Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space What’s Driving DeFi-Infra Investments? #CryptoDaily w/@puritysniper hosted by RoundtableSpace. Explore the world of decentralized finance infrastructure investments in the crypto sphere through insightful discussions on Mario Nawfal's Crypto Show. Delve into the significance of decentralization, risk management strategies, governance models, and technological advancements shaping the DeFi ecosystem. Discover why interoperability, regulatory clarity, and community engagement are pivotal for successful DeFi-Infra projects. Uncover the potential for innovation and disruption in this dynamic space, driven by token economics, oracles, and evolving ecosystem landscapes.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: Why is decentralization important in DeFi-Infra investments?
A: Decentralization ensures censorship resistance, security, and trustlessness in the DeFi-Infra space.

Q: What factors should investors consider for risk management in DeFi-Infra?
A: Investors should assess smart contract audits, project teams, and market volatility for effective risk management.

Q: How does interoperability benefit the DeFi-Infra ecosystem?
A: Interoperability allows seamless asset transfers and enhances user experience across different DeFi-Infra platforms.

Q: What role do governance structures play in the success of DeFi-Infra projects?
A: Effective governance ensures community participation, decision-making transparency, and project sustainability in DeFi-Infra.

Q: How do token economics drive participation in DeFi-Infra platforms?
A: Tokenomics design incentives, rewards, and value creation mechanisms to encourage user engagement and platform growth.

Q: Why are oracles and data providers crucial in DeFi-Infra ecosystems?
A: Oracles provide external data feeds for smart contracts, ensuring accurate real-world information integration in DeFi-Infra applications.

Q: What technological advancements are shaping the evolution of DeFi-Infra ecosystems?
A: Innovations like Layer 2 solutions, cross-chain compatibility, and scalability enhancements are driving the development of DeFi-Infra projects.


Time: 00:15:45
Decentralization in DeFi-Infra Investments Exploring the impact of decentralized finance principles on infrastructure investments.

Time: 00:25:12
Risk Management Strategies for DeFi-Infra Discussing effective risk mitigation approaches for investors in infrastructure projects.

Time: 00:35:29
Governance and Community Engagement in DeFi-Infra Analyzing the role of governance models in fostering community involvement and project sustainability.

Time: 00:45:18
Tokenomics and Incentives in DeFi-Infra Platforms Understanding the design of token economies to drive user participation and network growth.

Time: 00:55:09
The Role of Oracles in DeFi-Infra Ecosystems Explaining how oracles ensure accurate data feeds for smart contracts in infrastructure projects.

Time: 01:05:37
Technological Innovations Shaping DeFi-Infra Exploring the latest technological advancements influencing the evolution of DeFi infrastructure ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the importance of decentralization in DeFi-Infra investments.
  • DeFi-Infra projects play a crucial role in enhancing blockchain scalability and security.
  • Risk management and due diligence are essential when investing in DeFi-Infra.
  • Interoperability between different DeFi-Infra projects is vital for the ecosystem's growth.
  • Regulatory clarity is a key factor influencing investments in DeFi-Infra.
  • Community engagement and governance structures impact the success of DeFi-Infra initiatives.
  • The potential for innovation and disruption in the DeFi-Infra space is significant.
  • Token economics and incentivization models drive participation in DeFi-Infra platforms.
  • Understanding the role of oracles and data providers in DeFi-Infra is crucial.
  • The evolution of DeFi-Infra ecosystems is influenced by technological advancements.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Discussion

Sadeena. Sadeena. What's going on, everybody? Welcome to another amazing episode of Mario Nawfall and the Round Table Spaces. You know, it's. It's been kind of an interesting, rather slow day in the world of crypto. I did see that the United States kind of moved about a 1000, 10,000 bitcoin around in their wallet, so definitely going to keep an eye on that one. But, you know, Travis, it's good to share the stage with you because I'm curious, what do you have your eye on, my friend? What do you, what are you paying attention to on this amazing Wednesday?

Exploring Current Focus

Well, you know what I think, first of all, great to see you. Great to see so many friendly faces joining the group here today. This will be an interesting space. Yeah. You know, I've been sort of researching personally around real world assets, and as traditional financial instruments become security tokens, right? And they start, and they start tokenizing, revenue into, distributions. I think that we're a ways away from that, but I think that's probably where it's headed because I'm working out the tokenomics on what I want to do on my project and I don't want it to be like everybody else has done, and I don't want it to be a, you know, sort of a shit coin that pumps and then dumps and then like, hey, that was great few minutes there. So it's a matter of, creating long term wealth and creating the right sort of tokenomics. Everybody wins.

Government Bitcoin Movement

And I think that security tokens probably will play into it with the real world asset stuff later on. But that's just kind of what I've been focusing on over the last week or so, and I was really diving in on it today. But it is interesting that you're talking about the us government moving 10,000 Silk Road bitcoin worth, you know, $590 million over to Coinbase prime. That's not great. Trump says, do not sell your bitcoin. What are they going to do? Liquidate all their bitcoin before, in case Trump gets a, you know, you hope. It doesn't come to that. Could you imagine that? It just, like, there's this level of pettiness that if there's just this crazy subtle acknowledgement that they feel he's going to win, that they're just going to just liquidate it. Like, could you or not?

Concerns and Speculation

I mean, they're not going to liquidate all 200,000 bitcoin, but it's dude, what weird altered state reality are we living in right now? Yeah, well, I remember back in the day, you know, Tim Draper was able just to go into auctions and get those bitcoins at a much cheaper price than the. Than the retail price at the time. So that was a little bit weird. That's how he was able to stack so many sats so fat. Dude. Tim, he stacked that shit for sure. And I don't know why they're trying to sell it at this kind of price. It's always weird when you see the us government sort of dumping this kind of thing, because I've. I've always. I'm. I kind of always have a stink eye on crypto in the way that, you know, bitcoin.

Bitcoins' Creation and Skepticism

If you look at what Satoshi Nakamoto means in Japanese, satoshi, I think, means, intelligence. Or it breaks it down, and the other one is, like, centralized, and you're like, wait, did the CIA and the NSA create bitcoin? Like, if so, then we're all being caught up in a big rug, probably. Hopefully that's not the case, but I wouldn't put it past, you know, I mean, I read that document, how to make a mint, how to make a. The NSA created a document back in 1996, okay? And so, you know, they had their hands in a lot of that stuff. And so I always, like, I'm very bullish on bitcoin, but then again, I always just have a little bit of, like, oh, man, are we getting. Are we. Is this a big rug we're just waiting for? I don't know.

