Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter Space provided an immersive conversation diving into modern sociopolitical and technological complexities. It explored topics like the potential onset of a digital World War III, free speech dilemmas on social media, the enduring impacts of historical events on geopolitics, existential risks associated with atomic weapons, ethical debates on capital punishment, and challenges posed by AI in content moderation. The dialogue emphasized the need to align societal narratives and education with the rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Q: What makes you think we’re in World War III?
A: Many signs point to a non-traditional warfare, including digital and ideological battles.

Q: Is free speech truly possible on platforms like Twitter?
A: Opinions vary; some believe speech is controlled to prevent harm, while others see it as censorship.

Q: What historical events shape today’s geopolitics?
A: The transition from the League of Nations to the United Nations during WWII has long-lasting impacts.

Q: What are the consequences of advancing atomic weaponry?
A: The catastrophic potential of atomic bombs necessitates extreme caution and controls.

Q: Can humanity manage technological and sociopolitical change effectively?
A: This remains a subject of debate, emphasizing the need for robust governance.

Q: How do AI algorithms affect social media?
A: They struggle with context, leading to potential over-censorship or misinterpretation.

Q: What is public opinion on capital punishment?
A: It’s divisive; some see it as necessary justice, others as ethically wrong.

Q: How does Twitter enforce its moderation policies?
A: It uses algorithms and community guidelines, often leading to controversial decisions.

Q: What role do education and societal narratives play today?
A: Shaping young minds to understand modern digital and geopolitical realities is crucial.

Q: Is open discourse possible in the current social media climate?
A: Challenging due to various restrictive measures and differing definitions of harmful speech.


Time: 00:00:12
Introduction to Today’s Geopolitical and Technological Landscape

Time: 00:05:45
The Evolution of Warfare in the Digital Age

Time: 00:12:30
Free Speech and its Limits on Social Media Platforms

Time: 00:19:05
Reflection on Historical Events and Their Ongoing Influence

Time: 00:25:50
The Dangers of Atomic Weaponry and Global Control

Time: 00:32:15
Technological Advancements and Governance Challenges

Time: 00:39:23
The Ethics of Capital Punishment in Modern Society

Time: 00:46:37
Personal Accounts of Social Platform Moderation Experiences

Time: 00:52:11
The Role of AI and Algorithms in Content Moderation

Time: 00:58:49
Education’s Role in Understanding Modern Realities

Time: 01:05:16
The Future Trajectory of Humanity in a Digital World

Key Takeaways

  • Rapid technological advancements are reshaping sociopolitical landscapes.
  • World War III
  • in a digital and ideological sense
  • may already be underway.
  • Free speech on social platforms remains a complex and contentious issue.
  • Historical events continue to exert influence on current international politics.
  • Discussions on atomic weaponry highlight humanity’s existential risks.
  • Transparency and regulation in global governance are crucial for future peace.
  • AI and algorithms are reshaping social media dynamics.
  • Ethical debates are ignited by public opinions on capital punishment.
  • Moderation policies on platforms like Twitter show diverse interpretations.
  • The fusion of technological evolution with geopolitical strategies is inevitable.
  • Aligning societal narratives and education with today’s digital realities is essential.

Behind the Mic

They got to do with web three, or they’re just. This is a separate work. Just separate. Just separate types of movies. Our dog is a web three project. Absolutely. And if you data a pre-mint, I was not a part of. But then they’re gonna come out with the regular mint. And if you get a certain role, like, there’s one guy who’s never been an actor, and he acted in this last movie they had, and he had the certain nft that allowed him to be a speaking role actor, and then he. They actually paid his. Is it sag. Sag fees? What’s the. What? The. What’s the fact. Yeah. If the union phase. Yeah. Shit, that’s like. That’s pretty made. That’s like three grand. That’s like three thousand bucks. Yeah, so. I could be wrong. Could be. Where did they film? So the idea, so what what happened was they got, uh, the people that want to be a part of the project. Right? Would purchase an NFT. Okay. And, they would use a portion of that to basically fund, the film,. Do they get profits if the film goes big? Has that worked? I don’t know if they’ve done anything quite yet, but the road map says, they will. For sure. These guys, he’s originally from Utah. He now lives in Tennessee obsidian squad. But, Right, Yes, they just had an AMA session a couple of days ago. Interesting concept, I mean, doesn’t, doesn’t sound like the worst, s an interesting concept. Obsidian squad is a verified docs platform, the head guy, so yeah, these guys are a bunch of film guys, they want to do their own thing. and also, I’m interested. I’m interested in a, that’s interesting. I mean, it’s an interesting concept for sure. It’s kind of like, indie film making merged with Hollywood kind of stuff. So, do they say no to Netflix or Amazon? I don’t think so. I think anybody that wants to pick it up, could, could pick it up. If Amazon picked it up, everyone profits. But it’s a different process. That’s actually very interesting. I’m more interested. I want to know more. Bet they did a good job, even took that extra step with SAG stuff. Definitely caught my attention. How’d you learn about this? Uh, yeah, so my, one of my friends is involved with the project. and he was like, hey, get involved with this. Okay. So, I looked into it, and there’s, you know, there’s a lot of tedious little steps and parts, to get involved in minting and projects and things like that. Sure. You know, you see this NFT and you’re like what the heck is this? Really dont. But, it’s, it’s interesting, it’s definitely, it’s like, okay, what is this exactly? It wasn’t like one of those things where you see, you know the monkeys. Sure, sure. Honestly sounds better than my initial thoughts of it. Pretty interesting stuff, thanks for sharing. keep us updated with how it goes.

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