Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Web3 gaming chill sesh hosted by 0xPolygon. Delve into the vibrant world of Web3 gaming with Polygon updates, focusing on Protocol & Governance, DeFi innovations, and Ecosystem dynamics. Community involvement and Polygon Labs insights offer a glimpse into the future of gaming on the platform. Discover how developers can leverage Polygon's technology stack for enhanced experiences and scalability in the evolving Web3 gaming landscape. Stay informed to explore the growth potential and adaptability of Polygon in the exciting realm of Web3 gaming.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does Polygon's Protocol & Governance impact Web3 gaming?
A: The governance framework influences decision-making and protocol upgrades in the gaming sector.

Q: What advantages does DeFi on Polygon offer for gamers?
A: Polygon's DeFi solutions provide efficient and low-cost financial services tailored for the gaming community.

Q: Why is understanding Polygon's Ecosystem crucial for Web3 gamers?
A: Navigating the diverse ecosystem enhances participation and engagement with Polygon's gaming projects.

Q: How does community involvement contribute to Polygon's success in gaming?
A: Active community participation fosters collaboration, feedback, and growth within Polygon's gaming ecosystem.

Q: What opportunities does the intersection of Polygon and gaming present for developers?
A: Developers can explore innovative solutions, tokenization, and scalability options by integrating with Polygon's gaming initiatives.

Q: What insights can be gained from Polygon Labs regarding Web3 gaming?
A: Polygon Labs offers strategic direction, research, and development insights shaping the future of gaming on the platform.

Q: In what ways is Polygon showcasing its adaptability in gaming?
A: By exploring various gaming projects and partnerships, Polygon demonstrates its flexibility and ability to evolve in the Web3 space.

Q: What growth potential does the Web3 gaming sector offer for Polygon?
A: The expanding Web3 gaming market provides Polygon with opportunities for innovation, expansion, and community building.

Q: How can developers leverage Polygon's technology stack for gaming?
A: Developers can utilize Polygon's infrastructure, scalability, and user-friendly tools to enhance gaming experiences and reach a broader audience.

Q: Why is staying informed on Polygon's developments important for Web3 gaming enthusiasts?
A: Keeping up-to-date with Polygon's progress, partnerships, and projects enables enthusiasts to make informed decisions and engage with the platform effectively.


Time: 12:15:00
Exploring Polygon's Protocol & Governance Insights into the decision-making and governance aspects impacting Web3 gaming.

Time: 14:30:22
DeFi Solutions on Polygon for Gamers Discover the benefits of decentralized finance tailored for the gaming community.

Time: 16:45:10
Polygon's Ecosystem: Navigating Web3 Gaming Understanding the ecosystem dynamics and opportunities within Polygon's gaming landscape.

Time: 19:20:18
Community Engagement in Polygon's Gaming Sector The importance of community participation and collaboration in fostering Polygon's gaming success.

Time: 22:05:35
Integrating with Polygon: Developer Perspectives Opportunities, innovations, and scalability options by connecting with Polygon's gaming projects.

Time: 25:40:50
Insights from Polygon Labs for Web3 Gaming Strategic direction and research insights shaping the future of gaming on Polygon.

Time: 28:10:15
Versatility of Polygon: Adaptability in Gaming Exploring partnerships and projects showcasing Polygon's flexibility and evolution in the Web3 gaming space.

Time: 31:55:03
Growth Prospects for Polygon in Web3 Gaming Opportunities for innovation, expansion, and community growth within the dynamic Web3 gaming sector.

Time: 35:20:42
Leveraging Polygon's Tech Stack for Enhanced Gaming Utilizing Polygon's infrastructure and tools to create immersive gaming experiences and reach wider audiences.

Time: 38:45:08
Staying Informed: Updates on Polygon's Developments The importance of staying updated on Polygon's progression, partnerships, and projects for Web3 gaming enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways

  • Polygon's Protocol & Governance play a crucial role in the Web3 gaming space.
  • DeFi on Polygon offers innovative financial solutions for gamers and developers.
  • Understanding Polygon's Ecosystem is essential for navigating the Web3 gaming landscape.
  • Community involvement is vital for the success and sustainability of Polygon in gaming.
  • Exploring the intersection of Polygon with gaming opens up new opportunities for developers.
  • Learning about Polygon Labs provides insights into the future direction of Web3 gaming.
  • Polygon's initiatives in gaming showcase the platform's versatility and adaptability.
  • The evolving Web3 gaming space presents exciting growth potential for Polygon.
  • Developers can leverage Polygon's technology stack to enhance gaming experiences and scalability.
  • Staying updated on Polygon's developments is key for anyone interested in Web3 gaming.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Check

Cool. We will get started shortly. Just going to let the panel fill up. We got some cool folks joining. Kaymond, do you want to do a little mic check first, make sure we got the audio? All good. Put you on the spot. I know. Right off the back. Sorry. If you're speaking, I can't hear you. But no worries. We're not getting started just yet. I see Zlatko. Yep. 100%. Hopefully Twitter bears with us today. Zaco, would you do a little mic check, make sure we can hear each other? For inviting us? Absolutely. Can hear you loud and clear. So that's awesome. Thank you for that. So wait a couple more minutes. Got a couple more friends joining and we can kick things off. Came on. Whenever you want to do a mic check, too. No worries. Take your time. Just come off mute and let's see if we can hear you.

Panel Introduction

I'm ready. Awesome, awesome. Thank you for that. We'll get started in probably, like, 60 seconds. Just waiting for a couple more people to join, and then we can get things going. Hey, Ken, how's it going? Would you like to a little mic check? Yes, a little. A little quiet. Maybe one more time. Is you on an iPhone? No, I am on my computer. Okay. I wonder if there is a… A mic selection option that sounds a. Little bit better than what it was. You were really quiet, but I think it's okay now. But mic, it's using. I hope it's using my computer mic and not my camera mic. It's okay, man. Technology is always fun. It's always an adventure. So that's okay. We can hear you actually pretty. Okay. So that's good.

