Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Wellness check. Like to know how my audience is really doing- hosted by monicaonairtalk. In this enlightening space, the host explores wellness through engaging discussions that promote mental health awareness and self-care. By balancing elegance and approachability, the space focuses on building genuine connections with the audience, fostering trust, and creating a supportive community. The dialogues emphasize the importance of empathy, professionalism, and holistic well-being considerations in online interactions. Through authentic engagements and advocacy for mental health, the space cultivates positivity, safe spaces, and self-care practices, contributing to a healthier online environment.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: Why are wellness checks important in online spaces?
A: Wellness checks foster genuine connections and demonstrate care for the audience's well-being.

Q: How can a sophisticated yet relatable approach benefit wellness discussions?
A: Mixing elegance with approachability can enhance engagement and make well-being topics more accessible.

Q: What role does empathy play in understanding the audience's mental health?
A: Empathy helps in creating a safe space for discussions and shows respect for different emotional states.

Q: How can content creators promote self-care through wellness content?
A: By sharing wellness strategies and checking in on the audience, creators encourage self-care practices.

Q: Why is mental health awareness crucial in online interactions?
A: Awareness promotes a healthy online environment and ensures the well-being of both creators and audiences.

Q: In what ways can wellness check-ins build trust with the audience?
A: Regular check-ins create a sense of community, trust, and support among the audience.

Q: How does balancing professionalism and relatability impact wellness discussions?
A: It helps in maintaining a respectful tone while making wellness topics approachable and engaging.

Q: Why is it essential to consider the audience's well-being holistically?
A: A holistic approach ensures that well-being discussions address various aspects of the audience's mental health.

Q: How can online platforms promote mental health through authentic interactions?
A: By fostering real connections and open conversations, platforms contribute to destigmatizing mental health discussions.

Q: What benefits do content creators gain from incorporating wellness strategies?
A: Creators can establish stronger audience relationships, promote positivity, and advocate for mental health awareness.


Time: 00:15:42
Empathy in Online Spaces Discussing the role of empathy in creating a supportive online community.

Time: 00:28:19
Balancing Professionalism and Approachability Exploring how to maintain a professional tone while being relatable in wellness conversations.

Time: 00:39:55
Mental Health Advocacy Highlighting the importance of promoting mental health awareness through online platforms.

Time: 00:47:10
Trust Building through Wellness Tips on using wellness check-ins to build trust and credibility with the audience.

Time: 00:59:28
Community Well-Being Addressing the holistic approach to well-being by considering the broader community impact.

Time: 01:10:45
Self-Care Practices Exploring self-care strategies and their impact on mental health.

Time: 01:25:09
Creating Safe Spaces Strategies for fostering safe and open discussions about mental health online.

Time: 01:35:30
Authentic Audience Interactions Importance of genuine interactions in promoting mental health and well-being online.

Time: 01:45:18
Positivity and Wellness Encouraging positivity and wellness practices in online content creation.

Time: 01:57:42
Community Support The benefits of building a supportive community around mental health advocacy.

Time: 02:05:33
Engagement Strategies for Mental Health Content Tips on engaging the audience with mental health topics in a respectful and impactful manner.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of genuine audience connection through wellness checks.
  • Utilizing a sophisticated yet approachable demeanor to engage with the audience.
  • Incorporating wellness strategies into content creation for audience well-being.
  • The value of personal connection and empathy in understanding the audience's mental health.
  • Promoting well-being and self-care in online platforms through authentic interactions.
  • Balancing professionalism and relatability in wellness-focused discussions.
  • The significance of mental health awareness in online content creation.
  • Using wellness check-ins as a way to build trust and rapport with the audience.
  • Applying a holistic approach by considering the audience's well-being beyond surface interactions.

