Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Welcoming the Wealth Creation Effect of SunPump! hosted by HTX_Global. Delve into the world of crypto trading with SunPump and the exclusive HTX platform. Explore the wealth creation potential, community engagement, and benefits of utilizing HTX for secure and efficient cryptocurrency trades. Discover how SunPump offers significant opportunities for wealth creation while emphasizing the importance of community involvement. With insights into the secure and dedicated HTX platform, traders can optimize their trading experience and explore the crypto world with confidence.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: What opportunities does SunPump offer for wealth creation?
A: SunPump presents substantial opportunities for wealth creation through crypto trading.

Q: Why is community engagement important for SunPump's success?
A: Community engagement fosters inclusivity, loyalty, and growth within SunPump's ecosystem.

Q: How does HTX ensure security for cryptocurrency trades?
A: HTX ensures security by providing a platform dedicated exclusively to cryptocurrency trading.

Q: What are the benefits of using the HTX platform for traders?
A: Using HTX can enhance trading efficiency, security, and overall user experience for cryptocurrency traders.


Time: 00:15:45
Wealth Creation with SunPump Exploring the potential for significant wealth creation through SunPump's crypto trading opportunities.

Time: 00:25:30
Benefits of HTX Platform Understanding the security measures and advantages of using the HTX platform for crypto trades.

Key Takeaways

  • SunPump offers significant wealth creation opportunities through crypto trading.
  • HTX provides a secure platform exclusively for cryptocurrency trades.
  • Community engagement and inclusivity play a crucial role in the success of SunPump.
  • Understanding the benefits of utilising the HTX platform can maximize trading efficiency.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Warm Greetings

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Hello, everyone. Hello? Hello. Does my voice clear? Yeah. La don't clear. Yes. Okay, so we got. Yeah, we have one more minute to go. Okay. Okay, now time is up, so let's get everything started. So, hello, everyone. Good evening and welcome back to HTX, another amazing space. So tonight we will continue our discussion on sump pump and the tron ecosystem. We are also excited to have with us some promising projects on sunpomp and fellow enthusiasts interested in brainstorming the limitless possibilities and massive wealth potential of memis. Additionally, we have multiple rounds of lucky draw for our OD audiences. We will ask the guests to give us the short phrase and then let the audiences to tack down td common area. And our staff will randomly screenshot the winners as well. And also, OHTX live is broadcasting this space as well. So we encourage everyone to participate actively and stay tuned. Okay, that's it. So I'm gonna give my microphone to our co host.

Engaging Guests and Introductions

I. Hello. Hello, Terry. Thanks very much. Ruth, thank you for inviting me here and I'm so excited to be here. And, you know, today is such a big day and so happy to have us. Okay, cool. So I'm so happy to have, you know, so estimated guests to join us and welcome Josephine, ax, and Lucas. And also lovely to hear here. And we can have a lot of. So much, you know, so inspiring and exciting discussion here. And before we start, officially start the discussion today, Josephine, ax, Lotus, and also lovely, could you guys briefly introduce yourself and let our audience know you better? Jinjiang. Shang. Dad. Joseph and Axel. Lucas. Hayo. Lovely. Joseph, lovely. Khomeda. So, Lucas, hi. Hi.

Discussion on Sump Pump and Features

So impressive. Thank you very much. Lucas and lovely, hi, lovely, are you there? Lovely is not on the microphone right now. Yeah. Okay. So lovely, are you there? So, ax, hi, Ax, Ariel here. Can you guys hear my voice? Yes, yes. I think Ax and lovely and Josephine are still on their way to the space. Thank you very much. So we can wait another three guests and when they come in, we will invite them to have the brief introduction and also welcome them to, you know, join us our discussion today. So firstly, Lucas, hi, welcome you here. And so, you know, the sump is currently competing with Solana's pump dogfun. So what do you think are the, you know, the advantages of sumpomp in terms of features, resource support and user experience that could attract more users? So Lucas, what do you think? Nah. Sam Palm. Daika Palm. They are fun. Eat and Xiang woman Jig I'm talking Dow TPC finally, Malaya Woman sounding chamber juice on the pound.

Contributions and Support in the Industry

You guys show your just so yeah. Bija Cha Woman Jaw Bijao Jig Web Center Dong Xia Chongdeo Jig Dong searching scope Go Cho so Jiang woman Jesus woman Jig so it's like stone pom feed hunger feet honey, you should just use yahoo. Just dig a tongue like family like woman take your shamba. She Beja Jedi and Yola number one Condor Tianja like woman taba Joshua kanza. Doshu default Rahul Boko homie. Okay, so after you know that Lucas have answered this question, actually he answered in three areas. So first is about the community. So we all know the community is so important. So after, like every project, you know, have to based on a very strong community and for the sump pump and also among the support of the HTACs and also the exchanges and the chance of supporting is so important. And we have the very, you know, the huge builders to collab with us.

Long-Term Vision and Future of Sump Pump

And, you know, in the future, if one. If the sampan want to compete or to increase the competition in the future, so have to, you know, have more collaboration with the projects and also the experiencer to build together. So thanks very much, Lucas and tracks trading. So are you here? Hi, can you open your mic and introduce yourself to us? Okay. To go botan pambo tron trading boat. Now do you come on ego when T Joshua Gangda Joshua jiggle some palms where like Fajan. Sometime did and hash Jacob and juice nama juju soy the ping joy Jihoi so but Yoshi unique punisher jihad and Jiu fungi. Fungi function. You know what so desire sham yeah. Some palm was single tandem. How the hell can do phone sampling? J Diamir dosha bad baby.

Partnerships with Major Web Three Wallets

Right. And on top of that, we are partnering with almost all major web three wallets. You could give it to be all gas web three wallets finance web three wallets trust wallet big get web three wallets and all token pockets and many many others. So all these web three wallets, now they have some pound meme section that features our meme coins, so you can easily just trade from there. And all this comes from efforts to integrate them and run joint campaigns. There's a lot of joint campaign to be run between us and token pockets. So that's just one way that we can support founders with users and easy ways to trade for their communities.

Meme Coin Ecosystem Grant

And on top of everything, we have a $10 million meme coin ecosystem grant and this grant is given to the top performing projects. I wouldn't say because this is not like a normal ecosystem grant where you give money to the small team to help them. Bootstrap. We do recognize that in meme industry or a meme space, the rug pool risk is high. So we do not want to support any team and we do not wish to support any team that would rug pull our users by any chance. So our meme grant is really to give into the top performing projects to cover their gas fees on tron or one way or another, because we do recognize that Tron has different ways to calculate gas and there's energy and bad ones.

Announcements and Community Support

It's just different mechanism from the traditional public chains, right? So that's the things we're giving out. You guys will probably see announcement our first grant receiver announcement pretty soon, so just keep a lookout for it. But please be aware, that only goes to the stellar team. We don't bootstrap and we don't encourage rock pools at all for this meme space. And also feel free to contact us and set up group chats if you need technical support as well. Our Twitter DM is open and we monitor the messages every single second. So if you do come with us with a partnership proposal or collaborations where you want resources and want to work with us.

