Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Winners or Losers ?? hosted by MrMintETH. In the ‘Winners or Losers’ Twitter space, the focus shifted towards building meaningful NFT projects that transcend mere visual appeal. Participants explored the significance of long-term sustainability, strategic partnerships, and community-centric approaches in the NFT sector. The conversation emphasized the need to think beyond individual gains and concentrate on creating projects with lasting value. ‘Winners or Losers’ provided valuable insights into the strategic methodologies necessary for success in the evolving landscape of NFTs.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How important is it to consider the big picture in NFT projects?
A: Considering the broader impact and long-term sustainability is key for success.

Q: What sets NFT projects apart from traditional art creation?
A: NFT projects involve creating digital assets with unique utility and ownership aspects.

Q: How can partnerships impact the success of NFT initiatives?
A: Strategic collaborations can bring in expertise, expand reach, and drive value for NFT projects.

Q: Why is community growth significant in the NFT sector?
A: Building a strong community fosters support, user engagement, and network effects for NFT projects.


Time: 15:29:47
Unlocking NFT Potential Beyond Visuals Exploring the diverse utility of NFT assets beyond traditional art forms.

Time: 20:11:03
Strategic Project Development Insights Insights on building scalable and sustainable projects in the NFT space.

Time: 25:45:19
Community-Centric Success Strategies Understanding the importance of community growth for NFT project longevity.

Key Takeaways

  • Focusing on the big picture is crucial in the NFT industry.
  • The NFT sector goes beyond just creating visual assets like JPEGs.
  • Building sustainable and scalable projects is essential for long-term success.
  • Strategic partnerships can enhance the value and reach of NFT projects.
  • Winning in the NFT space involves more than just individual gains; it’s about community growth.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks and Community Acknowledgment

GM good morning. Good evening, everybody. We are back. We’re back. It’s like a old radio station host coming back into the space, but glad to be here. I see some familiar faces in here. Still repping the Alpha brand. Strong. Love to see it. I am obviously a little bit late and always late, but always on time at the same regard. Some of you guys will get it, some won’t. But today was going to be a conversation, and. And I titled the space winners or losers for a reason. Right. And we’ll get into that. But anybody that wants to request up, do so now if you’d like to. So that way I can kind of get you on panel before we hop. Before I hop back into this, but I think it’s incredibly important for me to talk about some of the things today that I think I’ve realized over the course of this journey with you guys and in the space in general and how I look at it and perceive it as we move forward despite everything.

The 10-10-80 Rule

And I made a tweet earlier today, the 1010 80 rule. Right. And it’s a really cool rule. You should probably think about it. You should probably apply this to your own life. And the 1010 80 rule stands for 10% of the people that hate you. You’ll see. You’ll see it. That’s 10%, 10% of people that don’t like you, 10% of the people that don’t agree with you, that don’t support you. You’ll see all that. You’ll always see the 10%. And then the other 10% are the 10% of people that appreciate you, that support you, that want to be around whatever you’re doing, that like you, that genuinely want to see you succeed. And those people, you see those as well. That’s. That makes up 20. The good and the bad. Right? But here’s the big. Here’s the big secret. There’s that 80%, and 80% of the people that follow you won’t say anything. They may still support you, they may dislike you, but they say nothing.

Reflections on the Space’s Dynamic

That 80% is essentially what keeps business moving, what keeps things growing, what keeps the excitement running. Only the 20%, the minority of that, is what we can actually see every single day in and day out. And as I’ve kind of been in this space and had my mistakes and obviously going through growing pains trying to grow hyper grow a business in a space that had, that has no rules or boundaries, I’ve learned a lot from that 10 80 rule. And that 10% of the people that I see every day are my biggest supporters, and 10% of the people I see every day are my biggest haters. The 80% of people I can’t see those people, the people that don’t say anything, the people that show up on spaces that never come up, that are in the discord but never type, or the people that believe, that have, that see what we’re trying to create and what we’re trying to do and what we failed and seen it all through the ups and the downs.

Manifestation and Opportunity in Web3

And I wasn’t going to get on this space today and talk about manifests in a format of which is what we usually are kind of like used to talking about, like, hey, this is a plan. Moving forward. I think we’ve come to the conclusion in this space that due to the volatility and vulnerability of how everything operates and the lack of visibility on what happens on the day in and day out behind the scenes, we tend to forget that, like, this space is still growing, it still has a bunch of unknown. We really don’t know what works and what doesn’t work. We’ve seen that as great as heights but not sustainable. We see that as great as lows and not sustainable. This space kind of is in between. I call it purgatory. The web three is a purgatory washing machine. We’re all kind of stuck in the same limbo, moving hype to destination to destination, chain to opportunity to opportunity. And I think that’s what manifest represents at its core, opportunity.

The Duality of Support and Criticism

A lot of the people that are still here, whether they’re reasons for stinking around and watching what happens, is that glimmer or sliver of hope that may, something may happen and that they may have an opportunity to reap the benefits that they should have or squandered before. And some just want to see us burn and crash and burn to the ground because it brings them pleasure to see others fail. I think after spending so much time through all the dark ends and all the positive sides of what we’ve grown, I think I’ve come to the massive conclusion that every single positive, great idea that I had a didn’t go as planned. Some of the most ambitious and reckless ideas that I implemented created a massive amount of hype and success, but weren’t sustainable. And that gave me an idea that may sound crazy and it’s going to take a lot of us to buy into the thought process and thesis of what we’re trying to kind of generate right now manifest for lack of a better word, every single ip, every single endeavor and opportunity and mint that you guys participated in was an exploration, an opportunity, and filled with excitement.

Lessons from Past Experiences

To be completely honest, I think even the last mint with culture cuts. A lot of people didn’t think that it was going to sell out. Those barometers in which we used to measure ourselves as founders and creators in the space are no longer viable. They’re no longer measuring sticks or clout or any type of prestige. In fact, those are battle wounds and scars of things that are yet to be fulfilled. Things that never, ever happen, are things that never lived up to the expectation or hype. And those are the things that I’ve kind of realized in this situation. I’ve got very people in this community right now, people on this stage. Well, not on the stage, but in this call and our discord servers and our telegrams and my. In my personal cell phone, that still support, despite everything that happens, that still believe that there’s an opportunity within this space.

The Importance of Community

And I didn’t realize that the ultimate utility of manifest is not only the people here, the community, and the people that have stuck around, but me, myself, the very person that brought you guys here, utilizing my voice, my articulation and connections to build us in an audience into a space, to give us that stage to grow where we have right now. And even in our darkest hours, at our lowest point in this entire endeavor, we still thrive in some facet. We’re not zeroed out. We haven’t rugged. I’m not going anywhere, as I usually say. And I can honestly say to you guys that, yeah, I’ve been hella busy doing a lot of other things. And that the appetite for the space and all the drama associated with it and all the backstabbing and stuff created a negative taste for everybody involved, even myself. And subconsciously separating myself from something that matters the most. It’s community.

The Mechanism of Community and Hype

The community is what thrives in this space. It’s what, it’s the. It’s the mechanism that keeps and holds the space. That hopium, if you want to call it, of the promise of why we came here. From rags to riches, from a dollar to a million, right? That’s why we’ve all gotten here. That’s all why we’ve all came over here. The traditional stock market isn’t what we wanted. We wanted to come here and kind of roll the dice in the virtual casino. The point is, I saw you guys on a dream of an idea and a thesis that we could do something truly special and within that short amount of time within that window of time. We did a lot of incredible achievements, but which mean absolutely nothing right now.

Navigating Reflection and Redemption

And I don’t need to go look out in the space and find comparables or things that look like us that failed as well. To give you an idea that, because you see it every single day, some of the biggest brands in Ipsen. But now I think the time is to take what we currently have, the pieces that are left here, and put them together and formulate a plan by utilizing what we have and creating opportunity. However, we need to be those explorers, to try different things and define it. As of what’s today? Today’s the 18th. As of, I want to say a couple days ago, what? Three days ago, you know, my contract with Polygon officially expired. And over the next few days I’m going to go into detail via threads, discord calls and notes, randomly the context, into what I experienced as a founder in this space to give you guys insight, things that I couldn’t say before, that I feel now I can say freely without being compromised, even though I’ve been compromised, disrespected at the highest levels.

Embracing Challenges and Future Aspirations

But that kind of comes with the point that comes with the position, right? Especially in the web three space, if you want to be a founder, you better have big chops and you better have thick skin because it’s not an easy world out here. And I see a lot of people can understand and relate to that. You’ve seen it on a grand scale. My objective from this beginning was to create something foundationally and dope at the same time, to give you guys an opportunity and do something special. After many failures on the Ethereum blockchain and figuring out how to do it correctly, coming to Polygon and doing something revolutionary, taking something from rags of riches and creating momentum that no one had ever seen, only to continue to perpetually drive more hype and more engagement and not being able to fulfill some of the processes, the promises and the ideas that we trying to start off with.

Taking Responsibility for Progress

In the beginning, that was a core problem. That was the biggest issue, delivery, execution, development, whether and I have to take all the fault for it anyways. I’m the one that distributes funds or at least tells where it needs to be allocated. I’m the one that picks developers. I’m the one that ambitiously wanted to try to continue to push and drive engagement with more collections and expand our reach and visibility and onto my own detriment. And that could be a problem. There could be multiple different issues, I think one of the things that I think is most importantly is the people that have been here hodling, holding tight, that want to see what we could potentially do in a market, whether it was down or up.

Market Context and Community Resilience

I don’t even look at a market and say, hey, this is a good market. This is a bad market. When we launched Alpha back over a year ago, that collection was launched in essentially a mediocre market anyways. And then we survived through a dumps. You remember Solana was $14 when we launched bombas. Maybe it was Lois, I don’t remember. But the point I’m trying to make is we sustained during those windows of time by survival and creativity and collective community. In the same token, the ideas and stuff were just going to be distractions at the end of the day. Those distractions and ideas that were trying to create, whether it was a wheel, the ring runners game or idle games or whatever it was, were only just mere distractions during that time period.

