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What Does A Real Web3 Gaming Bull Run Look Like

This space is hosted by MrSpacemannn

Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the world of gaming, emphasizing the critical role of timing in gameplay development and the importance of user retention rates. Exchanges are now using retention metrics as benchmarks for listing games, highlighting the industry’s focus on engaging and retaining users. The speakers also discussed project partnerships, NFT customization, and a passphrase for bonus quest points. The space provided valuable insights into the gaming industry’s dynamics, underscoring the significance of user engagement and retention for game success. It was an informative session for gaming enthusiasts and industry professionals alike, shedding light on blockchain, tokenomics, investment strategies, marketing tactics, and community building within the gaming ecosystem.


Q: What is crucial for game development success?
A: Timing plays a significant role in the quality and retention rates of games.

Q: How do exchanges determine game listings?
A: Exchanges set benchmarks based on user retention metrics for game listings.

Q: What is essential for gaming industry understanding?
A: Engaging users and focusing on retention are key aspects of the gaming industry.


Time: 00:08:11
Speaker Introduction and Discussion Agenda, Introduction of speakers and outline of the discussion topics.

Time: 00:15:24
Exploring a Real Web3 Gaming Bull Run, Contextualizing what a genuine Web3 gaming bull run entails.

Time: 00:18:54
Pressures of Premature Product Releases, Discussion on the challenges of launching products before they are fully prepared.

Time: 00:28:37
Balancing Launch Focus with Private Funding Valuations, Importance of considering private funding valuations alongside product launches.

Time: 00:43:21
Focus on Quality Content for Adoption, Emphasis on the impact of quality content on driving adoption.

Time: 00:49:46
Game Tokens vs. Ecosystem Tokens Consideration, Discussion on the differences between game tokens and ecosystem tokens.

Time: 00:53:28
Critique on Web3 Marketing and User Engagement, Criticism of current Web3 marketing strategies and the need for genuine user engagement.

Time: 00:56:03
Community Engagement in Discord and Reddit Channels, Recommendation for builders to interact with communities on game-specific platforms.

Time: 00:58:01
Significance of Timing in User Strategies, Importance of timing in user acquisition and retention tactics.

Time: 01:00:05
Closing Remarks and Future Discussion Invitations, Final thoughts and invitation for further related discussions and spaces.

Key Takeaways

  • Timing is crucial for building quality games with high retention rates.
  • Exchanges are setting benchmarks for listing games based on retention metrics.
  • Focus on user engagement and retention is vital for success in the gaming industry.

Behind the Mic

Hey everyone. Wow, already time for another setup space. Time flies! You know what they say, time is money. Just like the time we use to build great games. Yeah, crazy times. This is my first ever setup space. Hope it’s fun! This is about succeeding in the gaming industry. Definitely here to have a great time. Times are a-changin’. Yeah, so much happening. Let’s get into it. I’ve been in gaming for decades and it’s all about timing. You gotta get the drop. If you miss it, it’s gone. Timing is everything. Have to agree. If you miss the right time, it’s hard to recover. Timing and strategy. Strategy is key, totally. Hey all, I am the strategy guy. Strategy rules, timing matters. All about timing. Like Esports, timing is huge. Crucial timing indeed. Hey all, I think gaming is fun! Time for fun and profits. I agree, totally! Anyone got time stats? Oh yeah, got some. Check out the latest metrics! Metrics don’t lie. Just like math and time. Absolutely, can’t argue with that. Time is real. I have to run soon, meetings back to back. Catch you later! Always on the run. Me too, time flies. Thanks everyone for your time! Totally enjoyed. Stay on time, everyone! Don’t be late! Until next time, folks! Have a great time ahead! Ending on a high note, as always. Great time chatting. Take care, all! Bye for now!

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