what is polyamory? panda lifestyle


Space Summary

The Twitter Space what is polyamory? panda lifestyle hosted by TheCleoPanda. The panda-themed space delved deep into the complexities of polyamorous relationships and lifestyle choices. Discussions ranged from ownership dynamics to toxic masculinity, emphasizing the need for open communication and challenging traditional gender norms. Participants explored personal identity, TPE dynamics, and the role of community support in navigating polyamory. The space shed light on the challenges and rewards of polyamorous lifestyles, promoting self-reflection, communication, and growth within supportive environments.

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Q: What is the essence of polyamorous relationships?
A: Polyamory involves forming consensual non-monogamous relationships with open communication and trust at the core.

Q: How does toxic masculinity impact polyamorous communities?
A: Toxic masculinity can influence relationship dynamics and perceptions within polyamorous spaces, highlighting the need to challenge traditional gender norms.

Q: What role does pick-me propaganda play in societal perceptions?
A: Pick-me propaganda can affect individual behavior by promoting certain traits or actions to gain approval or validation.

Q: How do ownership dynamics work in polyamorous relationships?
A: Ownership dynamics in polyamorous relationships are based on mutual agreements and individual preferences, illustrating a variety of expressions within this lifestyle.

Q: What does TPE (Total Power Exchange) entail in relationship dynamics?
A: TPE refers to a dynamic where one party consensually gives full control to another, exploring power dynamics in relationships.

Q: How can individuals navigate personal identity within polyamory?
A: Exploring personal identity and autonomy in polyamory involves understanding one's desires, boundaries, and growth within consensual relationships.

Q: Why is open communication crucial in polyamorous dynamics?
A: Open communication fosters trust, transparency, and the ability to navigate complex emotions and relationships within polyamory.

Q: What are some challenges of polyamorous lifestyles?
A: Challenges in polyamory include jealousy, boundary setting, societal stigmas, and the need for continuous communication and self-reflection.

Q: How can toxic masculinity be dismantled within the polyamorous community?
A: Dismantling toxic masculinity in polyamorous spaces involves challenging harmful gender stereotypes and promoting healthy, equitable relationships.

Q: How does polyamory intersect with personal growth and relationships?
A: Polyamory offers opportunities for self-discovery, diverse connections, and navigating complex emotions, contributing to personal growth and relationship exploration.


Time: 00:15:21
Exploring Polyamory Dynamics Diving into the complexities of polyamorous relationships and lifestyle choices.

Time: 00:30:10
Toxic Masculinity Impact Analyzing how toxic masculinity influences perceptions and behaviors within polyamorous spaces.

Time: 00:45:02
Ownership and Autonomy Discussing ownership dynamics and personal autonomy in the context of polyamory.

Time: 01:00:45
Challenges of Polyamorous Lifestyles Exploring the difficulties and rewards of navigating polyamory in societal contexts.

Time: 01:15:30
Community Support and Growth Emphasizing the importance of community support for personal growth and relationship exploration in polyamory.

Time: 01:30:20
Breaking Gender Norms Addressing the impact of challenging traditional gender norms within polyamorous dynamics.

Time: 01:45:40
Pick-Me Propaganda Discussion Examining the influence of pick-me propaganda on individual behavior and societal perceptions.

Time: 02:00:55
TPE and Relationship Dynamics Delving into the concept of Total Power Exchange and its role in relationship dynamics.

Time: 02:15:10
Embracing Personal Identity Exploring personal identity and self-discovery within the context of polyamory.

Time: 02:30:25
Communication in Polyamorous Spaces Highlighting the importance of open communication and trust in navigating polyamorous relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • Polyamory involves consensual non-monogamous relationships that require open communication and trust.
  • Ownership dynamics within polyamorous relationships can vary and are based on individual preferences and agreements.
  • Toxic masculinity can impact relationships, emphasizing the importance of breaking traditional gender norms.
  • Exploring themes of personal identity and autonomy within the context of polyamory and lifestyle choices.
  • Highlighting the existence of pick-me propaganda and its influence on societal perceptions and personal behaviors.
  • Acknowledging the role of toxic masculinity and its effects on relationship dynamics within the polyamorous community.
  • Understanding the concept of TPE (Total Power Exchange) in the context of power dynamics in relationships.
  • Exploring the nuances of being owned in a consensual dynamic and the personal fulfillment it can bring.
  • The space delves into the intricacies of polyamorous dynamics and how they intersect with personal growth and relationships.
  • Discussing the challenges and rewards of navigating polyamory and lifestyle choices in a supportive community environment.

Behind the Mic

Charger Search

All right, I'm trying to find a charger real quick before I actually bring the fam into this space. I don't know how I lost my charger that quickly, but I super did. Yo, yo. Hi, guys. I'm about to bring the famine in just a minute or just smoking a joint. And I'm about to stuff my butt in a second. I need to check phone, because if I'm going to host, I need to make sure my phone is checked.

Going Live and Informing the Fam

All right, I got it. Found that we are live. I'm going to put this in our group chat. Obviously, we have a panda fam group chat. All right, the fam has been informed. They shall join the space momentarily, and we're going to talk about Pamela second. Hey, guys. What is up? Wait, what just happened? Wait. It. So, you know, let's talk about. My phone is litching and I can't.

Technical Difficulties

My shit is like this because I'm so. And I'm true. All right. Boom. Nova fixed it. Nova helped me. I'm going to give everybody their mics. Hold on. We in this bitch. Boom. Let me give that co host. Can you bring Israel Ruby in here? There we go. All right, everyone should have mics now. Anyone else wants a mic, just send a request. I will invite you to speak. If you don't want to, that's cool. But definitely come up and chat.

Skin Care and Current Conversations

For sure. Chatting is better than not. All right. I need my fucking coconut oil because my skin is thirsty. Will you, I do want, daddy's mic on whenever he's ready, obviously. But I like the conversation that we're having right now. That's why I went live. Hello. Okay. They were, like, talking issues. Where the fuck is my headset? Mandy. All right, Ruby, accept my co host invite for me, please. All right, I got her. Thank you.

Taco Tuesday

Happy taco Tuesday. Oh, yeah. It is taco Tuesday. We're having tacos tonight. Gang, gang. Yeah. Can you guys hear me? Yes. Steady. I can hear you. Yeah. Okay. What did you say about me? Yeah. Okay, now it's fixed. Said your mic was fucked. Your mic is fucked. Oh, it's fucked again. What does that mean? I don't know. It's making a weird noise. It's not fucked for me. I don't hear no weird noise.

Tacos Discussion

I think your mic is fucked. Like, I fucking. You know. Well, why is she talking shit? You're talking shit. I don't appreciate this anyways. What kind of motherfucking tacos are we having tonight, Nova? Shrimp and chicken tacos. Okay. Hell, yeah. Thank you. Yeah. So hungries. I can't wait. Oh, yeah. I so. But the. What she just say? I have no idea. How's everyone's day? Welcome.

