Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space What is going on in the music industry? Latest news, breaking stories, comments… hosted by THEREALESMITTY. Delve into the dynamic landscape of the music industry with insights from a Platinum Producer and CEO. From digital transformation in distribution to the challenges and opportunities faced by independent artists, this space covers key strategies, trends, and innovations shaping the future of music creation and promotion. Learn about the power of networking, collaboration, and partnerships in navigating the ever-evolving music business. Explore the impact of streaming services, technological advancements, and the crucial role of sound engineering in delivering high-quality music experiences. Stay informed on the latest developments and opportunities driving the music industry forward.

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Total Listeners: 137


Q: How can artists leverage digital platforms for music distribution?
A: Artists can reach a wider audience and retain creative control by utilizing platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.

Q: What strategies help artists maximize revenue in the streaming era?
A: Securing licensing deals, focusing on playlists, and engaging with fans through social media are key revenue-generating strategies.

Q: Why is networking essential in the music industry?
A: Networking helps artists forge collaborations, discover opportunities, and broaden their reach within the industry.

Q: What are the challenges independent artists face in the music business?
A: Independent artists often struggle with limited resources, visibility, and competition in a crowded market.

Q: How does innovation influence music production and distribution?
A: Technological innovations like AI-assisted production tools and blockchain for royalties are reshaping how music is created and shared.

Q: What role do ambassadors play in music promotion?
A: Ambassadors serve as influential figures who endorse brands, products, and events, helping to amplify visibility and credibility in the music industry.

Q: How can audio engineers navigate the current music landscape?
A: Audio engineers need to stay updated on industry trends, software advancements, and networking opportunities to excel in their roles.

Q: Where do partnerships fit in the music industry ecosystem?
A: Partnerships with brands, streaming services, and fellow artists can open doors for exposure, new projects, and collaborative ventures.

Q: What impact do streaming services have on the traditional music business model?
A: Streaming services have disrupted traditional revenue streams, prompting artists to adapt their monetization strategies and promotional tactics.

Q: Why is sound engineering crucial to the success of music production?
A: Sound engineering ensures the quality, clarity, and balance of audio elements, shaping the overall sonic experience for listeners.


Time: 00:15:59
Digital Transformation in Music Distribution Exploring how artists are leveraging digital platforms to reach global audiences.

Time: 00:27:45
The Rise of Streaming Services Analyzing the impact of streaming giants like Spotify and Apple Music on artist visibility and revenue.

Time: 00:35:21
Innovations in Music Tech Discovering cutting-edge technologies transforming music production and distribution.

Time: 00:45:11
Independent Artist Success Stories Showcasing how independent musicians are breaking barriers and finding success in the digital age.

Time: 00:55:36
The Power of Collaborations Explaining how strategic partnerships and collaborations can elevate artists' presence in the industry.

Time: 01:05:22
Ambassadors and Brand Endorsements Unpacking the role of ambassadors in amplifying brand recognition and artist promotions.

Time: 01:15:44
Navigating the Music Business Landscape Insights on overcoming challenges and capitalizing on opportunities in the dynamic music sector.

Time: 01:25:18
Future Trends in Music Production Predicting emerging trends in sound engineering and production techniques.

Time: 01:35:52
Monetization Strategies for Artists Strategies for artists to diversify revenue streams and maximize earnings in the digital era.

Time: 01:45:29
The Role of Audio Engineers Examining the critical role of audio engineers in ensuring top-quality music production.

Time: 01:55:10
Networking and Building Connections Tips on navigating the music industry through effective networking and relationship-building.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of adapting to digital platforms for music distribution.
  • Utilizing social media and technology for artist promotion and engagement.
  • Insights on the impact of streaming services on the music business model.
  • Strategies for maximizing revenue through royalties and licensing agreements.
  • The significance of networking and collaboration in the music industry.
  • Emerging trends in music production and sound engineering.
  • Understanding the role of ambassadors and partnerships in music promotion.
  • Tips for navigating the music industry as an audio engineer.
  • Insights on the challenges and opportunities for independent artists.
  • The role of innovation in shaping the future of music creation and distribution.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Lion. Yes. Let's talk about it. Turn on. Hey, lion. Hey, lying. Dave. Brother was good. XRP. Lion, we've made you a speaker slash host. How are you, brother? Dave, can you hear us? Dave? There we go. I think you can hear me now. Yes. Hey. Hey, brother. How are you? Good.

First Time Experience

This is my first time being one of these. I'm trying to figure out what to do. Oh, man, it's so much fun. We've met so many amazing people. Brother, I just want you to know I miss you so much. I love you. You're my brother forever, for life. And we're so just happy to even talk with you. I mean, I'm gonna call you and we'll have a conversation, but, I mean, it's awesome to have you here, brother. We love you.

Busy Lives and Plans

Back at you. I've just been inundated with stuff. The Lord wanted to get out there, and it's one of those situations where we're there. Mm. We're so close. Yeah, brother, what are your thoughts on Ariel? Definitely has a pipeline of information. I agree. Don't know where it comes from, so I can't address, you know, that issue. But there are people out there that are there for a reason. I agree. It can be a rub with other people, but nobody said this had to be pretty.

Circling Back to the Main Topic

I agree. I agree. So, you know, our. Our role at this point is just to make sure that we're not picking up a fence, because, as you know, the Lord said that was the smallest infraction to separate us from him, especially going into the redemption center. So we just have to cover everything with love and just move on. We're not to dwell, and we're not to think that it's our responsibility to take people over the finish line. It's not. We've done everything that we've been asked to do, where to rest, resist every stupid thought, and just prepare.

Preparing for Future Events

Just prepare for that day. Making sure that all our affairs are in order, and we've done everything that we've needed to do for our own legacy and finances. But everything that the Lord mentioned, you know, going back a year and a half ago that we would see in these last days, it's coming like a river. People coming out of the woodwork, and even people that were consistent in the very beginning with information are showing signs of struggling with what's going to. What's going to happen.

Personal Thoughts and Challenges

And, I mean, if it wasn't for the revelation the Lord's revealed, I don't think I could cope with it. It's just so over the top. What are your thoughts? Yes, brother. Hi, lion. Hello. Hi. How are you? I'm amazing. I know you are. Child of God, you know? You know, we're all amazing. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. I really want to adjust everything.

Energized and Excited

Like, I want to have everybody come together and, you know, believe that so many things are happening right now. Like, it's so amazing. Like, we need to really be taking this and just enjoying ourselves because it is so awesome. It's so amazing. And I'm just, I'm shaking in my boots, man. I'm always, I'm always like, I'm sitting up here. I got the jitters all the time. I'm so excited. I tell Smitty, I'm like, I don't understand this feeling. He's like, what are you talking about?

Sharing the Excitement

And I'm like, I know something amazing is happening, and it's so awesome. I just want to share with everybody, it's so amazing. I can't stop saying it's so amazing. I might say that about 15 times. It's so amazing. It's so amazing. It's so amazing. But it is so amazing. And I tell somebody all the time, I'm like, and we are in such a a time where everybody is so in the industry. Like, like, when you think about the industry, everything is coming out, but at the same time, it's all the truth.

