Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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$WIF on Base AMA #Base #Based

This space is hosted by CryptoEmpressX

Space Summary

The community space brought together a diverse group of individuals working on a project with a shared goal of growth. The team of investors and contributors engaged in open communication, sharing insights and strategies for driving the project forward. The collaborative environment fostered innovation and development, highlighting the importance of teamwork and community in achieving success.


Q: What is the host initiating as the space nears its conclusion?
A: The host is initiating a giveaway to reward active participants.

Q: How can participants increase their chances of winning prizes?
A: Participants can increase their chances of winning by joining the Telegram group.

Q: How will the giveaway winner be selected?
A: The winner will be randomly selected from the Telegram group members.

Q: What does the host encourage participants to do to show enthusiasm?
A: The host encourages participants to show enthusiasm by using emojis.

Q: What element adds a dynamic touch to the giveaway process?
A: Music playing in the background adds a dynamic touch to the giveaway process.


Time: 00:04:25
Introduction of Community Space and AMA Purpose, Overview of the community space and the purpose of the Ask Me Anything session.

Time: 00:06:17
Handoff to Tracker for Community Updates, Transitioning to Tracker for updates on the community's engagement and progress.

Time: 00:21:33
Announcement of VIP Group for Large Investors, Revealing the introduction of a VIP group targeted at large investors.

Time: 00:23:10
Details on Coordination Within VIP Group, Explaining how coordination and collaboration are fostered within the VIP group.

Time: 00:31:57
Importance of Coordinated Raids and Promotions, Discussion on the significance of coordinated raids and promotions for project success.

Time: 00:35:49
Role of Whales and Coordinated Buys, Emphasizing the role of whales and coordinated purchases in supporting the project's market performance.

Time: 00:38:05
Reliance on Community for Project Success, Insight into how the project's success heavily depends on community engagement and involvement.

Time: 00:52:44
Encouragement for Community Members to Share Bullish Sentiments, Encouraging community members to express what they are most optimistic about regarding the project.

Key Takeaways

  • The host is conducting a giveaway to engage the audience.
  • Participation in the Telegram group increases the chances of winning.
  • A winner will be randomly selected from Telegram group members.
  • Host prompts participants to show excitement through emojis.
  • Music plays in the background during the giveaway selection process.