Introduction and Discussion of Polyamory

I'm a motherfucking dragonborn nigga. That's my day. Oh, shit. Motherfucking Dragon moon. Mm. Is that, like, the last dragon? Definition of polyamory? But there's all different definitions. About to raid a small fucking town right now. Let's pull up the. So are all of you guys in a polyamorous relationship? Yes. Yes. Anyone with the. With the name Panda is a part of a polyamorous household.

Living Arrangements

Polyamorous relationship under our master or panda? Yeah. Are you all under one roof or you guys are just in different households, just come together under the. For the relationship type. All under one room? Yeah. We are all in the same house right now. As we are chatting, we had to go in separate room so our mics don't create an echo and shit. As we speak, all five of us are in the same house.

Hierarchies in Relationships

These are great questions, by the way. Hello. And so I see there's two men from it looks like that have the panda. So it's not just a nigga and a bunch of women. It's like, no, we all in this together. Come on. Come on. Type shit. Yeah. Yeah. True. Polyamory. I've always seen polyamory as male and female centric, so I don't see polyamory as one man with a bunch of women.

Experience in Polyamorous Relationships

It sometimes works out that way for me, and sometimes it had worked out for me that way, but that was by no fault of my own. I was never against my partners having male partners. It was just they were not interested or they didn't, you know, they didn't do that. But, you know, I can't give my girlfriend a girlfriend, you know, or a boyfriend. But if they ever wanted to date, of course there was stipulations, we'll call it, but other than that, they could always date someone.

Current Relationship Dynamics

My current partners have finally decided to, like, actually date people. So that's where we're at right now. Okay. Because as a layman, you know, can you guys explain to me kind of what polyamory is or a polyamorous relationship? Because I think just that. My general idea. I have the wrong idea. Yeah. It's very simple. Polyamory means more than one, literally.

Understanding Polyamory

And it literally translates to more than one. And all it means is non monogamy. Like, think of, okay, I am not monogamous. Whatever that means to you is what polyamory is, it's a very, very loose framework to run a non monogamous relationship by. And it's differentiated by open relationship. The general term, open relationship. Bye. The fact that it is, more than sex.

Differences Between Swinging and Polyamory

So it's multiple relationships at the same time. That helps a lot. I think polyamory gets confused with maybe polygamy swinging or. Yes, all of that to where it's like a man or a woman has multiple other partners outside of just one relationship. And it doesn't really go into, like, from what it sounds like, y'all are all in one house altogether as a big relationship as a whole, not just a person in a lot of relationships.

Living Arrangements in Polyamorous Relationships

Yeah, exactly. And, like, polyamory could be that. Like I said, it's a very loose framework, so you can use it to be all in, you know, one person in multiple relationships. And none of those people interact. There are. There are very, very many variations of polyamory. It's extensible. Very extensible. It's a very flexible framework that can be used to build a lot of different kinds of relationships.

Complexities of Polyamorous Living

But my particular polyamory, the polyamory that I am choosing to live with, the people that I live with, we have multiple interconnections. So our polyamory is what I would consider pretty complex and advanced. I don't think most polyamorous people are living the same complexities that we do. You're going to see a lot more one person with many people than not. For most polyamorous people, they usually aren't dating multiple people that are also dating multiple people.

Defining Dynamics in Polyamory

So. But that is the way that my polyamory and polyamorous life and family are structured. So. So think of it. So what the dynamics go for? No, go for it. I was gonna say, what are the dynamics in y'all's relationship? Is there, like, a head of household type situation, and everybody kind of falls under that, or is everybody just equally. I don't even know what words to.

Hierarchical Relationship Structures

Use for, but everybody is all the same. Yeah. So we have, we definitely have a hierarchy here. So we're hierarchical. Poly for sure. Some polyamorous relationships have no hierarchy. We definitely have probably the most hierarchy that you could have. Like, there's a very clear ranking, like I have actual ranks of, and we definitely are very aware of where we stand in the house.

Explaining the Hierarchy

I'm assuming you are with the name Lord. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Do you mind breaking down your hierarchy, like, what it means, how to get there, what all that is. Sure. Because in our polyamory, at least with most of the members of our house, we are also including an element of BDSM. So dominant and submissive, or master, and slave is an element of my polyamory with some of my partners.

Daily Life in a BDSM Polyamorous Relationship

So that's the structure that I use for hierarchy is, okay. I'm your master, I'm your owner, and you are my slave. And I give you things to do, and you do those things, or I tell you what your schedule is going to be or what you wear or what to eat or when to eat, or, you know, those kinds of things, and the slave does those things.

24/7 Dynamics

And you guys live this 24/7 it's not just like. It's definitely twenty four seven. I am master, and they are slave 24/7 yeah. Yes, 24/7 they wear collars to symbolize their ownership, and I have ranks within their ownership so that everyone knows who they are to each other. Does this apply for the men as well?

Understanding Male Dynamics in the Hierarchy

No, the male, or. There are no men, but the male. The other male member of my house is my protege. So he is. He is studying under me. He's learning a myriad of things. Finances and martial arts, fighting and just shit like that. He's my, like, think samurais. Yeah, protege sums it up.

Mentorship and Teaching

Yeah. He's pretty much training under you. I figured you would know, seem intelligent, but I had to explain it for the other people in the group, so. But, yeah, protege, I'm his mentor, so I'm teaching him things about my life that he wants to know about, that he wants to learn. Does he have access to.

Describing the Structure of the Relationships

What would I call him? I don't want to use the wrong words. Like, the women that fall under one. Of my slaves is his girlfriend. So they have a vanilla relationship, a polyamorous relationship with each other. So he. He has a girlfriend that is one of my slaves. Nova. And slaves is the proper term.

Defining the Terminology

To use for it. I don't want to say that. Yeah, that's proper. To be honest, yes, Nova and I are Lord Panda's slave, and we prefer that term. It is not offensive. We love it. We don't like to be called girlfriend or goddess. We like. Yeah, girlfriend doesn't really encapsulate, like.

Clarifying Relationship Dynamics

Like, what they are to me, so. But we slave because people don't understand what slave means or what that is, and it's offensive to people, I guess. Yeah. I can see that. Even here in our conversation, it's a struggle to think, are you okay with me? Slaves, at the right time, kind of using it.

Navigating Conversations on Relationships

It's not comfortable every day where you just call somebody slave. It's like, oh, yeah, I get it. And we use the terms girlfriend for the. Them to. For vanilla people, but, like, for us, that we are master slave for sure. They are. They are very strict slaves.

Exploring the Nature of Relationships

Okay. Yeah. It's easier, like, you know, like my mom, you know, you're my. I'm her boyfriend, you know, like, and she knows we're doing something weird, but, like, we don't need to talk to her about our sex life. Right? It's cool. No. Now, is there room for marriage in the polyamory in y'all's version?

