Wizard Wednesday Ep. 169 NICE


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Wizard Wednesday Ep. 169 NICE hosted by ForgottenRunes. Wizard Wednesday Ep. 169 delved into the enchanting world of NICE, the decentralized fantasy franchise led by visionary founders @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21. The discussion highlighted the importance of community engagement, player feedback, and innovation in shaping the evolving landscape of decentralized gaming platforms like RuniverseGame. By combining blockchain technology with collaborative efforts among founders, the future of decentralized gaming promises immersive experiences, ownership empowerment, and player-centric interactions.

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Q: How do decentralized fantasy franchises differ from traditional gaming models?
A: Decentralized franchises provide ownership and unique experiences not found in traditional models.

Q: What sets RuniverseGame apart in the MMO genre?
A: RuniverseGame stands out with its innovative gameplay mechanics and decentralized approach.

Q: How do @dotta, @ElfJTrul, @bearsnake_21 contribute to NICE's success?
A: The founders' expertise and vision drive NICE's growth and innovation.

Q: Why is community engagement vital for decentralized gaming platforms?
A: Communities shape the ecosystem, drive adoption, and enhance user experiences.

Q: What role does innovation play in the evolution of gaming franchises?
A: Innovation drives creativity, user engagement, and the continuous improvement of gaming experiences.

Q: How can blockchain technology revolutionize the gaming industry?
A: Blockchain introduces transparency, ownership, and new monetization methods to gaming platforms.

Q: Why is player feedback crucial for the development of fantasy franchises?
A: Player input enhances gameplay, storyline, and overall user satisfaction in fantasy games.

Q: What benefits do gamers experience in decentralized gaming environments?
A: Gamers enjoy ownership of in-game assets, community-driven decisions, and a sense of empowerment in decentralized settings.

Q: How can collaboration among founders lead to innovative gaming solutions?
A: Collaboration allows for the pooling of expertise, resources, and ideas to create novel gaming experiences.

Q: What impact does decentralization have on player experiences in gaming?
A: Decentralization offers players autonomy, trust, and engagement, transforming their gaming interactions.

Q: How can decentralized fantasy franchises shape the future of gaming?
A: Decentralized franchises pave the way for ownership, immersive experiences, and community-driven gaming landscapes.


Time: 00:15:29
The Rise of Decentralized Fantasy Realms Exploring the growth and popularity of decentralized fantasy gaming franchises.

Time: 00:25:17
Innovative Gameplay in RuniverseGame Discovering unique game mechanics and features in the MMO space.

Time: 00:35:40
Community Empowerment and Engagement Highlighting the importance of community interaction in decentralized gaming.

Time: 00:45:55
Founders' Vision for NICE Insights into how the founders drive the vision and success of the NICE project.

Time: 00:55:10
Blockchain Integration in Gaming Understanding the benefits and challenges of integrating blockchain in gaming platforms.

Time: 01:05:22
Player-Centric Development in Fantasy Franchises Discussing how player feedback shapes the evolution of fantasy games.

Time: 01:15:48
Decentralization and Ownership in Gaming Exploring the impact of decentralization on player ownership and experiences.

Time: 01:25:33
Collaborative Innovation in Gaming Examining the benefits of collaborative efforts among founders in the gaming industry.

Time: 01:35:19
Future of Decentralized Gaming Realms Envisioning the future trends and developments in decentralized gaming environments.

Time: 01:45:27
Evolving User Experiences in Fantasy Franchises Adapting to user preferences and technological advancements to enhance gameplay.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralized fantasy franchises offer unique gaming experiences.
  • RuniverseGame showcases innovative gameplay in the MMO space.
  • Founders @dotta, @ElfJTrul, @bearsnake_21 lead the NICE project with expertise.
  • Community engagement is essential for the success of decentralized gaming platforms.
  • Exploring new dimensions and realms in gaming enhances user experiences.
  • Innovation and creativity drive the evolution of decentralized fantasy franchises.
  • Collaboration among founders can lead to groundbreaking developments in gaming.
  • The intersection of blockchain technology and gaming opens up new possibilities.
  • Player involvement and feedback shape the future of fantasy franchises.
  • Decentralization fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment among gamers.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Game Inquiry

All the other kids with the pumped up kids. Hello, guys. What? Hello. I hope you're all doing well. I'm just gonna ask a quick question. When can we play the game? Hold on. Let's. Let's get into the show first. Intro. Where's the intro music? Hang on, folks. We got some music here soon. I love that somebody's just immediately asking about. Yeah, when the game. So funny. When's the game? We'll get into game talk. Just give it. Let us start the show. I don't think we're gonna get the intro music today.

Starting the Show

With my dream come out of town for your eyes no place for beginners no place to be any but somewhere to start no need to ask is a school of love. All right, let's just jump in. Today is October 9, 2024. It is, of course, Wizard Wednesday. It's a good day to join a cult, channeling in from the quantum Downs. This is the black goat of the wood elf, J. Trull, and I've got some friends on stage with me. Hey, it's Dota, the orange fuzzy puppet, your best friend. We've got a lot of folks up here. who else is going? Go ahead, let's hear it.

Introduction of Participants

Ted. Ted's hanging out. What's, What's up? Two slash? What's up? What's up? Guys, guys, when can we play the game? We'll get there. We'll get there. We got. Oh, we got an algene up here today. The ever perceptive Nalgene. What's going on, man? What's up, nab. Yeah, well, he's here, but muted, I suppose. Yeah, yeah, the quantum shadow is striking everywhere today. And, yeah, we have Nalgene, but we don't have Bear because Bear's in the hospital. What is it? Hemorrhoids something. I can't remember what it was. You're doing it like that. Bear doesn't have hemorrhoids. I'm kidding.

Discussion about Bear and Game Updates

It's. I arm wrestled him last night, and I injured him badly, so. Yeah. But, yeah, we've got some fun things to talk about today. We will be talking about the game. We will be talking about the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto because we know who it is. And just a few other little things here and there, but, yeah, I mean, since everybody's asking, Chase, JP and two run. And honestly, a lot of people in the secret tower are asking any sort of updates on the game, of course. Yeah. So. Well, we're grinding hard on, really, all of the things that we're like, need to fix to get it ready for live service.