Behind the Mic

Greeting and Introduction

Hey, Monica. Hey, Jason. Wait, who just said that? Jason. Hey, Jason. How are you? I'm doing well. Good. I wasn't sure. Sometimes my music actually works, and other times it does not. Hey, Juliana. Good to see you guys. Vicki, dory, pandora, Pam, Julie. Looking forward to hearing from you guys. I will not be on here long. I've had, like, a two day, excuse me, long migraine, and I'm at the tail end of that. I hope it has been the worst. And hey, non Biden and Deborah. Good to see you guys. Vicki, Julie. Yeah, it has been hell so I don't normally, contend with migraines, so this is kind of a new thing for me. But I've watched my mother go through it, so who knows? Maybe it's hereditary, I don't know. But, Oof. Really, really bad stuff. So thank you all for your sweet messages. As you can see, my, I go from, oh, I love the lord and life is great to people suck in about 25.2 seconds. So, you know, but that's what a migrant will do for you. So please retweet this space. I would love to hear from as many people as possible. I see your tweets. I see, you know, I see kind of the. Just the barbs and the snark and the shots fired across bows politically, but I am. I also just came back from a bit of a spiritual hiatus and dory. That's why I have not been in touch. It has been a very long couple of weeks of travel and things shifting in my world, and so.

Personal Reflections and Spiritual Insights

But I was able to put some things back into spiritual perspective and spiritual order, which is really important, you know, at any time, much less during these absolute insane times as we're rolling up, you know, on the November selection. So, yeah, you guys, if you want a mic and tell me how you're doing, I would love to know. I don't really want to turn this into a gripe fest. Hey, Stacey. And, you know, I don't want to talk about Democrats and Kamala. We know the whole thing is 1000% retarded. None of it makes sense. Joe Biden has not been running this country. We all know that. So I don't really want to waste our energy on that. I much prefer to hear how you're actually doing. Like, how are you coping? How are you feeling? Are you hopeful? Are you? I'll go first. I'm actually the busiest. I've been attempting to look for and harness every possible opportunity because in the coming days, as things get darker financially, particularly economically, and it could be civilly as well. The opportunities that are going to abound are going to be crazy, but you have to be in a position to be able to harness them. Right. And the first place you do that is in your mindset. So I've just been focused on spending time with people I love, who love me, focusing on what I'm building with my entertainment network that will long outlive me and hopefully go into my generations or pass the rapture, whichever one comes first.

Dealing with Life Challenges

I don't know. But, but there's a lot of people to serve. And the thing that keeps coming to mind is like, the harvest is plenty and the workers are few. And so I see myself as one of those workers. And because none of this other crap matters, literally, this life is so short that our eternal life is now. It starts now. Right. But the things that are going to go with us into eternity are the things, you know, the person who's homeless or whether that's politically, physically, you know, nationally, there's going to be a lot of opportunity to serve other people. And the temptation is going to be to just kind of go inward, get bitter, become very afraid, let your heart grow cold, become stingy with your resources. Those are all that's the currency of the world. It's the currency of Satan. It is not the currency of the kingdom of God. So that's what inspired me to host this space, and I'm hoping that I'm going to see someone else pop in that I was hoping that would be able to also offer words of encouragement. But I don't expect that this space is going to be very large, which is fine with me. As you all know, I don't do spaces that often anymore, and that's because they just turn into crazy towns.

Sharing Experiences and Listening to Others

So, Jason, let me start with you. How are you doing? I do, I. Yesterday I had lamb chops, and today I have food poisoning. Oh, no. Oh, God, that's horrible. Okay, here's. Okay, here's what you have to take. Are you ready? This is an absolute life saving game changer for anything to do with bacterial poisoning in your stomach is charcoal tablets. So I don't know if you have any. You can buy them at CV's. They actually look like peptidismal pills. Cause they're pink, but it's charcoal and it will legitimately bind anything that is in your stomach, so you can't take them 2 hours on either side of taking, like, medication that you take regularly, like heart meds. Or blood pressure or things of that nature. It's not wise to do that because it binds to everything, but it will legitimately set you right within, like, 30 minutes. So I cannot recommend it enough. You can get it at CV's, you can get it at whole foods, your grocery stores. Some of your larger chains will have it, too, over by the vitamins. But it's just charcoal. Thank. Thank you. Yes, charcoal.

Health Tips and Advice

You're welcome. And it's. I know it sounds crazy, but whenever people overdose on drugs, alcohol poisoning, they run a tube up through their nose and down the back of their throat, and they pump their stomach with charcoal to bind the alcohol and or the drugs to the charcoal. So it is legitimately a lifesaver, and it is over the counter. So I'm not talking about, like, briquettes that you're going to, like, pour lighter fluid on them, light and cook another laptop on. But I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. How are you, Jason? Because I know you're pretty active politically. How are you navigating, you know, everything that you see going on? Like, how are you keeping your sanity? Or are you know, do you feel pretty cool headed about November? Do you feel hopeful no matter what happens? Yeah, I feel hopeful no matter what happens. No matter what happens. That's excellent. Okay, cool. All right. Awesome, Jason. Thank you. Hold on. I'm gonna bring some people up. Okay. Who? Julie? Wait, where am I? I said, juliana. Juliana.

