Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Web3 Global Talks ️ Ep.167 – Powered by Ape.Bond hosted by web3globalmedia. Web3 Global Talks Ep.167 powered by Ape.Bond delved into the realm of top Crypto & NFT Conferences across Dubai, Miami, and Amsterdam, offering valuable insights on market trends, networking opportunities, and regulatory considerations. The space highlighted the significance of physical events in the virtual NFT ecosystem and the influence of geographical locations on NFT adoption. Attendees explored innovative projects, cultural impacts, and diverse collaborations, shaping the future of the NFT landscape.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What are the benefits of participating in top Crypto & NFT Conferences?
A: Attending conferences provides networking, industry insights, and collaboration opportunities for crypto enthusiasts.

Q: How do geographical locations impact the NFT market?
A: Different regions offer unique characteristics influencing NFT adoption, regulations, and market trends.

Q: Why are physical events crucial in a virtual NFT ecosystem?
A: Physical events enhance community engagement, foster partnerships, and create memorable experiences for participants.

Q: What role do NFT conferences play in showcasing cultural diversity?
A: NFT conferences bring together a diverse range of artists, collectors, and industry professionals, showcasing cultural richness.

Q: How do regulatory landscapes affect NFT activities across different regions?
A: Regulatory variations impact the legality, taxation, and governance of NFTs in various global locations.


Time: 00:15:47
Global Crypto Event Insights Exploring key takeaways from major crypto events worldwide.

Time: 00:25:32
NFT Market Trends in Dubai Insights on the growing NFT market in Dubai and its implications.

Time: 00:35:19
Networking Opportunities in Miami Discussing networking benefits for NFT collectors at Miami conferences.

Time: 00:45:51
Artistic Collaborations in Amsterdam Exploring unique art collaborations within the Amsterdam NFT scene.

Time: 00:55:42
Regulatory Focus in NFT Conferences Understanding the importance of regulatory discussions in NFT event settings.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of attending top Crypto & NFT Conferences to stay updated on industry trends.
  • Networking opportunities for crypto enthusiasts and NFT collectors at global events.
  • Insights on emerging NFT markets in Dubai, Miami, and Amsterdam.
  • Exploration of innovative projects and collaborations within the NFT ecosystem.
  • Discussions on the influence of geographical locations on NFT adoption and growth.
  • Role of physical events in fostering relationships and partnerships in the crypto community.
  • Highlighting the significance of real-world interactions in the virtual-driven NFT space.
  • Understanding the cultural impact of NFT Conferences in diverse locations.
  • Insights on the regulatory environment for NFTs in different regions.
  • Exploring the intersection of traditional art events with NFT conferences.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

Hello, everyone. Hello. It's so nice to be here. I'm Malkao, as you know me, like, I'm one of the Twitter space hosts of Zack's project and happy to be here today. There was, unfortunately, there was some miscommunication, so I have to take over this project, this space session, so I'm happy to be here. Just like, give me a. Give me just one more minute to prepare and then we are going to kick things off nice and smoothly.

Welcoming Participants

I see j o on stage. Welcome. Welcome, sir. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I hope you are doing well. You're feeling good. If you're. If you're also feeling good, like, we can slowly kick things off, right? Let's do it. So, you know, as I said before, you know, we had another spaces host. Like, unfortunately, there was some miscommunication, so we are going to do a little bit of a freestyle because, like, if it was up to me, I would just study my lesson and I know that you're from the jungle team, so, like, would you like to introduce yourself and jungle and then just, like, we can just steamroll from there for sure.

Overview of Jungle and Its Creation

That's a good starting point. Yeah, so I'm one of the founders of Jungle. I started project in 22 with the team that I was working with before, and we started the company really around a specific acquisition deal that we had lined up, nip to acquire a. To develop on top and to take it to market. And we've been building ever since on top of that foundation over the last 1920 months. And, yeah, we're now finally at a big milestone with the game live in market globally. We're hosting a big tournament throughout this month and seeing all of that work pay off in the engagement that we're seeing from the players. So, yeah, that's kind of like a bit of both. Both the intro directly to the point and also what we're up to right now.

Shifts in the Gaming Industry and Web Three

It's pretty exciting to hear that seeing more, like, gaming projects are interested in web three, like blockchain in general. But to be frank, gaming is more popular on web two. But choosing Web three is a little bit like choosing the hard way because, you know, it's a almost $30 billion. You know, the gaming ecosystem in general is worth over, like $30 billion now. And if you were. If it was up to me, like, if I didn't know anything about blockchain, I will just go with web two. But choosing Web three comes with some, like, you know, hardships and also, like, also just like, something like, compelling about choosing Web three is because there are a lot of advantages that you cannot achieve on web two. What made you guys choose Web three over web two? What are the things that makes you say, all right, this is a new thing, this should be the platform that we are going to build our projects upon.

Challenges in Web Two

Yeah, for sure. I think it's helpful to give context that Web two, and particularly mobile, is not without its challenges today. That's the space or the background that we came from. And today, I think the current status quo in the mobile industry is that you really have a bottleneck of distribution, that the playbook of the last decade of performance marketing in UA is no longer scaling to the same extent. And you have a scenario under which it's very hard to imagine new gaming companies starting breaking through and being able to consolidate themselves just doing mobile bare bones by itself. Very few exceptions to that case today of new startups that can pierce that market. And so that was kind of the place that we left and the reason why we joined Webfree and we've been building the space, is really an attempt at solving that distribution problem through the toolkit that is enabled by Web three.