Marriage in Polyamory

Or is it always gonna be master slave for me? Like, you never want to marry anybody? I think marriage is a first and foremost a contract with the state. I don't really. I'm anarchists, man. I don't really fuck with governments and shit like that, so. But also, it's like a religious thing, so I don't want to do either of those paths.

Deepening the Conversation

So marriage for me is not. It doesn't exist. It's not a real thing. Now, obviously, it's deeper than just sexuality. Yeah. Well, what are the other dynamics? Like, is there full time jobs? Like, go to work, come home? What is that day to day like? Or what is lifestyle like? Since it's. No.

Working in Polyamorous Relationships

We all. We all make content. We work together. Yeah. And we don't work, you know, regular nine to five. We don't have a boss because that would be inappropriate. I don't have a boss because I would not listen to some random man or woman in a building because they are my boss. Lord family. I do not.

Echo and Background Noise

Some random person. Who'S doing the sound effects. Morky. Hey, Morky, how you doing? Oh, hello. I didn't see you there. I was like, who studies sound effects? Was that a cat? I know, I got my other cat, my kitty cat. How you doing, baby? Just let me support you loudly from the background.

Reconnecting with Others

I knew that was her. I thought, so what else are we doing? That shit. I thought it was coming. I was like, who's doing the fucking. The sounds? But it, like, it wasn't clear. Like, all right, how you doing, sweetie? I haven't talked to you in a while. How you doing?

Understanding Relationship Dynamics

You can almost hear, like, the throat punch in your voice at first. Well, I was like, okay, I'm gonna keep it cool. I think it's my girl, but, like, you know, so I don't want to jump on her, but. All right, all right. Who is that? Is that a big booty juicy slut or is.

Encouraging Participation

It. Anybody else? Wants to jump in with any questions, you guys go ahead. But these have been really great questions. So if you. If you have any more of my men, like, go ahead and throw them out. But, yeah, I'm intrigued.

Professional Careers and Life

We don't work any jobs. I haven't worked a job since 2011, like, a really long time. I own my own, like, stuff and my own companies, and I was a consultant for many years, technology consultant. So I did pretty well. And. And now we do content and fuck shit.

Content Creation Details

Like, I just fuck around now online. Our life as black content creators. Yeah. I'm assuming you're doing adult content. Yeah, somewhat. Is it good? Is it, like, you guys, obviously you're living off of it. Yeah. Like, is it as profitable and good as, I would say, white.

Comparing Experiences

Can we do the same? Well, I don't know about white because I've never interacted with, like, any other. Like, I don't interact with other white people like that. But, like, for us, it's been great. I've been doing this shit for almost ten years now. It's been great. But, I mean, like, my life is really strange and weird.

Average Experiences in Content Creation

So, like, I wouldn't say I'm the average, like, black content creator. Honestly, I'm very different. So I don't know how. How it works out for other people, but for us, we do really well. What was your question, Kat? You raised your hand. You know, I was just over here.

Beauty and Relationship Challenges

It's a constant curiosity for me, but, like, is it painful for you guys to just be so goddamn fucking good looking? Serious question. Man, it burns. Like. She says that with me. Look, I haven't seen you in a long time. Like, you haven't seen my long ass dreads now.

The Weight of Beauty

They're like, super long. Oh, my God. You know what's crazy? Yeah. My hair grown since the last time we saw each other too. Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. So we're gonna have. We're gonna do the long hair, don't care group. Oh, my God. Are you gonna whip your hair back and forth with me?

Fun Conversations

Fuck it. I'm fucking here for it. Damn. I want to whip my hair back and forth for sure. I'm good. Nah, that's you. That's you fantasizing this shit. Hey, stop. I think I fantasy. I think I can spank you with my. I think I can spank your ass with my dreads, though.

Lighthearted Banter

For sure. That would be hilarious. Yeah, for sure. Could you imagine if you, like, got the wind up in the swing, right? And got the, like. Yeah, got the. Got the fucking. The smack right? Like, yeah, I think I could do it, man. I believe in you, honestly.

Ambition and Support

Oh, man. Thank you, mama. I appreciate it. After all these years, when there's a. Will, there's a way you guys can. Really do whatever you put your minds to. Hey, man, I believe that, too. I love that. I love that energy.

Friendship Connections

So when you coming back home? I was just going to say, yeah, we got it. I know you can't. When am I smacking your booty again? What am I, what am I squishing your booty? So speaking of polyamory, Morky is like, a comment for me. She's someone who I have known and have been very close with and love very dearly and deeply for many years.

Longstanding Connections

But she practiced more than a year since 2020. Yeah, for, like, many years. I think it's been, like, a little longer than that. I think it was, like, 2018 or 2019. That's when. That's when you met her? Yeah, like, I've known her before. We like, yeah, we, like, officially, like, in person met in, like, 2021, but, yeah, we've been, like, around each other socially, like, online and things since, like, 2018 or something like that.

Terms of Endearment

Yeah. You called her, your comment, is that like, an actual term or is that like a nickname? Because you called her a cat as well earlier. Yeah, so cat is nicknamed for sure, but comment is an actual term. So it's someone in a poly, you know, pseudo semi relationship. Because, like, any interaction is a relationship.

Defining Relationships

When you're, when you're friends with someone, you're in a relationship with them. Like, you know, they're. That's a relationship. So, but any, like, relationship that you're in with a person that you don't see a whole lot, but you see fairly regularly, like, you know, every kind. Of, like an orbiter.

Understanding Comet Partners

Like, they'll come around. They come around and go out. Yeah, exactly. But just like, the concept of a. Comment, I think it's kind of important also, like, I think in the term of, like, when you are, like, referring to, like, a comet partner kind of situation, I think it's important for the comment partner not to, like, disrupt your natural orbit.

Importance of Maintaining Balance

Yeah, yeah, for sure. You can't really qualify in that way if they're, like, fucking up the natural order of your life. Exactly. Yeah, because for sure. That's, that's definitely a part of it. Yeah, that's it. At that point, it's destructive. It's a meteor.

Discussion on Boundaries

So not the same. Not to interrupt, but I did put me eating her ass in the jumbo. Oh, shit. Yeah, that's mortgage. That's Miss Morky's big old juicy. And you say your hair is longer than that right now? Yeah, my hair is growing. Damn. I need to get it trimmed soon.

Hygiene and Care

I haven't had a trim still, but I need to. Yeah. So what, if any, is there a difference between swinging and being polyamorous? There is. Absolutely. So swinging is mostly about sex and perhaps friendship. Right. But you are not typically going to be in a relationship with somebody that you swing with.

Exploring Relationships

For polyamory, there could be an element of swinging involved, but for the most part, it's a lot closer relationship than swinging would include. Because in a swinger relationship, you're typically only in the one relationship. And it's kind of monogamish. Like, it's monogamish.

