Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space What’s The Next Memecoin Sensation? #CryptoDaily w/@GOLDSTANDARDETH hosted by RoundtableSpace. Explore the ever-evolving world of meme coins in the cryptocurrency market through the insightful CryptoDaily space hosted by @GOLDSTANDARDETH. Delve into the risks, rewards, and market dynamics surrounding meme coins, understanding their role as both investment opportunities and entry points to the crypto landscape. Learn about the crucial factors influencing meme coin valuations, from community sentiment and market trends to regulatory uncertainties. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a newcomer, grasp the key takeaways and strategies for navigating the volatile yet intriguing realm of meme coin trading.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How does community sentiment affect meme coin prices?
A: Community hype can lead to price spikes, but negative sentiment can also trigger rapid drops in meme coin values.

Q: What are the risks associated with meme coin investments?
A: Regulatory uncertainties, pump-and-dump schemes, and market manipulation are prevalent risks in meme coin trading.

Q: Why are meme coins appealing to new cryptocurrency investors?
A: Meme coins often have low entry barriers and can be a fun introduction to the crypto world, attracting new investors.

Q: How can investors mitigate risks when investing in meme coins?
A: Diversification, staying informed, and exercising caution in volatile markets are key risk management strategies for meme coin investments.

Q: Are meme coins a sustainable investment option?
A: The longevity and value sustainability of meme coins are uncertain due to their speculative nature and market dynamics.

Q: Do celebrity endorsements impact meme coin performance?
A: Celebrity endorsements can influence meme coin prices, but investors need to be cautious as valuations may not always reflect intrinsic value.

Q: What role do market trends play in meme coin cycles?
A: Market cycles heavily influence meme coin trends, with hype cycles often driving sudden price movements in the meme coin market.

Q: How important is research before entering meme coin investments?
A: Thorough research and due diligence are crucial to understand the tokenomics, community dynamics, and potential risks associated with meme coin projects.

Q: Can meme coins provide long-term value?
A: The sustainable value and longevity of meme coins are uncertain, making them high-risk, high-reward investment options in the crypto market.

Q: What factors should investors consider before jumping into meme coin trading?
A: Investors should evaluate tokenomics, community engagement, project utility, and potential regulatory risks to make informed decisions in the meme coin space.


Time: 07:15:40
Market Volatility of Meme Coins Exploring the rapid price fluctuations and high volatility characteristic of meme coin investments.

Time: 13:25:19
Community Influence on Meme Coins Discussing how community sentiment and social media hype can impact the success of meme coin projects.

Time: 19:45:02
Regulatory Risks in Meme Coin Market Analyzing the regulatory uncertainties and potential risks associated with meme coins.

Time: 25:10:30
Celebrity Endorsements and Meme Coins Examining the effects of celebrity endorsements on meme coin valuations and investor behavior.

Time: 31:55:44
Market Trends and Meme Coins Understanding how market cycles and trends influence the performance and popularity of meme coins.

Key Takeaways

  • Meme coins can experience rapid price fluctuations and high volatility.
  • Community sentiment and social media hype heavily influence meme coin popularity.
  • Understanding the tokenomics and utility of meme coins is crucial for investors.
  • Regulatory scrutiny and potential market manipulation pose risks for meme coins.
  • Meme coins can serve as entry points for newcomers to the cryptocurrency space.
  • Diversification and risk management are essential when investing in meme coins.
  • The longevity and sustainable value of meme coins remain uncertain.
  • Market cycles and trends play a significant role in the meme coin ecosystem.
  • Research and due diligence are key before entering meme coin investments.
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on meme coin valuations can be significant.

Behind the Mic


Hello. Hello. Hello, everybody, and welcome to another amazing episode of. It says, crypto daily should be meme coin daily. But welcome to another Mario Nawfall and roundtable spaces. David, what's going on, man? How you feeling today? How are we doing?

Feeling Good

Okay. I'm feeling. I'm feeling great. I got my nightly 3 hours of sleep since we. Since this is web, three, things are, you know, fast paced. I feel guilty even sleeping 3 hours, but I'm coming back down to reality after the crazy run I've had with tampons. I don't know, that just had me a little euphoric. Never thought that I would be making money off of tampons. But things happen in this industry that you never see coming.

The Crypto Journey

Honestly, that is something that's really difficult to do, is have a rationale conversation with people as to, like, how we make money in this space. You know what I mean? I think that is an interesting thing, explaining to people how my career in crypto started as a result of a dog token named after a dog that Elon Musk was going to purchase and now owns it. Just everything that kind of happens in this space is completely ridiculous.

Ridiculous Encounters

You know, for example, last week, you and I hosted Caitlyn Jenner on the space, and, like, explaining to my friends that I'm like, yeah, I was just hanging out on X interviewing Caitlyn Jenner, it just. It sounds larger than life. And that's. It doesn't really make sense. Like, David, like, do you often find yourself, like, in that predicament? Okay, too.

Caitlyn Jenner and Beyond

Absolutely. And, you know, I was just thinking about it, saying that I was interviewing Caitlyn Jenner, spent 8 hours talking to Martin Shkreli, and then watching imaginary Internet money go from zero to millions and back down to zero in the span of 6 seconds, and then saying that I make five x my money off of tampons. If I tell that to a normal person, 50, they may call the cops on me.

Real Life vs. Crypto Life

Yeah. You know what's even crazier is so it's like, I am a real person outside of X. And I have businesses that don't relate to crypto. And one of my companies is a real estate investment company. We do a multitude of different things, but one of the things that we do is we fix houses up and we sell them. And so, like, I'm talking to one of the agents that's selling the property, and it's just amazing at, like, the things that they're stressing out about.

Different Money Perspectives

And, like, we're talking about money in a much different manner. I'm like, wow, you know, I'm getting, like, worked up over the numbers on this deal, yet in relation to crypto, I'm like, wait a second. I've lost more money and made more money in a much shorter window of time than we're talking about. Like, we're talking about how just terrible the real estate market is. It's just pain in the ass right now.

The Logic Behind Trading

It just. Just very left brain, right brain kind of things. It does. It's our world. Makes no sense. None. Zero logical sense. And anybody who tries to explain to me that it is logical wholeheartedly disagree. DK to what that thought right there, that mindset, that is the exact mindset that you need to trade meme coins when you see something makes absolutely zero sense.

