Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space, led by Mr. Cohen, a prominent figure in the DeFi community, explored various DeFi aspects. It highlighted community importance, innovation, security challenges, sustainability, key projects, and future outlook in decentralized finance. Mr. Cohen emphasized the role of ambassadors, discussed adoption barriers, regulatory impacts, risk management, and the necessity of collaboration in the DeFi sector. The session acknowledged the sector's dynamism, potential, and existing challenges that require attention.


Q: What recent security incident was discussed?
A: A security incident involving the Gala platform.

Q: How quickly was the Gala security incident contained?
A: It was contained almost immediately.

Q: How did scammers react to the security incident?
A: They quickly started misleading users with bad links.

Q: Which major manufacturer is interested in Filecoin?
A: Seagate and other manufacturers are interested in Filecoin.

Q: Why is there increased interest in gaming infrastructure?
A: The gaming sector is seeing unprecedented interest in infrastructure development.

Q: What is the attitude of major manufacturers towards direct game development?
A: They are more interested in providing infrastructure rather than developing games directly.

Q: What does the conversation highlight about blockchain security?
A: The importance of vigilance and user awareness following security breaches.

Q: What role do tech companies play in blockchain projects?
A: Collaboration between tech companies and blockchain projects is increasing.

Q: What is significant about the growth of decentralized storage solutions?
A: The growth and adoption of decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin are remarkable.

Q: How competitive is the industry according to the conversation?
A: The conversation underscores the highly competitive nature of the industry.

Q: What is the general mood among the panelists regarding recent changes in the industry?
A: The panelists are cautious but optimistic about the future developments.

Q: Who was the primary speaker?
A: Mr. Cohen, the DeFi addict and DC ambassador, led the discussion.

Q: What role does community play in DeFi?
A: Community involvement is crucial for the success and growth of DeFi projects.

Q: What are some emerging DeFi projects?
A: The discussion highlighted new projects that are driving innovation in the DeFi sector.

Q: What security issues were addressed?
A: The importance of identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in DeFi systems.

Q: How can sustainability be achieved in DeFi?
A: Sustainability can be achieved through the implementation of practices ensuring long-term growth.

Q: What is the future outlook for DeFi?
A: The session discussed potential growth and advancements in DeFi technologies.

Q: What is the role of DeFi ambassadors?
A: They promote, guide, and advocate for DeFi projects within the community.

Q: What are the barriers to DeFi adoption?
A: Barriers include regulatory hurdles and the need for increased user education.

Q: How important is risk management?
A: Managing risks is crucial for secure and profitable DeFi investments.

Q: What impact do regulatory developments have?
A: Regulatory developments shape operations and development in DeFi projects.

Q: Why is collaboration necessary in DeFi?
A: Collaboration fosters innovation and addresses common challenges in the DeFi space.


Time: 00:00:00
Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

Time: 00:03:45
Discussion on Gala Security Incident

Time: 00:12:15
Reaction of Scammers Post-Incident

Time: 00:20:36
Major Manufacturers' Interest in Filecoin

Time: 00:28:40
Growth of Gaming Sector Infrastructure

Time: 00:35:21
Adoption of Decentralized Storage Solutions

Time: 00:42:00
Importance of User Awareness in Security

Time: 00:45:43
Competitive Nature of the Industry

Time: 00:50:05
Tech Companies Collaborating with Blockchain Projects

Time: 00:53:16
Optimism About Future Developments

Time: 00:00:18
Introduction & Credentials

Time: 00:00:30

Time: 00:00:43
Background Anecdote

Time: 00:00:50
Closing Remarks

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of Community: Community involvement is pivotal for DeFi projects' success.
  • Innovation in DeFi: New projects and technologies continue to drive growth in the sector.
  • Security Challenges: Addressing vulnerabilities is crucial for DeFi systems.
  • Sustainability: Implementing sustainable practices is vital for long-term success.
  • Key Projects: Highlighted significant DeFi projects shaping the industry.
  • Future Outlook: Shared perspectives on the future trajectory of DeFi.
  • Role of Ambassadors: DeFi ambassadors facilitate promotion and guidance within the community.
  • Adoption Barriers: Identified hurdles to mass adoption of DeFi solutions.
  • Regulatory Landscape: Discussed the impact of regulatory developments.
  • Collaboration: Emphasized the need for collaboration among DeFi projects.
  • Risk Management: Importance of managing risks in DeFi investments.

