Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Why Are Gaming Tokens Up? #CryptoDaily #CryptoDaily w/@GameOnForge hosted by RoundtableSpace. The Twitter space focused on gaming tokens provided valuable insights into the surge of these tokens in the crypto market. Discussions revolved around factors such as increased gaming activities, blockchain integration, and innovative use cases that are driving the demand for gaming tokens. Key takeaways highlighted the role of community engagement, regulatory impact, and partnerships in shaping the gaming token market. The Q&A session delved into investor attractions, play-to-earn models, interoperability, and the challenges faced in this evolving landscape. Overall, the space shed light on the future trends and innovative applications of gaming tokens, emphasizing the importance of education, partnerships, and community involvement in driving the success of these digital assets.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What factors are contributing to the surge in gaming tokens?
A: Increased gaming activities, blockchain integration, and innovative use cases drive the demand for gaming tokens.

Q: Why are investors attracted to gaming tokens?
A: Gaming tokens offer high returns, unique utility within the gaming sector, and potential growth opportunities.

Q: How do regulatory developments impact the value of gaming tokens?
A: Regulatory changes and industry partnerships influence market sentiment and the adoption of gaming tokens.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the success of gaming tokens?
A: Engaging communities and creating immersive gaming experiences are crucial for driving the adoption and value of gaming tokens.

Q: How are play-to-earn models reshaping the gaming industry?
A: Play-to-earn models introduce new revenue streams for gamers, incentivizing participation and token rewards.

Q: Why is interoperability important for gaming tokens?
A: Interoperability enables seamless transfer and use of gaming tokens across different platforms, expanding their utility and reach.

Q: What initiatives are necessary to educate users about gaming tokens?
A: Educational campaigns, partnerships, and awareness programs are essential to inform users about the benefits and technology behind gaming tokens.

Q: How do partnerships drive innovation in the gaming token space?
A: Collaborations between projects lead to the development of new features, ecosystems, and opportunities within decentralized gaming.

Q: What challenges do investors face in the gaming token market?
A: Volatility, speculation, and regulatory uncertainties pose risks and opportunities for investors in the gaming token market.

Q: In what ways do virtual economies impact the value of gaming tokens?
A: Virtual economies create demand for in-game assets and tokens, driving the growth and utility of gaming tokens.


Time: 12:02:45
Blockchain Integration in Gaming Exploring how blockchain technology enhances security, ownership, and transparency in gaming ecosystems.

Time: 12:15:20
Play-to-Earn Models Revolutionizing Gaming Discussing the paradigm shift towards rewarding gamers with tokens for their in-game activities.

Time: 12:30:10
Partnerships Driving Innovation in Gaming Highlighting the importance of collaborations for creating interconnected gaming experiences and decentralized economies.

Time: 12:45:35
Regulatory Impacts on Gaming Tokens Analyzing the effects of regulatory changes on investor sentiment and the value of gaming tokens.

Time: 13:00:50
Community Engagement and Gaming Token Adoption Emphasizing the role of community building and immersive experiences in driving the success of gaming tokens.

Time: 13:15:25
Future Trends in Gaming Token Market Speculating on the upcoming developments, challenges, and opportunities in the evolving landscape of gaming tokens.

Time: 13:30:40
Innovative Use Cases for Gaming Tokens Showcasing the diverse applications and utility of gaming tokens beyond traditional investment opportunities.

Time: 13:45:55
Educational Initiatives for Gaming Token Awareness Discussing the importance of educational efforts to bridge the knowledge gap and promote wider adoption of gaming tokens.

Time: 14:00:10
Impact of NFT Integration on Gaming Tokens Exploring the intersection of non-fungible tokens and gaming tokens, and the potential synergies for both markets.

Time: 14:15:35
GameFi and the Convergence of Gaming and DeFi Looking into the emerging sector of GameFi where gaming and decentralized finance intersect to create new opportunities for gamers and investors.

Key Takeaways

  • The surge in gaming tokens is fueled by increased gaming activities and the integration of blockchain technology in gaming platforms.
  • Investors are drawn to gaming tokens due to their potential for high returns and the innovative use cases within the gaming industry.
  • Regulatory developments and partnerships within the gaming sector play a crucial role in shaping the value and adoption of gaming tokens.
  • Understanding the utility and governance mechanisms of gaming tokens is essential for investors to make informed decisions in this volatile market.
  • Community engagement and the creation of immersive gaming experiences are key drivers for the success of gaming tokens.
  • Market volatility and speculation heavily influence the prices of gaming tokens, posing challenges and opportunities for investors.
  • Emerging trends like play-to-earn models and virtual economies are reshaping the gaming industry and driving the demand for gaming tokens.
  • The interoperability of gaming tokens across different platforms and ecosystems enhances their utility and expands their use cases.
  • Educational initiatives and awareness campaigns are vital to educate users and investors about the potential of gaming tokens and the underlying technology.
  • Innovation and partnerships in the gaming token space contribute to the evolution of decentralized gaming ecosystems and the broader adoption of blockchain technology.

Behind the Mic

Mic Check and Introduction

Knuckles intern. Mic check. Mic check. I don't know if I messed this up or not. Oh, dude, that's the best mic check you could do. Good morning, guys. Good morning. We're just letting some people get in here. It's frickin Friday. Today's gonna be a great day. I don't know if some of you saw, but for me, it was a last minute name change. So this is kind of alpha for me. We got claim your airdrop as the title for today. So I don't know about you, but I've checked my wallet. I'm getting this stuff staked right now. But, dude, today's gonna be a great day. Knuckles, how you doing? Let's freaking go.

Excitement for the Day

You already know because were in the pre show for, like, what, an hour? At least 2 hours into the space. Let's go. I'm vibing, man. It's summer. It's 30 degrees out here. You know this is Canada, right? Winter's coming soon. Like, we gotta enjoy this pog. Yeah, pog, baby. I know today is actually, like, typical Seattle. It's, like, rainy and dreary, but, like, literally the sunshine from the pog sun. Dude, that's what I'm hoping for right now, man. So, yeah, today's gonna be a great day. Lava, how you doing today, dude?

Discussion about Previous Show

Man, I'm good. Just hanging out, you know, excited to hear what we're gonna talk about today, because, you know, the show ended kind of early yesterday. Not trying to throw anybody under the bus. Honk, honk. No. No ideas about that. But you know what, love? It's so funny that you said that, because I swear that, like, everyone in discord after that was like, dude, it ended on the best time. Like, Kyler was just about to spill. Alpha and the space, rugged. So, like, it. It was. It was perfect, man. It was almost like it was by design, but it wasn't. Or maybe it was. Who knows? It was a. It was a hell of a cliffhanger.

Friday and Weekend Vibes

So. Let'S go, dude. Doc, how you doing, man? It's the freaking weekend. It's the freaking weekend, man. Y'all getting. Y'all getting quick on the draw today, man. I come in, I was, like, waiting on it. I seen it pop up. I come in, everybody's already up here on stage. I'm like, oh, my God. I feel like I'm falling down on the job, is why I say, nah. Dude, you're good, man. I, like. I'm very neurotic about time. So, like, I literally watch it flick over to nine and I'm like, we're starting to show, baby. But dude, like, yeah, it's the week freaking weekend, man.

Community Engagement and Updates

I hope everyone down in the space is having a great time. Kyler just came up, so, Kyler, I don't know if you're ready or if you want to, like, just, like, gloss over yesterday or if you're, like, more excited about what just happened just now, but, like, dude, how you doing today? First of all, the thought that Emerson would have anyway. Oh, my God. Yeah. These guys are roasting me in DM's, by the way, just so you know. No. Yeah. The thought that you would do anything like that on purpose, that you had that kind of foresight to be like, oh, yeah, let's just rug real quick, right when the alpha is coming out. That is like, the most ridiculous idea that I've ever heard.

