Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space WEEBS x SPORES AMA hosted by Spores_Network. The WEEBS x SPORES AMA Twitter space delved into the exciting world of GameFi, the Metaverse, and Launchpad & Publisher roles within the Web3 space for Entertainment IP and Corporate Brands. Discussions highlighted the importance of cultural authenticity, NFT integration, community engagement, and innovation in reshaping the future of entertainment. Insights were shared on leveraging NFTs for brand enhancement, exploring diverse monetization models, and fostering inclusivity in Web3 ventures. The space emphasized the potential of GameFi to revolutionize entertainment experiences and the role of unique projects in driving differentiation in the competitive gaming landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does GameFi contribute to the evolution of the entertainment industry?
A: GameFi provides immersive and interactive experiences, reshaping entertainment for a digital-first audience.

Q: What role does cultural forwardness play in Web3 Entertainment ventures?
A: Cultural forwardness enhances authenticity, relevance, and engagement with diverse audiences.

Q: How can Corporate Brands benefit from integrating NFTs into their Web3 strategies?
A: NFT integration offers new monetization models, brand enhancement, and fan engagement opportunities.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in Web3 ventures?
A: Community engagement fosters loyalty, feedback, and viral growth for Web3 projects.

Q: What opportunities does the Metaverse present for Entertainment IP owners?
A: The Metaverse offers virtual engagement, new revenue streams, and brand expansion avenues for Entertainment IP holders.

Q: How can Launchpad & Publisher platforms support Web3 startups?
A: Launchpad & Publisher platforms provide funding, mentorship, and visibility for Web3 projects to thrive.

Q: What factors should Entertainment IP consider when venturing into the Web3 space?
A: Entertainment IP should focus on authenticity, innovation, and user experience when entering the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: How do NFTs play a role in promoting ownership in Web3 Entertainment projects?
A: NFTs enable unique collectibles, ownership rights, and value creation within the Web3 Entertainment sector.

Q: Why are unique projects significant in the Web3 landscape?
A: Unique projects drive innovation, differentiation, and community interest in the competitive Web3 environment.

Q: In what ways can Web3 ventures ensure inclusivity and diversity?
A: Web3 ventures can promote inclusivity through representation, accessibility, and community involvement strategies.


Time: 00:15:42
GameFi Innovations and Immersive Experiences Exploring how GameFi revolutionizes traditional gaming experiences.

Time: 00:25:18
Cultural Forwardness in Web3 Entertainment Embracing cultural diversity to create engaging Web3 content.

Time: 00:35:50
NFT Integration for Corporate Brands Leveraging NFTs for brand merchandise, loyalty programs, and fan engagement.

Time: 00:45:12
Community Engagement Strategies in Web3 Building loyal communities through interactive events and social media engagement.

Time: 00:55:30
Metaverse Opportunities for Entertainment IP Monetizing virtual experiences and expanding brand presence in the Metaverse.

Time: 01:05:14
Launchpad & Publisher Support for Web3 Startups Providing essential resources and exposure for emerging Web3 projects.

Time: 01:15:48
Innovation and Authenticity in Entertainment IP Ventures Strategies for standing out and succeeding in the competitive Web3 market.

Time: 01:25:22
NFTs Empowering Ownership in Entertainment Projects Creating digital collectibles and fostering fan engagement through NFTs.

Time: 01:35:10
Unique Projects Driving Web3 Differentiation Exploring the importance of innovation and originality in Web3 initiatives.

Time: 01:45:55
Inclusivity and Diversity in Web3 Ventures Promoting equality and representation in the evolving Web3 ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the intersection of GameFi and Metaverse for immersive experiences.
  • Exploring how Web3 empowers Entertainment IP and Corporate Brands.
  • Insights into Launchpad & Publisher roles in the evolving Web3 landscape.
  • Importance of leveraging cultural forwardness in Web3 Entertainment ventures.
  • Discussion on creating engaging Web3 experiences for diverse audiences.
  • Exploring the potential of GameFi in reshaping the future of entertainment.
  • Insights into the impact of Web3 on Corporate Brands and Entertainment IP.
  • Strategies for integrating NFTs and unique projects in Web3 for brand enhancement.
  • Discussion on the value of community engagement in Web3 ventures.
  • Exploring the role of NFTs in monetization and ownership within the Web3 Entertainment sector.

Behind the Mic


Hello, hello. Hello everyone. Good morning and welcome. Welcome to addresses Space Ma. So I hope you all are having a nice week. So in today's Ma, we're very happy to welcome a special guest, Mister Andre, CEO and a co founder as Whip. So welcome you to spoil community. Hi, thank you so much. Happy to be here. Yes, thank you and thank you for joining us. So we are excited to have you here and hope everyone enjoys the conversation. So before we start with questions to start off today's Mas, can you introduce yourself and the key members of WIP teams?

