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Why do we fear success? Lessons from my travels on self-sabotage


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Why do we fear success? Lessons from my travels on self-sabotage hosted by sexworkceo. Delve into the journey of overcoming self-sabotage and the fear of success in entrepreneurship through personal anecdotes and shared wisdom. The space offers valuable insights on fostering a growth mindset, building resilience, and embracing vulnerability for personal and professional development. Learn how surrounding oneself with a supportive community, setting clear goals, and prioritizing self-care can contribute to overcoming limiting beliefs and achieving success. Embrace mindfulness, celebrate failures as learning opportunities, and harness the power of self-reflection to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. Join the #CEOsquad for empowering strategies to conquer self-sabotage and step into your full potential.

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Total Listeners: 36


Q: How does the fear of success manifest in entrepreneurship?
A: The fear of success often manifests as imposter syndrome, procrastination, and fear of failure.

Q: What role does mindset play in combating self-sabotage?
A: A growth mindset helps individuals embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and overcome self-sabotaging behaviors.

Q: How can a supportive community impact one's journey to success?
A: A supportive community provides encouragement, accountability, and a safe space for vulnerability, aiding in navigating the fear of success.

Q: Why is self-awareness crucial in overcoming self-sabotage?
A: Self-awareness allows individuals to recognize limiting beliefs, triggers, and patterns, enabling them to make conscious choices to break free from self-sabotaging habits.

Q: What strategies can one employ to maintain motivation in the face of challenges?
A: Practicing gratitude, visualizing success, and celebrating small wins can help individuals stay motivated and resilient during challenging times.

Q: How does self-care contribute to combating the fear of success?
A: Prioritizing self-care activities like exercise, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques nurtures mental health, thereby reducing the impact of fear and self-sabotage.

Q: What benefits can be derived from embracing vulnerability in entrepreneurship?
A: Embracing vulnerability fosters authentic connections, creativity, and emotional resilience, essential for growth and success in entrepreneurship.

Q: How does goal-setting influence one's ability to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors?
A: Setting clear, achievable goals provides direction, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment, diminishing self-sabotage tendencies.

Q: Why is learning from failures important in the journey to success?
A: Failure offers valuable lessons, resilience, and opportunities for growth, shaping one's capacity to handle challenges and setbacks on the path to success.

Q: How can mindfulness practices aid in breaking self-sabotage patterns?
A: Mindfulness cultivates self-awareness, emotional regulation, and clarity of thought, enabling individuals to identify self-sabotaging behaviors and respond more constructively.


Time: 00:13:45
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Discussing strategies to combat feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt in entrepreneurial journeys.

Time: 00:27:12
Community Support in Entrepreneurship Exploring the impact of a supportive community on personal growth, success, and overcoming fears.

Time: 00:39:20
Mindfulness for Self-Sabotage Highlighting the role of mindfulness practices in breaking self-sabotage patterns and promoting mental well-being.

Time: 00:46:55
Goal-Setting Strategies for Success Sharing effective techniques for setting and achieving goals to combat the fear of success and self-sabotage.

Time: 01:05:10
Celebrating Failures as Learning Opportunities Embracing failures as stepping stones to growth, resilience, and personal development.

Time: 01:18:30
The Power of Vulnerability in Entrepreneurship Exploring how vulnerability fuels creativity, authenticity, and connection in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Time: 01:32:45
Self-Care Practices for Mental Well-being Empowering individuals with self-care routines to maintain mental health and combat the fear of success.

Time: 01:47:22
Building Resilience Through Gratitude Understanding how the practice of gratitude fosters resilience, motivation, and positive mindset amid challenges.

Time: 02:00:15
Harnessing Self-Reflection for Growth Encouraging self-reflection as a tool for personal development, overcoming self-sabotage, and achieving success.

Time: 02:17:40
Embracing Risk-Taking for Personal Growth Exploring the significance of taking risks, embracing uncertainty, and stepping out of comfort zones for personal growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Success often triggers fear of the unknown and self-doubt, leading to self-sabotage.
  • Acknowledging inner fears is the first step towards conquering self-sabotage behaviors.
  • Surrounding oneself with a supportive community can help overcome the fear of success.
  • Learning from personal experiences and failures is key to personal and professional growth.
  • Embracing vulnerability and taking risks are essential for overcoming self-sabotaging tendencies.
  • Setting clear goals and intentions aids in combating the fear of success and self-sabotage.
  • Self-reflection and mindfulness practices are powerful tools for breaking self-sabotage patterns.
  • Consistent self-care routines play a vital role in maintaining mental well-being in the face of success.
  • Understanding the root causes of self-sabotage allows for targeted personal development strategies.
  • Overcoming the fear of success opens doors to new opportunities and personal fulfillment.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Yo, yo. Good morning. Good afternoon. How's it going everybody? I see people are starting to trickle in and we got a nice lineup of speakers so far. We'll just give it one more minute before we get started and then I. We can kick this off. Dexs, exchanges, aggregators. Very, very important and critical pieces of infrastructure for every ecosystem. The backbone of every ecosystem. Like seriously, we cannot state this enough, so this is going to be a good one. These teams have been driving relentless growth on say, so. I'm excited to hear from them personally, but we’ll give it 1 minute. All right.

Co-host and Speaker Introductions

I think I got my co host Chris, aka Flyride here. Chris, I'm not sure what is the amount of speakers we can have at one moment with that. With the co host, I think so. The host plus twelve people. Oh, that's plenty. That's. Yeah, but we have to have two co hosts if you want to have the 12th person. Okay. If need be we can bring a team up as co host or something. Or maybe if Owen is going to be blessing us with his presence today, we can have him be the co host. But yeah, I think this is a good place to kind of start and start introducing everybody here. Since I've been hogging the mic, I can start with myself. Some of you guys may know me. My name is Sensei Joe. I've been on the growth and marketing team here at say, for over two years now.

Sensei Joe's Background

So I've seen the say ecosystem before it was even launched to kind of what it is today, which is this insanely massive and really fast growing ecosystem. So I'm excited to host this, but yeah, I'll pass it to you, Chris, if you want to introduce yourself, anything. Yeah, absolutely. So it's funny because I was literally just hosting a video space with Mister Greenity of the sake community shout out to him. But I'm just a content creator. I just love video is my whole thing. I've been doing that since I was a little kid filming skateboarding in California in the nineties. And now it's to the point where like any opportunity that I can go to these IRL events in web three, or we could do, you know, spaces or live streaming or whatever. I always just enjoy putting the human element into the content.

Importance of Human Element

And so here in say, you know, there's people that are building all these amazing projects, they're doing all this stuff, but like, you know, you don't get to see them smile because they're like a picture of a squirrel or a monkey or a turtle or whatever. Like I love the fact that there's amazing humans behind all of this stuff. And so a big role that I play in this web three world is just showing the humans and capturing all of that, and then spinning it up to where, you know, we make these quick, digestible bits of content so it can help people learn and connect, and just keep on building. So that's a little about me. Absolutely. Well, you can't see me smiling now, but I'm smiling because you're here joining me.

