Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $WOLF on Solona hosted by InvestWithRex. The $WOLF on Solona Twitter space provided a deep dive into blockchain technology, discussing the significance of DeFi, NFTs, and their impact on gaming and unique projects. Experts highlighted the transformative power of Solona within the blockchain ecosystem. The space emphasized the growing importance of the Metaverse and decentralized exchanges, offering insights on how these trends are reshaping the digital asset landscape. Discussions on tokenization, digital ownership, and the future of investments provided valuable perspectives on navigating the evolving digital asset space effectively.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 176


Q: How does Solona contribute to innovation in blockchain technology?
A: Solona facilitates fast and scalable blockchain solutions, enabling innovative projects and decentralized applications.

Q: Why are unique projects and the Metaverse gaining importance in the digital landscape?
A: Unique projects offer novel experiences, while the Metaverse presents new ways of interaction and engagement in a virtual environment.

Q: What role do decentralized exchanges play in the digital asset space?
A: Decentralized exchanges provide a secure platform for users to trade digital assets peer-to-peer without a central authority.

Q: How are NFTs revolutionizing the gaming industry?
A: NFTs introduce ownership of in-game assets and unique experiences, enhancing player engagement and monetization opportunities.

Q: Why is understanding blockchain technology crucial for investors?
A: Blockchain technology underpins digital assets and cryptocurrencies, shaping the landscape of investment opportunities.

Q: How can DeFi impact traditional finance and banking systems?
A: DeFi offers decentralized financial services, potentially disrupting traditional financial systems and providing more accessible solutions for users.

Q: What opportunities do tokenization and digital assets present for creators and users?
A: Tokenization enables fractional ownership and new revenue streams for creators, while users benefit from increased access to unique digital assets.

Q: In what ways can the gaming industry leverage blockchain technology?
A: Blockchain technology in gaming allows for secure asset ownership, provable scarcity, and innovative gameplay experiences.

Q: Why is the role of the Metaverse significant in the future of digital interactions?
A: The Metaverse fosters immersive virtual experiences, social interactions, and innovative applications beyond traditional online platforms.

Q: How can investors navigate the complexities of the digital asset space effectively?
A: Education, research, and understanding market trends are essential for investors to make informed decisions in the dynamic digital asset landscape.


Time: 05:17:29
Exploring Solona's Blockchain Innovation Insights on how Solona's technology drives blockchain innovation and scalability.

Time: 06:45:12
NFTs Revolutionizing Digital Ownership Discussions on how NFTs are reshaping ownership in the digital space, particularly in gaming.

Time: 08:21:45
The Rise of Decentralized Exchanges Exploring the growth and impact of decentralized exchanges in the digital asset ecosystem.

Time: 10:03:11
Metaverse and Unique Projects The increasing relevance of the Metaverse and unique projects in digital interactions and experiences.

Time: 12:40:55
DeFi's Disruptive Potential Insights on how DeFi challenges traditional finance systems and provides inclusive financial services.

Time: 15:02:33
Tokenization: Empowering Creators and Users The opportunities and benefits of tokenization for creators and users in the digital asset space.

Time: 18:10:19
Blockchain Technology in Gaming The innovative applications of blockchain technology in enhancing gaming experiences and ownership.

Time: 20:55:42
Future of Digital Investments Discussions on the future landscape of digital investments and the role of blockchain technology.

Time: 23:30:08
Navigating the Digital Asset Space Guidance on how investors can navigate the complexities of the digital asset space effectively.

Time: 25:15:17
Metaverse's Role in Virtual Interactions Exploring how the Metaverse enhances virtual interactions and creativity in digital environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on blockchain technology, DeFi, NFTs, and gaming were key discussion points.
  • Tokenization and decentralized exchanges play a vital role in the digital asset space.
  • The Metaverse and unique projects are gaining significance in the evolving digital landscape.
  • Experts emphasized the potential of Solona in enabling innovative blockchain solutions.
  • Discussions centered around the future implications of blockchain technology on various industries.
  • Investing in unique projects and understanding blockchain technology were key takeaways.
  • Decentralized finance and NFTs are shaping the future of digital assets and investments.
  • Exploration of the intersection between gaming, NFTs, and blockchain technology.
  • Insights on the transformative power of cryptocurrencies and the decentralization of finance.
  • Experts provided valuable perspectives on the practical applications of blockchain technology.

Behind the Mic

Realization of Time's Passage

I didn't realize today was Friday. Time's flying by so quickly. It's already another week. September is basically over before you know it. The years. The year is done. This year has gone by really quickly. A lot has happened, for sure. A lot has happened for me in numerology, it is. It's my. No, not in numerology. In the zodiac. It's my challenging year, which in other circles they call it enemy year. And, that was when I realized that group that is responsible for trying to make your challenging year be your enemy year, that's when I realized that they were extremely low vibrational. And when you learn especially about an esoteric science from a group, an individual that is extremely low vibrational and low vibrational enough where they are willing to manipulate challenging energy and distort it and turn it into enemy energy.

Challenging Year Reflections

So I am currently living out my challenging year, but if I had been psyopped by that group, I would believe that I am playing out my enemy year and that all these bad things would potentially happen to me. And it's definitely lived up to the challenging year name, for sure. It has been challenging, no doubt, but it has not gone anywhere near being an enemy here. There is nothing that I see as an enemy this year. It's, as I said, it has been challenging. But when you know how to alchemize energy, when you know how to alchemize your life experiences, when you know how to turn bad to good, when you know how to turn challenges into success, you realize that even though you might be playing out your challenging year, there is nothing of enemy to it. It is not a bad thing. And if you are able to alchemize it could be one of the best years ever. And that's what I'm going through in my challenging year. This year is I'm having one of the best years of my life, specifically internally.

Internal Work and Growth

The internal work that I have been able to accomplish and do this year has really positioned me well for the next few years. And that's the point of a challenging year. A challenging year is going to test you. It's going to challenge you, it's going to push you, put pressure on you to elevate. And when the challenge shows up, when the challenging year shows up, what are you going to do about it? Now, the reason why I am so enthusiastic about high vibrational reality is because it empowers you on a daily basis to be able to alchemize any of the energy that is present. And so if I was vibrating low. This challenging year that I'm going through. This quote unquote, as they would call it, enemy year that I'm living out. Could have been fucking insanely chaotic. It could have seen as an enemy here.

Transformative Energy Management

There were a lot of things that took place. A lot of experiences, a lot of emotions, a lot of feelings that occurred to that. If I was in a low vibrational state, I would have seen it as an enemy. I would have been like, see, this is right. It is my enemy. Here I am going through these. These negative, bad experiences. But when you know how to alchemize energy. And when you are moving in a high vibrational way. When you're moving with divine love. Even though there are situations that can be interpreted as negative. That could feel not the best. It doesn't stick around. You keep it moving. You learn from it. You grow, you elevate. And you continue. Continue on the journey of living life.

The Importance of Energy and Vibrational State

And when you are in this synchronicity, when you are in this frequency. To believe that your challenging year can be an enemy year is preposterous. And it is only a being that is vibrating extremely low. That would come up with a. With a. With a conclusion of that sort. So you have to be very mindful of who you listen to, who you take seriously. And you specifically have to be very aware. Of the vibrational state that they're in. Because if you are listening. If you are hearing things from people that are vibrating very low. You must understand that their conclusions are based on their vibrational state. A low vibrational being will look at a challenging year and say, yes, it's an enemy. It's bad. Don't embrace it. Don't go near it.

Contrasting Perspectives on Challenges

If you have enemy signs near you. If your father or your mother's an enemy, signed, you failed. You have all this karma. You have this. You have that a high vibrational being will look at a challenge and say, this is the best period of growth that you're going to experience. It's helping you to go deeper into your being, to elevate, to grow, to expand. When the enemy signs show up, embrace them. Don't run away from them. Don't attack them. Don't look at them as less. It's two completely different realities. One is growth, and the other one is submission. The other one is containment. Keeping you trapped, as they would say in the matrix. Which is very ironic. So the topic for today is on being responsible with your attraction.

Responsible Attraction: A Reflection on Energy

Which I think in many ways, for me, what this means is very similar. I think this is why I brought up this point. When it comes to the challenging year which the numerology circle GG 33 has co opted, it turned it into trying to make it into an enemy year. Making your challenging signs be seen as enemy signs is this is what happens when people are not responsible. When people are not responsible, they begin to push out junk, trash ass energy. And in many ways this is how people sell out, whether they realize it or nothing. So this week my main focus has been on attraction. And what I have spoken about is very high level in terms of ways of going about living your life, to enhance, to cultivate, to expand, to magnify your level of attraction.

Shifting Perspectives on Attraction

I'm supposed to go to the park now, which I am heading now, but I woke up a little late. So what I've laid out this week in spaces and I will definitely be writing about this, I'm going to be tweeting about it more. I will definitely be making more spaces about attraction in the near future. I will probably keep talking about attraction maybe until Sunday, but understanding attraction in the way that I've been speaking it, in terms of detaching yourself, removing yourself from how the system has been trying to convince you to view attraction, where the system tries to make you view attraction in terms of a physical thing, an external thing, the amount of money that you have, the types of looks that you have, anything material that you might possess, the muscles that you have, what you wear, all of that, as I've said in the past, it plays maybe 5% and I think even that is giving it too much.

Rethinking Materialism in Attraction

It plays a very tiny role in terms of attraction. Now obviously people will say, well, I mean, you look at these guys that have Ferraris and have a mansion and have a penthouse and have this and that, and they always get girls. And sure, of course they always get girls. But one, the quality of the girls is what matters. No, that's number one. And in this reality, to attract and to retain and to build a solid connection with high value, high quality women. And women that are willing to and doing the work to be high vibrational, best believe they're not hanging out around these guys. And if they are, the guy either has done the work, is doing the work, or the connection is really not as strong as it seems.

Quality vs. Quantity in Attracting Relationships

So does having money, does having the physical stuff, the muscles, the money, the material success, help when it comes to attracting women? Yeah, of course. But we have to understand that it's about the quality. As the wise Kanye west said, one good girl is worth a thousand bitches. You have to. When it comes to attraction, it's all about the quality. You can attract a lot of shit. But if it's shit, what's the point? Because guys will, there's a lot of men out there that they will always cite statistics, they will always say, oh, well, this guy gets all these girls. This guy does that guy does that. Well, girls, fuck this guy and that guy.

Setting Standards in Attraction

You have to stop comparing yourself to the fucking peasants. Just because the peasants move in this way and do this and do that does not mean that you have to do it. Now, if you want to be a peasant, yeah, do what all the peasants do, and that's what they're doing. Look, look at all the advice that is out there that is geared towards men and making them more high value and making them more successful with women, successful in the world. They will tell you it's the same repeated bullshit ass advice. Muscles money. Muscles, money. What else? What else? I mean, I guess it looks, but that's kind of with the muscles, but muscles and money, it seems like that's the, that's the holy grail.

Moving Beyond Conventional Attraction Metrics

Just make money, bro. Just build muscles, grow. And as I said, it's not even 5% of the attraction. Because what we're talking about is attracting high quality women. We're not here to talk about attracting the fucking gold diggers. We're not here about attracting fucking young girls that don't know jack fucking shit. There's many courses out there that the Tate brothers are really good at convincing you on how to fucking game these virgins, game these young girls. That's nothing. That's not a fucking frequency that a high vibrational man is going to be in.

A Holistic Approach to Attraction

A high vibrational man is not interested in just sleeping around. He's not interested in just gaming women. A high vibrational man is moving to find and to attract. Not even to find, to attract. Because again, we're talking about attraction to attract his divine counterpart and to, in the relationships and friendships and connections that he builds with women and men, to heal both himself, but also everybody that he is connected or she is connected to. Because of course we're talking, whenever I talk about man, I'm talking about humanity. Because this all relates to both sexes. So if you want to be a peasant, yeah, focus on the money. Yeah, focus on the muscles.

Balancing Attraction Elements

Now, I'm not saying to ignore those completely when it comes to being high vibrational. I mean, you have to, you have to make money to survive to do something in this reality, you have to have some sort of money, you have to make some sort of money. And there's obviously a lot of validity to lifting weights, to being healthy, to looking good, of course. But those cannot and must not be your priorities when it comes to increasing your levels of attraction. Because what I'm talking about is increasing your levels of attraction in a holistic way. I am not talking about increasing your levels of attraction to be more successful with women, or to get on more dates, or to look more presentable in dating apps, or to make you more, have more riz when it comes to texting girls.

Spiritual Priorities in Attraction

Because again, our priority as high vibrational beings, as divine beings, is God. Our devotion is to God. It is not to fucking women. It is not to, it is not to women. Because fucking women, even though I use the swear word, I don't mean actually fucking women, although for a lot of men that's their whole fucking reality. But your devotion is to God, your devotion is to the most high. So when you talk about attraction, we have to understand who is the one that we're actually working towards. If we're building up our attraction, it is for who, it is not for women, it is for God. So as we continue to build ourselves in this reality, when it comes to our state of attraction, the higher we elevate in that state, the more we serve God.

The Power of Fulfillment

Because God wants to give us abundance, he wants to give us blessings, he wants to give us powers, he wants to give us responsibilities. But in the same way that you would pick a character in a video game based on their attributes, it's the same way. Why would God, why would God choose you? What attributes, what skill sets do you have? And I'm not talking about that you worked at a software company, I'm not talking about that you helped raise all this money for VC's or that you're doing this, you're doing that now, those things can be impressive, of course, they can be very helpful. But energetically, what is the skill set that you need to have to serve God?

Energetic Skill Sets for Divine Service

And the skillset is all based on energy. This is why moving towards high vibrational reality, becoming a high vibrational being is the most strategic thing to do in this reality, because it is a holistic way of growing. You don't focus on specific things that you can get good at. It holistically heals you, it holistically empowers you, and as a result, it holistically increases your state of attraction. So when we talk about elevating our state of attraction, what we're talking about is elevating the ability to attract abundance, to attract business, to attract money, to attract love, to attract deeper connections, to attract fulfillment, to attract bliss, to attract men, to attract women, to attract everything.

Manifesting Beauty and Value

And you're not attracting things just to attract, you're not attracting the bullshit. You're attracting nothing but beauty, but value. Empowered. Anything that is empowered, you are attracting. And even if you aren't attracting things that maybe in the beginning might seem off. Orlando, not as powerful as you might think. What you will begin to realize is that because of your healing capabilities, your energetic healing capabilities, anybody that comes around you is going to be empowered, is going to be accelerating their healing journey. And as a result, you will begin to understand why you attracted them.