Opportunities within Web Three Gaming

To the extent that we can use the primitives here of Web three to arrive at a new distribution model and a new way to grow games and to launch them and to build a gaming portfolio, then that is kind of the opportunity set that we embarked on to solve for jungle. And I think we're seeing that getting kind of proven out in real time, though. Web free gaming is still relatively small. But I think over the last cycle, if you really zoom out, you can see glimmers of that kind of like thesis really showing itself, how tokens can really help bootstrap a network of players, and how tokens can be used as a UA kind of tool. And so as long as that reduces your reliance on the traditional free to play model, then I think web three can have an impact in the traditional gaming industry and that will help shape the future of gaming in the next decade.

Adapting to Change in Gaming Infrastructure

I think we're still figuring out what exactly that playbook looks like and how scalable it is and all of the trade offs that you do when you really deploy tokens at scale to do UAE, but at least it is an attempt at solving that distribution problem that plagues the industry. Absolutely. I agree with what you said. A lot of problems on web two gaming, especially the ownership, is a big problem because the games that we play are usually launched on platforms that are completely centralized. And I believe that blockchain solves this problem. Whatever happens. But still I own everything on web three and it's actually like much more easier to build a community on web three rather than web two because, you know, for example, you know, just like what happens when you buy a game on Steam and just like, and that's basically it, you know, you just play it.

Concerns over Ownership and Game Access

But you know, if just the steam decides to remove the game from the platform, you don't own anything. Or you know, just as if the steam one day just decides to shut down, everything that you own will basically mean nothing. So I'm just like, I encourage people to build their projects, build their games and like protocols on web three more rather than web two. So it's so nice to see you guys are doing this. And you say like you've been doing this since 2022, right? Yeah, exactly. I mean, I do want to sort of quickly react to that. I think I, on the side of community building, I think totally agreed. I think it is so much more powerful and web free. Once you have incentive alignment with your users, that really changes the equation for a gaming company to have this network around you of not just early adopter but really evangelists that are going to be supporting the game are going to be supporting everything that you do and helping distribute and get it to scale.

Reflections on Asset Utility

So I think that is definitely one of the things that most works in this space. Now the other side of the comment though, I think more kind of like on the bearish side of that because I think ownership of assets doesn't really mean much once all of the rest of the game is still centralized. So sure you can have kind of ownership over NFT right of the game, but once you really dig into it, the entire premise, the entire system around that NFT is still very much centralized. And last year talking about a fully unchained game, which are very kind of niche and exceptions to the room. But I think for the vast majority of games today in the market, ownership doesn't really move that much the needle for the player experience with the exception or maybe with the key unlock being the fact that you can sell it, right.

The Dilemma of Ownership and Selling Assets

And I think that is what gets hidden under the concept of ownership is really just the ability to sell. But how powerful is ownership if you don't have liquidity on that asset? What happens if the game shuts down and there is nothing there for you to use it? The utility is very premised on a centralized product experience. And really I think what gets people going about ownership is your ability to exit your ability to have liquidity on that asset. But yeah, I think it's one of the points where we're kind of on the other side of that spectrum and doubting a bit of that conventional wisdom in this space.

Unique Features of Blockchain Gaming

Well, that's one thing, you know, like the ownership can just like remind people that, hey, this is an NFT or any other item that we are using on blockchain to access games or protocols and everything which the user or the owner can sell. But rather than I also think about other things, for example, like I can just like give an example of a blockchain game that I seen that produced an NFT, that NFT is interoperable within the ecosystem that can give multiple accesses to other projects within the ecosystem. So it's just not just like selling, but also, you know, being able to use that asset in different like projects within the ecosystem, which is crazy.

Evolution of Ownership with Blockchain

So I never seen this being applied in any other game before. Like blockchain just changed my vision on the ownership because of that. Because, for example, you own a skin on counter strike and you're not going to be able to use it anywhere else. And just like if you want to sell, you can sell. Yeah, but which other wall game is going to provide you this utility that, hey, this skin is also going to be like maybe, I don't know, maybe a month or maybe like a different item in different wall game. For example, you're going to use this in Half life two or maybe like when the Half life tree if it's going to be launched.

Universal Utility of Game Assets

So, yeah, just like ownership means also. Yeah, of course, you know, web three is full with the gems. Yeah. So they might be looking for exit liquidity, but if they like minded people like me, like the gamers, and also who like believes in the power of blockchain technology and loves gaming on web three, this comes to my mind, am I going to be able to use this item in any other game or any other, like a product within this ecosystem or not? So. Yeah, like it can go both ways. Yeah, but I think it is a separate point though, right?

Interoperability and Decentralization

Like I think the point that you had before about ownership being an unlock for decentralization, I think is one thing, the other one is interoperability derived from ownership. And yeah, I think that can be its own kind of like use case, let's say. But I think it's very far in between how many games, how many products or ecosystem can actually support meaningful interoperability. Right. So I think you gave the example of like counter strike skins. Right now that is only an asset that makes sense within counter strike.

