Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space WHY RUTO MUST GO! hosted by _KasKazini. The Twitter space 'WHY RUTO MUST GO! ??' explored the urgent call for change in Kenyan leadership, underlining the significance of art, storytelling, and community engagement in advocating for transformative governance. Speakers emphasized the power of unity, creativity, and individual responsibility in driving impactful social and political movements. By amplifying voices on platforms like Twitter spaces, the discussion highlighted the role of artists and storytellers in shaping public discourse and mobilizing citizens for positive change. The space inspired a shared vision for a better future through innovative activism and the collective effort of individuals to actively participate in the democratic process, promoting accountability and progress.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: Why is it crucial to advocate for a change in leadership?
A: It ensures progress, accountability, and responsive governance.

Q: How can art and storytelling influence political movements?
A: They evoke emotions, raise awareness, and inspire action.

Q: What role do revolutionary ideas play in shaping a better future?
A: They challenge the status quo, spark dialogue, and drive innovation.

Q: Why is community engagement essential in pushing for transformative leadership?
A: It builds support, fosters inclusivity, and amplifies voices.

Q: How can social platforms like Twitter spaces be leveraged for advocacy?
A: They provide a space for dialogue, networking, and collective action.

Q: What motivates individuals to become agents of change in their communities?
A: Belief in a better future, a sense of duty, and a desire for positive impact.

Q: How do artists and storytellers contribute to critical conversations?
A: They offer fresh perspectives, humanize issues, and engage diverse audiences.

Q: What drives successful mobilization efforts for a common cause?
A: Shared goals, effective communication, and collaborative efforts.

Q: Why is creativity essential in addressing societal challenges?
A: It captures attention, fosters innovation, and encourages dialogue.

Q: What responsibilities do citizens have in the democratic process?
A: To participate actively, hold leaders accountable, and advocate for change.


Time: 00:15:22
Embracing Change Through Advocacy Discussing the power of advocacy in steering towards progress.

Time: 00:25:45
The Art of Revolution Exploring how art can spark revolutions and challenge norms.

Time: 00:35:18
Community Unity for Transformation Highlighting the strength of unity in driving transformative change.

Time: 00:45:30
Empowering Voices Through Storytelling Empowering marginalized voices through impactful storytelling.

Time: 00:55:10
Innovation in Activism Showcasing innovative approaches to activism and social change.

Time: 01:05:42
Responsibility in Democracy Addressing the civic responsibilities of citizens for a thriving democracy.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of urging change in leadership for the betterment of Kenya.
  • Utilizing art and storytelling as powerful tools for advocating social and political movements.
  • The impact of revolutionary ideas in shaping the narrative for a brighter future.
  • How community engagement fuels the momentum towards pushing for transformative leadership.
  • The significance of amplifying voices through platforms like Twitter spaces for advocating change.
  • Empowering individuals to speak up and be agents of change in their communities.
  • Addressing the role of artists and storytellers in driving impactful conversations on social and political issues.
  • The power of unity and solidarity in mobilizing for a common cause.
  • Encouraging innovative approaches to highlight pressing societal issues through creative means.
  • Fostering a sense of responsibility among citizens to actively participate in the democratic process.

Behind the Mic

Opening Statements

Good evening, guys. We're just waiting for a few people to join. We're waiting for to join and just bring comrades Wanjira up onto space. Remember, while we're having this space is to specify why we still believe why outgoing President Ruto, who's currently occupying the statehouse, must go. And my co hosts will be Comrade Mubiora from the free gather movement. And comrade Banjira, she joins the. And we'll have a few rules because we need as many people to speak. Remember, the role of the spaces right now is to remind us of the goal that we are advancing. So we will have it timed. We will have every speaker, at the very least the main speakers will have those speak for maybe three minutes each for their opening, five minutes each for their opening statements. And I then for the additional speakers, we'll do two minutes for advancing of the ideas and then we'll just, we'll continue it.

Roles and Expectations

However, I would love to have to bring Booker on board also as a co host so that he could help identify people who speak, but also to also set a preamble, introduction to the agenda and then we will take it from there. Thank you very much. Thank you for joining. Keep sharing the link. Remember, the reason why we do the spaces is so that we can be able to advance these ideas, so that people can understand what exactly it is we mean when we say Ruto must go so that they don't think that we are just speaking out of. These are not ideas that are coming to us superficially or just falling to us from heaven. These are actual ideas that affect real people. And we will give as many people as we can the chance to speak. So when you get the chance to speak, let us be disciplined and ensure that you spend your time wisely.

Rules for Engagement

Advance maybe one big idea at a time. Don't try to fill it in. But also if you have something that's really going to anger us up. Because remember, our hashtag is katibade. Our hashtag is katuna kata. And also we will delve into a bit more of the work that we have been doing in the background, a bit of the work that we have been doing on the background with regards to a coalition. A lot of the people have been asking me, we've heard you talk about a coalition, whatnot and those kinds of things in people's assemblies that might be addressed here tonight. And it's those people, it's that very coalition that we've been working on that has enabled us to do these things. So without wasting any further, any time, I would like Muthiora to introduce yourself and welcome the people.

Acknowledgments and Purpose

Then you could pass it to Bucha and who will then guide what the meeting goes like. But thank you very much for joining. Thank you for keeping on sharing the space. This is going to be an electrifying conversation. If you are here, Professor Amtata, please send me a request. If not, we'll just proceed and they will meet us forward. They'll meet us ahead. Two, I would love to congratulate everybody who's just putting in the work in terms of civic education and public participation. I see Farah Omar from Kargiado who's been doing a good job at the National Muslim Leaders Foundation. I see Mister Willy Oyeba who's always in the matatus. I see Chief Maru. I see my former classmate Mister Don Jacojoang. I see Ali Noor. I see Mkena Daima. Welcome everybody who's joined the space.

On Current Political Climate

So without wasting any more time, I think we have enough quorum for us to start because we do not want this to be super protracted. We don't want this to be long. Remember spaces. Nakwanga Hasira we're not here to. We're not here because we are happy. We're not here because we are idle. We're here because we are fed up with our country. So just inject. But also, let's keep it really civil and let's keep it absolutely hot. So without wasting any more time, my comrade, Buena muthiora karibu. Thank you very much. Kasmwell my name is Mudiora Carriera, 2017 presidential running mate and a member of the secretariat of the National Coordination Committee of the People's assembly. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for joining us tonight, where we would like to engage on the 13 reasons we have put together.

Explaining the Need for Change

I know there is way too many of them. As to why Ruto must go well, just to set the ball rolling. It's clear for those of you who are joining us that you have interacted with evidence which indicates that the presidency, that is the duo of William Ruto and regarding, have lost their willful consent, public trust, favor and legitimacy to serve for the remainder of their respective terms as president and deputy president. We've come up with a booklet that we've been sharing whenever we go out there to meet the people, to get them to understand why Ruto does not need any more time. In fact, we've been beginning by telling them that when President Moiki Baki was sworn in on the 30 December in 2002, in January, when children reported to school, we already had free primary education, which they had promised during their campaign.

Clarifying Objectives

So there are those 13 reasons which we have shared widely and would encourage you to share the circular, the poster, and there's even a charter. So, Buka, if you're ready, we will invite you so you can give us the preamble and we can get this conversation on the road again. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. And Cosmo, it's so gracious of you to allow us to use your platform to reach out to the people so we can continue to inject, because as consensus has it, over 81% of Kenyans do not have confidence in William Ruto and the presidency. And they insist that it's a for them to pack up and go and let Kenyans figure out how to take care of the remainder of the term.