Behind the Mic

guys, I'm about to do the first giveaway. The people that joined the telegram. So if you have not joined, I'm gonna give you two minutes, and I'm gonna play some music, and then I'm gonna pick one from the telegram right now. So I'm gonna put music, and when I stop the music, that means I already picked my winner. You guys want to do that? So throw some hundreds if you guys are all bullish about it. Let's go, guys. Come on. Let's go. Let's go, guys. All right, let's go. Let's go. All right, if you haven't done that, go do it now. Two minutes. I'm talking here and now. I'm talking here and now. It's not about what you've done. It's about what you do. It's all about where you going no. Matter where you be. I'm talking here right now. Too late. Can you talk right now? Yeah, still I've been balling with you. I got points to kick. And they held me. Get this little city going back in for me. In Atlanta at the same time we got music also. I'm gonna play still, but I'm checking my DMS. We got 15 – 270. OK, cool so. I mean 17 I don't. That's like a huge info also, so if you just joined us, we doing a telegrm giveaway right now, so you still got two more minutes and join the telegram right now, and then I'll do the first giveaway today. So I'm going to be doing two to three give aways and a couple of comments. Guys, I know we got a couple of people with couple valid questions, but request me or wadi if you guys have questions. What's up, Shady How you been, bro? What's up what's up? Oh, 100%. What's up, Jordan? Let's go as well, man. Friday is just good. The market is bouncing back. The announcement definitely put us in the radar as well. And just I'm just hyper I'm hired, bullish he, same here, bro, and also for the team, go. Good to see you guys as well. And you're right for Fumbado Romagus. So it's so nice for, like, what you said. We all getting right. I just love the energy and I have anybody seen. Anyone else that's in the requested? No. I don't see anyone else right now. I think we can wait maybe 30 more seconds or so. Whoever comes up. If not, we could definitely just end this in a few minutes time. Yo, what's up Flock? What's up, man. I'm definitely breaking up a little bit. Let me restart this app. Tell I can hear you. Oh, no. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm here. I'm here, man. What we got going on? It's not sexy for being to fomo. The fear of missing out the community. We keep it Blackstone glad seeing you here, rocking with us. Appreciate everybody else coming in. Listening to death one of their AMA him and his family, what you guys know, building up this community with great graciousness. So you create an amazing token man and I First off, thank you for taking this time. I know we've been on here about an hour, so I don't wanna hold you too long, but I believe Wadi is telling the people they want to give We're going to be doing our second giveaway there, what we're gonna I'm glad. I'm glad. I'm glad you I'm glad the The level of security and the biggest thing, but rather have launches, wasn't that great? Launch and then, you know, promising a bunch after a launch. Thanks for having me again. Thanks for having me here in short time. I I can do, like sign off, but I gotta. I gotta leave here. So I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'll talk to you guys soon. Red. You got you got any last comments or questions for the? We were just talking about you not ever sleeping, but you know. We could talk to us. We could stream all night. No, I could do one more update next Friday I think I got to go to the hotel around this time. Thank you for the opportunity. After yeah, this is fun and on to then we could be a little bit more serious with it maybe the following year, but then just like this kind of fun already. It's just I could go forever, you know? And again, you know, we're something tweeted, but yeah, if we could, you could find me online when I'm online. 05:00 a.m. 06:00 a.m. 04:00 a.m. you know, we're just working on this shit, you know, because, you know, I treat, we all treat this as a goddamn business. You know, when you know that something is fucking going touch the heavens, like there's no reason to not work for it. Yeah, so we have a raider army, we have raider teams. And I, if people are like, we got a new, a lot new members joining. If you want to join the raider team, you want to start raids, you want to help build up your bag. If you're not an investor, then I really encourage you to be a raider, you know, and we have a few meme competitions planned soon, you know, and like I said, also we have a donation wallet, like a community wallet that has like, it's in good hands. It's a multi sig wallet. So a lot of people, a few people have to anonymously accept any form of transaction being. Being sent anywhere. So it's completely safe. We have a. We have a few hundred dollars in there right now, so. And yeah, we talked about the threat competition and yeah, also one thing about the whale group that I forgot to talk about, it's actually also like they will do coordinated buying, like support floors because we all know the impact of whales, you know, like they basically can manipulate charts and everything. So how about, you know, we have our own little group that basically helps everyone who's in here, you know, gets the ball going because sometimes that's. That's what a chart needs, just a little kick on their ass to get it going. And whales are really good to do that. You know, whales can be bad, but whales can be very good too, you know, same as devs. And we have both of them. Good fucking whales and good fucking devs. An amazing community. Goddamn, guys, whoever you are in with, I'm so happy to be working with you every single day. I mean, I. I'm literally with you more than my friends, you know, my friends keep asking me why you're not coming out. I'm saying I gotta do some shit, you know, so I'm with my fucking Wii family. Goddamn. Like, you know, and they don't. You know like my real friends don't embrace this shit. They don't, you know, so I'm just, I'm doing more for this than I'm I'm doing for you know all my fucking people, you know and obviously they're not happy about no. But like I'm gonna get like a lot of, fuck, I'm gonna be the better friend once this hits you know once. Only all getting super rich hands the people who believed in beginnings. Like I'm telling you, like, mark my words. Once we're like, like once we're up there, everyone, all those whos were fudding and holding us back gonna be like, fuck, why didn't I? Why didn't I just trust my instinct? You know what the team? So I don't see anyone else requesting. If there's any other questions? Feel free to reach me or Red or anybody. Please. Thanks, team. Thanks for having us here and taking up your time. I appreciate the community engaging with us, and I appreciate you, Red, opening up the space for us. Allowing us to communicate with the investors and the questions, as well as the moderators, Wadi Once again, thank you guys so much. We're gonna keep pushing out. Here we