Celebratory Moment

So we're celebrating. It's celebratory. And I'm just so happy. And I'm just so happy about everything, and I'm, you know, enjoying myself, but at the same time, you know, I've watched Midi in his work and everything that he does, and I'm so happy that he never sold out. And it's just. I don't know how to say it in my spirit, but I'm telling you, man, it's so amazing that we did not, you know, enduring these parties and enduring everything. And I'm so proud of him for everything that he's done.

Recognition and Praise

He's the best CEO. You know, we sit in meetings and he says the most amazing things. He's so awesome. And I just want to say that is, like, the most amazing person I've ever met. Everything that he does, I just really enjoy his energy, and he really, you know, he just has a heart. He's, he's so amazing. So I want to say that he is the amazing person, and I just really enjoy everything about him.

Reflections on the Journey

Yes, srp Lionde. Hey, it's east Mini. I just want to say as well that, you know, we've been through so many ups and downs. I'm not really supposed to talk about what we've been going through, but I'll put it to you like this. There is a subpoena and there is a deposition involved in some of the things that we're dealing with. I can't state which one and where. You probably already know because we've talked about this in the past.

Preparing for What's to Come

But, yeah, we're getting to the head of the snake and we're getting ready to cut the head off. But at the same time, I understand that we're also getting ready to receive abundance in a crazy way. Now, my sources tell me that we're gonna receive something amazing between now and October 1. they said that, you know, they said that, Look, the military was, They had their ships parked outside of Iraq until they got paid.

Changes on the Horizon

And the ships have already. They've already left the port. So I know that something amazing is about to happen. I believe that too. I want to, like, you know, I know we're using the word amazing a lot, but I want people to understand that we're in a time now where if you're holding foreign currency, silver, gold, XRP, XLM, there's a number of things that are getting ready to take off. I think October 1 is definitely our day.

A Day to Remember

I think that we're gonna see some things really move on that day. And at the same time, this is not financial advice, but at the same time, I want to see everybody prosper. And if you haven't, like, stocked up on your silver, your XRP, your XLM, if you don't have some sort of foreign currency, then I think that you're, you are missing out on the greatest transfer of wealth. And, you know, Trump said it.

Equal Opportunity for Everyone

He said, look when the ship sails. That's when he said it. Yep, he did. He sure did. He said that he's making an equal playing field. That's what he said. He said he. He said that he's making it a equal playing field. And that's total excitement. No, and, you know, an equal playing field means that. No, it's not an equal.

Understanding the Currency Dynamics

It's leveling the playing field. So if we think about it, every currency in this planet that has ever existed has always been devalued. So, you know, our dollar is worth a dollar for, on a dollar. But if you go to Zimbabwe, their dollar is worth, you know .006 of a dollar if you go to Iraq, it's worth, you know .03 of a dollar if you go to the Philippines. So what I'm saying is that an equal playing field means that everybody's money can be traded together.

Future Currency Potential

And in order for that to happen, then the monetary value of this currency must all be on the same playing field, like, on the same level, or it may be greater. And I think that part of the revaluation. Yes, stellar stocker. That's my dude right there. I just accepted him. Part of this whole situation here is that, you know, some of these currencies which have been devalued for so long, it's gonna take three, four, five fold of the valuation of the currency in order for us to actually level the playing field, because they've been devalued so far back.

Engaging in Conversation

Stellar. Are you there, brother? Well, Dave, jump in. I would love to hear your thoughts. Well, let me. Let me kind of unpack a little bit of this, because we're covering a lot of different topics right now. Let me address the October 1 notion. There's a few things that we do know about October 1. I don't know if you happen to see the gematria that I posted the other day.

Insights into the Future

Well, actually, last week, the days are running into weeks, into months. I heard three words. I was grabbing a meal, just getting my feet up off the floor, and I heard our CIC, President Trump say three words. World, liberty, financial, and the Holy Spirit just quickened me. I leapt up off the couch, went into the office, and I started to run a gematria revelation search with those three words as the primary fate phrase.

The Importance of Revelation

And what I want to do is pull that up here really quick, because it. I mean, there are times when. And again, we're going to use the amazing. I'm. I'm just going to say awe. I'm in a constant state of awe with how he does what he does. And when I say does, it means he already did it, because he doesn't have to do anything now.

The Concept of Pre-Existence

He created everything before time again. So every single thing that each and every one of us would need going forward was already laid up here on earth for us. He doesn't create anything new because he saw it all already. So kind of like Paul when he said, we have to walk out our salvation. That's what we're doing. We're walking out our existence in this plane, in this three-dimensional world that we've been held down to since time began.

Historical Context

And for us, that really started with when I, Adam, became flesh and blood and dwelt on the earth over 7888 years ago. But in that gematria, see if I can find it here real quick. In that gematria, I had not heard that phrase. I had not heard those words. I wasn't listening to the rallies. I had no idea what he was doing there. And I just have to tell you that I was flabbergasted at this one.

Technical Challenges

He hasn't had me do a gematria in months. I mean, like four to six months. And very slowly he's brought back that for me to do. So as I'm looking for this, I'm going to continue to talk. And I thought, you know, this is interesting, Lord, because we haven't done any of these in quite a while. And we did a lot of them in the very beginning.

Future Explore of the Concept

And my beginning goes back to April 3 of 2021 when he called me over to be his messenger and to reveal the revelation with regards to the digital asset space XRP, the awareness of a buyback which didn't exist, and to identify what was taking place, what would take place. And then he began to open up the understanding of the quantum realm and how we're moving into the quantum realm and what that means for us.

Truth Behind the Vision

So as you've said, it's beyond amazing to the point where how does our brain even begin to comprehend what's going to happen? I mean, we're, and I'll talk about some things that he's already identified as absolutes. And as I began to post this revelation into release, this prophecy, you know, I came under tremendous attack because it wasn't information that played to the narrative, it was actually head of the narrative.

Struggles with Information Release

I actually did a three out, over three hour interview last Monday with Patriot underground, only to have the video scrubbed. So he went in to edit the video after we had that three hour session and it wouldn't open. And he went back to the original copy of it and it wouldn't open. And it was held by a third party, wasn't on his computer.

A Glitch in the System

And over the course of about 4 hours, he tried to figure out what was going on, and it never got aired. And I went to the father and I said, father, what was, what happened with the video? And he goes, there's a little too much information in it that I wasn't ready to have released yet. Dave? Yes. I want to ask you a question.

Reclaiming Ownership

So, you know, what you just expressed is one of the real world problems that we're trying to solve right now. And that is ownership of your data. And I want everybody in the space and in the room to understand that you do not own your data. Okay? Google owns your data. Gmail owns your data. Who live? Microsoft, one of these conglomerates.

