Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space brought together a collection of innovative projects from various blockchain ecosystems, emphasizing the diversity and collaborative spirit within the blockchain space. Projects like Kinetic Markets, Hash Pack, and Seki were showcased, demonstrating the advancements and cross-ecosystem connections prevalent in the industry. The discussions shed light on the evolution of blockchain technologies and the potential for further innovations through ecosystem collaborations. The space provided a platform to explore the cutting-edge developments shaping the future of blockchain infrastructure.


Q: What was the focus of the Twitter space discussion?
A: The focus was on showcasing diverse projects from different blockchain ecosystems.

Q: Which specific projects were highlighted?
A: Kinetic Markets, Hash Pack, Seki, Expector, and Interlock from 110 were featured.

Q: What did the projects demonstrate about the blockchain space?
A: They demonstrated the diversity and innovations within the blockchain space.

Q: Any notable collaborations discussed?
A: Collaborations across ecosystems were highlighted during the space.

Q: What networks were represented in the projects?
A: Projects from Flare, Hedera, XRPL, and other ecosystems were showcased.


Key Takeaways

  • The Twitter space highlighted multiple projects from distinct ecosystems.
  • Discussions revolved around Kinetic Markets
  • Hash Pack
  • Seki
  • and Expector projects.
  • Innovations and collaborations were showcased across various blockchain networks.
  • A mix of projects demonstrated the diversity and advancements in the blockchain space.
  • Projects like Interlock from 110 were featured
  • emphasizing innovation and cross-ecosystem connections.

Behind the Mic

100% and I kind of wanted to ask you, touched base on kind of having infrastructure as one of the key focuses within the foundation for this current wave of grants. Can you maybe without giving away like individual projects, can you maybe touch base on a couple of the use cases that you may have seen from some of the grant proposals? And I what is your kind of vision for future waves of grants? So current grant proposals, different types of use cases you guys are seeing, and then where your kind of vision for the foundation goes for future waves of grants? Sure. I mean, I cannot comment on the current applications, it's still open, not concluded yet, but I could give you an example of what I personally will would like to see. That's for sure. So just me as an artist, an event organizer myself, I would love to see a nice ticketing application that we could utilize eventually for conferences and events. Also me as an artist, a nice platform for artists to have social tokens for their fan tokens which may or may not have also some more complex rules in place, such as the proof of attendance. So me going as a fan to a concert of my favorite artist, then receiving an airdrop once I'm there, or me listening to content of my artist receiving an airdrop as a reward, and so on. And so the long-term kind of thing I mentioned and will give the possibility to create web3 native events and that economies that could run on what we’re building. This is what I would really, really, really love to see, eventually done with this kind of foundation work we're doing on the grant side. This is just as an example from artists, from organizer perspective. If there will be front organizations and protocols, obviously which we also have, then I would love to see more applications for personal data because I think one of the key topics is trusted data and the identity of this data that we’re putting out there and which should belong to the individual, to the person itself forever and which then should get contextualized in some form. So this is where decentralized digital identity comes into the game and also interoperability between different systems. That's what we've been focusing on with the Luxo standards, that they should be as easily adaptable and reusable also for any other project to be or consume this data or then the owner of this data to use it somewhere else. So the concept digital identity is to give users control over their data and then they can by giving their consent, then being able to transport its data from one decentralized app to the other decentralized apps. But you asked about the current grant applications things and I mentioned before, still ongoing. Second batch is a lot of demand, happy about it. Proposals from artists, DAOs foundations to protocols, which is amazing, it’s really worldwide demanded. So I guess as long as we keep focused on creating our strong standards of principles, I'm very optimistic that people are going to come forward with more and more innovative uses and proposals for the open grants. Thanks, Lucien. So what you're getting at with the ticketing is rather than let's say you got your Coachella ticket, it's tied to an email. Now you actually own that ticket. It's tokenized and NFT whatever the appropriate digital asset you want to utilize is right and then the holder can utilize it. And that's pretty common with most crypto ticketing things. But the benefit is as an artist for future drops, new content, whatever, you're able to actually keep an eye on where your major fans are, what their contact information is and then engage them directly. Yes, exactly. And could combine it with different advantages and attribution such as the attendance protocol, like having the proof of attendance registered on this NFT or stored on your profile. This could be very interesting. And then of course for the artists and which is a big thing I personally like to see the royalties coming when you can resell NFTs or tickets. Imagine tickets on secondary market could be sold with commissions that goes backwards, directly paid to the artist or to the event organizers. This is what I find interesting because it changes the way the economy works. It would open new doors for secondary sales and flow only possibility in the web3 context basically. This is what I think could be very exciting to see or have more advantages for artists, for brands, for licensors in general. And it can't be pretty amazing. It could change entire way economies run, the greater economies. I think it’s like just one out of many examples what next-generation grants could grant proposals cover. A second is, I would say, for me as an artist myself and being in digital media world, it's a more native way to spin things because so far what has been published at the major mobile stores and doing games, putting it out and praying for ratings and stuff. Could change the mouth-to-mouth marketing game, you know, gathering randomized anonymous users from social networks and different places. This change could be very healthy for artists and consumers too because it will be more personalized and trusted by the actual creators of the product you're consuming right. So when I could give the rewards directly to the people who really deserve it and having another way to filter things may be also filtering not only people you do not know if they attended or not, can focus more on the true people who’re actually following and listening to your content, consuming your work. Instead movies and big, huge media content that could eventually also apply to smaller pieces of creation you're doing in daily work flow. That's and just met example. Imagine eventually end of the road is going to create basically new ways to run economies, greater economies. As I said before, imagine going to concert of your favorite artist and receiving, as a proof of attendance, some tokens are dropped or by listening, got rewarded for listening or consuming content of your favorite artist. And this is just now what I can imagine as an artist. There is like million more ways to see the things from different angles. Right? So, yeah, very excited to see this unlimited possibilities basically unfold. I think the standards are there, they're strong, the universal profile is there and yeah, excited to see how all of these thoughts are being, coming together. Well, we certainly appreciate your time today, Lucien. For those down there in the audience, feel free to give the foundation for the new creative economies account a follow. And the Luxo foundation, obviously, and Lucien as well, did a really good job today on the space and we know how busy everybody is. So that being said, guys, we look forward to the next space that we do with you all and Lucy and really appreciate your time and we will see you guys next time. Thank you very much. Thanks, guys.

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