doom to the, to the statures, guys, pushing in here, you know and help us fight the FUD that people are talking about, you know? We have like 200 members on the telegram and. And then obviously we have different departments of teams like pretty much over 100 Raiders, nearly 24-7 active were if you're interested hit up my DMS, I'll set you up with the Raiders. You do. If you're not fucking invested, become a greater guys like I'm not asking you for your money right? I'm just asking you for your for your power, power with words. Let's go guys. It's Friday. My dedication my dudes working for you guys and I wanna wanna, I'm gonna kill my day job. You know just make incredible fucking memes and beasts and just help this team. Let's fucking go to the moon. And just just remember guys don't drink and drive tonight guys because you know I'm I'm really I really care about you guys and more life everyone. And I hope. I hope this is you know the. I hope you'll see the benefits of this and 2 hours a day and I I know not even a month old but like. Excuse me. This whole sheet you know with, the What's up guys I'm so happy. Nice, nice opening, nice opening. I'm sitting on one. Guys, let's fucking you you will like says you to join Carlos. And let's kill this weekend. And you're about to burn out. Don't burn out guys. So with that being said, let's fucking go our CEO Emperor, the IT Tech mastermind Dev Mac. He is working tirelessly behind the scenes, making everything possible with the infrastructure, like creating a solid token that will that will withstand any bear or bull. And the amazing community that comes together to bring this amazing fucking project funding day in and out. So I like to say thank you for the time, guys advertising us. You know, I'm. I'm probably one of the lead advertisers, you know, because that's basically the only talent I have, you know? She's lazy she just learned, I learned about you know intoxicity toxic and prosperity, so I'm trying to spend. But anyways, thanks, thanks for having me. I'll see you guys in a week from now, we're gonna be doing it Friday again, and. And another thing is. Before I go Monday, please request Ath to give the speech. Hopefully Wagdi is still in here to give the speech also. Red, thank you. I think there was a lot of information given out in the first hour with a lot of things going on as well, like with this being day in and day out work non-stop because we went and we never expected the launch to go this good. You had to literally fucking dream, you know and. Looks like a Blimathon, is it? Let's go. My last tweet once I have all the information that I promised you guys. Update. Maki. Thank you, mate. That was that was very informative and as well as those words it wasn't for a round table group effort as well thanks to Red Empress, the Empress for being here. I believe Wagdi is here. Little. Thank you so much for having us here with you team having those questions our goals, about the future as well. If you guys wanna follow me, talk to Red message me and just make it simple. I'm a point of reference if you have questions, concerns about what's going on, but. Thank you on this Friday. After reflection with Empress, our CEO Red Emperors. We're leaving here with good work that we could possibly do, have done and new for things incoming in the future. So waiting and excited. So thanks again guys. And yeah. We're gonna open the requests one more time before we go ahead and end the AMA if there's still any questions there, we I see a couple of people behind the AMA are waiting to ask questions before they come up, so let's. With this, please, y'all, I think it's time it's a Comicon whole AMA for me, period. As well tell a friend, let's get back to the telegram, keep up bring him up, answering questions, please. Trend tomorrow. Friday, thank you. Let's go found the people are asking space altogether. So climbing climbing the to the wall group touching all time high together without. This this is incredible guys. I appreciate y'all tuning in. Just another thing you know, shoutout to moderate items. I want to shoutout, you know, to guys putting this organization up the prayer hands there out here making it incredible. So again this completes the AMA and break the internet today. Join the raid team. Join everything # Empress Twitter to the moon, let's go. Whoah alright let's. Can I get one of these back to you, Carlos. The recording but one last thing I forgot to mention, please don't forget to go once we finish reshare the last part of Deps tweet reshare Empress tweet, let's make it trend and share the retweet once it's up in a few minutes so right? without and keep this going alright? Accept Raidos and again once we're done with it, let's go on the telegram again. Thank you I'll be. I'll be waiting for that and myself for the rest of the evening if you wanna follow me and wrong everyone. Bring the comments. Just keep putting positivity, answer the threat. Make sure everybody writes comments, and price, and engagement of like, talk about what you enjoy about the space. The best comment wins $25. That's what Wadi said, and I'll pick it after the space. But with that said, guys, this completes our 1 hour AMA with dog with hat on base. And again, they're killing it. And let's take it to the moon trekker. Let's go, guys. Let's fucking go, guys. I'm seeing so much, so many more members just joining. God. And they just saw the positivity that we've all been sharing. And they're gonna see a lot more coming up the next week. So happy to have you guys on board. Happy that Empress made this all possible. Thank you, Dev, for creating this amazing opportunity for all of us. And from here, the community takes care of it all from now on. So thank you, guys. Can spell all time high ath without. Let's go. That's what I love to hear. Let's go. All right, guys, that completes Friday and I'm ready to. I'm done with work today, so I'm ready to have fun and degen today. So I'm gonna see you on the other side. Telegram. So see you tomorrow. I'll see you. Actually Monday. I don't work on the weekends. I do tweet, but I do not work on the weekends. I need sleep, guys. I need take some rest. All right. Bye, guys. Blame do it. No one else can come and look. It's crazy right now. You love. Let me look at the crazy right now when I talk to my friends don't whaley who you think he is I can. What you do to me tennis. You don't even need a bad new dress you ain't there nobody else in breath the way that you know that I knew but I still don't understand also a friendly reminder, it is Mother's Day this Sunday. Make sure I want to see everybody post something beautiful about their significant other, their moms, whoever is meaningful for you guys. Let's spread that positivity with our mothers. We are nothing. We always love the love and support of our families. And I'm a great family. I mean, I'm all about family. So I just want to remind you guys better go get a card. Make that your mama or your significant other feel very special. Let's go.

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