Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space featured a rich discussion on various community experiences and observations. Participants shared numerous personal stories and anecdotes, highlighting the diversity of their encounters. Engagement and active participation were emphasized as crucial elements for enriching the community experience. The conversation touched upon various emotions and perspectives, illustrating a broad spectrum of collective experiences. Networking and collaboration surfaced as key aspects, underlining the importance of connecting within the community. Challenges were openly discussed, alongside potential solutions, promoting a collaborative problem-solving atmosphere. Staying informed was another critical point, with participants stressing the need for updated knowledge and awareness. Inclusivity and support within the group were significant themes, ensuring an inclusive environment for all members. The discussion also celebrated notable achievements and milestones, showcasing the community's progress and successes. The session effectively highlighted the benefits of active participation, shared experiences, and the collective spirit of the community.


Q: What was the main focus of the discussion?
A: The session covered community experiences and engagement.

Q: Were there any significant personal stories shared?
A: Yes, participants shared several captivating anecdotes.

Q: How significant was active participation during the session?
A: Active participation was highlighted as vital.

Q: Did they talk about community challenges?
A: Yes, challenges and corresponding solutions were discussed.

Q: Was there an emphasis on networking?
A: Yes, networking and collaboration were key points.

Q: What about staying informed?
A: Participants stressed the importance of being informed and updated.

Q: Were any milestone events mentioned?
A: Several notable achievements and events were highlighted.

Q: How did they address inclusivity?
A: Inclusivity and support were significant points of focus.

Q: Did they discuss emotions and perspectives?
A: A wide variety of emotions and perspectives were shared.

Q: What value did they find in community interactions?
A: The value of community interaction lies in shared experiences and support.


Time: 00:02:15
Highlight: Close.

Time: 00:04:31
Highlight: Yo, Gm guys.

Time: 00:04:34
Highlight: Homo.

Time: 00:04:36
Highlight: Amazing.

Time: 00:04:36
Highlight: It's another amazing Saturday.

Time: 00:04:38
Highlight: And, yeah, we are.

Time: 00:04:40
Highlight: Now, let me see.

Time: 00:04:41
Highlight: We are in the.

Time: 00:04:42
Highlight: So summer.

Time: 00:04:43
Highlight: And definitely, I think it's another part of Defi.

Time: 00:04:48
Highlight: We call it if I summer, blah, blah.

Key Takeaways

  • Diverse discussions ranging from personal experiences to broader community insights.
  • Highlighted the importance of engagement and active participation.
  • Shared several captivating stories and anecdotes.
  • Participants expressed a variety of emotions and perspectives.
  • Community members are encouraged to share their unique experiences.
  • Emphasized on the value of networking and collaboration.
  • Discussed challenges and solutions within the community.
  • Voiced the significance of staying informed and updated.
  • A focus on inclusivity and support within the group.
  • Highlighted notable achievements and milestone events.

Behind the Mic

Have you ever wondered why naira is always volatile? Like going up and down. And why dollar is stable? It is because all these currencies are back with something. United States of America's dollar is backed by good. And the gold, okay. And the gold that is bad that the United States used to back their dollar is not even their good. Yes. If you know history, you understand it. But let me not go into that. What I'm saying is that you see that money that you have in bank, it is paper. I swear to God almighty. And you see the figure, you are seeing your bank at one point something million. This is a million bar. It is ordinary figure. Let me take for instance when op came into pictures. Fintech company, they only have their headquarter in. I don't know. But you get. It was so massive. They were even saying op was not op came to this place to take job from the people who have bank. Op is a fintech company. But with the way the adoption is going, just like Sino said earlier, reward assets coming in, it can only be limited. And have said it again, it can only be limited. No matter your tones down, it can be limited because this, okay, let me start from here. This device will hold in this. This device will hold it, like, literally outside our phone. We can't do anything when it comes to cryptocurrency. Like, have you all thought about that? Outside our phone, there's nothing we can do as regards to crypto currency coming to the traditional finance. Outside our phone. We seek and, you know, get to withdraw our funds might take a longer process. We still get to withdraw our funds. No. Have you thought about that? Cryptocurrency can literally be limited. Even with the ban we had here in Nigeria, we all were careful with the way we take our things, like the way we take care of things. Sorry, you would be allowed to talk. We still have like 14 minutes to go, so. And I'll be rounding up in like ten minutes, so you can have the last few minutes. And, you know, probably, if we'll be extending probably few minutes more. So I think we should think about that, because one thing I believe in is as much as we have billions of, or let me say, millions of device users in the world, I feel they have data to everybody's. They have data stored of every fucking details of how we live our life. And literally, I think I was listening to a podcast this week, and the man was like, when you walk in web2, they literally use your data to make money. But when it is in web, you get paid for the data you generate. Trust me, we generate a whole lot of data. We laugh on. You laugh on TikTok, you laugh on TikTok, you laugh on YouTube, you laugh on WhatsApp, you chat on WhatsApp. You spend a whole day on day, you wake up tomorrow, you try it again, you generate a whole lot of data. And guess who is making the money? They are making the money. And, you know, we just enjoy it. That's another thing cryptocurrency gives you, actually, and they can keep getting good weights. The moment bitcoin is mined, everything is mined that is whole. There's nothing like I can still mine out bitcoin, I can still generate bitcoin. That's which it becomes more like, more powerful. I think the spike at a particular moment is going to be way much. Regardless, this is not a financial advice. This is a Saturday thingy. And I feel we have an amazing topic to go around next week. I am look forward to the announcement. Probably tomorrow. Next tomorrow we'll be. Joining me will be Sami Sonix and Xino Z. And you know, we'll be here to do the Saturday talks. And trust me, it should be as amazing as usual. It's really amazing to have you guys here. And I think to wrap it up we'll be playing the national hand game. So to honor our country, our father's land. So I think that ends it up. So as you guys to probably the winner of the conversation as you guys without cryptocurrency exists forever. I think that will be announced on sinus. no speech. You literally like kind of quote my posts and when he does he would definitely choose his winner if they his. So I think Sonix is actually hearing my, my voice pretty much later. And so Srirandi top would be having the national hunting. So as a good nigerian citizen be as attention as we honor our country. It's all I know I want. Thank you, thank you. Thank you everybody. I, you know, we just have to respect your country. I'm sure Sinu is already clapping for me where he's because literally carries Nigerian. Is it. Sorry links. There is actually no time for questions anymore. So please, if you have any question you can just, you know, probably drop it under this comment section after this piece. I would make sure we find the right answer for you. So, you know, it's amazing having you guys just like I just say. And I think this wraps it up for this weekend. Watch out for the amazing topic we'll be talking about next week. Make sure you invite your friend. Let's get this going. Thank you very much. Have a lovely weekend. Bye."

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