Moving Forward with the Panel

But look, it is a little bit past one. Whenever some more folks join, they can join. If not, we've got a great panel right off the back, so let's just go around. We've got three of our speakers on stage. We've got a bunch of good questions to get into. Let's start with, if you could introduce yourself, then give us a little Tldr on what you're building. We can go in the order that I see you guys on the screen. So, Kaymon, would you like to go first? Maybe not. No worries. How about Ken? Would you like to go first? Maybe introduce yourself and give us a little Tldr on what you're building?

Ken Anderson's Introduction

Sure. Yeah, absolutely. So, I'm Ken Anderson. I'm the CTO of a project called Toschi. We've developed a peer to peer multiplayer serverless gaming engine which uses a consensus protocol to reach consensus between the players, so no servers needed. And to support that model, we're also building out a deep in architecture that allows availability and consistency of those gaming sessions. In other words, we're taking all of that web two gaming infrastructure off of the web two cloud and moving it to the edge using a Web 3D pin model. Love that. Thank you for sharing. Can't wait to get more into that. Zlatko, would you like to go next? Sure. Thank you. My name is Zlatko. I'm the CEO and co founder of Lusa the final Frontier. And we're building a third person shooter on the latest Unreal engine.

Zlatko's Project Overview

We will implement all the battle royale experience and we integrated AI as well. We've trained the 3500 hours. It's beating now on the hardest mode, even competitive and professional players, and happy to be here. Thank you. Absolutely. Well, we appreciate you joining. There's a lot of people requesting. We want to make sure that we can get to our folks who have prioritized the responding. So if we have some time at the end, we will definitely get some more of you guys from the audience up on stage, but definitely want to make sure we can get through as many questions as possible. And we do have some more people joining shortly. So, yeah, let's just maybe get into some of these questions and whoever joins.

Kaymon's Turn to Speak

And if not, like I said, got a great little panel here. So, Ken, you are now the first person that I see on my screen. I think Kaymon will come back in a little bit. Oh, maybe Kaymon's back now. Kaymon, is your mic working? Yeah, no, it's working. Sorry. It was actually also my connection. I was listening bits and pieces here and there, so I thought, okay, definitely something doesn't work. So I had to shut it down and coming back again. Okay, awesome. Well, if you wouldn't mind, maybe just introduce yourself and give us a little TLDR on what you're building. Absolutely. First of all, happy to be here. Nice.

Humberto's Project Insights

I'm Humberto. I'm the CEO and the founder of Pinkmoon Studio. We are a full fledged gaming studio, currently working on two of our main products. The first one is the Mythos engine is a no code MML as a service tool. We noticed that there is a lot of, you know, web three make a lot of sense in MML games, but building an MML is extremely difficult. And we see a lot of project indeed having hardware there. But instead, we worked and we created a proprietary engine to create MML on the fly, technically speaking. And we actually used this and we created the ending for creating our first MML game, which is called Kmon World of Kojiya, which is about to be released at the end of the September, beginning of October in early access.

Kmon World of Kojiya

And imagine you are playing World of Warcraft with the Pokemon to make it very straightforward. That's awesome, man. World of Warcraft and Pokemon, definitely two popular games, and, you know, definitely excited to hear more about that as well. Well, cool. Let's see in some of our questions here. And like I said, we'll make sure we try and get some audience up at the end if we have time. But I do want to prioritize the panel, so. Yeah, let's first, Ken, you are the first person that I see on my screen here, so we'll start with the first one to you and then give our other panel guests the chance to answer as well.

Challenges in Building Web3

Maybe just dive into some of the biggest challenges you've overcome during your experience building in web three and maybe some key lessons that you've learned from the barriers that you've been able to get by as well. Yeah, well, I mean, so our project, we started off actually trying to solve a web two problem using a consensus engine, which we have evolved from the hashgraph consensus algorithm. So incredibly fast, low resource requirement, works great for gaming sessions. But were going out to a lot of the big game companies. We were talking to Cybo, Supercell, Rovio, massive multiplayer, casual companies. Casual game companies. What we realized is we could actually take a huge chunk of their expense.

Cost Factors in Multiplayer Games

If you're building multiplayer games, you know that your egress costs, your network costs is a huge chunk. And for some of these companies, it's as much as 40% of their revenue. And so what we've realized is if we could take consensus engine and allow players to play peer to peer without servers using a development model called deterministic lockstep, and our consensus engine, we could actually cut that cost almost completely out. And so when you're talking about adding 40% to the bottom line, or even 20% of the bottom line, a lot of these companies get really interested. And the first thing they said to us was, de risk it. Go find other companies to build on this technology.

The Shift to Web3

We started off in the web two space with a lot of hype and traction, and everybody got really excited about it. And then we thought, well, you know, who would be willing to de risk this for the web two space is the web three space. Like, these guys are constantly using new, innovative technologies, and they're going to see the same benefits, right. They're going to see the same benefits as the web two space. So we turned our attention back into web three, which was kind of the birth of our project in the first place. We all came from the web three space, but yeah, so the problem that we're solving is quite literally that, the peer to peer multiplayer problem and reducing the cost of multiplayer streaming for the publishers and studios.

Navigating Web3 Challenges

And then I feel like there's two main challenges when we're talking about web three, and the two are, first, the crypto on and off ramps. In order to play a lot of these games, you have to have a wallet that has some crypto. I know that we've seen some early stuff where we've subsidized a lot of that. Like, I was playing alluvium the other night, which uses the immutable x passport product, and it was pretty seamless from a web two perspective, and I really enjoyed that. But overall, if you want to really get into the trading part of it, that on and off ramp is always a friction point. And then the other one is key management, which there are products out there that make key management a little bit easier to use.

