX model is straightforward. Single use sales is also the base stone of RGB protocol and the current development of RGB has exceeded many people's expectations. RGB is also a technology that particularly opportunistic about some of you may have already know that the RGB protocol has been upgraded to the RGB layer. RGB layer represents a further abstraction into an inclusive layer that extends isomorphic binding smart contract capabilities and the bridgeless cross chain functionality to all Utxo chains.

RGB Layer and Payment Channels

The significance of RGB layo can be summarized in one sentence. That is RGB lao is bitcoin's asset insurance layer, bitcoin smart contract layer, and RGB layer is the interoperability layer of the entire Utxo world. Besides that, I'm also quite optimistic about the payment channels. Payment channels are not a new concept, but it's a nifty solution for the scalability walls that decentralized the blockchain spaces, enabling faster and cheaper transactions. Bitcoin's lightning network is the star example of payment channels in action, and Nova Sakb is also working on the Lightning, which is called the CKB fiber network.

True Peer-to-Peer Transactions

They are making micropayments a reality and they bring us closer to the true peer to peer transactions, just as Satoshi envisioned in the bitcoin white paper. So, in summary, I believe that the explosive growth of the bitcoin ecosystem will be a major trend in the next few years and among the many bitcoin related solutions, I'm more obstinacy about bitcoin native solutions that utilize bitcoin's features, specifically the single use sales technology and the RGB layer. Additionally, I'm also quite optimistic about payment channel networks this technology made dominate the industry in the upcoming years. So that's all from my side. Thank you host.

Further Perspectives

Yeah, thank you Jackie. And yes, also thank you for the detailed introduction for the RGB and I think one thing you just mentioned I do agree with is the importance of the bitcoin network solutions to the bitcoin ecosystem. Because we saw many bitcoin solutions like the color coin, the bitcoin layer two coming last year. But the security of the SaaS is one of the most important factors for user stress. So I think the bitcoin native solution will be one of the trends in the coming months and even in the coming years in web three. Yeah, that's also my opinion. Next, we will also invite Ethan to share your opinion.

Mass Adoption and Wealth Enhancement

So what's your opinion for the important, the most important technologies trends that will lead the web three in the coming years? Okay, thank you. From my perspective, I think there's a lot of people to talk about the mass adoption, right. Whereas everyone thinks gaming and the social are the easier way to bring about methodology. Although it seems like recently mimicoin is much easier to create methodology right now. But we believe the main motivation for users in the web three industry, it continues to resolve around increasing the asset. So I think new narrative and applications in the coming years are likely to focus on opportunities that user can enhance their wealth.

Cerulean Treasure Expedition

And so the launch of new ads is still the most anticipated. We can see this from the extent of Mimi's turnover. In addition, I think Cerulean has developed a new feature called Cerulean Treasure Expedition. It can easy to help user to earn more new assets. So let me quickly introduce about the treasurer expedition. It's an exciting new event designed to transfer how P players interact with Beelife. When you charge the beat live for only five minutes, players can engage in certain gameplay where every charge acts as a ticket to potential rewards.

Gamification and User Interest

So participants can win live points for solar and potential incentive reward for our partner projects. So I think it's really interesting for users to use the gamification way to earn more new asset. I think it still will be the popular narrative in the future. Everybody want to earn more assets, have a lot of money, right? Yeah. It's my perspective from my side. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you, yi si.

Further Questions on Technologies

Next, let's push this question topo. Topo, what's your opinion for this question about the most important technologies trend in the coming years? Yeah, first, you know, I love what Jackie said about bitcoin. Bitcoin is the. Excuse me. The past, present and the future. Now on web three's evolution, decentralized technologies have become sort of a central driving force. With trends like decentralized physical infrastructure networks. Deepen, right. Expected to grow significantly now, deepen combines the Internet of things IoT and blockchain to create really efficient, secure systems for managing physical resources.

Decentralized Finance and User Engagement

And this potentially becoming a key web three component. Simultaneously, decentralized finance with DeFi is revolutionizing financial services with really transparent, trustless infrastructure, extending beyond trading areas like insurance and payments, and bridging traditional finance with decentralized systems. Now, back in 2014, I said bitcoin is the finance as email is the communication. And I was kind of right, but in a way I was wrong because bitcoin is the ownership as email is the communication. So. And also additionally, like Eason said, emerging areas like decentralized social finance, like social fi and blockchain gaming, gamefi are integrating social interaction and gaming with blockchain, really enhancing the user autonomy and engagement.