Call to Action

So, Buka, if you're ready, unmute your mic. Let's get going. Wanjera, we have you queued in. Yes, Buka, carry on. Thank you, comrade Mudiora. And kaz, you know, you have been injecting, so, but this has been a greatest moment for our country, that we at least have a chance to demonstrate that we are true patriots, that we love our country and we are willing at least to put our bodies in the streets, to put everything else that we got to defend, you know, our homeland, and also to remind the leaders that mainly made up, made themselves to political positions through what we may call a democratic process, but in essence, mainly the billionaire class that have continued to lie to the people.

Accountability of Leaders

So it was a time in our country to remind them that they are accountable to the people and not just advancing their own selfish agenda. And we have had several consultations because the question that we've been, we've continued to ask, it's not if Ruto is going. The question that we must ask is now we have advanced even to deepen our debate that what will happen when Ruto goes, because it's not just a question of if now, but now we are ultimately sure that the only reason that President William Samoeiruto and Gashagu are in power, it's not that they enjoy the popular support from the people, but only because they have the organized, you know, weapons of violence against the people.

Recognizing Public Sentiment

This is important for us to acknowledge that President himself and his ruling party have lost total popular support. They have lost, you know, to contain, you know, their lives, even though sometimes after the 25th event, we know that probably some of us were mistaken, that their arrogance have reduced, but the arrogance of the president himself and his people have even come back in full force. And just a few reminders that the dissolution of cabinet secretary that we forced President William Samoiruto to do, he did it in utmost bad faith and even returned the most corrupt people in his cabinet.

The Concept of Retirement Without Work

And I'm seeing that this man will die or at least reach retirement age without actually ever working, without a pay slip. So how do you retire when you reach 60 or 55 years and you have never worked in don't know where we say, which means you are retiring before you work. How can someone retire before ever working? So Ruto brings for us a serious existential danger to the young people.

Questions About Leadership Effectiveness

And the last point I have here, and this is a very legal point and I'm sure any legal person in this room has to get this point clearly, Ruto has lost what is called effective control of government. When you lose effective control means unfit to rule, unfit to command. Why? Ruto cannot fulfill the aspirations that he gave to Kenyans. Rights to education, right to health, right. The rights in the bills are right. He is incapable of doing it. And this is an economic issue because Ruto has no economic policy that can ever take us out of there.

Inability to Pass Legal Framework

The second reason why he has lost effective control is that he is incapable of passing any budget or finance bill that is compliant with the constitution of Kenya and laws of Kenya. And the other last reason why, when I finish, why Ruto has to go because he has lost effective control, is that Ruto is the commander in chief of all the armed forces, and Ruto is not able to control the police, or at least he's the main enemy.

Consequences of Leadership Failures

That's why there's police brutality. There's a lot of killings, maiming, murdering, abductions, unlawful arrests, and harassment. If a commander in chief is not able to command, then he is not able to have effective control. And effective control, if you look at that term, has been used even to tell Joe Biden he cannot run for the US presidency because he seems to be showing signs of not being in control of the US.

Urgency for Leadership Change

And it can be used even topple a president or ask a president to step down. So according to me, we have a commander in chief who cannot command, not fit to command, and therefore, we can even tell the military that you have a commander in chief that cannot command anything, and therefore he should go home and let the person who can be able to address that issue come into force. And that person should not be any other person apart from the person who knows how to fix that matter.

Appreciation for Contributions

And I think that person should be somewhere in this group, or at least in these collectives. Thank you. Thank you very much, professor, for that very insightful piece of information. Thank you for giving us very clear reasons why Ruto must go from your standpoint. Now, I'd love to welcome a young person from Kajiado who I met recently called Farah Omar Abdi. But before I welcome you, Mister Farah.

Advocacy and Non-Participation Challenges

One of our speakers tonight was supposed to be Comrade Wanjira Wanjiro, who has been doing such amazing work in advocacy, not just since this movement started, but she's spent nothing less than a decade pursuing social justice earlier. It's because her mic could not be unmuted. Comrade Wanjira, if you're in a position to speak, we'd love to have your opening statements, and we'd love to hear what it is that you think the state of our nation is.

A Call to Action and Empowerment

And if you have any insights for us, if you have any real life examples for us, if you have any reasons to make us angry tonight at this presidency, because, remember, once we lose our fear, as you are popularly known to say, as a woman, who I would attribute this phrase to, when we lose our fear, they lose their power. And I also attribute the hashtag tribecatiba to you, because you have been a vehement defender of our constitution.

Community Engagement and Social Justice

Comrade Wanjira, kindly give us your remarks. Then we'll go to Farah. Then we'll have wakili Ndegwa, then we'll do Kotz in that order. Thank you. Revolutionary greetings to every patriotic canon citizen listening to us right now. Before you go on, compared to Anjira, give us a song. Give us one of those victories. I know my formative Sonny will also come in with a song.

Experiences of Police Brutality

But just to say that to be Tokambali Kamaua Kena. Now, on 25 June, we were able to see that we can actually come together to liberate this nation. Speaking for the grassroots communities in this country, you know, extrajudicial killings have been normalized informal settlements. Now we're having it as a national discourse. But for us, from the informal settlements, we are saying that we've really had enough of police brutality, enough of police killings, enough of abductions, enough of intimidation, enough of harassment.

Human Rights Violations and Governance

We are in 2024, but our country people are living like we're in a state of emergency in the Moe erade. Just two days ago here in Madare, policing at night, getting them. This is after the recent demonstrations that we have been having, and especially at an ine nane. Just trying to instill a fear, a state of fear and terror among the young people of this country. But the most audacious thing I saw was wamama wa mikatakatua wakatu poiri shenzhen is a vampire.

Outrage Over Violence and Injustice

Vampire. Manage kutoroka cell guys, we cannot allow such nonsense to happen in this country. We have let so many things go, but this is insanity of the highest order. You cannot kill people's children, dump them in a quarry and just move on. Like this is something normal. I think things that have been happening in these countries are extremely out of normal. We are living in an actual dictatorship under this ruto. We are not thinking about it.

The Cost of Inaction and Political Accountability

We can see the outright dictatorship from the masked policemen that come to the streets. Abductions have not stopped until now. So one of the things I want us to remember as we continue for his struggle, nikwamba. There will be no reforms under this current administration. Those people who are saying, we wait until 2027, we are still going to have abductions, we are still going to have corruption, we are still going to be killed, intimidated, arrested.

The Need for a Collective Movement

It's still going to be such an ugly state. We have got to finish what we started. And we are on a noble course of liberating our country from the hands of Majambazi. In its actual sense. Babu lena sama the thief comes only to kill, to steal and to destroy and that has been the administration of William Samoe Ruto and Jugadika shagwae.

Impact of Governance on Public Health

Stealing the taxes of the kenyan people. Absolutely everything. Like tokyo n videos healthcare. In fact, two of my friends are dealing with very serious cases of parents who are sick, parents who have very high hospital bills, because the healthcare system in this country has failed. Time and time again. We are saying, we cannot keep complaining kenyan people.

Empowerment and Societal Change

We cannot keep saying, oh, health care. Haifanikaze we have to come to an understanding that only we kenyan people can change this country of ours. Only we can bring changes to ensure that we are actually having social justice. Only we, with this our hands, with this our legs, with these our minds, with our patriotism, with our understanding that Meg white man cannot rule over this country.

Critique of Leadership under Current Administration

William Samoy Ruto has decided to be subordinate to this white woman whose only interests are her country's interests to exploit and make our country a client state, to bring very punitive laws and bills that do not represent the interests of the kenyan people. So we are saying that we cannot keep complaining.