Game Mechanics and Corrections

Right. So I had a call with Geldor today to kind of talk about some of the, like, economy stuff that we're working through, right. So there's all sorts of things from kind of like correcting some of the mana yield in the game from last time. There's some new currency within the game that we're talking about introducing for like some other types of functions. And we'll have more to release on that. We are updating the white paper, and we should have a new version of the white paper out pretty soon. Let me try to look at my notes here. So, you know, there's a, one of the important things about this game, right.

Game Design Philosophy

Is that, like, we're trying to make sure that the game is fun rather than farming, right? Like fun over farming is the idea here. That said, I think that there's a lot of, like, really interesting defi mechanics on helping manage game economies. And so we're looking at some of those. We're evaluating some of those. We will. Another thing that a lot of people have, like, talked about bots, right? Like, we talked about bots kind of internally. I don't really know that this is, like, believable or whatever, but my perspective is something like this, which is that, like, the meme of the bots being a problem was actually bigger than kind of the actual data for bots.

Initial Issues with Lore

So I think like that's one issue. It's like it's not open source, it's not using probably the durability that we would use today. Then there's this other issue around like, and it's based around character tokens, right? The book of lore is based around you own a wizard. You write about that wizard that was so innovative in 21, but it's a little bit dated right now because we have these issues of what elf is talking about, which is, you know, I can't write this, like, metal or about. About what it. What the magic means you. Sorry. There's so much honking in the background.

World Building Challenges

You can't write about a location, right? So we have this map, and, like, you should be able to, like, write about the map. Everyone should be able to write about the map and then have some sort of, like, quality controls there. There. You should be able to write lore items. You should be able. Also, we need to go even focus back on the characters. What we have is almost like a markdown editor blog post. We should try to get an editor that feels more like Google Docs. You don't have to learn markdown. We should implement the ability to. We have AI now. We didn't have AI, actually, when we started the book of Lore in 21. Stable diffusion wasn't even a thing.

Integrating AI and Character Customization

And so now there should be some sort of deeper integration to kind of like, collecting the AI art that gets generated, being able to maybe generate AI art either in the book of lore or adjacent to it. This idea that you might be able to define your character's personality and alignment and traits and attributes. Right. That, like, right now, even when you use the deep dream master, it's. The traits are fixed. But, like, you know, Magus Devin has a game Boy, and, like, that's not part of the collection. Exactly, but she should be able to define that in her characters. Like lore page, right. So you can see these, like, four or five different areas that all actually need to be brought under, like, one house, which is, like, I don't know, book of Lore 2.0.

Progress on the Book of Lore

There's a new version of the Book of Lore which supports this idea of, like, the meta lore, the characters, relationships between them, more metadata about the characters, better durability, better usability. So all those things are, like, in development, and we're not going to have this done by October, but, like, the lore is the core of the project, and we're finally ready to kind of, like, revisit the book of Lore. And so, yeah, give us some time. It's. It's in underway. Yeah. Let me say another lore thing that is underway, and this will tie back to the game. My big job right now is it's really my most fun. It's the thing I love to work on the most, which is just writing lore documents.

Community Engagement in Lore Creation

And so right now, I am writing lore documents for the game, specifically stories around the dungeons. And what I really love about it is it's a place in the game that I think is going to interact with just the community lore and the NFT lore more than anything else that we've seen in the game as of yet. And I'm really getting a lot of different community members lore into these dungeon stories, and not just your lore, but your characters as well. So I think that you can expect to see a lot of community members characters actually in the dungeons playing a role in the story. And so that's a lot of fun. I'm sure some of you have seen in the secret tower over the last few days. I've been putting out lore calls, and that's why I've been doing that, and I'll probably do more.

Innovative Character Integration

So if you want to see your lore get featured, just look out for the lore calls. Yeah. I would even say, I also feel like in the early, I don't know, let's say, revisions of the game or, like, conceptions of the game, there was this kind of idea that was like, what if we use someone's character in the game and then they meet themselves in the game? And it was like, oh, no. Like, that would be so weird to meet yourself. And it's like, actually, no, that's wrong. Like, that means that there's one person out of 10,000 actually, it means there's one person out of 100,000 who, if they go to that quest, they might see themselves. Right. And it's like, actually, if you wrote a story about your character's lore and then you play the game and then you meet your character enacting that lore, that's amazing.

The Excitement of Character Encounters

You're gonna be happy about that. And all the other 100,000 people get to, like, a play almost a version of your lore. That's like the point of the whole project. Right. So I think that, like, maybe some of the early versions, weren't. We haven't put two and two together there. Exactly. Which it sounds a little obvious in hindsight, but, well, that's what we're doing now, and I'm, like, very excited about it. Yeah, yeah. I've got a few things to say about that, actually. For one, video games are expected to sort of break these bounds of logic at certain times.

Addressing Video Game Logic and Dualism

Like, for example, like the video game Street Fighter. Like, you can play as Chun Li and you can fight against Chun Li, and nobody who's playing the game is like, wait, this takes me out of the fantasy. I don't like this. It's totally accepted. Yeah, there are tons of examples of this just in games all across the game of sphere. Secondly, if I could get a little meta for a second, one of the sort of philosophical components of this entire project is this idea of dualism. For me, I was inspired by the gnostic idea of dualism, but really, it's a much bigger concept. It's this idea that you, as a flesh and blood person, can role play as a digital character on the Internet.

Exploring the Concept of Dualism

And so there's two identities that you're constantly maintaining in this sort of quantum state of being. You know, the phrase I am my wizard and my wizard is me speaks to this. And so, you know, you could imagine in such a scenario that you would be playing a game as your character, and then you would see your character in another context, and there's, like, some metal lore to actually explain that. so, you know, just game logic and. And and Internet logic and, this idea of dualism. you know, they can all be invoked to sort of explain this. This. This idea. but anyway, yeah, so.

Exciting Developments in Gameplay

So, yeah, so, yeah, you will. You might see your character in a dungeon as you play, as your character, just accept it. But, yeah, so, yeah, that is one really, just really fun thing I've been working on. The dungeon stories are. It's funny because at first, I wasn't too excited to write them, because telling a story through a video game medium is, it's not like a comic, it's not like a show. It's its own thing. But now I've embraced it, and I'm actually really excited. Like, there's a. I'll just put it this way. There's a whole dungeon story that involves the empty shake and, man, it is so fun. So, yeah, I'm really excited for y'all to play the dungeon stories.