Understanding the Teams Behind the Projects

And it's a good segue because we want to know more about the teams behind these protocols. We see their stats, we see all the volume that they're doing, we see all the metrics. But what we don't see and what we don't get to hear is there's people behind these projects, there's teams behind these projects making this stuff happen, and it's not easy. So, yeah, without further ado, let's start with some intro. So I'm just going to go down the list and give each team a moment to kind of introduce themselves, maybe say hi, mention who is behind the project handle or the handle behind the account, and just a quick tldr of what they do. So let's go ahead and start with Bancor. Who do we got on the Bancor side today?

Bancor Introduction

Hey, guys, thanks for having me here. I'm primal Glenn here on Twitter. I am with Bancor on the biz dev side, we have essentially brought carbon Defi, which is an on-chain trading protocol Tuesday v two. So we've been live since May of this year and happy to be here and discuss with other wonderful speakers about Dexs and aggregators. Awesome. Nice to have you here, man. Bancor has been awesome to have in the say ecosystem. Okay, let's go ahead and start with crownfi. Hey, guys. Harm from crownfi here. We've been building for a little bit over a year now, actually. And yeah, we'll be launching testnet soon.

Crownfi and Upcoming Launch

In our testnet, we're actually going to demonstrate the first backwards compatible Dex Remm will be able to have trades that use both ERC 20 assets as well as CW 20 assets. Also, like Save V one, so effectively save you one and v two compatibility. We're also planning on launching some additional verticals later. And finally, a Dex aggregator when and if that is ever possible. Yeah, but that's a little bit about us. Thanks. Very stacked protocol, and happy to have you here. Okay, let's move on to Dragon Swap, a team that might not need any introduction. A lot of people know dragon swap. Who do we have with us behind the Dragon swap team today?

Dragon Swap Introduction

Hey guys, it's Pete. I'm one of the co-founders of Dragon Swap. For people who don't know, we're the native defi hub on sav two on the EVM side. So have XYK pools, concentrated liquidity pools. We just launched last week. Predictions, which are not predictions, market polymarket, but more like binary options. And you'll see a lot more coming from us over the next couple of months. Awesome. Sounds like you guys have been absolutely cooking at Dragon swap. Okay, let's start. Let's not start. Let's go to jellyverse next.

Jellyverse Team Introduction

How's it going? Good morning. Thanks for having me. Ben here from the jellyverse team. So yeah, I mean we have been also building for quite some time, been basically from the starting point of Seiwi two. We are having a few tools that we are offering on Jellyverse as a platform and one of them is a Dexehe, the official friendly fork of balancer. And yeah, coming up next, which we're getting closer and closer, is our synthetix protocol. So this will be very exciting since there's basically nothing comparable in crypto right now which will make it possible for people to trade synthetic real world assets on say so. We are very excited about that and looking forward to the things that are coming.

Oku Trade and Its Applications

So thanks for having us here. Thanks for joining. Let's get jiggly. Love to see it. Okay, let's start or not start. I keep saying start, but let's go to Oku. Oku trade next. Hey guys, Getty, one of the co-founders of Oku Trade, one of the proud apps over on say Oku is a non-custodial Dex trading platform and bridge aggregator. So for folks who are looking for the best possible fill or the best possible bridge moving assets around, bridging Onisei Alpha, say you can check us out. I think we're currently at least as of today, the top volume application on say as well. So if you just want a nice slick interface, please check us out.

Jaka Finance Introduction

Awesome. And thank you for joining also. Thank you everybody who was able to join today. This is super exciting. So next, let's do Jaka. Good morning. Good evening. Good morning everyone. Thanks for having me today. It's Avon like head of growth at Yaka Finance. Yako Finance is a V 33 DAX and community launchpad platform natively built on, say network. So we've been around for a long time, I think since the say ecosystem started and we just concluded our Ido successfully and I think it was the first IDO on Sei Eco and now we are heading towards our tte which is on the 5 October and we are pretty much excited and we are cooking a lot and like more things gonna come pretty soon.

Open Ocean and Dex Aggregators

That's it. Thanks. Nice. Thank you for joining. Hey, I love the new PFP, by the way, and the dark side theme. We are big fans of that essay. Red is a good color. All right, next we can go to Open Ocean, one of the first Dex aggregators to launch on say, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, you're correct, man. How's it going, guys? My name is Guy. I lead the business development team here at Open Ocean. Open Ocean is one of the widest reaching Dex aggregators. So we have more chain coverage across more networks than pretty much every single one of our competitors in the space.

Challenges and Features of Open Ocean

We do smart aggregation and routing for the absolute best possible price on chain. We have over 30 plus chains supported and over 1000 unique liquidity pools. We're the largest no fee Dex aggregator and we also allow you to trade between V one, V two, V three, orderbook and Cl orderbook all within the same transaction. So I see a lot of friendly faces here. We're here for say, we're here to make advancements on the say network. So thank you very much for inviting us and yeah, absolutely delighted to be here to talk about aggregators. Awesome. We're delighted to have you, sir. Thank you so much for joining. Speaking of aggregators, our next person is Rubik.

Rubik's Role in the Ecosystem

And guys, please correct me if I'm saying any names wrong or any team name wrongs. I'm sure I'm not saying Rubik wrong, but I do have quite the history of botching names, so. GM Rubik. Hey, nothing is wrong. I believe it's really hard to spell Rubik or to pronounce it wrong. So yes, all is good. I'm Diana, I'm Rubik's marketing team member. And, well, Rubik is basically your best way to find a tool. We're a cross-chain tech aggregator for crypto swaps on say to say or from say. So we have aggregated other 19 chains and if you need a great fast and cheap crypto swap, just use Rubik. We are here for you.

Tori Exchange Introduction

Thank you, guys. Awesome. Thank you. I love to hear people here for say we like say over here. Okay, last but not least, we have Tory, which I believe Williams is here for Tory exchange. GM. How's it going? GM? Gm. Thanks for having me here. This is Williams lead operators from Torienne. You might see me around in Saiyan. We have just launched Tori, a native Dex aggregator and say just yesterday. And so it's an MVP that will run for about three days, just testing things around. So check it out if you guys like it. Thank you.

Final Thoughts and Audience Engagement

Awesome. All right, I think we have every team introduced very minor technical difficulties, which is actually a big deal with spaces. So I'm happy you guys are all here. Also, Chris, if I'm yapping too much, feel free to mute me and chime in, bro. You're doing great. You're doing awesome. You just introduced more aggregators than I've ever heard of in my life. I think you're crushing it. So keep it up, man. Yeah, that's, hey, that's the intention of the spaces, right? We want to give these teams kind of the opportunity to explain what they're doing. And because the say ecosystem, it's nothing small like what it used to be, we actually have a ton of talented teams now.

Community Questions and Discussion

So this is why we're doing these. So. All right. Yeah, let's go into the first question. We were able to source some questions from the community, some questions that commonly pop up when talking about dexs and aggregators and some things that I think people would be curious to hear. So the first question is revolving around building and maintaining a Dex or an aggregator. We all know that it could present unique challenges and it's not easy to build this kind of technology because it's pretty new and unique. DeFi is not that old. So what are the most difficult aspects of developing your platform and how does say help you overcome them?

Challenges in Building on Dex Platforms

Another way to ask that would be how does say allow you guys to build what you want? We hope at say that our tech allows applications to scale to previously not thought possible. So, yeah, so the first question, we'll send it. We'll keep the same order. We'll go to. We have bancor. So, you know, what are some challenges that you've had while building and what are some benefits of say that have helped you build through those challenges? Yeah, I guess, like, we are not, you know, we're not new to building amms. I think we have been at this since 2017. So we've had a history of building dexs and amms for a while now.

