Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Will Hypercasual Games Dominate Gaming? hosted by RealApeArcade. The Twitter space discussion focused on the potential dominance of hypercasual games in the gaming industry, highlighting their accessibility, engagement strategies, and impact on user interaction. Guests emphasized the significance of data analytics, partnerships, and user-friendly design in optimizing hypercasual gaming experiences. The conversation also addressed challenges faced by developers and the role of hypercasual games in driving industry growth and diversity. Overall, the session provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of hypercasual games and their contributions to the gaming ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What makes hypercasual games so appealing to a broad audience?
A: Hypercasual games' simple mechanics and quick gameplay make them accessible to both casual and hardcore gamers.

Q: How do monetization strategies impact the success of hypercasual games?
A: Monetization through ads and in-app purchases is crucial for sustaining revenue and supporting ongoing game development.

Q: Why are partnerships important for hypercasual game developers?
A: Collaborations help developers expand their reach, drive user acquisition, and enhance brand visibility.

Q: What role does data analytics play in optimizing hypercasual games?
A: Data analysis enables developers to make data-driven decisions, improve gameplay, and enhance user engagement.

Q: How can hypercasual game developers stay competitive in the evolving gaming industry?
A: Adapting to player preferences, leveraging feedback, and staying innovative are key to remaining relevant in the dynamic gaming market.

Q: What impact do user-friendly interfaces have on hypercasual games?
A: Intuitive interfaces provide a seamless gaming experience, attracting and retaining players for extended periods.

Q: Why are hypercasual games considered a trend in modern gaming?
A: Their simplicity, accessibility, and social elements align with the preferences of today's gamers, contributing to their widespread popularity.

Q: How can hypercasual game developers enhance user interaction?
A: Features like challenges, leaderboards, and social sharing options promote engagement, competition, and community building among players.

Q: What opportunities do hypercasual games present for aspiring game developers?
A: Hypercasual games offer a lower barrier to entry, allowing new developers to enter the market and explore innovative game concepts.

Q: What are the main challenges faced by hypercasual game developers?
A: Standing out in a saturated market, ensuring player retention, and balancing monetization without compromising user experience are common challenges for developers.

Q: How can hypercasual games contribute to the overall growth of the gaming industry?
A: By attracting new players, encouraging frequent gaming sessions, and creating a social gaming environment, hypercasual games can drive industry expansion and diversity.


Time: 00:15:42
Accessibility and Engagement in Hypercasual Games Exploring how simple mechanics and accessibility drive user engagement in hypercasual gaming experiences.

Time: 00:25:18
Monetization Strategies for Hypercasual Games Discussing the role of ads, in-app purchases, and revenue streams in sustaining hypercasual game development.

Time: 00:35:53
Data Analytics for Game Optimization Importance of leveraging data insights and A/B testing to enhance gameplay and user experiences in hypercasual games.

Time: 00:45:29
Partnerships and Collaborations in Gaming Industry Exploring how partnerships can foster growth, expand audience reach, and drive success for hypercasual game developers.

Time: 00:55:11
Social Elements in Hypercasual Games Highlighting the impact of social features like challenges, leaderboards, and community aspects on user engagement and retention.

Time: 01:05:37
Innovation and Adaptation in Hypercasual Game Development Discussing the importance of innovation, responsiveness to player feedback, and staying competitive in the evolving gaming landscape.

Time: 01:15:22
User Experience and Interface Design Importance of intuitive interfaces and user-friendly designs in creating seamless gaming experiences for hypercasual game players.

Time: 01:25:49
Opportunities and Challenges for Game Developers Exploring the opportunities for new developers and the challenges faced by hypercasual game creators in the competitive gaming market.

Time: 01:35:17
Impact of Hypercasual Games on Gaming Industry Examining how hypercasual games contribute to industry growth, player engagement, and the overall gaming ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:59
Future Trends and Perspectives in Hypercasual Gaming Predictions and insights on the future trajectory of hypercasual games and their role in the gaming industry.

Time: 01:55:33
Community Building and User Interaction in Games Exploring how hypercasual games foster community engagement, social interaction, and competitiveness among players.

Key Takeaways

  • Hypercasual games offer accessible and quick gameplay experiences, catering to a wide audience.
  • Engaging game mechanics and simplicity contribute to the success of hypercasual games.
  • Hypercasual games can drive high user retention and engagement due to their easy-to-understand mechanics.
  • The increasing popularity of hypercasual games presents opportunities for developers to innovate and capture a larger market share.
  • User-friendly interfaces and minimalistic designs are key aspects of hypercasual game development.
  • Monetization strategies such as ads and in-app purchases play a crucial role in the hypercasual gaming business model.
  • Data analytics and A/B testing are essential tools for optimizing hypercasual games and enhancing user experiences.
  • Collaborations and partnerships can help hypercasual game developers reach wider audiences and boost visibility in the competitive gaming industry.
  • The social aspect of hypercasual games, including challenges and leaderboards, enhances user interaction and competition.
  • Adaptability and responsiveness to player feedback are vital for the continuous success and evolution of hypercasual games.

Behind the Mic

Greetings and Introductions

Hello, hello. Hello. Master of Coin Johnson. Sammy. How are you? Gaurav? Hey. Hello. Volume. Yeah. Gm. Gm. Oh, for you, it's morning, right, master of coin? Yes, it is. It's 06:00 a.m. here in almost sunny Los Angeles. So it's sun hasn't even come up yet. Oh, you are playing San Andreas. Man, I'm best in Germany. For me, it's like afternoon, 03:00 and for most of the Asia community, it will be around. That's one of the reason we are leaving. We are doing it at 03:00. It's like in Germany, Europe, 03:00. It's mostly in Asia. In Indonesia, it's like evening, early, all the evening. Fun show. I see fun show is also here. Hey, bro, how are you. Doing? Well, bro, how are you. Doing? Great. Just thinking, how can I clone myself? Just thinking out loud, how can I clone myself? You know, cloning.

Cloning and AI Conversations

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah, I asked myself the same question repeatedly. I'm hoping AI can come up with something to fix that for us because, yeah, cloning could be useful right about now, especially if you work in web three. Yeah, last few days. I'm talking about AIGC. You have UGC. Before we had CGC. Now we have UGC. CGC was until 2010. That was like consumer generated content. And then now we have user generated content. Most probably next few months, we will start talking about AI generated content. So you have AIGC. So for that, we need something that actually clones ourselves and all these stuff. King, I send you the request pro king. I'm not sure which accounts you are on. Are you on trove Labs account or are you on your personal account? Can you send me a request to join which. Whatever account you would like. You prefer to join.

Technical Issues and Hype Cycles

Chad, master is here. Chad, chat. Backland sent you the request. Chad, are you up? Yeah, I was on earlier, and there were a couple of little issues that were occurring, so maybe people want to come up and come back down again. Yeah, I have no idea what's happening with Exa. Like, last week, we had an issue the week before were speaking, and we got all rugged. It's a pain in that less where the sun doesn't shine, you know? Yeah. And I think, that conversation about cloning, we could do with, cloning Elon to help out, make this platform a little bit better as well. He's trying his best, though. I don't want to. I don't want to, you know, moan at him too much. But really excited to get into the topic today. I think it's a very interesting one. Obviously need to get a couple more speakers up. I see Luke down there. My boy Luke Birkfeld. So hopefully we can get him up. But looking forward to it today. Yeah, I've got an empty space actually.