Dungeon Structure and Community Interaction

Yeah, I think, like, we already see how the dungeons were structured in the open beta, so they're kind of, like, you know, like, mini stories that can be explored with them. And, like, so that kind of gives the flexibility for kind of, like, doing, like, a small adaptation of, like, a book of war entry. Right, right. Like, because, like, in the larger scope of the game, right, there's going to be, like, another, like, larger metadata, like, metanarrative. And, like, the question becomes, like, how do you really kind of, like, integrate some of these smaller stories instead of larger narrative? And, like, I feel like dungeons are, like, a really good place for that because they have this small, kind of, like, structured story that you kind of play along with your friends and kind of experience altogether.

Special Events in Dungeon Stories

And you can have like those special, sorry, special NPC's in there, like maybe even special occasions and stuff that can be like just specifically for like that story. So like, it gives a lot of cool flexibility that doesn't, like, overall have to like distract from like the larger. No, the larger mainframe of the game. Yep, absolutely. And also just one like, side anecdote about the Wizipedia. This is so totally disconnected. But there was something crazy that happened a few days ago. The Wizipedia was down, we could not access it. And I was like, woz, what's wrong with the Wizzipedia? And he dug into the code and he discovered that Claude, the AI, was data mining our Wizipedia, aka stealing our information.

Wizipedia and AI Interaction

And like, that was a little bit of an insult. But to add the insult to injury, the fact that we could not use the site while they were robbing us like that just blew. That's so funny. I don't think that. I don't think I had an opposite reaction. I was like, this is amazing. We're training the AI with like, our book of lore and Wizipedia. Like now you're going to be able to ask Claude directly questions about Wizipedia and forgotten ruins is going to know it. Do you know how cool I felt when I asked, like, you can go to chat GPT and be like, what do you know about Dota nl from forgotten runes? And it knows you don't even have to use the lore goal.

Concerns Over AI Usage

That is cool. Yes. The fact that you could ask chat GPT or cloud about us. What's not cool is number one, they took it without permission. Number two, they're probably making money on our data. And number three, now that they have it without asking, there is no telling what they will do with it or monetize with it. Or I don't want to make bear snake board and have this debate again. No, I don't want to have the debate either. I'm just saying, like, I'm not as optimistic about it as you are. I mean, it's undeniable that they did take it without permission and now they can do whatever they want with it. So who knows where that will lead? Maybe it'll lead nowhere, but that's like an insult.

Frustration and Regulation

Plus, the fact that we could not use the site while they were mining was annoying. That's annoying. No longer be using mid journey to help concept artwork because it finally, oh. No, I'll still use all these AI apps. I just think that the regulation around them and about how they gather data really needs to be addressed. I feel like if there's any. If there's any consultation to this elf, if. If Claude decides to use our data for whatever reason, I think that we've made significant progress in making ourselves known that they would want to be like, yeah, let's just.

Cultural Reflections

You use forgotten ruins data front and center in our page. You know, I feel this way whenever I have to, like, wait for a train. We have a lot more trains in Texas than we had in California and where it's like, I'm on my way to wherever I'm going, and I have to sit there and wait for, like, 20 minutes for this, like, massive train. And it's, like, incredibly frustrating because it's like, I'm paying for my time for the train company to, like, use this space and, like, they make money on it, and I don't. You know, but I guess that I sort of feel that something like, yeah, but society as a whole benefits, so.

Debate on Data Ownership

I'm married. Sorry. But, like, guys, you would not accept this from Google or Facebook or any other company. I mean, this is it. This is a debate that has been hashed out. That's not true, because if someone searches forgotten ruins wizards cult, I do want Google to show us. I'm not talking about, like, show it, like, dispersing our data to other people. I'm talking about the fact that these corporations take it without permission and, like, literally steal it, and then they. They make money off of your data and you don't? That's what I'm talking about.

Halloween Event Announcement

Yeah. Okay. Glad we agree. All right. We have a Halloween event coming up. I wouldn't say we agree. I would just say I'm ready to move on to. Okay, wait, hold on. You're saying you're totally fine with Google reading your emails, taking all of your information, and selling it, transitioning over to the Hollywood. No. Entropy. Entropy. You're cool with Google reading your emails, taking your data, and then selling it back to advertisers and then targeting ads towards you? I really like Gmail. It's like the best Gmail app.

Transition to Event Details

Dota. I'm talking about them reading and taking your data and then telling it back to you. That's what I'm talking about. I'm going to do a quick poll in the discord. Would you guys rather continue this discussion or hear about our Halloween event? Yeah, just that one question, and then we'll move on. I'm okay with it. Okay, got it. All right. Halloween we put out an image on the main account and it's coming. We don't have a date yet, but expect probably around Halloween.

Fun and Excitement for Upcoming Halloween

If you were there for the last one, you would know that honestly, it was probably one of the most fun things we ever did. And we are aiming to do it again, except maybe even better this time. It's going to be so fun. So, okay, what can we say? There's a group of things we can't say. A group of things we can't. So the one thing is it's in 3d, it's using improbable and the Edison platform. So we are partnering with the incredible Edison platform.

3D Environment Details

And so. Oh, is the founder of the Edison platform well known? Whatever. Because I want to give credit where credit is due, but then I don't know if they're not. Anyway, it's going to be, yeah, it's going to be so fun. If you're listening and you're the founder, tell us if we can say who you are. And so there will be a 3d environment where you can run around as your wizard. We have also talked about you can run around as your drumroll piece as you're a 3d warrior.

Pride in Achievements

It's going to be incredible. I can't even believe how. I can't even believe, like, how proud I am of the 3d team for the degree of, like, work that it took to implement 16,004 year models. Are you freaking kidding me? So, like, I really don't think that there's any other project that has 3d models to the degree that we do. They already didn't when we had warrior wizards. And now with warriors on top of it, they look amazing.

Teasing New Content

Am I, am I allowed to tease out a video of a 3d warrior? Like, to what degree have we gone to twitter about this and entropy elf? Do I have to wait? I was going to drop a leak of a still in chat. I might prefer to leave some of the video stuff for other things. So we've got. So we've got some really so cool models. I can't even believe it. I can't even believe it. The warrior models look so good and. Oh, hey, Doctor Mellon.

Adding Humor to the Discussion

Oh, boy. Here we go. Shint one. Hi, Winston. Hi, Winston. So I heard you are a gathering of fellow wizards. The mastery of the mystic art. 100%. Yeah. Anybody? 100%. His big bootyman art is. Belongs in our cult. Oh, yes. We will join the cult to summon the ancient ones, Neolithotep. And he will use his dark powers to enslave those peasants.