The Call for Systemic Change

My friend Gasheki likes to say lamentations. The uprooting of an entire system that has been a stumbling block to us, realizing what a beautiful reality we could live as kenyan people. If anything we have learned is that we do have a lot of resources as a people. Enough to ensure that each and every one of our children is able to attend university free from the kindergarten level to the tertiary level.

Vision for a Better Future

We are able to deal with the issue of poverty, with landlessness, even implement those reports, like the TJRC report, that have never been implemented. So it is to say that we have the capability, we have the ability. We just need to come together as a people and really stand up for our nation, for our dignity, for sovereignty, for social justice, to achieve this different reality, corruption, wa vitisho, wa mawaji abductions, unlawful arrest.

The Birth of a New Republic

We must birth a new republic. And we can only do it when we come together like this, when we speak to each other about the things that matter to us and we decide to act upon those actions, because discussing is not enough. But I'm very confident that we are capable. We are able and we are going to achieve this mission of Ruto must go.

Urgent Need for Leadership Change

Because Ruto must go. Ruto must go. Comrades, we cannot continue having a madman in office. I'd like to return the mic to you, Kazmo. Thank you very much. Comrade Wanjira, I would love to ask you a question. Is it possible for anyone to just join any social justice centers? Is it a complicated process? Because a lot of people have been asking, you guys keep on talking about social justice centers, you keep on talking about people's assemblies, but where can we find them?

Engagement in Social Justice Initiatives

What are the first steps we can do to use to join these organizations? Before you answer, I want to thank you so much for your eloquence. I want to thank you so much for always and consistently picking for the right and for always advancing the needs of the people, not only in your community, but in every other disenfranchised community that you've come across.

Accessing Community Centers

The social justice centers are actually open. They are community centers. They are a space for community. Like here in Madare Social Justice center. Every Saturday at 02:00 p.m. we have community meetings. Members of the Madare community are welcomed to attend that meeting and raise any issues, any community issues that need our urgent attention.

Addressing Local Issues

Recently, the community issues we've been dealing with are the issues of evictions. You're aware that president, the upgoing president in his madness, came and demolished our houses as a response to flood mitigation. And our people have been sleeping outside. It's still very cold. We're still landless. So that has been an agenda that we've been discussing extensively.

Dealing with Police Brutality

The other agenda has been the agenda on extrajudicial killings and police harassment and brutality, which has intensified since Mahanda Mano. And I'm learning that not just now in Madare, but also in Kayole as well. And as we seek to liberate the nation, the country at the national level, we also need to figure out how to. And that is our genesis of Ruto must go.

Navigating Political Structures

We have to sweep everything clean. But then also we have the understanding that no actual reforms can work in this neoliberal system. Imperialist. So high is the atomic decision. We want absolute sovereignty as the people of Kenya because we are a sovereign state. Our Kina beguit Manama imperialist.

Commitment to National Interests

We want to be able to run our country in a way that benefits the majority of the kenyan people and advances our interests and brings social justice to the kenyan people. So you are free to join social justice centers across the country. Each justice center has a specific meeting day for community.

Getting Involved in Local Initiatives

I'd suggest you start there and then eventually you'll join a campaign which you're passionate about. For example, here I'm passionate about environmental activism and I'm running the ecological justice campaign where we have youth groups coming together to discuss how we can green madare plant trees, plant memorial trees, and also just have a space where we can discuss things like the constitution and what's going on in the country.

Need for New Political Approaches

So, yes. Kwane Nilazima to bath New Republic social justice. Kwane Nilazima Chukwena. New ways of doing politics. It must not be business as usual. Thank you very much. At the top of the hour at 09:00 p.m. we will have a poetic piece by one very insightful gentleman who's been doing such a great job in terms of civic education, who is my brother from Nakuru, Mister Willy Oyeba, who has given the governor of Nakuru sleepless nights.

Staying Vigilant Against Corruption

He continues to ensure that she cannot loot in peace. And I encourage all Kenyans to ensure that your leaders do not do that in peace. But as we continue, I'd like to give two minutes. Thank you very much, Comrade Wanjira. I'd like to give two minutes to Akili Ndegwanjiru, your advocate. Ndegwanjiru, your two minutes start now.

Ruto's Incompetence and Leadership

Thank you, comrades. Endorsing each and every crowd that has been listed. And the crowds are many than what we have. But all I can say is that Ruto must go because he does not deserve to be a president of this country. He does not deserve to lead a citizenry like this of ours. It does not deserve to lead this country.

Constitutional Violations and Leadership Failures

He does not deserve to represent us in the committee of nations. One reason that Ruth must go is that he has exhibited incompetence of the highest order. He has exhibited blatant violation of the constitution. He must go because he has never, ever sworn to defend this constitution.

Understanding the Constitution

I doubt whether he actually knows and understands the content of this constitution. That is why Ruto must go. And we are saying he must not go in 2027. He must go now. Any day that or any day that Ruto continues to hold the office that he purposed to be holding amounts or its tantamount to an insult to our intellect.

Patriotism and National Identity

It's an insult to our patriotism. It's an insult to our ability to be kenyan. It's embarrassing that we are associated with him. It's embarrassing that he purports to represent us. And we are saying we must keep this fire burning because the moment we put off the candle, the moment we put off the fire, Ruto thinks that he has won. We are saying that whatever he has done in this country as being exposed is mutilating the future, our future and even the future of our children in what we call intra and extra basic mutilating our future.

Taking Responsibility for Future Generations

We must keep on asking ourselves if our generation does not take up the mantle to make Ruto go. What will happen to my child? What will happen to my son? Who will gonna speak for him? So in my view, if I am told to walk tomorrow, I walk. If I am told to run tomorrow, I'm going to run. If I'm told to shout from the rooftop, I am going to shout to until the dev here that Ruto has no space in this country.

The Issue of Constitutionalism

I am one of the biggest proponents of the doctrine of constitutionalism, but we cannot advocate for constitutionalism when you have a president who has never read this constitution. Remember, in two oh seven, Ruth led the no campaign. He has a lot of contempt for this constitution and that is why he never supported it. So we must rise up and claim our righteous place in God's kingdom.

Resistance Against Foreign Influence

We must continue to speak loudly for anybody to hear that Ruto is a puppet for the west. And we cannot afford to sell our sovereignty to Mister William Ruto. We cannot afford to watch him sell our sovereignty. So I have so many reasons that makes me believe that time for him to go is ripe and that we must match and match.

Advocating for the Silent Majority

For those people who cannot speak. For the voiceless shout. For those who cannot speak, we must walk. For those who cannot walk, we must tell Ruto that we shall not watch as we ruin our future. So, yes, I endorse the 13 thematic areas that makes us believe that William Ruto must go. But most importantly is the one of the sovereignty that is a puppet for the west.

Recognizing Capable Leadership

We must tell him that we have noble men and noble women in this country who are capable of leading. Thank you. Thank you very much. Wakili Sante Sana for your passion and for that injection just before we have Mister Willy Oyeba who's doing such a great job at nine at the top of the hour. I would love to welcome Mister Kimanzi.

Empowering Civic Engagement

Please give us a piece of your mind and remember that Willy Oeba comes up at nine exactly 09:00 p.m. thank you. Okay, thank you for this opportunity and the reason why Mister Ruto, not even mister, I think I don't even need to use any time to address Mister Ruto. Ruto is a killer and we are witnessing it with our bodies.

