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Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Wizard Wednesday Ep. 167 Token 2049 & Moar Lore hosted by ForgottenRunes. Wizard Wednesday Ep. 167 delved into the realms of Token 2049 insights, lore in decentralized franchises, and the innovative Runiverse MMO. The founders @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21 shared their expertise, highlighting key trends in gaming, crypto, and fantasy realms. The space provided valuable insights on industry events, the significance of narrative in gaming, and the unique attributes of Runiverse, shaping the future landscape of gaming experiences.

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Total Listeners: 48


Q: What was the focus of the Token 2049 conference?
A: Token 2049 discussed the latest trends and innovations in the cryptocurrency industry.

Q: Why is lore important in decentralized fantasy franchises?
A: Lore adds depth, engagement, and authenticity to fantasy worlds, attracting players and fans.

Q: How does Runiverse differentiate itself from other MMO games?
A: Runiverse stands out with its unique gameplay mechanics and immersive gaming experience.

Q: What are the key contributions of @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21 to the crypto and gaming sectors?
A: These founders have made significant contributions to innovation and community building within their respective industries.


Time: 00:13:45
Token 2049 Insights Exploring key takeaways from the Token 2049 conference and its relevance to the crypto market.

Time: 00:27:21
Decentralized Franchise Lore Delving into the importance of building rich lore in decentralized fantasy franchises for player engagement.

Time: 00:39:10
Runiverse MMO Showcase Discovering the unique features and gameplay mechanics of the Runiverse MMO.

Time: 00:54:30
Founder Influence in Crypto and Gaming Discussing the impact and innovative contributions of @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21 in their respective fields.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on Token 2049 event and its impact on the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
  • Exploring the world of decentralized fantasy franchises and the importance of lore.
  • Introduction to the Runiverse MMO and its unique gameplay features.
  • Discussion on the influence of founders @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21 in the crypto and gaming space.

Behind the Mic

Wizard Wednesday Invocation

Channel in from the quantum downs it's wizard Wednesday black gold elf not the puppet too best thing by the ocean blue it's wizard Wednesday cobalt and dream master sword we are a cult with a world of our own never forgotten or magic is known it's wizard Wednesday let's read from the book of lore legendary wizards at the core don't get lost in the quantum shadow Abracadabra is our magical manifesto.

The Flame of Creation

Eat a. Donut, set your soul on fire the sacred flame on a funeral pyre the 7th gate with golden locks the nightmarimp with a tree falls. It was a. Wednesday it's wizard Wednesday not Wednesday.

Greetings and Technical Difficulties

Jim. Jim. Jim, everybody. How are you doing? What's up, Ida? Can't hear elf. Can you hear elf? I can't either. I have a feeling we're getting a. Little rug bug today. Well, well. If it isn't wizard Wednesday. And I'm your host now, Dota. Dota. Thank you for leading wizard Wednesday today. Hi. You're welcome. Thank you. Welcome.

Channeling from the Quantum Downs

Channeling in from the quantum downs. This is dota and bear and entropy. And not elf because he doesn't know how to even use a computer. Yeah, he's just an artist, guys. You can't expect too much. Yeah, you can't expect an artist to know how to use a computer. He's probably trying to use, like, a pencil or a paintbrush to open up Twitter. Poor guy. You know, I gotta say, this is not the best track record. Last week we had music rug. That was a device failure on my side that I have since figured out. The week before that, we had the whole space rug on us. Thank you, Elon. But looks like we got elf back now. Elf.

Technical Glitches and Updates

Okay, great. You guys hear me? Alpha, are you okay? I can hear you. Okay, first of all, I know how to use computer way better than Bearsen. Number one. Number two. No, I updated. I updated my phone to iOS, I think 18. Yeah. And it disabled the microphone for X.com dot, so I just had to re enable it. So hot tip for everyone who updated. That is a hot tip. I take it back. I take it back. I don't. I hate updating my phone, by the way, because every time I wait the longest until my. Like, they basically force my phone to shut down and then I have to update. I hate updates. Yep, yep.

The Arrival of Wizard Wednesday

Okay. Did you guys already do the intro? You want me to do it? Ish? Ok. September 25, 2024. It is, of course, wizard Wednesday. It is, of course, a good day to join a cult. Channeling in from the quantum downs, this is the black goat of the wood elf troll, and I guess you guys already introduced yourself. Yep, we did. Great. Everybody knows us. First question, guys. Are we entering the banana zone?

Election Uncertainty

Well, I hope so. I mean, I don't know, but that sounds great to me. I think so. It feels like we bottomed out. It feels like. Like the right time. Here are some pieces that I'm seeing, right, so the most obvious one would be the Federal Reserve. Rate cuts. Yeah. Rate cuts. So. And not just, like, 25 bps. You got a whole point. Like, 50 bps. So that's amazing. Half a point. I got a half point. And that's like, you know, almost like an emergency rate cut. So that's a little ridiculous. Does the economy warrant a 50 bps rate cut? I don't think so, but, hey, it's good for our bags.

Market Dynamics Ahead of Elections

So some other pieces that we're seeing is the election, right? Everyone's been super uncertain about the election, whether you like Trump or Kamala. Really? I think a lot of people are just holding back because it's not like investors will make money over the next four years one way or the other. You just kind of want to know what game you're playing. Right. And so the risk to reward is actually just way too high. When you don't know what kind of administration you feel like you're going to be dealing with over the next four years, you can already feel some of that pressure coming up, even though, you know, people will debate over who's going to win, but you can see some pieces moving.

Seeking Certainty in Unstable Times

The market just wants certainty. Yeah. That's really all at once, which is impossible. Yeah. I mean, not until the election, but. But, you know, here's the third thing. October is colloquially known as uptober, which begins in, like, what, five days? So that's. That's good. The summer is always like this. The summer is always like this. I was gonna say, you guys. I know that both of you guys look at cycles pretty closely. Do you feel like this? So far, we have, like, sort of hit all the beats that, like, we kind of thought we would.