Existing Knowledge in Building Dexs

Some of the challenges that we've seen, I guess, on Ethereum alone, you know, there's always, I would say, the complexity in terms of like, what you actually want to build and accomplish. Right. And then changing into account, like how much gas cost that's going to take. Right. So one of the things that you typically want to do is you want to essentially build gas efficient, smart contracts so that people can interact with them in a relatively low cost manner, right. So because of that, there's a lot of things that typically people might want in a dex, like order types or certain features that might not make the cut just because. Because they might be too complex.

Opportunities with the Sei Network

Well, once you have a chain like, say, which is essentially high throughput, low latency, and obviously relatively low cost interact with, then all of a sudden this, like, design space ends up being opened up, right. So you can do a lot more things than you would in chain, like Ethereum, for example. Right. So I would say this is, like, one of the main challenges as like a Dex or an amm builder, right. That you always have to be conscious about. And for us, I would say with carbon at least, we're already starting to think about other, like, different features that we could potentially bring into, you know, into fruition. Right. For chains like, say, etcetera.

Conclusion of the Discussion

So I'll leave it there from our end, unless you guys have all questions, but I think this is, like, generally a problem that all builders have in this space. Absolutely. And for the community listening, we will have some time at the end if you guys want to ask any questions to any specific teams. So feel free to keep track of those questions as we go on.

Lectures and Questions

But like a high school or a college lecture questions at the end, you know? So. But good. Great answer. Let's go to crown finance next.

Expansion on Primal Glenn's Insights

Hey, guys. Yeah. Definitely want to expand on what was just said by primal Glenn. Yeah, I definitely agree. One of the reasons we decided to start building on, say, a little over a year ago was definitely the fact that they were trying to go for this paralyzed EVM infrastructure. That was something that was definitely interesting to us. And we also like the fact that their goal was to be kind of like the trading chain by being able to work with assets from these two ecos CW 20, as well as ERC. So that was definitely something that was really interesting for us. So that's kind of our thesis, what we're building, trying to bridge those two worlds.

Challenges with New Infrastructure

But we do also understand that given that SAI is still relatively new, there are a few issues that do still need to be solved. And I'm sure the SAI team is working on them. Some of them would be in order to bridge the two worlds. That also would allow teams like ours and others to support metamask and have a cleaner backwards compatibility approach but yeah but I would say that they are definitely working on this from what I know. So we do also respect that they're learning and also taking feedback from the actual developers and also able to then create a better product in the future.

Experience so Far with Say

So yeah definitely a lot of those were some of the reasons we decided to work with say and build on say and yeah that's been our experience so far. Awesome and well said. Spoken like a professional here. I'm excited to try you guys out on Testnet and I'm awaiting main net as well so. All right yeah let's keep it going.

Challenges Faced by Dragon Swap

Dragon swap. You know what are some challenges that you guys have faced kind of growing to where you are today and how has it been beneficial to build on say for sure? I think this is a general statement for anyone that's you know building DeFi whether it's Dex aggregators or others. It's just generally that you're expected to have like near 100% uptime or like you know perfect things and you're, and you are building in a semi kind of archaic environment at times.

Responsiveness of Say Engineering Team

You know especially with like new chain it's less about like say but more about and for partners and others like you know things don't always work the way it should be or there is some downtime but you know I think the say engineering team generally are like incredibly responsive. Whenever there is a problem it's fixed very very quickly. But yeah especially when you're a venue for other people's capital or there's movements in markets and people want to swap in swap out of assets that uptime needs to be there.

Dealing with Third Party Issues

And we know if there's any sort of third party issues via RPCs or others that the state team is always super quick to get on the blower with their providers waters and get things fixed which we always appreciate. Awesome and well said. It always helps to kind of hear this type of context from the teams who are making stuff happen. So appreciate you guys for kind of answering so candidly. Let's go to jellyverse next.

Building on Say

If you need me to repeat the question too. I got you. But you know TLDR, what's your experience been like building on say and how has say allowed you guys to build cool things like you do at jellyverse? Yeah I mean a lot of the people that spoken prior to me already mentioned, I mean in general I would say since say is evm it's similar to build on say like on other chains there are a few things. I mean, I can only give advice to builders, like don't spend time on building some nice loading animations.

Tips for Builders in DeFi

That's not needed. You can skip that. So that's something that will be quite unique. So the speed is definitely something you need to get used to in terms of the protocols you deploy and the things are moving and all the components that work together. But overall, as the guys from Dragonswap said, the tech team is very responsive and if there are some hiccups, they always have been solved super quickly and always in close collaboration with us.

Challenges in DeFi Products

So we always overall had a great experience deploying on SETI. And yeah, I mean, it's always difficult to have everybody happy. I mean, people always ask for new features and stuff, but I think this is the challenge every DeFi protocol has, is that your product is never perfect. There's always something you can improve and that keeps you going. That's about it. Very well said.

Evolution of EVM Integration

It's hard to remember that there was once a time where, say, was not an EVM chain. It feels like forever ago when we switched on the flip to seve two and allowed EVM integration. And I think it's safe to say now that it's definitely been a really huge catalyst for the ecosystem and for the builders who want to build on say so. Well said. Great advice.

Experiences of OKU

Let's go to Oku next. Yeah, I would say from our experience, the number one challenge, and OKU supports 22 blockchains at this point, and we do all of our own indexing ourselves across all these chains. And so when we think about one of the main challenges we have to solve, it's often dealing with reorgs on chains, because a lot of different chains reorg in different fashions.

Data Displaying and Indexing Challenges

And we have to make sure that when you're indexing data and displaying to users, whether it be their account balances, where their lp positions at, what's the current best liquidity available, all these different routes with all our different underlying infrastructure that's built into the application, you have this huge, complex data problem that we have to solve, and the team over here has done a great job working our way through that. And then, thankfully, at least with say, we've really not had so many issues where that rear system has had to go and do a lot of extra work like we had with some other chains.

Reorgs and Their Mitigation

I would say that is generally one of the larger headaches that we have as a team with new chains is dealing with reorgs. But thankfully, at least with say, it's actually been pretty smooth sailing. And I think folks really like the high throughput that is available and say, well, you know, what's possible there. So.

Positive Experience and Brand Loyalty

Yeah, awesome response. Yeah. And out of the 22, change that Oku is on, say is your favorite, right? I love. I'm wearing a sei hat, t shirt or underwear right now. Okay, good. So am I. We're matching. All right.

Challenges of Building Dex

Yeah. Let's go to yaka next. Okay, so, like, the building Dex actually is never easy. And then there's so many expectations from the user. So I would, like, list out, like, some of the things. Like, the first one is liquidity constraints and taxes.

Evolving User Expectations

So I think, like, this needs to be, like, updated all the time. And the second one, I would say, like, is, like, evolving user expectations. So users always need, like, more features. And, like, I think, like, dexs should have, like, should be, like, more easy to use and, like, should, like, more masses should join, you know?

Scalability Challenges

So, like, were always working on this aspect, so to make our users always happy. And then there are, like, scalability challenges and then, like, yeah, so, but for the say, actually, I would say is very helping. the reason is that, like, it's a small kind of family kind of thing.