Bringing Ownership Back to Users

They own your data. And I think part of what we have to understand is that in the quantum realm, which XRP lion is talking about, what Dave is talking about is we're reclaiming our ownership of our data using blockchain technology. Now a lot of people are like, well, what is blockchain? Where. It's crypto.

Disambiguating Crypto

You know, it's it. And no, it's not the same thing. Now, I'm not gonna down crypto. I know people have been like, down in crypto, they've been saying, oh, crypto is a scam. This, that, and the third, it's not a scam. It's actually a bunch of people. And if you can think about it like this, back in the day when America was created, you had a bunch of people from various different countries and nations and they were fleeing their countries and nation.

Seeking Freedom

They were fleeing taxation and slavery. Back in the day, you were called a serf or a peon, which means that you are lower than royalty and lower than your pond scum. You know, like in a wolf of wall street when he said, you're lower than pond scum. I mean, literally, people came to the United States to flee their countries to find freedom.

Understanding the Past

Now the very, what people don't understand is it's a very small minority of folks that actually were trafficked here for slavery. And the reason why is because we had wooden boats. Back in the day, you couldn't fit 10 million slaves on that amount of ships. We, you'd need, you know, 100,000 ships to ship 10 million slaves.

Debating Historical Narratives

And there's probably, maybe in maybe 5000 to 10,000 ships that came here. And, and we don't know how many were filled with slaves. We also have aboriginals and natives who were already here. So people of color people, black people, native people, they were already here. This is our land. Like were already here.

Unity in Diversity

And we received those from every nation, whether you be black, brown, purple, orange, yellow. And that's where thanksgiving came from. We received each other. We received all of ourselves as human beings. And we gave thanks and praise. We celebrated, we danced, we ate, we praised each other and we also praised God and we praised Jesus.

Reflecting on Past Celebrations

And we knew that what were doing was what was supposed to be here. And we escaped colonialism for a minute until they came after us. The crown came back. They came for us all over again. And they said, well, hell, you guys are gonna escape. Well, we just crossed the ocean, and we're coming for you little you guys. And excuse my.

Cultural Legacy and Identity

My language if I'm cursing or anything like that. And, Dave, you know, I apologize. I'm not trying to say the Lord's name in vain or anything like that. But I want you guys to understand, like, this is a nation that was created by a melting pot of people from every, like, every color, every creed. And the reason why we came here was to be united, the United States of America.

The Pursuit of Freedom

United, like, we united together to get away from physical slavery, from mental slavery, from taxation, from big government. Everything that you see now is playing out. And I want folks to understand that we are in biblical times right now. God is about to show his wrath. And at the same time, we have leaders emerging, and we have people falling.

Concluding Remarks

Diddy is gone. The whole music industry is falling. It's about to be. It's about to implode right now. And I prophesize this day, I would say in 2005, I said that this music industry would self destruct, and I, or we will inherit this new business, this new industry. And I was so fed up with the way I had been treated and the way I seen other artists treated and just understanding everything, because I've been in this thing for so long.

East Midi's Business Cards

I had Mel Smith business card in my wallet. I had Geno Sims business card in my wallet. I had all the top dogs. Look, they all know who I am. They know who East Midi is. They know East Midi has been, you know, knocking on the door for a long time. But I also said I would never, ever compromise my. Myself, my spirit, my soul, for money now, or for anything, for any nature. Like, I don't want that. I just want to make music, and I want the best of the best to be heard, and I want the music that's going to influence our youth to be the best of the best that they can be. So, I mean, it's been a struggle. I'm very proud of who I am. I'm proud to say this. You guys can google East Midi. You'll see me, you'll never see me with any of these devils, these demons, these people. They're getting eradicated and I've been praying for this day for the longest. I knew it would come. I prophesied it in 2005. I said it would be over. And, you know, I guess I have the prophetic tongue, whatever, but either way, lying.

Influence of XRP Lion Dave

I just want you to know that, you know, XRP lying Dave has been a huge force for me in terms of, you know, helping me understand and get closer to God and closer to myself, closer to the universe, and just been amazing, positive force. And I know he's been through so much. So much, you know, people just stealing. It's the same way in the music industry. Like, you know, you do a record, you produce a record, it's a hit record, it's a beat, it gets to the next executive, and he passes it on to a musical programmer who, like, emulates it and recreates it and then puts his name on it or puts another major record label producers name on something that you produce. You hear it on the radio and you're like, yo, that's my record, man. And they're like, well, it's not your record because produced by someone else. And then you take it to a ip like a, you know, intellectual property attorney, and they're like, well, it's hard to prove that in court. You know, we can't do anything with it. And you sitting there, you're like, man, my whole creation, like, I compose this, I built this, and it's, you know, it's making millions of dollars or generating millions of dollars, and I don't get a buck.

Struggles in the Music Industry

So, I mean, it, this is like, it's so deep. And, and that's what I wanted to talk about in this space is like, what's going on in the music industry, but also talk about the news, breaking stories. I want to talk about revaluation. I want to talk about XRP. I want to talk about God, father universe. I want to talk about everything that affects us today in everything that we're doing, because we have such an amazing path that we're on. And I'm just so proud of all the people who have chosen to take the right path. And I know it's been a tough choice because it's like, hey, sometimes you lose family, sometimes you lose friends, sometimes you lose your lover, you know, your best friend. You know, it's like, you know, being abandoned and abandonment is not cool. But, you know, I I said it today. I'd rather have no love than fake love, because when you actually build your family and you building it from the ground up and build it from perfect strangers, whoever. It feels so good because, you know, we rose from the ashes to become family and the meaning is so much greater and so much more special.

Gratitude and Support for XRP Lion Dave

So I'm just, I'm. I'm so grateful for this. And XRP, lion Dave, XRP, he's like a father figure to me. He's like a brother. He is like a mentor. I mean, a teacher, just an amazing human being. And I stand by him and everything that he does. I support him. And I'm so grateful for him being here with us tonight because this is awesome, man. Thank you for that. And I want to make, the lord just gave me a word for everybody tonight, and I'm just going to put it out there the way he gave it to me. We each had a covenant with him before we became flesh and blood. And if you haven't heard about this, I'm just going to go over it very quickly. It defines our purpose. And of course, that's man's greatest quest, right? What's my purpose? Why am I here? Well, we're all coming to learn that we've been lied to forever, and that's one of the devil's greatest attributes.

The Covenant and Sin Nature

But know this. Know that he had a contract with the Lord. And that contract originated when Adam became flesh and blood. God gave him 7885 years to rule and reign on this earth, to steal, kill, and destroy, and God couldn't lift a finger to help us. But that ended on December 21, 2020, exactly eight years after the apocalypse was supposed to destroy the earth on December 21, 2012. Well, some of you may know, most of you probably don't know. In my quest to be his messenger and reveal all of his information about this XRP buyback price discovery, he took me all the way back to the beginning, which I thought was going to be June 2 of 2012, which was the first day that XRP actually started at a birth date. Quote, david Schwartz, he took me all the way back to the mayan calendar, and I went, lord. And he said, dave, you asked me to show you the whole plan all the way back to the beginning. This is where it begins. So the devil had time to reign. That time is over. We're now entering into our thousand years of peace.