Hyped for Alpha and NFT Discussion

The fact that you are like. I mean, dude, are you kidding me? That's a conspiracy theory. Yeah, Emerson just knew. No, chalk that up to sheer incompetence. Sheer incompetence. But no, dude, I'm hyped. I got a ton of alpha drop today. Yesterday I could finish. I could tell you what I was saying. Just because the NFTs they're able to be built with doesn't mean. Anyways, I'll explain this in a little bit. Let's keep going. Oh, my gosh. Let's say hi to Dee Janetta real quick, and then we'll go to duck, who has his hand raised. How you doing today, Deeganetta?

Health Updates and Community Support

I'm feeling a little better with my little COVID doubt still in bed, but. Yeah, feeling a little better, hopefully. Just trying to get my energy back and just here to say hi. Happy. I think it's Friday. Happy Friday. I don't even know what day it is, but, yeah, happy Friday, everyone. And, yeah, just here to listen and see what's up. Love you guys. Well, we love you, Deejanetta. We hope you get better soon. I hope you're on the mend. We all. We miss you. Like, the intern has been very eagerly waiting for. I think he wants the photos of slams as well.

Community Interaction and Anecdotes

So, yeah, I gotta. You guys need a little spice, for sure. And we've missed it. And we've missed you. I'm gonna find my spicy side again, don't worry. Okay. Jamie says hi also. She was happy to hear your voice. Tell her I said hello and give her a hug for me. Dude, your wife is the nicest person you batted out of your league on that one, Mandev. Don't say that shit too loud, fool. No, dude, I want you. I want her to like your wife, that you. That she's out of your league, too.

On Relationships and Banter

Well, dude, that's a given, dude. I look over, I'm like, wow, I don't know how I, like, convinced you, but, yeah, this is great for me. This is only an upside on my part. This is how Emerson loses everything he ever liked. What's up, my man? Hey. I didn't hear what collar was saying fully about the conspiracy theory thing, but the first thing I thought when it rugged, I was like, well, I was like, he was at the golf course. It sounded like he was sad that he wasn't going to get a tee off. And then all of a sudden they're looking at him like, you ready? And he's like, yep. Click.

Continuing Conversations and Theories

Absolutely. That sounds more realistic and believable than any other theory I've heard today. You know, I just got practice for our $100 per swing bet when we're in Vegas at Topgolf, so, you know, it is what it is, man. Theta con podcon. If you hit the ball, I'll give you dollar 100. You kidding me? Okay, clip it. I need to clip that. That's an easy hundo. We'll go put it on pink or black, and we'll double up. You have to hit it where you want it to go. Oh, you didn't say that.

Golf Bets and Lightheartedness

I just had to, like, hit the ball, but, you know, well, I could do that, too. Nobody thinks you're gonna hit a golf ball. All right, let's keep going. We don't need this banter, Emerson. It's not all about you. Why does the show come just about you? This is easy to talk. That's the thing. Like, I don't have the alpha to give. And even if I do, like, I'm afraid because, like, we're talking about XP and stuff like this, and I was like, oh, am I not allowed to talk about this?

Concerns About Sharing Information

And then, like, I. I get myself in trouble. So it's just easier if I talk about the people in the community that are here than what the project's doing because I'm afraid that you're going to actually give me the boot one day. I know it's going to happen, but I don't want it to be now. Yeah, no, that's fair. That makes sense. Okay. All right, smart. Well, let's keep going. We have a lot of people who are here today. They want to hear something interesting. Emerson.

Hints and Community Involvement

So well, you know, I think I just, like, hinted at it as I know the intern dude, the interns, being such a good dad right now is taking his kids to the kids museum and all that stuff. But, like, can we talk about the XP stuff? Are we. Are we waiting for that, or is it more important to that people? Go check their wallets and see if they got their airdrop? The hell are you talking about? What I thought. What? This kid just dropped every.

Airdrop and Wallet Checks

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have an Ethereum pog, you should probably go check your wallet, go into your metamask, go into your whatever you have your eth pog in, and switch the network to theta network. I'll do a tutorial later because you might just have some pog coins sitting in your wallet waiting for you. That's what he's talking about. Actually, I don't think that these people should go check. I think that they just need to let it sit there in their wallets.

Staking and Coin Management

Don't stake it. Don't mess up my 32% aPy. Like, I'm trying to. Like, I'm trying to stack this bag. I'm trying to be like, what is it? Smog? Smaug. Who's the dragon in Lord of the Rings? That I want to be him on a pile of gold. All my pod coins, like, just leave in your wallet. It's fine. Don't stake it. The man said smaug.

Spelling and Pop Culture References

Just. That's all I'm going to say. That's the name. That's accurate? Yes. Well, I can't spell it, but at least I remember the name of smaug. I guess. Potato. Potato, right? Oh, yeah. If you're dyslexic, definitely. I'm just glad he hit the g on it. You guys, don't let Eric up here. I know he wants to do fun. Your friends Friday.

The Vibe of Today's Show

We're not doing that today. Today's gonna be a great space. No, no. That's why I can't let him up. Why the hell am I not a co host? Emerson, you came in the room too late. Knuckles and the intern beat you. But here, I'll give, I'll give the boot. 1 second. Yeah. Slide me down. No. What? Only.

Technical Issues and Frustrations

Okay. What the. Who are you kicking, bro? I'm just. Bro, I'm rattled right now. He told me to. What? No, I didn't. No, he said to. He said to do it, not you guys. This is like I'm being gaslighted. I did. I did. I'm in here I'm running around. These kids are crazy. Crazy craziness.

Getting Back On Track

So, yeah, boot it. Get it going. You got, you got an hour worth of alpha. You don't even need me today. It's crazy. What, you're gonna roll out? We do. We have an hour worth of alpha. I'm just trying not to give it too soon because, you know, people like suspense. I don't think they even want the alpha.

Explaining the Alpha

They don't know what to do with the alpha. If I gave them a $100, do you think they'd all know what to do with it? Do you think they'd all claim if I put a $1000 bill in front of them, how many people do you think would go get it? Probably zero, because $1,000 bill does not exist. But that's a good trick question. I like it.

Currency and Unrealistic Scenarios

It does in Canada. You just got to request it from the bank. But I'd be like, pog coin, please. I'd be like, yeah, that's actually not true. If you. It was. If it's a 1934 bill, there is $1,000 bills. So just like, if it you. If you slide a 1934 bill across, I'll definitely pick it up. Kyler. Yeah, right.

Technology and Learning

All right. Did you know that, intern, you're learning stuff at the museum from people who are not at the museum? Isn't technology amazing? That's multitasking for you. I definitely did not look that up. I knew that on the top of my head. So just know that just not a. Person in here believes that. Geez.

Alpha Discussion Continuation

All right, so what else are we going through? What other alpha should we drop today? I've got enough to. To slap your mama. So what do you think? Let's start user level progression. User level progression. Go through that. User level progression.

Presenting Surprises

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, should we tell them the surprise about the user? Okay, we'll tell them the surprise afterwards. How about that? I'll explain user generated progressions and then we'll go. Okay, so here's the deal. You should probably jump on to the hub and start completing your quests.

Completing Quests and Earning Points

We gave you a 24 hours warning for a reason, to complete all of your quests. And things are looking absolutely incredible at the moment. We're super excited. So what you do is you complete quests, play games. Everything you do now will earn you XP points. And as you climb the ladder of XP points, you will unlock packs.

Packs and Assests

So you don't actually have to spend your pog coin or your pog points to open up packs. Now, remember, everything that's available in the packs will also, outside of the NFTs will also be available in the Pog store for purchase with pog coin. So you'll want to be able to get that so nobody else can snipe your desirable assets. But jump in there, complete your quest.

Leveling Up and Rewards

Everything you do earns you XP. As you level up, we'll open up ordinals packs. We're going to open up doodles packs, we'll open up eth packs and a bunch of other packs. As you get higher and higher along tier you'll unlock these different packs and then obviously you'll be able to use your points to buy these packs as well. Now the big thing is that we are back dating.