Future Features and Innovations

Where you are launching a token. Didn't really know who to talk to. We are more than happy to give you the support dm us. Awesome. Thank you very much. Joseph, would you like to speak Chinese as well to all the contents? Nah zai jigga need a bonding curve damage woman chishol but founder Zai Shanghai covered dollar ise woman jubian ji jello fish hang do the hang yeah so shanghai tirang habu so shu matai shushukon sinda CMC sholu nani but jabi and the jigger cinci doshuka tonga woman jingdez so yeah don't Jesus biosho ta chun do the jiao tashua eating the gas fay but here nama Jesus found. Out okay.

Comprehensive Vision of Soundpump

Thank you so much, Joseph. It's very, so much so comprehensive, so impressive. Thank you for your answering for this question. And also, you know, about talking about the long term vision for soundpump is the most curious questions from the audiences and users. And will there be more features and innovations rolled out in the future to enhance the user experience and project equality? Hayo jo shi titakon pinhai Shanghai General Dingwen she won't kay her salana bin daddy and yeah so you go panda woman koi salana shami male chonda either Shi Chong shami Wan chung la shoulder sound dog lights woman Ping Tai the Ziyan yeah tasho Xian Bush the Dao Buduana Tong Qin Ha Lian Shang buda so a woman yoko kwan Ji woman sampam Zai Shang Xian Jin shi woman Joey Jing dad or pop found the bam.

Plans and Roadmap for Features

So he I'll just go over what I just said in English briefly. So the host was asking, what's our plans, roadmaps for the features and where do we see ourselves next? So I was just talking about we are going to launch more social features on the platform, including chat box collections, token selections and token features, just to make it more fun. Essentially, we want to make some pump a place that people could, you know, build and enjoy meme culture on Tron. So that's our goal, of course. We are going to try our best to make sure that the platform is user friendly and smooth as hell. So that's the first thing.

Tron's Competitive Advantage

And second thing, in terms of where do we see ourselves, I think Tron has a really good chance to be competing or even beating Solana in terms of meme ecosystem. So we all know Tron's I have already touched on the title reserve on Tron, huge dedioactive users. And plus so many people are bridging over to Tron from other ecosystem. We can see that on chain. So it is very likely that Tron would have a booming meme ecosystem very fast. And this is already reflected on Sundog. So Sundog reached a market cap of 250 million within five days and no other token on the other ecosystem have done that.

Platform Growth and Future Potential

I think that's a reflection on how much money there is on fund that is ready to go into meme coin. Plus, our sampom platform has only been launched for ten days and the user experience is not great. But we already, traffic wise, we are already 30% of pop fund. So I think the future is right. It's very promising. We will continue to work hard to build our platform to better and more user friendly, have more features, and we will do our best to channel all the resources and support and money we have to support our founders. So we hope everyone could really come on board with us and create.

The Evolution of Meme Coins

I think now we are the co creator of trans meme ecosystem. Awesome. Thank you very much, Joseph. So, so great. So in the future we'll launch more features and keep pace with Solana and even surpass it. And there's a data to back that up. So everything is, it's gonna come true. And thank you again. So we have, you know, the last question I wanted to have a discuss with you is about the future of the meme market and also the super. The future of the samp and the meme coin market is hitting up. And so pump is committed to creating a fair and secure platform for memecoin insurance.

The Future Trajectory of Meme Coins

So in your opinion, where is the future of the meme coin market heading? And how will Sampomp respond to these changes when he shall visit fashion ping Tai ma? Joseph. So I think meme culture is here to stay. All the meme coins here to stay. I've started trading meme coin since 2021. My first meme coin was Doge, and I bought it because one of my friends told me that if I bought Doge, I might have a chance to go to market. Of course, that's just a joke, but that's how we build beliefs in meme coin and that's how we build meme community. It's all about the community, all about the joint efforts.

Community and the Importance of Memecoins

So I think this is just natural to blockchain, because when we emphasize decentralized, we emphasize building a community behind it. Every single project need a community and memecoin is. Is one of them. So I think meme coin is here to stay. But of course, we encounter some market sideways and up and downs. It's all normal when you have a market, it's always up and down. One way market is horrible, either going up or going down. I think it's normal that we see some corrections on the meme coin market. I believe it's going to come back.

Market Corrections and Future Resilience

Plus, not only meme coin is going down, every single thing is going down. Everything underperform, bitcoin and everything going down compared to their January price. So I think there's really nothing about meme Coin that people say, like, okay, meme coin is dying, or there's not much things going on for meme. No, of course I don't believe that. Not because I built some pump, but also because I think meme Coin is here to stay. Community Chandal, you go search in the ganya. Neo shuchini da jiggle. So be sure. Mutai rugo male yo. Tamil. Yeah. Breathe.

Rug Pull Risks and Community Engagement

Don't. Woman. Can I beat her? Beat her. Be fu sugar so gas. So it was Darren Jian. Han do shim kwan manga yaoja jiggle hanjong chan. You need yo shi ding shi yo shang yo shiao shanghai damian dosha fish taiyo jiang kango hui tao yang ho tai fantan dali fantana kong jiang tao zhongjong bush togo fashion pinta mim kwan jin. Yeah. How the hada gansehang? Joseph. Nah fitang TRX trading bar to locust. Lao shi hao. Joseph. Microphone gate. Okay, thank you so much, Joseph.

Comprehensive Responses and Future Plans

And sharing to us is very comprehensive and very impressive. And thank you so much for Lucas TRX trading. And also lucky, thank you for all the sharing to us. And now I'm gonna handing the microphone over to Ruth. Okay. Okay, so Joseph, please stay. Nick. Ojibian xiang qing nigga. Joseph. Joseph. And Lao shuh. Okay, so I'm gonna ask Josephine to give us a short phrase and then let the audiences to tap down to the common area.

Lucky Winners and Community Engagement

And our staff will randomly screenshot the winners. And we actually prepared eleven USDT to all the lucky winners. So are you ready, Josephine? Yep, I'm ready. Okay, may I know the secret code? So the secret code is to the sun. okay, so everyone, the secret code is to the sun. Please type to the sun, to the common area. And I'm gonna ask Josephine, give me like, 5 seconds countdown. And then our staff will randomly select the winner. Okay, so to the sun, please.

Countdown for Prize Selection

Are you ready, Joseph? Yeah. I'm ready. Okay, you can start counting down. Okay. 543321 and a half, one. Go. Okay. I believe our staff already selected the lucky winners. And also thank you, Josephine, for the code and everything you just addressed during the space. Thank you guys for having me. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much for the time. If you have anything, feel free to let us know.

Transitioning to Phase Two

Okay, so let's get into our phase two. So actually, we can see that many projects team from Sunpump have already joined us today as well. So we also be inviting each of them to share their results one by one. And also their project story and also visions as well. So I already saw a lot of projects are raising their hands since we have several guests with us today. So our host will take turns inviting each one to speak. So thank you for the patience as everyone will have a chance to share their insights as well.