Introduction of WIP Team

Yes, thank you. Hi everyone, my name is Andre, I'm the CEO and CTO of Wix. I have two other members as well, Lycon and Marcel, who are my co founders. Lycoan is the CMO and Marcel artist is the CEO. Yes. Thank you for sharing your introduction. So maybe the audience can have a comprehensive perspective about yourself as a CEO and also as a co founder. And so could you give us an overview of wips? Like what is your vision for ACG community and how do you see whips shaping the futures of the industry?

Overview and Vision of Wips

Thank you so much. Yeah, so whips is basically a web three marketplace that connects anime, comic and gaming communities. Otaku creators and fans. Yeah. So, and I think the main points here is to make sure that creators and fans can have better engagement in a safe and trustworthy way. So I think seg industry is not a new industry. And I believe the emergence of whips, especially in the past one and a half years, they have proven to ourselves and the community that there are still many tools that ACG industry lead, especially on creators and fans engagement. And other than that, the way to monetize that engagement and for the creators to actually make money as well.

Unique Selling Points of Wips

Yes. It's inspiring to see such a strong reason for community. It sounds like whips is poised to become a central hub for ACG enthusiasts worldwide. So I want to ask that, could you give us an overview of wips? Like what? We are curious about whips unique selling point, like what standout features, what makes whips a must visit platform for creators and fans? Sure. Yeah. So actually for loop app, it's the pilot project that we have as bibs and we started it in January 2023. So in 2023 we started with the marketplace to sell photo packs, to sell videos, fans, signs. Yeah.

Features of Wips

So basically to engage the engagement between the creators and the fans. And I think as the month goes by, I think within the one year we have a super complete and robust features which have been deployed on Wips as well, but not everything. So we do have chat features, we do have fansite and customized requests. We have also follow features, social features, leaderboards, streaming overlays. So I think in terms of the features on weeps, we have one of the most robust monetization that can help creators engage with their fans and with weeps. Actually it's Halo app on steroid because we inject Halloo app with all the web three functionalities such as cross border transactions and social fi as well, so that there are more ways for the creators to make money possible.

Conclusion on Wips Overview

So that's the overview of Wips. Yes, I understand those features really highlight how Wips is more than just a marketplace. This is a full ecosystem for ACG community. So can you share more about the Wips of token like whips? What makes it special and how does it add value to whips experience? Yes, so with this WIps token there are many functionalities that we can we are going to deploy. One of them is actually lower transaction fee. So if you are using USDT we have a platform fee of 10%, but if you are using wips it's going to be 8% or less.

Staking and Rewards

Secondly, creators and fans and investors can actually stake their wips tokenization and they get an APY starting from 10%. And third, for all the stakers and creators that are active in vips, we do have like a special IP merchandise collaborations with ips from Japan and over the globe and they can have special access and special purchase when they stick their whips. So I think those are the main functionality. But I think one of the most crucial one is for what we call the cosplay to earn those creators that are staking their whips when they share their photo packs and products, even illustrations on Twitter and their socials, they get a chunk of the tools that they can get rewards on a daily basis. So I think those are the main usage of tweets.

Plans for Wips

Yeah, wow. It's great to see how webs enhance the user experience on multiple levels and the integration of a native token truly at a unique dynamic to the platform. So I think these questions will be the most interesting questions that the audience want to hear is what exciting plans are in store for Wips. Like we would love to hear about your roadmap and any upcoming updates that the community can look for. What to yes, so basically we do have a couple of release in the next couple of months, especially the whips first. So whips first is actually the first web, three meta web metaphors for ACG industry. So actually creators can have global and virtual meet and greet with their fans.

Upcoming Features

They can interact, they can have one one sessions. They can watch movies together inside the metaverse. And second is that we are going to release our launchpad as well. So we do have a launch pad, especially for ACG projects, not necessarily on crypto, but comics merchandise, IPS games. Yeah. So those are the main big three features that we can release. Yeah. Yes. Those plans sound like fantastic. I'm sure the community will be excited to hear all the developments unfold. And whips is definitely a platform to watch as it continues to evolve. And I that's inspiring envision for the futures of wips.

Question and Answer Session

So moving forward, let's dive deeper into Wips with second part of the AMA that we are all waiting for. So all the audience here in Twitter space can send a request to voice and have a question for Andre today. So our beloved audience. So let's get ready. Who is the first ducky guy today? Let's see. I will choose. I will choose. First one is Mitchell. Hi, Michelle. You can give your. Yes, yes. Go ahead, Michelle. Do you have coinburne mechanism and what is your total supply? Thank you for the questions. We do not have any burn mechanism. We have a maximum supply of 1 billion total.

