Welcome to the peaqosystem: AMA with NetSepio


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Welcome to the peaqosystem: AMA with NetSepio hosted by peaqnetwork. In the AMA session with NetSepio, the focus was on the peaqosystem, highlighting a scalable, green, decentralized layer-1 blockchain targeting DePIN and Machine RWA. Emphasizing sustainability and innovation, NetSepio's imminent launch in October promises groundbreaking solutions for global infrastructure. Through decentralization, collaborative efforts, and a commitment to eco-friendliness, NetSepio stands out as a significant player in the infrastructure niche within the blockchain industry.

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Q: What is the focus of the peaqosystem with NetSepio?
A: The focus is on providing a scalable, eco-friendly, decentralized layer-1 blockchain for DePIN and Machine RWA applications.

Q: When is the launch date for the platform?
A: The platform is set to launch in October, offering innovative solutions for infrastructure development.

Q: How does NetSepio prioritize sustainability in blockchain technology?
A: NetSepio prioritizes sustainability by emphasizing green technology and eco-friendly features.

Q: What are the key functionalities of DePIN and Machine RWA in the blockchain?
A: DePIN and Machine RWA are essential for the functionality and operations of the blockchain.

Q: Why is decentralization crucial for NetSepio's approach?
A: Decentralization enhances security, transparency, and trust within the platform and its applications.

Q: How does NetSepio collaborate within the peaqosystem for innovation?
A: Collaborations within the ecosystem drive innovation and the development of real-world applications.

Q: What sets NetSepio apart in the blockchain industry?
A: NetSepio's focus on scalability, eco-friendliness, and innovative solutions positions it as a significant player in the industry.


Time: 14:25:10
Revolutionizing Infrastructure with NetSepio Exploring the transformative potential of NetSepio's decentralized layer-1 blockchain for global infrastructure.

Time: 17:40:33
Sustainability and Green Technology Focus Discussing NetSepio's commitment to sustainability through the implementation of eco-friendly features.

Time: 21:15:47
Exciting Launch Plans for October Insights into the upcoming launch of the platform in October, offering innovative solutions.

Time: 25:03:59
Collaborative Innovation in the peaqosystem Highlighting the collaborative efforts within the ecosystem driving innovation and application development.

Time: 29:12:22
Decentralization for Enhanced Security Understanding the importance of decentralization for security and transparency in NetSepio's approach.

Key Takeaways

  • The peaqosystem focuses on a decentralized layer-1 blockchain for DePIN and Machine RWA.
  • NetSepio aims to revolutionize global infrastructure through scalability and eco-friendliness.
  • The platform's launch is scheduled for October, promising innovative solutions.
  • Emphasis is on green technology and decentralized applications for sustainable growth.
  • DePIN and Machine RWA play pivotal roles in the blockchain's functionality.
  • NetSepio's vision aligns with scalable and environmentally conscious blockchain development.
  • The AMA sheds light on revolutionary infrastructure concepts and blockchain advancement.
  • NetSepio prioritizes a decentralized approach for enhanced security and transparency.
  • Collaborations within the peaqosystem aim to drive innovation and real-world applications.
  • Scalability and eco-friendly features position NetSepio as a significant player in blockchain technology.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Minute Cryptic Puzzle

Welcome this morning. So do you guys know, while you're listening, do you know what minute cryptic is? It's kind of this thing in Australia that's taking off while we're waiting for our guests to arrive. Minute cryptic where it's a cryptic crossword. And so today's minicryptic puzzle, I'm going to read out to you people, see if you can get it. Okay, so today's clue, identical essay read aloud by yours truly. Does anyone know? Has anyone done it? In fact, what I'm going to do is I'm going to send you the site. I worked it out. It took me about five minutes. I'm going to put it in the chat, and you guys can go work it out and see what you think. So, boom. Minutecryptic.com. but yeah, so that is in the chat. You guys can go and play on it while we're waiting for our. Our guests to arrive. I'm sure clash will tell me when. When they've arrived, but, yeah, so I'll give you some clues if you're struggling with it. But. So the clue is identical essay read aloud by yours truly is four letters long. Okay.

Hints and Update on Guests

Identical essay read aloud by yours truly. You don't want to hit that show hint or find a letter yet you want to come back to me. So, yeah. While you're listening in clash, I see skylars requested. That's not the person who's coming on, is it? I don't think so anyway. And now. There we go. Boom. Invite to speak. I think I've given you invite to speak. What's that? Not. Well, there you go. Bang. Speaker. Cool. Perfect. Morning, engines of fury. How we doing? You are muted, if you're wondering. Everyone drop 100s in the comments right now. Hundreds. Hundreds. Hundreds. And hearts. Let's go. Purple hearts. What else is there? There's laughy faces. There's cheery faces. I don't know what's going on with engines of fury. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, but anyway. Yeah, right. Well, I'm going to give you a little hint on the clue, unless you've got it already.