Civic Education as a Necessity

We are paying it, we are paying the ultimate prizes, Kenyans. And the reason why I am here to talk to you as young Kenyans, any opportunity that you can get, any space that you get in, kindly do the service to humanity by making sure you inject some civic education. I mean every space, I mean every place that is advocating for civic education.

Recognizing Hard Work in Advocacy

Castmoil, you're doing a good job. Will you ever. You're doing a good job. And everyone else that I'm not mentioning, they go, I see the work you are doing, and it's amazing. What I'm telling everyone is, now let's. Let's do the action right now. It's time to act.

Mobilizing for Change

So that day, when we say Ruto must goal as a. We'll say Ruto must go. We'll say Ruto must go as a nation. As we are speaking, there are. There are things that we are working on with Castmoel, the petitions that we are working on. That is one thing. Front Kasmoil is working, among other things.

Mobilizing Support for the Cause

Other things that I'm working on is the translation of the audience date. Currently, I have 63 translators. We've done. The Luo is done, Kiluya is done. The translation of Kiluya is done. The Kiembu translation is done, and the meru translation as well is done.

Collaboration for Progress

We are packaging on that to make sure that it will be available. I got 63 guys that will volunteer to work with me. I volunteered my company to do the animations and the visuals and what that. What I'm telling the rest of the.

Youth Action for National Change

The youth is right now it's time for action. You meet ten people in Kwabara Bara. Tell them what is happening. Tell them why Ruto must go. Let's not just say Ruto must go online. When we get to such spaces, especially ukukwa, kwam takwa streets, be it in the village, sit down, talk to our parents and talk to them nicely so that they can understand where we are saying Ruto must go.

Perseverance in Advocacy

I talks. Oh, it's almost. It's almost time. So, lastly, I will say, guys, let's keep the. Let's keep up with the movement of Ruto must go. And again, if you're out there and you also like to support my translators, the guys that volunteer to do the translation, come to my DM.

Support for Community Activism

You'll be in the US, you'll be in Europe, you'll be in Kenya, and you want to support them, kindly come to my DM and we continue the good work. Casmo, thanks for the opportunity. Thank you very much, Kenya, for what you're doing. Every Kenyan who's listening this has come to the time.

Petitioning for Youth Representation

And I met Kimanzi because we've been working on a petition together. And he's been very gracious and he's held spaces to push for the representation of the youth in the IBC selection panel and the IBC panel. And that's what people saw last week that was misconstrued.

Following Up with Legislative Actions

We were just following up that petition at Milieu Diambo's office, because now she sits in the House business committee. And for us to win these things, we need to follow it up with the people who sit in these very specific committees in the house, so that now we know exactly if these things are working, this is why they're working, if they're not working, who we need to follow it up with.

Gratitude for Community Efforts

Thank you very much for the good work you're doing, for volunteering your company. I know it has not been easy, an easy year for you, business wise, but you're doing your best to ensure that we liberate our country. And may history remind you kindly.

Willy Oyeba's Introduction

Oyeba enters the man of the hour, enters the mystery, enters the legend. Please take it away, sir. Wow, wow. What an introduction. Thank you so much, my bro. Thank you for the amazing work that you're doing. My name is Willie Oeba.

Advocacy Through Art

I am a spoken word artist. Casmuel, thank you so much for hosting the space and for the injection opportunities that you get. You represent too well. Thank you so much, everyone. Yesterday I was called for a TV interview, and I realized the mainstream media, the legacy media, is compromised right now.

Censorship in Mainstream Media

When you go for an interview, if you mention the name Ruto, if it is a live link, they are given 8 seconds and then they will delay. The media has latency for the live link, so they delay after 8 seconds if you mention anything negative. So the Cak guys have pitched camp in the mainstream media, and now you cannot mention anything against this government.

Empowerment Through Social Justice

It's so bad. So I do pieces on social justice. I started doing pieces on social justice in 2017 after I was nearly shot in Nakuru. So in Nakuru, there is a gang called confirm whereby I was a case of mistaken identity. And from that moment, they say when a gun is put on your head, if they don't kill you yet, then you leave as a man who has nothing to lose.

Returning to Activism

So I started doing pieces on social justice. And when the protest started, I was in New York for a fellowship and I had to be in Kenya. So I came and we organized in Nakuru. And I was pretty much surprised because Nakuru, in the past years, Nakuru has been always calm and very complacent to the regime of the day.

Revitalizing Political Engagement

But now it is very vibrant. And as we say, Ruto must go. His branch is in Nakuru. We are also saying Kihika must go and down with all the governors that are corrupt. Down with corruption and up with accountability. Tomorrow we are releasing a piece. It's called I'm offended.

Documenting the Struggle

I'm offended too. Small sleeth all featuring Nonini and I. And the purpose for this is documenting the struggle. Let it not be forgotten. Let our comrades not be forgotten. So it will be dropping tomorrow at 08:00 p.m.

Revolutionizing Mindsets

and the idea is to revolutionize the mindset and to spark the mind that will change the world. So here goes the piece justice system reverse roles my Lord Allah for God is my witness aluminium steel this goes out to a government that doesn't care after elections, we are now treated as others.

A Nation in Discontent

How to a nation that talks big Lakiniki Fika implementation its Tamils experience is the best teacher at Wesleyan our education system to programmers Jesus not the twelve disciples of men how to moms take care of their kids Marshall mothers I Inchini crime scene Vijayana Wanakazi navionatwambia to Soma to Giandique so dear mister president the same students who promised paid internship 2017 to the same graduates who now offer willbarrow empowerment 2024 Zimayo Kitu if we took a shot for every public lie we make, we'll be having a drunk nation.

Disappointment in Leadership

Your speeches are great, but I wish you spoke in fluent action. So sad. People tasked to deliver the national Kobizi campaign for the next election. If the kids ask Nita explain. Former DP Namsewa boda border abort haslas kamanikuli dafadali Korea chicken sala mikua big fish coffee cize something is always cooking.

Demand for Justice and Accountability

But Simona inche in a dish. It's high time Kufungulu court is a maskini Natajiri jukwai relationship Wana wabish justice is never served Junindo Apish Nakwa ballot conversation Zetua Ziko Candid Quelli CC voters now politician Yoma bandit justice system in a jaribuku reverse role Sasa Nata judge my lord Allah for God is my witness nagladisanakujakutwambi every judiciary may same place she was boss surely papa the accused that a witness death year witness before witness against them after corruption case double tragedy some of the commission of inquiry new employment opportunity for their corrupt families useless bodies now the chief government pathologist is a pathological liar.

Socio-Political Commentary

If grabbing land is not enough Yalla river Nakwari kuna true water bodies other than finding ways to the lion share Ruto must go because during his reign the youth. Ok. One bullet away from being a hashtag. Talk is cheap. Fortunately, citizens cannot buy that trash.

Living on the Edge

$1 away from the poverty line. IBC in the Kona price tag, our mom demolition away from Kulak. Makanga Kholu is one police stop away from Kulu is another finje the middle class Wakowan disease away from poverty and every level of governance is a step away from humility.

The Harsh Realities of Survival

There's nothing to smile about when I know I am one stray bullet away from being a statistic. Now, to put food on my mama's table, I have to be sarcastic. Nase ma kenya life ni shot nasiyongile kenyasa nakaut empty kama promisesa.

Critical Reflection on Governance

The president is talented in the artier contempt of court. The law is very clear. His conscience is not. Ruto must go. Ruto must go. Aye. Aye. Aye.