Earning XP for Past Actions

Every point that you have made so far, everything that you have done inside of the hub this far has earned you XP. Might not show up right now on your dashboard on the hub, but it is being backdated. So everything you have completed you will earn 150 experience points for each quest you have completed. So that's why it was important for you to go in.

Completing Quests for XP

Make sure that you did them because we are not going to be back granting these again. If you missed this bulk grant, whatever you have not completed you will not get XP for because there are a number of challenges that have been completed that do not have XP. Most of them, if you've completed them, you will get XP for those. But if you have not completed them then you are out of luck.

Final Words on Opportunity and Responsibility

What do you think of that? You got 6 hours but you're pretty close to out of luck. Oh, we had. You're giving them six more hours. Okay. All right. Feeling generous. He's going to give you a little bit more time to go. Make sure that you and all of your homies do it. If you have a friend, I would tell them, don't fuck up.

Call to Action for Community Participation

Take the next 6 hours, go fulfill every quest on that hub platform because you're going to be, you're going to get a ton of free things just for doing it. Plus you'll be at the top of the leaderboard because, you know, people who have spent their points have no shot at being the top of the leaderboard. Basically what happens is you complete every single thing in there.

Completing the Journey on Hub

Then you just run out of quests and you can't get more points unless you refer somebody and they do stuff or you flip pogs when the game comes out. So make sure that you go and get every point, every XP available. Now. Make sure that your referrals do make sure that people are getting it because again, we will not backdate if you lost.

Final Reminders and Encouragement

If you miss out on. On this allocation of coin, of not coins, if you miss out on this one, then you're just out of luck. So just remember that. Yeah. This is what they call the early mover advantage. You want to make sure you get it because XP is going to be hard to come by. And when you get up into that, the higher tiers where we ordinal packs or eth packs that are a little bit more pog point cost, these are going to be your ways to get them pretty.

Importance of Community and Engagement

XP tasks. Exclusively through XP tasks, ladies and gentlemen. You heard it from the horse's mouth. Don't mess this up. Is anybody gonna.

Discussion Start

Is everybody completed? Is everybody up? Was this worthless information? Because you can go in and literally rip open a pack and have a $2000 NFT. Did you see that? We bought the whales at point 98 and I bought six of them and now they're at four Solana each. Dude. And now you can sell one and we can keep funding packs forever. Like, that's. Dude, we can sell two of them and we're up two x and we use that money to go buy more packs and then we give away a couple of these whales. It was a fun week. Been a fun weekend. Just get ready. Things are about to happen. Pog is on the move.

Exciting Developments

Dude. We just had a conversation with the number one publications company in web three. They're one of the biggest magazine companies on the planet and they want to introduce us to one of the biggest auto manufacturers on the planet of one of the most exotic vehicles ever made. So just get ready. I'm just telling you, like, shit is popping off. We're getting the recognition we deserve. It's finally starting to happen. Thank you, intern. Thank you, everybody, for helping. No. Cole's big shout out to you for everything you've been doing. We see it all. What did I miss? Or we missed? The ascension. The ascension programs.

Progress and Alpha

Okay, so what we go through. We just went through two pieces of alpha. We have three more pieces. No, went through four. Three pieces. Alpha. We have one more, right, we did that one. We also have unfinished alpha or rubbed alpha. So lots of. Oh, that's true. I do have more alpha for you, Alpha Centauri. I don't know how to. I don't know how to say this. I gotta tell you this. How do I say this? How do I tell you this? I don't know. We'll figure out. Keep going. Spit it out. I can't. Spit your gum out.

Addressing Performance Issues

Where are we? Is Emerson gonna say anything, or is it too early? Oh, sorry. No, I'm. I'm rushing back. Like, I'm here. I'm just trying to catch up on all my hub tasks. That way I don't miss out because. You are literally not the person I was talking to. Oh, okay. They keep going, then keep spinning you. But you are not the person who I was telling they need to go complete these tasks. No, I definitely did every task already. You're pretty much just fired at this point. There should be no surprise. It should be no surprise.

Discussion on Firing

Jamie said that if you can't complete these tasks in time, then you don't deserve to have a job. I can tell you right now that Jamie is way too nice for her to say that. So just know that, like, you can't. Do that to me. That's what you think. But when it comes to business, she's like, she's no mess around kind of gal. Well, man just texted me, is Emerson serious? If. If we're gonna be talking about, you know, firing people and stuff like that. And pun, you be careful.

Show Dynamics

What are we talking about? Fun. He's trying to get fund your friends Friday as a reoccurring show. Bring it. I'm just the first. The first. Excerpt from fud your friends. Yeah, fuck your friends. I'm gonna just fud you all. If your parents didn't teach you patience as a child, you should learn it as an adult. That's all I'm gonna say. And as an adult, you should understand. It takes time for things to be built out to come and for you. To be rewarded for what you're participating. That's what I'm gonna say. Because.

Tensions and Suggestions

So, yeah, that was too nice of a fud your friends. What do you really think? Specific. Oh, man. So, look. Okay, so look. So I found out that on other. Chains that, you know, if you were flooding the project and stuff like. That, that they were able to blacklist. Their assets and stuff like that, and. Like, you know, cripple these people that were flooding the project and stuff like that from fudding the project. So I'm not trying to say that. We should do something like that, but.

Project Discipline

I'm saying we should probably warn people that want to come into the project or want to, how would I say this? Feel entitled that, you know, something. Can happen to their wallet if they. Continue to behave in a manner that. Is not productive for the project. See, I'm still, I'm doing my best. Right now, y'all, I'm trying to be nice. I'm doing my best. So you're saying we should burn their assets in their wallet if they misbehave? I'm saying we can warn them that. That is a possibility of them being punished for how they behave.

Decentralization Perspective

Yes. I love it. It's so decentralized. It's really. Dude, really demoir fact that, like. Yeah, no, that really, like, speaks to the player owned gaming ethos. I think. I think that captures everything we've been going for the whole time we've been doing this. So great idea. I love it. I don't think anybody would be upset about it at all. I'm pretty sure censorship is welcomed in most places, especially web three, so. Okay, cool. It's gonna happen. You're first.

Personal Observations

Be careful now you're being watched. Has he never not been being watched? No. Are you kidding me? It's fud, dude. Fuddled out, all right? I think he's changed names more times than I've changed profile pictures. Hey, there's only two names that I go by, okay? Like, stop it. That we know of. You actually. You actually have more names than the intern, which is kind of impressive. I got. What's up, duck? I gotta say, I just realized Sayaji was actually fuddler died after went through DM's.

Acknowledgment and Appreciation

I was like, oh, sheesh. I know. Sir Garp. What's up, Saraji? I hope you're well, bro. Hope you're well. Nice music, man. Bro. Thank you. And I needed no shade. I honestly didn't know that. We were friends before. I was like, oh, shit. I know him from before. So I didn't put you on a spot. Sorry. No, man, you're good. I don't bother me. You're good.

Feeling Overlooked

It bothered him. He cried. He called me. I was like, bud is one of. Those kind of people that you can just kind of easily forget, you know, he doesn't stand out in a room. He's not lovable. He's not energetic. He doesn't, you know, he isn't passionate. So it's pretty easy. He's a wallflower. But really quick. Doc, your head was up. I don't want to forget about that. No, I'm not panicking or anything.

Technical Issues Explained

And it may be just. I don't know why it's glitching. I got. I actually got two glitches, and I think one of them with the twitch thing is, I had to create an account with a different email than I have signed to the hub. Is why it won't recognize me following you guys. But I am following you. And then on the one where find the graduation video and find the key phrase in it, for some reason it won't pull me up to x.

Daily Operations

All the other quests do it and I just did them all except this one. it won't pull it up and let me shoot through x. So I try to go in and I still. I think I found the right video and I'm pretty sure I got the word. But, I got you, duck. Already. Dm'd you. I got you. Thank you. Well, I was just. I was just going to say, like, we could probably just go in there because fun wants to be, like, an example.