Technical Aspects of Crypto Trading

It's just always wild to think about. I mean, you know what? Like, that's an interesting thing. Dave, what's going on, man? Well, two things. One is a question, and it's a genuine question, because went through this, you know, the day after the BTC 2024 speech that Trump made 30,000 coins, got transferred to Coinbase. I asked the question that I'm about to ask, then. I've yet to see answer. Does anybody have direct knowledge of whether those coins were actually sold or just like these coins? Were these coins sold or being sold? Because they have a department that we know, the DOJ has a contract with Coinbase to provide custodial services.

Clarifying the Coin Transactions

And for all we know, they're merely executing on their contract. And that has nothing to do with it. It's just a question of instead of holding it in their own wallets where the world can watch them, they wanted to put it someplace else where maybe they could sell it a later date, or maybe nothing, but we have no idea, because the answer is they're selling. Then I think all of this crypto for Harris stuff evaporates almost immediately because of the pettiness and all the reasons you just said. But my guess is they probably aren't, which is why it's actually humorous to watch selling the market, dropping it, because, oh, look, the federal government's going to sell.

Market Dynamics and Predictions

It's like, guys, it's low liquidity august summertime, and anybody who wants to push the market around can do it. Unless a buyer shows up and says, you know what? Give me some of that tasty sub 60,000 bitcoin and buy it all. In which case, then the guys who shorted it when they go to cover get crushed. And we don't know if that's going to happen. We don't. My guess is probably likely as we get closer and closer to Labor Day and markets start to normalize. But it's an important question. So that. That's the thing. I don't. And I'd love to hear anyone on the panel if they know the answer.

Technical Details on Bitcoin Transactions

Yeah, well, we see the block, right? We see it's block 856763. We see where it was from and where it was two. So we can look at that to address, maybe, and see one thing. That one thing that gets me is, like, they literally sent 10,000 bitcoin, and then it took .00,546 bitcoin as the fee. And then there's another little fee in there, $0.59. So literally, they. So total fees of $0.92 on that. And could you imagine, though, $593 million? Like, how tight would your sphincter be clinching when you're sending 10,000 bitcoin somewhere?

Personal Experiences with Transactions

Like, I double check. Like, I don't even know how. I wouldn't even send 10,000 bitcoin at once. I'd be like, I'm going to send one bitcoin to test, and then maybe I'll send a thousand. I mean, I just have a hard time. I would have a hard time sending a half a billion dollars at once. Yeah, well, you know the beauty of computers, if you do the same thing, it's. Right. You know, they said, I'm sure they did test to an address, and I'm sure they sent the real amount, but I got you. You just know that clint speaker clinch is real when it comes to crypto.

Understanding Market Behavior

This should be noise. I mean, I think. I can't remember, Mike Alfred, he had a great quote. I have to find it. But it's like, if this is what you're selling based off of, you don't deserve the stats that you had, something like that. And it's like, I hate to get, look, I'm an old tradfi guy who's kind of a zealot convert, but that's, that the point of this space, though, which I'm going to shut up and let you talk about. I really think that people need to understand the real world assets and what does it mean? And I'll start with this prompt for the panel.

The Future of Tokenization

Everything that's being done now is like early stages. We're talking early stage venture relative to what's going to come. The big play. The big play is that I've been saying this for six and a half years, so this is nothing new to anyone who's ever talked to me. That all that trillions, all equities, all bonds will eventually trade tokenized, and you leverage the market structure that's being developed for crypto, which includes Defi. And there's all sorts of good reasons why that is true, and it will ultimately work that way in a much more efficient manner.

The Political Landscape of Tokenization

And so there's a lot to be done there. And that's really where the battle, the political battle is happening. I'll stop there and let other people comment on that. But I think that's kind of important to keep your eye on the ball. It's not really. Yeah. Okay. We can prove that real tokenization works because some ski mountain or ski resort gets tokenized. The real issue is right now, if you want to buy Tesla stock and you're not sitting in the United States, you have to pay banks a shit ton of money to buy global depository receipts in your own currency, et cetera.

Barriers to International Investing

And God forbid you want to buy a small cap United States stock, you can't. If you're in the US and you want to try to buy a small cap or mid cap stock from anywhere in Asia or Europe, you more or less can't. Or you go into the gray market, you pay ten or 15%. All of that's going to change. When there are platforms that can list the same asset in every currency that matters and it's fungible between them, and that is where it's going. So let's take our eye off the ball.

Market Operations and Innovations

Yeah, I mean, and that's great, because the market doesn't need to sleep, right? We're a 25, we're a 24 hours global market. When it comes to crypto, the stocks don't need to stop at 04:00 or 05:00 eastern or whatever. That just makes no sense. Now, the technology is caught up. But Travis, they do, because every stock, when you buy stock in Schwab, and I repeat this a lot, but I want us to be clear.

Understanding Stock Trading Mechanics

Why do I think this? My first job was in 55 Water street downtown, working in the operations center from Morgan Stanley in the basement, the sub basement of 55 water DTCC has their vaults, and in those vaults, presumably, are paper stock certificates that they own. And then they basically have ledgers in their databases that say, okay, this amount of this company is for this broker, this for this broker. And the brokers themselves have who the beneficial owners are that they hold for the benefit of. That's why the world, the word use of beneficial owner, the reason that the markets close is because if they didn't, they can't run batch processes to settle up all those trades.

Efficiency in Trade Settlements

Now, they recently did this herculean effort and it went off without hitches. Great. Several billion dollars to be able to go to t plus one, meaning that when you buy a share of stock, those ledgers all get updated between the brokers most of the time. The next day. Obviously in crypto, they're updated as soon as you want them to be updated. If you trade on a centralized exchange and request a withdrawal, it happens almost immediately. If you don't request a withdrawal, just like in the Coinbase prime case of the DOJ, you don't know it's held in a commingled account somewhere where they actually have the ledger.