Sharing Personal Stories and Encouragement

Welcome. What's going on? Hi, Monica. I followed you for so long. I adore you, and I am also incredibly busy and positive and hopeful and preparing. You're a fellow widow, and my book about widowhood was just published last week, and I am I smacked by the reception I've gotten. But my overview of the whole political argument thing is, honestly, once you've had your husband die in your arms and you've lost people that are close to you, the whole I'm gonna hate you forever over politics thing kind of loses its appeal. You know? There are so many more things that are important in life, and so lately, my mission has just been to remind people to cherish life, to appreciate what you've got right now, and to, oh, my God. Go make some memories while you can. I am sorry for your loss. Congratulations on the publishing of your book. I would, you know, put it in the purple pillar up in the nest, if you can, as to where people can find it. And I'd be happy to, excuse me, promote it.

Conversations about Grief and Support

I did not know that. Oh, my gosh. What a violent way to lose your loved one. Yeah, it was. It wasn't a murder. He was. He'd been terminal for, like, 93. I thought he might, like, died of a heart attack or something. Okay, got it. Yeah. Well, yeah, so. Right, because. Okay, yes or no? I know. For me, mine was terminal for an online support for over two years. And I kept thinking, okay, this has got to come to an end. Right? Like, I thought I was ready. And you think you're ready until it happens. Then you're, like, not ready. Not ready. Not ready. Totally. You almost do a pre grief when you realize that they're not going to make it. And then I have talked to so many other widows, and there's always a space during that time where you actually think, why don't you just die? Yes.

Personal Experiences with Loss

And then you feel like crap because you got it, but you're really just wanting it to be over for them. Yes. You know, and in my case, there wasn't any handbook. There wasn't any guidebook. Nobody told me where to go, what was gonna happen, how I was gonna feel, what I was, you know, so, you know, smarty pants me, I wrote a book. There you go. Well, I know people kept trying to get me into grief counseling, you know, to. To put me in with folks as they were losing their loved ones. And I was just so busy living that I didn't want to sit around with a bunch of people who had already lost their folks, who were super sad. I was just trying to, like, put my head down at work and raise my kid. And, you know, there was so much death around me that my response to his terminal illness was to live with my hair on fire. Like, yeah.

Finding Strength in Adversity

So I can't wait to read your book, so please dm me with it. And, you know, you need to dm me because I want to send you a copy. Okay. Thank you. Well, you know what? What a great point you bring up is, it's like, you know, life. I mean, life is short, right? And so in our relationships can be short. So I brought Chris. Karen's up, who is now my co host. Chris is the coo of my new entertainment company. More importantly than that, he's a very dear friend and considered family member of mine now. But more importantly than that, he's a retired major, army chaplain. And so he has certainly seen his fair share of folks going through PTSD, through the loss of family, loss of limbs, loss of hope, loss of life, a lot of things.

Encouragement During Challenging Times

And so Chris actually just did a. Oh, and he's also an author. So he's working on his own first three books, actually, now, but. And we plan on publishing him on our network, which I'm very excited about. He's also the co host of my new podcast, which will be rolling out, I think we decided October 1, so stay tuned for that. It'll be very entertaining and right on time. But Chris just did a sermon today on the armor of God and so kind of timely with this wellness check for you guys because sometimes we just forget, you know, that we do have the mind of Christ. We do have the breastplate of righteousness, you know, the sword of the spirit, the belt of truth, and the shoes of peace. And I personally find whenever I get up in the morning and I say that out loud to myself and I pray that out loud, that as things pop up during the. It doesn't mean things aren't going to come my way, obviously, but as things and crazy people on Twitter and, you know, life in general, you know, the economy, bills, whatever family members comes my way, I'm reminded instantly, wait a minute, I'm sitting in the full armor of God, so I don't have to be taken under or over by this thing, whatever it is, and I do have the authority to stand in it.