Clue Details and Update on Bugs

Is anyone else the clue? When you're reading that clue is the word. Identical is the definition of the word. So there's your help. So just waiting on engines of fury. But while we're waiting on engines of fury, let me give you an update. Now, there's quite a few of us here, fragaboom, hitting us with the hundreds. Okay, so we had a list of almost 15 bugs. Based on last week's keys launch, we have now cleared seven of those 15 bugs. We reckon we can have all 15 bugs plus a few UI updates out by Tuesday ready for everybody. So you will see everything cleaned up, Google Drop in the 100s. But I can actually tell you which bugs a little bit later because I've just had a little report in which bugs have been cleared today. But most of the bugs were web. We also had an issue with thumbnails on videos. We had an issue where people's blaze was being taken while they were on key stuff. All of that should be sorted now. So this is great news and we've been working in coordination with our creators that came on last week and we're working with it in coordination with our creators coming on next week.

Creator Satisfaction and Engagement

We're not going to post anything else about keys until all the bugs are sorted. We're not going to promote a feature until the feature is perfect. But our creators are really happy we sat down with them last night, had a really good conversation with them. It was great. So very happy with that. Engines of fury, are you okay? You're not coming on as a speaker. Maybe I've got something wrong. Oh, I think I know what it is. Add a speaker. Boom. Designer, right, can you speak now, designer Dave? Hello and welcome, Dave, chief of design of vengeance inferior. I don't know what happened, but here I am. No worries, everyone quickly drop a 100 and hit three people. Now. We've got everyone here tag three people in right now because that is the way forward. That's what spikes the algorithm.

Introduction of Designer Dave and Game Overview

Tag three people in terms. Come in and listen to designer Dave talking about engines of fury. And I promise you we're going to give away 25,000 blaze to someone on story fire. And the way they're going to be able to do it, I'm going to let you know in a little bit. I'm not going to tell you right now, so you need to be listening, but we're going to give away 25,000 blaze to someone. Nice. 100s. Go tag people in right now. Three people, get them in. We did this last week and we started off with a small number like this and by the end of it we had 30, 40, 50 people in. So let's get that done. Everyone tag three people. Designer Dave, tell us about engines of fury and tell us about yourself.

Engines of Fury Functionality

Okay. Yeah. So engines of Fury is a top down extraction shooter with ARPG elements. People like to think of it as Diablo meets escape from Tarkov. I like to think of it as the game that I play way too much. And I hope all of you will be playing it way too much very soon. Right now, there's a testing phase that's coming up. We're going to be adding 500 people to play the game and test out some account stuff that we want to make sure is super solid when we go for the alpha launch, which is coming soon. Not saying a date just yet, but we've got a lot of events coming up, including Fury radio, which I host every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. uTC. And I encourage you to come join me there because the alpha signups is over 100,000 signups already.

Fury Radio Benefits

If you want to get past that queue, there's only one way now, and that is to join me on fury radio. And during the show, I'll periodically say, if you say this phrase, I'll add you to the wheel. And then I spin the wheel, and then someone gets to bypass the queue and we'll be put to the front of the. We're calling it the initiative, and they'll get to play on as soon as we launch the alpha. So that's fun stuff for everyone to do, especially. I love that action games. I love that. And I love the engagement of it. you know, like, oh, man, you made me want to listen to the radio show and bypass the queue. Because if I could sneak past 100,000 people, I'm gonna do it a hundred percent.

Discussion of Game Evolution

I'm the person in the queue who goes, don't cut in. But if I can cut in, I'm a 100% cutting in. So I'm loving it. You've engaged my sort of feral nature here. Okay, so I played Diablo. What was the other game? You said it was like escape from Tarkov, which is sort of the looting extraction elements of the game. Right, okay. I never played that, but I did play Diablo. Love Diablo. Who didn't love Diablo back in, like, who didn't love Diablo? Was that the original concept of the game, or is it kind of evolved through time into something like that?

Development Journey of Engines of Fury

Oh, it's definitely evolved quite a bit. The original incarnation of the game was more of a PvP battler, like a one versus one sort of situation. And with the introduction of Lorenis, who's the game director, we started testing out other stuff. And this sort of mix of genres is both exciting from the perspective of game development because no one else is doing this. But also it appeals to me personally because I did work on Diablo two a long time ago. So I'm kind of excited to get back into that space. And I've been writing item descriptions and pushing the narrative through quest logs and things like that. Yeah, so engines of fury, of course, has had, like we chatted last week, you've got some really cool development team.