Cycles in Crypto Markets

I think we all thought the sun was gonna slosh around a bit. I think the cycle is totally on schedule. I think the only thing that really threw us for a loop was the. The bitcoin ETF approval, which, like, maybe gave a little bit of a false jumpstart. And now that it's, like, traded sideways for six months, it sort of threw the cycle off a little bit, but now I think it's actually back on schedule. I also think the thing that threw people off was meme coins, because, like, historically, meme coins would be at the end of the tail risk cycle, right?

Understanding Crypto Trends

So, like, the classic secrets of crypto, right? This was the year that you had people declare the death of the secrets of crypto diagram, which is like this idea that it starts with bitcoin, then with ETH and with Alt L ones, and the defi majors, the defi miners, you know, nfts and then meme coins. And so then what basically happened is you went straight from bitcoin to meme coins and nobody understood it. And it was like, I think that the meme coins were actually, like, an act of desperation in a bear market where, like, no substantive shipping could actually make any sort of difference.

The Shift to Speculation

That is a really interesting point because, yeah, like you're saying, like, usually the safer bitcoin and blue chips are the ones to lead, and then after those lead speculators go far down the risk curve. But meme coins are, like, as far on the farthest end of the risk curve as you could possibly get. And they kind of led, have been leading for the past few months. Do you think it's because there's more people in crypto that and, like, it's expanded beyond, like, sort of that.

Cultural Impact on Crypto

That initial group of, like, finite group of people that were just trading crypto, and now we have, like, out of NFTs came a little bit more culture, and out of that culture came sort of tokenizing memes. I feel like that's maybe playing a part in it. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Yeah. I guess maybe that. I think that the. Yeah, from my perspective, it's just this idea that, like, you go and you research super hard some defi project, and, like, you understand, like, the mechanics of, like, ample and, like, the.

Value Investing in Crypto

The three different tranches of stable coins. And then you place a bet, and then, like, no one else can even understand that idea, so no one else buys in after you except for maybe, like, a handful of other sophisticated players. Right? And so you spend all this time and energy because you're playing this kind of, like, you know, Graham and Dodd's thesis of, like, value investing in crypto, and then you actually don't really, like, make anything. And so there was. There was really just this, like, almost like a nihilism that, like, it wasn't worth it, trying to build something useful.

Speculation vs. Utility

It's just like, all I actually really wanted was the speculation value anyway. So why don't I speculate on a dog with a hat? Yeah. Yep. Yep. But yeah, I think. I think it's going to shift back more towards the builders and the legit sort of tokens and projects. I'll tell you one thing I remember there was a lot of talk about the so called left translated cycle. I don't think that's in play. Oh, explain. I don't know what that is.

Cycle Definitions and Current Trends

Yeah, I don't know what that is either. Well, so people were, when they say left translated cycle, they essentially meant that the bull run peak would come way earlier than previous cycles, meaning it would all be like, translated to the left of the sort of timeline. But now. Yeah, I don't think that's in play anymore because we've like, it's been so flat for like over six months. And I think it's really just right back on schedule.

Uncertainty in the Air

Interesting. Yeah, I don't know. I haven't really looked at those. I haven't looked at those numbers exactly, but I think that. I don't know, it's in the air. I think anecdotally you're seeing kind of like in my, like, trading telegram groups are waking up, right? People from kind of years ago. We're now all of a sudden starting to talk and talk about what they're buying. And, I don't know, it just feels in the air.

The Future of ETH

Here's another thing I'm wondering about. ETH has been pretty bearish for the past few months. And, you know, there's always the classic talk of ETH killers and how soul is the new ethical Sol left led the whole meme coin cycle. And so people are really wondering, like, what's the future of ETH look like? And the one thing that I think just consistently has been ignored lately is the way that, like, Blackrock has made an ETH ETF.

Canonical Changes in the Market

It hasn't really reflected in the price the way the bitcoin ETF did. But one thing that Larry Fink has constantly said over the past few months is this idea of tokenizing everything, namely tokenizing stocks and equities. And so that, I mean, that if there's utility for ETH, that sounds massive, and nobody seems to be trading on that idea yet. Have you guys heard about that? I don't know. But do we think that ETH is going to be the chain that does it? Right?

Centralization vs. Decentralization

I guess that, I just feel that, like, I guess that I feel that like, centralized actors will try to centralize the chain, right? I don't actually expect they'll wholly use Ethereum or even an l two on Ethereum. Like. Like, maybe. Right. Maybe they resolve some value on ETh. I just don't know why Blackrock would create an ETH ETF if they didn't have big plans for it, like, tokenizing equities.

Strategic Discussions

I guess I would just think that they just see that they can make money at it. I don't know, maybe that's. That's potential. Yeah. But. But also, like, you know, I've heard a lot of talk about how, like, you know, ETH is regarded as the more sort of reliable, sort of, I don't know, like, institutionalized smart contract chain, whereas soul is more like the people's contract smart contract chain. And so that's why the institutions would choose eth tokenize equities over soul.

Debating the Futures of Chains

What do you think of that? I guess that I, like. I think that makes sense. Yeah. Like, Seoul still has, like, serious problems in terms of decentralization and, like, the stability. Yeah, stability. I think that Eth has a much bigger kind of, like, developer mind share. Like, it's better. There's a, like, a lot of the hacks are better understood on ETh. You can.

Innovations on Ethereum

The roll ups are now working on ETh. Right. I would expect if you're going to try to do some sort of, like, stocks settlement on chain, you would. You'd have basically your own permission to roll up to do it, and so I think all of that, like, all of that makes sense as a potential path. Yep. Yep. So are we entering the banana zone? I think we are. We are.

Banana Extinction Theories

Here's the only problem, is that, although elf doesn't really believe me, there is an extinction due for bananas, and it's due to fungal disease, and it's called the. It's called the Panama disease. I'm just telling you, I swear to. God, every time dode and I have to try to have a serious conversation, you have to bring it down to kobold level. Yes. By the way, you're welcome.

