Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by RoundtableSpace

Space Summary

The Mario Nawfall Roundtable X spaces in the Lifestyle niche offered an engaging and interactive discussion, with Pulse Digital as the co-host. The hosts set a welcoming tone to encourage active audience participation, fostering a professional yet lively atmosphere. Throughout the Twitter space, there were diverse topic discussions, promoting vibrant interactions among participants. This summary captures the dynamic and lively conversations that characterized the Mario Nawfall Roundtable X spaces in the Lifestyle realm, featuring discussions on Web3, Blockchain, Proof-of-skill, AI, and more. The space provided an insightful exchange of ideas and engaging discussions on topics like Web3 Social Unfiltered: Pros, Cons & Reality, and networking and recruitment in the digital landscape.


Q: Who welcomed the audience to the Twitter space?
A: The hosts extended a warm welcome to the audience.

Q: Who served as the co-host for the space?
A: Pulse Digital took on the role of co-host.

Q: What was the atmosphere like in the space?
A: The atmosphere was interactive and engaging.

Q: What did the hosts encourage during the conversation?
A: The hosts encouraged enthusiastic and professional participation.


Time: 00:01:33
Introduction to Mario Nawfall's Roundtable X Spaces, Overview of the platform where the discussion took place.

Time: 00:02:20
Overview of Bond X and its objectives, Description of Bond X and its goals in revolutionizing talent exchange using Web3 principles.

Time: 00:05:25
Teaser for the upcoming AMA with Bond X, Hint about an upcoming Ask Me Anything session involving Bond X.

Time: 00:09:42
Discussion on doxing and decentralization in Web3, Talk about maintaining privacy and trust while ensuring decentralization in Web3 platforms.

Time: 00:17:10
Proof of skill and performance validation, Importance of verifying skills and achievements to enhance credibility within a network.

Time: 00:25:33
Encouragement to follow Bond X for more updates, Motivating listeners to stay updated on Bond X developments.

Time: 00:29:13
Challenges of filtering noise in job postings, Strategies discussed for reducing irrelevant applications and candidates in recruitment.

Time: 00:33:24
Importance of validated skills and credentials, Emphasis on the significance of verified skills and credentials in professional profiles.

Time: 00:44:07
Perspectives on data ownership and monetization, Varied viewpoints shared on user data ownership, privacy, and strategies for monetization.

Time: 00:56:05
Closing remarks and appreciation for participants, Summary and thank you message to the participants at the end of the discussion.

Key Takeaways

  • The space welcomed the audience warmly.
  • Pulse Digital acted as the co-host.
  • Various subjects were discussed during the conversation.
  • Interactive and engaging discussions were encouraged.
  • Enthusiastic and professional participation was observed.