Discussions on Gaming and AI

Yeah, I sent it in a request because anyway, Jared will be coming later. Metacraft Agarov is here from Metacraft. Chad. I don't think Chad is able to make it because probably he is struggling with his own things with Allen. I think he had some issues with the loan. Maybe they dated the same goal. I have to double check with him. Most probably that's the other. Okay. Ferox. Ferrox, I sent you the request. Are you up, ferocs? Yeah, I should be up now. Thanks, man. Okay, then. I can hear you. King also should be up. Sammy is up. Johnson is up. Frontier is up. Master of coins from coral is also up. The only person. Okay, zero x. King just fell off a cliff. So let's start.

Exploring Web Three Gaming

Let's start. I will not wait for Chad. I think Chad is gonna have. I think Chad is having really issues with. With his unfortunate sexy application. X application. So let's start. So, yeah, Fanshawe, the. The topic today actually, it's actually very interesting. And personally, besides from being a gamer or been being a person actively involved in crypto or web three, I would say it's something very much related to personally what I was doing, which is data science, basic data collection, ad networking and optimization and all these things. SEO, it's, it deep down, it goes to very much, I would say a rabbit hole of all these marketing and all this stuff. So the great web three gaming renaissance of 2024. Whether it's gonna. It's a hype thing or a hype cycle, or it's just a hype cycle or it's a real thing. So what.

Continuing Discussion on Gaming

What do you think? Who wanna. Who wanna go for it? What do you think? Hello? Hello? Okay, I can hear you, bro. Now. Okay. Could you hear me earlier? No, I think it was american. Before we start something, did you ever dated a girl elan mask was dating? I don't know. I don't know. But not from memory. But yeah, it's. It's terrible. It's absolutely terrible. in fact, I can't. Yeah, it's. I've no idea. Anyway, sorry, guys. I. I was here. I've been listening pretty much all the time. Just. It wasn't working. But, yeah, go, Go ahead. Go for it.

Reflections on Web Three Network

Yeah, I was wondering about. I was asking. I think I want to add something. Yes, go ahead. Yeah, I was literally just going to say that I see this as two separate areas of discussion, because the builder's perspective that's within me looks at how the industry has grown so far this year. The quality of the projects and the titles, the improvements to different platforms, additional validation that games are starting to go through. And for me, the great Web three gaming renaissance is looking fantastic from that perspective, from a hype perspective, and for retail investment, maybe not so much right now, but that doesn't mean that it's not coming. And it's just really something that I think we need to continue to remind people of how early we are as web three games in this industry.

Introduction to Sharetopia and Its Mission

You're launching a game soon, right? I believe you're launching something soon, that. Is correct, yeah, so I'm fun show, I'm CEO and founder of Sharetopia and we're building a gaming ecosystem with mini games, open world rpg and a lot of fun. And what we're actually focused on doing is building this undeniable world of web three. So when you play our games, you will notice lots of other web three projects who are our partners, and we want to give them brand visibility so that anyone that's playing, whether you're web three native or you're not, because we cater for both, people are starting to get educated and onboarded and starting to understand more about these fantastic technologies that exist today. It's something that we're very passionate about, and we're also focused on ensuring that we have a gaming ecosystem with no online toxicity, no bullying, no racism, no grooming. None of that can happen in our games.

Commitment to a Safe Gaming Ecosystem

It's a major issue that I don't believe anyone's tackling. And we're seeing it more and more now as an adult, it's okay. You can brush it off if someone calls you a bad name or swears at you or talks about your mum. But if you're a young teenager and an adult is in the same room as you, and they start saying things to you, or you get bullied by horrible kids that are at your school, this affects their mental health. And it's a huge area that we need to focus on, especially with how fragile people's mental health is right now as a result of things like Covid. Anyway, so we are all about building a safe gaming ecosystem, bringing that old school fun of gaming back, because you don't need to be online talking to someone that's on the other side of the world to have fun playing video games.

Emphasizing In-Person Gaming Experience

I know this because I'm in my forties and I grew up playing street fighter and God knows how many Mario games where your friends came around your house with their controller, plugged it in and you played together. There are ways that we can have people interact with one another, but also keeping them safe in an online perspective. And I think it's just a huge thing that we want to focus on and it makes us very unique. Obviously, Luke's down there in the audience. Love him. BD at medieval empires, one of our partners, we're giving them brand visibility in the game, too. We have quick swap in there, Polygon, many others, but also Xinthi, please check your DM's. Luke told me to tell you, but for us, what we're doing is we're working on at the moment a new mini game which is very similar to like, subway surfers and Temple run.

Exciting New Game Features and Developments

Apart from it's got earning capabilities, we're going to be running tournaments. We can involve other communities and that's a lot of fun, but we've also got something that we're really excited to push out to people, and we're starting alpha testing for that very soon. And we're in a ZD campaign for people that want to get involved, and that is called our genesis battleground. Now, we've been working on this for a while, and if you're as old as I am, or if you remember Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, that's the kind of vibe that you're going to get from the game. Apart from you've got our unique characters and a lot of characters that you're going to recognize, like Pepe Doge, Brett dog with hat as playable characters fighting against each other with unique special powers. But you can also wager as well.

Unique Gaming Mechanics for Engaging Play

So what it allows us to do is it helps foster the ecosystem where we can have people that can. I can put a bit of Ambo, which is our native token, so could Luke. We can fight against each other. The winner takes the majority and also takes the bragging rights. A portion will go to our NFT holders that we'll have for our Genesis collection, which we plan to release in the future. A portion goes to a prize pool so that there's always something for free to players to win. And a portion obviously goes to future development of the projects as well. And we believe having that kind of approach, because we're built on mobile, we can capture a lot larger audience, make it as seamless as an experience for the user as possible, but allow them to have a feel that is just like playing any other mobile game apart from they've got all these additional great benefits that we educate them about.

Flexible Gaming Options and Player Freedom

And if they want to interact with those web three elements, they can. If they don't want to, they don't have to. They can just come play, have fun with their friends, and leave. So that's what we're building at the moment. But GNS Battleground is our first ever desktop game that we're launching. It can actually be played on mobile too, but you need a very good mobile device to be able to play it, and we want to make sure it's accessible for all. So with Rise of Shootopia, which is free to play on Apple App Store, Google Play Store, most half decent devices will play it, whereas the genus Battleground, we've made that more so geared towards people that like a bit more of a competitive gaming experience on desktop and can use their mouse and keyboard.

Support for Controllers and Accessibility Features

But if you have ever listened to me before, I am all about controller. So we've got support for both our rise of shootopia game on mobile and also Jennf's Battleground. You can play with your Xbox controller, your PlayStation controller, any bluetooth controller, and you can also airplay directly from your phone to your smart tv and sit there and play it just like you're playing on a console, which I think is a very important part to add. So, yeah, that's enough from me. I want to make sure everyone else can talk because you'll never shut me up otherwise. Thanks and happy to be here.