Inviting Project Teams to Share Insights

Okay, so I am gonna ask Yuri. Hello? Hello, Yuri? Hi. Hello. Hello. Yes. Very clear. Yes. So thank you so much for having AsAP here. I'm golden Natsack from Yori team. So excited to talk about Yori. Yuri was actually the first dog themed crypto project on Sunpump. And it's not just a typical meme coin. We're backed by a developer who has been deeply connected with the Tron ecosystem since 2017.

Yuri – A Deeper Commitment to The Tron Ecosystem

He's an OG in the Tron community and just the deployer itself controls over $2 million in TRX. And Yori, what is yore? I don't know if you guys remember, but the classic Tron movie Yore was one of the key characters in it. It was an ally in the digital world, helping to fight against the systems corruption, just like in the movie. And Yuri on the Trump blockchain symbolizes a stand against centralization.

A Mission of Empowerment and Rescue

And the whole point with the vision that we have for Yuri is. Yuri. Was rescued by Tron. So we aimed this project on Tron to help others experience the same rescue, financially, technologically, and community wise, by the tron ecosystem. And the whole goal with Yuri is to show immense love and respect we have for Tron and take Yuri to the sun. So really excited to do this journey with Tron and with Justin, I feel Justin, he's the mastermind behind Tron, and he's always been a visionary leader in the crypto space for many years.

Tron's Dynamic Growth

And Tron has evolved into one of the most dynamic, innovative system in the world. And we have seen this the last few days here on Tron. I think there was, over the last 24 hours, over $4.7 billion in volume. And everybody is heading over for Tron. So check us out at Yuri. We have a lot of stuff coming, and we are here to stay and be a top meme on Tron and engage and build a strong community together.

Appreciation for the Community

Okay, thank you. Thank you, Yuri, for all the, how do you say, the ambitions and also all this appreciation to Tron and Justin as well. So I'm gonna do a simple translation as well. Yuanji, Rachan, Guanxi and Bochang church Allah. So in Justin Shi Chang Yo Yuan Jian the ego. Okay, thank you, Yuri. So, yeah, I just finished the translation. Okay, so I'm gonna ask. I saw rectober. Right?

Community Engagement and Future Developments

Recto. Hello. Hello. I saw you raising your hand. Yeah. Open your mic. Yeah. Thanks for having me here. It's a pleasure. Honestly, like, the past couple of days, I'm being crazy. I am pretty sure also for you, I wanted to say, like, first of all, Josephine, I know you've been humble, like, saying the user interface and stuff, like, it's not the best or it's, like, not finished, but you've been doing, like, an amazing job.

Acknowledgment of Efforts

Really, truly, like, thanks from me and like, our community. And it doesn't matter which meme you're supporting, you're literally making history in the industry. So, like, props to you. Thank you so much. No, but you're so flattered. People are only focusing, oh, push this meme, you know, for money or something. But it's not an easy task. You're literally the head. It's not to glaze you or anything, but you're the head of this huge transition.

The Impact of Memecoins

Right? And you're literally making a huge impact in this attention economy, right? Because we're living in a time that memes are everywhere, right? We are spending so much time in our fonts, in TikTok, Instagram, everywhere, and used to have this task to transition a lot of people from Solana to Sean. It's crazy. I know Sean's been around for a lot of years. I remember the ICO in back 2017. But Solana has been doing really good with memes, right?

Continuing Innovation in Memecoins

Since, like, November, December, when we've started, it started, like, a massive movement with the meme coins and right now with the Pam fun. I've been there since, like, March, and they did a good job. But I'm having a feeling right now, like, the same feeling I had back in March while joining the Tron ecosystem, right? Because, like, you feel like you're being the first mover. You're.

Pioneering in the Memecoins Space

You're being early, you're being a pioneer in these memes. Whatever a community you're part of, whatever meme you're pushing is, like, literally groundbreaking. It's not easy task to do because even if you're an influencer and you're pushing a new ecosystem, you're like, putting your reputation, everything on the line. So, yeah, respects to you. And also, like, tell your team, like, whatever is behind the software engineers and all of them, like, say thanks from us.

Acknowledging Team Work

Like, we appreciate these people are not really, like, thin, and I see they do, like, hard job and to pull a platform, like, sound pump in such a quick time and they're making, like, changes over and over. And literally, I see the involvement by Justin sun and the whole team. So, yeah, props to you guys. Yeah, thanks for everything. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Yeah, I would if you. Jose, if you could give me two minutes, I would actually like to add on some content over here with regards to what Rocktober just said.

Understanding Tron Link and Ecosystem

So first, I really appreciate you guys, appreciate the community's support and spending all the efforts to figure out how to use Tron link and how the energy and bandwidth works. I did have a simple write up on my twitter about energy and bandwidth, so if you guys want to know more, I will continue writing about trans mechanism because is a little bit different from all the other chains. So I think the thing I want to add on here is one thing that people don't realize about TrON is TRON has unbeatable global on and off ramp network.

Unbeatable Global Networking

And you will never really see this because this is not like those fancy risk taking protocol. That race raised 100 million and then got listed on binance at 1 billion FDV, right. You won't see this, but can you imagine in some african countries, in some emerging markets, more than 90%, 90% of their tether transaction are processed on TRON. So, which means they are a huge unenaugram facility being set up globally.

Implications of Enhanced Trading

What does this mean? That means you are trading meme coin completely KYC free. So I think this is the thing that a lot of people don't realize. Because when you are trading on Solana, how do you get Solana? Most people, especially the us monies, because we all know that Solana is being supported by a lot of us communities and us institutions. They have to go through Coinbase for Solana, for fiat, on and off ramps, and there's not really good on and off ramps.

Global Facilities and On/Off Ramps

Global facility set up for many chains, Levon, Solana, but for Tron, because this is the thing that we have been building for years. So you are very easy to find on chain, on and off ramps everywhere, which means you could just get onto the money on chain without doing any QIC, playing a meme and get it out. So this is something that people don't realize. And also, we can't really promote this in writing and publicly, but that's what, that's the facility, that's where is to support this.

User Engagement and Market Reach

And plus, because of our great user base and facilities in emerging markets, more and more people are coming to not only the developed countries, but developing countries are really active on our platform. So when I look at. So I look at. I have this Google Analytics data opening in one of my screens. So some of the emerging market, like Indonesia and Nigeria, they are on top of our markets. It's really hard to imagine, but they're so, so active.

Unbeatable On/Off Ramp Facilities

And that's where Tron has, you know, the best, you know, unbeatable, on and off rampage facilities that other chain don't have. So that's just something that people don't say and don't realize about Tron. All right, thank you, Joseph, for the awesome speech. And also thank you for all the contents you just added to the audiences is Haisha Joseph Fishier, Jihu Bao, fashion. Okay, now let's move on to the next guests.

Inviting Community Contributions

Oh, I saw coconut chicken. Hello. Hello. Coconut chicken. Hi there. Hi. Thanks for having me. How are you? Yeah, I'm doing great. Thank you for joining this space. Thank you so much for having me on stage. It's very interesting to listen. Obviously, I listen to most of the spaces you guys host. We host a lot of spaces ourselves. So can I just introduce our project quickly?