Behind the Mic

e grass that's adding value to the network in order to receive your periodic airdrop So how do you receive your periodic airdrop? There's three ways We're monetizing and we're going to monetize and we're monetizing today One, we charge success fees when we place candidates So the bounty is five k We charge 25% On top of that, the six k total bounty Eventually we're going to charge subscription fees So you'll have a premium subscription fee as a user companies, and then the data monetization and the ad network will be the big piece of the pie We will take all those revenues per quarter and replenish the ecosystem rewards pool Then every quarter you will have different challenges and quests and good behaviors to do to earn your spot in that airdrop and get that revenue sharing So it's a revenue redistribution token That's our token economy works A pure meritocracy Oh, man, I absolutely love that As soon as you said airdrop the first time, I got 69 times more interested and ready to get involved because I absolutely love free things because I'm here all the time Oh, man, absolutely love that And listen, I think the one thing that's crazy really blew my mind up there is just to hear when you're talking about how you have a goal as you mentioned already to have a billion users by the end of 2025 And at first I was like, Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable But then I'm sitting back, like, that's not that far away Like, you guys must really be expecting some explosive growth to be able to spread across billions of devices Yeah And the reason for that is that we believe that if you build utility and, well, first of all, let's start with the numbers It is [inaudible] period of time social network in the world So it shows what is achievable when you build a network that has utility Andy engagement and you get those two things right, plus the rewards mechanism we believe If we listen to the phrase, if we can't make it, nobody can because we were really confident that we're doing this [inaudible] satisfied bosses basically from fizzling [inaudible] Because first thing is that 90% and up to 95% of the current users of networks most of the active daily users, they have no stake in the networks So for 90% of the people just leaving the network, there's no value that doesn't leave behind So you're thinking fractional ownership for the people who are using it and thereby getting them much more involved in the ecosystem Yeah, fixed yield fractional ownership So our goal is to make [inaudible] and we call it working by the way, we're going to be bursting and we've done that for a considerable amount of time We fixed the issue to enable for the product minute by minute We're seeing all these solutions that are going to solve it by the summertime with me and basically the highest possible We're ready for that And that's true product driven growth Viral growth, Even viral growth settled This really isn't that many of the bigger applications like Ohio for like a lot of the organic [inaudible] you know, being people, being longtime couples, you know, their families, business partnerships and seeing [inaudible] spreading that it gets a lot of fun And that's the conversation [inaudible] with all the growth figures as well What actually makes that highly credible Sean, I got a question Sean, what's your favorite thing about being a CEO? Oh, man, you know, it's [inaudible] my end because [inaudible] it's hard, never that easy. Especially in the other day you're kind of responsible for the output of the whole organization. So that can get tough sometimes. But I think in general terms, it's a massive privilege to get up in the morning and say that I love what I'm doing. I'm going to keep doing it as long as they'll have me. Oh, man, that's fantastic. Absolutely love to hear that. Listen Ignacio, you know, Sean, I imagine people are going to be hearing your story and the mission over bond. Very incredibly inspired by it. And they want to stay connected with you and they want to get involved themselves as well. Oh, it's better to keep tracking and engaged with you on the fun and the exciting things that's going on. How did they best do that? If they're looking for any kind of advice or any kind of consultation or anything like that. Yeah, I mean, there's a bunch of ways Bond and [inaudible] obviously, we're a decentralized network. You can hit us up on Twitter and LinkedIn. We have a whole customer service section inside the app. You can find us basically on those sites. You know, we're paying a lot of money to be in front of everybody. Just going to places that are helpful and have any questions directed at you as well. LinkedIn, they're probably the most accessible. Hey Mr. Sean, it has been just incredible getting to share this evening with you. Getting to learn more about you, specifically about Bond and everything you do. So thank you for coming today and for being on this base. Look up, man. Absolutely love having you here. Appreciate you having me. Thank you. Sorry to interrupt, thank you for Mario. It was a pleasure, man. Thanks for having us. Hey, everybody. I want to say thank you, too, because this has been my pleasure listening to both you guys talk today. I know I'm a little bit of a chatterbox when I'm down there, but I really enjoyed listening to the conversation that you guys had so far. And I think that this has been an awesome chat. And finally, Sean, one final question for you, Sean and Ignacio. If there's one thing that you could leave the listeners of the space with today? What would that be? I don't know. Tell me. Yes sir. We're being all the one common mission here is just enabling people to be better versions of themselves. And we're building an ecosystem of teaching through different types. And I would say that if anyone here is still an independent creative or a Freelancer or an organization leader, perhaps it's now for Lee, you know, we've seen the successes of Western Europe's of Guild members. It's what we want all of you to take a closer look at Bond and make sure that, you know, we're able to gather the fandom and the love and the different types of skill sets that the people in this call have, and they can connect with us because Bond is a name to be told and you all have different ways that are going to inspire us. Wonderful. Oh, man, thank you. Really, really proud of you having me back again. Even you, Jax. Thank you for setting up the spaces in your summaries are incredible. Let me just say, well, so that. As as paid media, so my payments actually run the show, coordinate the festival. I want to also shout out to Albert. He's still involved heavily. He's a band next day, so moving on for the next hour or two, the leading social fire play in crypto on why our Web 2.5 approaches winning. Oh, man, absolutely love that. You say Web 2.5 I say Web 2.69 Same thing. At the end of the day. But, you know, the six point the .69 is more into the web three culture. One thing is one other thing that's a huge part of what we do here is, you know, partnerships, collabs. We like to see companies working with other companies. It's really about your network over here, who you're working with, what you guys are going to end up doing together. That's kind of what I want to hear about from you. I see you guys have something with a few big ones. You've got OKx, tan Foundation, and Chainlink. Like those. That's. That's a big three. They could be on Mount Crypto. Like, tell us a little about them. Okay, so the earliest one was actually Chainlink built. Shout out to Chainlink. They believed in us early. We joined their accelerator program. We're working on several things with them. Number one is integrating their infrastructure tools into our, you know, our token economy. So that's very important. But number two is they're helping us distribute to some of the largest ecosystems. It's a lot better when Chainlink calls Solana and tries to get you in front of their HR department. So they're a big sales distribution channel for us. Chainlink, part of, being part of the accelerator, has been fantastic. Shout out to the team, you know, really proud to be a