Conviction in the Absurd

That's what is supposed to click and tell you that it makes sense. Well, I mean, exactly. It's like explaining to someone how and why you have conviction around a certain meme coin project defies absolutely all logic. It's like, I'm going. It's like, you got to counter trade yourself. You got to counter trade your logical thoughts. It's so true, because essentially, the way that the conversation goes is like, I'm going to explain to you why I believe it in this project, and you're not allowed to ask me any questions because you're going to ask me questions that require logical responses, and I refuse to give them to you.

Humor in Crypto

That's just how you ask for. The source, and the sources trust me, bro. Absolutely. So four n, four l. What's up? Hey, guys. Hi. DK to. Long time no see. You remember me? What the heck? Hi. And hello to Mario. Knawful roundtable or Knoffles roundtable. Let's go. Anyways, I am here to say to David and K two.

The Fun Dynamics

Get a room. Just kidding. We're in the room. Okay. Anyways, we're all in the room together. No, no, we're all in the room together. We got the room. We're all in the room together. Right? All thousands is a space botted or something. Like, there's a thousand people here. Really? Well, careful what you say.

Crypto Twitter Realities

You never know. You're on crypto Twitter. That's true. That's true. Anyways, I'm here for gold standard Eve. I. Sorry. To Addison, who made my gold bar gold circle ring around my profile picture. I had to change it because the Dojols are freaking Rutgers. Daddy just can't love you. I love you. Oh, that was.

Loving the Community

Sorry. I love you. I love you. I am repping a Dojael right now, but, yeah, I I'm here for gold standard, even though I'm broken eth. I only have $13 worth of eth right now, but I love you guys. Love. At least we're at a point in the cycle where you can get more than half of a transaction off of $13 an eth.

A Better Time

I mean, that. That sound, that's definitely bullish. We're in better. We're definitely in a better time. You know, we'll kick it over to Minx. Minx. Are you. Are you going to tell us the government's coming for our crypto again? Because I don't know if we can handle this one more time. No, I'm not gonna say that, but I was gonna actually chime in when you were talking about, you know, how do you explain to your family and friends about crypto?

Shared Experiences

Because I won't even tell my friends. Oh, you're. Are you closeted? Are you a closet? I'm a closeted onlyfans. Model names. Okay. Yeah, I am closeted because Lincoln bio. How do I explain it to them? You know, how do I explain, like, especially, like, what I've gone through, like, with the projects and stuff and, you know, being scammed and all of that?

Understanding the Connections

Like, but at the end of the. At the same time, like, I've had connections with, like, Iggy Azalea and all sorts of, like, former football and basketball players, like Deshawn Jackson, Larry Sanders and stuff. It's like, how do you, like, put this whole thing together to make sense? It doesn't make sense, but it's interesting because this, you don't get these connections in this kind of, or any of this through, like, traditional markets.

Trading Experiences

Like, I trade traditional markets majority of the time. So I just kind of wanted to jump in on that. No, it's so true. I mean, like, that's, you know, obviously, you have to take the approach that some people do, and it's. You have to show up to family events and rent in lambos and then say that you own it.

Emphasizing the Experience

You know, like, there's a certain leaning in that you have to do. it's just like, it's crypto. And meme coins, especially, are. I'm not going to tell you that I trade meme coins, but there will be signs. And what those signs are is you show up to family events with a rented lambo, but you stay on a friend's couch.

The Dual Life

Okay? Like, there's a balance that goes on here. You don't have enough money to afford your own place. You have just enough money to spend eighteen hundred to two thousand dollars a day on a Lamborghini, which is okay as long as you have, you know, some of your homies places that you can stay at, which, ironically, is probably not even their place.

Couch-Surfing and Lifestyles

They are just staying in one of the spare rooms that happens to have a couch for you to stay. K two, this is the most incredible narrative for a meme coin. Oh, my God. Oh, my. You make videos like this, and, K two, this is a nine figure project right here.

Narrative in Meme Coins

I would ape it. I would personally ape it. Exactly. K two, what's going on? Yeah, what video? Grill Blanco in the house. Five time USA World team member, former Olympic wrestler, professional wrestler for the Hart Foundation, Brett the hitman Hart's family. Best.

The Transition to Crypto

Who was best or ever will be. And let me tell you something, I thought I was going to dial it down when I left professional wrestling for crypto. I thought, you know what? The politics of the back can't get any worse. The scripting can't get any worse. I mean, we're about to go from a predetermined showcase to a player versus player showcase.

A Shift in Perspectives

Let's get back to the old times, like the Olympic wrestling, where we're following a but, setting rules. And I'll tell you this right now. Meme coins, they. Pro wrestling doesn't hold a candle to the ridiculousness that we have at the beam. Coins of the trenches nowadays.

The Wild World of Crypto

Traveling the world's crashing couches, rented lambos, hanging in strip clubs. I mean, like, that's just a typical crypto NFT conference. We are silent and profiling. I've got a serious question, k two. Like a lot.

Analyzing Talent

A lot is right. Gorilla bo nickel or hamzat chamia? Oh, bo nickel. For sure. Bo nickel. Known him for a long time. I'll take those bets. You need to bet on the ones with ev in the last name.

Gambling Insights

They have shamiyah. I normally bet on consonants. And I. And I. I don't fade the. I don't fade the beards or the daggers. Danny's. I'm there with you. But I'm telling you, Bo nickel is the real deal.

The Next Big Thing

He's been training hard with Penn State ATt team. He's a Kale Sanderson byproduct, and he's been legit since he was a high schooler out of Texas. Came to the Arizona state wrestling camp when I was coaching there. This kid is phenomenal.

Promising Future

He's a game changer. You tell me. He's the next great american hope. He's. He's our generation Matt Hughes. All right, well, then, Dana. Dana might not let them fight because Hamza Chamyev is a rugger, which means he is a monster. Demon traits.

Wrestling and Crypto

You know, when Hulk Hogan dropped the big boot on us, I was so glad I was. I did not read the bus stop. That was my fault. Half of us on the stage are currently lost in this cabal conversation. My.

OnlyFans Discussion

The real question is onlyfans foreign for l's. Onlyfans are Pornhouse. That's the real question. Just kidding. Let me. Shut the fuck up. Listen, I've made more money underwear than probably most people have on stage, so I feel completely at home in the only fans conversation, I feel completely at home talking about these crypto streets.

Money and Backgrounds

I used to make it around the polls. We just had ropes around them, but let's go. We got some great takers up here. Gold standard, Eve. I'm loving the metal meta, and I got a shout out. Speaking of, like, the meta, have you guys seen his go?

