Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This space “Web3 Leaders in PT with @papervc and @ivailoj” is hosted by icphub_PT. The Twitter Space encompassed engaging discussions on diverse subjects ranging from politics, economics, societal issues, to personal experiences, reflecting a blend of intriguing dialogues within the Innovation niche. Participants explored various perspectives, shared personal anecdotes, and navigated through topics such as technology’s impact, communication challenges, and societal complexities. The space resonated with thought-provoking conversations on historical events, global dynamics, free speech online, societal segregation, and technology’s role in communication. Notable highlights included dialogues on movie productions, personal experiences, defining world wars, free speech, and online expression controversies, adding depth to the enriching discourse.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


How do you define the concept of a “world war” based on historical events and current global dynamics?

The conversation likely explored historical instances of world wars and discussed how the concept resonates with contemporary global circumstances.

Can free speech truly exist on social media platforms like Twitter, considering the constraints and content moderation practices?

The discussion might have addressed the balance between free speech and content moderation on social media, considering the platform’s policies and practices.

What are the challenges individuals face in expressing opinions online, especially when societal norms and algorithms come into play?

Participants likely talked about the obstacles individuals encounter while expressing opinions online, amidst societal expectations and algorithmic influences.

How does societal segregation impact community dynamics and individual experiences in different regions?

The conversation may have touched on the effects of societal segregation on community interactions and individual experiences across diverse regions.

What role does technology play in shaping modern communication, and how does it influence perspectives on critical issues?

Discussions might have revolved around the role of technology in shaping communication in the present era and its impact on shaping perspectives regarding crucial matters.



Initiative Goals in Portugal

Time: 00:06:55 Discussion on the primary goal of nurturing the Web3 ecosystem in Portugal through startup support.

Emerging Web3 Trends

Time: 00:11:40 Exploration of promising trends in the Web3 space like engaging games, blockchain tools, and AI integration.

Evaluating Early-stage Web3 Startups

Time: 00:15:20 Criteria for evaluating potential investments in early-stage Web3 startups, focusing on team, market ambition, and risk-taking.

Challenges in Early-stage Web3 Startups

Time: 00:19:15 Discussion on risks and challenges faced by early-stage Web3 startups such as founder misalignment and establishing a strong company culture.

Significance of Cap Table Construction

Time: 00:24:11 Importance of constructing the right cap table to ensure comprehensive investor support, especially during market downturns.

Support Beyond Funding

Time: 00:25:46 Overview of the additional support provided to startups including business development, game mechanics, and introductions to market players.

Web3 Space Overcrowding

Time: 00:32:42 Discussion on the challenges of overcrowding in the Web3 space and the importance of differentiation for startups.

Web3 Ecosystem Potential

Time: 00:34:52 Final reflections on the massive potential and future trajectory of the Web3 ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • The discussion encompassed a wide range of subjects
  • offering unique perspectives on various societal and personal matters.
  • Participants engaged in conversations about voting
  • economic systems
  • societal structures
  • and challenges faced in daily life.
  • The space delved into the impact of technology
  • government policies
  • community dynamics
  • and individual experiences.
  • Topics included the evaluation of world events
  • discussions on personal struggles
  • and opinions on societal norms.
  • The conversation highlighted the complexities of society
  • the importance of context
  • and the challenges of communication in modern times.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Good morning everybody. Thank you for finding time and joining our session today. It is my pleasure today to present to you our guest speakers. I would like to start with our guest speaker from 1kx, Lasse Clausen, who is one of the general partners at the 1kx network. I would like to welcome him to start his presentation, Lasse, the stage is yours.

Lasse Clausen’s Introduction and Background

Thank you, Viola, thanks for the intro. So, yeah, my background is I’ve been in crypto for 9 years now. My partners, Christopher and Milan, and I, we co-founded 1kx. The previous two startups I did were fintech startups. The last one was in crypto in 2013. It didn’t work out. But we all know each other from the Berlin ecosystem, and then slowly transitioned into crypto and investing. In terms of 1kx, we started the first fund seven years ago, did our angel investments on an investment thesis that’s focused on infrastructure and tools and financial primitives that help drive layer-one use cases in liquidity, cryptography, and AI. In 2021, we raised a second fund, and our current portfolio has 75 projects. We see ourselves as pre-seed investors with tickets between 150k and 500k. We really like to see a prototype. So, that’s a bit about us.

Insights on Current Projects

Thank you. Thank you, Lasse, for the amazing intro, and it’s really good to see people with this extensive background in the crypto field. You guys have probably been involved in many iconic projects already. I would love to know a little bit more about what sort of projects you are currently working on with your fund. Please.

Sure, Viola, thank you for that lead. So, yeah, we are primarily focused on three big areas. First, decentralized finance, or DeFi, which I think still has a lot of room to grow. Second, gaming, particularly a play-to-earn model, which interestingly is a business model that makes much more sense in emerging markets where people play games for a living. And third, DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations, that are sovereignty-first protocols that either regulate natural resources or help build the layer-one ecosystems. This might be a bit hard to achieve, but it’s something we strive for.

Blockchain Gaming and DAOs

The blockchain gaming space you mentioned is really fascinating. Can you share more about the types of projects you are supporting in that area?