Limitations of Asset Integration

Right. It makes no sense for you to import that skin into another game. It practically wouldn't like carry any of its attributes there. And so I think that can be something that you do. But for the vast majority of game assets, they're highly context dependent and specific. And the way that I think interoperability is likely to kind of like preserve more power is an abstracted form. Right. But a way in which, let's say you are a user of this game, you are a counter strike heavy player and you go to another evolve game and they recognize that, oh, you've played already tons of counter strikes.

Benefits of User Recognition

So we're going to give you a here a discount or we're going to give you another item or we're going to give you this benefit. Right. But I think that's less kind of like a major unlock of web three as much as it is about just tracking your users across games. Right. And actually like centralized ecosystem can power that. You don't really need ownership for it. But yeah, I think it is one of the points that you can do with web three if you choose to do so, for sure.

Closing Thoughts on Web Three Gaming

Well said. Thank you for agreeing with my point and everything. Like, I'm rooting for web three gaming. Like, you know, that was one of the first things that captivated my attention when I first started, like, you know, started being interested in web three basically and said, all right, there will be games like wow. And you know, it was like next best thing. It was presented as next best thing during the last bull run and like a gaming projects were popping up and gamefi tokens were just skyrocketing and everything. But I think that this cycle is going to be the one because when you hear a lot of people talk about the one topic, it's just like usually it doesn't end up the same, but when people don't talk about one subject but people keep silently building upon that, you know, topic, you expect something to go much better than, you know, expected.

Engagement in Web Three Gaming

So, you know, I'm preparing myself for web three gaming and I hope that I will have some like incredible games on web three because, you know, just, why not? You know, I played games for the past, I don't know, maybe like 25, 26 years and just like something fresh, something new is always like refreshing. So I would like to go back to jungle and just learn about like what are you guys building? What are you guys doing? I know that you guys are already working one game or maybe like multiple, but on the website I've seen one and I seen on your discord now that you're arranging some tournaments.

Details about the Jungle Project

And so would you like to give us more information about the game that you're building? And also, like the tournament, is it still available for new people to join that tournament? Like if so, how? Yeah, sure. For sure. So, yeah, there's a lot there to unpack, but yeah, for now, only one game. The game is called for the win or FTW for short. It is a mobile shooter that is live on the app stores, both iOS android as of last week. We shipped it for the tournament activation that we're doing that is going to be running all of this month across every single weekend.

Tournament Structure and Participation

And right now, in terms of the tournament that we're running, we've just hosted the practice session over the last weekend. So players from our community on Discord were joining and were testing with them all of the parameters here of the future. And glad to say it was a success. It ran pretty smoothly. This was the first time that we had a multi server startup. We took the game. We have servers now in the US, in Europe, in Asia, and yeah, so far so good in terms of no major bugs, no crashes that were affecting the player experience. And now the real tournament begins literally this weekend.

Tournament Schedule and Mechanics

And so how organizing it is that there are two phases here. During the week, you essentially play unranked matches qualifiers where you can earn tickets depending on your leaderboard placement every day, and you accumulate those tickets to then enter the tournament matches over the weekend. And so the finals run from Saturday to Sunday, essentially 48 hours. And then you use the tickets as kind of the main gates there to join matches every match. Then you get points, a score depending on your number of kills and your placement, and then you start ranking up in the leaderboard and that's kind of one leg of the tournament.

Distribution of Rewards

And we're distributing rewards here both daily, weekly and monthly for players coming in. And so the big jackpot is essentially the cumulative score of every single weekend this month, with the exception of the practice that we just hosted. And so, yeah, I'd say now is probably the best time to come in as the game is just getting an update. So it's going to be even more smooth, going to receive a few patches over the next few days and then really the big day when the tournament goes live is on Friday. So we have a lot coming up with the next few weeks and that's what we've been working on over the last few months to get out.

Tournament Structure and Attendance

So let me get this straight, you've been running this tournament for a while and you have prizes that are scaled between like a daily, weekly and monthly. And you have like incredible, you know, attend like attendance. Like numbers are incredibly good. Like from what I've seen, like while I'm talking to you, I'm scrolling down on your discord, checking the updates and everything that I can just like put my hands on to get more information. And so you said like you're like handing out prices and everything. And like I've seen there's like a white list, spots are being like given us prices as well. So like, as you mentioned, there will be an NFT collection coming up, right? Yeah, exactly.

Details on Prizes and NFT Collection

So the prize pool is 10,000 USCC, I think 30 Solana and 25 whitelist spots for the Genesis mint. And it's distributed across the month. Depending on the weekend or depending on the version of the leaderboard that you're in, you can get kind of some of those rewards. And then the specific details are published both on the website that we just released earlier today as well as on discord you can get the full breakdown. Amazing. Like I would like to deep dive into the, like a website and like in the game after this conversation. And I would like to learn more about the upcoming NFT collection. Like can you give me, like can you give us more information about the NFT?