Podcasting and Revelation Discussions

We studied the news and the word every day for, like, 12 hours or more, and then we podcasted every day for a couple hours. Yeah, it was called doors of deception. And I was with a group from the end Time Tribune. Anyway, I want to tell you that when we had conversations about revelation, is it nine? Where. I'm not going to get this, right, Chris? Monica, I'm not going to get. But when the fallen angels come down, Satan comes down with his angels and Michael and his angels. Right. Come down and that battle is happening on earth, right. There's going to be like a ten day thing. And like, I don't want to get into a rapture discussion right now, but think more like being mounted up on eagles wings, like a relocation event, kind of like Exodus, where God took care of all of his people for like 40 years in a very special place, his peculiar people. And I am peculiar. But anyway, we podcasted that there's going to be about ten days of really torment from these beings, okay? And one of the things to combat them, and this is true with demonic attached too.

Worship as Warfare

And Monica knows this about warfare. The singers, the musicians, the worship team goes out before the soldiers. When you are in distress, sing. It helps your brain, it protects you. I don't know what it is about the vibration or the frequency, but yes, Jenny, yes, singing is healing and protective, especially praise and worship to God. Thank you. Hey, so Dory, part of that is because the word says that the Lord inhabits the praises of his people. And so one of the reasons why you're assured victory and battle and the singers went out beforehand was because you were assured victory, because you're praising and he's there like he's going out before you, because he inhabits those praises. So it is impossible for you to fail. So, yes, there are for some in this space who are more probably traditional and who would stay away from the whole frequency and vibrations and all this stuff. I'm not one of those people who's afraid of that conversation.

The Power of Affirmations

I think that five things can be true. I was listening to this woman, the author of the Secret, and. And I listen to every type of doctrine because it's important to know and not just poo things, but to be able to run it through the filter of scriptures for me personally. So I was listening to this woman and she was talking about how it is important for you to, when you speak something, and she's using the term affirmations and whether you're praying for it or you're affirming it, whatever, you are agreeing with it verbally. Right? And so the, you have the power of life and death and the tongue and. And you can build up and you can tear down and you can cast mountains into the sea, etcetera. And Jesus said that, right? And so she was saying that if you speak something you and you do not doubt that you have it, then it will manifest. Okay, now she's talking about manifestation, which has other levels of. You can have levels of occultism in that too.

The Role of God's Will

But you can also have. There's truth in what she's saying. And that Jesus himself said, when you pray without doubt, right? Asking for that which. Which you are asking in accordance with the father's will. So then you'd have to understand what the father's will is, right. And his will is pretty simple. So it's not really that hard. And it's not as personal to ourselves as we think it is. It's individualized. It's pretty universal in the sense of, does it lead to freedom? Is it honest? Is it loving? Is it true? Is it noble, honorable? However, is it humble? So with that, Dory, I agree that there are. I do believe that. I do believe in the frequency component of our existence. Because we are chemical, we are physical, we are made up of matter.

Thoughts on Frequencies and the Spiritual Realm

We're also electrical, we're also asexual. There's many different components to. Give me 1 second. Yeah, hold on. 1 second. Rip part. Because I'll forget. Because this is like menopausal USA over here. So my brain is like, what? The minute it leaves my brain, I'm done. That's it. I gotta wait till my next estrogen pump. So. But anyway, I. But Dory's right about the frequencies. And I know Jenny would say the same thing, but that's why that. That's why there's healing. Because. Hey, Nostra. That's why you. It's your voice. I can hear the love in your voice. So the sound itself is love. Speaking of love, there's this really cute dude down there. His name is Nostra. I met him the other day and I think he's single.

The Uniqueness of Individuality and Love

And Monica is really amazing. Nostra? Monica. Lord Nostra is like my brother. Jenny's always trying to play freaking love connection over here with me. Well, because you're a really good woman. You have integrity and authenticity. So, like, I just. You're rare. Monica. You know, we've been out here for a while and finding honesty and authenticity and integrity is just love you. I swear I possess those qualities. Oh, great. That's so luscious. Right? It's gonna turn into, I have all of the things. I have all the things. Are you single too? I sure hope so. He's not talking like that with the wife. Okay, let's go to rampart quickly. Maybe save us rampart. Just to throw the lasso back in the conversation.