Community Support

We'll just go in and give you his points. All right. Cool beans, man. Let's get it. I'll split them with you fine, guys. Well, KRP, how you doing today? Dude, I haven't got to say hi to you yet. Yo, what's up? I'm well. I'm well, brother. Just chilling and scheduling some posts on my social media. That was. I was doing that in the background. What's up with you, man?

Casual Interactions

How's the morning going on? It always scares me when people change their profile picture because I've been trolled before about people coming up and I just easily accept them. So I'm glad it's you. I always like hearing your voice. Yeah, it's me, Manny. Yeah, man, I had this pog ever since. Actually, captain gave it to me. I don't know if captain is here in the space, but yeah, he was really kind enough to gift it to me and I'm just held on to it ever since then.

Transitioning Focus

Yeah. Let's go. Cap is not here at the moment, but Cap's a legend. KRP. And I saw your clips with the second part of the song. Loving the vibes, man. Lf pog. Yo. Thank you so much, noko. I'm so glad you liked it, brother. Thank you. How's your morning going on, brother? It is going swell. Fine and dandy. Like I said, we've got over 30 degrees celsius temps out here in the northeast.

Seasonal Reflections

It's the tail end of the summer and I'm just vibing, man. But yeah, we pinned up those, you know, songs up there, those clips up there, and Duck said you can get that video up there as well. The graduation pogs graduate with pogs. Anyone that's missing that, it's up there right now. Go get it. 6 hours. Finish all these quests pog hope. Thank you, knuckles. Thank you so much, man. I really appreciate it.

Closing Remarks

Yeah. Oh, good. Yo, Tyler. What'S up, dude? You're just chilling, man. Just chilling. it's just post dinner, man. post dinner dire, 10:00 p.m. for me here. What's up with you, brother? Staying up late. I like it. Kicking it with the homies. Oh, I'm just chilling, dude. You know, just another day, another lava, as they say. We.

Looking Ahead

We're gonna keep it pushing and we've got a couple more announcements and some stuff to look forward today. To today. So it's gonna be a fun one. Awesome, man. Sorry, Krp, I cut you off. Emerson's just gonna totally, you know, interrupt everybody for the rest of the show, I bet. So don't take it personally. Yo, perks of being a host. Perks of being a host.

Humorous Contemplation

Yeah, temporarily. For as long as we let him. We'll see. We'll see how it goes. Not looking good, but rg Emerson, keep the show rolling. Dude, I was gonna mute you, but then I realized I can't mute co host just as a gag, but then I realized it should probably not be in the best interest of me, so. But, dude, 1 second, let me. Are we gonna do a keyword for today?

Keyword Strategy Discussion

Are we gonna. Are we gonna drop that? Or is it. You being one of the three of us, could definitely take the initiative to create one now that the intern is out of the office instead of having. Hey, guys, did you guys do all this? Are we. Are we. Maybe one of these days you could do something besides hitting the open button on the twitter. Okay, okay.

Casual Conversations

Yeah. Okay. Okay. You're. Imagine if your employee asked you just. Remember, if I break it, I don't. Imagine you're in a coffee shop and somebody comes to you like, are we selling coffee today? Right? Well, you're nothing do who needs a job? We are not doing this again today, Kyla. Come on. Just be gentle.

Adjusting Expectations

Chuck and Eric both raised their hands. After. Yesterday was a strategic plus. We made lemons. Lemonade out of lemons. Nobody believes it, especially not me. No, but sometimes especially not. Well, you know, our DM's are. Yeah. What do you say? I don't know. Yo, yo, yo.

Conclusion and Feedback

I was saying to clear the air. Do you guys. Do you guys want like a musical break? Kyler. Is that cool? That sounds pretty good. Let's do it. Yo, let's go, man. Tyler, you finished the track, bro? The pog anthem I was working on? Yeah, I just wanted to play it for everyone. Yeah. I hope you all like it.

Music Presentation

Hope you like it. Kyla man. So here's the song. Oh, let me play it from the top. All right. Soak in the water the sun goes down I wanna pop to the moon so I can roll down the catamaran with Bobby and Kenny by my side good alive is what it's about I can say sheesh. We gonna park to the sky we ain't never coming back down we are parking all the way up God, I miss this day.

Lyrics and Reflections

Just me and my friend hogging down the street can you put my cup juice? The battle ride to the top good alive is what it's about I'm a station we gonna pop to the skyd I want to dance to the beat of the dragon's in my heart I want to sing at the top of my lung yeah I'll be an avenger of fine hide super pops I'll be a king I'll be a queen I'm a pop and love my heart good life what it's about I'm a statue we gonna park to the sky so.

Song Development

Here'S the part I just finished recently. Hope you like it's like the. Bridge. Good old times throw your park high in the sky if it ain't ten times when I hit the floor that'll blow my mind wave your part high in the sky just like good old times park high in the sky if it ain't ten times when I hit the floor good alive is what it's about I'm gonna say she.

Final Arrangement

We. Gonna pour to the sky thanks for. Letting me play the song, Kyla. Right. Ducking on. Let's get it, Krp.

Excitement for New Developments

Kyler, can you just take my podcoin and we fly Krp out from thetacon? Like, dude. Holy crap, man. Absolutely love it. That was sick, dude. That was so good. We're just in awe over here. You're so talented, bro. That was fire. Like, I actually picked up my slammer and was, like, waving it and, like, it feels like an infinity stone, bro. This thing's just got energy just, like, flowing through it. It's the pog juice. It's the vibes. It's the community. It's proof of game. Let's go, karapi. Hey, I see, like, a video, man. It's like country western style videos. People riding on the horses, man. It's like some country background, but, like, the horses got, like, pink reins with the pog stuff on them and stuff like that. Sheesh.

Musical Influences and Live Participation

Yo, country music is a big influence on me. Doug said, thank you so much, man. Like, I just. I was like. I started with, like, Morgan Wallen and Luke Combs, and I've been listening to country, man. Like, even Taylor Swift's oldest songs. Completely country. And Kyler, thank you, man. No calls. Thank you, Emerson. It just. Thank you for just listening to me, man. That's a big thing. That's all I wanted as an artist for listening. Thank you. It's a fucking honor. It's an honor. We've got our own KRp song. Don't fuck around. Let's go, baby. Let's fucking. Let's go, dude. Oh, my gosh. Love it. All right, so unfinished alpha time, or is there more alpha that's new? I just want to sit down in a circle and listen to Kyler.

Desire for More Information and Community Energy

Just, like, motivate me and, like, tell me the alpha and, like, get me excited, because I swear, like, even though we had this airdrop and I staked it instantly, I'm like, kyler, there's got to be more. More what? Alpha, dude, I just want to hear you talk. Like, you just, like, when you hear the passion of, like, what's coming and the stuff that we're doing, like, it, like, literally sets my whole day. Like, I love being here in the mornings and stuff, because literally, I'm like, oh, my gosh, man. Don't you know about pogs? Like, this is going. This is popping off. Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah. All right, well, I don't really want to give you any more alpha, but if there's other people out there that want it, I'm definitely happy to talk. To share my sub tech g, beam us up.

Engagement with the Community and Status Updates

All right, what do you want to know? What am I going to say? Everyone raise your hand and come up with one question for alpha that we need from Kyler. Spill some of the beam up stuff, man. We got rugged yesterday. Yeah. Hit all the folks here with. With the recap from yesterday. There's. There is plenty. I have a question. Yeah. Yo, Kyler, what did you have for breakfast today, bro? I'm eating a waffle right now. My lovely wife helped me out because I had a really early meeting. For me, it was early, and it was hard to get to, and I made it. And so when I came out my office, she had a waffle ready for me, so you know I'm winning.

Game Development and Audience Engagement

Yeah. Great question. Your mind? No, I was just saying, like, I'm just. I'm, like, at home, I'm, like, the cleaner because I can't make food. My wife makes it. Yeah. All right, here we go. I'll get into a little bit. Okay. So yesterday we talked really quick about the beamable theta integration. What that means, AI tools, all of these things that people are going to build with. And the more attention they get, the more attention we get, because ultimately, we're the project that brought them together. We're the project that funded the expansion for them and the ability for them to partner on tech. So what that means is, like. Like we talked about, the SDK rolls out, you'd be able to build with pogs.