New Trends

You. That came out. It's like a dog and nero. It ripped yesterday. Like, wildest ride. Totally acoustic. Like you guys are saying. It's like chinese dog. Chinese. Like dogs. Maybe for dinner, maybe for pets.

Future Prospects

I don't know, but, it's going to run. It's one of those things, though. I don't know if you felt about tampons. You always get this buyers. David. David went hard on tampons. What's that, Matthew?

Investment in Tampons

He went hard on tampons. He went really hard. And we're talking about cliff on the tampons. I would have seen it, though. That's the thing, though. This goes back to, like, I'm telling you, from the pro wrestling standpoint, if the crowd is going to react to whatever gives them a pop, if you feel that pop, when you look at the chart where you see that name and something that you just gives you that suspension of disbelief where you get a hair of excitement, you got to go with that flow.

Trading Excitement

That's that part of your brain, the DJ brain, that's going to run with it. That's why I think so many people in this space are just a bunch of big, little kids, but that's who are successful in it is because you got to. You got to turn off your logic. You just got to turn on your energy.

Embracing the Vibe

If you feel the vibe, if you feel the excitement, you got to go with it. We're trading transfers of excitement and meme coins. One person thinks it's more exciting than you. They buy one person thinks it's less exciting than you. They sell.

Understanding Trade Dynamics

You got to get tuned in with the excitement. If you get tuned in with that, you're going to be successful in this industry. Oh, that's a bangertight. You are literally trading with your own spidey senses.

Starting the Space

You know what? Like, I kind of want to, like, I think from now on, I'm going to open the spaces with the good morning, former millionaires. I think that's the most meme coin daily way to start a space. Is not future millionaires, former millionaires, because we've all got wrecked and that's why we're showing up.

Funny Encounters

Banksy. What's good? Well, no, I'll just go back to the other conversation before. No, this is definitely such a strange place. I think the funniest day was getting followed by Joe exotic, John Cena, and Drake Bell in the same day. It's just the weirdest things could happen in this space.

Evolving Industry

We're making money off of trading meme coins. Like, back in the day, like, I had met their coins. It was like flat earth. Like, we're talking about flyers making money. We're up here talking about meme coins. We're talking about.

Initial Agreement on Dog Coin

We're. I agree. I also second what gorilla was saying. I'm liking this dog coin. Yeah, go.

Racist Remarks and Rebuttals

I think that's racist. That is definitely racist. How is it racist? Dogs help people who are blind. Are you against blind people? Like dogs or. No gorilla? All okay, what I heard from you is about Chinese dog. I'm actually Taiwanese Chinese, Korean. So, like, what the heck? What the heck? How is it racist if it is a Chinese dog? Dog. Oh, a Chinese. Or if it's Chinese culture, literally dog in Chinese gal. It's actually go.

Explanation of Doge's Nephew

I stand corrected. Is that the one? Go, you. Oh, man. Someone texted me that ticker to do. Oh, man. I got a. It's cabal. Now it's on the tampons. Gorilla is go. You. Is that, like, a Chinese dog, or are we just talking about, like, a generic dog? It's actually. It's actually Doge's nephew. You is Nero's son, and that's her story. We're sticking with it.

Understanding the Meta

You know, Kayfabe is real, and for those of you don't know what kFAb means, that's a suspension of belief in a storyline, and we're going to follow Kayfabe here. So Doge's nephew, Nero's son, is the meta. Right now, other than gold standard, you can't beat metal meta. I mean, even Peter Schiff would have to tip his hat to something like gold standard. That's. That's fine. Sounds. Sounds like they got DNA verification.

Beef and Personal Conflicts

Yo, yo, cash. Burt, I have beef with you. I'm sorry, David and k two and Mario, but we have beef. We blocked each other. That's hot dogs. Yeah, I mean, like, you're pretty racist. What are we doing up here, Jahone? Yo? Hey, gorilla Blanco, dude, that's a. That's a fucking hot take. And shout out to another grappler. Although nothing quite like you. I just yucked it out in d three.

Process-Oriented Minds

But, dude, this is the process-oriented people. They're so fucked. They are so fucked. The process-oriented brain people. Let me. Let me explain to you why. I've been on multiple calls. Like, I have my dj in life, but I actually, like, work on the serious side of this business sometimes and a bunch. I've had multiple projects come to me in the last couple of weeks asking about this meme thing, right? How do they tap into it?

Navigating Crypto Investments

And the first orientation is how do we add this to our content calendar? Dude, I'm telling you, it's that. That it's going to fucking. It's going to rock people. You do. You have to. It's, it's trading energy. And if you're not moving with the emotive part of your brain to a degree, and I know this flies in the face of every single technical trader that's probably listening to me right now. However, mix, cover your ears.

The Pitfalls of Logic in Trading

However you can marry that up and see some of that on the chart, right? So the more you try to have the project make sense, the more pain you're probably going to fucking experience. And that's actually part of the fuel. That's why we ride this ride. We love the lightning. The saying make it make sense is one big psyop, guys. Oh, man. We'll go eight k, then.

Experiences with Logic and Trading

Casper. I tried to turn my logic off. Did you have aneurysm? Get ready. Blow blood from the ear. Well, that's what they told me, right? They said, hey, turn your logic off. You're going to get 100 x. So I did. And then I got rubbed. So now I'm figuring out, do I look at it with logic? Do I look at it with no logic? Do I. Do I not believe I am coming off of a fresh rug?

Building Resilience in Trading

This is my second attempt in the market. Now I am coming back with a vengeance. I just loaded up a fresh big wallet, and I'm ready to go on the pounce. I'm going to give the meme world 20 tries. Okay? I'm o for two. I'm going to give it 20 tries. One of those 20 needs to hit, because that's the law of averages. Correct. But if I go o for 20 and I squander this 20 grandd, I'm never looking at memes.

Reflections on Past Investments

I used to use that logic at the bars. I didn't know. You know, how many times, do you know how many times I said that this was the last 20k? I'm firing into memes a lot. Okay. So I appreciate your sensibility on there. Throw it out the window. You'll be back. They always come back. You know how the saying goes is this is the last 20k until it goes to zero and I get a refill.

Psychology of Trading

Exactly. Then I gotta. Then I gotta top it up. I gotta top it up. It's like a crazy night at eleven. You know what I'm saying? You always have enough top it back up. There's no margin calling crypto. It just goes to zero. Exactly. And then it goes back up with money that I don't have cash for. What's good? Man. Retweeted the space.