Development Team Overview

You've got a very cool development team. Tell everyone about how that came about and who is in your development team. We've got some of the best and brightest in Lithuania, and it is a small team in Lithuania, but I want to emphasize that these people are like top of the class. We have Lornas, the game director. He was head of the lithuanian game development board at one point, and he's been in the game industry for ten years. Me personally, I've been in the game industry for 26 years, starting on Warcraft three, World of Warcraft, Oddworld, strangers, wrath, Wasteland three, a variety of other games. Most recently I was helping with Stormgate, though I wanted to be more full on with engines of Fury, so I had to leave.

Passion for Game Development

But I'm having a lot of fun. We have people from unity, people from Ubisoft, and if you watch Fury radio, I've done interviews with them one one, and you can learn a lot more about them, including their favorite weapons in the game and their strategies for taking down the boss. So cool to hear. And honestly, people don't understand how much talent when you go and look, as I've posted the website, go look how cool this looks. Just take the time. Read the white paper. Now you have a token called Fury. Tell people about that. Yeah, Fury token is there primarily to support the game.

Fury Token and Game Support

When the game launches, people will be able to use it to purchase skins and update their hideout. In season two, there's going to be a player run economy, which is to say that you can purchase a guild hall, and from the guild hall you can rent out your nfts. You can also create missions for other players to do. So. If you don't want to go collect, you know, 1000 pieces of rubber to build something, then you can put out a mission and say, hey, I'll pay you 0.5 fury to go collect five rubber for me, or something along those lines, whatever the market will bear, I suppose we won't be in control of that. That's the whole point.

Market Dynamics in Game Economy

I get that. I say things like that about Blaze token all the time and I go, I'm just picking arbitrary numbers. I could say five, I could say 5 million. It makes no difference. It's exactly that. What does the market bear? And then you start thinking to yourself, what number sounds sexy? I don't know if you heard that. When you say it, you go, what's the sexy sounding number? If I say 5000, does it sound like I'm saying too many? Or does it sound sexy? And you start playing a game in your head, what makes my token sound even better? 50 million token. And it's all arbitrary number based on what the market can bear.

Game Pricing and Accessibility

Yeah, exactly. And we're not going to be controlling that. The only thing we'll be controlling is that anything we sell, we're going to market adjust to make sure that we don't price anyone out of the game. And that's very important to us. And that's why the game will be free to play at launch. There's nothing you need to buy. You don't need to own the token in order to play or do anything, but it does support the team. So that's why I've encouraged everyone to.

Closing Remarks on Community Support

Well, I'm not going to give any financial advice, but if you do purchase Fury, it helps support the team.

Market Comparison

And I think it's similar to how stocks work. But I suppose I'm not supposed to say that. You are definitely not supposed to say that. Definitely don't say that. Reel it in. Trust me, say it differently.

Current Token Price

I'm looking at the token price now. It looks like it's about $0.13, nearly $0.14. Is that about right? Am I on the right and I'm looking at it on Kucoin, is that correct? Yeah, I think it fluctuates around there. Right now, it's not been a great market. We'd like to see it around 0.20 or higher, obviously, but that's not really within our control.

Future Market Predictions

And I think that we will definitely see improvements when we get closer to the Alpha launch. So we've got a lot of exciting announcements that are coming up in the future that I think people will be very eager to hear, of course. Yeah. It's funny how we all have targets for our own tokens and the reality is it's never within anybody's control.

Token Purchasing Dynamics

It is literally how many people are purchasing. So we have thoughts on our own token and one of the things that's very cool now is we've got advertising on platform which encourages purchase of token, but we also have like a dollar purchase of adverts for major advertisers and then those dollars go into purchasing the token as well.

Tokenomics and Game Mechanics

Well. It'S out of pure laziness on my part because I did all the tokenomics based on a 0.20 price, so all of my calculations are based on that. But I should point out that our token at launch, when the game is running, will be deflationary in that every purchase that goes through the game percentage will be burned. So over time, we're hoping to maintain that value for our long time users and anyone who's purchased the token.

Token Launch Timing

Very, very cool. Very, very cool. So you've been running the token for how long? When did you launch the token? Oh, was it like, it's been six months? I think it's been six months. So, like us, you've been in this horrible sideways market where no one knew what was going to happen six months ago.

Market Complications

And so when we launched our token, were like, okay, this could be the start of the bull run. Bitcoin's been pumping, it's just pulled back. But went up to $75,000 and it's just done nothing but a sideways market for six straight months.

Market Volatility Issues

And you're thinking, what? It's not fair, is it? You cannot time these things. You can't time a perfect bottom and you can't time a perfect top. It just. It just doesn't work that way. You shouldn't do that. You shouldn't even try.

Investment Strategies

DCA is the only way to keep your sanity. Yeah, 100%. And if you DCA over enough time, hey, eventually you have to win. You have to win. It's just. It's just simple maths.