Technical Developments and Gameplay Mechanics

And I think what the. There was just one little amount of confusion yesterday when were leaving, and I think there was a little question, or were talking about just putting the assets inside of the games and thinking that, like, oh, by having a pog asset, that just means, like, you have the logo inside of your game and now, like, you're. But that's not exactly everything. So the entirety of the idea, it is that you're able to build games that use the assets and use the gameplay functionality. So we had to write a bunch of different gameplay functionality, randomness, deterministic physics. We had to do, like, asset management. And what happens when this happens? What happens when this happens? The levels, all of those pieces are all in one contract, and then all of the game assets are in another contract.

Engagement through Unique Gameplay Experiences

So what that means is that you can build a game that somebody who has a pog would come in and play. That's the critical thing, is that you're building, when you're building a game, traditionally on unity, the number one hardest problem, same with on Roblox and everywhere else, is how do you get players, how do you get people to discover your experience, and how do you get them to play? Well in this ecosystem, you want to implement pog's economy with just literally building on Beamble. And now you have people who are hunting pogs coming to your game, right? Lava heads creates a game, makes it available for poggers, has an experience. Now anyone with the pog will come and jump in.

Scaling Opportunities and Community Engagement

And as we scale, as we have, you know, 30 different communities and different brands, and we have, you know, maybe 50,000 collectibles, and everybody's playing around the world now. It really does become an opportunity for you to create one little game and have, you know, 50,000, 20,000, 30,000. However many players we have in our ecosystem jump in and start competing. And that's what I meant by building games with our assets. Nothing necessarily the cosmetic stuff but we want people to build games that would use my pog. Whether it's like we're going to build a marble race game, but with pog rolling, other people could come and beat us to the punch. You could use our technology to create, you know, badminton with pogs, or frisbee with pogs, or whatever you want to build with pogs.

Fun and Competitive Aspects of Game Development

And that then becomes like, if you're fast enough and people love your game, guess what? They're gonna play your game. We're gonna promote your game. Maybe we'll bring it into the arcade. That's your opportunity to scale with the pog brand by literally building a game that you're probably already building. But just saying, hey, pogs are gonna have an impact in this. If you have a pog, you get this, and this. Now all of a sudden, people actually will jump in to play your game just because they have pogs. So that's the big thing. And then if you're like, oh, we hidden, I, you know, this amount of money worth of digital collectibles and cryptocurrency inside of it, now you really have players coming to play because even though, like, I'm a collector, I might not have enough time to get in and really understand and play and compete and try and win, but I've got a couple bucks and if somebody gets it, you know, I'll be the first one to buy it from because I want to fulfill the set or I want the asset or I want the utility that comes along with it, the bragging rights, whatever it may be.

Unique Incentives and Player Motivation

That I think is where it gets really fun. So that's what I meant by building with pog assets is that you have the opportunity to include pogs in your games, which then would bring pog players into your game to try and compete. So I think that's where the next generation of tech really, that's why I think where we've got a super big advantage. Kyla, can I make a small point here? Yeah, please. No, I was just saying, like, of course you're obviously aware of Twitch streaming. I've gotten to it recently for music. Like, I'm starting to stream my music now and then. What I've noticed is games are really big on Twitch, dude. Like, it's massive. Like even right now, I'm just looking. Someone is actually streaming League of Legends and 393,000 people are actually watching.

Twitch Integration and Livestreaming Concepts

Counter strike is like 160,000 people. So, you know, streaming, right. That someone streams and people watch. So, yeah, just like a suggestion, if you want to get into that side of things, because that actually can be monetized. Like, a person who's streaming and with a large audience, like, pog, you know, if someone, like, comes down and starts streaming, someone from your team, like, plays a game, the pog game, live. It could be something. Just an idea. I mean, you will think about. Sorry. Oh, yeah, absolutely. We definitely have. Have some streaming functionality. You know, our number one streamer hasn't actually been on stream in the last, like, couple weeks, but that's okay.

Community Engagement and Marketing Strategies

He's busy. He's got stuff to do. He's still down there crushing it. He probably can't even answer. I'm just going to defamate his character while he can't even, you know, defend himself. But, yeah, we're definitely the. The streams are going to be a big part of what we're doing. For sure. For sure. Man. Yesterday, I had some stuff I wanted. Emerson, take over, man. What are you doing? Lava's talking. Pog turn. I don't think you can hear you, but I can hear you, lava. Now, yesterday, when were talking about it, man, I thought that was, like, you know, just. It's gonna bring, like, crazy brand awareness.

Connecting with Brand Awareness and Gaming Culture

I was, like, thinking, like, man, this is like, if, like, there was, like, a cartoon character or, like, a Ryu or a ken, and then the company was like, hey, you can use them and bring brand awareness to Ken and Ryu, and you can bring brand awareness to what you're building. And then it's just like, you know, everybody can get in on the fun, and then just a huge, like, library and the collection of, like, assets that are already being used by people, then you can put them in your game. So it's really going to create, like, a domino effect, like you said. Like, people that, like Ken and Ryu, they'll go play your game just because Ryu is in your game. So I think that, like, you'll be able to, like, grab, like, the same kind of, like, idea, and then just, like, people that are on the launch pad, they'll be able to just, like, ride the wave with you.

Positive Outlook on Future Developments

And, man, this is, like, this is gonna be crazy. I'm, like, super bullish on all of this. Yeah, yeah. I'm still not sure if you're getting it 100%, but, like, the idea of, like, going into a game just to play with Ryu is an interesting thing, but if you have a ryu pog, and I say, okay, come in and play against another player for your pog or compete in this game to try and win a pog. Those. That's the infrastructure that we've built out, right? Like, yeah, like, where you're like, okay, we're gonna put a lava heads pog inside of this game. It's the grand prize. Now you guys can compete to try and win it.

Additional Game Mechanics and Competitive Elements

First one to get to it gets to keep it. That's kind of, I mean, there is the sense of like, yeah, we've got Barbie pogs. We've got, like, let's say ryu pog. And then people will come in and, you know, they want to win that one. If you could. If we put the Ryu pog in a street fighter game, and it's like, okay, now whoever wins this game gets this pog, I think that gets really interesting, too. Yeah, that's. That's okay. So I wasn't kind of looking at it like that. So I'm glad you said it like that. So it kind of, like, it gives, like, anybody that's creating a game, like, the wager like abilities.

Wager Systems in Game Development

So you can just, like, have, like, a wager system, like, readily available with assets already being backed by users. A wager system and, like, a prize system, a redemption. Like, oh, so, like, if you win this game, you get this certain thing, and that's. That's where we're headed. Like, we want to make sure that people are getting stuff. Like, when we launch lava heads, you relaunch a game, maybe like you're doing with the pod coin. You bought a bunch of pod coin and now you're letting your whole stake it to earn, which is fucking awesome. And now, like, imagine you just buy a bunch of pogs, or we mint a collection with you for your game.

Game Development Strategy and Future Possibilities

And the only way to get it is to play that game, right? Like, with our pogman adventure thing, once it, like, if. When it goes live, you'll be able to, like, go around all these different planets and you have to get resources. And the large, the farther away you go, the more rare assets you can mine. And so maybe that's our ecosystem where, like, okay, doing a Barbie mint. You have to get to the Barbie, you know, planet, and it takes this much of these resources to get there. So that's almost like your whitelist or your allow list mint token is like your assets that allow you to get to that part of the planet.