Utility and Features of NFT Collection

Like what's going to be all about, like is there going to be a mint price or what are the utilities? Is that you already decided or are you willing to add more utilities in the future or anything else for sure? So this is the first collection, the genesis that we're releasing. It is a publisher asset, meaning it is not a game asset. It is something that is coming from jungle, not directly connected to the game. It is a free mint and it is also limited supply of 1000 units. And we've gotten essentially spammed over the last few weeks with tons of demand from users to get on the list and we couldn't allocate to everyone.

Building a Loyal Community

So that is I guess one of the benefits here of having artificial scarcity baked into the collection. But really the objective here for us is to get these assets in the hands of our, let's say 1000 true fans and consolidate directly on chain the holders that are going to be with the project for the long term. And so the way we've allocated the whitelist here has been really filtering for quality of holders and for quality of communities. And we've done an allocation of very concentrated to the top projects that showed the most amount of conviction and commitment and resonated with what we're building and the reason why we're first releasing the game and doing the tournament is to really establish a point of credibility, a point of legitimacy that this is not an asset that is coming to market without a product behind the scenes, without legit team that's been at work.

Engagement and Long-Term Strategy

So I think for us, one leads directly into the other because it raises the bar, establishes that, look, there is actually a game here that's been built that is fun, that is engaging, that thousands of users are coming in daily to check out and to participate. That just reduces so much of the uncertainty of, okay, what is this company building? What is the project about? Can I try out the game? Like what is the state? I think all of that gets answered here right now and then the next month with the tournament and then we really go to market and holders, buyers can take a position accordingly, right.

Utility of the NFT Collection

Having judged the product for its own merits and sizing accordingly how much they want to get exposure into the company building it. So, yeah, in terms of the question that you had about utility as well. So what we created this collection to be is really for, let's say holders, whales that want to have economic utility, right. This is what we think really drives the most amount of value to NFT collections, or particularly Genesis passes, which is how can I earn more for getting exposed to this asset? Think future collections, think token upside. That is the premise here.

Long-Term Engagement and Value Distribution

It is not beholden to a game level utility. It is something that is directly on chain oriented for holders to keep getting more exposure into the ecosystem of jungle. It's fantastic, man. You know, just like shout out to you guys while I was listening to you, like given all the details, like tournaments and handing out prices and like doing your genesis first NFT collection mint for free, like on top of you already, like building a product. It's incredible. You value your community.

Community Connection and Trust

Like, this is extremely bullish for me because, you know, as I mentioned before, in 2021, I was just like trying to get involved with a lot of gaming projects and most of them were just like asking for funds before, like anything was out there yet. And were just like, I have to admit that I was a rookie too because it was just a brand new thing. So, you know, just like were just minting their nfts and asking for the game and they were like, oh, thanks for the funds, man. You know, we are now we are going to build the game. They're like, what? So, you know, we are going to wait for months and months for you to just like build something with an NFT that doesn't do anything in my hand.

Strengthening Community Bonds

It's just like. But what you're doing here is incredibly beautiful, you know, and you're just like allowing your community to expand with Genesis collection. That may, like, that's probably going to unlock a lot of features in the future. And also, you know, you're doing this tournaments and everything, like building a community, like a, you know, just like strengthening the bonds between the people that are using your products and just like, man, also you're just like giving them money. It's crazy. Like, I love it, man. It's just like, I can't wait to see more about like a jungle and future, you know, it just like, it hyped me up, but by just like listening to it.

Anticipating Future Engagement

And I also looked at the graphics and everything, it just looks astonishing. And so, you know, can't wait to just like, you get to get the game and just like start playing after this conversation, basically. For sure. I mean, I think that is the unlock of web three, right? Really the ability to engage in these communities, in these products, and have an upside, direct financial upside. And I think the more that we offer kind of value to the community, the more that the project grows. Right.

Project Growth and Community Engagement

And the whole thinking here is how can any user joining Django be kind of like a positive sum member to the network effect of what we're building? And so, yeah, I think the whole building, let's say, philosophy here has been how do we figure out interesting, novel, fun ways to distribute value to the network of users who are coming into the project? And we've been building the community for a long time now. And we've been live since June of last year. And we have users that are still coming back even after a year to check out the game, to participate in the events.

Rewarding User Engagement

And I think it is kind of ultimately about rewarding that user for their time, for their engagement, for their loyalty. Right. And here determinant is exactly that. How can we give you the most amount of fun, the most amount of touch point with the game, but make it incredibly rewarding for your time? And with the mint, I think it's the same thing. Right? How can we really pick out the core members of the community that really stand out in their engagement and their support and give them something that is going to essentially make them a core stakeholder of the project for the long term?

Aligning Incentives with Community Interests

Right. And as much as possible, max incentive alignment is the way to go. And so that's why? A lot of the premise of that asset in the collection is everything that we do going forward, you're going to get exposure into and so that starts binding kind of like developer and let's say community ever so closer. Right. And I think a lot of the learnings that we've had from the market over the last years has been that is the only kind of path to success in web free, not just in gaming.

Value in Community Building

Right. But really kind of like this incentive alignment is the big point here. And so as much as possible, I think this is what we're going to keep doing and doubling down on and embracing this kind of like abundance mindset that the more value that we distribute to the community, the more that the project grows as a result. Absolutely, man. I agree with you. You know, just, you know, if you have a community that trusts you that like, you know, that has a strong bond with your project and, you know, if you have like a great communication with them and everything, like the chances of you failing is almost zero in this space.