Community Aspirations Amidst Distractions

Because eventually you guys will get bored of it and move on to the next hype thing. The next thing that gives you the promise that we’ve all really been here for from a reason is to get rich on along the way. We meet some really cool people. Some of you people here on this, in this space. I’ve met you in real life. I, you know, sorry, somebody just called me, you know, seven or eight years ago in the crypto space. I would have never, you know, I would have never. Hold on guys. Someone keeps calling me. Give me 2 seconds. Let me turn my flame, my airplane mode. All right. Hopefully I’m gonna pause 1 second so he interrupt my voice, my thought process again.

Continuing the Conversation

Okay. I hate when I’m in a flow and then someone just blows up my line. Anyways, the point I’m trying to make is all those things we’ve done, those accomplishments mean absolutely nothing right now. The tangibles, the things that matters, mostly important, the reason why we’re here as community and the voice of the person that led you here to from the beginning. Right? So for me, we need to focus on the things that matter the most. It doesn’t matter what we do. It really doesn’t matter. You have to realize that the space is built on what’s new and shiny. Very few things are praised like they are in the real world with tangible assets.

Changing Landscapes of Value and Attention

This space about is what’s new. The new Ferrari new cool thing. It’s not about what’s old and holding on. It used to be prestigious to wear a dope eight to wear a bored ape. It used to be prestigious to wear a punk. I don’t think it means significantly as much as it used to anymore. I don’t think any of that. The brand identity association with your PFP is what matters the most. What you identify with and what you like and what intrigues you. This community is some of the most intelligent, powerful people in this space. I believe people that understand, that want to be in this space, that have a passion for it. But at the same token, those names, those brains, those ideas, the thought processes to guide us to directions we need to be and figure out what makes the most sense.

Embracing Hype and Sustainability

And unfortunately, the logic of that is that we kind of just know that it’s all about hype. It’s always been about hype. It will always be about hype. But hype is not sustainable. Hype must be recreated over and over again. Look at some of the biggest brands in the world. Look at supreme. If you guys know hype. Beast apparel. Each drop in collection has its own interior hype. That hype generates revenue, opportunity and excitement. It’s not the singular brand itself. It’s every engaged opportunity, every drop continuously perpetuates the hype. The moment you stop dropping stuff is the moment you lose hype.

Speed and Innovation in the Crypto Space

And that’s in the clothing industry. You look in the car industry, you look at any of these industries out here, the advancements and creating new entertaining opportunities for your consumers, and we all are consumers in this world, is by continuing to continue to develop and to create and manufacture hype and drop things and create new things. Whether you’re Apple or your GM motors, or you’re the next new Ferrari, it doesn’t matter. The crypto space. The difference with the crypto spaces in the real world is that everything in here moves ten times faster than it does in the real world. Ten times faster every step of the way. So now we need to be ten times faster with everything that we do to maintain the audience and the appeal to the people here.

Taking Accountability for Momentum

I let you guys down because during that period of time, I took my eye off the ball during that window. We were on autopilot. I didn’t fact check stuff. There’s tons of stuff. But the reality is, that was on me. And I told this to someone else here. I don’t remember who it was. I feel obligated to find a way to generate that same excitement and thunder that we had once before. However it takes so that we can generate new opportunities for the people here still here, and the people that are not on this space, the people that will listen back to the replay. The people that are in the discord, that 80% that don’t say anything because they’re still there.

Overcoming Challenges Through Community and Shared Ideas

I think that my worst ideas are probably some of my best ideas that we never talked about, that I can never speak about, that I can never bring out into life because of contractual obligation, because of NDA. And I think now is a time where I don’t have that all my weight on my shoulder, and we’re in a space where we’ve been at the bottom. Every bad thing that you could ever imagine has been said about me has been exposed. My name, my divorce, everything. You know, it all. There’s nothing that you could say that would make me feel any worse than I’ve already felt in this space. So now I’m already as naked as compete, fully exposed, and you know, everything.

Harnessing the Power of Relationships

But one thing that you know very clear is that I know how to draw hype. I know how to draw engagement. I know how to connect with people, relationship build connections, and I know how to generate hype. And what we need here manifests win or lose, is that we need hype, we need engagement, we need excitement. That’s through relationships and communication. And I think now is the most important time right now. And, you know, I think that everybody in this space should understand that we’re all humans. My current family, I’ve got two beautiful kids, a beautiful wife that supports me. I don’t give a shit about nothing in my past. None of that stuff literally matters.

Focusing on the Present and Future

What matters for us today is the present, where we go from the present, how we collectively stick together and glue what we do and how we brainstorm the ideas and concepts. Every single thing we’ve ever done, whether it was through the Ring Runners game development, the choices were going to make in deciding whether we’re going to partner with another company to deploy our next game. What matters most for us right now is to figure out what is the most important aspect for us right now, to reciprocate a ton of value. And I think sharing with you guys some of the concepts and ideas and thought processes I had that were considered my worst ideas could be an opportunity for us to get some invigoration and excitement back into this community and get us thriving again the way were over a year ago.

Acknowledging Low Moments and Opportunities for Growth

Because we’ve been in a low moment this entire time. I think everybody can agree with that. We’ve been in a low moment 100%, and I think now is the moment that we figure that’s that next step out. People don’t understand. In this space, it is about hype. They don’t want to say it, they don’t want to admit it, but everything is generated around hype. When you lose the hype, you lose the audience, you lose the momentum. An object in motion stays in motion. An object in motion stays in motion. We have been creeping along, thumbnail by thumbnail and never lost our forward progress.

Moving Forward into New Opportunities

We never moved forward, similar to a treadmill, but we never stopped moving in any direction. It is time for us to take that off the ground and move this thing up. And this is where I. My, like I said once again, my greatest ideas were my biggest failures in this space, in my real world, whatever you want to call it, my biggest ideas, my greatest ideas have been some of my biggest failures. And it’s very apparent, and I see it in my peers, I see it in people that are around me, that are in the space. I see it in a real world with friends that do business. It’s opportunity to situation and timing is the key to success in anything that we do.

Creating Excitement and Rebuilding Community

And I think right now, when the entire space is in a low moment, collectively as a community, as an entity, you generate excitement, opportunity and hype. And that’s how you get that engine back rolling. You get that spark back, that starts that engine again, that gets things rolling again. People are very short attention span and memory when it comes to excitement. And I’ll use the term mm, opportunities. Money making opportunities. We’ve got a ton of cool ip that means absolutely ditch dip shit. It doesn’t mean nothing. We’ve got a cool, we’ve got cool characters, storylines and lore means absolutely nothing and no one looking at it.

Reimagining Value in Community Assets

We’ve got all the great ideas and concepts and thought processes means absolutely nothing if no one’s looking at it. If no one’s hunting it, there’s no one’s desiring it, there’s no demand. And here’s in this particular moment is where I spent a lot of my time agonizing over, trying to figure out what was the best way in the route forward and consistently adjusting. Because I’m listening to everybody around me tell me, hey, man, I don’t think that’s the right. I’m the one in the driver’s seat. And I still struggle with making decisional, making operational decisions at this level because I’m listening to all the mistakes I made in the past instead of just being as clairvoyant possible about my direction and focusing on the objective.

Finding Direction Amidst a Sea of Options

The reason why I’m here, the why I came to the space. So my plan, like, I don’t even want to use the plan. I feel like that’s a pun at this point. I don’t want to even say plan. Here’s. Here’s my logic in this entire scenario. We’ve done a ton of great things that mean nothing right now. And everything that we’ve kind of accomplished to this point is lulled by every prior mistake before. And now we’re at a point where we’ve reached our rock bottom. And the question that everyone always asks is where we go from here? And it’s going to take my voice to obviously help catalyst that by creating those moments.

Reviving the Space Through Collective Engagement

Look, we haven’t done a damn space, and I don’t know how long. There’s 60 plus people on this thing, whether they’re here to here, if I’m going to, if we’re going to lose or we’re going to win, whatever it is. I just invited the winners and all the losers because we’re both. So which one are you? Is the question that we ask ourselves. My mentor asked me, are you a winner or are you a loser? Because the last time I checked, every winner at some point was a loser to just kept on going. So we’re one in the same. It’s about who continues and who continues to reinvent themselves and who keeps at the fire, keeps chomping away with the acts.

A Commitment to the Journey

And I’m not going to give up on a space that I’ve been in since 2015 doing Defi just because I’ve had a bad run, because I don’t think that I can’t help rebound and recreate something. So for me today was about reinventing ourselves, leveraging the basic, fundamental reason we’ve all stuck around is because of the community and then leveraging one of our biggest utilities, which is my voice and my relationships, so that what we can create and generate a moment, another spark that will get this manifest machine back operational so we can start doing those things that we wanted to do in the beginning. I’ve got some crazy ideas.

Navigating Future Directions

I know the first thing that’s going to come out of people’s mouth is, like, where we don’t have to do anything on Polygon, where are we going? And we’ve talked about this stuff till we’re blowing the face. We may go to Abto’s, we may do this. I think the reality is, and I think I, and I think once again, one of the worst and greatest ideas kind of that concept. Again, we’ve always been about exploration. We’ve always put ourselves into different spaces, bitcoin, swe, whatever it is. We’ve always done those things. We’ve done it from the beginning and I think that never changes. I think that’s the fundamental focus and key for us.

Embracing Exploration and Growth

I think that’s what’s going to continue to perpetuate us and give us opportunity for people to see us as a brand or collective of people that take risks, that aren’t scared of a challenge and have survived the worst of the worst.

