Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space featured a vibrant dialogue revolving around innovation, particularly in the context of collaborative projects in the metaverse. Speakers reflected on the significance of fostering adaptability and maintaining transparent communication with stakeholders. Emphasis was placed on optimizing project workflows through continuous feedback and structured methodologies. Real-life scenarios were shared to illustrate successful project management and the critical role of feedback in achieving project milestones. Discussions also delved into strategic decision-making using data analytics, with insights into leveraging AI and emerging technologies for advanced problem-solving. Efficient resource management was underscored as vital for project success, alongside considerations for future trends and integrating new technologies in the metaverse.


Q: How do you drive innovation in collaborative projects?
A: By fostering adaptability and open communication within teams.

Q: What matters most when engaging with stakeholders?
A: Understanding their needs and maintaining transparent communication.

Q: How to optimize project workflows?
A: Utilize continuous feedback loops and structured methodologies.

Q: Can you share an example of successful project management?
A: Real-life scenarios highlighted advantages of structured approaches.

Q: How important is feedback in project development?
A: Critical for achieving milestones and improving processes.

Q: What strategies work in navigating market dynamics?
A: Informed decision-making using market data insights.

Q: How is data analytics leveraged in projects?
A: For strategic planning and actionable insights.

Q: What is the impact of AI on project innovation?
A: AI enables advanced problem-solving and efficiency.

Q: Why is resource management crucial?
A: Ensures optimal use of available assets and team effort.

Q: What future trends should we watch in the metaverse?
A: Emerging technologies and their integration.


Time: 00:00:43
Collaborative Innovation: Discussing how stormy weather symbolized project challenges.

Time: 00:00:50
Stakeholder Engagement: Importance of remembering key aspects.

Time: 00:00:53
Workflow Optimization: The necessity to minimize pain points in processes.

Time: 00:00:57
Structured Methodologies: Seeing the pinnacle of project success.

Time: 00:01:49
Family Dynamics: Addressed internal team and project family structures.

Time: 00:02:13
Beginning of Monologue: Introduction and expectations for the discussion.

Time: 00:02:24
Audience Interaction: Anticipating more engagement as the space progresses.

Time: 00:02:27
Topic Clarity: Stating straightforwardly the intent and focus.

Time: 00:02:30
Realistic Expectation: Balancing expectations based on past successes.

Time: 00:02:33
Strategic Predictions: Forecasting potentialities and project aspirations.

Key Takeaways

  • The conversation began with reflections on collaborative innovation and adaptability in projects.
  • Various participants shared their thoughts on engaging with the community and stakeholders.
  • Technical insights were provided on optimizing project workflows.
  • Real-life examples illustrated the advantages of utilizing structured methodologies.
  • The role of feedback and iteration in achieving project milestones was underscored.
  • Insights on navigating market dynamics were shared.
  • A focus on leveraging data analytics for strategic decision-making was evident.
  • The potential of AI and emerging technologies was explored.
  • The importance of managing resources efficiently was highlighted.
  • Future directions and aspirations in the metaverse were pondered.