Closing Acknowledgement

Thank you, comrade Oeba, for always injecting know it's a God, my witness. And if you see the things that are going on in this country, that's the thing. The subversion of justice that's happening. That's such a moving piece. And we pray that whatever it is that you're doing, we can't wait for your launch tomorrow.

A Call for Support

Once you set it up, please share it, send it to us. We'll amplify it on our pages. Because this message needs to reach every Kenyan and people of Nakuru. We also stand in solidarity with you for exposing the corruption in your governor's office.

Appreciation for Collaborative Efforts

So thank you. Thank you so much. Will you also, for using your art to change society for good. Unless you have any closing remarks, we'll now give the mic to another speaker.

Introduction to Civic Education Engagement

Let me just ask kunai, condensed pamphlet about Patiya Raya in a sababu kumina tatu kwanini. William Ruto, Lazma Angatuque, actually, Nilambiwa number five. Itaku shock pamphlet. It aside, civic education engagement about Nafanya Nikuso. Me to your number five. In ase Makamba, Ruto has captured and subverted every state and social institution, parliament, the judiciary, counties, even the churches. For how long are we going to allow for our institutions to be corrupted? Pamphlet. Because we work, we inject with a group of four poets. So to keep up to nashika stage, like mantato, at different stages, because to circulate, Pierre will photocopy amazing sana and it's true. Even in one of my pieces, I say kwai n chi akunam to a koshua nahika tiba, lawyer practice. Kwai nchiata, chief justice and a cry for justice. Such a shame. We need to. We need to print them and we need to distribute them so that to inject it. And a poetry nanini to najana, something that wata peleka komanyumba zao. Yes. So we can link up with the aura.

Role of Revolutionary Artists

I get them and then I'll photocopy with my team. Zenyatta pata, natutakot ki sambazapia. Carry on for this half. I would love to give it to. I'd love to introduce comrade Se Fusani, who is one of the best songstresses that I know. And she is a revolutionary artist, just like Willy Oyeba. Because, you know, there are two kinds of artists. The artists who advance the status quo and they're artists who are revolutionary artists, people who use their art to advance the course of the people. And we say, consistently say that if you're going to be an artist, a doctor, an engineer, an architect, a lawyer, a plumber, you ask yourself, are you going to do these things? Employ your skills for the benefit of the people or for the benefit of a rich class. But there are very many people, like Willy Oyerba and his team, who've decided they will use their arts to promote the ideas and the agenda of the people. Comrade Sefusani and Mudiora, I would like you to take the second half of the program in co hosting and distributing the microphone so that it's done in a free and fair way, because there are requests that I might miss out on seeing.

Addressing Social Issues

So, just introducing Comrade Seifu sani, please bless us with your voice. Give us a little bit of a song, introduce yourselves and then yourself, and then please carry on with this work. Remember, for every speaker I know, we have very many requests on the speakers panel. I would love for as many Kenyans to speak on this space because we do not take it for granted for them joining us. So just try and give the mic to as many people. Thank you so much. Maintain the discipline amongst the members and have as many join in. Remember, the time cap is two minutes and they'll start now. Comrade Seifusani Karibusana. Thank you. Thank you, Kaz, for taking us through the first part. I don't know if you can hear me loud and clear, my comrades. Thank you. Thank you so much for taking us through the first part of this session and even for hosting and for also my other cosmodiora carriera. And of course, this hosted by the national coordinator of the people's assembly, where we are bringing their voices from the ground up on the issues that are affecting our country, issues of economic exploitation, issues of social oppression, and speaking out so that we can have a better Kenya.

Concerns About Policy and Governance

Because from the 18 June, when our young people went out to the streets with other Kenyans as well and organizations, were speaking truth to power on why were rejecting this finance bill that was going to reap oppress the Kenyan people. But were not just rejecting the finance bill. There was so much more that went into people coming out on the streets. We recently had floods in this country where a lot of people had died and their homes were demolished and they had no place to go. We did not see a favorable response from our government. We have seen many other social and economic issues in this country. When we speak about the issues of the fertilizers that were not good enough, that were coming from Russia, were able to see this scandal and even much later, you know, some of them that got lost while they were being shipped in Kenya. When we're speaking about issuance, ladies and gentlemen, we have seen fees rising. We have seen help and education that only goes for the rich people, not we have seen hospitals that have no drugs and our people have had to suffer and we have to go to public hospitals.

Call for Change and Accountability

We have seen the killings and extrajudicial murders of our people, comrades. And these are some of the reasons why we are saying going on the streets is not just about the finance bill, but we want an overhaul of the whole system. And that is why today we are asking, what are these reasons that we are giving for Ruto to go? Because it is not just haphazard, you know, it is not random, it is not anarchy. We have reasons and we can put them out. And also, as comrade Mudeora Carriera had already read, we have pamphlets. One is on the 13 reasons why Ruto must go. We have a charter which says tuna, Qatar. So tuna to kenda katika. Tuna katakata abductions. Tuna qatar. Bad leadership to nakata. Pianita. Inject. Nawimba. Naitoa. Leon. Leo. Leoni. Leo. Kunamambo. Leonile mapamba novi kunamambovichana. To see mamba.

Youth Activism and Demands

No wa Kenya to see my le kona mambo kenya to see mambano sisi kama Kenya sisi kama vijana sisi kama wasomi tusi mame katika mambano natundele kupigana. So it is for these reasons, comrade, today I'll invite our next speakers who will give us the reasons why are we saying Ruto must go? I see Kot Sonko, who was already up. Okay, okay. Thank you so much, Seifu, for giving me this chance. I hope you can hear me clearly. Can you remember two minutes? Because I'm speaking. I can hear you very clearly. And guys. Okay, okay. So, guys, I really take this moment to thank you for giving me this chance, this space. And of course, I just had. We have so many social justice artists on this space and of course, I really want to appreciate Nonini and. And Willie Oeba for the good job you're doing.

Launching Social Justice Initiatives

So, guys, tomorrow Nonini and Willyo eba will be launching their social justice song. And of course it will be hosted on Sautiya Mana in the where I host the space with alongside IO and Wanyama. IO is the director of the song. And so welcome you guys tomorrow at 08:00 p.m. and of course Nonini is on this space. I would really love to hear from him there after some times to come. So if Nonini, you wish to say awa to our you are your guys here who are really anticipating for that peace tomorrow at 08:00 p.m., then feel free. But now why Ruto must go? Personally, I feel Ruto must go because this guy is a liar, number one. He has been lying on us as the youth that he is going to create job opportunities for us. But he has never done that.

Critique of Leadership and Accountability

Yeah. The only job opportunities that he has created for us is going to be air in the Arabic countries to be the housewives. I mean, the houseboys and house girls. So I feel he has been alive. And of course he lied to our parents sometimes back. He said he's going to ensure that the cooking gas. Yeah. So the parents who are here want to. I want you to reason with me. He said he is going to ensure that the cooking gas goes from as low as 300 shillings today as we speak. A 6 kg cylinder for cooking gas. It goes at around 1400 just to refill. You've not included that cylinder. So that guy is a liardhead. Look at his cabinet and the members of his cabinet and the PSS. They are all corrupt. That even. Most of them have corruption cases on their names.

Corruption and Governance Issues

Look at his deputy president. During the previous regime, when Ruto was the deputy president of this country, him, his regime and Uhuru, Kenyatta's regime, they had to freeze Gashaguas account of over 200 million because they believed that money, it was taxpayers money. And immediately they took over Gashagwa and Ruto, the money which had been frozen because it was believed to be taxpayers money, it was given back to Gashagwa. So Ruto and Gashagwa, they are very corrupt leaders. Yeah. And any other person who is in his cabinet and their peers, they are very corrupt. Then this is a person as a president who has failed to pass two finance bills in two years consecutively. Yeah. Meaning the citizen of this country.