Observations on Community Success

And we have seen like examples for this before. You know, we have seen like a big names launching projects or just like saying, hey, we are going to build this and that. And like there was no community so just like they were like a doomed to fail anyway. So yeah, I guess, like, I guess building a community is like, it's like a biggest step and also like the, like it might be the hardest one actually because, you know, you might be experienced on development or maybe like making games or marketing and everything, but you know, just like, I believe just like, you know, creating a community from scratch and keeping them like connected with you for a very long time, it's the hardest one.

Challenge of Community Building

And aiming that in the first place is just like, I guess, like that shows like, you actually know how these things work in web three. And also, you know, it's just like community is everything. Like that was the biggest slogan, right? So it's good to see you guys doing this and I cannot wait to be a part of your community as well after this. Sorry. Like I took me so long to like a learn about jungle. I guess this is the first time I'm freestyling on a space for in my just like entire career.

Engagement and Community Reflection

But, you know, just like I'm having so much fun listening to this. Like every single detail that you are giving is just like extremely like a satisfaction. So you're going for the. Rabbit hole right now, right? Yeah, it's interesting. Like the point about the community, I think one of the kind of like things that is hardest to do in this space is to know when the kind of community building is successful and authentic versus not because it's very easy in this market to kind of like incentivize and growth, hack your way into hundreds of thousands of users overnight and essentially pay for that distribution.

Authenticity in Community Building

But if you don't do it the right way consistently over time, and you really build psychological ownership with that user base, then just as fast as they come, as fast as they're going to leave, it's hard to tell once, if you just look at the surface level, to what extent is this a loyal community that is going to stick out for the long term versus mercenaries that are just here for the short term incentive. They're going to drop out the moment that whatever campaign is done. And I think all of the vanity metrics in the space do kind of like create this like smoke and mirror effect, right?

Metrics and Genuine Engagement

Where you see tons of like engagement on social and you wonder, oh, damn, they really have a big following, right? But behind the scenes, a lot of it is just questing platforms incentivize kind of like growth models that the moment that you take out the juice from the equation, really no one's left standing and you see that it was all kind of like a big kind of psyop. And so, yeah, I think we're learning that over time that there is no shortcut to community building. And really it is kind of something that is very particular to Webfree that you need to be able to do it not just in your own way, in your own kind of like model that you can't just follow a playbook, but to actually know like how many of these users have we locked in to our network?

Evaluating Community Loyalty

This is how many of them are just kind of multi accounting sort of trying to grind their way and then they're on to the next project. Yeah, man. You know, just like metrics show everything and also like the engagements and everything can be understood easily, like whether they're fake or not. And just if you're protocol that keeping things slow, like putting more value on building, especially like not showing that, hey, we are not here for only one day or like a yemenite. We are not an overnight sensation and everything, it just shows and everything shows, you know, like it's so easy to detect the like a fake numbers and everything, but I'm just like looking at your discord conversations and everything that these guys are all locked in and like, it's just like I just like scroll down and seeing that there's a conversation going there, like a voice chat, and just like, there are like, hundred people there.

Observations on Authentic Engagement

It's so, like, good to see these things are happening, man. so, all right, so, like, as you said, you're, you referred me as going down the rabbit hole right now. I'm just like a 6ft underground right now. So just, like, I need to come back to the surface. So, so when you just, like, you know, steamroll with the conversation, I always ask myself one question, like, is there anything that should be talked about, like, worth mentioning that we never had the chance to speak as we are on the stage right now.

Final Remarks and Future Insights

So if there's anything, like, really worth mentioning that should be talked about during these spaces and we never talk about yet, please just, like, get the mic and enlighten us. Yeah, for sure. I think we kind of led with the most important point, which is the tournament. Right. If you really go now, like, open your phone, go to the app store, search for the win jungle, the game will come up, you can download it and be within a match in minutes, playing against other players and entering something that you can win kind of thousands of dollars in terms of rewards by the end of the month.

Key Takeaways and Alphas

So I think that is the biggest alpha drop that I can have. And after, I think what we're gonna be doing here that is still in the works behind the scenes that we're gonna be releasing is at the end of the month, we're going to start talking and transitioning to the mint, right? And by then, a very specific kind of, like, rollout will be taking away the focus from the tournament and really talking about how we see the future of the project, the assets, and the on chain strategy. But I think for now, the biggest alpha drop is really the game and the tournament.

Accessing the Tournament and Game

By the way, just like, I guess there is another way to just, like, a deep dive into the tournament. If anyone goes to your discord right now, there's a section called tournament. And, like, the first channel is called download with a QR code. So just like, if I can just scan this QR code, I will be able to download the game and start playing it, right? So at the same time, I'm trying. At the same time, I'm trying to convince people to join your discord. So, guys.

Encouraging Community Participation

Yeah, forget app store, man. Just, like, join jungles discord right now. Or maybe like, after this conversation, and there will be a lot of information that will be useful for you. For example, you know, there's, like, this section called tournament and download. You can scan the QR code, a lot of information there says like a tournament reward says 25 whitelist spots, ten K USDC pool and 30 soul like which is incredible.