Reflections on Online Gaming Culture

Amazing. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Yeah, I remember. I think you were here on the first episode. If I'm not, if I'm not wrong or the second. Yeah, yeah, I remember it was. Yeah. And were talking about the. About censorship whilst playing games and how. Yeah, how we used to insult each other as kids and. But yeah, now it's normalized. It's become more of a. Online gaming is definitely more profound now. So it's definitely a good idea. And now I have kids myself, so, yeah, it's a good idea to stop. Keep them safe 100%.

Discussion around Game Controls and Accessibility

Yeah, I had one more thing I wanted to add on to your. Oh, yeah. Controller. Oh, I recently, I downloaded Hogwarts legacy the other day, but I just cannot play it with a keyboard. So I ordered a controller and I'm definitely gonna. I'm definitely gonna go and play it with my controller. It's just so fiddly with my fingers. All right. But yeah, let's ferox. I think your hands up. Would you like to go? Or can we begin with the.

Importance of Gradual Onboarding to Web Three

I just want to say that I love what shade is doing. Like this sort of gradual onboarding of users to the web three elements and just want to highlight how important that is. Right. Especially somebody put this on the TG group. What you have happening with dimensionals, I think this had a huge role to play. Right. Like users being kind of exposed web two users especially being exposed to this hyper financialization of the game itself. And it just like, if it. If it's straight on their faces, I feel like it's so much more overwhelming and also like kind of a turn off.

Creating a User-Friendly Web Three Experience

So, yeah, just I think over at Bakeland, we share the same approach where we want to kind of educate our users on how the web three ecosystem is like all these bunch of chains with their own distinct cultures. And in some way, the whole crypto space itself is a video game. Right. You've got your own lore you have FTX Mongol, stuff like that, and then you have, say, factions of our own, like, you know, all the chain maxes again. So, yeah, I feel like onboarding users to some extent, gradually, that really helps. So, yeah, appreciate what you guys are doing at shake.

Surging Interest in Mobile Web Three Gaming

Brilliant, brilliant. Yeah, 100%. All right, let's. Let's dive in. So we gonna talk about mobile gaming for the first one, and then we're gonna move on to general gaming. But what's driving a surge in mobile web three gaming? TG games are absolutely killing it. We've had that hamster combat game. We've got a hundred other tap, tap games. We have TD games are really coming out. And even general mobile games are also web free. Mobile games are getting a big boost. So yeah, curious what you guys, what do you guys think is driving the surge in mobile gaming in web three? Would love to hear what you guys have to say.

Factors Driving Mobile Web Three Gaming Surge

So if someone would like to pick up, go for it. You know, the surge in mobile web three gaming is. We see it as driven by several factors. First, there's a growing demand for decentralized ownership and control over digital assets, which web three gaming fulfills by integrating blockchain technology. And so players, you know, even before it was, we've always wanted to own our assets, right, or at least have control over them. And so, you know, being able to, like, trade them and monetize them in a way where we're not fearful of getting our account banned or having to get scammed, it really. It gives something that traditional gaming has struggled to offer. Right.

The Appeal of Decentralization and Accessibility

It solves this problem of, you know, of ownership and trading and trust. Additionally, advancements in mobile technology and increased global smartphone penetration have made it easier for users to really access and really engage with web three games. And so it's broadened the scope of, you know, participants, and so the appeal of earning real value through play, especially for poor nations, people in poor nations, or a different level of poverty, it's really attractive to them in a way that maybe somebody from a first world country is like, oh, yeah, you know, it's nice. I got a couple bucks, but, you know, for other people, that's. That's completely life changing.

Innovations in Gameplay and Player Engagement

So, you know, also there's, like, innovative gameplay mechanics like the tap, tap, right. That's drawing a new wave of players into the space. And so kind of see these things as really contributing towards this surge in mobile three gaming. Amazing. Yeah, definitely 100%. It's the need of ownership, and it definitely does interest people straight away, there is one thing I would like to add on. Oh, master of coin. Sorry, are you speaking or is it my Twitter's rugging? Your Twitter's rugging?

Psychological Comfort of Web Three Games

My mic's going off again now. Oh, okay. Okay. All right. Yeah, there's one thing I wanted to add is the TG games why TG games are so popular? I think it's because there's no download, connect wallet kind of thing in a lot of the tap games, and I think it just gives comfort to players as well. Right. I think that's definitely a point on why the Telegram game specifically are definitely getting some interest. But, yeah, really nice input there. Would anyone else like to jump on?

The Earning Potential of Telegram Games

Yeah, I'm happy to speak a little bit on the telegram side as well, because a major factor of this is the earning capability. It really is. If you look at not coin and how that performed, believe it or not, it's the fastest growing mobile game of all time. And all it is a coin on a screen that you repeatedly tap. And how big can you grow your network to get other people to tap so that you can win potentially something of value. Now it just blew up and went crazy and nobody even could confirm whether it was going to have any true value if there was going to be a launch of a coin, but it did, and then a lot of people made a lot of money off of the back of it and it's still holding itself quite well for true builders in the space that are focused on making amazing games.

Quality Improvements in the Gaming Ecosystem

You might argue and look at not coin and say, oh, it's just a bit of a fad and it's, you know, it's just one city. Addictive mechanic, but it worked and it's made a lot of money for a lot of people. However, you know, the other aspect that I would like to speak on here is that we are starting to see an improvement in the quality of the games in the tunnel ecosystem. There's one called Boinkers that I could mention, obviously Luke from medieval empires. They've got a game that's pretty cool and fun to play on there and we've been developing one ourselves in the background as well.

Mobile Games as a Driving Force in Blockchain

But I can see that there's a value there because in all honesty, the vast majority of people in this space are on Telegram too. So I can see the ton ecosystem exploding and I think that gaming just comes part and parcel of this whole sector for blockchain technology. If you look at where the vast majority of all the transactions come from on chain, it's games and that's why you've got so many layer twos and layer ones scrambling around to try and get as many decent web three games onto their platforms as possible, because that helps them to show fantastic amounts of transactions that are going through their chain.

Future Trends in Mobile Gaming

And I just think that there will be this meteoric rise. We've already seen one with mobile game, but it's going to get way bigger. I truly believe that. I think the mobile games are the future. I think that the way that we've got connectivity now, where you can just airplay directly to smart tvs and connect your controllers and things like that, obviously, VR headsets and the way that they work and operate, it's only going to continue to snowball and adoption is only going to grow. The other thing that I did want to mention is the kind of social and cultural factors this shift towards.

Cultural Acceptance of Digital Assets

And it was mentioned earlier, these digital identities, this is an important part of it. And younger generations, they really align well with the concept of owning and showcasing digital assets in web three games. Why? Because look at Fortnite and God knows how many of the games where they're dealing with digital currencies that are V books for Robux, for Roblox. And they used to it, they already interact with it. The amount of times my kids dad can I have ten pounds so I can buy this on Fortnight. And then they buy their V books and then they buy their item. They're already used to that experience. Experience.