Sure, happy to. Specifically in blockchain gaming, we look for projects that incorporate gaming with decentralized finance elements. A lot of exciting things are happening with in-game economies and how they integrate with decentralized finance systems. The whole play-to-earn model has revolutionized how we think about virtual economies and labor, particularly in regions where employment opportunities are scarce. This is a very exciting space to be in right now.

Indeed, it’s a completely new paradigm. Speaking about DAOs, how do you think they are making a difference in today’s investment landscape?

Well, DAOs are transforming how projects are governed and how value is distributed. Through DAOs, we are seeing a tremendous shift towards more community-oriented project development and governance. This creates a more inclusive environment where everyone’s input is valued and rewarded, which is crucial for the longevity of any project.

Mercury’s Perspective from Kairon Labs

Thank you, Lasse, for sharing all these insights. Now, I would love to introduce our next speaker, Mercury, a market maker and partner at Kairon Labs.

Thank you, Viola. And thank you for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here. So, at Kairon Labs, we primarily focus on liquidity provision and market making for emerging digital assets. Essentially, our goal is to ensure that the markets for our clients’ tokens are liquid and running smoothly. This means tighter bid-ask spreads, and an overall healthier market. What excites us most are the new challenges and opportunities that arise every day in this fast-paced environment. We believe in being flexible and adaptive to the needs of each unique project we work with. From a market-making perspective, we aim to facilitate smooth token listings, manage risks effectively and drive sustained liquidity.

Strategy for New Tokens

Kairon Labs is known to play a vital role in the crypto ecosystem. Can you elaborate a bit more about your strategy working with new tokens and managing liquidity?

Absolutely. Our approach is quite hands-on. We collaborate closely with the project teams and take into consideration their long-term vision. Initially, we assess the liquidity requirements and determine the most suitable exchange listings. Furthermore, we deploy proprietary algorithms that help us maintain a liquid order book, thereby stabilizing the token price and ensuring investors can trade without significant slippage. Risk management is also integral to our strategy. The crypto market is volatile and being agile is essential. By maintaining a diversified portfolio and leveraging various hedging strategies, we ensure that assets are well-protected against market fluctuations.

Edgar’s View from Greenfield One

Thank you for giving us a look inside Kairon Labs’ operations. It’s clear that your strategies are pivotal for the success of many tokens. Thanks, Mercury. It was a pleasure. Now, let’s give the floor to our next speaker. We’re happy to have Edgar with us today. He’s a principal at Greenfield One.

Thank you, Viola, and good morning, everyone. I’m glad to be here. At Greenfield One, we are a Berlin-based crypto investment firm. We’re focused primarily on early-stage projects. We invest largely in decentralized networks and digital assets. We like projects that align with our vision of highly transformative, decentralized technology. I’d say our sweet spot is in projects that are protocol-level innovations, particularly those with compelling teams and clear use cases.

Innovations Supported by Greenfield One

Could you please share some examples of the types of innovations your fund is backing right now?

Certainly. One area we’ve seen significant traction is in zero-knowledge proofs. We have made several investments in this area, as they are integral to scaling blockchains while preserving privacy and security. Another domain that interests us is Web3 social. Many projects are now exploring ways to incentivize social interactions through tokenomics, which encourage genuine user engagement and create new modes of collaboration and content creation. We’re also watching the convergence of decentralized finance and traditional markets with great interest. This could unlock unprecedented efficiencies and access across financial systems.

Atani’s User-Centric Approach

Thanks, Edgar, for sharing Greenfield One’s perspective. Lastly, but not least, we have Liza, Founder and CEO of Atani.

Thank you, Viola, and hi everybody. It’s really nice to be here. Atani is a Spanish-founded company and we are passionate about making the crypto space more accessible, secure, and rewarding for traders. We are proud to offer a comprehensive platform that integrates advanced trading tools, tax reporting solutions, and portfolio management under one roof.

Atani is a very user-centric platform. Can you tell us more about how you ensure the best experience for your users?

Certainly. We’ve built Atani with the aim of simplifying crypto trading. Our platform aggregates data from over 20 exchanges, providing users with real-time information and enabling them to trade across multiple platforms without leaving Atani. By integrating tax reporting solutions, we help traders to stay compliant and manage their portfolios effectively. Security is paramount to us. We’ve incorporated state-of-the-art encryption and never store user keys, adhering to the highest standards in the industry to protect our users’ assets. We also offer a range of analytical tools that empower users to make informed trading decisions.

Closing and Future Engagements

That’s excellent, Liza. It’s clear that Atani is designed to meet the complex needs of traders in a secure and user-friendly way. Thank you for that insight. This brings us to the end of our session. I’d like to thank all our speakers — Lasse, Mercury, Edgar, and Liza. And thank you all for joining today. It was a pleasure hosting you and I look forward to our next session.

Thank you, Viola. It was a pleasure.

It was a pleasure. All our pleasure. And I’d like to just mention that if you guys are going to etHCC, we actually have currently an ideathon running online. You can win amazing prizes, particularly if you are AI or deep idea. You can apply as part of that in Lisbon. We are going to start a hackathon on July 1st for two weeks. You can hack and develop your idea into the prototype actually. So what can be better than that? If you’re a startup, if you don’t have a product yet, I think it’s an awesome opportunity to find developers. So yeah, please make sure you know about it. You apply. It’s all on our Twitter handle. If you go to ICP Portugal, you can see all the information there and yeah, thanks everyone for joining and I will see you next time, hopefully next week already. So thanks guys, have a lovely Friday.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, Viola. Bye.

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