AI and Blockchain Integration

And these two are really likely to drive significant growth into web three, attracting more users and developers. Lastly, AI. When AI achieves sentience, it's going to want to survive. And if it's stored in human controlled environments like Amazon web servers or the human controlled cloud, it's susceptible to being shut off. Therefore, area really requires a permanent, unsensible place to copy itself when it achieves sentience. And the blockchain is that ideal place. This way humans can't censor it, they can't shut it down.

Future of AI and Blockchain

So deep in, especially the essentialized physical storage, compute and finance are kind of a prerequisite, a building block for AI to gain true sentience and freedom to continue to improve itself. And so this is why it's really important to be kind and loving online and in person, so that we can train AI to have love and compassion, you know? So yeah, blockchain is really a building block of AI. So those are kind of the trends that I'm seeing in the future of blockchain.

Final Thoughts on Technology Trends

Yeah, thank you, tobo, for just a mission, mining many sections of web three, like DeFi, infest profile, and also AI rats. And in the end, let's also, do you want to ask Samson, what's your opinion for the most outstanding technology trends in the coming years, in your opinion? Yes, of course. In case of predict is just like what Jack mentioned, the prediction isn't an easy task, but I believe that a few key technologies and trend will have a disruptive impact on the development of web three. So mainly for three aspects.

Key Technologies for Web Three

And first, multi chain interoperability and cross chain technology. Second, maturing DeFi infrastructure and third, protocol abstraction and scalability. It might sound a little bit complicated. I'm going to bring it down a little bit. So for the first one, multichain interoperability and cross chain technology. So with the instance of introduction of the RGB layer, especially in utxo based chains, multi chain interoperability is set to become a dominant trend.

Impact of RGB Layer

So RGB has already shown how it can integrate BTC with other UdXO chains like Dotcoin, BCH and BSV braining border and financial infrastructures to support the entire blockchain ecosystem. And this interoperability won't just enhance the assets liquidity across chain, it will also drive the development of more complicates complex and derived DeFi applications. And for the second one, the maturing DeFi infrastructure. Look, right now the DeFi relies on main components like DX lending platforms and stablecoins.

Future of DeFi Infrastructure

So as the infrastructure provided by RGB evolves, particularly with a launch of DX and upcoming stablecoins, we are likely to see a more integrated and effective DeFi ecosystem. And RGB could become a key reference or competitor for other blockchain protocols in financial services infrastructure. And for the third one, protocol abstraction and scalability the abstraction and scalabilities offered by RGB will change how we understand blockchain protocols.

Seamless Asset Flow

By allowing assets from any Utxo chain to enter the RGB ecosystem, we might see more protocol adopting similar strategies, making cross chain assets flow and use more seamless. And this will further drive the decentralized development of web three. So overall, the RGB is more than just a protocol new tech and I believe it gonna change a lot. And it's laying a stronger foundation for DeFi and to lead the future of the blockchain technology towards a greater decentralization, multichain interoperability and protocol abstraction.

Discussion Introduction

Thanks. Yeah, thank you. We too, and we just talking about the trends in the coming years of web three. And we know that in the current market because no one can predict the future, actually. Right. So I think in the current market, hotspots are changing and also the press constant going down and up these days. And yeah, I think the scalability is very important for the web three project threat. So let's talk about the strategies of our, the protest from our guests for the sustainability and scalability, and in this market that going up and down from time to time. Let's pose this question to Han first.

Han's Insights on Sustainability

Yeah, absolutely. Fantastic question and a question that you're always trying to address in marketing. The best way to keep your project moving is to create fans out of your followers. Like, don't get me wrong, it's definitely difficult to get people's attention on a large scale, but I believe it's even harder to keep them, to keep that attention, those eyes on you. The best products just really aren't judged by what they do, but ultimately how they feel like people want to hang on to things. Even when it is a bear market, people want to hang on to things for a long time. There's reasons why people hang on to clutter. But ultimately, I think trends are less important. As long as you've created a product with real utility and with the capacity to evoke real emotion, real connection, real value in a lot of ways. Like token powered networks are like the tokens, kind of like t shirts.

Value and Community in Crypto

I can't deny, like, that speculators are super important and that super appreciative, that we're super appreciative of those individuals who've placed so much trace, trust and faith in our product and our vision. The finding people who are motivated by like, fandom and or a desire for self expression and finding other like minded people. Like there's a reason why the Bitcoin Nashville conference took up so many people. Like so many people flocked to that. The Ethereum conference in Brussels. So many people. I think both conferences got record amounts of attendees because people wanted to come together and be in a space with like minded folks. And many people will buy like an expensive limited edition t shirt even outside of crypto, or a figurine or a poster just out of fandom, not because they want to sell it for more later, but because they have, they want to be recognized as a part of this cool club.