Sharing Future Vision

Yes, yes, sure. Thank you. Thanks a lot. So please tell us, like, your future vision as well. Sure, of course I will. Of course I will. Well, the future vision we've been talking about back in January is happening today, so that's exactly what I'm going touch on. So we launched back in December last year on Tron, and were one of those big growing memes on Tron long before sunpump launched here. And we've been hosting spaces and Ama's every week consistently for eight months now.

Embracing Growing Community

And were kick starting this movement of meme culture on Tron every single week. So we've been. We've been seeing growth every week since then. And when sunpump launched, that was one of those days where we felt like, yes, it's happening, people are coming here we're the Ogs of Tron. We've been here for many years, but we are decent at heart, and we love the meme culture.

Onboarding New Projects

And we're so, so happy to see so many new projects launching every day and every second, actually, on Tron, and many of them succeeding as well. And obviously, were part of that. We've been here for a long time, and we look forward to being part of this large, quickly growing family of memes on Tron and onboarding as many people as possible and to get as many people as possible to bridge to TRx and Tron and stay here with us.

Current Trends in TRX

It's crazy to see the kind of bull run vibes around TRX currently and we are honored to be part of this rise. As Justine said, the success of tokens isn't by any chance, it's all upon completion, so the community can share the success of the crypto currency. So. And I think the difference between Bomfont and Sunpomb is that Sunburn is backed by STX and Polonaix, which are one of the biggest exchanges in this whole space, including all the marketing services, kols, market makers and data reserves and many other resources which isn't offered by Pom Natural are the services that I think Sonbom has offered to the projects that are listing or that introducing on the TRX sense.

Developer Support and Revenue Generation

Also, the support from the. From the developers of Sonboom I think have been incredible. The developers have been fixing all the box that are scared around Twitter and Telegram. Any box mentioned it has been addressed as soon as possible, which is very good for our growing platform. So I'm looking forward to see what we get on son pump. And the revenue that is being generated from Son pump, it is actually massive. Like within the last 24 hours has generated over 1.5 million in revenue. I think that is incredible for the ecosystem and it is bound to increase more and more in the coming days, so.

Introduction to Son Wukong Project

And now I like to introduce a little bit about the project. Son who Kong. So it's actually based on Monkey King, so, which is a legendary figure from the chinese literature and folklore. So yeah, it is one of the most popular game that released a couple days. It topped the steam cells within less than a. Less than an hour of its launch. And even Justin changed his profile picture to the song. So I think that's one of our, one of the biggest narrative currently in join ecosystem. At the same time, I think there has been a lot of tokens related to Wukong that has been launched and the total transaction volume, I think it has reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

Engagement with the Community

Take a look at our project. All the project information is in our bio and. Yeah, that's it. Thanks for having me. Well, thank you, black Miss Su Kong. Okay, so still, I'm going to do a simple translation for everyone. Tatiji, showruno, muslim pumping, tai fai, china, machang, baja, faich and jing. Yeah. Hoyo, Kanda Sungdez. All right, so I can see. Okay. Coconut chicken. Keep raising your hand. Okay, you can open your microphone.

Understanding the Importance of Community

Thank you so much. I just wanted to add something for. I just want to say the importance of the community in any of the meme projects. And that's something coconut chicken has been focusing on, and not just for our project, but for the whole tron meme ecosystem. Prior to the sampan launch, all of our team members are dogs. We've traveled to the crypto conferences. We've met in Dubai, token 2049 with Justin and the whole Trondhao team. We're good friends with everybody on Tron, and we will just keep building. The only difference between us and many new memes that appeared in the last seven days now is that we deployed before sunpump was launched. And sound pump, obviously, is the platform where, you know, for new people to launch their things.

Building Connections within the Meme Ecosystem

So what I want to focus on now to bring attention is that we want to make friends with all the new memes and want to stay in touch with them, because we've been building this Tron meme ecosystem for the past eight months, and I'd love to meet members and representatives of new memes and to become friends with them as well. Wow, thank you. I also believe all the other meme projects are listening. So, yeah, if you guys have the willingness to make friends, just feel free to send DM or something. Okay, so we are kind of like a bridge of all the minimum projects on some pump to connect together kind of thing.

Introduction of TRX Trading Bot

Okay, so gonna do a simple translation as well. Ho ze jianza liu tia yang ho ye tidal tamanjui jiggle some pump jiggle jigger pinko jig project Chi Jian lian raho chi jiao yahujang okay, so is there. Okay. Trx trading I see you're raising your hands. Can you open your microphone? Trx trading hello. Not just womania joy mutant you who tina yolia one do the yung hoonshana but you know, find out just when you go just by not only drying mimic you got full song china you say the go no teacher but jenkong fool simply jenkong china ua castle and yung hoo judy and jitiga catch and juki jandao yeah, she sounds like some pang but you ja, you know Jason Bap and drew the gas fee copying champion can do a champion to show my whole me a huge country or you FTP now you who jump now Jinyama channel yes you know who knowing who can be target put on fear and who may go j and I got up by one j and jinha so funny woman show fbt now teacher should be the dealer fungi connection gauge go now and chance you know who messed naive and she shall quit Baptist Mandada shall we now do sp t not just phono yes but you know, you find, you know how to go how mission get a Tony drum.

Insights on TRX Trading

How does TRX the faith? So I'm going to do a simple translation of what TRX trading just said. They basically gave us a brief introduction of the entire TX trading board. And also as they said, the TRX trading bot is the first and fastest trading bot built on TRON. And as the first one to provide such services with the largest user base. Initially it was created for internal user due to low competition which lead to the establishment of the project at the first place. And also its advantages include like monitoring new tokens and also automatically replenishing energy and also converting TRX into energy for transactions, thereby saving no gas fee. So that's the basic frame.

Future Updates and Features

And also there will be more updates in the future as well with additional features being launched. Just feel free, just stay tuned. And also, our guests from the TRX trading world just mentioned they have these automatic USDT conversion feature where users USDT are automatically converted through sunswap. And also their token is developing really rapidly and has already been listed on Polonix as well. So just, you know, other than that, our speakers also mentioned they're like doing like early stage trading manning as well. And also the burning mechanism is also well designed. Feel free to check out their official page.

Investment Opportunities and Cautions

And also, so the market cap right now is relatively low. So if any teams are interested about that, just, you know, feel free to reach out. And also, all the conversation we have here is not like financial advice. And please do your own research before make any investments. Well, that's what TRX trading bot just mentioned for everything. And also right now I'm going to ask coconut chicken Yuri and TRX trading bot, plus Fauxfar and sun. And yes, these projects feel free to give me a secret like code. It could be anything like Josephine just did before.

Engagement with Participants

And I'm gonna let all the audiences right now type down to the comment area and our staff will randomly select the winner as well. So Rocktober, are you here? Yes, yes, I'm here. I'm here. Okay. Okay. Do you have any like code or phrase in mind? Yeah, let's say trend. The Tron trend. Tron trend. How to spell t r o n. Like a train. Like a bullet train. You know, train. T r o n t r e n d. Right? Tron trend trained.