Behind the Mic

So Rooster is coming out to New York today, and then we're gonna plant. We're gonna go to LA eventually and just have, like, a face to face. I mean, I was on FaceTime with wideneck, like, a week ago, and, I mean, their main. They're just scared. They're scared because a lot of people have taken advantage of them because they're like, human memes, just, like, exploit them and shit. But, yeah, so we're gonna set up, like, a face to face and because there's no reason those guys should be not millionaires based on being a meme. And now, like, this meme coin market is here, you know, but. But, yeah, I just wanted to put that out there. We are a meme coin of. Of the neck token, and it was launched by daddy long neck, but it is being ran by a community of djens. If, Yeah, just want to put that out there. Right? Yeah, absolutely. And I appreciate you speaking on that, but, you know, it's kind of bullish. You know, it's bullish that he wants to get behind it, but he has no idea what's going on. And it definitely can be scary without anybody to lead him and whatnot. She's got a question. Hey, guys. Yeah, Just a quick question. Just tuning in. I'm new to bear market bears and just seeing if there's any good alpha I may have missed Superthing, because I know there's been a lot of rumblings in the space that's been doing good lately. So I didn't know if there's anything. When unrevealed art or I would think he's talking about people just getting their shit handed to him because of the art we're dropping. Yeah, I mean, there was an open, although this was an open platform, but I heard race of aces alluded to some future art in their, like, so maybe there's some more juice wills coming something. We had just announced some collabs with some other projects, so you're definitely going to be seeing some new projects starting their second collections right now, including Bear Market Bears and then the rugged project. It looked pretty good. And I think we're about to get some eyeballs on that in there as well. Cool. Super bullish Then looks like a still a really good time to get in. Sure, for sure. I mean, you're early to bear market bears, so if you've got any additional questions, feel free to get up here, request and we can keep track. Thanks, guys. Cool project. Thanks for your time. Thanks for coming in. Appreciate it. Appreciate it later. Any any quick thoughts on what was just said, Yeah, I mean, look, it's still early days here. I got in just a week ago myself, but the momentum is starting to build and it's just going to continue to grow as, as people, you know, tell the story, right? Like, you know, getting people involved, new eyes, new, new community members. That's, that's also really bullish, too. So really excited about these guys and see where they can take it. Keep those questions coming. It's easy to miss some of them. You know what I mean? Between Discord and Twitter, sometimes you get you get blown up and be getting questions you don't notice or you forget that you were asked. So right. Especially when there's a lot of stuff happening in such. A short time. Exactly, exactly, man. Absolutely. It's the spaces have been great, too. The turnout's awesome. Hopefully, hopefully it continues to build day by day, right? Hoping for like a snowball effect. Yeah, exactly. Especially with, like, colabs and that sort of thing. Right. Yeah. Get connected to everybody else. And there are tons of collabs happening, too. Projects and Oh, my God. I mean, we had one of the busiest collab weeks last week and this week. It's just it takes a lot to line it all up. And especially with eagdot, custom our team right now, fulfilling orders and staking, trying to get all these staking rewards unlocked for everyone and the distributions happening. It's just so crazy trying to get it all done at once. It is for sure. No, I feel for sure there feel for all you guys. It's great. I mean, look, you know, at the end of the day, whenever you get involved in something that you love and seeing the rewards from that is is really satisfying. But there's a lot of grunt work that goes goes into anything that's worth having. Hashtag reward. The dream should be the hashtag. Absolutely. I agree. I mean, success only follows those who are hungry and hustle for it. It inspired me just listening to what the other project creators have done here, too. Just all working together. Community makes all the difference. You get super into these things. You become a bootstrapped company. Yeah, some of these projects are brain juices flowing on. Yeah, I mean, to play devil's advocate, I mean, like, they'd be thankful I'm not, you know, in what you're talking about, because it would already be here to take everybody's hustle. I'd be gone. I don't know. I'm sure those guys are doing their best. Oh, no, no. I appreciate that. I wasn't, you know, I'm sorry. I was just speaking, hypothetically saying, you know, not doing anything. But, you know, but that's not going to happen because we've got a pretty good team here. We've got some good people running. Running the project, and I think everyone's kind of executing stuff according to plan, so it's it's looking pretty good. Everyone's heart is in the right place, right? Exactly. As long as you're looking with the heart and then looking, everything else will follow, more or less. Right. You can just be happy that you're along for the ride, too. You get to, you get