Introduction to Ideas

So I’ve got some ideas that I want to pass by everybody in this community. I don’t necessarily know that this particular space is form fitted for it, but maybe some people will like that idea. Maybe they don’t got any skin in the game. Maybe they’re just here to see if we’re gonna lose again. We’re all winners and losers at some point. I posted the other day, for every thousand people, for every one winner on the blockchain, trading nfts and shit coins is a thousand losers. Doesn’t mean that your day doesn’t come soon. So my day, as much success if we as we’ve created and the things, I go back and look at the things and where we made mistakes and I look at what, in what priority reasons are, the reasons we are in the situation we are, or the reason why we’re in the position we are right now is because we lost the momentum and hype and that we’re not going to lose anymore.

Reflection on Past Success and Community

We’re not going to lose that anymore. Hold on 1 second, guys. My daughter’s trying to bust into my space. You know, I enjoyed for a long time doing spaces with you guys and talking to you guys transparently and doing cool things. I don’t know if you guys remember when we first air dropped galactic eagle I. People kept complaining about the reveal, so we revealed trash cans for everybody. That was a really cool moment and it was a viral moment. It was a moment that we all can go back and laugh about because everybody really thought that’s what they were getting a trash can. And I think that for me in general was going back to the things that were the most exciting parts of this was the unexplored, the things that had never done before. That was what got us all excited in the first place.

Proposed Path Forward

That’s what got us here, built all the conviction and incitement. So what I’m proposing is now what I’m thinking is the most, the best path forward is for us to kind of regurgitate some of the simple things. All right, baby, just 1 second. Okay, sit down. Is to go back to the fundamentals that brought us here in the beginning. The things that made us the most desired space or our community to come to, and the most one of the most hyper diverse ones that I’ve ever even been a part of. A multi chain community of like minded individuals that aren’t scared, that know how to rebound from failure and understand that we’re going to have to continue to reinvent ourselves to survive in a space that’s changing every ten days.

Innovative Transformation

So some of our original ideals and plans, we’re going to scrap, throw it in the fire pit, turn it in the ash, make it into mud, and put, and turn it into a clay pot. Because one thing that may be something now can be something else in its own internal right. So find it. Okay? Okay. And to understand and discover what that is, go to your mom. No. This is. This is what. And I apologize, guys. Kind of throws my train of thought off while I’m trying to speak. But the objective for us is clearly about how we reinvent ourselves and create ourselves the next level of opportunity as we move forward.

Self-Reflection on Leadership

And for me, as a founder, to come to realization and understanding my faults and own into those, but then understand that there’s a way for us to go clear from here, a path forward, that we can make an opportunity for ourselves. And if we can figure that out, if we can get to that point and get back to those things, and that comes from a commitment side for myself, engaging with the community consistently, you know, having a little healthy banter, but at the same time, I think those are the things that got us, gave us that equal nucleus in the first place. And while we’re here in the long term, I mean, good or bad, whether people are talking smack to me or not.

Open Dialogue and Community Empowerment

So I think that my message is here, man. I didn’t come with a script or a plan. I miss come shooting straight from the hip with you guys, right? You know, I know the mistakes I made in the past with how I managed and operated manifest labs, and as aggressive and ambitious as I wanted to be, you know, those were just selfish ambitions of my own because I wanted to hyper scale this. I just felt like there was no way we could lose. And like I said before, my greatest ideas are my greatest failures. So I want to just flip the script on his head, reinvent this wheel and reinvent ourselves and take some of our worst ideas and turn them to some of our greatest ideas to create those as momentum and hype opportunities for this community that’s been here at no cost or no inconvenience to you outside of just your time.

Building Momentum and Accountability

And use those moments to catalyst and be a spark to generate manifest back to where it should have been from the very beginning and should have at least been able to maintain a decent altitude instead of being critically close to the ground and crashing. I know the mistakes I have, and I’m no better or no greater than any human being on this planet earth. But I do have a sense of resilience in how I operate every single day, and I do have multiple businesses, and I have a family. And once again, that doesn’t. That doesn’t take away from the responsibility and the ideals that I. That I poured into this ecosystem from the beginning and where I want to take a cent moving forward.

Learning from the Past

So, like, my worst ideas, I’m going to share every last one of my worst ideas to you guys, and I want you guys to see to some of the stuff that I went through in that process and that journey into those points and the things that we scrapped and the things we didn’t do. Because once again, the stuff we’ve got right now isn’t working. That’s not going to work. We need to reinvigorate ourselves and reinvent how we operate, moving forward, to be able to generate enough momentum to pull the other things off the ground. And if you don’t understand it, I fully get it, and I won’t be mad at you if you don’t agree with it, and I get it.

Strategic Vision for Future Success

But this is the way that I think makes the most sense, because current board state, I’m going to use this term as the chest turn I use in the discord. The board state is the condition and the position of all the pieces currently on the board while you are looking and observing the conditions that will soon come to pass. So our current board state looks abysmal, but if you look three to four or five moves down the line, there’s a way to win. There’s a path forward to win. We can change the condition of our board state, and this is how we do it.

Taking Risks for Growth

Sometimes you’ve got to go out on a limb. Sometimes you just got to just go for it, shoot your shot, and you’ve got to take the risk that most would never take. And that’s where I’m here on the stage right now, talking to you, despite being stripped naked and docs and shit on and everything else. Still talking to you, still here. You know me, my first name’s rashad. The last name’s aldrich. You guys know me by tony mint or whatever you want to call me. You know me. You see me and I’m a real person and I’m a person here that’s going to fight and do whatever it takes to make this successful again and it bring us back hype.

Community Understanding and Support

I don’t give a shit what no one else thinks about me. I care about the 10% that support me and the 80% that don’t speak up. I know you guys are still here. I see it, I understand it. And I think this path, us taking everything that we’ve already learned from this experience up to this point and generating and reinventing ourselves and leveraging some of the worst ideas I possibly have will reinvigorate this community and drive activity and focus back on the thing that matters most, which is us. And I hope that you guys see that.

Path to Reinvention

I hope you guys see that. What I want to do real quick because I need to grab some water because my voice. Crook shanks, I’m going to let you pop in real quick and then I’ve got a couple more. I’m going to talk about some specific points, some ideas and then a couple directions that I want, I think that are ideas that I think will make sense about what we do. And it’s not abandoning the core reveals or a hoot token drop or anything in that regards. But I think there’s, we need a needed spark, right, to get this entire energy, this thing rolling.

Energizing the Community

And I think today one will start that flame to action. Consistency and showing up will reinvigorate that flame. And then one action of hype will spark that flame and that engine will run again. So crook shanks, if you want to hop in real quick, why grab some water? No thanks. And I appreciate the space and the opportunity and just love seeing a lot of the people here again. And you know, certainly for me, you know, one of the things that I’ve most enjoyed about this space is just being with, you know, great people that are here.

Unity in Community Efforts

You know, I’ve just, it’s interesting, you know, you sit there and you talk about, you know, where we’ve been and where we’re at and where we’re going and this hype machine. And I think this hype machine, you can see that it’s evident in what, you know, Frank has created. I don’t think Frank has, you know, put down any more utility for, you know, d gods or ute’s. You know, all he’s done is, you know, created a spark. You know, got some things active. And sure enough, you know, you look at the people and the engagement that they’re getting, and that’s where that growth comes from.

Foundation of Community Success

And so I think talking about the importance of community really is the number one tool, the foundation of what we’re trying to create. And so I think that as we can come together again, 10% of the people are just going to hate the fact that they’re not going to make instant cash and they’re just going to sit there and be pissed and be upset. But, you know, the name of this game is just, you know, being united as one, as a group, and having common goals and then achieving those common goals together. And there’s a lot of ways that those common goals can be achieved.

Team Effort and Collective Success

It just takes determination, it just takes some effort, and it just takes the collective effort of a group, because it can’t be something that were dependent upon you. Now, I will say this, mister mint, you know what? We need you, and I’m just going to just say it how it is. We need you. We need you to be more active. I know you’re busy with, you know, all of us are busy with family, we’re busy with IRL. But you know what? We need you to devote a percentage of time to growing and uniting and strengthening this community.

Vision for Future Leadership

So, you know me, I’m the guy that’s always looking at the biggest and the brightest. And I never want to put anyone down. I never want to be negative about anything or anyone. But I’m just, I’m begging, I’m asking, I’m pleading that we get more of you. And the part that I want of you is the inspiring part. I don’t want you to be the angry guy. I want you to be the guy that really knows how to unite, inspire, encourage, and help us become our best selves. Because that is the tool that I appreciate about you.

Sharing Inspiration and Positivity

Because when I listen to you, I want to better. When I listen to you, I want to act better, listen to you. I mean, I just believe that I. That certain things are going to be able to happen. So I think, you know, utilizing the strengths that you have, you know, is really going to, you know, at least for me, I know that there’s a lot of people probably in this space who are just looking at their bags and saying, well, you know, how am I going to sit there in three x and four x and ten X and 100 x from here?

Constructive Engagement and Accountability

You know, and that’s not your job, that’s not your responsibility to get us, you know, ten x 100 x because, you know, the people who are looking to you to do ten X or 20 x or 100 x, they do jack Crap in building the community. They just want an exit strategy. I’m not here for an exit strategy. I’m here to build and to make something special where people want to be a part of. And I like the fact that you make me a better person when I’m listening to the things that encourage and inspire.

Cultivating Community Spirit

So those are the things that I think are important. And so I’m just asking you know, friend to friend, man to man, brother to brother, I need you just to be more, you know, vocal. I need you to be more, you know, just engaged with the people who are here that have never left, that have Always, you know, had your back. Because we believe that Something Good can come and we believe it can happen here in Polygon. There’s nothing here I. There’s nothing here in Polygon.

Addressing Community Concerns

There’s no flagship. There just really isn’t. I mean, we’re just all a bunch of wanderers who are going from community to community to try and find something. And really, I don’t think any of the founders really know how they can get people so engaged. And so, you know, you just look at it’s just, it’s a, it’s just a weird environment here in Polygon, and there needs to be a flagship. And I hope that you can look over some of. And again, I’m just shooting from the cuff because I guarantee you that there’s some things that have been said about you.