Cult Future Plans

Sounds like cool. Sounds like a plan. Exactly. We all make big cash. Cash money. Okay. I don't know about that one, but I think the other thing sounds cool. Oh, exactly, my good man. Can we answer any questions for you? Or. I mean, really? Like what? Tell us more about yourself. Well, I'd like to say that I. In my free time, I like to eat cream and crumpets and go for long walks on the beach with my dearest mother.

A Fun Character Reveal

She is quite the loveliest lady, I must say. Okay, great. Bring her up. Yeah. Hello. Oh, my son. My son. The wizard was just talking about you. Fellow chaps, and he was just saying. How much he loves cream and crumpets. I see. This is a wizard gathering, is it not? It is. And we love crumpets. Oh, me too, darling. I'll put my son back on.

Attempt to Summon Neolithotep

Thank you, mother. Now, fellow chaps, you know how to summon the ancient one, Neolithotep. I don't know the ancient one. You don't? We can talk Lovecraft lore later, but we're trying to announce. We're trying to announce a Halloween event. I'm gonna mute this guy. Sorry, Dota. Yeah. So, Dota, you were complimenting the 3d on the warriors, the 3d team?

Clarifying Team Contributions

It was actually not our team. We hired an amazing studio called game vision to do all of our 3d warriors. But, yeah, I mean, woz and frog right now are going through a lot to get them all assembled, so I just wanted to clarify that these were not made in house and. Yeah, sorry, Dota, where'd you leave off? I don't remember. Oh, tea and crumpets, I think. Yeah, we're gonna have souls and wizards and warriors in 3d, all together at the same time.

A Historic First

For the first time. Yes. That was it. That was it. Yes. Wizards, warriors and souls will all be invited to this event for the first time ever. Don't forget pussy. Oh, my God. Man, knowing I love trolls, but, yeah. It'S just part of the. This is part of what we do here. It's part. Yeah, it's part of it, for sure.

Wrap Up and Excitement for the Future

Man, I don't even. I don't even know how to get back on track. The 3d warriors are an incredible achievement. You did a really good job, and I can't wait to show them to everybody. Like the. How many heads are there in the warriors collection? There's like 160 or something. Like, it's ridiculous. Let me put it this way. There's like over 600 assets, including heads, bodies, weapons and shields. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, just like it was quite literally a herculean task getting all of these together and.

Final Thoughts on the Halloween Event

But, yeah, they're gonna be ready for this Halloween event. So what? So, okay, I know this is what I was gonna say. I think I'm back on track. Here's what's really fun about this event. We're calling it might versus magic, which is obviously wizards versus warriors and souls. You're on the side of magic, of course. But yeah, we've got a real game built out, and I won't talk about the game mechanics today, but it's not just gonna be just a maze where everybody has to run through it. It's actually more of a game this time.

Lore of Mount Umbra and Halloween Event

So basically the lore behind it is usually Mount Umbra is totally inaccessible to just about everyone because it's got a sort of black magic barrier around it. However, it being spooky season and it being the time of year that the nightmare imp loves to play his tricks, he is going to remove that barrier because of course, he is a master of black magic. He's removing the barrier. Wizards and warriors are going to converge upon the slopes of Mount Umbra and basically search for the black magic doughnuts and any other treasures that the mountain might offer. So that's the basic lore. I'll probably say more about it in the future, but yeah, there's our very clumsy rollout of the Halloween event.

Recognition of Igdul's Contribution

Hey, I want to give a special shout out to Igdul, who had no inside information to solve this. But I did post a silly little puzzle on the twitter, I think it was last week in Igdulhdem was the only person to solve it correctly in my comments. Black magic donuts. Nice. That's why we hired him for the Wikipedia donuts.

Weekly Donut Drop Update

So speaking of donuts, it's the weekly donut drop. Yay. They went out today. You can check your profile. I know. We need to get like a slick sound board. We need more. We need more sound. Yeah, but the leaderboard is updated, man. M four t has crossed 7 million donuts. That's incredible. And, well, check your weekly drop and share it. Share it. Let your friends know that the donuts are dropping where they dropped last week. I forgot to. I forgot they were dropped. Exactly. Okay, cool. Yeah, and that's my mistake, that if you can't remember, because we should have talked about it on Wizard Wednesday. They drop every Wednesday. Every Wednesday before Wizard Wednesday.

New Donut Millionaires and Leaderboard Changes

So, yeah, we've got a couple new donut millionaires who kind of crept up on the leaderboard. We also do have a couple of people that are gaming the slice of bread, friend. Now that I say that I'm looking at it, I'm like, oh, geez, we'll clean it up. Clean it up. So, yeah, check your donut drop. Let's see them. Let's see them. okay.

Discussion on the Identity of Satoshi

and then finally, the topic that is probably most important to this particular episode, dota, I heard that you completely agree Peter Todd is Satoshi. Oh, geez. When I saw that last night, I was so mad. I was so upset because I have been following that. I have been following the poly market for this for ages. And I don't know why I thought that HBO would have any insight whatsoever, but I at least thought it would be, like, embarrassed, like, not embarrassing. Right? Like, the idea that Peter Todd is a toshi is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Like, they clearly have were not involved in early bitcoin. I guess they, I didn't watch the documentary, but I guess they, like, met and talked with Peter Todd, which he, of course, says he isn't because he isn't.

Critique of Claims Regarding Peter Todd

He doesn't write like Satoshi. He doesn't speak like Satoshi. He, like, I feel like even if they had said, like, they come out and they'd said, you know, craig Wright is really Satoshi. Fine. Like, you're wrong. But, like, I can at least there's something there that you. That's like, I could see how you could be tricked by that. You did your due diligence. But to say that, as people, Todd, is, like. You're going to say it's Peter Todd and Nick Sabo. You're going to say it's Peter Todd and not Hal Finney. Like, give me a break. I was so. I was so mad.

Dota's Reaction and Insights

I don't even. You don't even know how upset Dota was in the discord. He was typing in all caps. He was like. Like, I could hear him losing his shit through the computer screen. And, like, I don't necessarily disagree with you, Dota, but it's so funny how, like, this was the thing that set you off. Yeah. It's like, announcing that, like, Dwight Schrute, like, actually works for the CIA or something.

Discussion on Alternative Candidates for Satoshi

It's like, no, okay, Dota, do you. Do you have a theory on. Well, who do you think is, like, the best candidate to be satoshi? Like, yeah, it's probably Hal Finney and, like, Nick Sabo. Like, that would be kind of my top. Like, I don't think that it would be Nick Sabo alone. Like, I think that it's, like, Halpani and probably Nick Sabo together and top. Line points for, like, why you think it might be them.