The Rise of the Metaverse in Gaming

And then you've also got the rise of the metaverse, the broader trend towards metaverse environments and these ecosystems that are being built where digital worlds kind of blend with social interaction, social fi commerce. That's fueled in huge interest in web three gaming as a central part of these kind of virtual spaces. And I can see that there are going to be business opportunities there. You're going to have people that can earn a and set up businesses in the metaverse that do better than what they could do IRL in real life. And that's one of the really exciting parts for me.

The Future of Gaming and Collaborations

I tell a lot of people, go and watch ready player one. We are closer to it than you might imagine. And I think the future is so bright for gaming. I really do. And we're starting to see mainstream adoption. You've got partnerships with major brands. If you look at immutable and Ubisoft and major gaming studios and brands are just increasing these, partnering with different web three platforms and bringing blockchain based gaming to wider audiences and also really important. But I don't think I've spoken about enough is regulatory clarity.

Building Trust in Web Three Gaming

So as regulations around cryptocurrencies and NFTs are starting to become clearer in different countries and regions, there's more confidence investing in and also playing web three games. But there's still, this is still a very niche area. And that's why I think it's so important to focus on adoption and education for native gamers to let them know and consume at their own rate. Leave little breadcrumbs of information throughout the game that they're experiencing about how they can get more involved in this web three world and how it's going to benefit them.

Reflections on Personal Gaming Journey

And there was something that was said earlier that rings so true with me. You know, I played video games since I was eight years old. Commodore 64 was my first computer about everything you can imagine in between. But I had a massive break where it was focus on career, having children, all the rest of it where I wasn't playing video games as much. Now I'm in my forties and it's like I'm a kid again on playing all these cool web three games that have got all these amazing technologies that are available and it's opened so many doors up and I'm just glad to be a part of it, to be honest.

Industry Trends and Regulatory Impact

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, it's massive. And as regulations more clear as it's all more like setting in stone, people trust it more and yeah, it just gives more confidence with, you know, gamers and the gaming community and lots of stuff was said there. I just downloaded the Boinkers game. It's quite cool. So. Yeah, thanks for that one, Samuel. Obi, go for it. I see your hands up.

Overview of Web Three Gaming Landscape

All right. Yeah. You know, there are various, activities that game, in terms of ownership and the play to end models. As you can see, the, traditional games, are quite different from the web three gaming because in the web three gaming, you see there are much, utilities such as, ownership of, assets, nfts. And you know, this ownership can like help translate into, reward values and like creates opportunities for players to earn money while playing through the p two e modules.

The Secure Environment of Web Three Games

Also in terms of decentralization, indeed in the like nature of the blockchain, it ensures like transparency, security and all of that across the game. And players can also like trade and sell the asset across different game platforms. And also modules bring about like increasing like adoption in cryptocurrencies, which makes it a good interest in dapps like, decentralized apps where more users can like engage and explore the web three gaming. Also, it helps incorporate the game mechanics which actually leverage on blockchain technology.

Diverse Gaming Experiences in Web Three

And also, like, these innovations, offers like, freshen, engaging experiences that differ from the traditional mobile games, which are just like both new and seasoned gamers. So that's just all I have to just add to what the Facebook has said. Thank you. All right. Yes. Brilliant. Yeah, I really like the cross chain assets.

Cross-Chain Innovations for Increased Engagement

Is definitely. Will be a massive thing and is. And it's growing. It is definitely growing. Especially what I really like with the Telegram games is that a lot of games have kind of shifted and created their own Telegram games from their ip. And I think that's really cool. I mean, it's not cross. Cross chain, cross ip yet, but I think it's a really cool addition. All right, would anyone else like to.

Discussion on Mobile Gaming Trends

Like to jump on talking about mobile gaming or we can move on, whoever, if someone like to jump up and speak, go for it. Yeah, yeah. I would like to just. I would have to be brief here. I think apart from, you know, the advantages in mobile gamings, the adoption in blockchain, the tokenization in game assets, I think what's driving the surge in mobile web three games is its accessibility, the ease of assets.

Accessibility of Mobile Web Three Games

Just with your smartphone, your Android device or your Apple device, you get to access these games. And I think that is really cool. And with the onset, the trend in Telegram games, you see that with your smartphone and with just a link, you can access these games, you can win rewards, win different pegs. So I think this is what is driving an upsurge and it's a big trend in mobile web three gaming. You don't need to have a PC, you don't need to have any sophisticated hardware just with your smartphone and your own.

Innovative Gaming Experience for All

So I think is great. And it's a very big innovation. Yeah, yeah. Like 100%. You don't need, like, lots of hardware. You just literally pick up your phone that most people have. Like, it doesn't matter where you're from, around the world, most people have phones and you can play. It's. It's definitely a massive. It opens up so many doors for people and. Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to say before we go on, that game that you suggested is really cool.

Engaging Gameplay and Future Potential

Boinkers. It's really good. I've got it up here. Thanks for the. Thanks for the shout out for that. All right, you're welcome. Very happy. Yeah, it's really cool. Yeah. Thank you. Fun show. Brilliant. All right, let's move on to the next one. So how are traditional gaming, actually. Okay, now let's move on to time is ticking a bit.

Quality Comparison: Web Three vs Traditional Gaming

Can web three gaming surpass traditional gaming in terms of quality? What are you guys, when are we going to see some blockbusters coming out in web three? My opinion is, of course, we're not there yet. We don't have any big games out there. Unless, and I've been saying this, the new GTA that comes out, if nfts are available in there, oh my goodness, they are going to be the most valuable things that are ever going to come out, literally. But yeah. What do you guys think?

Future of Gaming: Anticipating Big Titles

Do we have any big blockbusters coming soon? Are any of the gaming giants going to bring out some real cool games? What, what do you think? yeah. Simply hands up on this or I'll go for it. Yeah, I gotta go it, seven. So it seems like this one's a kind of a long, but you know, there's a couple things that's that, I guess.

Web Three Gaming's Potential Advantages

A couple thoughts on this, right? So the way web three gaming does have the potential to surpass traditional gaming in certain aspects, right? Particularly in terms of like player ownership, decentralized economies, community driven content. However, when it comes to production quality, storylines and gameplay mechanics, the traditional gaming still holds a significant advantage due to the long established infrastructure and resources.

Evolution of Web Three Gaming

And so kind of as web three gaming evolves and attracts more developers, more investors, we're likely going to see a convergence where web three games begin to match or even exceed traditional games in quality. And we're really close to that, especially as new tools and technologies are developed for the web three space, specifically AI. So AI rendering is going to replace traditional rendering.

Dynamic Innovations in Game Development

It'll level a playing field quickly. It's going to happen fast. Dynamic dialogue in games, dynamic quests, real time world rendering. These things are going to give a really rich gaming experience without dozens of writers and artists and developers that currently game development houses require to do AAAA type of game. You're going to be able to have small teams be able to put out triple A quality games.

AI as a Driving Force in Gaming

And so this is going to really level the playing field within gaming, you know, so it's, it comes down to AI is going to make the biggest change in this, in my opinion.