User Questions and Updates

So the next stage. So you've got all these people signed up. You can't give exact dates, but can you give us any kind of thoughts about when people will be able to get into this? I think you said, like, it was a beta version of it, is that correct?

Alpha Testing Phase

No, we're having a pretest for the alpha. We just did one with 100 people, and now we're going to expand that to 500 very soon. I think I gave a date, but now I've forgotten what it is. They really need to give me a cheat sheet for these things. Yeah, I do the same.

Memory Challenges

I go into Ama's and I'm like, I've got to make numbers up now in my head. I've got to quickly think it through because there's like a thousand stats and you don't know what's going on, by the way, people, I don't really make up numbers, but you just, like, you're scrabbling in your mind for dates and times because you hear a thousand dates and times a day.

Gameplay Integration

Of course, one of the things we discussed is engines of fury. Having it within the oasis so the launcher can jump straight into engines of fury, we think would be such a cool idea. And having the fury token within our wallet so you can swap blaze tokens to fury tokens.

Web Three Gaming Environment

There is so much here because we want to have such an integrated environment for web three games, so that if I'm playing engines of fury and then I want to go and jump into my social side and post up the videos of the game I've just played and let everyone see it, we feel that's such a major component, and we want everyone to be able to do it.

Graphics and Design

And engines of fury, in terms of design and graphics, is such a high end piece. It doesn't look like you've spared any expense in terms of how it looks graphically and how it, just looking at the videos on the website, how much time have you spent on this?

Development Duration

It's been in development roughly, I want to say two years. Yeah. And we have one of the best level designers, I think, in the industry. And now his name is eluding me. I think his name is also. You need a cheat sheet.

Doxxed Team Information

Get your cheat sheet. You need a team cheat sheet. A price team cheat sheet. You know what? I have one. If you go to our website, EOf GG about us and scroll down, you can see everyone there.

Transparency Details

All of us are doxxed. All of our linkedins are there. Like, this is a 100% doxxed team. I think we're in, like, the top 10% of the what is the critique thing that determines how high quality a project is?

Project Quality Assurance

Yes. Yeah, that's the one. Yes. Yeah. So we are absolutely 100% above board on everything. We're, we're totally out there. And you can check out my LinkedIn and see all the games that I've worked on, which, you know, you should.

Game Design Leadership

So I see you here, chief of game design, David Christopher Fried. And then you say you've got Adamus and Adelainka. You're all doxxed, aren't you? Yep. 100% doxed.

Team Contributions

Love it. And the lead artist is Laurenous Jatuzas. That's right. There is an episode of Fury radio where I interview with him, and that's a good episode to watch because I think we both die.

Game Development Overview

Great. So you've been at this game for, like, two years, and when you started, did you set it out as a web three project, or did that happen as well? Did that, was that part of the evolution of the progress of the game?

Web Three Integration

Well, the game started as a web three project. All the way up. Yeah. Did you. Sorry I interrupted. Carry on. No worries.

Benefits of Web Three

There's a lot of benefits to being in web three. One of the reasons that I wanted to work with the engines of Fury team and create this web three project is because we can innovate in the genre.

Industry Challenges

When you've worked in the AAA space as long as I have, a lot of the problems with getting a game made is like, well, who made this game before? What can you point to that's already a success in this genre?

Funding and Genre Risks

And if you're mixing genres, that's always considered a high risk sort of situation. And they generally won't get a team going. They won't give you the funding for a team.

Funding Challenges

You can't get the. You'd have to seek out your own vc, which is its own bag of tricks. Whereas because of web three, because of the token and various other things, we're able to innovate and create new stuff.

Crossover Opportunities

And this mixing of genres that no one else is doing, I think the potential for it is very high. I play the game regularly and enjoy it and I think that's an important thing.

Player Engagement

If I'm enjoying the game, then I know that most people are probably going to enjoy the game as well. Yeah, there's that game, isn't it, where you think car developers, they all used to make their cars in one.

Car Development Analogy

Like the model was the Ford Focus in the UK, Ford Focus, the BMW three series, the Mercedes E Class, and then there was the sports car and the sort of like Range Rover. But now they found hybrids between every version of every car.

Hybrid Development Trends

And it seems like they're trying to find a hybrid between every single version of every hybrid car. And at first people had no hunger for it. Now there is like a, like, oh, this is a new show and it's kind of gone crazy where you can go with it.

Gaming as an Evolution

I know that's not gaming, but the reality is I think people are discovering, hey, actually there's a lot of cross pollination here in the gaming world that can be explored and so maybe you're hitting that at the exact right moment.

Expanding Gaming Types

This is not just a first person shooter. This is not just, I'm trying to think of another game type of. It's not just a car racer.

Game Types and Crossovers

You know, when your brain's going and it's going, name another. Name another genre. Sam, come on. Yes. FPS fighter game.