God's Assurance and the Nature of Sin

But here's the word that he wants you to receive into your heart tonight, and that is this. Number one, he did. He never created you a sin. He never created you to be sin. However, in the covenant, we had to experience it. We had to live it, and we had to taste it. And I asked the Lord, I said, lord, what is sin? And I remember when he told me this, it was like a 60 pound pack came off my back. And he said, dave, sin is an acronym that means self inflicted narcissism. Just think about that for a second. Who's the greatest narcissist that ever existed was Satan. What was his modus operandi? To steal, kill, and destroy. If we were supposed to experience the sin nature of this world, it means that we had to partake of it, and we never became it. And I want to draw the line there, because God doesn't create sin. We got to experience it. So we all stole, killed, and destroyed, and what did we do? We called it success.

Chasing False Success

Think about that. E all these people coming up in the music industry, what were they all chasing? What their definition of success was, the money, the women, the cars, the houses, the jewelry that never left their mind. Did they care how many people they had to kill? How many people they had to walk over, how many people that they. They wrecked? No, they didn't. But at the end of the day, people looked up to them and said, I want to be like that person. Because of what they had. They could see on the outside, as we're heading into this new economy, it's no longer about what is on the outside. It's about what's on the inside. It's about our heart. Now, God did say this, you're going to have to go into this world, this sin natured world. You're going to have to partake of the narcissistic nature of the devil. You're going to do a lot of bad things. You're going to bust relationships, you're going to lie, steal, kill and destroy, and you're going to call it success.

God's Provision and the Path to Redemption

But his part of the agreement was he would provide a way home. And how did he do that? He did that by becoming flesh through Jesus, so that we could come through him as Jesus, receive him and everything. Now, I'm not leaving anything out. Everything of this world that we had to partake of is made clean. It's wiped clean. We couldn't be taken to court by Satan and found guilty of anything that we partook of in this world. Isn't that kind of what happens in the military? You're tasked to go out and kill people. Does a soldier worry about going to kill somebody, that when he comes back, he's going to be tried for murder? No. Why? Because the government absolves him of that. It's not even something he thinks about. But yet what has the enemy done? What has the devil done? He got people to think that God, number one, needed to be feared when he's just a loving father, as is noted in the parable of the prodigal son.

Understanding God’s Nature and Free Will

Yes. I want to add to what you're saying. I also want people to understand that, you know, God is not here to punish you either. No, he's not here to be feared. He's not here to punish you. You have free will, so you do as you will. Do as thou will. Now, there's two meanings to us. A double meaning. There's the satanic meaning of it, which is, you know, Alistair Crowley's meaning, do as out wilt or whatever. And then there's do as you will. Like, have the spirit inside of you, have the natural ability inside of you to do what's right and what's wrong. Now, I want to say this because there are very powerful people in this space right now, including some of my artists, who have been some of the most, who have been through some of the most heinous experiences ever. And when you're an angelic being.

Strength and Protection Among Angelic Beings

That doesn't mean that you are a coward or a fallback or somebody can step on your toes. It just means that you're not bothering anybody or looking for a problem. But you will protect your loved ones with all of your angelic power, spirit, and heart. And for some of my people and some of my guys, they've had to endure, you know, years and years of incarceration, years of abandonment, years of being alone. I always say, though, you know, that alone time is, like, the best time because, you know, you really get to, like, you know, feel yourself, understand yourself, and come into who you are. But I want people to understand also that, you know, for every action, there's a reaction. And also, if you're an angelic being on this planet, you are going to protect what's yours.

Communicating with Brother Lion

And. And what's yours is the people who you hold closely and. And most dearly to your heart. You know, lion, we got to talk, like, off the record, when we can get a chance, brother. I just want us to talk because I. We have so much to talk about, bro. Like, it's just been so deep, and. And the things that we've been through over the past few months, it's. And like you said, it's already done. You said, e we're praying. Like myself, destiny, we're sitting there and we're just praying together. Hello. Can I have a minute, please? I don't know who this person is. Who is that? Yeah, line. Who is this person? I don't know. Mover, move our.

Offering Help and Support

All right, I'm gonna look, I am a booba. Okay, speak. Say your peace, brother. How are you doing? We're being peaceful, brother. We're doing great. I just have something to share with you. I'm sorry to bother. Hoover, talk to us. What's up? Like, for the past days, me and my family are going through a tough moment right now. You know, we need help with some food, you know. So I thought maybe I could come here and share my story with you. Hubba, where are you located? I'm from the Gambia. Whoa. Listen, I want you to do this. I want you to post your cash app or your bitcoin or XRP wallet in the text and anyone in the conversation that is able to help this gentleman out, even if you send them just, you know, a few bucks or whatever, that's fine.

Community Support and Love

I'm trust that you are legitimate, brother. I appreciate you coming in. God loves you. The universe loves you. We love you. See you later, brother. Yeah, I will appreciate that, you know. Okay, Dave. Yes, sir. Jump in. You know, you can definitely give your thoughts. Well, what I want to do is I want to finish on that gematria, okay. Because the Lord is providing us direction in a window. And this October 1 date showed up in the gematria. Now, I never knew how to do Gematria. And actually I learned from a rabbi, you're not supposed to do this alone. You technically have to be over 40 years old and you have to do it with like a spiritual mentor. And for most people of the Hebrew faith, they have to do it with a rabbi.

Divine Guidance in Gematria

So my exclusion is I do it directly with the Lord. So I'm not doing it under my power, I'm doing it under his authority. So here's what it said. First phrase was, the future begins now. And this was on the 13 September. I forgot all about doing it. And it just sat there, not posted for over a week, and just posted it just here the other day. So number one, future begins now. Number two, quantum answers. Number three, the shocking truth. The day of reckoning. Boom, boom, boom. Four booms. Sodom and gomorrah. Lord said, me talk about that for over two years. And the reason that keeps coming up is because of what happened with lots of wife. God made it very clear in the beginning.

Leaving the Past Behind

He said, dave, we are not to take anything from the past into my future. Now, he stripped me of a six figure trading account that I had built over 30 years in less than two weeks. It got to the point where I resisted, and let me just tell you, don't resist. God. You can't win. I'm sure Jacob felt that way, too, when he was wrestling with God. I just finally gave in. I felt his warm arms around me. I said, dad, it was all yours to begin with. Do whatever you want with it. And he left me with $1,200 to move from the Pacific Northwest out here to the state of Arizona. So, Dave, you understand when I say that. Yeah, you said dad. And I don't mean to interrupt you. I'm sorry. I apologize.

Connection and Acknowledgment

Yeah, you said dad, and you don't know how many times. And even when we speak and I talked to you know, my, you know, my biological dad is overseas. I haven't seen him since I was four years old. I'm 43 now, so it's been a long time, 31 years since I've seen my biological dad. But then my adopted father, I haven't seen him in 13 years. And I want you to know, like I call you dad. Thank you. I do. Thank you. Thank you for that. I call you dad, and I want you to know that, wow, this is so deep. Just continue, brother. Keep going. Yes. So that's. That's the sodom and gomorrah. So understand we're leaving behind all the old evil and only goodness comes in.