Crazy Story Relating to Crypto

I actually have a really crazy story. It's all relevant to what you're talking about. AK. Hey. TQ is the one who rugged you. I told you all what I'm on. You guys thought I was joking. That was. I went one for one against him. But here's the deal. If someone tells you that they have conviction and they will never quit a token, and it's someone that you believe really does have that conviction.

Advice Against Selling Out of Fear

You don't sell when you have dust, because. Did you see that? That was a shakeout. Very clearly. And there's a reason it came. First off. Mario, thank you so much for having me. David K. Two, you're back to being one of my favorite people. This was the craziest couple days in my life, and I performed the most elite of next level shill that anyone in here has ever done.

The Future of Crypto and Inclusivity

I proved. I mean, I already knew, but I showed that you can put me anywhere against someone else. And the show that can come will just be next level. First off, has anyone seen the white power spaces lately? No. Thank goodness. You haven't. Well, they're this new thing on x, and it's whites only, white power. And the other stuff that they say.

Reflections on Race and Crypto

This is not a place that I would ever like. I really wouldn't, because it's that bad. first off, they're getting ready for a race. They're trying to stop bitcoin. I don't want race where, like, this is. This is. I'm all about inclusivity, man. Yeah. Why can't we just get back to dogs versus cats? Why? Why? Because this is happening.

Consequences of Poor Investments

My bag going to zero. Okay, I'm gonna tell you exactly why. Okay, I'll speed it up. I was helping with a launch for a member of the RNC in Florida. Actually, the head of it, and very simple deal. He's a friend of mine. Whole bitcoiner. He'd work on the launch for months. And he hit me up a couple hours before the launch, said, can I give you a.

Mistakes in Crypto Leadership

My tokens due to launch base? I said, sure, that's fine. We're friends. And I believed in him. Right? He's. He was, I thought, a really cool guy. So, of course, if it's tokens and you believe in him, I just told him, I don't even need those today. I don't even want him today. I would never say, that's where you messed up.

Trust and Blockchain

Like, we got the blockchain. You don't have to believe anybody. You look at the ones and zeros. Wait, what's TQ? Is that a person? I don't know. That's top quality. That's me. Oh, cash for TQ. All right, let's. Let's get this. Matthew, I want to send it over to you. I was getting mesmerized really quick.

Engagement in the Crypto Space

Let's keep this one going, Matthew, go ahead. It's easy to get mesmerized in the space. Dude, there are so many things happening at any one time. Unless you brown cribs several bags, you can't be unloading pips. When you can't get up to, like, ten k's, just move to another place. At some days, it's like, $3, and then you're going to feel happy about this.

Crypto Trends and Market Awareness

That's what I would say. I think this space is always watching. There are always new things on the timeline. If you have heard about it before, it's probably too late. But it's actually not, because most of the time when you hear about it and everyone's like, this is something we fade. That's the point where the round trip actually has kicked off.

Market Timing and Investment Decisions

Everyone who knew about it first has already roundtriped that coin. That's probably about the time that you. Buy in, because as soon as people. Are talking about on timeline, everyone's going to say, like, that's not a point to buy in. Probably wise to buy in at that point. Don't trust me. I missed out on like, Pepe.

Lessons from Highs and Lows in Crypto

I got in super mega fucking early and then lost a 2 million bag with a five x instead of like, whatever it was going to become. So, you know, not financial advice, but, you know, you can still jump in on random shit and unload two clips, lads. I mean, that makes, you know, I think we've all got, I mean, like, that's the interesting thing when it comes to, you know, fading bags early and getting upset because you know, you missed out like a five x.

Selling Strategies in Crypto

Most sensible human beings are gonna sell at a five x, they're gonna sell at a ten x, they're gonna sell at a 20 x. Like, if we had this level of forethought, you know, we'd all be billionaires. But that's just not how this game is played, you know, that's just, that's my thing. So, you know, ak, I feel you in terms of, you know, what you.

Cravings and Relationships with Crypto

I'm itching. I'm itching. Like, you guys got me hooked on. It'll be okay. I mean, I keep telling Minx the same thing. It's okay. This is a toxic relationship worth getting back into. It's fine. So, Minx, what's good? AK? Bust out the Benadryl in the whiskey. Hell yeah. What's up?

Struggles with Selling in Crypto

I was gonna say, you know, you're talking about like five x to it. You know, whatever it is. I have trouble selling my crypto. I've had gains like 74 x and I wouldn't sell. So it's an interesting concept, I think that you bring up though, like, you know, when should we start to take our profits in crypto?

Ambiguities in Meme Coins

Because to me, like, I just, I don't know if they're meme coins. I know, but when I believe in a project, I believe it can really go. And that's. I think that's kind of where my weakness is when it comes to some of these meme coins. You know, I'm just going to quote somebody who is giving me advice today on trading and they're like, walk away.

Gathering Insights on Profit Taking

When you're green or even red have rules. It sounds like you need rules before. If you think about taking profit, you need to take. If you're down to screenshot it, you should be down to. That's my role. If you're down to screenshot it, you should be down to realize that I'm talking about it.

Reflections on Downturns

When I'm down 99%. When I'm down 99%. I'm not. Screenshot that one, by the way. Gorilla shout out. Big time wrestler. I wrestled for Team Canada for one year. Not obviously on your caliber. Oh, no.

Early Experiences in Wrestling

I came through the Manitoba open, and we used tour a Calgary hitman arena. A lot of back alley. Did plenty of house shows. I'll tell you one thing. I got my ass kicked by the Americans. Oh. So let me ask AK the same question. Bo nickel, hamza, chamaya. Who's getting that one? UFC, not wrestling. I like dagestanis, man. I'm a big fan of the Dagestanis. Or I guess I don't know if he is originally dagestani or not. I think he is Sweden now. Dubai. Yeah, I just got momentum, and those guys are all built different. I'm not a huge UFC fan. Like, I'm a wrestler first, but definitely Shimaev is just a fucking force to be reckoned with, man. The guy's a scary looking guy. Yep.

Financial Insights and Betting Logic

I've made more off of Habib, Islam, and Hamzat than I have off of every meme coin. Minus tampon. Tampon. Tamponse. I made more off of tampons than Habib. That. That's. That's sad. Well, bullish and sad. I don't know. Something walked me through his betting logic once when it came to the Dagestanis, and then when I got to witness his level of conviction in the Dagestanis to win. It is impressive. I won't go into detail because maybe that's just a bit too personal, but I remember sitting in my living room going, Jesus Christ, this man's going to be homeless if this guy loses. And the interesting thing in this scenario, this is the level of conviction, is that he fired on. Was it in Islam, right? Islam to win by some, like, win in less than five rounds?