Imitation Banana Flavor

Yeah. I'm finally ready. Yeah, exactly. Bear snake is exactly right. The reason that imitation banana flavor doesn't taste right is it's because it was. It was modeled after an extinct banana. And it was all. They were all killed by fungus. Yeah, yeah. You're talking about cobalt strike back. Yeah, I know. Cobalt strike back. You're talking about crypto meta cycles, and I'm talking about things on the planet that are grown.

Environmental Awareness

I am all about planet Earth. I'm about the. You hate nature. You hate animals, clearly. Yeah, that's me. Yeah. Wait, tad. Okay, let's talk about the banana fungus. Fine, fuck it. Ted, you're telling me that, like, banana crops are failing because there's, like, a new fungus that's attacked? Yeah. There was basically two banana varieties, right?

Cavendish Bananas

So, like, there's, like. I don't know what it's called. I there. But the old banana flavor was. The old went extinct, and now there's just, like, the normal banana, which is, like, cavendish or something, and it's really not good. It doesn't taste good. It doesn't taste good. It doesn't taste like banana runts, that's for sure. And. But they're worried that the Panama disease will take out the Cavendish banana, too, and then.

Concerns Over Banana Extinction

Then we're done. Yeah. So the actual reason. So the actual reasoning for this is actually because all bananas that you eat are actually clones. If you notice, bananas, they have, like, no seeds. That's because, like, we bred them that way. They are. They cannot produce offspring from their seed. I. They are. All bananas are infertile.

Cloning Bananas

So only way that you make new banana trees is you cut off, like, a branch or, like, a root from, like, another banana tree and replant that. And so that grows into a new banana tree, and it grows banana. But that means it has the same parents, it has the same genetic information. Right. Because the way the food, they're just.

Genetic Susceptibility

They're the reproductive organs of the parent. So you're just remake. You just plant in the tree in new places, so there's no genetic variety. So when there is this fungal virus. Fungal, you know, infection that's just. That's going after them, they don't have any kind of biological, like, mechanism of evolution to kind of, like, get past that.

Risk of Extinction

Like, if one is susceptible to them, all of them are going to be susceptible to it, right? Whereas, you know, like, for, like, other species, you know, maybe, like, a certain group of that population be subject to it, but, like, you know, there's, like, another group that is able to survive. And so, like, you don't. You kind of get to mitigate that risk of extinction, but with bananas, you don't really have that, because we kind of put ourselves into a hole by breeding them to have no feed.

The Future of Bananas

Yeah, Matt was totally right. The march forward of evolution of the fungus has caused them to overcome the defenses of the banana, and you're doomed to eat worse and worse tasting bananas as the years go on. So we really. We got to get a handle on this. Okay? If bananas go extinct, will you guys actually miss them?

Personal Preferences

I don't eat bananas already? No, I like bananas. I eat bananas every day, but I don't eat your. Your garbage bananas that get sent up. And shipped to the states. I eat delicious bananas that are. Sorry, we can't. All by the jungle. There's a lot of different varieties of bananas here.

Variety of Bananas

There's a lot of different flavors. Yeah. So I don't know, when I go back to the states, I can't eat a banana there. It's.

Plantains and Bananas

It's like a mockery. I do like plantain chips. Oh, yeah. Can we just replace them all with plantains? There are other varieties of bananas that we will surely replace them. Like. Like we said before, the previous banana went extinct, and we just kind of replaced it for another banana, but now we have. This banana is about to go extinct, so we're just gonna. There's tons of different varieties that we'll pick from. Course. Yep. Oh, man. Elf didn't believe me. See, we knew every day to buy. A pack of heirloom banana seeds. Bear, are you snapping a thing? Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I will stop. I'm fidgeting. You are a fidget. Okay, so we have talked more about actual bananas than the banana zone. I guess that's what kind of space this is.

Game Updates and Community Engagement

The game's closed. We got to open up the game. When game? Yeah, Matt. Oh, win game. Hopefully soon. Hopefully soon. I think, you know, we'll definitely have more information as we have. As we have more time to kind of, like, you know, evaluate what needs. What needs to be added and, like, you know, how long those changes will be. Yeah, I mean, the general. This is generally, you know, it's going to be down, and they'll maybe some things that happen, some tests here and there. Maybe some people get to participate, maybe nothing. but get it. Get it ready for live service. yeah. There's so much, Matt. It's. It's just amazing what goes into. Okay, you say live service. Well, what does live service mean?

Lore and Character Integration

What. What. What things are we going to be able to build in v one? and then what does, like, the frequency of new content being delivered look like? All that stuff, like, just. Just all needs to get. It needs to get decided on final, or I should say finalized. We know what a lot of it is, but. Yeah, I mean, we know a lot of it is, but we can't drop it all on Wizard Wednesday. Yeah, exactly. Bear, I can still hear you snapping. That wasn't me. That was jitzy. It was a thousand percent you. I'm muted. God damn it. Jitsy. I'll tell you one thing about the game. What I've been working on for the past few weeks is aligning the lore of the game much more closely to the book of lore, the wizypedia, the things we talk about in Wizard Winds day that was sorely lacking.

Game Development and Community Involvement

And like, honestly, my life has been so much fun lately because I'm just really getting into the lore of the game. So I don't know, that's one thing that I'm really looking forward to with future releases. Yeah, I mentioned actually earlier in the sales chat that there's going to be, we're currently in the middle of kind of an overhaul in terms of the games lore. and kind of like, you know, aligning it more ground runes brand, you're picking, you're playing a huge part in that. There's a lot of dungeons that we had that were kind of like, you know, they're like in base level and Alpha is kind of going over them and kind of like uprooting, some of the concepts and some of the monsters and stuff that will be in there. So that way they're actually like more in line.

