Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Wizard Wednesday Ep. 162 DONUTS hosted by ForgottenRunes. Wizard Wednesday Ep. 162 delved into the enchanting world of DONUTS, the largest decentralized fantasy franchise led by visionary Founders. Through insightful discussions, the space explored the unique gameplay, community engagement, and impact of NFTs within the gaming industry. The conversation highlighted the blend of creativity, technology, and community in shaping immersive digital experiences. As the Founders shared their journey and plans for the future, attendees gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in decentralized gaming.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What makes DONUTS stand out in the decentralized fantasy franchise landscape?
A: DONUTS offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience, attracting a diverse community of fantasy enthusiasts.

Q: How did the Founders' collective vision shape the development of the MMO @RuniverseGame?
A: The Founders' shared vision led to the creation of a dynamic and immersive digital universe within @RuniverseGame.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the success of decentralized fantasy franchises like DONUTS?
A: Community engagement fosters a vibrant ecosystem, driving creativity, collaboration, and sustainable growth within decentralized fantasy worlds.

Q: How do NFTs and unique projects contribute to the evolving landscape of decentralized gaming?
A: NFTs and unique projects enhance player experiences, offer digital ownership, and open up new monetization opportunities in decentralized gaming environments.

Q: What are the key challenges and opportunities faced by developers in the decentralized gaming space?
A: Developers navigate challenges like scalability, user adoption, and regulatory aspects while exploring opportunities in innovative gameplay, community building, and technological advancements.


Time: 00:10:15
The Founders' Journey and Vision Explore the inspiring journey and visionary insights shared by @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21.

Time: 00:14:32
Innovative Gameplay of @RuniverseGame Discover the unique gameplay elements and interactive features within the MMO @RuniverseGame.

Time: 00:20:45
Community Collaboration in Fantasy Franchises Learn about the importance of community collaboration and engagement in shaping decentralized fantasy realms.

Time: 00:25:18
NFT Integration for Digital Ownership Insights into the role of NFTs in providing players with digital ownership and unique in-game assets.

Time: 00:30:02
Challenges and Opportunities in Decentralized Gaming Discussing the current landscape of challenges and opportunities for developers in the decentralized gaming industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Exploring the world's largest decentralized fantasy franchise, DONUTS, and its unique characteristics.
  • Insights into the vision and journey of the Founders behind the legendary digital universe.
  • Understanding the innovative gameplay and elements driving the MMO @RuniverseGame.
  • The impact of community engagement and creativity in shaping the decentralized fantasy landscape.
  • Discovering the collaborative efforts and individual roles of @dotta, @ElfJTrul, and @bearsnake_21 in the fantasy realm.
  • Insights into the development strategies and future plans for expanding the fantasy franchise.
  • The significance of blockchain technology in revolutionizing decentralized gaming experiences.
  • Exploring the integration of NFTs and unique projects within the fantasy gaming industry.
  • Discussing the intersection of creativity, technology, and community in building immersive digital worlds.
  • Insights into the challenges and opportunities in the decentralized gaming space.

Behind the Mic

Magical Beginnings

Challenge from the quantum downs it's wizard Wednesday black goat elf dot the puppet too best thing by the ocean blue it's wizard Wednesday cobalt and dream master sword we are a cult with a world of our own never forgotten our magic is known it's wizard Wednesday let's read from the book of lore legendary wizards at the core don't get lost in the quantum shadow Abracadabra is our magical manifesto eat a donut, set your soul on fire the sacred flame on a funeral pyre the 7th gate with golden locks the nightmarimp with a tree box.

August 21, 2024

Today is August 21, 2024. It's wizard Wednesday it's a good day to join a cult it's a good day to stack donuts channeling in from the quantum downs this is the black goat of the wood elf j troll, and I've got a lot of stuff.

Enthusiasm and Donuts

What's up? It's the puppet donut. How's it going, everybody? It's a good day for donuts. We eatin donuts. Donut day. It's donut day. What's up, entropy? What's up there? Gm? Gmgm. Wow. Dota. It's a big day. you have been working your little fuzzy tail off. Tell us, have you squashed all the bugs yet? No, not hardly. Yeah, there's still a bunch. Still a bunch left. You know, one of the things that's been driving me nuts is the. The image when you share your referral link is supposed to look a lot cooler, and I don't know, there's a bug on Twitter. So we'll fix it. We'll get that fixed tonight. There was a little bit of a hiccup with the referrals program in the first few hours, and we'll be, you know, we'll be sending out some extra doughnuts to the folks that were affected by that.

Community Engagement

But overall, I mean, I'm glad for the response. We've had a really good turnout so far. Yeah, I. You know, I actually expected more people to complain about, like, the amount of donuts they got, but it's so far, so good. So far so good. I haven't seen too many complaints. Before we get too deep, though, can you just give us, like, a broad overview of exactly what this doughnut thing is all about? Oh, yeah. So, complete quests earn donuts. Yeah. So it's a little way for us to reward people for holding the tokens and for playing the game. So I mean, you know, this isn't the end of donuts. It's really just the beginning. And, you know, there's. There's some things here that'll get integrated into, really everything that we do. So I'd love to spend some time going over kind of like how you get donuts and talking about the system, but maybe we can address some cult questions before we get into that.

Creative Process

You know, give some people some time to show up. But, I mean, ultimately, it's like, we tried to be really thoughtful and how we gave out donuts, and we still have more to give out stuff, but maybe we could do some call questions. I also think just something to note. I think in true, like, forgotten runes fashion, it just feels like when I was. When. When were all, like, looking at the site before it went live, and over the past couple of months, it just felt like way more of an experience than people are typically used to getting. And there are all these, like, different facets. And I just. I'm psyched that we put all this thought because I think it comes through and people are noticing. It's really fun. And, Daniel, so much work on the coding side. So, like, shout out to you and Niske and. Oh, yeah. And Woz and everybody.

Community Involvement

So, you know, we haven't. And everybody. There's artwork here. Design, marketing, just designing the system. It's really been a whole team effort. Meeple data is encouraging people to complain just because you said nobody's complained. Yeah, that's right. The more you donuts you get. We have a special complaint. Donut for complainers. Oh, that would have been a good one. Oh, that's full time. Hey, listen, real quick, before we get into the rest of the show, I have to do that annoying thing where I ask you to drop a comment on the space, give it a retweet, help us get the word out there. We're hanging out in spaces. We're talking about doughnuts. You're going to get all the alpha in here today, so go ahead and give us a little support out there on socials.

Daily Engagement

There is no donut reward for it this week, but it is a quest next week, too, so please help us out. Love you. And, you know, something that we'll talk about later is this idea that every single day, you know, there's something new to do. And so we're going to be really clear on what you. What people, everybody can participate in every single day. So it'll be very. Hopefully, it'll be very straightforward. Yeah, yeah. No, that's very important. I'm glad you said that. This is, this is going to be an ongoing daily thing. Like, it's not like today is today. It happened, and then it's done. We, this is our attempt to, like, do a sort of daily engagement activity. And there's a lot of donut flavors that are just for that.

Building a Fantasy IP

Yeah. And I think just if I were to say one thing before we get into the details, is if you think about the donuts, you know, we're building a lot here across a bunch of different things, primarily the game right in the comic. But, you know, this is, like, a first step in a direction that will allow us to, like, really implement them across the whole ecosystem and, like, benefit everybody who participates. So I think it's like, it's a big first step for us, I think. I have to say the experience was awesome. I did a lot of airdrop farming over the last six months, and it sucked.

