Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Whale Watching Weekly Analysis of the #Floki Top 100 Wallets hosted by RealFlokiInu. The Whale Watching space delves deep into the analysis of the top 100 wallets holding the #Floki cryptocurrency, emphasizing community engagement, utility, and charitable endeavors. Through detailed insights and regular monitoring of whale wallet movements, investors gain valuable strategic knowledge to navigate the evolving landscape of $FLOKI. By examining wallet data, community impact, and charity initiatives, participants in this space are equipped to make informed decisions and track the trajectory of #Floki within the cryptocurrency market.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does analyzing the top 100 wallets of #Floki benefit investors?
A: It provides insights into the distribution, behavior, and trends of major holders, influencing investment decisions.

Q: Why is community engagement vital for the success of $FLOKI?
A: Engaged communities drive adoption, awareness, and overall growth of the cryptocurrency.

Q: What role do charitable initiatives play in enhancing $FLOKI's reputation?
A: Charitable efforts contribute to positive PR, community goodwill, and a sense of purpose for $FLOKI.

Q: How can monitoring whale wallets help predict market trends for #Floki?
A: Whale activity often precedes significant price movements, offering strategic insights for traders and investors.

Q: What can studying wallet data over time reveal about $FLOKI's performance?
A: Long-term analysis helps identify patterns, distribution changes, and market behavior affecting $FLOKI.

Q: Why is it important to track changes in the top 100 wallets of #Floki regularly?
A: Changes in wallet holdings provide clues about investor sentiment, market dynamics, and potential price shifts in $FLOKI.

Q: How does engagement in the official Telegram group add value to the #Floki community?
A: It fosters direct communication, updates, and discussions, enhancing the sense of community and transparency for $FLOKI holders.

Q: What implications do major movements or transactions in the top wallets have on #Floki's future?
A: Significant activities in whale wallets can indicate market manipulation, trends, or shifts in investor sentiment, impacting $FLOKI's trajectory.

Q: How do wallet analysis and distribution metrics contribute to understanding the #Floki ecosystem?
A: They offer visibility into concentration, circulation, and adoption trends within the $FLOKI network.

Q: What benefits can investors gain from tracking wallet data changes and patterns?
A: Insights from wallet data help identify accumulation trends, potential sell-offs, and overall sentiment in the #Floki market.


Time: 00:10:45
Top 100 Wallet Analysis Insights into the distribution and activity of the leading wallets holding #Floki.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Impact of $FLOKI Exploring how community engagement drives the success and visibility of $FLOKI.

Time: 00:40:02
Charity Initiatives with $FLOKI Discussing the charitable projects associated with $FLOKI and their impact.

Time: 00:55:30
Whale Wallet Trends Analyzing whale wallet movements for insights into market sentiments on #Floki.

Time: 01:10:15
Official Telegram Group Benefits of joining the official Telegram for updates and discussions on #Floki.

Time: 01:25:40
Predictive Insights from Wallet Changes Understanding how monitoring wallet adjustments can help in predicting trends for #Floki.

Time: 01:40:55
Market Behavior and Wallet Analysis Exploring the correlation between wallet data shifts and #Floki's market performance.

Time: 01:55:22
Future of #Floki and Whale Watchers Speculating on the future developments for #Floki based on whale wallet analysis.

Time: 02:10:10
Long-term Investment Perspectives Insights for long-term #Floki investors through wallet study and trend analysis.

Time: 02:25:45
Community-driven Growth Strategies Strategies for community-driven growth and sustainability in $FLOKI's ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Analyzing the top 100 wallets of #Floki provides valuable insights into the cryptocurrency's ecosystem.
  • Community engagement plays a crucial role in the success and adoption of $FLOKI.
  • The utility and practical applications of $FLOKI are key factors in its journey to becoming a widely recognized cryptocurrency.
  • Charitable initiatives associated with $FLOKI contribute to its reputation and community support.
  • Understanding wallet distribution and activity is essential for monitoring the performance and popularity of #Floki.
  • Regular analysis of whale wallets offers insights into market trends and potential price movements of $FLOKI.
  • Exploring the official Telegram group can provide additional context and interactions regarding #Floki.
  • Monitoring the growth and changes in the top 100 wallets can indicate shifts in investor behavior and market sentiment.
  • Comparing wallet data over time can reveal patterns and trends that impact $FLOKI's value and market dynamics.
  • Identifying significant movements or transactions in the top wallets can offer clues about the future direction of #Floki.