Analysis Supporting Hal Finney and Nick Sabo

Well, like, you know, they've done, like, writing analysis or whatever that, like, matches pretty closely with Hal. Like, Hal unfortunately died, like, around the same time. Nick Sabo also shares quite a lot of the, like, ideological bent. Right? Like, you know, even some of, like, I even had to unfollow him on Twitter a few years ago just because it was just, like, too much of, like, let's say, I don't know, I'll say partisanship or something. Like, it's. And, like, I actually think that a lot of people still don't realize that bitcoin was created in response to, like, the 2008, like, financial crash.

Bitcoin's Creation Context and Nick Sabo's Contributions

Like, the. Like. Like, the quantitative easing. Like, not like the.com crash, but, like, the post, like, quantitative easing crash. And that it was, like, a recognized recognizing of a debasement of the us dollar by, like, the federal government, essentially. Right? And so, like, Nick Sabo has written a lot of very deep, very interesting, very philosophical writings on the nature of money. Like, you should dig up his blog and read his. And posts, right? They're still so good. And so, yeah, that's where I would lay.

Theories about CIA's Potential Involvement

So I actually agree with you, especially on Hal Finney. I feel like the Occam's razor answer to this is Hal Finney. But let me present my second guess. And that is the CIA. And I'm not like a big conspiracy person, but let me just lay down some, like, points of interest for this idea. As you just said, like, the bitcoin was created as a response to the financial crisis of 2008, specifically dollar debasement. The us government clearly has a stake in this game. I mean, the dollar reserve currency is probably the greatest weapon that the us government has to maintain global order.

The CIA's Interest in Bitcoin

And so what is the solution to dollar debasement? Well, maybe bitcoin is. Okay, so that's number one. Number two, the CIA and the NSA are, like, worldwide preeminent experts on cryptography. And I don't know if this is true. Maybe, you know, did the NSA actually develop the SHA 256 algorithm? Ooh, I don't know about the SHA 256. I don't think so. But, like, the NSA for sure tries to backdoor, like, every kind of new hashing algorithm. And sometimes they get away with it and sometimes they don't. Right?

Anonymity and Public Nature of Bitcoin

And, like, I don't know about Sha 256, actually. Okay, I heard that. I haven't fact checked it, but regardless. Yeah, I mean, they're clearly experts on cryptography. And then the whole bitcoin network. I mean, what is it? It's like, it's a public ledger where every single transaction is publicly viewable, and yet it's got this veneer of anonymity. So it's like, simultaneously anonymous but public. You know, a tool like that just sounds like right up the CIA and the NSA's alley. You know, it just seems perfect for them.

Bitcoin's Role in Global Surveillance

And so, you know, if you're trying to build, like, a worldwide surveillance network, the bitcoin network seems perfect for that. And not only that, but, like, the CIA, when it's, like, exercising its control over the world, it's usually doing so in worldwide economies. What is the bitcoin network? It's an economic network. So, like. Oh, okay. And then finally, people like Gary Ginsler just mystify me. I mean, let's look at who he is. He was previously an MIT professor on blockchain and crypto.

Ginsler's Evasive Nature in Public Discourse

Like, the guy knows his shit on this topic. And yet whenever we see him give an interview or testify in front of Congress, he has this, like, weird, evasive, objective, obtuse demeanor about him where he, like, just pretends like he has no clue what's going on or he never answers a question directly. And it seems to me like he and the NSA aren't necessarily trying to destroy crypto or blockchain. They're really just trying to slow it down.

Exploring Government Conspiracy in Bitcoin's Development

And why would they want to slow it down? They want to slow it down so that it becomes more manageable. And I just. Yeah, I mean, I just think, like, all of these things together just really sort of point to a big government conspiracy. Here's my take. Kind of. One is. One is, like. I guess I just don't assume that, like, level of competence necessarily.

Competence in Government Projects

So, like, this is the thing. I think the invention of bitcoin was a stroke of genius that, like, was not at all, like, you couldn't actually just, like, choose to design bitcoin. And that's kind of, like, proven out by, like, it's not that hard to create an l one at all. Right? Like, it's. There's only a handful. And the idea of inventing proof of work was like, you can't just decide to do that.

Innovation and External Influence

And then it works at the level that it. That it did. That that basically requires, like, a genius to have an invention, like, how a lot of history has moved forward. And so it seems like, more likely that would come from outside the government than from it. Okay, okay. Excellent point. Never count on the government to execute a plan perfectly. I would agree. But what I would counter with is, my guess, okay, if it was, like, a CIA creation or innocent, is that it was really just an experiment.

The Nature of Bitcoin's Emergence

They didn't totally expect it to work like this, and now it's just sort of taken off and it, like, has a life of its own. The. Does the. Is there exit? I guess the other part would be something like, okay, two questions. One would be like, why would they want an alternative arrival to the US dollar? Because, doesn't that seem kind of productive? You'd have to say, well, you're part of a shadowy elite that's looking to build your own.

Questions Regarding Economic Motivations

Right. Lifeboat or something like that. Well, it's the hedge against dollar debasement is why. Right. And so you'd have to be like, well, there were NSA people that were trying to build a hedgerow, dollar debasement. And then, like. And then, like. And then they. They kept all the bitcoin and they haven't spent it because it hasn't been debased enough or something that, like, they see all the.

Involvement in Criminal Activities

All the guys in that office secretly mine their own bitcoin. So that way they would have be rich later on or something. Well, in the other part, involvement in, like, the Silk Road. Right. Because then you'd also want to be like, oh, we invented this thing. Like, let's try to get criminals to use it. Let's invent Silk Road. And, like, I don't. I don't.

The Silk Road Connection and Satoshi's Disappearance

And then you'd have to be like, well, like, you know, Ross was the fall guy or something, right? Like, is there evidence for that? I don't know. Okay, so. This is so much fun, actually. So. Okay, so my response to both of those would be. So probably, you know, it's like I said, like, they created it as an experiment.

The Aftermath of Bitcoin's Creation

It took off, gained a life of its own, and then all these, like, wild characters like Ross Ulbricht started building things with it. So, I mean, that would be my explanation for that. What was the first point? You said that why would you build a competitor to the dollar? Yeah, it's like, who was in on it, right? Like, so.