User Experience

It was terrible. The site was so fun. Like, all the little cards that had little quests to it. The art with it is so on point for our brand. It was fantastic. I really enjoyed it. I was, I was actually, I'm working a little bit at my other job right now, and I was running home just to try to get on, and I was, like, profusely sweating. It was so much excitement. It was really well done. Glad you said that. Yeah. We always try to make our websites and experiences fun, not just some kind of Djinn yield farming thing. We always want to put some fun and some character and some story into it.

Future Fun

I really think the bugbear room is a lot of fun. It's not really being used today. You'll use the bugbear room when the game opens up. But, yeah, that's going to be a really fun part of it. And it's connected thematically. Let's talk about the video. It has almost a quarter million views. Let's go. Let's go. So, alf, I don't know if you want to talk about that. I know that a lot of people on the team, including myself, are fans of animation. And I think two years ago, if were to say, like, we got to, like, make a really cool cinematic and ship it every couple months, I'd say we would be stoked. So I love that part.

Creative Workflow

Maybe talk about that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I want to give a big shout out to the team atrium, who we've been using a lot to make videos. They did that runaverse gate video a few weeks ago. They did this current donut video, and we've got them working on another video of yet another surprise yet to be revealed in a few months. But yeah, atrium is the super talented studio behind that video. They're a real pleasure to work with. And yeah, there's more coming from them for sure.

Engagement and Content

I just pinned their post to the top of the space here. If you all want to go give them a follow, I'm sure there's lots more content coming out where that came from. I just love stepping into the world. It's like watching a little animated short and seeing just one small little slice of in world. It's so fun. I've already gone to the bugbear game like six times just to listen to the text popping over and look at the little bugbears jumping around. Can't even do anything and it looks cool.

Technical Questions

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So let me jump into some questions. Some of these might be kind of technical dota, but I'll just read them anyway. So a couple people are asking about. They have everything connected. They played the. The runaverse CBT. Oh, yeah. The points are not reflected. Do you have any questions that are not about donuts? Otherwise, I have a whole big thing to talk about and I'd rather start at the top rather than, like, deal with the questions, which are super at the bottom. Oh, well, there's like some lore questions. I mean, we could do those.

Lore Exploration

Yeah, let's do it. Okay. Okay, well, Igdwell is asking a question. He says, I'm asking if Elf has a note keeper system for writing lore, developing characters, building things, etcetera. So to answer that, Igdul, I have a big, chaotic collection of Google Docs that I keep all my creative notes in. I love Google Docs. That's about it. I used to keep them with pen and paper, but those get lost and disorganized, destroyed. So we're in a digital world. Yeah, use Google Docs.

Answering User Queries

And then Igdul is also wondering if we will able be able to connect multiple Twitter accounts. I guess he's talking about the donuts. Yeah. No, just one account. Twitter account per account. I guess just make a new account. Okay. Bill is asking, what color are they? Elfden, we want to know. Bill, obviously they're purple. Okay. When you twist them, they get a little purple. Okay. That question is answered.

Lore Ranking System

Tanya has a question about the lore ranker dota. She says, is it truly random or is it the higher ranked lore that gets shown more frequently? She says, I asked because after raking a thousand plus entries. I see a lot of repeats, but I don't come across any of my own lore. And also lore that I remember enjoying in the past. well, yeah, the lore that you're shown is random. So yeah, the lore that you're showing is random. There's only, you know, so there's about 4000 entries between four and 5000 entries in the book of lore. I don't know exactly the number.

Improvements in the Future

And so this idea that you might not see your own is actually quite likely one out of five, I suppose, depending on how many lore you have. And then also this idea that you might not see kind of lore you've enjoyed. It's possible. It's plausible. Yeah, it's random. You know, you do get shown more like tests. So if you've ranked a lot of lore, you'll notice, for example, that in the beginning it kind of like tests your attention more earlier. And if you fail those tests, then you get tested more. And if you succeed more, you get it less. So there's a bit of adjusting stuff there.

Quality in Lore Ranking

And I definitely want to make some improvements to that lore rancor. I think that there's a little bit of things that we can do to make the results more meaningful. I think there's more that we can do to present the rank of the lore that is out there so far. So, yeah, there's so much we can do with that. Yep. And this will segue into this next question really well. But let me just add on to that again, like the lore ranker, the whole lore ranker tool that we do have a reason behind it.

Encouraging Quality Contributions

We talk a lot about at magic machine, about how do we incentivize quality lore? Because what you often see, especially today, is people will spam the book of lore simply for an airdrop. And so that goes to Jmander's question, which is, can you touch on airdrop lore quality and how you took it into consideration with, I think he means in regards to these doughnuts. So I don't know if you want touch on that.

Structuring the Lore Drop

Dota. Yeah, okay. Maybe we should just talk again. Maybe we should just like talk about how the, how this drop was structured in general. I think the short answer to your question is, really the lore drop that you have right now is actually only part of the lore drop. I was just messaging to Sharon. You know, one of the things that kind of is like important is that you have like this balance of sort of quantity and quality and really like quality should be higher, but quality is harder to measure.

Quality Control Measures

So, no, like, qualitative lower drop has actually been given out yet. And the same. There is actually, true for several different aspects of things that we're going to be giving out. Right. So there are actually a bunch of, categories of things some people have mentioned, some people have not that we want to give out donuts for. So, for example, some, I don't mind telling you, is shadow hat holders have a donut that is specifically for them.

Community Rewards

the. We are also going to do some awards for community creators. So, for example, you know, let's say Tanya del Rio puts together the cult content chronicle every week. And so there's, like, some special donuts set aside for that and several other, like, prominent members who've done those same sort of things. So pretty excited to announce those today. So let me talk. Yeah, let me talk a little bit about, like, how the airdrop, like, of donuts worked today and then, like, what sort of things you can do going forward.

Mechanics of Earning Donuts

Does that sound like a good idea? Sounds like a great idea. Okay, so here's a. There's. There's basically some big. The big things are, like, holding the assets, doing, like, activities historically, which is really like a love letter to the cult, and. And then completing the quests by playing the game. Right. So these are kind of the big buckets, like holding, doing stuff, and playing the game.

Referrals and Daily Doughnuts

So, you know, some of the easy stuff that you can get donuts for is referrals. That's pretty straightforward. There's the daily doughnut, which you can come and get donuts. The donuts that you get from the daily donut are actually random in quantity and in quality. So there's different rarities of donuts. You know, this is part of the reason why we don't actually have a top level donut leaderboard is because the top level number is not like, it's not really telling you everything you want to know about donuts because there's also rarity scales among them.

Understanding Donut Value

So it's really only like a proxy. So the. You can get. Wait, let me. Let me touch on that for a second, please. I think that's really important, what you just said. Some people are going to measure this doughnut system by simply the raw number of donuts they have. And that's great if you want to track that. But there is also a rarity metric in the individual flavored doughnuts that will have value or meaning later. So, yeah, just wanted to underline that.

The Holding and Earning System

So the. So, okay, let me talk about holding for a second. So that like yes, everybody gets, who owns any of the assets gets a base allocation for holding. So these are scaled really across all of the collections. So you know, I'll list them. All right. The official collections being wizard souls, warriors, ponies, beasts, spawn, shadows, the flames. Well, flames are a little bit of a different situation. But for all of the official forgotten runes collections, you get an initial drop.