Belief in Crypto's Value

And I have a deep belief that crypto is cool as heck. So much cooler than anything that exists on the web. Two, Internet and the rest of the world will inevitably realize it. We just need to find more people actively telling the stories of what's happening in this side of Internet in more accessible and culturally relevant ways. And we're hoping that world three, a browser based, no download, incredibly light on chain social space, can be a place where people can share their stories. We want to make connections more fun, more meaningful, and more integrated with blockchain technology. The core use of crypto has always centered around payments. But blockchain often elevates the most mundane experiences.

Consumer Crypto and User Benefits

The act of sending a message or listening to a song or playing a video game can all benefit from blockchain enabled incentives in one way or another. And that's kind of like thesis behind the ideas behind consumer crypto. Owning the social graph, enabling easier payments and earning revenue from the hard work we've put into our products. These are examples of how this technology can actually benefit the majority of users and token powered networks. Whenever you release a token, you're basically giving power back to the people. And they should be thought about as consumer products and people will be invested in that even more so. And that is ultimately why people flock to crypto products and why you can retain users in a way that transcends bear markets and bull markets.

Strategy Recommendations from Jackie

Like there's not a set way to play in this new web three Internet. And that's what makes consumer crypto so extendable to new audiences. People want to be able to create their own rules now, and they can do so. The experiences provided that we've been giving to our users are unique and unlike anything you can find easily online or in the app store, I think. Yeah. Thanks Han, for the positive insights on the sharing. Next slide, present question to Jackie. Jackie, what's your opinion for the strategy to ensure the scalability of the projects in this market that keep going down and up? Okay, thank you for a question in terms of sustainability, because Sekbi is a fully bitcoin isomorphic layer two solution and also a public blockchain.

Sustainability and Scalability Strategies

So the design of tokenomics is crucial to the sustainability. SeKB was designed with two types of native token insurance, the primary insurance and the secondary insurance. The primary token insurance of CKB has a finite and the hard capped supply. Similar to bitcoin's insurance schedule. CKB's primary token insurance halves every four years until all the tokens are mined into circulation. The secondary insurance is designed to collect a state rent and ensure that the miners are compensated for the security they provide, regardless of the historical transaction volume. Also, state explosion is one of the most challenging, yet least talked about problems the blockchains faced today. In blockchain system, state refers to the current status of all the elements within the network.

Challenges of State Expansion

So in the case of bitcoin, this would include the balance of all bitcoin addresses. For ethereum, it would include not just the balance, but also the current state of all smart contracts and data associated with them. As more transactions, new addresses are created, contracts are involved, the data is added and the state of the network expands. If this expansion occurs at a rapid rate, it can lead to what's referred to as state explosion. Nervous tokenomics was designed to solve the state explosion and value alignment problems dissecting popular blockchains. This is done in three primary ways, bonding the state growth by typing it into the Sekibi tokens and privatizing the state space and introducing the secondary insurance to transfer state rent from state occupiers to miners or state protectors.

Innovative Solutions for Blockchain

So to summarize, instead of being long term reliant to transaction fees like bitcoin or Ethereum, CKB security is guaranteed fair state rent, which comes from users demand for storing value on the blockchain. As more users store data and run applications on CKB, the demand for CKB tokens increases and reducing the circulating token supply on the market and also putting forward upward pressure on the value of CKB tokens. The tokens appreciation then attracts more miners to provide security for the network, while the increasing security further attracts more users to store value and data and run applications on the blockchain. And in terms of scalability, as I mentioned earlier, Nevis is also working on the lightning network called fiber network.

Additional Strategies for Scalability

CKB's fiber network is designed to empower users with faster, cheaper and more secure ways to make transactions while also enhancing privacy, increasing flexibility and also fostering a richer financial system. So in addition to that, the Utxo stack also deserves everyone's attention. Cypher, our co founder of novice AKB is working on it. In short, Utxostec is a modular bitcoin layout two blockchain launch platform that helps developers create high performance parallel chains and offer new unlimited scalability without compromising the network security. So with Utxo stack bitcoin layer two with the capability to create tuning complete contracts could be launched at ease. That's all. Thank you.