Endless Gaming Content and Expansion

Basically, man, that's going to set Pogb for endless content. Like, seriously, like, the brand of brands. And then, you know, because the attention span and the. The attention economy and the content economy, like this, right? Here will set pac up for content forever. Like, you know, just dozens working its way up to, like, hundreds of games. And then, you know, the communities all playing and creating content around this stuff, and everybody retweeting and posting, and this is going to be like a endless content funnel. And, you know, this is going to be great. I'm ready for this. I'm super bullish on this, so I definitely want to, you know, intertwine some of this stuff with what I got going on, so, yeah, man, I definitely want to be one of the first ones, so let's go.

Innovative Approaches and Future Vision

I want to be the guinea pig in the situation. Let's see what happens. Let's see what we can break. Let's see what we can fix and build. Like, let's fucking pog. Like, hell yeah, dude. I love that. Let's fucking go, baby. All right, real fast. Anybody else? That's funny. My man said something about the damn attention. I was in a space early this morning, and I was shocked. I had to. I didn't know none of these people. I had to come up and ask him where he was getting his analytics because he was saying, he was talking about YouTube, and he was like, yeah.

Discussion on Attention and Engagement

He's like, I'm seeing people searching for hour long things, and I was like, really? Like, yeah. And I was curious, but. But, yeah, we've discussed this attention economy thing for months and months now, Mandy. So. Kyler. Yeah, I was going to say the attention economy, like, I don't think people realize, like, how big, like, the attention economy plays on. Don't even matter what you're, like, if you're trying to sell something or not. It's just like, you got to get somebody's attention before you can even, like, talk to them.

Creating Attention-Grabbing Content

So I think that, like, creating content and then, like, grabbing people's attention and then intertwining, like, an nft with that to, like, monetize not only the person grabbing your attention, but the attention or the person's attention getting grabbed. Like, it's a win for everybody. So, man, this. This web three stuff ain't no joke. Let's go. Let's go, baby. Let's freaking go. Tyler, I have a quick question on, like, being able to have this integration. Like, this should also allow other people to create games that, like, then that can be pitched for our arcade, correct?

Validation of Integration and Arcade Concept

Yes. Feel like the slow kid just asked the same question that was just asked. No, no. That. Exactly what I just said. That is the whole point of this, is that other people can build with our tech, they can build games with the tech we release. Well done. That work. That's exactly what this whole platform is for, is like, you just asked a question that I just explained, but that's exactly it. Yes. You will be able to build the games using all of our collectibles and all of the game mechanics that we've created for our games. Like the random functions, the physics, the determinist, all of those traits.

Game Development Tools and Partnerships

You'll be able to utilize the same way that we do. And build games the same way that we do. Basically, we've created a tool set to allow game developers to compete with us in building games for our own arcade. The better games that are created, those are the ones that are showcased. So build a better game than Pog and get your pog game inside of our arcade. You get the revenue. We maybe will split some with you. When we add you into the arcade, bring in all of our users, our players create quests around your game. So. So, yes, the whole idea is that you would be able to build with our arcade.

Meeting Player Expectations and Future Growth

The pog sandwich. Yes. Where do you see this going? Like, because you know, like some websites, what was the name? Like some websites, they would have like the Shockwave games. You could just go on there and play them. Like, you know, the old cartoon network would have like all the games on there. People would just sit on there for hours and play games. And like, how do you see that turning into something like this? Like, what do you think that like, because obviously people are going to build, like using the tech if you like put it out there for them to use.

Snowball Effects in Game Development

But like what do you really think is going to happen? Like, you think it's like this snowball effect, like your vision behind, like reason. Like what is your reason doing this? Like, what do you see it's gonna happen? Well, we want two things. Want players to be able to own their assets and be able to go into other games and experience it. That's the whole foundation of this thing, is to be a company that creates game able assets the players own and then to create a whole unique ecosystem where the developers are building for the assets they're not building for the dollar, they're not building to consume your money.

Consumer-Centric Development Goals

You consume their game and never get anything out of it. So what I expect to see is two things. I expect people to build games with Pog because you can all of a sudden have the biggest, were the world's biggest ip inside of your game. Through Pog, we're creating a treasure chest of assets that are created with the biggest brands in the world. And if you want a game that has the biggest brands in the world or the ability to find them in there, build a pod game. And for the players, what I expect to happen is, yes, tremendous amount of playable time.

Leveraging Game Environments for Engagement

Whether you're questing through the digital environment, the actual landscape, the actual metaverse, where you're going to all of these different platforms to complete all these quests, find different information, bring it back to the hub and gain your reward, or you're in the arcade, you're flipping, you're playing pogs, maybe you're playing other fighter games. Like we will have a suite of games inside of the arcade, mobile, desktop, iPad, probably console at some point. And so all of those places people will get to play. And I expecting to be a bunch of different games.

Unique Game Mechanics and Integration of Assets

You're gonna go into one game and your NFT will have assets or functionality for this one thing. You're gonna go into another game and you might get completely different benefits, might look completely different, and then you go into another game and you might have another unique, you know, and the demand for these things. And you'll figure out, oh, I'll play this game with this pog because I'm okay with losing it, but I will have to save this pog for this game because it gives me the best advantage.

Strategic Game Planning and Player Engagement

There's all these different reasons. And it'll come down to strategy, which games you want to play, which pogs you want to keep, which collections you want to complete and who you want to trade with and what guild you want to be on and all that stuff. So when you're really playing for points, you're playing for packs, you're playing for coins, you're playing for NFTs, you're playing for real world value, which was what were excited about with pog in the beginning. The fact that you could play games, get something from playing that you value, that you treasure, that somebody would actually trade you a water bottle, a lunchbox, a game boy, a bike or something for this thing is really interesting.

The Concept of Treasure Boxes in Games

And so that's, I think, what I'm excited to see. Okay, man, it's crazy that you said the word treasure box. Like, as soon as you said like the treasure box, like the light bulb just went off in my head and you were saying like all these games could be connected to this treasure box and compete for prizes in this treasure box. And it's like through these contracts, you know, that's like really an endless, man. It really. It really can't. It really cannot end. It really will not end. Like, I'm so bullish on all this, so, man, let's fucking pog.

Collaborative Future Plans and Engagement

That was a. That answered everything that I just asked. Let's go. Well, we got some hands. I don't want to leave Cannon out of the equation, so let's go. Cannon. Knuckles. Duck Sethe, lfpog soundcheck. Can everyone hear me? Good to go, brother. Bro, it's been a while since I last stepped up here. I'm so excited to hear everybody's voice. Sincerely. And I jumped in at a perfect time. I mean, just like Kyla said, I'm expecting to own my own assets while I'm gaming with these.

Vision for Future Gaming Experiences

I mean, Arayu asset, a Ken asset. I don't know. I mean, there's so many games that just come into your mind, and my mind goes wild as you guys speak. Sincerely, there isn't a more exciting time to actually be involved with such technology and the games that can come forth with the imagination on web three. It's. It's just super excited. And. And with pogs putting everything on the plate, on the table for you to take a onto your plate and just feed those people that really want a game and own their own shit and not waste their money in just.

Experience Sharing and the Value of Engagement

Or throw away their money, it goes crazy. It really does. I am touring at the moment. I haven't had my phone for about a week. I did want to apologize. I'm bringing back some old memories from a couple months ago now. We've stopped at quite a few service stations, and I've seen Heineken bottles with gaming cards attached to them that are specific to the pit stops that we've stopped at.

Introduction to Pog and Blockchain

And I'm talking about multiple countries. So the amount of brands that could be onboarded, the amount of collections that can come forth, both physical and digital. So an amazing time to be part of pog. An amazing time to be involved with the blockchain and with pog being so freaking new. I mean, we're playing pogs out in Turkey, and I'm not kidding. No kidding, right? Those from the age of ten to the age of 50, we're bashing these pogs out. And as I was explaining, player owned gaming and proof of game to the younger generation in another country, they didn't use pogs. They used tassels, you know? So it'd be great to bring pogs, original pogs, to some of these communities in Eastern Europe as well, because we are passing through eastern Europe.