Code Words and Participation

T R I a n. Train. I don't know how to spell it right now. Train. It's. It's train. Right? Okay, so the phrase that given by Rocktober is train, t r a I n. Just type it down to the camp common area. And I'm gonna ask Roktober, give me like, a 5 seconds countdown. Okay, are you ready? All right. All right, I'm ready. I'm ready. Okay, so train. Feel free to tap it down, everyone. So, yeah, you can do it now. Hello, rectober. Hello. Oh, I should type it in the comments.

Countdown for Code Input

No, no. You need to give me a 54321. Go. Okay. I think our staff already have the winner. Okay, so coconut chicken, are you here? Yeah, of course I'm here. So our code will be chicken on the sun. Chicken on the sun. Okay. Yeah, so the phrase that given by coconut chicken is chicken on the sun. So everyone just type it down to the comment area, please. Chicken on the sun. Chicken on the sun. Chicken on the sun.

Final Countdown and User Engagement

Okay, so yeah, I also need you give me a five second condo. Sure. It's 554321. All right, thank you. Congratulations. I think our staff definitely working really hard. Okay, Yuri. Hello, Yuri. Next one, Yuri. Okay. Hello? Okay. Trx trading world. Hello, TrX trading boat. No. yeah, so, yeah, chima, so you want.

Confirmation of Phrases

Okay. F l f g. F p t. L f g. Okay. Fpt LFG is the phrase that given by TRX trading bot. So just feel free to type it down to the comment area. Fptlfg fpt lfg. Trx trading. Okay, well, thank you. I think our staff already got the winner. Okay. For far. Hello. You are the next one. Hey there. Yes. Do you have anything in mind right now? Yeah, we do.

Community Slogan and Engagement

So we actually have, like, a saying that we've kind of coined up a little slogan from the very beginning. Our community came up with it. So it's faux far. Go far. full far. Go far. Okay, full far, go far. Okay, let me know when you want the countdown. Yes, for sure. So the phrase given by fofar is full far, go far, fall far, go far. Everyone please type it down.

Concluding Remarks

Okay, so, yeah, you can give me the countdown. Okay, 54321. All right, thank you. Oh, so the next one, I think. Yeah, I think everyone want all the projects that you forgot. Sun Wukong. okay. Yeah, yeah. We have a different guy out there. He was not part of us, if it's okay, can we just share our narrative and whatnot? Because we didn't get to do that earlier.

Project Narration

Share narrative. Yeah. Share story. Share project. yes. All right, guys, so let me begin. All right, first of all, we are the first CTO. First big cto on some pump, right? Sunk sun Wukong. Our entire narrative points to us. Listen, literally, this is gonna be the coin that unites the east to west. We literally have a chinese CTO in place and. And a west CTO in place.

Unique Selling Proposition

There is no coin like that. Next things. Next is. Look, we literally fit the exact narrative. We defeat a big boss cabal. We came in, we said, no, we're not gonna. We're not gonna surrender to you guys. We're gonna fight, and we're gonna make sure that the right coin, the one that is chosen by the community, wins. There is no coin like us.

Building a Strong Community

We've been working really hard. There's no community like us. Listen, name one other cult community on Tron. There is none. Sun Wukong is the one. And that's why you should become a warrior with us today. Join our telegram. You'll see the energy in there. We're constantly, constantly hiding. It's generally a family already. And I'm telling we're gonna push this.

Future Goals and the Meme Coin Space

And so Wukong will defeat every single thing in front of us. There is no way. There is no way we lose. All right. Okay. Thank you. So. All right, so I'm gonna do a simple translation for all the chinese audiences here. Fire ming shi fang way, taman da shi daba. One last thing, though. Justin sun, the CEO of TRX.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Tron is our profile picture on Twitter and TikTok. Don't forget that. Who you guys think is the number one run on Tron? Who thinks to be the face of Tron? Sun Wukong. It points to us. Yeah, okay. I got that code word. All right, thank you. Also, I'm going to ask. Sun kung gave us a phrase for our staff to do.

Incentives for Participation

The lucky winner chosen. Wukong warriors. What? Sun Wukong warriors. Sun Wukong warriors. Okay, so the code that given by Sun Wukong mim is Sun Wukong warriors. If you don't know how to spell it's s u n w u k o n g. Sun wukong warriors. Warriors. All right, so I'm gonna repeat it again.

Countdown for Last Code Input

So Kong warriors. It's our last. It's our phrase. Yeah. So Wukong spells like Sunwukong and then warriors. All right, so would you mind? Give us a countdown. All right, let's go. All right, warriors, get ready. 543321, go. All right, thank you. And also, I got the message from our staff. They said that they want me to teach you a Chinese.

Cultural References

It's also like a nickname of Sun Kong. Yeah, everyone knows that. Every Chinese knows that. It's son da Shon sun ta Shan. Yes. Okay. Yes. What other coins? Getting a nickname from the. From the staff. Guys. What other coin? Definitely. It's very famous. And also the entire story of Song Kong.

Final Acknowledgments

Are a lot of chinese childhood part of their childhood as well? Yeah. All right, thank you. Yeah, we honor you guys. This, this means a lot. Like us carrying this name and whatnot. We're gonna, we're gonna honor it. Okay. We're gonna definitely honor it. Oh, okay. Thank you. I see Justin is here.

Engagement with Justin Sun

Oh, my God. Hello, Justin. Hello. Hello. Hello, Justin. Kui Tingda. Hello. Hello, everybody. Wow. Woman Ganga. All right. Okay, so Justine is here, and we also prepare some questions for you.

Discussion About Sumpomp

If you want to answer the question in Chinese or English, feel free to do that because we will do the translation for you as well. Yes, I think English will be fine. So today is the english space, right? Yes, yes, definitely. Okay, so, Justin, I love your profile picture, by the way. It's absolutely amazing.

Motivation Behind Sumpomp

Yes. All right, so let's get back a little bit. So since Justin is here, so I would like to invite Justine to share the, like, the original motivation behind developing sumpomp. And also, what kind of role do you hope this platform will play in the future? Cryptocurrency ecosystem. Yes, definitely.

Three-Layer System of TRON

So for Tron ecosystem, when we develop the system, we have three layers of the strategy. So the first layer is stablecoin settlement layer, which is the payment layer. So that's like most of the people when they first, like youth TroN network, they focus on stablecoin transaction. So today, I think TrON has become like one of the dominated stablecoin network in the world.

Stablecoin Transaction Volume

Even. I think in terms of the stablecoin reserve, we are 50 to Ethereum. So I think right now TRON has around $6 billion and Ethereum has the same level. But in terms of the settlement volume, TrON is way bigger than Ethereum. So right now, every single day, TrON is settling around $18 billion worth of stablecoin transaction.

DeFi Layer Development

And the ethereum is only, I think, 10% of the tron ecosystem, probably two, $3 billion. So that's why I think TrON is definitely dominant in the stable coin like settlement layer. So the second layer, of course, is defi layer. So basically provide yield to our customer on TRON network.