Value Distribution

And all of those are weighted roughly by floor price. At the time we kind of did the snapshot. Right. So they're scaled such that it's like roughly sort of with value of like what you see on floor price, with the exception being wizards and souls. Right. So again, that's not like a hard rule, but I'm just trying to tell you how we think about it. The, the wizards and souls actually have a boost.

Token Dynamics

So on a like even floor price basis, holding wizards and souls is actually, will earn you more donuts relative than any of the other collections. Souls, for example, have kind of, there's not any kind of bonus that you get for holding flames. I don't really want to reward people who are holding flames, but that bonus really goes into soul holders. So on a per token basis, actually souls are even more valuable, in terms of donuts than wizards. So that's kind of like the official collections on just like a holding basis.

Community Contributions

The other thing that we did is we gave an airdrop to those that held the community collections. So this would be nouns, babies, heroes of cucumber. Heroes of Cucumberland. Yeah. Wizard punks, baron court, the pony mounts, runes, TCG. oh and I did mention the official, of course the rings, the vouchers rings from the game. So the, both the official collections and the community collections all received a set of donuts.

Recognition of Community Holders

for. How cool is that? How. Let's take a moment to like think about how awesome that is. great. Yeah, I think that like really just, it's a, it's, we're just calling out that community collections are like part of what we're trying to do is build an IP, a fantasy ip that anyone can build on. And so like giving donuts to those holders of those projects is something that I think is important.

Connecting Wallets

Dota, I have a really noob question. Sure. When we made our donut accounts today, we connected our Ronin wallets and we gave an email. How do you know about all the Eth tokens in an ETH wallet? You have to connect your wallets. You have to connect your wallets, you can connect multiple wallets. Got it. You can connect your bitcoin wallets all to the account. Got it.

Technical Functionality

Okay. Makes sense. And it also uses delegate cash. So, for example, I have my hot wallet delegated by my vaults. And so if you just connect your hot wallet, it'll automatically detect your vaults and load in all of your tokens. Like, all of your NFT tokens. And all of your, like, all the tokens that you hold across. All the NFTs will kind of be, like, detected and loaded in and then credited donuts accordingly.

User-Friendly Integration

And maybe worth noting too. So, like, for instance, my journey of connecting up today, I connected my Ronin wallet first, which is an EVM address. So it recognized both Ronin and Ethside, which was really nice and convenient too. So only one step process there if you're using the same wallet on both providers.

Historic Holding Benefits

And then, okay, so then that's like historic holding. There's. And part of the historic thing is also a boost for rarity and a boost for affinity. We even gave a small symbolic amount of donuts to people who used to hold but don't anymore. People who maybe have touched a wizard over the last three years will find out that they could get donuts and then they can come back to the cult.

Alignment of User Goals

So, but really, for the donuts that you got, they started with just base. Are you holding? How rare are they? How high is the affinity? And then on an ongoing basis, let me talk about holding from an ongoing basis. You also get donuts every week for holding and then for how rare they are and for the, how, like, tight the affinity is.

Ongoing Rewards

The, the other thing to know about ongoing is being non listed. You get blueberry striped donuts. So you'll actually two x your base holding allocation by having your tokens unlisted. So that's an important thing to know. Yeah, let me, so let me give an example of that, because curator was asking about this.

Exclusive Rewards

So, for example, if you have some wizards with perfect affinity, you're automatically going to get a huemaster doughnut. That's the one time perfect affinity doughnut flavor. And then as long as you hold those, you will continue on a weekly basis to receive an omega doughnuthen. And so there's a lot of donuts like that where you get one for holding and then one for ongoing every week.

Conclusion of the Discussion

Every week. Yeah, that's right. That's right. Okay, so, and then there's no ongoing. There's no ongoing drop for holding, like bait like community collections. So there, so just to be clear, the ongoing drop is only for like the official collections, rings and wizards and souls and what have you. It was just the sort of historic drop for the community collections. Okay, so then there's this other set of things which is like people who did stuff already, and we have given away donuts for some, but not all of these categories.

NFTs and Donuts Distribution

People who voted in on snapshot, I'm actually not sure if we have those doughnuts issued, but we will be issuing those. And if you are a minter. Right. People who are like Og their wallet that minted the original wizards also got some special donuts. So those are actually only part of the donuts that we're going to be giving away in kind of these special categories again, whatever is the third time I've said it, but they're going to be more and they're all planned. You just got to kind of wait and see.

Earning Donuts through Gameplay

And I can't remember if we said this, but there's a lot of donuts that can be earned through playing the game. Clearly that is not available right now, but that will be available when? On Monday when the game starts. Yeah. So that's the NFT side of the house. Yeah, on the game side of the house. So, of course, holding rings, there's a big chunk of donuts that go to ring holders. If you played Eve of memory, there's a big chunk of tokens, like a big chunk of tokens that you get for playing Eve of memory. The people that played the runiverse beta test get banana donuts. The people that played eve of memory get the moon donuts. Let's see, there are other quests that will happen during the game, right. So as here's what's going to happen when the game comes open is you will complete the quests and you will mint cards.

Quest Completion and Rewards

As you complete those quests, those cards will get minted on the ronin network. And then you can come to the bugbear temple and you can turn in those cards for a chance at some donuts. The bugbear chief, his little bastards are out of control. He needs cards to calm them down. He will give you donuts that he has stolen from the green wizard city in exchange for cards. You will be able to do all of that next week. Yep. And that runs for 13 days. There's 13 big in-game quests and they unlock daily.

Site Updates and Donut Allocation

Okay, Dota, a lot of people are asking how quickly does the site update to tabulate new purchases and donuts? If. Okay, so a few parts. So, like, let's. So if you connect your wallet, it calculates it immediately what you like historically had, right. One of the things to know is that there's a bit of weirdness in this web three space where, like, there's a login for the website and then you connect your wallets, right? And so, like, what you did in action is some stuff is credited to your account, some stuff is credited to your wallet. Right. Like, referrals go to your account, but, like, your whole NFT holdings are credited to your wallet.

Historical Activities and Weekly Allocation

So there's like, it's kind of confusing, but it is how it is. And so the donuts that you have allocated to your wallet will happen as soon as you connect your wallet. However, the donuts that were allocated for a historic, like, holding or historic activity. And you buy a wizard today, you don't get donuts for that today, but you will, however, get donuts for it for weekly holding, which will roll over next Wednesday, I think around 10:00 a.m. pST is when the days will roll over. So your weekly donut allocation, you can come and check and find it next week.

Weekly Lore Donuts and Incentives

That makes sense. I don't think there is a weekly lore donut because someone's asking, what if I write lore today or tomorrow? Will that be included in the weekly drop? There's no weekly lore donuts. You know, I think we can all see how that would go. Yeah, that was a feature. I mean. Yeah, totally agree. That said, though, that is, there's, that doesn't mean you shouldn't write lore even now or later because we're always building future incentives to create lore. But, but you did miss the donut window on lore, so better luck next time.

Continued Incentives for Lore Creation

I mean, we've been saying. Right. Yeah, we've been saying. Right, lore for years. And I think it's just like, if you're listening to this. You should write lore. But, like, not. It should be good, right? Not just to get an airdrop, but, like, clearly it's something. It's the first airdrop we ever gave. It's the donuts we're giving today. Like, yeah, well, I mean, that it's. An important part of the project, so you should. And this is like, a reason that we made the lore ranking tool to incentivize quality lore.