Traveling and Cultural Connections

At the moment, I'm besides the Alps, on the other side of the Alps from where we was touring last time, I'm entering through Slovenia and Austria, heading back to the UK. But to bring about these collections to these younger generations that truly understand and yeah, I mean, they can just understand player owned gaming, you know, I was mentioning, imagine having an Ryu or a ken NFT and that's in your wallet and you've paid for it, you get to keep it and it becomes a collection. Kyla said, it's about the collections that you collect. You know, when I was collecting pogs as a child, as a kid, we wanted to complete these sets. You know, there were only cardboard cutouts and was, you know, slamming them on the playground.

Nostalgia of Pogs and Collecting

And we actually wanted to complete these sets. You know, we couldn't get our parents and our moms to buy the complete set. It was impossible. And with that matter, collections that can come out and I'm out of brands, you know, Lava head said it. The brands of brands, you know, putting all types of brands onto these pugs, people are going to want to complete these collections and it's going to get competitive. It already is. I can see people fighting on, fighting for a place on that leaderboard in the hub. So let's fucking park. Let's freaking park, baby. Knuckles, it goes to you, bro. One tough act, man. I don't know what I've missed out on over the last week.

Engagement and Excitement in the Community

Sorry, sorry. Cannon here today, John tomorrow. But I know I'll be one tough act to follow. Man, you guys raised so many, like, incredible points. Like lava, like, anna, bro, it's nice that you're back, man. I missed you. I was like, where did this guy go? You disappeared, but let's go. But honestly, man, everyone was so hype when we were in the space yesterday. And then it rubbed, like, many of us lost sleep because were just, like, in the discord, like, theorizing, you know, we're just like, all right, like, what could this mean, right? And, like, if you haven't read the beamable article and, like, checked out some of that information, like, dive into it, read through it, because the possibilities here are pretty incredible.

Excitement About Tools and Development

So I'm looking forward to actually being able to check out this tooling, seeing what can be made. It looks like anything on theta, it's going to be open source and you can integrate theta assets into your games and yeah, like, it looks crazy, man. And like, with everything that pog is doing, being able to integrate that with the web three SDK and people come in like, think about Fortnite, think about Roblox, even games in web three, like Sandbox and Nifty island. Like, there's a lot of games where you have customization abilities. You have, like, you know, CGC like, functionality where you can get in there and sandbox and have fun with it.

Legacy Brands and Creativity

So having pog and like, all of these, like, legacy brands, not only web three, but as well as like, the mainstream ips that we all grew up with slowly coming in and having that treasure box, that toolkit, right? To go into the digital sandbox and be able to build your own games, maybe you're going to do something like fall guys and have pog assets in there. Like, we've got a lot of pog assets. Like, look what's on theta, right? Everything from pogchamps to pfps to pogs, like, you name it. So there's a lot of things that can really be played with. And I'm just excited about this whole thing. So I'm looking forward to the tools and I can't wait to see what people do with them when they get to play with them.

The Comparison with Traditional Platforms

Hey, pog man, what do you think about a, like, a comparison as to, like, what we're talking about right now and, like, the steam marketplace and, like, how steam has, like, all the games and. But they don't have like this, so to speak, like treasure box and things like that. Like, what do you think of that, like, referencing those two, like, situations? Well, this is the exact reason that we, that I went after this problem in the first place was because we're building something. Like, we built unity, and unity was being used by most of the projects that people were streaming. And so most of the bit, a lot of the big games that were being built, were built by people who built on unity, but the players didn't have any continuity.

Connecting the Gaming Ecosystem

There was nothing that connected all of the games across the platform. That's what Pog is all about, is it doesn't matter if it's Steam or if it's unity or if it's unreal or any other platform that deploys games. We want to provide some type of continuity between all of these different games. And I think it will take developers kind of adapting to our vision of what video, what games will be, but they'll be much more like the real world, where if you've got a $20 bill in your pocket, you should be able to use it in any store you go into, you've got a car, so you could drive it into any state you go into. And that's the same way with these assets, is you shouldn't have to go into a different game.

Accessibility Between Different Games

Like if you're already an EA player and you're a pro. And one thing, maybe you should have benefits in all the other EA games if you have something right, like, it shouldn't be so disconnected, even across EA games on Steam. And so though it's not, we're not going to be a publishing platform, we're not going to be like a game discovery platform. There will be elements of that, but that won't be our core goal. Our core goal is to create, I know it's a buzzword, but interoperability throughout the gaming ecosystem. So I could see that like maybe 15 games on Steam, also available in the pog arcade.

Mobile and Market Dynamics

But if you like, you could play them directly in Steam and connect your wallet or play with the assets you have. Like we have to kind of create a different ecosystem for the mobile games. So when you play on mobile, you're not going to be able to buy assets on your mobile phone, on your iPhone app. You'll have to go to desktop, open up your account, buy your assets, load them up into your, like, buy your assets there and then on mobile, you'll be able to play the game on the move, you'll be able to compete and fulfill quests on the move and you can build all that stuff. But in order for you to actually acquire these assets, you'll have to come to our website and buy off our marketplace, just kind of the way that Apple has it set up.

Safety and Future of Gaming

So that's kind of my feeling right now. Yeah, I think that, man, I don't know how Steam did it, but they did it over a course of like a long time. And so, man, I could see like, you know, just, we just keep pushing away at it. And I think that, like you said, it's not going to be like the core idea, but it'll have like some of those features and those similarities. So, yeah, super bullish on that. Just like a, just like the whole idea of that. So let's go. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we won't maybe be as big as steam, but all of the games on our platform will have continuity where you'll be able to bring your pogs in and compete with different things and try and win them from other people or from the prize pool or whatever it might be.

Vision for the Future

When you, I keep like, that the. The word treasure box, it just, like, now that you said that, it's like, I just can't, like, shake that idea. But, like, so when I think of, like, steam and I'm, like, thinking of, like, what's the treasure box, like, item and steam, it's like, all right, you want to go get one of those. One of those counter strike skins, whether it's one of the knives or the op skin or the Ak skin. And then, like, that would, like, if you bought that with steam dollars, and then the price goes up, and then it's like, all right, so now you're, like, holding, like, a item backed by steam that people want, and it's like, bro, you. So you could literally create the same thing with, like, a treasure box, like you said, of, like, a whole bunch of different brands.

Distinctive Features of Pog

So, like, imagine if steam had, like, a ryu skin on their AK 47. It would be, like, super valuable, and it's, like, literally about to do the same thing with the pogs. And it's like, it's crazy just to, like, hear you talk about this because, like, literally nobody's doing this. So I'm just. I'm blown away by this stuff, man. Seriously. Let's go. Let's go, baby. Let's freaking go. Well, we kind of have reached the end of the show, you guys. I don't. I want duck to. There's hands full. Oh, there is hands. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Ignore my ass.

Observations and Reflections

I do. I normally do, bro. Okay. I see duck sand go down and his mic is off. I mean, there's theme being mentioned. There's unity being mentioned. There's reality being mentioned. I mean, when I mentioned unity and reality to some of the kids out where I was traveling, I mean, I didn't have much time to onboard anyone or really break it down and get people involved with pogs. But as I explained these platforms and how Pogda, I mean, I don't. I don't even want to say it has the potential to surpass these. These brands and these creators because it certainly is going to surpass these brands.

Creating a New Economy

I mean, it's creating a brand new economy. Reality produces games. We're talking about, you know, individuals creating games, not just companies. You know, an individual can get involved, create a game, step into the market, start collecting their pogs, and not just start collecting their pogs, but expand on their collection with the economy side of it. As you collect, as you get involved, you earn. I mean, certain things I don't really want to mention in regards to where I come from or how I grew up, but no kidding. I mean, a few weeks ago, a friend of mine just got shot dead in Moldova for being involved in gang related stuff.

Impact of Pogs on Youth

Right? Another friend passed away recently as well, for certain things. And it's like, growing up, we could have been involved with such an economy and it could have taken our attention away, you know, it could have saved some of these kids, you know, with the economy that's about to be created by pogs, you know, the gaming, rather than wasting your time on the streets. You know, I heard even in the US there's drill music that came from the UK. And to be honest, I don't really listen to it because it's. It's violent, you know, and kids are messing around with violence nowadays.