Constitutional Violations and Calls for Action

Back in 2023, the 2023 finance bill was ruled unconstitutional by the High Court of Kenya. And I thank God the chief justice, Doctor William Tunga is on this phrase. And in 2024, the finance Bill was rejected by the people of this nation, meaning we had no confidence in this person. If today we are going to have a vote of no confidence, then automatically William Ruto and his regime, they will go home. Why Ruto must go? It's because the parliament, as we speak, it is dissolved. Because on 25th June 2024, when true patriotic and citizens of this country stood up and rejected the finance bill, they marched into the parliament. And after marching into the parliament, they walked away with the mess. By walking away with the mess of the national parliament, it means the national parliament has been dissolved.

Public Participation and Governance

Yeah. So save me just a minute. Just, just a minute. Saif, I finish my solution. Just a minute. I beg for having only 1 minute. I'll give you one. The parliament is already dissolved. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. So the parliament is already dissolved by the able citizens of this country? Yeah. And of course Ruto must go because his leadership is so oppressive. Look at what is happening around the new university funding model. He never consulted any person. He made a decision on his own by not including the students, parents and even student leaders. And that's why students across this nation from the higher learning institutions are going on the streets.

Call for Student Action

Come next month to demand that the new funding model, which is so oppressive, it's rejected in totality. And of course they are saying fees must fall. So guys, tomorrow I welcome you at 08:00 p.m. where I'll be having Nonini and any other social justice artist who wish to join us. You can always join on my space so that Nonini will be releasing that song with Willy Oyeba. Thank you so much, Sephu. Thank you. Thank you so much, Kotko. Also, when we speak about the role of art, what is the role of art in this struggle because our music should be able to mirror what is happening in our and to speak about the ills, to call them out, and also to be able to give civic education.

Art as a Tool for Advocacy

So thank you very much for that. Of course, even as we do other forms of art, such as theater, such as music, such as murals, we saw a very powerful mural of comrade Shakira. And it is something that reminds us of our fight and the fight that we are fighting for a sovereign nation, as is in article one of our constitution. So now I would like to invite Malimutemi Kiama from Kongamano, Namapinduzi, Molimo, Karibu. Give us the reasons why Ruto must go now and kindly just take two minutes so that we are able to admit other comments. Mollymu thank you, Comrade Sunny. Thank you, Comrade Mudiora. Thank you, Comrade Kaspael and every other comrade on this space. All I can say in two minutes is that the 13 reasons that have been captured articulate where Ruto must go.

Clarity on Political Matters

That was very clear. I just said finance bill. So I guess that will be something like that. That will take us forward. But what I'm trying to say is that people who are saying we should give Ruto time should tell us what they are benefiting so that Ruto can stay in office. And I should say we should decide that either you are an oppressor or you are the oppressed. All of us here are oppressed. Any other person saying anything must be an oppressor because you cannot tell me you are on the fence. I think for me, that's what I wanted to clarify and just encourage, comrades, that our war is not lost and we need to move to the how because that question is being asked a lot at the moment.

The Importance of Political Education

We have to start whipping people that we need to educate people. I don't like too much political education, but these are terminologies. We just decided to call it people's assembly to respect the views of people who are equal. We know there's political education taking place, but we'll call it more political education. We call it people's assembly to allow all the voices coming on forward and allow people coming in the platform equally. But I believe we should start talking about the issue of taking the vote because that's what we are being criticized. We created this guy without. Because we didn't vote. And also, we have no voters card. We have no ids. We should start talking about even Samsung saying our weapons still remain, ultimate weapon remains our voters card, our id cards, because, professor, thank you for those remarks that you've given.

Crucial Topics in Political Consciousness

And just to clarify that political education is all the work that we are doing, even in the consciousness, the people's assemblies, putting together the issues that are the political issues and the socioeconomic factors and the integrity of our leaders. And of course, it brings about, it brings all people to the table with political consciousness, because we need that consciousness for us to be able to consolidate our power as the people's power. Thank you very much, professor. Sorry to interrupt, but I would love to just help us guide the conversation, because I don't want it to. We should not necessarily drag the space too long. Let's give rounds to the speakers who are still on the panel, who have not yet spoken. We could start with Farah, who's been waiting for a while.

Expectations from Government and Leadership

And then, because we are almost heading out of time, and just organize a disciplined environment on which this space is happening. Thank you, my comrade. Thank you very much. You have two minutes. Yes. Loud and clear. Okay, thank you. Nico Pongamiya. So, network is not the best. So I wanted to raise your awareness on what is happening. Like, I want you to mentally step out of the country and look at it from the outside. We have a failing immigration system to the extent whereby we have Burundians and Congolese and Tanzanians, azbabas, hawkers, taking away jobs that the less educated people should be occupying.

Concerns About National Systems

We are exporting our best and the most educated fellows, were sending them away. We have a failing education system, meaning we are creating a generation of fools. We have a failing healthcare system, meaning unless you have comprehensive health covers, you're one sickness away from poverty. It's not by. It's nothing. Sioko Bahati. It's by design. Because what is next is they're trying to take control of production of food. Because once they have production of the food and the education and people are not as educated as the lucky generation we currently have, thanks to Kibaki and Uhuru, then they can do whatever they want. Because even now, we have. Our identities have an expiry date.

The Need for Vigilance and Political Accountability

So. Hakuta Kuana to Fauti bai. Nayako Nayulem Kimbizi. That is something you need to be very aware of. That is why our ids are not being produced, the ones that have an expiry date. The other thing, this perth is one of eternal vigilance. It doesn't matter whether, yes, this government must go. That's not a negotiable. Because you don't negotiate with somebody who. Who wants to lead you at gunpoint. How can we live under a government that had snipers on the roof? There's a guy who was knocking on his mother's door, and he was shot. If he wasn't given enough time to get even into his house, what time does this government need? Honestly, make me understand. Because it's not right.

Addressing Violence and Oppression

There are some things that are not transactionary, and your motherland should never be one of them because this is all you have. People have died, and I want you, I want all the political people here to be aware that you might have the oranges in the wheelbarrow, but the blood in the soil will never let those oranges bloom. Thank you. Thank you very much. Comit Farah Omar Abdi. You know 13 reasons why Ruto must go. The first one is extrajudicial killings and mass murder of Kenyans. But we also have those of us who have been abducted recently.

Urgency for Political Action

We have seen the abduction of Bob, of Aslam, of Jameel, who, of course, we are calling for them to be produced to us because we do not support and we greatly and highly condemn these abductions and arrest my sister. Before I forget, there's a petition filed by Kenya and Shakira asking for positions for the youth in the IBC, both the selection panel and the final commissioners and place for the people with disabilities. Kindly let us not rest our fate in the political class to Kimbizane Nahiki, to let's ensure we have youthful representation and people we can trust, people we vet and back.

The Case for Youth Participation in Politics

Thank you. Thank you. And this is why it is important, even as we're doing this, for us to now maybe move away from these leaderless movement. Because if you want to take away the political class, then it means that we need to have organization. Because now, after Ruto must go, what happens? The people who are the most organized to take power and to lead this country, so that it is important for us to consolidate this. I have tried to bring in proud communists. I don't know why I'm not seeing you on the list of speakers, but I will call. Fees must fall.