Blockchain Advantages

The technology is far superior for crypto because a blockchain is actually purpose built for them. Well, it isn't purpose built for it, but it is a perfect use case for it. That's why it's such a big difference. But keep it very clear. This beneficial owner process, this whole using paper securities is a lot of the reason why certain things are the way they are, such as the way when you go to borrow a security, you do something called a locate, you say, okay, I secured myself the ability to borrow, but you don't pay anything until you actually borrow it.

Borrowing Processes

And then if you don't sell it or you buy it back before then a borrow never happened. Well, what does this mean? Well, this means that you can sell short substantially more of a stock than exists and then cover it before settlement. And so you see all sorts of stuff that goes on there that can't happen in a world where you actually have to borrow when you want to sell, which is the case in crypto. Anyway. I've talked way too much, but there's a lot there.

Interest in Trading Dynamics

I mean, that's all good stuff. I mean, honestly, you know where I'm at. A little bit over my head, but maybe it makes sense. It makes sense. I don't. Travis, are you like, is this kind of more in your wheelhouse? Like, are you know, we're talking about trading crypto 24 hours. I mean, that part makes sense. And the tokenization of assets, I guess. Well, I'd say this, you know, I mean, Larry Fink of Blackrock said that, you know, that's where they're moving it.

Blackrock's Influence

And so I would, I'm not a big fan of Blackrock, but I would say when those idiots say something, they probably mean it at least most of the time, right? I mean, they. How many ridiculous, what, they got 300,000 bitcoin now or something? Blackrock. And they're saying that the tokenization of everything else is coming because. And that's a, what ridiculous amount of trillions of dollars when we're talking about all of those things and think about tokenizing all of, when we're talking about real world assets, like all the real estate in the world.

Future Trends in Tokenization

I mean, all the stuff, I mean, it's going there. And right now, you know, most people focus on the meme coins because it's funny and it's ha. And it's a culture coin type of a thing. I'm a huge fan of Blackrock. I love Blackrock. Okay, you're a big fan of it. Okay, great. Yeah. Yeah. To be honest with you, I love Blackrock. Their cover call, ETF's absolute print.

Capital Market Dynamics

Obviously, what they're doing, the real estate market isn't necessarily nice, but we do live in a capitalist society. And I'm happy with how the ETF's are printing, you know. Well, there's certain elements that you can like, but Blackrock, for me personally, Blackrock from a political standpoint and how they run stuff and who they work for, not awesome, because they can, they control everything, dude. A little slight movement and boom.

Concerns Over Market Control

They, they're the ones that can take it out and funk it on the table anytime they rule it at this point. And I think you guys need to, you need to understand one thing about Blackrock, which is two things actually. The reason Blackrock has truly is the world's largest asset manager is because they in vanguard. I know they're, you know, kind of the arch enemy made investing dramatically cheaper for people. And when you make, give something, it's like they are to financial markets what Costco and Walmart are to retail shopping.

Impact on Investment Accessibility

And yes, they have more upscale products and they've done that. But their core index funds dramatically lowered the barrier for individuals, small funds, Rias, etcetera, to be able to offer lower cost investing, to allow the average person to participate in the equity market returns over years.

The Rise of Financial Giants

I mean, sure, they got big because they did a great job. You know, they didn't get big because they greased people's palms. Now that is, don't have to grease. The people's palms when, you know, when the Rothschild family's running things behind the scenes. And so I think it depends on, well, Vanguard and. Yeah, trillions of dollars. And is that, and really, when you think about what's being managed behind the scenes, we don't really know back. I really want to push back. And, hey, you already said it. You love Blackrock. That's great. I spent most of my career. No, I said I love. I spent ten years at Morgan Stanley, 14 years at Salomon Brothers through Citigroup before I went to two Sigma, which became big, but was small when I joined there. And then I went into crypto seven plus years ago. The truth is that the big banks are the ones, the cartel part, the prime brokers and the cartelized ones.

Conspiracy Theories in the Financial Sector

And there are lots of conspiracy theories that are. Whether it's the Bilderberg stuff for the Rothschilds, it doesn't matter. You can, there's at least plausibility in those. The big index funds are very different. Just because they have a lot of assets doesn't mean their businesses are integrated. If you remember that Rolling Stone article from last decade that, you know, I forgot who wrote it, calling Goldman Sachs the vampire squid. And it went through all the businesses they did. You can't find that about Blackrock. It's just not the same thing. So I just, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying, you know, pick up where it's more. Right. That's all I got. You know, you just hit an amazing point, too. And you're talking about those central banks and some of those bigger banks.

Central Banks' Investments

I found. This was interesting. There was news today that popped out that central banks in Switzerland and Norway are buying significant amounts of microstrategy. Right. So they're saying that so Norwegian central bank, they acquired like 1.1 million shares of MicroStrategy. Swiss National bank purchased 450,000 shares of micro strategy. So it's kind of like an indirect investment in bitcoin, really. And it's actually trending over on the side on Twitter here. That's crazy. What do you think the methodology and something like that is? Right. Because it's, you know, why microstrategy and not bitcoin? Right. I mean, I guess maybe I'm not familiar with the go ahead. I'm assuming regulations and compliance would probably be the one of the major ones.

Investment Choices and Compliance

Plus it's probably easier for them to offload it through their channels, having certain accessibility to global markets or like, you know, capital markets versus maybe crypto markets. Now, I'm not an expert in the European jurisdictions, nor am I really have any solid level of understanding, but I would assume it's a hedge as well as a proxy trade for them. And you know what, that's not so terrible because it's appreciated at a hundred times the level of the US dollar has over the last couple of years, if not thousands of times. Right. If you're a country and you're hedging, and I think it would be good for, you know, for your balance of small percentage of, I guess, your foreign currency. That's an interesting, that's an interesting take on there.

Cryptocurrency Accessibility

So essentially, microstrategy, investing in microstrategy is more of the above board, you know, investors. But if you're in South America and you're in your, in El Salvador, you don't have compliance and you don't maybe have a European Union breathing down your neck, so you just go buy bitcoin on the open market like Bukele has been doing. And since he started buying on the open market, I'm pretty sure his average is in the profit now. So as a reserve currency for his country, he's been able to have a greater return than the US dollar as a reserve in this case. Very interesting. It's quite an interesting topic of conversation, I think.