Fighting Highlights and Observations

And this is when he chokes him out. Poirier out with what, 30 seconds left? Oh, bro. It was the middle of the fourth round. The best part is, like, watching that was like, watching the meme coin charts, and he went to his, like, fourth grade favorite move. That was my favorite part. He got tired. He's like, I'm just ready to get out of here. I'm gonna go ahead and do a little leg swig and then choke him out. Might just bully him. I use the same spidey senses when it comes to picking UFC fights then, that I use with meme coins. It was the craziest thing, because it was like. Because, David, were. It was, like, during consensus, and so, like, he. He flew.

Eventful Betting Adventures

He made the bet while he was at my house. Then he flew back to Miami. But, like, I was, like, screaming in my house as if I'm the one that, like, bet money. Like, I'm not touching that shit. I don't. Not doing it. But then all of a sudden, like, it hit, and I was like, holy shit. Holy shit. Like, it was wild. Like, I made sure to hit David up right away because, like, I. You know, at that point, the cops were already at David's house from yelling and screaming and things. Did you guys make it out to the karate combat when you're out at consensus? No. No, David, plug. Hit me up. I'll get you guys on the list for the next ones. Work with. Are they doing one in 24?

upcoming Events and Future Plans

Are they doing one in Singapore? Yes, they are. Absolutely. All right, we will be there, k two, and David will be there going strong in Singapore. So you can. You can bet that David said that, he will fight any and all comers. just whatever. no, k two, they got. To send me a contract for that one. No, David. David will sign the contract before each fight. He doesn't care. send into some meme coin. Absolutely. You know, roadhouse style, is basically how, like, kind of like what post Malone's character in the new road house, how he was just taking all comers. That's going to be David. That's gonna be David.

Lack of Interesting Projects

you know, before we dive into it, what runners do we have today? Any, any new. We don't have Gigi here, but, like, what are people looking at right now? I mean, yesterday, a lot of we. Got gal, but, oh, you know who we have up here? Block. Block. Who's, who's pumping your page? Yeah. Who's paid you? Who's paid you? You know, you can't. You can't get out of, you know, can't escape you, bro. You can't escape. abs, actually, there is nothing on the. On the agenda for today, to be honest. I'm gonna tell you, some days it's dry right now. We're kind of in a desert at the moment. At least I am. Maybe. Maybe outside of my purview.

Discussions about Interest in Meme Coins

Yeah, outside my purview. There might be something, but I have not seen anything that I really like today. And what I mean by that, I don't mean looking on photon at new pairs. Looking at new pair. I mean, no one's jumped in my DM's or responded back to my DM's in order to pay me to like something. So unfortunately, I haven't found anything today. Sorry, guys, to let you down. Oh, man. You know what, I've actually been thinking, like, since. Since I am a tampon mogul now, I was considering some more fiscal responsibility moves and I'm looking at wallets with more than 69 tokens in each of them, multiple wallets.

Reflections on Current Trends

And I was thinking about consolidating and just sticking with maybe ten or so meme coins and writing that out. Like, is anyone else feeling similar vibes? I got to thinking this and feeling this way after seeing all of the hate and all of the just the tokens being launched on pump fun and these other platforms not really performing as well as they have in the past. And it's like when you see things like that, they typically don't get better. I mean, it. To me, this is a DJ and version of buy the rumors, sell the news. Dang, man. Hearing you say that, like, you're kind of like the face of the space, man.

Entrepreneurial Achievements

I'm a tampon mogul now. Like, I am in a different class of entrepreneurship. You need to update your bio and. Just say tampon millionaire. I think that would be probably one of the most incredible things ever, but chonky. What are we looking at today, man? I was actually going to ask David that question, k two, because I'm here for the word meta. Yeah, the word meta. I just got off my last second to the last call of the day. I got polymarket pulled up, photon pulled up. I have got a grand total of 8201 Solana left to piss away, and I need David to hook it up. Blocks failing us, need David to hook it up.

Exploring Future Ventures

Oh, man. Well, I do happen to be a wordsmith and a word alpha caller, but I'm saving these. I'm trying to figure out the best way to start putting them on Twitter. I was looking at these articles, so I don't know, maybe we'll do something like that at some of these meme coin spaces every week. We'll do word, we'll play Scrabble. I'm here for it. I'm here for it. But I do. I do have a lot of several meme coins that I picked. I mean, all of them are, you know, I'm just trying to avoid anything under a certain market cap and really focus on what I think is going to be here six months from now.

Community Changes and Adaptations

Like, there's a lot going on in other ecosystems. I don't want to only be looking at some of these charts 24/7 which I kind of do, and then I look at other stuff a little bit when it should be the opposite. What do you mean? Tell us more. Yeah, I mean, look, we're in the crypto and blockchain industry. Meme coins are amazing. Meme coins are fun. That's where all the attention is. But I don't think it's going to be that way forever. And I want to make sure that when that does happen, I'm not trying to play catch up. Like, I think that's what these spaces are all about.

Current Market Conditions

Like, we need to talk about what's going on, but also be looking towards the future and talking to everybody about what they think. I mean, that's very fair. But I mean, like, I think, you know, we're in an interesting spot right now is, you know, I think everyone talked about how August was going to be a slow month. And, I mean, really, we're kind of lacking a meta right now. We're just kind of aimlessly wandering through the month and waiting for September to come. I think September is going to get pretty nutty. I'm just curious to see what's going to pop off, because, again, dogs we got gal go.

Observations on Current Projects

But it's not a huge runner. It hasn't asserted itself as dominant yet. I'm even looking at Nero on ETh, which is one that I keep an eye on. Man, that one's even. It's down bad today. you know, even our Go tos like block, who gets paid by literally every project. It's like, do projects not even have the money to pay anymore? Like, what's going on? Banksy bail us out, man. What's going on? Oh, yeah. Have you guys seen that Sato coin or Sato doc was posted about that earlier. It's kind of ripping stat.

