Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space conversation in the DeFi niche mainly discussed Three Balance's partnerships, particularly with 1inch, and the strategy to enable cross-chain swapping. The collaboration with 1inch allows Three Balance to optimize swap prices without smart contract creation, thereby reducing smart contract risk. Users benefit from improved user experience, lower gas fees, and enhanced swap optimization. Three Balance's algorithm focuses on efficient portfolio rebalancing. Moving forward, Three Balance is looking to broaden its partnerships to enable cross-chain swapping, further enhancing its platform capabilities.


Q: How does the partnership with 1inch benefit Three Balance's operations?
A: The partnership enables Three Balance to access aggregated prices without the need to create smart contracts.

Q: What role does the 1inch dev portal play in optimizing swap prices on Three Balance?
A: The 1inch dev portal contributes to optimizing swap prices by isolating smart contract risk to 1inch contracts within Three Balance operations.

Q: How does Three Balance ensure efficient portfolio rebalancing for users?
A: Three Balance's algorithm is designed to optimize swap prices, facilitating efficient portfolio rebalancing for users.

Q: What advantages do users gain from the partnership with 1inch in terms of gas fees and swap optimization?
A: Users benefit from lower gas fees and optimized swaps through the partnership with 1inch, improving their overall experience.

Q: What future partnerships are Three Balance planning to enhance platform capabilities?
A: Three Balance is planning upcoming partnerships to enable cross-chain swapping and enhance platform features for users.


Key Takeaways

  • Partnership with 1inch allows Three Balance to leverage aggregated prices without creating smart contracts.
  • Smart contract risk is isolated to 1inch contracts in Three Balance operations.
  • Three Balance’s algorithm optimizes swap prices for efficient portfolio rebalancing.
  • Users benefit from lower gas fees and optimized swaps through the 1inch partnership.
  • Upcoming partnerships aim to enable cross-chain swapping
  • enhancing platform features.

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