Distinction in Relationship Types

It's not necessarily monogamy, but it's not necessarily open. Like, they don't tend to, because I've been a swinger, you don't tend to date the people you're fucking. You're just fucking. Like, I would go to, I would say, I think the difference between it really, like, generally is, like, the commitment level, because, like, in a swinger type situation, it's more like you're just like, fuck buddies or like friends with benefits, like another couple as a couple.

Understanding Connection Levels

And then, like, the polyamory, like, you're actually, like, dating and investing yourself and your time and your energy into those people that you're actually dating. Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, it's a, it's a fine line, but, and like he said earlier, though, like, everything is so fluid anymore that, like, you can really, like, use the term and then just define it as you go on your own generally.

Communication is Key

So because both are under the same umbrella of open relationship. So, you know, they do have some, like, interconnection, and people who are swingers are sometimes also polyamorous and vice versa. And they're doing swinger activities sometimes. And then they're doing polyamorous activities sometimes. You know, there's a lot of, like, cross connect there.

Valuing Communication

I think that's, like, another reason why, like, the communication factor in those kinds of situations and relationships is so important, because, like, it's, you really have to know where you're, like, where you stand with the people that you're involving yourself with. And, like, not being capable of, like, open, honest, clear communication is really a great and super fast way to fuck that up for yourself.

Vital Importance of Communication

Yeah, for sure. That that's been the death of pretty much every polyamorous relationship I've ever had is not. Not being able to communicate or get communication from that person. Communication in these types of relationships are really super important. We talk a lot. Like, we talk a lot more than we fuck.

Value of Talking

Everybody, you know, asks us the questions about the sex stuff. You haven't asked a question about sex yet, really. But surprisingly, everybody asks about sex, but we talk a lot more than we fuck. So we fuck a lot. But we definitely talk a lot. There's plenty of talking during the sex too.

Intimacy and Communication

Yeah, we talked during. Well, the sex part is pretty obvious, right? I mean, you can see it. You can view it, right? Like, it's the actual dynamics of whatever is where it's like, all right, I could kind of get it, but. And that's why these are great questions, because they're not, like, surface level questions.

In-depth Questions

These are very deep. Like, he actually sounds like he wants to, like, be educated about a topic that he's not so educated about. And I think that's super respectful. Like, instead of coming in and, like. Attacking people, like, yeah, I've definitely had people be, like, upset that I'm polyamorous.

Share Perspectives

Like, hey, what's happening? You don't have to be. I'm not saying everybody should be poly or you have to, like. I'm just saying I am. I don't know. Could you imagine if everybody was so fucking, I would just die? I think, you know, honestly, I think the world would better if everybody was poly, but, you know, that's unbiased.

Vision of a Better World

I think my death would be. I think the death would have been a positive one. But you would burst into glitter. Yeah. Oh, my God, I would. Yes. Just shatter into a bajillion. Flicks of glitter. Just glitter everywhere.

Random Thoughts

I can see it in my. Dumb as this. Mason, as dumb as this may sound, would I be able to ask the question with 100% honesty? Yeah, absolutely not. Always. Always honestly, man. Okay.

Curiosity and Bladder Control

Because I genuinely don't have any other question other than how the hell do I get work on my bladder? Oh, shit. Work on your bladder control for the sake. For the sake of content. So bladder control for what, though? My. My nut.

Understanding Nut Control

Oh, nut control. Basically. Nut control. Okay. That control. I was like, wait, what? You gonna pee? Cause that's bladder control. No. All right, so. So control, like male orgasm control, right.

Techniques for Control

What you're gonna do is a technique called edging. Do you know what that is? How long do I need to do? Well, the thing is, you'll have to do it regularly, right? So for you to get more sexual stamina or to be able to last longer without coming, you're gonna need to fuck more often without coming.

Stamina Building

Right. So you have to practice that by. By jerking off for a certain amount of time. Like, maybe do ten minutes, and if that's hard, then you're doing good. So. And then you keep doing it until it's not hard anymore, and then you make it longer, and then it's hard.

Struggle and Success

I just have to keep. Torture. That's exactly. Yeah. Struggle and torture is how you get good at anything. Yeah, that's it. Just, like, fighting. Because are you gonna get a good, like, fight? Like, are you gonna get good at fighting without suffering? You're not wrong.

Fighting to Improve

You know, it's the exact same. Like, because I will say, like, I've. But I, like, I gave up after week three because it was like, I didn't feel like I was seeing any improvement. I ain't had nobody to, like, gauge this shit with or anything or talk to about it.

Gauging Improvement

You feel me? It's just like. I mean, I had my one homie I would call and everything and stuff, and we would talk about it and, like. But it was just like, bruh, my. I gotta. I don't even know.

Frustrations in Experience

Like, it was just like. It felt like it wasn't working for me. It was just like. It literally was like every time I stopped and they are, I bet the feeling goes away, then they'd be like, are you supposed to keep going? Right, so you stop and then it.

Learning Through Experience

Just stop when you. When you get to the edge, right. Or. Or even better, when you're starting out, you just stop. So. So jerk off a little bit and then stop and then jerk off a little bit. Especially if, you know, like, no, I come really quick.

Sensitivity in Experiences

I'm very sensitive. I come very quick. Like, I. I used to come very quick. I. So I developed this. This method to not come as quick because I wouldn't want to film for two minutes and then fucking not everywhere, so.

Adaptations and Strategies

Yeah, but, but, yeah, I would. I would. I hear a somebody's mic. Is that me? Is it you? I don't know. Yeah, if you're on speaker and he's talking. Yeah, it's probably you just mute up. While he's talking, and then it should be clear.

Addressing Technical Issues

I don't think it. I don't think it takes the stuff from your speaker, honestly, because I got. My headphone in right now and stuff, so, you know, that picks up a little background. Oh, maybe I do hear a little bit of an echo but I don't hear it with me anymore.

Clear Conversation Flow

So that's what I was hearing. All right. But yeah, like, you want to, you want to start, with. Make it as hard as it can be for you right now and then you progress. So you, if five minutes is it, bro, then do five minutes.

Progress and Practice

If two minutes is it, do two minutes and get to the edge and do as best as you can to not come at all, but like, get very close. And then the more easier that gets, the harder you make it. You put on some porn and maybe that makes it harder or do it for longer, maybe that makes it harder.

Increasing Difficulty

And then eventually you can start doing it in a person. You know, edging in a person is very fucking difficult. So. But that's obviously what you're, like, where you're leading up to, you know, where you're trying to get up to. So, yeah, that's, yeah, that's the whole.

Personal Reflections

Because, like, cuz I used to want to, like that's the only reason I feel like I don't want to try to go full fledged, you know, like content creation and sort of stuff like that because I don't want to put the women at risk, you feel me and stuff or anything like that.