The Need for Positive Engagement

They're getting involved with drugs and so forth. I mean, I truly believe pogs can help. Move. Move their attention away from such things, you know, once someone's involved with earning their own money. I met this one boy in Turkey, and he's making a killing on Roblox, right? He's creating stuff on Roblox. He's making a sincere amount of money just by creating on Roblox. And I see the same thing happening with pugs. Kids, not just creators and adults and people with the means and the money to do so.

Opportunities for Youth in the Digital Space

You know, individual kids that have the ability or have the vision or want to be able to earn their own money can actually do so quite easily, you know, on. You can't do that with steam, you can't do that with unity, you can't do that with other platforms. But pogs is going to present this opportunity to the world sincerely. I mean, it's coming. It's only a short distance away, and I couldn't be more fucking excited that I'm part of it. Let's fucking go. Fucking right, dude. You're 100% right. Instead of, like, flipping from, like, you know, small packs to big packs, you could be flipping from pfps to founders.

The Future of Community Engagement

Pogs, get to staking, become a venture capitalist someday. That's my biggest dream, dude, is like, for these developers, these kids and them to be able, both developers and gamers, to be able to, like, I don't know, take advantage of 40 years of legacy collectability, partnerships with all these brands, and to leverage it for the people who care, like the game developers and the players. I really can't wait to find the first person that didn't have a penny comes into the ecosystem games for a year and a half and walks away with, like, five founders, pogs stakes them, and all of a sudden has an allocation or, like, you know, an ownership in the dow that is about to happen, and I think it's going to happen.

Final Thoughts and Future Aspirations

We're probably, like, as this expands the way that Axie Infinity did across the asian countries, we're going to end, like, the smaller countries when they realize, like, oh, shit, people will buy these assets. If I win them, then we're. I mean, we're just off and running from there, man. I just. I just want to tell you, bro, whatever the fuck you're doing is working, bro, because I, like, what? Like, for a small brand, like, you're gonna do so much for small brands. Like, I know, like, so many people that know my brand now that didn't know my brand, like, a few months ago.

Brand Growth Through Collaboration

And, like, when I talk about this stuff in real life, and then, like, you know, just being able to put the lava heads in this. In this treasure box and, like, you know, just. The brand awareness is just fucking ridiculous, bruh. So, like, I'm telling you straight up, the shit you're doing is working, bro, because, like, the brand awareness for the lava heads is going up. So I know, like, that shit is going to work for a bigger company, a smaller company, or the same size, because, like, yo, this shit is working. It's working. Let's fucking pog.

Continuing Momentum

Let's go, baby. We just got started. We barely can scratch the surface. Emerson vibes are real. I just want to say, I got a massive care bear, fam, right next to me. It is my sister. She used to have the pillows, the curtains, the bed spread, everything, you know, I mean, and she knows I'm involved with pogs. I haven't really explained what I'm doing with pogs to her. She don't really understand them. She's listening to me at the moment thinking, what is this guy fucking saying? Athenae the moment.

Introducing Family to Pogs

But I know it's not. I know the mint isn't far away, and I'm gonna end up minting a shitload for her. I know the lava heads mint is real close, and I know what lava heads is gonna bring to the table, right? And it's brand new tech with games for pogs in the metaverse, you know? And the metaverse is. I was explaining the metaverse to my elder auntie, right? And she's like, were talking about phones, how phones had developed over the years, and I was like, auntie, look, we're gonna be sitting in this very same balcony that we're sitting together right now, but you're gonna be in Istanbul.

The Future of Interaction

I'm gonna be in London. We're gonna put our headsets on, and we're gonna be sitting in this very balcony in the metaverse, because people are gonna create that opportunity for us to do so. And it's people like lava heads that are gonna create that opportunity for us. You know? And once we're sitting in that balcony together, halfway across the world from one another, we're gonna be playing games. We're gonna have a list of games to play with. Do we want to play. Okay, do we want to play cards? Do we want to play a game that lava heads created? Do we want to play a game that pogs created? And we're going to do so.

Building a Community

We're going to get our kids involved. We're going to get our siblings involved. You know, I'm pretty certain once my sister puts on that headset and we have a. We have a pod game to play, we're gonna be playing it for sure. When the care bears comes out, she's gonna be like, wow. Like, it's gonna bring back memories, insane memories. You know, people are gonna want to get involved as the technology develops. There's a barriers at the moment, but those barriers are gonna break so quickly and so fast, it's just gonna go global and viral.

A Bright Future for Pogs

I sincerely believe that there couldn't be a more exciting time for everybody in this. In this space to actually be listening in and getting involved with pogs. Just super excited, and I just want to thank everybody who's creating those opportunities. You nailed it. And I think I'm super also excited that, like, the fact, which I didn't plan for, that lava's built so much in spatial and is kind of like, you know, our spatial expert, he, you know, I think about the opportunity for us, my mom here, because now you're going to be able to use the exact same avatar that you use inside of the pog ecosystem.

Interoperability of Avatars

Inside of the spatials ecosystem. So, like, you'll go and you'll design your pog character. You'll have, like, your pog assets. You'll have, like, your character will have his pog hoodie if you win or buy one, and all of these different pog merch, and then you can take your ready player, me character into spatial, and you can rock your pog gear. So, like, imagine buying a pog hoodie, and you get an avatar trait as well for your ready player, me avatar. And. And, like, I can't tell you all the, I can't tell you some of the stuff that's coming out with them and us, but, yeah, it's going to be really exciting to be able to.

The Future of Avatar Customization

There might be some value in owning specific, like, clothing traits for your avatar inside of the pog and spatial and ready player me ecosystem. Man, I think that's, like, just being able to use your avatars everywhere. Like, man, that's that the interoperability, and then it's like, that endless, like, that endless, funnel or content funnel. Because if you have your avatar, like, when I play spatial and I have, and I'm using lava man, like, I want to use lava man all the time. So I want to jump over here or swing a sword or race a car or fly a plane.

Creating Identity with Avatars

Like, I want to do everything with that avatar, and then, like, I take pictures with that avatar, and it's just, like, create a whole identity and content and personality around, like, that specific avatar. So just. Just knowing that you can, like, play the pog game, like, with this stuff is like, man, like, I don't like how. What more is there to do? Like, man, just crossing off so many things off the list. Like, seriously, this is crazy. So I have reached out to somebody at spatial, too, so I'm just waiting on a reply, but I mean, and I'm pretty sure, yo, I'm bullish on whatever y'all cook up, so let's fucking pog.

Concluding Thoughts

Let's fucking go, baby. Let's freaking pog. Go ahead, Emerson. Oh, I was just gonna say I, like Michael says, like, I'm trying to rug this space I'm in. Like, I am in commercial zone left and right, but I love listening to you guys talk and everything like that. So I don't know if we want to spin the room one more time and then have duck finish us. Today's winner is degen love and all that. But if we do rug, just know that, like, come hang out in discord and all that stuff.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

But, like, I'll let you guys spin around and then duck can play us out. Bro. The excitement is real, honestly. You can tell. Like I said, a lot of us lost sleep last night. We went into the post show in the discord, so make sure you're all in the discord. A lot of shenanigans go down there, and you can get a lot of alpha and information that you miss on the show, right? We'll get you up to speed. But, man, I'm so hyped. Like I said, I can't wait to see these tools, like, get into the hands of the people, and people start building.

Final Remarks

It's going to be insane. Looking forward to it. And that's not all. Like, that was literally the rugged alpha from yesterday. Like, we got so hype about that. Like, kyler, you didn't even get to tell us everything today. But, man, ascension in the embassy, level up. Complete your quest. Get your xp. It's going to be wild. Free digital collectibles and a shot at physicals and pretty valuable nfts in the space from some, you know, well known communities and even partners. So it's awesome, and I can't believe it.

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