Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space delved into the future prospects of sports marketing, focusing on the critical aspects of client acquisition, retention, and adaptation in a competitive environment. It highlighted the importance of alumni and financial support in influencing the development and performance of sports programs. The discourse emphasized the necessity of staying agile and responsive to the evolving landscape of sports marketing for sustained success.


Q: What is crucial for success in sports marketing?
A: Acquiring and retaining clients is vital for sustainable success in the sports marketing industry.

Q: How is the sports marketing landscape evolving?
A: The industry is becoming more competitive and complex, requiring adaptation to remain relevant.

Q: What role do alumni and financial support play in sports programs?
A: Alumni and financial support significantly impact the development and performance of sports programs.


Time: 00:05:19
Introduction to the evolving dynamics of sports marketing

Time: 00:15:33
Addressing the increasing competition and challenges in the industry

Time: 00:26:07
Discussion on the influence of financial support and alumni on sports programs

Key Takeaways

  • The sports marketing industry is growing with opportunities but facing increased competition.
  • Success in sports marketing relies on acquiring and retaining clients amidst challenges.
  • Adapting to the changing sports marketing landscape is crucial for long-term success.
  • The impact of alumni and financial support on sports programs was highlighted.

Behind The Mic

versus having a decentralized or governance model? And like, where are you guys with it? Is there any flexibility in this, you know, as the tech evolves, as the conversation changes? I know Kayla and I have a bunch of conversations over on Wolf Web three in this regard. And there’s news stories every single day, and there’s totally new opinions every single day. Thanks, Kade. Yeah, we think that a balance is good to have right now between centralization and decentralization. And we think that certain aspects should be centralized and certain aspects should be decentralized. So, like, parts of the ecosystem that are really kind of sensitive and things like your on chain data, we don’t really want you kind of handing that over to us. And that data is already basically pretty public. So. Because blockchains are all public and so, like, yeah, certain aspects being decentralized and certain aspects being centralized, I think that if the platform was fully decentralized and everything was up to a vote, it could kind of get crazy. And I think that, like, I don’t. I’m not sure if any apps have done that yet. We’re like, everything is voting based. Like, every single feature upgrade and things like that. But that would be interesting to see, actually. That’s reassuring, to be honest with you, that you’re not actually looking for that type of data, but Kayla, get your hand up. Go for it. I definitely get the idea more now, and I think a lot of people in this and decentralized area want to profit off, you know, what they’re doing with our data. So could I, in theory, dump a bunch of data into this and then kind of see what happens, see if it’s valuable data with your guys platform? Like, let’s say I had a bunch of emails from, you know, ten years. Could I throw that in there and kind of see if that’s valuable. Yeah, I think, like, it depends as the project scales and the types of data will also scale. And, yeah, we kind of have this system where people can upload stuff, and if it doesn’t get any demand or doesn’t get any hits, then it just kind of goes in the background. And then it maybe comes back when it does get some demand. But, yeah, there’s kind of like a moderation aspect to it and people kind of requesting stuff. And I think in terms of, like, nine inch males. Yeah, sure. If you’re like able to upload everything and if someone finds it useful and, you know, that gets a lot of hits and gets a lot of demand. Then it gets kind of upvoted into into the system. But, yeah, I think, like, volumes of, like, data doesn’t necessarily mean anything if it’s not used. So if it’s not used, it will eventually just, like, get pushed to the back. But if there is demand for that kind of type of males. Nine inch males. Then, yeah, maybe could totally upload all those data dumps and, yeah, get more space for it. So that kind of happened on the space, like at the end. And then it got brought up earlier. And I think just, like, all this stuff, like, is so community focused. And, yeah, you guys were talking about, like, governance as well. And, yeah, we’re kind of exploring that and seeing, like, which ways of governance actually work for our community and for people actually using it. And, yeah, we’re just really trying to, like, trial and error, figure out what what’s best for us and our community. That’s interesting. You could almost see people selling anonymized data sets in the future and you’re able to build those. Looking at, like, the year afters, kind of our, like, ideas for, like, the kind of, like, next stages of the company is, like, using, like, AI agents. And so that’ll, like, I think you need, like, to have some sort of, like, Internet access to be able to verify, you know, things like grants. And so, like, that moves into, like, the AI agent space of, like, having an agent read through the data, go do a Google search, see how legitimate it is. But that’s. I think that level of verification is still the technology, just, like, isn’t. Isn’t there yet. So eventually, I think we will move towards that. That’s really cool. Thanks for entering so in depth. Beautiful, really fun space here. Clearly a lot of interest in this. I think you had the right speakers on the panel for what you’re building as well. So big shout out to everyone that’s been on this panel. I encourage everyone in the audience to go ahead and give them a follow. Make sure that you’re checking out everything that they are doing. I will turn it over to you. Sapiens, if you have any final remarks from each account, Akio or Grant, would you like to go first? Thanks, Wolf. Yeah, it was really great having everyone and talking about the project and answering everyone’s questions. Thanks, guys. Sameer. Yeah. Thank you so much for all the really great questions. We got us really thinking about a lot of things, and it’s great. We’d love to do this again. Perfect. All right. Well, thanks so much, everyone, for coming on. Like I mentioned, make sure to claim your badge before you go. We will be back on spaces tomorrow morning. If you’re on this panel, you’re invited. It’s going to be at 10:00 a.m. eastern. I think I probably let most of you know that’s happening. We’re going to be diving into the lending markets in this world of web three, so it should be an interesting one. Again, everybody on the panel, set those reminders 10:00 a.m. eastern. We’ll see you there bright and early. Take care, everybody. Have a great rest of your Wednesday night.

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