The Nature of Forgiveness and Responsibility

Like, it's. It's cool. It's cool to be loving, but, like, at a certain time. God is not always flipping forgiving. Like, you have to live up to the bargain, bro. You can't get a forever ticket if you're not. If you're acting like a jackass. Yeah. Really crappy preacher. Well. Well, thankfully, God is always forgiving. Thankfully. But I get what you're saying. And Chris and I have lengthy conversations about stuff like this, and we just, again, had a ministry session with someone recently who we talked at great lengths about stuff like this.

The Reality of Fallen Nature

And people do have, you know, a fallen nature. Not everyone is serving the devil, but there are people who legitimately, they bear children to. To give their children to Satan. That is just a fact. Okay. And before anyone goes off on, oh, my God, Monica is one of these cute conspiracy theorists. I was dealing with SRa's, which are otherwise known as satanic ritual abuse folks, victims, 13 years ago in ministry. So this is way before Q started dropping stuff in four chan or 21 chan or whatever, or on the 26.7 chan.

Children and Evil Forces

This is. This is a very real thing. It does happen to people. And. And most people have just kind of shoved it under the rug, or they don't want to believe it, or they're like, oh, yeah, whatever, yeah, devil still. And it only comes up around Halloween. But no, this. This is very real. Children are sacrificed to evil forces. It's been that way from the beginning, and it's still going on now. So, yeah, there. There are people who are just that inherently, they know they are serving a dark force.

The Dark Truth of Practices

There's a particular cartel, and I'll just leave it at that. Who, you know, them. Bye. Some of their religious paraphernalia, and they have certain saints, whether they're saints of death, angels of death, but in a lot of, it comes out of a form of Catholicism, and they absolutely work within that paradigm. And so. And they know they're serving darkness. Now, some of them kind of had a. Have a Peter Pan mindset of, well, you know, we're taken from the rich.

Righteous Indignation and Criminal Acts

We're giving to our family, who's historically been poor, and we should. We should own America by now, which apparently they're well on their way. I don't know. But, you know, so they. They find in their own psyche some righteous indignation as to why they're doing what they're doing, which is pretty criminal and ghoulish. I mean, if you think there are just some things that I will never unsee because I can't. That were so inhumane that they're just beyond demonic.

Unrecoverable Demonic Actions?

I mean, they're, you know, when people are like, oh, these folks can be. These folks can be, you know, recovered. And I'm like, I know this is sound crazy coming from a Christian, but I'm like, well, I have a better idea. Let's just put them all on a life raft. Ship them out to the middle of the sea and torpedo it with a flamethrower. That is about as recovered as some of these demons can be. Because I just, when you do things like that to children and skinning people alive, that's demonic.

Irrecoverable Demonic Behavior

That's to me, that's irrecoverable. You cannot recover from that. That's just me. I'm sure Christ can recover them, but, you know, I'm just a little too human, I think. But yeah, Jenny, it's, it is kind of ugh. But yeah, there are people like that for sure. The satanic temple actually has in their beginning out of California abortion clinic. So they have like basically have.

Satanic Ritual Abortion Clinics

And they also, they offer satanic ritual abortion. So they use something with the body. I have a couple commercials that they're doing out of California, gotten grant money. And the way that they're doing it there, what do you call it when you can repeat a business over and over again all over the place, whatever it's called. Franchising. Thank you. Yeah. So there's several. You're right, Jenny, because I started following some of them on a different social media platform just because I want to know what they're up to.

Franchising of Abortion Clinics

You're absolutely right. They're franchising satanic abortion clinics so you can have your satanic ritual while you abort your child. Yep, I have, I clipped the actual, like the ritual process. It's disgusting in my mind. I don't know how anyone, and I don't mean to say this again, here we are again. But I just feel that it's okay to be good and it's okay to know what good is and it's okay to stand on that and it's, and I want people to have the same thing that my mom stuck in me when I was born, which is God is watching me.

The Influence of Belief

And at the end he's going to have a discussion with me about everything. That belief right there to me has. I don't even care what anybody says or does or how, like, I'm good because, like, I believe that and I live to it. So I just think that's kind of the only way, however we can keep doing that. It's worked really well for me and I'm getting a little older and I'm still happy.

Reflections on Life and God

And a lot of really weird stuff has happened to me that's bad. But I don't care. I still love and I'm still stoked. That's why I still love Monica no matter what. I love Dory too. You have actually stuck it out with me through some pretty heinous stuff. Dude, you're a badass. You are. You always have been. You have integrity. It's like a brick wall. And that is something that is rare. Hey, Jenny.