Transitioning into a New Economy

That's why we won't have a stock market. That's why we won't have cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are no different than when the Internet bubble started in the early 1990s and everybody was trying to get a piece of the action. And how many companies just disappeared after 2000? Why? Because they didn't have anything to offer. They weren't necessary in the process. Well, going into the quantum realm with XRP on the XRPL, there's no need for all this other stuff going on. Now, there's gonna be a small group that is gonna be around for a little bit. Xlm, iota, hbar. But they're only gonna facilitate transition, very much like the banks are gonna do.

The Role of Banks in Transition

We're gonna have banks for a while to help everyone become accustomed to using the QFs or Q laptops or Q phones and operate in a 100% gold backed secured realm, which is the fifth dimension. That's why it couldn't be hacked by Goldman or Morgan or any of those other companies that tried. So we got Sodom and Gomorrah. Then we go right to October 1. That's 123456. The 7th phrase was October 1. Of course we know there's seven days of creation, actually six days of creation and day arrest. The next line was financial windfall. So here we're getting the future begins now.

Quantum Answers and Shocking Truths

Quantum answers. The shocking truth.

The Shocking Truth

The shocking truth. The day of reckoning. Four booms, Sodom and Gomorrah, October 1, financial windfall. Absolutely amazing. The next line, end of prophecy. It's like I looked at that and went, oh my. It's, it's happening. Meaning it's tangible for us. It's already there and it's tangible. It's kind of like my example is you've got something you've always wanted but you don't have the keys for it yet. And you can look in and you can see it, but you can't do anything with it yet. And that's been the issue for people. That's why this has been so hard. Because through faith, which is the Holy Spirit, we've endured all this. You've endured all this. You endured the temptations of the enemy and said, no, that's not for me. God already recognizes that. It's one of the reasons why he pointed you out. I didn't know who you were. You were just somebody who liked something that I had posted, that little tiny picture.

End of Prophecy

But he pointed you out and I clicked on that picture and that's how all this started. So get this. End of prophecy, ripple case over. What have we been hearing from Stuart Alderati? The ripple case is over. Well, for most of you, I revealed the prophecy or the revelation that the Ripple case was just a protective measure to protect XRP until we could get to the point where evil had already been taken out and were ready to launch the Nasara Gesara and everything that goes along with that. So we got end of prophecy ripple case over. Purposeful. What does it mean, purposeful? It means everything that they've had to do to protect XRP was done on purpose. And I pointed all that out. I'm the only one standing in Gary Gensler's corner saying he's doing his job. His job was to hide XRP in what we can call military witness protection so nothing would happen to it, keep it off the radar.

Chasing Shiny Things

So those that weren't chosen, those that weren't called, would go and chase the. Chase the shiny things as they've done the next one is XRP Phoenix. That blew me away even more. Why? Because that's where I'm at. He always said Phoenix was the hub. Now I'm still waiting for the full revelation on that, but he keeps bringing it up. Even Trump has reiterated about Arizona. Then we have the word interconnected. So now we got end of prophecy, ripple case over purposeful, XRP Phoenix interconnected. I get this last two finished cross. Now think about that finished cross and what happened at the cross when Jesus in three words in Aramaic said to Tellestiah, which means it is finished. And the last phrase was the only way it had to go through the cross.

Pure Heart

That's why getting through the redemption center is about having what I'm going to call a pure heart. And when I say pure, I'm simply saying you don't have any offense in your heart towards other people, you don't have ill will, you're not waiting to get back at somebody. You basically just chilling. Because we know, and we've known this for over two years, that in these end days the minions would be carrying out the last of the attack. The people closest to us would be abandoning us, making claims, all trying to get us to pick up offense. What does offense do? Separates us from God. So we have to just cover it with love and put it down. Now, who has continued to say over and over again, it had to be done this way, our CIC, Trump. So everything has been part of the plan that got established before time began.

October 1 Events

So now let me add two more things about October 1. Number one, anyone in Congress cannot be arrested until session closes. When does session close? The day before October 1. That's right. So for that 30 day window, they all can be arrested. Well, you know, that's the last recess before the end of the year. Then it's already been said that this all happens in 2024. Dave? Yes. You know, one of the greatest things that you've taught me is that it's already done and it is already done. Like, literally I'm still in the house, that I'm in. Like, we're still here, everything is still. And this is like miracles that I could never believe that would happen. But I feel like when Congress recessed in, I think it was August or right before September. I feel like at that point they were already, like, arrested and processed.

New Fiscal Year

And I think, like maybe October is like the, I don't know, it's the reveal. Well, two things. Two things about October. October 1 begins our fiscal year, our new calendar year, is going to be fiscal. Think about that. So the last three months of the year are our first quarter. So if Congress is out of session and they can be apprehended and arrested, which they've already been, you know, they're part of the 200,000 member volunteer cast to play this movie, we then have the situation where it begins our fiscal year. And then let's add what just happened with interest rates. Jerome Powell reduced interest rates by 50 basis points because by doing so, he removed any relief for any surviving banks that forced them to be compliant with Basel III and Basel IV.

Quantum Financial System

When it comes to having enough capital to ensure 100% of what anybody transfers off of the quantum financial system into a bank account. Now, everyone should know that you already have a quantum access account on. On the quantum financial system. It has. It has every balance for every bank account that you have. It has your digital assets. If you have the eight. Number one is XrP, XLm, iota, hbar, et cetera. It also has any retirement accounts that you have, because those are protected, not. Not brokerage accounts. Now, if you have a brokerage account that has a precious metals IRA, that value is 100% mirrored onto your quantum access account.

Commodities Market

So when they shut the system down, you're going to receive that daily value in the new currency. If you're holding gold, platinum, silver, you don't get the physical commodity. You're going to exchange the commodity, which goes to the US Treasury Department and you get the value. And that's really all you want, because 30 days after the process is completed with Nisara, they're going to re index all precious metals. Why? Well, gold's going to go down to $50 an ounce. Silver is going to go to eight, platinum is going to go down. Why would they do this? Number one, they don't need any gold to back our financial system. Why? Because they recovered so much gold out of the Vatican.

Controlled Gold Recovery

Tunnels to Jerusalem, tunnel to Switzerland, tunnel to London, they have enough physical gold that's already been assayed, certified and blockchain identified to back the global expansion and liquidity for over 250 years. So all precious metals just become commodities. So simply holding gold isn't going to go to $50,000 an ounce because it's just going to get used in manufacturing. There will be an opportunity, a window of time after we come out of the ten day lockdown period, ten days of disclosure, to educate everybody on what really happened in our society, in our world, and how were lied to. Us. Treasury department will control all precious metals so there won't be commodities market, there won't be a forex market.