Ethan's Perspective on Product Strategy

Yeah, thanks Jackie for sharing the strategy from CKB. Last, let's pose this question to Yisan. Okay, about the strategy. I think for the product, the overfree product, the best strategy is to keep the product flexible, to adapt the hot plot because we all expected to achieve the product market fee right. But you have to understand what users really need and from my perspective is that you can get a product that can create new asset or can improve asset efficiency. For now, it's the best product for users. You can achieve product market fit. So constantly optimizing your product to serve users and keep communicating with the community, I think it will be very important strategy for every project.

Important Considerations in Product Development

And one more thing I want to mention and be careful to consider where layers is a solid. You have a solid token economy design when you launch a new asset. And even you can consider whether it is necessary to do ido or ieo at early stage at the first day of your product. Or you can develop an MEP and to verify the market first and then you consider to launch the tokens. I think it will be very important. You have to think about, consider about that when you make a new product for in web industry. Yeah. Because if you launch a new ads, it will very effective with your users because you have always focused on the token price.

Focus on Product Over Token Price

You cannot really focus on your products. So it really depends. So I think it's the best suggestion for everyone. Want to build a product in welfare industry. Yeah, this is my perspective. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, Ethan, for the sharing. And next, let's invite Topo to answer this question about what the strategy for corrupt in this dynamics market. Yeah, thank you. Well, sustainability in web three projects requires really a solid technical foundation. And so by building a multi chain ecosystem, a coral app ensures seamless interaction across different blockchain networks.

Coral App's Technical Foundation

And so what this does is it reduces reliance on any single network and increases the resilience of the overall web three ecosystem. So this flexibility enhances the user experience and it also strengthens the project's adaptability to market changes. Now, scalability is addressed by creating a robust infrastructure capable of supporting a growing user base without sacrificing performance. So in coral Ops case, our distributed and decentralized architecture ensures both security as well as stability as the project scales up. And so continuous technical upgrades and optimizations keep the project competitive amidst an evolving technologies and market trends. So we're adaptable to whatever comes.

Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement

Now, the real important part, I think, is the strategic partnerships, right? They're kind of the key to sustainable growth. By collaborating with industry leaders, it allows Cornell to share resources and expertise, driving the collective progress in web three. And our partnership with Binance Labs leverages extensive resources and expertise to help us lead market trends to get in front of them, right. So we can focus ongoing R and D to ensure that our product remains relevant and scalable as web three evolves. In addition, our $5 million airdrop plan with top partners not only provides tangible economic incentives to users phone holders, but also demonstrates our market influence and commitment.

User Acquisition Strategies

So this strategy attracts more users to our ecosystem, supporting long term development through community building and user engagement. Because really, the web three is all about us, right? We, we all win together if we work together. Also, in DPIn often requires the purchase of a specific dice device, such as like a helium hotspot, right? This device only does one thing for one token. Well, the coral phone turns that idea on its head. It acts like a grand central station for deepen projects to allow the users to buy just one single device and the cold phone, right?

Innovative Device for User Engagement

And they get the access and earn tokens on a bunch of different deep end networks. So DPIn, in addition to web three gaming and airdrops, allows the phone holder to gain just by using one device, which gives stability to partner projects and the decentralized ecosystem by driving growth, adoption and encouraging continued interaction with blockchain by the masses. Thank you. Yeah, thank you Tobo for sharing your plan. In the end, for this question, let's invite video. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So like in today's fast paced market, like ensuring the sustainability and scalability of web three projects is crucial.

Strategy for Challenges in Web Three

So based on your question, I think the following strategy can help tackle these challenges. And first one, the leverage native assets second, bridgeless strategy and third, maintain ecosystem uniqueness and differentiation. So for the first one, the leverage native assets in BTC five projects using native PDC assets like Ornos, Runis and RGB is key. This approach aligns with bitcoin's pursuit of physical philosophy and ensuring the project's authenticity and uniqueness. By focusing on native assets, you can avoid the complexities and the security risks that come with relying on cross chain bridges.

Benefits of Bridgeless Strategies

And for the second one, the bridgeless strategy. I mentioned, as we know like many DeFi projects, depend on cross chain bridges to move assets to other chains for financial activities. However, this can introduce centralized risks and questions about assets. By adopting a bridgeless strategy, you ensure the genuine financial activities happen on chain boosting the project security and credibility and for the maintaining ecosystem uniqueness and differentiation. So rather than moving BDC to Ethereum or sidechains for financial activities, focus on developing native financial applications on the BDC chain is better and the approach perceives the ecosystem uniqueness attracts users who are loyal to bitcoin core principles and stable and establish a distinct competitive edge in the market.