Behind the Mic


Hello. Hello. We are here for the 13th edition of the script docs and we have pleasure to host the cluster protocol here today with us. And I hope that Ajdeze, co founder and CBDO from the cluster protocol is here with us. Ajay, are you there?

Mic Check and Preparation

Yeah, so just doing a quick mic check. I hope I'm perfectly audible. Yeah, yeah, we can hear you perfectly. Got it. Cool. How about we wait for a couple of minutes and then we can get started? Yeah, sure. Let's wait for a minute or two. Yeah. Till then, like maybe we can discuss around like what's your opinion on markets and stuff? Like. Sure. How are you? It's a good topic. So as you guys haven't launched yet, so probably this is one of the most important topic, like how the bitcoin is going to behave in the next couple of weeks and in the next couple of months. So I would like to hear your thoughts.

Current Market Situation

Where are we at in the current cycle? And what's your plans regarding the launch? Yeah, so basically as you said, that, yeah, we are looking to launch soon. So we are looking to launch around super soon, like in this, later this month or maybe early next month is what we are planning around. Based on the marketing market conditions, I would say that bitcoin is still holding those levels of 60,000. Right. And I think we can have, like we can have a trace back, but what I feel is by end of this month or by early next month or most probably by the early last quarter. Right. By early last quarter, we will be having the full and fledged bull run that the mega thing that we saw.

Expectations for Bitcoin

Right. That we quoted that year hundred, like BTC might reach to those heights and breaking the all time highs and stuff like that. So maybe like, I'm not a financial advisor or something, but yeah, this is my analysis according to me. Right. And it's not a personal, like, it's not a financial advice or something as well. But yeah, that's what I feel might have. Yeah. And it's always troubling to have like this kind of plan to launch the project. And everything depends on the behavior of the bitcoin.

Challenges in Project Launch

So it's always a little bit troubling to have in that doesn't, everything doesn't rely on you and on the team. So some things rely on bitcoin also. So I could guess that it's a little bit like troubling, I would say, just to rely on bitcoin also. No. So basically, yeah, like your token movement depends on the price of bitcoin, as in like the launch of a trade. The launch is the very crucial part. If, in case we are doing, we are launching a token for any project.

Strategies for Token Launch

If someone is, if any of the project is launching a token, then yeah, they need to make sure that they are doing it the right way. There are multiple ways of doing it. Some have like another strategy could be launching in beer and building out and then getting traction in the bull market. So yeah, there are multiple strategies around. What we are looking at is having a fair good chunk of BTC getting up so that we can, like we can launch then, and then we can get move forward towards like launching our pilot as well as then beta, mainnet and destiny.

Discussion on Cluster Protocol

There are multiple things aligned in the coming year. Gotcha. And let's go. Let's start conversation about the cluster protocol. I saw that you claim to be revolutionizing the AI by aiming to be the GitHub for everything AI. Could you elaborate a little bit on that sentence? Yes, for sure. So basically when we say that we are building something in AI, we are building of agentic workflow, right?

Building Blocks of AI Development

So if there's an end user who is building something in AI, then that user is building like the building blocks of those AI are three things. First is the compute, right? The compute, that is the GPU that is there in your laptops, in your computers, that is used for graphic rendering, that is used for gaming. That compute you need. Second thing that you need is data, that is data sets. And the very third thing is the base AI model. AI model is nothing but you could say a code of python.

Creating Commercially Viable AI Solutions

Combining all these three things can help you make something which is commercially available which could be used. So let's say you want to. So all of you might be knowing there are many SaaS projects which are being built over OpenAI. Now how that is being done, right, if you'll explore the integrities and the dates and bits of how it is done, it is highly complex. Right now there are only limited solutions in the web two space that are available that allows you to do that with proper modularity.