Financial Transparency

Like, like you said, all currencies in the world are going to be leveled to be $1. And why is that? Once you think about this is what I do during the day. I just sit and hang out with the Lord and we just talk about this stuff just like we're doing now. So I ask questions and he reveals to me what he wants me to know at the time. And I don't try to project anything other than what he's letting me in on. So this is what he says. He goes, well you know, we don't need any gold, but we have to make sure that it isn't being stashed or hoarded for some other outcome that's nefarious in the future.

High Water Mark Rule

So we do that by giving an opportunity for people to redeem it for the new currency, say five business days, and they're going to get the highest value, that being the value that the markets had when everything got shut down. And I'm actually writing a white paper on this right now. Got a couple white papers in the works. But he shared something with me that reminded me of something I learned as a professional trader. And that is there's something called the mark to market rule. And that rule says that whatever the highest value is, that's the value that's used to charge performance fees on accounts. So if you have a money manager and he's managing the money, if it goes, if, let's just say the s p went to, I know it's higher than this, well let's just say it went to 6000 and then it came down immediately and went back to, you know, low fives.

Global Control

That manager gets to charge his percentage on that $6,000 value even if it was there for 1 second. And what the Lord pointed out is he said, dave, because they're controlling all the markets, the white hat global military alliance with Space Force took control of all financial markets, all three letter agencies around the world, and they're running an algorithm, a simulation on the stock markets. So it's a simulation, it's not real, but it still, you know, works in a real fashion if you're moving money around. But he said once I hit that high water mark, we're done. Well the high water mark is the year that we're on the hebrew calendar, which is 5784 in the future.

Hebrew vs. Gregorian Calendar

Yes. Can you elaborate a little bit more about the difference between the hebrew calendar and the gregorian calendar? Well, there's a lot of similarities between the two. And the hebrew calendar was really a solar calendar, much like the mayan calendar to begin with. And it became very difficult to try to bring the gregorian calendar, which for us was originally the julian calendar. But in 1582, on October 4, the king, or I should say the pope, advanced the calendar for twelve days. Well, what's happening come October 4? What if that's when we go into our lockdown and we're having our ten days of disclosure and there's an extra two or three days in there just to make us aware of some extraterrestrial stuff?

Rapid Disclosure

Dave, Dave, what if we already feel like we're already in that disclosure? Because I think things are happening at a much more rapid pace than I think that they ever would happen. I'm like, looking at this and I'm like, man, this thing is happening full speed. And everything you told me, everything you taught me, it's like, happening, like, immediate is boom, boom. I think that we're really, like, all of us that are, like, sucked into this. I don't want to say sucked into, but all of us, well, I think sucked into. Participate. All those that participate, it's sucked into. In an upward realm. Like, like we're moving, we're getting, we're. Getting the advanced notice.

5D Universe

Yeah. We're moving into this 5d universe, like soul. Yes. You know, and you spoke it? I spoke it. I put it in my bio probably two or three years ago. I. It says, you know, east many. Where are you from? I said, 5D Republic of us. And I said that because I understood that this is a republic. This is not a democratic nation, a democracy. This is a republic, which means that you have free will to travel, to engage in commerce, to build, to create, and even to destroy. You know, that's really what it is.

Sovereign Citizens

And at the same time, you're free here, and meaning that you are not obligated to taxation. Now, one of the craziest things that I've come across over the past, I would say, month or two, is, you know, the whole argument between being a sovereign citizen, slash your sovereign citizenship and your strawman. You know, your name in capitals, or your name as in blah, blah, trademarking your strawman, like, trademarking your capitals, charging off your debts, things of that nature. I want people to know. Also, I, I did actually attempt to charge off my debts to my strawman. I was unsuccessful. However, I did get a few very interesting phone calls from folks at charter and at first premier, well, they didn't call me anymore after that.

Hidden Keys

But either way, I do feel like there is something in here, man, like we're missing out on the. The hidden key or token. I know. Look, lion, I'm not trying to put you up on that or in associates you in that type of discussion or conversation, but it's pretty amazing. The other thing is, I feel like we are so close. We're so close, and I'm, like, walking around every day drinking espresso, and I would just have this, like, you know, just anticipation of something amazing happening. Then something amazing happens, and then something else happens and, like, lying.

Scriptural Foundations

Can you tell me a little bit more about that, brother? Well, let me, let me say it this way. We have, there's countless scriptures in God's word that identify that he has already done everything. Number one, we can rest on that. He's a keeper of every promise he's ever made. And remember, I said he couldn't do anything until after December 21, 2020. In December. In October. It was actually October 22, 2022. He declared, this is my land. This is my time. This is my age. This is my land. His land is our hearts. He's the gardener. He's the vine dresser. That's where the parable talks about planting and good soil.

Walking It Out

So we're making sure that our heart is pure, the soil is good because it's gonna plant there. But we have no reservation to disbelieve in any way that he hasn't already done it. And when we look back on this, we're gonna be, I mean, we're gonna say, you know what? I'm. We knew it. I knew it, and that's about it. But he's giving us the forward to see it as we're walking it out. See, but that's not for everybody. There are people that he has kept in the dark. These are the ones that don't want to look. They're still under the notion that everything is fine.

New Kingdom Economy

It's like the people that talk about how they're, you know, building businesses to do this and that in the digital asset space, and they're going to do this and they're going to do that. And I'm just like, oh, gosh, Lord, can't you tell them they can't take their little red wagon with all their toys and walk into your new kingdom economy thinking they're going to do what the cabal did and why all that crap was invented to begin with? No, we're going into this new economy with this resource, we didn't earn it. We did nothing to earn it, so we can't call it wealth.

Humanitarian Initiative

It's a financial resource that he's making available because he is partnering with each and every one of us to take care of humanity for the next 200 to 250 years. That's the bottom line. Smitty talked about currencies and bonds and things like this. Well, it all begins with one simple document. It's called a humanitarian initiative trust template. And all it is it allows you to claim that you're a humanitarian. That's the differentiation between what is now and what. What is. You're either humanitarian or you're going to be a worker.

No Need to Sell Souls

Be. That's it. There's no between. Why? Because there's no longer a reason to sell our soul to earn a living. No one will have to sell their soul to earn a living going forward. His foundation is love, his currency is love. His language is love, and there is no interest. But what is the return? Love. We will have generations and generations of children born that never know what evil was. Never know. Those are the children of the future, the legacy that's going to walk in the second coming of Christ.

Forging a New Path

We're forging the path were chosen to forge, the path were chosen to endure what the world would do. And now we get to walk into his new economy. Very few people are going to get to do that. And there is a final purge and culling that's coming. As he told me, Dave, my intention was never to rapture christians to heaven. It was to rapture evil to hell, because we have to have. We had to get rid of the evil before we could go into his new economy, and it's not going to be a pretty sight.