to ride it without much of the work, right? That's okay, too, because we appreciate it. Appreciate you being involved. Thank you. Still sticking strong to the BMBs here. Don't worry. So how do you express your gratitude for the communities? I mean, you know, like, how do you how do you reward help those, you know, just choose choosing the project over something else? Uh, a good question. A lot of it's incentives, buddy, you know what I mean? Like people get involved in projects when rewards are involved, you know, staking and earning those rewards month after month after month. You know, there's many, many ways that we can incentivize and give people rewards. You know, that's one of the things that we're really, really putting a lot of emphasis on is how do I build that reward structure and what we're going to do long term. Because like a lot of community members, you know, they're in it. They're in it for the long haul. And that's something that we, we need to really pay attention to and, and reward that you heard anything, recap will do the trick, right? Yeah. I'm sure you hear some horror stories, some of the colossal just messes some people. Come up with to try to meet up. Oh, my God. I heard I heard that not too long ago about like a bunch of people just just had one obstacle after another, just get hit in the face with stupid US random. I think it was just wow. So? So, call me back for a bear market. Got you open, I'm ready to ready to take over. Absolutely. We'll hook up after this. All right, cool, sounds good. Sounds good. Sure. Yeah, I just got to jet out of here soon. So I just want to say, take care, guys. Appreciate everyone's input and looking forward to next week. Absolutely. Thanks, guys. Thank you. It's been fun So I got a quick question. What is your biggest, you know, goal that you have for the neck project? Man, I gotta hear it. Chris? Whoo! That's a spicy meatball. Crunchy sauce. Yeah, look, I think everybody's gonna have, you know, different takes. But for me, that's the biggest thing this year. Right? I think the art deployment is going well now and then so many things lined up that that's where it's at Yeah, I pretty much would agree with you right there. It's, it's about it's about sustained growth. You know, things aren't just going to happen. Overnight. It's a long term goal, right? Airport, exactly. Look, let's get back to, to bear market real quick. You know, even during these downtime internships or, you know, I mean, they build project, build frameworks and they really follow through. I can't wait to see how this stuff rolls out. All right, guys. We'll talk soon, right? All right. Yeah. Thanks, dude. Appreciate it. Have a good night, guys. Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you. Hi guys. I just have some quick news to share with you guys that the bear market beards team has to offload some tax capital. So we'll be moving some capital back to the, the top five, you know, bear market bear holders and sorry, top ten holders. And then, of course, if you want more information about that, reach out to myself and then one of the mods will also be helping out with that as well. Again, we'll be getting some of that capital next. Okay. Take care of guys. Wow. That's pretty cool. Conditions much. I agree, guys. No, thanks. All right, next. So I guess everybody had a headband and Rick, you guys can both from cohost. So let's see, Rick. What, What have we got up next? Just let I wanted to just kind of speak on the bear market bears we're really excited about. And everybody heard about that. What else gotten? You touched it with Radium, didn't you? I did, yes. Okay, cool. So I just wanted to make sure I didn't keep overstepping you. No, no worries. You're good. You're good. Okay, cool. I know headbands been with us, too. So let him go dog about whatever meme coin what's going on. And yeah, I mean, we are doing our best to keep things in tap and trying to avoid scammers and all that. Definitely part of the job, but, you know, it's all good. Yeah, that's crazy to think about. Excited about that, too. And yeah, again, thanks to not crypto for giving us this opportunity, and thanks all for sharing your wonderful projects. I'll definitely check out and love the community, love the positivity here, and keep the fight against scammers. Love it. Awesome, dude. I appreciate you coming up and speaking about your project, guys, go check out. I go. Meow. I just sent out the bear market bear for no one. I sent that to you, Bruce. I haven't seen a DM, but maybe because of the whole blue checkmark thing. So if you just make a post with your wallet address, and I'll shoot that bear market bear over to you, brother. Will do. All right, thank you. Also, I added four. No one into the group chat, but definitely tap into the website bear market bears XYZ and make sure you get into the discord. And if you need access to the. To the Twitter or, excuse me, to the telegram headband does run that. He's doing a pretty good job over there, and he's constantly having our bots admin add a bunch of bots so that it can help you better become a better trader and just find different investment tools and whatnot. Definitely. I seen that. I've seen the telegram. I'm not in the discord that I don't really have too much experience with it, to be honest. But I do want in because I do have a discord and I'm in some rooms, but I don't have the link to yours. So I got to connect with you on that? Yeah. If you just go to the website on the top right hand side, there's a discord logo. Just click on that and it'll take you right to the discord. Okay, great. Thanks. Guys. Can I ask a quick question, letting me edit it? Yeah, go ahead. Ask a question. Ask away. If we have any content creators here, please reach out to me or send me a DM. I'm looking for someone who can create some nice memes and videos and graphical content or like Gifs and whatnot. And I'm happy to compensate with allo or soul. So please reach out to me if you're a content creator or if you know someone who is a content creator. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you, guys. Man, that's the, is there any Feel free to raise your hand, guys, if this is. Feel free to raise your hand in the audience. If anybody has any comments, concerns, shout outs or even questions for us here at Bear Market Bears, please feel free to raise your hand. I'll go ahead and invite you guys up to speak or ask your questions. So yeah, if anybody's out there here, raise your hand. This is Ockel, guys. Yeah, I appreciate it, guys. I'm about, I got to run really quick, but appreciate you space. And I'll talk to you guys soon. All right, thanks. Bye, buddy. Brad Ockham. All right. Still got time for a couple more questions if anyone has any. Okay, let's see. Go ahead, I go ahead. Go ahead, meow. All right. All of a sudden, yeah, nothing too specific that I had to ask you. I think we covered a lot already. I mean, it's most important to keep consistent with these projects and so that you can gain more and more attention in the space. And I think that there are a lot of contributors and creators out there that are more than willing to join your projects, join your spaces and help out any way possible. Wonderful. I totally agree. The consistency is key guys, and that's what we're really pushing for right now is just consistency, innovative ideas. And I think that it's going to go a long way with the community and our future collaborators. No doubt. All right, guys. I do have to sign out. Thank you again, bye bye. Bye, guys. Let's, let's wrap it up. And again, check out the website. Make sure to check out Radium and we will see you all next week Saturday. Take care. Everybody will be able to find the recordings up everywhere. And YouTube should be about an hour and a half late. Thanks, guys. Thank you. All right, thanks. Hey, guys. I just wanted to kind of give a little bit of a little touch on the art side of bear market bears real quick because there is some important stuff I wanted to touch on as it pertains to the art. You got it, headband. Yeah. So basically we are continuing to, we just launched our fourth week of orders on Saturday night and we're getting really good feedback. Guys are able to see what they purchased, get a good idea of what's going to arrive next week. So that is continuing to grow. And we're already looking at next week's orders, so we are getting into our workflow and then some other items to you yesterday. So radium is set the platform, everything will be pretty much the same way as predicted. And we're going to be launching a official Radium project. Can you back off? You're fading out, buddy. Hello. Sorry, Sorry about that. But yeah, you go. But yeah, we were just doing a new Radium project. And everything's going to be launched directly off of radium. Some of the info that I can give away is I'm going to do direct allocations from the beginning, from launch. So certain allocations are going to go to certain things. There's going to be a liquidity pool attached that will allow us to continuously fund the community wallet on fees. So that way we can continue to do whatever we need to do with the project. We can do that with the community wallet. We can also do giveaways. So I'm securing an allocation for burns. I'm securing an allocation for giveaways. And so those kinds of things will be already in the project ready to go instead of scrambling to get those things together after the project has been launched. So if you guys will bear with me, I do have some stuff coming. I am going to be launching some stuff myself, but I'm going to be doing it the right way and making sure everything's 100% set up. And that way, whenever I do put out the project, I'm also going to put out, you know, my wallets, the team wallets. Everything's going to be fully transparent so you guys can see what's going on where, who has what and what are the intentions for those allocations. That being said, guys, thank you so much for joining the space. To all of the people that have come up next, thanks for co hosting Rick headband, Bruce. Thank you guys for coming up. All the other projects that have come up as well. I go meow a few other projects. Some of the past projects did not show up, and that's totally fine. I think next week is going to be a lot bigger of a space. I'm going to have all these communities that we've already had on the space before. We're going to have them come back up and give us updates and things like that. So I appreciate you guys coming to space. I look forward to seeing you guys next Saturday, 10:00 a.m. central Standard time. Make sure you hear when I put out the post. Make sure that you guys set that reminder. Be sure to be following. Turn the notifications on. I will see all of you guys next Saturday.

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