Investigating New Projects

Okay, all right, let's pull this up. Let's see what we can find here. Is it. Is it on Coin? Market cap, Coingecko. It's on ease. All right. Like, man, there's so many different ones. Like, I'm seeing Satoshiba, satoru inu, satoshi crypto. Oh, there we go. Sato got it. 29 million. Whoa. Ripper. Is that the one you're talking about? Right? $29 million. Market cap, 13 points. It's ox 5d on the. Wow, that's a good one. What do you know? What do you know about it? Tell me more about it.

Discussion on Sato Coin

I don't know much. Docs has been posting it all day and been writing it, so been watching on it. Anyone else down here know about Sato? Anybody? Going once, going twice. Nothing. David's got four letters. It is a word. It is the word k two. You know, David, why don't you reset us and then we'll get into a project that is worth talking about. And that is the guys at gold standard. Ethan, everybody, we appreciate you coming out. Always love meme coin daily spaces, making sure that we talk about the important things happening on planet Earth, according to Elon and K two, who sounded like Trump yesterday.

Transition to Gold Standard Eth

But everybody, we appreciate you coming out. We're going to dive into it with gold standard eth. Love what they're doing. Love the logo. Any questions? You guys have anything you want me and K two to throw at these guys, drop it in the bottom right. We're going to be scanning through the comments, retweet the space, follow all the speakers, and make sure that you tune into meme coin daily every weekday, three to 04:00 p.m. estimated, where we talk about the most important topics happening in the world today. Gold standard eth. I want to throw it over to you guys. Thanks for joining us, being part of this space.

Introduction of Gold Standard Eth Team

Give us. Give us a little. Give us a little intro to you. Yeah, thanks, guys, for having us up. He's got the intro song, so the dev stay anonymous, but we managed to get the account up here. So. Yeah, gold standard eth, it's a project on Ethereum. It's got kind of the gold narrative, as you can see. It's kind of an interesting, it's an interesting blend of the financial aspect. Really clever tokenomics, a deflation mechanism that is true deflation from circulating supply.

Exploring the Gold Standard Eth Concept

And it combines mathematics pretty well in the sense of everything can have a touch of gold, everything. It's relatable to everything. So it captivates an audience in that sense. And it's kind of the community that rallied behind it really sees what it's capable of in terms of reaching most sectors of the market and not just being stuck in a niche of crypto, Twitter, which is kind of where a lot of projects get stuck in. You know, when you go to bed and you wake up, it's nice to have a project that has a little bit more exposure so you don't have that Solana effect of what you guys were talking about earlier.

Goals and Future Developments

So a couple things about the. Oh, go ahead. Oh, no, I was love that. Like, I like a good narrative. I like seeing things that are. That are moving. And you know what? Why did you guys choose to do this? On Ethereum, with Solana being one of the main, you know, chains that people are looking for when it comes to meme coins, probably. Cause they have a community with conviction. Sorry. No, you know, you nail it like Solana plays are fun, but it still has that. It still has that degen.

Solana vs Ethereum

Like we're all kind of DJ's in this space. But on Solana, you're a true dgen. And it doesn't seem to have the holding power yet. It's my belief that, you know, the liquidity we all know is on Eth, it's really on bitcoin, but it flows into Eth as well. Liquidity on Solana is there, but I just don't think it's to the level of eth. And I think it's more of a quick onboarding. You can play with a lot less. But on Ethereum, with Guey hitting one or even below one recently, it doesn't take as much to play on Ethereum, which I think makes it a little bit more competitive to Solana with some of the l two s coming.

Future Perspectives on Ethereum and Solana

Also, I think Solana gets there down the road. We'll see where the ETF's go. But we chose Ethereum for that reason. If you want. If you want to have essentially a reserve, a speculative reserve asset tied to gold, Ethereum is it. It's also difficult to make out bitcoin, so you wouldn't want to do that. And nobody's going to replace bitcoin, right. It's the king. So Ethereum was kind of the natural choice of the project and I think they made the right move on it.

Clarifying Project Relationships

That definitely makes a lot of sense. So is there a relationship between your guys project and golden or what's the.

Utility Options and Limited Supply

No, there's some utility options coming up, which I actually. I would like to talk about that kind of at the end. There's not. We don't want to give too much of that away right now, but it's speculative. It's meant to be like a representative, like a representation of gold. And the unique thing on this is actually the limited supply. Whereas like gold can be mined, gold can be found, this token cannot. So there's 9999 supply, it's capped, it's limited, there's no allocations. It will never be more than that.

Deflationary Mechanism Explained

The other unique thing is it's actually deflationary and it's deflationary through a burning mechanism that they keep kind of as a mystery. By that I mean they don't tell you how it works, but it's essentially a buy and burn where they're buying it up from the v two liquidity pool and they're burning it from circulating supply. So if you understand deflation, you'll know that, say, in this project, a team holds. The dev team holds 7.77% of the supply. This whole token is also themed around 777, but as they do a buy and burn, they're pulling it from the V two supply, which is actually circulating. And every time one of those is burned, it's never coming back.

Burning Process and Its Effects

Right. So it's burned in bars, not in USD value. So the other, the most recent burn, I think, was 33 bar. One before that was 77 bars, and it's about $8.50 per bar. And those are forever removed from the supply. So as that burn address grows and as supply in the V two pool decreases, you kind of get a compounding effect, which is a supply shock situation. So if you're into tokenomics, that's a really clever setup, as opposed to somebody I don't want to call like Andrew Tate out or anything, but if you just own a big amount of supply and it was in a dev wallet and you burn it, that supply was never circulating.

Deflationary Practices Over Time

It's a good effect, but it doesn't affect. It doesn't affect you as much unless it was going to be introduced later, which would be inflation, kind of the opposite of it. So this project's doing deflation, in my opinion, the way it should be done that a lot of guys miss. It's not like a vanity point, it's an actual removal of supply that you can no longer buy. And to date, the dead wallet. So this project's only like 22 days in just about. And 8% of the supply has been burned. So the team holds 7.77%, just under a million tokens. And 8% of that is gone forever from what was in the pool.

Market Performance and Supply Insights

But there's only about 5% of the supply remaining in the V two pool. In post launch, it ran up to about 34 million market cap in about four days. And at that time, there was only 2% of the supply remaining in the V two pool. And that was prior to having the amount of burn it had. It had much less burn at that time. So when you. The catalyst behind your guys, like, launch run up, I mean, like, that's like, I'm looking at it. It sounds like you guys did everything right. You know, organic, fair, launch, and then bam, 36 million, when everyone's just like, oh, you know, nothing runs up on ethereum.