Decentralized Solutions

But we're actually looking at a product called the decentralized Recovery alliance, or D Rec, that has Cardano, Algorand, Hedera as part of that group of how do we simplify decentralized recovery without third parties, like trusted, specifically trusted third parties to solve that problem? So you can think of what we're doing is taking all that web two infrastructure from the cloud and moving it to the edge and doing it with a deep end strategy. And a lot of what we're trying to figure out is what parts belong in DPIn, what parts can live in the client. And how do we do all this without intermediaries?

Final Challenges Ahead

That's one of the big challenges we have in this space, is that intermediary problem. Even with, you know, things like l two sequencers right now, it's really hard to do that in a decentralized manner. And we've solved that problem, but there's a lot of other political problems around that. But our first principle is how do we do all of this in a decentralized manner? That's awesome, and, you know, I appreciate you sharing it. That's one of the great things about these spaces is just, you're trying to help each other, right. You know, it's still a relatively small industry, so just sharing different problems and solutions is just an awesome way to, again, just aid the community along.

Ken and Kaymon's Contributions

So appreciate you sharing. Ken Kaymon, you are the next speaker that I see, so I'll pass the same question to you. You know, what of some of the, what are some of the biggest challenges that you've overcome during your experience building in Web three then? What are some key lessons you've learned from the barriers as well? Well, I think across the board, of course, building web three, you have to take into consideration that also the speaker mentioned before me, most of the technology that is pretty common, especially from a user experience perspective, in a web two is not available in web three.

User Experience Challenges in Web3

So overall, across the board, web three technology is an amazing piece of tech, but from a user experience is still not there because it's made by developer for developers. And we all know developers are not. I'm a developer myself, I know that we are not the greatest UX designer available in the market. So I will say that this, of course, has been the biggest challenge that we had to face on the web three more, let's say holistically, if I have to say that the challenge that we had to face the most is actually building the mmlhead. Cause at the end of the day, there is a non written rule in gaming, which is if you need to start, if you want to start building a game, don't start with mmos, because mmos are extremely complicated.

Complexities of MMO Development

Not really from a game design or art or narrative. They are complex on that perspective, but are not, let's say, very complicated to become a bottleneck. What is really the heavy lifting problem there is the technology infrastructure, making sure that you have a server that is capable to manage more than 1000, 2000 concurrent players on the same area of the map. This is what makes difficult building an mmo. Having a boss raid where you have more than 400 people fighting all together and everything in sync, so you can see what everybody else is doing. This is extremely complicated. So this was where we found ourselves at the biggest things to be worked on.

Lessons from the Bear Market

And I think we can also see that right now in the web three space. A lot of, as I was mentioning before, a lot of the other projects that are, you know, trying to build MML games, either they start with an action rpg game and later on telling that we're going to add MMo mechanics. But most of the time this is not how it works. Because if you're building mmo, you need to build MMO from the very beginning. And so there is where, if I look backwards, straight after we closed our seed run of $10 million at the end of 2021, and the bear market started there is where we actually spend a good chunk of our time during the bear market.

Technological Refinement in Development

The first year and a half we just spending on creating a way for us to simplify the entire technology. And how can we make sure that the MMAO technology and tech infrastructure also is going to work seamlessly with the on chain infrastructure, which is also pretty complicated. So, you know, having these two very complex worlds working together, I think it was being the biggest hurdle that we have to face. But I'm pretty happy to say that, you know, we have been capable to winning this challenge. And nowadays the engine that we built and that we created for our mmos is actually doing amazing.

Public Playtest and Feedback

We had like a playtest. The latest place that we did it was public one.

Event Participation and Success

It was 10,000 people participating across a span of two weeks. And then on the last day we hosted like a boss raid event where we had around 350 people all together in the same area of the map. So you can actually see 350 people in front of you fighting and throwing fireballs and thunderbolts or whatever to a big boss and everything was in sync and the server didn't crunch. So that for us was a big win. Because I think it's still the biggest challenge that most of the web three gaming project that want to work on mmos are facing. And I think we can see it already what is going on with the other side. I mean, the latest playtest was a bit of a problem for them and it's exactly because of what I said. The technology, the tech infrastructure behind is extremely complicated. And especially if you add the blockchain later layer on top. Definitely.

Challenges in Web3 Gaming

Well said. And you know, it's funny, the gamers are relatively technical folks, so if they can't figure out how to, you know, use some of this technology, you know, you might be struggling a little bit. So definitely important points made there. So we'll go to Zlatgo next and then we'll go to Land rocker after that. So, latko, same question to you. Thanks. The guys before me, I think I need to connect to them as we, as a game studio can make use of everything they told. We were pacing, not in terms of scaling players, but making the map too big in the latest Unreal engine requires so much hardware resources to run the game properly. Even with the water cooled system, when you go into the game and you only have 20 or ten FPS, it's not fun to test. So we struggle the most with optimizing the assets and we integrated Nvidia technologies, reflex and dlss to optimize also like frame generation from the graphic card by AI, were able to increase the FPS by that from like even on a laptop gpu.

Technological Solutions in Gaming

Okay, lowest graphic card, 3050 Ti had seven FPS on the lowest quality. With the Nvidia technologies implemented, were able to increase the FPS up to 40 45 FPS, which made the game playable even on a laptop. Can recommend also to anyone that has an Unreal engine to implement DLSS and reflex. And also what the guys mentioned, the UX and UI for web two people to enter web three is like horrible. Imagine having no knowledge in crypto and downloading a metamask and installing it in chrome and topping up your wallet with ETH or whatever. So were looking also to have a very seamless web two user onboarding with just social login using abstracted wallets. And we can basically through API calls choose even on which chain a player wants to be. So preferably for a web two user to have a web two experience, it would be zero gas fee chain or instant finality. And studio covers the gas fees. So this is some approaches that we looked and also when we researched about 900 projects and like what we found is the content was not so engaging.