Support from Say

And, like, whenever we need help, we reach out to them and then, like, they give us too much love, and then they always help us to solve the problem. Yeah. So we all love say, and especially the evm thing, like, it is the best thing to happen to say.

Enhancing Development Ease

After that, it becomes more easy to build on top of say. Absolutely. That makes me happy to hear. And I'll make sure to relay those kind words to kind of our devs and dev real. The Sai developers, like the core engineers, they do not get enough love for all of the work that they do.

Acknowledgment of Developers

So I really like that note. Okay, who do we got next? Let's talk to some of the aggregators. Open ocean, how's your experience on set been? You know, what are some challenges you guys faced and how has it been good to build on set?

Easier Time Building on Say

Yeah, man. I mean, from my perspective and from our tech team's perspective, we've had nothing but an easy time building on say. I think it's been really nice. I mean, pretty much every single platform that we've got in here, you know, rubik, yakka, oku, jellyverse, not crown at the minute, we'll probably get their carbon.

Fantastic Experiences

We work with every single one of them, whether it's through an integration, through a bridge integration, or whether it's through indexing liquidity the experience that we've had so far has been fantastic. Working on chain some of the Getty did touch on quite a few of the points that a lot of the aggregators face.

Building Community as an Aggregator

And I double down on the fact that an aggregator is an inherently agnostic platform. Unless you're a super die hard community member, users always want to go where the best value is to trade. I personally find it's always harder for us to build a stronger community.

Utilization of the Say Community

And whilst we do have one, it's been really good from us being one of the first aggregators to support, say, tapping into that really strong community that's really evident across all the different social networks that we work on.

Logistical Challenges in Indexing

And from an infrastructure perspective, building and maintaining the best index on every single chain is a little bit of a logistical dance. You have brand new dexs that spin up that acquire millions and lp's that we do the work to index and we test them and we verify the audits and we make sure everything's working and then the platform they might rebrand or the liquidity just sort of flows elsewhere.

Meeting User Demand for Best Service

So there's a lot of logistical challenges that we have from an aggregator's perspective in order to be able to track that liquidity and make sure that we're always offering the best possible trade and the best possible service on chain. But again, that's just been made really easy through all the say ecosystem partners and especially like the ecosystem, like telegram rooms where you can sort of chat with other developers and sort of get an idea where a lot of people's heads are at on chain.

Navigating Difficulties as an Aggregator

So yeah, it's, I would say that we face difficulties that us and a lot of other aggregators have faced. But the say community and especially like the ecosystem team make it super easy for us to take what we know with other EVM chains and then just bring that same model to say and try and essentially, you know, drive as much volume and as much users as we can and transactions as we can on chain.

Core Feature of Layer One Technology

Absolutely and well said. I mean, I think it's pretty obvious at this point that the core feature of layer one technology is trading, right, and exchanging assets, whether it be nfts tokens. However, you're participating in Defi protocols.

Repeating the Question for Rubik

So all the points you mentioned are very important and I'm glad to see you guys focusing on that. Okay, let's go to Rubik to kind of repeat the question. You know, what are some challenges you faced, if any, with integrating say, and you know, how has Sai or the Sai community or the Sai tech helped you overcome that?

Unique Aspects of Carbon

Well, a lot has been said, so I'll keep it short. One of the most complex aspects is ensuring seamless cross chain and on chain swaps across 90 plus chains while maintaining liquidity and security. Sace technology, particularly its high speed transactions and safety measures, have been helpful in overcoming those hurdles.

Gratitude for Sai Technology

So, yes, thank you guys for creating such a great product that is easy for us to integrate and to use it. It's great. Thank you. Absolutely. Thank you.

Acknowledgment of Dex Teams

Definitely falls on the Dex teams that we have here who have been making these integrations easier and that do have the, say, community user experience in mind. Okay, let's go to Williams at Tory.

Recent Launch Experience

I know you guys have just recently launched. Tell us a little bit about that experience and how that's been. I'm sure a lot of us are curious to hear.

Thrilling Experience on Sai

Oh, yeah. A lot of incense by many others before me, but I. It has been nothing but a blast. Building on SaI, simply because of SAis quick speed, were able to do a lot of testing, a lot of fun stuff on chain, and things are really quick and responsive, and it's just natural to do things on say when everything responds in such a quick and instantaneous nature.

Attraction to Sai Speed

And we are really happy to be on Sei. And I think it's big for everyone. When I say that the speed on say is what attracted all of us to be here. When I first tested out say, when I first tried out say, the speed of say is something that none of us have seen in anywhere else, and that brings everyone here today to this place to build on say.

The Joy of Building

It's been fun. It's been great, and I love it. Awesome. Awesome. I do want to give this moment, too. I don't want to put you on the spot, Chris, but if you have anything to kind of mention or say, I don't want to hog the mic too much, brother.

Comparison and Commonalities

No, no, I'm glad you're doing great. So what I've been doing in the background is comparing everybody's answers and looking at the commonalities between them. And what I can say is, the number one thing everybody said is that, of course, they love the speed. Right. that.

Unified Perspectives on Say

That's great. That goes across the board. But the other thing that maybe is easier to miss is that a lot of the complexities and, like, the issues that they have, they're. They're based on the fact that they're serving all of these different blockchains.

Acknowledgment of Efforts and Community

Right. So it's not just. That's not a say specific thing. That's just a web three thing that it can be difficult to kind of like, service all these different chains that have different issues, and then say comes through and is like the easier one to work with and it's fast. And everybody has also mentioned that they loved working with the team, the engineers that are quick to kind of put out fires and they're kind of that more like small family feel as opposed to like big faceless organization that like, you're kind of on your own.

Similarities in Experiences

So that's what I picked up. Honestly, very similar answers. but at the same token, like, I'm sure everybody has their little nuanced differences, but like, those commonalities screamed the same thing from everybody. So very cool to see how those things compare.

Family Feel in the Say Ecosystem

Absolutely. Yeah. And I agree. I think the love that you get from joining the say ecosystem, whether it be from Sait team and also the say community, like the community guys at say and the community team and say have done a really good job fostering like a pretty big family. I like the word family a lot. It's a, it's a better word to describe it than community.

Diving Deeper into Unique Features

So. All right. Yeah, let's keep diving in. I think one important thing to ask all the talented teams up here would be some unique features that kind of differentiate you from maybe a similar protocols or similar exchanges and aggregators.

Significance of Sharing Unique Aspects

So before we dive into kind of future plans, you know, what's on the horizon, I think it would beneficial to talk a little bit about what makes your project unique. Are there any distinguished features or milestones that you would like to highlight? This would be now the time to do it, and I guess we can keep the same order.

Unique Features of Carbon

So I think we started with bancor or carbon defi. What are some unique features of carbon defi? Yeah, yeah. That's basically the question. What are some unique features? Yes. So we are non chain trading protocol.

Highlighting Recurring Orders

Right. So there's a few things that you can do on carbon. I'll highlight one of the things that a lot of people use a protocol for. And we call this like recurring orders. Recurring orders on carbon are essentially it's a buy low, sell high strategy.

Strategy Implementation

So what you can do with this is you can take any two tokens on, say, that have liquidity on chain. So let's say Saiyan against like coco, for example, right. These two tokens you can create a strategy under. And you can say, I want to buy Saiyan at this price with this amount of pop up.