Concerns About Risk

So. Cuz I, unfortunately I realized I am very fertile over the years. Oh, yeah. So it's like I've learned in my lessons and I don't want to do like any of that, but it's like, they're like, I know, I feel like I could excel in these type of areas and stuff because it's just, you know, I've been a very hyposexual individual since I was young.

Motivations and Reflections

So, like, that just comes with a life story and trauma and all that stuff, you know, but yeah, it was like, you know, I feel like I could exceed in that type of thing, but it's just like, if I can't control that part right there, then there ain't no chance in hell I'm gonna be out there.

Mastery and Control

Yeah. Yeah, definitely not. Control is the number one skill, I think, that male content creators come to the table with typically, or have or need to. I mean, like, the thing is, bro, like, everybody's bad at this shit, you're saying, so you're not alone.

Shared Experiences

We're all terrible at it. So there's only like, it's very rare that you find a guy who has control over his orgasms like that, so. And it, and when you do find that. You find that they've. They've done that on purpose.

Building Relationships

So this method that I'm telling you, like, do that shit a lot. Like, jerk off a lot. Few times a day at least. Yeah. And if you have. If you have failures, like, then do it again a little bit later. Right? Like, you'll.

Stamina Development

You'll also gain more stamina if you. If you continue, even after you come. You'Re okay. Because.

Conscious Continuous Practice

Yeah, I just also need to. For sure. That's the one thing I do need. Because that second one might be less quick. You know what I mean? So maybe you have to get that for, like, when I was younger, I had to get that first one out.

Personal Growth and Control

Like it was just gonna happen. It was gonna be quick. But once. Once I got that first one out, that second one took a while. It would take a minute. So I knew I was good. So I could, you know, I could, like, yeah, get that first one out.

Relationship Dynamics

Maybe get a blowjob coming her mouth or coming her face, some shit. That. And that's exactly how I move, like, as of today. Because it's like I always give a heads up and stuff. Like, you feel me? I know this first one.

Understanding Expectations

You feel me? It's gonna be the fastest. I mean, the thing is, a couple. So a lot of women, like, come. They like. They like it if you come quick. They like that shit. So especially if you can. If you can go more than one round, like you should be good.

Satisfaction in Relationships

I mean. Go to line, like, damn. That was your fault. You did that. No, because it's like, you feel me? I can't. Like. But my. I always had this thing in my head and stuff, and it might be a little.


Don't care. I was. I grew up, like, as a pleaser and shit. You feel me? So it's like, I care about, like, how many. It was always statistically in my head, like, if she gets more than me, then she had to have a better time.

Improving Relationship Dynamics

Right? Like, she had to have a good time. Yeah. Feel me. Like, as validation for self. So how about, like. Because when I used to come to pretty quick, you know, too quick, you know, I don't want to say too quick, because I don't think there is a such thing as too quick.

Communicating Through Experience

Like, I used to come quick, so when I used to come quick, I would. I would get real good at eating pussy. I would eat her out for, like, a while. That's exactly what. Yep. I would fuck her up, make her come a million times, and then it wouldn't matter if I came in two minutes because, yeah, I fucking made you come.

Redefining Satisfaction

Who gives a fuck? Yeah, okay, so, yeah, all right. I got that right there. Because that's it. Because I will say, like, my fingers, where my fingers, like, I can make up for my tongue. That's what I always say. And I mean, like I said, like, if you get the right ones, a lot of women, like, come and they like you to come often and a lot.

Embracing Open Discussions

Like. So. Yeah, those are what we call succulents. That's pretty much the only types of women I like. So it's like, you like you to come a lot and often. So I don't really fuck with anybody who ran into companies. Amen to that.

Integrity and Respect

And then that's another question, because I used to, like I said, I have nothing but respect for the lifestyle you live. You feel me? And how you got this? I just want to know what will, like, what characteristics exactly do I fully need to have?

Identifying Qualities

Because I feel like. Like one thing me and my homie always talk about is I give a fuck too much. And because I used to wanna. I used to always describe it as like. Cause I watch anime and shit. You feel me? And stuff.

Interweaving Fantasies

So it's like I used to want to have a harem of black queens and shit. You feel me? It was like a little fantasy dream in my head. You feel me? It was the only way I can put it. But it was like each connection I would have with them is different than the other.

Diverse Connections

You feel me? So it's not like, because I fully believe I can love than one person at the same time. So that's the, that's, yeah, the basis of polyamory for sure. Yes. So it's like, as long as each connection is different and stuff, but it's like, as far as, like, having my own harem.

Clarifying Relationship Dynamics

Harem, however we want to pronounce it and stuff. Mike, is that different than just, like, you just having your slaves and shit? Or it's like, is there. Is it basically the same thing? Because if that's the case, my follow-up question is, what do I got to do? Well, the thing is, what's your house or what your relationships look like is up to you.

Self-Awareness and Capability

I always know what to do. I always know what I want to do. I always know what I want. I can figure out how to do things that people don't teach me. I can teach other people. I can make other people like me. You know what I mean? Like. Like, able to do the things that I can do. I can teach people how to do things like me. So that's. That's some of the training. And you ask, like, what are the traits? Like, that's some of the traits. You have to be a self starter, like, shit like that. Like, I don't get help. Usually I am the help. So if I can't do it, like, nobody can do it, then we just fuck it. So you gotta be that, or you gotta be able to be that. And that's not an easy thing to do. So you gotta.

Challenges and Practices

You gotta just, like, with fighting, just, like, with. With orgasm control, you gotta work up to that. Right? It don't just happen overnight. Is something that you have to practice and. And do a lot, and you have to start small, you have to start short, you have to start little and then get big from there. You usually cannot. Like, my slaves are very advanced. They're very needy. They have a lot of needs. So if you became. Yeah, so, like, if you became me today, you'd be really upset. Your life would be just. Just way too much for you. You'd be like, oh, my God, this is overwhelming as fuck. You deal with this shit all day, bro. Yeah, so. But, like, I work my way up to this because this was. This would be overwhelming to younger me. Like, when I first started doing this or practicing this type of lifestyle, I quickly realized that too much could be overwhelming, like, quick.

Understanding Progress and Responsibility

So I was like, oh, fuck. All right, I just ruined a gang of shit, and everything sucks now. I'm stupid as fuck. Yeah. Because no one would tell a gold medal olympian that they're lucky to do that, you know, that they should be amazing and to have the things they have. Like, it wasn't easy to do that. It was impressive, but not easy, and it wasn't lucky. It wasn't anything but hard work to have the accolades and the power that you possess, and you. And you have to be very specific with what you want at all times. Like, you can't.

Authority and Guidance

You can't. Just, as a dominant, you can't just accept whatever and not dominant, we tend. Now, I'm eating this steak and this rice and shit is delicious. But as a dominant, you. You have to be the source of authority. Like, you people are gonna. Your people or your person is gonna look to you for guidance or like, for what to do. Like, what should we do if. And it. And if I look to you for. And if at any point they look, they think what should we do? Or what. What to do? They're gonna look to you for sure. Absolutely guaranteed. Like, I sleep sound and peacefully at night because if there's any boom or anything in the middle of night, daddy's got it.