Innovative Game Concepts

Yeah, the main thing is that. But the funny thing is, but what I was going to say is I was chatting to someone recently, I'm not going to name the game, but were talking to a game developer who's making a sort of like, first person soccer shooter game.

Unique Game Ideas

So you're playing soccer as a first person shooter? And I was like, what the hell? And then I was like, this is actually really clever. Really, really clever.

Funding Considerations

And so, like. And then I was thinking, who's funding this crossover? No one's ever gone, I need to play soccer. I need to play FIFA.

Unexpected Combinations

But at the same time, I want to be able to shoot someone. And that's the crossover we never knew we wanted. But it's very clever, I think. And the game looks very good.

Project Success and Reception

Very, very good. But anyway. Yes, I feel like you might be hitting a perfect moment. Sorry, I've interrupted you again. Go for it.

Mixed Gameplay Concept

They're shooting people with a gun while playing soccer. I'm not. Yeah, well, I can't go too much into it, but it's so like, it was so engaging to watch.

Engagement Highlights

And I was like, this is amazing. Why did no one ever think of this? Who would think of it? But, you know, who knows? Who knows what people come up with?

Future Innovations

And maybe it'll be a success, maybe it won't. But people are trying to find these out of the box moments and I love it. I really do.

Exchange Engagement

Also notice you're not just on Kucoin, you're on gate IO HTX Mexc bitget pancakeswap. And you're on the BNB chain and on the polygon chain.

Exchange Strategy

How did that happen? Was that advice? Because we're also basically very similar across. Across all of those, both on the BNB chain polygon.

Strategic Choices

We're not on Kucoin, but the rest of them we are on. How did you come to those choices? That would definitely be a question for Solius, who is the CEO.

CEO Contributions

He's the one who works out all these deals and he's really good at that stuff. Yeah, we have backing from Animoca as well.

Partnership Influence

And I think maybe some of those suggestions came from them. Yeah, it does sound very animoca. Very, very animoca.

Community Engagement

Anyway, guys, little chance here to get 25,000 blaze. There is an engines of fury story fire account, I believe. Is that correct?

Engagement Confirmation

That is correct. I have a personal one as well. Nice, because I wasn't sure. So while you're going to search for that anybody, go search for it.

Key Holder Rewards

If you have or own a key in engines of Fury on story fire, a key member, a key holder, will earn 25,000. I actually haven't even done it yet.

Personal Engagement

I've given you all a chance and now I'm going to go do it myself. So I'm literally going on there now. Now, while you're on there, guys, I'm just going to give you an update.

Postponement Notice

So those of you who weren't here earlier, we are postponing just this week as it was intended to be for next week's next week.

Introduction and Key Release Update

And we are just doing some bug squashing because we released our new product of keys last week and some things came up. Oh. Oh man. I've got a key, guys. I've got an engines of Fury key. So get in there quick. We will wait until tomorrow. But if you go and get a key in engines of Fury, then you're in a chance. And remember, Keystart at they escalate in value. But what's very cool about the engines of fury key holders is you get access to their key chat and they may drop some secret information in there that you might not get anywhere else, but you would. That would be only for key holders because that's the point of keys chat. So thank you very much for doing that. And designer down. What's your name on story fire designer division.

Technical Issues and Account Posting

Dad. Did I say Dan? Sorry. And also what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna post up in the chat your engines of fury account. Paste bang anyone who wants to go find that. Okay. Post was not sent 1 second. What is going on? It won't let me post your. That's very strange. Maybe I'm not. No, no. It's not about that. It just won't allow me to post your. That is so weird. X is not allowing me to post anything. Oh, they've been blocking. They've been blocking other platforms for a long time. That is so naughty. They literally will not allow me to. Nope. Oh, there we go. Now it's letting me. It just would not allow me to post. That's so annoying. Maybe it had to scan it first.

Game Development and Creator Engagement

Yeah, it's. It was. I don't know what's going on there. So what was it? Designer day Dave. Designer Dave. Yeah. One word and I'm going to post that up as well. And I'm going to follow you and purchase your key. Why not? Because I like purchasing keys and I'm posting that up, guys. So you can go check that out. But we will resume posting promoting keys in about a week's time when we've just squashed these bugs. The keys works absolutely fine. I. It just caused a few little system issues and we are going to be sorting that out ready for next week when we have a load of new creators coming on. And what we want to do, of course, is push our creators towards the games that we're partnered up with.

Gameplay Features and Community Engagement

So we're going to be encouraging our gamers and working with them in tandem with engines of fury. So you're going to see some of our gamers playing engines of fury. So we recommend that you pay attention to this partnership because we are connected up with so many gamers. It is so cool for the entire ecosystem. So if you're going to encourage people, Dave, you want to get people engaged, what should they be looking out for? What's the most important things? Opportunities to get into the alpha and bypass the queue I think would be the most important thing. We do also give away fury periodically. Sometimes we do. We just did a trivia night based on our white paper.