Example of Order Linking

And I want to sell Saiyan at this price. And obviously link these two orders together so that, for example, if you buy low, right, the liquidity that you acquire is now made available for selling at a higher price point.

Utilization of Liquidity

So for all intents and purposes, you have two orders that are linked together and liquidity will rotate from one order to the next as their films, right. So you can do this with any standard year c 20 tokens on, say, as long as they have chain.

Trading Pair Flexibility

So even though there is no direct trading pair for these two tokens, as long as there is, you know, maybe like intermediate token in between them, then your strategy will get filled once it's in the money.

Unique Attributes of Carbon

So this is probably our unique feature on carbon. Obviously, we can also do like limit orders, which I think a lot of other projects can do. Range orders are a little bit more exotic for us.

Scaling In and Out

These are essentially if you want to buy between the start price and end price, right. This is quite useful in the sense of that you might not be able to time the exact top or bottom. So this way you can scale in as the price is going down and scale out as the price is going up.

Margin for Error

Right. So this gives you some room for error, right. Because no one can exactly time the top or bottom. So these like things are quite unique to us. And then the last thing that I'll highlight is we also have concentrated liquidity with the caveat that one, we don't have any features, meaning that if you are a liquidity provider or trader, you can set that fee to be whatever you want it to be.

Fee Management

Right. So we don't restrict you to specific features. And the other thing that we do for you is that we got to compound those fees back into your strategy. So the fees don't collect in a separate bucket.

Manual Fee Management

And then obviously, you would have to do this manually to account.

Overview of Features in Carbon

Now, in carbon, this is done automatically and it saves you a lot of time, obviously, fees and headaches. So I'll leave it there for us in terms of some of the features that we provide with carbon. Awesome. I don't know what you guys put in the coffee at carbon, but that is a lot of features. Very, very impressive, sir. All right, let's go to crown. I think this is a good opportunity to, let the users know what we can expect when we see Crown live on Mainnet.

Crown's Unique Features

Yeah, appreciate that. so, yeah, as mentioned earlier, one of our founding differentiators is that we'll actually be able to perform swaps that connect both save v one and v two. So you'll be able to you know, swap save for, you know, eth and, you know, or, you know, some cosmos asset etcetera without a bridge. You can just do that natively. So that'll be really interesting. That opens up almost all of the EVM assets to trade with. So that's really exciting for us. The second is that we actually also created our own multisig. So we built that in house that obviously secures our smart contracts, aids in distributing token rewards, et cetera, amongst other things.

Multisig and DAO Governance

But yeah, we also, you know, have our smart contracts secured by a multisig. And then finally we're actually also going to launch like a Dao governance proposal mechanism. So users will be able to vote on share of rewards, a bunch of other things. So they'll be able to participate from a decentralized standpoint on the direction of the project. So yeah, we're going to have all of this ready for that testnet that we mentioned earlier. But yeah, really excited and still a lot of other stuff on the horizon, but I can definitely, you know, let that alpha out of the bag for sure.

Excitement for Future Developments

Nice, nice. I'm sure we would love to. We love Alpha over here. We fiend for Alpha over here. Okay. Dragon swap. What's something that makes you guys unique besides the cute dragons? We, everybody loves the dragons. You know what are some things? Yeah, thanks. I think the one thing the team set out to do is do the basic things but do it really well and do it in a very clean manner as well. We started with XYK pools, which we launched a couple days after, say mainnet launch on EVM.

Recent Developments and Community Engagement

Cl pools launched about a month ago or so, which were slowly migrating liquidity over into CL pools. And then we've been doing a lot for community in terms of hosting, I guess, different initiatives. So we have meme koi madness. We're also trying to build out more horizontal. So you'll see from us the next week or so we built a totally bespoke trading competition sort of area. So we're hosting a spot trading comp. But this can be reused, right? So this can be reused for other people in the ecosystem that want to run similar things or communities and so on.

Predictions and NFT Floor Prices

We have predictions which is currently just the price of stay up or down over five minute epoch, but we're working with pallet to see if we can expand that out to NFT floor prices as well. Just kind of working through some edge cases and you'll see some things from us coming in the near future where wrap around limit orders and DCA. Yeah, it's very much kind of like building horizontal. If there's like a need for the ecosystem to build out a certain product that engages people more, or people come in to say, then we're always happy to do it.

Focus on User Experience

But, yeah, the focus has always been be as clean as possible, do the small things, basic things well, and keep the UX, like, nice for everybody. Absolutely. And it's definitely working for you guys. Excited about the upcoming things you have. And I. Everything that you've mentioned is definitely, you know, makes sense for the central hub of defi on, say, as you guys like to put it, so. All right, cool. Let's go to our jiggly friends at Jellyverse.

Focus on Stable Pools and Technology

Yeah, sorry, I need to search my smartphone. It was like somewhere in the living room. Sorry, guys, no problem. You know the AirPods problem, you walk around and then you forget where your phone is. Never mind. So, yeah, I mean, on Charlieverse, I think one of the core features people have been excessively using and have been a fundamental of our exchanges are the stable pools. I think the stable pool technology balancer is using, which is based on the curve.

Unique Features in Charlieverse

Stable math is probably the easiest one for users to enter and exit compared to other technologies that offer very low slippage swaps. So this has been something people have been using quite heavily, and something that is unique to us is that we are able to have those complex pool setups where people can have more than just two tokens per pool, and like in 50 ratio. So on Charliswap, it's possible to have pools with up to eight tokens. In stable pool cases, I think it's five, but you can imagine different ratios.

Nested Pools Offering Additional Opportunities

So what you already see on charlieverse are those triples with three different ethereum assets or three different stable token assets. And on top of that, it's also possible, I mean, it's pool in a pool, basically, to use the LP token that you get out of this pool to pool it with a new asset. So these so called nested pools offer an additional opportunity for people to have additional swap routes and also to propagate yield. So you can basically earn yield on the base pool, and then you can earn yield on the nested pool.

Synthetix Protocol and Borrowing Mechanisms

So what is, I mean, what is better than yield is yield on yield. So that is something that has been very successful for us over the last weeks and months. And then obviously we have the synthetix protocol that is up and coming, which is not available, as far as I'm aware, anywhere else in crypto. So what that means for people is that you can imagine you have some kind of a lending platform where you can deposit a multitude of collaterals and you can also have multi collateral vaults.

Trading Opportunities with Synthetix

So that is also a very unique spin to it. So imagine, have whatever, a little bit of say in the vault as collateral, a little bit of challenge, a little bit of USDT, a little bit of wrapped ethereum. And then you're not only to borrow, or how we call it, mint, but you are aware of other lending platforms like you borrow USDT or USDC, but on the CHA assets, which is the name of the synthetix, you will also be able to mint assets like stocks.

Fluctuating Assets and Arbitrage Opportunities

You can imagine having a Che Tesla or a Che Nvidia. And then with all that comes with that is like the trading opportunities, the arbitrage opportunities. I mean, those assets are fluctuating on a daily basis. So there are a lot of things that this protocol brings with, and I think this will definitely boost trading on chaliwerse by orders of magnitude. And yeah, it's something people can look forward to and explore because it's nowhere else available.