Testing Relationships and Responsibilities

But when there's a boom of the night for him, I don't. I don't know what happens when you hear a boom in the night, cuz I'm like, oh, man, daddy's got that shit. But I don't know what's, like, to be the person who has to have that shit. Yeah, yeah. And like, I I know exactly what it is to be that dude. So you to be that dude, you gotta be that dude. Yeah. Be the one that has for the people in your life. Now that. That's gonna depend on the people that you pick, right? So if you pick super duper difficult women, which there's many out there, you know, I'm saying, like, submissives are levels.

Navigating Submissive Dynamics

There's. There's levels to submissives. So owning a submissive or. Or managing a submissive, that's above yo. Like, yo abilities can quickly get overwhelming and become too much, you know? So you. You got to start short, slow, small and work up from there. But, that's. That's what I did. I literally did a bunch of research, like, figured out what the fuck it was I was even trying to do. Like, to do something. You have to understand it, right? When I got a dog for the first time, I got my dog ragar. That's my. That's my nigga. I love that. But, I never had a dog before, so I eat five.

Learning and Practicing Responsibility

I got him when he's a puppy. So that's my first dog ever. So when I got him, I didn't know what the fuck the dog was, you know, I mean, because I've never had one. And like, obviously I know what a fucking dog is, right? But, like, I don't. I don't know what a fucking dog is because I've never been around one. I've never owned one. Like, I've. I've petted one at the park, you know, I mean, but that's not, like. That's not owning a dog. So I had to do a lot of research to figure out, like, okay, what is a dog? And dogs are a very specific thing. We all know that.

Understanding Dynamics in Bondage

Like, anybody that has a dog, you know, like, damn. A dog is a very specific thing. That's the same concept as ds, honestly. Like, dominance and submissive is like the ownership between a pet and a master. Like an owner. So dog and person, that's a similar relationship style or it's a similar concept in. Anyway, obviously, my slaves are not my dog, but they have some of the same needs, like attention and exercise and good. Good hygiene and good, like, those are things that I have to make sure that they're doing. You got to take care of your slaves.

Maintaining Standards

Yes, that's exactly right. And keep them in tip top shape. Exactly. Keep them in tip top shape. Nice and healthy and, you know, keep their teeth clean and they motherfucking coat looking good, you know? Trust me, I feel you on that. And that's like. That's what my whole thing is. My goal was always to be like. Like I said, I understood if I wanted that level. It comes with all that responsibility and stuff. It's just like I said, I got a find my doors and my windows. You feel me? Like, so that's what I'm trying to do, is just create the opportunity so I can have a life all.

Embracing Life's Opportunities

Yeah, for sure. You gotta. Yeah, you gotta take opportunities and enforce the life. You want me. Yeah, bully that shit. Other than that, I ain't really got no more questions. I appreciate y'all. Yeah, those were great questions, man. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah. These are awesome questions. Cutie pie. Yeah, these are awesome questions. And guy Mary, thank you. Literally, that's all I fucking heard. Like, I'm just. I'm trying to chill now. She's always bringing me her cheeks. Giving motherfuckers tinnitus.

Conversations on Violence and Consent

You didn't. Yes. She wanted me to rape her and take things from her and, like, beat her and. And domestic violence her. That's what she wanted as. That's definitely what she wanted. I'm just not gonna do. That's not my style, bro. Yeah. I feel like there's already enough people trying to put, like, bad shit on your name without you doing shit like that. Oh, man, I've never been into that type of shit. Like, I take my time with bdsm, play with. I don't just be doing bdsm. Play with everybody and anybody. I had. I remember the punching, Cleo. I was just. I was literally thinking of you, Cleo, the entire time when this whole point started, every single time we talk about him, violent thing, somebody. Cleo's like, he wouldn't even punch me. In the face for two years. For two years I had to beg. For him to punch me, bro. Come on, man. I want to come.

Doubts About Truthfulness

I didn't believe her, bro. I didn't believe her. I didn't believe her at all, because bitches be lying. Yeah. I want you to punch me in the face and then you do it now. Yeah, I punch her all the fucking time, Robbie, fucking her up. But, you know, some people need to understand. Some of these motherfuckers need to be punched in the face. They asking for it for sure. They're just not saying it in words. Exactly. Cleo begging for it. You can see it in her eyes all the time, man. Literally. Twenty four seven. I had to teach her to not, like, try to goad me into a fight, because it's like, yo, I'll beat you up. You don't have to. I don't have to be mad at you, all right? So stop trying to make me mad and shit. That's stupid. Just love it.

Emotional Complexity of BDSM

Like, I don't have to be mad. I love fucking Cleo. Cleo be, like, love me in the hate most hateful way. Yeah, yeah. See, cat, you get it. We put on the gloves last week, and I went in on you for the first time. Really? Like, when we used to spar, but when we sparred before, I was. I was very, like, light and ginger with you. But this last. That last sparring session, I gave it to you. Like, I was pretty rough. Yeah, I didn't really, like, hold back for your level, you know what I mean? Like, like, obviously I'm like 100 pounds more than you and shit, so I wouldn't like go in on your lord. I was going to ask where are you even, like, where do you even end up meeting the women you got in your life? How do you even go?

Relationships and Dynamics

We found him. We reached out. Lord Panda has never reached out to a bitch. That's what makes all the shit weird. Weirder. Weirder too, because they all come. You really gotta let the universe work in the polydoo. Yeah, you really do. You can't, you can't really search or like look too hard because it won't work. That just doesn't. You'll all your. If you look, if you like are looking and you're like hunting for it, like you're literally just gonna find all the monogamous people claiming Paula to like and lie and be infinite, like just little infidel. Exactly. It just ruin your shit. No, for real. They really do. They ruin our fucking line. And that's been my thing though. It's been my thing nose because it's like I'm not even looking for. But I'm gonna go, you know, being part of it.

The Importance of Experience

I'm always like trying to get, like, if it's like I said, it's a fantasy to me. That's how far it feels like. Cuz I've messed with so many. Like I said, me and my homie, we talking about, we call them regular bitches. Yeah, like, and the thing is, it's just like, it's like I'm like in the middle. It's like I like the bds and lifestyle and stuff, but it's like the ones I want to font, like it's like the. I never get to meet them. I never get to meet the ones that meet my. Want to know a secret? No one does. No, no master or dominant meets the girls that are like there's fantasy or like the girl that they want. You have to make that.

Training and Preparation

So like another point where the conversation and communication really are like a heavy tool. Yeah, exactly. Like, think about it this way. My dog is very well trained, but he didn't train himself, so he's pretty cool. When you meet him, he'll do a bunch of tricks and he's very well, like discipline and he has all his obedience and shit. But like, that's because I taught him that he didn't come like that. You know me. If you ever spread lies about my man Rhaegar, like, that. Rhaegar missed the shit out of you. He was born that great. Yeah, the nigga had, like, potential, you know, saying, but he had to learn a bunch of stuff, you know, and I had to teach him what he didn't. Just like, start doing it.