User Experience in TRON

So basically as a user, when you get into the trON network, you will first get used to transact your stable trOn network, which is what we do today. And then when you have like TRX, also other cryptocurrency, the second demand you have is lending and borrowing, right. Basically getting Yale on the network.

Expanding Features in TRON

So we also have different layers. So first of all, we have just land, right, which is like rv equivalent TRON version, which also provide you to borrow and lend cryptocurrency. We have TX, USDT, like all the stables, and also bitcoin, Ethereum and all other cryptos on TrON network.

Future Developments in DeFi

So in the adjustment, which you can borrow and lend. And also we have stusDt, which provide like T bill, you know, 5% yield to all the stablecoin like holders on TRON network. And also we have like decentralized stablecoin, like USDD also provide basically stable yield to our customer. So I will say this layer will be a DeFi layer and also with like fixed income and the stable yield.

Building the Meme Coin Ecosystem

And other than that, right, so we, that's what we are building right now with song pump and team on Tron, right. So we are building the stable, building a meme coin ecosystem, Tron. So which is the third layer, right. Third layer, I think represents a high risk with higher.

Risk Management in Trading

Right. So when trading meme coin, even though you're trading with I think a small percentage of your assets, but I think the traders is expected, they can get ten x, like 100 x or like 1000 x. But at the same time they probably are facing the risk of losing their money. Right. So that's why I think we are building the third layer, which is also very important on trial.

Serving User Needs

So our mission is to serving all layer of the users, right. So if they want to do stable transaction, they can do it on trial. And if they want to do like Defi, like Yale stable Yale, like fixed income, they can also do on trial. And if they are willing to like trading high risk assets, they can also do it on trial.

Long-Term Vision

So that's why I think some people may feel like when we launch, like Samhab is just like some way we just want to get trending on the topic, or we just do something popular in the markets, which is not. Right. So our idea is basically building our blockchain layer by layer. You can see the very clear roadmap, how we develop the ecosystem.

Commitment to Innovation

So that's the point I want to make here, is we are here for the long term to build soundpump and the platform itself, and to really build a robust meme coin infrastructure for every developers in the world. We are definitely here for the long term and we will continue to innovate our blockchain and the product we deliver to the customer to make sure everyone has the best meme coin trading experience on some pump and tron blockchain.

Increasing Demand and User Traffic

So recently we have seen the dramatic increase of traffic. Basically every day we see double or even triple of the traffic. So that's why I think right now the most important thing for us is just focusing on building the best product, you solving the older customer questions. And the same time, of course, I believe the meme coin is going to be forever here.

Historical Perspective on Meme Coins

So we already seen back to when I first get into crypto industry. We see a dogecoin basically be very popular in our space. And later we see like Shiba, like peep, and then we see on the Solana summer wif, you know, lots of new stable coin. Sorry, meme coin just keep coming. Which I definitely believe after Tron, we launched our product, our meme coin will be even more innovative and cultural fee compared to, you know, the old, you know, Dogecoin.

Future of Meme Coins

Dogecoin is great, but I think we can do so much better to innovate in the space. And also some people may ask me, right, is this still, you know, a good time to get into the tron ecosystem or to get into the tron meme space? Right. I definitely believe this is a very early time. As I stated multiple times in my twitter, you can see one of the reason is because the meme coin on TrOn network currently is still huge, undervalued.

Growth Potential in the TRON Ecosystem

Because if you check the stable in the network, Solana is only like a few billion dollars stable on the network. And the meme coin on Solana, at least they have a few billion dollars project in the network, not dozen, but I think they still have few billion dollars like meme coin in the network, only supported by a very small liquidity. But I think TrOn right now is like very strong, right? So we are sitting on $66 billion of the assets, right?

The Value Proposition of TRX

And if you talk about the meme coin, like a market cap in the whole network is only right. Even people went crazy already. But I mean, it's still a few hundred million dollars, which I think is extremely small, more compared to the size of the ecosystem we are supporting here. So that's why I definitely have a very strong belief and feeling, which I think very soon probably in three months is going to come true.

Projected Future Growth

We will definitely have $1 billion meme coin tokens on Tron network and even more. I think probably dozens of them have more than like, other blockchain. I think the answer will be like give to all the meme coin dev tool. Answer them right. Even though I'm not the expert of meme coin development, but still, I know some of the factors advantages you need to develop.

Cultural and Community Drivers

I think it's culture based, community based KOL, and also exchange relationship infrastructure integration. Even though as meme coin developers, I think there is still a lot of things we need to do to reach those Shiba or PiP level this kind of meme coin development. But I think I will leave this area for the dev itself to develop for myself.

Building the Infrastructure for Meme Coin

I think I just want to build the best infrastructure for meme coin to develop and to trade. That's all my answer.

Chinese Translation and Feedback

Wow. Thank you, Justin, for the amazing speech and the answers. So I also gonna give like a quick chinese translation as well. Should be Shung Hai Zhong Bang just in gang taikon tada jigger merida jigger Mei Yuan Chao Ethan D Five Xian drew my trx woman ziggler jejoli sara sholu rao shuja jigga sun pump justin yo liao dao mutian chonga tong yeah, sure. Mutian julius Ganga Tao Gao Fung bao yeah bing who number will trump Hua Singh mimi jega shanghai the hao shuji kan jigger Justin Twitter tai shoga yeah.

Responding to Competition

1 billion token Justin Bush infrastructure. All right, thank you, Justine, for the answers. And also, let's move on to the next one. So sump is competing with Solana's pump fund. And what kind of unique advantages does sampom have in terms of functionality, resource support, and also user experience that could attract more users? Yes, definitely. So, first of all, I think we have a very dedicated team to build meme coin infrastructure on Tron network.

Community Feedback and Growth

So recently, I think we have very good feedback from the community. Currently, I think our volume is already 30% to 40% around pump funds. I think if we are doing a great job here, probably next week or even in ten days, I think we can catch up the same volume with, with pumpfam. Even though, I mean, I wouldn't like, expected this is gonna happen in ten days after sampam happened. Right, but this is the reality. Right? So before, I mean, I even, I have lots of confidence on sample, but I thought it's gonna take at least like a quarter to catch up. Like some pump in the first place.

Significant Volume and Traffic Increase

But this is only the ten days we launch sound pump. Right. And we are already in around 30% of the pump farm volume. So that's why I believe in the next two weeks, we probably have the same level of the traffic with pump farm in terms of the advantage we have compared to the Solana. And I think we have several ones. I think first of all is the liquidity support. In the Solana we only have a few billion dollars actually liquidity on the blockchain, but on Tron you have $66 billion.

Liquidity and Accessibility

That's why I think even though today lots of people ape into tron meme coin and the price goes to very high, I think one of the reasons is because the liquidity, there is too much liquidity in the network. That's why people is very easy for them to get access from stable from liquidity into the meme coins. So that's why I think that's the first background very good liquidity. And the second one I think, of course I think is our team and dev itself. Recently we already see a lot of good devs developed like meme coin Ultra network, which I think is also very important.