Population Control

The government's already posted information on their suspected rate of depopulation that's going to leave this world. And when I say leave, they're going right to the lake of fire. They've been going for the last couple of years. Well, actually longer than that, but it's all controlled. Do you know that over 12% of the population is already gone off the face of the earth? I was talking to a friend who was the number one goal timer for 17 or 15 years, and he gave me numbers that said, dave, they're estimating between 30 and 70% of the population of the world is going to be gone now. That's before the ten days of closure.

NPC's and Their Reality

Yes. Listen, this is what I want to say. I'm in complete agreeance with you, but I also want to say that 95% of the population, their NPC's, they're non playable characters, meaning they don't feel. They don't, their, pineal gland is calcified. They have taken in so many bad medals, they don't understand. Like, look, we're reaching out to a yemenite specific type of people, but we're also reaching out to all of humanity. But we're telling you, listen, you got to unclog your third eye and understand and see everything that's going on so that you can take part in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity.

13 Month, 28 Day Calendar

That's going to happen the moment we go up, back onto the 13 month, 28 day calendar. Yes, he had me. He had me for six weeks drilling down on that. And this. This is what the outcome? Yes, the, tell them, though, how. How did we get to that, equation or calculation? Well, it came from all of our months. Okay, so if a week is seven days, right? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And don't you think a perfect calendar would have, you know, that repeated over and over again?

Calendar Manipulation

Well, why that would be equal to 28 days. Why do we have 31 days or 30 days or 29 days on a leap year? Because we have been duped and changed into a different type of calendar, which has taken off us, off of our cosmic, spiritual and godly mission. And we've also been out of touch of our days. Now, what I've been seeing lately, 333-112-2455 even. Six, six. Look, these are numbers, and they're not just numbers. If you're seeing these numbers, that means that you are connecting with the universe on a whole nother level.

Understanding Human Beings' Essence

Dave knows this as well, but it's so crazy to even hear, like, the whole breakdown. But I want you guys to understand, like, this is where we are as human beings. But yes, there is a higher realm for us. And like I said, I've been on 5D for a long time, and I'm not sure I'm even having a 5d conversation. I think some of y'all are on three D, four D, two D. Or maybe all of you guys have already ascended and we're having, like, a total 5d conversation. I'm not sure yet. I would love to get to know everybody, make sure we follow each other, support each other's posts, and. And we connect. But at the end of the day, like, what Dave is saying is, like, it is what it is. Like, this is, like, the deepest knowledge.

Connection to Cosmic Source

And let me tell you what the discovery was in the. In the revelation and the information I sorted. And it was this. We lost our connection with our. Our cosmic source. That was the whole intention behind changing the calendar. So they took away from us any semblance of connection with the source once we. Dave, are you there? Dave is not there. Guys, when Dave jumps back in, awesome. But let's talk about source, and source is us. It's our inner being, our inner chi. And I want all of y'all to practice, like, finding your inner chi, like, your inner feeling, inner belief. Just like, you know, close your eyes, squeeze them as tight as you can, and just feel that energy, like, coming up from the ankles, all the way up your knees, your thighs, your hips, into your stomach, and then boom, all the way to your eyeballs. That's your energy.

Engaging with the Community

I know skill has been asking to speak for a minute, brother. Jump in. I would love to hear what you have to say. DNA skill. Fei? Yeah. I had a couple questions to ask Dave about gematria, so can I pipe back in when he come back on? Most definitely. Anyone else that would like to chime in, please speak or send a request. All right, so, guys, obviously Dave will be here. Back in a minute. But the Lord God father universe, and that's what I call him. No, it's not any satanic meaning to it, but if you think about it, like God, you know, father, think about if you had a dad or if you didn't have a dada. You always wanted somebody that's strong and you knew they protected you, and they'll put their arms around you and say, son or daughter, I love you. I'm here for you. I'm protecting you.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

And then universe, it's like the universe is so broad, expansive, and gigantic, and it's like, hey, you know, I want to be in this universe, and I want to be in here to the point where I feel like the universe can hug me. So, I mean, like, give yourselves a hug, man. Like, everybody in this room right now, give yourselves a hug. Wrap your arms around each other. Wrap your. Your arms around your loved ones and give yourselves a giant hug and understand that the God father universe is here. Now, I also want to say, you know, and this is a meditation. I'm not a religious guy. I believe in God, but I believe in the universe. I also believe in every religion and every walk of life. Like, I don't. I discriminate, but I want to talk right now. And the first thing I want to do is I want to do a release. I want everybody to release all of their negative vibes.

Releasing Negative Energy

And the best way to do this, and this is from one of my best mentors, and she taught me to say, I break the power of every negative thought that I've thought, so that it may not be able to manifest itself. I break the power of every negative word that I've spoken so that it may not be able to perform. I break the power of every negative action that I've acted so that may not affect anyone. Dave is here. I just want to call upon our ancestors, our spirit guides, our angelic healers, our, you know, everybody that's. That's up there, that is a part of our life. I want. I want to proclaim this. I want to call upon Archangel Michael and Gabriel, you know, descend upon us, form an impenetrable wall of protection around us. Our families, our loved ones, our businesses, everything that we're doing right now.

Seeking Divine Protection

Come upon us. I want you to be here and be here forever. We're grateful for. For your existence and everything that you're here for. We are here to win. We're also here to love, to sin. We're imperfect. You know, we're imperfect. There's. There's no way to be perfect. We're going to fight. We're going to squabble. We're going to have our ups and downs. But at the end of the day, we know where our hearts reside, and that is with God. Father, universe. Dave, are you there, brother? I'm pulling you right now. God. Martha? Where's Dave? Martha? Jump in if you want. Hello. Yes, ma'am. Hi, Martha. Hi. How are you tonight? I'm wonderful. How are you? Pretty good.

Community Engagement and Queries

Pretty interesting topic. So I'm. I'm so happy. I'm always jumping from space to space, trying to learn and cat capture anything that I can pick up, because I've been awake for quite a while now, and I've done my research, and I just had a couple of questions for Dave. I believe Dave, but is he back or. No? Well, maybe you can answer them. Is there a difference between a star seed, a lightworker? I feel like. Okay, so I am probably. I don't know what you would consider myself, maybe an indigo because of where I come from, but I think a star seed is someone that is seeded in truth.

Concepts of Star Seeds and Lightworkers

And I think a lightworker is harvesting the truth from the star seed. So we're all working together in conjunction together, and we're uplifting each one another. The lightworker looks to find the truth from the star feed and then harvest it and release it into the universe, like, into the atmosphere, like, where we are right now. Okay. How does that, how does that feel to you? Yes, that's very important because I think us that are doing the hard work out there is very important that, you know, I just think that the ones that are awake, I mean, we're gonna have to help the ones that are not awake in three d. I feel you. And look, we're in 5D already.

Transition into 5D

We're here. You guys, like, everybody that jumped in the space, it's crazy. And so many of y'all shout out to mister nobody, too. Also, that's my brother, and he's always been there. E dub has been amazing. Rock a wild, Claudia. Tupac's, guys, like, there's so many familiar faces that I seen here and unfamiliar faces. Corey. What's up, brother? tariq, pier, Linda. We have such an amazing community of people right here, and I just wanted, I just want y'all to know, like, I'm so glad y'all here with us because we just got to, like, continue to resonate and believe and build.