Community Engagement and Character Selection

So lots, a lot of that is going to be in place. I mean, it's going to be a bit before that actually comes to fruition because like, a lot of the game has been made for like, you know, past two years. So there's a lot of stuff like, you know, assets and stuff that were like made previously. Like, we'll find a way to kind of like fit them in and make sure that all the lore fits in with it. So like, but we're really excited to have that more aligned with the forgotten ruins eyepiece. That way it feels more like a world for the wizard that the wizards help build out to you know. and so I think part of that we saw also if like, you know, we had, we ended up for one of the dungeons that we put in there for the closed beta. We actually had a wizard held by a community member, to play a role in that storyline.

Building a Collaborative Lore

And we want to do more stuff like that too. So that's just going to come more like down the line. Wanna make sure that it feels more like the world that you guys have all been building together with us and we've all been building, you know, the runiverse together into, you know, a story that we can relate to. So Matt, I know you've touched on this in chat a little bit, too. Maybe you can talk just for, like, a hot second about how that character was, like, chosen to be in the game, because I know there's been a lot of people that have asked, like, hey, if I write some lore about, like, a dungeon, that's something that could potentially be involved into the game. You know, I don't particularly have the finer details about how the character was picked in particular.

Character Creation and Community Contributions

I know that I've gave, like, a list of, like, wizards to the dev team to kind of like, hey, here's like, some wizards that. And for me particularly what I look for is I kind of look for story, like one, stories that seem like, you know, they actually had, like, laptop put into them. I look for, like, characters that had illustrations with them that it felt like a realized character. Right. And kind of like, those stories stuck out to me and I think that'll be a lot easier for me to do as well. And as we get to, like, more of the lore ranking and, like, you know, we actually have some kind of like a, almost like a leaderboard of, like, lore and such and that's all being built.

Guidelines for Lore Contribution

But I guess, like, you know, the core aspect of it is, you know, make some lore that feels like, you know, it stands out that, like, when somebody looks at it, be able to tell that you put your heart and soul into it actually brings that character to life. And it's more likely for, like, you know, that lore to be picked up because we're all referenced a book of lore, right? So it's like, you know, those characters, as we're looking through the book of Lore, if it feels like it speaks to us, it feels like, you know, a character that, you know, would be good in the game or that somebody really actually cares about, those are more likely to put in than a character that has, like, no lore.

Community Building and Awareness

A one line for the lore. Right. We want to make sure that characters are represented, are characters that people actually feel like, you know, they're happy that they're represented in there. Like, oh, yeah, that's cool, right? So, yeah, I would say the more heart you put into your character, the more likely I'll see if I can get maybe more thoughts from the dev team as, like, why particularly? Because, like I said, I gave, like, a list of characters. Why particularly? They gravitated towards the wizard that they did pick. But that may be for another time. So that's a good question. I'll see if I can get those finer details.

Game Launch Success

I'll tell you one thing. That helps me choose to like community members, wizards to put into lore, comics, or really just anything. Like, here's some things that I do. Sometimes I simply just go to the Twitter timeline and see who in our community a lot of people are talking about, or who's posting a lot of artwork or lore. Sometimes I just go in discord and see who's active and who's just been doing a lot of lore and artwork. I definitely go to the loricle a lot and just ask it questions. Like if I need a wizard who has like slayed a dragon or whatever, I'll just ask the loricle, like, which wizard is slated dragon, and it'll tell me.

Recognition of Community Efforts

Point being, is just like, it helps to like be super active to put a lot of artwork and story on Twitter and to just write a lot of lore. That's really a great way to get your stuff into these other media expressions. I also think it's good for us to pause and take a victory lap with how insanely good the numbers were on the runiverse game. It's still shocking to me that we are one of only really a handful of projects, especially NFT projects, that have actually shipped a game that's been played by so many users. And then the numbers were ridiculous. Especially when you compare those numbers to what you might see for some of the like the greatest free to play games, right?

Experience with Animals

I was kind of. Honestly, were, like, seeing big cats, and there were rhino. They're not rhinos or big hippos. It did not seem secure. It felt like they could just, like, jump right over and pick us off, which made me a little uncomfortable. But they brought out, like. Like, almost like a. You know when you're in, like, elementary school and you go to the zoo and they bring out animals, and the zookeepers, like, bring out animals you can touch? They brought out. They brought out a boa. They brought out a civet, which is, like, the cutest animal ever, and then an owl. So we got to, like, play with animals, too, which is pretty neat.

Social Interactions and Game Learning

You would have loved it, elf. I would have loved it. Yeah. So, anyway, just. Just, you know, catching up with old friends, meeting a lot of new ones, learning about things that we need to learn about so we can be successful with the game. It was. It was. It was very cool. I'm coming back. I'm even more excited about the banana zone. Bear. Everybody's making fun of you for your fidget toys in the secret tower. I don't know if you can see. Oh, I'm gonna go back in there. Let's say silent song had to meme it. Oh, my God. Thanks, entropy. If he does it one more time, just kick him off.

Discussion about Jason's Projects

Seriously, everyone start playing SPC's lore recording. Yeah, it's time. Let's do it. Okay, let's see. Jason. I know Jason wanted to come up and talk about something that he's been building. Jason, are you ready? There he is. What up, Jason? What up, Jethe? How you doing? Pretty good. How you doing? So, yeah, I guess I'll just talk for a minute. So I've been playing around with some decentralized metaverse stuff, and so, basically, you can now make. You can get. You can do stuff with decentralized servers. And then someone made, like, a game engine on our weave, so now I was like, oh, let's play with.

Building a Community Game

You know, let's make a 2d game with these decentralized servers and stuff. And now we got wizards walking around, and we got a community daily donut. And you can rock, paper, scissors the computer for some tokens and go play fishing and listen to music, and it plugs into the decentralized playlist with the contract wizard. So it's literally the actual first metaverse music player. So, yeah, like, we're doing shit, dude. Like, it's pretty fun. And it's the runiverse without VC funding and. Yeah, and it's open source and anyone could add anything. Like, you know, feckless has, like, he has like a.