Additional Audience Interaction

Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you, Michelle. So the second one I will choose. Amelia. Hi, Maria. You can give your questions. Hello. Oh, I'm sorry. I want to ask about how does web app stay current with the latest anime trends and fandom culture? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. Can you repeat. Yes. Yes. Okay.

Question about Web App Trends

Okay. My question is, how does web app stay current with the latest anime trends and fandom character? Your voice was breaking down, Amelia, I'm sorry. Could you repeat one more time? Okay, okay, I will repeat it. Okay. My question is, how does web app stay current with the latest anime trends and fandom culture? Okay, yeah. Thank you so much. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So basically for us, we are providing the platform for the creators to upload their products in terms of, like, how do we keep up? Actually, the communities that we have are keeping up with the trends at the moment. What we do is we listen to the community well and we keep the fundamental questions, what do they need next? What do the community need next?

Building Solutions for the Community

So when we know all these answers, we try to build solutions on the platform. For example, I think since the weeps industry, the ECG industry has been around for so long, I think we are the first one that listens well and deliver the most robust solutions that we have at the moment. Yeah, I think hopefully that answers your questions. Okay. Thank you, Amelia. And thank you for your answer, Andre. So who is the next lucky guide? I will pick Murphy. Hi. You can say hello to our speaker today and give your questions there. Can I ask my question? Yes, please. Can you please briefly describe the top milestone you have achieved and your target milestone within timelines? Thank you. Yes.

Milestones and Achievements

Thank you so much. So I think one of the key milestones that we have is that we have about 15,000 players at the moment inside our platform. Yes. A majority are still indonesia, but I think we have reached about 20 countries so far. And in the past, not one year, but rather in 2023, we have already $1 million in revenue. And I think by this year, we are going to hit about three to $5 million in revenue. So I think those are the key milestones that we have in terms of, like, reaching as many global communities that we want. We aim to reach as many countries as possible, especially the top five.

Targeting Key Markets

So I think the most populations for ECG creators and fans are one in the states, in the US. Second, they are in China, actually. And third, are you Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan. So, yeah, we want to focus on these five countries to reach our solutions and so that the creators can use our solutions and, yeah, reaching more countries. I think by end of the year, we are aiming to have about 250,000 to 500,000 creators globally. Okay. Thank you, Murphy. The next one I will pick. Toga. Hi, Toge. You can give your questions to our speaker today.

Engaging with the Audience

Yeah. Can you hear us? Hi, there. You can. I hope you can hear me clearly.

Questions About Creator Programs

Actually, my question. Yeah, thank you, Andrea. Actually, my question for the project, very nice website. Actually, you have. Will you have any creator programs in short or long term? Thank you.

Details on Current Creator Initiatives

Yes. So we do have on our pilot project in Lalo app, we do have our training camp. So basically, aspiring creators, they can sign up with us and we actually can give them a guideline on how to start monetizing their engagement. Yeah, I think likewise. The first aim here for whips is to reach as many creators, existing creators as possible. And from there, we'll scale up on the aspiring creators so that we can reach more fans as well, globally. Thank you. Good luck. Thank you. Thank you, Toga.

Identifying the Lucky Winner

And the final one, who is the lucky guide? And I will pick. Hi. You can ask the speaker your questions. Am I audible? Am I audible? Yes. Okay. Thank you for unmuting me. My question is, what are the competitive advantages of your project? Sorry Gurjuri. Hey Chloe, can you repeat your questions? Yeah, yeah. What are the competitive advantages of your project? Yeah, competitive.

Clarification on Competitive Advantages

You mean our features, is it? Hi Chloe, is that correct? Are you asking your features or are you asking if we have any competitors features? Oh yeah. I mentioned on the first questions that we have one of the most robust features in while of course we can do staking. Second, we do have a metaphors for virtual and global creators and fans meet. And third is that we have product purchase digital project purchase. So nfts purchase, we have chat features.

Streaming Features and Future Prospects

We have a streaming offer as well so that people streaming on YouTube, TikTok and Twitch, they can get donations using crypto. I think that's one of the most we are the first one to integrate that I think for the streaming overlay. Nicole and that's all for the second part of the AMA with five questions. So I think that's such a passionate answer. And this is also the last question of today's AMA.

Conclusions and Thank You

So I think with all that information I'm really confident that spore user can effortlessly engage in with web project and the sport launchpad is now open for whips. I do so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in this promising whips project. So thank you so much for being here Andre. Thank you. Thank you everyone. Yeah, so we deeply appreciate your time and dedication.

Final Instructions and Goodbye

So for who are the winners? Please direct message your wallet address to our Twitter's account and don't forget to join the ideal launch of Whips Noun and small Launchpad. So that's all. Have a great day guys and see you in the next event. Goodbye.

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