Excitement for Open Ocean's Features

Hey, I love to hear that exclusively on say, I'd like, let's make that a trend. Honestly. Awesome, awesome response. All right, let's go to Oku. Hey guys. Yeah, I mean, for Oku there's a lot of features and I think there's a lot of core features that a bunch of the Dex platforms on this call have. And so I think I might try to highlight just a few that are differentiate us from some other ones and why.

Key Value Proposition of Oku

I think our kind of core value prop is for state traders and whatnot. First and probably foremost above all is that we are the official Uniswap v three front end on say so we're very close to uniswap down. We actually are the ones who did the contract deployments. We got everything wired up and going so that way people could have all the features and functionality that they love with any other Uniswap deployment, whether that be the concentrated liquidity pools, liquidity management of that, et cetera.

Additional Features in Oku

So that's probably the key value prop. And I think people use OKU is to have that full uniswap experience that's very rich on the OKU platform, in addition to our OKU analytics, that kind offer all the information on pools, user information, token information, et cetera. Now, separate from that, there's a few other features that the team has really been grinding on to offer. Now, of course, we have the swap aggregator in the application, and we have our bridge aggregator, which is really unique.

Innovative Off-ramping Features

There's a number of bridges that are typically not aggregator that are really popular like Ribo, rhino and Orbiter. But probably most special door applications we actually implemented from the ground up on off ramping. So for folks who are interested on bridging on cash from their banks or vice versa, off, once you've made a few bucks and you want to get into your account to go spend it on something in the real world, we offer on off ramping in application.

Expanded Availability and Benefits of On/Off Ramping

So that's a really rich feature that's available to Americans. And we actually just launched a few weeks ago, Europeans as well. And I actually think that the european flow, because Europeans got some better banking reels than us Americans, is actually even nicer. So for folks who are based in the states or in Europe, I highly recommend checking that out. And I'll even drop a little alpha here for folks who aren't in the United States or in Europe and say, if you use a platform like transferwise, and you can have an american bank account or european bank account, then even if you're not an american or european, as long as your cash is going to one of those fintech platforms where they have the same traditional banking information that's necessary for our third party partner to process transactions and those on and off ramps, then we can still facilitate that stuff.

Promotion of On/Off Ramping Features

So that's a really nice, neat side of our application that not many others are doing right now. And it's been a huge investment for our team over the last several months to build that experience. So I would say if you're thinking about on or ramping or off ramping any funds in the near future, give it a try. And also, the last thing I'll say on this is that our fees are currently, right now zero. We're running a promo since this is a new feature in the application.

Affordable Fees for Transactions

So you can do all this with zero fees on actually going from stable coins into dollars or stable coins into euros as well. Even once we implement the fees again on here, it's only going to be 25 basis points. So if you want to move $100, it's only going to cost you $0.25. You're not going to find a better place to do that other than, you know, of course, Cornbase and whatnot. But not even Kraken is going to have better fees for you.

Closing Remarks for Oku

So yeah, I highly recommend checking that out. And the rest of the application, very well said, and I will definitely be taking that out personally. Not financial advice, just this is sensei Joe talking, not say account. All right, yeah, let's go to Jakka next. And guys, I think I might skip the community AMA portion for the sake of time, but feel free to drop questions under this post and then maybe we can ask them at the end of the time.

Introduction to Jaka Finance

But this is a lot of talented teams up here and very critical teams for the INF, you know, for the say defi ecosystem. So don't want to take up too much of their time, but yeah, let's go to Jaka. Okay, so as I mentioned earlier, Yaka Finance is a VE 33 Dex and community launchpad platform natively built on, say network. So our actually aim is to be the native liquidity engine for rapid growth of, say, ecosystem.

Building Liquidity with Yaka Finance

So the first function we have is like leverage VE 33 model. So harnessing the VE 33 model to streamline liquidity bootstrapping efficiently. And then we have like techniques like employing cutting edge techniques from Fina and algebra to forge deep liquidities and search trading volumes. And then we have like supporting like new protocols on say with enhanced exposure and robust support through our launch band services.

Incentives and Future Growth

And then we have like the best part is like loyalty incentives. So we will be rewarding Ve Yakka for users and protocols on Seto, collectively drive the VE 33 flywheel and activate, say ecosystem. So right now, like, we are working very hard on our TGE. We just included our iDeo. The TgE is happening on the 5 October. And after that, like you will see like more pools on Yaka Finance and then you will also see like more other like tokens we will be launching through our launchpad.

Success of Yaka Finance

And I think like this is going to be a very good thing for say ecosystem as a whole because this was the first ideal happening on say. And after its success, I think many will follow us. So yeah, I think that's it from my side. Awesome, awesome. Definitely one to keep an eye on. If you're not paying attention to yaka, you might just not make it, honestly.

Aggregator Strategies at Open Ocean

So. All right, next, let's go. Let's talk to our aggregators a little bit. Open ocean. What's something that makes you guys unique? You know, what's something people should when they see open ocean, what do they think of? I like to think of the, we're always that go to name that people have in the back of their head when they want to do some obscure trade on some weird l two.

Positioning and Functionality

They've only just heard about that. Funnily enough, we're the only ones who support it. No, I've always maintained I have a list of bridges in my head. I have a list of platforms in my head. If I go, I don't know who I want to bridge with. I go, I know Rubik's got me sorted. They're going to lead me in the right direction. We want to be that household name to go.

Fee-Free and Efficient Trading

Yeah, we just want the best solution to trade on this chain. So let's go to Openocean again. We've been fee free since our inception. In 2021, we are fee free all the way today. In fact, our latest on chain limit orders that we launched pretty much enable you to completely save the entirety of the gas fee, even if you're trading on Ethereum.

Open Ocean Updates and Scalability

If you do that through Openocean, I'll quickly go over one of the latest updates that we've had. So we just shipped open Ocean V four, or as we're dubbing it, Lightning. It's actually one of the fastest. It's been a lot of work on it from our side. It's actually one of the biggest updates we've ever rolled out on the platform.

Root Generation Speeds and Inclusive Access

We're bringing root generation speeds down to sub 180 milliseconds. And this means that for users who are trading on our front end, for users who are using our industry leading API, what we're doing is we're democratizing access to as many traders as possible who want to use the open ocean API, and we make sure that we can handle essentially all high peak traffic with the most, with essentially insane scalability, whatever scalability you demand that we can support it.

Partnerships and Future Directions

I'm going to drop a few names here and say that we're one of the biggest trade providers to like metamask, Rabbi Wallet. We work with the Rubik Li fi, a whole bunch of like sort of triple a dapps in this space. And, you know, I think one of the, being one of these kind of platforms that represents a lot of change, a lot of growth that we want to see in the space.

Commitment to Product Development

We also need to, you know, keep developing new products, making sure that the products that we are bringing to market are as good as they can be, but that also benefit, you know, our massive range of partners, clients, friends, traders who will rely on open ocean and our huge index of liquidity to trade on the market. And I will also just sort of close off my little bit here about open ocean by saying that our API, we've just done, again, another upgrade on our API.

API Improvements and Community Engagement

So we now have possibly the fastest response times in the actual space. So more than happy to jump into any chats with anybody who wants to talk about getting token access up and running, whether that's through, whether that's on say, or whether that's one of the other networks that we support. We're here to level up people's projects, level up platforms, and level up traders.