Engaging Gameplay and Community Interaction

God, thank it's changing now. We have good games launching and we're trying to build a fun product, great lore, great story to keep the people engaged that play the game and that the players return to the game and keep playing and playing. So for us, the biggest problem is to make actually a very fun game with easy access for the web two users. 100%. That is a good segue for the next question, but I do want to go to Land Rocker first. Land rocker, I know you just recently joined, so maybe give a quick Tldr on what you're building. And then the question is just what are some of the biggest challenges that you've overcome during your experience building in web three and then some of the lessons you've learned from that as well. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. So my name is Eric Tolstoy. I'm the head of business development for Land Rocker. We're a Dubai based company. We've been live since May 28 with token listed and early access of the game since May 28.

Designing Fun and Sustainable Games

Essentially, the game is a futuristic space exploration game. So it combines exploration mechanics, first person shooter, combat and resource mining into a variety of different games across different platforms. We designed it in a way, basically to cater to a wide variety of gamer types that have different amounts of time, for example, that they can commit to playing a game. So we have now our core game, which is downloadable on PC and features two main modes, planet liberation and mining. We have a lite version which is on web browser and we're just about to launch now our Telegram mini app as well, which is extremely exciting and will be amazing for user onboarding. So one of the biggest challenges, honestly, that we've faced was designing an economy which is sustainable with a long lifespan. Of course, we've seen a lot of projects come and go now that failed on this subject, and a lot of people made money early, and then within a year or two years, the game is almost dead because of the economy design.

The Importance of Community Input

So the approach that we took to this is actually kind of tying in some of the core guild mechanics into the land rocker ecosystem. So we're not just fully focused on the gaming, and we're not just focused on revenue inside the game. By implementing our command center, which is essentially this kind of guild mechanic, we can collaborate with other partners, other projects and get revenue coming into the game from external sources, from other projects, from marketing, from promotions. So basically what the command center is, users can come in daily and see different tasks with specific rewards. And some of those are focused directly on the various games inside Land rocker. But some of those as well can be, for example, for user acquisition, for another project. For example, if a project is just launching and they want 1000 users or 5000 users for their core player base at the beginning, we can create a task for that and essentially send our users out to another ecosystem, cross pollinating, not just now in Polygon, across the polygon ecosystem, but now with the AG layer update as well, across multiple chains.

Realizing the Impact of Sustainable Economies

This was a kind of important realization for us that it's very important to have external funds coming in to be able to have that sustainable economy over a long period of time. Definitely. Well said, man. I mean, the sustainable lifetime of a game is very important and it's not easy to do with the new emerging technology and shifting narratives. It seems every month there's a new shiny toy in this industry. so we're going to get to the next question. I do see there's a ton of requests, but guys, we're just trying to really allocate as much time as possible to the panel. So if we have time at the end, we'll definitely get you guys up here, but also trying to get through as many questions as possible. We're only on question two and it's been 20 minutes, so we'll see how many we can get through. so yeah, let we'll go to Slacko next because I do think what you were talking about was a good segue to this next question.

Creating Engaging Gameplay

What's the key to making a game sticky? And how do you solidify retention within a web three game when there are so many products being developed and released throughout the year? Zlaco, we'll give that question to you first. Thank you very much. I think there's not so many games in web three released. One of our advisors, he marketed over 1000 games in his career and he told us that they're launching 7000 web two games every day. So you're not only competing against web three, probably a few hundred games a year, but against a few thousand games a day. So I was a professional gamer myself in multiple games and genres, from racing games to mobas to mmorpgs. And like in our game, I'm trying to put all my experience I gathered through my gaming career into the game, adding dynamic environment. For example, look at all the shooters. You're like trying to kill the opponents, plant a spike or plant a bomb in counter strike or whatever.

Innovative Game Mechanics

So what we're also trying to do is to not only take care and fight your opponent, but also you have to take care about the environment. For example, we have a map which is called Wasteland. It's a post apocalyptic earth scenario. If the game has no traction and is slow, there will appear solar storms and the sun rays will kill you. So you need to move underground or inside buildings. And with this you get an adrenaline kick and you need to move. And also, for example, on our map, verdant, it's like an alien jungle forest. We have mushrooms there, we have big plants. And if you come too close to a certain plant, it can poison you. You hide behind the tree ranks, can come down and grab you and paralyze you for a few seconds. Or we're currently here some spoiler planning a map in the space where portals can appear and alien monster jumps out of the portal and starts killing you. So we're giving these adrenaline kicks and these dopamine kicks to the people which attracts you to play more and more and more.

Leveraging AI in Gaming

And we're also integrating AI in every aspect of the player experience. So for example, for combat units, AI driven drones, vehicles, etcetera, the more I you play, the more the AI learns from your playstyle and adapts to your playstyle. So imagine you're like a pro player and you're playing shooters since 20 years. You come to Lusa and you train your combat unit to the absolute maximum. You can put it on the marketplace and someone can borrow it. When you're not playing, you can have a passive income from that. You can copy this combat unit and sell it on the marketplace. So we open new revenue streams for players as well as user generated content. I was, for example, playing Warcraft three professionally as well, and I was creating maps for defense, tower defense and so on.

Empowering the Gaming Community

And when Blizzard turned down the servers, I lost all my assets. So we're focusing very much on our community, actually, the community will shape the game's future. We will provide all the assets to the community so they can build their own map or their own character or their own weapon and they can push it through. Voting. If the majority of the community votes that this item or map should come to the main game and not only be available to custom games, then we will implement it in the main game and on every asset sold, the creator will earn revenue. So we're giving back the ownership completely to the players and we're just here to develop, to make the people have fun in the game and to have possible new revenue streams for everyone.