Political Implications of Cryptocurrency

Let me ask this, since we're on the topic of Blackrock and these massive conglomerates getting into bitcoin, with their positioning and the role that they play in global politics and us politics, how come we haven't seen the Harris administration say anything about crypto, given their involvement? We know that they're playing both sides of the political fence. To me, that just seems odd. Too large of players in the crypto space now that we didn't have four years ago. It seems odd that both parties, obviously, Trump and their camp has. Has, you know, said things. How come Harris hasn't come out and said something a little bit more pointy?

Government Control versus Cryptocurrency

That answer is easy. It's the. What will she say when she finally does? The reason she hasn't is because the bitcoin and crypto is antithetical to pure government control, and for her entire adult life has been spent on increasing government control and power. Every vote she cast in the Senate, every vote she cast as the president pro tem of the Senate, every policy that she's touted along has been in lockstep with Elizabeth Warren, who recognizes bitcoin as a threat to dollar hegemony in the long run and her ability to print infinitely. And so that's been the core. Now the but is but, well, wait a minute. If the genie's out of the bottle and 50 million or 60 million Americans own bitcoin, we have these bitcoin ETF's, and Blackrock is promoting it.

Government Strategies and Bitcoin

If fidelity is promoting it's a political loser to cede the ground. So she's trying to figure out some sort of compromise, which is another way of saying, what's the smallest amount they can do to de energize the crypto vote against them and get away with what they're doing, get away with increasing government control and all things. We're not talking about bitcoin here, because Caitlin long had a really great point a little while ago, I just retweeted it, which is that Europe figured it out correctly. But the US is wrong on the notion of something as simple as stablecoin. So the US, the stablecoin legislation that the government seems to want to pass, a lot of people want to pass, would require every stable coin issuer to be a bank, because that'll be safer.

Misconceptions about Stablecoins

Except, as Caitlin points out, that's exactly the opposite of the truth. It's not just wrong. Wrong is one thing, but when you say it's literally the polar opposite, because our banking system is fractional reserve banking, which means that you're going to have entities that do not have to have fully reserved assets backing stable coins, as opposed to a stable coin issuer like circle or tether, which claims and should be surveilled to make sure it's true, that has the better part of 100% of the assets back in the stablecoin, in short term, immediately liquid instruments. And so the actual government approach, which they're doing, it would be less safe. Now, why would they do that.

Regulatory Pressures on Banks

Well, that's also obvious. The same people who want to do that because they know banks are under the thumb of the OCC, the Federal Reserve, in some cases, the SEC, if they offer those sorts of products, etcetera, as well as other money as other, and FinCEn. And so they have all these regulators that could put pressure on banks to do what they want them to do. And so they like that. And so it really is about that. So there's a lot going on to unpack here. But I always say, you know, I haven't publicly talked about who I'm voting for because frankly, I want to see, it's too early.

Voting and Government Control

Right. You know, it's a coin flip race if there's lots of things, but I'm going to vote for the candidate that proposes less government control and more as well, mixed off with whatever social policies is. I'm fairly left on social policies and fairly conservative in economic policies, which puts me dead in the center. I don't know what the hell I am, but we don't know. But that's the reason. Now, what she will do, I have no idea. That part is an interesting thing. And I think what's interesting is that because Trump has become so outspoken for the crypto vote, I would, and then this is just me, maybe tin hat is that.

Anticipating Political Responses

I think that the more they become emboldened on the fact that they feel like they're going to win, they might never say anything, you know, and I think that's, you know, because this has been largely partisan with regard to the stance is, I feel as though right now, when you look at the momentum of the campaign and everything, why does she have to say anything? I don't think it really matters at this point. And it's going to be one of those 11th hour sort of decisions that's like, you know what? Hey, we need to say something about the crypto vote because we need to move micro percentage points in certain swing states. That's, to me, that's how I'm viewing it right now.

The Politics of Silence

Maybe I'm off base in that. I think, I think you're exactly right. And it saddens me to no end that they're going to, that they're seem to be employing the Biden in the basement strategy with, with Kamala. We'll see. There's the convention coming up and they're going to have a platform and we'll see. But it is saying win by not, by saying nothing that bothers me. No. All you got to do is just make AI images and videos of half huge crowds and stuff. And you're like, hey, look at us. We're winning. Look at it. The powers to be are shaking their head right now.

Speculations on Elections

They're not sure if they're meddling with the Kamala US election or the Indian election. So I think they're. They're not sure. It's a crazy world, for sure. So, hey, let's. Let's. Let's talk a bit about the. The topic at hand. Defi infrastructure investments. How do you want to handle this, Kyle? Well, I mean, we could toss it over to purity sniper, because it is. You know, you and I were even talking about this, like, Defi financial.

Defi and Community Engagement

Hello? What's going on? Yeah, you know, honestly, I think this is a good space for Travis and I and everyone else, because I think we're due for some education. Travis, I think this might be a new rabbit hole that you and I go down. So I want to throw it over to the guys at purity sniper to kind of learn more about, like, defi infrastructure and everything that goes with it. Obviously, you know, we're familiar with some aspects of it, but, you know, tell us more about what you guys got going on. Yeah, absolutely. So, hello, my name is Essex.

Innovation in Trading

I'm a compurity sniper. I'm CEO and founder. We are a next generation sniper bot created for traders, buy traders. In effect. A lot of us are artists, developers, just all around, like cool guys, you know what I mean? And a bunch of us in this space came into this space, losing a ton of money, like, entering into trades, buying a picotop, getting destroyed by snipers. And for a lot of us that are just like, artists and not necessarily long term crypto participants, having the awareness that these tools exist is almost non existent.

Awareness and Accessibility

You know, I think it was probably the 30th or 40th launch. I was doing art design, creative direction for. They got completely decimated before I found out, like, oh, hey, so, you know, the LP's that you guys are pitching in on. There's some guy in the background using this tool called a sniper bot to sell all your tokens out from underneath you. And so that began the sort of journey to discover what that was through maestro. And then eventually banana gun. That happens to a lot of people, too, so if you just click the wrong thing in the wrong place.