Physical Conditioning in Fighting

Like. So just like that. You're submissive, you're probably gonna have to pick up like a fixer submissive. You know me, like, you're not gonna get a solid chick, you know? You know, I'm saying, like, you gonna get a chick that doesn't know shit, probably. Yeah, yeah. If you're not. If you're not down to educate, though, that's a totally fine. Be real about. Yeah, like, because, I mean, that's a big part of being a dominant, like I said, is like, is setting the course. So, like, if you're not. If you're not willing to set the course, then you definitely might not want to be a dominant. That might not be the lifestyle. Exactly.

Mindset and Intensity of Training

That's the point of me asking these questions, because it's like I want to learn, like, what if, like, you feel me? Like, cuz I'm like, I'm not against it at all. You feel me? It just feels like a far fetched dream for a nigga right now. So it's like if I, like I said, I understand the full fledge of becoming the man that I want to be for it and everything first. Yeah, that's. That's first becoming the man. You got to become the man because you need that respect. You need your submissive, the person who is going to follow you to respect you. And you have to be like, I'm.

Pushing Limits in Training

Gonna leave you no room to. Well, the thing is, you gotta be cooler than them. That's the problem. Like, a bitch ain't gonna follow you if you're not cooler than her. I'm saying if she the cool guy in the relationship, what the fuck she needs you for? I'm saying, like, why would she follow you? Like, I'm the cool guy in all my relationships. I can teach them a gang of shit that they don't know. You know? You don't become cool by doing a half ass shit. No, you gotta do all the full ass shit. You got. You gotta struggle the full cool shit. All that, all that shit I said earlier, which you like to struggle, you're not gonna get nothing cool without struggling.

The Necessity of Struggle

So you. You won't become a cool dude without struggling a whole lot. Like, you got. You gotta suffer and struggle and. And if you're not doing that, like, if your life isn't doing that to you, then. Then find some struggle. Find some stuff. Just know if your back don't hurt, you ain't carrying it. Yeah, that right there. Like, as a man, all the men under my voice, find some struggle in your life. Like, find some. Some suffering. Get it? Do it. Do it right. Right now. If you haven't suffered today, do it. I definitely choked the shit out of fucking everybody here, and I got my ass, like, run up on my back hurt.

Turning Physical Pain into Growth

I'm so. I'm straight ahead. My arm right now is sore as fuck. My rib. Aries dropped me with a fucking body shot yesterday. Like, I'm fucking suffering. I done suffered, actually. You right. I ain't suffering enough right now. I'm about to charge my phone and go for it. I can't tell y'all how to be women. I don't know how to be, but I know how to be a man, and it's definitely suffering and struggle, for sure. And this does bring one more question I got. Then I'm gonna go, what it like? Because this does talk about the MMA. What is the goddamn. What is the training regimen?

Diverse Approaches to Training

Like, day to day training and stuff look like for you? Like, how does that operate? What do you mean? Like, in general training or, like, slave training or, like, what do you mean? Oh, okay. Okay. I meant to. Yeah, I'm doing. I'm doing a lot of grappling by itself and then just mix training. So I'm doing, like, some, like, full mma, like, full contact sparring. I'm not doing any cross training right now. Like, honestly, my take on cross training, I just don't think it's worth it. I've done cross training for many years, like, strength and conditioning, I'm talking about.

Exploration of Training Techniques

And I've done strength and conditioning programs for many years, and I've always felt like they're. They're really just, like, diminishing me versus, like, making me stronger or faster or whatever, like. So I'm experimenting with a process that I think will be more effective, and that's basically just a lot of sparring, like, a lot of sports specific, like, activity. So if I'm doing a boxing match, I'm gonna do a lot of rounds. I'm gonna do a lot of rounds. Like, 20 rounds a day or some dumb shit, you know? If I want my conditioning to be retarded, then I'm gonna do 20 rounds of sparring.

Conditioning Over Traditional Training

I'm not gonna go for a fucking sprint. You know me. Yeah. So I want it like, you know, cuz I haven't like proofed out that belief because I've only done camps with like strength and condition and included but like I just really think that was harming me more than helping me make, making me sore. Like a lot of my peers at the time were on steroids so they were like recovering really well and you know I don't want to do that to my body. Steroids is really real harmful so. I would you agree though like as far as like the shape you're in right now and stuff like, and like no matter how do I put it.

Training and Fitness Insights

Cuz, cuz it has to go with you say like as far as you're working on and stuff you train just by sparring. You feel me? And that's what I was like just so. Cuz the only thing I would work out like naturally like try to do runs and shit for stuff is. Conditioning itself. Exactly. Cuz I want to be like, I don't want to be able to run in the ring. I want to be able to fight in the ring so I want to be able to fight. I don't need to be able to sprint a lot. Exactly. And you would you say you do like you make sure that the shape you're in is always able to handle a five, I mean a 25 minutes fight.

Mindset Before a Fight

Like you just make sure like whatever condition you're in, you know you can survive 30. For sure? Yeah, for sure right now. Like I could survive 30 minutes. Like I've sparred grappling wise 3 hours or more. Like I've definitely done like really long sparring sessions. Like I have real good sparring cardio. Like, like real good. Okay cuz yeah, like I, I genuinely, like, I understand like a few years ago that was when I had like the closest to training I had like officially I guess. Cuz I was a part of a group back like we out here in Arizona, the wolf pack and everything.

Personal Experiences in Training

And I had my trainer, he was a boxer and everything and stuff so he was like. Cuz my thing is I always, my weakest point was my stand up. Exactly, like, exactly. So it's like I can kick, I can like roll and everything and stuff, like those things and stuff. I was, I, like, I guess you say I'm self taught. Like you can say I'm self taught. I don't try to say it like that because some people say that shit in an arrogant ass way. Formal. Like there are formal ways to become a fighter and then there are informal ways and you. You went the informal way.

Reflections on Personal Growth

Yeah, like, I grew up liking Rocky and shit and watching, like, don't get down. I mean, get. Fuck. What was it fucking with Michael J. White? Get back up or something? It was like, I did. I think it's never back down. Never back down. Never back down. Yeah. And it was like. It's like, those are the type of things, like, I look at stuff for myself and everything. You feel me? Like, right now, even though I, like, I feel like, yeah, I've been drink. I can. I drink beer.

Physical Endeavors and Recommendations

Like, the stuff, I got to cut back on that and everything and stuff, for sure, because I ain't gonna have a sweats and the shakes while in the middle. I can't drink. Like, I don't really drink at all, but I can't imagine drinking and then fighting. Oh, man, that sounds terrible. I. And that's unfortunate because I did. You know, I've heard a few people that sounds like sickness, man. Yeah, I used to like rampage. Yeah, he would get drunk as first. Ever fighter I ever, bro.