Future Airdrops and Lore Creation

So it's all connected and you'll understand why in the future, but. Okay, a few more technical questions. Dota, a lot of people are asking that. They're saying they played the beta, the game a few weeks ago, but the points are not currently reflected when they go to the donut site. I don't know. Like, I'm not even sure if I understand this question. But, like, there's still a lot of bugs that you're working out, right? Do you think there's any bugs with that particular issue? Not that I know of.

Syncing Wallets and Game Progress

I think we can look into it. If you. You. If you connect the wallet that you had connected when you played those, the beta test, it should sync up, though. I suppose maybe I need to check and see if it connects by email. Unfortunately, the accounts on the donut website are not the same as the account login for the game. I think that's something we would do differently next time. But whatever. If you didn't have a wallet connected, you might have to sign up with the same email off the check into that.

Support for Bitcoin Wallets

And what is the exact flavor of donut that you would get for playing the game? You know? Okay. If you played in Eve of memory, you get a moon donut. And if you played in the runavers beta test, you get a banana donut. Okay, so. So to answer your question, nx u g three. Ron. Yeah, I mean, you're looking for the moon donut and the banana donut. Make sure you didn't get that because that's what it would be. And then make sure you're connecting the wallet that you actually played the game with.

Land Purchasing and Beta Features

And you can connect several wallets to your account. So try different wallets and just make sure you don't have a moon or a banana donut. Yeah, try your wallet. Okay, let me see if there's any other questions. Bill wants to know when chamber of Glory. Recognition. Chamber of Glory, as we said when it was given out, is a trophy. It's a trophy. Nft bragging rights for doing well in the game. And so just based on our previous statements.

Future Plans for Recognition in Games

We could stop right there. But, Dota, do we have any planned quote recognition for the chamber of glory? There are lots of. There are lots of things still planned. Yes. Yeah, there. And that's true. There are. We still have, like, a lot of, I'm gonna say, secret ways to earn donuts, or. Or let's say, as. As of yet unrevealed. So.

The Importance of Collecting Donuts

And, Dota, I'm gonna ask a question that you're gonna kill me for. What's the whole. Why does. Why do people want to collect donuts anyway? What's the whole point? Why are we doing this? It's fun. Yeah, it's fun. They taste good. Have you ever eaten a doughnut? Yeah. Okay. All right. Good answer. Let's see somebody. Yeah, let's see some questions.

Incentives for New Lore Creation

In Discord, people are saying, so there's no incentive for new lore. Sad. That's not what there is. Incentive for new lore. There's always incentive. There's lots of incentives. Always. There's just not a published weekly allocation. If we gave. If we gave everybody a clear picture of everything, I think that would be a mistake. I think it's important to, like, to keep surprising and delighting people.

Community Engagement and Surprise Elements

So, you know, you give a little bit of sugar now, I give a little bit of sugar later. Yeah, exactly. Perfect. A little delayed. Sorry. Multitasking? No. All good. I just wanted to say also that Dota, I love the donut waterfall that you made. Oh, yeah. Sometimes Dota has these little secret flourishes that he puts on things and he doesn't tell us until it's live.

Donut Rewards and Community Involvement

And I thought that was a nice touch. Oh, thank you. Yeah. If you go to my donuts and you click on the donuts in your earnings, then you get a little. Little donut waterfall. Super fun. Well, damn, I think we got through all the donut questions. I don't know if there's any more. Okay, great. Yeah, good. I mean.

Daily Donuts and Future Engagements

So I think each day you can mint your daily donut. We've had, let's see, about 1700 right now, daily donuts claimed, which is fun. And then, yeah, just show back up each day and complete your quests each day, and you'll learn more donuts, and we'll have a lot of fun. We'll be posting stuff every day. Very easy to follow. Every day.

Upcoming Game Features and Rollout

I think we should turn our attention on what's happening on Monday. I want to say one more thing about donuts. Okay. Earlier we said that the top line doughnut number isn't necessarily the most important, but it's a fun metric to track anyway. And so far, Orbis is the record holder for the most donuts. I have a feeling Adam Hollander might be a strong challenger to that number.

Competition and Community Interaction

But if anybody can beat Orbus's record, I would have love to see it on Twitter. Hollander's definitely going to give him a run for his money. It's hard to know because people have to, like, connect all their wallets. Right. So even if I collected, you know, the wallet with the most, it might not be kind of combined.

Future Implementations and Leaderboard Discussions

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So ultimately, we're talking which wallet has the most. But, Dota, didn't you say you're going to make a ranking system eventually? Is that. Is that coming or no? Like a leaderboard. I mean, like, we have the data, right? Like you said you could count the number of donuts, but, like, certain things, like, you know, who.

Understanding Value in Donut Collection

I don't know if I want to give it away. Some donuts are a lot more common, and some donuts are a lot more like myth or legendary. So I don't really think, like, the top line number is fun and it's a good proxy, but it's not like, it's not the whole story, so. Yeah, yeah. And that's part of the fun of having different types of donuts.

Collecting Strategy and Comparison

Yeah. I mean, basically what donut saying is, like, like, maybe a shadow donut is actually worth, like, a thousand glazed doughnuts. You know, I. That. Not that exact number, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah. Okay. All right. Sorry, Bear, what did you want to move on to?

Open Public Beta Announcement

Just the open public beta of our game we've been making for three years. Spent all of our time. Oh, yeah. Okay, sure. We may be playing games and eating donuts. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Go right ahead. Well, I think, you know, we can all sort of chip in here, but I think the most important thing we can really get across is, of course, donuts launched.

Details and Features of the Upcoming Game

But we have a really special open public, open beta for the game, for the forgotten rumors game. Next week. It starts. Opens up at 10:00 a.m. on August 26. So it's next Monday. It's really close. There's a bunch of new stuff in the game, and this includes dungeons, this includes interior decorations, the whole item system.

Enhanced Game Experience and Objectives

I think it's deeper. And of course, the donut system is like we were talking about earlier, is built into it. So you can be doing going in game quests. Let's say you complete the tutorial and you come back to the point site and you get donuts for achieving these quests. But it's pretty exciting. I mean, this will be, I would say, the biggest push and the biggest sort of moment for the game in three years.

Community Engagement and Excitement

And I feel pretty darn good about it. We have a lot of really cool stuff going on with groups, the guilds and people who are really active in web three gaming on Ronin and on Ethan. And I think it's going to be really fun. So I'm stoked. Hero just posted that he has 4.3 million donuts. This makes me kind of want a leaderboard.

Desire for Leaderboards

I want a leaderboard, too. I love leaderboards. And again, for the third time, the number of donuts doesn't necessarily mean you have the most valuable donuts. But still, it's a fun metric to track. Yeah, maybe just make that like, the giant title at the top of the site. You know, all numbers not reflective of end waiting.

Ongoing Competition and Records

But I think. I think Jiro is the. Is the current record holder. I have not seen a number bigger than 4 million. I want to see what Maddo has or m four t. If I assume. We gotta get Madden.

Beta Game Features and Community Involvement

Yeah, yeah, but, yeah, so, yeah, the game. The game. So it's a huge deal that the beta is coming out Monday. Lots of new features in this one confirmed. Right. Like this one is going to have the all, like, I think, yeah, dungeons. It's dungeons and interior, there's going to be more building of the exterior house.