Game Lore and User Experience

So if you look through the white paper, there's a lot of story elements in there that are part of the deep lore of the game that might be interesting to you. And most of those are like, for season five, plus there's some big reveals in there. So I don't know if you don't like spoilers, maybe avoid the story elements in the white paper. Okay, I won't touch it because I want to know. I would rather play it with an unblown mind. And then, and then, of course. So the game is like, the beauty of web three is the kind of like the reward side. You just said you're dropping people some fury, but does the game have a natural reward side of it? Or is that, is it fueled, as you said earlier, by people perhaps saying, hey, look, I'll give you half a fury or 20 fury or whatever.

Ecosystem Funding and Player Involvement

The sexy number is to go grab some rubber for me. Is that how the ecosystem is primarily funded or is there a rewards based system in there as well from you guys? For the initial launch, I think that we will have some systems of rewards that will be funded by us, but after that it's primarily going to be a player run economy. But any spending into the game, a percentage gets burned, a percentage gets pushed to a tournament pool, and then that rewards people who participate in the tournaments and get on the leaderboards and the rest of it obviously goes to fund the further development of the game. So love it. Love it. And the reality is every company needs funding and every company wants to be self funding and self like.

Plans for Game Development and Engagement

No one wants to be going around looking for handouts. We want it to be like our oasis at the start. We're going to have to be doing some. Some give outs, but of course some giveaways, of course within it. But once our oasis goes live as well, we want it to be self funding, we want players to be participating in it, purchasing things like skins and items. And all of that will go to continue developing, continue increasing our development team, designing new games that will go into it. Everything will perpetuate itself. But it's why we want to team up with great games like this because of course that also then supports our ecosystem as well.

Media and Community Interaction Overview

So remind people when your radio show. Is every Friday at twelve or, sorry, every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. uTC. Fury radio is on Twitch, Twitter and YouTube. It's just a live stream and you can come in, ask questions or participate. Once the alpha test is going strong, I think we'll probably be doing things like showcasing players. This last show I just showcased anyone who was talking about Fury that I could find on YouTube and responding to various comments and also showcasing community members who had been playing in the first pretest, which I thought was pretty amusing.

Market Thoughts and Token Staking

Nice. Just a note, guys. Earlier on they were. So you were saying that you were aiming for a $0.20 token at the moment it's quite so. Then it's at 13, six at the moment. So there's this sort of aim to push up. But I've noticed as well you've got staking. So it's actually a nice low, a really nice low price. The market is having a little bit of a recovery this week. Maybe a great time to purchase. Not telling you what to do, no financial advice in there whatsoever. But you've got staking in here and you can stake for a 27.11% compounding and then you've got one for 19 and twelve and 8.3%. So tell people about the compounding.

Gameplay and Quality Assurance

Yeah, it's just a return if you stake, and I don't know that much about it, to be very honest, but it seems insane to me to not take advantage of that right now. Yeah, 100%. And most importantly, it's like you can't predict the market, but I can definitely show you the game and show you the quality that we've achieved and I can show you people having fun playing the game. And I think that's the most important aspect of all this because that's exactly what the token is for us to support this game. Yeah, so you've got this one here that so like so the 30 day compound is.

Investment Opportunities in the Game

Is completely filled, but you have a 90 day compound, and if someone compound stakes into that, they get 12.75%, 90 days. Twelve point 512.75%. To me, that seems like a no brainer. It really does. If you can stomach six months, 20% isn't almost just under. If you can stomach a whole year of staking, you're going to get 27.11%. That seems like just no brainer. It really does. Because this is a game that's early stages. How many users are you looking to bring onto this game in the first year?

User Growth Projections

Out of curiosity, I kept my early expectations fairly low. I was hoping for 10,000 monthly active users, but after looking at the sign ups and stuff, I might have to look at the tokenomics and adjust for that, because it seems like there could be a lot more. But I don't want to speculate too much because I don't know how many of those are real, or maybe they're potential bots and things like that mixed in there. So it's just sort of my best guess. My optimistic side says, aim for 10,000 monthly active users, but it could be 100,000 monthly active users with like, 10,000 daily active users, which would be insane.

Conclusion on User Engagement

Yeah, it would be insane. And that 27% would suddenly look very good for those who have staked for a year. But thank you also for being honest there. You know, you've got to look into the numbers and you don't know how many of them are real or not. Yesterday I had a conversation with a group of people and they said, it looks like you've got bots in your. On your ex. And I was like, yeah, of course we do. Everyone does. Yeah. And it's not. And it's not because we're choosing it.

Scams in the Housing Market

There's people getting scammed out their houses. And it happens all the time, all day, every day. It is an entire business all of its own. There is teams and teams of people out there happy to scam you out of whatever they can. And it is horrible.