Navigating Challenges in the Community

There’s things that have been said about me, and for. I mean, honestly, I don’t get it. All I’ve done has been supportive of everyone here on Polygon, so it just makes no sense to me. But I hope that you can overcome some of the crap that people dish out to you, to sit there and say, you know what? I am going to build something good here on polygon. Unless as a community, we decide that, you know what? Let’s, as a community, let’s find a place where we can just sit there and be successful.

Call to Action

But, you know, I hope that wasn’t too much to say. I hope I didn’t put you on the spot there. You know, again, I think there’s some people who, you know, try to put people on a spot by saying very negative and derogatory things. And, you know that I’m never going to do that. I’m just asking, brother, with everything that I have, the only way that we can succeed in this space is if we can get, you know, the prime time mister mint. That’s what we need.

Personal Insights on Accountability

You know, crooks. You know, I’ll admit, you know, it’s sometimes it’s tough for me to kind of, like, get past myself and in anything business relationships. You know, it’s happened to me a million times. And you’re right. You’re 100% right. And I’ve heard it from a lot of people that talk to me before, and privately, they didn’t say it, but you’re right, 100%. And that was kind of what I was kind of insinuating early on.

Realizations of Leadership Role

I realized how vocally important I am to this ecosystem. And when I speak of the secrets I’m talking about manifest as a whole. And it’s, it’s. I need to be there as vocal before, because as I continue to do those things, though, that stuff creates and curates momentum and it starts to drive us again. And that’s something I really need to do and get back into every single day, because I’ll admit it, there was. I had, there were so many things that I was pissed off about.

Navigating Personal Challenges

One, embarrassed myself from not being able to live up to the expectation and the hype that I generated. That was very humiliating. Despite how deflective I would be, it was humiliating to me. Two, being demoralized and doxed, and then three, just understanding. Like, a lot of the stuff that happened to me was my own fault. And the objections, the ideas, you know, I sold those things. I kind of manifest the impossible when we thought it wasn’t, even if we had doubt about it being successful, the possibility of it.

Commitment to Improvement

So I understand the importance of it, and I hear you, and you’ve always been straight up when we talk plenty. We just talked the other day on the phone, and you’re right. You know, I definitely need to be plugged into and get back into that and provide my ultimate utility. And some people will always say, when’s the mint? I mean, my name is mint, right? Like a pun intended. But the reality is we need to, like, get back to that fundamentals, those growths, and I need to and really just dig into the brain, like I said, sharing my worst ideas and finding a diamond in the rough in those ideas and bringing those together, because what we currently have right now isn’t going to work the way that it is currently standing.

Acknowledging the Challenges Ahead

It will just, it will not be able to get off the ground. And it’s being real with ourselves and understanding now, what do we do? How do we reinvent and how do we take what we have near and turn this into something? And that’s where I’ve gotten to. That’s where I’m at right now. But I know one of the biggest points of that is I don’t care who I pay or what I get done. If I’m not speaking about it, if I’m not talking about it, I’m not shilling it and hyping it won’t matter.

Reflections on Community Contribution

And. And it just being a frugal part, you know, being. Going from an intricate part of the community, from a communication spectrum, to being the most frugal part of it, doesn’t really vote well with the people that have been here. And for that, I apologize for. But the objective in this particular moment is just to give you guys some reverence and some perception, a perspective of where I’m at currently, my thought process and where I think right now we need to do and what we need to take for and being the catalyst for that, making sure I’m using my voice as a tool to help us.

Forward Thinking Approach

And I think that’s going to be the key for us moving forward. And I agree with you 100% crooks. And I’m, you know, I’m going to spend my time accordingly and really schedule out everything I’m doing, whether my real life jobs and, you know, work and businesses, and making sure that I put in and pour in their adequate amount of time necessary to make this fruitful once again for us, because I truly believe that it is, and I haven’t lost hope in it.

Resilience Amid Challenges

But there was a moment, a dark moment, where I thought about giving up because it got so bad, and it just didn’t feel great to be in the space. But I remembered, at the end of the day, those pain points are what build you into the next tier to get you to the next level. So instead of me running away from that pain, I have embraced it. I will embrace that pain, and I will go through it, and I will fight through that pain with you guys as you have been here, holding through it, and we’ll create something cool with it.

Commitment to the Future

I’m gonna keep fighting that good fight. So I’m gonna start using my voice. I’m gonna start doing more frequent spaces. I won’t say that there’s going to be every single day, but, you know, I think that one of the biggest things is to get that connection back with everybody. And then from that particular point, we can then take ourselves to the next step, and that’s doing something really cool right now. And I think that’s going to be the big, the focal point of us move.

Appreciation and Consensus

Go ahead, crooks. No, and I appreciate that. And I’m. Here’s. And I think that, you know, this isn’t the space where I want us to kind of go through each ip and sit there and, you know, hey, what’s, what are we going to do here? What are we going to do here? Because I think that’s something that’s a bigger picture. But, but I do want people on this space to know that, you know, we are holding you accountable in those things that have not been delivered to this point.

Commitment to Action and Future Deliverables

But I just don’t think this is the space where we provide those details, you know, because I know that there’s going to be some people who might sit there and say, well, you know, when are the cores going to be revealed? Or when is the bomba little bombas? Or when’s this? Or when’s that? When’s this? And, you know, I’m just going to bring those up so you can maybe just talk about them briefly because I just don’t want people to think, well, you guys just got on this space and again, I’m just a community member.

Clarifying Community Expectations

Right. But I don’t want people to think, well, you guys just got on the space. You hyped everything up, but you didn’t talk about any deliverables. I’m here to sit there and tell everyone on the community right now. I don’t think this is the space where we do that because there’s a, this is a space where we just need to just get our minds together again and then really start to look at what we can do moving forward. But maybe prime, if you can just real short.

Engagement on Specific Concerns

And again, I’m not asking for deliverables, time, dates that this is going to happen, blah. But again, I just know people are going to say, did he say anything about cores? Did he say anything about this? Did he say any? Well, we’ve brought it up. You know, what would be your response? And again, I’m not asking for a date, but what’s your response to community members that have been really collecting certain ips that might be upset that things haven’t been, you know, come to a fruition yet?

Engagement and Communication

What would you tell them? What would you share with them? What would you do to, you know, make it so that they’re not so, you know, upset, angry, mad, whatever it may be? What are some of the words that you’d want to share about that? Yeah, no, and that’s a fair, 100% fair question. This is what I’ll say about course cores are done. The artworks been generated, metadata has already been done.

Updates on Ongoing Projects

We just haven’t loaded up to ifps. And the reason being, and I look, once again, people can hate it or love it. I’m just gonna give you the reality of it. I deplore cores outside of having a cool new picture. Like, it’s really not going to do anything right. Like, it’s not going to go up. Price is not going to go up on that collection as of right now. So, you know, when you look at things from perspective, I’ll use, you know, being coal, for instance.

Realistic Expectations for Community Engagement

Right. You’re. You’re in a cold position and I mean, like physically cold. And you need to conserve as much energy as humanly possible to maintain core energy and core heat because you don’t want to wear yourself out. So that way you end up freezing death. And that’s kind of how I look at where we’re at currently right now. You know, what will cores do for manifest labs outside of check off one box and then wins next?

Critical Perspective on Current Strategies

Right. And I think the core issue is that when we deploy things in a current circumstance sentiment market where there’s really no engagement associated with that particular thing, the expectation is highly limited and less upside than possible because I’m not expecting to deploy artwork and then it just like pump and then you guys just make a gazillion dollars. It is not the way that this is going to work and how it’s going to currently operate its current standing point.

Guidance for Future Endeavors

So logically my logic was like, well, if we’re going to deploy cores on Polygon for this community and it’s not going to do anything outside of giving them art, then understanding that’s just what it is, and then what do we do and how are we leveraging the current ips? Whatever, whatever we’re going to do. Moving to. For. Because whether it’s Solana side development with the will with, you know, bombas and the staking site, which I’m still working on to get hello Moon to fix that for us.

Addressing Community Challenges

Because I know somebody dm me this morning pissed off they couldn’t move them, which is crazy. We still have to deal with that shit. But anyways. But I think from a counterintuitive perspective, like the way that we’re operating currently, the way we used to operate in, the way that we’re going to move forward is kind of to assess currently where we’re at Game State, where we’re at right now. And what makes the most feasible amount of sense for us to exert energy into?

Re-evaluating Community Energy

Or is it best to use it somewhere else or to migrate it or move it to generate more interest and excitement in its current state? Because what’s really happening right now is the energy that we ran a lot, all the gas out of the tank, essentially, for, like, all the excitement and height we currently had. So it doesn’t matter how much money I spend on something. I learned this on Ethereum, very earned early on.

Impacts of Community Engagement on Growth

If I start a collection and I did, I spend money on it. I don’t have hype and eyes on it. It doesn’t mean shit. Like it’s not going to do anything.

Generating Interest and Excitement

So in the minute when we had the most attention to hype, it could have probably done. So that’s neither here nor there right now. So currently, game state is, how do I generate enough interest or excitement for something where it duly benefits the people that reveal it and the people that want to obtain it and acquire it? And I think I. That’s where we got to, like, reinvent the wheel on how we’re going to do things before. Because essentially, the way we’re playing the game before is not viable right now. So I have to figure out what makes the most sense and doesn’t. You don’t feel like you’re. You’re losing in the. In the event of that, like, you can still collect it and it’s just an IP and visually aesthetic, but I need to give you something that can give you the upside, right? I can’t just give you the art crooks. You already know that because people are here. It’s predicated about art. Return on whatever they’re doing. That’s what I’ll use the term for. And I’ve got to find a very clever and interesting way to be able to kind of generate that excitement back into it.