Exploring the Relations of Wallets

Oh, and what about the wallet that has a million BTC? Right? Like, wouldn't your. Everyone in the office would just mine a bunch because they're like, hey, guys, so, like, pre mining the shitcoin or whatever. I mean. Okay, again, just. Just a guess.

Theories on Wallet Control

But my guess is, like, that wallet is, like, institutionally controlled. And so it's, you know, it's not. We're not talking about, like, three guys who could just suddenly get rich. It's like. It's. It's institutionalized. They. There's like, bureaucracy in the way of that wallet. That. That'd be my theory.

Interest in Bitcoin Mining in the US

Yeah. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not. Maybe. I can't know for sure. So I think. I think it's valid. It's totally valid. Here's my biggest point against it. Like, as far as we know, there's no, like, major US mining operations. Like, other countries have much bigger mining operations than the US. Is that right? That's my hunch.

Discussion on US Mining Operations

You can look it up. I don't know the number. Forgotten. Runaverse has your hand up, please. Matt. Oh, sorry. What's up? I was going to say. I was going to say, actually, my. My pet theory that I've had for long since. It's almost like a combination of what you two are talking about.

The Pet Theory on Bitcoin's Origins

My pet theory is it was from the CIA, but it wasn't somebody. It wasn't the CIA itself. More like a rogue member within the CIA who was very, like, pissed off at. They know what was going on, right. And they had this kind of insider information. They already. They had, like, this advanced cryptography CIA was already working on, and they just decided to just leak it.

The Nature of Cryptography Leaks

And that also kind of explains, like, why from the very beginning, they were like, super crypto about, like, you know, hiding who they're. Who they are because, like, you know, they're big trouble. Like, somebody leaked from the CIA, right? And, like, the CIA is gonna, like, come out public and say, hey, somebody leaked out this secret photography that we had, like, you know, hidden.

The Fate of Satoshi Nakamoto

Right. So they kind of, like, kept it hush. And maybe, you know, not to be like, a bit. Not to be too morbid, but, you know, they kind of like, you know, done him in. And so we haven't heard from Satoshi Nakamoto because, like, quietly took care of him. But, hey, that's my pet theory on it.

Revealing the Identity of Satoshi

So interesting. So I think as promised, we revealed the identity of Satoshi. It was the CIA who hired. And then off Tal Finney, Dorian Nakamoto. I'm looking at the bitcoin mining map. And you know what? There's actually a good number of servers in the US, which is good.

Discussion on Bitcoin Mining and Nationality

You know, I want all of the bitcoins to be made in America. Awesome. Yeah. I was gonna also mention earlier, dota, like, if. If it makes you feel any better, when they did interview. When they did interview Todd on the HBO, he actually had, like, the same reaction.

Todd's Reaction to HBO Interview

He just, like, laughed uncontrollably and he said he was like, this is hilarious. Like, you guys, I'm glad that you guys are doing this because, like, it just shows how silly this whole thing is. And, like, everybody in the bitcoin community, when they see this, they're just gonna laugh at you. Like, he just straight up said that it's so ridiculous.

Community Reaction to the HBO Documentary

They're just gonna get laughed at. And they still went with it. They still went with it. That's crazy. Yep. Yep. Okay, we are almost at a time. But I love this conversation. I hope we didn't bore anyone. It's just such. Such a fun topic.

Final Thoughts on the Discussion

Bear's not here and Bear's not here, so we can talk whatever you want. Whatever we want to. About. About whatever you want to. Plus, it's. The lore is tied into the shadow hats, so, I mean, you know, this. This is not, like, totally foreign to forgotten runes. Yep. Wild mage and justice.

Audience Engagement on Satoshi's Identity

Both of your hands are up. Sorry. What? Do you guys have any insight into Satoshi's identity? Oh, it's definitely the CIA. All right. I mean, imagine the coming, like, american economic renaissance whenever it finally gets revealed.

The Possible Economic Impact of the Revelation

That the CIA did it. That's like a pro America. Take that. It's like, look at this. It's part of the us treasury. Yeah. I mean, it really would be like that. If all of a sudden they're like, bam, it's us, guys. Check it.

Potential Reactions to the Revelation

I don't know that I would actually be that happy about that, frankly, because then people would be like, well, give me some, and then they would sell it. I also wanted to say, though, I had one question and one announcement, if I could sneak those in. Of course. The question is, are you guys willing to announce when the Halloween warrior event is going to be?

Plans for the Halloween Warrior Event

And the reason why I ask is because I definitely want to make sure I take off that we are aiming. For it to run across multiple days, either multiple times or be up running for, like, several hours such that we can make more space. Because I do know last year it was like. It was like over lunch in my time zone, you know?

Timing Details for the Halloween Event

So, yeah. So the current plan is that it will be running for multiple calendar days, multiple hours each day. But we don't have that pinned down this second. There's still some dev work, and I know it's really close, but I. Yeah, we'll try to. I think there might even be a Saturday, like, kind of in the plans, but you'll have to forgive me for not having an exact date.

Relief for Scheduling

That definitely relieves me because I had to make sure that I took off, like, that afternoon last time to play. And the announcement, though, well, not only is Tanya del Rio going to be our Monday magic news guest for the second time this coming Monday, but we also have a giveaway of a guaranteed cameo in one of Tanya del Rio's inktobers. And there's only 21 left, guys. And. No, no. There's 22 left. Yes. And, yeah, all you got to do is go and follow us at money magic news and retweet the announcement that was posted earlier today for the show coming Monday. And, you know, and go ahead and follow Tanya while you're at it anyways, and also be present when we do the live Twitter picker on the show.

Prizes and Guest Details

Okay. Amazing. Wild mage, are you saying Tanya will, like, draw, like, a piece of artwork for the winner? Is that the prize that's available? Well, you know how sometimes some of the Inktobers feature just, like, one wizard in particular or two and then sometimes featured three or four in a specific scene? And this, if you. If you're a winner, you are going. You are guaranteed a spot in one of these. October, you're wizard or warrior. Gotcha. That sounds amazing. So especially for the. You know, especially for a lot of the new Ronin community, wizard and warrior holders that haven't you know, I guess been around as much. It would not necessarily be as prominent in the community, but still, yeah, be a great opportunity.