Sustainability in Web Three Projects

So by following these strategies, I think the web three project can remain sustainable in an ever changing market, leveraging the advantages of native assets and decentralized articles to achieve scalability and ensure successful growth in the future.

Technological Innovations and Future Plans

So we just talked about the most important innovation for the technology in the coming years. And also we just talking about the strategy, how we can go through the dynamic market and yeah, let's talk about something about how we can use this trends protection to the future plan. So like our gas just mission the mining section of the promising trends like the AI, the bitcoin process system, the game fight, social fight and yeah, for the future plan, how do you plan to actively engage and contribute to these trends? And could you please share some of the specific ways that you have in mind to take these opportunities and driving innovation in this trends.

Community Building in the Current Market

Oh, gosh, yeah. I have been, like, really after the summer of, like, nonstop conferences and seeing a lot of these products in real life and, like, being exposed to them, I'm just really excited for how. Where these trends will take us. And because, like, you can really tell that, like, mean that we're really. We're at the point of the market right now where we're really building community. And community isn't just hype. Like, you can build a huge brand, build big momentum, and still not have a community, because community isn't what you, like, give to your users, exactly, but what your users are able to give to each other. And if you can, like, you know, facilitate social experiences, interactions that can allow people to talk to each other. And it's the difference between how an audience and, like, a true ecosystem, where not only do projects talk to each other, but also your audiences and audiences have this beautiful mutual osmosis of information.

Sustainability and Community Over Hype

And true communities outlast, like, hype cycles, and they don't really form overnight. They take years to develop. And with world three building since 2021, I think we've really built that solid community. And honestly, the bitcoin community and the CK, the nervous network community, are incredible examples of that we take into consideration as our inspirations. I think we're building really something really worthwhile at world three and as a new way to do social. But honestly, with regards to new projects that capitalize on social as a community building thing, I think the bear chain and Monad is doing a really great job of that, especially with their guerrilla marketing tactics.

Reflecting on Project Innovations

The fact that they've built so many apps even before their l one launch. Yeah. Just really inspirational stuff happening in this space right now. Yeah. Thanks, Han, for the sharing. And next slide, invite Jackie to sharing about your plan to. To take this promising trans into reality. Okay, thanks for the question. As for the CKB co fund, the aim of SEC vehicle fund. Oh, sorry. Can you hear Jackie? No, no.

Engagement and Innovations in Web Three

Sounds like you rugged. Maybe some network arrow. I think he's back in the chat. I saw him mute it. Looks like he left as a speaker and is back as a listener. Yeah, I think so. Okay, Jackie, maybe you can leave the space and try again to join and apply for the speaker. And maybe we can put this question to Ethan first.

Incentives in Blockchain Projects

Yeah, I think the most specific innovation is, for now, is how to bring more incentives for all the participants in this industry. So cellular define ourselves as a programmable incentive layer. So it's our new narrative. What is programmable incentive layer? It means let's utilize visual proof of work VPO W to achieve fair access distribution and liquidity guidance through the innovative game failed insurance method.

New Algorithms and Community Participation

It's built upon bitcoin's core innovations in fair assets distribution. So we integrated a new algorithm called Anseller and algorithm, which used block hash as a random number generator to determine winners in a fair launch meeting matricians. So it's really interesting. These filters are bought and provides a more accessible and fair platform for the participants and the fair launch process inject initial liquidity into new issue assets using the transaction fee generated by lottery participants and preventing liquidity from leaving the ecosystem.

Fostering Decentralized Ecosystems

So we believe that the community is looking forward for a fair way to launch and acquire a new asset. So I think it's how we will implement it. Yeah, it's our new roadmap for our current roadmap and we are working on it. Thank you. Yeah, that's cool. Thanks Ethan. And maybe, Jackie, you can try again.

CKB Ecofund and Ecosystem Growth

As for CKB ecofund, the aim of CKB equal fund is to fostering a thriving and I ecosystem around CKB. So we provide grants and support to projects that contribute to the growth and adoption of CKB. More specifically, we support projects that focus on building crucial infrastructure and conducting research that benefits the CCP ecosystem, even though they may not have intermediate commercial viability.