World of Warcraft Scams

World of Warcraft was rife with scammers and scam artists. They would offer to sell you gold and then they would just take your money and run because there's no recourse for you at that point because what you're doing is against the terms of service. Yeah, horrible. Horrible. But, man. Well, so we're completely on board, but in that thought. But maybe you're a bit more diligent with it than I am.

Engines of Fury Promotion

Guys, right now, who has signed up to engines of fury? And if you haven't, why not get on with it? Because I promise you, if you get onto it. Look, I'm the only. I know that's designer Dave. I've got. I gotta go find engines of fury. Here we go. Engines of fury. Okay, guys, I'm not giving away 25,000 blades to nobody. You've got to go sign up. And I know Poogle's going to. There's no way he won't. And have you bought a key? Because if you haven't bought a key, you can't get it.

Details About the Giveaway

But we will give you 25,000 blades also. By the way, we know this gets ended up listening to by hundreds. Yesterday we had, I think it was 30 people on total. And by last night, there was a thousand listeners had listened to our thing. So if you're listening in late, don't think you have missed out, because we do this in the middle of the day and then you've got all weekend to listen to it. Don't miss out. Go and do it because I will not award that 25,000 blaze until Sunday evening. So go sign up to engines of fury. On story.

Final Comments and Discord Invitation

Fire the links in the description and we will give away 25,000 blaze to one of you. Okay, final comments. Designer Dave anything as a last sort of prompt to the listeners. Yeah. Join us on our discord. Join us for Fury radio. If the game sounds interesting or you want to see videos of it, our YouTube is a good place to go. You can watch old episodes of Fury radio. That where I go out and die repeatedly. First season of it also has some story elements where I play several characters who will feature in the lore at some point in the future in little tidbits here and there.

Game Lore Insights

And yeah, top down extraction shooter with ARPG elements. Nice. Actually, there's a few questions in here. Do you mind if I ask you? Yeah, go for it. So one guy says, as you know, engines of furious play to earn. However, a lot of p two e games attract users on the promise of making money, but lack of gameplay and storytelling. What kind of gaming experience will eof game give us? Do you have a team? Okay. Yeah. So I write that last because we've covered it. Go for it. Well, we are not a play to earn game.

Game Accessibility and Storyline Development

We're actually a free to play game, so you don't need to purchase anything to play. And the story is something that I'm working on personally. I've developed the narrative. I have all of the first and second and third season sort of outlines, and we're working on the first season right now. There's a lot of really cool story and backlore. If you're really into the nerdy lore stuff, I would go read the white paper and sort of like skip ahead of everyone else because there's this vast universe that we're only hinting at right now.

Post-Apocalyptic Story Background

It all takes place in a post apocalyptic earth where a mutagenic virus was unleashed from a meteor strike. And the revelations about where the meteor strike came from and what the mutagenic virus is and what are medusal cells, which are the things that enhance your abilities in the game. Like, all these things have important story components that I hope will be little mind benders and moral dilemmas later down the line. And along the way, there'll be all these character stories. Raggy Mae, who is a half chinese, half white Georgia girl who became a survivor because her dad was a triad, pretty pre cataclysm, and she learned all these survival things from him, how to kill people for their meat and stuff.

Character Development in the Game

And, you know, there's Hank Harrison on Fury radio as a character who will play out at some point in the story. And there's just all this stuff that I could go on for hours, honestly, but I probably shouldn't. I love it. It shows a load of real thoughts gone into it. I've got one other question in here. One of the major disadvantages after playing for hours is you're left with in game rewards with no real monetary value. So does engines of Fury's token Fury sort of deal with this?

NFT and In-Game Economics

Yeah. So the way that we've dealt with that is that it's up to you what you want to convert to an NFT and put on the marketplace. We're not in. We will be. We will have one initial weapon that's like an NFT. This is just for the alpha, and it's way overpowered, and I'm kind of worried about it, to be honest with you. But in the long term, players will decide what they convert to an NFT and what converting something to an NFT does. It does involve fury cost a minor one, but when it's an NFT, it can't be taken off your character anymore.

Gameplay Mechanics and Strategy

So if you die, you'll never lose it. And that's one of the benefits of converting something to an NFT in our game. Whereas at any time, if you die on a raid or in a mission, this is a PvP ve game. So other players may appear on your map and they may hunt you down. And if they kill you, they can take all your stuff. And you need to be very careful where you go and know where your extraction points are and be ready to escape at any time. Cool.

Engagement and Game Experience

I love it. I love the way you explain it because you actually explain it with like. Like, it's like you. You said earlier, you played the game. You play the game. So there's pretty much every day. Yeah. And so you can talk. Anything you don't do every single day, you can't talk about with any kind of, like, you. You can't engage in the conversation because you're not doing it. This is how dumb it is.