Web Three Gaming Access

You know like you cannot find these things on web two guys. You know just like hey play my game. I'm going to reward you with money. Like real money. Like yeah so like money is something else but you know so like you guys made it much more easier for us to access and I'm amazed by all of this. Like can't wait to just like I'm also like still trying to convince my friends to join web three and they're like matthew, like it's a little bit hard for us and everything. Like I'm saying no, it's nothing but you know it's still there. I'll just like send this like a QR code to them and just like look for their opinions. Maybe they listen to me this time.

Getting Friends Involved

Yeah exactly. Just send them the website. We just published that earlier today. Wintour XYz is the best way to get them black billed here into web free gaming. Literally you go, you download the game. There is no onboarding friction whatsoever. You join discord and then you link your wallet. But yeah completely positive expected value for them to download, install and play through the tournament and see how well they can do. I mean it's literally the only way that you can have that upside through web three and kind of without any of the user friction that you would usually have in other games of the type.

Excitement for Future Releases

Man I can't wait to like play the game. And also like I'll be looking forward to see more releases in the future because I know like you guys are not going to stop here with just one product and everything. Like over the years I'm expecting new guys to be releasing more bangers. Just yeah I'm stocked and I'm pretty sure that our community is also stuck because I know a lot of gaming enthusiasts are listening to this space right now like feeling the chat and everything. You know whenever like the topic comes to gaming we are just like yeah man, like this is the topic that we love you know. So yeah man this has been amazing.

Conclusion and Next Steps

You know I wish I was prepared a little bit better but like I think we just like did pretty well. Yeah I think yeah we covered the important points here and for everything else I think really I would just encourage kind of like start with the game, see how you like it, check it out. And if you resonate with the game and you think you can do well? Definitely join the tournament this weekend and join the community and everything else will follow after that. And so if you stay tuned on Twitter and discord, you should get all of the updates and yeah, everything else will follow.

Audience Engagement

Don't worry. We are going to remind them to do so. You know. You know, just like at the end of this session I'm going to remind them to do so again. And like after the conversation I'll be reminding everyone to like, hey, guys, you should do this. So, yeah, man, this has been amazing. You know, I can't wait to like be in on other spaces when you just like after you release, like after the tournament. Also like after the NFT mint and everything. Like whenever you have time, I cannot wait to like get you on the stage again.

Open for Questions

So to get more updates to learn. Like, yeah, what you guys, what you guys are. Keep cooking. So yeah, if you want, we can do audience questions as well. And. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. If you guys have any questions, by the way, you know, just like you can just put them in the comment section so we can just like I get some, like in the cup. Like I can read them out. Feel free if you want. Either pick them out or invite people to the stage.

Handling Comments and Questions

Oh, actually we have one request, actually. Like we have Latvia zero 90. Let me get him on the stage. I gave the mic. Hopefully he's going to be on the stage right now. Approve Latvia. Can you hear us? I hope you can hear us now. Sorry. Like you requested for the mic like five minutes ago and everything, but this is the time for you to just like, if you have any questions or any comments that you would like to make, this is your time. Maybe let's get the next person up.

Tournament Format Questions

All right, as soon as there's a request, I'm going to onboard. But I guess there's, there are some questions in the comments. All right, so, all right, the one question coming from Colin Silver butter. I hope I didn't butcher your name, man. If I did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. So the question is like are there any reset in the tournament leaderboard every week so that new members can join or just like they're done? Like the points just like keep adding up for sure.

Tournament Structure Explained

So the practice weekend that we just had is going to be reset and every weekend it's individual tournament, but then it contributes as well to a monthly kind of like tournament, which is the sum. Right? And so this weekend, like, you're just playing for this weekend, but it will at the same time have like, another layer where it kind of like, is adding up. What we're going to be introducing, though, for new members that join kind of throughout the month, is we're going to have tickets with multipliers.

New Member Incentives

And so this week we're going to have limited tickets. Every match is just worth whatever kind of score you get. Right. So one x, and then the weeks that follow, we're going to introduce tickets with two x and tickets with five x. And so for players that are coming in late and that want to catch up and have a shot at it, they can use two x and five X tickets where they're going to get a multiplier on their total score and so they're going to go through the ranks much faster.

Feedback and Community Interaction

Right. And, yeah, that is essentially like a design kind of like that. We did that. We're going to be trying out with this tournament to essentially solve for that because we wanted to be able to figure out a way under which still at the very last leg of the tournament, in the last weekend, the monthly jackpot can still be disputed and can still be won by a new player coming in just for the last few days. Right. So, yeah, we're excited to see how that goes and kind of like the feedback here from the players.

Tournament Experience Appreciation

I actually liked how you guys are operating this. Like, it makes much more sense if you're, like, if you're into gaming. Like, it's hard to explain, but it's like a gut feeling. So, you know, just, I hope this answer, like, satisfied your question and, like, what you have been wondering about the tournament. So it just, like, made me more stuck about the tournament. Like, so, no, I like the system that you're building upon.