Community Dynamics and Launch Process

That's quite an impressive amount, especially when you're talking about like $19 million in volume. That's some deep bags running through there. Like any. Was it just anomaly or what happened? Yeah, honestly, I think it was kind of anomaly. It was meant to be a fair launch where it dropped in a live space with a couple hundred people. The contract was out there, the ca. The contract was posted, the liquidity was added. You know, same with every project. Some bots got on early, they sold off, and it was kind of a slow roll on the first day or two.

Market Fluctuations and Community Support

You know, it was 1200, 300,000. Market cap creeped up to like a million. Had a pullback just like any other meme coin. The next day it was mid one, you know, one, two, one. 3 million. Went to bed, woke up, you know, 10 million, went to bed, woke up 18 million, went to bed, woke up 34 million. And it was really just the community kind of just rallied behind it. And I think the launch mechanism of that just wasn't common for a long time. And then not having, like, allocations out, not having kols, not having all that stuff paid for, the project's kind of controlling, not sending tokens out to be sold is kind of a big narrative on this project in the same way, kind of tying into the funding and how they're rolling out exchange listings and then even post launch, they had six exchanges in two weeks.

Unique Community Engagement

So it rolled out hard. I've never been in a community like that, where the project is just like organically just blown up like that. Just in a couple days. There was no additional planning, really, besides the community just deciding that this was the play to run with, you know. That is an interesting thing because a lot of, I mean, obviously, even on here, people came on and said good things. Usually that doesn't happen quite often. I ought to join your community. There you go. See Ak. Dreams do come true. Did you hear them? Three days in a row he went to sleep and woke up with fuller bags.

Challenges Anew as Market Matures

Dreams do come true. That was a nice change. It was a nice change compared to other meme plays, you know, but I. Think, you know, so now y'all got a legitimate project, which means you've got legitimate problems. Not really problems, but I mean, you know, ebbing and flowing with the market and kind of taking things on, you know, keeping everybody satisfied. So, I mean, you know, really cool stuff with the, you know, exchanges, you know, that's awesome. You know, got a market maker to kind of work that volume through and keep things in control, but, you know, where do you go? Where do you go from here? You understand, like, what is the next four months look like?

Future Plans and Community Role

What does the next month look like? Yeah, I think. I think there's a lot of things. It was definitely like a blitz in the beginning where it just, like, rolled out. The team had to just, I mean, just kind of get everything going. So the exchanges got going, the market making partner got set up early to support the exchanges. And also the liquidity on the Dex side. And what's kind of going forward is there are, there's a tier one exchange kind of what's next, which is the natural progression after, you know, Mexie, Bingex and lbank, kind of the t 1.5 exchanges.

Expanding Market Reach

So a tier one exchange is going to be a big deal. And then after that, you know, you kind of rack up a couple more tier one exchanges. And then the fact that we survived launch, we survived to retrace, we survived the market crash, kind of the flash crash, and we're still here. And the community is stronger than ever. I think it shows some staying power. So you start. So the goal is you reach into different markets, which is where the speculative gold narrative comes into place, where a lot of the space, their space is hosted all the time by the community.

Intellectual Exchange in the Community

And a lot of times you're getting a lot of intelligent people, trade fi people, guys who are into economics and those conversations. And it's almost like a mix of a learning space, but it captures the creative content to people as well. So it's an interesting blend. It's fun to be in there. It's not just artistry, it's also the financial side. So breaking into those markets, I think, are important for this and getting out of the bubble. And then there's actually a lot of utility talk. I don't want to say for sure, because I don't know everything that's planned there, but tier one s are definitely being worked on and rolling out.

Community Initiatives and Content Generation

I think there's maybe even a secondary market maker coming on board, which would also suggest some exchange partnerships, probably liquidity management. On the Dex side, which this project has very thick liquidity for its market cap. It sits at about 700,000 in liquidity, all in b two at 8 million market cap, which is thick. And then the utility, I think, again, I don't want to shed light on that, but there's functionality that could be done with this. And it being a representation of gold that's speculative really ties in well with the utility part, too.

Meme Gold Concept

So it's, it checks a lot of boxes, in my opinion, on what could be done with it and where it's going. How do you meme gold on the blockchain? I mean, I'm thinking about it. I understand the narrative. I understand metas. Like, how did you guys come up with this? And what's the plan for content? Like, what are you guys gonna do to keep the. Keep the Twitter active and satisfy the. DJ's, you know, so that's. There's actually a bunch of.

Creative Engagement and Content Strategy

There's a bunch of meme contests going on, so Addison can talk on a lot of that. He kind of. He's actually the start of what started the 24 hours spaces El bunch without. Without him running with it, you know, the community wouldn't kind of have formed, I don't think. But as far as gold goes, it can be applied to everything. The gold PFP rings kind of worked naturally. I think it. You can put, you can just put. You can make anything gold that literally being like the gold standard, kind of as representation of being the asset, that kind of can be applied to everything.

Content Creation and Tools Utilization

You can make any popular meme care, meme artistry gold, you can add gold flair to anything. And if you hop on the timeline and just search bar or the gold standard, I mean, you'll see everything creative that's put out. And I was never. I'm not. I'm more of a technical guy, like analytics and whatnot. I'm actually using mid journey and being AI to make content for this. And I'm having a good time. It's a whole new world for me.

Community and Collaboration in Artistic Creation

Addison can touch on the community aspect of the artistry, but it applies to everything. And it's easier than you think, in my opinion. Yeah. You also have the gold standard being like a great counter meme to bitcoin, like Peter Schiff and gold. And the why we trade in the first place is because went off the gold standard in 1970 and inflated the us dollar to basically zero, which is need for an alternative solution like bitcoin and other good deflationary tokenomics.

Strong Meme Narrative

So that being integral into everything that we do in crypto, I think that has a really strong meme there. In addition to, you can just turn anything gold, or being the gold standard being the best. There's a lot of different memes that you can create around this. And there's been a lot of people creating like, songs and videos. I think we have, like 13 songs made. Yeah. I ran a meme contest.

Engagement in Creative Initiatives

We had 147 entries, and then we have one being run right now between us and the brainlet community. And then the main account is also running meme contest. So there's a lot of content generation happening through the community, and it's been real cool and fun playing the songs on. On spaces and seeing all the cool out of. You mentioned the gold standard, like that. That line.