Magic Monday News Timing

That's so cool, man. okay, amazing. What time is, Tell everybody what time is magic Monday news. Oh, magic Monday news is every Monday at 08:30 p.m. eastern Standard time. Okay, amazing. Fantastic. okay, well, speaking of, Tanya del Rio, we have the cult content Chronicle compiled by the illustrious Tanya del Rio. Every damn. Every damn week. I waited too long. I thought it was okay. You know, I'll let you do your thing and kind of give everybody's feedback, because I know that artists want to hear from the artist, but I just have to say there are 27 pieces in this week's cult content chronicle, which is actually half of what it's been. Most weeks, it's been close to 50. There are 27 pieces.

High Quality Art

And the level of quality of content is blowing my mind. Like, no shade whatsoever to kind of like the first the art that was being produced. And, like, let's say the early days, quote, unquote, of forgotten ruins. But, like, the. The production quality of this art is so good. And it's not all just like AI art either, right? These are, like, hand drawn productions made with care. I can't even believe how good they are. So with that premise, go ahead, take it away. Alf Dota. I love that you said that. And I totally agree.

Discussing Art Contributions

This particular issue is hot. So, yeah, let's jump in. Number one. I mean, right off the bat, just a banger by Marco fine of. I think it's of bear snake's wizard, but it's like bear snake as a child. Cause he's beardless. And it's just such an awesome freaking image. There's, like, so much going on. Like, it's just. It might be one of the best pieces of bear snake art I've seen in forever, maybe ever. It's just killer. It's just killer. Nice job, mark fine, I. And then just right up on Mark of Hynes heels, David Azel, seven commissioned or no codenigno commissioned.

Continued Art Highlights

David Azel, I think, from the ronin community to make this beautiful piece of his soul. And then Crucifor shared a commission from tuna Ceti v of his pyromancer. Just another beautiful piece. And then Bill Gaines shared a really nice piece of salty sloan created by Klavan Xs art with funding from the DAO. And then there's another post from the forgotten council dao of just a bunch of commissions that were funded by the DAO. Castamere, one of the preeminent waifu artists of the cult, is working on a beautiful piece of the seven tailed kitsune Gillian art.

Art Styles and Features

Man, Gillian has such a fun, I guess, format. I would say Gillian is known for doing these like, really fun. God, what do you call them? Like, like these images of a character walking across a landscape on this like, treadmill effect. Yeah. Yeah. He had some nfts, or she. They had some nfts. Well, a couple years ago and I minted them. They're just incredible. They're so cool. And I love that Gillian does so many forgotten runes pieces of art in this style. So, yeah, that was awesome.

Game Developments

The Dao, of course, funded this community dungeon crawler unchained game we've mentioned before on Wizard Wednesday. And it's coming right along. Yeah. What's the connection with the treasure Dao and the unchained game? Does anyone know? Yeah, someone come up and tell us about it. I also don't know, like, the timeline or the URL or like, what it is. Right. What I see is like, you know, that it's. I know that it's people in the forgotten runes community. I know that, you know, it's our own people that are doing it. But I. You'll have to forgive me. I actually don't even know what it is.

Explorations into Unchained Game

I think it's like an AI storytelling game. But then treasure put up like, what, 500k or something for a prize pool, which is nuts. That was like, you know, that's like, not that easy to get a hold of. So 500k? That's amazing. That's like how much we're going to put up for Goblin town. So it's like, geez, that's serious. So somebody come up here and tell us what's going on with unchained and if you can't do it this week, let's do it next week. I don't know the full details. So. Yeah, maybe. Maybe better to get Nft sausage to.

Dungeon Crawler Unchained

Share all of it. But yeah, it's a dungeon crawler. Oz is doing the art and yeah, it ran through our Dao, but they're. Just getting it up and ready to launch. And this treasure Dao information just came in this week. So I don't know exactly what it means for it, but yeah, I assume just a lot more exposure and a. Much bigger prize pool. That's so fun. I can't believe somebody's about to make half a million dollars from this. That's so great. I don't think it's one person, but yes. Oh, that's just the pool that will be distributed to many winners, I guess.

Additional Prize Schemes

That's what I thought. That's what I thought. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, still, that's a lot of money. Okay. Okay. This next piece is one of my favorites. Zayla Sol posted his young dream master, and I think Zay posted this years ago, but it's, like, one of the best pieces of forgotten runes content ever, and so I'm glad he's resharing it. How cute is that baby dream master? Okay. It's freaking adorable. I love it. I love it so much.

Fun and Adorable Art

Okay. Magus Devon shared an image of poor bread friend getting sliced. Matto, what are you trying to do here? He's cake. He's made out of cake. Cake friend. Pretty cute. Okay. And then another one from Matto, the top ten anime. It's another bread friend meme. Okay, I'm not going to try to describe it. Just. Just go look at it. And then Matto shared just an adorable little. Wait, is this an AI video? I can't tell.

AI Generated Art Insights

Yeah, it's an AI gen of, like, there's a squisher on, I don't know, Runway one of these where, like, you upload a photo and, like, they squish it like clay. Yep, that's it. Okay. Super cute. Oh, this is one of my favorites of the week. Man, there's so many bangers this week. Dow x lab, who is just, like, one of the most talented, just like, poly talents that we have, is just doing experiments in a game engine.

Tech and Game Art Fusion

I think it's unity, and it's Crucifor's wizard David doing his yemenite, his most signature spell, the cucumb dog metamorphosis. Daleks lab. You really generated a lot of discussion behind the scenes on this one, I'll tell you that much. You might have people knocking on your door trying to scalp your talents in the future. Keep it going, man. It's so much fun. sorry, just a little bit more on that. Like, like, what's so fun about this video is it's one cult member using another cult member's lore to make something just very funny.

Cult Community Engagement

And it's like a reference to, like, a deep cut meme within the lore. And it's like, like, this is like some real cult shit. When you look at this, something like this, it's just, I think Zela Sol said, like, commented like, the lore is so deep on this. Yeah, yeah, it's. It's great, man. Okay. Clooney the rat continues building in Nifty Island. Clooney basically made a character just made out of the forgotten runes dice.

Creative Outputs and Contributions

That's fun. Yeah, super fun. Virgilius the Sorcerer continues making lore, this time about his robot warrior. Magus Wazir, our very own dream master, made a fun, basically fact checking image. You know, honestly, this image is so funny. It's. It's so banal, but it just. It cracks me up. I don't. I don't know what is it, what it is about it, but I just think it's so funny.