Non-Discrimination in Attraction

So we must never put people away. We must never discriminate against them. This does not mean that you just allow people to walk through you or over you. But a person is way different when they are energetically empowered. A person is way different when they are vibrating higher than before. And so as we begin to elevate our ability to attract in this reality and attract in a holistic way, you begin to move as if. So if we were to follow what the guru, the e commerce gurus, the masculinity gurus, the alpha male gurus, what they would say is for them, peak success is having money, having muscles.

The Search for Deeper Success

And as a result of having those two things, you can attract women. That's, that's kind of their, that's their blueprint. That's their super high level blueprint, which you're not even teaching me how to make money. Not even teaching me. Okay, sure, you can teach me some fucking workouts, but I, how am I going to talk to women? Like, if I haven't been successful with women in the past, I'm going to need a course on talking to women. I'm going to need to figure out, like, do I take her out on a date?, Do I not take her on a date?, Do I do this?, Do I do that?

Understanding Individual Needs

This is the issue with these types of systems. That, that only. And this is very, this is the issue with the overall system. The overall system is trying to sell you individual solutions to individual problems, individual needs, individual voids. When the issue is not the individual things, that's not your issue. Those are just the byproducts of having a void within you. If you are not fulfilled, it will manifest in all these different weaknesses, all these different issues. All these different insecurities, all these different variations of a lack mindset.

The Void and Its Effects

If you feel a void, you're going to beholden to lust, to the state of craving, to the state of desiring. Because when you feel the void, you need to fill it up. You have to figure out, how do I fill this void up? Because it fucking hurts. It's suffer. It's suffering. It doesn't feel good to feel a void within you. But there's nobody out there selling you the solutions, giving you the solution. They're all just giving you the different little fucking tinctures and supplements and things that are going to potentially, that's even the thing is not even guaranteed. It's potentially going to help you.

Illusions of Quick Fixes

So, oh, if you're bad with texting girls, here's the course for how to improve texting girls. Oh, if you're really bad with being on dating apps, here's the course on how to be good with dating apps. Can that help? Yeah, of course it can help, but you're still fucking bleeding. You're still bleeding. So how many courses are you gonna have to fucking spend your money on? How much time and energy is gonna have to be devoted to buying all of these courses up, to elevate your level of attraction, to start attracting, in your reality, not only just women, but magnificence in all aspects in this reality.

The Cost of Seeking External Validation

How much is that going to cost you? Are there even courses out there that are going to teach you this? Of course not. Because everybody has the same issue. All of these gurus have the same fucking issue, which is they're not getting at the root of the problem. They're not getting at the root of the issue. They're only dealing with the pain. They're not even dealing with the pain. They're only dealing with the specific little issues that kind of crop up. So when we move down this journey or up this journey, or when we continue progressing in this journey of elevating our vibrational state, we begin to.

Holistic Healing Through Vibrational Elevation

For the first time, yes, the first time in our lives, we begin to start to heal holistically. And as we start to heal holistically, we become empowered. And we become empowered in ways that. In ways that we couldn't even imagine. You will become proficient, you will become an expert, you will become a master in things within your reality that you've never even done before. Because in the same way that when you adopt a raw diet, your body for the first time in its life has the ability to more easily digest the food and absorb the nutrients.

Well-Being and Energy Dynamics

And as it's absorbing the proper nutrients that it's always needed. That it hasn't ever received. It starts to be able to function properly. Which, as a result, enables it to heal itself. The same dynamics of eating a raw diet. Is the same. When it comes to high vibrational reality. If you've been living a life. Where you've been vibrating at a low vibrational state. Which is all of us. All of us. Doesn't matter how nice we are, doesn't matter how generous we are. Doesn't matter how happy we are. We all lust. We all desire and crave things.

The Universal Struggle of Desire

So, yes, we have all been vibrating low. Because lust is one of, if not the lowest state of energy. So we have all been vibrating low. For however long we've been in this reality. And as a result, our soul, our being. Has not been getting the nutrition that it needs. Has not been getting the food that it needs energetically. So when you begin to finally start to feed it. Which the way that you get the food. The way that you cultivate this food. Is by moving in a high vibrational way. Moving with divine love.

Feeding the Soul through High Vibrations

With unconditional love. Healing your inner feminine. Healing your inner masculine. Alchemizing lust. Embracing these states of fulfillment. Your body immediately begins to be nourished energetically. By you elevating slowly your vibrational state. And as it continues to elevate higher and higher. You begin to heal. You begin to have energy now at your disposal. That you can use to rapidly elevate yourself. And the situations in your life will show up that are going to have you practice this.

Practical Implications of Vibrational Healing

So if, for example, you feel like you are not charismatic enough. And people don't really like to listen to you or hear you out when you're talking. You can go to courses and try to see how you can speak better publicly. Or just to speak in groups of people. And tell stories and whatnot. And these things, I think, obviously, would be great. If this is a big focus of yours. But at the same time, what's going to happen when you begin to vibrate high.

The Shift to Charismatic Presence

When you begin to continue to move in a high vibrational way. Is that you will receive those capabilities. You will be compelled. And opportunities will show up. That are going to provide you with the opportunity to improve your ability to be more charismatic. Or your ability to speak in front of an audience. And instead of it taking you years to become accomplish in these fields. It's not going to take a lot of time. Because you have now this high vibrational energy.

Harnessing Energy for Rapid Growth

That it's that is nourishing you, that is alchemizing the fear into faith. So a lot of the times when we feel weak, when we feel like we're not good enough, when we feel like we are not capable in specific avenues or states of being, what we're actually feeling is just low vibrational energy. So if I'm fear, if I fear speaking in front of people, and I cannot alchemize that energy because I'm not vibrating high, then it's going to be, it's just going to make it extremely difficult when I have the times ready to speak in front of an audience.

Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence

But if, even though I still feel fear, but then I can alchemize it, I can elevate the vibrational state. Now, I might not be able to fully do it the first time that I speak in front of an audience, or the second time, or the third time, but every time it's the fear is getting less and less powerful over me. The rapid growth and ascension that you receive is going to be significant. And so this is part of the holistic healing that occurs when you begin to vibrate high.

Returning to the Concept of Attraction

Now, going back to attraction, this is the most holistic way of elevating your levels of attraction. And as I said before, attraction, to attract, to bring forth, to manifest, to like a magnet, just dragging them to you without you having to move. In many ways, this is what attraction is. Everything that you emit, whatever it is that you're supposed to attract, you attract. And we're always attracting.

The Continuous Nature of Attraction

So it's not like, oh, I'm vibrating low, I'm not attracting, no, we're always attracting. And manifestation is very closely tied to attraction, because what you manifest in this reality is just what you attract. So if you want to manifest abundance, if you want to manifest love, if you want to manifest abundance, then you better be emitting that frequency. If you are not emitting that frequency, you will not attract those things.

Reflection on Energy and Manifestation

If you're attracting low vibrational energy, low vibrational frequencies, that's what you're going to attract, that's what you're going to be more receptive to, that's what you're going to be more open to. So our level, our state of attraction is extremely important as well as it's extremely valuable. It's very, it's very powerful. And as I've been talking about this week with all of the different spaces that I've done on attraction, it allows you to begin to manifest a reality that is serving you, a reality that is full of immense abundance, a reality that is full of positive, that is empowering, that is nourishing, that is full of prosperity.

The Gradual Process of Attraction and Manifestation

But this isn't gonna happen overnight. This. This isn't just you do some manifestation trick, hoorah. And everything is good, because, again, even if you are able to manifest specific things from doing the spells or doing whatever fucking manifestation work it is that people do nowadays, can you maintain that level? See, this is the thing about manifestation. It's not about you being able to attract things into your reality. We can all do that.

Preparedness in Manifestation and Attraction

It is about, can you manage what you are manifesting if you are not ready to manage, manifesting your divine counterpart, because you haven't done the energetic work up to this point, and instead of submitting yourself to God, you stick a middle finger to him and say, no, I'm manifesting my divine counterpart now, which is basically what these people that do all this manifestation stuff are doing. And because you're oh so powerful, boom, there shows up your divine counterpart.

The Consequences of Misaligned Manifestation

But if you're not ready for it energetically, what's going to happen? You're going to fuck it up. You're going to fuck it up because you weren't ready for it. Now, everything happens in divine timing. So you having done these types of things, it's not a horrible thing. It's a learning experience. This is how we grow, this is how we elevate. But the way that manifestation is being done in this day and age is completely contrary to God.

Divine Timing vs. Instant Gratification

It's completely contrary to divine timing. And it is solely based on lust. It is based on the state of desiring and craving. If I desire and I crave my divine counterpart, I'm going to go and do these mantras and chants and all these things when it comes to manifesting them. But this is not, this is distorted from reality. If you need to do those types of things to manifest whatever it is that you want to manifest, you are not in alignment.

Faith and Attraction

Now, I think there potentially maybe, and that's a. That's a big maybe. There are times where these types of things might be helpful. But I put my faith and my trust fully in God, and I know that if I don't have it right now, it's for a reason. And if I want to attract those higher states of reality, whether it's love, whether it's abundance, whether it's happiness, whether it's an improved family life, whether it's wisdom, whatever it is that I want to attract, whatever it is, that maybe I feel like I need in this moment or in the future or very shortly.

Elevating Attraction through Internal Work

You don't manifest in the way that they've been telling you to manifest. You intensify and elevate your levels of attraction. Now, the difficulty, but also the beauty of this whole process, is that if you are a low vibrational being and you haven't taken any of this seriously, you're not doing the work, you're continuing to not do the work, you continue to stay in a low vibrational state. If you want to intensify your level of attraction, it's going to be very challenging.

Challenges of Low Vibrational States

It's not gonna happen overnight. It's gonna take a long fucking time for a low vibrational being to get into a state to be able to intensify the level of attraction that they have. And as a result, they're not gonna be able to attract, whether it's more rapidly or they're just not gonna be able to be in the frequency to attract. But when you are a high vibrational being, when you are doing the work, when you understand how to alchemize energy, when you understand how to turn a low vibrational state into a high vibrational state, when you've embraced higher states of consciousness, whether it's being in a state of fulfillment, moving with divine love, loving unconditionally, understanding the states of attraction that you have within yourself, you can intensify the attraction to intense degrees.

Mastering Your Energy

You can ramp that baby up very easily. So easily that this is the point of my talk today. You have to be responsible. You have to be responsible with how much you can intensify that fucking knob when it comes to the attraction that you emit, the state of attraction that you're at. Because this is what a high vibrational being is able to do. You can intensify that attraction to an intense degree. And the thing is, when you are in a state of fulfillment, the idea of intensifying the attraction to get somebody or get something or to manifest something specifically really doesn't exist.

The Paradox of Fulfillment

So it's actually kind of a. In many ways, like, what is it? I guess I'm oxymoron. I need to search these terms up because I always mix them up. But an oxymoron in terms of, it's like you have all these tools, you have all these powers at your disposal, but because of what it took you to get there, you're at a much higher state of consciousness. And as a result, you're not going to be eager to be like, yeah, let me use my powers to get this girl, or let me use my powers to start attracting all this money?

Trusting the Process of Attraction

No, because when you get to that state of fulfillment, you are fulfilled. You trust in God's timing, you trust in what is happening in your present reality, and you embrace it fully now, because you have shown your responsibility to God, because you have shown your devotion and continue to show your devotion to God, he will continue to get well, he will begin, and then he will continue to provide you with these powers, the ability to intensify your attraction.

Experiencing the Attraction

I can go into a room and just ratchet up the fucking level of attraction that I emit when I connect with someone and I feel an intense connection and intense love for them. I can ratchet that energy all the way fucking up. If I'm feeling down, if I'm not feeling in the best mood, I could ratchet up that attraction, that energy as high as I fucking can. But in many of these instances, for what? What is the reason? Why do we have to intensify the level of attraction?

Intensifying Attraction: The Fine Balance

And we will realize that in many of these cases, it's purely lust, it's desire, it's craving. If I crave this person, well, if I intensify my level of attraction, maybe they'll be more interested, or maybe they'll like me, maybe they'll recognize, maybe they'll do this, maybe they'll do that. Or I want to attract more money. So let me ratchet up the energy when it comes to money. But again, these are because I desire the money. I crave the money, I need the money right now. When you are in a state of fulfillment, which is a state that comes from the evolution of lust.

Overcoming Lust and Craving

Not even the evolution of lust. You either are in a state of fulfillment or you are in a state of lust. And it is only when you continuously begin to consistently keep, maintain a high vibrational state, which is mainly going to be fueled by the divine love that you provide the world and yourself, the unconditional love that it begins to be easy or easier to alchemize. Lust, craving, desire, states of desire into fulfillment.

Master Manifestation Beyond Lust

And so then, now when you are in a state of fulfillment, you are moving as a master manifestor. Your ability to manifest in this reality becomes absolutely. Not that you become good at it, not that you become a. Not any of these other states where it's impressive what you're capable of doing. No, you become a master manifester. Master Manifester. But in becoming a master manifester, in being in a state of fulfillment, you realize that you're not actually, necessarily, consciously manifesting, even though you can.

The True Nature of Manifestation

And I'm not saying that you shouldn't, because I'm still learning what it even means to be in the state of fulfillment. But what the, what I am being told, what I am being given, what is being downloaded down to me, is that if you are truly appreciating and responsible in being in this state of fulfillment, you will never have to consciously manifest anything, right? Because by consciously trying to manifest things, you are not actually in a state of fulfillment.

Misaligned Intentions in Manifestation

You are actually downgrading yourself back to a state of lust. But in being in the state of fulfillment, your ability to manifest is absolute. Why? Why is your ability to manifest in this reality absolute when you're in a state of fulfillment? Because when you are in the state of fulfillment, you are fulfilled. So that void that everybody around us has, that is constantly coming out as lust.

From Void to Wholeness

I'm gonna work at this company because I need to make this money. And then I can move up, and then I can level up, and then I can have all this money. And then girls are gonna come to me, and I'm gonna be able to buy a house, and I'm gonna be able to buy a sports car, and I could buy that ap, that I, that I really want to wear. Because all the guys love the watches, and AP is like the really expensive one compared to the guys, because they all have rolexes and all this and all that.

The Illusions of Material Success

So now you just, the void just takes a whole fucking, creates a whole reality of what you should be doing. Because the void within you is demanding that it be filled. And these peasants think that by submitting themselves to the lust, it's going to somehow fill them up. When it doesn't, none of that is filling. And then here you come in a state of fulfillment where. Where you have no void anymore. There is no void.

The Freedom from Lack

And because there's no void, there's no lust. You don't crave anything. You don't desire anything. You are so in a state of fulfillment that to lust just disappears. It begins to slowly just disintegrate, get less, stronger. You don't get as many urges, you don't get as many temptations. And even the temptations, when they're there, like they're. The only reason that you get temptations is because there is a possibility that you can be tempted into it.