Health and Wellness Insights

You're kind. Thank you, Jenny. Here we go. Yeah, I just want to share one thing about your migraine. When I first learned about diet was when I was dating. Dating my late wife. We were in a chinese restaurant, and all of a sudden, something she was eating. All of a sudden, she's got this bad headache. Well, guess what? I don't know what your diet's like, but when's the last time you've had chinese food with MSG? Apparently, MSG will.

Impact of Diet on Health

Will have an effect on you, too, when it comes to headaches. And she was really having a tough time. And I don't know if it affected. I don't know if it was hypoglycemic or it was something else. It's been so long. But. But that was the first time that I was aware of foods can cause headaches. And I heard going out to eat with a bunch of preachers, that happens sometimes, too. Oh, my gosh. That is the worst.

Experiences with Dietary Challenges

I went out with one preacher. I'm a preacher, and I don't want to go out with preachers. Yeah, he didn't eat meat at all, and. But he did like chicken. And his religion says not to eat chicken or meat. Well, unfortunately, Jesus declared all foods clean. I know. Especially chicken and bacon is kosher. But I think the diet. Seriously, Monica, you really need to check your diet out, because I hate to see you with a migraine.

The Importance of Dietary Awareness

Because I know she had experienced my adopted son. And diabetic is another thing, too. My mentor, kind of like an Eddie Warhol, he was a diabetic. And he kept asking me for these foods that diabetics cannot take. And then at the end there, they ended up cutting his leg off because he hurt his toe. But I just. Because we. We perish for the lack of knowledge.

The Importance of Nutrition and Knowledge

Yeah, well, I'm keeping my toes, Gary. But I appreciate. Well, I know. I just thought I'd throw that in. That's the only two experiences that I've had when it comes to diet that can affect your life. You're welcome. Thanks, Jenny, for letting me in. Cut off your. Cut off your toe to spite your migraine. All right, we're moving some folks around.

Reflections on Health Management

Speaker position. But please, you know, hang out. Of course, yes. Where I'm not cutting off my toes despite my migraine. Okay. I've got. Hold on. Danielle, what's going on? Hi. Thank you for allowing me to talk. I know you've got some interesting things to say here. So basically, you know, from.

Health Experiences and Insights

And I don't know if you. A little bit of my history, I mean, in some other spaces, I come from a different religion, different background, another country. Literally came out of nowhere. Nothing. And all I had at that point was Christ. And he came and he became very real and healed my body, healed my mother, filled us with the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Transformation and Healing

And, you know, at that point, we stopped believing in religion anymore. Because it doesn't matter if you're a Catholic or a Protestant or a Lutheran or somebody living in the Amazon jungle. I believe God can reach every one of us in our own ways. There's nobody like you in the entire universe.

Uniqueness in Creation

And that's one thing we need to know. And we are created uniquely in the image of God. And one of the reasons the enemy goes after us is because we are created in the image of God. You don't need to do anything for him to be against you. You're. You're already. He's already against you. And even before you were born.

Welcome and Hilarity

I mean, that's a. Listen, listen. I know. I read people for a living. That is hilarious that I had you figured out, sir. Okay, so. And you're welcome in my space anytime, even though you interrupt. It's all right. I know. Jenny's like, okay, tab, I think, is finished with Hichfield. And y'all quit making fun of tab. I've heard you say something, sir, just a few minutes ago, that was incorrect as all hell, and there was no way I was going to call you out on it because it would have just been rude. So we're not going to do that now. I think you made your. I think you made your case, and I think most people have. Here's the deal.

Discussion Dynamics

If you guys could actually go about it without it having to be so. So damn. Oh, God. Cantankerous. There's your word spell that Chris and I know he's going to hear. I got. I got. I got your wellness right here, so. No, my thing. Listen, I went into some of the earlier FBA spaces just to listen and got completely run out of there. And not only run out, but then surrounded and hounded by people who were pissed that I would even be in there to listen. And my point was, okay, I don't know what kind of ass hattery clown show has to happen for you all to understand that when you get someone like me with a microphone, who is happy to amplify messages I don't even agree with to give you an opportunity to state your case.