The Impact of Scams

So I host a podcast called Bad Crypto, and Joel calm is my co host there. And he was in. I think it was his. He had the. I think maybe it was his pudgy penguin it was something. But they finally, they got access to the admin account. I don't know if it's pudgy penguins. It was one of the big ones. And then they literally booted him out of the discord. And then they said, hey, whoops, we accidentally, and then they was dming him, sent him a link, and then they said, hey, you need to get back in here to verify you have it.

Navigating Crypto Fraud

And dude, he almost clicked that thing. And it's like, if he had clicked it, then it's going to be a bot that's going to snipe all of his things, all of his crypto out of that wallet. Like, pretty. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, and there's, unfortunately, there's a lot of that in this space. And so, you know, for us, again, moving, what we would like to, you know, consider is like, the ethical on the side of the space. We're like, all right, how can we take advantage of this technology to benefit the layman trader, number one?

Shaping Ethical Trading Practices

Number two, how can we get this information out to people in a way that is easily digestible, easily understandable? I mean, how many up on the panel have you used, like, maestro or. Banana gun up right now? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, right. And so how long did it take you to actually learn that UI and to understand what was actually happening on chain in your snipe? I mean, it wasn't. I mean, thankfully I had other people to kind of walk me through any of the little nuanced questions I had, so.

Building Community and Understanding

Okay, so you got to lean to your network. So imagine if you were a new adapter that doesn't have the network you have right now. Yeah, it'd be tough. What do you think that get. Yeah, it'd be really tough. Right. And so there's a small majority of people in the space that are even familiar with how these tools operate. And so what we wanted to do is we wanted to bring to the market a product that we could use that's easily digestible. Not only that's highly effective.

Innovating User Experiences

And not only that's experiential outside of the, I guess, crypto traditional, like, norms. You know what I mean? Like, instead of, I guess, leaning into the current meta, we would depart and create more engaging experiences in the tangible, in the real world, which will only help convert people to kind of want to participate in the space and feel safe in the space and feel heard in the space and feel like they have a community to turn to where if they do need information, if they are familiar with something, then they have access to that.

Launching New Innovations

So that's kind of the logline that we have is what we're doing over here. Interesting. So, like, where are you guys at in terms of your development? Oh, our beta is going live this week, buddy. This thing is fast, this thing is sleek. It's beautiful. I believe you posted our launch trailer up in the space. If anybody here would like to go take a look at that. And more than anything, it's pure, it's simple. It's not a lot of bloat and a lot of instruction as to how it actually works and operates.

Performance and User Experience

And on top of that, we're able to build a piece of tech that's just highly performant. Man, this thing is fast.

Introduction to Gamification in Crypto

We're out here trying to gamify and, like, revolutionize this shit, man. It's not as simple to just, like, you know, extract value from the computer, from the community, or from the culture with, like, high fee products. You know, the referral links, all this sort of stuff. Like, we're just going to keep it really simple, effective, and fun.

Understanding Market Fees

So I have a quick question. You said the word fees, and that catches my spidey senses. Can you just elaborate a little bit on, like, maybe what the. What the fees are in the industry and what differentiates? Yeah, actually the fee in the industry. And you can, if you're familiar with Dune, you can go ahead and do the research on here to kind of verify this. But fees vary anywhere from 0.5 to, like, 4.5% on all individual trades. Some of them collect more. Some of them have had, like, token launches that have been backed and also sniped a shit. There's a lot of, like, I guess, like, money making practices in the space of sniping, you know, behind the scenes and even the bots, like, tipping fees.

Approaching Trading Affordably

I'm not sure how familiar all of you are with the sniping process, but even in, like, you know, tit mining and things like that, we kind of wanted to just approach this from the point of view of like, hey, I want to be able to do this, but it shouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. So for us, we just offer, like, a 1% fee on all trades. Like, that's it. Like nothing else. I mean, you can tip for gas fees, but it's not necessary because our sniper is designed to hit that zero block without necessarily needing to bid. And so it's kind of. It's kind of like a free PvP for those initial snipers. It just really depends on who gets in the order block first.

Gamification and User Experience

And, and just to follow up with that, I know you mentioned the words like gamify, so like, I recently, I come on the show here all the time, and k two hosts my demise. I've been rugged a couple of times on multiple meme coins. So when you say the word gamify, are you saying, like, you know, in the sense of the meme markets, it's usually like a PvP. You're going up against a pool of other people that are trading the exact same instrument or token. Does your sniper, I guess, offer a UI or something can competitive to make this interactive or maybe an easier process so that I don't feel like I'm getting rubbed or I have an easier chance of survival or maybe.

UI Design for Traders

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. If you've ever. Absolutely. If you've ever seen even like the Meister interface or like Pepe, soul boost, shout out Pepe. I love that bot, by the way. Like, for a first time user, they're really confusing. And the way we designed our UI, first of on the teller interface, just really straightforward and simple. Like, there's only so many different functions that traders will have access to unless you do a deep dive into advanced menus. So that way it's like set up and ready to go right from the start.

Accessibility and Ease of Use

That means, like, you know, we're automatically setting your slippage for you. Like, you know, there's other sort of parameters that you don't necessarily have to know how they work in order for them to be set appropriately for you. Readouthouse gate, again, making it super easy. So let me ask this. So is this mainly for meme coins? Are you guys doing trading arbitrage on all types of projects? Is that what your goal is or is right now? Is it just no category of corn?

Current Project Focus

This is mostly. It's a current iteration directed towards the meme coin market. Our TAM is currently at $10 billion a day in meme coins, as I'm sure some of you guys are familiar. And so, like, for us, it doesn't necessarily make sense to venture into nfts or, you know, leverage trading or any other sort of stuff, again, like, in line with who we are as a company. Just pure sniping, man. Like hitting that zero block I got.

Shifting Perceptions of Crypto and Art

You because it's sounded like when you read in the bio, it sounds like, hey, we're a bunch of artists and we're, you know, we're in that. And I was like, okay, so you guys doing digital asset stuff as well? So is it that was, we're. Actually doing tangible assets. So I'm actually glad that you bring that up. I don't want to give too much information, but part of our whole marketing perspective and our initiatives behind the brand is that we're really going to work hard to, I guess, reinvent how the art world perceives crypto, like, for as it is right now.