Progression and Inventory Management

Progression is higher so you can go beyond 15. And again, it's still iterative. And remember, it's still beta, but, like, there's a lot of new content. I'd say I put it at like 35% new content. And there's a ton more down the line too. But I think, you know, we really just want to get every baby step right.

Future Releases and Game Adjustments

And I think, you know, this will be the first time anyone, well, I guess in November anyone could play, but I think we're in a much different position now. Yeah, anyone and everyone's going to be able to play and, you know, I think we're going to have a lot of details about, like, everything that's new, all the bugs that are fixed, like, basically just like the v two, and just keep a lookout for all the information.

Community Discussions and Feedback

I don't know if there's any of the other high level. Matt. Oh said in the secret tower that they are adding support for bitcoin wallets. No, no. That was a question right now. Runaverse. Game is moving. Hello, Ronan. Come on, let's go. Let's move ton. I'd rather move ton.

Transaction Speed and Wallet Support

Who doesn't want ten minute transactions. Okay, sorry. No. Matto is asking if we will support bitcoin wallets for the donut site. Is that correct? If Matto? Is that what you're asking? Other bitcoin wallets aside from experts.

Wallet Implementations and Future Features

Oh, okay. So x verse is supported. I don't think that we have leather wallet or hero implemented. Do you need us to implement? I think there's a couple of awesome tickets are asking for other wallets too. So I think magic Eden and the leather wallet are the ones here became leather, like, rebranded, so.

Feedback on Game Development

Okay, sweet. Sorry. That was a good sign. Yeah, that would be funny. Matto, now that you're here, is there any features in the beta that we missed that you know of? No, I think. I think you guys went over everything. I mean, there's tons of, obviously, there's tons of surprises that we're leaving in the game.

Surprise Elements in Game Features

Like, we don't want to spoil everything. We love for everybody to hop in and kind of, like, see all the new features for themselves. But, like, high level, you know, we got dungeons and you have internal decorations. So you, some of you built your houses during closed beta. You're gonna actually be able to go inside and actually start decorating it, which is fun.

Player Interaction and Building Features

you can also, like, see other people's houses that if they have, like, if the houses are built on city plots in particular, because we don't really have, like, teleporting to, like, other people's plots just yet. But, yeah, it'll be fun to see what everybody makes of their house. And obviously, the presents that you get from it.

Builder Crates and Transferable Items

The quantum gifts, I mean, sorry, not quantum gifts, builders crates. Those are going to be transferable outside of the game. So even so, they're only excludes this event. You're able to earn them. You don't need to do anything other than just connect your wallet because you can start earning them for free. And those are just prizes for everybody who comes to join in.

Engagement and Community Participation

So we're excited. Everybody come in. Really fun stuff. Matt, I have a noob question. If I don't have land, can I buy land next week when the beta opens? Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, you can buy land at any point and connect to it. Also, there's going to be some free plots of land for people just kind of like, experiment with, like I said, in the city, there's going to be just kind of like, free plots.

Exploration and Future Plans

People just kind of beta test with and just explore those features. But in the actual full game, those land plots are going to be actually pretty important for progression. I'm actually writing up a blog to kind of like give an update. There was already like an old land blog kind of goes into overview, but since then we've kind of updated a couple of things.

Importance of Land in Game Development

So I'm kind of doing a refresher blog post that should be out hopefully by like next week and we'll go into like the specifics of like why land is important to like have like one thing for particular and like one thing particular that comes off top of my mind is like in the beta and alpha for the game, you kind of have like an unlimited inventory.

Inventory Limitations and Gameplay Functionality

But like for the actual full builder game, you're going to have like a limit on your inventory. And that house provides you like pretty much like a free storage space so you can kind of like throw your extra items in there. And if you don't have a house, if you don't have a plot of land, then you're going to have to either use your guild storage or you're going to have to pay a treasury.

Storage Management in Gameplay

So somebody else who owns like a plot of land, they put like a treasure on their plot, pay them for like storage or something. So stuff like that. There's tons of different building, different features. I'm going to have a blog post that goes more deeper into that. But yeah, land plays a very important role and you can buy land at any point, it's fine.

Gameplay Dynamics and Community Interaction

And you'll be able to build it and play around fate in game. And then after in the full build of the game, you'll be able to have more of those actual like deeper features and functionalities that are, that we haven't revealed yet. Built in. Man, that is, that's so fun because the game was already fun enough, just like grinding and farming for equipment, but now you can grind for your land and your house as well.

Enhancing Fun and Game Mechanics

It's just, it's a whole new dimension of fun to the game and that's very exciting. Yeah. And that's part of us, what we're doing with these rollouts, right? Because like we're rolling it out like these tests and like as we roll them out, we're adding like these new kind of gameplay loops. So we have like base gameplay loop which was pretty much like, you know, crafting and battling.

Game Development and Community Feedback

And then now we add it, we added the building and we're adding dungeons. And so like there's those extra layers that we're kind of like slowly like testing out and like kind of like seeing what people gained feedback for so that we can focus on like what those actual before, like throwing the whole thing at everybody. Right.

Iterative Development and Future Expansion

Focus on those smaller sections of it and then as we expand it out, people will be able to see the full picture of like what we're actually building out. Really fun, really exciting stuff.

Exploring New Worlds

There's tons of the world to explore. Like for example, like it's going to be open world. Like right now they're in the closed beta. Even in this new foundations test, it's still going to be like sectioned off lands that you kind of like teleport to and you're like areas. But that's not how the actual full game is going to be. It's going to be a wide open expanse, land that you're able to just kind of walk between people's towns and different plots of land and stuff and just explore the world freely. But like we'll get there when we're ready for it. So for now, just enjoy what we have, but know that there's a lot being built and a lot that we haven't shared yet.

Grind for Rewards

Fun. So yeah, so you can grind for armor, weapons, land, houses and of course donuts. Okay, I'm going to go back to a technical question about donuts for Dota. Cinema is asking if you didn't collect a wallet for both of the previous game experiences. But you're using the same email. But I still have no moon or banana donut. What do I do? I'll talk to Niski, we'll figure it out. The good news is that you like award being awarded those donuts is a historic action. So we just need to locate how to tie your accounts together. You'll still get them once we figure that out.

Account Linking Confusion

I mean, maybe I'm not understanding his question, but he says if you didn't collect connect the wallet for both game experiences, my answer would be well, why don't you just connect them? Maybe I'm not understanding what he's saying. But you can connect multiple wallets to one email account. Yeah, and we'll, I think that we can probably get the emails from the runaverse game. I should check. You know, sometimes things like casense can creep in with these. So we'll figure it out. Have them open a ticket. Yeah, yeah. And for. And for Al, for your point, it's more like, you know, it's a historical event.

Connections and Game Accounts

Like if they'd have to connect their wallet during eve of memory, like, to their actual, like, game account. Right. Because that's what we connect. We pull, like, their wallets from the game accounts. And so, like, if they didn't connect it during evil memory, the game is even up yet for them to log in to connect. Right. So there's no real way to really tie those together. But, like, you know, if they use the same email, we'll look into options on if we can possibly do that inside of. So. Yep. okay. another just tech question.