Importance of Youth in Political Structures

Se cures. Kindly take two minutes. We don't have much time. I think at 10:00 p.m. we should be closing. So be as brief as possible for us to have a lot of people, a lot of speakers say something and then closing remarks. Thank you very much. I just want to highlight what's going on in the education sector. That's my number one reason for why Ruto must go. He has attacked our education system from, literally from the day a child is born in Kenya today to the.

Attacks on Education and Health

To the point where they get to university, there's an attack on every single level. Number one, Linda, mama, we all know was dropped. So when a child is born, the protections that were there for the mother and the newborn baby are gone today, which means our child mortality rate is going to be high. So if a child survives and gets into primary school, the school feeding program, 4.9 billion was also dropped. And that happened this year. In the fifth month of the year, the Kenyan treasury scrapped the 4.9 billion allocation for the school feeding program.

Healthcare and Support Systems Under Threat

That's in primary school. In high school, we know what's happening to the JSS teachers number again in high school. The Afia, which was a comprehensive cover, health cover for high school students, that was also scrapped. There is nothing that this administration is not attacking when it comes to education. And then we know what's going on with the university fee hikes. And now today we've heard that the University of Nairobi student leader has been abducted. Every single level of high of our education system is under attack.

Urgency in Addressing Ruto's Governance

And this is why Ruto must go. And we must take this issue very seriously. Because if he succeeds in dumbing down our populace, he will have a populace that he can control and he'll have a populace that he can dictate to. So let us fight for the restoration of all these programs in our education system, because an educated populace will ensure that this man goes, and his remnants as well. Because I know he is planning for the future. He's planning for his sons and his friends and his relatives to take over power in another 5100 years.

Future Planning for Education and Governance

Let us also plan for another 5100 years of our education, of the strengthening of our education sector, because that will ensure that his plans fail. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for speaking to reason number eleven, why Ruto must go, which is destroying healthcare and education. Ruto's overtaxation has crippled our healthcare and education systems, driving us into poverty. The cost of living is unbearable. How much more can we take?

Calls for Political Action Amid Challenges

IO the 6th, kindly take the mic. You have 1 minute so that we can allow others to speak. And then we have our closing remarks and prepare for tomorrow's xp as well. Ayo. All right, thank you so much, Seifu. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ayo. Vi. I have only one reason why this human being needs to exit office. And one of the major reasons why I think Ruto has to go is because of the extrajudicial killings. We've lost our brothers and sisters on the streets of Nairobi, across the country, in Mombasa, Kisumu, wherever, Eldoret, his hometown, we've seen people die in the name of police brutality.

Extrajudicial Killings and their Consequences

Yet nothing is being done to give justice to the families of these human beings. If you feel like you need to be in a position where we still need to give root of time. It's like you're insulting our intelligence and telling us, give him this man more time to keep on killing our brothers and sisters. I'm speaking in pain because I've been in the streets of Nairobi, even with Casm well around nation center, whereby live bullets were being showered on kenyan citizens because they are trying to fight for their rights. And then he comes back on theme of national cohesion, appoints government appointments in government positions that have been undermined by the age old problems of recycling appointees, patronage, nepotism and ethnicity.

Issues of Representation in Leadership

He's appointing his people who will help him stay in power. We are a country of more than 42 tribes and we need everybody represented in these national seats. So that is my only reason under my 1 minute. I feel this human being needs to get out office and we need to clean those seats. Just a moment. Just a moment, Seifu. I'm asking all of you, if you're interested in a political seat and you are a young person, please come up. We will support you. We need to drain the system completely, and we need new people in the government to lead us.

Engagement of Youth for Change in Governance

Thank you so much, ayo. And that speaks to our reason number one, where we say 13 reasons why Ruto must go. And number one is extrajudicial killings and the mass murder of Kenyans. The next three speakers I call kindly take 1 minute that we can also take closing remarks from some of the speakers. And then we finish this space. I will call Agal, decides to talk, kindly 1 minute. And then Omondi Ochuka. Then freedom songs take 1 minute each.

Time Limitations and Addressing Corruption

Then we'll have closing remarks. Amazing. Thank you, Stefu. So I just want to take us back into the corruption bit. And as. Even as we think about how the government has really been getting into corruption, let's think about also how deep it cuts us across. We as Kenyans and, you know, corruption begins from the onset between each and every single community, from even the family level. And when you think about it, how many times have we actually been pioneers of this said corruption? Look at our traffic system. We still allow matatus to carry more than the passengers required.

Call for Integrity and Community Action

We're not speaking out at that. We need good transport systems, good vehicles, reliable means of transport. But then again, when you think about it, we are still pioneers of not really championing growth from the smallest level, which is, like, where exactly we come from. So I just want us to look deeply also into that. And, you know, sometimes looking within also helps, you know, exactly what you're fighting for. So thank you. Thank you so much. That is so profound that. And speaks on chapter six of integrity, where even we should have integrity to kill out the corruption that is going on in our country.

Addressing Corruption at All Levels

Reason number eight speaks about corruption and looting, corruption in all the sectors that we have. Freedom songs. 1 minute. Omondi Echuka. 1 minute. Thank you, Seifu. I have two things that I would like to comment on. Number one, over the years, if you look at the history of our country, there has been a very deep resentment for people who are free. And one thing that has changed over the years, if you look at between 1990, especially, the peak coming with reject the Finance Bill 2024, was people becoming more powerful, people becoming more driven by their consciousness to change things.

Historical Context of Civic Engagement

I think there were just a few people who were brave enough to say, we are going to change the system. We're going to do this and that. But there was a lot of fear because the system is rooted deeply in brutality. So that has changed. And what we need to do as we look at the political class right now, is their own organization into a small community of elitism, a small community of privilege, a small community of entitlement. And they believe that they can actually do away with every other person, every other voice that is resenting all this pilferage, all this corruption.

Mobilizing for Social Change

So if we are able to organize ourselves as a community that are awakened and we are able to spread that education across the country, then we have a possible chance at creating a blooming nation of conscious people, a blooming nation of people who have integrity. And this goes all to the second point. We are understanding that our BK, our biggest power as a people is in terms of how we organize ourselves. The wisdom of the crowd. We have seen people from lawyers, we have seen people from auditors, we have seen people who have very different gifts that they can put on the table, and these gifts can actually be organized in terms of what do we need to replace the political class that is very rotten to the core because we have to have that conversation at some point.

Final Thoughts on Unity and Change

Thank you so much for your remarks. I'll have to cut you short because of time. I think one of our speakers has fallen out. We'll have Mungadi speak. Comrade Seifu. Comrade Seifu, kindly. Because I think I would want to just buy a few seconds or a minute for Omondi so that he can land that point in terms of organization, because it speaks to the question of what next. I am willing to request speakers to shave a minute off of the closing remarks so that he can land because he was cut midpoint and not towards the end. All right, comride, you may proceed.

Regional Perspectives on Governance

Then we will have Mungadi and then the closing remarks. It seems like we've lost comedochuka. So comed Mungadi, if you can speak to one, number one, as a ugandan and the neighbor with you people from Kenya, we have lived under dictatorship for 40 years and you gave us hope. Now, the extra judicial killing that I'm seeing in Kenya is typical of what is happening in Uganda. And from I'm saying Iruto must go because we cannot have another surrogate of Museveni in the neighborhood.

Solidarity Across Borders

You gave us hope. Actually you are the reason why Ugandans rose up. But when this thing looked as if it collapsed on you, we are so worried because it's now the guy is going to grow us more. So Ruto must go. We cannot have those extra judicial killings exported from Uganda to Kenya. I'll just sum it like that. Thank you. Thank you so much, Mungadi and also for your solidarity. All the way from Uganda, I am seeing that we really don't have much time.