Creating Food Items and Recipes

In lore, like, food shop. You know what I mean? Like, he's made up all this food and stuff. So, like, I found that out recently because I was like, I have some, like, crops that you can harvest in this world, right? And they're all tokens, right? Like, when you fish, all the things you catch in the, like, you can catch a rare plum while you're fishing, and that's a token. But, like, I was making, like, crops. Like, you know how in runiverse you click a button and you. You harvest the thing? You gotta. Wait, so I made that, but it's like decentralized and all that shit.

Overview of Future Projects

So I was making food, and then I realized, oh, dude, feckless has a whole food company. So now we got to, like, craft the food into his food recipes. You know what I mean? Yep, yep. So, so, yeah, so I'm here to announce Rudaverse bake sale. We're gonna have a bake sale. I'm so collect your community, get your community donuts. And anyone want to make a new community donut, let me know. We'll make more community doughnuts and come harvest the food. And I make some recipes. And let's make some recipes. You know, let's do a bake sale. Yeah, that's what's going on.

Building and Contributing to Projects

So Jason has been sharing screenshots of what he's been building with me lately. And, you know, over the years, I keep coming back to this feeling, which is like, you know, okay, at magic machine, we've wanted to make, like, pony breeding and pony burning and pony racing, and we wanted to make a fishing game, and we wanted to make a crafting game. And we have so many ideas that we want to build, and then the community builds them. And that's what's kind of beautiful about a sort of, like, decentralized project is that, you know, you don't we, the as magic machine don't have to build everything because the community is creative and is talented and is capable enough to build all these things themselves.

Joining and Playing the Game

And so, like, you know, part of me is like, jealous that Jason, you get to make a fishing game, for example, but part of me is also like, great. The runaverse has a fishing game now. So. Yeah, I mean, it's. You have just been so busy making so many things and it just, you know, I'm jealous of all the fun you appear to be having. So tell us about how we can actually log in and try it out. I shared some tweets up here, but maybe you could give some. Give some guidance to people who want to come in and play it and then also maybe even contribute. Yeah, so it's like really early right now.

Technical Aspects of the Game

So it's not like, you know, it's not a fun game like the runaverse is. It's. It's like, it's impressive on the back end, right? It's impressive for the nerds, but for regular people, it only works on your desktop computer right now. But it's a. But it's like a. It's still a 2d online multiplayer world that you could like, hang out in and talk to the wizards. Like there's a chat room and stuff. So the amount of gameplay, you know, is just like clicking characters and then click, like interacting in menus and stuff. So that's how the minting and stuff works.

Script and Community Contributions

And, and if you want to get involved, it's all open source and it's like all Lua. Like the language. So it's pretty easy to learn and stuff. So, like, I could just. I could put a door in or whatever in one of the spots and it will go to your world, right? Like, if you want to make a world dota. Like, I could show you. Like, when I first figured out how to do this, I dragged Bill Gaines with me along, like, because one of my buddies, one of my rv buddies was going to show me how to do it and I was like, okay, I'll bring Bill to, like, that's how Bill met these guys.

Technical Collaboration and Challenges

I dragged them in and we did it in like a half hour or something. But I could do that same thing to you. You know, I could show you how to make a world really, really quick and then I could put a door to that world in my world and. And then I'll be like, that world is a server that you run. And then like, every NPC in your world is a. Is its own little server, you know, process that all talks to each other. And Jason, all of this is built on top of your contract wizard, right? No, that's. Are we. All the stuff on this whole game thing is all. Are we?

Final Thoughts and Feedback

Gotcha. Okay. Very cool. Okay. Yeah. Amazing. How are you, like, writing the Lua code to do it? Like, are you writing Lua by hand, or are you able to use, you know, clot or like some other, like, AI to help assist? Like, what's the workflow for somebody who wants to, like, create their own world and like, feckless is doing with this food shop? Oh, well, like, the world is its own process on the areweaves, decentralized supercomputer thing. It's like, it's pretty heavy duty. It's crazy stuff, so, but basically, like, it's just like the world is just like a list of all the stuff in the world, basically.

Understanding Game Design

And then each thing in the world is its own program. So you have to like the, when you go to the world, the welcome guy who welcomes you, it's like just a little menu of a dude saying welcome, but that's like a program. So it's like there's a little bit of that, you know, where it's kind of, if you're not already an ethereum, dude, it's going to be a little hard. Yep, got it. Cool. Cool. Amazing. Well, I tried out the other day and I walked around, it was super duper fun, so. But it sounds like there's some new stuff in there that I gotta join and try it out.

Links and Accessibility

I'm gonna try it out right now. Yeah, man, it's just the idea that like, this is, it seems like this is the metaverse now or. Because it's all running on decentralized servers. Amazing, amazing. Well, try it out. Everybody should try it out. Hop over to. Well, look, check out the pinned tweet we've got. Reality viewer ar IO. Is that subdomain of reality viewer? Is that part of the game engine? Well, I guess I'm just going to have to look it up, aren't I? Yes, that's exactly like that. The, that's the renderer.

Community Engagement and Upcoming Lore

Got it. Got it. Yeah. Amazing. Well, we've got some lore today. Right. Before we get to lore, if you allow me, while we're on the topic of community made games, I have remastered and re hosted shucks. Pumpkin panic, the Halloween game I made two years ago. It is now hosted on feckless toys. There's a button that'll take you to it or feckless toys slash shucks. And I just posted a tweet, I don't know, about half an hour ago, maybe a little more than that.

Events and Competitions

Just pinned it up here. Let me find it and pin it up there. I am holding a little speed running competition, so anyone who can beat the boss in the less than 140 seconds gets a free hero of Cumberland. Ooh, amazing. And, how much more time do we have to pre order our bread friends? you have more time. I'm. I should be getting the. The sample, the proofs, probably within the next week. So I'll be sharing out what they'll actually look like very soon.