The State of Development and Community Expectations

The artwork’s done. It’s already generated. I think SSR PRD has a metadata. I think we’re trying to figure out if the collection started with one or zero. And then there was a couple people that had burned theirs off. So it’s not an exact number, but everything’s already done. I just haven’t deployed it, to be completely honest. And the idea behind this was, what benefit do I truly give the community out? Them saying, okay, at least I got that. I don’t really necessarily want it to be. I always. I got that. I want to be like, hey, I got that. And the benefit of me having this was x, y and z, and this is kind of like spin up. So I need to attach that moat, that moment, that spark, right crooks with the right amount of gas to build the flame. And I just don’t want to unleash something without being able to have that spark to kind of set it off and to get us back turning again. And I think once again I said that’s going to come down to us leveraging some of the ideas and things that we had laying around and seeing if we can kind of reinvigorate the community from those standpoints.

Difficulties in Development and Finding Trustworthy Developers

No, and 100% agree with that. You know, I know people are going to sit there and say, you know, well, let’s still get the cores, but at the end of the day, I mean, that’s not going to really do anything right now. And I’ll just sit there and say I’m in touch with other founders who have got art upgrades or who are, and they’re ready to, you know, establish and to let those go. But at the end of the day, they’ve decided it’s not a good time to do any of that stuff because there’s no hype, there’s no people who are trying to get those types. So I think that’s great. And, you know, I think as a community, if we can talk about that, I love how you’re sitting there saying that there’s got to be a condition, there’s got to be a win, there’s got to be. And so creating that, I think, is going to be extremely key. What about, you know, I want you to just maybe just talk about, I hope this type of discussion is okay. And if it’s not okay and if people are kind of bored and don’t like this, I apologize, but I’m just trying to just ask some questions here because again, I’ve gotten to know prime really well, and this is, none of this is scripted. This is just something that we’re, you know, talking about.

Understanding Development Challenges

I know that people have been asking about, but can you just maybe help, and for me, help us understand the development aspect of the staking? Hello, Moon. And again, I don’t want you to throw anyone under the bus, but maybe just talk to us a little bit about the difficulties. Is it just hard to find developers that can be loyal? And again, I’m not saying hello, moon’s not honest. I’m just, it’s just, it baffles me, you know, again, I’ve worked with IT people before. And for those who are on the space, who are IT people? Dude, I tell you what, you guys have so many excuses as to why things don’t work. And again, I apologize for that, because I don’t understand it stuff, but maybe help us understand what’s going on with this development piece. Yeah, and I’ll just kind of keep it broad, singular. I mean, once again, I’ll say this because Walker may listen to love him to death, you know, hope families all will and whatnot, and hello Moon.

Challenges of Trust and Communication in Development

But here’s the reality, especially in this particular space. Like Providence is key in this space, right? And when you look at, like, in real world, it world is usually providence. There’s usually data, there’s usually documentation. There’s usually a ton of different things at a high level that you can go back and reference to kind of give you an idea whether somebody’s legitimate. This space doesn’t necessarily have that. Like, obviously you can have background in web two, and it and security, development or architecture doesn’t matter. But when you get here, all bets are off. And what I’ve found and what you’ll find in this space, and I’m not pointing any fingers, is a lot of people will take your money and say, we’ll do it, because the general consensus is we can figure it out, because that’s what all of us are doing in general.

The Reality of Web3 Development Issues

So when you meet a developer, most of the stuff that is being created has already been done by someone else successfully, and they’re just piggybacking off of kind of overlapping. Where the things get a little tricky is when you’re doing things that haven’t been done before, and then people have to figure shit out. And most developers, for ego or for better or worse, feel that they have the capability to do certain things, even if they don’t, if they’ve never done it. And they will take your money regardless and try to figure out along the way, because that’s just what the web three, space is. There’s nothing out here in this space revolutionary. Nothing. There’s nothing in the space revolutionary. What there is are people that are doing things that haven’t been done before and are conditioned to be able to go through the. Through those pains.

Understanding the Flaws of Development Strategies

And what the development side of the space is to a rudimentary level. Most people can accomplish certain things, but maybe not on time, or it may not be fully perfect. I don’t think that we’ve ever had anything developed for us in a time period where everything was going smoothly. That didn’t have some bumps along the way, and they just figured it out and that’s just what it was. But when you’re going to like full-on marketplaces and analytical tools, and you’re trying to build play to earn, it’s automatically already susceptible to exploits and things of that nature, there’s always going to be problematic circumstances associated with those things. And then you’ve got to factor in cost and time, because the last time I checked, and I’ll use as an example, and I won’t say how much I paid hello moon. But I will say that I paid them multiple five figures a month to do development for Solana Satos.

The Importance of Communication in Development

And we always dealt with issues, right? And I think one of the biggest things I think most people will say is just the communication aspect of it. But not everybody knows that they don’t get that. Development work isn’t linear, it is constantly changing. And the level of talent and skill is based on their previous work. So you could find a developer that’s talented and he had success, and everything worked perfectly fine the first time. But the more ambitious and outwardly progressive the thought or the idea concept you try to put into fruition, the longer it takes more issues. And that’s why you see a lot of these companies or communities deploy certain ideas and it doesn’t go according to plan, or there’s a major exploit, etcetera.

Recognizing Accountability and the State of Development

Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff that we wanted to get off the ground, we never really even got it to fruition for, whether it was on my side or the development side, I take full responsibility and all those things. But the reality is, development is not linear. And the reality is a lot of people will take your money and still try to figure it out, or they’re sub like what I learned in this space, and this is the God honest truth, I would pay a developer to do something, and then they would pay another developer to do it that was cheaper, that was somewhere else. I literally found this out the hard way. Whether it was artists. I paid an artist for artwork, he didn’t paid another artist that was doing artwork for cheaper, and it wasn’t even his work.

Understanding Workload and Responsibility in Development

So a lot of times you’ll see that in the space, specifically here, they’ll take on more workload than they can do to capacity, because they’re not gonna say no to free money. It’s not like I can go and charge back these guys with my credit card. We send the money on the blockchain is gone. The highest level of repercussion is literally calling them out on Twitter or whatever and blasting them on discord. But that means absolutely nothing in recovery standpoint. So the reality is you’ve got to find people that have providence in previous works and then hope and pray that they can deliver on the ideas and concepts if they’re not just copy paste pasta from everybody else.

Finding Innovative Solutions in Development

Because you can pretty much find a source code or something along that line or directions on how to build just about anything in this space that’s been done before. And at least to a level where it’s like rudimentary working every single day, whether it’s a coin flip, a wheel spin, or some form of idle gaming, where it gets crazy, gets really crazy crooks is where when you start trying to do things that haven’t been done before, you try to spice things up or push the level of development. And the developers are not going to say no. Well, we’ve not necessarily do it, but I’m confident that we can figure it out and we’ll get it done and we’ll make sure we can do it and they’ll take that money. That’s just the way the game works here.

Revisiting Personal Reflections and Growth

Crux, did you unmute it? Yeah. And I appreciate that. I think that helps us understand a little bit about where we’re at. And so let me ask you this, is that there’s going to be some people who are going to sit there and say, well, hey, you know, mint, you know, you’ve really alienated a lot of people by the things that you’ve said or the promises that you’ve broken, you know, or, you know, the, you know, just the enemies that you have made. And sometimes that can, you know, help and hurt a particular image or a particular project. Like, like, for example, you know, let’s go to LeBron James. LeBron James can be somebody who is, you know, he’s, you either hate him or you love him. I mean, it’s not a guy that, you know, everyone’s going to like just because he’s got it.

Navigating Personal Growth in Public Spaces

You know, he speaks his mind and he can say certain things and do certain things. And again, I’m not comparing you to, you know, but if you want to take that comparison, that’s totally fine. But how can you, when we talk about reinventing, is that something that you would entertain, reinventing yourself in terms of being more and again, I know you’ve taken a lot of heat, and I know a lot of racist things have been. I mean, I’ve seen the messages and honestly, it’ll bring me to tears after even talking about it, because I just can’t believe people can be that. That vile. They can be that mean. But again, we’re in a space where people hide behind a PFP, and so they think they can just sit there and tweet and say anything, and it’s.

Building Bridges and Community Engagement

It’s all right, and it isn’t all right to sit there and say the things that they do. And I know how much it hurts, but how can you reinvent yourself so that you can be. And maybe you don’t want to be this type of person, but you can be a better bridge builder and maybe not alienate a certain type of person. Or maybe it’s even that when you say something, and again, I’m not. I’m not saying that everything you say has to come to fruition, but when you make a commitment to the people within the community, that commitment is going to be followed. So I know there’s a lot, you know, to that question, but I just would like, you know, to kind of hear, how can we be a, you know, what are you going to do to reinvent yourself so that we can believe in you?

Refocusing on Core Values

Again, ain’t no crook. That’s. That’s definitely a lengthy response. I have a good response. I was reading one of the members response questions and disappointment as well. And I think these kind of things line into the same thing. So I’m gonna give you guys perspective. you know, I came into this space, and I won’t say any names, I came into this space a while ago, and I brought a lot of people, family members and friends to this space, the defi crypto space, and then obviously, inevitably into the NFT space.

Navigating Challenges and Personal Setbacks

And most of the people that I brought here from the real world didn’t know anything about the space, were very apprehensive about it, terrified to be in it. And I kind of gave them some assurances that, like, it’s not going to be easy, but it’s worth it. Right. You know, and I think what happened to me, crook shanks, is that a lot of people that I trusted inside of the walls of manifest, and some of the people that I confided into from a private perspective, broke my spirit in this space. And I questioned everything that I was doing moving forward because I didn’t have a spongeboard.