Cutting Edge Gameplay

Like, man, it's crazy. So we have Alexander, I guess, sorry. Alexander the Great, asking for the mic. I believe that there will be, like a question. So I'm giving the mic right now. By the way, guys, if you have more questions, like if you have any questions or comments, anything, like you can write down in the comments or just like request for the mic and jump on the stage and ask your questions and get.

Technical Difficulties

Some answers that you deserve, you've been looking for. I'm trying to add Alexander, but, you know, it's just like, doesn't approve, I guess. There's a problem that I'm trying to fix right now. Sorry about the latency. The X is always messing with me, man. You want to try getting someone else up? Yeah, also like we have bad ninja and Alexander requesting for the mic and I'm trying to add like onboard them but whenever I click on.

Casual Audience Interaction

Oh, all right. So hey, what's up? Hey, I got no question. Yeah, I ain't got no questions. I just stopped by, say hi. I wish all the best. Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. Thanks for coming up. Yeah, good luck. Hey, thanks. Thanks, man. That was some like spreading some good vibes. I was expecting to have some questions but you know, thank you for the good vibes, Alexander, I'm still trying to onboard you, man.

Continuing Engagement

Sorry. Like I don't know what's happening and also like, we received some comments so I'm just checking if there's any other, like any new question in the comments section. One question came from Colleen Silva. Butter again. Like what time will the tournament be hosted? I guess we answered this question, but you know, maybe like Colin Silva just joined a little bit late, so maybe you can give more information about like what time will the tournament be hosted?

Tournament Timing Information

Question. Yeah, so the tournament, let's say feature here, is live all month. The finals of the tournament are live throughout the weekend from Friday midnight utc to Sunday. And so, yeah, essentially all weekend is when the real tournament happened. But until then, you can already kind of join the tournament event by grinding throughout the week to get tickets. Right. And so, yeah, depends, I guess, which one you're looking for.

Preparation for Tournament

But yeah, if you check on the website as well as on discord, you can see kind of the full breakdown of the schedule. Also, preparing for the tournament is important. Right. You know, you just like, you can't just jump in during tournament without playing the game beforehand and getting wrecked by people who have been grinding very hard, spending like hundreds of hours already. Like knowing every single moment can be like a little bit upsetting when you just jump into the tournament.

Gaming Market Conditions

Like straight, like a deep dive in it. Like, preparation is important, guys, when you are playing some games, especially when you're joining the tournaments. So there's another question from Imran Khan asking for market conditions have been quite struggling nowadays. Are you guys waiting for the best time to launch or. We'll launch it sooner. So it depends what he means by launching.

Independent Launch Decisions

But yeah, I mean, the game is launched already, so that is independent of market conditions. And the mint asking for the NFT collection. Yeah, the Minsk already set. In terms of date, it's October 1 and we're not going to be waiting or changing kind of that date. for us, it's less important that the market kind of like is at the perfect time as much as kind of we stick to our own timeline, for when we're going to be doing things and.

Release Date Confirmation

Yeah. So essentially, though, it's not going to be in effect here. All right, so like October 1, we got another alpha, guys. thanks for the question.

Questions About Future Games

Yeah, I have two more questions and then maybe like a weekend start slowly wrapping this up if it's okay for you too. Yeah, for sure. All right, so here's Monao GG asking for is there going to be on PC game or something in the future, like on a big screen? That's a nice question. Like, I was like basically asking for are you guys going to only stick with the mobile games or are you planning on like releasing like a PC compatible games in the future?

Mobile Game Focus

Yeah, so you can play the game on PC at Asta if you just use kind of like bluestacks or something like that. Essentially like an emulator to run the game. But the whole thinking for the company, for the strategy is to focus on mobile because that is the biggest player base in the world and that is where we see the biggest opportunity set for the company. It's also where our developers or team DNA comes from. And, yeah, that is kind of like the market that we're going for. So we don't want to be competing with other shooters on desktop and console.

Potential in Mobile Gaming

We want to be on mobile where we think there is a very interesting market opportunity of lowering the barrier to entry for players of the genre. So the whole premise here for the product strategy is how can you make a lightweight, casual mobile shooter that can onboard millions of players in emerging markets? It is a game that's very optimized. It's not right now already at the limit of what we can get it to be, but it's going to be a very thin client that can download anywhere, that can run on low end devices, very unstable Internet connections with tons of optimization to solve for latency in the game.

Value for Underserved Audiences

So the game runs very smoothly. And, yeah, all of that is kind of like part of the player base and user that we're going for, which we consider to be sort of an underserved audience that this game can really bring a lot of value to and, yeah, so, yeah, long answer, but that's kind of like the reason why not. It's understandable, you know, like if I have to put my two cent in this particular matter is just like, you know, just like having a better reach if you want to have a better reach, like, a mobile games is the best way to go right now because especially in web three, I don't think a lot of people are using, like, high spec computers.

Challenges of PC Gaming

So, like, you, like, releasing a game like, my own PC especially might require a lot of specs. And it's just like, the people get burned down, like asking themselves, hey, should I be, like, a building a new computer for this? Or just like, should I go with the game that I can just, like, simply, like, a download from the app store and just start playing with no problem whatsoever, you know? So, yeah, I'm on you. I'm on you guys with this. Like, with this.