Order Updates and Personal Experiences

but there's. There's still time to order some. So again, just on feckless toys, you can pre order a bread friend there. I ordered. Or I ordered four of them. I know I gotta order some right now. I keep saying that every week, but I'm at my desk right now. Do it, feckless. Don't even ship them to me. I'll just see you in irl alpha or something. We'll go out to dinner with. We'll go out to dinner with bread friend. Yeah.

Unexpected Dialogue

And keep them away from the knives and butter. Yeah, well, maybe. We'll maybe put a little butter on. Yeah, give me just a little bit. I'm so excited to have those. Oh, my God. Oh. I logged into the reality viewer, and I am elf's wizard. I can cause all kinds of mischief. Yeah, I added a whole bunch of wizards. I asked a few people if I could use them, and I resized them and stuff.

Fun and Whimsy in the Game

But, dude, like, doing this as impressed, like, the people who have, you know, who started this idea, and they're going to add the custom sized sprites because of wizards. So you know what I mean? That's awesome. That's so cool. Wait, I just turned into a llama. As one does. I went to llama land. Oh, yeah. You must have taken the boat to the dock, and then.

Philosophical Notes on the Metaverse

Yeah, dude, like, that opens up a whole conversation, like, of, like, my beliefs on the metaverse and stuff. Like, I think portals are, like, way more important than land. But that's another conversation. My first conversation is, how do I get back? Oh, yeah, you got to take the dock. You got to take doc number two, which is my doc, because I won a competition. I got that doc. It's, like, special.

Community Dynamics

Like, that whole thing is a special thing. This is pretty cool, actually, if everyone should try it. So I noticed we have sporkly on spate on stage. And we don't have a ton of time left in the show today, but I would love to give Sparkly a chance to read some lore that trying to read last week. And then I also have a bit of lore here from SPZ too, depending on time. I would love to run both.

Welcoming New Voices

Let's do it. Sparkly. Sparkly's here. Oh, my gosh. Sparkly. We've never spoken. I don't think we haven't. I don't think we've ever voiced, have we? Oh, yeah, I don't think so. Well, everybody, this is sparkly. You probably saw her in our discord during the open beta because she was grinding discord so hard for us, for the team, for the community. So welcome.

Sharing Recorded Lore

It's awesome to talk. Yeah, really great to hear your voice. So, for lore, I do have something recorded that Mado has. And then I could also do something else, but I'm not sure about the time. The one that Moto tiki has is like exactly five minutes. If you want to prioritize that. Let's do that. Do whatever one you want, please. Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about the time limit too much.

Importance of Lore

I just recognized were getting to be three. But we very often run over. And for good lore, I think everyone has a few minutes to speak. Good lord. We spent enough time on banana extinction. We can make time for lore. Yes. Let's figure out if my sound board works. That'll help me decide. Do you guys hear that? That was great.

Introducing Al Shark of Torment Manor

Okay. Very nice. We are now going to do a reading of the lore of Al Shark of torment Manor. A very. It's a piece. It's entitled a series of incoherent grunts coalesce into verse. Obviously, this is very dignified in everything. Big fart, raise down steel cart. Chow horse, fast ride. Spent hints inside bad smell cart turns, swear at shit, birds fly out.

Creative Expressions in Lore

fuck. At least not ducks. Bring cart, two cup saw off will clap within old page, scroll by dead mage. Can't read words, sniff. Good job with stiffen, spell gives teeth curse. Who cares? Have worse, get drunk, go sleep loud, snore, dream teeth. Got boots, burn five. But I piss high. Smart gob. I'll think. But wait, let's think the p sound is intentional.

Reactions to the Lore Reading

Oh, my God. Yo, that was insane. Wow. So good. So good. We just took a detour to Goblin town. Truly. That was amazing. Sparkly. Was that some kind of, like, degenerate fart spell that you just cast on us? What was that? Do be it do be. You gotta stay in character. I did it for debate.

Community Engagement and Feedback

Wait, okay. Like, whose wizard was that attached to? It was a warrior.

Warrior Reading

They're. They're in the warrior 57 owl shark of torment manor. That's right. I. Okay, so, okay, so it was a warrior, but, like, it sounded like some kind of spell that was. That was being cast, like an incantation of some sort. No, that's just him being goblin. Goblin speaking. He doesn't speak very well. He doesn't like long sentences, so we keep it short. So that was one of the best readings on Wizard Wednesday. I'm sorry, that was like 40 wizard. Yeah, that was like. That was like May of 21 level. Like, Wizard Wednesday reading, like OG spirits was in that lore. That was incredible.

Character Ownership and Lore

So I think you guys are totally tapping into something here. And I think I found the linkage. So this character is owned by. And lore is written by Lore Punk, who has also written a bunch of poems previously around Goblin town. And so that's. I think that's where you're seeing this, like, overlap. And this is very much in the style of some other stuff that I remember reading from Lorepunk when I very first found their work on Twitter. Yeah, I mean, he has more work. This is. Yeah, yeah. Lord Punk's got a ton of stuff that they've written for the co. For the cult. I'm not sure what the best, like, repository of it is, but it's definitely out there and it's good.

Theme Park Experience

I felt like I was on a ride at Disneyland. Like, we need, like, I need to go, like, find a little floating boat through a tunnel and, like, we experience that. That is like, oh, my God. So good. Yeah. This warrior's name is Al Shark of torment manor. Some of these names that these warriors have are just so spectacular. I've never heard that name. I've never seen it. And it's. It's so weird. I love it. The thing. The things that happen when you have a name generator. Exactly. That was incredible. Thank you for putting that together and reading that. That was so good.