Temptations and Higher States

But when it's known that there, that you will not be tempted whatsoever, they're not even temptations anymore, because you're not even attracting those types of states, you're not really even entertaining. It. It's like a woman. A woman. I don't remember the last time a woman has disrespected me. I mean, it must have been maybe in the last year, maybe once, and I can't even remember, obviously, I'm sure there's some lady, maybe at a grocery store disrespected me in one way or another, but I don't remember the last time a woman disrespected me.

Embodied Power and Respect

A man disrespected me, at least to my face, because that reality, the energy that I put out, is not going to allow that to come out. Now, they could disrespect me behind the scenes when I'm not there, and that's fine, but, motherfucker, you will not disrespect me in front of my face. It's the energy that we're vibrating at. When you start to reach higher states of consciousness. People can't really touch you. They can't really get to you.

Elevated Consciousness and Its Protection

They can't attack you in the way that they used to attack you. They can't lower your self esteem. They can't drop down, drop your energetic state down. And as a result, because they can't manipulate you, they won't even try. They won't even try. It's like trying to play basketball with an NBA athlete. Like, you really going to try to test and play basketball with a fucking NBA athlete? Fuck no.

Unyielding Energy in the Face of Challenges

You wouldn't even come up with that idea because it's preposterous. The same thing with a high vibrational being. When you get to a certain energetic state, the likelihood that people are going to mess with you is going to be very rare. Now, it does not mean that you're not going to get a attacked or backlashed or any of that, but at some point, the benefits are not there for people to attack you, at least for people to try you. Now, as I said before, behind the scenes, yeah, they could send you attacks because they're fucking pussies.

Reality of Attacks in Higher States

But in your physical reality in front of you, they won't do it because you don't go up against an NBA athlete if you're gonna do a one fucking, you know, a one game. Same with an energetic being. A peasant's not gonna go one one with me because they know that I'll fuck their shit up, even if they've never met me, even if they don't know who the fuck I am. And there's a lot of men that test me all the time, and it's like, bro, you don't even want to get started.

Avoiding Conflicts with the Ascended

Like, just keep walking, bro. Just keep walking. Stay in that jealous energy, motherfucker. So your, as you continue to move in the state of fulfillment, because you are in a state where you are so whole, you attract that wholeness, and because everybody has a void out there, they will see you, they will find you, they will hear you, they will sense you, and they will cater to you because you deserve it, because you are the king, because you are fulfilled, your whole.

Attracting Attention through Energetic Wholeness

And so what you will start to see is that people are going to be more open to serving you, to support you, to hear you, to feel you, to understand you, to submit themselves to you, to show their devotion to you, because what you have accomplished in being in these higher, elevated states is extremely impressive. In the same way that when, when a celebrity would walk in to a room that you're there, everybody's gonna look at the celebrity and just start freaking out in one way or another.

Celebrity Status through Accomplishment

If they know the celebrity, because they are impressed by. By the fact that there's a celebrity, the fact that this person is known, the fact that this person maybe is a great musician, or they've performed in front of tens of thousands of people, the same thing is going to happen to you, except they don't know who you are. They've never see you. They've never seen you on the tv screen. If you have music, they've never heard of your music.

The Power of Unseen Energy

They don't know you anywhere. They don't know you at all, period. But they feel your energy, and your energy screams in many different ways, but it screams celebrity. So when you're moving in a state of fulfillment, you are so in your bag that people will begin to treat you like the celebrity that you are. They will make exceptions for you. They will do whatever it takes to serve you.

Subtle Influence of Fulfillment

And you didn't try to manifest it. You didn't try to say, like, you know, oh, I want you to serve me, or, oh, I want this to work out in my favor, this or that. No, you're just in the state of fulfillment. You're in the state of such a. Of contentment that if it works out great, if it doesn't work out great, it doesn't. It doesn't impact my reality.

Fulfillment Beyond External Expectations

I'm still going to be fulfilled. And so, obviously, if you're still going to be fulfilled, all the people in your reality, they want to serve you. They want to be the one to say yes. I help to keep him fulfilled. I help to keep him maintained, keep him content, even though you didn't need them. It's very similar to, it's like when you don't need people, they seem to want to serve you more.

The Attraction of Independence

When you don't care about people, they seem to want to care about you more. And it's not obviously that you don't care about them, but, like, you're not playing that game anymore. You're not playing this game of, like, keeping up with the jonesies, of having to kind of just maintain some sort of a semblance that you're like everybody else. You're not like everybody else. You're a fucking celebrity.

Ascension into Celebrity Status

And as you continue to vibrate higher and higher, it's going to be undeniable. Your powers, your capabilities, where you are, what you provide, the energy that you bring to the table. Now, initially, and at least in my own experience, as I was elevating my vibrational state, but this has always been my experience as a human being is I've always been underestimated. I've always been disposable when they didn't need. When they didn't need me anymore.

Overcoming Underestimation

I was always seen as an outcast. Insane, weird, because I was just different. I'm a different fucking being. And back then, I didn't have the energetic capabilities to show, yeah, I am fucking different now, energetically, of course I was different, but my. The energetic potency that I was walking around with just wasn't really there. And as a result, this exposed me to an immense amount of attacks.

Navigating Attacks During Growth

I was being attacked all the fucking time, and I'm still getting attacked all the time. But it's just now it's just part of being a celebrity, of celebrities always attacked. That's just the way that it is. People always talk behind the back of the celebrity. There's always rumors, there's always bullshit. There's always. There's always fucking games to try to get closer to the celebrity, games to try to bring down the celebrity.

Challenges of Visibility and Status

That's what happens. But when you are a celebrity starting out and you don't have the physical manifestations of what it means to be a celebrity, but you're still a celebrity. Yeah, people are gonna try to fucking ride you. People are gonna try to take advantage of you in the same way they want to take advantage of all these celebrities in the same way they want to take advantage of a king or a queen.

The Dynamics of Power and Influence

Because as a peasanthenne, as a peasant, if you want to feel good as a peasant, you are going to try to take advantage of those that are of royal blood, of those that are of real power, to feel good about yourself, to say, yeah, that one I played. I played that one. But the reality is that you end up just playing yourself.

Self-Destruction through Envy

That's what happens. You just end up playing yourself. So this. The whole system has been trying and will continue to try to negate your ascension. And it's not that they. It's not that the system necessary wants to have you fail. I don't. I don't think. I don't think the system works against us. What the system is doing is giving you the necessary pressure to elevate.

Embracing Challenges for Growth

If this was easy, what would be the fucking point? There is. There is immense beauty, there's immense magnificence in the fact that there is difficulties, in the fact that there are hardships. If there wasn't, then the game would be fucking boring. I would be bored out of my fucking mind. So even though obviously these kind of interpreted as negative experiences can be triggering can be, this can be that.

Understanding Life's Challenges

We have to understand that these are just.

Part of the Game

This is just part of the video game. This is just part of the game. And we must not take it personal. We must not allow ourselves to get into lowered vibrational states because of it and just keep it moving. We just keep it moving. We actually appreciate them. We appreciate. I appreciate everybody that has been a fucker in my life, all of them. I appreciate them. I thank them. Might not talk to them because I don't give a fuck about them, but when I think of them, yeah, I think I send them love. Now, there's times where it's difficult to send love, but I never send anything bad. That's not me. I do not send the people close to me anything bad. Now, when God compels me to attack others and attacking others, I mean sending high vibrational energy to others, I do it now. I'm not attacking the people close to me. I'm not attacking people that are peasant bystanders. I'm going after the elite. I'm going after the people up there. I'm going after the fucking puppets. I'm going after the people behind the puppets. Those are the people that I fucking attack.

High Vibrational Energy

Now, when it's people close to me and they're doing fuck shit, whether it's to me or to others, the way that I quote unquote attack them, even though it's not really an attack, it's more of an embrace. But it could be interpreted as an attack is you send them high vibrational energy. So when I send these people that have done fuck shit to me. When I send them love. I am sending them the purest, high vibrational, most elevated state of love that I could possibly muster. And they're going to feel it. And in many ways, they will receive this pressurized energy. That they're going to have to figure out how to elevate. This is why when a high vibrational being enters into your reality, you will have to level up. Because the pressures to conform to the high vibrational being are intense. It's so fucking much. Now, people can ignore the high vibrational being as. As in many ways, with most of my life, I've been ignored. I've been underestimated. You know, all that stuff. But you get to a certain point energetically. When. Where you just cannot be ignored anymore. You cannot run away from me. And if you keep popping up in my head. And I keep thinking of you. And I am sending you that divine love, you're gonna feel it, motherfucker.

Temptations and Responsibilities

And if you're vibrating low, if you're doing fuck shit, best believe me, sending you this love is gonna create chaos in your life, temporarily. Now, if you want to continue to be doing fuck shit. If you want to continue to be vibrating low, well, you're going to keep suffering. But when a high vibrational being enters your reality. And continues to stay there. And continues to build a connection with you. And vice versa, you continue to build a connection with that. With that high vibrational being. Anytime you show up in the attention. And it can even be unconscious. But anytime you show up in the mind, in the thoughts, you just pop in, send them love. So it's ironic, because as a high vibrational being in reality, you're not attacking anybody. You don't want anything bad for people. You're nothing. You don't want them to fucking crash and burn or any of that. But in other cases, you sending them this love temporarily. Can make them crash and burn. Whether it's immediately, whether it's later, a few weeks, a few months, years, whatever it is. But a high vibrational being shows those around them that you got no more excuses.

Expectations from Reality

You cannot procrastinate anymore. You cannot stay in a low vibrational state anymore. The fun low vibrational games that you were playing before, that's over. That's done. That's done. Now you can get the memo now when I show up. Or you could get the memo months later, years later, when I'm still there in your reality. But you will have to conform to this new reality. And so, justifiably, a lot of the people in my physical reality, a lot of the quote unquote friends that I used to have, there's like, this animosity against me. There's this hatred almost against me. They see me as an enemy. They see me as an opponent. They see me as someone that thinks that I'm just like this, like, superior, better being. Meanwhile, I've moved with nothing but love towards them. Nothing has shown them that I deserve this type of hate, this type of slander. But this is. This is what. What comes out. This is what a high vibrational being has to deal with, is you could be the most fucking loving, caring, generous person ever to these people.

The Responsibility to Elevate

But because you're making them fucking do the work, they're really not gonna like you. Now, then I have other people, like my family members, like my real friends, those that appreciate me, those that love me, those that are smart, because this is really, at some point, is about intelligence, that they love me. They love me. And I see it specifically with my family the last few months is the energetic state by which they have elevated. It's like every time I see them, they're so happy now. It doesn't mean that their whole reality is just. Just fucking, you know, it's always gonna be amazing. Of course, there's still stresses and these types of things, but what I've been noticing with them is this is like my parents, my sister, like my nuclear family is like, they're really fucking happy. And in many ways, I contributed to. I contributed to my success in elevating my vibrational state. Because who is going to embrace you the most? And who has the most, the deepest connection with you? Obviously, it's going to be your blood. Obviously it's going to be those that you grew up with, that raised you when you were a baby. That's your parents, that's your siblings, if you have siblings. So.

Understanding Fulfillment

And it doesn't matter if you're close to them in terms of distance wise. It is about the actions that you speak. It is about the way that you move when you're with them, when you're talking to them, when you think of them. And because your connection is so deep with them. And because they love you. They love you so much because. Because there's that deep embrace in the connection, that they will naturally start to vibrate higher and higher. Now, that's not to say that they didn't have to suffer. They didn't have to feel the pains. Of course they did. But what I'm noticing. And eventually I'll speak to them about understanding kind of where they're at. But the more you submit, like, the more you embrace high vibrational beings, the more rapid the ascension that you start to feel. And I think in many ways, like, they didn't have to suffer consciously with the energy. They didn't have to energetically suffer consciously in terms of, like, me waking up one day and saying, I'm gonna love. I'm gonna learn to love unconditionally, and I'm gonna heal my. My inner feminine, and I'm gonna focus on making friends with women, and I'm gonna do all this.

Conscious Elevation and the Inner Feminine

And then, because I had to consciously adapt to this new reality, it was very fucking difficult, because I had to face my. My fears, my pains, the suffering, like, the heartbreak that I experienced in the past and open myself up and all this type of almost therapy I had to go through. But what I'm seeing, my family members, what I'm seeing, those closest to me are doing is they don't know any of this. They don't know high vibrational reality. They. They. I don't think I've ever necessarily spoke to them about unconditional love, actually, I think I have. But, you know, it's in passing. It's just. It's not like I'm out here fucking giving lectures to my family. And yet I can guarantee that the way that they are loving now is way more unconditional, that they are feeling higher states of fulfillment. They are more satisfied. They're happy. They're. When they get angry, they can alchemize that back into happiness. I never taught them this. They were never like this before. They were always amazing people, and in many ways, they've always been. I mean, there's a reason why I was able to develop in the way that I was able to develop, because I had a very strong household that had very strong ethical standards that I really appreciate.

Energetic Growth and Connections

So they were already, of course, predisposed in many ways to embrace high vibrational reality. But what I'm trying to get at is that the closer you get to a high vibrational being, the more. And the closer in terms of the more you energetically embrace a high vibrational being, the more rapid or the more organic, natural your growth. And I see this with my family, and I really only realize that now that I'm speaking, it but I actually realized that a few days ago when I. When I saw my dad and I saw him and he had the biggest smile in his face. I don't remember the last time that I saw him with such a big smile. He had a grin now, of course, maybe heard some good news. Maybe he was having a great day. But this was like, I looked at him and. And I couldn't help but smile back. But internally, I was like, what. What is. What's happening here? Like, did you just win the lottery? Like, you. He just was so happy. And the message that I received was, you got to start looking at your parents because.

Reflection and Growth

And I've been seeing. I've been seeing the signs for the last, like, year and even longer, actually, because I remember when I. During COVID I was staying in Virginia for a few months with. With a friend, and. And then I came back to stay with my parents. And this was. I probably. I probably got back to stay with them. Maybe. It must have been March, April, basically, when it was just peak fear, like, scaremongering. It might have been, I think, a little after. So March was when it was, like, really bad. Everyone's freaking out. March 2020, I think I showed up, maybe April. And I remember, like, walking into their house and just feeling the energy. The energy was like, they were down bad. I remember my. My dad went to do grocery to do groceries, comes back, and I see my mom with Clorox wipes wiping the outside of a pineapple.

Awakening and Accountability

And I didn't mean to laugh, but I looked at her and I laughed, and I was like, what are you doing? And I could have continued, but, like, I was, like, just in shock. I was in shock of what the fuck kind of virus is mental virus is happening with my family, specifically my parents now. So I arrived at the peak hysteria where my parents were like, you can't go out. You can't. And I still went out. I didn't give a fuck. And I. You know, I wasn't going out. I mean, I did actually. Funny. Like, during May, I went out. I was out in New Jersey fucking partying, smacking Covid. But I was still going. I was going out to the park. Like, I wasn't going out into the mall or anything because there wasn't really anything to do, but I was going out. I'm not gonna fucking stay home. The fuck. Lockdowns. Sister can suck my dick. But they were, like, freaking out because I was going out. I knew the whole virus thing was just a fucking farce. But a few weeks later, from me arriving, that's when I really saw that.