Community Engagement and Support

Because, you know, just, like, I really don't want to, like, a build a new computer for just one game instead of, like, a. You like, spending that money on, like, a new launches or everything, you know? Yeah, yeah. Trying to find that. There was another. A lot of, by the way, a lot of bullish comments in the comments section. Like, a lot of, like, you know, like, a lot of people are spreading love towards the jungle and also Zach. So, like, I would like to thank them for their, like, nice comments.

Final Questions and Jungle Game Concept

Like, seeing the. Those always makes me smile. So, yeah, there's another question. I guess this is our last question. I'm sorry. I'm going to butcher your name in this. Like, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, man. I guess it's called 19 eight. Jesus. I guess it's 19 eight asking, like, what made you think of a jungle? Like, it's a shooter game. So why jungle was on your mind? Like, are we gonna have some jungle book story?

Distinct Branding of Jungle

Like, yeah, so the company is very different than the game. Right. We started the company first and then we built the game. And the game is actually just called for the winner. FTW. But jungle for us was a brand name that we could get behind that was very fun to begin with and allowed a lot of world building and extensions of what exactly the welcoming and entering the jungle can really mean. Right. And so, yeah, we like the metaphor.

Community Building and Future Expansion

We think it opens up to a natural, kind of, like, ecosystem route. And that has a lot of, kind of affinity with the way we've built the community, we've built the brand. So, yeah, I think those are separate brands in our kind of, like, view. And if you enter kind of like the community, and if you enter kind of, like, jungle, you're gonna start seeing kind of, like, the differences there. But Django, the company, the holding structure is always much bigger than any one single game.

Looking Forward and Conclusion

Right. And so we wanted something that was able to capture that expansiveness and jungle was the one. Wow, man. The more I learn about jungle, like, the more I get, the more bullish I get. This has been amazing, man. Every single point that you made during this conversation made a lot of sense to me personally as a per, like, as a person who has been in like in the. Interested in blockchain and also like gaming for a very long time. And just like, all right.

Building Excitement and Community Engagement

Every single, like, point that I was looking for was like, I received all my, all the answers that made a lot of sense to me. So I'm extremely bullish. And as I said before, like, I cannot wait to like, have you on another spaces like sometime in the future to get more updates about, like the other current situation on about jungle, like, what to come in the future and everything and yeah, this has been awesome, man. Yeah.

Final Reminders and Goodbyes

Like, I suck at like, ending spaces because I never like to end the conversation, like, abroad. And so I would like to remind the community here, like something, some important stuff. Please, guys, involve follow jungle. Okay. Like follow their twitter. Click on the bell to get updated. Join their discord. A lot of stuff happening on their discord. They have a sleek website. The game looks awesome.

Participation in Tournaments

And like to, like, let's talk about the tournament again. There's a tournament going on. Like there are prices being like distributed like to the players. And how, if you ask like, how can I just like start, like download the game and start playing the game and join the tournament? You are. You have to visit their discord first. Okay. There is a section called tournament. Go there.

Get Started with the Game

There's a QR code and just scan it, start playing it and like grab tickets and make sure to be eligible to be in like a grand tournament. And everything is there now maybe like you are like a badass shooter game player. So you can just like grab some like pie, like a slice of pie from the big prize pool. And also maybe you can get a white disk spot for the upcoming NFT collection which is going to happen on October 1.

Conclusion and Call to Action

That's the free mint, by the way, which is bonkers. Yeah, that's basically it. If you already joined late, you can just listen to this conversation from the beginning and we talked about a lot of incredible stuff that you might be finding bullish and saying that, all right, I've been looking for a community to join and jungle is going to be the one. After listening to this conversation again, man, it's incredible.

Wrap Up and Next Steps

Yeah, it was incredible. Yeah, I think you summarized it well. And just one tiny correction. I think the fastest route here is to go directly to the website. It has everything that you need there. And then if you need kind of, like, more information, you can go to discord. But, yeah, we just published this wintour XYZ, and we'll have the QR code and all of the information from. From the tournament.

Future Updates and Engagement

And. Yeah, that should be able to get you started. Yeah, you heard it here first, folks. You know that there are some, like, several places that you should visit to get updated. And let's do it after this. Let's do it. That's it. Mandy, thank you for being here, man. Like, that was an amazing conversation.

Community and Personal Connection

You know, it's like, I'm just bullish. So, yeah, try out the game. Send me. Send me a player. Send me, like, a friend request, and we can try to jump into a match. All right. All right. Like, I'm going to do it right after this. Like, I actually like adding you here so I can send you a DM afterwards. Yeah.

Final Farewell

All right. There we go. All right. So shall we end this? Let's do it. All right, man. Thank you for being here. Like, yeah, maybe, like, if you want. To say goodbye, till next time, I'll see you in the game. All right, see you. See you in the game.

Community Thanks

Guys, we. Thanks, guys. Hey, bad ninja for you, man. Like, thank you for spreading, like, good vibes and all the love letters to you, too. All right. All right, thanks. Thank you, guys for being here. This was an amazing conversation. We have given out a lot of good information.

Encouragement to Stay Informed

If you just, like, listen to the recap, you will find some good points, but the most important thing is don't forget to follow jungle on Twitter. Go to their website, and join their discord. See you next time.

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