Live Performance Acknowledgment

Yeah. Sorry, one more. One more thing. Sporkly, that wasn't just like a pure recording. You did that live with, like, a soundboard, right? Yep. Yeah. Very cool. Yeah. Incredible. I was always. I was already a huge fan. Now, now just melting down. That was amazing. That really was vibes. Like, 2021 vibes. I just put me in the sun just actually came out just now. Yeah. If there was any sign that the banana zone is imminent, that was it. I totally agree. Sparkly.

Continuation of Lore Reading

All right. Okay. So do we have another lore reading for today? Yeah, I've got a recording here that was created and submitted to me from Spzhe. All right, let's do it. I listened to just the very beginning of this just to check sound level and everything. And when I downloaded it, I was met with the file name, which, I'm not gonna lie, threw me off for just a hot second. The name of this audio recording is called the one who swings. Once upon a dream.

Introduction to Characters

In the vast expanse of realms where swords clashed, wizards encanted, and prophecies meandered with the reliability of a drunken bard, there existed two figures as diametrically opposed as sense and sensibility. Wazir and Charon Magus. Wazir of the mount, of course, was known as the one who rings a title he wore with the grace of a well pressed robe and the dignity of a sage who was seen too much, yet never quite enough. With the golden bell that dangled from his hand like an overripe fruit of goodwill, was a orang in times of peace, unity, and all those other nauseatingly wholesome things that make one's teeth itch.

Contrasting Character Traits

His bell was not just a bell, you see. It was an instrument of harmony, a talisman of tranquillity, and occasionally, a nifty little trinket to annoy. How's pets? When Wazir rang his bell, kingdoms paused in their incessant squabbles to reflect on the better nature of humanity, which, unsurprisingly, led to the swift and unanimous decision to resume squabbling immediately after. But then there was Sharon. Now, Chiron had no interest in bells unless they were being used to fortify his ears against the dreadful sound of peace.

Chiron's Tough Nature

He hailed from a corner of the universe where joy was as welcome as a tax collector at a tavern. And unity was something you achieved with a spiked bat and sufficient persistence. And what a bat it was. A weapon of such crude elegance that it made a mace look like an ornamental doily. This bat was no ordinary stick. It was a snarling, spiked beast forged in the fires of sheer obstinacy and tempered with the resolve of someone who has been on the losing side of far too many debates. Chiron didn't ring.

Conflict between Wazir and Chiron

Sharon swung where Wazir would walk into a room and with a delicate flick of his wrist chime a melodious note that could bring a tear to the eye. Chiron would burst through the nearest wall, bat in hand, and offer robust interpretation of knocking. Where Wazir sought unity. Sharon sought to test the structural integrity of everything in his vicinity, particularly skulls. And where Wazir brought peace, Sharon brought what one might call peace through superior firepower. It was at the fateful battle of Clatterbridge that Sharon truly earned his moniker.

Battle of Clatterbridge

Though to hear him tell it, he was simply doing what needed to be done. Wazir had taken his place on a hill, ringing his bell with the serene smile of a man who's never had to clean up the aftermath of his own idealism. Below him, the warriors on both sides began to lay down their arms, overcome by the spirit of brotherhood and the impending threat of a joint holiday. This, Chiron felt, was simply not on. And with a bellow that sounded like someone had set a mountain on fire, he descended upon the battlefield.

Clash of Ideals

His bat, a thing of beauty and excessive craftsmanship, held high. Where Wazir rang, Charon swung. And as he swung, it became abundantly clear that his swings were not just the motions of a man fighting a battle. They were his philosophy, his creed, and to be frank, his favorite pastime. The clash of his bat against helmet, shield and the occasional boulder rang out across the land with all the subtlety of a symphony formed by dromgogars. The chiming of els was now drowned out by the rhythm of Sharon's unrelenting strikes, each swing a note in a brutal concerto that sang of finality rather than harmony.

Consequences of the Battle

When the dust settled and the battlefield was littered with the remains of what had once been called peace talks, Chiron stood alone, bat resting on his shoulder as though it were merely a comforting weight. But the survivors, nursing their collective injuries, looked upon him with a mixture of awe and deep seated desire to be anywhere else. The legend of Sharon, the one who swings, was born not in the soft chime of a bell, but in the resounding thud of a point made firmly and repeatedly. And so it was that Sharon and Wazir, though destined to be remembered together, would never be mistaken for one another.

Legacy of Wazir and Chiron

Where one brought people together, the other ensured they had something to stay apart for. And in the grand tapestry of history, it was clear every time a bell rings, a bat swings. Damn. Very funny. This sounds like a challenge to the one who ringed. Does. Does. Does Woz know that there's this pugnacious warrior out there swinging bats when he's. When was a swinging bells? Yeah. Feels real. One to one challenge.

Post-Lore Discussion

Yeah. That was incredible. This is a good lore day. Geez, entropy, you said SpZ wrote that one. Yeah, that's from SPZ. Nice. Good job, Spz. SPZ has one of the premier collections of forgotten runes, wizards and warriors, by the way. Definitely. Cool. okay, guys, we're pretty much out of time. Is there anything else before I hit the chronicle?

Closing Remarks

I'm good. Yep. In that case, it is time for the cult content chronicle, compiled by the. Illustrious tawny Del Rio every damn week. Oh, my. That was the best one we've ever done. Clip it, record it, put it on the soundboard. Let's go. We did. And the little sparkly at the end. Oh, that was so tasteful.

Final Thoughts on Lore Day

Incredible, guys. Like, we, like, I'm floored. That was amazing. I was holding my breath. I don't even know if I can do the chronicle now. It's just. I mean, okay. Just straight up like, okay, let's get into it. How many deaths does it take to intro? All right, here we go. Number one, pony boy shared a really nice commission by everyone's favorite cult artist, Oz.

Art Contributions and Community Engagement

Yeah, I remember this one from this week. It's a bunch of warriors. I remember when Oz did a wizard version of this, and now he's done a warrior version. Very nice. Very nice, pony boy. Well done, Oz. Number two, as Jason shared with us earlier, there's basically the project that he's working on. And in this particular post, he's got a dragon showing up at the wizard fishing pond.