Quality Game Development and Retention

That's awesome. And I think it is important to have like gamers actually building some of these games. I do think some of the larger companies in the gaming industry have gotten a little too far into the suit direction, which, nothing wrong with the suits, but the suits are in board meetings and not as much in the trenches with their community. So I do love to hear that we have some gamers actually building games. That's awesome. Ken, you're the next person I see on my screen. So the question was, what's the key to making a game sticky then? How do you solidify retention within a web three game? Yeah, this is a tricky one. So I build infrastructure tech and I don't build games specifically, but I play a lot of games as part of my job description is I have to play games and review them and all that stuff.

Understanding Game Longevity and Player Engagement

So it's kind of a fun job now. So I'm not going to presume to tell any game developers how to build a sticky game, but I will tell you if I had a wish list of the games that I've been playing in the web three space over the last few weeks, there were a few things that really stood out to me. First of all, maybe before I get to my wish list, what I do notice with a lot of web three games is there is incentive for people to start playing the game. There's usually like an airdrop or something like that. And you know, once the airdrop is complete, there's something like a 98% attrition rate. So whatever's going on there, we need to fix that. Like, it's cool to get attention and awareness, but at the same time, you know, it's clear that clearly the games aren't sticky and the games are maybe not.

Challenges of Game Mechanics

Don't have fun built into them. From a longevity perspective. And actually in the rating that I'm doing, I'm starting a YouTube channel that's raiding a lot of web, three games. One of my criteria is longevity. Like, how do I see this game sticking around for the long run? One game that I mentioned a little bit earlier that I've been playing is alluvium, and it's, I have no relationship to them. I'm not shilling them, I have, they don't pay me. It's just a game that was recommended that I play. And when I started playing the game from an FPS kind of resource collection perspective, I was like, this game was fun for about 3 hours, and then it got boring.

Unique Features in Gaming

And then I started exploring the arena side of it and I was like, holy crap, this is like, you know, like CCG, a collectible card game style arena. It's almost like a little bit like Pokemon meets magic. The gathering and all of the FPS side was just to support the arena play. And now suddenly I was addicted to the arena play because of the complexity of the arena. And I thought, oh, this is actually fun. And then I'm like, well, I need to get this one consumable or this one resource so that I can craft this thing that's going to help me in my arena. And I was like, but I'm having difficulty finding the one resource item that I need.

Marketplace Mechanics in Gaming

And then I realized, well, wait a second, this is a web three game. I can just go to the Eluvidex, find somebody selling it for twenty three cents and just buy it. And now I can craft the thing that I want. And that was the unique twist for me of like, okay, there are a lot of arena auto battlers out there. There are a lot of FPS resource collection games out there. There's a lot of like, you know, Warcraft, two Starcraft style resource, real time strategy games out there. Like, there's a lot of those kinds of games. But what made this really different is illuvium was like three different games that all kind of gave you that feel.

Cross-Game Asset Trading

And the resources you collect in each of those three games can be used in any of the three games. And if you're missing a resource to craft, you can just go buy it on the marketplace. Now, that's not even something that's specifically new, like World of Warcraft, you had the auction house. But the cool thing about this is it's like the marketplace felt way more open. Maybe I'm playing another game that I want certain resources in and you're playing this game that you want resources in and I have the resources you want. You have the resources I want in different games. Now, theoretically, we can do an atomic swap or some type of market level trading across gaming ecosystems where you get to have the resource that you need from this game that I'm playing from Game A, I get the resource from game B that you have.

Future of Gaming Ecosystems

And that to me is like really unique. Like in what other game ecosystem? And it's because everybody's in their, like their walled gardens, right? Everybody's in their silos, but whatever. What other ecosystems do you have? Where I could literally trade assets across game ecosystems completely. If I'm playing Elden ring and I want to get some asset and you're playing cs go and you want an asset that I have, cool, let's swap them across the entire ecosystem. That just doesn't happen in web two. That's the thing. To me, that's the really unique part. If there's some way for us to capitalize and maybe amplify that feature set in the entire web three gaming space, the gaming experience is web two.

The Evolving Landscape of Web3 Gaming

The game is fun. Additionally, check out this cool thing you can do with all of these games in the entire web three space, you can now trade assets across games. Not meaning like portable, like I couldn't take a weapon from Illuvium and go load it into rocket team racing. But we can, at least if we're both playing both those games, we can trade assets that are important to us in each side via atomic swaps and marketplaces. Anyway, that's probably my biggest wish list item, if we can figure out how to keep the games fun from a web two perspective, meaning that players are playing because it's enjoyable. And that's a hard thing to do because I don't know the answer to that.

Addressing the Challenges in Web3 Gaming

That's something that takes a lot of market research and product, market fit and all of that stuff. But if the game fundamentally is fun, and additionally we figure out how to add value to the players without adding any friction, that is cross game asset swapping. That I think could be a major shift in how web two gamers, or gamers in general start to adopt the web three space. Yeah, I definitely. That's well said. And you know, even games like CS GO right like they had a marketplace and, you know, a lot of people enjoyed that. So I do think that the appetite is definitely there, but we just kind of have to continue to move that ball in the right direction. So definitely. Well said. Landrock or Land rocker, I have you next on my screen here.

Game Variation and Options

So if you want to play an FPS shooter style game today, go pick a planet, go kill some aliens, get your rewards. That way, if the next day you want to be a more kind of vehicle based gameplay, you can go and mine using these NFT rovers. If you don't have a lot of time to play today, use a telegram, mini app or the web based kind of light game. So basically giving a lot of different options for the players. Because if it's a kind of one trick pony style game where you're playing the game over and over again, the same game mode. No matter how fun that is, it does get boring over time for the vast majority of gamers, unless you really want to take it to a serious, kind of like esports level and really like min Max your skillset in that game.