Influence and Transformation

Wow, this, like, I really. We all play such an important role energetically influencing those around us, specifically when we're physically there with them. From when I. When I. When I got there, the situation was horrible. Energetically, it was really bad. To a month to two months later, they calmed down. Now they were still giving me up to date reports on how horrible the COVID situation is playing out. But energetically, they were not in this state of fear. And so this is physically the influence that you have. But as you. And this was 2020, I was not adept energetically, at least in terms of. It was only, what was it? End of. End of 2021 was when I truly understood high vibrational reality before I was doing energetic work. But it really wasn't. It wasn't to the level of focus that I had in 2021. So I was really not at all in tune with my powers. I was not aware of the energy that I can emit. Give me. Give me one moment. Okay, should be good. I'm driving to the park, so there's a patch when I drive that the.

Energetic Influence

So we all have played a very powerful energetic influence in the reality of those closest to us. The closer that people are to you, the more influence you play. And obviously, I mean, that's kind of a given now. As you continue to elevate your vibrational state, as you continue to expand your capabilities, when it comes to vibrating high, when the potency by which you carry yourself energetically continues to expand and grow, your ability to influence this reality, in the same way that I said before, in terms of your ability to manifest, become absolute. Everything becomes absolutely energetically. Now, I am not there yet. I definitely am getting the inklings of it. There's many times where I could see the power. There's many times where I could see the power of my influence, the power of my capabilities, the power of my ability to manifest without intentionally trying to manifest. But there's still a ways to go to get to that state of feeling, the absolute power.

Embracing Fulfillment

But I feel it. I feel that I have it. So I don't even stress about trying to work my way up to it or any of that. What I am most focused on now is just embracing the state of fulfillment that I feel. Continuing to move with love, unconditional love, alchemize any low vibrational states that I might feel or experience or thoughts, anything that might come into my being. I am alchemizing it with love. I'm pouring love into it, moving and reacting and managing energy with as much divine, unconditional love as I can. And as a result, I'm continuing to elevate my vibrational state. That's. That's been my focus. That has been my focus. But now this state of fulfillment has really taken this focus to a whole new level. Because before, I was not in a state of fulfillment. I did not. I did not really understand what that even means. And I can understand in terms of when I speak about some of these things where it's like, okay, well, that sounds all nice and dandy, but what the fuck does that even mean?

Understanding Desire and Lust

Because if you were to tell me, oh, well, you can be in a state of fulfillment, a few months ago, I would have been like, yes, but I still don't know how to get there. I still don't know what that looks like, to be in a state of fulfillment. Now I am beginning to understand it because I am actually tapping into it. And this is why I began to talk so much about lust. I began to talk so much about being in these states of craving and desiring. Because in now being able to tap into the state of fulfillment, I am reverse engineering. How the fuck did I truly actually get here? And also, what does it even mean? What does it mean to be in a state of fulfillment? And because I've only really just embraced the fact that I am beginning to vibrate in this frequency, I am still going to be in the exploratory stage when it comes to understanding what that even means, what it looks like. How do you move in a state of fulfillment?

Navigating the State of Fulfillment

How do you move in the state where you are content, where you are whole? Because I have never moved in that way. I've never experienced a reality where lust did not exist. And yesterday I got a thought about. There was some desire. I don't remember what desire, but there was, like, I consciously thought of, like, oh, like, I hope this happens. Or, you know, basically just, I desire that something occurs. And I caught myself and I said, no, no. This is lust. This is us right here. And then I asked myself, okay, well, like, so do I just, like, stop? Do I just stop all. It's like, it's like, so I just have to, like, shut the fuck up. Like, how do I. What. What does this even look like? And. And that's part of the game is you just have to. You're learning what this all even means. And that's kind of what I'm in the state of doing when it comes to fulfillment is okay, well, I could nice and dandy talk publicly and to people and tweet about, oh, you know, I'm reaching the state of fulfillment, and this means letting go of your, letting go of states of desire and states of craving and all of this.

Engaging with the Fulfillment Process

But when it shows up in my reality, what does this mean? What? What does it mean? What? Like, how do you truly move without desiring anything? Like, you just go just. Just kind of ignore it. You just kind of just don't fix it on it. Like, I don't know. I don't know. And, and now that I have become aware that I can alchemize the lust, I've become aware that I am entering the state of fulfillment that I've never entered before. This is, this is kind of the next stage where I am now consciously moving in a state of fulfillment, because I can understand it, I can feel it. I can sense it. And because I can alchemize the lust very easily, I can catch myself when I am in these states of lust and alchemize it. So I feel like I've begun to tap into understanding and appreciating and feeling what it means to be in a state of fulfillment. But that does not mean that I am necessarily fully in a state of fulfillment.

Continuous Growth

I mean, I feel like I am moving in a state of fulfillment, but like, in anything, there's always levels to it. There's always levels to being in a state of fulfillment. I could say that I am loving unconditionally, but there's. There's going to obviously be levels in terms of loving unconditionally, and it is only by continuing to do it, continuing to inhabit those states of consciousness and continuing to do the work to stay in those states. And. And time, of course, because time is very valuable. And in this whole process, that's when you begin to move up into more concentrated states of whatever energetic state you are in. So me, when I was loving unconditionally, when I began to love unconditionally back in, or at least consciously back in at the end of 2021, is just, there's no comparison to there's no comparison to the type of unconditional love that I am able to practice and embrace and feel three years later. Now, in many ways back then, now, I wouldn't say maybe a year into the practice.

The Journey of Unconditional Love

So in 2022, end of 2022, I had already been. I had a year under my belt. I had been consciously learning what it meant to love unconditionally so I think when we enter these new states of being, when we're consciously aware of, when we enter these states of being, initially, in the beginning, what we're doing is we're just learning, we're just experimenting. So the first, I mean, really, I think the first three years, and I'm about to hit three years now, of consciously doing the work to love unconditionally. I would say these last three years have been just me learning what it means to love unconditionally while I am doing it. And I will continue to learn what it means to love unconditionally. Because this is a never ending, this is a journey. It's like you look at these professional football players. Yeah, I guess football players, soccer players, they're always learning, they're always improving, they're always getting better now, because of the physical limitations.

Energizing Growth

As one begins to age and the pressure that these athletes are put under, they usually reach a high point and then it starts to kind of plateau and then eventually, like, they have to retire. Because you can't be performing at those peak capacities forever. The beauty, I believe, of energy, because energy is not really, it's in the ethereal world, it's in the spiritual world as well as here. But I believe that you can just keep going higher and higher and higher. Like, you don't have to hit a plateau. You don't ever have to hit this high point and then start dropping down. And I think this is one of the reasons why I have invested so heavily in my own energetic work, because this is truly the investment for me that makes the most sense. This is the investment that I know. If I keep putting my energy into it, if I keep putting my attention, if I keep putting my focus and time on it's only going to continue to grow, it's only going to continue to blossom.

Energetic Investment and Growth

And because it is holistically empowering me, it's helping me in every other attribute and every other skill set, capability, state of mind. And initially, through all of this work, and I've been doing this for ten plus years, the whole time, it's been nonstop risks. Because when you start to invest in energy, at least when I started to invest in it, there was no, I didn't have, like a guide or a structure or some sort of blueprint to understand, okay, I need to love unconditionally. Okay, I need to nourish my inner feminine. I need to nourish my inner masculine, okay, I need to now, learn how to alchemize energy, move it from one state to another. I need to let go of the lust to elevate to fulfillment. Like, I didn't have any of those awarenesses to, to lean on. And yet I knew that I had to invest in energy.

Navigating Energy Investments

And so the risks that I have taken were massive because they weren't physical in terms of, it was like I was investing in almost the ethereal, couldn't really see it in the physical, because it takes time for the physical to. It takes time for the physical to show the energetic. It always is expressed in the energetic. And then it begins to show in the physical reality. And it's going to happen with, as you continue on your journey, many times it's going to feel like, why am I doing this? Why am I being the bigger person? Why am I moving with love when they don't show me that type of love? But you have to persevere, you have to have the conviction to know that this is the path, that this is the way. And so I kind of veered off track from the actual point of my talk, which is being responsible.

Attraction and Self-Responsibility

What was it? What's the. To be responsible with your attraction? Hello. Hi. Hello. Is that as you continue to elevate, as you result in many different ways, at least initially, like, the temptations will begin to grow? The temptations will begin to show up because there are temptations that are going to want to lower your vibrational state. There are temptations of just being somebody in power. And you see this with politicians, with celebrities, with actors, actresses, anybody that is in positions of power, when you are in positions of power, people will want to be near you, people will want to be with you, people will want to connect with you, people will want to take advantage of you, people will want to benefit from you. And so as you can imagine, as your state of attraction continues to grow, continues to elevate, the immense power that you have to attract in this reality becomes immensely valuable.

Temptations and the Path of Responsibility

And because people feel that you have this ability to attract, because you are attracting, because you walk around with this intense attraction to you, the temptations will be all over the place. And not only just the temptations, but the need for you to be responsible with the powers that you have are going to be immense. And the reason that you are able to achieve these higher states of being is because God is guiding you, and God trusts that you will be responsible with your powers. I entered into this whole energetic world because I wanted to attract women and I wanted to do it effortlessly. I didn't want to have to play the game, like all the guys around me had to play. They had to take them out and game them and do this and do that. I wanted to just show up and be loved. I wanted to just show up and attract, have them connect with me at a deep level.

Transformation of Intentions

Now, ten plus years later, I'm there. I am. I am at a point that I could only have dreamt of, but back then, it was to attract girls to, it was not necessarily to sleep with them, but obviously, that was a very big driver of me back then. And now that I'm at this point, I could cash in, I could enjoy the fruits of my labor and just start gaming women, or just start attracting them and loving them in a way, to then just sleep with them. It's very possible. It's very easy to do that, but that's not the reality that I live in anymore. So even if the temptations come up, that's just not me. And I feel like this is what it means to be in these higher states of consciousness. It's not that you necessarily have to control yourself or corral yourself to not give into your powers in this way.

Refining High Vibrational Living

But I think it's just that when you continue to elevate, you truly begin to value that which actually brings the most returns, that which brings the most healing. And to get into those lowered states, that is not healing. It's not healing you, and it's not healing the people around you. And so we have to be immensely responsible. We have to elevate our standards to a degree where you don't fall prey to your powers, you don't fall prey to the quality of a being that you are building yourself up to be and that you have become. Because if I was to veer into that reality, now I'm just allowing lust again to come in. And if I'm allowing lust to come in, my state of fulfillment is going to drop. I'm not. I'm not going to be able to be in a state of fulfillment. Because to be in a state of fulfillment, you have to alchemize the lust.

Shifting Perspectives

The lust has to not exist. And so now, when I meet girls, when I connect with girls, it is not from a state of desiring, it is not from a state of craving. It is from a state of fulfillment. And that's a completely different development in terms of how a connection comes about, how a connection is built, how a connection is fostered. Hello? And when you begin to move in this way, the connections that you build with men and women are going to be fruitful and you're going to have to manage situations where you energetically shift the energy to not move down that route. Because it's not only that you have this power, but the people that you're attracting will, will be eager to perform in the way that they are used to performing.

Elevated Connections

And you have to show them that there is another way, there's a higher way that we don't have to go down the routes that we are always used to going down. There's other ways that we can go and we can actually explore the depth of the love that we feel for each other in ways that are beyond just the physical. So the responsibilities that you're bestowed upon as you become extremely attractive, as your state of attraction continues to intensify, is immense. And you're being given these responsibilities because you can manage it, because you have the wisdom to know how to handle them. And then I begin to understand the Bible. I begin to understand the Bible deeper when it comes to adultery, when it comes to, you know, the, like, the having sex outside of marriage, like, I begin to understand that it begins to make so much more sense.

Applying Wisdom from Faith

Why would I have sex with someone if I'm not married to them? What is the point for me now? There's no point in that, but it's easier said than done. Now, I don't think that I'm going to do it. But again, this is the responsibility that one lives with because your standards continue to elevate and they grow and grow to such a parabolic fashion that now it's not even like, oh, I believe in the Bible, or I just follow the Bible, or this is what the Bible says. No, it's like within you now. It's like you hold yourself energetically to such a high standard that the messages within you tell you, yeah, you should not be doing that. And obviously, right now this is about sex, but this is with anything, you know, if you're doing things out of a desire to make money, that's that you have higher standards than that.

Evolving Values and Standards

That doesn't exist anymore. You cannot be moving at all. There could be zero motivation in your reality to move from a state of lust, from a state of desiring or craving any in the physical reality. Now, how this looks, how you move in this way, how you live in this reality, I am. I am going to be experiencing it. I'm going to be living it, and I am living it now. And the higher that I continue to elevate my standards, the more I demand everybody around me to do the same. And I don't have to lecture them. I don't have to enlighten them. I don't have to make them listen to me to read my shit. No, none of that. They're just going to feel it. They're going to know that. They also have to elevate.

Collective Elevation

They're going to feel how you move differently. They're going to sense how you move differently. And they will begin to connect with you. They will begin to embrace you. And as they begin to embrace you, they will naturally begin to be filled with this high vibrational energy that is going to be healing every aspect of themselves. So I'm very excited to see how this all plays out. I am very interested to see the types of temptations that come about. I don't think the temptations will be coming out in the way that they used to come out, simply because when you are moving in a very elevated state, that they're not even really temptations anymore. It's more just like these thoughts that kind of try to come in and try to attach themselves to you.

Controlling External Influences

But if you're elevating at the. If you're at a very elevated energetic state, that they just, they can't really attach themselves to you. But that doesn't mean that those outside of you are not going to have their own plans, their own desires, their own strategies, their own feelings. And how you manage them is to be determined. And a few. It must have been like a year and a half ago, maybe. Yeah, probably a year and a half ago. As I was doing the work, the internal work, in terms of my own inner feminine, I began to feel, because I like to put an age to the level of development that I have within myself when it comes to my inner feminine and my inner masculine. And when I began in this journey of consciously healing my inner feminine, I got the feeling that because my inner feminine had been so malnourished, had been so ignored, that the person, the woman that I had within me was actually very young.