Donut Rarity and Types

Someone's asking, what's the difference between the pink sprinkles and the chocolate sprinkles? I don't think there is a difference. The Daily doughnut will just give you a random donut, and there, I think there's, like, four or five flavors within that. That random pool. so it's really just a matter of luck which one you get a. I don't know. Is there, like, a rarity among the sprinkled donuts? Yeah, there is. And I think that I didn't actually put that rarity in the doughnut decks, and I need to now that I'm under. So, yeah, the.

Types of Sprinkles

The clicker, the daily doughnut. Chocolate sprinkles are common. Pink sprinkles are uncommon. Blueberry sprinkle are rare, and then vanilla and then lemon. There you go. Is the random. There you go. Okay. From Jiro showing off that 4.3 million up here pinned to the top of the space. I had to reply, holy shit. With a donut replacement. Very impressive, Jiro. Very impressive. Okay, Dota, do you see bridges question in there? He's asking, how about multiple Twitter or discord accounts? They have interacted with the same ecosystem or if the people change them in the future.

Multiple Accounts and Voting

I actually don't even know what that means. Does that make sense to you? I think he's asking to be able to pin, to connect multiple Twitter accounts to one username email account. We're not going to do that. But we. Maybe it can add the ability to disconnect your Twitter account. Maybe. I'll check. Okay. And then, yeah, Ponyboy is asking if we could publish a ranking of the donut rarities. I think you just mentioned that. Yeah, probably we'll mention. We'll publish some.

Game Features and Mechanics

I think the other thing to know is, like, we've tried, you know, have we tried to make it smart? So, like, I. If you, for example, like, what am I saying? If you have multiple Twitter accounts, just make multiple accounts. And, yeah, I think that's how you're gonna do that? But why would you need that? That just sounds like you're gaming the system, so don't do that. Stop trying to cheat, bridge. Yeah, don't cheat. I'm noticing a question here, too, SPz.

Future Events and Updates

Wanting to know any chance of a frog hunt donut, which I totally get. However, I think that is just being covered in the general. Oh, no, sorry. That was in a previous event. Yeah, the frog hunt was like years ago. I don't even. Yeah, that was pre meal. That was during the party. I don't think we have donuts for that. I don't even know who asked that. I will say, though, for the. For those who won land during the frog hunt, I know that we haven't really posted many updates on it.

Land Distribution Updates

That's actually being worked on in the background. As soon as I get a new update about that, I'll post announcement. Like a formal announcement of it, but we are. You're still going to get land if you're in the top. The top wallets that we published on the site. I sent those wallets over to Dev. And you were hoping to get them before CBT? I mean, not before CBT. Before new foundations. If not, it'll be during the new foundations. We'll have them dropped off to everybody.

Patience Regarding Updates

So just be a little patient. I know you've been waiting for a long time. We're trying to get those delivered for you guys so we still remember you. Nice. Okay. I think that's all the questions. Wow, we talked a lot about donuts today. It is actually a big deal. my favorite donut is not even a donut at all. It's a. It's a slice of bread friend. and you can only get a slice of bread friend by referring a friend. Oh, I love that. Cutest.

Donut Preferences

I like the bear claw, but no bias. I like the slime doughnut, too. The slime donuts. Always fun. Shadow nut. Shadow nuts. No joke. Shadow nut. Yeah, that's a good one. The skull doughnuts. Cool. And who doesn't love the classic jelly donut? I ate two of them this morning. You did? Actually. I feel pretty sick. That's good. All right, well, anything else you want to say about donuts or anything else?

Questing and Donuts

No, just. Do quests earn donuts? No, I think you meant stack doughnuts. Stack doughnuts. Stuck donuts, insert air horn. I think feckless has a question. Oh, feckless. What up, dog? Oh, wait, is he up here? I am indeed. What's up, y'all? Okay. Yeah. What up? How y'all doing? Happy Wednesday. Donuts are dope.

Voting and Game Participation

I just wanted to hop up here and remind everybody to go vote on the breadfriend plush proposal, which is currently live on snapshot. We've got a decent number of votes already, but more is always welcome. And if you're not too busy stacking donuts and wringing your hands waiting for the open beta test, there is also a breadfriend game on feckless toys that you can play. Yeah, you can play that game.

Mailing List and Pre-Sale

You can sign up for a little mailing list that I will be sending out emails to people when the pre sale for bread friends is open. There are only 250 of them. So if you're interested in getting one of those, get on that mailing list and get ready for the presale. How cool. Yeah, I've been seeing the feckless toys up, and I've been lamenting that I've been so busy, I haven't had a chance to play with it yet.

Busy Schedules

I'll get in there either today or tomorrow. We'll see how much energy I have left in the tank. There's always so much happening in the cult. Difficult to keep trackless. I saw that game that you posted on Twitter. It looks so cute and just awesome. And I love that the dow is making a little bread friend plush. Or at least it's up for a vote. That's awesome, man. Yeah, I'm very excited about it. It's a fun project.

Acknowledging Contributions

Sweet. Oh, I found it. Oh, I'm toast. Yes, you are toast. Awesome. Okay, guys, we have, like, nine minutes left. How about we jump right into the cult content chronicle compiled by the illustrious Del riot. Every damn time. Every damn time. I'm just trolling you guys at this point. I'm trolling you. Do you not see this? You give bear one week off.

Bear's Return

You give him one week off, and he comes back, and this is how he acts. Where am I? Oh, man. We'll never get it right. And I guess we're not meant to. Okay, let's jump right in. It's a big one, folks. Man, ever since we intersected with the ronin community, the Chronicle has been just loaded, which I love. I love it.

Artwork Highlights

Okay, so I'm gonna jump right in. Crucy juicy. Commissioned a really cool piece by swamp baron and new artist. To me and man, it's just an awesome piece of artwork. Crucifer has just been doing some really great stuff lately, and this piece reflects that code Nino shared. A really cool piece of a commission by Lewis Chariot. Just another really beautiful style, man.

Commissioning Artwork

I think I want to commission something from this person. This is actually really nice. I have one in the works right now. I'm really excited to see it. Hell yeah. Nice. Two crows, the resurrected Corvid wizard shared a video of a citrine Solaris stone. I don't even know what that is, but it definitely looks magical.

The Ongoing Wizard Theme

And, you know, we say it every week, but I love that the Legend of two crows endures, such as a wizard. A wizard is forever. Kingsopa run made some really awesome pixel art of their wizard. Virgilius the Sorcerer continues developing their wizards, especially the Tengu wizard that he has. He's really just been developing that part of the map more than any other.

Creative Developments

And this latest piece is just super cool. He's like using an ember frog as a fire to do some blacksmithing. How badass is that? I love it. And then he's continuing with his kingu, just pruning a little bonsai tree. Super cute. And then also shared a really nice of animation of his warrior. Very impressive.

New Talent in the Community

We've got a new artist in the cult, burnt Coffee, who has just been impressing all of us. So talented. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, yeah. We were just talking about burnt coffee today in the cult, how much we love their work. I particularly love this one. It's got a black goat in it that is seducing a young maiden. That's the kind of thing I'm into.

Unique Art Creations

And then another really great burnt coffee image of a cute little bunny rabbit and floating eyeball. And then another one where she's like, I think she's resurrecting a dead wizard or a wizard. That has been it. What's the word? Possessed by, like some kind of shadow. Super cool.

Reminder of Community Voting

And then, of course, feckless mage is reminding us about the Dow vote on the bread friend plushie. And then, of course, the bread frame game that he made, you know, feckless. What I really love about this game is just the beautiful, simple style that you put it in. I love these, like, minimalistic games that I'm starting to see a lot around.