Improvements in Gaming Experience

We're looking at areas where we can make improvements to the overall gaming experience that people have. And more importantly, in the future, you won't refer to it, as far as I'm concerned, as web three gaming. It will just have this technology built in, and gaming will be gaming like it always has been. So we didn't change the word of gaming from when you played the original Nintendo and played Mario and Duck Hunt to now playing Call of Duty Black Ops six. That's about to come out. We didn't change the name of it, did we? It's still gaming. It's just this new technology has got this niche. We're bringing it to the masses. That's the plan. Adoption, education. Educate not only gamers, but educate builders that are massive, huge organizations in the world about how great this tech is and that they should also be bringing it into their own games.

The Role of Major Gaming Studios

Which is why I love how forward thinking the likes of Ubisoft and a few of these other big gaming studios are starting to roll out fully fledged triple A titles that have got this technology built in. And like you said, Chad, if GTA brings NFTs. Wow, that's fantastic. But just remember, that's a tiny little element that they're adding in. They're not building on chain. They haven't built it fully fledged out for ten years on chain because no one's done that yet. None of us have been through that experience. And until we get to a stage where one title has done it well, and everybody is raving about it, we're still at an early stage in this industry. I just wanted to share that. Yeah, I agree totally.

Comparison with PI Network

What you were saying about people are not going to say, oh, this is a web three game. I like to compare it to PI network. Everyone knows PI network, right? It's, you know, the one of. Well, it was probably one of the first of its kind. I'm not sure, but yeah, it's. So it's on an app. You can invite your friends and whatever. And I haven't got the app for a very long time now. Right. But it's massive in Vietnam. Massive. Like many people have it. Many people. You know, there's even a. I've seen a cafe, there's a cafe down my street called PI network Cafe. Like, just to show how big it is. They. I don't mean, I don't know when PI are going to launch their mainnet, by the way. Right. Maybe never.

Concerns about Mainnet and Community Engagement

Like it's been like waiting for Godot how it is. But. Yeah, but. Now you started this conversation. Can I break you and add something fun? Sure. You might. Let me finish my, let me just finish my point before you destroy my point. But my point is before they go to the mainnet, the people that have the app, the people that do it, they have no idea about web three blockchain. No idea whatsoever. It's just, this is an app. I see the token going up. It's cool. And this is what we need in web three gaming. We need people to be, oh, this is a good game, right? Oh, this is a good app. And people just, you know, the rest happens on the back end.

Perspectives on Traditional and Web Three Gaming

That was what I wanted to say with PI network, simply go for it. What. What? Was good to have you back. Yeah. You talking about PI network friendship? I do clubhouse for the people from my hometown, my home country, Maldives, which is a population of 400,000, 500,000 people. Like, less than what we have in blockchain. But majority of the young generation, they are gamers. I would say if I say 80% of the gamer people are gamers, it won't be a lie. But, Chad, a few days ago in the clubhouse, we had around few hundred people listening, and a guy came to me and said, hey, Zindi, by the way, I saw your personal Twitter account. You're not following that many more divisions, but you are in crypto, right?

Personal Encounters in the Gaming Community

I said, yeah, poor guy was selling this so-called PI for $15. He was buying and selling. It's crazy. It's. Yeah, that's. Yeah, see? But, yeah, I don't know if they're ever gonna launch. I don't know if anyone has any details with those guys, but they've been out, like, since forever. But, yeah, let's. Let's see. What did I want to. What did I want to say? Yeah, so that. That was just someone to say about pineapple. Gerald. Sorry, Gerald. How you doing, mate? Gm, my friends. Glad to be here. And in the first Wednesday space. I love coming in and hearing fun shou share, dropping some facts and numbers.

Gaming NFTs and Their Impact

It's awesome, as always. Hey, Chad. Hey, Zinti. Hey, everybody else, GM. Brilliant. Brilliant. Nice to. Nice to have you here again. Brilliant. All right, so let's go on with the roles of NFTs in this gaming evolution. So I was listening to the whatever man space the other day, and people were quite hyped when it comes to. When it comes to gaming NFTs at the moment and NFTs in general, I mean, let's admit, like, for the last two years, even a bit more, NFTs have dropped the hype drastically. Even the price of a bored ape at the moment is around $35,000, which is the lowest dollar value I think it's ever been since it got the initial hype. A lot of things.

The Future of NFTs in Gaming

A lot of things. Happening trend is now a lot of NFTs are more added value just on the tech, which I think is quite good. But I do think that NFTs do have their place in gaming and wondering what you guys think. So what's the role of NFTs in this gaming evolution? Go for it, Cynthia. I've not sure if your hands up from now or from before, but go for it. Yeah, actually this question, when it comes, I want to actually bring some people from the NFT market specifically for NFT capex and all these PFPs and all these stuff. I personally don't see PFPs and all these things. Yes, for the culture they will be around.

Web Three Gaming and Digital Assets

But when the web three gaming takes off, most of these NFTs will become part of some of the gaming ecosystems and all these things because digital assets are not only something that we still started, we started seeing recently, like fun show. Like you said, I'm a big fan. I think, Chad, you know why I support Polkadot? And I have a love and hate feeling between Ethereum and you know why I love Polkadot? Because of Gavin Wood. And he is basically the father of whatsoever. Rust. Not rust, sorry, solidity, the language itself. So I'm a big fan of Gavin Wood. So French definitely.

Legacy of Gaming and Digital Integration

Thank you very much for giving a shout out to him. I don't do it. But still, anyway, the, similar to that, the NFT non fungible tokens came into the ecosystem even before the non fungible tokens was introduced in the blockchain. Digital assets has been traded online. Whether it's a gaming asset or whether it's an art or artifact or anything, as well as in games. There were like few times I mentioned in my personal Twitter spaces about this entropy universe. In 2010, they sold the planets within the game for 10, $6 million. There was no blockchain, no crypto, nothing integrated, but people actually play the game.

Mainstream Adoption in Gaming

But to truly see mainstream adoption, we've got to either have an unbelievable hyper casual game that's on mobile, that is as big as Angry Birds, that's got the tech in it, or we need AAAA title, huge studio that brings something out that's got the tech in it, and people's experience is so mind blowing for them that they think, holy shit, I need to look into this and find out more about this whole web. Three side of things. What other games are out there that I can interact with in this way, learn things, earn money. And I think that, like I keep saying, we're extremely early. You know, there are so many games that are in the ecosystem today that are doing amazing things. Some of them are mind blowing with the technology that they're adding, some of them are mind blown with how sticky and addictive their game mechanics are.

Collaboration as a Key to Success

Like call of the void. There are loads of them. But what I can tell you is collaboration is key. It's the more we can come together, the more we can share ideas, the more we can showcase what we're building to other communities, the more we can get you fantastic audiences to share and speak about this, the faster you'll see the adoption. Amazing, amazing words. I do agree. Yeah, it's like, it's not going to be web two, web three, it's just going to be, this is gaming and that's it. And I also really like what you said. It's adoption is going to come either when the big blockbuster comes or we have a killer hyper casual game that comes and destroys it all. I personally think it's going to be the second one. I really think that we can really get a mobile game to go viral completely and I. And really take everything by storm. And I think it's about time that it happens.