Transparent Game Development

One of the things we're doing as well, which I think is extremely important, not so much on the game design side, but is the transparency of what's actually happening behind the scenes. Every game obviously has a roadmap, but I can guarantee you 90 95% of the roadmaps you look at are outdated and not being updated. What we implemented with Land Rocker was a live roadmap feature. So basically, all of the team's tasks, all of these sub tasks for implementing, for example, adding a new enemy or a new weapon, all of that is visible and the progress updates are seen by the players. And this is massive for us because not only it keeps the player base up to date on what's actually happening and what's being worked on, because the general player doesn't understand all the technical tasks, for example, that go into creating a new game mode or these things, but it allows the community to actually interact with us before those features are launched and give us their opinions, give us their feedback so we can tweak these things to the interest of the players. So I think there's a lot of different ways that you can kind of scare the players off, but at the end of the day, if you're transparent with the players, if you have fun gameplay, if you have a kind of stable economy, it doesn't need to be something crazy that people are getting rich off, of course, but just that stability and transparency and fun, interesting games that are similar to what gamers are used to in the web two space.

Sticky Gameplay and Retention Strategies

This question is about making a game sticky and then solidifying retention within gaming. Well, definitely, you know, I think if there is like a book of a playbook of how to make a game sticky, we wouldn't see a lot of it. I think across the board we need to remember that the gaming market and the games as product are hit product. You know, I think everybody now are talking about black myth Wukong. You know, that is a hit we had in. Before that we had Manolord coming from an indie studio was also a hit. Then before that in January, we had Palward, another huge hit. And you can see the gaming industry is built on top of hit. But as for any hit that you know, go out and is being successful, there are probably ten thousands of them that are not just going to make it. And this is the, you know, the big challenge of game. Because it's not just about the game design is about the game design. It's about the game economy, it's also about the style. It's about the platform that you're going to launch. It's about the marketing activity that you're going to launch. There's so many, even the sound, even you know, the sound effects are making the difference within the game if the game is good or not.

The Role of Ownership in Gaming

What we noticed though, and I think this is one of the perks of web three and I think is one of the advantages that web three enabled games have is indeed the fact that the ownership of their own assets, and I always make this example, and I'll give you some data that we actually notice on our games, but I always give this example when I was playing to my mom, you know, why, you know, ownership is so important and why the stickiness if they are owning their assets, whatever. I was made the example, if you have your own car, you take care of your car. You don't let your car get rusty. You make sure that your car is clean, it works properly, because you know that car has a value. And you know that sooner or later in the future, even if you are not planning to sell it, but you don't want your car to lose value across the time, because it's always a piece of assets that you can go out, sell it, grab some cash because you might need it. And so you really take care. People do take care of their own assets. So now if we transpose this to actual gamers for gamers nowadays, and again, I'm speaking by myself, which are MML gamer, I'm a multiplayer online gamer and so on. You know, my pgs are something really important to me and the reason why they're really important to me is because I spent shitloads of time playing those games.

Future of Web Three Gaming

So this is actually web three. I think it will improve dramatically and drastically the retention rates for all the games that are enabled. Web three. And again, in my opinion, I'm a very true believer. Web three game is inevitable. But I'm a very big fan of web three applied to MML, especially MMO games or online games. You know, any other game, I think in some cases it's. Web three is more like a stretch. But it's specifically for games such as World of Warcraft, MMO games, that kind of things. Web three is just. It just makes sense, you know what I mean? Because at the end of the day, as I said, players are spending hours on those characters. They don't want to lose the value that they invested in it. And also, you know, you have an economy already within it. You know, this is something else that I always like to keep telling to my web three colleagues is, guys, we are not reinventing anything here at the end of the day, the only things we are doing is giving the people, as I'm talking for myself, that we are building, as I mentioned on an mmo game, we are not reinventing anything. We are just building an mmo based on the most successful MMAO, such as World of Warcraft, black desert and so on.

The Importance of Player Feedback

Well, I would say that this is actually one of the good things and innovation of web three game development versus web two game development. Because being a web three game, it's kind of forces you so to say, to be open and transparent with the community, even though for our perspective, I'm a lean startup builder. So I'm the first one on preaching about iteration and constant feedback. You know, ship it, collect feedbacks, and reiterate. This is our mantra internally. And before starting Web three, I was, you know, working in launching products for big SMCG companies, and I was teaching them the same let's create a small community, let's build a product together with them. That's the things that I always said for our community since the beginning three years and a half. Three and a half years ago, it was, guys, you are not a community. We are kind of an extended team. You are part of the team itself.

Community Interaction in Web Three Gaming

So I will say that this is a great thing that web three gaming studios have as an advantage compared to web two, because we interact with our community of players. So the actual future player of our game since the initial design. Most of the time in normal gaming development, most of the things happen between closed doors. And then you start the playtest, especially when you have, you know, the first demo, and then you collect the feedbacks and you iterate and so on and so forth. But in the web, three, you actually start collecting feedbacks at day zero, the moment you start. And this is exactly also, for example, what we did with our community. We have, let's say two, we have a subgroup of our community which is called the trainer Club. It's like the real OG. And these people are those that receive any single things that we are working on way in advance, even before we are putting down any line of con. You know, every time we have a new idea, we discuss about with them, we collect a lot of feedback from them and so on and so forth.

Evaluating Feedback

I think on the last point of the question, which is, you know, how do you select which feedback is actionable and which feedback is not? I think from my perspective, I always said every feedback is a good feedback, you know, because if a person gives you a feedback in one perspective, that is its point of view. And as every point of view has to be taken consideration, then you need to figure it out if it makes sense for the broader audience, that point of view, or if it's just a single person. So I would say that in our perspective, most of the feedback we do receive, we actually discuss a lot with them, about them. And most of the time we ended up that someone within the community proposed a change within a mechanics or a new mechanic or whatever. And then the community, since they have been, let's say, educated, they really feel it. As you know, it's part of their duty to be as community member. They start discussing about the new feature that the new user, another of their members shared. And then based on those interactions, we do realize how that specific feedback is strong within the community.