Establishing Trust and Accountability

It’s different when you come in and you build something with people and then they’re your reflective board to be able to kind of pitch ideas. And I, and then you don’t have them anymore. And then that trust is broken, and then those people no longer there despite benefiting off of you. And then you’re left to stand and then you tend to question every single decision you’ve made up to that point. And then it’s hard to kind of just like, look yourself in the face and be like, damn, like, this sucks, you know?

Rediscovering Self-Belief and Motivation

And I think for me in particular, there was a window of time where I would say something and then I would question it because then I just felt like I couldn’t trust anything. I didn’t trust my instincts anymore. And it used to be a version of me crooks where I just believed with the highest level intent that I knew I was on the right path despite everyone’s reservation. And then it get to a point where I didn’t trust my own decision making because just for lack of a better words, just the anguish associated with just the space, the sentiment in the space around me and what was happening.

Growth Through Exposure and Experience

And then I got to a point where I just didn’t, I just was kind of like paralyzed in traffic majority of the time, just because I didn’t know what I needed to do. And it took me a while and to answer the questions of discord to look at those things that I had done and identify the problems within myself and take accountability for myself to then go back and play those instances to understand where I am currently and then to why did I am in a state where I don’t make those moves that I would normally make.

Returning to Core Principles and Drive

Like the old analogy, right? Like you just keep shooting, right? Like you have to continue to shoot and feel and believe that those shots are going to go in even if you miss them, because we’re not measured off of our losses, it’s more measured off our wins at the end of the day. And I needed to really kind of go back to the basics of where I was when I was just me and I was the only one believed in this opportunity and not be so emotionally caught up in the people that decided to not continue down this path and leaving me here to bear the burden and to take the arrows and realized that I, I put this on myself.

Empowering Self and Embracing Accountability

I wanted this for myself. I brought this to them and they came in and off of something that I believed in. So when I got back to the real reason why I was here, because I truly believed in it, I got back to me, I got back to where I was here before. And then that kind of clicked for me. And someone asked why the 360 now because the game state right, the board state right now currently poor and his halt has been poor for the last eight months. It’s just now I actually can identify with myself and look myself in the face and say, hey, these are the critical mistakes that you made.

Learning from Mistakes and Moving Forward

And you lingered in this low position for so long that you crippled your entire business operation and your, in your thought processes would put you in this position that you’re in currently. And then focusing on how going into the reinventing myself, taking the real reason why I came here, that self-belief, the conviction, the first excitement of me hitting a meme coin early on. Where was meme Coinbase TRX. But I told this story before they got me hyping in the space that showed me that it was possible for me to make income and then go back to the part of it that I enjoyed the most, which was building relationships and community and building with the community because that’s what we’re in the beginning.

Restoring Community Connections

And going back to that, reinventing that self for myself because I think what happened crooks over that period of time, I turned into a different person than who I was when I entered the space. And I need to go back to, I needed to reinvent a better version of the person I was when I entered that space. And I think that was the key. You know what? And I’m glad you brought that up because I think initially when you were doing space after space after space, I mean, for the time that you did to bring the eyes to your project and you made, you know, like you reached out to different communities to do the white lists and I mean, you were really the ultimate, you know, bridge maker.

Understanding Expectations and Community Dynamics

I mean, you were able to bring a lot of different communities, you know, through this whitelist into your project. And I think that’s what really attracted so many different people is because, you know, I consider you a type of bridge builder. And then what happened is, and again, I think you’ve said it. I think the space, I think the expectations, I think the pressure. And again, I’m not trying to point fingers that you or kind of let you know that you failed, because I think we all, everyone in this space, everyone in this community has kind of failed in a sense because we haven’t been vigilant in trying to keep up, you know, the opportunity that’s been presented for us.

Evolving with Community Challenges

But I think over time, what has happened is I think that the people, you know, and the negativity and the finger pointing, and again, I think it, and the jealousy and I’m not saying the jealousy that you had for other people, but I think that the jealousy that other people might have had for you and for this project, and I think all of that negativity, know, and those finger pointing and all of that stuff, it started to weigh on your shoulders and you, you actually, and I’ll just tell you, became different. You know, you were.

Recognizing Personal Changes and Moving Forward

You, you kind of got mean. You, you kind of got angry. You, you kind of got, and again, understandably so. I mean, I would never want to have to take all of the arrows that you took where people were attacking everything, because I know how hard that is when you do as much as you can do for other people and you have put your trust on the line because you know, you have, I don’t want to sit there and say you’ve promised, but you’ve brought people along for a journey, and then all of a sudden, people are doing things to you that are just unheard of.

The Impact of Community Dynamics

I mean, it can change a person. It can make you. So you’re defensive that you’re kind of on the prowl and always attacking. So, so how do you see your journey moving forward to maintain that prime that really all of us are engaged with and not the alter ego of prime, which would be just the mean prime? I mean, maybe some people are really attracted to the meanness. I’m not. I want the prime that’s a bridge builder. So how do you think that’s going to work going forward for you?

Addressing Past Experiences and Future Intentions

And hold on. And the reason why I say that is because you coming back. You look at what the people are going to say, oh, you’re just coming back to hype up. You know, hype it up and you’re going to just come back? Where have you been the last eight months? And, you know, you got people that I’ve seen the thing, sell me your ip for 25 grand and make me the, I’ll build this on my own. You know, you’re going to have those people who are going to come up again who are just the most toxic, the most negative, the most rotten.

Navigating Toxicity in Community Spaces

I mean, literally, those people who continue to sit there and throw spears and daggers and bullets. I mean, those people are, and I apologize. I try not to be negative to people, but those people are the dregs of the earth. I mean, they can’t find anything to say positive about anything or anyone. They are the dregs of society. So how are you going to make it so when those people start attacking you again that you don’t sit there and because I think sometimes you started to attack those who loved you the most or those who supported you the most because there again, there’s 10% and a lot more of that who have been here and riding and dying with alpha and manifest since the beginning.

Reflections on Personal Growth and Transformation

Yeah, no, and I think you’re right. You know, I definitely changed, I’ll be honest, you guys know the old analogy, bull, right? Call me a bull. Raging bull. And at some point, everything was red. Even people’s constructive criticism of me was red. And everything was an aggression attempt towards me. And I’m going to be quickly because I want to let electro kid come hop in. But I became a raging bull essentially, and everything was covered in red.

Overcoming Adversity and Community Support

And everything I wanted to spear because I had to be on the offensive every single day. You know, people crossed in from the crypto world all the way to my real businesses, you know, leaving one-star reviews on Google and attacking my family and friends. And like, you know, it’s just I got to the point where I was this, like, okay, every, I can’t, if I felt like neo in the matrix and everybody was Mister Smith and no point intended, and everybody could immediately change into somebody that could aggro me.

Rediscovering Purpose and Self-Reflection

Whether they were my friend today, it showed me that tomorrow they could change it to an agent of the system and become an aggro offender towards me again. And I just took everything to heart because I had, usually I’m a thick-skinned person, I’m super chill, but man, did they, it changed me and it affected my family life, which is another reason why I kind of slightly stepped away from it because it was affecting my life, it was affecting my family, it was affecting my kids, it was fact.

Personal Struggles and Life Challenges

This flat out affecting my mental state because I’ve been through hell already before, you know, and I don’t need a soapbox. I chose everything that I’ve been through, and I’m perfectly fine with that and I’m happy to have lived through it and be here. But this space taught me something unforgiving and I just became a raging bull. And everybody and everything around me became red.

Transforming Mindset and Approach

And I would take criticism as an attack on me. I would take suggestions as an attack on me. I would take any constructive criticism as an attack on me. And that’s just the human side of me, you know, and for anybody offended, I do truly apologize. I went through a lot during that period of time, probably make a movie around all that shit. And I think that, you know, how do I get back? I’ll use the term from the Joker. Why so serious?

Finding Balance and Joy in Work

And I think I need to take dummy down the seriousness, get back to the excitement and the joy and the allure and the unknown of why were here, why I came here in the first place, and get back to that part, to the playful, fun, and inspirational person I was when I first came into space and get rid of the person that I became hard and cold, defensive, and jaded consistently every day, and get back to what made us special in the very beginning and being back to where were born.

Focusing on Support and Recovery

And I think that’s where I’m going to be at and where I want to be at and kind of just block out the noise. Once again, Leslie, focus on the 10% of people constantly at me aggro, and focus on the 90% of people that still support me quietly but ended. 10% of people that are vocally here, visually here, and supportive to me consistently, but. And man, just. And then taking mental breaks throughout the week. I work a lot of hours.

Striving for Balance and Growth

I mean, I don’t think you guys would understand. Like, I’ve obviously. And once again, this is not me crying about it. I I’m perfectly understanding of the situation. I am. I want it. I brought this upon myself because I want a certain life. I want a certain, you know, things and opportunities for my children and my family. So it requires you to take on large burdens, so no fee.

The Importance of Time Management

I think time management is one of the things that I have to focus on very well. And then also giving myself windows of break from everything so that way, I can pour back into and reciprocate energy consistently versus me exerting unnecessary energy once again. Going back to that kind of hypothermia cold thing. If I want to survive, I need to maintain core temperature, and I need to not exert unnecessary energy in areas that don’t benefit survival.

Emphasizing Health and Well-Being

And I was doing that while killing off the things that supported me, that are keeping me alive in. The main point is, you know, I was focused on the wrong things. And I think that over time and reflection and just being mature, looking at myself and thinking, hey, these are things we need to change, and you need to make these changes now. If you want to be credible, successful, and support and, you know, a benefit to people, you need to do it right now.

The Path Forward to Recovery and Support

And that’s where we are here today in this particular moment. Electro kid, go ahead. Thanks for the opportunity to get up here and talk, and this has been a good conversation, definitely beneficial. And I just wanted to get in on this a little bit. I was originally going to come up to talk about the core thing, but also circle around to that just on what you guys have been talking about. Early on, when I found Alpha, like the day after mint, actually.