The Evolution of Self

Hello. Hi. Was very underdeveloped. And as I continued to heal her, as I continued to love her, as I continued to do what I could both internally and healing the feminine energy in my reality, she began to grow. And so maybe a year and a half ago, I felt that my inner feminine was somewhere in the teens, 13, 1415 years old. And then as I began to be able to attract in such a powerful way, I began to feel like I'm like a girl going through puberty. I'm a girl that's beginning to show herself to the world and as a result there's a lot of attraction, there's a lot of lust, there's a lot of love that is being thrown your way, directed your way because of how a woman grows, how a woman develops as she goes through puberty. There's a specific period, whether that's between 1316 where she goes from being a little girl to now people are noticing her, people are lusting after her, people are interested in her, people see her beauty.

Embracing the Transition

And then it's only as she continues to develop that she begins to be more confident in many ways of her capabilities in terms of expressing her beauty, expressing her feminine and being able to move in this reality in a way that is beneficial for her in the state that she is in. So now I feel like I am in my inner feminine is a woman that is in her 1718 years old, maybe 19 years old where I am getting so much attraction, I am getting so much desire and lust and love from all different places. And instead of taking advantage of it in terms of heading into these lowered vibrational states where I start to just kind of have quote unquote low vibrational fun with it, I have to be responsible with it. And as a man to be in this state that I personally was, have never been in, was never in, at least to this is a challenge.

Navigating New Responsibilities

But it's not really a challenge in the way that I thought it was going to be a challenge because I have elevated myself to the state of fulfillment where it really doesn't even exist. So now imagine being a beautiful 17, 1819 year old girl that is in a state of fulfillment and knows her worth, knows her beauty, knows that she walks down the street and every man is looking at her, knows that every man just wishes they could be with her and she has the wisdom to not only embrace it but also not fall prey to it. Now that is a powerful feminine. There's a very powerful feminine. And as I continue to elevate, as I continue to grow, as I continue to nourish and understand what it means to be in this age range as an inner feminine.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Now, of course this is just, I'm just fucking shooting from the hip. I don't really know how old or even if this even make it makes any sense in terms of reality. But this is how I feel because the power that I am able to have in terms of the state of attraction that I am in, I feel I can begin to understand what women have to go through now because I'm not a woman, because I didn't live an experience as a woman. I don't think I will ever necessarily get to a point where I can fully understand what it means to be a woman in this reality, but I can understand better what they go through. It's like when I go into New York and I'm surrounded by all these people, I'm very oblivious in terms of my surroundings in many ways, but I just.

Understanding Attraction

It's sometimes I feel like I just want to hide because the attention, the intensity, the attraction, just the absolute power that I command as I am just walking down the street is so much. And this is not all the time, it's a lot of the time. But when you get to this state as a man, you begin to understand, like just kind of what a woman has to deal with. At least you get a glimpse of what women have to go through, deal with on day in and day out.

Embracing Questions and Growth

I mean, you have to be very embraceful and open to questions and of all kinds. This is how we grow. We don't want to step into these powers and think that we're just like the high and mighty and we switch up from who we truly are, because as we see with Jesus even how powerful he was, he did not allow that to get to his head. And this is the responsibility that we have as we begin to get into these higher states of attraction, these higher states of power. You cannot let that power get to your head. You cannot let that power go in, be used for bad, be used for harm.

Challenges of High Vibrational States

And when you're doing the holistic, energetic work, it's going to be very difficult for you to go down those routes, because you're going to be so used to being at such an elevated state that to go back down to these lowered, energetic states, very challenging. It's very difficult. You have to really put in work to essentially co op yourself to be, go back to being a peasant when you've reached a state of emperorhood. That's how you move. You don't move like a peasant because you almost, in many ways, you just forget what it even meant to be a peasant. It doesn't even exist.

Vibrating Higher and Recognizing Power

Those realities don't exist. And when I talk about being a peasant, I'm talking about the people that are vibrating low, which is in this reality, everybody. You step into your royal energy, you step into your royal powers when you vibrate high, when you are vibrating high and when you understand the powers that you hold, and you've always held them, it's just the only reason that you will begin to see them and feel them and understand them and use them and live them as you do. The energetic work is because you can actually manage the energy of that before you still had the powers.

Managing Energy and Personal Growth

But if you couldn't manage it's, you're just never even gonna end up in those realities because you didn't even know they existed. You couldn't even, I mean, it didn't even exist in your reality because if you can't manage it doesn't exist. But throughout my personal development, I was always so delusional in terms of kind of this. And this is why people called me a narcissist. People said that I have such a huge ego because I always saw myself in a larger than life way. Who the fuck calls himself emperor? Who the fuck calls himself kingdom?

Perception and Acknowledgment of Power

Like, you gotta really be in this society, you gotta be delusional and you gotta, as they would say, be a narcissist, be so in your inflated ego to believe that you are that. But now that I'm stepping into my power, my real power, I understand that all these delusions that I had of my power, my influence, my capabilities were actually not even the half of it. It's like, it's like I actually was thinking too low. And back then I thought I was fucking out of my fucking mind. Everybody was telling me I'm out of my fucking mind still.

Rejecting Societal Norms and Assertions of Reality

People think I'm out of my fucking mind for everything that I'm doing. But as I step into my powers, as I start to discover the powers that I have, as I start to embrace the responsibility that I'm being given by God, I realized that everything that I was saying, it's like that and more and more. And you're only going to be discovering it as you continue elevating to truly understand the depth of the influence that you have as a human being. Because what we're talking about, when we talk about a human being, we're talking about a divine being, like, to have us grasp what that even means in this reality.

Understanding Fulfillment and Desire

It's almost like you can't even grasp it until you're there, until you actually have it, until you actually feel it. And as we continue to vibrate higher and higher, we start to tap into those states of being a divine being. And as they say, when you truly begin to accrue power, you don't, you don't got to flex it. You don't got to show it. You don't have to speak it, shout it. Hello. And as I keep getting deeper and deeper into this journey, I am also healing a lot of the parts of myself in terms of that ego, those delusions, because even though they played fundamental parts of my own development, because I needed to see myself as larger than life in order to get to this point, if I didn't see myself in larger than light, I would not have gotten anywhere near this point.

Letting Go of Ego and Finding Fulfillment

So the ego, the way that I saw myself, played a fundamental role in my development. And I got this message a few months ago. Two months ago must have been where God told me, you have to now let the ego go. You have to let the pride go. Because where you are headed, well, okay, so that was God. Now I'm. Now I'm going back into my own interpretation, because where I am headed, but also you all are headed where you are headed. The powers that you have that you're going to have are going to be so absolute, so insane, so just breathtaking that you don't care if people believe in you or not.

Abandoning External Validation and Embracing Power

You don't care if people see it. You don't care if people know it. It doesn't fucking. You actually got it. It's like when they say that the people that got no money, they got to buy designer stuff. And the people that got the money, like, they don't care about the designer stuff. Now, they are still buying designer, but they don't care about having the flashy logo designer. You know, they'll buy a expensive ass shirt that just looks like any other shirt. It's just of a very high quality. So the truly rich, they don't need to brag. They don't need to show off, they don't need to. To pound their chest saying, yeah, I'm the f king, I'm the emperor, I'm this, I'm that.

Personal Journey and Realization

And so I'm getting closer and closer to that stage, which for me is a really big moment because when you've been alone for so long in your own journey and everybody has fucking just tried to be in the way. Tried to get in the way. I, like, it's everybody, it's been everybody. And I don't hold grudges against them. I don't, I'm nothing angry about it that I just now have learned and realized that, like, that's just part of the game. Because if you want to be liked, if you want to be just appreciated at least a little bit by the peasants, you will not get up there, at least temporarily, because I, as you continue to develop, you will begin to receive the appreciation of the others.

Acknowledging Collective Power and Growth

And I shouldn't even be calling them peasants. That could be another, obviously, thing that I have to work on because we all are very powerful, equally powerful. There are just majority of people out there just have no concept understanding of what the fuck is really going on when it comes to energy and just the energetics. But even just calling them peasants is an, that I have to let go of. And, and I'm working on it for sure. Because I was lonely. I was, I'm still lonely. But, like, now I'm empowered. Now I have the, like, I, I am at a state, I'm at a state now where I have to reverse engineer what the fuck I'm doing because I'm just in awe of what the fuck is going on.

The Journey of Fulfillment and Energy

So when you truly got the power, you realize, like, I don't, I've, you know, even though I've been alone all this time, like I am, I'm fulfilled. When you're fulfilled, you don't, you don't need. The desire to flex is really not so necessary if nobody listens to me, if 10,000 people listen to me, if 100 people listen to me, it doesn't even matter. It doesn't, like, I'm still gonna be fucking fulfilled. So the points that the system give us in terms of, oh, you're doing a great job, here's a point for you, here's a point for you. None of that fucking exists.

Releasing Attachment to Validation

Doesn't exist anymore because in the past, I was still playing the points game, but the points game was, okay, well, you all going to ignore me. You all are going to not appreciate me. You're all going to say that I'm crazy. I'm there years all the points that I've been actually covertly earning. I'm going to show you that I was the one that was right, and then I'm going to show you all of my points. And that's what I used to do. I used to do that. And I think in many ways, I still do that because there is a pain, there is real suffering that one goes through when day in and day out.

Experiencing Pain and Loneliness

It's just the constant attempt to make you fucking give up. And it hurts. It hurts. It hurts to live in that reality. It hurts to. For the whole. My whole fucking life, my whole beautiful life, it's been just constant attempts by everybody that I love, those closest to me, those that matter the most to me, just wanting for me to give up doing this energy stuff, to stop seeing myself in such a high light, to have the standards that I have to move in the way that I do, to love in the way that I do. It was just nonstop.

Building Resilience and Understanding Sacrifice

And that shit fucking wears you out. You got to build a really thick fucking skin to just continue to get crazier and to continue to get more delusional down your path. There's so much that I have sacrificed to get to this point energetically, so much in the physical reality that I've absolutely had to just let go and allowed myself in many ways, even though I don't see myself in that way. And this is the only time that I'm saying it out loud or even thinking about it, to be seen in many ways by people that are living in completely distorted realities.

Confronting Failure and Personal Truth

That. That I failed, that I'm a failure. Now, whether people think of this or not, I don't know. But the feelings that I get from people, and it's usually a lot of the ones that are not the closest to me, but it's. It's. They. They treat me with almost like this, it's very patronizing. Well, they're kind of like, oh, you know, oh, it's like, you know, it's a black sheep again. You know, he doesn't say much, but we know whatever he's thinking is fucking lunacy.

Misunderstanding and Misjudgment

And because I have not fixated at all in the physical, I'm not out here fucking showing everybody, yo, I'm a super multi millionaire. Like, yeah, follow me for a telegram group and get the insights and how I made all this money, because that's not. None of that has mattered to me. My pure fixation, especially the last three years. I mean, it's been my whole. The last ten years but the last three years, it was just, it was like I found it. I found the thing that I was looking for, which was high vibrational reality.

Pursuing High Vibrational Reality

I began to outline the plan, the initial plan, to fucking just accelerate my healing and my growth as much as possible. And I just went all in and in, going all in, like my physical reality, a lot of things had to be let go of, because when you make that, your obsession to vibrate high, you're gonna have to sacrifice things in the physical. Relationships, love, connections, friendships, business, all these different things in your reality.

Deciding on Values and Energy Alignment

You're going to have to just like, you know, looks like it's heading in the right direction. Looks like this is a good thing to invest my time and energy on, and there's a lot of money that I can make here. But if this is not in alignment with my, the energetic work that I have to do, like, it's just got to let it go. Just gotta just. And when you let it go, you don't know what's up ahead. You don't, you don't know where you're going, where you're headed, but doesn't matter.

Letting Go of Expectations

Hello. Right? It doesn't, it doesn't, like, we have to un, like, detach unattached. We have to separate ourselves from this addiction to the physical and short term in whatever experiences they might show up. And it's not going to be for everybody, but there's going to be things that test your attachment to the physical. And this is how people end up selling themselves out without even realizing it.

The Duality of Desires

Because an opportunity comes and shows up and says, you're going to, you're going to stay in this low vibrational experience? Or are you go, are you willing to forego the opportunity to, you know, grow here or make more money, do all of this, like, professionally elevate yourself? But if deep down inside, you know, energetically, this is just not, this is not the way, it's not fulfilling you, it's not enriching your life, it's not making you happy.

Conscious Decision Making

Well, you have a decision to make. Are you going to devote yourself to high vibrational reality, high vibrational energy? Are you going to devote yourself, submit yourself to God? Or are you going to take what seems like the safer route, which is that route of making more money or getting women or getting money, the, you know, in ways that are not ways not even just about money or love. It's about anything in the physical reality.

Pursuing Fulfillment Over Physical Desires

And every single day, we're sacrificing so much of ourselves in pursuit of the lust in pursuit of the craving and the desiring of the physical. If I had known this a year ago, three years ago, just that lust, like, all I had to do was just search the definition of lust. Imagine that. The last three years, I've been work. Actually, it's been the last six years or so, I've been working on.

The Battle with Lust and Its Implications

Consciously on lust, because I always knew lust was not a good thing to feel, to experience, especially growing up catholic. You don't lust. That's not. That's. That's a mortal sin or that's a really horrible thing to do to lust over a woman in any way, specifically, obviously, sexually. But it wasn't until, like, three weeks ago. No, I think two weeks ago when I did, one of my first or. Yeah, when I.

Realizations About Desire and Lust

When I did a spaces on lust that I, as I should have done from the beginning, googled the definition of lust, and the first one was to desire or to crave. Meanwhile, my whole last five years, as I was working on lust, I was. I just thought lust was the sexual side. I mean, thing after. But I didn't make the connection. I was so. Because I knew that I had to. That the power in the lust that I was experiencing was very root chakra based.

Understanding the Root of Lust

It was very physical, it was very sexual based, because the society so sexual and the root chakra plays that fundamental role. And if that root chakra is blocked, every other chakra is. Is going to be impacted as a result. But lust goes much deeper than just the sexual. And so when I. When I became aware that lust was the state of desiring and craving, I realize, okay, it's great.

Shifting Perspectives on Desire

I've been doing all this work in terms of, like, I look at a woman and if I'm find her, like, if I'm attracted to her, like, I'm not fixated on her physical features, I'm not like, oh, wow, she looks so good. Or, like, it doesn't go into the sexual lust anymore. I can't. I can't lust for women like that anymore. Just. It just doesn't exist in my reality.

The Complexity of Desire in Reality

But hearing of physical reality. Yeah, I had still been moving in that way. I had still been doing it, because the craving and the desiring of this physical reality is in, like, everything. We're always moving and, oh, I want this. I desire that. Like, I crave this. It's just like. It's like, oh, yeah. Like, I. I desire, like, you know, going out and partying today.