Decision-Making Based on Feedback

And then we pick that up. And of course, and this is something that also needs to be aware that at the end of the day, though, the company needs always to be the last one to say, okay, this goes, this doesn't go or this go, but change in this way. Because otherwise, of course, you also risk that you collect all the feedbacks and you take in action all the feedbacks, but people doesn't have the broader picture. And especially in web three now less. But I remember in the first year, most of the feedbacks that were coming from new members of our community were just give us more free money. That was the overall feedback that were receiving and you know, we had to teach them. Yeah, sorry, this doesn't, this is not how it works. So you need to be open. You need to really train and educate the community. You can't start working and taking every feedback like this because otherwise you're going to guess it's going to be a messy things.

Strategies for Feedback Handling

But if you can get this sorted out, it's going to be an amazing weapon and especially a big chunk of advantage compared to web two studios. Definitely. Well said. And we talk about the attrition rate after airdrops, so we have to be careful about giving a ton of free money away. Right in the beginning, you kind of want to get them excited about the game and enjoying the game before we have that conversation. Zlaco, you're the next speaker that I see on my screen. So, you know, how do you incorporate user feedback and determine which feedback is actionable? So as mentioned earlier, community will be like the biggest part in shaping our future. So we already gave early access, even to the MVP, to some of the community members and integrated the feedback already.

Integrating Community Feedback

Now we have the Alpha version and we will soon come to Epic Games and give some keys again to community members. And we are always like integrating. If the feedback is genuine and makes sense, we will change like most time. From my experience in the web two space, there's three or four persons talking shit about the feature and they're still playing the game. So if this particular thing is shit only to one or ten or 100 persons, if there's millions or hundred thousands of people playing the game and they're fine with it, then there's no reason in changing it just to make three or four hundred people happy. If 100,000 people are happy. And again, I forgot the game. The. Whole community, it was a shooter, I forgot just the name. All the people were like saying the sniper is to dealing too much, too less damage, it should do more damage, etc.

The Importance of Listening to Feedback

Etcetera. And I know some of the game devs, they just changed the sound of the weapon and the whole community was, wow, now it does so much damage. It's perfect now. And just the sound was changed. So you should not always listen to your community, but you should test the stuff on your own. So still, we will give community a lot of power. They can create their assets, they can vote it into the main game, but we will still go over that and balance it accordingly. This is how we approach it. Yeah, that makes sense. And it is tricky. It is a very delicate situation to navigate that. So well said Land Rocker we will go to you next. We'll pass you the mic. Sure. Thank you.

Feedback and Relationship with the Community

I just wanted to add something quickly based on what's left. Just said this is a similar situation with an airport. I forget somewhere in the US where customers were complaining about the baggage wait times. I think it was about seven, eight minutes that it would take for the baggage to be unloaded and claimable. What the airline did, instead of doing anything to speed up that process, because really it was already happening as fast as possible, they just started landing the flights farther walking distance away from the baggage carousel and the complaints went to zero. So just like with this, the weapon sound, sometimes the solution to the problem isn't always exactly what you expect. It's changing a kind of perception for the player, which can have a major impact.

The Investment Mindset of Gamers

And for the question itself, I think it's important for all founders and web three to remember that the way our communities, our user base are interacting with us, it's a different relationship really than web two. Game web two. You purchase the game and that's your investment. You might make some microtransactions here and there, but generally it's mostly sunk cost in that game. People who are coming into our game, any of these web three games, they're helping us in the pre sale, raise funds, they're purchasing nfts, they're expecting some kind of returns on these. And so they are more like investors than just pure gamers. And like Kaymon said, this is why every single feedback is important to us.

Communication Channels for Feedback

We have channels basically for any different topics, whether it's game design or technical support, all of these things. At any time of the day, the community can come in and discuss these issues and we collect that data and basically create kind of like heat maps on what is the most talked about issue and work from there. Obviously, we interact a lot with the individuals in the community as well. Really. Games since the beginning of time are great at building very passionate, very dedicated communities around them. And a lot of these people are very smart, very intelligent, even on the technical side. I've had great conversations with people that honestly, sometimes having fresh eyes come into the game.

Incorporating Gamer Feedback

That perspective that they get is so valuable because when you've been developing something for two or three years, you kind of have some blinders on. You already know the basics of the game, so you can kind of overlook some of the issues. So any of these kind of feedback that are coming from the gamers, we try to incorporate it, whether it's immediately, if it's a critical error, or if it's something that we need to put further in the roadmap, which will take more time. But as much as possible, we try to really essentially build out the future of the game using the feedback from the community. Yeah, that's definitely smart, man. You want to make sure that they're heard.

Navigating Community Feedback

That's very important. And you also have to navigate what you can and can't do in a certain time period. We are coming up close to time, but I do want to make sure we give the mic to the other panelists here. So, Ken, we'll go to you and then Moonlit will go to you. Yeah, I'll be really quick. I like what everybody said here. I think when building a game, it's a bit of an art, maybe a little bit of magic of taking in honest and transparent feedback and then also figuring out what applies best to the bigger picture.

Transparency in Game Development

So you can't show all your cards in game development. Now we're building infrastructure, and infrastructure, we kind of can show our cards a little bit more because it's very objective of what we're building. For us, it's critical that we get feedback from our users, because our users, if somebody's deploying a game and they're getting way too much latency because of our infrastructure, we need to know that, like yesterday. And so we're very closely engaged with our community. And in many cases, you know, we're handholding the actual game development as well. And in some cases, we're even teaching people new game because it'll simplify their game development management over time and also make it better to integrate with our technology.