Community Perception and Contributions

It does fit very well. Like, is. Is that something that you guys had in place? Did the community come up with that? Like, was it organic or. I don't know. I'm trying to see how this thing happened. It seems like a perfect fit. I think it was a little magic sauce from the dev team. I mean, it launched the day that the ETH ETF launched and the training went live.

Symbolism and Critique of Federal Reserve

So, like, in the way that we're reestablishing the gold standard on the day that the ETH ETF went live with good deflationary tokenomics, which can be a very good store of value token on. Ethereum, I also think it was a bit of a jab of the Federal Reserve moving away from it in the sense of it's a meme coin. Right. And then it just kind of. And it's just. Yeah, it's intended to be just a gold represent, you know, a representation of it.

Exploring Numerology in the Project

So. But I do think it was a jab at kind of the fed and how they moved away from the gold standard. Where did. So you've mentioned, like, bar 777 for, like, what, I guess, what's the point of that? How does that fit into it? What's the inspiration behind that? So, yeah, there's two. There's two tickers, there's. There's bar on the decentralized exchanges.

Ticker Symbol and Significance

So it's just bar on decks. On the centralized exchanges, it's bar 777. And one of the reasons was bars taken. Bars got. There was another ticker on bar, but there's actually. Addison can touch on it. But there's a lot of hidden aspects in Easter eggs with 777. Well, in the contract it starts with Ox 777, and there's also sevens in the contract address.

Exploring Project Themes

Interesting. So you guys are just playing on, like, you know, just numerology to kind of push it forward a little bit? Yeah, just. Just some Easter eggs. Like the. The dev supply was 7.77%, you know, lp, I believe it was. It was 11,777. It's kind of just everywhere. And when you look around, it's interesting. This sounds more acoustic than MTV unplugged.

Appreciation for Unique Themes

And I'm loving it. Like, I love the seven meta. Seven meta. That's I mean, that's. That's an interesting seven up. You know, I'm liking it. I'm feeling this. I'm. He's cooking. You know, so I know we've talked about a bunch of stuff. like, what does, like, are there any, like, initiatives, like, in the interim that you guys are working on that we should keep an eye on?

Immediate Future Plans

Like, what. What's the next, like, most immediate move for you guys? So the next most immediate move is definitely a tier one exchange that's like the full focus to, you know, to increase exposure and to get into different markets, I think. I believe you need a tier one. And then the other things are really. The community is driving up the content, and it's really like, it's an interesting push when the community is driving, and then the devs are driving as hard behind the scenes, even though they're anonymous.

Cooperation and Engagement within the Community

It's just as the community pushes, the devs push. As the devs push, the community pushes. So devs are going tier one market making, you know, actual chart support and understanding how to fund that. And then the community is just running hard with the content, wanting to create a community wallet. There's four, there's five chats, I think, actually set up.

Community Structure and Participation

There's one general chat with a couple hundred people. There's an overflow chat from the first one filling up. There's a whale chat, there's a marketing chat, there's a creative chat, and there's a telegram. And that's all just community form. Like, they just did this and ran with it. The team had an x page and the team launched it. And then also the team, I think, is showing commitment in that they've put over 400,000 USDT through the multi segment of this project and haven't sold tokens.

Long-Term Commitment to Stability

Top holders are accumulating, they're not selling. And then distribution of it has been amazing. And it's rare to see a project where the devs are. I mean, they're throwing an actual cash outside of the project, growing this for the exchange listings, and they're not using token supply for the listings. And all that's to reduce sale pressure. And it's all that on kind of a. It's a meme coin.

Community Confidence and Future Moves

Right. But there's actual, I believe, I think that's what builds confidence in the driving force. And then, you know, as the community picks up and gets wallet set up and gets activity and campaigns going on. Yeah, the t one s and the market making and, you know, chart support are definitely the big moves on the dev side in the short term.

Negotiation with Larger Exchanges

What type of like with regard to you guys negotiation with those larger exchanges, what type of timeline do you think it'll be until those go live? Obviously, maybe not. You can tease a little bit of a day if you want, but how far along are those? I mean, hoping for a week or two, it looks like everything's in place and we keep hearing that some of the stuff takes time.

Anticipated Timeline for Future Developments

I don't think the market crashing helped anybody, but yeah, a week or two I think is the plan. I think it's in short order and I think that's what you see. If you follow the multisig on it, you can see a lot of the transactions gearing up for a much bigger play. As far as exchanges goes. That'S definitely a good sign.

Optimism in the Market Situation

I mean, honestly, I think if you're talking a week or two, the CPI information came in good today. I think we're starting to start a slow march back up to a really good looking market. And now it sounds like rate cuts in September are foregone. Conclusion they're just placing bets as to whether or not it's going to be 25 or 50 basis points. So we'll see how that goes because I would imagine in my crystal ball, which is crystal clear, as crystal clear as a rock, I think you're going to start seeing that price itself in the market within the next couple of weeks.

Positive Outlook for the Future

So hopefully we have better times on the way. But as we get closer to the end of our show here, we've got a lot of people who obviously came in and sang your praises so they're familiar with your project. But you have people like Akin who are like, wait a second, a project that I can go to sleep and I still have bags in the morning, you know, draws his attention as well.

Community Participation and Support

And so one of the things that we like to ask here is, you know, what are one, maybe two action items that everyone can leave this space today to directly support you guys? You know, I think the first thing is if the community wasn't driving this, I don't think anybody would put support behind it, including the dev team.

Community Engagement Strategies

So I'd say get a gold PFP ring, hop in, community chat and then look at the tokenomics and try to understand the deflation and why this is a little bit different from what you've seen out there. Two things would be getting the community chats. It's an awesome community. It kind of breaks through a lot of the fud and kind of there's a little bit of rivalry in meme coins, right? But the truth is, this movement is about everybody can have.

Emphasis on Community and Tokenomics

We're all kind of in all the things and getting in the community chat, you'll see the difference in vibe and support and engagement you get. And then when you combine understanding that and you get deflation, unlimited supply and supply shock effects, you can kind of piece it together on why this is such a unique. Why it's in such a unique position.

Promoting Community Collaboration

Oh, man. Absolutely love that. Everybody, make sure you are following gold standard e. I mean, follow everybody up here, for that matter. But follow gold standard eth, follow car wrangler, follow Addison, check out their community, join the telegram, see what's going on. If you like gold, I mean, who doesn't like gold? I think gold's a scam because it grows in the dirt.

The Value of Gold on the Blockchain

But when it's on the blockchain there, it's not a scam, guys, because it is on chain.

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