Visualizing Crypto Transactions

Like when people think of nfTs, like everybody's been, everybody here has been rugged on NFT as facts, right? And the outside world doesn't necessarily enjoy or appreciate our jpegs the way that we do. And so for us, we felt like a really sort of positive, focused way that we could maneuver would be to introduce sort of tangible art experiences. Like imagine going to an immersive gallery centered around the purity sniper experience. Again, I don't want to give up too much information, but that's something that's not only educational, tangible, and also creates discourse and dialogue to help reinvent that narrative around art and crypto.

Engaging Art Exhibitions

So I'm glad that you asked that. To give a small example of something. Imagine walking into a exhibition and all around you are 20 foot tall sniper rifles. And in the middle of the room is one laid on the floor with a scope that you can look through that's tracking every single individual transaction as it happens on chain. Or even better, imagine every single transaction that happens through the sniper bot. Right. And then obviously, you know, taking that visual. But then think about what that can do for discourse for us.

Paving a New Path in Crypto

Think about what that can do for discourse for new adapters. You know what I mean? Like we're paving a new way in order to invite people into this space that might not necessarily considered it in the first place or looked at it like it was a scam or a rug or some other shit like that, you know? Right. I want to ask this then. So, so I think that there might be some people here, you know, sniping is a term that some dj's know, some don't.

Sniping Strategy and Education

And you're saying you want to get right in on that zero block. So how are you determining, I guess, with your sniping tools which ones are coming up or when they're coming up? How do you determine which ones are any, even any good? Because anybody can create a meme coin in seconds. At this point, how do we know it's good? Well, here, actually, that's a great question.

Community and Information Sharing

So a lot of this has to do with not even sniping, but just in your communities, right? Like part of this space it's so beautiful. Or the fact that there are multitudes of communities that are, like, really strong and supportive of each other in education. Shout out, like Remilia. Shout out, milady. And when you see these small groups of people get together and they share information, you'll find that a lot of times, there is positive alpha there, right?

Due Diligence and Community Engagement

And so one of the other things that we really want to encourage, outside of even using our botanical, is for people to do their due diligence and to participate in communities where people are informed and knowledgeable of the space. In fact, like, we have a few friends that are sitting in the space right now who are avid devs and that, you know, send tokens pretty consistently, but are not negative ev on their communities and the structure and how they put these launches together, like, wildly effective, number one.

Building Supportive Communities

Number two, they end up establishing these very broad and brilliant communities where, then again, somebody else gets inspired and says, okay, I want to do this, too. How can I do this? And then they have the support from those around them. So it really is on the end user. And again, like I said, something that I want people to do is to, you know, focus on, like, establishing these connections with people around you that are of positive ev to help them avoid all the bullshit and the scams.

Artist Perspective in Crypto

That makes sense. So how you keep talking about, like, the artist aspect about this? Like, just, like. Like, to me, I'm like an artist and trade, like, obviously, they're not mutually exclusive, right? But I, like, it keeps coming up. So I guess, kind of like, how does that play into the overall ether that is purity? Sniper.

Connecting Art and Trading

Oh, excellent. Excellent. So, for starters, I grew up in a Wall street family. My dad's a State street guy myself. I was an army ranger for eight years. Was sadly forced out due to an accident in Afghanistan. Got out, wasn't really sure what to do with my life. And so, long story short, found a path of solace through art.

Personal Journey and Creative Expression

And as of right now, I have a few music projects that are doing very well for a little while, we ran an art gallery in Seattle. And so for me, and having survived the things that I've survived, being able to support the things that I want to do in life and be able to create in a capacity that I want to be able to create and also offer this experience for other people to participate in, too, I think is immensely valuable. Right?

Living the Dream in Creativity

Like, because, again, if I was waging nine to five in a space that I absolutely, like, despise compared to when I can spend my time, you know, making the things that I enjoy making and have the capital to be able to support it, well then that's kind of like living the dream, is it not? Right. Like, yeah, I mean, I would, yeah.

Taking Control in the Crypto Space

You know, so for us as artists, right, like in having learned all the things that we've learned and having experienced all the things we've experienced in this space, getting rugged, getting sniped up from underneath us, you know, what better way to control our sort of destiny, if you will? Like it's almost like mandate of heaven, right? Like we're setting ourselves up for long term success.

Community Impact and Future Goals

Like everybody in the community, not just the founders of purity, but, you know, all of us that even participate, right, in order to just further our own lives and our own sort of goals and I aspirations. I have a question around the sniping box. Because one, it's like, it's a fascinating thing because, you know, I know I've gone on Dex screener and Dex tools and I'd be like, oh, this one looks nice.

Trading Education and Challenges

And then I want to go and buy. But you can't even, you can't even get it on. Like a lot of times you're on a Solana, you can't even get that on radium or Jupiter or any of those other ones. Like you have to use some sort of a bot. And really, my experience with sniping has pretty much exclusively on eBay. Like, I'll do those auction snipes that.

Personal Experiences with Sniping

You even know of that, bro. Yeah, that's awesome. I, that's so cool. Listen, that's actually part of what inspired this, right? Yeah, no, because I had a buddy that did the same thing with chrome hearts pieces and ps five when they first came out. Oh, yeah. And, and Jordan retro force and so there.

Understanding Market Dynamics

And I know that considering that you actually understand that world, I know that, you know, the other side of like eBay selling and like sniping returns and things like that as it exists there. And so do you see exactly like what this offers to people? You know what I mean? Like it's, you're getting the, you're getting access to liquidity at its lowest possible price.

Informed Trading Decisions

So, you know, right. Four or $5,000 market caps. And that's the sniper. Because here's the thing. When you buy something at a hundred thousand dollar market cap, you got to understand that obviously, you know, it can go up and it can go down. Right? Buying something at $100,000 market cap is not sniping.

Risk Management in Sniping

Also, I just want to make sure people understand that when you're hitting that zero block, $4,500 project, you know, market cap project. The reality is that if you and I only want to speak, like, to ethical traders, because there is an alternate alternative side to this behavior with sniper, as a lot of us have experienced. Right. But, like, if you focus on the ethical side of it, like, you really can't lose money if you set your sniper up effectively, right.

Maximizing Profit Potential

You come into any volume at all, and you're already hitting a multiplier. And if you start DCA ing out appropriately from that position, like, you really can't, like, lose money. You lose money. Now, that auto selling for you along the way, you're setting.