Behind the Mic

I see lots of names. Yep, yep. All right, so let me just see here. So I got big love, salty balls, shieldbilly 69. Er cohen t two. Who am I missing? You are missing the queen. Really? Oh, my goodness. Oh, with your head. Yeah, seriously? Off with his head. Yes. $12,000. Seriously. And we just got Chrissy's entry. Very nice, very nice. Your inner circle is a happy circle, Chrissy. I want in on that. Especially the hats. I love hatsheen. Okay, cool. So if anybody else wants in on this, we are doing some kind of wall name picker, which is already being live streamed. 32 people watching. Chrissy, welcome. How was your weekend? No, it was very nice. We had prom, so that was exciting. And such a beautiful, lovely daughter. It was just so much to get ready, but she had a great time, and I had to like my older daughter. Everybody came to my house to do everything, and now she goes to her friend's house, so it was weird to, like, I wanted to follow them to, you know, go get their pictures, and she's like, no, mom, nobody does that. That's so weird. So I had to hang back, which was really hard. Aw. But it's like, I worked so hard to get you here. I know. Like, this is as much my problem as yours. God damn it. I'm sure. But she sent me pictures. They went to a golf course nearby and got a bunch of pictures there, and she had a great time, so that was nice. And then Sunday, I drove to the beach, because there's one, a really nice one, actually. It's like a hidden gem, and it is along New Jersey Shore, just not many people know about it. So I drove there because it's only just over an hour. Like an hour and ten minutes. And then it was nice weather, so I sat outside. So it was really nice weekend. I needed a, like, relaxing day. I haven't had one in so long. It really sounds super relaxing. Yeah, it was nice. I love hearing your voice, Chrissy. Always so calm, serene. Thank you. And Dave's letting you be there. That's so awesome, Tom. Thank you. Oh, my God. I was like, go to bed, because he's not even paying attent Thank you, Tom. We've got an entry from Dave. No, he won't admit it. So where are you going to share your inner circle secrets? Like, Harold Tacho Dotcom style, okay? Sounds great. It's getting real. It's getting cutthroat, it sounds like. Yeah, always is. Nice, nice. Also, good luck to everyone tonight in the drawing. Okay, so we have 34 entries, 34 entries, 32 watching, not including those in the inner circle. Hi, we won't say. You're doing alright. We'll find out. Okay. Okay. So we are, we are going right on cue. We are wide model built our way to the moon. Oh, my God. What's that? Oh, my God. They forgot someone's wallet. You gotta enter the jingle. Money. And looks very interested. And I've never seen such a thing before. I was like, what, what's the deal? Like love was saying earlier? Or no, I don't. But it's like what do you think? Love or like when you saw this? Like, holy shit. Crypto was actually going to do something about it was it? I think, you know, we saw early on, you know, where these things failed, right? Because these companies were so centralized, right? And what we saw as Bazaar kept saying, hey, look, if we actually decentralize things, people would hurry up and actually come and build on it. But just up until recent, we never really saw any major company before we started looking at it and these side chains are now flourishing, right? And when it happens, you know that it usually follows a similar plot, but now it's like the whole gaming and, you know, crypto scenes are like, oh, shit. This is actually. So initially, here's the thing. I feel like with the AR VR tech merging into crypto and just like overall decentralization around new financial systems, it's gonna be, yeah. And so like, one thing you see right now is with the Jeff Fest and E three coming soon. It's like a lot of the different game are starting back. Like Star Wars, all these different big names are probably announcing how they're gonna integrate either tokens or different tech. But before we end, like, the conversation were having around that was just like, watch, these dudes are gonna start coming around. The same manufacturers that were knocking this shit down are gonna start like, hey, let's do this. And so Seagate. And there's another one. They're. They're all in on Filecoin and just in general ipfs and all these other pieces of it. Right? But. But the gaming stuff, I've never seen this much interest, big love, like, before, like, previous shit. It was like, whatever's right. Like, they didn't. It was like, very hands off. But this round, they're not gonna directly participate. They're gonna be the canvas. The, the. How would you say it? The infrastructure is what I'm trying to say. Right. So, like, they may not develop the games because they don't want to take the direct hit, but you're definitely going to be running on this tech. And the big names are gonna be like, you're gonna see it, especially with the surprise launches and the booms and the regs coming that are gonna open up. People are gonna be like, okay, let's announce it here. And, you know, those conversations now are going to lead to the next six years of us seeing this next level. Yeah, for sure, for sure. Especially with the hardware side, the hardware side too. Like, people are actually building hardware around all the gaming stuff and it's because people are understanding that, hey, like if we build redundancy, this tech isn't going anywhere. So it's not just infrastructure. Baz, you got something to say? Or you're trying to get to sheets? Absolutely nothing. I'm planning on slipping into my, have got nothing. The pup. Man, you and very welcoming voices. Now, you rock, fam. So I'll see you guys there. Yeah. Otherwise, have a great night, be safe. Have a great day tomorrow and hope you guys get a really good peaceful rest. Unless it's morning time, then have a great day. Which in this case, it is for you, Cohen. Hope you have an awesome day filled with great stuff, good food and, yeah, all that good stuff and fun memes. And fun memes and huggy wuggys, everyone. Huggy wuggys. Yes. Huggy wuggys for all. Send your weed to Geyser. Thats why he hasnt been here. But he will be. I'll tell him. I was a bit busy reading my mails and all of that. Ive been listening. I'll tell him. Appreciate you going. Appreciate you guys. Chucky woogies. Let's do it. Here's an old classic. I love this one. All right, guys, have a great night. I was cutting the rug down at. A place called a jug. With a girl named Linda Lou when I in walk a man with a gun in his hand. And he was looking for, you know, fella with a hair color yellow. What you trying to prove? Who's asking? My woman there. And I'm a man who cares and this might be all for you. I said, excuse me. I was scared and fear and for my life. I was shaking like a leaf on a tree cause she was waiting on me. Oh, wait a minute, miss. I didn't even kiss her. Don't want no trouble with you. You and I know you don't owe me. But I wish you would let me ask one favor from you. Give me three steps give me three steps of mister, give me three steps towards the door give me three steps. Give me three steps of. Missing you. Well, the clock went away and I began to pray and the water fell on the floor and I'm telling you something well it ain't no fun staring straight down a folded floor. But it turned and screamed at Linda Lou and that's a break I was looking for. You could hear me scream in a mile away as I was headed out towards the door. Give me three steps give me three. Steps towards the door back. Thank you so much, J. Five friends and fam. You guys are the best. Much love, everyone. See you on the next one. Don't be late. Good night, everyone.

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