Acknowledgment of Partnerships

So, yeah, I would encourage everyone as well to go and have a look at our Twitter page. We've done a whole big thread about the latest changes that we've brought to open ocean. And, yeah, just again, just wanted to say a big thank you because I know we're drawing to the end of the space to all of the partners who we work with in here. I've named you all previously, but you've been fantastic in helping us grow on say, and we hope to do the same in helping drive liquidity transactions and user growth on chain.

Acknowledging the Importance of Open Ocean

Very, very kind words. You know, you should pursue a career in Twitter spaces. Honestly, I know what you're building at open ocean is extremely important, but you're also a great public speaker. Just a side note. Yeah, Chris agrees over here, which is a huge stamp of approval. Yeah. Let's go ahead and wrap this question off. We'll go to Rubik next.

Overview of Rubik's Vision

Sorry to cut you off. Open ocean. Yes. As an aggregator, obviously we are focusing on expanding our cross chain aggregation realtors to support even more blockchains and liquidity sources. Additionally, we are innovating in the area of one click cross chain swaps with the best rates and lowest fees.

Rubik's Fee Strategy and Chain Abstraction

Now we are changing our fee system so it would be even cheaper, like almost free to swap on Rubik. And I think, like, everyone has heard about chain abstraction, so we are developing in this direction. We want to be really chain abstracted so people won't think about blockchains when they swap in on Rubik.

Simplifying Cross-Chain Transactions

It just would be so routine when they use us. And another big focus is our SDK, which simplifies the process for developers to make their dapps cross chain compatible. And we have metamask snap. It's really convenient when you have best rates right in your wallet. So, like, yes, you should try it.

Final Thoughts on Rubik

Metamask snap by Rubik is cool. Awesome. Awesome. Definitely something to keep an eye on. Sounds like you guys have a lot of exciting things coming up. All the teams up here. All right. Yeah. Last but not least, Tory Williams from Tory exchange.

The Community Behind Tory

Yeah. As, as many of you may or may not know, Tory contains many Saiyan team members. And I being deep in the trenches with our meme coin and mint coin community. We have a big community of native say traders that gives us a clear understanding of the ecosystem.

Staying Updated with Trading Developments

And we are constantly aware of what's going on the trading side, which includes new upcoming projects, tokens, and adapting quickly to them. Because very often we would have to work with many new coins coming up. And that gives us these connections that we could leverage in doing Tori integration, tori partnerships and co marketing.

Leveraging Community Connections for Growth

And it allows us to move Tori quickly into the, say, ecosystem. Being already a well known og meme coin sister project, something like that. We are also trying to make our Dex feel like it belong on say and built on say.

User Interface and Design

And that is apparent in the design of our UI and our color scheme. And if you can check out our website, you can see that a lot of elements on the website feels familiar to say people. And these decisions are purposely made so that when you see our website, you think of say. And that's why. And that's how we have this advantage of being a native say Dex, is that we can do things, we can design things specifically to become like say.

Technical Insights and Future Developments

And on the technical side, I can't really reveal too much as we just launched yesterday, but we are constantly upgrading and taking feedbacks and we do have many things lined up that we're pretty excited about. Awesome. Well said. We like, we like to hear that. And I'm sure the Sai community loves to hear that as well. State feels like home, at least it does to me.

Future Plans and Community Involvement

So we are approaching the end of the hour, but if you guys have the time, I would love to just kind of ask one more thing and include the closing statements within that. So, you know, what are some future plans? Or how can the state community get involved with your project? And then some closing statements, and then we'll wrap up the spaces after that. And Chris, feel free to add on anything if you.

Creator Involvement

Yeah, I was just gonna say one thing really quick because, I mean, I've been taking notes this whole time, and for each one of these answers that were given, there were so many different levels to them there. There was a lot of different information that was added. But for the sake community, like, it's so creator heavy here that I would just say, like, reach out to these guys and find ways that you can create content. That wraps one of those thoughts. Let's say they said five things, one video, one thread, one whatever that goes around.

Content Creation for Understanding

One little thing that they mentioned, all these multiple things and help them create this content so that people can digest this stuff in bite sized pieces because they're so smart. They're doing such amazing things and it gives such an opportunity for creators to come through and really help them package that up and deliver it to the masses and just make it understandable. So I couldn't even write the sentences fast enough. Each one of those sentences is easily a video that could be created.

Networking and Collaboration

So just, again, massive opportunity both for them to work with creators and for creators that just see the opportunity. Reach out and find a way that you can help all these amazing companies. That's what I got. Yeah, that's very wise. Teams. You know who to contact. I would love to see some video interviewers with Chris over here. But yeah, let's do a quick lightning round.

Upcoming Events and Statements

Try to keep things brief because I know you guys are super busy, but you know, what are some things we can look forward to or how can we get involved? And then maybe a nice closing remark and then we'll kind of wrap up the spaces. After that we'll keep the same order starting with Oku. Is that the same order? No. Bank order? Yeah, we can do you Oku since I called you.

Oku's Updates

What's up? I'll speak for getty. I'm Dan. I'm the marketing head of marketing at Oku. And I just want to say thanks to Chris and the team at save for including us. Right now we're running some great uni incentives through our front end and on Angle Merkel. So that includes the say ecosystem. So anybody that wants to trade or deploy an LP on say, you'll be able to receive great uni incentives.

Engagement and Community

We've been one of the largest per volume interfaces for the say ecosystem. So we'd love to have you check us out, join our discord and once again, thanks, Chris. Thanks from the team at say. It was a pleasure doing this. Shout out to all the Saiyans out there and we'll talk again soon. Thanks. Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us, man. Seriously appreciate it.

Collaboration with Other Projects

Yeah, let's go to Bancor. Yes, thanks for having us here again. Just want to say we're always happy to work with other projects. Protocols. Protocols, just folks in general that are building in the state ecosystem. We recently announced something with, say, one team. They're a meme token launchpad. Essentially the idea here is to help all the meme tokens that are launching through this launchpad.

Supporting Token Projects

But also if you already have a meme token in say or just a token in general and have liquidity needs or have like, unique challenges, whether that is trying to maintain the peg for your token or something like this. We're more than happy to talk to you and see how carbon can help you with that. So yes, we are live on say, since may say carbon d five XYZ is our website. My DM's are open.

Open Communication Channels

We have folks on Telegram, discord and most major social media channels. We are there as well. If you have any questions for us, feel free to go to one of our channels and they're happy to help you. Awesome. My DJ and senses are tingling. That sounds very fun and thank you so much for joining us. All right. Yeah, let's go to Crown.

Engaging with the Community

Crown. How can the state community get involved? Maybe help you ahead of the mainnet launch and whatever else you'd like to say, the show is yours. I think we lost Crown, actually. That's okay. We'll go to jellyverse. Yeah. So I think there are a lot of things people can look forward to.

Incentives and Airdrops

First of all, we are having ongoing incentive campaigns. I mean, obviously I'm not giving any financial advices, but people can check it out on our platform. When it comes to those stable pools, third party incentives where we partnered up with projects like fracs or projects like, say, you probably heard of. So yeah, there's that.

Engagement with Synthetix

And then we're also working on campaigns that we are running for people to give this extra incentive to check out what we're doing as part of the launch of the synthetix. And then also, I mean, there's, I've heard rumors that there's going to be a very unique approach when it comes to airdrops on jellyverse. So that's definitely something people can have an eye on.