Reflections on Rampage

And like, one of my girlfriends had a run in with him and she was like, man, he was drunk as fuck. And I was like, yeah, he's kind of known for that. Like, I love rampage, bro. Like, I've trained with him a couple of times. I've met him a few times. He's a real cool dude, but, like, yeah, he was just notoriously drunk all the fucking time. And I don't know if he still do. Hurt my heart to see him going from there's a good chance because it hurt my heart seeing him, like, go from this stable built dude.

Observations on Fighters’ Careers

And then it's like, I saw him in Bellator and he had, like, the big belly and everything. I know. Cause he used to be a fucking dude. Like, back in the days, man, when he killed Chuck Liddell, it was. He was a monstrous motherfucker, bro. And literally, if you can't look up a slam notice, rampage Jackson. Yeah. Was fucking retarded, bro. I had a moment where I was training with my homies and stuff in the backyard. We were just fucking around. So it's like, it wasn't like were really showing ourselves and showing out and shit, but it was like, I got a homie and stuff.

The Lighter Side of Training

And it was on video, too. But it was like I had that moment where I picked him up from the ground and, like, had him all the way up, like, stuff. And I was like, if I just dropped you right now, I would have recreated. But it's like, nice. Like, yeah, you feel. No, I just. There's a. There's a sense of therapy for me when I. When it goes to fighting. There's literally, like, even. Even just a part of getting hit, even a part of knowing that me and the other person is getting better as we trade blows.

Combat as Therapy

That's the fun. Yeah, same. I love that. That's what I like. I'm. I've been addicted to it my whole life. One of my addictions is definitely fighting. I've been fighting. I was. Yeah, I wasn't. I wasn't always too fond of it, but I got forced on to me filming. But it's like, unfortunately now it's like that's the only way I can actually get the frustrations I have. You feel me? Because it's like when a person. When I'm in a row, rage and stuff, I can't get out literally, but it's like.

Fighting as an Outlet

So it's like, fuck it, I want to go spar. It's like. I used to tell my trainers sometimes it's like, bro, I just. I don't care how hard you go right now. I just need to get my ass beat. Yeah. I just need to get my. I'm irritated right now. It's like, I'm like, I'm letting you know I'm going to go hard. With. And, you know, you're not going to even get close to them, so they gonna fuck you up anyways. Exactly. Yeah, that. And that's what I miss.

Initial Discussion

Yeah, that was it. That was pretty much all he would do. Yeah. Yeah. And it felt like he. You guys, like, had to force him to come in that night. Yeah, we did. We did. Yeah. That's why he said that. Raped him. With Nova in mind's mouth. Oh, I'm dead. Yeah. He told his family. Yeah. Yes. Same shit as this crazy bitch, bro. Like, same old shit. I mean, is that what you motherfuckers do? Y'all just make up like, that she was tortured or whatever? Like, she used the word raped and tortured.

Confusion and Consent

That's why I'm, like, very confused, because, like. Okay, so then are you guys just, like, selective about who you ask for consent on how you treat them, then? Because, like, I don't have that issue. Right. We only rape, like, certain people, bro. Like. Like, how come I can't get raped? What the fuck, you guys? You shorted me. Like. We aren't raping anybody at all, right. I don't know, bro. I guess. Thank you for making sure my consent was important to you. I appreciate that. Yeah. I mean, like, you know, so yeah, you, princess. I know you're the lucky few that didn't get raped many, after many times of being with me at my house alone, you know, like, I don't know, bro.

Condemnation of False Claims

Like, ooh. I just want to be very clear. I'm not, like, condemning people that have actually, like, been through these things like that, but I do condemn anybody that tries to, like, spread false information in those ways. Yeah, you really do take away. You take away from the people that really need them. You're fucking it up for people who actually need help. And. And me laughing at you is definitely not doing that, so. Right. Me laughing at you, who's not having a serious issue in that way, honestly, really struggling. Right. She should have just disappeared. She should have just left and left us alone.

Accusations and Clarifications

Like, I. Again, what is she saying that I did to her, actually? Like, what did I do to her? Because that's laughable. The rape and torture shit. I had to teach her not to let people do that to her. So I know I didn't do that to her. She's not even, like, so it's not even like she's pointedly, like, dropping your name or saying, yeah, like, obviously they're talking about your house directly. But, like, so far, what I've, from what I've read, there's no, like, mention of anybody's actual name or like, who. Did what or doing anything specifically. It's just like, very, like, vague, like, alluding to things, kind of situations.

Context on Relationships

Like where you were, how you had mentioned earlier about the aftercare comment. Like, after care is a vital with such exchanges to avoid permanent damage to your slave in the long run. Like, and all this other shit. Like, you should never treat your slave. Your slave should never be treated like an enemy in your home. Like, I don't feel like there's been a point where I've been in your home where I felt like you thought any of the women in your home were the enemy. Yeah, like, I think, yeah, you are. Like I said before, you are an aggressive personality and you're allowed, and you never been quiet about that, obviously.

Looking Back

So I don't know, like, you know, you and me, like we've talked about plenty of times in the past, like, we, I feel, have a very, like, clear understanding of who, what and how we are as people individually. And so, like, we're very good at finding common ground between the two of us. Yeah, I agree with that for sure. But this is all just so crazy to me because it's pure nonsense. Like, like I said, like, what are you? Because if you're just. If you're gonna, like, allude to something, just say it, you know?

Elaborating on Issues

Like, well, because their mo is to hint to it to see, like, what people are gonna react. Like, how people are gonna react, because they don't want to come out and say any of these crazy things directly without getting a, like a dipped toe to feet to see if the water is hot. You know me, they want to know, like, oh, am I going to get the sympathy that I want from this or are people going to be mad at me? Like, because I don't want people to be mad at me. Obviously that's the opposite of the reaction that I want from this.

Rumors and Reactions

So there's she dipping her toe. She's going to say I did something to her, I'm sure. But again, I was. I was never, ever alone. I guess I lied. The only thing that I've seen so far that directly mentions was just like, where she asks all your fans to stop following her. Oh, they already did. They didn't follow her. Yeah, nobody really liked her. She wasn't likable. She doesn't exist. That's what I'm saying. Like, she. She was not likable because she doesn't. Ruby and Aries had more of a.

Final Thoughts and Assumptions

Presence than she did online because Ruby and Aries actually care about the things that we're doing. That fucking weirdo didn't give a fuck about anything we were doing at all. Like, she didn't involve herself in anything that we're doing. She wasn't a part of most of the things that we're doing, all the bonding things that we do. She wasn't a part of. Like, she just was a very aloof person. She wasn't. She wasn't what we are to each other, which is really strange. Yeah. And she wasn't like her own person either.

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