Automated Trading Strategies

Yeah, you can. You absolutely can. You can. If it goes to, like, two x, sell 20%. If I go when it goes to five x, sell another half. Or I kind of programmatically setting it up. Yeah. And our bot has a stop gain function built into it.

Community Engagement and Features

Dude, you're like the supreme meme Dee gen snipe daddy over there. Hey, man, we're trying, right? Like, we're doing our best here. We're doing our best here. And we also have. We also have another. You should change your Twitter handle to alpha snipe daddy that says perfect.

Adding Value through Tools

Well, we do have an alpha channel. So I would say, if you want to participate, if you want to learn, if you want to, you know, ride the wave, you know, hit the socials, you know what to do. But we have another function I think you might find really interesting, too, and some of the other bots offer it.

Trade Analysis and Reflection

But ours, I think we provide a little bit of an edge. So it's a mirror function to basically mirror anybody else's trades. But we also include a function where you can analyze a wallet to see if that's even a wallet you would want to mirror the trades on.

Leveraging Data for Informed Trading

It'll print down a PNG or CSV, your choice of that wallet's overall performance. And so, again, we're trying to provide tools like, not just, like, bloat features, because there's so much just bullshit bloat features on these bots that nobody needs. But traders are like, oh, yeah, this is a. This is a good thing, right?

Creating Useful Tools for Traders

I can set every single function. Like, okay, but for what? Right. You know what I mean? Like, why not provide a tool that actually, like, does something for somebody and allows for them to make more informed decisions? And again, if you want to mirror trades, like, boom, you set it up.

Streamlined Trading Process

You say your gas priority fees, and you lock in Bobby out the door. Are you able to see historical data on other traders who are using your bot, even if it's anonymized to be able to go, oh, look, this dude is historically has gone up, you know, 13,000 x on his snipes and like, oh man, I might want to pay attention to what this dude's doing.

Innovative Gamification Features

Yes, absolutely. And in fact, we plan on gamifying that too, by allowing traders to print down p and l, like scorecards, almost like as you've seen the trailer, right. It's starting to feel a little bit like a video game. Well, think about like, you know, the leaderboards, you know, think about some of the other things that we could possibly introduce to you.

Future Enhancements and User Engagement

I don't want to give away too much, you know, but I'm sure you can use your imagination that again, if we're talking about creating something that is entirely experiential, above and beyond anything else that exists in the market right now, well, again, think about that could be as we move forward with this. So even just with the p and l store cards and obviously on the back end we can track that data, but on the front end, if users want to see it, like, it can exist in that sort of like, you know, png printout, you know, format of like, hey, I hit a 13,000 x on this one.

Community Motivation and Competition

Look at this. I'm ranked number XYZ on the board. And I think that also incentivizes like, people like us that are real dj's to be like, okay, I got to get my bags up. Let's go. You know, like when you see that. It'S aspirational, having some gamification to it, I think is important.

Gambling Perception

I'm looking at this like, this seems like straight up gambling. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it is. Absolutely is. But. It very much so is, but. When you walk into the casino, they give you a manual on how to play roulette and another one how to play blackjack. When you walk into the meme market, somebody pulls the lp from under you and you lose all your money in 2 seconds. So, dude, that's it. So can I. So if my boss can. You're so right. Not with your bot. Can I say, okay, I only want to trade on these projects that have locked liquidity. And I know that sometimes when people like, sometimes the contract goes live and then now they got a lock their liquidity, from what I understand, you can't lock it before, right? Yes, your liquidity, like, so you guys are able to monitor all of those across multiple chains to see which ones are popping off. And then you just making your best guess based on alpha that you're getting or you just intuition or just hope and prayers.

Community Involvement

No, no. Again, to go back to the point I made before, like community, right? Getting involved, participating, speaking up, reaching out, like in the communities that I participate in. And there's a lot of pfps in this chat and I know who they are, right? Like everybody supports one another, everybody provides alpha. And sometimes things, you can't control the market. So of course sometimes things like, you know, don't take off. But that's why it's important to educate people on de risking purity as an edge. Sniping as an edge is education. It's knowledge. It's knowing what to look for. It's knowing what to avoid. Right. I want to use actually an example for pump fund. Is everybody here familiar with pump fun and how that works? Oh, yeah. Okay, excellent. So there are sniffer tools out right now that will allow for the trader to see if a project has fully developed socials, if it has telegram stood up by lots in place, etcetera, website and what that website looks like.

Trading Behavior and Communities

And there are a lot of traders that are one avoiding projects that do not have that sort of information, right? And then there are other traders that when they do have that information are immediately kind of like trying to jump in and select, you know, select those projects, right? So effectively that tool is doing what our communities do innately, excuse me, there are conversations that are had, there are means that are spread. There are group chats, like where you'll find this information readily available, right, for people, from people that want to share it with you. But it takes participating, it takes you reaching out, it takes you finding this. And again, like that's the edge. And that's what we're bringing to people, we're teaching people or, you know, we're sharing the lore, you know, that's what's going to allow for people to avoid getting fucked over. That right there is community entirely. Like, it's not just as simple to be like, I'm going to rely on a tool because again, with the pump fund sniffers, they work great.

Risk Management

Can you still get wrecked? Hell yeah, you can. Absolutely. But again, when you de risk and enter into a position at its lowest possible market cap, it can't go any lower than that. And so let me give you an example. There's plenty of people in this chat, and please react to this. If you've turned $50 into $10,000 before because you got a good entry. And I would like for some of you to maybe scroll down a little bit because I'm sure you'd see people react to that. Lots of people have. It's an easy lick. If you have a good setup. Sniper, you know? But I don't know how many times I've turned $50 into $0. I'm really good at that. But that's. But that's the thing. If you had. If you had access, if you had access to a tool in education that could help you better manage, one, the projects that you participate with.