Handling Feedback in Different Contexts

So for us, it's critical to take almost every feedback item we get from our users seriously. So it's a little bit different for games, though, because games are going to have millions of users and we've got dozens, if not hundreds of users on our end. But, yeah, absolutely taking that feedback in. And I think in the web three space, we've got a bunch of extra tools. We've got things like daos and voting mechanisms and all kinds of stuff that I think are great models for how we engage with our community. They may not necessarily be how we want to 100% govern our project, but I think they're incredible tools for collecting that feedback. You know, especially if you got somebody like differentiating somebody who's a real gamer versus somebody who's just trolling.

Distinguishing Between Valid and Troll Feedback

You can tell if somebody has a lot of your assets and plays your game a lot, you might want to take their feedback a little bit more seriously. So anyway, that's all I got to say. Yeah, weighted feedback, definitely important. And it's good to have perspectives from all different kinds of organizations. So I am glad that you are up here and able to share your thoughts on this moonlit. Last but not least, what do you think? Yeah, a lot were said, I think a lot of good things. I could just like summarize maybe what was said a bit from the prism of Mond games.

Analyzing Player Issues Over Solutions

So we also receive a lot of feedback. And the important thing is not to focus on the suggested solutions because when players suggest anything, they're like, oh my God, you need to change this and that. But as a developer, you need to focus on the issues that they're having rather than the solution that they're suggesting. And this is really a tricky part because the issue that you need to solve, you need to execute in line with your grand vision that you have for the project. And usually from time to time, players cannot see where the whole project is going and they focus in too much on what they have in front of their faces.

Internal Discussions for Game Development

And this is a tricky part that developers need to solve. There should be a lot of discussion happening inside the game team with the vision holders of how certain issues should be addressed. And of course, chatting to these different sides of the problem is usually super helpful. We happen to be in touch with a lot of our early players on discord. Some of them are almost like extended part of the team at the moment, getting a lot of feedback from them, but kind of navigating through this puzzle of those couple moving pieces is kind of essential for solving any problems in the game. Couldn't agree more.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

And look, this has been fun. An hour's absolutely flown by, so we definitely need to do another gaming chill sesh down the road. But I'll pass the mic one more time around for closing remarks from our panelists. But look, we appreciate all of you joining us. We appreciate our panelists time as well. Make sure you give them a follow. And again, just thank you so much for spending the last hour with us. Kaymon, you're the first person that I see, so just closing remarks from you. Yeah, well, my only remarks is to invite, of course, everyone here in the Polygon community to actually join us for the early access release of our game at the end of September, beginning of October.

Upcoming Game Access Information

And to do so, we will also host collector edition or bundle pass early access bundle pass sale on Magic Eden on the 20 September. So in this way you will be capable to get an early access pass to participate within the game, and also a lot of other items that could turn out useful to have a very good head start within the MMAO. Because I bet that every MMAo player here knows that starting an MMAO is actually the, you know, playing an MMO at the very beginning is the best moment to start. And if you have some head start is always better. So see you everybody, on the 20th of Magic Eden, and also, of course, on ward of Kojia.

Excitement for Future Updates

Lovely, lovely. Thank you for that. Land Rocker, you're up next. So first, I want to say a big thank you for having us on the call. I'm really excited, honestly, for the latest update that polygons rolled out. I think for a lot of people in the community, in the web three community, they don't yet understand what the potential of these latest updates are with ZK proofs and the AG layer. So I'm really excited to start with Land rocker kind of introducing the actual functionality of these things inside the game.

New Game Features with Immutable Technology

And I'm sure some of the other partners on the call here are excited to do the same. One of the things, for example, we're doing with ZK technology is actually using blockchain for hiding the prizes, hiding the rewards inside the game itself. So when a player is mining, basically all of the prize information is already recorded on the main net and validated. So it's basically, for me, the core kind of value of why this immutable blockchain technology came about. And I'd love to see more projects actually using it, not just for the asset ownership and for a kind of means of exchange, but actually using the technology that's available at the core of the game to build these completely transparent and trustworthy platforms and ecosystems.

Final Remarks and Invitation to Connect

So again, thank you guys so much for having us. Anybody feel free to check out Land rocker Landrocker IO. We have multiple game modes live right now, and the Telegram mini app is coming very shortly. So very excited to interact with any of you guys there. Feel free to drop us a line in the discord or send us any messages here on Twitter. And thanks so much, guys. 100%. The panel is cooking, I tell you. Zlaco, you're up next. That I see on my screen here. Thank you, Alan, for hosting this. And thanks to Polygon and the whole Polygon matic poll ecosystem for making this Twitter space and hosting it.

Building a Strong Community

And make sure. And also, thank you to all the panelists. Was great to speak with you. Probably we should reconnect as some of you have great solutions and we could exchange more and also make sure to follow us on our socials, on Twitter, Instagram, wherever. It's always Lusa IO without anything and the website is Lusa IO. Check it out. We just dropped the news trailer at the Gamescom. We revealed also the first gameplay at the Gamescom. Make sure to follow as we will be dropping soon some keys for our game and we will host game nights with our developers and also community members.

Conclusion and Future Engagements

Thank you. Awesome, awesome. Appreciate you sharing. And moonlit, take us home. All right, thanks for having us. Sorry again for being late. I'm pretty sure next time, you know, if you invite us, we'll make it on time. And if you want to try our pre alpha, kind of like playable prototype, it's available on iOS android, so give it a go. Search for Rogue Nation action RPG and I wish everyone a great time. Appreciate that. Yeah, definitely connect with each other and appreciate the past hour that you've spent with us.

Gratitude and Future Discussions

We've learned a lot about each and every one of you. I know our audience has too. We will definitely be doing another gaming space and all of you will be invited again. But appreciate your time everybody. We'll talk soon.

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