Current State of Gaming Ecosystem

I think it's about time that it happens and I think it's even due. Telegram games are great, however, you know, it's only telegram users, like, the user base is extremely narrow compared to other games. Even though they've gone completely viral in the crypto world, they have not at all even touched the whole gaming ecosystem. Right. Zero X king. Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, go for it. Sorry. Very, very quickly, I was just going to say, chad, like, think about it. Imagine candy crush saga, right? But the jewels and your progression and some of the items that you've got became NFTs. It would be a massive hit still, because the game was fun and it was addictive and that's the kind of thing that we need to focus on and break out with if it's going to be that hyper casual way. Yeah, I totally agree.

Shift Towards Hyper-Casual Games

And I think that, you know, hyper casual games and, you know, these small games, they are becoming more and more popular, right? Because attention spams are going even lower. It's, you know, people need to. People on the go. People can't even wait in a medical room for a dentist appointment without picking up their phone. You know, people can't wait five minutes, even myself, to be 100% honest. Like, if I'm in a dentist waiting, I'm not going to be reading a magazine, I'll be, you know, playing a quick game or, you know, picking up my phone, talking to someone, scrolling through, having a look at my Twitter, having a look, see what Elon's tweeting, what crazy stuff he's bringing out. But, yeah, so I definitely think hyper casual games, you know, we've only just get in there.

Future of Gaming with Blockchain

Like, there's going to be more and more and more people are going to play it, play them, and that they are really here to stay. I think in terms of, you know, business models, mobile gaming is definitely here to stay. And I think that's definitely going to be the biggest push of blockchain technologies with hyper casual games. And more and more people are saying it as well. More and more people were saying it. Sorry. Well, sorry. Ox, King, go for it. I'm gonna cough in peace in silence. Yeah, sorry about that. Sorry about that. Just need to take a glass of water. Okay. You know, I really believe that Webtree gaming is quickly moving into the mainstream.

Building Awareness in Gaming

And I think all these boils down on bitcoins, blockchains, adoption. I think if more awareness is created, people get to understand the benefits of crypto, currencies, web trees, the blockchain. I think there will be an upward trajectory in web three gaming. And we can see that even the traditional companies now are incorporating web three gaming into their games. There are so many pegs, NFTs, tokenization and reward. And this will tell you that we are just at the beginning. Web three gaming is at an infant level. And there are also signs of mainstream movements, increased developer interest, major game developers.

Marketing and User Engagement

Hello? Is that me? I never. I never know. Like, Elon keeps on rugging me all the time. So I'd like. I never know if it's me or not. Sorry, King, I think you dropped off there. Oh, right. I think, King dropped off. Yeah, King dropped off. It's okay. I'm sure he will come back. Sinfe, would you like to take over while we're waiting for, king? Yeah. So when we're talking about Hyperkashir gaming and all these things, a guy, crazy enough guy in his bathtub, he started with this candy crush, right? The candy crush saga thing. But not only candy crush, if you look at the farm bill on the mobile phone, if you look at the snake.

Understanding Tokenomics in Gaming

And also going back to the history of anybody funcho, raise your hand if you played worms. You played worms? Yeah, of course. I loved that game. Yeah. Still, the game is that you have to buy the game to play the game, I think eight euro or €7 on the mobile phone. So it shows like, the kind of gamers, the kind of people that you can initially get involved. But the best thing we can do is, I believe, the layers, how we are trying to understand and how we are doing these things, whether we are basically hyper casual or not, if we understand what major purpose we have for the users that we are involved in.

Community Engagement and Marketing Strategies

For example, a few days ago, a lot of people were asking me about in this method like, gaming forge ecosystem even, you know, Chad, I was mostly involved in tokenomics and all these things where before we both worked and all these things. But the whole mechanics of tokenomics. You can make it simple, you can make it compatible, complicated. But trust me, traditional gamers are not gonna be confused because of the tokens and all these things. Because they are used to these digital assets. They are playing games that have multiple tokens. Not one, not two, not three.

Effective Marketing in Web Three

There are four or five different tokens in every, almost every single complex game in web two. But thing we need to understand as developers is what are we giving to the users, what users we are given and what's the purpose? Like, huge kudos to XZ, Infinity, Tetano arena and all these games that they have done really well. But imagine if you as a marketer, if you having a pool of two fucking million humans who actually goes to social media and talks about it on a daily basis. 300,000 humans. If you done things good, if you done things correctly, what you could do is you can uprank your keyword.

Challenges in Cryptocurrency Marketing

Because doing marketing, it's not about all the time. Every day you spend thousand $2000 on CPM marketing and all these crypto magazines and all these things. Because investors, what we see now these days in web three is they will ask okay, which exchange you are listing? Which, which you haven't done any kind of marketing. And coin Telegraph, you haven't done nothing against Coin to guys, don't take any of my words. I'm not taking anything against anybody. But this is a reality. Everybody investor, they ask, you haven't done any kind of marketing in this.

The Importance of Targeted Marketing

But seriously, have you guys ever heard about getting a new game? Zelda for example, when they started selling and they raised 700 million on selling copies last 2022. Did you ever saw Zelda publishing an article about them on Bezinger or Cointelegraph? Forget coin Telegraph, but any financial aspect media, no. The first thing about the game and the gaming expect and the gaming mechanics, they go and publish it on gaming related websites. There are 15 million, 1550 to 60 million basically daily active users.

Alternative Marketing Strategies

For example, if you go to the website that's called fortune.com where you can run CP marketing, all these things. But I'm a lot of marketing tricks to everybody. But anyway, four Chan is basically daily at the 50 million users. If you go to game Zivo, it's like 2 million daily active mobile gamers. If you go to game droid gamers, basically you have 1.5 million daily active gamers who are reading through and all these things. Biggest companies like Tencent, Fortnite and all these people, they are doing promotions over there.

Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions

It costs less than $4,000 to write ten, 310, five articles, five to ten articles on these platforms. So having your token listed on exchanges and all these stuff, it's not going to bring mainstream media is going to come in when we reward the users who are basically going to go out and talk about it. And then after six months, a time frame of six months, if you have a certain amount of users, if you are unable to bring your keyword up on Google, that's called, there is something called keyword ranking.

Performance Tracking in Marketing

And the people, other people can go and bet on these keywords. If you are unable to do this with 2 million users, there is a big question that are you good in marketing doing stuff, or you really don't know what you're doing? So basically in crypto, we have a very small, very narrow, basically community chat. And in this community, it's easy to spread the word. For example, you have this, namely higher one venture capital. This name is higher two venture capital.Corona.

Building a Community in Web Three

Then you have namely tie one or two launch pad launching them. And you see everybody in crypto, we are getting hyped about the token of the project, not about the game token of the project. I don't want to name anybody or any project, but we can go ahead and see every single project, what happened. And then when we do a huge airdrop, without thinking how many users we are going to give the airdrop and what we need from the users, what are the things that are tasks we need from the users?

Strategic Airdrop Campaigns

So basically you are raising $50 million, you are dropping $2 million if you are building a game published game launch pad, basically. Now what happened is your game launcher will be downloaded by somebody who have a basic laptop. And the first game you're gonna launch in your game launcher, it's gonna be, let's say, for example, I cannot even name a web three game that is basically that's high quality enough. Big time is a very, you need a very strong machine to launch big time.