Education and Profit Taking

And number two, learning how to de risk and also scale out of positions in time. That's another thing, too. And I just want to say something, guys. Taking profit is not a bad thing. Anytime somebody tells you not to take profit is because they want to dump on your head. Listen to me when I say this, all right? Writing a bag to zero is nonsensical. When you can sell a little bit of your bag and those add up over time, you know, you hit a major lick, you're up, you know, 100 x, whatever, right? Sell 50% of your bag, boys. Ladies, sell 50% of your bag. Let the rest ride. Understand? Greed is the vibe killer in this space. Greed is the vibe killer in this space. Learning when enough is going to get you so much farther than you trying to hit 100 x on every single project, you know, even if you only hit a two x.

Investment Strategy

Be hot. Tucson today. I always try to get my initial investment at least out if I'm playing these. If I'm playing this crypto roulette. Right. Which is kind of what it is. But I have a question around this, because I think this might be interesting, because, like you mentioned, like, oh, sniping at 100,000, that's not a thing. Sniping when it's 5000, that's the thing. Now is this. Are these sniper bots maybe prohibiting certain meme coins from hitting those higher targets because they're all using it and they're all selling along the way and getting out? Yeah, no, listen, some. Yeah, there's. There are a lot of projects that go through that hyped launches in particular, especially because there's a lot of sniper bots out there that you can just be aware of the ticker, plug it in, and then just decimate a chart.

Negative Aspects of Sniping

And that was the other side of this space. Yeah, that's the bad part, you guys. Yeah. So let's talk about the bad part real quick. Let's talk about the bad part. There's also a lot of teams take advantage of this technology that when they launch, they'll snipe up 40, 50, 60, 70, 80% of supply and then introduce the projects to their communities. And then as soon as they get volume, they rug Sahil. Anyone? Sahil. Paging Sahil. Oh, man. Careful, he might come out if you say his name three times and spin around. Yeah, he might pop out. Right? And so there is, there is a lot of negative ev use cases for a sniper. But the reality is, and I want to share anecdote with you guys, is that it? I firmly believe that those bad players are an absolute necessity to the space.

The Need for Balance

And here's why. Here's why. My life would be significantly different than what it is right now if it wasn't for working for that dev that rubbed the shit out of me a number of times. My. The new music project that I just started in one month has surpassed a music project I've been running for four years. Okay? Right? Like, there's a number of tangible, like, things that just need to exist in this space for it to be effective. Right? Like, you cannot have good without the bad. And so as dangerous as these tools are, again, that's why you don't overexpose yourself. Okay. You can avoid getting decimated on these projects by not overexposed yourself.

Trading Limits

A good rule of thumb that I follow is no more than ten to 20% of my sort of, like, trading portfolio at a time in any given trade. And in fact, on Solana, I limit that to one sole per trade period. Because basically there's a 99.9% likelihood that you're going to get blasted on soul. Exactly. And so why even run into that when you can just be more disciplined with how you buy in? I have plenty of friends that will ape 50, 60. Stole it. Shit. And you're like, bro, like, at $500,000 market cap, and you got, like, destroyed because you bought the pico top. Like, come on, like, there's better, like, again. And that's part of the education that we need to provide.

Emotional Attachment and Trading

But if you don't get rugged, like, are you really ever gonna go educate yourself further to become profitable? You know? Yeah. For that emotional thing. Right. You get so attached to some coins that, you know, you. I'm like, man, I mean, regardless, I'm gonna hold on to my bitcoin. Like, I don't want to sell that too. Another gem, let me drop this. Stop marrying these projects. Right? Like, it's one. It's one thing. Like, okay, so there's two sides of this psychology. Number one are the insiders who are aware of the narratives they're constructing for you, the end user, to participate in.

Identifying Manipulation

And then the other side is the end user who leans into the psyop because they think it's reality. And so you need to learn to identify the difference between the two and maneuver as such, you know, with that information in mind, however you want to participate. But also, you know, the most profitable that I've personally been, and also my trader friends in this space right now have been by being disciplined, by scaling out appropriately, by being kind to charts, and just by overall, like, being disciplined. If you can do that effectively, then, like, Vega, who's here in this chat, he's one of our beta testers.

Use of Trading Bots

He's been working on the bot with us for a little while. He's probably one of the best traders that I've met in the market. He turned 400 e over in the first iteration of the sort of bot that were building in a matter of, like, a couple of months, you know, and again, like, not destroying the chart. Like, being, like, really chill. So, you know, and he can even attest to the things that I'm saying with this. Got it. Step one, be disciplined. Okay. I'm gonna work on that. It really does take. Look, it really does take a serious commitment to yourself and your. And a set of rules.

Importance of Following Rules

If you follow the rules, it works. If you don't think, well, you're gonna get wrecked. And listen, the rules are what you define them as, but set them and follow them. You know what I mean? That makes a lot of sense, you know? You know, we're getting close to the end of the time here, and it's. Honestly, it's been a really good conversation. Appreciate everything you're sharing about what's going on at purity sniper. You know, obviously, things are early on with you guys, and everyone here is learning about the project. What are one or two action items that we can do kind of in the immediate as a community, everyone following Mario and the roundtable spaces to help you guys out right now, as you guys are, you know, in the early stages of the project.

Call to Action

I would love it and would be so grateful if all of you could just go watch the launch trailer as it's posted on our Twitter page right now. If you like what you see and you've liked what you heard, give us a follow. If you love what you've seen and you love what you've heard, then turn your notifications on, because things are about to ramp up really quickly this weekend. Awesome. Well, you heard the guys. Go watch their launch trailer. I promise I will watch it afterwards. Right now, it's kind of like it's playing in the background on my monitor. But you know what? I've got things to attend to on this space. But you know what? This has been an amazing space.

Closing Remarks

Dave, AK Defi go. The team of purity snipers. Travis, it's always amazing to share a space with you, my friend. But before we go, I want to do real quick pause for station identification. You know, IBC is still one of those active investors in the space right now. So if you are a project that's looking for support, whether it's funding, marketing, or incubation, shoot the roundtable space account. A message. We would love to help you out. Also, you know what? We are rapidly expanding here at IBC, so we are hiring a community manager as well as, you know, a copywriter for, you know, to write our newsletter.

Invitation to Join

So if you want to hang out with cool people like Travis, I won't throw myself into there because I'm humbled to share the same with that man. But if you want to come hang out with us, shoot the roundtable spaces as well. A message. We would love for you to come join us, my friends. It's been another amazing episode of Mario Nawfall on the roundtable spaces. We will see you back here next time with another amazing guest.

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