Development and Community Support

So I saw lots of talk team on the Tron meme coin development. I saw their narrative, the story they want to tell. Like everything I think is top tier compared to. I would not say it's number one in the industry, but it's definitely also one of the top tier in the space. And also I think the Asia community and the chinese community support is also very important. As we know Tron USDT right now is dominate in the Asia markets.

Getting into the Asian Markets

So that's why we see a numerous amount of the chinese community flood into and the Asia community flood into the tron ecosystem. If you are a western like that, really want to get at your token in Asia markets. I definitely recommend, because I know that there is lots of devs issue their tokens on Solana. But I think issue on Tron is definitely one of the way help you to get into the asian markets. There is a huge amount of people right now in the space try to get more users.

Infrastructure and Support

So that's why I think the Asia community support is also very important. And the third one, of course, I think we recently, we already have a very good infrastructure support. We integrate with DAX screener yesterday. And right now we are also looking to integrate with lots of infrastructure support companies which we will announce like later a lot of big companies in the crypto space will integrate into the tron network very soon.

Announcing New Integrations

So like all the meme coin issue on Tron will instantly get in touch with those platform users. I will announce it. We already have several on the pipeline, so we are working on that. I think we will probably announce next week something like that. But we definitely have the, we will have the best here of the infrastructure support in the space to make sure all the stablecoin launch on Tron, you know, will get instantly into those platform. And also the fifth one, we are doing lots of marketing campaigns, of course, you know, day to day, you know, Ama, like space is something we do and we will also have a numerous amount of the like celebrities we come on the Tron network and the meme coin on Tron like very soon.

Marketing and Community Engagement

So you will see our announcement and we have a very strong team to work on that. I think that's also a very good advantage we have. And of course, I think we will consistently monitor the development of the network. And I will, as I just said. Right. So I think this week is only a star of the network itself, right at the end. This is only the ten day we launched the product.

Future Developments and Growth

I believe the next week, next month, next quarter will be way bigger than what we have now. Even though I will say we have a very excited start. Right. But I think the follow up will be more impressive. It. All right, thank you, Justine. Okay, so I'm also gonna do a quick conclusion and translation in Chinese as well. From what Justin just said.

Trust and Community Reputation

Yes, I want to say, like, besides the product and also the user experience we deliver to the community. The second thing I think is extremely important for a success of the real meme coin is the trust and the reputation. So we know. Right? So meme Quan, some people, I think in the traditional industry, they probably don't understand how meme client works. They will see, like, meme coins is some, like, you probably, like, use these tokens, like, suddenly because of the crypto, like, liquidity and become, like, super high, like, valuation, right?

Misunderstanding of Meme Coins

So they don't believe, like, meme coin. And they probably think meme coin has zero value because, you know, they only believe, like Warren Buffet like principle. Right? So if you are become a good company, you need to have basically revenues and also a big profit or dividends to your shareholders. You are good companies, but they don't really understand how crypto and meme coin works. But for me, I have been through this twelve year cycle, I see the success of Dogecoin and peep, you know, like Shiba.

The Importance of Internet Culture

And also, you know, recently we have wif, you know, those meme coins. I think meme coins represents a very important Internet culture. So that's like how Internet culture evolved, right? So this is a new stage of the Internet culture which I think is grabbing like old people's attention today, right. We have like almost like 7 billion people on Earth. Their attention is on the Internet is on a crypto platform, right.

Catching Opportunities in Meme Coin

More and more people will spend their attention in here, like, rather than someplace else, right. So that's why I think eventually there will be like a very big meme opportunity, right. So we just need to think about like how we can catch those opportunities, right? So that's why I think I already mentioned there's a lot of the features, right. If you want to be a success or meme developers.

Emphasizing the Importance of Trust

And the one I want to emphasize the most is the trust between the meme coin developers and the community. The first thing first, I think is the fair launch. So the success for Meme Coin needs to be fair Launch. So eventually, if you are a fair launch Meme Coin, you will get a good reputation in the community, lots of people will support you. When I first know about Dogecoin, it's just a very small fair launch, know Meme Coin, you know, on Reddit, right?

Evolution and Development of Meme Coins

So at that time, you know, it's not like even on, at that time we don't even have finance, right? So it's just like something people get to send to each other for fun, right? And also even way before Elon start to support Dogecoin, right? But eventually because Dogecoin survived, you know, in all category, which the most important I think is the fair launch and evenly distributed to all the community members eventually.

Future with Meme Coins

And other things, I think Dogecoin is also doing the best in the industry. So that's why eventually when the meme culture take off, when the Internet culture take off is even get supported by Elon Musk. So that's why I think it as long as I think the meme coin culture that, you know, make all the features checkbox, right. And continue to deliver the best quality of meme culture, eventually I believe like one of the token or several of the token will survive and taking off, right.

Meme Coin Opportunities

And even like take other meme coins market cap, right? So, so that's why we see, you know, after Doge, you know, we have Shiba, we have peep, right? We have wif, you know, lots of, like, success for meme coin. I think if we all doing the things right in a right way, eventually I think we will have $1 billion meme coin on Tron as well. But I'm. I'm interesting to see, right.

Conclusion and Acknowledgement

Who gonna be the one, you know? So, yeah, that's it. All right, thank you, Justin. Also gonna give you give all the chinese audiences a brief translation and conclusion at the same time. maybe Fa Xing Ping tai sui xian justin we like maybe shi chao shimya fang fajan Yao Yi ji sampham. Yes. Taiwan Project Trust reputation Tai Tao Show Tranton haya kono tai jimin mimi Bush Nango shama faja.

Future Directions in Development

But in Ertiena woman Justin Zaibi Internet culture Jamie who be the translim project Xiao Iga gomping the Shang Xiang Ping the Huan Jing Bao mega mimi project. Shang Yu Shi Zhong Yao Jiang San go to dao da ja the juju Huang Jing gong xianga mimi hang yeah, do the right thing just in year fish and siddha hoyon Jiang iga hoya. We like. All right, I think that's all the answers that we prepared for Justin.

Engagement with Community Through Code

And also, I would like to ask Justin, give us a how to say secret code for all the audiences because we also prepare some airdrops. So do you have anything in mind? Right now as a secret code to the sun. To the sun. All right. Very direct. So, guys, please just type to the sun.

Community Engagement Through Airdrops

To the common area. To the sun. To the common area. And then I will invite Justin. Give me a 5 seconds countdown, and then our staff will select the winner. All right. To the song. To the sun. To the sun. All right, Justin, are you ready? 55432.

Conclusion and Future Projects

Yeah. 2002. I believe our staff already have the winner. Well, thank you, Justine, for bringing so much insights about not only the current sample min me platform, but also the entire tron ecosystem and also all the visions and also the long term goals and do the right things. Is there anything you would like to say to the audiences and the other projects right now?

Encouragement and Future Growth

Yes, I even see wif, you know, coins developers is in the listeners. Yeah, I think we really get only get started. This is the ten days development days for Tron. So we definitely, hopefully, I think tomorrow, I think I have space with Mario. If you are afraid, happy to join us in the Mario space.