Recognizing Patterns of Desire

So these are all the states of. Of thoughts that now are coming to me consciously, and I'm beginning to see them and alchemize them and understand them in terms of, okay, like, what is going on here? Because if you are truly in a state of fulfillment, in many ways, your mind fully will just be blank majority of the time. You won't even have to do the power of now in terms of quieting your mind, being so in the now that you have no thoughts running through your head.

Exploring the Nature of Fulfillment

When you are truly in a state of fulfillment, your mind is just blanken. There is thinking that is needed. And when you think it is extremely empowered because you rarely think so, if you are not thinking, where are you going to desiree, you could speak it, but then you will begin to see just how kind of ridiculous that is. Oh, I desire to go out and party now. You could still go out and party, but we are alchemizing now.

Transforming the Concept of Desire

The lust, the desire that it doesn't exist. And so it's weird, because I'm still trying to figure out what this even means because I've only been in this state of fulfillment very short. And even then, it's just like, I'm just, you know, it's like I'm an intern in a high achieving business. It's like, okay, I'm in here now. I got to learn. I got to learn the ropes.

Navigating the Journey of Fulfillment

I got to learn who to hear, who to not hear, how much I need to work, how many hours I got to put in every single day. It's the same thing. It's like I've entered into this prestigious state of being, which is to be in a state of fulfillment. And so when these desires, like, and I think I said it, like, yesterday, I think, I don't know, basically, like, I start to catch myself when I say some.

Awareness of Desires and Cravings

When I, in my head say, like, oh, I really want this. Even if it's just, like, orange juice, freshly squeezed orange juice. I want it. I want it from the. From the grocery store. I thought about it, and then I didn't think about the orange juice, but, like, right now, I could think, oh, I really want orange juice now. This is to lust. So how do we still get the orange juice but not, like, lust after?

Examining the Concept of Desire

Like, this is how deep this lust programming is. I don't desire the orange juice now. Would I enjoy drinking orange juice right now? Maybe. But even just me saying the word, I desire orange juice, like, immediately, any desire that I had for it just went out the window. It was really weird, actually, because usually I love orange juice. But when I just said it out loud, I desire orange juice, like, my interest just dropped.

Understanding the Nature of Desire

It literally dropped to zero. That was very weird. I've never felt that before. I've never felt that before. Because usually if you say, like, I desire orange juice, then I'm like, oh, my gosh, it's so good. It's just so delicious. Like, oh, now I really, really crave it. But me just saying I desire orange juice. Any desire that I had just fucking went to zero.

The Power of Language and Perception

So there's something to this. There's something really powerful in becoming aware of the actual lust. Sure, the sexual lust, definitely. But this is to desire and to crave. And so when we begin to be conscious of this thought of, oh, I really want to go out tonight and party it up and drink and party and this and that, conscious of the fact that you are lusting and then just go back almost within and feel, get a taste your fulfillment.

Transforming Thoughts into Awareness

Because when we are out there desiring, craving anything, doesn't matter how big, doesn't matter how small, we are lusting. And, but, and so when we move to a state of fulfillment, when we start to do the work, to truly embrace the state of fulfillment, all of that is going to be alchemized and eventually it's just going to be gone. So now can you imagine this new reality where start to move where we're doing things without even allowing the desire to come about?

The Impact of Desire on Actions

This is a really crazy thing that I'm going to be experiencing really soon. And I'm already experiencing because I'm becoming aware of these states. And when I become aware of them, I kind of, I don't really know what I'm doing because I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck is even happening. Like, this is just, what the fuck did I get into? What is going on with me? Oh, my gosh.

Reflection and Comprehension of Desires

Like, so. Because that's what I felt yesterday. I had some desire and I caught myself and I'm like, yo, what? How can you be saying that you can alchemize the lust and that you're in the state of fulfillment, but that I caught you? You were lusting, bro. I was like, wait, yeah, what the fuck? I'm like, okay, so, yeah, this is a, this is this random ass desire that came out.

Recognizing and Understanding Feelings

It must have been like, I think maybe I was desiring milk. I don't know what the fuck it was. Meanwhile, the milk is right in my fridge. But it's like, so it's almost like you're rewiring your brain where it's not about, oh, I crave milk if I'm not getting milk. But it's just like, milk. Like, it's just milk. And the milk just shows up. Orange juice. The orange juice just shows up.

Shifting from Desire to Allowance

So now it's almost like, because people always say, like, oh, you shouldn't say, you know, I wish I had this, because you're kind of, like, putting out into reality that you don't have it. And so a lot of the people that teach these courses on, like, manifestation are always about, well, you have to move as if you already have that which you want. So you're not saying, oh, I want money.

Manifestation through Acceptance

You're saying, I am wealthy. You're not saying, oh, I want to be loved. You say, I am loved. And you begin to believe and live in those states of I am loved, I am wealthy. So you begin to move with this aura, with this feeling, at least, this belief that you are wealthy. And so it's actually interesting now that what these lustful states are actually doing is they're handicapping our ability to manifest and in freeing ourselves from handicapping ourselves in falling prey to these lustful states or desires.

Overcoming Hindrances to Manifestation

What did I say? And not falling prey to these lustful desires and cravings. What you think and say, it's just, boom. It just manifests now, whether it manifests today, whether it manifests in a few days, where they manifest in a few weeks, months, years, whatever. But if I speak and I say orange juice, and not that I want orange juice, I crave orange juice.

Conclusion on Manifesting and Reality

I desire orange juice. If I feel something deep within me says orange juice now, how we speak it, obviously, I'm still trying to figure that out, but I say orange juice. What I am speaking into reality is that when the time comes for orange juice to show up at that peak point where I am would be craving it in the past, would be desiring it in the past, I'm going to get it now. So whether that orange juice shows up tomorrow, today, because I'm going to the grocery store soon, when I need the orange juice to show up, when I'm supposed to drink the orange juice, it's going to show up.

Desire Versus Fulfillment and Commanding Reality

So it's almost like you move from this state of lack, which is what it means to lust, to the state of wholeness, which is what it means to be in the state of fulfillment, where what you are speaking, what comes out of you, the thoughts that are coming out of you are not from a state of lack, but from a state of fulfillment. And when it's from a state of fulfillment, you are basically commanding reality.

Manifestation Practices

To do, to manifest that, like, you know, people are gonna do, oh, you got to do a hundred chance of, I want this big mansion. I want this big mansion. I. No, no, I. I live in this big mansion. I live in this big mansion. This is my mansion. I live in this time day for three months. And you will manifest it, or you will get closer to manifesting it.

Challenges of Normalize Practices

That's the normie way of doing it. And even then, you probably won't manifest it. And even if you do, it's going to take a long time, or you're just going to be. Half the time, people don't manifest the shit. But when you're doing the actual work, what you're going to start to witness is this is actual manifestation, where you say a word, you say a thing in whatever way it is, without it being on the lust side.

The Nature of Truth and Reality

And in many ways, it just manifests. It just shows up. So let's. Reyes asked, but how do you des. How do you desire? How do you desire not to desire? For it is to not desire itself is for to not desire itself is itself a desire. I'm trying to understand the paradox. Okay, so I don't. So it's not that I am desiring to not desire.

The Concept of Letting Go of Desire

It is that I am becoming aware of the fact that I desiring, and I am alchemizing it, to not need to desire. So I'm not desiring to remove the desires from my being. I am just changing in terms of how I am managing the energy that shows up now, I could desire. Not desiring, for sure. But if you notice how I was speaking Ize, I was speaking from, it's happening in my reality.

Observing and Understanding Desires

Like, the desires that I hear that my thoughts that relate to desire are showing up, I'm becoming consciously aware of the fact that this is a desire. And then instead of entertaining that energy, instead of feeding into that structural way of thinking, because this is just kind of like a. A structure of the way that I've allowed my thoughts to show up, where I'm not feeding energy into.

Managing Energy and Desires

Into that state of desire anymore. And as a result, the desires are going to stop coming. They're going to stop showing up. So it's not that I desire to not desire. It is that I am just dealing with how desire shows up in an elevated way, which, in a low vibrational way, desire shows up as lust in a high vibrational way. Whatever desire, like, it's not even desire.

The Nature of Energy behind Desires

That's gonna show up. So what's happening is what is behind desire is some energy. It's just energy. But because of how we've been programmed, when the energy is sent into our head, we interpret it. Like, we interpret the shadows in the cave of. In Plato's cave. We interpret that energy as desire.

Exploring Desire During the Journey

Now, I don't know. So, like, the orange juice, just the desire for orange juice. Where did that come from? Who sent me that? Is it just, like, did my stomach send a signal saying, yo, I want some orange juice? Was it my brain? Was it my memory? Is it? Because I know that I'm going to the grocery store that has orange juice, and I really like orange juice.

The Journey of Discovery

Like, where did that come from? And wherever it came from. And I think eventually we'll figure it out as we continue moving in this journey. But there was an energetic action that had to take place for orange juice to just show up in my head. And for me to conclude, oh, I really want some orange juice. So what I'm doing is I'm understanding this. This equation.

Understanding the Energetic Process

And your question is very helpful in going deeper into this, because this is really important understanding of the processes, energetically, that is actually happening in you, receiving in your head this desire to do something, this craving for something. So what I'm. What I'm doing now is I'm becoming aware of, oh, I. You know, oh, I really want some orange juice.

Finding Clarity in Thoughts

Okay. I became aware of it because I'm like, wait, this is weird. This is. This is weird, because if. If I am truly feeling the state of fulfillment, anything that feels like lust is going to become obvious. Now, before any of this and before two weeks ago, this was not obvious for me. It was not. I was not aware of this.

Encouraging Collective Awareness

Now we all are collectively going to become aware of it, especially because we understand the power that lust plays in holding us back energetically. So I was doing a lot of energetic work. I was, in many ways, vibrating very high when it came to love. I was vibrating with many, very high when it came to, you know, maybe my relationships, my connections, whatever the different things that I was working on.

The Balancing Act of Energy

But if I was still allowing lust to be in my reality, which I was like, sure, I was vibrating high, but, like, I was not allowing myself one to go higher, but also the average was still being impacted. Because if I'm loving unconditionally, but I'm lusting. I'm lusting here, I'm lusting there. All my moves are based on lust, then what the fuck am I really doing? Sure, there's time periods that I'm vibrating high.

Elevating Above Lustful States

But what is the average like, what is my actual cumulative vibrational state really at? If I. If I'm still lusting, which lust is. Is one of the lowest, if not the lowest vibrational states to be at probably not as high as I really thought I was. So now I'm actually. Because now I've been able to get to a point in alchemizing energy that I can very easily process low vibrational energy into high vibrational energy.

Building The Understanding of Higher States

This next phase in terms of the lust, this next phase in terms of kind of this. Hello. In terms of this elevated state, I can now tackle things as small as my thoughts and also fundamentally, completely alchemize everything in my reality that is based on lust. And if I'm moving in the present moment, being aware of or being in the state of fulfillment, because I'm also still understanding what it even means to feel in this way.

Navigating the Path to Fulfillment

Because I am in it. I know I'm feeling it. I'm feeling very fulfilled. It feels beautifully strange. And in consciously now embracing this reality, anything that is slightly smells of lust is being exposed, all of it. And I'm now being exposed to states of lust that I was not aware of. But because now I am in this state of fulfillment.

Heightened Awareness and Realization

If I want to stay up there, if I want to stay in a high vibrational or as high vibrational state as I can when it comes to being in that state of lust, being in that state of fulfillment, anything that is lust based, that will drag that down is observed immediately. Now, you might not catch the whole time, but at least I caught myself in this. I want.

Introspection and Personal Growth

And then I was like, what the fuck? Why do I want to. I'm craving that. I'm craving it. What's going on here? So the more aware you become of the way lust has shown up in your life, the more you will start to do that work to alchemize these feelings, these states. And not to say, oh, I don't say that. You shouldn't be saying that, but more of, like, you know, I crave orange juice.

Acknowledging Reality of Our Experiences

You know, why am I craving it? I don't. I don't really, like, yeah, you know, when the. I. I will get orange juice. But, like, I'm good. I'm great right now. This is. This feels great. I don't need orange juice. I don't crave it. Like, yes, I do want some, but, like, let's. We're not feeding into the.

Understanding Expectations of Desire

Yeah, yeah. Really want some? Oh, my gosh. This and that. You just, you just kind of feed into that. Now you're more taking it like, like, let's just look at this thought that's coming out. Let's look at this state of lust. Let's look at this feeling of lust. Let's not feed energy to it. Let's just observe it. Let's understand it.

Releasing Attachments to Desires

Let's see where it comes from. And then we let it go. Does not mean that you're not going to go and get the orange juice or that maybe you won't get the orange juice, whatever it is. But it doesn't matter because imagine this. Now, imagine right now I play up, oh, I want to crave some orange juice. And everybody's like, yeah, orange juice is so great.

Finding Fulfillment Outside of Desire

Freshly squeezed orange juice is so good. I'm like, yeah. Oh, my gosh. I haven't had orange juice in a minute. It's been at least like two to three weeks that I haven't had orange juice. And then I go to the grocery store and actually, this is funny. This kind of happened to me a few weeks ago. Now looking back at it, I go to the grocery store a little late, like around this time, five, six pm and the orange juice was sold out.

Reflections on Expectations and Reality

I had built. Okay, let me actually just go to what I actually experienced. I literally think I was in the spaces doing some space and I was going to go to the grocery store. And that specific grocery store has freshly squeezed oranges. Like that. That day with the lady in the machine right in front. The orange juice is delicious. Absolutely delicious.

The Anticipation and Disappointment of Desire

And usually when I, I usually go to that store specifically, the meat is good, but it goes specifically for orange juice. So I hype myself up. Yeah, orange juice. Oh, my gosh. Like, I haven't had it in weeks. I literally have. It's hilarious how this. It's like the whole fucking story. I did. But I get there. Oh, my gosh, it was sold out.

Coping with Disappointment

The, the large jug of like the half a gallon, I think it was, and the smaller one, like the quarter of a quarter gallon or something. It was all sold out. No. I was so sad. Obviously, I didn't. I wasn't sad the whole day after that. But in that moment, I was like, no, are you fucking kidding me? I wanted the orange juice.

Confronting Expectations and Reality

I came here for the orange juice. What the. Like, dang. And I was in that moment, like, I was really down, but not down in a bad way. But I was just like, I was just disappointed. We don't need to do that. I got these expectations up. I created all these expectations that the juice was going to be there. I created all this lust, craving the juice, desiring the juice.

Understanding the Consequences of Desire

I get there's no juice now. Boom. Temporarily feel like shit. Obviously, I felt fine after because I just alchemized that feeling. But we can begin to see how this can continue. The domino can continue. Oh, see, everything is not going my way. I had a bad time at work. I did this, I got this happen, and now I don't get any orange juice.