Reflections on Inclusivity

Right. Regardless of my skin color, you should all probably take advantage of that and not run me out because I'm white and you're thumbing down. But I have given a microphone. Look, Tariq came into my space and brought all 7500 FBA friends of his into my space with him. And then I ended up catching shit for that from him. Gave him a microphone for about 2 hours, actually. No one was hateful. Everybody listened. Right? And what did he do? He turns around, he bites me in the face. And I said to him, that'll be the last time I do that. So if he gets a meeting with President Trump, good for him. But I just feel like there's another way to go about the conversation.

Political Engagement

And I told you, when I brought Matt Gaetz and crew into your space one day with it, with a bunch of legislators, actually congressmen and women and spouses, I told you all then that you should. You're giving me thumbs down again. That you should create your own table instead of sitting at others tables and begging for crumbs. So there's a way to create your own coalition that doesn't have to be so. Damn. What is the word I'm looking for? It's. It is so I bet Mister Loop, and I know you do. It is divided. The academics in the room. It is. It is. It's not just divisive. It is. It's. There's a level of bitterness that's there that is hard for people to get past sometimes. Vitriol. It is vitriolic for sure.

Candidates versus Activists

But there's another word I'm looking for, and I get it, because you're fighting for something. But here's what you all need, and I tell this to the candidates for the campaigns that I've operated in the past. Candidates, activists make horrible candidates. And you all have an apparatus filled with activists. And what you need are some candidates who actually understand how to roll within the political landscape. Because there's a different. There's a different verbiage, there's different candor, there's different. Everything about being a candidate is different than being an activist. But all of you roll as an activist. Activist apparatus, cantankerous. And you're not. I already said that. And you're not going to. And that's. That's becoming redundant.

Discussions on Reparations

And you're not going to, quote, win the hearts and minds of people that you want. I don't know that you'll ever see reparations. I realize that other ethnicities have received reparations in the past, but again, you know, I agree with Tav on the trillions of dollars deficit that we have. Yeah. And it's just. It's a. It's a comprehensive mess. Now, if. If there's a way that we pour more into education, black owned businesses, I don't know, opportunities, but. Well, we've done that, right? And even that wasn't enough, so. And, and what you'll find with opportunity zones is you had exactly what you talked about, sir. Major. About the exploitation on behalf of black democrats.

Personal Experiences

Sorry. I've been in the music business since I was like ten, and I've been an r and black gospel singer my whole life. So I know a thing or two about dealing with black people whenever it comes to business, and particularly the entertainment industry. You can laugh about that, too. And so. And I can tell you, I've never seen a group of individuals better at exploiting one another than people within the black entertainment industry ever. And I know Kanye and, you know, the crew likes to think that the Jews run the world, and maybe they do. Good for them. Go Israel always, as far as I'm concerned. But, but that is. It is absolutely true that it is a dog eat dog world within, you know, trying to get anything done within that apparatus.

Reflection on Activism and Dialogue

And it's really sad to see. So I think you have a lot of grift. I don't think you have as many serious people as you need to have showing up at the table to have conversations who can dialogue, you know, with folks in a manner that's not so confrontational. It's militant is what it is. And. And it's extremely off putting, especially to people who are about, you know, actually making policy and seeing change. So anyway, my two cent. All right, go for it. All right, yeah, go ahead. I think you'll have to unblock. Go ahead. I'm sorry. Not unblock, but unmute yourself. All right, cool. So, yeah, you said a mouthful. I just want to correct a few things.

Recollections of Past Encounters

Our first encounter with you, at least my encounter with you, was you had two co hosts that were very nasty and anti black, that would kick black people out of the rooms just sitting in the audience. People who were black, that were in the audience doing thumbs down, they got booted out the room. I was that person. I don't know how you and I came back. Full surface after so many black people mistreated. Full circle. Full circles. Full circle. But, you know, that's not me correcting you. It's just, you know. No, I could have sworn that's what I said, but anyhow, it wasn't. But go ahead.

Interruptions and Clarification

Okay, well, if you can just stop interrupting, that'd be nice. Yeah, just don't say, I think you're saying stupid shit, mister Loop, by interrupting him. And I'm not saying anything to you. Could you just, like. You're literally playing into a narrative that makes us all look like idiots. Let the man freaking finish speaking. Thank you. So I recall Tariq coming into the space. You did allow him up. I had to then sit on a burner because I was thrown out of the room as well as others. I don't know how the conversation went. Tariq did end up doing a breakout space as a result of how he was treating some of the things that were said.

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