Personal Insights and Conversations

Guys, don't judge me, but you can judge me a little bit. I've been taking a sort of warm up ballet class three times a week now. You can judge me all you want. I've been doing it for eight weeks, and I love it. And the reason being is not because of that. I'm not really learning ballet, although I kind of want to now. It's just because. Have you ever tried doing bar class? I promise you won't be able to walk out of the class is the most painful thing I've ever done.

Personal Transformation Through Ballet

I did it by accident, not knowing what the class was. So I was like, what's this class? At my club, I'm gonna sign up for it. Walked in, went to walk out, and went, I can't move. I can't move. I can't. And it's the most pain. And eight weeks later, I still struggle to move. When I come out of that class, it's that painful. And there's a bunch of, like, 50 year old women that are like, that just kill it. They just walk out, like, happy as Larry.

Unexpected Conversations about Ballet

They've been doing it their whole lives, and they just enjoy it. My point is, I've now started talking about ballet, and I never thought I would. I didn't even know it was a conversation I had in my head. Now started talking about it. I think it's great. And so when you start doing something a lot, the conversation comes natural. If you'd have asked me about it eight weeks ago, I'd have known nothing. And I still know nothing really, by, in the grand scheme of things.

Growth Through Experience

But the more you do something, the more you can talk about it. And the more you can talk about something with interest. And when we've been talking, you. You just went off on, like, three, four minutes of conversation about something about your game, and you can't do that unless you're engaged and built in it. And you talked about a tiny aspect of the game. And I just love that. I think it tells a lot about the project and how far along it is behind closed doors.

Excitement for Future Developments

Honestly, I'm just really excited to have people experience it and sort of go through the story with me, and I've written the story out so far ahead of where we're at that it's, like, a little bit frustrating that, like, I know that everyone's going to be experiencing season one, and I'll be writing season three, and they won't get to see it for probably months. Yeah, 100%. I know. I won't go into detail, but there's something I feel about that with regards to one of the products, really, we are releasing that we've built, and I'm just desperate to talk about it, but I've got to hold it all together and not say a word.

Conclusion and Upcoming Sessions

Yeah, yeah. Right, guys, we're gonna sum it up there. I'm just gonna do a fill in. But before we do, if you remember, I was trying to get people before you were on, I was trying to get people to work out the clue. On today's minute cryptic crossword. I posted the link in there. I'm gonna tell you the answer, guys, so that you can go and just cheat and put the answer in. The question was identical. Essay read aloud by yours truly.

Cryptic Clue Explanation

Well, essay is the letters essay. And if, because if you read it aloud, s a and yours truly. Another way to say yours truly is me. S a m e means same. And the first word in that clue was identical. There you go. Same means identical. Boom, got the clue. I just want to prove how smart I was. It's not really a difficult cryptic crossword today, to be fair.

Upcoming Mega AMA Announcement

Okay, so last things. So story fire related just to keep you up to date. Anybody who still left and listening to my boring voice, next week on Thursday, we are planning to go back to our mega ama. And every Thursday, mega amae, we have, as I said, that list of bugs. We have already smashed out most of them. We have so many creators in the background literally lining up and they all said, sam.

Future Collaborations and Exciting Developments

So we've had meetings a week, Sam, get those little bugs sorted and then we can go again next Thursday. And we've all agreed. And one of the creators in it is so exciting, it's silly and I mean so exciting. And then we've got a bunch of really cool creators very much in like the health and fitness industry. They can't wait to drop in. We've got creative, we've just got so many creators, it's silly and we can't wait to tell you all about them.

Community Engagement and Growth

But I have to hold my tongue. But we will be able to do this. At this point with the amount of creators we've got coming onto story fire, we'll be doing this all the way till Christmas, every Thursday, dropping stacks and stacks of people onto the platform. And if you don't know what that means, it means more advertising revenue, more blaze purchasing and more blaze burning. So this is amazing.

Encouragement to Join and Participate

Across the board for story fire, as news goes. So don't miss out. Go and buy a engines of fury key. Remember, the link is in this chat so you can go find it. Go buy a key. And on Sunday, somewhere along the line, we'll drop 25,000 blaze to one of the key holders. By the way, designer Dave, if you go on to engines of fury and you create your first chat, it needs to be like a large chat group chat is what I mean.

Accessibility and Community Features

Then that's your first key chat that opens and it will turn purple. And it means everyone who's a key holder can then have access to it and you can have it set as a broadcast channel or a forum so people can chat in it or they just get to hear announcements from you. It's up to you. But, yeah, so if you could do that, then everyone can have access to your keys chat, and you can drop some little bits of information in there as and when you want.

Final Goodbye and Thanks

But guys, go follow and thank you very much and we'll see you on the next AMA.

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