The Cycle of Desire and Disappointment

Like, my. I. My life sucks, this blah. So this is. I mean, this is what people are going through, is that they allowed the lust to start somewhere. It could be very small, but wherever it is, if we're constantly lusting, and then that creates expectations, and then the expectations are not met. So disappointment sets in, and then fear and then sadness and then anger and this and that.

The Quest for Happiness

And the next thing you know, we're not happy with our life. We're nothing happy with who we are, with where we're at. Like, it's just, everything is just, we're living. This is heaven on earth. We are literally living. I believe we're. This is heaven. This is heaven. You know, were kicked out the Garden of Eden and all this, but, like, I know that the higher I keep vibrating, like, I already feel it.

Understanding the World Amidst Chaos

And obviously, there's so many issues and problems, and in many, a lot of people would be like, this is, like, there's so many people out there that are like, it's crazy what's going on with the world. Like, I feel so, so down. Like, nuclear war, climate change, the monkeypox, the elections are going to get stolen. Like, they're trying to kill Trump. They're trying to do this, trying to do that from all sides.

The State of Control and Vibrational State

This is the end result. A peasant that is just completely controlled. Anything to do with its vibrational state is going to stay low. And as we saw with this orange juice, everything seems to begin with the lust, with the state of desiring and craving of anything. And if for me, the final boss, I guess, is the mind when it comes to this lust, because it's, how do you rewire your brain but also elevate your energetic state?

Elevating Energetic State

Because obviously, when you elevate your energetic state, your brain is being impacted. It's all, everything acted. And so your brain now is going to start to be rewired as you become more conscious of these states, these thoughts, when you say words of, oh, like, just lusting, desiring, craving anything related to that. Anything, literally anything that relates to desires or craving is lusting.

Opening Up to New Perspectives

And I read something. There was a girl that tweeted, I think, two days ago, and it was a nice tweet. But when you now begin to see the reality girl, like, you were lusting, that was. That was like a super lustful tweet. And I'm not here to. Obviously, I'm not judging anybody. I'm just becoming aware of the fact that, holy shit.

Reflection on Personal Journey

Me personally thinking that I, like, I freed myself from lust and the sexual side, it was like, no, look at all this other lust. But now you have the. The tools at your disposal to actually handle it, to manage it, to alchemize it. So this one. Oh, fuck. Oh, shit, she deleted it.

Confronting Deletions and Missing Opportunities

Oh, my gosh. Yo, that's crazy. Oh, shit. She deleted it. Now, the thing is, I don't want to post the screenshot, but, oh, fuck.

Understanding Craving and Lust

It starts with craving. So this is, you know, here I am conscious of now learning that lust is the state of craving and the state of desiring. And this is not to say that I'm going to stop necessarily expressing the craving and desire. I mean, I probably did it last night. There's certain things that I was talking about that I'm, like now thinking about it. It's probably lost. But this takes time, of course.

Romantic Expressions of Craving

So she tweets craving, the type of romance where he writes me love letters, organizes his life to spend time with me, sings to me, even if he doesn't know how to sing. Sees a flower and grabs it to place it on my hair, gives me hand kisses, holds my hands and prays with me and talks to God about me. And it got 5000 plus views, 47 retweets, seven quote retweets, 257 likes, 55 bookmarks.

Reactions to the Tweet

And the people are quoting it. They're manifesting. Manifesting how I need my shorty. Nothing less I will accept nothing less is worth having girl, another girl, sigh one day, and then I, quote, tweeted it and said, to crave is to be in a state of lust. So this girl, great intentions. I think it's such a nice, you know. Yeah. Beautiful, I guess you know, all the beautiful things that you desire, but like to start energetically, that's not strong, good, high vibrational energy.

Low Vibrational Energy of Lust

You start your tweet with craving anything immediately. Lust. That's lust. That's to be in a state of craving, which is what it means to be in a state of lust. And lust in the vibrational state. Is one of the lowest, if not the lowest, vibrational states to. Yeah, we have to take this because if to lust, we know immediately we know that it's low vibrational. We can't try to rationalize it and say, well, this part is high vibrational, but that part.

Rationalizing Low Vibrational States

No, no. If the basis of the energy is coming from a state of lust, it is low vibrational. And if it is low vibrational, it doesn't exist in our reality because we're going to alchemize it and elevate it to be high vibrational. Now, I'm not interested in coming up with what the tweet would look like if we alchemized it to lust. If we alchemize it to fulfillment. Maybe you wouldn't even tweet it. And the funny thing is, she deleted it.

Social Media Dynamics

So that's very interesting where I. And it was a very successful tweet. Why do you delete that tweet? Why was that? Tweet, delete. And actually, the only reason that I see that it's deleted is because, I mean, I could still see it. Because if it's deleted, I shouldn't be able to see it, is that x has sort of functionality where the tweet is deleted, but you could still see it. So I, quote, tweeted her tweet.

Concept of Visibility on Deleted Tweets

So I could still see, I think, because of that. And. But it says the tweet has been deleted. So I think this is actually a very good thing that Twitter or x is doing, because in the past was gone. You can never see it. Now. I don't know if you guys could see it, but actually, let me. Oh, this would be good to actually see if you guys could see that. Or if it just says, like, I think you actually will be able to.

Engagement with Audience

To see the tweet. Scrolled would be interesting to see if you guys can see the tweet. But it was just very funny how I'm so into understanding craving and desiring, and then we have this girl, you know, literally saying craving. So let me know if you can. I just put it up. If you can click it and see her tweet, I feel like you should. You should be able to see it. Give me 100 if you could see her tweet.

Responses from the Audience

Or I guess, thumbs down if you can't, anybody. Mueller. So you can see the tweet. Okay, interesting. Wait, you can't. Okay, thumbs if you cannot see it. And hundred if you can see the tweet, per tweet. Okay, so you can see it. Okay, so maybe. Maybe Khan has. Okay, okay. We got two hundred s to down Kant, so. Oh, you know, it might be a country thing, actually.

The Dynamics of Tweet Deletions and Impact

Okay, interesting. So, okay. So those that could see it. She deleted it. She deleted it. It got a lot of traction. It got a lot of engagement. And I don't know why she deleted it, but I have a feeling that it was because of the comment that I made, because it is a very eye-opening comment, if you understand the depthness of lust. And I think she was like, yeah, this is nothing.

The Impact of Conscious Awareness

This is not. This is not like, now she having to rethink her whole posting strategy because she's like, oh, shit, this is lust. And that, for me, tells me if she really did it, I mean, why delete it? So that tells me that she's like, yeah, this is not. This is not really the kind of tweet that I want to be putting out there. So that shows me that she's. She.

Personal Growth and Understanding

She's growing. She gets it. She understands. She's not like, oh, well, no. It's like, yeah. She's like, yep. He right. He right. It is lust. And if I'm out here talking about being divine this, divine that, like, nope, can't do with lust. So that was interesting. I'm glad she actually deleted that. That speaks volumes to both her, but also kind of where we are headed. okay.

Tech Insights into Social Media

Okay, so we have. Rey is the tech wizard saying tweets, specifically in mobile, are cached into memory in order to see tweets offline. That's why deleting tweets don't work. Interesting. Okay. Makes sense. Good to know. So, desires, why it matters. Open to desire. Embracing a lust for life. Okay. I mean.

Personal Radical Changes

Oh, shit, bro. I got it. I got it. Ollie, I got a cash, bro. You can't. You can't hide from me, yo. That's hilarious. We're talking about deleting tweets. The next one in my notifications is delete it. So that's still interesting to explore. Would be interesting to. I'll definitely check those books out. So I do appreciate it, for sure.

Suspicion around Lust and Desire Promotion

Because I think it's interesting to understand where they're coming from, but immediately the feeling that I get in terms of anybody promoting desires, lust in particular. Yeah. There's something going on here, whether it's intelligence operation, because, you know, most books out there, unfortunately, are one. They're written by those that are part of this system.

Questioning Intentions of Authors

And not that there's anything bad with that, but I. If you are a low vibrational being in the same way that I said when I first started this talk, I was talking about GG 33 and how I am currently in my challenging year. So I am a dog, and this year is the year of the dragon. And those are challenging signs or signs that kind of challenge each other.

Yearly Challenges and Symbolism

But in GG 33 terminology, these are enemy signs. And the whole idea is that, oh, if you're in your enemy year, it's a horrible year because it's your enemy. Nothing good will come of it. I mean, they don't really say nothing good will come. It's just very negative, dark energy narratives around your enemy sign, which in traditional zodiac, they don't call it enemy.

Reframing Perception of Zodiac Signs

It's only this group that calls the enemy, but they're trying to make people call it enemy. This is very important to understand because this is, at the end of the day, what GG 33 is trying to do is they're trying to push this very dark, evil energy into that one esoteric spaces, but just, you know, they want to get rid of religion. I mean, there's a lot of things that they're pushing themselves into for a reason.

The Contrast of Vibrational States

So I was talking about how when you learn. When you are taught by somebody that is a low vibrational energy, you have to be very aware of how the insights are shown and built up because they are based off a low vibrational being. So if everybody in this reality, in many, in more ways than one, has been low vibrational, we have to take that into account when we are.

Impact of Low Vibrational Realities

If we're reading their insights when it comes to something like lust or desire. And not that these specific authors obviously are low vibrational, but the. The reality of life is that 99% of people are going to be low vibrational, for sure, because lust has completely consumed our reality. And not just lust, conditional love.

Reflections on Human Nature

I mean, all these lowered states have just consumed us. Nothing on the. I don't think in many, I don't blame humanity for. For what has happened. It's just, this is part of the game. It's part of the game, and we just. We got to. We play with the cards that we are dealt.

Personal Growth and High Vibrational Living

And fortunately, in my side, like, I know how I have to move, and I have to move in a high vibrational way. I did not know that before I moved as. As. As nice as I could be, as kind as I could be. But that's not enough. It's not enough to be a good person.

The Quest Beyond Goodness

That's not. That's not enough. Hello. Hi. It's not enough to be moving in these. And we see this as very popular in terms of, like, the religious circles where there's people that are so religious and they're very nice and they're very kind and they can be very giving.

Light and Shadow in Humanity

Obviously, it just depends on the individual, even the nicest souls. And I can feel it nowadays. It's like. But they still, inside of them, there's darkness inside of them. There's low vibrational states. And I still see them as beautiful people and good people and everything.

Inner Work for Elevated Vibrational States

But it's when you haven't really done that inner work, when you haven't done the work to elevate your vibrational state, it doesn't matter externally what you do. There's still going to be the insecurities. There's still going to be the fears. There's still going to be all these. The susceptibility to low vibrational energy will be ever present.

Managing Low Vibrational Responses

And that's not to say that if you're high vibrational, those temptations or the susceptibility to vibrate low isn't there. But you now have the capabilities to manage it. You have the tools. You have the weapons. You have the understanding to manage it.

The Comparison of Pathways

It's completely different from those that don't. And so it's not enough to just be good. It's commendable. And for what they were given, it's. It's beautiful. It's great. But where we are headed, we got it. We got to do more.

Seeking Deeper Fulfillment

Because that's not a life I want to live. I don't want to live a life like that where I'm just good. But I still have fucking the void inside of me. I still am trapped by so many of my fears, insecurities, this. That, you know, trying to keep up with the Jones. He's trying to look good, trying to do this, trying to do that.

Desire for Higher Vibrations

I don't want to live in that hell. I want to live in the heaven where I am vibrating high all the time. And as a result, the state of attraction that I emit. Because my energy is raging in such a refined, powerful way to just manifest anything. Manifest whatever.

The Power of Alchemy in Reality

Whatever is in alignment to where I'm moving. And so you don't ever have to get off your throne. Everything comes to you. And your work is in managing that, in managing the abundance and managing the totality of this reality. And in having their responsibility to alchemize the energy of this reality and elevate it.

Becoming Energy Alchemists

Because that's what we are becoming and that's what we've always been these machines of energy, of alchemizing energy. Energy comes through us. It's alchemized and then eventually goes back out into the world. Now, whether that's immediate, whether that's later, I think it's both.

Cycles of Energy Flow

I think there's energy that goes right through you, goes in you, and just runs out. And then there's other energies that comes in and stays and gets refined more and more, gets alchemized more and more, and then just keeps growing and growing and strengthening.

Building Energetic Strength

So your machine, the higher you vibrate, the more you build up. In the same way that you would build up muscles, if you go and work out, you build up really powerful, efficient machine within you that can absorb larger and larger amounts of energy, that can refine and alchemize larger and larger amounts of energy.

Transformation Through Alchemy

Denser energy is able to be alchemized into lighter, higher vibrational states. And then when the time is right, in whatever way it is supposed to go out, it goes out into reality in the as highest of a state possible, the expression of energy. So in many ways, we are an alchemical machine, just alchemizing energy non stop, and we don't even know it.

Systemic Barriers to Alchemy

And the system has put blockages, barriers, rusted over parts of the machine, just like created all these different barriers to reduce how much you can alchemize, how much you can absorb, and also to reduce your vibrational state.

The Process of Rebuilding

And so everything that we are doing is just rebuilding that machine again. And then the machine gets going. And the more the machine is upgraded and improved, the more energy you're absorbing, the more energy you're alchemizing, the more energy is going out of you.

The Mechanism of Attraction

So when it comes to attraction, this is why the attraction, your attraction, your state of attraction, continues to intensify. Bigger, bigger, because everything energetically is going through you. As much of as much energy as you can manage is going to be given to you.

The Flow of Energy in Daily Life

And if you can manage more, it's going to give you more and it's going to be nonstop, it's going to be all the fucking time. Whether you're at your house, whether you're out and about, wherever, whether you're asleep, whether you're not asleep all the time, 24/7 just energy flowing through you, into you.

Energy from Divine Sources

Also, God is not even just the energy of this reality. God is going to be sending you through your crown, through your chakra, through your head, all these downloads, all this love, all this energy, and you're just managing more and more and more.

Condition of High Vibrational Living

And if you cannot maintain a high vibrational state, the quality of the energy coming out of you and also your ability to absorb is going to be lessened. Okay. Yep. Yeah, I agree for sure, Ollie. I always. I tend to take things very to the extreme.

Extreme Awareness and Action

And because I've become aware of how rampant the lust has invaded my mind, my thoughts, I am taking the most extreme route, which is. Doesn't matter how significant or insignificant the thought is that comes if it is based on lust. Like, it's out. It's out of here, it's alchemized immediately.

Immediate Dealing with Thoughts

It's dealt with. It's figured out. If I have to fucking go mute, I go mute. If I gotta not think of anything, I just let it go. So in the future now, and I guess that's to be determined, but if something like, oh, I really want. I don't know, I really want.

Letting Go of Desire

I really want sushi comes in, just let it go. Just let it go. It doesn't mean that I don't want sushi. Doesn't mean that I'm saying, no, I don't want that. No, I just. The thought comes in, I am feeding it.