Modularity in AI Solutions

You'll find many web three projects doing those agentic flows and stuff, but you will not find like a good project that is having the like, that is having the modularity for you to choose around, right? To choose around the data set, to choose around the AI model, to choose around the compute that you want to take, right all at one place. So that is what we are trying to do, that is actually commercializing and consumerizing the space by making it accessible for all.

Agentic Flow with Cluster

Right. Now, if you want to do something like of making any agentic flow you need to go to multiple places is to fetch compute from some place, data set from some other place, and then having a base AI model, that is a centralized model from some third party. Eliminate all of that. Come to cluster. If you want to get compute. You have high quality industrial grade compute as well as consumer grade compute. So based on your needs, you can pick one instantaneously if you need data sets. If you have your data, then it's well and good. Also, there's one more advantage of using cluster. We just don't deal in static data. We also deal in dynamic data as well. Right. So if in case you have your data, you upload the data that you want to train or infer your model upon, or if in case you don't have, then you can hop onto our big data repository to find out quality decentralized data sets.

Base Model and Resources

After these two things are sorted, you need to take a base model off. If you have the model, it's fine. You can upload that off if you don't have the model. There is a wide glossary of open source model as well as closers models which are available on our platform which could be utilized. And combining all three, these three things makes us the GitHub of AI models. On top of that, there's a templatization layer, there's a template layer that we are building. That template layer will allow you to even eliminate this hustle bustle as well for a non techie. So basically what we think is, from the perspective of a non techie, a technical user can go to any place, can face any of the bugs and stuff, and can build things. But for a non techie, the template layer comes into picture where there are pre built, customized templates available for you.

Ease of Use with Templates

You just need to fill in the parameters that is there over the UI and you are done and dusted. Your agentic workflow is ready within few clicks. And that's the beauty of cluster, and that is why we call us as the models. Gotcha. Thank you. And then I also saw that you are using fhe technology, and in my opinion, it's going to be one of the next big narratives in crypto. And can you tell us a little bit more about that tech and how are you using it? Yeah, for sure. So fhe stands for fully homomorphic encryption, right? So to brief about what fhe is all about, it's like it's kind of a cryptographic technology or a security practice that we are utilizing to secure the data around.

Understanding Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Right. So what we are doing there is if, in case we want to get a little bit into tech of what FHA is. For a layman, it is something similar to saying that once we encrypt the data is never encrypted at any instance, even to, even when the data is gone to the computer, like to the compute provider. And then after, like, after, without decrypting that data, we are able to get the exact data. And that's how, like, exact data and on that data that what you say, the training or inference could be done. But that's the beauty of Fhe, right? So it's. Yeah, like there are multiple companies which are working in Fhe and making it prosper, right. At the moment, there are like a couple of elementary things that has been developed by a couple of folks, by a couple of friends of ours as well, and by us as well.

Future of FHE Technology

And we are forwarding more into this, and we are leveraging fhe and like data privacy and like storing the data in a private fashion. Amazing. It sounds interesting. Definitely. And I'm looking forward to see where's this tech going to end up. Also, I saw that you put a huge emphasis on deep in networks, and deep in has been like a big buzzword in this bull run. So could you tell us a little bit more, how do you leverage those deep in networks and how do you use them? Yes. So on our compute layer, we have verified deep in providers who are, which are like deep in networks, where you'll find compute ranging from industrial grid compute, like, of eight ngs, eight hundred s h hundreds, to industrial grid compute, like, to consumer grid compute of RTX 4090, etcetera, and many more, right?

Leveraging Deep Learning for Compute

So what we do is we leverage this compute, put them on our network, and then on top of that, there's an AI powered recommendation layer that we work upon, right? So that recommendation layer recommends you best compute based on your time as well as your money. So if, in case you want to save your time, you can go for the higher end variance of eight ngs or 800s. But if in case you have time and you can save your cost, then that AI recommendation algorithm or that layer will recommend you a computer that saves your money and can have a little bit more what you say and can cost you a little bit more of time, right? So this is how we are leveraging deep ins into our network, and we are providing compute to the end, consumers.