User Experience and Engagement

There are few, a few thousand people already playing the game. It's a good one. Or for example, if you're gonna go and launch a web two game Valorant, now what happens? You have hundred thousand people who downloaded your game launcher, and out of 100,000 people, 80% people downloaded your game launcher in a laptop because of the airdrop and all these things. Look, guys, nothing against the people who are doing these things, who are basically looking for the airdrops and all these things.

Understanding the Gaming Market

It's really cool. But the purpose of the airdrop shouldn't be that you are launching or you are downloading this application on your laptop. The purpose was basically, if you are downloading the application, you should be a gamer who plays this game. But for example, if you want to give airdrop to the people who don't want to play the game or who are unable to play the game in the guests separate a category of, let's say 50 people you want to give Airdrop, they you want to make them creating contents on social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.

Retention Strategies for Gamers

So they bring people from outside to your ecosystem and then you basically select another 200 people that you want to give rewards, that you are going to give rewards. Only people who are going to be playing, testing and a certain day, a certain period of time they are playing. So that ensures a higher retention and they bring more players. So shut. The basic is a hyper casual game or not hyper casual game, an FPS game or a third person through to the game, whatever it is.

Education and Developer Responsibilities

Still we need in web three. We also need to be educated ourselves. So what we are doing, what we are getting involved as developers and we need to decide how much we want to give rewards for how many users. Then there won't be any hurdle or anybody getting angry after launching TGE that, okay, these points we got, and we got only $5 or $2 for all the tasks that we did. So everybody who got involved with that, it's going to be 500 people or thousand people, they'll be super happy.

Engagement and Social Media Strategy

And if we have hundred thousand followers on your Twitter, imagine now you have 500 people engaging with your Twitter account. You don't need 3000 people or 80,000 people who are following you to engage. You need the dedicated 500 users to engage with your Twitter account to bring your exposure outside. Now that actually increases your keyword. It drives your keyword because Google keeps on there something called spiders.

SEO and Keyword Strategy in Gaming

And these spiders scroll on every single available data on this Internet to rank the keywords and all these things. That's why, for example, when it comes to gaming forge, you will see that specifically I'm writing game on with a capital o and then forged separately because these are the main elements when you are doing and ASo, like Epstein optimization or SEO strategy optimization and all these things. And this helps you to rank your keywords and all these things. And when we see these things happening, that's where things will go viral and that's where we will see an organic growth without spending 10,000, $20,000 on marketing.

Cost Management in Marketing

The amount of money, hundred thousand dollars you spend on first six months, you now have to cut it down to $50,000 because you are going in more organic traffic. Thanks. Thank you, Sidfi, for the marketing insights. Yeah, we definitely need more of those in web three rather than waiting on the traditional web. No, traditional web three methods of marketing a game to get mainstream. We need a bit more than that.

Looking Ahead in Gaming

Gerald. Go for it. Yo. That was like a master class marketing. A very valuable five minute, I mean, five minute lecture right there, man. Like this is what people pay for to study and to learn, which is. Which makes me very bullish for the launch pad because clearly Zinti knows his shit. Sorry, not his shit. But he knows how to market games. He knows what to look for. And man, I'm really bullish for all the game projects.

Optimism in Indie Game Development

The indie games that will be launching on game on Forge. I mean, that's the overwhelming feeling that. I get. 100% yes, no, actually in the games. Okay, again, a lot of people don't understand what we are doing, especially at gaming for. Yes, there's a launch page functionality, but my vision for the whole gaming forge is the game launcher. We are doing the reason.

Support for Indie Game Studios

A lot of people don't put the old eggs outside of the public. You are pulling my tongue. So, Gerald, here's the thing. If you are saying indie game studios outside who are struggling to build their game, most likely these indie game studios, and anybody can look up on Google Search, do they do the research? Most of these indie game studios, they'll be looking for a funding of 250 to 500,000. Fun shot can definitely add value into this.

Game Launch Support and Partnerships

He's basically building the games and all these things. So you are actually building. I'm not talking about Everett Joe on crypto Twitter who claims to be indie game studio. I'm talking about. We are talking with indie game studios who have 50,000 hundred thousand to 300,000 gamers already playing their MVP's. Now you convince these people to launch the game in the game on Forge game launcher without having a token.

Funding and Launch Strategies

So now you are actually helping them to get funded for their, the money that they needed for launching the game. But in return, if you successfully on board them, you are actually exclusively bringing in the gamers that they have in the network. I won't say more. Brilliant, brilliant. Nice, wonderful stuff there. Thank you. Thank you. Simply. And time is coming up.

Time Management in Conversations

We've been nearly going for 2 hours. So let's give the. Yeah, let's give the mic to funcho. And if we can have some closing words from everyone. That'll be great. But yeah, wonderful insights there. Yeah, go for it. Fansho. Thank you. Yeah, I just want to say, to echo what Jared has said, what Cynthia is talking about is so valuable to builders and also to general investors to understand the direction that we can go in here.

Importance of Education in Web Three

One thing that I've got experience in from my background, and I want people to understand that it scares the hell out of me. Look how much we're working on building this industry sector. Take a moment and go onto Google and type in what is web three? What is blockchain? Right. This is where search engine optimization is key. What you will find is that the people on the first page of Google at the top are people like Harvard University and other universities that are giving their understanding of what this industry is.

Challenges in Information Dissemination

And as smart as they are, they're not the builders in this industry. And they don't understand the technology on the level that we do. And I had this conversation in a quick swap and polygon space explaining how important it is that the bigger blockchains with the bigger budgets are also ensuring that the educational content found about this industry is being found where people will look to find out more about this industry. It's critical to the future of what we're trying to build here because people that come into these spaces, they're learning so much.

Value of Informational Resources

They get so much value. Someone that's on the outside, that's not on Twitter, that's not using spaces, that doesn't really go onto YouTube and know who the right people are to follow to get the right information. Guess where their first source is? Google. What's blockchain? What's web three? Gaming. What should I invest in? If we're not being found or the right type of educational information is not being provided, it's not good.

Building a Knowledge Base

And it's important for every single builder here in the space to make sure that we're thinking about short tail keywords, long tail keywords with what we are having on our websites, when we're talking about our vision, the educational content that we're providing, how people can get onboarded into crypto. And there are a handful of exchanges that are out there that are doing a really good job of this, actually. And I look at, you know, coinbase and binance and many others that have got a section that's crypto 101, and it gives you more of a breakdown as to what the actual technology is and how it works and how you can get onboarded.

Elevating the Educational Standards

But this is a really important thing that all builders need to focus on, because nobody understands web three gaming better than us builders in the space. But if Harvard University are being found and they don't build web three games and they're nothing, on top of the quick narrative changes and new technologies that are coming along, what information are we providing to the end user that's actually now at a point that they're interested in trying to find out more? So really important that we need to focus on.

Closing Remarks and Future Discussions

Guys. Some really great final words there. Fantu, thank you so much. It's always a pleasure to have you on the. And yeah, I would love to have a space. Maybe next time, next week or something we can talk about maybe like regulation and censorship with games, how we could regulate the chats for minors, that is. And I think you could have some really good input. I really liked that conversation last time. So would really like to have more there.