Future Plans and Open Dialogue

And hopefully I think I can share with you more about how we develop meme coin Tron and how we build a good meme coin infrastructure for you. And if you have any questions regarding how to use the platform and any user experience box or anything. Happy to dm me or just leave the message on my twitter we have Tim and myself is checking those messages constantly.

Final Thoughts and Gratitude

All right, thank you, Justin. Justin Gang shout out to fast on sushi Justin Hoja that had a Twitter Sami and Liu Yan ya choose the joy Mario Shu Yoitan space. Okay. Okay.

End of Discussion

All right. I think that's all the part for Justin. So if you have any other business to do, just feel free to leave. And also thank you about your time and energy for all the audiences right now. I had a question for Justin. Thank, thank you, Justin. I have a question.

Profile Picture and Cultural References

Yes. First of all, like that profile picture, like, why'd you choose it? Yes. So first of all, lots of people may don't know, but right now in China, there's a very famous black means, you know, wukong games, you know, released in China. I think it's the first, like chinese, you know, native games, you know, develop the same level, I think, with the three a games in the west war.

Popularity and Cultural Significance

So that's why I think it's got tremendous popularity in China, especially, you know, in the chinese crypto community. I think everyone, you know, even recently, starting from yesterday, the trading volume actually of lots of crypto platform is going down because lots of traders is also give a day of break to play. Black means wukong. I even think about if anyone know Elon Musk, they should inform Elon Musk.

Cultural References and Future Vision

There is a phenomenal and a massive game has been recently developed by the developers. So for myself, you know, I like this, like Wukong Ip for. For quite a long time. You know, we share the same last name as Yuan, and this is basically a character I love, you know, since childhood.

Traditional Chinese Culture

So that this is like a traditional chinese culture. There is a book called the Journey to the west. If you have any interest, you feel free to check it out. I guarantee you it will be way bigger. And even, I think, for the profound, the plot and everything will be more profound even than Game of Thrones.

Challenges of Cultural Promotion

I haven't been fans of both novels, but I believe journey to the west is better. But the problem for lots of western audience, they don't know journey to the west is because the developers in China don't have much resources to develop this ip into a game, into a movie, into episode, which you can get access from, like HBO, you know, Netflix, you know, all the platform.

Strengthening Traditional Culture

Right. But today, you know, since the developer has been much more stronger and we have much more resources. That's why I think we have started to see more and more traditional chinese culture has been developed into a very good ip, actually. Right. So.

Future of Cultural Integration

So I think black meets Wukong probably be the first step that's also echoes some of the things I'm doing here. So we also want to devop some really good blockchain product to everyone in the world. All right, thank you. I really appreciate that. I learned a lot.

Product Development and Future Directions

One more thing is I just want to know, for the future of Tron, what would better? Would it be community based tokens or, like, bundle tokens? Like what. What is Tron looking for? For the future? Yeah. Yes, sure. For Tron itself.

Focus on Development and Support

You know, we are just busy, like, building the product. Right. So. So lots of people ask me, right. Justin Sound, are you gonna launch a meme coin or do anything, you know, for myself, you know, I'm only focused on doing a platform.

Reflections and Future Support

So I think for myself, I won't have much, like, time, you know, even for now, I think I'm barely like, keep up, right. To, to meet the requirements of the customer, you know, keep, like, developing the best product. I will leave the meme coin, you know, this kind of the mission to the dev itself.

Prospective Development Within Communities

Right. But I'm happy to witness, you know, any billion dollars, you know, meme coins will be dewop on Tron. But for myself, I think I only want to offer the help. Right. To help, like, everybody grow, like, so, like, fair launches.

Commitment to Fair Launches

Like, is. Yeah, we won't basically want fair launches. Exactly. Yes. All right, perfect. Yeah, I really appreciated. Amazing. Like, the community that we've built, the stuff that we've seen here is absolutely amazing.

Building a Global Community

Like, I basically, this is my first coin that I've been in on the platform, and I've loved it so far. Learning about different cultures, different, learning about my chinese counterparts. We've generally built an entire community. I really just appreciate it all, Mister Justin.

Final Thanks and Appreciation

Thank you. All right, thank you for question. And thank you. Justin's answer. Yeah. For these last two parts. And also, can I give a brief translation for all the chinese audiences as well?

Conclusion Remarks

Jung yes. Ip sunshine jigger jiggle you who the t one Sung hi. Juan Hai, Shu Chi Shuh and Josephine Xiao Xu Bang Ju j mimi shamdez. All right, thank you, everyone.

Closing Discussions

So now just. Oh, yeah, sorry, one more thing. Have you seen the community based fair launch token, the Sun Wukong Og that has, like, amassed 10,000 holders and, like, over $40 million in volume? Justin, have you noticed us? I haven't checked yet.

Focus on Product Development

I only focus on productivo. How. Yeah, okay. Yeah, bro, I'm telling you, it's been amazing. Like, all my friends now have been watching the song Wukong show and whatnot, so, yeah, I'm happy.

Acknowledging Development Efforts

I appreciate you developing this. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you. I believe Justin already feel your passion and all your appreciation as well.

Final Goodbyes

Yes. Let's just, you know, let Justin go to rest because it's pretty late in his time zone, so. Justine, if you have any business or personal thing to do, feel free to leave. Okay?

Concluding Remarks

Yes. Thank you. Have a great night. Have a great night. yeah, I think basically that's it for today. All the contents and conversation and like I just mentioned before.

Closing Statements

Right. It's. It's almost midnight in our time zone, and one more or less chance. I saw Recto were. Keep raising your hands. Is there any.

Addressing Issues with Impersonation

Wait. Before you do that, I'm sorry. There's a scam, Sun Wukong, in the speakers. It's the 90% bundled one. Can you remove them like they're just impersonating us? I'm sorry.

Closing Summary

I just want. I just don't want y'all to front that. Thank you so much. you mean sun wuko. Yeah. There's two of them. Yeah. The black.

Final Notes on Impersonation

The black myth. Yeah. That one's a scam, like impersonator one. Sorry, I just. I don't know how they got up here.

Wrap Up of Discussion

Oh, really? I'm gonna let our staff to remove it. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Basically that's today's conversation. And if you have anything to say before we wrap up everything, just feel free to open your microphone.

Final Free Discussion

I'm gonna give like, five minutes free discussion. Is that okay? Anything. To the sun, baby. Yeah. I really appreciate all the audiences accompanying with us for more than, I think, almost 4 hours.

Appreciation for Participation

And also, really thank you to all the projects. Rectober, coconut yuri and also TRX trading for far and soon Wukong and Bio Qing and Polonix and OD co host and every guest. So thank you.

Closure of the Event

Thank you for everything tonight. See you next time. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot for having us.

Goodbyes and Final Remarks

Okay. To the sun. To the sun, everyone. To the sun. To the sun. Don't forget that, guys. To the goddamn sun. Okay. To the sun.

Final Closing

Okay. Thank you, everyone. Have a great day. All right, see you guys. Take care. Bye.

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