Interactivity with Lore

Like. Like, Woz has been using this in our discord to fact check us, and it's just so funny every time he uses it. Right? Igdul, our new Wizypedia editor, shared just a fun meme, I guess. I don't know how to describe this collage. Maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But go have a look at it. And then Meeple dad is, of course, hard at work on all the juicy items that will be featured in Treasure Trove 2.0.

Teasers of Upcoming Events

And so we shared a sneak peek of one of the cards, and then, of course, shared a sneak peek of some of the map cards. He shared a bugbear moonshine card. And then Jason de Sante continues with the daily dancing whizzy Vizzy Viddy's number 73. Meeple dad continues with the riddles in the dark. Tanya del Rio has been on an inktober binge. This latest one features the guys from Magic Monday News Wild Mage and Hen Boyd.

Exciting Artistic Details

And the fun little detail of the little nozzle in the background is super fun. I can't wait for the coloring book. Oh, man. Yes, yes. Super fun. And then, of course, magic Monday news, second Gulf war was their guest last week. And then, of course, Tanya will be the guest next week. Bill Gaines shared a commission of the Salt Kelpie. Breathtaking. When I saw it, I, like, literally took my breath.

Artwork Reviews and Impressions

I was like, oh, this is majestic. Is so good. Honestly, the salt kelpies never looked better. It's so badass. Yeah. And then. Oh, man. Okay, another good one. Okay. Ozma bro just put together basically a portfolio website of everything he has done since day one forgotten runes. Man, go look at this portfolio. It is like the scrolling will take you, like, a good five minutes to get the result.

Community Recognitions

It's just an incredible body of work, you know? I mean, you look at. You look at output like, this. And it's like, you realize, okay, having Oz's atelier his studio, literally on the forgotten runes map is well deserved. It's so impressive. Oz, I'm so proud of you, man. I just. I'm, like, honestly, like, envious that you get to, like, make so much cult content art.

Collaborative Efforts

Like, sometimes I just wish I was, like, a cult member and not a cult leader because I want to do this. But, yeah. Really impressive, Oz. Did we already talk about the salty Sloan piece by Clavin, too? So I guess Klavin did that Salt Kelpie, and then he also did a salty Sloane painting, I think. Yeah, I mentioned it, but did you want to say something else?

Quick Mentions

Oh, no. Well, I just was noticing. I was making the connection that he. That he did both pieces. And, man, it's just so good. So good. Yeah. Klavin, I think, is like a new artist. I mean, I haven't seen them before. He's from kind guild, so I think he's like Ronan, new Ronin person. Man, that the team up with Ronan has just been straight up mad bull.

Developments and New Artists

Yeah. Okay. And then finally Dronden has made actually something really cool. Dota, you were talking about this earlier today. You want to say anything about it? Yeah, it's really amazing. So, yeah, he droned into, did a whiz b and b, which takes the. The latter long that we published in the API data for the plots and puts them on a map over some of the, like, kind of leaked maps that we have.

Innovative Integrations

So it looks really good. So it's a great way that you can kind of find plots. You know, I feel a little bad insofar as we are also working on something similar that's baked into forgotten market. But you know what? What he was able to do was able to ship faster than us. It's still probably going to be a couple weeks before he hit. We have ours out anyway, so. Yeah, it looks amazing.

Community Growth

Try it out. It's like really incredible work that he was able to do faster than us. So check it out. Love it. Yeah, it's, you know, it's just amazing how much the cult builds. It really is. I mean, it really is just all the creation. I really don't think any other NFT community has a community that builds as much as ours. Yeah. And I'll tell you what, one of the things that I'm, like, thinking a lot about, I'll talk more about.

Future Prospects

I'm putting together a light paper. Is this idea around how can you track the provenance of, like, individual creative contributions. So then that way, when it comes time to make pieces that, like, earn money that you can kind of pay appropriately. Right. We're working on some systems that will take that to the next level. Like, of course, what we've done now is, like, a human reads the book of lore, and a human makes a spreadsheet, and then a human, like, writes the story, and then we, like, just kind of sort of categorize it.

Opportunities and Innovations

Right. Major, minor, whatever. But I think that, like, we have the Internet and we have LLMs and AI, and we have cryptocurrency, and so there's new opportunities for building financial incentives for creative contributions that have literally never been possible before and never been done before that we are perfectly poised to do. So. Yeah, that's on the horizon. Yeah. You're making me want to rant for another ten minutes.

Value of Creation

But all the building and the creation is. It's so important. It's. It's everything. It's everything. Like, lore really is at the core, and magic machine knows that, and we're using it, and we think about it every day. I mean, just. Just when I'm, like, writing dungeon docs, the fact that there's, like, a whole runes TCG card set, and there's thousands of pages of the book of Lore, and there's the Wizipedia.

Collective Lore Development

Like, I'm using all of it, and I'm just so impressed with how much, like, lore that we have. Like, honestly, I think we have more lore than junior Tolkien now. We're like the Lost Boys, right? Like, you just sort of, like in that movie hook, one of my favorites, right? Where you, like, sit around the table, and then to, like, a non believer, it looks like they're just, like, eating air.

Imaginative Connections

And then, like, when you kind of, like, your eyes, the scales fall off of your eyes, you realize that, like, we're throwing real pudding at each other, and we're perfectly full, right? And, like, you kind of, like, will it into existence, and that's, like, totally happening before our eyes. Killer analogy, bro. Hook is an awesome movie. Well, this. This Halloween will be our fourth annual Halloween event. Fourth.

Marking the Calendar

Show me another NFT project that is at a fourth annual event. Damn right. So clear your calendars for the week of Halloween, because we haven't given you a date yet, so tell your bosses. You have to wait and see till our schedule clears up. So, yeah, it's going to be fun. It's going to be so fun. Okay, entropy, do you have your audio jacks? All plugged in and your computer functioning.

Looking Ahead

And I sure hope so. Let's try. Okay, so, yeah, tune in next time where Dota and I will continue to argue about data mining. We will continue to debate these identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. We will continue to discuss all of the magic happening. And this has been elf Dota, entropy tat major wild mage and all of the wizards of the forgotten runes wizards cult channeling out.

Farewell Thanks

See you in, everybody. Bye. Elf dot. A puppet do best thing by the. Ocean blue it's wizard Wednesday it's wizard. Wednesday cobalt and Dream master sword on. The door. It'S wizard Wednesday forevermore wizards. Of Wednesday lore at the core we. Are a cult with a world of our own never forgotten our magic is.

Magic Enthusiasm

Known it's wizard Wednesday.

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