Confidence and Direction

I like seeing that. But what I miss is your confidence, your belief in where you’re going and what you’re doing. And I’ll circle that now into the alpha core conversation. What you just said about cores makes sense as far as revealing cores isn’t going to pump the thing any more than g e g art did. The geg art is awesome. Everybody loved it. But it did next to nothing for the floor, did next to nothing for the community. So I understand waiting on course. But what I want to see out of you is direction and belief and confidence in what you’re doing, regardless of what happens. And so when you tell us that you’re going to reveal cores and that I’m not talking about a year ago or anything else, like we’re in the last month or so you’ve been giving us, like, we’re going to reveal cores this day or we’re going to do it, and then it doesn’t happen. It feels like a rudderless ship.

Business Plan and Motivation

So I would say you’ve got a good business plan. You’ve always had a good head. You’re good at motivating people. Sit down, put down your personal roadmap where you want to take us, what you want to do with it, and then move forward and don’t give an f what anybody else thinks, just like you did back in the day. Everybody’s like, stop releasing ips. We’re not going to go anywhere. But we all kept minting because you were confident what you were doing, the direction were going to go, and it doesn’t matter whether or not it worked. You know, things happen, but we’re where we’re at now. We can’t go back in time. You put together your plan, believe in yourself. Lose that kind of rookie quarterback, ghosts happening all over the place. Just believe in yourself and get that confidence back. And I think that we can go amazing places with this community because you are a great leader, you are a great motivator, and you’ve got great ideas.

Lack of Confidence

No, and I appreciate that, kid. And I think that Kool Aid, like, I think, for me, I lost all my confidence, everything. I can’t even explain how many mental head games I play with myself thinking about, man, if I do this, then, like, what are they going to say? I used to not care what no one thought. I just did what I felt. I lived on that. And once again, to my own detriment to certain aspects, it didn’t necessarily go, but I lived in it. And at a moment, we all lived in, and it was exciting and it was cool. And a lot of people made a ton of money during that period of time. And, I know, not the majority, but there was a lot of people that made a bunch of money when were living on the edge of our seat every day. And I lost that.

Feeling Stuck

You know, I lost that nerve, I lost that grit, and, you know, and I really didn’t hurt us big time because I could. I was literally just stuck in purgatory, perpetual stiffness. I couldn’t even make a call like, it, and I would second guess, and I’m just like, I just don’t. I don’t know if it’s gonna even matter. And, you know, I got to that point one day where I was like, why are you here in the first place? Then, like, didn’t just quit, just give up, if that’s just how you’re gonna be, if you’re not gonna live this and do it the way that you think, and something will happen, like, we will get one of those momentum starters again. And I have to be able to become two terms that I’m gonna fail again.

Lessons Learned

And, you know, I mean, and I think that was the thing that mattered the most. And I think for me, I just, I definitely appreciate you guys. I was. There was a period of time where I didn’t listen to nobody because I just, there was so much shit coming at me and I couldn’t hear the voices of the people that actually cared. And when I go back through my DM’s and some of those people aren’t here and look at the messages and the people that are still here on the stage and the people that are in the crowd that dm me their constructive criticism, I see the same pattern and you guys were saying the same thing and I didn’t listen to. For that, I’m sorry. But for that, I’m here to stay and I will, and I promise you I’m going to do everything in my freaking power to stir up every ounce of intrigue, hype and excitement.

Future Commitments

I want to get back in the trenches and I’m going to figure this shit out and really get us an opportunity. And, you know, I think that it took it, unfortunately, it took this to happen, but I believe the people that are currently here will benefit from it. I heart, I hope, I, like, wholeheartedly believe in that we are going to do something crazy and do something impossible. And I remember doing, saying these same type of things early on in Alpha and premed and look what were able to accomplish. And I think that history does tend to repeat itself for better and for worse. And I think now is for better. And I think now is the time for me to, like, just get my ass off the, get off the, you know, get my ass out the chair and get on the saddle and take us to where we need to.

Revisiting Basics

And once again, looking at some of my worst ideas and some of my best ideas being my biggest failure now going into that jumble box of concepts and connections and relationships that I never touched, that I never talked to, I never mentioned or never even did, it’s time for me to get back into that and get back to the basics of who I was when I came into this space. And I, and I think you guys have said it best and I’m committed to that because I’m not going anywhere. I enjoy this space. I love this space. I believe this is the future. This is a future of finance, is the future of how, and I don’t think necessarily nfts and meme coins are the future of, like, the digital currency space. I just think this is a great opportunity.

Building Relationships

The wild west. We’re out panhandling for golden out in Arizona and California right now. But what I do believe is the communities and relationships that are built right now will transition into the next sector of the space as we continue to build in it and figure out what this space really will be for the consumers that are on the outside looking in. And right now, we are the pioneers and we are the people, the guinea pigs of the space while it’s in its infancy. And I want to go back to where were in the beginning, where we tried to do. Do things. We did things that no one thought was right.

Taking Risks

We did, we didn’t care about the risk of circumstances. We just took our chat. And I think those moments are what’s going to be reinvigorate us and get us back into the spot that we’re in right now. Because I, I wouldn’t have spent this much time in this space grinding and fighting and doing all this dope stuff for us to kind of be a flat line and not get off my ass and try to fight back and get it back again. We’ve done it before. We’ve done the impossible for was, let’s rock it back again. Go ahead, crooked.

Community Expectations

Yeah. And this will be my last question, and I really appreciate the conversation. And I hope the community, you know, appreciates your transparency. And I know that there’s probably still some questions that, you know, the community might have that have gone unanswered. And so with those questions, you know, I just hope that you guys can just, you know, ping and again, just be very mindful of when you ask a question. And if you’re, if, you know, English isn’t your native language and you’re just going to be a, you know, just very, just let people know, hey, I’m from this particular country, because sometimes when you guys ask questions, you ask them in such a mean way. You know, just if there’s something you need, just reach out and ask it in a kind way. That’s all I’m asking. But, but this is my one ask prime.

Invitation For Communication

And again, I’m not asking for, you know, you just sit there and put the deliverables, and I want to know what’s going to happen in two days and four days and eight days. But, but I would just like you to see if you could let the community know when you could commit, you know, to either doing, you know, spaces at a frequent time. And I’m not asking, I mean, I’m not saying, hey, they need to be every Monday or, you know, it might be once a month that we hold a space. Maybe that’s as much as we need right now, but I’d like just. That’s my one ask for you. Is that.

Consistency in Communication

That way the community knows, hey, this is something that we can expect day in, day out. It’s on the calendar, that this is, you know, the specific space that we’re always going to have. And, and if you can’t make it, let SsrP be on it. If you can’t make it, you know, just so we can just be. Have it be programmed and scheduled, that this is a manifest space and this is where, you know, regardless of the message, you’re going to sit there and either inspire, encourage, uplift, or you’re going to give us, you know, things that we should look at to be aware of, to see that are in the space. Or we can just talk about, you know, football and sports and whatever it may be.

Dedicated Space for Discussions

But I would just like to see that we have a dedicated space at a specific time. And again, I’m not saying every Monday or, you know, twice a week, I just want something that community can sit there and say, hey, this is the manifest. And this is as important to me as anything else. I’m not going to miss this specific space. And I think you’re right. I think that was one of the biggest things I enjoyed doing spaces I didn’t. People were like, man, how do you do minis? But I enjoy doing it.

Future Commitment to Spaces

Now, granted, like, sometimes they got a little long winded, but I think in short window format, there’s definitely something that’s going to be done there. I’m not going to say specifically right now until I kind of look at. I’m going to essentially look at everything that I have in a workload week and identify the time and windows in which make most practical sense. So that way I can make sure I’m committed to those particular windows and we can do those things consistently, so that way we can start building back repetition and habit.

Taking Principles Seriously

Because one of the things I am big on is those being, you know, being on time and doing those things. And I defaulted and abandoned all my core principles over the course of the last year just due to just being out of whack. Go ahead, crooks. Yeah, and my expectation at a bare minimum. And if you sit there and say, hey, crooks, we’re just going to do one space a month. You know what? I’m totally fine with that because that’s five more spaces than we’ve had in the last five months.

Consistency and Communication

So I’m just saying, just whatever you do, just stick with it. And if there’s something that comes up, instead of canceling it, just sit there and say, hey, this is going to be a community space, or whatever it may be. And then, you know, you can give an assignment to somebody to talk about whether it’s going to, you know, reach out and say, hey, I want you to talk about, you know, bombas or gags or coors or, you know, culture, cats or whatever it may be, or kongs, you know.

Revisiting Relationships

So just. Just make sure we’re extremely consistent. And then one more ask, and it’s an invitation, is, I’d like you to go talk to easy and just see if he would be able to come back and be a part of the community, be a part of something he built. And, you know, just know that, hey, there’s still a lot of people here who care about him and who appreciate him, and, you know, I don’t want him ever to feel like he can’t sit there and be a part of this community just because of, you know, things that people said.

Building a Welcoming Community

So when you talk to EZ, let him know that, hey, there’s a lot of people here who really care about him and want him to be back a part of this community. And frankly, for anyone that’s left, I mean, I just want everyone to come back. I mean, let’s just start building something. Yeah, no, I definitely. Obviously, everyone knows he works at a card, at the. The card business that we currently own, and he works there day in and day out as a manager, but I will talk to him.

Past Conversations

We’ve had this conversation, and like I said, I’ve shared this with a lot of different people. Everyone could take their own perspective with a grain of salt regards to it, unless you’re on this side to understand it. I think there’s just a lot of different expectations and, you know, situational awareness in this space that it takes to be able to sustain and to deal with some of the stuff that you kind of deal with in this thing. Not making excuses for anybody by any stretch of the imagination, but crooks.