Starving Out Cravings

So every time the thought keeps coming in, whatever thought that might be, and I'm not feeding it at all, it goes away. Right? It's not being fed energy anymore. So it just cannot exist, cannot survive in my being. And that's really.

The Process of Alchemizing Thoughts

I think what's going on is. Is we have to consciously begin to starve out or alchemize. But in some ways, you know, in these kind of smaller things, like, with. Like, the sushi. Like, I don't. You know, what.

Non-Attachment to Cravings and Desires

What energy do I gain saying, oh, you know, this is, like, this is lust. And can't do this and make it into a big deal. I don't have to make it into a big deal. I just. I pay no mind. Yep, I got it.

Embracing Non-Attachment

Thank you. Thank you for the message. It's mine, but I ain't. I ain't giving it energy. I ain't feeding it. And then what's crazy is, out of nowhere, without even realizing it, you'll start to see the sushi just.

Manifestation through Non-Attachment

Boop. Just appear, whether it's later today, tomorrow, on Sunday, and then you'll be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. What the fuck is going on here? Like, here I am trying to, you know, control this lust saying, nope, I am gonna not feed this desire for something.

The Surprising Nature of Manifestation

And then. And by not feeding it just boop. It just appears. And then you're like, whoa, wait a fucking minute. What the fuck is going on here? What do you. What do you. What does.

The Mechanics of Manifestation

How does. How did I just, like, did I really just manifest that by not giving it attention? So we'll see. We'll see how that all develops. But, yeah, I think just some closing thoughts.

Final Thoughts and Reflections

Unless anyone has any questions or comments. In conclusion with today's talk is you're going to be thrusted upon experiences, opportunities, connections, feelings that are going to be all-consuming energetically, specifically as you continue to enhance the level of your attraction by freeing yourself from the lust.

Enhancing Personal Energy

So everything that I talked today about, the lust side and even just these things as inane as. As the thoughts of the desires and the cravings to come in, as you begin to sort yourself out when it comes to the lust, you will rapidly.

Accelerated Growth Towards Fulfillment

And it's not going to take you how long it took me, because again, I'm been stumbling through all of this. It's not going to take. I don't think it's going to take you three years to get to a state of fulfillment that I'm in no way.

Conscious Decision and Focus

If you make the conscious decision, the conscious focus now that you are in awareness, to understand the role that lust plays in. In your life. And in beginning to understand it, you start to manage it.

New Strategies for Dealing with Lust

You start to treat it differently in terms of maybe not feeding energy or when you do feed an energy, becoming aware of it and not doing it again. Whatever. Whatever strategies you want to do on the thoughts, but also just the awareness of the desires.

Moving Away from Desire

Like not moving in a state of desire or cravings, not moving in a state of lust. Alchemizing. Whenever that shows up, I can guarantee the rapidity by which you begin to get into a state of fulfillment will be crazy fast.

Shifts in Understanding and Experience

Because now that I'm thinking of it, because I always thought, how do I. Because it's taken me such a long time to get to where I am, but even consciously, with such a focused effort.

Personal Journey and Commitment

It took me three years to get here, at least vibrationally. But it's definitely been longer. I mean, it's been my whole life. This is my life's mission.

Personal Experiences and Raw Milk

But the beautiful thing about how all of this plays out is that, like, I remember how difficult it was for me to embrace and support things like raw milk. And not that it was necessarily difficult, but, like, how difficult it was to convince people to try it out, convince people to drink it.

Challenges in Promoting Unpopular Ideas

It was fucking impossible. Like, most people that I. That I was close with, even. And then I promoted raw milk on. On this account so much when nobody was talking about it. The hate that I got, the questioning, the, this is bad.

The Journey of Advocacy and Rejection

It's gonna kill you. This. And that was insane. And back then, I was looking at all this heat, and I knew Ron milk was gonna explode. I didn't know when, but I looked at, like, the landscape of things energetically.

Understanding Energy Dynamics

I was like, this is gonna be tough. Like, people really, like, I'm here alone fucking chilling it, and no support. People are attacking it. They're saying it's stupid. They're saying this FDA that to now where people just start drinking it because of one tweet that they saw.

Shifts in Collective Perception

There's people that I had to essentially hold their hand, convince them, like, they would send me a DM's. Like, are you sure raw milk is safe? Like, is it okay? And I could feel, obviously, the intensity because I understood.

Navigating Risks and Reassurances

I understood because it was risky, it was scary. And I persuaded them, yes, this is real. I'm not fucking making jokes or the raw meat. When I was eating raw meat, like, yes, you're going to be okay. Don't worry about it.

The Gradual Acceptance of New Ideas

Not to freak out about the bacteria to now. So some of these people, it took them weeks, months, a lot of them, took them the years, until they start to actually try raw milk out and drink it and realize, yeah, this is nothing bad.

Convergence of Ideas in Society

Now people are being convinced with one tweet, but they've been getting prepared in many ways from, you know, endless amounts of content. But this is what I'm trying to get at is, what I'm seeing is, like, for me to get to this point of feeling the state of fulfillment took me so much work, so much effort.

Finding a New Venture

Like, I I feel like I'm fucking the explorer. Exploring the new world where I land in this new. In this new land, and I see all these Native Americans, and it's just wooded and just trying to survive, trying to set up, like, a colony.

Personal Growth and Exploration

Now there's no native Americans in this new plot of land. It's just a new reality. So I've, like, entered a new reality. I'm setting up camp, understanding what's going on here. I'm communicating with people, yo, there's land here.

Realizing New Opportunities

Like, there's. There's a new reality. There's other realities here. It's not just that reality out there that we've all been subjected to. Like, there's a whole new reality where you can live in this high vibrational way, and there's happiness and abundance and fulfillment and unconditional love.

Attracting Positive Experiences

And you can attract all this beauty and love in your life. And people are obviously like, one. What the fuck? Like, I'm good here. I don't know if you got a house there. Like, it's going to cost me a lot of energy, a lot of money for me to make the trip over there.

Moving to New Energetic Spaces

Like, I'm good here. I'm good. I'm good here. But on top of that, it's like when you start to make the way over to this new. This new land, this new reality. Like, there's a house for you now.

Settling into New Realities

There's, like, there's amenities for you. It's. It's not just like a barren. Not a barren land, but it's not just like a undeveloped land. Like, you're coming to a place that you can thrive in.

Plans for Future Realities

So now when you start to really focus on specifically lust in this. In this moment that we're talking about, you now have the. You've been given the rubric on what it takes to get to a state of fulfillment.

Transforming Cravings into Fulfillment

Like, you focus on enacting this plan of freeing yourself from lust, freeing yourself from craving, from desiring and whatever strategies. Because again, what I'm saying is just, I just discovered a new land here for myself, not for myself, but I've never heard of this, never felt this way.

Navigating New Emotions

I don't know what are the strategies. I don't know how to deal with the thoughts of lust coming in and out. Now. It's going to be much easier for me because I've already done the work in terms of alchemizing this so I don't have to kind of face too stuck in that.

Pioneering New Experiences

I'm going to be building a whole new. I'm going to be building towns, cities already. I'm already building them because I've elevated myself to such a state that I can manage being in the state of fulfillment.

Letting Go of Unwanted Thoughts

All these thoughts. All these thoughts to lust, desiring, craving of anything. Like, they're going to be gone now. I can be maybe too optimistic, but I think they're going to be gone within three months.

Raising Expectations for Manifestations

It's going to be very rare for anything related to lust to kind of creep into my head. And that's because I've been able to elevate myself to such a state that when I feel these lowered, vibrational states, like they just don't exist, they're gone.

Clarity in High Vibrational Living

Nope. You're not. You're not coming in here and you're not setting up shop in my reality. If you're. If you're. If you're here coming with jealousy. And I'm feeling jealousy.

Overcoming Jealousy

No, jealousy is not going to stay to be around for a few seconds, a few minutes until I alchemize it fully. Maybe, maybe if it's some really intense energy that I'm going through, it could take a few days. But no, no. Jealousy does not exist in this reality.

The Nature of High Vibrational Existence

Jealousy does not exist because again, when you are high vibrational, those low vibrational states, when you get to a point of that fulfillment, they don't exist anymore. They, like, don't even show up.

The Absence of Temptation

They're not even temptations. And that's why when I was talking about the responsibilities with your attraction, is that you might not even have to worry about these temptations because they're not like they don't even exist anymore.

Managing Your Energetic State

They could still play out in your reality in terms of showing themselves and I kind of presenting themselves in different ways, but you're not taking it. So this.

Leveling Up Energetic Awareness

So now that the energetic work that you are doing right now has been massively enhanced because of this now awareness of how fundamental of a role lust plays, the state of desiring and craving plays in keeping your vibrational state low.

Embracing Conscious Energy Work

And as a result, you're now going to be consciously doing the work. Even if you catch yourself, like, forgetting about it, you're still unconsciously doing the work, like you're still do, like you're still getting there, which is just the start, is more than half the battle.

Future Potential in Energy Capability

And then within a year, two years, like your. Your energetic capabilities are going to be astronomical. Because as I said before with the raw milk, how difficult it was to get people to drink raw milk when it was not known.

Mass Acceptance of Ideas

Now it's fucking easy. It's very easy. Now, obviously, there's older individuals, maybe those that are not as young, those that are not as plugged into some of these accounts, some of these narratives that are still going to take time to embrace it.

The Timing of Widespread Change

And that's fine. Everyone is moving at their own speed. But your ability to elevate yourself vibrationally is going to happen very fast. And the people that are going to follow you after you, they're going to embrace it very quickly.

The Call to Action

Does that mean everybody's going to do and everybody's going to embrace you? I don't know. Probably not. It's still going to take time for the masses to truly get this.

Collective Timing for Transformation

It's going to take time for the masses to be at the level that they need to be to fully embrace this reality. But that's not stopping you, and that's not going to stop the people that are very eager and hungry, like, maybe not like you, but that are gonna follow you.

Awakening into Higher Consciousness

Because to do this, you have to. You have to have drive, you have to have conviction. This is not just something that, oh, I'm just gonna do the high vibrational homework.

The Commitment to Vibrational Awareness

No, you gotta want it. It's a way of living. It's a responsibility that is bestowed upon you by God. This is not just some fucking willy nilly.

Divine Connection to Purpose

Oh, I'll volunteer. Oh, no, I don't feel like vibrating high. No, no, no, no. This is. This is a responsibility. It's a privilege of the highest honor.

Significance of the Journey

And for. For you to be connected to me and what I've been providing for however long it's been, like, that's God. That's God saying, showing himself to you, saying, you ready?

Divine Alignment and Download

You ready? Because who's getting this type of download to you or giving you this type of download? Because this is a download from the most high. This is a download from God.

Becoming a Messenger

And to not fucking tend my ego. But if it wasn't for me, when would you find this out? When would you start to do that work? Months? Years? It's like people always say of people that become, like, overnight successes, like, oh, I wish I knew you back then.

Reflections on Success and Timing

Like, I would have loved your work like this. And that. When you become big, when you become known, when physical reality begins to rain down on you, everyone's gonna be like, yeah, like, I definitely want have followed you back then, and maybe, but probably not.

The Nature of Connection and Timing

It's like the people that met you before you were big. And they're like, yeah, I always knew he was gonna be a great success. I always knew he's gonna be big, like, or they brag about having known you.

The Reality of Relationships and Support

Yeah, well. Didn't feel so good when. When were together. It didn't feel so real when we knew each other, because many times you fucking drag me the fuck down.

Gratitude for Lessons and Growth

So this is, all of this is a blessing from the most high. And I'm very blessed and fortunate that I have been put in this position. And this is why I do these spaces, like, every day now.

Dedication and Purpose

I dedicate so much of my time. Everything, all of my life is dedicated to energy. And, I mean, really, it's actually dedicated to God. And I didn't realize that till maybe like, a month and a half ago where I realized that all of this was because of God.

Awakening to Higher Consciousness

Thanks to God, in alignment with God. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. It was. I'm his messenger. I'm a channel of his. And we all are a channel of his.

Recognizing Divine Purpose

It is just we begin to actually understand that privilege and that honor. When we actually do the inner work. When we start to do the inner work, as we continue to do that inner work, as we continue to vibrate high.

Commitment to Personal Development

And in being that channel, I take it very seriously and I give it my all every single day to vibrate as high as I can. To understand everything that is happening within my being, outside of my being.

Navigating Personal Journeys

All the interactions that I have. And provide as much insights and knowledge to those that want to hear it out and help people along the way. As they are in their own individual, personal journey and learning from them.

Diverse Responses to Energy

Because, of course, my own experiences are going to be, in many ways very closely tied, but also extremely different from others. Because we all respond, we all function in different ways.

Personal Reflections on Growth

We have different ways of living, ways of being. So how about how I have dealt with high vibrational energy. Is going to be very. Is going to be expressed very differently in terms of how you are.

The Importance of Individual Paths

For me, a lot of the inner work that I had to do was I had to do it alone. And I stress to people that they should do it alone. But maybe there's others, that it's going to better with a lot of people around them.

Navigating Inner Work

That's just not me. I know that I could not do very accelerated inner work. Being surrounded by so many people. And so many times, most of my life I've had to kind of just isolate myself, go within.

The Journey of Personal Development

And that has made me have to sacrifice a lot. Because if I'm giving my all 24/7 if my life is my devotion to God, but at least temporarily, it was a devotion and a fixation on high vibrational reality.

Impact of High Vibrational Commitment

It can really impact, at least short term for sure. But I mean long term too, both positively and negatively, your physical state, your physical reality.

The Price of Transformation

Because now you're not living in an established civilization, in an established society. You have now taken on the wing to be an explorer and to be one of the first settlers in the new. In this new reality.

Realizing the Transformative Journey

Because if nobody's living in this reality, you're one of the first to enter it, to experience it, to live in this lifetime. And probably for so many lifetimes before that, like to be a high vibrational being, to move towards becoming a high vibrational being.

Embracing the Gift of Earthly Existence

Wow, that's powerful. So we must never forget just how blessed we are. And how everything that has happened and how it has played out in our reality has all been in perfect divine alignment.

The Lessons from Suffering

As much as it might have hurt. As much suffering as we've experienced, it led us up to this moment right now, in this level of awareness and consciousness that very few people have, and very few people will be prepared and ready for.

Recognizing the Divine Selection

For a while. And you're taking on the. You're accepting the selection by God, to lean into the reality and the understanding that you are. You have been chosen.

The Chosen Ones

You are part of his chosen, like you're the chosen one. And so, in knowing that you are the chosen one or you're part of his chosen, don't take it lightly.

Growing Responsibilities

And as your responsibilities, as your powers continue to grow in parabolic fashion, you have to be immensely responsible with that power. Thank you, everyone.

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