Building the Community's Future

Look, XRP lion built this right here in terms of, like, he came in here and he, like, uplifted us. And it was almost like Jesus coming into the space, literally. But that's one of my brothers. I've known him for many years in the XRP community. In terms of crypto, if y'all don't know what XRP is a cryptocurrency slash asset. You can purchase it on uphold.com. I would encourage all of y'all to buy at least 500 to a $1,000 worth of XRP and just put it away. Even if you buy $10 a day, $20 a day, whatever you do, just get it and put it away. It's going to be used very shortly in the new monetary system.

Advocating for Financial Awareness

We are in a, we're in new times. Like, this is a robust, amazing financial system that we're getting ready to enter. Yes, we're going to have reparations, but it's going to be for everybody. And that's because we have been duped and scammed our entire lives through credit, through taxation, through all avenues of commerce. We've been screwed over, and we're about to get it all back. And I just want you guys to understand, okay? Who's this? Julian? Okay. Julian, you in here? Hi. Oh, hi. Thanks. Thanks. So much. I got on a little late, but.

Discussing Humanitarian Projects

I've been following Dave for some time. Not sure if he's talked much about the humanitarian projects or anything like that, but would you be able to add me on to receiving the recording when this is done? Absolutely. And I would certainly love to connect. With you again, in regards to. listening to your podcast here. So, listen, let's talk about the humanitarian project. So, if you're a holder of XRP XLM, IQD, which is iraqi dinar, zims, Vietnam dong, listen, these are third world country currencies.

Currency Equality and Humanitarian Goals

And as CIC president Trump has stated many times, we're going to level the playing field. And what that means is that we're going to take all the currencies around the world and get them equal to one. One in one. Now, some may be one in three or three in one. You know, there may be some perks in here, but if you think about it, if we're gonna do equal trade, commerce, sales, hand to hand transactions, we definitely need all of our currencies to be equal. For so many years, we have these. And why do we call them third world countries? We only call them third world countries because they don't have the valuation of currency that we have. And that's unfair, because I've been to many of them, and I was born in a third world country.

Personal Journey and Global Issues

I was not a citizen of the United States. I come from a third world country. My parents put me in a foster home because they couldn't afford to put clothes on my back and food in my stomach. And I was trafficked to the United States. And, you know, obviously it was a good outcome. I'm here now, so I'm grateful for it all. But as many of us out there, many, many more. And what I'm saying is that in order for the world to come into a unity, an iraqi dollar must equal the value of a USD. A USD must equal the value of Zimbabwe, zim a, you know, a Vietnam dong must equal one.

Revaluation of Currencies

$1 of dong must equal a dollar of USD. So what I'm saying is, like, we're getting into this really exciting space where we're gonna see the total revaluation of currencies, and we are also going to be able to take everything that we've invested into and put them into humanitarian projects. Now, obviously, the government's and around the world are being reclaimed by the citizens, by the people. But at the same time, all of us, we have it in our heart. We love people all right? If you walk by a homeless person on the street, you see them, you give them a few dollars or you give them $20 or you put them in the hotel, you know, that's the type of guy I am.

Compassion and Generosity

But think about how much more we can do when we actually liquidity and we have the ability to affect humanity in such a great cause. So everybody in here, I want y'all to know that, look, I come from a third world country. I was malnutrition. I didn't learn how to run till I was four years old. I had a big pot belly. I lived off the bean and rice diet, like, and I came from a mud hut in South America. But that never stopped me. I became a division one walk on football player. I'm a multi platinum independent record producer. I never sold my soul. I never fucking fucked with these goofy idiots in the music industry.

Rising Above Adversity

I've been going at them. I've been blowing the whistle since 2005. And now the day has come. We're now the day of reckoning. And we can take back our lives. We can take back our world. And I said it in my music. I said, we gonna take our planet back. The entire planet. We gonna take it back like it's ours. Like, I'm so excited about this. You guys don't understand. Like, we're gonna take our planet back. And every one of you plays a part. So that's what I'm saying. Like, y'all, whatever you don't let up.

Encouragement and Team Unity

Don't give up. Don't take anything personal. Look, the little bit of resistance that you get from your family, friends, people that are close and local to you, don't take it like a grain of salt. Be like, whatever. Brush it off your shoulder. And then focus on the bigger picture. The biggest. The bigger picture is right now, we're transcending. We're moving forward. Like, we are really, like, moving into the fifth dimension on a whole nother level. I'm so, like, blessed, and I'm so glad that XRP line, like, jumped in and did that.

Collective Ascension

I think he did that on purpose. He was like, smith, I'm going to jump in here, get all these people in the space, and I'm leaving so you can fucking do your gospel. And excuse my language, because I know. He just jumped in. You didn't have this planned with him? that's my brother, though. Listen, he's been mentoring me and helping me for years. Like, literally, I love him to death. Like, XRP lion, he already knows like, I mean, I call him my dad because he's been like a father to me and he's been the most amazing person.

Gratitude and Reflection

Now the other side of me is my most amazing and beautiful, you know, family that I have. And, you know, I'm just so grateful. I'm grateful for God, I'm grateful for life, I'm grateful for this business, this call. Everything that you guys are here on, you guys are the best. Like, and I just want you to know that I'm praying and meditating and also understanding and knowing that everything is done. Every issue that you have dealt with is, it's healed, every bill is paid, every problem that you have is sealed.

Positive Affirmations

Everything that you guys are going through right now, it's already done. It's done. And you just say God, father, universe, and it doesn't matter. Look, this is not satanic shit. I got attacked the other day cuz I. What did the young lady said that. I said that, God and the universe is satanic or whatever, but, you know, that's her belief. That's not my belief. My belief is that God, father, universe, in any way that you want to say in any religion and any not religion in any belief is what it is.

Manifesting Success and Love

And you speak it on yourself. And you speak upon yourself. I speak upon myself. Success. Love. Nurturing heart. Total focus. Amazing, beautiful outcome. Greatness. We are one together, but we all know that together, we cannot be one unless we are together. But we love one another. And we have love for everything that we are doing. And whether it be different or strange or this level or that level, it all comes together because we all are one.

Unity and Commanding Energies

And that is the humanity of this universe, of this planet, of this earth. We command all of the best energies of the entire universe to rain upon us and to give us the greatest knowledge, the greatest energy, the greatest success, the greatest love and understanding. I understand all of y'all, you understand each other and we move together and we just do it. So I'm getting ready to sign out of the space. I've probably said too much, but I love you guys so much.

Concluding Remarks

And I want you to know the universe loves you, God loves you. We've been through so much and we're about to go through so much more, but it's gonna be so great. And so this anticipation of that is like, it's insane. It's. It feels me like I'm gonna cry after this. I'm just gonna cry. And I'm a big guy and I'm just gonna cry. You know. I'm so thankful for you guys. I love all of you.

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