Moving Forward

I will pass that message along, and I will do my best to. To try to bring those type of things to fruition, if possible, and without going into, like, granul details in regards to it. But, you know, I think the overall takeout takeaway from this space in general was that like the reservations about me and me doing a lot of self reflection and understanding why we are in the situation we are and what I need to do to get us into the right ship. And then for me, from a mental standpoint, correcting those issues and then getting myself back into targets.

Clear Direction

I think now we can kind of progressively move forward and with a direction that I think all of us are kind of at ease. Like, all right, no matter what, we’re going to find a way to win versus making our win conditions on a board state when we don’t know the future necessarily, when we’re in a poor board state. Now that we can have a clear mind, we can understand every viable opportunity or our situation, and then we can try to take on whatever works and understand that, hey, maybe that didn’t work, but this work.

A New Perspective

We were fortunate enough that everything that we did early on from a launch perspective, because I know people will take this out of context, but from a launch perspective, went well. We launched seven, what, six collections straight with full sellouts with no issues outside of techio. And that was just a complete jumble miss. And the thing is, and that’s not to like beat a drum about that as like some accolade, but I’m saying we had never really dealt with any shortcomings or losses.

Navigating Challenges

And what the way that we responded to those disadvantages and issues were, it was definitely awkward for us because there’s a lot of people came into this ecosystem not having these type of wins or seeing this type of growth shit. When I was nfts, I think, you know, I had a couple decent wins when I was doing nfts, but I’d never seen this collective of people winning at the same time. And it wasn’t. It was inspiring and it was cool and it was exciting.

The Journey Ahead

And then, you know, we caught that, we lost grasp of that. So I think moving forward, crooks. I will work to commit to a time to do a space. I like Mondays because it kicks off the week. I’m usually an hourly riser anyways. I usually get up around like 06:00 every single day. No alarm clock needed. And I think that I need better, healthy habits in my own life.

Creating Healthy Habits

And I think everybody here probably could adopt some as well to try to kind of. That will create that core and consistency and then get mentally prepared to be able to go back out here and do the things because I got gunshot taking chances. And that’s out the window. We’re going back to the basics of where were in the beginning. And we’re going to put some shots up until we make them, and we’re going to get this ship back rolling and get this thing fired up, and I’m going to fire this community back up whatever way it takes.

A Clear Message

And I know it’s going to come from my voice. And being here as vocal as possible is going to be the key for us and success, because I can’t even explain to you the amount of people that message me. I’m like, hey, man, we would love to partner with you. Hey, man, we would love to do this. We would love to do this still. And in the end, there was a period of time in my mind, I was like, why would they want to partner with us?


Like, why would they want to partner with somebody that everyone destroyed a reputation, or our collections are at zero? Like, why? I kept asking the wrong questions, when really the universe was showing me that people still value you, they still see promise in you. They still see opportunity here. Wake the hell up and get back in the groove instead of being down on your luck. And I think that it took a lot of time for me to get to that and then go back and revisit every last one of those hundreds of messages and opportunities I passed on or I just didn’t have the guts to do.

Back in the Groove

I think now that I’m back into that mentality, I’m ready to go back to war, and I’m ready to be that chill, relaxed, fun, dope person that you guys remember from the beginning that’s going to be out here fighting for you tooth and nail, and we’re going to be able to do cool stuff again and don’t give a shit what anybody says about what we’re doing. Because at this point, you can’t say anything bad about us, because everything bad has already been said.

Using Past Experience

It’s that moment in Eminem, the movie, if you can ever watch it. He gets on stage and raps about everything negative and all the detrimental stuff that he could about himself. And then he passed the mic to the MC, and the MC had nothing negative to say because he said it all. So he ended up losing. And I think now I’m just using that same psychology here. They’ve already said everything negative. They’ve already exposed, quote unquote, everything they could possibly say about me.

Growth and Resilience

And then I’m still here, and I want to come back even more ferocious than I was before, and go out here and make some more noise for us and do whatever we think makes the most sense and not give a damn what anybody says about it, because that didn’t do us any good. Anyways, listen to everybody tell me that I shouldn’t do this, didn’t work out, and why should I stop the programming which made us successful from the beginning? So I think it’s going to get back to that.

Excitement and Energy

And I’m excited for that. I’m really excited. I haven’t been this excited about the space since like the very early stages because it became a chore. It wasn’t a labor of love. I talk about all the time, like I. We run, you know, a sports card business and I used to love collecting, but then you get into sorting all the piles of bulk and all the extra tedious shit and it doesn’t become fun anymore because you detach yourself, you work it.

Reconnecting with Passion

The excitement was about being in the creative aspect of the space. And I look at everything I’ve ever done in my life and I can associate that failure to one rudimentary cause. And it’s because you work in the business versus being passionate consistently and you lose the love for those things. And I think that’s what ended up detrimentally affecting me with all the drama stuff going on. I’m back. I’m ready to rock and roll.

Forward Momentum

You don’t gotta sweep shit, don’t buy anything to stay right where you are. I’m going to have concepts and ideas implemented and I want to bring those out and let you guys know. And we’re going to drum up this thing back again and get this thing pumping again. And I’m not necessarily saying that you’re going to make a ton of bags off any of the current ips at their current stand board state. What I’m saying is I am going to present opportunities to you guys that will require you to pay attention, utilize your time, and then reciprocate the value you have for freaking holding and then finding ways to do really cool shit and not give a shit what anybody thinks about while we’re doing it.

Biggest Key

And I think that’s going to be really the biggest key for us moving forward. So, guys, I definitely appreciate everybody that topped on this space. I know this is long winded. It’s mostly an introduction to the new me. Winners or loser is the question. We all have experienced both. At the end of the day is where we end at the end of the board state. And I want us all to be winners.

Creating a Winning Environment

We gotta be focal in the community. I’ve got to be more present and active. I gotta hold myself accountable and I’ve got to come up with invigorating ways to stimulate this community, not based on the old game played plan that we had before, but on a new future of what we’re going to operate and how we’re going to build. And I think that’s going to be the key to success. And I think one of the biggest things is me showing up when I say I’m showing up and being that voice that you guys believed in for beginning.

Getting Back to Basics

So that way we can get back to where were from the start and get us rolling again. And it feels like day one, alpha, ground zero. Let’s get it rocking and get it back rolling again. And I think that’s going to be the key for me. I’m glad I can’t explain to you what a. What a burden I’ve lifted off my shoulder by having this conversation with this community, but also reflecting on what happened over the course of this time.

Looking Ahead with Confidence

And now I, the next time that I speak will be within confidence about where I think that I’m going to take this and what we’re going to do, and I’m just going to do it. And then those people that want to be along for the ride will stick with me until we get the spaghetti to stick to the wall and the people that don’t enjoy it will move on to the next better thing. And that’s perfectly fine. We’re cool with that.

Commitment to the Community

But I want the people that have been here, they’ve been rocking with us to win and when we will, and I won’t stop until we do again. So I do appreciate you guys for being here. I definitely, you know, everybody that has shared their criticisms of me that I may have lashed out to you, I apologize. I do think that there was a period of time where I just couldn’t see it in myself, maybe lack of maturity or just ego, whatever it may be.

Learning and Growing

But I have realized that’s not the case. You know, I think that now that I understand what is necessary for us to win and go back to the fundamentals of that, we’ll be able to progress in the right direction. I do want to hold another space or a discord call, probably better do a disco card call versus the public one. But in regards to some of the ideas that we’re going to take further and then to be able to do some spaces to kind of start building up hype for our next endeavor, which I will be announcing pretty soon here, I just need to get a couple things into play to be able to put it together, but everything will happen.

Building Towards the Future

And I think that you guys, if you embrace it the opportunity the same way we did for the beginning and have belief and conviction in what we’re going to be doing moving forward, that it will end, the end points will lead together to build something better than what we had before, then we’ll win collectively because that’s what affirmations are. So with that being said, guys, I hope you guys have a blessed evening.

Wishes for the Community

Enjoy your Sunday or Monday morning. I don’t know where you are in the world. Feel free to dm me on in the discord chill. Tomorrow is Monday. I want to hold the space tomorrow. I won’t 100% confirm if you see me put it up and post it, I will be there 100% and do that space. And I really feel like we need to kick off this new version of us with a Monday motivation.

Planning Ahead

So if you guys, you know, I’ll just commit to it. Let’s do it tomorrow at 09:00 a.m. central standard time. Wait, let me make sure. Hold on. I think I have to drop my daughter off. Let’s, let’s do 10:00 that gives me perfect time. Let’s do 10:00. 10:00 a.m. central standard time. I’ll pin the. I’ll post the spaces Monday motivation.

Excited for the Future

I’ll talk about at the mid tier that we’ll do our little motivational thing, talk about some stuff, and then I’ll get into like a couple ideas and concepts I’m thinking about that we can run into after because I’ve already been thinking about the stuff leading up to this call. And then let’s see where we take this thing and how we rock this thing. If anybody has any questions, concerns, complaints, feel free to use a discord as a medium.

Ending the Discussion

If not, you can go to x. It’s your public right. But I can always block you. So with that being said, guys, I appreciate you guys and really want to get this thing fired back up. And I appreciate lectro kids, you know, crooks, Bryson, Robin, everybody, King Johnny, all you guys, despite everything I took, everything, every criticism, everything you guys ever said that showed me you care, gave a shit about what I was doing and what I was trying to build.

Looking for Feedback

And I’ve put it in my brain and remember that stuff because I want to go out and make sure that I implement some of the things you guys discuss, but in the way that we do it while we reinvent ourselves along that path. So I hope you guys have a great Sunday or Monday morning. Like I said before, let’s get this rolling and then, you know, I’ll talk to you guys soon.

Final Reminders

I’ll post the next space up here. It’ll be 10:00 tomorrow, Monday morning, CST Central Standard time, 10:00 a.m. sharp. I’ll be up here if I’m five minutes late or two or three minutes late, but the space will be happening tomorrow within that window. I hope to see you guys there soon.

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