Future Plans and Competitions

So, yeah, a lot to do. Okay. Bit of an alpha drop there. Love to see it. And I also am messing up the order a lot, but we'll go to Dragon swap for their, you know, future plans or how can the Sai community get further involved? In closing remarks, for sure. So coming I guess announcing this week and then being spread over like the last bit of this year.

Competitions and Collaborations

There's going to be lots of incentives and competitions. I meant something prior. So we're going to have a very large spot trading comp starting in October. We've got some exciting partnerships and emissions coming up for the wheat pools, also USDC say. And if anyone knows about elixir, about fast USD, that's also launching fairly soon.

Availability and Community Engagement

So we'll have lots of programs around that. So the best way is to basically follow us on x, get into discord. Myself and the team are always available, so if you have any question or anything, just drop us a note. All that will be released over the next week and a half. And yeah, lots of ways to participate.

Future Projects and Developments

Tons of things happening. We closed off our point system basically yesterday, which means at some point, maybe in Q four, you'll see something from us. Yeah. All right. I love it. I love it. Definitely follow all the teams up here. Follow Dragon swap for sure. Make sure to keep an eye on what they're doing.

Future Engagement Plans

So who do we got next? Yaka, would you like to go next? Yeah, sure, why not? So as I mentioned earlier that we have achieved like a significant milestone over Ido. We are the first ideo on say chain and it was a success thanks to the support of our community.

Upcoming Events and Milestones

And then, like, the most critical items in our upcoming roadmaps are like the TGE, which is happening on 5 October, listing on say and the yaka decks. Then the launch of the VE 33 mechanism. So distribution of community airdrops and nfts holders airdrops. So establishment of a V three corporation network, onboarding more projects from the say Eco and then the launchpad initiative, identifying early stage, say ecosystem projects, assisting them with the fundraising and liquidity provision.

Community Engagement and Rewards

And then you will be able to see more pools on yucca finance and get ready to get, like, more rewards from us. So it's gonna be like a roller coaster from now on. So everybody's over there, like, listening to us. They can always follow us, they can reach out to us and remember the date of fifth October. And I think, like, this is all happening because of the say support and the say family is so, like, tight knitted and everybody knows everybody and everybody knows, like, what everybody's doing.

Community Cooperation and Networking

And this is the best thing about say because, like, in other, I have worked with other projects on different blockchains and other blockchains do not work like this. So I think, like, this is the best thing about say and we should keep it that way. So I think that's it from my side. Thanks for having me.

Participation and Feedback

Yeah, that's it. Awesome. Thank you for joining, man. Like that. The thanks is I should be thanking you guys for coming up here and kind of talking to the sake community and explaining what you guys do in more depth. All right, let's go to open Ocean and then Rubik, after that, I'm going to assume it's open ocean's time to speak if no one else says anything because I can't hear the host anymore.

Open Ocean's Ambitions

Oh, my bad. I can hear you, buddy. You are greenlit. Go for it, my man. Fantastic. Thanks a lot. Yeah, so I've touched over a load of the features that Openocean has previously launched and what we're looking to do is expand those features to even more chains. So were one of the very first aggregators to have on chain limit orders as well as our new DCA tools and our cross chain swaps.

Future Features and Expansions

So what we're going to be doing is rolling those out to more chains with say on the EVM site included in that basket over the next few months. So it's going to be a really fun time for everybody in the say community, especially as we're going to be continuing to bolster our on chain index as well as adding some more liquidity pools. So make sure that you give us a follow on medium on CMC as well as here on Twitter and jump into our Telegram group.

Community Engagement and Campaigns

We're always running some sort of campaign with Galaxy or one of our other quest partners. So it's a fantastic time to start following us, get involved and remember that if you need to do any trades on, say, think open ocean and also think through to our fantastic partners, many of whom are in this room here. So give them all a follow as well as the hosts.

Appreciation and Closing Remarks

Thank you so much for inviting open ocean to the space. It's always a pleasure speaking to the fantastic Sai community and hopefully we will all meet again very soon. Awesome. Very well said. As I mean, it's been great having you up here as well as every other team here, so. And we are close to wrapping it up. We just got Rubik next and then we'll go Tory after that.

Rubik's Anniversary and Commitment

Well, it's already late here, so I was a bit sleepy before, but all of this was so interesting. Thank you. And Rubik is glad to be in CES ecosystem and we are happy to contribute. By the way, we are having four years. We turned four years a week ago and I think four years in crypto is like 40 years in crypto because it's really complicated to be on market and I believe it's really good results.

Celebration and Community Outreach

So we are celebrating our birthday right now and decreasing fees, as I said. So it's a perfect time for you to explore Sayi network on Rubik. So anyone is welcome and thank you again, Gus. It was really great to hear you all. Hey, thank you so much for joining us, especially at such a late hour.

Community Engagement Appreciation

Seriously, it means a lot to us and I think I speak for the entire state community. It shows a lot as well. So was a pleasure to have you up here all right, we got Williams next and then we'll wrap up the spaces. Yeah, just basically, just try us out.

Feedback and Improvements

Give us feedbacks in the stay and token discord. There will be upgrades coming that things will be more efficient. We are working on this aggregator every day. And by the way, we are also exploring possibility of an aggregated token. And that's an if, right? The token could work with some sort of yield vault instead of just being a plain old governance token.

Possibilities Ahead

Again, this is all just possibilities. That's an if. So try us out. The website tori ag torii double I. I think you'll like it. Thank you. Awesome. And thank you for coming. So guys, this has been a remarkable spaces. I'm going to hand it to my co host Chris for some final remarks.

Looking Ahead

But I do want to mention we are going to be doing these spaces every day until Friday. So stay tuned for a post later today for day two of Defi week from the say account about the teams we're going to be including there and please join us again tomorrow for another remarkable spaces. We had over a hundred listeners today.

Community Interest and Engagement

Some people are really excited about the teams that we have up here and excited to hear from them. And Defi is actually cool. Like, Defi is actually cool in my opinion. So yeah, Chris, if you want to save me from my rambling here, anything to add while we wrap up now?

Appreciation and Acknowledgment

You're doing great, man. And honestly, I just want to give flowers to everybody who spoke because it is so easy on these really complicated subjects to just be like extra wordy and yap a lot and everything. Everybody was really concise. Everybody got right to it and kind of gave each other space.

Encouragement for Creators

So shout out to all the projects that were up here, everybody that was speaking and yeah, like any opportunity that you can, you know, try to really like flesh out these thoughts because a lot of times people are so inside the bottle, they're lost in the sauce. They can't see what other people see that they think they're talking in terms that other people can understand and they're really talking over their head.

Wrapping Up and Moving Forward

So again, just wrap in creators, any opportunity that you can. I'm always ultra pro creator first. and you've got such an amazing ecosystem here of creators in say. And just hats off to everybody here that spoke. I think it's awesome and can't wait to learn more.

Final Thanks and Call to Action

and I especially hope that I learn more about you guys from some of the creators here on say thanks. Awesome, great time to end the spaces and thank you guys again. For joining today. This spaces is recorded too, so if you want to share it around, feel free to do so. Maybe edit out me yapping a bunch and you know, highlight the stuff that you guys want to highlight.

Conclusion of the Session

But seriously, thank you guys and let's get back to building right work jobs now finished. It never is.

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