Final Thoughts from Participants

All right, has anyone got any final words to say? King, would you like to say some few words before we close up? I think, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, you're there. Perfect. Yeah, yeah. I think when it comes to web three gaming, we are just starting and the sky can be our limit here. And with more blockchain adoption, with more awareness being created, I think it's going to reach every part of the globe.

Anticipation for Web Three Gaming

And this is what so many people are eager to get onboarded into. And there are so many perks, there are so many benefits. And I think web three gaming is the next area. Even, these traditional companies, traditional mobile company, mobile gaming companies are now incorporating web three games into their games too. Their perks, their incentives, their NFTs. We made mention of, GTA and we are eager to see this game, bringing these games, bringing nfcs.

Optimistic Outlook

So there's an upward trajectory here. And I think web three gaming has come to stay with better partnerships, more investments, user improvements and more interest and also awareness when it comes to the benefits of these, I think people get onboarded. So it's one great. I'm really bullish on it. It's one great place to be when it comes to web three games. Great, great. Yes. Some nice finishing words there too.

Concluding the Discussion

Brilliant. And it was a pleasure to have you. And we have Gerald as well. Gerald like to say some stuff before we jump off. Hey, this is a good time on Wednesday, so I look forward to the next one next week. Thank you so much for having me in this space and enjoy the conversation as usual. Love the knowledge drops from Zindi and this time also from fun show. I look forward to next week.

Wrap Up and Future Sessions

Yes was well. Yes was really good. I'm hoping 2 hours is maybe a little bit of a stretch. I think if maybe I can maybe keep the intros a little bit more nice and sweet and then maybe we can shorten it up a little bit. I'm starving. I got to go get. Go get something to eat before I fall off my chair. Some final words. Like to close the space from my.

Invitation and Engagement Opportunities

Side, actually, to the users. Be honored sharing on Twitter. But there is an ambassador event happening only for a limited number of people. I've got something. And also for the people who have more questions about the project we are building for gaming forge on Friday. This. This Friday we have something happening on discord. Definitely that one will be posting it on Twitter because we want people on social media to know about it.

Call to Action for Community Members

But definitely hop into this code and ask for the ambassador form. You can fill it up if you're a gamer, if you're an investor, if you are basically looking for becoming a content creator and all these things, everybody will have a position in gaming. Unforge, but limited positions. The unlimited positions are only for gamers. I'm sorry.

Engagement Summary

Brilliant. I love it how you bring it in the end so that the last hardcore listeners are going to get the ambassador space. Ambassador places. That's such a. That's a really cool one. All right. Brilliant. Well, thank you, everyone, and see you next time. Funcho. It would be great if. Yeah, hopefully. I'm gonna speak with symphy, but yeah, I would love to get one on, like, the censorship and talking about how we can bring young people to gaming.

Future Topics of Discussion

I think that'd be a really cool topic, so. Yeah, yeah, for sure. I would love to. Let's make it happen. And thank you, guys. Appreciate you inviting me up. I always enjoy speaking in these spaces. Anything happening in Shaita Pier this week? Next week? Yeah. We have got the big ZD campaign that is coming up for Alpha testing on our genus battleground. And we are really excited for people to get their hands on that.

Upcoming Events and Engagements

We're going to be holding some really cool tournaments as well, which I want to invite you guys to with game unforged as well, where we will be going head to head. Now imagine shootopia versus polygon scale. Network versus medieval empires. Easy IO versus game on forwards. This is the kind of thing that I want to have with a leaderboard. We live stream the whole thing, fight against each other, have a lot of fun, and then we're going to be rolling it out to multiple communities, getting them involved with alpha testing.

Character Selection in Gaming

But looking forward to that and it'll be a lot of laughs. I'm interested to know what character you would choose actually, Zinthy, but my character is Spartan Doge. That's who I like to use. So that's eager enough to go up against. Awesome, man. Awesome. Yeah, that's basically I'm going to be on PC. Right. Or you want to draw it on the mobile one?

Platform Compatibility

Yeah. So it's rolled out on really for desktop and for laptop. However, if you've got a high end device, it will work on mobile as well. But this has been specifically built with desktop in mind. We are aware that we build on mobile, we're on unity, but we also don't want to cut off the desktop market because that doesn't make sense. So we wanted to make sure that we've got the best of both worlds for everyone to be able to interact with.

User Experience and Game Design

Smart. Yeah, I had to put it out on the market then. Guys, definitely look at what feng shui is doing. You already have a version available on your mobile phone you can get hold of. Trust me, I, my son is playing it. I get stuck in the place where I have to climb on those rocks and things. It's crazy. The parkour. Yeah. Do you know what? I've had so many people comment about that because I'm a gamer through and through.

Creating Challenging Gameplay

So for me, I don't want it to be too easy. But I've literally had some people like, dude, I can't get past level two. And I'm like, really? You know, but it's meant to be challenging. That's what gaming is about too. It's fun, but it's hard enough that it's a challenge. You know, if you can complete all three levels of the parkour, that's good going. First level, super easy. Second level, challenging.

Responsive Gameplay Dynamics

Third level, even more challenging. If you get through them all. There's actually a weekly giveaway that we do as well that you're more than welcome to get involved in. And the fastest times in the top ten, there's actually cash prizes for. So it's worth the challenge. Awesome. We'll definitely take a look at again. And definitely, guys, if you guys are on mobile, definitely hop it on and function does with Luke, the weekly ones, playing games and all these stuff.

Community Engagement Through Gaming

King, I know that you create. I see that you are in from the 2 hours. For 2 hours you are there, Jack. I know you get you had been. I want to ask question Bro, on Discord, bro. We have Friday Discord AmA because normally the gaming hourglass is not really focused on the gaming forge. But it's more instead of bringing education for the community what we are building not only as gaming forge but for example from Coral app who was here, Topia from Funcho, from easy for, from the pink community and all these projects who are coming here, what they are building and all these things basically to tell you guys what we are doing and all these things in the web three ecosystem.

Interactive Learning in Gaming Communities

So, you know, it will not be very fair for only people coming and asking question about gaming forge. But don't worry about the people who will be winning. We what we are doing is gonna be we will select the people who had been with in listeners who have done retweets and all these things for the sub to support the whole gaming for sure. So gaming our glass, we will basically select the winners and tell you share with you who are the winners.

Community Participation and Rewards

Like every week we do. But don't forget to get involved in the discord and sign up for the discord ama that's coming up. You have the whole 2 hours for me. You can ask me anything about what we are building in gambian forge and all these stuff. So thank you very much for everybody joining in for sure. Again, thank you, jared, thank you very much. From the day one until episode 13, you had been helping a lot.

Acknowledging Contributors

Easy, you see and, and fanshawe, Luke, definitely, even if he's not here, huge shout out to him because he was the middleman to connect me with you guys. So definitely. And chad, love you, man. King, thanks a lot. Thank you everyone. See you next time.

Engagement Recap and Looking Forward

Yeah, yeah. I really had an insightful time here. I'll be there next time. Thank you, guys.

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