Blockchain and AI Development

Gotcha. And how does blockchain empower AI developers? Can you elaborate a little bit more on that topic? Yeah, for sure. For that you need to first understand what is decentralized AI. When we say that we are decentralizing AI, then what are we actually decentralizing it and putting it on blockchain. So as I told you, that there are three birdstones for anything to build an AI, right? There's data, there's compute and there's AI money. So let's start breaking down a bit on each of them. So let's get started with compute, right? What can we done? What can be done in compute?

Unlocking GPUs with Blockchain

If we say that we are putting unlock and maybe those GPU's could be put on blockchain, right? This is what these deep end networks are doing, right? So these GPU's are put on blockchain and then their processing can be done off chain and then their proofs could be put on chain, right? This is what the very first thing could be done. Now this allows many things. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages to this as well. But let's focus on advantages first.

Utilization of Computers for Earning

So this allows any individual as well to utilize their free computer, the computer that is available on their system or storage, to utilize that and to earn money out of it. Right? On top of that, it's a robust network powered by individual contributors. So, so let's say if someone is on board, like let's say there's a deeper network which works around in GPU onboarding, right? And if someone has onboarded their GPU over say XYZ network, right? Any, any XYZ deep in network. Now what they need to do is they need to stake some tokens of those of that project. Right. Now when they'll do that, it's kind of a like, it's kind of a mechanism that is being built in a way that if, in case you don't perform well or if you cheat around, right, then your rewards would be slash or your staked amount would be gone or slash, right? But that's the beauty, right? That's the beauty of decentralizing the compute.

Data Accessibility in AI Model Training

There are many other things as well, but keeping it short, let's move on to the data in data. You can put it over blockchain in terms of making it more secure, more accessible, more available. So we at cluster are also making the data more accessible by utilizing eigen layers, data availability layer, as well as. So we are utilizing their AV's to make, to increase the throughput of our AI model training and inference. This is how we could do it on data with AI models. What could be done is the processing of those. Like the on chain training could be done. There are a couple of projects which are working in this field but mostly at this moment are doing off chain training and then putting it. Putting the proofs on chain.

Introduction to the CP Coin

Gotcha. Gotcha. Thank you. And let's. Let's talk about the launching of the CP coin. Right? And I would like to little bit know about how did the idea came to life and when did you started to build the product and also I would like to know a little bit more about the team and all the participants in the project. Got it? Yeah. That's a very interesting question. So basically we are two co founders. I am Vaij. Another one. So my friend Prateek. So we are two co founders here who are building around. So I'm based out of India. Prateek is based out of Australia. We are a fully dogs team. You can check us off on our websites, on our decks.

Inception of the Idea for CP Coin

We are a fully dogs team. And now when we started this also this idea came into my mind. So were like I am an AI enthusiast, right? And I'm exploring things around. So I was there when Char GPD 3.5 was launched since inception. Right? I was one of the early beta users who used chargeability 3.0. Sorry, not 3.53.0. So from there only I was exploring things around. And by last year I was working around with one of the top five deep in deep end projects, right? I would not like to call out their name but yeah, I was working around there and I was there in the BD team and that's where I figured out that there are. There. There could be a possibility of building a utility layer on top of these deep end projects, right? And that's where I met Prateek as well.

The Team Behind CP Coin

So Prateek is based out of Australia. As I already told you he's ex Mackenzie. So he has a lot of corporate experience. And also on top of that he also owns a small rig of compute. Right? A small rig of CPU's there in Australia and Melbourne. Right? So that's where we figured out that, okay, we can do some utility. Like we can build some utility over that. And with time, like with like in around first quarter of 2023 last year we started this thing off and then we started building product of from then. And yeah, right now we are like doing pretty well. We are looking to launch our token super soon.

Recent Progress and Future Plans

We even did our very first testnet of data annotation. So data annotation campaign that we did was all about data validation and making people understand what actually contribution to the data is. That got a hit. We got almost 65,000 plus users daily contributing onto the platform right now. We are looking to launch a couple of other things as well. So there are a couple of AI suits that are there right now. They are in private beta. We'll be putting them on beta for public beta real soon. Apart from that, we are also looking to get our pilot live in the coming weeks, in the coming next two to three weeks.