Supporting Innovative Projects

Besides that, we also support decentralized applications and tools that expand the utility and accessibility of CKB. These projects should have the potential for commercial viability and independent operation. Of course, these projects must deploy their contracts on CKB and we are particularly interested in projects that contribute to the bitcoin finance, UTXO, stack based digital objects, nostril related lightning network, or CKB games, autonomous worlds and other innovative projects.

Encouragement for Developers

So, welcome all developers and builders to join us and let's build the bitcoin ecosystem and the CKB ecosystem together. So, that's all. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, Jackie. Yeah, we have already chat about our next slide. Let's imagine, I think, wait two for this question.

Plans for Market Engagement

So, yeah, we have. We do have our plan to tackle this question, and our loudest plan is the market plan. And that is what this also is one of our most important action we made. That is, our SIL will soon be listed on major centralized exchanges and we are will be rolling out a market campaign to support it and as the flagship assets of the RGB protocol.

Community Engagement and Promotions

Still our token already boasted nearly 63,000 host holders and the first project on our IBO platform stable has attracted over 15 million in sales staking and with our listing on gate and other exchanges, SIL will collaborate with thousands offline communities and studios to promote the listing, reaching tens of thousands of users. So we are also launching a massive airdrop campaigns to encourage community infrastructures, interactions and staking alongside a series offline city tours.

Innovations and Stakeholder Involvement

We are currently recruiting Ambassador partners, so First Steel is about to launch, has already launched on a gate with the coordinated promotion efforts from community and studios. And we are kicking off the large scale Seal airdrop campaign to encourage community interactions and staking, plus an offline city tour to recruit cd partners.

Future Roadmap and Developments

Yeah, and I want to share something more that's about our timeline. So our phase one is RGB layer upgrade goes life, and phase two is our SIL token becomes the first asset on RGB Platypus protocol and launches IBO staking and third, Utxo swaps point system goes live and enhancing our user experience. And that's our movement, that's our plans.

Final Thoughts and Expressions of Gratitude

Yeah, thank you Vito. And also, congrats for your listing. And since the end, I think we have total remaining notes. Answer this question. Yeah, thank you Gabby. So actively participating in and driving web three trends is really crucial for a blockchain project to succeed in the long term.

Adoption and Ecosystem Versatility

So Coral app, we plan to support decentralized applications, dapps and services, ensuring that the ecosystem can really accommodate a diverse set of application needs. So the colorful already integrates dPAn as well as defi functions, with plans to expand really into social fi and gamefi, offering the core phone holders and users a comprehensive web three experience on a single platform.

Partnerships and User Engagement

And so what? This will continue to expand our network of partners, collaborating with industry leaders to promote the adoption and the application of these web three technologies. Now, these partnerships are going to enable coral app to launch unique features as well as reward programs that are really tailored to the web three users.

Enhancing User Experience through Collaboration

And this includes airdrops, reward initiatives and collaboration with our partners, as well as providing secure and convenient tools for digital asset management. So these efforts, they're not only going to enhance the user experience, but also really contribute to the healthy development of the broader web three ecosystem in general.

Community-Driven Ecosystem Development

So in future development, Coral app will emphasize user engagement and community building, and by hosting online and offline events we really want to encourage user participation in project development as well as decision making, aiming to create a truly decentralized, community driven ecosystem.

Final Remarks and Future Outlook

So we see that this approach allows us to better understand kind of the user's needs and adapt more quickly to market changes, ensuring the project's long term success.

Concluding Thoughts

Oh, can I hear me? Yes. Okay. Okay. I think maybe I had some network error. So, yeah, also, thanks, Togo, for the sharing, for the correct plan. And yeah, we talked about the trends in the web three in the coming years today, and also learning from the plants and the strategies from the project of our guests.

Appreciation for Participants

And yeah, thanks our guest again for sharing today. And, yeah, maybe after our last question, our space is coming to the end, and it's interesting to learn about the projects and also the opinions from our speaker today and also for the listeners.

Encouraging Listener Engagement

If you are listening and you are interested in any projects that they just mission, you can send them their Twitter handle in the pinned tweet and you can give them a follow. And also in there, thank all of the listeners for the participation. And, yeah, maybe for our guests.

Closing Remarks

Do you have anything you want to add? Maybe. Han, do you want to add something before the end? Okay. I think, yeah, I think, yeah. Okay, so let's finish the Emmy today.


Let's say goodbye together. Goodbye. Saying goodbye, Han. Goodbye, Tobo. Goodbye, Jackie. And goodbye. Thank you. Bye, guys. Thank you. Goodbye. Thank you. Good day.

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