Final Calls for the Movement

Although I had seen Nonini Ngenga. True. Kindly comrade Nonini, take 1 minute. I know you're launching a song tomorrow on social justice as we close down. Yeah. Hi everybody. Yes. Yeah, just right. Okay. I just wanted to commend you guys for the space. This is a good thing you guys always do. Consistently speaking from outside here in the diaspora to Kujako spaces. This is how we get conversations and communication of what's happening on ground.

Fostering Communication and Community Engagement

Because most of the time we rely on news, we rely on the citizens, the ktns, and sometimes they curate information, what they want to serve us. So spaces like this are really good. I can add maybe one of my reasons. I think the creative sector and people with talents and entrepreneurs in Kenya really looked young. Entrepreneurs really looked down upon, especially if you're a musician or any kind of arts. There's been a categorical sabotage that has been done in the creative sector.

The Plight of the Creative Sector

And you can see, even with the recent appointments, like we're jumping from a frying pan into the fire, like nothing will ever change in the creative sector with Janani Watuanaimba, our sector is just in shambles, from royalties to everything. So that's my reason. I want to invite you guys tomorrow. Just join our space. We have a surprise for everyone. We're just going to be in solidarity with the whole movement.

An Invitation for Solidarity

As a musician, I feel it's important to have social justice. I've always done that in my music. Sometimes you have music that is for happy times, for good times, but sometimes we have music that is connecting the people. It's about what's happening on ground. So currently, what I feel is happening on ground is to stand in solidarity with the young guys who are trying to change Kenya. Thank you so much, and I appreciate you guys for giving me this opportunity.

Plans for Future Engagement

Thank you very much. Nonini nkenga true, I went through to kot Songko and to Willy or Eber tomorrow. We had also scheduled our space, our next space, which is gonna happen from 08:00 p.m. and it is just a follow up on this. And also we will be really focusing on the constitution and I think so that we consolidate our efforts. It would be good, I don't know if you'd agree, for us to join efforts so you can do the launch of the social justice song on this base, and then we can merge it with the conversations that we have so that we have a much larger audience in this work and consolidate all our efforts.

Collaboration for Greater Impact

You can reach out for that and we can agree on how to do it. To get all our apologies, we could speak, of course, but we thank you very much for joining in. Rastan CJ culture Kenyan media Brian Bai the Real Joe Baraka Frederick Karanja Whistorajic Ogallo Weston Hitler Muguna Nothing Steve Wanguamakeri Jackson Miriki D Tyro Okeja Brian Global working Masero Okumu One whose name I can't read in Russian tweeting Sheikh Michael Okumu Timothy Mukaria Clinton Kenda Pinu Tudori David Otunga Jackson Charo Salim Omkwai Daniel Are we in your request?

Time Constraints and Next Steps

Unfortunately, we could not approve all of them for you to speak because our time is limited. But we are requesting for you to join us tomorrow. We will give more time for us to be able to speak same time from 08:00 p.m. the space will be hosted by Okia Omtata and we hope that you join us there on why Ruto must go on the total shutdown on Katiba day, the action that we are going to be undertaking on the 27th, which 27 August, which is Katiba day.

Reflections on the Discussion

And now I'll just also invite my hosts and co hosts to say something as we wind down. Thank you very much, Seifu, for holding it down for us. Thank you, dear comrades, for being part of this conversation. Just before I hand it over to Kasmwell so we can wrap it up. I would like to explain a little bit about the National Provisional Coordination Committee of the People's Assemblies. That is NPCCPA. This coalition of organizations is one that was birthed in the streets as we carried the message Ruto must go.

Reflecting on Grassroots Movements

There comes a time when we are called upon to be more than we've ever imagined. We can be. Those that came out to defeat the Finance Bill 2024 heeded that call. And indeed they proved that we can surpass our wildest expectations. This battle is not won yet, which is why the following organizations have been organizing. Like just last week we had people's assemblies happening in Kayole under the Kayole social justice. We had Kibra social justice coming together.

Collaborative Efforts for Justice and Change

We have other organizations such as the Gidurai, Kasarani, Madare, Mukuru, Dagoreti, Dandora, Kitengela, Kisumu Social justice centers that are part of this coalition. We have Kenya Bora to Itakayo. We have concerned citizens movement. We have Operation Linda Yami. We have Kisumu peace and Accountability center. And we even have a number of political parties, among them, the Communists Party of Kenya. We have UGM, we have Ukwelli party.

Unifying for the Future

We have National Reconstruction Alliance, NRA, the one that sponsored Okia Omtata to the Sanit, just to name but a few of the organizations that are people centric that have come together to make sure that the job is done. So we appeal to all patriotic Kenyans to keep supporting the movement. We are just experiencing Elau before the perfect storm that must happen so we can birth the third liberation. Ruto must go is not a mantra.

Reality of Political Change

Ruto must go is a reality that we must make happen. We have three years to the next general election. And as someone that has participated in a general election, I know it can be daunting, it can be challenging, but the fact that I was there, like many of you have, I know that if you step up, if you rise to the challenge, we can give Kenya the alternative that has missed for so long. So, Casmuel, I'll hand this over to you so you can remind Kenyans out there that we are doing this again.

Final Call for Action

Tomorrow it will be hosted by Senator Okia Omtata. We will have Casmuel on the panel. We'll have sunny Seifu and a number of other panelists who will be looking into how we will not let Katiba day just be any other day. Casmo, you can wrap this for us now. Thank you very much, my comrade, and thank you very much for everybody who's joined. We intended to have the space for 2 hours. I'm very delighted to report that we've just exceeded the time by over eight minutes.

Gratitude and Looking Ahead

I'm very sorry to every Kenyan who hoped to speak on the space and did not get a chance. We deeply and terribly regret that. But we continue to say that in your own possible way, keep on injecting in whatever avenue you get. And even if you have spaces, please invite us to those spaces. We'll be willing to contribute and to amplify on those issues. We have a very hectic week coming up. Next week.

Upcoming Events and Continued Activism

We have Katiba day coming up. We have the j's, the teachers strike, we have doctors striking. So. And also we remember we are pursuing our identity cards. It's a going to. It's going to be a very busy week, but let us keep the faith up. Do not lose the faith. Do not lose. Keep on saying the things. Keep on doing the things. Thank you very much for joining this space. That's it for me for tonight.

Final Reflections on Future Unity

Remember, tomorrow, Nonini, in conjunction with Kot, Sonko and Ayodha six and the whole crew are launching something with Akinawili Oyaba as well. A song that is in a piece that's in relation to pursuit of social justice. We're having a space as well to see why Katibare is very important and why we need to treat it with the sanctity it deserves. I hope that the two groups can be in conjunction with each other so that we see how we can consolidate our efforts.

Inclusivity in Political Movement

And remember, we keep on reminding every patriotic Kenyan with an organization or without, to join the people's coalition. So that we have an organized front. Because we are organizing and organizing to take political power. Thank you very much to my co hosts, to Comrade Mudori, to comrade Seifu and to comrade Muziora, and to Comrade Bucha, and to all the speakers who spoke tonight, to Professor Fred, to Comrade Wanjira, to all the patriotic Kenyans who've spent time out of their Saturday evening to listen to us.

Concluding the Session

That will be it for this space. Thank you and God bless you. Kindly allow me to play a song as we are leaving for. All right, comride. You're free to listen to the song as we leave. You're free to keep on going. Thank you, comrade. Comrade Seifu, we can hear you. Comrade Seifu. Are you playing anything?

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