Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space on Developer Relations emphasized trust, support, and continuous engagement with developers beyond traditional product-related interactions. It highlighted the importance of fostering lasting relationships by assisting developers with diverse queries, showcasing genuine interest, and offering opportunities for collaboration. The discussion underscored the significance of building trust, providing ongoing challenges, and maintaining active communication to strengthen partnerships and promote loyalty within the tech industry.


Q: How important is it to support developers beyond your product stack?
A: Supporting developers beyond your product stack is crucial as it fosters trust, strengthens relationships, and enables long-term collaboration, ultimately leading to lasting partnerships and loyalty.

Q: Why is building trust with developers crucial in the tech industry?
A: Building trust with developers is crucial in the tech industry as it establishes a strong foundation for relationships, encourages continuous engagement, and fosters loyalty, contributing to sustained partnerships and collaborations.

Q: What are the benefits of assisting developers with general queries, even about competitors’ products?
A: Assisting developers with diverse queries, including those about competitors’ products, demonstrates a commitment to support beyond self-interest, builds credibility, and establishes trust, leading to stronger relationships and potential opportunities for

Q: How does supporting developers contribute to long-term relationships and loyalty?
A: Supporting developers contributes to long-term relationships and loyalty by showcasing genuine interest, providing valuable assistance, and fostering a supportive ecosystem that encourages trust, collaboration, and sustained engagement over time.

Q: In what ways can Developer Relations expand to cover various aspects of developers’ needs?
A: Developer Relations can expand by offering support across different domains, addressing diverse queries, facilitating collaborations, organizing events, providing resources, and maintaining an ongoing dialogue to cater to the multifaceted needs of develop


Key Takeaways

  • Focusing on developers
  • even outside your stack
  • fosters trust and strengthens relationships.
  • Supporting developers in various capacities
  • even unrelated to your product
  • is essential for long-term collaboration.
  • Building meaningful projects with developers leads to lasting relationships and continued engagement over time.
  • Developers look for continuous opportunities and challenges
  • making Developer Relations an ongoing 24/7 experience.

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