Art and Projects by Community Members

Number three, Virgilius the Sorcerer has been sharing a lot of great artwork of his wizard and warrior at Mount Kurama. He's got two pieces here. Number five, Maple. Dad shared a sneak peek of one of his character cards that he's collaborating on with Shadowy 30. And it's not just one of the character cards. It's my character card, in fact, and it's looking pretty badass. Meeple has also been sharing some really fun posts of the items from the Athenaeum, and this particular one is Dota's fiddle.

Creative Contributions

Metamori found a really nice stick. He did a little wand crafting. Actually, you know what? That's a really fun project. Create your own wand. Yes. Wand nation. It's so fun. I almost feel like we should have a contest, like create your own wand in real life. There could be some fun ideas from that, but so far more is the reigning champion of creating your own wand, because this does look pretty cool.

Appreciation of Artistic Talents

Okay. Daniela Ilustra continues to impress everybody with the comic that she's been watching working on Shinobi. Big out. Coco shared some artwork of a warrior that they're working on. Feckless continues with hilarious, adorable bread friend art. Yeah, just go look at this one. It's pretty cute. I won't try to explain it. Clooney the rat continues building for Nifty island.

Engagement Through Projects

Shared a bunch of different versions of the icosahedron. D 20 dice magus Devon Matto. Are you growing weed in your house? Straight up. Actually, it's not in the house. It's outside. There's a nice garden with it. But yeah. That is a beautiful piece of grass you got there, buddy. Very impressive. Okay. Nate at hi.

Community Contributions

Hi, I am Nate shared a forgotten runes inspired PFP. But it looks like. I think that's doctor doom from Marvel. Yeah, I think that's definitely doctor doom. Yeah. An homage to the character. The original post was I don't own my own wizard, but I love what the colt is doing and I loved runaverse game.

Community Collaboration

So I'm going to make this commission in this or I'm going to make this piece in the style of forgotten runes. And a really cool thing happened actually after this was posted. Somebody hopped into the comments and asked was asking a few questions and sent Nate a warrior. So now they can be a proper part of the cult. Nothing super cool to see the community step up and kind of welcome somebody in like that.

Banana Zone Vibes

It was really cool. It does feel like we're entering the banana zone. The vibes are immaculate right now. The vibes are shifting. Yep. Intrigued. Do you know who sent them? A warrior? Yeah. Let me check in here. I think this was uruk hai. Somebody who I don't. I can't say I recognize super well from pryor in the colt.

Community Growth

Their cycrypto. P s y c h r y p t o. They're in the replies down there. Nice. It was really cool. Just like press ask some questions, express some appreciation. Was like, you know what? I'm gonna send you a warrior. Beautiful. I love it. So good. Okay. Wild mages birthday.

Celebrating Community Members

It was wild mages birthday recently. A piece of artwork of his wizard enjoying a birthday cake with a bunch of cute little kitties. Malevolent eath shared this beautiful piece of pixel art. I remember that he commissioned from a while back. I also commissioned one from this artist. I just love this artist's style.

Fun Character Designs

Enchanter Orbis shared a really fun gen of his wizard with a slime doughnut. Adept igduo continues to share some really great gens of his. Dapper wizard Meeple dad continues with riddles of the dark day. 268 Jason Desante continues with daily dancing. Wizzy busy Viddy's number 70.

Project Updates

I like this one. Because I'm in this one. Magic Monday news, NFT. Sasha was the special guest who I assume told everyone all about the project that he's working on with Oz. We talked about that last week. It's so exciting. I can't wait to see more of that.

Commission Highlights

C cat's crying made a really nice commission for Magus Devin, and I think that's it, actually. All right, guys, anything else. This week? Yeah, I'm good. I'm in a very good mood now. Thank you, Colt, for being so awesome.

Birthday Wishes

Banana zone and cosmic night jar just said it was Crucifer's birthday recently as well, so. Happy birthday, cruciforce. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, lizard. Okay, entropy, can you fire it up? Yeah, that's good.

Banana Zone Introduction

All right, well, everybody, welcome to the beginning of the banana zone. I think it's up only from here. This has been elf dota bear, entropy, gypsy matto feckless sporkly, Tad Major Jason, and all of the wizards of the forgotten Runes wizards cult. Channeling out from the quantum Downs gn, everybody.


Bye. See ya. Channeling from the quantum Downs it's wizard Wednesday black gold elf dot a puppet, too best thing by the ocean blue it's wizard Wednesday Cobolton dream master sword man. I was gonna do, like, a fun retro scratch thing and then change the tune, but somebody brought up the Chimera song for the first beast, so we're gonna play that as the outro today.

Musical Transition

Sorry it didn't work the way that I wanted it to. I had been. I had been training my mind. Wow. It's the little things that happen in the middle of the night the one they say love is blind wild it's the little things that happen in the middle of the night grow hard follow the guidance to again among the hills heavy were locks nobody's seen it before gather all who hold a key or a spout nobody could read the town one lies and way past the door and I wondered, wondered why.

Final Lyrics

Now? Wonder, wonder why everyone started to talk well all the little things that happened in the middle of the night stay such a way for the block wow for the little things that happen in the middle of the night suddenly light shone from the golden key the spell shot out so bright and clean and the logs falling free one by one turn again door open to distancing Chimera without its own stepping out from the light of the strange sun and I wonder why and I wonder why.

Closing Remarks

Sadeena. I've been changing my mind. Wow. Wow. It's the little things that happen in the middle of the night. Gate closes quickly behind wow. Wow. It's the little things that happen o these. Full of magic of might flew he higher than the eyes could see dignified and strange and free his call and go straight to the ground drums and reeds and the valleys answering, longing for the strangest things can. All of this won't be found now.

Mystical Elements

Wonder, wonder, wonder why.

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