Game Styles

It's just, it's just a really nice style, man. And then, of course, Tanya made a fun little vote for bread friend poster. Tanya, this image is amazing. Such a funny expression on Bread friend's face. I love it, man. There's so much good artwork in this cult content chronicle.

Comic Series Installments

Legatus shared another installment of the comic series that he's collaborating on with Shadowy 30 Shadowy Man. I love this style. Your style is so good for these little comic strips. It just pops. It just pops off the page. You want to know what's going on? It does. It does. It pops off the page.

Character Engagement

The characters are just funny to look at. They're so expressive. You also know exactly, like, who they are when you read the dialogue, and it's not easy to do that when you have such, like, curt dialogue. There's just not a lot of words, but you know exactly who they are. Totally. Yep, yep. Well done.

Intriguing Image Concepts

And then Legitus also shared a really interesting image, something about a secret sect threading events in the runiverse. An ancient power stirs in the shadows. That sounds interesting. This is a collab with. With Oz, so it looks like they're cooking up something secret over there. That's actually my red light uv mask that I wear every night to keep my skin nice.

Beauty and Secrets

Oh, okay. That's your secret. Got it. Yeah. Yep. Yep. That's why it looks so good. That's the ancient power that's stirring in the shadows. Got it. That makes sense now. Okay. Ozma bro also shared some. Some card art for Meeple, dad's upcoming treasure trove. Man, speaking of Meeple dad's treasure trove.

Treasure Trove Details

He shared some artwork with me in the DM's a few days ago. This treasure trove is going to be the treasure trove of a lifetime. If you have not ordered yours yet, what the hell are you doing? You got to go order a treasure trove. Dlo shared this hilarious little wizard. I feel like we talked about this wizard last week because it's so memorable.

Memorable Wizard Features

It's just such a funny drawing of a little wizard. But, yeah, I'm glad we included it in this week as well. Okay, does somebody else want to take over? Sure. Yes. Go. Are we on ox? So I looked away. We had to look at a DM. No, we're in. In my tree. Yeah.

Closing Thoughts

Number 18. Oh, my God. Whenever I see their work, it just puts a smile on my face. It's so good. I it's. It's just one of those things that you can't not smile at. I love these so much. I don't really even understand the. I guess it's just there's a lot of weed going on in the background. He's dancing, so he's got a potion. So I think we know what's going on there.

Discussion about VR Tools

Okay, so lucas Spatro. Lucas Spatro. Like, is this a. I feel like this is like google, not google VR. It's like Oculus one. Like the, one of like the 3d tools or is it. I think it's called medium. This VR sculpting tool. Obsessed with the VR sculpting tool. What was that amazing VR sculpting tool back in the day, alf, that we used to play with? Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I do. There's so many. But I think this particular one is called medium. Yeah, this is really cool. Love that. Let's see. Well, Daniella Ilustra obviously core to just every week spreading the creativity.

Art Appreciation

The lines in these hands are insane. Daniela is awesome at drawing hands. Yeah, the hands are just really. The whole thing looks like a big fingerprint. Anyway, great style. Let's see. Sweet potato kind. I love the time lapse drawings. I saw this. I think it was the weekend. Maybe they posted this. It's great. I'm loving seeing all the stuff from kind guild. I know that every. We've all been sort of talking about kind guild. And in fact, there's a nice little surprise for kind guild members when they go in game. They can. They can be grinding for flags that have their logo on it, which is really cool.

Gaming Frustrations

And guys, I'm so angry right now. I can't get the high score on feckless toys. Brett, Jonah. I'm only. It's. I can. The most I can get is 650. And I'm about to punch you, bro. Yeah. Jody, why don't you take over and I'll start playing and I'll beat you. High score. By the time you're done. No. Okay, wait, which one? We're at? No, we're at purple drag. You're playing video games. I get it. Purple drag. Okay, good. I'm glad I'm doing this one because actually, Eli, I really love these cards.

Excitement for Cards

This quantum ouroboros card is really beautiful. Also, the nightmare imp turned into a card. I love it. You know, doing cards is something that I have wanted to do for, like, years now. We even, like, started, like, a card platform that just had to be pushed aside. Yeah. So I think doing more cards is something I really want to do as soon as we get the time. You know, it seems very much like the cult. Right? We already have. You know, thankfully, people like Meeple dad are picking up the torch and give a hoot has commissioned a bunch of cards for runes.

Community Spirit

TCG. And then Meeple dad's printing out physicals. I'm so glad. That'll scratch some of the itch, but I'd love to see even more cards from the cult. Also, this adorable kobold lore from Nix Ron showing the kobold, the proud Kobold parents. They don't look too proud to me. Oh, they don't? Let's see. They're a little worried. That's the expression that I would have if I had a baby kobold. Yeah. And they're not. Not too sure. I had a real serious reaction to this piece of artwork this morning.

Kobold Lore and Reactions

I said, oMG, they're making more kobolds. If there's anything the runaverse does not need, it's more kobolds. Although I think many people would disagree with me on that one. But I love how they're in regal attire. I think this is the first time we've seen kobolds represented as some kind of royalty of this very nice attire that they're wearing. Like, they're white. Amazing. Totally, totally. Tad posted a piece of his wizard turning into a bat, which is really incredible. Clooney is continuing to work on the Nifty island wizard.

Nifty Island Developments

Nifty island. And he's made number four asset pack up for claim on Nifty Island. Nard has a piece of this looks like. I think it's from Grok of his wizard with soda. Artie has. I think it's Artie. Somebody figured out how to put a familiar in the Plato's cave basement. There was. I love this one. Yeah. I'm obsessed with this piece. It's so good. Gamecaster posted a bit of mysterious lore about their wizard being born into a dark family of wizards or a family of dark wizards.

Creative Corners

And Ponyboy completed a commission for a five of five wizard and his rates are 20 run for 500 words. So if you're looking for somebody to help you with your lore, check out Ponyboy. Enzo posted a piece of his hedge wizard with his dad. I really am a big fan of establishing family relationships in the agree dota has a few of his own. Okay. Wizard Small posted a picture of somebody getting the cult on an old CRT and really, I love this.

Nostalgic Artwork

This gave me all the feels of even though we didn't even have discord, but it didn't matter. The early days of land parties and bulletin boards. Yeah, wizard small, I gotta say that your CRT posts lately have inspired me to get a little set up going for something that I plan to film some content with and try to push out next week. So thank you for the inspiration. Ig Duel's got another image of his wizard. I, you know, AI is such a great way for us to establish kind of just this daily cadence of like, who a character is.

Community Engagement

And Igdal's wizard is for sure making. An impression on my he's also the classiest wizard in all of the runaverse, I think I've come to realize I. Love all the clacky buttons and the red coat. Pleasures has made a website advertises the artists of the cult. So yeah, if you're an artist, we're looking for one. Check out his website. Super good. I don't know what the FFV, you were on this podcast? Yeah, yeah, I'll take this one.

NFT Conversations

Yeah, FFV. If you guys don't know who this guy is, he's super awesome. What I really like about him is he is an NFT mega bull. This guy fully believes in the power of nfts and it shows in everything he does. And so of course, for someone who is an NFT mega bowl, he wanted to talk to forgotten runes. I had the pleasure of doing like an hour long interview with him. I stopped to watch that. It was a fun, it was fun.