part of it. OKX. So we are actually the top six most visited cryptopedia campaign on the OKX wallet. We've gotten a massive amount of growth out of it. People really resonated. Their audiences really matched. It's been really fantastic. Look forward. Shout out to the OKX wallet team. And we have some big surprises coming on with OKX soon, including an integration of our airdrop with our wallet, which is very exciting. Another one that I cannot forget to mention is coin list We did our launchpad on coin list We actually broke the participation record since 2022 or 2021 One of those So shout out to the coin list team We got over 6 million people on their waitlist It was fantastic We're really humbled by the results of it It was really great launchpad So does that mean that you're working with chain link to look at some other crypto projects that might be able to integrate into bond as well in the future? Absolutely sustainably Because, you know, I think when you look at what the biggest ecosystems or most relevant ones, obviously on the hiring could be a top priority because it's a way for us to get those walled gardens of those competitors or the hiring part without the public aware of it being capitalized out First of all, and because of the massive scale required to get just users, we are not shy of saying that Bondex is for everybody, not for the rich So, you know, you name it, we got it, but we got a battery of other things developing as well I can imagine So something that's central to running a network like this is partnerships, collabs, integrations. What can you tell us about the roadmap from here? What's coming next? And later this year? Well, I said, the biggest thing is the AirDrop Wallet It's a connectivity solution that we're having It had an engineering side Bondex is coming out during this The biggest AirDrop Wallet, Let's put it this way for running a call operation and With your friends that come apart me It's the hell you said properties of Avila I think I paraphrased it the right way Google translation. the biggest ecosystem connecting for the developers can have their codes and ecosystem solved. They were in property that directly Like it or don't like that Said running a global knowledge speaking Oh man, I got to tell you absolutely love that And listen, let me just tell you that right here at the roundtable, we love collabs and partnerships We specialize bringing together a bunch of crypto enthusiasts when the same digital space just like the gallery or if it's an engagement more than this year, which is absolutely fantastic But at the same time, you know, you sit back and see and think, Well, how does it help bond? And one of the good answers is that we're one of the global development agencies For example, if we're building out an application with Visa and Visa says, okay, we have this digital instrument. Because that has happened to us, we end up with big engagement through these collaboration Then we've got to collaborate so that'll be the really beautiful kickoff products one of the between our over there. Sean? Maybe like that That kickoff of this demand, I cannot disclose those type. But what I can say, it's one of the New York huge kickoffs The others, we cannot disclose why because it's part from the property of the holder However, for more than that project. Around 30. Yeah And let me tell you some success like out of the big collaborations we've had ones as big as a two fold. For that reason, some of the markets got us better here And I do says some of the way our commissioning partners are dropping out here. To that point throughout the year, you can see additional examples of the city of Florala Also getting with visa acquiring some of that unknown naming your property. So that's big in Miami Medellin This month's under way For example, there are over 30 Secured this engagement's a very good pieces Enhanced properties a big collaborations over there unexpectedly working with visa, a bond We got the next step. So, I mean, that So really pretty good route Start over. Well I think it great so far like definitely see it working out So, basically whoever has their passports ready and there's the scope of the digital reality, they'll be part of this Working the part around those engagement They also will enhance because those secured companies have some In those type of environment, you know, could be very useful for the company, [inaudible] education rather. So you got all these people that because they're collaborating, they're know about the projects What's next for them? What should, you know, the ecosystem expect in terms of revenue opportunities, like next steps?ello and. It's a big set. That's a good one Thank you for the question Whoa. Okay, So basically it's the ecosystem rewards is our way to redistribute the revenues from a company to our users So downloads over the next few months Because it's been tested as a challenge wallet, it's been all good so far We want to be expanding that And eventually our talents app will be expanded to the 9 billion people market and the pools the ecosystem will keep growing So what are the way we work as a talent agency today Our revenues, our success fees and subscription fees will flow back in these ecosystem pools Like I said, depending on who you did in the quarter, you will receive them through future air drops So the goal is to allow everyone who's good at their job and freelancing and finding gigs, consulting, who's bringing in more transactions, and it's an active user contributing to the world because they need freedom of expression to receive those drops. To everyone in a position. So it's scaled up nicely, I think The biggest projects are happening now That's cool It's incredible That's absolutely cool Oh, it's Dope. Tell people like kind of. That's incredible Yeah Oh, man, that is absolutely incredible Listen while you were talking about all these things happening for Bondex, something that just came to the surface of my mind that I think even the listeners in this space would really love is why don't we have a face off panel of LinkedIn. Just the Bondex we could all argue and we can host that I'll do the I'll do the Bruce buffer intro for LinkedIn versus Bondex That'll be great I want to say my thank you, too, just like he did I'll ride the gratuity train around the room Real quick Before we wrap up, look at the comments section You guys really blew it up down there I appreciate that All the people that took time to write down there If there's tags, we'll get down there and answer everything later I appreciate the listeners Whether you were here in the beginning, the whole thing, or just got here, and you're wondering why we're closing already, it's because we've been here for a minute If you were one of the speakers on the panel I appreciate you carving out time to be part of the panel on Mario's show We try and get the best speakers in the place so that we can have the best conversations And I appreciate you guys coming in And then my biggest appreciation here, obviously, is to Bondex for setting up the spaces today, for coming in and hosting the conversation, and also to Mario and the Roundtable team for allowing me to be up here and do this It's a crazy job and I love it And then also to David, my guy, my number one co host in the coast lot over there, man, I appreciate you Thank you Absolutely And man, I'm going to sound like an echo chamber just like the rest of Twitter, but I got to say something similar We appreciate all the listeners who came out today Every speak, every speaker who came up, Ignacio, Bond X Deluxe, Emily, everybody up here on the stage, Mario, pulse You guys are amazing This is one of the best times of my day, just being up here on spaces, talking to everybody Make sure you are all following Bond X and Ignacio Ignacio said airdrops I can't even count how many times he is now saying web point, web 2.69 He knows the culture, knows where he's going and what they want to do Make sure that you are all following that And I hope everybody has a great day Thank you everyone for coming Have a wonderful day Bye."

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