Summary of Amazing Sounds

So yeah, that's the summary of doing amazing sounds. Sounds really ambitious. And can you tell us a little bit more about the upcoming launch? Do you have already confirmed launchpads and exchanges?

Launchpad and Exchange Discussions

So yeah, we are in talks with a couple of them and there are some confessions as well. So stick to our social media handles for more information over this. Okay, got you. And let's talk a bit about the CP token utilities. Did I say it right? CP?

CP Token Utilities

Yes. So yeah, we have a robust token utility built for ourselves for our project. Right. For cluster protocol. So basically there are six endpoints to it. There's like one can put their data sets one can buy the data set. Similarly similar thing could be done for AI model as well as for compute.

Building a Circular Economy

Right. So we are looking to build a circular economy with this, where if you want to contribute, you need to hold CP tokens and then you will be able to contribute. If in case you want to buy any of the services around on the platform or any of the core infrast things, then you need to, there would be an option to buy you off from the CP token. Right. There would be multiple other benefits of. So we'll be having a stable coin as well, like USDC as well, USD as well, to offer people to buy those services.

Additional Benefits and Structure

But on top of that, there would be additional benefits if in case you buy it from CP, right. And then there are validators, there are stakeholders, there are a couple of operators as well. So it's a kind of a robust circular economy that we are building around in order to have a robust utility for CP token in cluster protocol.

Future Plans

Interesting. And you spoke already about the short term plans for the future, and could you tell us a little bit more about the mid to long term plan? So basically, where do you see cluster protocol going in the next twelve to twelve? I would say one to two years from now. So I would say the very short plans are to launch these AI suits on the public beta then moving towards the pilot of our launch in a couple of weeks.

Goals for the Protocol

The midterm goals includes to make that pilot go live onto testnet and then over to mainnet. The very long term goal is to. So basically if like the end goal is to make revenue out of it. Right. Though we are having our own subsidiary that is making revenue. But we also want to have this, a clear vision to replace all those APIs which are used of OpenAI by the SAS, by us.

Infrastructure Development

There's a, there's a clear testament of us replacing those APIs. Right. We are having a robust infrastructure where someone can come over and can build their AI needs, their SaaS models within few clicks and in a decentralized fashion. So yeah, these are a couple of things that we map down in terms of very short midterm or long term goals.

Exclusive Information for Audience

Cool, cool. Thank you. And the last question for the end. We always like to ask our participants to share some kind of alpha that you haven't shared anywhere else. So we would like to have something exclusive for the script network audience here. So could you share something that you haven't shared so far?

AI Wallet Launch

For sure. For sure. So yeah, there are a couple of things. So basically I can talk about a couple of AI suits that we are building, that is right now in private beta. So there's one, a suit that is an intent based AI wallet that will be launching super soon.

Functionality of the AI Wallet

So that intent based AI wallet is something similar to your metamask, but kind of like an interactive chat, right? So there you can put an intents like ten, $500 to scripture and on BSC chain and do that. It can do send, it can send assets, it can swap assets, it can do on chain, off chain bridging, etcetera.

Advanced Features

So it can even. So, there are other advanced AI features as well, including a portfolio recommendation, AI token sniping, and many more stuff around. Yeah, and all this on a chatbot where you will be having all your things well secured and well done, like within writing. Simple English will help you execute all the transactions and stuff.

Public Beta Launch

So this is from Alpha, that is exclusively for the folks around off script network. So we'll be launching this on beta, public beta real soon. Stay tuned on our social media handles to look out for that.

Closing Remarks

Amazing. AJ, thank you for this today. We had a lovely conversation here today and I wish you all the luck with the cluster protocol. And we here at Script network, we are definitely going to support you in the future. And yeah, good luck.

Gratitude and Goodbye

Yeah, great to like, great to be here and great thank you, script network, for hosting us off. It was pleasure to be here. So, yeah, thank you, guys. Amazing. Thank you, AJ. Have a good day and see you listeners next for the next edition of the script Talk podcast. Bye.

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