Sharing Insights

And I'll say this, I think I said some things in that interview that I haven't said anywhere else. So if you want to know what that is, go listen to that video. Listen to the cult. Okay. Jmander posted this meme. I guess we're doing donuts now, or I guess we're doing circles now. The factory meme. One of the things I think is actually quite funny is I love this meme as it kind of like was up and coming over the weekend and I was totally sitting here trying to make something similar in Kapling.

Memetic Content

When I saw Jmander's version, I was like, that's it. I can't do better than this. Entropy posted some snapshots of the golden Frog from our video and so I feel like this is like a meme content pack that people can. It sure is. Yeah. If you click on that post and go to the reply, there is an image flip meme generator template where you can just start plugging in text and add any images that you might want. So we'd love to see some people play with this format.

Community Contributions

Doritos, Mountain Dew, and a forgotten room comic. Mom said I can sleep over. I love it. And then Jason's got another daily dancing wizzy viddy. And it's number 60, meeple dad's riddle of the day, number 233. Wow. And then last but not least, certainly is magic Monday news episode 71 with special guest Miss Claire. Say so. There we go. That is the cult content Chronicle.

Fan Engagement

And we should say, and I dont correct me if Im wrong, if you have appeared in the cult content chronicle at any moment in the past, what happens, Dota? You get some donuts? We have been tracking it the entire time. This is a real incentive for you to be featured in the cult content Chronicle. so you'll get donuts for. For that. and by tracking it, we mean making gypsy and nalgene sit down and write them all down.

Tracking Progress

Count. Count. Yeah, I think so. You're already out of date. You're behind. Guys, let's go. If. And then if, like in the future, upcoming chronicles, if people get featured, will they get a donut? Oh, you know, that feels like a lot of pressure to put on Tanya. Tanya, just keep doing your thing and we'll figure that out down the line. Yeah, but I mean, look, the overall point is, like, creators get rewarded in our cult, we've been saying it since practically day one, and we will always say that.

Creator Rewards

So we're always watching. We know what you all are up to and we want to continue this awesome behavior. Speaking of creators, welcome to the stage kind. How are you doing today? If you're around, wanted to say anything. My friends, my brothers, we are Lima and Sayo kind creators. We're here in Lima, Peru, with the amazing jihos. What up, what up? Yo, what's going on? What's up? We're so amazingly blessed to witness the donuts day.

Celebration of Creativity

Holy fuck. Sayo has made an amazing dance. We hope you liked it. Say, it's gonna tell us more about the dance, please. That's the donut dance. I invite all the wizards in the world to perform their best dance for this trend. So let's perform the donut dance, please. The donut dance. We're going to take over the TikTok format real quick. We can do it. We can do it. We were just talking about how we need to, you know, create our own trends, right?

New Trends and Celebrations

So this is something that's fun, it's approachable. It's a nice celebration, man. I was just, I'm super stoked. The site works really smoothly. I also have to commend you guys on, like, the really smooth experience to connect, like, all of your different wallets, right? Because I have my wizards on my Ethereum account. I have other. I guess my game progress, right, was tied to my Ronin wallet. So it was just super smooth to be able to link all those up.

Smooth Experiences

So I commend you guys on that. And, yeah, I'm glad you felt it was smooth. You know, this morning I've been stressing because I just see all the bugs. So I'm glad it worked for you. Dota had to skip wizard Wednesday last week just to finish the site in time. He did a great job. You know, let us know to help. I saw that. We're gonna get that. Get it verified as well, like, running.

Preparation for Launch

Yes. I was gonna ask you guys about that. Yeah, the domain is. Yeah, I think we're on it. Great. And it's gonna be fun when the game goes live on Monday. And I think that. I think the idea was, like, get people used to what donuts are. Get familiar with the interface. And then on Monday, the open beta, public beta goes live. So you're gonna be able to. I'm fucking hype. I can't wait to see, like, what, you know, the new content is.

Anticipation for New Content

And obviously, the last round was, you know, exceeded all expectations that I had, which were already super high. So let's go. I just, I can't wait to get in here. Let's go. All these new Ronin people. I have met so many super fucking cool people from this ronin community. So many good artists. I can't wait to see everything that they built. So really looking forward to the open where everyone can come in and play.

Community Connections

Yeah, it's going to be so much fun. Jiho, why is everybody from Ronin so cool? They're all amazing. We've been through a lot over the last six years together. Yeah. So, you know, I think it's rooted in the DNA and. Right. This, the hive mind has become like this anti fragile, decentralized, you know, amplification machine. And everyone understands the assignment. Right. They understand that went together and, you know, we're on the right path.

Shared Understanding

I love it. We always talk about how well the ronin community has blended in with the forgotten runes community. And even the donut dance you guys made today blends in so well because we actually have a bunch of cult dances already. We have the impish shake dance. We have the goat dance. What? Yeah, we've done it. Yeah. I need to try my hand out on these.

Dancing Cultures

Yeah, yeah. And now we've got the doughnut dance. So. So well done. Awesome. I love it. Okay. Anything else, guys? Is that the show. Or two? Two minor things. Yeah. Let's get wild mage and then bridge. Just a sec here. Just wanted to let everyone know that hail dot Ron is going to be our Monday magic news guest. And we've still got some things cooking, so.

Upcoming Events

All right. There's a ronin person on the next magic Monday news. I love it. Yeah, we really like getting some of the perspective and insight from those who are just coming on board and really picking their brains. That's great, man. That's great. So just wanted to shout that out. I love it. I love it. So, everybody come play the game.

Game Invitation

Get your Ronin wallet set up. Be ready to have fun. We are going to kill some monsters. We're going to collect some loot. We're going to party up with friends. We're going to decorate our houses. And it is going to be an incredible time. Number 1, march to number one bridge. Did you have any final words? Yeah. Can you guys hear me okay?

Technical Challenges

I sure can, Mike. In a Danny's dumpster near my house. I'm having all kinds of technical difficulties today. We're rating the discord as usual. After Wizard Wednesday. Anybody who wants to hang out with the community, go to the discord voice chat. We've got all kinds of awesome people. From the ronin community coming in and. Vibing with us and asking questions in the voice chat recently.

Community Vibes

And we want to see more of it. That's it. Fantastic. Entropy, you got the music ready? I sure do. Let's hit it. Play the game. Get your ronin wallet. Stack doughnuts. Get your daily donuts. At the very least, you can get a daily doughnut. It's the easiest one every day. You don't even have.

Daily Donuts

Have to sign up for an account to get a daily donut. You can just connect your wallet. Boom. Go. There you go. All right. This has been elf dota bear, infant bridge feckless geho zeo kind pad major and all of the wizards of the forgotten runes wizards cult channeling out from the Quantum Downs Gn. Everybody stay magic. Later, y'all. Stack those dunnies.

Final Thoughts

World of our own never forgotten or magic is known. It's wizard Wednesday. It's wizard Wednesday let's read from the book of lore. Legendary wizards at the core. Don't get lost in the quantum shadow. Abracadabra is our magical manifesto this is Wednesday. Eat a donut, set your soul on fire the sacred flame on a funeral pyre the 7th gate with golden locks the nightmarimp with a tree box.

Closing Remarks

It. Was a Wednesday it was a Wednesday. Bye. Oh, there's another song. That donut. Resurrect that donuts. Yes. Stack them, stack them.

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